The Goderich Star, 1901-02-01, Page 1-or rate -. -r Z
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*qXr1latilli, OW14 g-4#1'- "alid
#10, Ot heir.' ITIACt
11:11, to
a il&a I aglittalit arfilk 14 &OW
11 ZIA, AlIft .*I
A W 4, 1®riiest, bow ww'"if,
4 torso A,
Ow Itlogiel rulo 1111131;
fk?ll* 1'eat As
Hill if ;AAF., 0
'0low,Xte Aula�%, 1*, Hle- WW, WIA4W
"to �AW" 'OT 01M 1AT
1,0113,614,411" tlat.j ft** at,
fet" 40*4 itooi ori1r; Igo
,W A It- ovow
Jill WaA 6114110 4444 he Wilt", odi% Wr it to
owx* 0*1 h tl�saaairlaaa
Oil, *4f Z
W, YOM* Aterolkv,,Pr
ots opq
*1011 not or Arid sh Went 4mv droatas*ti fA'Ag A
art W,
rotiltoloUlft Wsw 10f .
t W X I&L"k, 4 MoC And -alit- P"', aur Airsk ""tilt AS
galL , , _ . V�
9 J0 jo $Mo �Jrta $all t
:OVA sAKII-P441 ........... I _ it,#
_0 �faet. LILAAQJ�b#
" Or J*
4 "W"Wilijq Am
ii j1pQ V4 flariW. bye
ltof lostroctlaffs,
r -_to d rds- 1 Call IMILATelY 4,41 eye, Id%T011 tollop or 41140
It 'ft") ** allatch *0 illA n Of 111111IM144. Ilost" An%ulgif r1W also OW *us till the otbatlipst etarn R 1104GP14 If" "-f
t1c4ager kar tat tie In the lear, arid
#Pa rea.1111
lCame, to t ilertd' At tit tit
Thrm P Pin of Kigali,. 'Xillitoft
Stan i 40W our alhe "feet 441.0 lalrjW�h 1, aft to 41111p110g of, tile L 'aolt aVIC Oil w
tias Wall, Air in tile toor of thea
aaqi to, 1"ut though Guld to that evict
U 40�"'
� 4. , here atO Uniells, W 11 lea,
[%fit tntq"Llk IVJAOS UJI in a MOM il 0
Tour Ito Ansid wan 0 1-
lay My ffrot WIRII. Ut Mary. SAY J tialro lat
IA: 3 too I)J, 'AreatftIkk atr a lapeAka-to us I" aAdlib e aceeallft, it. Eat,
r an `4 73 f - Ith ofUse 1*;q IS t, "to be j
nInsist, timat., Xua that (in yl
alfrl'040�11101IAOLAT r ercoloual� lie Ile dill A ftatiolle. fit he bornine)"ab. col"pellWIR
4 aaeiroast tile 4tteral;vn of ell
r I FRICID A. LVWJ9AA _4;;L�;�",.:�,P.",7:""�.�.','i go, Ire
is aseriala)[L all(L tiel"11401 gr
tceratla, Ilan Q. lilt 401
I., asurel ta"Al boatid. God ban $Pa n
iarr Yes. *rich g Wow too I tinait w inlay he to he IN
0 too t his a Bt bit 4S94 WWI(* for th 1#14 W- mW tk firatory, Tile Church Usself (100" *to Jusk
W EMPreSS WaS th ;.a urasklitlialk king of Olds, title the death (if t
Social, Istion it illANII
heart -noble QuilinIR JJ11A whous% liando t
11 OX r -I The nd of Empire have a I WAVY -14 AS east 1he of ktw- 0
qd and thoin4lWant
of ft1arricatod� gAyoa for an undewtitteditig
0 All"t, 'k '1 0 rche def Ir
-take Lh 41, 'Attl6gly. arld'i, YAllyr b6nored Watir the ;,bu , s of Go h 14st �Stlnday,, JAIVt she tolight Judge so gegat a co
a. its
alt 0 WIL as larger #trot, by ft
4ent. lit is xr Mail that (it tc)jusil wpdol nvtvywbetco.4c*p4okinotOlo"lty
ro tile I I -u and patriotism is awsellialit. within, klist Isicart at
%Ila U 1 LL I I
on MO preill ano-1he refereflft *1�y the: diftrellit -pst&j Wej�'�o eloqtlent and instruc- plas Pro,701 on then
1101,10 d.,J *th her a istere impulse
lie do, I srenglaq as, r doselp )t bL'snallisfast
sts 10, ahOwN. -39 tivess to wafi*rit ani -extend 0 filch 'y are sure Will be read "'144 not wl rr nualle tto JU or gentlattent, but a tulut natil she Who ruled over a populattou Lvoi
b rsupdr Tep �,t, W tons tilad Ist t1us, (hienars. the Use CAbOtill
t9 , 1% Ill . at -tea I she too some asitivard OUA13r
thing. tills lead learned, to Value ChArlon-Ingoov, tile 1101111
all e join In the ItAtemaj t6ii Also
P13 do �fit kZq. ar AS .4 With wirld'Int4r�St
prayer through tilts re4givas training who has owayed tile dainit isles (it at) caftertyalls w
unery far 0 qqqlofI.hpr usajesty"is, words In full. lady. heir mother. Ivan to priw
ITe w, &4vrertfspinenm
A 1
LT 0 ral"'VAi lable enlitift on wbl(-h tile suit never "tat issicisil nattiumitig that wilt be 9 cc*,u4r
harjalalt to Ile, that flora the preachir
she had iveelved trot, that
Mania Ilerat has 60loved V19torift. lilts left face by the nation to the memory of sucla a ueen.
iso6reiis: TWO following lirera"tho. P'01pit'Ara -torglita"Alefte -11
ltson dittillatelmiS 0 On) A ban eaCtilly diadent 11061114 to crOWIl 1110 where them are church bell& they vivillbe tolissid,
to plisveria 4 !VJqJtor11A r4CqgaIdlPd)ier call to the) tile beginning %f 110 119190. site
jsup�J*a. lit -0410 as distill0l aig; the tied its no, And WOA
ile11 I'llrough "I caw of tier oldest son wad Rod tile nationl ft* Way hil Vince At* )JArlif4h leTA the silatv-0 AS Pi'eA.1AVes,Z,; Dvgqrs rgeo W10100's onall r � a wispre olso will most either Within Of without the Precincts of
Ow. &a. 0, a it AS: faLLA)u9insint" t at" accordance w1* occestalailat" tecillito an years and ulore sat-cresor, tvilti lifts 90d
art cour Dally-ftperAt-ItIA10,31isk ROM. 4. vis Elbe obeyed the of tier reign, RU13 this. 41110141111111 the wenr. not, a tiara of gold, hnt a crown our cliumaics. We (any anal actually share ill*
DOW, I Rod gave herself up tit the cares tif goverlituent and state were As,
lit I 4;or;- Outit W -An. et .1
a ii At �tif R.N�' *' And - t;iaaebas !t,�). a I -
Gaad hings rof4614 , J� w f r1glateoustiese. Title deatth Of Qncs it national starrow, allots tile anxiety Jusclorsible
i ;Z� of tier dod, in tile service tat engrotahs nit urvent. In title I, *W11"t Willi siuch a plavical. we trust Rod pifay thatthe
..... I .... .......... . 010allnoll, MCID, tlan. ; . - busy Victorla, Iss a national even
Qr, Pa a '$krAChan. in olienCe"While the, ultit of buo,Jdl?r Ito time fall, ver the vlows enterttolned regarding noble traditional estAltall0licil by tlie mother wilt
The People Tell C. FrIdlanuit ..... :1 1 L pkip ik. skip27. stood, Murtil tier country, #%nil solight liettve"IY ago sued
cfgab systerst-lo. a threats tit grace. Hot religion or prayer. But the wheels of her they tire discarded arid forgistton he carried oil and "TfCgttd la�. her we. The
A. 4SA idw,�the� prgan, and direbtlon At tit
0�ariialrr sale-Wr,
Olt 8ALR allo. 2 RINX. -a tanoothiv. tit IiiSe TAlit cat bee 'VISO flit' asixtv-1`014" attachment of Catholics to the AA a a local
F alloi. 2 Ru =mye -eira tears as platy atu'd religion entitled her to The husinegis life would I tin nine Ist it
rho onto bpotlKeirre far 0 Tilt Oreritfti blari Down-Rivills l3i0s: to. - 8 -D. Thontsolu. -V relittlonship yeare
tlot -Ils T. Solomon to thes arid the Nvilheels of eyes RIS MIA Over slytioatty In beyond mustaldou."
Tim.Rolatosqutore Ssdc�Hodlgeno awfass. oatitle of life Would-rold wete people. What I w1blit to buy laore find
eon. K "sona Allfiat from 4) . 8. vap,Wn Donley. Woman, as well astotbe AT VICTOJUA ST. MZTH- CHURCH.
....... wift6on." W. 'Wallace. *a -closing o d1rection now is, Ilint lit tills great event God Ist
i1A wornan that feativel-li the Lordt ti too takini'to pray for Divin
The foill, n In a sel*�, of r last, It in Tile pastor, being singaged In grant
u1st Institute -Mr, A. C, Ctiviliabeft, M praised.* Moral virtue Is land laselia
uild lausildlegis 004A a i nil WOWA speaking to its. to remand Its tit
cc excellent satiation in I W witheall be he tiny of God's, Wallis -le,
..... skj 210 kip 7. Kti all rc
a 14 W, Andrewn .......... slesson from the ()Wit
�wn sell UF-Lmm"
Idper, iq& of Iti overruling services, did not vietv to life 9 our
".Ing Aa 7N it
Aeeirassaing-Whelar ;with which tier late prov tberaki dividualoor late and beloved Sovereign. Quceh Vic -
own �wn
greAturei, 4114 as so 'a a home ttikining 1
Total.. 8D TotAl.,; rpd. England- oweis as it nation. we tire prone to forgot
toria wisoin Gat we trust, lots called
Ott pro
worpan land a queen, but It will not Majesty was ravo the God, Hit; sovereignty, and our doped. to tier rest in heaven," but In a few re-
MEMORl" r Tim Qu.nEm-Aia -Provs X 0 "The ju roary Of the laid � tto tine, ble4sedneas without more, th world olives more, to
lit MR 9A ITO te
-land, mr the late Qd Its bles4od;s' Nerlonegodlinens. Itiathefearof0od Icheas all Kent than we call tell. rot dance upon Him. Wo therefore need marks Preceding tile occasion be said,
hiabidentsfaro that the %vhile nany ofthechurateathrougho
asAlaio to -0 Sq. pir aents early; just
E lit
oit Is Most High ctileth Its the kingdom tit
ShT, Oinown
king lot, A$, Olt afit'Voi p t%l
OnX04ortall Town. life mnst be uraosigally. Iftterentingloat, there it teusents Jo hat rowns LISIS clustractea. of the a, a ,,finance (it hat- trRuilog upon tile norrothing to remind tie
�11,, ;tag at Hodg011s Bros. hod 'at) kjleir the 0 ble.t%e t Wadt'virtaticle our feefilo vlartuams wolaim. Without which 611 life aud chut acter at the queen, tfic einitifire would be hoffling ancutorial
an never �now, a reprenentatliria of' THE STAIC and accomillibille said that -the hand - that Stick% the nion." God knowsour lotgotfulneol, services, we could not contribute a blgher
I �Islpantwax 40fio. lxr$tb aligning tor Satur4ayo 2p4s but in windi iLre Plow to #accept I. there are, other adownrueuto I
brick Image P, it, pellar, edlied on Metli, ' Dohaldoon., othem to Which May to and with merits are of small account Anil this oradle. isk I he hand that a -tiles the world. of Him. and tic gentle oorrow, need. coniplitnent to the nlaili,good milites
Huron v
0 hit Road. AVIto, it M&Y, not. be Wi4elY .4 -therul h is t Pa - *a X -evident. our beloved queen prmeul true. alcknoss, trials denth. as life terrible of tier late majesty, than y hunt ly gub-
dta pongeri
UPS from
Situated N1111 �Aed. She had whis calla It tant; bee
Cliatow" 'Atold on or lacrit,
Or isr o a loed Queen, titi dkite hiss ir 'r
putpbaaadaar,�, 11or partl. itnowits, lived on the Ball"oral eitate no tuAtiftestly no - the itairAbis. that within her the ZOE (if rei erence and o cannot pay too Rreptt respect to LIle to Impress upon tie His rulp, anitting ourselves as a congregation and
V t been changed to Mbildays, Feb, At period Ili the eatIy M4 ;1den- intporta At holue traluln and battle to usake tilt feel Hill Pa ovidence. Yes, a nation to the Will of tile King of xblgali�
out a IS, will be fQ86 - 11rie4 life trainoment. we;hbar It Uttered. we ex-' tile If be live whether lie to nee ( 9 we anti Lord of Lords, who makes no raw
it GUNN. oodairioll-P..0. partlealairs of whit gn Therde&r.01 * laft is hood,vIdellood. motherhood or %*Idow- religicaus techlog. Mat iero tuav if there to a placia on carth witerait
page 8 of today'a STAR. halt true." To. the rin d
2 me. 1787. well versed in the incidentse of lifik* f oilrp��,t them must be flood, was one lit which worship Arid weart tif the taska of nadtherhoo but itra most initiveeard with God's over- takes and is carrying alit tile great pur-
n 91) What
WortA$s! 1x&nTuTic.,. . The L ja lesions The the study of uod's Will fluid not sanall or their sphere be lausubi. at, rulln Sovereignty, it ill in the quiet ca aniongst the nations of the earfh.,
OWN PRnPEHT 9,8 Effltuatti
ad on veHal adul
cle TW he O'cidd 0 Jileat L f
T Gode the, queen and A A Lbe Lord always belore great. they tire, I faithful, performing clatuniter of sickness, and lov the hed WIS then preached a. scartuen to those
ark A vlcetlnx-of�he InStIt"t, for r . . he 4 Out. and long share. She set I
SedUnWL ces
0109 ineini,10- thoWd. bore hunre tot her haviost regeard tit lifin a-4 her AS, "fission (if war
houslanusaffittesestsibles bmtlng"" Lord
r par. W lit, Hill -on will tie held on W3 9. -and Ar id -wide influence. side of death. There we See the newt aveta, on the importance of being
-east nothingrioas of human atre
anee a their 0 AOur late Queen encourn ngth. . Ohl faithlatill witnesses, and exhorted Mean to
wall. 3VillbesoldrOMOOKIIIA�A Its, Dog- I 0.1%41J�C QIR . . 4 per. accompattle, parents. th Mentor I" eatto it ana Ruler. 8 a reverently gulitaijiLted ad pt age we are, I to Jesus Clarist, whose right
Haiti. 0 Ofj: AE�SiTtlatlt's
day next. al, 2 O'clock, fit the Te�m Qopgw dellgleo� to a tit his precepts and providenceit, tuany it, every depattailont of ter nations,; how weak, how Inspotent, ger, tee Ftk
tenants 4P.;I rat the latter painful In their natutai. fire. tit tier reign progressn literatilte when denth. nati Unit's tnefi loy" er all, the earth. The
Ance Hall. Golearich. A goodrprogratin 4149011 says Elie their am&. Ile 1009, V, bell Al. on the is being prpparedj and a cor4lest, Intita, VJSJVJIlgL tile treign Ov
live. How lit.
ARM killing tion Is extended tilt ladielas a its she wits not proud. the visit -Whichislautatin tortilla. Site analle it the buisineass (it her life to wit" made, heyond that ven at the ft one he the ft tends we I Coll rogation will join In the Inemortal
bounder sorrow only we feel in Rtich at) hour that
It line. Stator MISS P& coullo getterrIlly to all, try 1, 8 turday
liato acres I wilt filoped, ond waW "a tend. -MRS. C. CASrpi3�1�Actlug was alwga enjoyed 11,14ledi. rwomblea the ralre"; fly God. aa the hest. find most reign of Queen Elimbeth, andbaoil ettrile. tell next So
F glot , t t tennaly tic sery fee In Knox chat
lower singo it-,- tsvp tqgai, In, allo President, Of, -her ajestvs, portrait a I A glorious of Soversilisceis. Sbe had is while not A he cause contri it to God I hat turns status to de morning, at eleven o'clock, Specil
trlvinxgbi audit id'we thinki; those of recent te t afeellbjr of, tetider regret, not ill'- boine in the sanctuary where she de. largely to that condition of Wags tion. How deepty wo should feet ces will be continued during tile
ciao at &be TRAcIAEUS' MMXNa.-T gular papers Elie Elie best. those of f Mangled we at". in tile gcrv�
as. twok $110 wits cudialEAM. .9 in when Oud visits tie tit h
an iv 10 acres etb entered joy, and reveren� thriated to dwell. which nande possible such advance coming we k.
d was. vel hould we feel title visitittion as it lit%
40 naeatuag of the 00A101 -111W -A Me-#. Donalds 9 gma,itude. and e -truest In the quiet chatraller of art, In thispursuallicoofthe study of the social circle, llut how illuch lalore
silo looks older.
aa 10 %lit the OVsirOI!4OX1A6% devotion. She knew well AT ST. atiladaro 10WISA I iqiicb�.tion the Queen used Often to walk ovet t a that the pill sical sciences. reatilting An inal
Athe Wait H1ii7ofi'TeA�b4fr4' r
will be held. i? ti -Leing tons inventions and discoveries for the tion. It Is not 4% visit In nil oboicure On Sunday ustarning tile accession of
Gill WAY, 0 nd it she met a tentuitDn'tt The 40 cold soles 6sts 110404 be. happiness of her houte, tile well
4)sz.otral school sin estate, AV 1AGainst Whldb thalbIllusirs of thOL metals
That- SaLIjiday# Fe )i I e'date narrow JuLth she would say. on L Frees moo. -at hat ho -ld at large. I t lit Asorne retuote cornor of Edward VI I was celebrated, the serviem
I )t
RIC It at;3 p.m.. List uselsold. and the ptospilrity good of tile wall
r -obiataked' owing to the t off. it is wide eating of her realm, depended upon the favor The wars other relgra affected Palo, the 9111tip. tint in tile dvingg chambpr to for tile 2403 of Jane in the Book of Cons -
having been Art. She loved which a whole comat ry Is gahered it most I yer being followed, and at the
vbn. ThO111OLISO Ito El her As In t1saii.bassurbassl4a tansAirlsto of the lure MCURV4 rOles or Inforinantle memory ettable of the 1,ord of Hosts. her Heavenly fully bfr woman's hen
date set for the Queen's fitheral. The Y, Ira 0,
brick vianbor. mairl IM6 20130� k1tollan ftl� Of golden light forever shli pence. But when ar became it neces. the dying bed on which the eyes of he ontalt sion of each iiervice "" Sifive the
A, 05
hard and soft water it ounnessAfto. Also 9 will Ile as follows : Miss togivp a hood account of the annual
tram* moods the Jenants of the adate Though clouds uses
darken, storm" n say
do S(Abliijagm Thelots an&' Mr. I They stattkillseik rem des to 690. saintliness of her ity, the daughter of a soldier, her world are fixed. Here we gaze. we King,, was sung by choir arid congm
Ijasil q .. "She inherited the 91111-
gl&Wart, History; Mr. (Imast, Public land as taIdninvitationi; also incliAdea ith tier brave arsilles, frel that God ratio,-. that. Ife due," Ilan tion. Its the itioruingthe rector preached
iticther, and aought hv prudent and heart went out 're
it's Wtant8 of falPOBOMIOP cy of the delghbordook So. throdgh the 0
ft ai'� Apt) y on plitfie to school LeavitAg GeogrAph tide of years -ucLioi, to b -get and propa and nerved Lhe arna and Inside keen will wiring Liao inhu, all tile life of our late Sovereign the
I c 3 v the aristocr The memory of the just appears; plons WAS iiiin ba" h I word. Bile wits like a tuother Lit earth no well its nuinog Maine (If Uuc,,,, Ed
GbalariclL A! n1dooday Ivan- I a an 0"rge 86 TH STARS WIN._O tile attendance wate, alwaTs laaget At eo.� through the r,� ratessist "it the gas e the sturie in tier children. by the anti tile accession of X,
these weetinirs the Queoust4tv4d The good man's virtues light th 910=1nik tier wounded and sufferinu .,sea, &'%(I heaven. Noise (-,in stay flit. It, it ( -
till tPaChIng Chain the fear of the IA)rd, TlPreacher a
ton-jorlJar andAT4n talocks gave
Ing the Hear midnight. but did'not dance. thongh her sympathy softened the surrow of Any to Illsis, "What ife and d.fth' .. .. .. . .. . .. Tpe truth of our,tax� is frequently She was not unditly biassed to at party, : I o I,, , .,'I picture of the I
aV�j-ThcPtwO;jto7 briii0t4illifti on I ornen nande deselatia by tier brave In God trint, lilts called (it "I, victoria the (;oml, %flowing that her
Lt phaved a game of hockey In the �Fest tbe tuenibers of the Aherdeen'und- iflustrated it, the efiertiolled and ahidiug nor soured with aninjosity ana Elie I I' k FORS."UN Westeorner OfN est stud.Wellhigtou Sovereign from her earthly I I
esI wiCileg4aii lay other noble families around the'e4i�te reign iticatit tint Only euipire, but the
kU modern histalrovenlenthefull quarter SL -Rink, which 4 ratereartly of mikliV who m gone. but uncharitable prejitallcos. tint viralked in men who had been slatin. Aght -avenIv home.
This many love" of the glanie. The galue soldoul, to that trutb��,eibsphasized so Elie Ways of Piece 1*11gioll, under the Queen Victoria reigned. Blatt nil lit etension of civilization, the widelling of
altanItabery and tram always danced with its totiant, XM
in out of saftkolito'Cfesidencesill town, n miereligurelleadinw-voin Agnin I teruark that In tills Rad (lis- tile hounds of freedoin, and the bette ng
A was cal led at 7 P. in.. when the, two Donaldson, wilt'- it, in perfect e�ltll.
Rep 0 IL ment.ion of
ilJobe ,both fl the the Q90311i Vowprfuily, :Ila at the present.. hen conduct of the universal princip a of 11
Aninamer;uSsIAtiter. Abegre-atest, natloq�on IS in Catholic Chi istianity. asid In oubjec- chnnictilly subscribinj the pensation, Ord lightly eoLvettis all of the condition of the race. Mr. Tom -
VV -with "a
boy, L in the STAR block Were too n'o BaltaI61-41. and �if a man Eke Anth 'of Its tion to that kingdom of God which to roya a 9 a willen arpuired, ndiY- hoinan greatness. (iod with Ill% as)
sides played hard fair the park.. but .v.1 inittlare
the .1 d Wolf' mightypowerledoingthl now. Ill$ bell also spoke of the new king as a
inte6jew piourising. lasepsap the nature command or
1011. SALW�Leaitrbk in llutchilson's su&ey, swift, for kheiropponents,itild downed t, otaBurne could I AbOyetelfgti.ourissilloved and good not meat and drink. Asset ArightwouRness ferent, as to snonarch who, reared by so good a
Godeflob. Vor Pa h be lat tuessinge Is echoing, not merely to it them lay it score of 7 to 0. A Anal or. could publioll a book of Interest 141 iiiih6-is admitted by and peace and Jov in the Hattv Ghost. it, (hough an alincast, hici edible inotiscr, worthily follow in the game wilt he played off some evoinink about the Queen In hei Iniv tier. of Papers 1.04111red 519nk" solitary Individual, t t only to the PRAIAP 961T. P Highland Queen VictOrl"'r nuitit bqr polewat her tealtq 11 49 aiwilie Rho was virtunue arid pure. lKith hadChosen,
aft-levetal, lay. the ads titre, sibe intent first know if 111.1narch. hitt, to
ext Weeks and 4f our'boys will plair as House. le content" gathered aruiles of a
I hersolf The loillicans of tills nation and to Oise
tto have been the wlg;4�ttat monarch. She gave Iferwhale heart to her tills of every papi-r. She kep Tit F. 34 IWORIA1. SXRVICH I
well as at Monday evening's genie theV -AT R1WrGn Sunday all IS
t 44 wass land the tuailt illitiltridus WOR'san Of band. and enjoyed his full cinifldence. t If there its a will be lield in St. George's to-worrostar
w "Pr4bei posted in lie details of goveTraniont. vpry endat of the earl[).
will benare-to in Mortal Of the late Ed. Camptalginla wait incidern danittaii ions in the sight No evil stained her inarried life, or affecting her. vast dotninionia, &%,Ili wit*' glation tile loftioRt of tile efth. as console in.,
Lord is the -death of His sesinto." years of widowhood. She drove far
O�RTGA$1918'At& -OF 'VALUABLE OUR INDUSTRILra.-The Doty flogind Isle tit advise even her- most intelligent [,)I, , its tne Chat-H.Cterl f oil# natioll. fl� wheat tbebeautiful an borne to the loteat, resting place, Mfdt� Of ths =ive ritual,
M ESPXRTXk11l , The realloAl of one at t be most humble hence, and let us krust.. Into endless
anti Bicycle Works has stands up �hease land Cemetery, In presence of a very trial able itainisterat. A t.oted European Iofty as tile of Italy earthly So all 'ate to the bereave -
RW tl3&. I yJartusi 0 of God's cojlftn from earth to healen banishmeni from the He itish court,the A - -tl all -a directed b
Vain b ' i 'f "a tamirairng0fdaides previous SO10111(nl-, writer has said Lhest, site wa4 the 91'ent, relor, its lofty n4 that alit latelir Illik lI%eIlLPr% conducted, a.
tatined nace natniAOMBIR0. large number of Telattir "f Moment to utid hid-Orbus inonaLer. Scandal.
can I , I'do' days and. this week. as in the as and ft tends. I, an evight of kii*ft iission. Bv tier pordistAilit hy the one %%,Ito ham now golie frolow lof tile Diocese. There wiK
ithe Bill ilk , 0. 18M Made by the "(stlel
YOf. J4411% - -follower of Of he' her high Position, Hill- forover -Yes, lofLV AS% wits Lilt, 411411110 (Joubt Ile a very large attendance.
vendors iind which WI be produced At, time onM of COW month. the staff of "lea' The,line of carriages w.49 exceedingly and the angelm. Wittens, a words may truly be applied to her
itliele, find imirisilinitted an Mall�cdaughtetrs havedone virtilomiev fall lifishiess III
Vrh a Goddrich. in the enforces tile lesson of fail hfillt)(416 upon
Ratle.1lacro volit 116-6614,1SY Vultalio auction lit battles litis been increitiked, anti "he long, too forming the pi;cession. The A.he Lord Jesus _I)Opttll da4betl it to tho -4 -rise two Islethodist congregations will
uxtowii'hot fattAwt, , Whole sitAtif to as "busy an busy c" be." voutsidethe familly' included heiroll"t'lory, Andbecomes clowned butt u excet lost thene all.t laconse- ALI[ who were liet o1slijeet' In thpil Ilindlyas thougli hi v cuita list fitunite with tile Presbyterial, in a union
ll� III Rills- Kikoxq � auctioneer, a
mournet 1coil[ A.R At the annual weeVing, thih God- nearly evpry sailor in town. And- a all i called id &I kidgelorn"Athiclove. ifteence of Victorialn; pure Ilte. hot
"tie P%, 1 .111 directors lowlier o" 8 11here. Broad- th,verrip"tillitemst upoll earth. Dill memorial service in Knox Church at the
1061.6t%2-6 ockisonsi'l attillowl erich Knitting Co. lerant, Ili re glon. scorplug he, heart, string�
l6r, n? valuable large delegation front the 949001c as we believe our late Q1eell now ia- children and her subjects or- I it v
aIrq-RartJOAa8A0 Into OUTIal' were re-electaidAlle slagrelsolderes tapper- 11 minded. t a few we mmic hour, so that tile last farewell to
farm provery fraternity. the It is an ocession of snore extended re' risingup land cutting bar nit haghtiness Sell soclal nar rowneps, she yrete vibrating to tile bresith )air late Queen arid Ptatiress will thus be
bdr 3 Rod 4, Ili tiao first',oSistieselon. wosateiris dit- ig nouch ilowwd 'with the Oliffellows, over 70 strolig. inarctied tc it' more ehdoting interest hall cherish that memory with -touch frown Qw-en lNizAbeth. they uro now Still rittingly observed fit Gdderich,
ently beat fints. t, I oicinFl. an a
Asian. of thowivinablifibf Colborne. ir Lt 10 county atanta differed
3 btaternent. pre- decollsed's late msidence. #Ind b1t6ar the
at Huron. containful her a xtv and one nit than this celebration rafew great victory, increasing reverence as tile years roll w hot,olitnir times showed hatight'llesis Where were the sho'09 nod I Im
I it or was; the magnifickant comnatilin by.- Here Mr. Anderson spoke of the and there
=daby the managem-The Grade- A PROCLAMATION
i"balfacresall nd,W4 as& onjorstorlielao.arid -1 forall too armed two linea from -owness, And nrtlitkInOss IS
blab VOrt its,& ribed by tile b . "� ft tribute tit the Einporor of ... P nart platillito of theg,tthering
too "re Iii6plarly, diatic rich Organ Co. shipped it car load of I I eee hearse, rand between of bermaje4trsixty-thtee Vents agol, beautiful 4, 1, of it nobler inind, is now I he aLilrbeR4 still t ill' 8 ul ticli?) of wilt' 14que' I flit, the Mayor,asking t! a antr.
to 'England' V.eaterday, anti the open ratnks the remaillat of their #and Vat how Saptit suclilan event Germany, who on cominst to British a V 1 pw.'ke .. t rue. Tile aochamber of dt-Mll. staid thl, funeral chiillt� to c1' to
jldl'bt gland. cley and vanity faults. Orl's, o e their stores front 11
Ace things are still rughing at the factor y. departed brother were carried tat, the to overlooked. lail� of Whom thif still wished to lie recognized not its the
tati no ma
shout 3 miles from Gode lit", John Bright. gaid o'clock, but on represen o tie
istinvist, sallia, now barn as x In the ioom citileath. ttic, World to tint ort hair, pass away. and Krupetar of a gi eat nation. but as the I tatesm ocesslon and the desolate At'd
T. -The semi-annnal meet. hearse. a wall tile noost trut.hfid of lit Pr
rich. t3laae Indicates, 'he illetit grave. Su ends jail huniari to hilli SLI)MVIUCtItly he amended the Are.
ft frames iti)taiv istAblis and cow stable, and R. T. of Itfiall ea high. There are 8186 Ing of the Huron District Royid,Tem- caqkpt was enshrouded In the lovely tile world muses thein not, nor duly grandson of Victoria Refers AS, -e wag leein2s. She wits wido o(Linit IlLtlenC84 cl;;cst I,). a sircotid hill fixing the time as
ficaral offering sent by friends. anal the considers the significance of We event also made to President McKinlev's greatnes%,
'h atanag on viere red-tapeism. In .Tho hostiot of heraldry, tho pomp of power' it fioenoon and until 2 P. III. Theft
about 2 is"If = C Anil! I asting the whic
besaid on I
we, tat rema tie enclosed therein looked to those who lit a left behind, tau the graceful a tin I or Ospet"AllY she Might And all that wealth land all thitt wauty wer were distributed yesterday, but at
place Was held in Exotee on Friday n stArs
This Is a d"Irk lie A" still InBt� and 4visis well allOndod by ropre- peacratully it resL litany friends took worlit or �o the church tram which and stripes; to the queen's life of etan. tier voting -att num1wr of merchants and business men
6 0 ��' , ;-' �`, L � - have aspired to Allies, as tile greau gave,
cast t Irmo are well at Ed, but so they have betin :Lakn. Sometimes, tinued industry ; her definite know- Await. alike, the inevitable their Intention of
TM Cj,� of The i)urohrAb atentatives And tnernhers, t4odorlith It 80crOWftI1 f I emonage in the whil I of the Society keep.
cooL story land. but to tile wrave."
f siale. and ill,, balleince sending es, good delegation. RePOAS great wag th number pret-ent on Stan- however. Alto so marked ledge tit her extensive domains; to her at astataily rife which ber posillon would have ft is ing their %tores closed all day, in keeping
were ro3d 0 that WO wisdom. end particularly to her love. tit front the very beginning verno
lit all other repeats and discussed, and Wave and da hat Aill could not view the re- add so strikirl Impressive, Again, (vital fly thin dispen,,atw Willi the Spirit of the Co r Genemils
M&t stitin-Al. 1) wr Alm bondislonat of role, will be the to toy the matter to ee which tilloig tiq for a
mobcourt at Jug- raleans were devised to exte a Lho st etation (if rel,
ad the work Rev, Jim A. Anderson held are count roil a O'�tre she hold, and 0,,d procLunation, and it is Ilrjed. very progs-
and (It Elie gravel, Isteart, to feel the sore bereavement. under wits the secret of lie, she onde it d flot ent, ipralllta� u4 U) r,�Pe t'l Ilan
Ica, tbrough the county. The 10110winit service at tile house, I, q I her high Inanition, and not, ignor 1 .111 it tilt Iv we think-, t this oil Observance
tot ttrincrtAKidiflattlintit infun dc6MI)tio tire the officers for the current year: The Odd(ellowe conducted their tweau- add staivi Jjol -ior the. at rongt h. Ing society or Its Claims. she rerni-ded teals with nalion% R with individtialo. if ilic rntire (lay should he followed
tAve; t4ong tills children of men." t - belovvil of the ostil Inado-by trettels, W- binindi", "S'Ply District Colin Camp- tirill ceremony amcind the oPpn 9 L the fail from i Ali thesebeautifid and lovelv traits By Lakiiif, Irmo o4 oett
eta on Aliens %it incidentAl telittiOng AS tier tfe upon its lood tit for-allf. all our merchants and business men.
t heir removal, and IS I b I 39sesslon She rouRt, ase, ve be" asion As certainly worthy of it.
Of cba�imter. av Ing cap
of our ficable giteen, we or, Alld 1'ht' (CC
tattle Auctioneer At r the ittildentaxnap-L. bell. te-,el .�ed; Dist. V. reen was - deposit Ila% to rnark, , gient busiv life.
Leyris. 0;7dition; Sec , David JArques. ca-;ket. send EJ. was at rest in (;Owe olurn bee4idbe af N would he ats sit %tillistri In people as her people'a asovereian, and Our Pa
sensibility, and of aJOHN,Mlox, I our VISlictition to her the title athas proved that in charactotAr ani coil- I k,r Tit S 130ARD Or TRADE.
Exetise' ire-efected; C.. W1111. lAwls- Acre. The floral 6dIbI6nI4 aen� by ence at spirituallin I'll
Oredlan-, Trelassy J. W. J01106143n. relaUves, and friends were so nuiderons a cold. callous. worldly disposiLlon. party rovk1etaneRs, allibli iml,
Godcatels. science she wits it wonast" trot-, +11C following telegraphic carrelpson.
.137-K .1 wor 4 rapop, mleol VftrntW re-elected. H., J. T. Wescotts that At needed an axtra carriage Ad eon- ,the ruenlOrY The rentainder of the discou rate was a w,unisto wits grpater than it qktepn. "Ace P I -it liv the MiLrd of
Than words of our text, � IINVAI V(
Miss Maud Andrews, vey them tothe cemeter. The of the just is lastessigdo" deveirlbe A fact devoted to a consideration of the bles The lesson is that it is greniter to Ile it eduesdAy OVeningfexplAinsit
Exeter. Vei ificlad Thi -o,, itVarna; Go. M, rhacefit., Esetef" 7;,r.e� ed a beautiful plece,;oa�oe tin Walla, 1j; all history, and to sadness of such a memory. It shall tie true woria.tat. fi;Ithful In your ophor f etr
Ill ------ which Is ALLOW 1.91:11, 1 To HiN Excellency Load Minto,
antAtiVela to GrAid Council. M find It ver Navigation 3 V lRomp ot thp
sent by the Maid lithich. not on y so British li�"tlrsn, ever spoken at with honor and calls life, loyal to the duties which it Pa I as
:MOA,% t. A Ap in (,air )and is it dg, threat
TO sxt mee Inscriptlotat
Ili hearing witneess, SO study SibsOrtla a noble name? Its -recollection Is As, tier coort was Pill -at. No di 0overnor Uenersil. Ottawa.
conVanA als.,15aftel. TheTIL Compittly. bearing the beat the wbole,*6rld Ott this moments mandation. Who would not preserve .,en , an to lie it triete rItseen.
�Aafie i4riVi der SrAMM U. krag Will, hold In Varna to June. -,Our Captain," a lovely pasolsor pret vocce" oning W dp%ceiid I
areg,T111111a; IdAftft� 6 )"It ym-. " Ill, in waiting t') be Ymir Board at
iiAUXV. JAft Or 1110t TOWN OF 00al"AnIc" IX4G.- On Saturday toy dest, led confribuWal by, at triatabOt our attention Jose thAL of Mowry. And continual inspiration. Who need Ile tic divol-rees could hve a plave lit her M .
114 Tm botraft Mr. andhlra;slaseph Satkold celebrated of Bliffn10 (;[ends . tile Thred Linkes. particularly :biography. and which 01samed to owqihat he hiss bad a just tetinti 3 oi, courL Willi such A Qileell "16 wrath lit- I rlle of Late Town of Goderich beX
he Oddliellowor. and- 'many tit lie -ent a national till uLion that yon will Convey, through the
Sent I t tends to the lietOrtriont at the Judi- father or a virtoons other P Who lax marriage Jews well, and tner( v
the twentieth anniversary of their thus WoOry UK arsation. as itunfuld" Motles to -day because he Its a lotaiijeut with a monarchy trap to Use priiii-lisloo lo hollibl" lie. channel, As, Hin Majesty and
lwag: to this ther c a a It igns. Re VtdHIll anot thol tiongmimi ttilt. It.yal family, their leep and idn-
dr to C Sly tilt's Ilk
later 121116 marriaig% at their farrin on the By- that tly beloved. arid dischiselas character. of the British reloa that halt been &I on whic at the death of or
MLd'*b0""hgV0trsJ Brfas,,� human latei;� P b She hivi imoredned the �191- lleIdR&f, Between fortiv arid flft all ?a cal friends, were s parq= of tbe pblioso* ruled over by such is noliale otivereign. staknp of her pit char -r, It Ile
.13 0 y S. Platt Thos.N&IM, of Are actJ4 Will 110y, rilatAvs *aya presents and th few 0 Jura: i firotiv, --f the tim
jeantlislay. latirs. *a are l' are madriteted by 1% tais, hys Just gone to hot rest arid rp- centuries hence before, It Brititall (it) I ondly. lic its Calling tipon u4 is, I)#,- WILI.t.%wt#;, President,
war& the' ith who We" not (114 d6t forket tilt Tho it SL Ow. Price avid IL tape
A. lilretbau bylatheoiVit by A'ShakesPeAre war ; aud by whose uncon"clous rbinjunit. Else lAx anarriawo lawR of Roil's q it wolid 1-f JAR, fSI IT(-IlKLL, Secretary.
o -Chins Weddlng4" There vlera� fela. W. Logan. ThN 1
;go 6 1 pralissaid soatfo -than by ass Hallam Or It influence, more than. perhaps. he mot other countries willell Tva, nitele, pare fit, devil It.
glial, I, 01 rho risareb of I ime. liko ra.t. ratonAlitati Wn front JEtUcKnOW. Ile Strafford Haam�o ad" a
at,. to, oativAny.-T Hupkip. Orteat loassiviii-And urine Plalligen- admit, he ham worked heroically, nZ cAnknionacted. ThassanciAlvothorlit IRKI
St. Eteleassit and kind - reg&W , statioLics 09 W11101161 lajely succeeded In the great Witt fares Jiro has been enhanced Lhroilghout Liao endle4a fnnerptl pri-cessi-n. n 1,011"Ing Your lovat Inewsagia of condolence
has the following, �np the death eralixistious an4
AdmigharSeraxeig EittAlatforA. ^oil ur distant; Ah hud dilvel6lanifistal, all - havO of ife. Such a just meenory #is Lbal, Enspire by tile IWAIltifill lirp �oq Ill onward it)' thl- 1A Ilan been inceived fly the Governor
jZ4wocd;�,thelr named adif niessitgel front ti part,
xpenC. of Mrs. M. H, Clvno, which ttok 1111121,100 trial Ivit-li tot the pa -t sild twe how I I iorl
n 40A ab Ir at "'a- It andth ilkywasohloAtedif0761014' itlelas clainfela cinbur-attefiffoll. but the which lima recently been I)oqueaLluod tat of oar �te Q,ireii. 'She wtought (ieneoitl. who detilres tile to into -on you
bta,to,lassistraj 101111! of r6addence of her istin-lia-law, after r1sq,Ljorl moved I,, ci�roill; .,A
W0400101 Mr. send Mrs, Salkeld were conkmtu- Alt the. n stall, ,, that It will Io daily r,wwarded to be
thea:66drailitL �flftsiajrllkeldlsa the latedoiskenchitIg,the china oprind on wia, schusiractesm - lot lildividuxt me its. we cAnnoL and must not. allosir Eat her neatil litsting glood.' wave followss waive is- da,oh o
" A Varier such �icslfs, didbuch *kfo.. wonalka a th quite a fade. To Mora land more moieard to her peo shore. Untold loillion. flit hko g"rut'vo- Istid at, Elie foot of I Ito t lirOF10.
irAt L - Tholl. t reeterve it, to a duty we owe
*.%it hoped that theV might ppeat �l 4,81 wi
ldiattroslucioad�sla he Inalpliftilitrix and flit preaeut �llasdswr�of lenj week and whose it- differint, pe"Aw to her who to gone. Gov. OHN's. SWY.
a JIVatdrdeeJV6tASeiv1i*latIv6i bn tholar to Lboge thus pJ69 with every patillostow venif it was rd hAdo-wa liefore im A it swith reluctAnco Saint Usey TV . ..... otir view ft)rpvpr. Ami sve tism 1114 AJESTY'S THANKS.
lost an -1 'alIV40ritdd,gbldetktLnu:verettriew. Ants; mAttan were interred in tbe old Catilsolic I purpow, todreformel"rin5 tile remaku. and to other% who will c ot-ald allow
0 1. ASO t allulLf all the 2fth,,the presents weris 61 tometery "E1011 the LIS that, their Qtaeen wits to dits prestiont. Wily I Tito, king )f Tlw rtol,,wing telegram received by
.VV1 nk ,the just.01 and of such an Illustrious example, let us
1141tal ',Or chin&. an4 they Sta Malays, sntne of oThe des' ought All 0 th took place oil WedriftaffAY here detiginatod � an growin at Shut Rhe should Ile
gilles Jep., lant Satumayl ebaftct## of ElAnt &lgeis of Indivi State after its. And adder tile Inspir
b1 terrors Is ever lot hill wotk.
tug the Worthiness rise to the height of our individual taken awa. Arid when ft few day" Star graven tire opening. itionuitientq nrp
gur-O . , or le0din IV vahlable. last -in Gildert6ho of Mary Herr011, fu4turin conee'safal ad . I do L OAWA Out an. 2CLh. - -11, . a nthem being eld USAO Our OV at I CrIvilleireas A, I
an With rciletiv" And failoklis. Tax. STAR Widow of the late John Ulyne. of Dow at Lb&t tft and duty, that we may Ile d over Ile rionig. and fiendsi ato delaaftinK UP of tI at (snored in achieving me all. aind that
ti Ott". a It accorderar, re for tile it unipiris thal She wits rich Ont
0111111ty- ainall In 'I it th-Vt MriandUrs. JrAtb taking place at tilig Peter- ad stineen. to What gres tile world of apirital, Even whill- we
ater and tile *at Id. vaind tile clastren. the Viel or! sit era% w t9 a holit to close. tln�s"` rsimil,l 13Y t a Jovern-r Opneral to
rlin t thein A Ft tXIltV &$Ili
donto of her daugliter Mm ThhInAlls pardiseffl. Susan glowhill, and nolvartial NIL tf"rru rll sh,ot lit- onci, has beoun earn.
yeceive congrettr than he# been done Ivy its before. so It wits re6eived ft, a AloCk Of Pail' and finn, 0p, tint] their
14,*11:11"whom ithe,liawrl hean living. 01bute. that when we tire t4tken away, tire waY m4tnV prnyed his, tier Leafs I i;p0i tile KI.K a .,P,,,,
110ttlued lady was one of tbell"t Whcwtheb&ve "the jdge f40 *ham ire, faces are seen stiff their ir' of title county or
their atfilkithkodAy. I I, - I I t I on earth, Arid crowded In coverv. But illisstriou,; re sin heald no loorp. 4-%Vhat thode.s We 11 14 to %I is ftwt y'a heart A, it nit, to r
The giecative per.46ASO )9, 11 art of tile 0011- blangadeiie, to here ascribed It Us [)a rawourneii v hit antr, , her is rth Exactmme ugft.- as, IMO heaven, leaving b6tifind us it memory in Enkliell lltgtorV II(Li elastic to a close. Atari. wllf%t shadilWe we p4i"tsf." At siken are those who have fieAr OAAnAad.
�j (6e eat
HurMo her father. Pal A a that Is blessed. The longe9t, refill has ended. Ott Torm Pvery deadi tf-e World I -
IK -1-4 Which God addre*ikw to ttitw As 60WM I no transit wondvr� s. and show- it* le onceltall,tv
fU;t1filin I6,far*on Satur, W Illait tiagraratitai, IM 11141109',111011144 that NORTH ST. METHODIST CHURCH. it Jan. r2nd. fit)] ' I Ineteenth century life od the I'Milty if litaill.,11
mfl.111wornan that thp V
in 'OU thall --file 6dI6 obey it,, agrad XIVa the flifive" np Tire evening Sea 4ce was act apart as a saw, or that attsisto IndiAnce to tile Wlli�n we think how, aflei A wlioll't M. A PUBLIC H-)LLDAY.
day to ArMoga pMgftth &hit dgtd fair lilt' Made hl?ft
ho, fft�t lit JV 0 r. addition to the hyrrinst,
N611011111 St. &"Oflt, Mats imarp,- John Monti to 1111 th
next Annual 'lit IT vi A ftled Ase"tce of to =*or:Ff11a.L1r ad dawn of Live t, w e AS ti P Lit cen- nessa, nor 1whov--d eit W IJ,JInd*n tan han been
Imin. raiU talliladtcli
t8tkulf, It I he rajoill rh&t p an
a811iftirdkO AUAI 141:21 art At, j6hal (flyil was be- K Recefticanal was sung by Mittek t-urv,,,pu,.Re ll,tvitig Rerv- tot AS front ties- peoplo- f,iro-vei the T,) Be Observed as -a Day of
Holman. 9va A lesoin. a most arm ed r gpoerntion by thao.41111ce
his JOSE AsibriatiLl01. filliaLlaid juglioegaill, #A, ,lititself in thot islaimlar, priate part of garland V.asa withored tit ker Il'trid stilt]
0u&WAAt IS% wines, tt *it# dagrid0d. hank the next rOnvad ti I General <11ourning.
the service. Rev. Mr. 190", in the ,I nobly, royally pen tile Reol ter h;L4 Itorn lat I ra,41de, unit the
it withher.haillawasid. and course of his aeortattan, gold Vietolin (via aq;slep, It, I-@ ansid that linnipm) life ba,, lipen exchativl Iur Tinonto. Jan, 80, -The Government
06ft on 8L.� Jilted in rZilval I e4 at the very
t1eleptA 1.6 cautioned to do so until mine sele'ron true r4plixion. namely, prayer.
"j6la Iiiiia SSUA, Ur. T thing -u-s sign else load a stareophuglis ptillyl,...4 if tit(. gi I%-,-: ole (4 Ont1LriO ill Alight In the exercise lit
104ft Ago- wb his died which ham not been insid ov*r at it liver foa-Ado Where tile Prince 1*111, the ve-tel in Uhl,tholn.
it a moved to: floda- lar" eigbol atI4 by lftr, At). 4-1t Is difficult here to *air tiny *,ime yo.
rd This i4t ihink of all ill
t - 0 with h as 11''t Is LirrPrelation Art, 1"ated it proclantata.
(or dt06"100 rid' with 1110
w n U0 *alit or) W lailibilay how (Art wits laid. anti Wrot thisl a on" h144 11dw tAb somasidatyalls _ .1 A
deepythiat r�,r1=1hh.p prests #%aid which yoil leave oLliptar on it I 'V ictorla. A livert.. that in w1liell %is. j4 1) to tion pTodititnivig anti appApintinial gat.
11 ev. Othor t there are wany Wings in taph tot
89-0,� 0014% 44, ft thoh*lrtof;*wae#IIgto ift no oVen in --, goop flOsta A 110 poll, 1, *onto Alft he life of our IuW Q;Ien Victoria front flora a last I sl)nll rest with 11hot it Jay "a 111114w holiday to be ob.
0 Rot ephootal. ass
0 it lit thee fit Christ shall Hoe mg,41n tile re,0101-4 It dfatY A RA-04PI-Al Mittiming
tItyAilir-&SIS tuns of per I Inch belphil leitelonsf may tin Warned. with
Vt,%Ls,l to g,lize ul,�,n I It-, I toy fill Polsoraq thlolighont ourfArti-
itas Ohl 0 As a usiater of fromn we will take A By her death Lhe qreateelt ornpirp of
11, 11bitial wess, falsities, eve# kiwiv, ke redeprated. In vinceol'Onin0o." Th6owtilassallidoolit
Aftm -r IL it, th
fft JAii, EAoxt. I Kings a 111.7. 8. 0, which rectilds Elie earth. or that
211 tile prayer of Salomon (too fill, accag, sivies plunged In sorrow, and the rlvll. their harp -.4, mail to Is
4 notton, of igh! ofrftkt of the Ditirldoslarial. I ft, I iilyq s tit that 1pgal p(Wti(,n on ftturd
At In her appoa th gay.
b0oa tion to the thtane of 16to feather.ptivid. Ized tilt ciao of the earth all rilool n In nd rokistures, that no wngov r In te 1. flientior Ross waye that.
tAlt all blanks. to
I% for P. S. ftVM6 la whetl she rind other plamet, isirlitch
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"M & it I 61*LT-ftair Yes" we Archbistiotof M. G:aldhearfr. Tito chureh wits sintrica A MEN.
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