HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-02-15, Page 7-
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sit=t4 ft,aza 104; g*:1 *a!-Tkol WMAT is WM 9N N M MM Gen. Botha's Force, Repu ' '' - P
Obligations, Assumed Were of the "o"-w`,w * 0 spi kjuam 0 .00 Jro- isagiatote .
' 41090 9W,Wli- ro'114 CORNPits OF Ttm OLOM
tbxow read 4 trtho, Opening qfl. the 04- I NEW IML ,
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. t4wio ugielAture; XQ4*kUg been; giv *41 9a Thw"4;r Afteludon bw Hia,ux- " I $so . ". � ��
-Old-Fashioned Sort. Xr. 4,00ror and -,4RVAtt"Wu ot tun I'Auril tv Hloo, N'. 0_11*= *#A#gii0;r1,- WWW tke owd ostramarilg ."" �
Legw,liem A) - -,* 0 , 4 QW "a Now Week# avomies 04 tgst,,,mt Qe,.W.
,w h Figlifing.
. imi%,q;F; ` AbIlliltme"t ,#ta;,Io R*bgp.v.ktbw$,Nigv,toc!t4tpal.mw,T Severe � -
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- . I 40 aospo 'A so" W"y_imm$mrm,i;W6 ftwits"s, .6 . �
I taku great ple"We �ft again m"t. A�w would ba introilucedi to the 99"a the V -04i 4,64Rbov wg# wotbre. black Recommit D" -----,-------
-, A despatob ". Tb4 Hague- Bay$;- and the urgau arld choir bumt out in Ing Y,44 ag T**Se . At4tJV4" of the ne-;Lti W'Sock. W, Labawrai P414 I'llult b4* the oaly caor outaide the Off,'- CANADA, LAvadon. Fsb� 10-A despatch fro *
� '14 VA14 imanstmi WqX% kilW. ,gW4at;p 4an
, 'A
Queen Wilbelaiink whom her people the Roag Of Prayer, "The Gebet," Piteivince W Parliament muemb,10- It, Was to ma,ke Quily slight v4s,nges 1PL41 Uniforms. T)ke gallery doory were General Julchanar. dated Pretoria, wexe left tow the Hrlt4% to lileir, 4JOW 6P
� amply idolize. was marrIod. on Thurs- written by Boole. SurallPOx Is *WvAtilias in the North- , ,. 1 -
day to Duke Usury of Mecklenburg Pace WO "t Met the British Em- 404 Make t4ot act More C;";' t,ykd b;r tbe` Guards, Whu "te'd W%t Territories. Feb. 9# 9Ay8;-"Qca- Lou!# "hR. mauy 0eywely wa"4,4 W"gr 410, - 1; _1
. - - or .
'1�110 1:160Tal autiotta entered first. p,4M U,a,baera c�ajlod to, The, Ontario LIQQW 14,4ia to ba J. , ft frv� , If . - with 7.90 men. morvoti eastward on left behind. . � .. -
amid demoustratigns of the greatest ,1%en canto the Qii,eu , . mul#r,Z � _#Xoctia - ,A4 Uinta urg" the eatablialimant .
'the , P 04 sarif_** " 1114, Brit" o0elapgrtioer, of,- Hrmglar. *iw-a"1,w,_._,,�.
popular ��Tat *rM06 -444 461dily. WOroe4k,.'-t1�,, Iri -OVA44 art adbAbl'In 6(taWsL' � - -The", W4t-*Tl '"01111419w," 1 .
11 . . � _;4othar,4 lt'�l4 ditsituotopr4te-SOV4 - A:Rr�G,rao- CODOOIida,"-. _ fi_larn-� Xi , F, _ , � .
refJOiCilligg, The day ' ' " _ tust tZ -4
I was after -her the Royal'oolipli, kftj Waicety 40d t4ra would , - �1�
It some abarigq�fi in the, act, but they i4t "dorn1XV6
The , " Queen Vict�ria..$ovkr , *,bat sp@0ature must wear the, deal, ,i 4 takiull a peace delegate. who hid been killed a*d 5S WVM4$#
, biq bridge ter the Canadian North- _,
I clear and beauttx,gl, but cold. In the RQy-&I brixto Made a regal but glraplgi in tb4'hitatcary of the Empir' , crittricsil, and other prisoners with *'()I,- moweniam to tb*
` ,,
morning the so.enes a"t the palace ,figure -
, , ao. Wit"ll her head bl,ght,y tow. been e has there '),J�I�WaY 1AW'.0 be built over the a , "At is rq,.
belciveit or , him. All reports show that the Ported to b#,v,a tbaroilm;Aly
, '4einarch in"re generally would be to perfect the , t_ .
were Partiouls,371Y 4AII.Auted with the ad, and Palo but composed. pbe The speech from the throne rugild: 44 ver QA inalpes.
walked to ' � " Saco 94r last meeting the Empire 1'ramir Smith hat� been acquItted at Boors are exceedingly bitter. the o0eemwet, 04%eitu�tJo" S44 amt- .
- . "(Itb ""�'a" 06�6, 7. R, 19ttatiOn. PXQV'incial Sac-', "About WO WAg4JrO" With families ed a rogril" panic Ja the
tieera and the State carriages that IrNy-OAL ctutroWupd with devotion
�1 gorgeous UWorj4a of the Various of- 41('Wly to the OcKlItte ,of tha church 7 "lly 0p4owed W041A491 t1w got.
upon the arm of her consort. Th I " rotary, 44?p givou pot* 4f a bill to, h" **n called 04 tV I&MWIt the de- Calgary Of the charge of raw4uring dlet*.t.
(4ratige tun Poured a flood of ye 0 to,; 41tY and niiavar� ,repard for Me , Agiso of her U16 Majeaty Queen V,,t� Ra "C"Itlau Do wet appearg; to to
weare arriving and depeofting. amea4 the Ontario Ctorapahjea( Act, It' � acher Haggard. Passed through Ertacto on their way ,
The obliguti- assumed by wives In lipwilt upon bar 'low welf-Vk o( the u4t*. Under her tOXIA. Tba U11#4roal regret &,ad sym,- Who Manitoba Legislature will in- to Amstordam. and very large quan- cro"kog the Iiiso agisth of jaVir,44pet,
through the great beaeficie,f *Way ,�vb bav,e 1, W411 bo to iX0,vI4%4(!1A0 n-4rictiqU4 ro-
oeag� ca_ � I � LUILs of stock arc being driven cast,
Holland are OLf the Strict old-fashirliz- windows, lighting up hu simp gardiag inoo�Fporatioau with unlimited P'thy wit -b *�klcb the tidiDO Of hex troducto at the coming Session chiefly , Win rOald to the west this worcting,
"' but A, -d tAft p,w_keIeqs prWilegt:A Of Salt- - 4WOAQ 4AVO been received thf9ugIA- railway and compulsory lesimlation bift,y Boers surrendered. haVing failed to affect & Crostalsig by -
ad Bart, and there was naturally ulagnificent catitume,into opleudour, I puritax QU4 give "folir Ipoteetion to, "Loula Botha, with 2.000 mon. at- the brifta %*t at Betbid* I .
curiositty to ISarn in what. if any re- It was a gown of cloth bf lyllvicx or govi�xnmoht and the fullest. meaa- shareholders in oonipaniati! . out the sittire. civilized wgrid afford &eta, tacked General Sail th-Dorr ion's camp "In CAW Colony Catrizis has bagin � I 11
CIT4 4nd religiol" liberty, _V`b`TEW4VS TO)JET, ,LAND. ttA boo tootimo* to the matiner in GUIOlPh'S assessment IS 03,610.650.
spect these have been modified by the ailviox Wallin over silk and jewe VMS -a ' ' feel ' cobiMpto Irth ' tit B0thWOII at 3 4�la., FC'b6 & They I)& Lkle, who on- ,�_
�! tied And doeply Let We in W 1: willah! ae hits at all times discharaod An Increase of #1%000 over Is no �
reigning Queen. in proonlaing allegi- wit 11, P aria and diamonds. The a Ir 1. Ontario Govqrwuut is to reocia. 161 year. were repulsed after a severe fight. the enemy reti.rIng 1.
kirt the , her dutlea. both as 0 woman sod it The Population is 11.087. an Increase Gen. Spruit w" killed and Gen. ing the
King Consort. They I and train were out quite plain. 'the hole EMP4V tbP loss of One Aal �-Ize the4eteranis of IW. 'Legislation - t Clol. Haig im My-
. great and good, we rejoice to believe alert 'IQ
pro,ved to be most trifling. The 10(w cut corsage, which was Sleeveless, ,W this ILUO Was foreshadowed in - vereigp, oroughout her uppyoce- of 20U. IlVdlmilad, comisim.n4do aortb�
iroung Sovaraign insisted an promis- I wati caught up with Orange blo I hat trader bar illustrious successor, thk'Spoea fjoin tho Throne. The deatedly long and glorious reign. and Contractor O. W. Nordin Intends to itaudernay,er severely wounded. Two ward PmAt Abardeen," � I
Ing obediences to her liege lord just 'a' K'ag Edward VH- these Privileges' Government mome time ago decided f Will venture to add that In no poiCtiou have the Lee crusthintg vusela for use ,------.-- __ - , . . �
at the, 61ldulders, She wore a tiara will ,KPt b,3 lariptAlred.'nor our e . ____ - _
, _ priAti- ijitit the' Ontariu =W who went to Q4 her Vut torritoxioti were these he n- in the 6t. Lawraiioe compluted In time RS GEN. BRABANT TO COMMAND
the same as the most humble bride od diaTaoudn which was 'almost bid- tutiotual rightts'Llrtalied. Yl&u will Soqt,b('A,tr(,oa would be gfve,Kk 160 acres Ebneiita inare profoundly felt than in for the tir4t lag next fall.
amomig her subjects. dl -n by viralage bloasoms, and a-plaip 00 asked to v-j�i-e442*
. - . ri�tti:ttg terms of lajid im the now pections 'of the the Dominica of Canada. you will, I Manitoba dairymen are making the —
THE CJVIL CEREMONY. tulle veil. She carried. a bAquet of YOUT feelilage with re -?pact to the Four Hundred Boars Attack a Train Force Being Ralsed to',CIW Cape
I?Xpvbwo. , 'Col. McMillan shortly am sure. take early aition W exproas Legislature to aid In plaotug the .
The civil �eremioliy buok place priv- Lao hide and orange blossoms, tied Queen, WUD�Je reign .was #D long aa* afterwards intervijew4d the Govern. YOur sympathy with the R,oyal Fam. dai.rioa of the prorvince on an uqual Near Standertion. Colony.
ately at 11.06 o'clock In the White hall witlit green, red, ulld white witin rib- glocrrourt, as well as the Kling, whose tWat on behalf of A despatch from Pretoria, says;- 'A despatch froin 0"M Town, says;
bous. the veterans who ilY in their bereavement andyaur joy- touting with thus* of the Territories
Of the Palace. Wile Queen and Queen- reign hits just' begun, and "hIs' fought In 1860, and asked that the old alty to the new Sovereign, . In the British Columbia market. On Monday night Last four hundred -The Prime B(Inleter box notified
mother entered first. The bride- ,,'IV tire left OJD the groom word his authority a4, J.0.viag subject" we aoldiere who defended the.1roatier in THE CONTINGENTS, All can"au Customs officers at Boors attacked near Standerton a Gm Brabant that Imm has been ap-
grotorm and his mother awaited in all 0 rother and Grand Duke Vladimir. As heartily ackac;wledga. these trOUbloub times be treated the "The Canadian ounthrigauts insoutil Parts of entry throughout the Do- train bound for Natal. and fired pointed to command the taxes that to
on as the party were seated the The vular 4i,s'played by the Curia- ta ong the civilians and nurses, who uow being rained tor the defense of
. ante -room until the inumeat fixed for a 1. the S.11th ,am. as the young men of to -day, who Africa have nearly all retarned, and Minion art) now wearing blue coa "in
predika fit offered a prayer, after d1un aorld[ers eftjoiged wore passengers. Ono of the car- the colony. COL Gtrouard. the Can -
the ceremony to begLn,lwhezl they an- t"jaic h fought for the EalVire In far off South it affords me a very great gratification with braw butturis and blue cap&
tared. (rh&u the giball) a legal forme the choir tiang. The pastor Atricivii war lira&j reflected the high- Africa. The voteramis are to receive to be abIQ to aaftuxe you that the virloi bojLTIag their lu4iguia of office. rkages was afterwards found to have adieu ciffloor. will be blet chief staff
were quickly and quietly gone through in a de a ten minrl�es' address to the est laosar upon Canada, a d entived from the Govertimelit IGO acres each. and good conduct of our Canadian sol, Lieut. -Col. Steolo, who will can- 47 bullet holes In it. The burghers Qffimx. Gen Brabasit'gi he&dquair-
11 .�
young couple, which was remarkable them W stoma taken qf your, apprecia- Butt every inuXk who joined the railitia diers have called forth the highest on- mand the Ctizadtane goin robbed the pKiasengers. taking i2f) targ is now at East lAindon. Proui, '.
with by the Minister of Justice. These for its aunple austerity, He exhorted t [on, To thI4 ernA a bill will ' ba sub- W'1866 is not( to get that land,Lbat it comiyams from 'the several command- South Africa will ha,ve the rank Of from one nurse. Another nurse had thit t place the defence force w1111
comprised merely the reading of the Llwm on the dutiejs' of the marriage al-itbed for your cOnBiderati n author- Is propose4 that only those who Lie bullet shot through his hat. Nine nul-rOb llortlifWard and westward, oc-
marriage law, and the Signing of the relations in the same language he izing the Crown a a _ era under whom they have served dur- ocil,onel In the imperial army. and re- "
contract. La da Department of the passengers were wounded. oupyinu dlatxiot attax district, thus
I would have used in addressing a mald too Oat aside certain tchv Lively fought On the frontier. lag the axduoua otontest. Ceive a salary of E1,120 per annual. Tho nearest gurriaon shelled the 00abliug the imperial military forceg,
nships in the - OONSOLIDATION OF LhIIIIRE. The value of winter shipments train %
According to the Statutes, Queen and Peasant bride and groom. He unorganized ditstricts permitting ev- 0 — The und,all of the several pruvillucs St. John down to the first of Fobru- Bo,.rs, bmt %yus not strong enough to ultimately concentrate' in the
thOulf101ved to recognize the husband d in the lithem. Later Tuellibardine'a Orange Rivur and TravAvaal colon-
Wilholmina and Duke Henry bound emphriaized a wife's duty to her hue. cry vitliunteer Corolla, Prov- PRIZES FOR SEED WHEAT. of Australia into one Confederation, &ry is 02,813,095. This Is a decrease of to attac
band as the head of the household. The ince who etBrved W South Africa to — upon lines closely resembling thaae over $1,000,000, although this year's ScoLLis
as the head of the matrimonial union, brief religious formula of the Dutch cho,ome 160 acre,% be be hold u XQaacA Of Ontario 190y. and Girt% 1#V ki * 0 h Horan came Up, WhOrOUP013 tea. There hue been a gratifying re-
�Pon the Boors cleared ott. The disgrace, sponge to the call to arms, but it Is
and to provide for an(t educate the Church followed. The ceremony was the Most t fa.vo SueK-eedeql. u which our own Dominion has been shipments include those both of the nil conduct of ill anticipated when It is
rablet Conditions corn- established. murkii another import- Canadian Pacific Rai ii, burghere has oaus- OOnfklmtly
children ,of the union. The husband natkunlike that of an Eugliall Church. patible with the settlement Ott the A despatch from Ottawa, say a;_ 1way and Luter- known, eapocially In the eastern We-
aaararned the responsibility of repro- Upon the conclusion of the ceremony public doinialn and the The selections of wheat received from amt step towards the consolidation at colonial termini. od universal disgust. txial.4, that t1sa toroe is to be oom-
senthng bis wife in all civil actions the choir sang a paean of good wishes, o,f th.e ,ii,it,rip ,_devvlopment the Outlying portions a the Emptre, Mr. A. L jout�ig, Obsirman 04 the The Boers are srUll in force mouth
't. prOvision will also be competitors in the "seed grain 0 C In' of Johannesburg. A number of rofu- manAM by Gen. Rrabank. there will
. which Sir any,
and of adminlaterlag her property ex- tavr`k�ng blessings upon the union, and nlAdia for the recognition of the amc- petit'On" rnr William C. 'ad lam well assured will call forth Uldex-Dampster Steamship Uomp
,the marriage Lhe alldleace afterwarda sang Pealm" v'iv(xm Of thia volunteer militia who M"odonal d, of Mantreal, donated a your iuo&t sincere congratulations to tay4 that uuo of the go,as, Including womarin and children, be Such a reply to the Luvxrtatbia to
greatest obsta- ,enlist that the colony will be treed
contract. He renounced any right to 1xiii., after which the benediction, was weTe actually "gaged in defensive in"4C sum to bet distributed in prizes, the nowOommonwealth. 0106 to thii development of the St. have arrived here. They were expell- of invaders Within a short time.
Salt or mortgage her handed property, Pronounced. sr h during 1866. have been examined. These prizes DUKE OF YORK COMING. lwxxmce is the proju,dice which the "d by the Boors rroan Wiltorberg. 0 —
The wife promised to obey her hus- The Prince Consort then advanced ,l][t is gratifying to be able to state are awarded to boys and girls who "Acting on the advice of my Minis- miLrinc. Insurance companies have The Hollanders residing here were
- tars, Ibad, previously to the great against it, and otfars to suboorlbo on
I liv,o on Oftnadia farms and who .
band. but by a special recent Coact- and shook hands wi,th the clergyman, L in holiday attire yesterday, in NATIVES HAVE RISEN
that the ilgTicultural classes during a , grief which has fallen upon the nil. aO,000 ill Eitock In a no honour at the marriage of Queen
merat she was exonerated from the and Queen WiLh,eimina did the same. the past year have enjoyed usual have performed specified work in can- w no EaPally. Wilbelmina. To -day rtba military Owing to Boor Exactions Are Nov -
usual promise to dwell with him wher- The cortege then slowly filed out of IT Lin ve performed ' specified work Lion, tenderod an invitation on your GREAT BRITAIN.
%11�1 P11-03Pe'rity. Improviedruethods ffarm- governor gave special ptrmiriaion to Ing to Attack Them.
ever he deems it bout that they should the church. lag and a more thoughtful appolication in connect Lon with th,e Beico- bapAlf to His Ro"I Highness tho King 11dwurd's race horsKas are to Dutch subj ev'ts to raise the flag of
live. �Vie regal couple drove direct to the of the prinaiples of aoanA husbandry, tbon Of secd gra in. A, Be t Of Duke at Cornwall and York to coa� be "sod this year. A. despatch train London, Slaturday.
THE RELIGIOUS CEREMONY. pal.'�ce Ili a great carriage otgald an . d prizes was arrange,1 for each province � lud a his intended visit to Australasia Prince Henry Of Prussi s en the NothorLuiadti. nays; -A dempatch to the Standard
with the general adoption of cold ,star- one to t he Doladirion of Canada, attached to the British nary. 0 from Pretoria States that Northern
-growers, . and I am glad tov Ike able to inform The 3,000 wreaths and floral bill- SAVtD BY THE FIREMAN. r -fug - Say the natives around
Be,fctre bhe wedding procession on- crystal. The, bri&'s pallor disappear- ago by dairymen and fruit In the Dominica, the North-West Tor, by
tered the olluTch, the great cotrigre- ad before the conclusion, of the Care- have greatly contributed to this Lisp r,l-ies being considered as one pro- o
ga.hicta arose, and the Choir of loo many. As soon as she got beY0114 py condition of affaira. , _ vince for this purpose. You that His Royal fit * ghneas has been blemst sent for the Queea'a funeral — Laydadorp havo fisen against the
voices sang to Hi3dack's music the that Curtains she embraced her mother It has been foutad by various tests The selections received for the year- pleased to signify his acceptance of OWL S500,000. Howe a Train Escaped Capture by Boers, owing to the tatters' exactions,
woudis of the sixteenth end Steven- and the other ladiem of the party, but. conducted by the Department of Agri- IT cOmPe'tition of 1900 contained 100 the satile- I still hope that that The early publication of a life of the . Soers. and are advancing on P143teraburg,
teenth verses of the fi*rst,chapter of 61e�bride and groom did not the variet' with visit may not be considered imposal- Queen Victoria by the Marquis at Kimberley, Feb. 10.-Fuither details ------ *_
- trail salttte Culture tha,t the SOil and climate of solocted heads of y ble. lhave no doubt of the warm,th 1 -11 -no Is announced. QUEEN VICTORMS OLD FRIEND.
Ruth. other. CaAuon boomed out a hich the competitor is operating of the 'capture of the train at SJijpklIp
Tile. blue durtains were royal saluto of lot gla as thei'Varty Outaxto are allmLrably adapted for the lv '
t4en held aside boy the court officials returned to the palates.' I growth Of augar beetle. You will be Twenty -fire points were given for of the welcome w!tb wb�ob lie will L,e The Duke ol Cornwall will not be Show, that the second train was saved —
h g -ram, by weight, oLf grain of race-ised. made Prince of Wal" until he re- Jane, Lady Churchill. L."m In Her servtto
� asked to Consider whether farmers ('no through the proampt actlon of Smith, DIM Ju.6 Before We.
__ _,_________� ced to give such good quality contained in those 100 THE PACIFIC CABLE, t urim froTa Australia. the fireman of the fkat train, who.
but a tow cows of hotter quality are heads, and one point was given for "My Government has learned with The British Treasury invites Lee- rCllod Off the engine upon the first only a short time before her d"th
THE LEADING ZABIKETS , wanbod. I special attention to beet raising as U h grain which t.be 100 heads .On- 9111111 satisfaction of that progress 1)o- dera for " i8sura of X11,000,ow of ex- Queen Victoria lost a lady-in-waiting
� will justify the eetablishment of fac- an shota being fired, made a detour of
The Ruling PrIces in There is also a steady enqudxy for tortea for the prod4otion of beet root ta, in ca. � ing made with the Pacific cable ,hequ,u- boudo, with interest, atthreo several inilea, and rea,clied the line w en
BrOadStUfFS Choice veal calves. The List of successful competitors 1111pome, and I trust that nothing may Par "`t* I for forty -nix: years. This wag Jane,
and Live Stock. Good grain -fed latm[UB are wanted, Bug-, ll� gtantizig such aid for this with spring wheat for the Province of Occur to delay Its Carly Completion. It in ruDioured that Crown Prin again nearer Kirmhorloy in time to stop Lady ChuxObILI who died the other
-day for parplo 01' the a"ond train a m r Windifor.
BREADSTUFFS, ETC. awl prices were stranger to Be as may be deemed expedient. ., Last krulailmeir I m(ailp n'tour Frederick Williazoi of Prilasia will
Toron The lumber trade Is In a prosperoug Ontario is as follows: -Henry J through Canada as far The driver of the Captured train was e l ca .
-to, Feb. 12.-Wheat-Outsido the right kind, an much as 4 &4c being Wraighit, PowasBarl, V15; Charlot (a St. as Dawson marry Princeeis Env. Of Butteriberg. nlightly wounded in the shoul(ler, and ,so
markets were aborut steady. Local, Pali'd. Condition, and the revenue from woods George and Co. T or 20; Jos, K. City, and was everywhere received daughtew Of Prince4a Beatrice, the Boors 'Rent h1rd back to Warren- feeble that Alan was crampblied to
and forests continues buoyant, am- alid's Co �A,215; Mar- W, ft)TO60 her usual trips to the Coatin-
PLOYment being allumdant and .... ... eir ,Ur. J. Plorpont Morgan, of Now Lon in company with two wounded
prices were unchanged, and business 'Sh`P zLre ulleha"'ge4t, with a rath- wriges Dunlop, McDon ith unquallifted proofs of devotion , Sol -
was .dull. 13olth millers and export- KIT Light viniludry. high. The cztatiinuod guerite Dell Andrea, Goll'an Valley, an d loyalty. Dairing my journey I York, is leading his pictures, shown ,I i� re. t,The train has been brought 6 nt with the Queen and retired to
exs are holding off for the present. Ilogo axe steady and unchanged to- invetitment of her home a.t Iver about Seven miles
. Capital in the erection of SaNN u ills a $1'!; Pearl Hendrickq, Hendford,810 was from personal o4acrva(ion mutth In' Paris, to t4lp pew Whiteohapol Art back bore, but only the I roll frame antl
Quotationsi are as follows; -Red win- Illy- ffog�q to fetch the top price fords isatisfa tory evidence I , I f- Jonathan Osborne, Bla1rharripton, 1$8; impressed w�th the great activity Gallery, Loudon, to be opened MarWi frorn Windsor, There she lived until
ter, 660; Willie, 660, middle frei,KbL8; 'List 1113 Olt p[rime quality, and scale of tl h - the wheels were left. The goods it
c )a wis- ' � ' 12th. , bar death. The Queen visited h)Br re -
low no cut Edith Fleming, Jvan,hoe, $5; Bert Bond, played in th,p development C,e the min- . cootaine,d were chiefly wheat and cuts,
spring wheat, 68c; goose, 660, t below 160, nor abore 1200 Ibe. dam of requiring that logs on the us Every prison in the United Kingdom gularly when she was kn residence at
Following Crown dornain ,shall be sawn in out- Monderritya, �5; Nettie MeN. H lit), ing and agrirul,tural industries (Xf (he Practically all of which the enemy
f.redght to New York; Manitoba, No. is b110 Tamgc Of quota. cruntry, Rod with tlic, r-tibstantial in- id in a statv of keen expectation, for burned, takiLqg very little awa' with Windsor CiLatle.
own c-ountry. MoKellax, 85; Daviid Fleming, Ivan- C y
1 hard, old. gLt., 97 1-2c; No. 2, at tion's ;- . hoe, $5. � crease in its Population. The thrift. o g will Big- them. Tbe� captured train had, Jane Lady Churchill, is the "June"
Cattle. The preservation of our forpst wealth naLize his accession by no Ca- and "Jane Churchill" referred to so
93 1-2c; No� 1 bard, North Bay, 96 1-2c; 1 The foilowing is n list of the suc- enorgly, and law-abiding character ocr leaning par- cOi t, but there werel some so diperS in
and No. 2 hard, 92 1-2c. �Shippexei, par cwt. P ........ 8400 $500 ", n atteaLion of Oat: ill(, immEgra is are a subject (e Ulu (to na. an) armoureA track at Ule an(, f t h 'D requent in the Queen's book of me-
feed--Scarco and firm. Ton Butchor, choice do ....... 400 4 M my Government, and the oessful competitors with fall wh - ch d a
Mill recent set- . I M r. Frederick John Horolman, in" ira. Rho wah 74 at the time of her
Butc hor, com. as . Bartle Andrew, and Co., Sheridan, cong rix, and afford am Ile '
to good .... 350 375 Ling apart of a large for t reserve in ratulati i me in second train which came back.
lots, at the =Ill door, sell as fol- Butchi?x, interior ............ ... 275 825; Alfred Moultaim, Avanbank, Oat., proof of their usefulness as c tizvns bar for Pouryn and Falmouth, The Boers who affected, the capture death, but youthful In appies,ranne,
300 Lhe pine region surrounding Lake Te- r has purchased a Site at London Cost are said to hav(J numbered only 100,
lKmvs;-Bran, $13 to $13.50; and shorts Stmkem, pr�x owt . ...... .. � 275 325 m $20; Ambrose Higgins, Willianigrovo, of the Do minion. and she used to flatter herself on her
tl[i, west. Exp,wt Bulls, pe,r cwt .... 350 425 agaming marks another step inthis Ont., $15; C� E. Gies, Heidelberg, Ont.; OANADA'S TRiUltrpHs. iag *500,00, for the purpose of erect but they were UY heliographic corn_ resemblance to the Princess of Wales.
Corn -Dull. No. 1 American, yel- Shieep all -a Lambs, dixection, Thc Increasing Itil . Lug a li4rary to the city to contain She is said to have Possessed &more
population to New Ontaxio L,4 m $12; Albeyt J. Wheaton, Thoradale, ' "it gtv" Into great pleasure municatiod WiLh Others In )the kopjen
low, 45c; No. 3 yellow, 45c; No. 2 yel- ,Sh(�C`P, Per Owt .... ......... ... 300 330 t- to
� Lambs, pax owt. Out., #10; Willie Marray, Avening,Ont., 1`10te ill', excellent di�splay Truldo hy 6,000 volumes. I There were 88 bullet mr,irke on the intimate knowledge of couirt lifethan
liow, 44C. ............... 400 475 tew of c,�.Gn4graiuijatlan. $8; Win, J. G. Armstrong, Constance, C111111 'It the U'niwrBaI I,.xp,,i,1lon Professor &r Fe" Somon. phyKi- ollgiria. iLay Other wornaft In England but all
P,eas--Quite firm and in fair de- Mil kern and Calow. X congratulate YOU on the great ex- Ont., $5; Adarn Stevenson, Avonhank, in PaTim- Thk1 fine .quality aml vari- ciall fur diseases of the throat in (lie — 0 is she knew hall died with her as she
0o[wo, each ...... ...... ...... ... 2000 5000 pansion of the mineral industry. The ()at., 85; W. J, Dunilop, Macdonald's Olt character of Canadian natural and National Hospital for Epilepsy and DE WET FOILED. Wan Onefof the moat diacTeet an well
niand. Offerings light. No, 2 Bold. Calv", each ...... ...... ......... 200 loort mantif - n the rro- Paralysis, says Lhoro is no truth til an one 0 the most faithful of her Ma -
middle freights, at 63 1-2c; and east, l Hogs. CaTnurs, Oat., $q; G-ordou G-idte,Paris. �1111`15tri�ll Pmlucta is evidenrod by —
it L 64c. , Ch'Ace. hogs, pew Cwt ... ... 600 vince is now firmly e-stabli8hed, and Ont., $5. Um rrumb-oz of nwar-ris won ;n twarly Lhe report that King Edward Buffer" Knox Prevents Him Cro,islng Into josty'a laAlea-in-waffing.
626 materially aided by the discovery of from cancer of the throat. "A s,..an- She was taU and slight her dark
Bar1e,v-FIrm4 No, 2, Cast. 42c; and bight hogs, par owt ... ...... 550 575 - CvVrY Clans of the eompohlion. Jt Cape Colony.
riii4ribe freights, 41 1-2c; No. 3extra, IICav*y hogs, Pew owt. ... 550 575 large bodies Qf conveniently situated dalous Invention and ridiculous ru, hair was streaked with gray and she
CIDER IN EUROPE. is a re-mArkable testimony to tb,- ef- London, Feb. 10. -The Weekly De- was a Iways noted for strictness of
cast; and ';(Avs n 0coten. re- foctivriless. of ouT cold storinge trans- Port. " are his words. 9patc,h states it has good ground for
40 1-2c; 39 1-2c, middle I ......... ...... ...... ...... ... 350 400 hematLte ore I. the Michi
Following the piri-cedoot of George sa Ideas on till questions of deportmeat.
freights. Choice heavy matting bar- 6bR9fl ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 200 225 gion. The making of the firi3t open- The Irev'rnae 11a, invaileil 01ke Lnit-1 of PoTtation facililieS that frv.sh fruit yLng that inforinatioa in being ro- ,,ho
--- hearth steel In Me ]Province, and the IV., King I!;dwaxd has resigned �hc ce , was in a measure the means of
Jay is wanted by Ontario malL%ters. Buffalo, Feb. Beer Anil I lkr 11olne Or %Vine. g1rOwn Irk Canada secured a argo ivod ill an aulhoTitativo quarter in acquainting the Queen with the news
�>_ I1$.-FlourQuiaL and establishment on the upper lakes Of Th,� cousunipt ion of bi�ex in Germany nUmber of the high,,si awir,19, it is office OJ GraTA Nttr�ter of i'recrria,ons binflon that Commandant Do Wet late of all that happened in the outside
I R -ye -Steady. Car lots, 47c, west, s teady. Wheat-SprLag ILEnits un- the fIrSt line pt stea-mors to carry the hasdouble(l in the past twenty year S. extremely gratify1mg to ob�-jerve t. ha I. in Englan,l. which lie has held since On Friday attt-inpti�d to vsq,ape along
and 4&, cast. Changed, fair onquiry, No. I North- ore from cur: ovvii niiiies to the Frnelt- It hi now said to be 125 hires R year a RA R r1l'-sult Of tile display 18 4. . MN will ret,aiin h6i connection world a.nd frequently acted for bar
of Cana- w ill Masonry under the prolbable tit Iv 01., Sinithfield-Ilethultv road, but was , hen the sovereign desired to do game
Buckwheat - D.ormand light. Car eTn, old, $'Mal] tott, 83 7-8c; Na. I ors of our own Province, axe evenLs head of the Whodo poptulaticm. diAn rf�solr rose , Cona iderriNp foreign f ' ProLoctor, It is ex foiled by a sirongt�oily,(�tm-ouir4.,%4kjl)- cour
lots, west, are quoted at 49c, and cast, Northern, new, d1o., 83 3-8c. Winter significant of substantial progress. In France, on the other hand, wine ('All-Fital hIL9 fourn4l H8 way to C,ina(la a .pectod the lwko tesy or show sonic kkDdneas not
, quen(IY, KI)OX �tltvi'(Pted llnolfwr altogether Compatible with her rank.
f�r inveerw�nt, and Inrpp orders movel"',
4 L 50c, 1 wboat-Unsettled; No. 2 red, quot d Nickel and copper mining is more ne- i.4 j, be, national beverage; and the use "
Oats -Firm. No, I white, east, 29c, e of Gonnaught. will be nomiLn'10,1 to n t, �, h vro u Pon De W �. t r,, t rva t- 8he remained in the Queou'a service
at 79c; No. 1 white and mixed, 76 1-2 Live than at any previous time, and of it is Inore extensive than ever since. from foroign countrip.m bqve loven re- ourcev-d His 2%,jesty as Urand Nlai_ "
- t1be recovery of the country from the c�eivtv,d for Ca-lintlian goodR. ter. . land tx;r1er unLil the time of bar death although
No. 2 wlitte, north and west, 28c. to 77c, tTack, Buffalo, Corrk--Fir ; U is gratifying to knluw that addition d. Lin'; W48 (�101 'Ivvr Lilt- It'LlUt-
Flour-Quidt. Export agents bid No. 2 yelPc,,, 4-1 &4C asked; No. ado, al wokkH for treatment of these ores ravages of phylloxera. ST. LAWW-WMI ROUTE. ANrUED STATES --------- 4P.— (or the previous two or three years
$2.60 for straight roller, in buyers' 41 I -2c. bid ; No. 2 corn, 41 1-2c; No. 3 are being crectad in different parts New Xork hati a Chinese news- she had been oompolled to give up
bags. riliddle freights, and 02.65 Notywitlistailding the Inexeased use "TI)v improvement of the St. Law- pa PC r. First copy appeared this 13,000 DEAD. some of her dut4ce. Her soa Lord
is do, 4d 1-4o bid. OaLs--Stjandy; Nor. 2 of the Province. of beer In Germa,riy, ,and of wine. in rvnce route continn(,s to engage the week. — Oburchill be a page, and is now
asked by the nitills, which do not do whRe, 301-2c; No. 3,do, 293-4 to 30c; Acting on th,e alithoirty given to the France, both Countries are going into way ciaTedul attention of my Govern- lordAn-w-ft`,L�
their own exporting. Choice brand,, NO. 2 mi-ired, 27 3-4o; No. 3 do, 27 14c, (;Overnmeut hy t he a ppropria f ion made A compaq In San Francisco, bas The Total Cost In Human Lire of a _____e.._ _ _
(ire quoted from 10 to, l5c above these the buisineas of manufacturing and racut. Ditring the post Year Rhip Obtained a monopoly of the aalL out- the War to Date
th-rough billed. Barley -Light an- for exploring that part of the Provinoe drin-king cider. France has made ci- chllyrnelA b d ti (loop- put on the Pacific 00"t. A dempotch frorn 1-ndon m,ky,4_Tbe FISHERIES OF CANADA.
figures, quiry, but nothing done. Rye -Dull ; lying towards Hudson's Bayt exPlOTa- der for ruany years, but it is almost .a ip�rvtul, additiKmal lights anti buoys omea Birth, while working in n War Office lmsuo4 a very heavy South — ''
DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. No. 2, 65 IL2 to 59c; on track; No. 1, tion parties spent the, greater part Of now industry in Cerroany. Both na- havlo been provi4lM, an (I In a ,%ho rt J hey A,e the 12-9 RX1.1-1- to in.
Ile ro a to, Feb. 12 -Dressed hogs aril in store, 57c asked. the Summer in investigating the agri- tions like oWer and are drinking more time thrze will be telegraph And cable drain. fell over Lhe precipice of Nla- African o.asualty hat om W4,dnq��Iay, W.rld.
cOmminnication with Bellf� 1�91 , garN River, on the American side, and showing in addition to 13 kiiietl nnd
scarce and about steady at f7.25 -for Chicago, Feb. 12. -Wheat was irre.- cultural, forest, and mintral reeources ali'd ul,r, of Uy�cthoulgb Che increasing rhese was killed. Horii are some general faits about
carl lots, on track ,tiere. On the street gular to -day. averaged firm, and dlos- ", e
prices were firmer at, $8 to 18.26. Pro- ad 1-4,c up, with the assiataLnee of Jib Alcting on Lho allthority given to the quantity doeW,%ot seem, to diminish add i tiona I smux I t lots w il I t e n I t a rnake 77 wounded in action, 82 doath,4 front ttm fisheries of Canada, condensed
_ ' The Standard Oil Company haA d,� diAea" during present mKonth.
thom, The, results of their enquiries th,e consumption of their national bev- 9R NIT and r- fficiont than e vor olir clarcA a $20,000,000 dividend, which is Latit rnKxn&h BI tyffic4tra and ROO non -
Visions active and fu -m. oral export engagementa reported will he laid before you. MO c e bet wet from th,, report of the Department of
Quotations for provisions are as fol- near the cod of the session. Corn ad- -'rages. g-roat wate�rway ,n the lake.s aupposiwl to represent the earnings of aammimilmod officers and m,,n ,v, -r,, Marine Just issued. Our fisheries are
iowa;-Dry §alteitl shoulders, 8c; long ,Dtlrmg the past year extensive alter- Ili three months beginning with Sep- and the Atlantic. tli� rn,�t extensive in the world. The
0k,ar bacon, loose, id car lots, too, and ranced 1-2c, and Oats a Shade. ations have been undertaken in tember last 4,100 Carloads of apples "I am glad to observe that the re- the company for the final quarter, Of killp�l in action Or dic,d from diffe-o. as
c - last year, The tutal d4-ath Imt from the lwwLti. .1 tern sea coast Of the Maritime
I . '. I - Duluth, Feb. 12.-Whe,at-Cash, No. ncotlo14 with the blvildings at Cobofrg arrived at Stuttgart alone for the cl- 70nue ala<l the KPneral volume of Pr�ovinc�a from the Bair of Fundy to
in, case lots, 10 1-4 to 10 1-2o; Short out I hard, 75 3-8c; No. I Northern, 78 3-&-, ' It i4 annotmood that Mr. Andrew naig ,,( the w.,r alkm,s 12,9mit �wtiol,m.
pork,. $19.5D to #W; heavy mesa, 618 to No. 2 Nortber4, 68 1-8 to Weat the Wrgemt demamd for addi- (ter anilts of that city. Some of the trade co,ritinue undilprninishe(l, and even Oarnegie haa sold out hill interest in I ho St ra its (At Belle Isle covers a Me -
$19., , I . to 09 3__8c; Haunt .co.mm atfdu for the itiatine, apples were raitsed in Germany, most "111w a moderate torrease over thn ------- .*- — (ance of 5,600 miles, and that of Brit -
Smoked moats --gams, heavy, May, 70 &-So; July, 77 14c. corn -36 t am pleased to Inform you that these of1bern im 11�4;rin anti the Rhine pro- very layge fiKnrf-4 attai-nNI during the Clarnegic St"I Company to Mr. J ,ph (Iolumbia im given at 7,190 miles.
12c; ,1�60- Oata-26 14 to 27c. Piexpont Morgan and IlLs amso,,tt , s, RFCRUIfING BRISK
medidin. 12 1-2 to 13c; light, 18o; break- 61terations are well a0shead, and wJ1, Vinces, but a far larger number came the P"At Y"r. arm] peace Is r(�storod km the Unitvd rho salt water inshore area covers.
fa,Bt bacon, f3a; picnic barna, 10c; roll LEFT TO KIN_G_ I truAt, be com1pleteA before the close train other countries. Belgium and Metisurt.4 wRl he submitte,l to you Statee steel trade. I hree Union Liners Taken to over 1.500 square mileA, the fresh wat;-
I)acon, Ile; smirked backs, 12c. All , DOWARD. ol� the earreprit yfeari flit4a Providing 11011and sent 1,115 enrloada, Franoc far the be,tteT RUPQTvWx)n of the �x ,A' new company In to ptit n fleet ,,( Transport Reinforcements 1,-r area (A the great lakes belong-
men tit out of pkiele In least than prictas — ample facilities 60farag the demands L,2N, Austria-Hungary 340, Italy (170, poilt trade of food profluctq, and also large new sugar-oarrykng sleam0l,ps � ,lenpatob from London Aityq, - 'rw t,� Canada is ouinglinted at P2,708
quoted far am,oked ra,eats. rhe Queen's Will Gives Balmoral for the arcitiramods,toili att,1 'treatment ii.n,d even far-awa-y Spain oontribut- in co,rinect-lon with ttx- po,st-offiep, the an the New York4lonolurlu-Sin Frrtn. lh,- GOVPTnrn�nt hig rs,qut�itioriod �quarp ralleR. not imeluding the num-
q�Ard-Tteroeil, 10o; tubs, 10 to I 10 1-4c; and Osborne to the King. of this umf6ftnalatc 61aAff Of Our POPU- ed tort -y carloads. Ais arich lead of Pacific, nab&, and vari,ryus other Bob,- , lsco roate, running a Ateamer ev,,ry three of (N- Un,on ORAtle Liners to 'ro"' lakes of Manitoba and the Ter -
pails, 10 1-4 to 10 1-20. A despatch frorm London sAy,;-- Intion at present requgre. C , APPIOR WILS WeTth about $2W, the three JeCtA." two weak&, to make t_hA trip from -7 � nepor t reinfore,enwirits to "uth ,rtori,�m, all 9tooked with excellent
ILIVE STOCK AUR"TS. Tdie World Staten defirnitely that'the Youll, attelation in again invited to months' shipments fro Lhe Stuttgart After listpurling to the Rp�r�h Kind Now Yorrk in 58 days via San Fran" Nrrinji. Tho mmount department ts %["Ps of food fish.
Toronto, Ifeb. 12.--U thei western Mlaiotral "tate In Scotland and the thr present relative $trisdictfoa of the cider mills represented a large nuu) Ns"Ing 11" address ,yf eon,lol,,nee to olsoo. itar,orn.monly nctiv,e, An ntrentA 1,ay Lant yt�ar 79.80 wain earned their
cattle markelt t" � CO`uTt8 Of tbA Province and (if their Hin Majesty, the Roxw of 0orimnons L71111100d In mr fisheries, using net&
. ay the receipts OdbOTW estate in the lisle of Wight of mOney. Them, ntatitrittion apply only GMHFbA,L. ow Inraely in sq-veral vtrtg of the
timountod�lq 35 C-arloads of live mitock, wore berltiteathed by Queen Victoria leallective judges and to the sugge8- to one city, ,and th,sre are many other tidjanTne4 until W,nday and gear r spresent.10.0 a ralue at $10,-
incluAi ng 670 cattle, 600 hogs. 140 Sheep to King Edward. The hubonile, plague rages at Fto - ,,,, r 1,1 Foilo-ing y119tQTdAy'A \\ If
Thimid properd<ls tions of txporfenice for furth6r, pro- towns in Gerrunmy thmt are active in - uition Inland, South Africa (M,(- nilromn-mo-ni, tPerulting to- 000,000. Nearky 1.200 schooners and
arml lambA, 20 balves, au4d A tow aIlJoil a,m too large and exponatv,a far any- mot"19 the efficient, prompt, rind In- aid,r making, The bu,,,friess i� suld to AIN INC0Ns[.,;TFNT LIAR. (agn were employed, and A000 b0s.ts.
� ,All Lhip soldiers fro Frrrri�b garrisons ,i,,y w,A brisk. 'rho lobstar plant is valued at 4I.-
V,O%vm. I I orno to keep trip except the Kim g. 1"We expensive ridminEstration of justice be developing mk'mt rnpl,lly through- Flogling-Oh, well, rill horap 1-ders am to be taught allorthand
k * I The. derrizind for shipping cattle was sinall ho"ses at Osbdrm, which are throughout the Province. 1 out Wurtemburg. are more, or lent; tricky. Arcording to adeApatch from Cape 334,180. comprising 868 cannerioa
light, at anobwagod steady. prices ; as connected by an undergr6und pao- The evidence thken before the poyal While Germany Imports most of her Goaling-Yes, but tbia one was the Town, a eniom a,* what( Is Nuspeot,ed to TWO CASES OF PLAGUE wattored alcue the seabKxard Of the
mue h an 5c per pound was Paid for riage., We.re left to Primeess Beatrice. Oornmission appointed to examine and cider apples, France raLing her own most bold-faced liar I evor Raw. FlrRt byA bubonir plagme hax developed Maritime PrOvinces, and the trade
choice cattle. The World aldo. an." that it has report upon the n4se&knerrt I&vvs of u pply, Quite a number of the north- lip fold me the harme was Perfectly tivers, - I Discovered on the Docks Kt Cape ,capi.yimg 18,708 pervanx.
There 0911 4 fair =Uvementt 14 90M authority for Stating that ill(. the Pr4bvince will be laid before yo -ft, ,rn rind oentral Departmentq, have Round. and In th� v�ry next breath The Intenowly cold weather Pre- Town. The "Imon prreservilng induattry of
but,abort cattle, and prices ,wBre not Queen left X140,000 mch to the Duke find leglaintion dealing v7ftN name plantod many thousands of apple tre,es he adnikt,,d it wan well+r.-ken. Vatting at 00trifirin A d,,spat�b from C�p,, To�n, oa,tii British ColliumbLa, conaprbiling 69 can-
quotnbly, altered. phemn of municipal taxation will be imi causing wl,ip- T �. �ns. 0 f the buboni c p I agur h a v A nerien and rapremerittIng a owital of
Good to choloe cat- off Conmitight and Pirinmemses Louise, in the past few yeaTe. The cider crop -_ spread froffering. There Wive been -
tle was Scares, and prioeil were firta at Ohri0laon, atid Beatrice, in ltdilltion NrIbmitted for your approval, enme-q from sixty-fivo Departtrinntri, AN ARTISTIC DISTIN(710N over Ono- hundred deathm tberp train N��n AiRmvpred on the Kinnica here $1.380,000. gi," employment tt) 18.9n
4 to 4 1.4c per IN tot the bmt istaft. to the IarV 6ums her Majesty set- Mea,surm %vill Ile submitted for aid- but more tb" halt of it Lq darivod Mr. Sapped4gh-Mr. Woo7.An seems the cold- Ee is taken to ii,,,Qda�
ing in Ulan improvement of Vablio high. Prevent Ltw apreaA of the plague. The Du,iTw the year 1899 the deep sea
Commoner *little, h0W6vbr, we^ not A tied upon them da,risIg her lifetime. wri ya, for the onoonragement of the from Normazitl]r and Brittany. Nearly badly smitten on thnt young lady 0
ready sale, and Priem had a somewhat Her ItfAjonty also prorrided JOT her trade in dreiiaed Meat for the Buro. a U the cider is for Name consumption pianist. Mupdc halb charms, you A RFMARKARLE TITINF31,F ailthoritiM are very reticent regar-i- fisherruon roceived the Rum art 111160,-1
lower tevAeubr. I , t datrightl%r-in-la1w, the Duchem oit Al- a Ing t h, ("A" that ha,470 appeared. Sev- 114)(t All riAhLng briontle4t. Of this Norm
ba u y. Her L*wellery wad perfmal I e rn F�Cotja rooei"d $106,5N, Quabeo $M�-
Fort stock -b" aM teedeM there was Peso market, for abollilhifng tolls on ad the Imports "tric"Ont to T04 little- know. Th Qu,,on of Riam ban a rqmnrk I I xprenA the
R light eniUfrY at ul*b#nged prices. wnnTrl)MtAf, all ad which are extremely public hlvrh*aYa Mul bridges& for fitir- Tbn cider mblis of France are 6ow able '� h im b I". � lijob "Re given to her dU ... AA,, ha�,? been kille.i. The moat q65. N�- Brunawijk, 01&514, and
liteecipts *ere Italit, I � valuable, she divided ftrIalms b,or tber encouraging technfaM eduofttl6n trityrring cat over IKOOO,000 gallons of Mins Gabbeialti-Serai -and in this by ll�r husband It I eliol,ty iAofforir4r thre,epprice p�r hwLd prtnep Foiward Island $7,82L
and for consolidating thep 'I cide.r a yoar ; so between whrio Kind el- Cane It frinat be� the music ,ehlob hatb in the to,rm ni a lotiris bud, fh� Ri. if,r the rodeatis.
. TJWrO Waftl-little dbink in export dalightera, daughtours-in-larv, end r"Pect tar`p'�blfc and high ,Ikw^,,witb dfKr aU F'rerrichnion of high or lowde- the, charma. I �'. rn4xs,; flownr, and lf4 thickly Rttiddftd ; . 8,nco tho ineeption of ills tt�ounty
Ob" . end 1. . I 0 tom in
erent tongues with dianowirts, which are arranged I Irnah bomw conitim with "me little 'ky 81882 the bottal mum of #2,-
bullsg Mbd fisw horo!; prices ranged grAn4j_4In,aghtXKr4. King FAward rill to Ijillaor liaeago& I I irr" have pffmty to drink -withbut re,. To be ire a t1p , 1 84,
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