The Goderich Star, 1901-02-15, Page 13! J& A"& I 1011j"es Aw bot rWt or The <)fqdjal - Nbwopa ho Counly of Huron. ZVOULOINNNO. I slit C10PERICHo ONT., FRIDAY, F08RUARY 15, VOL New Advertisements. DING. - Walter Pirldh4un. DzATu of S^uusu #ICXATU.-0ur the worl would be lulLsalapboill FALSEHOODS FL-Wld A 11SPE' Tilt- SignalsayS. reVCa4C_Pr, rogo. Wb=:dLo has beoR'o Godedek Beawo7fvi 6 to beluir paid to tile bu- CIAL CORRESPONDONT.- revenue. all fiviv pov,,t (�'d fg*r tile iuvm#1c. �old citizen, iliunuot kcMatil. died XW rWC7 - - - - __ - - . 11 I 011b blesdden-vau to qUired. - Sitax i�fiCoi *oo­-stti*It;. I 011.6naous, stolve Ili iticiiiit In.' jeattilrd the t -10 their fittings and front* will Toronto, its explildned In a letter reed InZan the Cstatill5lim- -'ek.-TaIring 1160111111140 &wt* Ali -ye*m Wits do' THJP ANNU,&L *.EE=3G F911 ent ot# VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE Net Profit, but Civah-P. T. tralb; .... ...... El nd will move on the 2fth to the No cep Ali with ally town In at the Bord of Trade meeting bete on many more new offices ln th4 New o.Q0d5'-W. AL. MCNJIP .... . ... art block. next Lee & Sh gaitutloto at% bad been poorly fur oil favorably T yoftliedingy office and CAnsda. TUESDAY. $11mrCial-5plitil Weil. ....... ... : �:- meantime be Wilt holiedphftarbdig. re- tainto time, so tile death'wits not un- AD- wov.61 -sale, His many friends and VXP"twl- DRESS rRou T11B Ill -lighted worktoombialroostathingot Monday evenin, from "Daus' McUilll- County. Letthe 44good"work go Senti-A.ArtuiLl. sjilc�r, J. PrIdtiant ........... 5 0 In cuddy. appearsuil lit the Toronto Star onl trous wil be pleased to learn at Mr. A RicwADher ftnk f o - PUW$IDXNT. IQ st� n in lie matters we Live Cure that Courls-S. I$. Jeck.. 5 rIldhatu'd quccess. ruercag wlll'p^T *0 reward for lufarma- v ti I prove 0 have our turni- of I hat evvning a column long "special Bargains -N. . D. Roug-vic ....... 1 ....... 4 WOItX IN PlLOeFIACT._Tho Biletialf_ tie# that will tad to till "' fact r . or tin Nctoly, knitting despatch from Goderfeb." recounting "And *%a Tux Oragil pieferfar to lipyll ILCMQVAI Sale W. C. Pridbino ...... .... .. 4 . 9 cartaviction of A Lively IMWrUo;k Reau)W In the ftactory, llycla land engine factory. -tult lately tiled befory Ifis Ilonor West Ituron mgMpM40JyIe4 or, the FEB. 26TH, Agents Wanted -World Pub. CQ ............ 5 tine have the contract t the partiage Who Vol* ither4a I a"Ill I the 9 furnish _X 4raphria" Old RX004tive being Con- saw fill g InIhs. all elevator Ifloor of the i egisloature. Welt, ttial,* cuttlzrw-j. I;, HTdgcs ........ ......... .. I tuaterial for a large frame dwelling for fr(40 their WIDOW& Or JUQ tilt 111111fortua- tinued. With a New secon none. till Other Industries Judge Doyle In Lite Rivielon Court. u real 111ce 0 Hit STAM"Signal. council. e4uplovin 0 When tr it larger titiuitter of wage. which Mr. J. A. McDonald. of Torout , im STAR does nht p.re. Prescril't'aus- Jas' w1bon ............. .. 8 John Eagleson. of Lucknow, and altior t1Qhn1efnkaIr0t0WtthyQ wiraereallaut'l of %'be earnerd ,in wt, 0 Oh, no, We Say 0ood-F. M. Danboro ........ 8 to fortneh the wood-worK for a story ver had before& an 6 lined Mr. Rulicit McLean for $30.75 for ONE NIGHT ONLY! Honle Shodulf-D. IL I find a half brick veneered dwelling for Ill AID do TM CativiriREN. -The wilrut word of thanks In due to I he few fer anything of tile sort, but it does Amistricals Superb Quarttent-victoria opera Jorues Johirnaton..of Went Walwanoplf. Chi , (dirlpas's Aid So%Aetv have a number About forty of the leading uter- tuen aniongia; ut Rho risked their legiAl services at the haste. West Huron object to the abusive clamor of the itHouse ................... ................ I At present the firni to fitting up the chants and hualneos men tit the town gnoney lit establishing Lbeso industries, election recount. Tito facts were that ran for Sale ­Thomas Gundry .... ... ... 9 I of Chses of dos�ltute children of tvander adding so matrially to the prosperity Signal for a decision on the election Duldop Tim -Dunlop Tire Cc ............. 5 Store in McLean's block for W.'C. attended the Annual meeting of the Mr. UclxAu OWputed the account on trial, when that journal had only America s Superb Quartette. In' Pridligull. yearo all whilarg behalf they desire to Board of Trade last Monday alivening of the town. May they ouccopil Ise- the ground I hat he had slot engaged Sensible, ReIhable­PaJuo'8 celcry Co - end their anticithaLlarg. and more WAR smlles and approval for tile schem- The four greatest singers in pound ..... .............. ... .... ........ 4 THE AuTorigiongrit.r.-Jonathan Miller enlist the- simpathleg of the public. In the Court House, and the proreed- 50"ble thell- money. is my Wigan. It to Mr. MeDituald-having alletidy secured A New Dook -Diamond Dyes .. ............ 5 h out, suitable logo were quite lively tot- a time. Tito ers who kept away the witness America. 11110 enera -lifiss Iwas in Detroit a few dave this week cloth ag. arid it would, orighten their tacto tivi-ship is ow larger than it ban atifyingl also to know that the' Big Lila services of local lagwyers-but etc- Link ater whose evidence would G I Scr�aut Wuntcd looking over the machine that wilt lives greatli it they could be anp. ieen #it nv iiuie in tile history of the Ifill " which has bebn Idle so long. wt cepted him when he catne if Like I It is a big thing to get a company I= ,with a few eye and books. The Board. nd the Interest shown profit- utailetatimaling and agrvetuen't with have sett d the Case beyond any bholtly be finished and sent to this 8004 be lo.full running order again, is, arid fully good luck Ian with Its sine ppeal. That was not nice of the like this to Goderich. nembere of the society would Ile ises ,veil to,- on active and useful we It. r, Hear them sing the great operatta, Town xopfts town ior Cho well known proprietor at gmteful It anyone having such articles lMore 01all ever I-efore 6 geLig: manager. Fui-tlier, ve the Couverv-st;ve uivanizers. Mess". Signal. tile Bedford. All Jouathan's friends Would VOnLaribate thern fur this Por- there tit Llast I perhaps trailie telephone services. more Wrightaud Leavett. #Ali their repre Godfrey's masterpiece, are noxionoter it8AT.,pQArAuCe. find It pose. leaving thetu lit Ms. Larfaa'-t I,,, lnlgO acopc, for ,be efforts (if buch nation of electric wiring, more 1"lifall Of sentativo at the enquiry. These CURLING. - 0.1 Wednesday, I inks is rutnorell hat his v sit to Detroit wall office.. V With Jamob Mitchell, Mrs. at, orKILDIZILtIO11 tit tile buituess men erage and better drainoge. inetv TIIE'Signal quotes from some cor. c horen by Win, Wallace and D. 0. to take lamalsons so that he would be Hays, Min. Dancey cr Mrs. (Dr.) (if I he town. anti oil awn eat , ag to tie I'llic" Of willol' uJall"' irthoutib, It nitivt gentlemen denied such tin agreement The Mar 'k of the Guards. c it , I `ew led they stant Mg respondent who Is ninster of the situation when the Raw Whitely. The clothing required -t call accomplish lie admitted Cho wa or supplied ut, and clain McDonald very indignant The Blue Bells of Scotland. Strachau respectively. played a good It' fact Chat A united STAR for tile comment of The Scottish Grays. game oil the West street Pink. Tile China comes home. for both boys and girls up to ten years much In the developunentof the towns should tie Improved upon) thrift rLOV as the result of a at 'I H13 ice wits Ili good condition and Life Oommii-ractc MET. -The House at Of age. interepts. Tula was well pointed out littler town Of Our POPUIALiOn In Liao Mg. McLean. Tito jury decid d lit fast week on tile revenue of tile (By Sullivan.) players rexceedingly enthusiastic, Refuge committee met in Clinton on PROMENADE ALT--r-riday the regia- by Air. S. A. McGraw in it ton Country. The ootitidiietis tit the town Mr. McLtan's said new pobt offi,:ei established lit West Old Kentucky Home. tie illustrated toy I he fact I hat we favor Of speech which WILN warenly applauded, "ll, there the matter unded. particularly whon it goad shot, 'vita Tuesdav W consider niatterR that hold lar open meeting of tile Collegiate Insti- c My,. hall but low lailuree in reeout Huron. 11wri: is no reason wh toade. The folio w anyr were tile playeiv 1) It Opeeh which aliould have twen y Onward. Lod tile also refei red to it by tile County tute Literar y- Society was set apart for hear d by every business nian to the I y Uhtof amongst tile rensups Of course It was ot, to 11%, ex the %% riter hould not have made his The Golden Wedding. UnptAiti Connell lit tin last Session. Mr. ()Oil- RCIVOU1,011111gle'esincert. There was no tovwu. ' I I it have brought nboot lit leaht. that the Signal, who did not evert :oalplaint dirLct to He STAR, un - 1 villc The Sands O'Dee. R H. Witoon, Lane. tiolly won not present, tile r ads be- regular rogminuir, bob some ten Tile nitnutes being approved Proof- status Of thealli, fairly tie noted tile throw, a Ie porter present, would allow I'lle less Ile Objects if) full publicity of Chas. Reld, A. MOD. Allan. tween Clinton Rndlus residenoce being youn* Jv students were �.ach to islav dent Williams read tile fallowing frig upon tile toarket of bankrupt Mr. RUFUS McDONALD will Win. Wai I1). C. Strachan, Impassable. The committee agreed to one raven on the piano, and ench ouni- ANNUALADDRESS it [Lion of offitits which 1'eitse to pass without soulo cololul,,t I his statements, arid we need not all over the cotintrv, Intel,- * I it Lite Isamu appeated In its colon.ne; therefore devote yace to any re ly. sing that beautiful song, 'Love is a skill, 11. skip 10. have it close heard fence erected, and ber was to furnish I% theuse for -liscus. To the members .1 tile c.oderich itoll,ii of'Ingsti: i xithnato tro,do, donloral-I, 1, tolntll�llv­ ,, His contention ank that of the ig- extra conveniences put up. as soon an sion during its rendition. and tiny fairing with It last week with I'voogra Story," accompanied by a living A VORK-PACICINa ESTABLIS11MENT Gentlernen.-This Is tile first little in izing busincoa genorally In settle we:t1her permitted, and Messr . Con- talking oil any other aujact it -0 thlit it 1111,14 littler tile I line*, find noing tuanifent IV unju%t to Mr. McLean, which flint gentloolon nal lead to tile conclusion that post - orchestra of voices. PROPOSED. -A public meeting hall nollyand French wpre sluthoigg w a flevenLIJeal , to ized to gnippase4 to W out of order. Under I (at of e Pregidpilt tit address him I the hundred cents on the dollar man. estimates at their true valoo. But Offices ought to he eStablished on Pricz!s are very low for this grand called for Friday, Fell. 22nd, at Idly LWO extrit cows. Tito Organ wait such conditions it may too ea -illy fin- fellow members of the Buttairl tit ita LegiRlAtiOn Is required to correct this thin account, exaggerated as It was, every square mile of the rural 7.30 p. in., tit Carlow, to cousider (lie not purchased. so the residents of the agined that love pieces were much rid- annual meeting. for, owing to tile lAx- evil, and thin might be brought. about Con cert. advisability of organizing it park- House will have to wait for Life music. ralred. as in fact. were the whole feel itv of feeling prevailing among the lay Lite efforts of Bowdsof Trade grew Into much larger proportion, territory. here are not many ecinl numbers given during the e*euIng. husiness men. the Bonrd hits lie I for halt Liao boater of the "special tie.. people \0io think so, pack,ug compigov art one of the neiRti- TuH ELEVATOR LOAN, -A op �1'he A,,;,:v1g;ta.pIAyed admirably. und some ye"is in n very dull. not It"O say In clo"Ing Iny official career with the C ri town4. Every4ine interested is ineel Ing of I lie Town Uouncil was held d Ch pleased looks of (lie pro- dortuant. state, and Life tit Condmilee lit Board. I bespeak for iiiy successor arid Patch to The Star" reached Toronto oil Roservd seat 50 RdmIssion 25, 35 till V I Ied t o attend. The porx-tarsing onAlorMayevening,to consider inat- .., do. they were highly apprecia- 11119 CO-OffiVOrd 14 t I 111113yrt, front Monday, The lonv nut] exaggerated Wonderrui Nerve. tera co a it IF industry ill Caundit is asFundnir %-cry neeLings line been very aniall. Indeed the metal lit ted. The following were the players : I 1, triost lostaoceti it waii found inipos hel-s Its w 'Olt'- On "'fly account of the ca&e winds till I lilt%: Wanted t* (!"S' Itnd there is no good ected with the elevator bonus, Miss Claire Wynoldo, 901U ; Misse" Iappollit what rulght 110 CiLlIed It live SOL rhocourt isiorn waa crowded v,10 -peclik y 19 o. SO( -tion of Lite country till Lite members present. There was a Buchanan find Dunlop. duet; Miss f of"Corg- "'it "*ltllout the Support Of tOM during the programs of the 0-% �. I— took r,,, 0. w � I;i idble to (10FID A (InOl-nol, and the unnu- o Tomillo Ill uld not, fit Ike ILI) effin t to increase Short discuoston, Win. Proudfoot and Graeo Dyke. Align Sm I ShOphillrd. I meetings have been allowed to pass #% strong Board their powere fire cor- it lively intaromt lit tile procuradlint-- Vaining Tito (Indorich Signal dimpalavo the WANTED -A, porad general it.Hoprullts iii '.his liuv� and (me Impor- H. Mooren a Bilking oil behalf of the . by with little cr fit) iuteretit being Called find their Iply iss Hat-tte Saults, Miss' eraWhitely, ell ilk.tory of till,) Ve fenergles Bapped. I tile Aflernihill of all 0100thIll, w114111 WIPs 1101 Ve (It It dredger In cnifirginininge that 1791 (lint step to this eud. wouldo Ile the company. Ar. Garrow then addrestied Mass Edna Opest. each solos; Alliance onni by the membera, speak feelingly, or I have felt tllg probiabl( tho biLtaircAt 1:ithe %V(,", Huron Ili hkolv it) it" unrepio. ,arm riding, twas of mplainal limit to I he Liberal, men [film want of that Support I 11OW Ask tot- any prescol. The Conservative oNaul=tion had led In tile IA-gitilittkirta thin SeRS10". PpRENTICES WANTED. behalf (If tile town. Reynolds 11,11al Garrow, ginget: Miss Mnv- been kept alive by one or two 1OY&I successor. Just here I would Pixy that met Uicir h1arta oil defoatinu Robert Ilgainkoil, Tito reason why the constituency in estaNivinnent, of a factory such as is the cullocit On all this Little Lite Board Aproposed. No doubt, if I be scheme is offer wh1uh the question of extending Murray. bliss glans lye and Miss,; Individuals In the lit'lle that soule day aApply launched. the adva-itages whi�h Ill(- the Close to Lite Elevatcr Co. wits re- it full natied (if pra:so is due to Secre. lit p-, '"'t til"A id" mot"O color to ill ir ikely to go unr"presented is that the Drnm� rocking apprent:cAs wanted. Hynes. solos. God save I lie K Ing it revived.intere"L might Ile shown. tory itchell, who has Leon it most chamen of crookoduo" fit tha previous byo- friendn of the 14hrnal were no allarne- it t unce. BROSI.CO. town of Goderich offem its the..seat of fei red to the Special Committee, with closed Lite proceeldings. As there are ,, thictlon. Nothing u1sto Can #told ful1V corrupt In tile such all industry will receive duo con. power to act. The Mayor find Trea- and they live their reward, Isar new volu�jllloafllc r. giving tile tifilefally t iteroned abuse of Ubtaral tworkoro oard clection. and so UENTs WANTOD.-LIFE OF QUICON many excpIlent Initials attending Lite and live itItOl-08t hits I 1teIV been lattal' it thanklems post in the interests of the rom , he CoupervaLivo huotings, Nomination ItI1111'XIOU41 it) delay tho it till of Cho cave in Victoria. Authors-Tno Queen humelf. ideration. surer were empowered to make all Collegiate. wouPdit not be well to have rented in tho work lint) osefulnefis at t large nd day Ili Gdorich wt%* a field day. arid Lho vice A john Conifer. from London. England., GoDicuictr ItAccs JuLy, 17 AND 18.- nece"ary Rrrilogenienti; with the It musical MAtCh Witir Liao studento of Ballad, and the town .0ro In coorts, that, It Is not settled yet. J hn A. Cooper, editorrifCanad the Board. This is most goatifyl rid his trial wns positioned from time to Bank of Montreal[ to carry Cho Ble- Ing turn from the murriputidinic country tan Magazine, If without whose assistance this �Olkid tvintlyt"hundrodii. Do"Idetathiagava Idat,-., 0 Ile. fort . of Tvittle wmild have die Toronto; about 700 pages; quality nover A meeting of represenintives of the either the Clinton or SeAforth Innatt- and lit just what hould d it natural lion, Mr. Garrow arid "Dart M601111cuddy t Into I o sectirl, I lie At I endance of one o other ad,vt. I it vator debentures. The council then tules? The boys have their hockey usefulness of it of Trude is be- death vears ago. There 1%1.0 lonny opoke for tite Oberals, &aid Isir A. VV. Wrixt t Linklater, IL 11111tPI-int Witness, who �oquulhsd�prico only 41.75. 90 varinns Turf Asocintiong in file ('lilt adjourned. arid lbeir foot ball, stud it atunsical yonal Itiesition. and IllQV fire more matters Ili oc-:til)y your nttondon dur- Is. unit., who. with hir, was kept out of Canad-t in the fit. this 4 paper. -oronta, ' ,Vol? rs. w rtort front I,,yor almo two reviewa to till. ublialling Co.. Guelph. Out. ada trot ting cit cult was held oil Thu THE SNow.-On Tuesday morning match would give the girls n, chance (a than eter now fully recognized its lilt, Ing the conting yCAV-11 flow Stot.1011, Nolivol-vativo said of f141wilirt'. Ithkilrd Or the 1:1111tv of the Signal. - dav in Strat ford. rhere were present- re a win uow and then. Settle six For Sale or To LeL T. D. Puddicombe, It B. Puddicoinh the eariv train was ano%v liound be- Son factors lit tho progressof their another line at railwav, it snollikOl. %vols, to %aind conislornation Into tho lAb.ral Anil yet I 111!41 pllpel' It IN I 110 e, ,lot . or eight could he chosen on each tilde, rp"I.IP1.81"Llve conimunideo, It) tonter ond nk I WilliAtti Bishop an T, F. Robb, of Lween this town and Clinton. It and such meeting would create hotel. etc., and I would angirest that me 4b,� lim uxw -tire of electoral �rou to coniplai Lboot I he riding heinuan- it an r 11111 -g; M. Brodaerick, of Sea- was releaqed in time to allow the mail a I a encourage till legithunfe Coll] ill ercial for the sftkp. Of Initking tilt- toWn land it) I vrorta turnoil wheii Dnh vOilli O presented. Went Iforon hike Ile ev- ,bat -ornoLe enteir-sbes, This it) title n4n of our I(. ind ticenionts to inanuNcturere land original letter "ont, gut by the Vonvertative vA ,IN is repointion tts any GOOD 80 ACRIP FARM FOR SALE. New HARIbill friendly rivalry would pi euddy confronted hing With A 14�imtnulsi of tile Al-ot 21. couccosion it. Gildin".ch Town- foiffi; J. Swartz, of Whighatn; Dr. I t. t S!:ip. iitua" IJ miles from Hol"Iesville, Bj to reach Goderich at I p.m. There nusical studie.. arid give the voting Lie, nail in the rans v� 'O have ,met others better known outmide thatt I% orgrinizorin IAXI. co6taloing full Instrulatilov in tilt- Dominion. Both I I froan Clinlon. Good buildinics.fencog, WhitAily and W. Saults. (if Goderich, . Indles (it the different Institutes it raw to the laletit, said most spin ov,-4 inathodA of logg creek. A good fie killd 01 0. MePhergoo, K. U., M. J. wag lint little travel on tile et with (air Success: 6111. e wn' t " conitnILLee lie forined torlitcht lo galther ocally Liberal votep. It wn" I% grent dy. Ill its al)(I I'l-ovincial elections hard. wells arid prin "'"I ry chance to know each other. w tire a. or better suc,!ess lit (tie future, final it of rita wheat. Terms rclassonatil Dillon arid T. S. Tobin, (if Str tford, roads that dav, the storm having tistlea Hhowing the Latsiness donu but sin" AloOlnioughly turned the seale I lie grosest corruption boo; marked the liculars to THOS. UNDLy,,,u,,T.a.r, a' made ninny of th,ent impassable by larger menshei8hip of lite Board Ili p(,tlt,. still everybody wootaway tooling that Wri lit cutillio of tile party. all of eor, Godo`rl.pbl� 91 -if Mr. Tobin also representing Listowel. X doring 10W. If) custorn returns, hall got coomidernbly tile wo"t of It. Tg Mr. Tobin wits re,elected secietary for causin Ing drifts, The Lneknow desirable. Every busines nian tit Liao office returna. inantifacturer's returna. ell which 14 AccetittlAIP41 by tile untinsely Olt SALE- stage started out, on Tueday. but the A GROWING AND IMPORTANT town should convider it Ilia duty to Alld 1olNCel1l4nO(lU% fnCt". which could tbo clatillon, Wheal The cuumervisilve" prott,st of the Sigiml. the circuit and the following dates it to conic within gionaidurably jusire than F drifts were too much for the horses, INDUSTRY. join its ranks. and. wil"t Is " molt' lie pot tip I a panipblet fail ol nrid freely I ho 1.1bond nigo were decided npon : rl.t.nIn the rjdjl�jalof getting rho Gale form, one of the beat too sore farms so the stage was toined,and driven importance, to att,nnd it4 ineetingi6 distributed. I out Hod Ilint the tho number . Nit. 3, ( rk�.h tu,,u, ill'OodorichTp., Huron Count �, lot 17, par. I& New Hamburg, J title 4. 5 and 0. 8 it No d 0olbortie which they clainted to Brief Town Topics. bOck to town- It left "gain On Wed- The Doty Engine and Bicycle I command this to tile bilviness ligiares uhown would site prise ever] our- a', Cut!; 8. six and one-half allies rout Goderich. Goolpli, June 11. 12 and 13. [IRV got. lit the provion's bVo clootion. Tho" so , 11 miles from Clinton. The farm conWn" London, June, 18, 19 and 20. nesday morning fee, the north. The Works. men of the town lit large. Diii-Ing the selves. veree tile two polls where tile allegi-d ball -t Ile I er cEwaik re alt,trtetl h1-9 salt go(KI buildings arid fonccA; to well watered arid Wifigham, June 26 arid 27. allow oil the crossings on Cho Square coating year there ad oitich of import Before closing, it IF, fiLti"g thot I atusnolt wag .laid loll=. taking Vince, Tho wot km la4t, v% evit, u nilordrained; hirgo orchtrd and gardeni in town is very deep, and at I& few was m.d bill ii theii charveg, NVould me] St ratford, J nly 1, 2 and 3. nove in tile interests of Ch town to be should refer it) Lilt- lois the nation b8% they bee., dumb " 01r.t,m ever Andwis Bross & Co. "flipped a car whedt scawn and plowing One. points near (lie side walk rAt her Having noticed euch week Since considered o hich ought too ellgage tile OiLher go or 100acres. Agply to WM. GOULD Seaforth, J lily, 0 nod 10. %itstained In tile death of the Qtieen, "It, wall a curious skht to -ee Lila t ivo alload if hogg to Toronto oil Monday, oil prornitics, or Goderio P. 0. 11498,tf Godet !ch. J tilv 17 and 18. dolngerous on account of the steep New Yenr an increaso Ili the steaku Parneral, attention ill "Voryone, and noble, grnclaul, well loved, sinci,1VII, Wright, apil witsts, appoarlid m4 bo�oin L,stowel and WinghAni lioth claimed descent. T fritindlign ill. polittettl pintforin Jil,it thrve it ARMFOR SALE. -The sublicriber offers and smoke escaping from heilloderich t 'I'm "" 1)"OL Ile I1 h Such it inoisrited Queeii. A inessfige Of Syria' isno, uhing such ther Ill . load of otgan" it, J."ll lo,nd oil Moll - batty its Lite Bogard of TrA e, for fit parlay find condolprace wa% sent, fioni IrAdir-Ilon lit tho court o,er a little for Sale hill farm.of 80 acres of good land, states tot- the Name week, and tile meet. A Bio SociETY EVIENT-At Victoria Engine and Bicycle Co'l; oildings oil itv there is bLreugl h, mid in strength thig Board to Ilk Majesty tit(, King. 1,111. Tbe row shich U.,k baLw.cm (lit, tinyEng lot 13, oil out cortacemBion. Goderich Town� Ing voted that week to Winghatra, so Opera. House, Feb. 26th, comprising 1) tin lhm'l. forgvt the carnival lit the .lit e-ek East and Columbia -streets, a STAR there is progress. 111(le this Boord eno I,e of principal. In rho RL it). Ilvdront cleared und watered by sr"21'sgert of it I,) flat known yet whether Listowel To e0gle AndLhe onsilli- hurlwi lit oneh ivonid nsmke Wheat And rau plouguinit done. large will race on that week or drop back some of Anierica's greatest talent. representative grind ial progress (if Lite coont- g, t Wemt i-tivet iiok thig. l.*ILidny, even. ever failing %veil. Th.r... a enquiries its to The industi lie orchard, alsto 1.1 story brick house Suit cellar. after he Ooderich ineeting. Arnerica's Superb quartette Is worth the.progress at businest; arid found z lit lilt Re during t lie Dat, few vears eat nasistance to the Tf)%vn 1-4 obulec but thi. plot of I pro g I it. ninny wavli, wottking %ilth thein Ili "60 '"ar" ` unt of court." Ingi. ood ba it barn 50 x 50: iltuated S miles from tas been niost flint ked. and I he pros- thAt Goderich 174fronlClIntow Willbol101d on DiEnIN PARRY SOUND DISTRICT.- coming ruiles to hear. They have just that tile staff pertain" to the good of Lho The frevetal takindred people who Reat'Inr niveling (it flortin Chapter, Sin , nearly till tirtt-1-1489 pect Cf its faLuro inowt. enconrixglug. tc)wo. One I hing, at,(, this Is 1% I na8v ter"' Wault,the purchaser. For Parti- David Filis, died in Party Bound Dis- sainpleted It tour of all the leading mechanical had been increal�'d to Tile volume of Imports nod Hxports art( Cer were present tit tile nominiawn '4), It. A. W, next, Ttiesday even - colors apply to PETER GUNN, Goderich P, 0. trict on the 4th inst., raged 78 years. cities of the United States and Canadit. sixty, and (hat the rush of business of tim Diniiinion for 1 Ile lamt. year were ,if sentnumit, ouLaide the raising (It Ing in Godortch may well onsile lit ill(, log - 2 mo. 1787. busingl4a, we iniRht safeir pre Poll Murrow shi�iwtl I% bist consignment The decetsed gentleman had lived oil playing to sorne of the largest andi- the largest on I ecord, and tile present In 13 f ballibilatle #Loll absolutely lintrIlp AV. ar g neceseit4ted overtime work. Sincet-he thon, nod flint Is the beautify ra and )killer Io Montreal lost seeing to warrant, Lite belief Ing a C()tlnt of "Dan." McGililoiddv's great &fall( lay. rinowz4 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Situated the farm, where be passed away, some ences ever collected. Eight thousand slart qlader the new management, bot Llint the present year will show even Lhe town, inaki 1) ic necessafy provision JIL oil Anglesey street Goderich Two lots. tot- the encour triumph oil that orconion.-it, was It fmmo 1101180 and rating) ;Uble. bearing orchard. 17 ye -m, but proviou-ily had lived near people etowded the Massey Music hall little has been board of this factory, tin Improvement. Foreign canluil is agenlent. of excursions, Tile watitoit 11tioroni prevented a goodwell. Willbeogaid reasonable. Forpar. Ntle on the farm now occupied by Goo 1ASt week W hear them. Thirteen etc., etc.. imptoving to parks, notably ,.oil, from vitirt to finish fill titan. Mr. meeting I, c Collegiate flistituto ilcularsitpplytob'RANKOIROURKR.Srkult's Curry. The late Mr. Ellis was Ili the thousand people crowded the pavillion &ad we ask our readers to note with law coming into Lite count rv, Ini-ge indusp the Coklit flouge Square, inlaterid of llotcl,pGodcrlch, 1787 -it theF,rhatlink It mfoges in our indus- ties tire b3ing started Ili different 11 to hoi bor Bonid la,,( week, severities and early eighties, a proinia- in Hamilwn last Thuteday night. trill, ain. In the Henderson Bicycle places in the Dowinion.which will ndd living it With unsightly sllf�ft (sirrow anti I lie admiral of I I OR SALE. -Lot K In 11 utchison'a Survey, ent figure fit Methodist circles, as lie The indidduality of tbi quartette is Co. but littler work won done outside largely to the (if tile country c " ts, called cow paths. displeasing to dredge, nd t lie had dimllini-ed Robest Nit Is fitting tip tile Va. F a local preacher of considerable composed at tile strongest talent pill- till, eye and to good t.:tlite, hy pact, lit thein lit I tie tinit, wa4 ttir caill In Ili, Rabt side block for in Goderich. For particulate apply to was Is wholo. a lilt go enogration is con- - linimp HoLT. Barrister. ability, the old Nile church being at. curable. Stich roen aft Mr. Rh file Ife. of making wheels. lint tinder the nAw FL -4 land [By these 11'ealoa making oil] (folio. f1clent, pl'Oof Lf this foci. Hot 111) WIP it olling otit, maplo Goderich. arrangement machinery repairs are fidently looked for, the opening of ways crowded when it wits known Donald, kitusso profundo; Mr. Hall a L of ()is,. firoVil rich what, It hits been enlied arid what that, he would conduct the Service. Newton Large, Ameriza'8 oilver-toned till on the limit. moulding work falls that portion Ice called it venl1v might bu inade. the prettiOst who knows lititt vvill lie mulT11141411 'It Imilding known its the muiSICILL He wits a alanly nian, his word bein tenor., r. John Collier Lockhart. the ")Of e than quadrupled. bic9cles are tie- Now O.%LAriO (target- in extent than town Ili Canada. inod"t recilal (if his great act sas good as his bond, and lie hesitate sweetept soprano, Mr. Edward Gard- log made in as Jarge nuan er as ever, tile older portion), vvith It,; lininonSe GLEN CAMPBEM nt nothing that, he believed would re- net-, Lite grent English baritone. The and engines. both inarive unit atst- itm wondeffol 1akcL- and This addreqs wa. henrtilv applauded, to the Toronto St.nr-,lilk ippotatioti vvill leturn (.it Mon. Many of prices to r reserved opera tionery, will be one of the leading. if ilvers learning with fish. its lorge nod severml members expressed their for modesty and g,,od taqlo him I Iny I,- l,tk,- ( harge I, I r it 4 I I , I , t . �bs inaking tie. Orga.1.1 and Musical Director of North St. 8u It in the piiblic welfare. ibicribeF a, 3fdhodist Churck tile old resident,, of Ashfleld. Colborne chairs, 50c.; geneial admission, 25c. leading, branches of work. tractsoftnebeat agricultural land in pleawire at its contentm And consph air he oinfle to 1-:1r I till -lit it stolth Pianoforte and and Wawano�h will beat- with sorro-v and 35c. Plan at Porter's Tiseeday. The promises occupied by thecouirsavv tile world, its ininienre forebts (if vill. inented tlie President till its complete- 'W" nitrate c accollill 44 ill(, vemention (if grain Teacher of Pipe Organ, rare nicely Situated, and tire large nable tiniber, Its minembn (it all kimis, ness and ability, froin the do-ek of tile I1he staff have it, Th lie departure or the one tinie local 15th, lit 10 R. In. advt. ,gry. 0 I it 11 be _p1eigged to receive, pupils at his pipacher of the Nile. and his death enough for an exte " bussne-4s. for, rton, tile rom,tic hron, Cheapest yet and lloiter moved drpdge ill the haliN or tll(.Nv dnyH. Emerson's Music House, West St.. ar its will lie reirienk e=e rtil(ilix sit,ti-tell in thp h^rhor .studio " DEATH OF MRS. ELLIOTT.--Eariv on b re by our readera, most valunrae 0 All to tile rich irok . flint tile Ile lei'vired ill the long sinev or their bombs It desired. Ill cause wany fireside talks about if Harrill- large additAons were made the patit, bids fair to inahethe first, year- of.the in(Ttikin C oun 11, for trinsideraLim For terms apply at F.merson's Bicycle and the results of his preachings, and the Tuesday morning, Mary An I But wheii lit- speaks of "lite vooit an(i Murney istoiLed filling he hanner vear of this lir -a lon i!, on I lie Iturou litaid. House. 1746-tyr inany kindly deeds he did in the ton, beloved wire of our .veil known summer. und they were at ranged Ito its nevs, Century i tit pit , it n 8110i forni as inigh, being crowded. by mpecta to economize tiage arid labor in the fail- land: nod thig in ot;lv what it be.deenied beat. Carried. neghwborlioo. Thedeneased leaves a resident, Awchibald Elliott, died very work of the vittfous departugente. should be, for there, is no tairet land to The next ImsineNg was I lie election who twilt It hvAy interi-st in 1he Iiii). I'm, rAlt JIWJ�111'1'V If JalloAry tbtlt Horse ShoelnLr wi 0 and five children to tannin his 311 w''11111 I— w -,,,,l h-,ghing in Feb- - to.", the widow and George, Nathan ddenly front heart. failure. For So far all ne can learn, wheat milking live in oil earth than thiq of of officeiN, all.1 ti le Tllowiflg nt"IlIng. ceedingo," and ,-till- low %Nhich 1( -i -k I'll' v, ild P14-11tv vf ice o cnt In that ALS. ours, a land blessed by the Almighty tT� OUSE SHORING. ETC. and Mary zesading on the farni; David some three years the deceased lady is p t' factogrilv. inost of tlont4 w(-i,e inade for the rre,4idency : pIncP at tile IJP(Ifotd lfot4, 1, ILIJ(I tile lilt.fll I). lilt it. 111,4 -tit right. ress"Ig '"i Is made being 4 It. S. Willining, by Nleqm" Win. naine" butird lit ettch otill-1. by I,— The tva( II. -I 4 last Saturday of Buffalo, and Mrs. Duncan McGee. had stiffererl from the affliction, Chose )e ran the order wit.h. I till lit, sav everythingralculat,- H Ing Tuce happiness nnal con(ent. of Colborne p. During the past fe%% though it did not prevent her beine list, nnd the engines heing itianufac. ed to pro Carn rillell Arid 3 I I. (,of horne I I tired are of course ordered work, It nent, a land CAPILWO Of 0119fililling he takes lit vities wito (Ili- ivears tile tale Air, Ellis devoted his motmil, for on the tuorning of her J. 14. Colborne, by Alex Saiinders titith that even I:r cannot be th"I nml glippe -vingille Votive. Haviog enitaged N. D. MuNN, tirneto the dairy butne"q, and the denth she rose an usual nral there were is sitid that the now wheels will equal ruilliono. where no man need want, if lie will only wor-k. and id tho -mall illendame pievented number itforse shoer, I will open a shoe- property he leaves in the Pnrry Sound no preniorAtory Aigns of the cnII battle :anything that will too placed on the The building of railwars it) thid 1). McOillicuddy by Ueo. F. F'.rner. (ot -to u%P ono of hiq own clas,iic -x Ing. i ng aboV b3 connection with any black. District is one of the largest glairy heing so near. Mrs. Elliott was well n3arket durinir 1001. for style, finish . and widely known in Cbeold township, and durability, s none but Pxperts new nrtion,:)f ourill"rovince will lit' *,oil and N. B. Smith. tn"Aisilim fit. It, mi it --w 1,o,t we --k of,, tit two of saw" aald Anachille 11119kness. farms north of Toronto. Lite c of fac r in I e Opening tip of A ballot bein Williamw were not two dozen llet�lllv ill theollo t (11 ii.ells havol" lived inktivr flyp f3pediall &ttention given to Interfer- ANOTITICR IlocKEY Wi.-Eleven from wich there was it large gather- are engAged Ili Lheir ritanufacLure. thecoontry to tile people. noijibly tile w �i taker) Air. %vs. mentioned to six wrtg the score when tirne, wits ingo,of sympathizing friends At the The Intildingq now.occupled Ivy the t h-clured e Arid theti five rooin timing (lie company cover con Ideialple groun4l, Rainy River Railway, tile Algitnia n Nvell kw.wn 1410gely, ing and had feeL Ion , al Aerviceg. Rev. Mark Turnbull Ceral.riiI Itailway, and the Mall,10111111 air rant nn% were "indo for th" "', 11"i'le floni tile jilt V and [lie V11111 t 14 V ho 111ts lind it llk'tl Your tisde solicited ; satisfActlon called on Moday evening in the Sell- . ector Ill SL Georges, Wits tile ofncia�. the nialo buildipg having IL frontage and North Share Halfway, In into U17;i dency, Init, threo of these --Mealli H flvial,a. fit)(, thele 11'. 11111.11 kill ilforth Rink, the eleven being for Gode- Ing clergyman. and Messrs. it. Thorop. on East of 151, feet. land a depth on -_ a A W, Porter arid Emerson -de- gustranteed sot) . Joo.11. Johnston.Joieph Whitely. Cambria of 87, and It consiAt% of two connection this Bortid assisted it f, i ir hod oil it I.ailot AftS'll, fl'lPIlll1V lit ill" iill,% khangeof advt. 1). K. STRACHAN, rich and the six for Senforth. It iray Thotn" HIM, Wei. McCIvroon t alid stories, about two-thirds of it brick no in it lay by p1wsing resolution " "' Arid the former wills princip-0-4 takhig t tl.(� Iwc.-al it lik- flud" seeni strange to the nninitiatril (hat Mr. Nicholson were tile pall bearerm. veneered, the balance being stone favor of Goverfanent, subilidies, which e Ice Lc,l. were ultimately grnitted. table. swoking I% vigni lt91-at Victoria Street. the home team can now walk #'way Tho late Mrs. Elliott wv-a barn in the On Ca"Itnia Is also it large pattern No conic*;( wait halt for secretary mit wilh it rtiolt, fit file next front any other county tean), nut these county of Fermanagh. Ireland. find Rhop, having a frontAgre of 00 feet and The nante of bit- Olergite will Strike anti ti,-n�ttret. Alt-mlird James Mitchell gober, and i11whifie whipf, Goderich Markets. who read Tux STAWS ClitiCiloll Of tile chole to Canada Ili 18r2, settling with it depth of So. West of the inachine Voil a@ fitnilhar In connection with it land W. A. McKifn being continued loinmy bit-ndly articles neecs- lastgratne plaved by these tennis will hip. In shop 'It it large (part two Story) hoild i -n of tile foregoing rell,itike, for withoill ppo'd (loll. Stitr can vefiry -sit i4 kf-pt. mail axe -s f THUIUMAT-) ensily understand, oil Clint occasim The toillowing were rhospn aR tile toy inlervil-%viiig (if I w the family in Goderich tc,irns It erprtses stitrLod liv hini mi �nvv� ll kiml-,AI-nonglift to $III) - Wheal Shown no sign ofndirancing permun We animadverted strongly on certAi ' JSU she inn ried her mourning part- Ing, the greater portion of which IN that will Ile a Imanefit, In a practical new 0-uncil : F. %V. D.ay, 14, A. Nic 111V It hinih4-r- of I ~ are " net, and lived oil the farm 8D yelk . tile- moulding shop. The lattt Ili of wis ently. any fluctuations in quotations having decisions. find stated 0rat a good till) Sonle 13 ven"s since Mr. nnd Mrra.. in rge nize, and lit It can he cast the y to I his town. arid it is only right 0aw. Robert cLean. IlCampbell. bo Pay. 1114-V will be6n the reHult of speculative boyerg. the work pire %van better than A good Learn, arid Fillott moved to I own, where deceatied largest piecea needed for stinorarnoth to Say I lint the well 1peing of own N. 11, Smith, W. C Ooode, Alest -11 4-11 .191 I. of nockey' also bulls and beam we went so far as to Say that I he gante resided until the death call came. engines, an that the eal.gaLlialishinent hall town is a Prominent feeling In (,air SnondelS, (r P. FTnerson, Georgo- f thaIT own the should Ise stopped unless nets were Two children survive, George, of Man- the room (and tile staff) for (lie monn- rnind. In accordance with it promise 0. M. 91hott, Joseph Ileck atilt (loarpe grAinn have just hold ed Well, sime that dav nets have ralmide Ito connection with oar suppoill Oeorge The S:gmil impeqches, tilt' )o,h- PaRt week. and are seemingly at their highest- us . Italia, and hits. Knight, of Goderich factnre of the largo-st engines needed Aignion (;enLral Tile hour bein late it was decidPit hut not find Np.it r t,)r 13"Ina-la Notices been used. and since that day. w i ith township. fit factory or .9leamer. t resolution, to lite in cattle there have borm no purchavent for the net an a stimire land fail- umptle. development WMI11WILY, we are to have A line of, to defer any bilcr bt a sinem,a till next eavnient. but burem should soon be In the I oar bovs have won every game. It iq W. C. T, U_The regulai nisseting of Taken as It whole, the borits running front Lake Erie to I.alsts, ting of I che Board, Whi(-Il vvill I". ne' w,)rd ,t fjlr thc "y )" 111sy "t "ve rect""l it valeritinig of this company is one the mostheqr- -it tloy. 1,ta i(,n c -n r�cwv,� momethina held oil I lie [list At ondmay tot Febi Lim v, rt,:il ( iminals, bot,r. -r more acceptable inarket, Selecting cattle for spring shipmatiate - true that Mc0aw, whose family re. tile Vnion wits held Monday last, na signs In Godei ich. and the indic% Sitrieflor, owned fly Mr. Clergue. Val I Hilip tire furido fim $G.00 being the price turned to town in Augu-it, has been when, in spite of the sternly weather. tions are the near future will witnes In g at this Port aninsignt attirm. ran, In One or ib -A" pri­d1d photoo to be bad paid -for the car load shippea 16 Toronto thin added to Life Leani. thus atFenaLhening a herein lies a chAnce for busineSs Nuch' it considerp.bly, but the net hits shown a gooti number of the members were yet greater progreim as I think thig ton never had I,.3r..ro. IT. 11, r1popuzy's. Who the plavers sire. At the match out. Planq of wok wore discussed. Tnore to a possibility to work ilp n Among the Churchea. When ill(. ( mirt %k.111tt I ill,- Oyat. r.� got khein lit tile li"etoris Rest nattor is tit the old rate, boy0ors paying I t' on Menday night in Seafortb tile boys committees appointed to carry out the Goderich Central 863001. InrKe trade In till kl"418 I)l` P10'"', iZh,, chtfich r, pri-Juccd, thc rant. %ir"t Thvy frr..tI ISc and ego though Weakening linre Lon ,ere greatly cheered lay our people, as It. sawn lomber. fruit. floor.fornil Id"I Ill tit Rnillistill in I-Ortinfle tile all'i its fTi( ll,iq llirly f 1- Creliva, (,'on. bought for shipment at thir artmo price. various goal ters on band, and arr xnge- Report of weekly written Pxnmina " t. I .� .. .,I.l between Ooderich Rod 01i"ton nearly (tire, nineb Inel y. etc, thim towil special stervices during the preascol I"I wileat. Stsauftrd:'� ......... �* 0 b2 to 00 03 2M vinitors (imprard Into enforth that nients niftife for anether parlor meet. tionk hold in Div. I mnd Div, [I. for, And disCriet, can pirldol-P. It IPPh4)Ve-F1 week 1,11V spirit of conviction ha. Tt,k-ph-n� 7) Itt k, K-T�Vz, rror. Spring Wheat, 19tendfirdl � .... n 62 to a 4!1 The gition commenced funnily. inil,to lie held at the home of Mrs Ross month of Janv. 1901. Only the ngaarnes our liu%iness men lo be ralive to lite takes; boom tor lite lw­iole, anti trinny off% fow [tit Flour per 100 lbs.. Patent. I 35 to 2 M 'kind 4 f r 2 00 to 213 the Senforlb inen scoring three goals RASUL11. St. Patrick's street, who - of those who runde W% and over. and sit 11111 loin. 'Ire lor Cht ikt. S111jert fior Wilen -;pet u I 1 % mV P � r.t. narin. Por tell ...... 13 Ort to ill C lit less throt its tanny minutes, and IV lentiq her house for the occasion. A attended all Ilse exarninntions nppenr. Now I wont in Rav a few worda with 11.1. 4. 1, Is ovpiiing, -The nmn sl., ft w r,1 I or- wbich will almo,pt ba per ton. sn. rV MAsR. n I �,hti I) i� r, 1-i � - ' I7 2 to 7 ninny at the cuctusioniAts b,,gan to gooil grograni ;m lwln$t prepared and peCial reference to (lie town. Whillit dArpil ill ent,r lhc omryinir�fen%t vitth 1; ,,i," f, m V Ra. oar a #10 a OF) 8 - 7n and vrer-May B;agett, a0., 0 go to a rl think Chat I hey vvere on a whitewnsla- refres inents will Ile served during the vre rdnntpt at I ho oininerit lvinSit [hat (,ot : lie vvedding gAs inew llrvVirJ t,j W(,,t fili�wi f , i � w ft 10 Darla' Ing expedition. Whether the ga rite, everdin;r. A cordial invitation Is ex- Biprett. 01 step Ithynns, OU? par" 1 t' 11 I' tile tit) recor"' Ali PiEchnngp nvq! It m 0 sa to 0 57 wali allowed W Start in the way it did tended to #Lit. Reignerabot (lie dcalle. 05% to 75%-Jeon Toni, A life A nater- it C'm think he sid flint in no Rev. lit-rhV, ll�te pa"(01' "I me,;-enky, r4 in Ihe r4 -t ai )f I ),I n 4, 0 � 0 6". fly if the visitors. or whether Monday. Felor-unry 18th. On account on. Maggie Prood(not, M. P. thrie tit Ilse histolY wag ill in Do 8 -a 11 ' I tt Brant n% Hay, per ton ............ 7 on -.1 it on it vvnq tine lif Mange thance fortunes at (he baneful Pffeelsofeigarette arnok- Maggie 8titherland, Penrl Melill yf hetterallinve, om Its filtm r - BrAntrord. allow pimtj�r (J tile Di-oRlap ButX6r.lWl,Ib..­­,n 0 17 to 18 noted in alincrat every gagingo, we con the roil and thp alarmlarga ra- 50% to 00% -Pearl Rvanst. Frangreg We ran wt -it rifford to be prouY."f i he;1 r -,r I 1. 6 11, t Earn tior ifimen ................... 0 16 to ' in I nF both ni, it town it) livp in, and as a chritch. lifniltrevil, livid Itsiv. 0 it Toirk, are k-11111fle oar cord.. t say. but after tile third goal for Wit 11 ',ch the nnipit i"nn, WiKirinis, lvollol Proittifirwo, ItitA Jo, -d- paplot of Garlton mirpot chori h. T,� oinnutocturing placv, with its rAil anti r(,kl lo, will) land a (All Io lVell o2 -S Menforth our Isoys; secrued to work to ij. Lhe W. U. T. U. re an. Jenni-t McLean. Ethel Sutherland. CIno eirculn. "'t1b, �tgll[ldlrvX ........ %gl, T orij gpther fault with a will, land befe petition asking the MAY Duff. Robt. Caniale. Lewis Alt- lake facilities. It had .1 oAtlll &I lev ( 11 llr't 11, I In.1111 Ittin. blivo 11) 11',c action sale It hey bad Ilot through Chi ee acto of three tlo'nng goLverninent to on'bibit kens, lvv Newtmi. Gortie Morroxv, lwentltv. Its fine 61tiation, its eleva L%migna. 0 Dom n ahe". 34folloo, I'I rellre frfstii the rpjrtilar ministry %I tile it I 11(it to Ii, r .,;ch sheep. MI. 'almnia %even goals were recorded for Life lmoortAtion, ninnitfacture and Ninn Graham, Lillan McDonald. Owen I ion. etc_ etc . wrake It ran �dpall Spin Irlo4e, of,the pre,sent ronfi-feracts vkLv I Ile at N ' A auction per I .................. '2 'I" U it score 7 to 3. So the game little of eigArettes. We appeal it) AleGillicuddr. May WvatL for a town to have bepin built. Of mall go i Its ev.nifeliatic urmit. flarnilt"i (;,.I.r h. ut*i� 11=101, .......... ..... V& td - 00' 0 P JIoFM dr . ......... ....... 7 00 to 7 23 1 mn lilt tit turao wm called, when the Christinn workery throuktaout the JIL IV. 01-4sill. lF,L# year is Lite place lima vastly lilt- tif Wc,t ll�irtw i,,, I M I, 1;. Sams. per 0 14 1016. game was declared fit favar of Godo, Dervulnion to &lit us In our efforts and ian lloddinot. the KnIvAl ... n Martin, lovix el"W 76% and over-Pstin Worsell. proved, ninny new lonil,lings have I , . %net.en gale of 1114011 ro'k - r .1 1, I - , �, r, Iof 44 J ill rich try 11 to 0. find the win by our to help to swell our petition to finch sit CO per cent to 75 per cent -Blanche "P, brith bitilineoi tAraces find Arvoy, will coodort milpecial issoetinscal tile Paft�l Ill . . .................. ta--0 iiii'tearn grinkep a nip influence hointpe. rho fatter innatfir of an artm� ill th,- Bratintliq on Midit lay But our Norlh 0rvct It for tligi county tro- extont Lti%t it onny have so Knox, Joshua Thomas. And Kowlity Fi-h. 15. T Tallau. We coftgnitulat oor boys an with our niparribers of Par "icn@nL who 60 ligair c*ht to M per rent. -Ha" I ic nat tire Ili v init place to the (till at y 1, �% Inl<% �It .111 j%l,t ittit rotter", W4 00 hierti, f,,r illp toeetinga. art- A I"I Pocks per ithir. ............... o to to IGO h I Tti-utm C,hickens V& pair ......... - o 3D to 0 #0 -tph.L exceliput pitiv. and. their east tire pledged to " usider the interepta Washington. Affarnis McIver. N IL7. frAtne NLructurp. thei eby add in� W t lie "VIV AAD TZdtrA1kU!& wins Inteiv, winx not. irtittle thronoK of tile people w9oui they represent. HOWelf, HeJtA6 MeGaw. Jan. bestoty of tile x1irmiinding4. ; Ft X p. io., ' The " rl' the blindness. willuliv at- tatherwiso, W9 would urge other terpialeraince so- Mary Polley, clam 814)(hers, Pre -Con The lat v f lahe glanolithir rative work ll tile 8 K;kto I V 8 1. orang" liell to do of tin ointraVe. but hono-Stly recorded eftetfer to JAin in this ca"i n. Lit- In en IWijw fie, I i Iy 11'emovast k �dmn :,:, * ment. Wit x In I ru*4 w I I I Iloilo sprvnd i I A 1 1 1 c rn "t v I ( I I lo Curl, (VO In Ono) 30 pnl$r n Strang. Mattg1gir UcNevin. 8nmisel a 11 over. 14 ^step in the right direelion 'Station Ala -tor- f4iio-lav, 7 1% go.. 'too 9 fit the rueshes of n, opt. TliefO110111ling Prature suitable for distribution 1 Begirs. kiffaii MrIntvre. Bert t3aliff. potatt"Is. raw 30 to 23 were (lie respective plarem: connection with this work can be bount Striall. Anson Horton. John A, . giving the I a t )eon nntlxol*td Irdsk. I linen dilit, 11 it. Ili m( f,ir )I 11 Seafort h Goderich ob�iglaed at the Dowistian I.Atewalutin This remart xm* r"Iv appir in the qll-e It lot#. .I roll Ifou�.;,t f.or iii i ileS. Beatcy goal Vilospitsill r,opotsitorv. W Elm Street. Thronto. Kinnon, AlAry Millers, winter "astoo.rin oming to non-enforeo. � iln.� a p-,v%,,r I-, ronk f " 11� hv hi giin% for :I I,, f r 0. I -i H. Brar pagralrat Allan We trust thpre will ho It heartv re. silent of I he Pnow lay -in w hot little of p. Il4ionet'A %N iwir - -igymtury I- m eat h I.,x *dfont 7r I= ZI; f: 0 y be I , P to Iramn - DAY -AVVIeftia0"asM Vft"r Egntiond cover point Thompson spannale tot lain appeal lay Cho ominion P. tEvaran received several cars of (tie pAvrt#lcnt is Arco. LAO Inany at ler istit unfairne,;s tilt- a! been tinrepre-entuJ. Will, Im, H. Reeves fortarstrarl A. McIver W. C. T. U.; eat would we as H. Olings F.81vannno (lie teacher* ad imeambersof thewhool Appropriate to the ser"o rrtgn of Ilse irdervirt tit the tnwn rintl fnr the I Oil nerpilfil ill t 011ITI J 11.0tift. efnIVIII, ffted, P. Jackson V. McGavv boardatogbou"Ibelrirvialortthy In the King WinWr And his allsr Is wriprv-. benliffit of the throiigh I ritV.1 - Vell. W, Afecialid W, Me0tatthip ed to I* paittallined. In v Persons W.CG*Wo calls attention to his st,cirk lack of slot y ()I, I Ile pit t (if I IIP enwers wA' F"s' P ­`I "'I 1 'I" 11 "r it intN the Rl,fing I f .1 r 1W 1,, mg P,i t',airont, IQ# , , VAI- Stevenal. Parsons. desiring petition foarvarts or other Infor- of taxial-bromo-quinine trilatetio wid that be it) not Seeing them parrotmi. i will I?% atill, %who were in tin - number. Jackson, maLlon of the movement can be *up- white plus and tar. Tb# chstnA* of they Rrp Atlnwpd to llecorn I I ("t e Ili 14 " "' rJodge IJgovIP Imil Xt,,n the f J, (f I& aT;PIO anal pnrnm,�n;o_ Mrs,, 04, "' ""; 'it. 1buitheriffandco,inly Aftt'ltvIOV Atiii-tr,-viu. -f �* w4i;.,thir, Sh7b k b t Isitt erg. F fitends, to keep th4r .�-at va,.int I -,r plied lay n7plvfn I one the word elpmn d,l. IIA % Ill A le it rtnd,-r,of ("Prich, died stud. Wm* g4l'"Ids" Tickets sold at 0. go. supprinter ent the local society.- you need not SrAlt LIM It I ly.for unless our authoriti werlp prsent in cowt., and the former I to the pmIdlent or advi. was ton late for this wite of Mr. GA Xt2ff living parliament. end I wo lb^ i131luto now. to prevent the stalling o adjous tied it to Montlay, the 19th InsL deTily on Sunday. from rineummong&. V