HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-02-15, Page 5,- .r-•.,...ern.T.-. s-- ;7F-17*�r�7fpraff" r•.,,,y,+r.-a.,- -
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t6flrudru XtraorUInirll S611inu
D 4
best value in desirable and new plain this to be ve
' -$aodf3 we have
ever offered at popular price. bead )
40 pieces of 86 to 40 (aches wide New Plain French -Dress Sergee
or Sui Loge, all pore wool and tie ry fraahionablo or desirable 9811.
c. ler, a beautiful cloth and special at per yard `u,
9)0 yards of New American Chinchilla Cloth or a Colon French
F.Runel, suitable for Dressing Jackta, Wants or D woes. Regu-
lar value per yard 20a., at 2
60 p•ira of Catton Blankets, fall double size, lo whi e or in greys.
good weight, at per pair
r. Peek had 4t44hetlee.
ljf.111 hill *divan istr,.tloil,( 1
retained the eatelnitisiun under the
tiIo ta?itrt thlrrk he wise ,eutiated to it.
ITlle detennls da040Pegled ftntfa the•
i_' tams tePOrti The appellant eon -
tended that be afbnuld e **mea. a
larger .81.11 for C001tIPfi+ ttUln or cora-'
tiltsslnn tinddistxuaententtf hag that
Allowed 11y the meaner, and that hit
should nett have been charged With
The aleil3eal Watt at-,
loweet by increasing the gene,
;Weldon to $4161. and striking out
the ;Merest' plrarg-ed against the
executor. Appeal dlemiesed as to die
btarsetzrenit's a-ItxifttM} by' defenddirnt;�
There Were fro eo,te of appeal. Tile
jtldganent In accordance with (apart ail
amendr+d ghee( Costa to plaintiff* up
to the hearing. Each party to hear
leis own costs of the reference.
Men's'ur Coats, Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes at
clearing prices.
Saskatchewan Robes and Grey Robes.
W. Acheson (*.Son
ire Gobetich Star.
FRIDAY, FEB. 15 1901.
An Old Huron Boy's Testimony
to Our Late Queen.
Mr. James Johnston. of West Wa-
wenosh, sends THE STAR a letter he
received from a former Huron boy,
now In Boston, whose parents are well
known in this county. As Mr. John•
ston well observes, "this eloquent
tribute to the unanimously rick now•
ledged merit of our late lamented
sovereign but truly voices the senti-
ments of Britieh subjects in all parte
of the world." In his letter the w•ricer
says :
jUv dear friend. Mr. Johnston. -
1 write you a few lines. to inform
you that, although the British flag is
not the one floating over our city, yet
the Stara and Stripes are at half utast,
and 1 sympathize with you in our
C0111111011 sofrow. The long lines of
wires have carried the message
throughout the habitable earth, "The
Queen is dead," and the world mourns.
There is sorrow in every land ; prince
and peasant, royalist rind repuleres t,
and races differing in complexion and
in creed are linked together by a cons
gr ref. At the heart of humanity
theta is a greet eon. that seeks to ex•
press itself in lender tributes to her
Around her coffin in stately march,
moves t he Queen's grenadiers ; around
the sot Id sweeps the Queen's fleet,
and through the Queen's streets the
Queen's soldiers shall bear her remains
to their last resting place. Her reign
has been one of righteousness. per'sun-
sivenesss and rectitude. Her moon
trent is the British Empire. whose
boundaries are world-wide, and whose
people rejoice in the possession of free
dow, intelligence and the old Saxon
spirit of conquering energy. and future
generations will, more than the present.
regard the Empire as her memorial.
Her reign wire like the dawn of a
beautiful morn, and has become as n
beautiful morn after the reign.
Victoria was n Christian woman
with the weight of E npires upon her
shoulders. She received her tuiH stun
from God, and from her throne pro-
ceeded i r nsne s and
coed .d a rule of r hteo e
hmnnge to God. •
When Lord Russel's ultimatum in
the Mtteru and Slidell affair. which
would, If allowed In go into effect..
have caused hostility between Great
Britain and the United States, the
Queen raised her hand and refused
to sign and bade hint pause, and
begged the noble Lord to wait, and
with her clear vissiun she saw that
the English speaking peoples have
everything to gain ny peace among
The Queen is dead—"Long live the
King." May he be true to the nsnte
Edward, descending from Edward. the
name of the eon of Alfred: 1 cru glad
that, i was born under the British flag,
with such a noble monarch t,o uphold
it, and to yon, as one of the active
supporters of the Queen's policy, i
Lender tnv tribute in her behalf.
Fraternally yours,
Alpert Arthur Walsh,
A Thamesville lady says. "I was in
veru poor health and very nervous,
suffered much from distress in my
stomach, and choking sensation in my
;rout. Doctors failed to relieve me.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills cured
tire." The weak, fluttering heart lie
cornea strong and regular when Mil•
ler's compound Iron Pills Bre used.
Only 25 cents for 60 doses. Cor sale
by all druggists.
He's Not That Kind Of a. Patriot
Toronto Telegram.
De Wet does not want to stay in the
British Empire. Neither did Dan Mc•
(ifllicuddy, Esq. A dredging contract
restored Mr. McGillicuddy to the Old
Flag, and Lord Kitchener should try
the effect of to subsidy on Mr. De Wet,
A Successful Business Man's
W. .1 Ferguson, of the Arcade,
etratford, ono of the most AUG,
centre' morebanta In Ontario.
when anted one day last weak
about business, eald he regarded
tho printer are contributing largely
to his eteeesa. "There Is no
money 1 pay out on eheorfully,"
he Held, "as tho money 1 pay to tho
newspaper publishers. It always bring•
nye rotnrn•. ind 1 pay the printer's bill
as cheerfully no I pay the baker's-"
This is the practical opinion of ono of
the Classic City's shrewdest bualnoss
mon, and it la a lesson for non -adror.
W bleb Show t heel? emarkable Pro
cress Made in the Past Century.
Toronto, Jan. 23rd, 1901
Dealt Mrt. Enrrott;-In many re-
5pel•ts the 19rh cent v, rout especially:
the Vlet: ttail Et n, has been remark
altle, but in none mere so than in the
unexampled expansion of Futelgn
Mission enterprise, The following
figures and facts make this apparent
and kindle bright Impost. almost exul
latiou. in the minds of all who look
and long for the universal reign of the
Prince of Peace.
At the beginning of the century
here were six !(fission societies, num
there aro 837, including \Vumaut••
The total annutnt contributed for
this a hundred yetu•s ago was $75 000.
Last. veru% contributions amounted le
There are 1000,000,000 of people iri
the world, and the Rifle has beet
translated in whole or in part, into the
language of 1200,000.000, su that three
fourths of the world's population coo
now have the bible in their owr,
There ate now 22,000.(00 children at
tending Sabbath School, and of these
about 1,(YJ0,00 are in Foreign] MIsskit,
Fields. and of these 140,000 are in Mis
siou College Institutes and High
At the beginning of the century
there were no native Evangelists
while now there are 77,:3;38 datives
teaching the gospel to their own peo-
There were then no Bible Societies.
now thele are 80, and the Brit nth and
Foreign Bible Society aluue issues font
and one half millions of bibles or per
tions of bibles a veer.
There are fourteen great Nationa'
Student, nr•ganizatic.ns, cotnprieinp
fourteen hundred separate organize
t.inn., with a total membership ot
nearly 80.000 students and professot.
who are studying missions and pre
paring for Foreign Mission work.
There are no Foreign Mission cotn-
ruuuton rolls 1,317,084 names, if we in-
clude (thele who have abandoned
their idols and who, all hough not nt,
the communion roll, are under Chris
Lion instruction, the total is 4.414,280
The first \ n n
1rs t V rn n s Foreign biissin^
Soe•iety in England, was organized 11
1834. The first in A,•erica was or
grtnized in 1801. There are now 21*
Woman's Societies, and they contri
hilted bast year about $4,000,000.
Then one-third of the world w to un
known. The social, moral and spirit
ual conditions tire now known. There
is rapid comnntnic'ntion by railroad.
steamship and electricity. Piintiug ie
rapid and inexpensive.
Beginning with such facilities,
knowledge, and nrvanizntron, what
will the p1esetit century bring foetid -
All things are possible to Llim who
leads His hosts to certain victory.
Let us be coin borers with Him.
Foreign Mission Sec'y.
Confederlt:on Life Bldg., Tot onto.
Sleeplessness.—When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given up
In wretchedness, when the mind 1F
tilled with gloom and dismal forehod
logs, the result of derangement of the
digesSive ergcnn, sleeplessness corner
to add to tete distress. If only the
subject c•ot,bl sleep, there would be
oblivion for a while and tenlpnrars
relief. Pau'nutlee's Vegetable Pills,
will not only induce sleep, but will no
so beneficially th.tt the subject will
wake refreshed and restored to happi
A WILL CASE,—The case of Hayter
vs. Peck, which was t.rieci in Toronto
recently, arose out of the adulinistre•
tion of the estate of the late Henry
Johnson, of Stanley. The plaintiff -
were Joseph Hayter and Jane John
8071, the grandchild' en and legatees,
and the defendant John Peck, the
surviving executor of the will. In
1883 Mr, Peck had passed his accounts
Before Judge Torus, who had road.
the usual order allowing Mr. Peck Ihr
te,tll commission for future, in addi-
tion to past., work ata cer (tin perceut-
nke. Mr. Peck accordingly continued
to deduct Itis commission annually up
to the time the plaintiffs came of age.
when a dtstrihuuon was made of the
estate. with the exception of a sum 10
secure the widow's annuity, and the
plaint:fls vrnnted to the defendant a
release of all claims except the hast
mentioned sum. After the death o1
the widow, the plaintiffs alleged
losses ',n the estate suffered by defend-
ant, also over cher'ge8 of commission,
end asked an arconnt, the setting as'de
of Judge Toms' order and the telease
a The hearing of the cut e was
gr int g
reterte(1 to Ihe local master ut Go le -
rich, who reduced 1 he commission by
about one half and charged the de-
fendant with 0456 interest on conlnties
ion which he found to he improperly
retained. The report further found
vc oi Vdl6othiesBell ephone Co.
QQ Don'tTelcis poor Telephone
"0 door to your businetres by allow -
AT ing Non Subscribers to nae your
TPlepbone. When ctstnmere
OM Booh store' call yon uhove been told ThP
� Line 19 ]n use. .
it is unnecessary to repeat Geo. Porter,
Phone Nn. tae, local Mtsnnger
that Valentines are all the rage itA�: ;•,�1, a re".74
again, and as usual this Store has all the Newest and most
Artistic ones, selected from the English, French and Yankee
Children's Valentines from is to 2oc.
Others Range from sc to hoc..
b • Store Closes 6.30 p. m..
Tstarktot1* Itik too a.
axalthwatte's Brlead Itee.lv'd a Wereitarie
r Teas Wes $uetswlat RgrW*g.t
"O, you're )tr. Bratthwalte'a mead
tten't know you. but 1'vo heard You're
a nice man. Do come
It was very good of Brartheratte to
have reported so favorebly'on me, but
the reception was somewhat startling.
I hope I looked modest.
"Yam all alone. you (tee, and just 11
busy. Packing up; I'll never got
through. We're oft to Cairo to -morrow.
Bit down just there, and you can help.
And she tossed me a tangle of wool.
I began to see the humor of the sit,
nation. I, a correct Engildhman, In a
small Parts salon au premier,wee hold-
ing a skein ot wool, which a halldeome
American giri, who didn't seem to con-
sider an introduction necessary„ was
deftly winding, chatting all the time
with a frankness that didn't give me a
chance to say a word.
"You do that rather well for a man'
she went on; "goodness knows how I
should have fixed it alone. You don't
look much like an angel dropped in,
but that's not your fault A little slow.
Oh, my friend, 1f you please. There!"
She tucked the ball snugly into a
little traveling case, put her hands up-
on her waist 'and straightened her
back; then looked me in the face in
the friendliest manner. 1 felt it me
duty to speak.
Now, Mies Holiday, If you can be
ceremonloue for just a minute, I'll in-
troduce myself. Braithwaite was um
able to come to -day, so he asked me to
make his adieux, to give you thla
packet, and to say you were to be very
kind to the messenger, who was his
"Candy! Th lovely man!" said Miss
Holiday. "Ye I've heard a great deal
about you, d when we've finished
packing, tog, 111 good and motherly to
you. Now, Mr. Haskell from London,
you'll be kind enough to help me wltb
this trunk."
Miss Nora Holiday was a magnifi-
cent girl.
"Alors, mon ami, you shall put those
cotton gloves for which I gave 2 franca
next the little packet you're not to
look at Now that traveling pillow
and those slippers. These books—and
there! I guess the lid won't close now.
Do you mind?"
I knelt upon the lid, which, after seg•
eral attempts, we succeeded in catch-
ing, and Mise Holiday arose, with •
handsome flush on her face.
"There," she said, "ft's just too bad
of me to make you work like that, but
you've been very good, and you shall
have some tea and some of Mr. Braltlr
walte's candy."
By this time I was in no burry to
leave. This young lady from Salt
Lake, with her frank, free manners,
her intuitive breeding, was like a pine
laden breeze, of which one involuntar
Ily breathes deep, and American slang,
after all, was no worse than I had
been accustomed to hear from erre'
proachable Englfeh ladies.
We sat down on either side of the
table to a most successful and discus-
sive tea. I took my cue from her con-
versation, and found I might be as um
embarrassed as she was.
She spoke of Cairo. t didn't ktfow
Cairo. Oh, but 1 ought to. That, I
said, probably exclaimed my ignor-
ance. Oh, but I must, she replied. I
subjected myself to Kismet; did oho
Intend to remainlong?
in Cairo
"All the winter, I guess, If the men
will let me.They're a terriblelot0
men, They think every American girl
has heaps of money. They lust worry
you to death."
I clothed myself In ignorance, and
asked In what way?
"Oh, they make no secret of It" she
replied, laughing. "They have embar-
rassed estates, or 'scutchoons that
need regilding. They want money.
They offer you a mine of affection—
but they get no affection of mine."
"Then you anticipate being asked
shortly to share five centuries of title
and a decayed ,castle somewhere in
"Oh, no," Miss Holiday replied. "I
always tell them I'm a Mormon, and
entail a score of mothers -In-law. Of
course, it isn't true; but they know
I'm from Salt Lake, and that putt
them off."
"And will the bearer of a score of
gnarterings be afraid of quartering e
score of mothers-in-law?" I asked.
"There is no question with mothers -
In -law," M1sa Holiday retorted, paus,
Ing as she opened Braithwaite's box of
candy, and making a little moue that
passed like a ripple round her mouth
and was lost In the smile that fol
"But the funniest thing," she eon.
tlnued, "was an old Dutch connt,whose
estates had been flooded. He wanted
to pump them out, or something. Well,
he asked Cottle McClellan and Edna
Stacey, and they said they weren't
rich enough. Then he came to me,
and I had to tell him I'd just started
a scheme for transplanting oysters ta-
to Salt Lake, and that till the pearl
harvest came, I was hard up. That
broke hem right up, and he told them
all at Shepherd's I was mad. Well,
after that i swore I'd never let a man
propose to me at Cairo again."
"But if one day Cupid came to
Cairo?" I asked.
"Then 1f I were at Cairo, i should be
e -opt at home," she replied.
Now, if Wee Nora Holiday thought
she cored match Elle so easily as that
she was mistaken- 1 had been a bach,
elor long enough to know my own
mind when the time 'came; and that
the time had come I knew as well as
1t it had been proclaimed to me by
gpecial revelation.
li whim came into my head. I rose
to take mg leave, reached my hat and
at the door turned.
"Miss Holiday," I said, "do you bet7"
"Why, what do you mean, Mr. Has
"This," i replied. "1 will bet you a
dozen of gloves against a tete-a-tete
slipper the next time we meet In Perla
that before you've been In Cairo a
week, Salt Lake or no Salt Lake, some
span will hay° asked you to marry him.
1 don't insist on !h• title sir the Dutch
submarine estate, but poor he will be,
Within a week, mind. bo you take
"It's* a bet," said Miss Holiday, tab
Ing my hand.
"Then goodby."
On my way home I called on Breath(
"I've come to bid you farewell," 1
"Farewell?" said Draithwaltt,
"where the deuce are you gots g?"
"Off to Cairo in the morhing," I r•
' Stioks•
111rr.Q.11*!a.. s#r1M 441,014 0411litiOn0.19.11101190=�/R�tllf�NIttll
We ere red ttt•ing our prloes on llockey Skaiea';ltdSticks to NHAIt1.4"I
CULT. Look tit thew$ priceih .. a .
(j%, "Use Utle" Mane It It,?ik **nett*
•, a, - t'JaateReeser ""'ILA •" $(cal.
yeats'$" tar UM.
(tants' ,Putted Sprats.. " .5100, " etas.
• Soya' Ptated Hooker* " $1.80, " 5e. •
.• DOW ltooltaysaz,YGb.end 011eWere Depis 1.111,
IJaaxer Ruches af, 51.$0, were ll2.iq
A�+x�l'�h.'�>iiit#'Ialed'Ilot�tttys.stj:#i tliiy tv[4f�tXt
1411118*' Plata '" "i19D, were 51.25.
Letson' 8talsg Shakes at 610 t 51 e6, were Ile sad
-HOCKFW. STICKS-' e.. •a -
w akteir iv[ 10428c f(((elt* for 20e; 40e Stk ks for 3t5c.
Grano Floor Finish ft Leon Pollshloo 011.
Wear*** Aleuts for the above articles. and we can recommend them as
ttllearl.jelea you re& Try Gran*tlne Floor Finish en your Linoleum or
Oil Cloth.
Make your Furniture -look like new by using Lemon Polishing OIL
fly (.heir action on the sfornach, liv-
iger, rind bowel•, Miller's Worrn Pow.
dors correct all such troubles as lark
of appetite, biliousness, drowsiness,
satiety complexion, eta' nice to take.
For sale by all drnggist.s.
it the child Is restless at night. has
coated tongue, willow. completion, a
dose of Milier'a Worm Poarders is what
is required ; very pleasant and per-
fectly herniae's. For sate by all drug-
General Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
I'fut est floods nt Ilouest Price
Cure That Cough !
rimy Bare Bien Favorite Numerals
at All Timer. All the World Oyer
and Bleelo.e Spate 4...r Results
When Twisted Abeat a Ott.
Nobody has ever satisfactorily account-
ed for the popular partiality for odd num-
bers. "This la the third time!" exclaims
Falstaff, on the occaaloo of a meats in his
relatloue with one of the merry wives
of 1Yindeor, t I 'kops good luck Iles In
odd numbere; they say there's a divinity
in odd numbers, either in satlrity,
chance or depth." And It Is scarcely
necessary to say that the belief Is much
older than Sir. John Falstaff. Three,
seven and utile appear to bave been the
favorite cumbers all the world over. The
ancient, bad three fates, three furtea end
three graces; Neptune'. trident had three
prongs, Jupiter's thunderbolt three Corks,
and Cerberus three 'heads. We hare
three estates of ,the realm. a man who
accepts q bill has three days' grace, and
three persons congregated together may
make a riot. Shakespeare was well swam
that be must hive neither more nor less
than three wttchea In "Macbeth" and
that the brindled eat must mew thrice,
and our popular folklore Insists upon three
tnerry ¢m, three blind mice and three
wise men of Cotham. Three meals •
day is the usual scale of feeding,
Of ■ more mystical character than
three Is the figure seven, or, at any rate,
It has a larger number of religious apple•
cations. Noah had seven days' warning
of the coming of tbe, flood, pud when It
came be took fowls by sevens and clean
besets by sevens Into the ark; 'the ark
touched on Mount Ararat in the seventh
month, and after seven days a dove was
sent out, followed seven days afterward
by another. In Pharaoh's dream there
were seven tat and seven lean kine,
which Joseph Interpreted to glean seven
years of plenty and seven years of fam-
ine. At the destructlpn of Jericho sev-
en priests bore seven trumpets seven
days, and on the seventh day they walked
round the city seven times, atter which
the walla tell. In the apocalypse almost
everything is seven, except the number of
the beasts. There are seven churches, seg
en golden candlesticks, seven lamps be-
fore seven spirits, the book with seven
seals, the Iamb with seven horns and sev-
en eyes, seven angels with seven seals,
seven kings, seven thunders, seven thou-
sand elaln, the dragon with seven heads
and seven crowns. sereu angels bring
seven plagues, and there are seven vials
of wrath -
In merely secular matters seven occurs
frequently enough. We have seven won-
ders of the world. seven champions of
Christendom, seven sleepers, seven wise
men, seven planets, seven deadly sins,
seven ages of than, and our ordinary
leases are made for coven or • multiple
of seven years..
But however mystically significant
three and seven iney be, they cannot lay
claim to any sock peculiarities as are the
property of the figure nine. That the
ancients had nine.muses. pine rivers In the
internal regions, a hydra with nine heads
and nine gods for Lars Pursena to swear
by, or that In modern times a cat has
nine lives, that it takes nine tailors to
snake a moo, or that possession Is nine
points of the law. are facts that pale into
insignificance after one has once sat
down with pencil and pnper to investigate
some of the special peculiarities of the
figure nine. For imitates, if you mut
('ply nine by any other number you will
find thnt the figures composing the prod-
uct when added together will always
amount to nine. Thus:
0x2-18 and 1 }1-8,
8x 8-27 and 2+7-0.
O x a - 81 end t + e - 9.
and so on to any extent On arriving at
11 times 9 we find wkat appears to be an
exception, for the digits of 09 equal 18.
But It will be observed that 18 Is a mut
tiple of 9 and, moreover, that the figures
composing It add np to 9. Another pe
cutlarity ot thio Agora le discovered by
taking any numbet of two figures of
which the first figure Is of greater value
than the second, &vat -stag these figures
and then subtracting the nember thus ob
tamed from the prlgine) number. R'hat-
erer figures we may take, the result will
always be 0 or some multiple of 9. The
smallest possiblenumber of two figures
of which the first ,figure Is larger than
the second Is 21. Reverse the figures.
and we get 12. Subtroct 12 from 21, nnd
the remainder is 9. The largest similar
number is 98. Reverse these, and we get
80. Subtract 89 from 98, and again the
retnnlnder is found to be 9.
Or let us take a case Io which 9 coat
bines with the mystic 7. Tbc number 05 Is
not divisible by 9. But It we odd 7 to It.
either in front when it makes 7059, or in
the middle, when it makes 675. or nt the
end• when ft makes (167, we shall find
that every one of these numbers is dives
Me by 9. It is not every number which
can thus be dealt with. end the render
mny And en evenings entertelnment In
trying to puzzle out the reason why. An
example of s higher number may be civ
en by wny of a little assistance: 890,573
Is not dlvlsible by 9, but If the mystic
7 be added to It, either 1n front, where It
raises the amount by 7,090,000. or In
any other position, each on. of the eight
various amounts which may thus be ob
talned becomes divisible by 9.
The fact con be verified by any child
who has mastered the first four rules of
arithmetic, but the espisnallon of It 1a
another matter. To Senior Wranglers or
even to Junior Optlmes there may be
nothing very myetertous about an this.
And It may be that It any of ss would
only pot himself through a course of the
higher algebra, digest the Integral eaten
lus and master s few 'muslin/ treatises
on the theory of ditferenees eft thnt now
seem. so perplesina in the matter would
become as d9'o sr the multiplication t•
Palpitation of the henrt• is n symp-
tom of stomach trouble or great weak -
mess, and is promptly cured by Miller's
Compound iron Pills One after each
meal. People who are debilitated and
who lack energy as a result of over-
work, care and anxiety, will recover
quickly by tabling Miller's Compound
lion Pills. Q6 gents for fifty doges.
For sale by all drgggleta.
Oan you afford to do without Ten
&raw P
R'o have from Sti to1NIRorent patent
Cough Remedies
in stock. A11 the best known ones and many
other's, ..
Wo know of ohne which ha. given raoro
milver.,n1 satlsfant lou after several years
of selling, than has our
Dr, Cooper's Cough
Emulsion -_O
Prompt, Plo.isunt act] Effective
• . Small Dose --Tri It. .
E. N1GK Drug Store.
"Always the BEST at HICK'S,"
['he Pearl
S Iver Steel
Coal Range, and the
Art Amherst Heater
'are the -best toves ' in i
the market, tor sale
only by
Trousgr gai6 Now
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts.
Short Bread and Cream Rolls.
Mince Pies arid Lady Fingers.
Kisses, Macaroons, Malangaaa.
Brandy Snare, etc.
Are as good as the beet made In any
City in Canada.
Cfantelon leads the trade in
.n fancy designing, and ornamenting
and almond icing. Give hint an order
and your satisfaction will bo assured.
r0ook'e Cotton Root Componffi
Is suocessfully used monthly over
10,8 it undies. Sale,effeotual. Ladles
our ,lruggtes tor Cask ■ CaReid Oar
mist 'like no other as all Mixtures, pills and
imit$, Ions aro dangerous. Prise, No. 1, it per
box; Na 8,10 degrees .tronger,01 per box. Na
1 or (d mailed on receipt of price and two $ oent
stamps The Cook Company Windsor Opt.
($'Nos. 1 and 9 bold atm recommended fly 41
responsible Druggists In Canada.
No. 1 and No, 2 sold In Oodorloh by JAME!
W IL soN, druggist.
To clean up, any pair a►tTrou r
in the store, $4.0o SPOT CASH.
SUITS at the same reduction,
$io, $12 and $14.
New Goods 1st March
and when finished will mean a loge lei tutily of ends of all kinds, which will
be disposal of at prices that will ensure puck sale. ,
GILT AND STEEL BUTI'ONS just received—all siz's.
• New Yarns in Black Colors.
Men's Hosiery -extra value.
Ladies' Extra Large Undervests-generally a
scarce article.
Fcr Feminine Home Wor-
Sent Post Paid to Any Address
in Canada.
The msnufacl nrers of Ihe celebrnred
Diamond Dt'es and the islander Dia
mored Dye Mat and Itag Pal tette ere
now meeting a new and enlarged edition
of the Diamond Dve Rug Book, that
should be in the hands of every wo
mean and girl in Canada- Many new
and attractive designs fur Mats awl
(tugs are shown, as well as fill 0irec-
t.iun8- for the making null colut ing.
Thousands of women who a -e inter-
ested to the making of pretty rugs are
scndlrg for this hook. Send in your
addres at once 1 it 1 Inc %VcllsS•Richard•
won Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street,
Montreal, Que.
The Gardener Told 'ret"...
A party of young men and wom 'n
were bicycling along a country fond.
It was a sketching class, and every
eye was wide open for an nrtle',ic sub-
ject_ Suddenly the whole party die -
mounted with var;pus exclamations dr
delight apd surprise.
lust within the fence on the left
grew lnpumerpble graceful .talks,
811 bearing o lobe
each b art g al ft g s of pato
green that shaded into gray and pun
"How enchanting!" said a young
"How decorative!" said a young
"Just what wo are looking for; ' 1 ale
the teacher, a full-fledged artist
A gardener was standing near et
"Do tell us," cried a girl, "what
those beau-oo-tlful things are,"
"Which?" replied the gardener.
"Why, those," said the girl,
`Them,' said the gardener, with a
chuckle. "Them's onions gone to
The Flagging Energies Bev' veil. --
Constant applicat inn to business is n
IaX llpntn the ever KIPS, 11111 if ilii -re be
not relaxation, lrtaaltude and delves
Sion are sure to intervene, '1 hest'
come fillip Stomach troubles, The
want of exercise brings sen net volts
trrt'gultu•iltee, end Ihe stomach ceases
to nssimibtte food properly. 1n this
A. M U N RO, Draper.
That Touches the Spot ®ILA
Weak & Impure Blood
Liver & Kidney Diseases
Female Complaints. &c.
Ask Druggist, or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
Newgate Street. the Old Stand In roar of Knox Churoh.
Resldenoe and Laborntory
Your Grocery Warps
A i'icycl' filtrd t 'it ru I p '11 t
Is 11• 1 I I:1 Uglier tit l: r :.•
its maker pus a p r:' ut la. t h 1, i
Irsu r,In ir ve Du 1>p Ti, is r,t
"t he 1Lick.•nn1 Itt,111" t.l ;I y i11.
yvu bi'y—no cat:u el, rge.
ver -
You can't do without one, and
if you are not already supplied
it will pay you to call on
and see some special values he has
in that line.
My Fall and Winter stock for made
to order clothing is now complete.
Next door to Bank of Montreal.
condition Pttr•ulalee'a VegrttIle Pills
will be found a r'e(•llnt'rtltive of rare`ii1'at,Ilt• fur Tiia HTAit -the
power, restoring lee nrgnns to h.vlll lr ing paper of Huron (Semi y.
ltd action, diepelltoe dt•preesinn, anti ----
reviving the flagging erten glee,
41. ItEl(1N 0I' QUKI9 VCt:TUIttA, Ise
eluding rpecla l momorl.1 art buten from the
Moot eminent tiriti.h and (•nnndlnn .Intetmett.
and "The Life M King Ed word VII." Size to
X 71, 'hent 13110 purses, holler 11I t'1 rut eel thou
limy rivet work, Written by Dr Jun Coulter,
from London, Eng., the c01pin'nlnd 111,11, Inn
and Jm, rnnllst. and John A. (`neper, edllor
(7a nndlnu M rtgnzluo. Toronto, Clive only $1.78
- new hook from rover to cover. Ex'ra Inrgn
connnisnMn ; 8r.w111 Its von ; prospectus free to
rnnvneaorw, w'o,lr1 Pohllshing Co , Ouetph,
Growing Greater Each Year
is purely 1herewnrd of met it, and that
ie the reason we enjoy such a barge
Central Business College
Our ache.' la better equipped. amp-oys A
Iargor number of Irncher., prepare. for better
aervlre, and e•alsrn more atadenra to go d
situations then many of tho other commercial
"chool. In ('_nada. Student, adetttttwl e,u,h
week- Handsome catalogue tree.
W. J. ELLIOTT, PelnoteeL
Steam Boiler
Since the (toiler Works have
been removed from Gaoderich 1 am
prepared to do Steam Boiler Repair
ing and also Ihe maoufec'u'e of
Smoke Stacks, &c.
D. K. Strachan,
Machinist and Backsmith.
Vi•topt• Ot. Ood.rteh
Mill Wood
For Sale
<<. Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery
Everything FRESH and UP-TO-DATE.
Hotel Bedfori Block. The Square, Goderiob
\p,'Rn"vs .eft,)"*13'•3:3'•' �i}:+.`VM`f�'_<.8, ,Ni.-V"a>x=:8„CMV"sir':cKj'.r41 ',lv3:As'a .ai19'.n010,10P
Il! 1 tine nppliention gives relief
Surgeons Aatlse tic AI in itny hunt of prtin.
p L
LI LI 1T ('I'itES files, ]lutes, Scalds, iNeeretrtnls.
11' ('(1ttF:S Wuumis and Bruises.
1T CURLS Bolls, (',trbuuoles, Felons.
49 1'f CURES Inflamed .
I cr
Caked d BPHrtet a and Sore ere
1'1' CURES Snit (theme,'I'el,ter-s, and all eruptions of thes
e Skin.
IT CURES Itheuutttlste and Nournlgiu 1'alns.
PKi('h. Soc. Sold by all druggist 11 sent by mail on receipt of price 4
Antiseptic Chemical Company,
.t '++a~.a:re r..do . r . rmsr: .4ion.4`c.ay.els: • Np-!-c- .c."Cr''Sd^c\.+�<•�,:Nr : t _ -v S1
.t(tt'r'n3'.fo'IJ" iM�,
The above is cut into stove wond
length and will be de livered to any
Pm t o1 Ilio town the same day 58
Orders received by telephone or
left at 128 Cambt is Ht. will receive
prompt attention.
'Phone 98•
Peter licEwan.
Goderich, Nov. 21st, 1899.
1727 X
It Does Pay to
And many of the fo mer pupils of the
Canada Business College,
who hove 'depend directly 'rum the College to
some good pouf tion In a bn.l new odhv, or to 1111
.nate I/nrnncy 10 a ('o np errhel,tt 001 An tench
r are et er renay to Ie -i lfr'n the fort Mat It
DOES PA f TO A rTI,.\ 11 T11 g I,I,:ST.
The following/ et tract from n letter rer"•I red
from a Na••neh,,ette nn.Inr.a 1 'allege n .hn. 1
LIMO ago 1, only one of .myna of a .l,nlln, I I,,,1
Ihe( we Into reeel awl from nt her Huslnen.
t 'nlloge•. oak Ing no to ii
them with Ioac lr
"Nor 8, 10et0.
nen, Mr M eLoettlan 1 nn, again look ing
I for n 1[nnmerrlal (.,.rhes And woo -d he perms -
I,wi to know If 101 know of one WO wont ,.
retina men, mutate not under l wont,' flee. of
1 good addre.s nen' In npm,arnn.u,, t hnrengh,y
alive sod well np In hmkeoping, aril Montle
end rtnglieh.•.
Letters sort, na the shove tell far more than
once* of Idle rialm0 to onpnrlorll r
There mor rbc nther nanlnn,n (`ol1egno MOO
more conentont In yon than ('hot ham. bot
tent 'menet he n0 rrmoon° for your attending
anythtnrr h111 the heat.
Wo pay the railway fare of students from a
dle(aneo, np to $1.00, and nun neem. Rood
d M
The Goderich Star b0i6"' tati[enrinmen a t,2 enpor ww.k, "'—
TOT RANI)'0M1GCAT AIMOt'6 leaped
any RUIW(3 SCHOOL 1• Canada, wrtte,
D. Me1.AOHLAN a. co.,
is a Leader.
••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
We :lave what you want in
Bedroom Suites, .!1'lattrasses
Springs, Rockers
Chairs Sideboards
Tables, Lounges
Couches, &c. &c.
Wo always buy and sell on close margins, and always give the purchaser
the best end of the profit.
UNDERTAKING is a specially will us. \Vo have a modern
Kearse anti outfit, and carry a comp'ete, modern stock, at purchasable price
r_tarNight and day calk promptly attended t'1.
Big Bargains All This Month,
Al rill
Gash fidrkdre mom
. IN . .
Axe Handles
Cross Cut Saws
Cross Cut Saw Handles
Buck Saws
Whips Black Diamond Files
Sleigh Bells Clay Knives
Team Bells Horse Brushes
Curry Combs Leather Mitts
Cattle Combs —