HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-02-22, Page 1'
The Star gives the ice.
47 very best results for vir
WW1, )1`terilerw,"F'
The Official Newspaper of the County of Huron.
ft Grand Musical Event.
I -11E 3. 26T H.
America's Superb Quartette.
The four greatest singers in
It is a big thing to get a company
like this to Goderich.
Hear them sing the great operattii ,
Godfrey's masterpiece,
The March of the Guards.
The Blue Bells of Scotland.
The Scottish Grays.
Oly Sullivan )
Old Kentucky Home.
The Golden Wedding.
' The Sands O'Dee.
sing that beautiful song, "Love is a
Story," accompanied by a living
orchestra of voices.
Pricas are very low for this grand
Con cert.
Reserved seat 50 fldmIsslon 25, 35
ANTED.- 6 cords of wood, in exchange
for Sewing Mae !tine or Block.
0, W. TtiosisoN & Sou. 11•1792
liressinaking apprentices wanted. Apply al
once. MRS. it. mei VER. South rit.
WANwTo.itit hOenwe jrAnodolLa larocl,cleoek
%.noden works. One high fourmosted bee -
stead. One flint -lock pistol. Also old fashioned
braes or copper goods. Anyone having any of
these articles to soli. please address BOX 110,
14r enrich, Ont. 92.2t
Victoria. Authors -The Queen herself, i
Dr. John Coulter. from Loodon, England.,
John A. Cooper, editor of Canadian Magazine.
Toronto; about 700 pages; quality never I
equalled; prier, only $1.75. Sop other advt.. in
this paper also two reviews in this paper.
World Publishing Co., Guelph, Ont. 14
New fativertIseniente.
New Store --.1. li Colborne . . ..... 8
Muhl Ilundred-W. Acheauu & Sou ..
Alteration Sale- eortcra LlooL- %tore .
Stock•Taking Sale -A MeD. Allan . .
DaW of Removal W, C eridham
After Grippe -W, C. Goode
Corsets -W. A. McKim
Itaity--ilotigens Bros.
Cold Feet -Jas Wilson
Wanted -Dux Ito
Wanted -Geo. W. Thomson & Sou
Foresters' Supper -reader
Wanted-11ra. D. McIver
Public Notice. G. N. Davis ...... • .....
Tall Coru-Fierce's Dispensary
Kt NO's1 - -The Wi
Heart l'irele of Kilig's Daughters
hold tt business meeting and sum
Mug at the inane ot Mrs. PiAsillOre
(FI Way) evening at. 7 u'Llnek, An
interest ed Lite work uf the Cirel
be made weltaliee.
ANoTtieat CALI.. -rue fire
was yelled out tiguill I et weep ono
t wo o'clock Saturday morning
he limming con] al the dock
seems that tilt Lowe Inside mis
not taking the coal, as it. is of
nature hat neette no light i og or a
and would therefere save
attendance ot a fireman in the te
room, while side it calls the
WOrtt iery imam venire t. times.
recent. mateb bet. ween Ooderich
Seaforth on the Seaforth rink, the
mimed club protested the genie
by our hoys in two places. First
cause Alex McIver. the Champion,
won mat)), ,iiiillars at bievlee contests
which the wise men of Seafort 0 de.
(Idled made hint a professional hirekey
plaver ; end second because Id cGaw
W.49 not a residealt long enough to
conform to 111) rules ill t hat. behalf.
Bollt counts of t he hid iiiet1L. fell
through, and the win v as allowed to
Code! icli.
day Albert Evans Wits brought before
Judge Doyle for judgment, on a.
charge of the larceny of a sheep. At
the trial the defendent's counsel, 'Win.
Proudfoot, held that. intent had not
been proved, and drew atteetion to
the chinee of the act support ttig his
contentimi, when Hoi lionor ad iourned
1)0 case fat judgment. On
lidge Doyle oiechaiged Evans, hold-
tig nitent Mid nor, been proven.-
HicItey, of Seem th, was lamight
up for tient eta e, heel) futind
uiltv of assaulting P. M. Beattie, of
lett town. His Honor taking into
consideretion the fact that defendant
had been in prison over a month,
sentened him to two menthe hard In-
born) the county jail.
movement to make manual training it
part of the Public School system of
Ontario has made Surprisingly rapid
progress, (7onsequently a demand for
fully qualified teaehers hits ttrisen. 'lc,
meet, this demand a training school
will la) opened in Ottawa fot men (it
women who are already quvtlilied in
ordinary school subjects, tint ivIsh to
engage in this special work. The
course will continue for the three
months of Apt May and June. Ce1.-
tincates will be granted to those wile
take the full eourstI and sin Ve pro-
•Hciency in all branches of t he t heory
and practice of manual instruction.
No fees will be charged. Applications,
with references, should be addressed
before February 28111, to Albert II.
"Rake, director McDonald Miumal
Training Schools for Ontario, Ottawa,
As only it limited number can he re-
ceived early application is desirahle.
ing held at the Clinton Collegiate
Institute on Satiudity, 1010 inst., for
the purpose of organizing an altar 111
assc,ciation for the County cf Huron
I eve,
e will
. it
in to
Public Notice.
1-11DUBLIC NOTICE.- As my son intends to
leave ms, there will be a good chance lo
get anything in iny line. All book and note
accounts will have to be paid at mum to
O. N. DA V IS.
For Sale or TO Let.
Lot 21. concession 11. Goder:ch Town-
ship, situated Milea from Hohnetwille, Si
miles from Clinton. Good bolldintra fences,
orchard, wolla and spring creek. A good Ileld
of fall wheat. Terms reasonable. For par.
tieulars apply to TtiOS. GLINURY, auction.
ear, Goderich. 1701-tf
The Gale farm, one of the best 100 acre farms
in Goderich Tp„ Huron County, lot 17, pt. 18,
con. 8, slit and otte-half miles from Goderich,
90 von miles front Clinton. The farm contains
good buildings and fences: is well watered and
undordraineat large orchard and garden;
wheat sown and plowing done. Would tell
either 80 or 100aeres. Apply to WM. ()OULU
on promises, or Goderich P. 0. 1788-1.1
LiAR M NOR SA LE. -The Ail bdorIber offers
for sale his farm of 80 acres of good land,
ng lot 15, on 6th concession, Goderloh Town.
ship, all cleared and watered by spring creek
and never fading well. There are 12 acres of
Fall Wheat and fall ploughing done. large
orchard. SING story brick house and cellar,
good bank barn 50 x 50: situated 5 miles from
Cloderich and 7i from Clinton; will be sold no
eddy terms to Suit the purchaser. For part!.
colors apply to
PETER GUNN, Goderich P, 0.
2 mo. 1787.
rr WN PROPERTY mit SALE. -Situated
1 on AnglcseY street, Goderich, Two lots,
frame home and frame stable, bearing orchard.
good well. Will ho sold reasonable. For par -
Haulers apply to FRANK O'ROURKE,
Hotel, Goderich. 1787 it
VIOR SALE. -Lot 95, in HutchIson's Survey.
15., in Goderich. Mor norticulars apply to
PHILIP HOLT, Barrister,
Organist and Musical Director of North St.
Methodist Church.
Teacher of Pipe Organ, Pianoforte and
WIll be vleased to receive pupils at Ids
studio at hmerson's Music House, West St..
or their homes if desired.
Mor terms apply at F.merson's Bicycle and
Music House. 1710-1yr
Horse ShOeIng
Having engaged N. G. M r az 11,
roaster horse shoer, I will open a shoe-
ing shop in connection with my black•
smith and machine business,
Special attention given to interfer-
ing and had feet.
Your trade solicited ; satisfaction
3t Victoria Street.
GOderiCh Markets.
The markets for grain were the quietest of
the winter, Re bean% and bulls kept from them
A pretty steady buskers wan done nt lnrge
cetiq'es, but there wan littlo grain marketed at
othie points on account of heavy snow Milo.
Live 1101rS wore worth $0.23 on Tuesday, and
arc now exceedingly Hem, and 2.1 emote higher.
Hey Is stronger; shipments of baled limiting
the local supply being the chief cause of the
Fall %heat, Stendard....,. .... $ 0 ot re 56 63
spring Wheat, iStandardt .. 11 62 on n 61
Flour, per 100 1b8., Patent. ... .. 2 PS to 2 50
Family.-- 2 00 to 2 13
Bran. Der ton 15 00 to 16 00
!Therm. per ton. ..... ........, ...... .-17 00 to 17 60
Sereenings. tier ton .... .... . tit 00 to 15 On
Otits, ... ti 21) to 0 27
0 36 LO 0 30
0 60 to 0 67
1". '
nek wheat, per brothel . 0 95 to 0 15
0 10 to 0 50
Hay, per ton 7 00 '..*. 8 00
Better. nor ib.... ...
Ems oar &wen- . ....... . .. 08 LIT 1too 1178 er3bnor
wood. oer eord.. ... ...... ..-9 7L to 4 (le B„(..
Cattle, export. ..- 3 75 to I 25 ,
Cattle. Der lb, OrdIDIWT. ... .. 0 21 to 0 St ' "")
- Lambs. ant*
Sheep. per owt , 33 0191 6°10 33 0074 ler‘rire"c.
Sheep, fat, per lb- 0 al to 0 03 nnw
Itnge, lire weight ......... .. 0 gs to 6 25 „,
HOHS, dressed.-- .... ....... .... 0 oo to 7 25 k411.
Hama. per lb . . , 0 14 to 0 16 eddi
Rides- .... .441iii) to 011 the t
to 0 61 1.., Le
Rayon. long ekes
sneeeftldna.... - ... - to Oen ,',” "
. —..
roles.. rendered - ..... . 0 03 to 0 04 tom'
Chickens per pair ..... .... —... 0 30 to 0 40 It1.48i
Dunks per pefr.... ..... „ .......... 0 10 to 11 80 at
none/Hen vaorrattage. oiin
Orangerf pee dosen.......,.... ...... 19 to 40 rend
LriMons " ............ ... 30 te 10
RtittliOnei "
30 to 80
Potatoee. per bash.. .... _ So to f.S
connection with Toronto University,
the following tiflicers were elected :
Hon. Pres., 1 1. 1. Strang, B. A., (iode-
rich ; ores.. Dr. Gunn, Clinton ; vice.
presidents. Mr. Mowat, Seaforth ; Di..
Taylor, Goderich ; fteV. Mr. Stewart,
Clinton ; Itev. Mr. Fletcher, Exeter ;
In. Agnew, Winghant : sec. 11.014.,.,
Charles ()arrow, 1-1. A., L. L. B., Gode•
ic 11 ; Con nein 01*, Hey. r. Ilea-1111ton
and Mr. Field. Goderich Isaac Carl'
ing, Esq.. B. A., Exeter ; lilessrs
Houston, 13. A., and lIrydone, L. L.,13 ,
Clinton : Miss 1(irkwood. 13. A , Sea -
forth ; [tee. J. A. Hamilton. Londe!,
how ; Dr, 13tichanan, Zarich ; Dr, .1.
(1. Lindsay, Myth ; Dr. flolloivey,
Winghain. The object. of the itssocia•
(ion is to assist in twinging before the
public in this neighborhood, t he needs
of the Provincial Universit y, and the
necessity of rendering it every assist
I/ince to enable it, to keep its proper
place as a national seat of learning.
TI1E POULTRY' 511'1 W, The local
directors of the Huron Poultry and
Pet Stock Association met in the
Grand Jut y room on Saturday, end
adopted the etatement Rd preSented hy
the Secretary and the suggestion
I berin to pay eighty cent s (in t he $ of
t he prizes W011 lit the recent show. I
may be ineotioned that at the show in
Saab -vet li lest veer our f•Xlilbitord got
(A per cent,. of their winnings, and heal
the county Council have been as
generous to Goderich as it was to Sea -
forth last, year, ihe winners would
11 tve been paid DO per cent., tilos shoe,
mg dolt Goderieh Id he proper place
to hold the show. rt, nifty also lie
mentioned that the Goderich show was
one of the beat, if 1101, the best, in the
Province entside of Guelph ft he
Government shim), es for the ex ret•
limey of the real tiered ones on exh
t ion and the financial results. Tio•
local directors at to be congrattilnled
on the ress of the annual exhi hit ion
held in Gorterich. and thanked for 1 he
nianv days liar() wrirk they freely put
in to nnake it a sureess.
flpir,piso NoTes. -A rchi Girt, Fow•
ler has been comm esioned by Francie
Stneethe to prepare piens and specill
cations for a two et ory brick veneet
dwelling, to he erected near his mill,
end two !dory !wick presbytery for
he reeident ripe of the IL C. church
iv) Clinton -fhe tenders; for the eree-
1 Inn of en office end e (livening on
West. street for Jim Yates were
opened on Tuesiley, hot nn errount nf
some little differencee in the menner
tendering the contracts were hot
rded of. t hat time. One noticeable
lire of the tendere Nees the! they
ed from R to over 20 per rent.
,e the nrellitect's estimate. The
hemline linve contracted to nitild
story brick veneered dwelling for
Peter Adamson, 11 will be
ted on the north half of the lot
occupied by the lady's rot taps nri
eel% street and will he a substantial
tion to this residential portion of
own. -Fru the building of n atoto
lyth thefollowing were the four
st tenders; The Buchanans,
I; Hill, of 'Myth $1.489: Os.wan
00111., Rlyth. *1,010; McKenzie.
ton. $1.616. rhe closeness of the
ors abase* that the htaiIders of
n. have got the mist of bnildInge
down to • very fine thing.
The Star shines' for
You in Quality* iQuan
00.0 CirentationinV"
A.SSIZE Com:LT.-Mr. Justice Lount
will preside at the %session of the High
Court, uf Justice that opens la Goderich
next Tuesday, the 26th inst. Thoe. H
Purd barrister, of London. will
conduct the Crown cases.
BOARD OF Taans.-The first met-
ing of the new Council of the Board of
Trade was held in the Grand July
room of the Court, House on Monday
eveniug last. Preaidebt in the
chair. The publiatitiorn Ito some eon-
venient fortes of the President's address
at the I meeting, teat% etatistaal
and other information regarding the
town, its mcheitries, muulemel affairs
and trade returns. was diecussed, end
the Secretary Was instructed to write
the taspeetIve Government depart-
ments At Ottawa fie full returns of the
motions, inland revenue and postal
trade. A cu ..... iittee contesting of the
President and Messrs. Acheson. Cutup -
Fell, Goode told McKim was appointed
to consult with the Town Council. es
to the ride iiiithility of ineilliporeting
with such a report, a description of the
tower:I' advantages an a aunt liter resort.
The same committee Will disCeuis Witlf
i he Council also the COrrespolldeilee
with I he 0. T. R. authorities, regard.
ing a new railway station here. It
was decided to send as stroog de•
violation as possoble to the meeting at
Car low this evening, called to dismiss
the establielinient of a pork packing
factory in this section. Other inattere
Pertailiing to trade, and the town's
interests were discussed, and the meet-
ing was a very interesting one. The
r nion 10 ly meetinge ot the
Council will he held on the last Mon-
day in eacn month,
weekly meeting of the Horticultural
Society la.st, Friday evening, Charles
Wells took up the question of tomato
culture, his remarks, in part, being as
follows ;
"With regard to the cultivation of
tomatoes, the first thing necessary is
to procure good seed, which has been
saved from tornittoee of the round.
sinoiith, solid variety, which I fled
very lunch superior in quality and
flavor to those grown by so marry. and
Which are admired for their enormous
size. I have always found a large
tomato to be much cearser in texture
and also that they rontain so much
water of an acid nature that they have
a tendency to rot or un scald. Having
selected good seed, sow in fiats. and
when about two inches high transplant
into larger boxes, so that they will
stand about two inches apart, each
way ; then when they have made good
stalky plants, from thtee to five
inches high, transplant. to the open
ground. Of course t here tnust be no
clariger of host at time of plenting.
I t is 00 advalitage to have the ground
very rich for tomatoes, RS the vines
will be ant to grow too large. and the
result, will be that they will not fruit
as early nor so abundantly as when
grown in soil that is only moderately
rich. The plants shook] stand four
feet, apart eaCh way, haying a perfectly
flat cult iv/flier,.
GOLDEN WILDDINC1,-The following
from the Minneapolis Chronicle of
Februitly Dth wilt be read with interest
by hundterls qf residents of town and
township,,,as the young couple there
inentidlied epent many years of their
STAR not, receive an invitation, it
lives inctlich of them. Although THE
vongrat ilatee the happy couple on
having .pitssed tift y yeatrs in the mar-
ried elate, and Ilene they nifty live to
receive at the Minds of theft children
and children's children a brilliant hoop
in lemur of their diamond wedding.
"Ail ..vent of unusual interest occurred
on Wednesday evening, when Mr. anti
Mrs. James Wilkinson of 1205 Twenty..
sixth avenue north celebrated the fif-
tieth anniversary of their matriage.
The affair was arranged by t he (+lichen
of the 'bride and groom' and came as
a total sur prispeto_ ,the happy couple.
While the cere-britt ion was entirely in-
formal -only inemhers of the family
better present -preparations for an tin.
mull:Lily good time had been made. A
very appetizing wedding sooner was
served, during which Mrs. Wilk11,14011
Wag pi esented with a pot of gold -she
having won it by tweaking' the wish-
bone of I he tut key with Mr. Wilkin -
eon. It Was discovered that the wed•
ding ring received fir„y years before
hy the hride had wort) very thin and
She WM email -41v presented with an-
nt her he inislirnd-the dates 1851-
1001 being a pproprintely engraved
upon it. After simper had been
served, tnnsic and cmines completed
he evening's enjoyment. Three
gi'llef al ions were present to celebrate
t he. event, including three sons -Win.
A. and Jils. P, of the Diamond Iron
Works t.nti Hold.. P. of the Dinmond
Find ro. Mr. rind Mrs. Wilkineon,
whe het recently removed here fioni
Ooderich, Ontario, hive a host of
friends in I lie east end many substen•
iel tokens of regerd have been receiv-
ed from them -showing the esteem
iind affect ion in whieh they are held
hy the 'home folks '"
To Keep a True Lent.
thls a fast 1,0 keep
The larder lenne.
And clowns.
From fat of reale and sheer)!
Is It io gee the dish
Cif flesh, and still
Tr, fill
The platter high with ash,
Is it to fast nn boom
Or rag'il to go,
Or show
A downcast look and (mural
No, a fast f1010
Thy sheaf of wheat
And meat
Unto the hungry soul.
It la to fast from strife -
From old debate
And hate -
To elreUniChAn thv life:
To show a heart grief rent,
To starve thy aim
Not bin,
And that's to keep thy Lent.
A Warning Note.
Cone:RICH SyAsi
Sin, - I have not noticed yet what
Toe STA les opinion IR on t he proposed
wilier power deal. in fact the taxpay•
ets t he town are in darkness as 1.0
positive information on the subject.
AH taxpaver and one interested in
t he futere welfare of Goderich, I feel
that the conned should act with ex•
ti eine ("infirm In the poet thete has
heen sacrifice after eneriflee of the peo-
ple's niters -ate, and nor citizens 'Mould
lie consulted before anything Ivinding is
done The relive of the franc+ We can-
not be nverest itnit I ed. Ont present
plant is of great voltie and Is r wned by
the town. nod it. re a well known fact
that I he gt eat majority of municipal.
11 ies t hroughout the Dominion favor
municipal control nnd ow nersh:p. Let
1 he people on the subject.
Fronssran'sOraren8ersge •Aneyster sap
per will be given by Court Goderloh, Cana-
dian Order of Foresters In the Temperanee
en Thursday. Feb. 20th. Oysters
will be nerved from 7.00 to 0.00, followed
by a procrem Of Rungs, recitatations, etch,
by local talent. Godarich Marine Band end
the 101soketone Ors:heaters In attendance.
Admissem ilao. Go and have a good tone.
"When they tio it, they do it well."
Winter Sparta
nestley eventog the eluutiplon hockey
teams of Huron and 13131C0 Wet the
West street rink to cotitest for the
championship, the remit being a walk
away fat Goderich. the score being 94
to 4 in favor of the horne team.
LADIES AT HOMEY . -A ckixeu.
who uuobserved watehed 111 practice of
the Ladles HockeY Club the other day.
lays he would hack them *Kithira any
team he hae seen pia, in the Goderich
link, *to the members play magnifi-
cently and have a happy tritk of
stopping the peck from going to goal
by gatherine it up in their skirts.
Home* OUT WEHT.--They evident-
ly do nut have a good hockey season
every year on the Pacific Coast, and a
recent number of the Daily Columbian.
of New Westminster, devotes nearly
a colunin to a description of a match
played on Burnabay Liar between
teams from that city and Vancouver.
Two former Goderich boys figure
prominently in it, “Sid" Maleontenii
playing point for New Westan1nster
end Elwood for the Vancouver team.
he game was evidently ti popu
Mule:lion. 11Ulliende crot d t I
preeent while hot tea and coffee tench-
es were served around huge tires built
along the shore. The N. IV's. won by
two to one.
load of hockey players left town Mon-
day evening for Dungatomn. the Hor-
ton -Jordan block team having chal-
lenged a *Wring teatu of the Nothern
Three Ohl Time Realdeats ot
orlon Pass Aawy.
MeLa.OAN.e-One of Stratford's
highly respected citizens died early
Friday morninst, in the person at Mr.
John MeLagen, W'ejlington street, at
the ripe old ege of 81 years and four
months. The deceased had only been
Nick since Wednesdey afternoon, but
as from the flret his illness was of a
serious nature, hie death wart not en-
tirely unexpected. Mr. Mclaististr was
horn lci Perthshire. Scotlend. cooMng
to Canada with Ille wile and faintly in
1854, and settled In Godesloh. where
MI lived for upwitrde of elx years. The
deceased has been a resident of Strat-
ford for about years. and during
that these has won for hitneelf the re-
spect arid esteem ot a large circle of
friends by hie sterling qualities. both
/18 C0111801011L ..... CILIUM and an lion-
et.t. upright tredesiti-iii. Up till 'shout
ten years ego Mr. McLairom worked at
his 'Tiede 118 /1, Cali 1)141itef and builder.
The aurviving members of Ina family,
melded his grief-stricken widow, are:
, Mrs. Gibson. (irantspeth. Oregon; Mrs.
) ce.ophell, Winnipeg; Charles, Denver,
C01.1 George, of Stratfold
village to a game. The journey out
was eventful, for in addition to twiny
aggravating %dope, there wits a rnagui.
ficent upset, frono which two of the
party were sent ao deep into the drift
as to be lost for awhile, Though the
snow bath would have chilled most
people. it only warnied up the mem•
bees of the canting tenni. as was Near-
ly seen by the way they controlled the
puck while the game was In progress.
For junior teams the play was really
good, and considerable excitement
%VHS caused by good play by either
side. %Vhen time was caller% the score
stood 12 goals to 5 in fever of Geodetic)),
and it was hardly won. Our boys
wet e well recei ved by the Nurr horn
hockeyists. and they will no doubt re.
turn the compliments when the Don-
gannonites show up in the West street
rink. The ret ur n journey was a little
tuore excititig than the outwera rine,
for there were two turnovers. hut bay-
ing been well snowed the boys were
unhurt hy either. The following were
the Horton Jordanites : D. Straiton,
goal; Wm. Robinson, point; K. Nate!,
ecver point; W. Givens, II. Megitw,
J no. Nevins and F'. Mearew, forwarcia.
Rd. Robinson was goal umpire, and L.
Parmons referee.
Cy ItLING.-Friday's entitle was a keen
one, though the playing was not its
good as generally. The playere were :
F. Pretty, Capt. Donley. C. Reicl, W.
Wallace. C. A. Humber. skip 11; J. S.
Platt, W. Lane, E. R. Watson, A.
McD. Allan, D. C, Strachen, skip 0
On Thuesday of last week the young
players of the Coorling Club challenged
the old players to a game. and the old
heads won easily ; the 'divers and
scores heing as follows : Old Beros-
Win. Lane, E. R. Wrotrion, A. Meta
Allan, D. C. tstrachan, skip 17. Young
Heads -Copt. Donley, W. Wallace,
Ohas. Reed. D. Holrnee. skip 12.
TUESDAY'S GrattE.-On Tuescley
afternoon a good game was played by
sides chosen by Messrs. D. C. Stra.than
and Chas. Humber, the following
being the players and the scores:
Wm. Thompaon J. S. Platt
Captain Donley W. Lane
Chas. Reid , E. R. Watson
W, Wallace A. 111cD. Allan
Chas. A. Humber D. C. Strachan
Skip. 12 Skip. 16
WEDNESDAY'S GAME. -The follow-
ing curling rinks played an exciting
genie on Wednesday afternoon, Hum -
being the victor by two shots.
Capt. Donley J. S. Plat t
Wm. Lane Chas. Reid
Win. Wallace E. R. Watson
A. McD. Allan D. Holmes
C. A. Humber, D. C. Strachan.
skip 14. skip 12.
THE CARNIVAL. -The first Carnival
of the season was held in the Weet
street Rink on Friday evening and it
attracted it, very large nuniber of
ukateis and lookers on. The dresaes.
however, were not up to the standard
of former years, though many of them
were the tesurrections of the past.
There were of conrse new ones, some
of which were real pretty. hut the
majority of Die costumes loosed HP
though they had been assumed to
allow the wearer to get on the ice.
One of the neatest was that of a lady
rider, and their two men, two attrac-
tive ones, the ladies representing (we
suppose) daughters of the Regiment.
but we cannot say what these three
represented because costume and
!lamest were not left at the office, If
the managemant would not grant
prizes to those who did not band in
their ponies and chatacter represented,
there would he no future trouble along
this line. In the gent's fancy there
were but two entries. bot h from Clint-
on, and both nicely attired, though
we are much mistaken if we did not
see one of them in the host century.
The clowns and other comic characters
were many end good, and the laugh-
ter they caused was worthy of some
recognition, but as most of the get•ups
were of the ancient order and well
known at that they were unrewarded.
Two harpers were a stuart take off,
the harp and the violin being really
good, and the John Bull would have
taken the cake had he had n little
more "stetting." The lodges. Wm.
Wallace. Clete. Reed and Frank Pret-
ty. did their duty well, and their
decisions met with general Approval,
The following were few of the char -
otters tepresented, being the only ones
left, with the manager of the Rink in
eccordance with the rules : Misses
Florence' McLean. an old noaid ;
Daisy Mosely, lady of 10th century;
Eva Maynes. Maple Leaf Forever
Nellie Jamieson, Red Oman ntiree';
Ethel Williams, Japaneee lady ; Carrie
Fraser. flower girl Evelyn Macdon-
ald. Highland girl ; Mergaret Proiel•
foot, Hespital nurse Lillian Macdon-
ald, Spanish girl: Grace Rhymts.
Dolly Varden ; Olive Bates, winter
Messrs .1 no. Trethesvey, papoose 1
Howard Roberteon. Mickey horn Sleb-
tewn Fred Sturdy and Leo allot, as
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnsing;
nee Bennett. Spanieh reveller ; Wm.
Proudfoot. Court Jester ; Chew Tinto
rabbit ; Bert Robertson, a
midshipman. The following were the
rze winners : Ladle's fancy, Miss
thel Williams, a Japanese lade:
ladle's comic. Mies Flo McLean, en old
maid ; girls' fency. Miss Crirrle Prais-
er. A flower girls girlie aemic. Mies Rita
Jordan. a crow ; gent's fancy, Howard
Bennett.. a Spitniato comelier : gents'
v lc. Lorne McDougall, a beeper ;
0' fancv. Wm. Prondfrice. Court
Jester ; boys' comic, Cherie, Turnbull,
e Yenta. Tbe Marone hand Wee In
attenditnce end Oared a musical and
appropriate progrsomnra,
The srinter—season-li- hse—been In deed
MOM, bot no more enjoyable Ohm are
the OW* taken by Biome , the artist.
MaTniceos.-The Chronicle, ot
Mouse comity. Not th Dakota, of Feb,
16thoontained the billowing which will
Interest eld residents here ; "Malcolm
Matheson died suddenly Monday after-
noon. He wes taken down Sunday
with an attack of the grippe and %theta
Monday noon became exhausted with
attack of heart failure. A phytil.
ciao was surunioned. hut medical skill
was unavailing. He %VHS 60 yearsof ave.
When a boy of severs hie parents end
grated front Scotland to Ontario. For
twenty years be was a Heiler on the
lakes, rising to the position of captain.
In 1880 be married Mate Ann McCaig,
youngest dateable' of Wm. and Cath•
mine McCaig. et Goderich, Ont.. and
cattle to Grand Rapids, in this county.
in 1882. In 1883 he become proprietut
of is hotel Laltdome, and continued
in bustneria until Ma, when he nooved
with hie family to Duluth. After five
Years' residence in the latter city, they
returned to LaMoure county. and.
atter farniing for a' year or two, en-
gaged in the teetatirent businese In
LaMoure up to his (teeth. He leaves a
widow, two brothets, John Matheson.
of Duluth, and Angus Matheson, of
Reintreck, Iowa. two sheers. Mrs. Dan•
iel McLeod. of Grand Rapids, and Mrs.
S. McDonald, of Ontario, Cenada,
mother of Mrs. H. C. Muir, of Ltli
Moore, and nephews at Witinipeg,
Manitobe. Hie only child, it son, died
et Duluth, 'rhe funerel services were
held at his residence Wednesday after.
noon, the Masons, of which lodge he
wits a member, had champ of the last
rites, Rev. W. C. Leon otticiatlig. BY
hos desalt' one of the party settlere of
the county is removed to the great be-
yond, Mrs, Matheson and relatives of
the deceased nave the sympathy of a
wide circle of friends in their bereave-
tooent. A sad circumstance at this
time is the fact Hutt Mr. John Mathe-
son lies at the point of death Ito it hos-
pital at Dulut
alcalaTit.- On Thursday of last
week Simonet Mcalath, one of eur best
known citizens, passed to the great
beyond after having seen four score
years mod seven in their funnier's,
Some five or six weeks since the old
gentleman, w leaving Porter's
with his piper. made to Mae step and
fell heavily to the sidewalk. Al.
thougal the deceased said he wits not.
hurt by the fall, it was evident, to his
friends that he had been oitjured there-
by, and from that dey he gentle yet
peeceeilly neared the green valley.
The late Samuel McMatli, like the lute
She'll! Gibbons and Win. Young, was
a well-known personage In the forties
tout fifties. for though living on his
fern), lot 16. 4th con., Goderich town-
ship, he was often 111 town, rind Ids
memberehip in the town congregetion
of the established church of Stiothind
made him acquainted with most of the
sons of Scotland living in the district.
The deceased WM born of Scottish
parents in Belleet, Ireland, the day
following his parents arrival in that
city, March 12th. 1813, and in 1832 he
came to Canada with the family and
settled in Kingston, and two years
Tette moved to Amherst island, In
1839 he moved to Goderich and settled
on lot 16, 8th Con., Goderich township.
where he lived tilt 1873, when he
inoewa to the County town. where he
remitted till death came. The deceased
was a soldier during the rebsIlion of
1837, having joined the Kingston
Volunteer Militia, and his disci -ware,
signed by Sir Francis Bond Head,
Lient..Governor of Upper elnntlik,
that time. reads es follows : That, he
(the governor) hoped that lier
Majesty's loyal volunteers mead be
well repaid for their loyalty to the
crown and eountry, and the hardship.
they had endured during their tertii
service." The woids were pleasitnt
reading, hut the hinds that it was sup-
posed would reward their set vices
neve, came the way of our deceased
townsman. In 18441 he jcined the
Established church ot Scotland, in
1857 he was appointed an elder.
and was the senior elder of
Knox church when the death call
came. The deceased was a liberal in
polities, in fact so liberal that many
thought he was a conaervative, and
this phase of lois life he was never
aehatned of. A few years after t he
fenolly reached Caniula, The late Mr.
Mradath married M isio E. Johnston, of
Belfast, Ireland, who predeceased hlin
Rome yenta, And leave. to mourn him
three sons. William, on the houtesttart,
Hugh, of Toronto, and Jas. J., in
town. Three brothers aloe survive.
Hugh, of Detroit, William. of Dun•
g_annon, and Charles, of Wallaceburg.
The Innerel took piece on Staturday
afternoon. Hee. Jan. A. Anderson. H.
A.. conducting services at the hotsse
end at the wave, and Messrs. Jae
Borlianotn, or., A. titrailon. A. P.
McLean. Peter McEwan, Stoddert
and John Walser, being the pall bear
Sale Reglater.
Portia. getting their sale Mlle printed el
THR STAR Office will hero a free notice unde
his heading tateh week t III Lime of nate.
FRIDAY, MARCH -Auction sale of
farm stook and implements, property of
Jens SPItoci.. oon. Cloderich township.
Everything to he sold withcrut reserve. se
Mr, Sproul is giving up farming. Themes
Grimes, Auctioneer,
TLICltaTtAT Feb. 2411h, Unreserved iinc•
non sale of farm stock and Implements at
west half of lot Ili, concession 7, W W• we •
nosh, at 1 o'clock P. if flow', Drosts,
proprietor. Teem. OtTatier, anctioneer.
Trrniuinsv, March 14th. -Extenitive die
lion sale of farm stock, implements, etc.,
belonging to the estate of the late J•roes
Davison, at lot 4. communion 8 townabi of
Colborns, al 1 o'clock e. ab:07. The um
aria Town Tonioa
Pancakes were to season on Tuesdaaa
. Regular meeting of this Town Coun-
ell next Friday evening,
° There te it good opening for a umpth-
ly hone end cattle fair In tiodericlit
The Oman Co. ie shipping large
euantitimi el thelr bath fixtures these
Three weeks froni today Will tie St.
Patrick'r Day. (let your shamrocks
Don't knot the grand musical event
in Victoria Opera Howse on Tueeday,
Foto. 20th.
The adjourned metier of the Knit-
ting Company directors wee held on
Tumidity evening.
If a enowy winter means good or •
n:er co-ops, then 1901 should be a good
year for our farmers.
go Ippe is evidently lotting hie
grip, the tgli theta are wail many suf-
ferers from his attacka.
Loacknow stage bad not reached
Goderich since lueeday up to time of
going to preati yesterday.
Rev, (Dean) Hodirings. of Sextet th.
Wad the preacher ln George's
choral last Sunday evening.
Last week 6011-10 people were disap-
pointed beceuse it did not rain as some
of the almanac ke testi predicted it
The C. 0. F. supper and Intellectual
treat in the temperance hall next
Thursday evening should draw a good
Boathiailder Marlton has heen de.
!eyed the past few weeks by the seer -
city ot cut timber, the mill which was
to do the cutting having got mit of
Thos. Glindry received a car toed uf
buggies this week, so rim to be ready
for the spring trade. Soule have rub-
ber tires, but they are all so light that
their pulling 19111 never TIRE a home.
Robert McLean shipped a car of
cattle Lo Toronto on Monday. Gold-
thorpe shipped a car of maple rollers
to L11/01pool, England, this week, and
Andrews Bros. & Co. shipped hogs to
Tot onto.
On Friday our people were treated
t,o sunset such as we noticed some
two trionthei since, a sunset that
neither sunny Italy nor the African
veldt could excel In beauty of Como or
brilliancy of color.
Nailing through the ice has been
practiced by many of our ringlets the
past week. But few herring were
caught, though perch itt times were
teirly plentiful, and all the time the
job was a cold oue,
fleorge Thomson & Son are prepar•
ing for lk large sale of wheels the coin-
ing staring. as they claim that the good
road 00 the Square its COMpuriod with
the bad 0110 01 last year must be 11 help
to this branch of their business.
l'he leds who drive dellyerv rigs for
town merchants should pay More at-
tention to their employe& Int erests
atm use less whip. The horse Is a
noble animal and should not he
abused, ari is the case with many
thoughtless youthful drivers.
A party of ladies left ter J, J.
Wright's the other day. They had
niany upsets, hot one was particulasly
interesting, because it took the eliiip•
crone 801110 L11110 10 find her chergeri,
who had pitched head foremost into
the drifts.
Manager samidera, of the Organ
Cu., Is making at rangetnent a for
establishing agencies at Cape Town,
Durban, Pretoria and Jehatinemburg,
so that In the near future Godeoch
mesh: will be 111.11/11 where eatiattian
volunteers have been following bugle
On Tuesday four dogs succumbed as
a result, of the poisoner's work. Some
of the pets were veluable and owned
by Messrs. Tweedy, Munro, Tilt and
Cootie. The poison was laid, it is
said, In the neighborhood of East
street, and t he Square. Mr. Burrows,
Hamilton St., also lost his dog a few
days previous.
Jones, of Walkerton, and McG regnr,
of Toronto. the two fastest sicaters
the Priwilice, will meet, tonight in the
West Sti eta rink, end for a bet of $25
a side to flnd mot who ie tee fastest
skitter. The contest will show what
fast skating Is, and those who are fond
of the skates will get many points in
t he way of their proper maniptilation.
Captain A. al. Sheplins d has attach-
ed it purifier to the set vice pipe at his
dwelling, thus settling the diffictilis
about disturbed wet er. The portlier
has not been 'wig 10 position but the
captain admitted that so far he had
not been aide 1,1) ta.14 71 V difference
between the water which came from
the regular ten end that from the pur-
The Boissevain Reece der nf a recent
dale Ions the following. whteh Is mu I).
poeed 1.11 refer to hi other of the
Saulto Bros. of this town : ''A prein-
InPnt “hotilVytt1P114 lit," Of fiLlitIHOVilitl,
while in Winnipeg hist. week. having
occasion to go some (I istanee up town,
tried LO hoard one of the cars of the
street railway cerium ny, hut owing to
the dinionitive Silt!, of I he doors he
feund he coliki not enter and was
rotted to tramp the weary distance on
foot He hepew that when again
goes into the c1ty the street, railway
compen v Will hit VP PFII/1"ged 1 he cat
dttot.t no hat people of his capacity
lw accommodated."
Notes From the Lodges.
The annual county meeting of the
Orange Young Britons for the countier;
of Bruce, Huron. Wellington and
Perth, was held in Fordwich on Mon
day of last week. The following of
Hcers wet° elected : -(i, C. M. •J.
Montgomery, Gorrie It, (1, at -Iwo.
Spot t no, Pot wich Chaplain '4
11. Dane, Gorrle ; It.. S. J. Ni.
Thomperm, Fergus ; C. F. S. I). I,.
Weir, Wrovetet : (.. Topes. W. Fee,
mrson, Lakelet ; D. ('. (.1.
Thompson. Winghatii ; G. .1. At no
strong, J. Gemmill, Foldwith ;
sentative to (intuit Lodge J. Mont
g ..... err ; S.-- Rob). Spot on•
At the ronnty meeting of ileron and
Perth rif the It. B. P. held on the 131 h
the following ofIlrers were elected :
at., John Scrirlett; I) G. , William
Whitt.; G. Chao , Lancelot Net hery:
0, Treas., Jo1111 Wilfi/1111 Q. heel*.
HOW. Hogg, (leo, U. Cert.., John
McGill, John Stherrit 5 11 .
Mcitlroy. John Millard; (1. Marv.,
David Bart ; 0 Pura.. Alex i.elehinati.
Geo. Msins; Com. Thos. Stewart,
%Villiers' J. Greet, 'John Done hv
filch Bloomfield, .1. Wel hour, J
1 Thompson, Peter Isinlelon.
Wr Tyvit i V1(11( V MA At Virden, nn
Jac.nory #0 /v. nt mete, by He) Mr
Eine 08 II, church of kuulmiel Geo. M
WouihernId. laird rot. Of Thu. eat1,rald
goal o rte
I or of titbre'r!"4 't,';`::',",,:!1;?„,,!.7.7.::.::,";11),;',4:1
inoledes a large number of e animals ; Med
seder:alarm Implements, including binder, Mr NArn In rirsissi,h on TlInritilar 4.6
mowers, harrows, ploww, drill. cultivator, isth, %%cutlet MeMallt, •scri tti year. and 11
'rifling milli, etc. 1 braggy, enlist.. sleighs, s
wagone. harnese, eta., also a lot of house -
held furniture. It R. W;Littelits, admin.• bolo, ed wife of .1 F. Andres.. tired 1 I year*.
A epreew In Ailhlleart, On the nth Inns , t he
tredetr. Tiros. Giornev, auctioneer.
AtoOtat tato Cluiroto3a,
Rey. Cl. R. Gunn, M. A.. ot Parkhill,
has received a unanimous cell to St.
Paul's chura. Clinton. Rev. 3. P.
Parke Is now stationed at. Amherst -
The meaner% of the Senior and Jun-
ior Guilds cd St. cleorge's cotumenee
their sewing amnions next week. it
being the first of the Lenten waitron.
Rey. W. J. Freed hes tendered his
resIgnellon as pastor of Wint-hatit
Baptist church. to take effect the hurt
Sunday in April.
Devotions will he hold in St. Peter'e
church every Wednesday, Thursday
and Frldity evening itt 7.30 o'clock WV
MI Easter Sunday.
The Wonettea Auxitlare of St.
Otrorge's church will mad a work nieet•
Int; In the %reboot room ou
23th. at 3 pan., and each following
Monday during the !eaten Setts011.
The Woodstock Sentinel -Review
sive r A letter received lied week Iry
the Zona reindeer' of Dr. 0. L. Mat •
key. the Formosa IllittaillHary, states
that the doctor has been for six weeks.
tip to Dec. 101.0, In a hospital at Hong
Kong for treatIn011t tor his throat. lie
expected to remain in the huripitril 1111
Feb. 1. Hie throe( trouble followed illl
attack of grip. He Id attended hi the
hospital by his wet eta/ y, Rao K ow,
whaSe visit to 4." (134 with the (Melo'
a few yeais rig0 Will lie well ;M11411110,1
ed. Di. Matey s eldest 61111, (1e111R11.
la attending Victoria college iii liong 1
Knng, pteparatte y to entering the no Oil•
The congregation of 8. Geroge's
Chtlreh '8111 retain a 111011)01 fin I my
late beloved Queen Victoria for a long
time to come, as the purple or ViOlet
hangings used on the occasion tit t he
memorial service have Mein made in
to a frontal for the altar and hangings
for the pulpit. tivading and prayer
darks. as well as a dossal for the rell,
dos, which will he used dnring the
Reasons of Lent end Advent, pm ple
or violet being the proper ecclesitet teal
color for denoting (hobo tirne.a. The
whole of the work, including .'111"
broldet ed emblems and
fringes, was done by Mrs. J.A. Fowler,
to whose skill arid taste the (thinks of
the worebippers are due.
The pastor of Voclorito st. church
will commence a series iit sorriness 011
the life of Joseph next Sabbath morn-
ing; Subject, "%Vas Jacob indircreet 111
goverutnent ? or, Joseph t tur
dreouner." In the evening reference
will be made to the death of the late
Mr. Wm. Iternsey who fell deed at
Lindsay station last week, and Wild
14 11101ilher Of the above china:fa
At the 11(18108os meeting oti Monday
evening a resolution was passed by the
°Metal board expressinv their Rpm eci-
ettloti the work done by the pastor
end his wife, anti pleclging 11141114015 -ea
to heartily mooperme in the wui 01
God on this Hume. They also ex•
tend a 1111111111110118 itlVItation to the
pastor to return for a second year.
The Presbyterian Committee. whirli
has heen considering the revision of
the West no lust er ()onfeS17101) Of Faith.
at Washington, hats completed its
commendatione to the General Airtime
hie. The committee hour uniiiiimously
agreed that some chimer) in the medal
ritaternent is necessary, hie is ilk' illed
118 111 the char/Let Or Of 1 his change. Ma
jority and minority reports will be pre
*tented to the General Ammeinhly.
Thete• %vete 13 111 the 10 member.
present, und it (olefin -it agteed
recimitti nil 1 hat a ell/111KP tillo11111
1111010 hy siipplementarY eX1111111111011,
*a/11011101a cover eertalti poilth)
...he Confession of Faith, and also in-
clude statementa as In the dial Ines a
t lie Holy Spirit, missions and the love
of liod to all men.
Caul -tem -On Hondas, itev. A. 1',
CreWN, tit Tor:onto, preached two Very
interesting tmti Meat tiet ve 1401 11.111114.
Alld 011 f111011(lily es ening he gave an
excellent itildrIte4t4 oil 110 13:11W331 1 11
Itetlgile. its (mum lion and %%takings.
Eveiyone WitH vet y touch pleased with
the ill1111 NUL Th0 te.eini ill NVIti. )1311.
liellencl's on Thursday night w.ts
gi eat success, notwithstanding 100 1111
tavoahle iventlier.
Ntrrliki.-This week. Nti . and Nit s, 1.:,
Acheson are moving to tiodet 0.11.
They will he greatly 'Hissed here. .1
1111111het of wit 83ek tire 31.1111. 131 Id. .1111
81.(111111..- 111rd. Feed 1,e(31itird 1.11,1
friends it) Bright, litant ford nr1.1
points. Mt. and NIrs, 11. Illiddiiit
Leelturn, visited friends here WI
dIty itild Sunday. Miss I,. Stanley. of
Toledo, 18 visiting het uncle. Mr, .1,04.
(Arnhem, \‘'e 1(1.. sort y to learn thr
Mrs. S. Slimily IS Dot Unmoving vet V
much. - Miss A. Stanley, of (oak',
910:nt it few days at Mime Nliss .1
in.. %%eel:. 'Miss lila, Tetiriitt.
of Clinton, 11 1/.1.31, het,.
Nir,d, R. ilebnes ,at the sick 110
Mts. King, of \Vuitton, 1,,,t 1,1 hei
sister, lilts. last week.
Port Albert.
11 1.111 '11. IL I 1t111 D.10 llortget1.1.
Firnfol I II, oflit lilted 110,0 011 S01111,1
last in ( chinch, anil 11 14 111 hi'
h0111•11 the collet emit hie will have t he
()visit:1unit v iif hearing I he
geffileteriti again helot 1. long,
PERSONA Mrs. Jo.), Sulli;onlInlla
if.rt Tio-d,y for Nlitveilon with he
familY for a visit and to itt1011,1
golden vi editing of het pat, rite. Mt
and Mrs, St hearer. Mt )4, Mien lir
goes the last of hie week Mr and
Mrs. \Vol, ilrey 1(.11 Miiiiii.iv 1.
llernitton. alr. Grey being a .1..1.4 it:.
to the nigh emu of A, 1', ,
nsfierli13161 I hese his week, J. 11. '•
Dawkins left Toesdny t rinol
again, in the Interest tit a Rochester
lb whon, he has rept esented 1111 the
tonal for nearly t V11/11%
AltIttfM, A rot V iti 1.1 I V woddin;•
wad is•lolitated oil
relit -too Eft h, I:11111k -iiri.t
t hint I). in this village, when Mist
y .1 , daughter of r
V11411•11, SI1,-1,p,,,,11,t1), 11111
the better h ilf of 1 I 3.dry II I 1 in kir.),
Esq.. ef this v dings The 1,,
Wits given away het
charming in her gown ,.1 1.3z1.1 1 er
31331 ti, nod 3,11 tied d 1.3,13131er
rruceo, %%rig /1111.11111•11 116 ilrl .
Miss 1,177.11., W1133 Wore .1 3/3.1' 11 3•111-%
cloth and rat Ned ti 133.1.3131,.1 ..1 ,,)„,..
roses, The grooni H 1,%
WM R. Ilitwkoto, low riotsio 11.i,
M. Nt. (loldherg [Mogul ,•,1
I he everlasting knot. A i.•cript too ,
held at the reeidenee "1 1 ill• 1,1 .11•'.
pal at) IV, W 111'1 Ik seven( v
thivvri to a liestii if 111 atirt.0,1, H
liri,v1,11•11 for: I he or-, Aso-, lo, he
hi idle's patents. alter hi, I: ist eti
joy)) hie ,,P1/1111j 14,14 alo•nt 11,- 11 ond
In teply to the coOdetuttetkos
these columns last week, of *ha 411.0or
-*petted desinktelP pubushoct * the
Toronto Star regarding tit* opt. et
afeljorieLl va *lam to the Pitilthat
Court. the following letter de atelltr trt
Mla "Dso" thessai.
hero hs that despatch:
To thy Editor of Tux area :
titit.-On return 140140. after e, wwikat '
It haeRVIN and teal you hevtieubled
that keys:tat tho Term:goats, on Meeerki.
Fcb. It.
Permit me to ado that your reference tome
In that regard Is entirely without foundation
fur I am not the author of the article. sof de
koow who the outlaw Is. I have net disau
tho munition with guy one. as 1 was aot ;seas
sea thn court mad did not kuow the data*:
aud. furthermore, 1 was perfectly satisfied
that the Tory candidate and the Tory machine
urea should havo the widest, arta of frontons
In washing their dirty Race.
Hype published the story *bout ow menithr
Mat you would hove a chance) to abuse Ma
pocionally. 1 can easily underetand your
tIlullte, after an experience of Mont/ ream
Journalistic and parliamentary
ethics tequire that we should accept
the denial, though we Itilly believe
that the public will agtee with us that
tha circumstances attending the publi-
cation, mei 1 he character of the alleged
despatch give good room for strong
suspicions oven Yet.
1Ve mate undeottand that Mr. Mc-
:illiauddy oyes not preeent In
emus. and therefore could not of lobe -
self have "known the details," but
when he says he dial not dia-
ClItei 010 question with anyone, he
seemingly ham forgotten the column
editor hol which appeared in his paper
purportitig to recite the facts and coin-
mentiug thereon. His sweeping denial
now is at iciest inconsistent with his
editor (al.
The plaintive suggestion with which
he closes his denial la quite erroneous.
out it sounds ridictilone coining from
the main who "for twenty years" and
longet has exhausted the liberties of
jourionlisen in his abuse of all and
singular who havo diaagreed with him
00 public goiestions. Evidently he
realizes that the "special despatch"
Wita not a thing lo he proud at, and if
he agrees with Tim STAR on that
point we could cindially accept, his de-
nial of its out norship.
111 16 Aida] report of twenty -
ft nirt 0 annual meeting of the Went
We W111114611 al utual Fire Insurance
Company will be found on page five
a I hi. week's Serail. This organize. -
lion hat( 11.11410 sound progress since Ile
inauguratiou In May, 1879, and readers
of Tits: STAII. WO Invited with every
confidence to tend the tinnual report.
There %yin be found at home gOOL1
Ile the best,
Prof. S. L. Teube, manuftictionng
0111 141)111 it1111 eye specialist. of 'I'm onto,
will be at the liedfot d House, Goda-
rd:di, on !Monday, 25th, until Irridity
lento, Match 1st, and will test eyes
and snit glasses to all defective sight.
NO Mat 1 t'r Wilit' 1/1 wrong with your
ryes, come and see tne end if you Call
he suited, I C1111 niake the glasses for
),011, I ern I 110 1,1110st. 01/Fit'iilll ill ro-
and hav,. heen established since
10711, making spectacles and fitting
eyes. Orel 75 thorisand (11805 111V0
Hilelltaal Illy treated by 1110 Whirr!,
OtI1C1.8 1111.%'1. fitI1011. TI10 tylvetntage I
have over tit hers is that I grind all my
own lenses qttil as making spectacle's
is n ofession and a 'science, as is smit-
ing spechicles, it. requires vortis ot
study anti hard labor to he alde tm rol-
1 tic! ne 1411.5 ot retractile). You
have 'et 1.1‘114 or my xverience at
your serves.. Clime and see tne and
g1.1 your (.7o4 tented. Come early as
roil 1,1:1y remote a second testing.
C.Instiltitt ion ft ee. For references and ,
testimonials see circulars. Toronto
ti, Talibe, 2.54 Richmond
t ;01 borne.
bnoiNti. The wedding bells rang
Ili I )11., locality on Wednes-
dsv wino) ;Miss Jane [Make, 1111
datight el. ,f Mr. INni Blake, wiam
ill111,1 in tile holy hotels of inettirnonv
to Mr. Samuel eitiitz, of the 151ait-
ited ,;/;/;cossioll. 111r. Shaw, of Hen -
11,..11.1., 1 if,1 the knot, and about 150
witnessed the ceremony. The young
t eilnestlay for ltlitni•
he! e hey will mak.) their
hem-, We wish them happinees and
i•444 11111.1101 111,1.
7N, ke. Quite a, number took In the
Ica nose ing at Anhui)) on Monody
sa. odor and .ity it Wit,4 hert they
,eo-1 tt et ikt 1311(1 Mrs. John
of Ilmitilton. are visiting
friend.* 111 111, 11303,flildit hood tit ortre-
4.32.1. .1 he 3[331111 Ille Htidt Week hati
huen se) et I., st 11 hag 1110C k 1 he roads
ory 1,1111y ; ao1111' 1,1.1, PS they are
.1133.111 111111.iddible, oin.1 leek Prost lets
been inereng .10110 112.01 4 luta. One
root ;ellow .01VN 0101 When h0 aWoko
III (10' morning there Were iele1448
Ii.311H133A; 1.• het Iiimettnelle Rldnit lin
31,3 11 1.31134. Al 1, 31 M Isits.c "grown -
lee, of Somme, hill, :were t he wrests of
61: 40(1 Alto. \ Merl. Mitchell on Sob -
I )..t. .1.ilin Young, of Hamilton
ore -afloat hc•ro on Sabbath kat, -A largo
on.ber 1.1 11.14 !sou firs, sufinrIng from la
14-1. 110110 lo hear 01 their speedy
reioi,r, •sa :Martha S•11cwa la suffer.
foe., an attati-1i ,4 plueridy bronc-
tie, bet we ar“ i 10 10.11 111 improv,
. . .1.namt, 1•1 the tiodstioh
, t at house Mr, C.
tit..., 1., 311 Dahota, palled on
!toll In h. re S1111 105 ;/1111.
l'1 1'4 SI,• 1! Any of the members of
0,0 l're.,1,) torlso congregation here pur•
• .1 to ,iicirn nn the 4th inst. to esy
• .1 t r tteat01', [lel,. Mr.
raw, 0. ,, 1,a4 von,t,Iled
ihr, .1_ ,, 1;1 he•S', t. rtsi„tn his ch•rge.
A. s 1•.arli ,•1 appreciatmrt they pre-
•r,to, 1 1,1,n 0.•th a %liver aers,;Ce of flea
1,,,. for s.titress, reit.' by
r lin 114 181111• Mr. Jordon
ong 111, rc.,arn'itt
1:, • 11. h,I
tl 1! o pconlo of omit,- F1111
1'...1.1 • cc, ,• cc c c h 1•'t h,- or your
1..1,1'11,.• IF • •11•111,11j, t`te.5 141 ten3len oitr
,,„,.,..,. 31 , ,..„ e 1.333n31 IL ace,.
a,) • ..r ;:r • , h
sg h •1111 11,1 f • ..ora you h.sp
1 ,1 nt • Area falh111/1
"f •111114••• K....111R in sort
, •1. it, la ort1 of
, • / • . • 4-1.ng niany nt'
'' 1•• • a, , k1.11A oc 1 h„
•1 • .4 ,`,• a n•I apprnel
.• •• t111• 11.•V 1111 I./11
• • • $4 4 • •l,r y .tor
1 HI 4.1 1 •,..1.,1 oor
• • 1 grant %Dory
,• r•••00,••• ,0
r..1 • • ./• K111 1' 11 ' •••1 1, • :1 r
1,1 I•1 • ,- rt
• or, 1.•tout smlih Church,
11.3taidiN Ytn'vo
TH.., Dr sus
44 u 0111,10%4114.
11c.n.F.ronn wade • arnt,..fol and •p-
proosisvs 111(1,1 there wan abrindant
iihren3thrldi the evsnmg thst the
r. lati..o. bete. on h:m.elf ...I his obaree
hr0-1 110P11 ono 01 molnel risesero sea profit. •
We all hope that ore long rrar deer friend
may be tally restored to good health.
waive artne 1,1 111 "01.1 11 1 ,n ;
hot 11 r.relt1 v (11111 " L'
the P./ .11,. V
t11111V 111' 1111 11 31‘• 1111,1 /lk I .• 1.• • ":
• Th.. 1111111114 1 11. 11 1 • 1 1111, • 11 '11 I \
• he Seem, v si 1111111 14 11- h „, i"•••
rachrt i•f ,, • o 1
1 he V1141111 li511;•TarlAll 01.1
11101'1. thr im111 • ..r It,. • I.
R•11....t, moot % 11•,1 1.. I „
Oysters; get them 41 the Victoria Restau-
rant, Welt street They receive them reit°.
srly end always fresh. lee Cream, Con
fectIonery, Frail. Tobsoeo and (Nears.
Telephone 70. 0. Illtaaarrees, Prop.
flowtronv In Ooderloh Township nn Feh
Lhe wits of afr CLoolleo linarerhy of a eon
BERL In aorlarteh. on Fah. Inn. the ea. Take !Alight", Brom" (4,11,110o Tat,
of el. Hot& of a eon.
If it fade cur -e. Eye. I4. W. Grove
lets A II droggiso • refund 1 he ..... 3er
Are yoto trubeeriber to Tim STAR? signature is on erseh leer
; 0, „, , , •,. r Vri•At <Irk to ara'reh
rive 1 ht.digh
of h to, hs mimeos 1,nd , y
sri 111c rsluo ex? ei 11,0 (;,%11g1; 1
tillutiofte to the newly 11, it 'ell
To Cure a. CoM In nnn T)