The Goderich Star, 1901-01-25, Page 6T�W­V— �Fvl W, r � "'J, WPM Wr— ww% * *40ow A"k b044", cut Vi t. 400* A6% oil 0%4w*� 340 4W PWW AV4 A At)si, AM 00444'it- 'Wo 0049,W: 00* 4101114 0 k*ft OW 0 0 WAV *0 0-404 n #PAM *001101 do ITU ra *opt, Jft� *4 in satisfy t fit N tior. 00W low W*Wt* "a 01104"$00W t4w sot 11"; Attalou" I �,Vg SO*` ft ee;�g 1 41 10 ­ well, After Wo* " OKA* 0'" *Uow, ow #OW A00 ---------------- to o0p. 0" 04 related abP sow *W* *4 so ***"w X* 9** *4W It W* 10110V *V.*-. to lirro* 4m* #vow* Moto."L SS b'"t, 004 �##al op W400 ***4 Woo* ro* r a 00W ,, , 1 Xk impow twftv to tar re a man who: UA 010"I qe 04w,"wo Ipwir 0"M *4 to"O"a i *04 *"It wo�i 4W. 04 *MoW 4* aw" W#)0*904 *4M in car own liviAW 4t ftils"41V 011 t* two. ow= #glam"M "in 0W# 44 t%# atkow, ft saw M44 adwwk Mwt rip" -11takndoW felt abstill4to ot tlw a" 404 wor. 0101101b "4444 Ar #,PW4* had paid 00 this am w4N 0. W04 Ak MxantinaIa rAt of 43 afftpoe made him b M.0420 IFOR it f14 ass as likelyt..t it w Ir Now 0 IS. 1#0 0 W it toi, ia*�Viitw W.bea- I 1.4 Ut W*W 0* Afw his roleaw, -f,04 ..uw tb 411,,:orelga misses to secure OWd44,L W lg�to, Id at least ft �*Wfi� W that� they wu too, owilw �Ww to 4 .09 "'k A, Oiiep: w.*oer w '4$40' .04-4 r V4 annoy wing tar ed 10 know Wb servaAt too, .0 VAX* bw"W*4004 mob -t*q 4*9 0 -1 . I - , - - - "R JJ6 .40-M #94 ce to 464� op v Al"OU4 to Unt a#. for a orilite against Wbwk , tu, but really,for �Ak , " waa�44* in *41, 0*' It It tb inrict ander crime wh h jZA :4W L orkate of workuw for I " 0 To 4 "W' W eily r , V Like t1oubic Iran, VOUv tir'1141UP, r t And tbon� glilem, k XWO mug slttlitlor expejone. of finding the real cr irt4 a 4*'Sth' qtt$�Vlr- place W say be voded by *#q pg Page could, 80 ea ethAt conutry, old Squiro Tuakey; 4" the innocent. A IR PAO, QQA%W boil"$ 00, oommon Ilk TJW rupto bw o4i "rcoft OU, Tattri '0", row for #iwc the arrested man EY, but :Wa� xtio tOW04 "d ga" 1W j,00 sio of iiibri8tisai it Profes Framk. XAy Iny, will be'Woll fixed of to Mfg; 09 It, woww'#4 4. 1*1iter 4.0 t be an honest �t -0.44 tho - �. 0oftor drops oft." t444 i believed hhn 0 rxtak oalw 00 44o 7t ab To on -and that he should seaFair's 4L bit Ist* �hle y*00' KID HIS his relattiona with t! ad him 'y* us was p inAd to aid Fxsck 1#0, thoi, *at looking at that gaily Col®s, %.It , r, ANT RlS obwIly anil.vIth, little 49iso", as the officials meant it 51161114 10 L pair of overalls 0`4 to nal -0114 V*1114i; 144aa andl bl* owd Noit�orW, vr, �b� poster placed to # a& bazatag oo the wait. its 1pu;,y hisbe. Besides, thj Plano. desporate and d lit Yen, but fun Uk* garnio don't but *64,# #Ike i4opis of $be serous robbers were BtLA Tow a" Frank, ­nolftr- J)ft$- TURNBULL& TU4UJIULI, Itit 10110pW." 1191,4 the philosopher 111- mighty takon with V&Iob bud, -him. Ithl hlo, �Ikr- Tq V to repeat their crimes. 1puloy*01 4pt �A"041449 W 104 0A6XWV*t*,, wliqu tWea oirsi remer X11416n. bed ram 4M#* s 0-004,411. alm. In our despair we, IdLd L10 "Attor" aJgTO. Fellow kinder Slow 'bout comial him Proppocitia, '*04 1 gqw sho, 041t help thinkint bpw %rdatt It would'ba POW 14 A**- and i0l, olov 1 before the Bri-tish consul, U14 40 oumilked,, Delia E. Howe, foraterlir a rain -Homiliva etmt6 tov, Dr ArShAllbastWomewomil from ofiloo. roand to -night, "What's that comin' throlo or t9bt tl&o4. "a W,0.414 �Jibq secured the -'6 Jilift. yirdof All� sliolry and teacher in China, tells the quiokly tot *41 wuod 14 ble mow outfit, with P0* T4240SOX11111 down the zoadt" and Frank climbed HI1Iy4 got split The little story, illustrat- wheither through tuibey or threat oqt� VArk#4 TWboti xial"921, CrONJIM been 60- 11011OW41ug MO flaost lime 444 rig In the coun, a VIANOV41. VRAIM U. TultsiouLL dowa from blo tbirone on the top Of sif Ali* 0100WO 1410* JkAtI, beep, to 4001t 04y, $0 �yair we -never knew. It then b6c%*6 -4. (it . . try, tow it's' $u4t this way­the#Qy*tJnQ an* t- 011Wning Ail" of Lliug 00 a4thlobravery and Welty of LLOW witimea like what they see and what ages .11 bis taMob strA necessary for the rel offeraivits to §e stilt biLrx *&N there itror two -IM * and wandered to the t�b*t 4as the A140 GA nl.r vicajo 4440.4� oorbd 4boitr1*,X .,a Uerg was el 4irlizzling rain that found- since some "Sounds mighty like Caleb $&no' leeped farvenrit and when tho I 4a one must be P a gain' to'goi right a on C, ed a4ad Lbre were- no other knnaoeni� they ka0w, tbwx D d&VW now Utere Maud S' I'-, humalla away quicko Vo7le baukorlu'af- Of cream, AtIr ftr- 04.14t.19 041all,and the cloud f Id- Op i:eisohod he Ud ovdx- strum 11,017RS AN Miag 4pti -the: p14 �*o come tbA XV91*'ttlaid 464,WAS COW 0 G0Jd8bQr0*b -to Xr, 040tiat udw 4. Whre the te�oporar- oil New -Me ut 0011111iiiii0im Sultdillif. along like Ilakety split." So closely that they vitims avadable, and tso ills throt, ter waltial tw )quc either." sbat oat. the? loot ray of light, Uold awo who had attacked the gatem villos4., Tho eauimlsoil boom Ao Ja, I upon" tV4 W 4 4OW00 40d, 'Woo at th Awkifirilt 00JIV at aoiddouile. 11 Sholo a faitt lum and can beat any- - tap 414 You. Paolo" ust an I muttered axtranielad that the amwit oOlA4 burry eyaw -boiran to P1741, , ...;,it actO fit to i6h*Wi, w�*cbl will was gro!VJ0 -!erO quickly found aad iduft 4 gVa. J�RAI-W. tlagill but here Hiram's voice was tifl iWIdW ,a on the unused deake in Frank ; "but What'* aptal to be done I Aara two tiOldie and rion, or, 1W JA 4b*lt 04 Ilan The oream the school known a. prorvssional -1440or SL toot [a the tumult of Sounds that ob tho fin, 0Q*2' V410L '44 xa, aid We had.11pent They were V11OVIN Do broke the event That%% what rm aftex.,, o hey lubrod04 here at Lh most de8perate character, ne quiet an Caloba no and as tAO Vldwer,; �PW, 4 N Ottrxied while, every Wmeqt that � we 06uld onatell NPV4 I'm ontalm, to thAt", this In were wild With expikern now matre pounded up to the tie -post. eat at the can", and. Mai 00e0ag, Nor 40 Ioliu Crow -the busy day lia-wiping the mold- buit our hearts ached for them as we I JLA Ira may a confidential tons, ")eat so Oulab DMTAL. Good-alght, Caleb, she's workkn' oloolonep of the raos� Qrao*4I excis, saw them led away to dreadful omed IlWs x1slo be,- it. 4bA44 ifyo . dod1 thLo.4 cooled foste-rIng"LlaqWriess from our books, one better." took hew or 'Vewi their stuok you. *Rb fro Well, I a".,* Dttxixw this last quarter of the first 4 water bek6resing. ft not our boots amd our slaves. doom. IV9 'fILH 4t% 1oh0XP too 42 "Me I Aln't possible I fear Ab." it is, probably, sua cusfs as, the 0 knon, 0,0 cat otlice. oid 11 Nothin' better In the" Pais I mile, as Little Billy becan to dx*w P4- 1131�9re tl�M billif full Of All dAY *itul crowids of People had Met You._ Ofd Pgata.. lld bridWe Beat I my bay, stiffen -up your 0164d, Frank had notlead Caleb 044wr4-0144 to have have furaihb�d a basis Virl'l, "L'ed, expar, ffu"40 said Caleb prudly—"at least odgin color 4 to -be %me& add It begin cemilpe And gains. seeking our above tbAt backbone. You've got just as much ayw on his course And boV; cam4l'up and sac me 'some tial aoa% '10 VW!*t, the OUVA. help, and bouching our hearts until for much of the andleas talk mbout t maxele plenty good nut tor Caleb or wiling -him aDentai Saunders. Drove dowta from my place rough ground net We th moddliqg Lit the missionaries with ahead of yaU op Caldb6 but he's got towards the r the, oekir�-J dooilarO,, Wil, too 'bad; It will VbR*q.# '010 1w: U14 -be' )iezk he they were sore from sympathy. sVftgVod moot on Loon Lake. good 'Ieven mile in A little start- Now you've got tOPOII dit6h, He shouted, to him to hold -his. Cb the Obimse, judiciary. be Impossible for me to conke- t4sm; ipsOuiiiO 101 'PaOer Are the also of had bilift in Ina, J�as than three g :0 the cotority of tha(t horse of him." course but didu.t to, the yo a go t 6bf9W a fifty-three minutim" ire. .'glo. *Uat 'griligo kt milk draw& zpoAths, but bad seen more of hi ma the I . te.Lr uman WORTH KNOWING. aft w$jtbaLt dofW, And tli;D ' bUtter P ONE 906 30. Byjluks but &he ciam, hump It up, " But therel ticithlin' in this country slightowt 1410tica of him. TAIn made 'sorry., WNetAbedams In, that ticle than we much better them an" beatitle big Frank Tar , angry, especially too, as Mrs. Farro0tor"Seetind to me tharLit lie abuVa wAQ e4d, fresh haii-een in aU our livies before. It tansy is sprinkled through sad sho,* not much wet, either.,' y mare.., St. TURNR ba felt that Little Billy had not much Qu w9tio soC your cap iX11 Stion the two were quickly absorb. y tar Mr. Hall.' aging tll;a Wolter until it 60106whate in the house our Cbin- woolen clothing when laid away It till "LiVor 406hitod. with Or. Well, I know inare left 'U him- He never lost in He'!& ovidpo ligiss ipay) be drawa Off ollear. 1A *ttle salt ass' helper was Rate We wonAered will never becoome moth eaten. When OUO'COW, then, that tiy at. easy catch, 01, "ches of &tit* I&I ad In talking bar", and might have �Aqludlag Mil moment w r Ike (Okorister--Rany ontob is no a ' far in the rings wakax to dagire[ble. This it' she wan coszyfortbbdo� azA thert math-millera re i 060 abeen doing so yet bsA not a better cam )set travel faster than's usually nerve 1W ho eve vinil 1 341018 a seen n ol t it ar mphor on., Or it few lowed to cows, amid If you'll get Caleb 0. flaSh Ito saw a obabeg to win. It bUIL He has bbea gn opldomlo -k tobould % One as droftl%ess came 9 to do, and we wers� Ia well to burn ca, Osktg xoh in our k-x'U Olt the wiOr a little tooth. gubjeat distracted them aft or I for t y t Is a ' Kewi6qs just vineboamiqg In our,dreams all the promptly. worked up LIU find a cow tbat'll maW W"Mae too fair, and ordinaryor� e eft eara quilckly mks pon0ble. If done in tbo early minutes. Nellie Edwards, who had M10a, are You a womam suffm. u0stake Ito allowl the bwtter to istswid helpless, sufferhAs People whom we spring, It will generally rid the clos- the Fall Fair his mare look like a calf. And what's Oumstoactis, but orinsidarlue how un - won the beauty prixo at a an at OUT FAir Board of- fairly Caleb had noted be felt It was gist? Noi,. aid:; I bavell-t time to e. k, the Atex. t Abould be Woteetg had seen that day Into one off car, at of the pests. the year provion (JSUJIR.L JOS WAR IAGID ramind belle of the TowamILIP. had ar- Cars a. five dollar pfise for a race Perfectly justifiable. A huli&sd TIAVEWt timel-'Well. if you bed Othe ed frowd both vrAteir atid air batho OAM hospitals, when suddenly through Mattresses that have become flat- 'twoon you and CoJeUll Ilmas burst with wful for rived -0001adible. Mliti usual formiti- the sti: at to got her mail and a few adds YL -10 down the road he o4uht o*kt privilege of voting, whom would you aillinuch ce, toned will fill out to the Drigl�t aa small puddle of water bbialag supportl Tba same man I have aulp� 10, Of Poo ouncei Oft -FAR to eadends. Both Frank and Caleb drop - But wheres the horse, first I" ape Placed in the sun and Pare like a mkror In thenua, and he knew Parted for the laat�tow years --my Of butteir auritis tbe taste Of the ams- to reach the window but losE my air for a few hours each day when berae talk so If they had never "Why my littl; this cou- ped that the race was his if ho aculd but husbatid. treat oderlob way W the great� dark roonu I know hOUW Cleaning is in progress. board of shob am anmal, and each tidentially. Licensed Auc a -l'op P4 Prot devoted himself wholly to maklrig Had Little Billy Wha t's thlal emolaimed the Baer A ooldtion of soda and water, ap� I Rapru k1 reach that firat, (Place ithas)Atter in tbA wiarkerand little at tile Chinese language; ut' 4 Little Billy I" repeated . i himself greeable to Nell. Caleb uu- MRtiy staoniaw. Frank, enough left to him I That vow tb)e g*mra4, In it tone oT annoyanca. w$tvk only enough to Ancorporate tbe. had learinied a ow days before the plied witb a whisk broom kept for mIt and do away with. all mottled word for "rabber," und so the ftear- the puxpose, will remove the brown Kh tit 110*=�Vany, doubtedly had the bast of the can- " That's him, amd wtlmts mar, I qued0m. Fraxtk was now desperate, More Prisomrs. Dear we wish WAS Orw tot 0 and although he had never intended they W00,10 show some consicieration vervation. because Neil In common know the ILttIo fellow, and it I wasu,t and gitreaked wplieAranob. I" We the NI cries of "ohaug-doo" that still streaks in bathroom bowls made by using big W1111), be lashed the poor 6r the facit Chat we are trying to paolring, -that, Aivast be doho to suit kept ringing up to us from below were sediments In the dripping water. UOMAS OuNDIty. wltb the whole voinalualty we's In- Xn eldec Pal t bettin' straight off little horse terribly; mud true to his cmduct a wAr inwtead of runxiiag� a When a grund-glass a op tensely interested in hl� new mare, the. emand of your market. If in full of terrible memnins to me. I t per three to. one that he'd- win, an meblbe ToPutatloq Little Billy cartainly was boaarffinig house. bulk, itba vemels, whether wicod or dropped upon ray hands and knees and sticks fast in a bottle the safest pi" tAvV Auotlonftr. how m"y hands high she stood; wha t both Little Billy &M me hat done how he Ilk- game till hal died. He kept his lead The eggair 'the stone, ftmt W clean und odorless, sad groped in the darkness for the stair- for loosening it is to wrap a long .4 113ttkiet. 00dairloh. record he bad for a mile. once or twice before. If my friond.9 had approached 6d hi's new tdP buggy and German- On the mare and even laorantsed it by socJal reformer. Why don't you. the, butter, ;v6en, ttacked, covered WAY, Our Chimes helper had came string of cloth around the neck, over go vers toillul all they knew," and the Ek few' feet IL9 the hmudxod yards wore to work? asked the social reforer. wit elean, White , cheesecloth or to us, and was shouting uniatelligible which pour a stream of hot water, �!Vi 40 0"rywhorle end all aftbrtA made silver tipped harness. Frank won be- old settler chuckled. almt covered. Reaching the pornd I never tbaoaq4t o� that, ezold d beginning with it blood warm. ocame tired of this. aad shrewdly, as parchment ImpeT. If the frmer,plhee words from the wiladow. vor All zleblt Ab. I'll try him au.4 Frank forced his Uttle he af nalt on top to afilL in 111hoo 0agoored, past us am!d ell he thought. decided to w"dor out- evening the a thin Ia) . ..... ran to plunge the beggar. The sext A defaced straw bat may be thanks for your bola, so good to me.,, into it. and lightitig wit delivered a,leoture keeping out the 94r. Fancy arcels upcia the floor, as we finally gro ed cleansed by brushing with a strong aide, wait till Nell came and nee her It his forefeet social refrortinex, d,out in half-poand and pound priats, wrap. our way dowd the stairway, and open- solut home. Just an he had anticipate so It was that Little Billy was tak- IQ the cebtze of the puddle a small on Simple Advicis to the Poor. ion of borax and Illacing in sun du ot the she came lit it tow minutes and Frank an from his Fall plowing and hand- cIQUd of muddy watiew f W -e4 the air D r, to r, V031 !ne ped in parblimont Paper, are populnr� oil 'the door, estAburant waiter-Wha:t light to dry. ad' over to Fraink W be Vreparad for behind him and caught 0 Is s ve I and convenient for rimmediate sale. OUR POOR OLD GATBMAN� promptly took chaxgo of bar 'parcels. a b bars Its yatil got or, dinxiterf Waiter A bottle of linseed oil and lime wa- the prospective race. full in tile face, �Tbo wat Private trade ks of o�ixrse boa(, and r) AlmOist Immodliately Calob followed or said dirt beef ifiricasla brutally out ter, mixed in equal parts, is the e4phtekietntow.d' and mangled by rob- beat I N wgAte the dinlryman Who makes a perfect bars, three of whom we saw fleeing te Ott; aind before Frank could say a word, A fow, nights Wex he met Caleb filled her eyes and completely took hashbaked aLad "Llpodatoescolloge application for burns and preven ad said plainseatly. In Hiram enkin's store and thin time &it the heart out of her for a moment, puddingmilloteman tiole need Awer fear competiti down; On path and climbing over the wars. the fawmer b dcoffco. on DIn6r- air Better let we drlive YOU home. Nell, g, 9-dlY -Owd was Present. Some one She belt -stopped, but under Caleb,& Girve me the third, fourth. * ill sixth from tha ;rank, alckly i3tuff that gluts walls. We dressed the wounds and fit bin muwket undew 6he name of collar lqJd the'limp f6rX Jin At thou You'll see just how Maud S. the remarked that Maud S. U. was the too'biriffs' in R secon Or two she dash- eighteenth and nfaWeonth syllatiles. clean -be I SIX HOURS FLOAT. younger can kick up the duat.11 fastest pame of horeefleall, that ever oil ahead again wrid had soon begun butter. thh* Wei could not have worked JnOrP A Loodon paper relates the trying an at cato4evillil, $44; my Thsnics. Caleb I yet, 'truck. Ailatimit's county. to Overcome Little Billy'a lead. Butt papa bjeota -to n I'd love to. if it MY admirers sittipig timiler had we khown what a experience c(f an English sailor. He all won't take you out of your road You're ea tk% for the Latte dashed on tb4 steps and ta n w t FUDING- FOR, BLOOM hoto we were nor b me Agatir our reverence could not swint. anct was six hours in v for I kIM-W, Was 1irtlit In it JlOw Shp PaSIt the Winallus-poet, about four a, late huar taight. Helclaimis �ih%t There iis a common saying. that Uftbk he" made aurt hot Oda Unsteady the water during a strm, He had can't bftt.11 ya"a ah"d at the famous Maud S.L fie esiolill'at aleep"Lin acio'cuint ofour ive by our blood.lAnd on- It. and 06 W And 80 Franlk had the pleasure of if bbs With excessive solicitude- It Was 1009 a life-prtserv,it, buk was in co After the laugh bad AubAded Caleb I'- Thin crowd Went aimply wild with anise. Whilit woud you adv his stan terror lost R should slip fr'll belplaff Nell Into Caleb's rig, and lMf' Ad. blood by poicr our systems starve; If bedore he was able to relate OnD R' Ott shouted hotly, " Ton dollars to five excitement and troon Mrank was our- vise Papa W sleep in tho daytimo. toij. Kell; " break. out 4L disease and thirldling tale, and then he told it so banding hex parcels to her. Tbihn, not his graap. It it did he kmew be could tO any Man O hore In the County rounded by several hundred IFA Xf 011041110 A 14tft � . Off altogether pleased with the world, hip PeOP10- TO ray--MammanlItkes me go to' bed suffer, but if'just right at all times simPly, Wltbout thought Of his OW11 never rega t. H b d I n in h --at balto mile and a quarter running.-- E101 WAX ItOw, tbb contra of as much every might Ott 8 O'clock. Minister- wis enjoy perfect health, Th59 Abe— merit, that our hearts burned within the bow-oha�ns OX th, vessel, and from started me but Nell only lived for ho I'm same and If it's 101 the name admiration as a few minutes ago he Well. YOU, liaw. ab& does (hat t�l onake Ing try to get 'at the �118 as lie spoke. This is what he told; on t in. Oange to say, he strayed from "that's rQA of all dWegseO W putIfying and 1.1 was. asleep, when I heard Ike awd concession above III aiidslitgbit to daylight the lifo-bost race Fair day at a o'clook." had bond Of 11MOOMPILMintary mirth. You hMRhy. Toftmy"J gangs, a was serehimg for hinn whit, the ship Tkv his father, old Squir6 Tukey, who so. .1 his ObOrtest road to his ovra farm, and Macy captain$ woul the ace was awramige,ii, and now botim W1144 pa . doesal get, home feaKhe the if tW3 is knipt In laud lWocktug At the, sets, 'and call- lay to. an hour. found 111VISSIC a that --ythiria w%tv settled, Frank WAS otle of the first to or to W till gft oil oat, 'WWi there?' Saime0be said, deniste4� In an hour or two, hut this to half loop his be don't goill, 66"elon, and in biwIft circu- 116111d and pot him on thib back, he said look health cop persevered, the men were fina- 'y U - rows 'Lob us Jim' We bring latteraL for the -,throw from N*lipa home. Big got Little Wly to workevery Mo t wiIle rn us most 'disOgAils "Little silly was abnoot done, I think, Mrs. HqUAGOP ft, t �you: to I ally rewarded with a sightl oit thitir foreign' taissea.1 It is too late,, aftt Impubwe W" to go In at once at 6,30. Be groomed him wou 91"toju W -by will be but *t as, Ab. said bo wax game to but finally his discretion told him t Whim the 7ft of September arrLv work: Well. oavied iosuy,, Wtbx1h9*. replied; I would not let my own Gu ed comrade A mile away, A day's roe go hoble. "A on tilt 4.bisaka"I and the Uttle fellow Wall 1 116 t f b axon U at- till he died. -end he didn't quite dle.$* j[ady, yet age lira W&t',yer gh 'A sokid'Acal Ifinot AIA tblLA. praftical sTandtaher In at thitil hahr., reStOred big strength, and he resum- aN vex 'ad oklim gilly, oft oahappy xudivid. brustit 11IM"If up A, little. This boid tte, full Of 1100, Sind GM Wiry as he. tal t LLt.tl6 31ra, Houae�eap "Aft- that 4110, Would not -have ed his dapgoirous duties. and WNA soon back at Nolills had ever been. PrI1,11k Y101111 91VIS 1111M to Cb6#1e, Lind. -ItldeodtAnd, *bat do yaw'msan�,by WIlkell WO ft&§*, 60 qv rM,-tbe had timis tO drink a Ono dE tea,, when With the lx�A them allzmb firita dotevolinatiola tin tan cm -0, 1 111opep tapodltry. The be' Over the wall. would The race Iliad beeft the talk of this clut axactly how bo and Caleb township for two weeks previous "'Wht dor' *all watatt, I CaUed RESTED TELL -GRAPH that his VAY- ThWA, 40)1100ab WAKIng outoldet th4tt Weary WAlkok-Why. tho crowd *110 obft to Go yonv, heavy r light W�t too light labi t&J #Men�i constituent TBIeRtaph Wires are better *taod with bar. Its resillned that the although hardly MA w)*a he W bwaid way Veit blir. heitirr. work. kei OW or bad als,;Let out. Vilely can* up &ad seixod ma, conduc- env am found tit In lkand*akis to tOrO On Monday than on St -tllA4k *sA not 'W aloot PmPiU61136 but out willa 1141736 Fu%nk WM to, rid*. to oK4e& aU4 then tile ftd ss:14i, IN#ep , still, 4114'ten us mrday on the o1go 'of Havvy-Vads Geeige a4t the onit-of �t gat ;oat. Oi ' JgA16 to 'Am ftles A keep their acianuat of their Sunday _]St, and's the AUM 46ttler's hoot thutaped out they didn't mL%h cW& the W111*4 Neil *6A.,walting thm to this 41wria", sictico at (�ouala lfotals -400t k tbtVvra Oped Jbir all -ilOrts of WbOws, tfie r that he Calable hal Aft 'All felt thAt 'JVW does i disOM^ aid, We Will not huVt you. Wo rest of three weeks a4dJ3 10 per tent. 0040,4111latto him on d6la# an wegi. lit i6jo. N4,:'eard ibot t ttor end b*lt*rftAOf nd It w" snoant at calsh to. do mtstj* �t)rwtjs� d no W the conductivity of a, WiTe. ODOM beat anyting in tkabounty evilt- ANeegia that can, '400y want the bilver.1 'Pit not GWd-z wbatt he 414VI baare&l by 446P utill. Zbelts row4fis,tuaid have bol tfttd, no ily. But their Curiosity 4d Ar., aikr. sto ftht been ail,ft IN "It is A pfthAlib REGULAR CONFLAGR4,TION& nsatirtiths � 'the 'b" . lAm the col& obbotitf tO A Ina ba;i ;;m y6ur I 'Wbtitted. and so it W&W dot tt ill tUJ4 bisto q'th6 poci� tg,t� T410_ *;,V* up 4 80614 Wt WU ,TJi th'e", ftak& it as Ailoply lovely. 'JUrPrIalue that some five huwriiapso� btaill. Ardi- b . ift I It " 6. ka ax I itrbed cry aft. but they iiellls-DO You reniamber how OW ha* job '1* aditr#tte�d hj4' ills Oat -%-a with t t "A rk" e t air r- 64MA ter 00 be, j. i uok*li� *w 'Mob **Abilt (ial#b good to take Me in 016 wars Or ple 1004 It; M%d t: t.4�oj Ya�A;Lb6'W' bek kA sv* and 13"d 6 Pe befor b tin" fts toad for rW, becoto, 1�111 be �bikbk to 66 btooa 1b all ftht if, 14 it lAttle while I riage to Wo , toll boft, pdw� tich w4d; W.swa olvett, 61itfil il life'agaim *6d I TAa-ycs- and now that they" are bf*t NOW' Frank blart. &red yatrik ftaita ttA Martin etov* know that wi otto.. got igto.,Voar %ftnied the neighbors Bay th4V b&* 010) tOL thM L X sun to &q foulotbAn, to OZ 01114bidd Oki W60. *Uk. *0 tai Oat evey day, 6old off h00615i aligItt kill 6u, I 'Was 6V*L 4jy4'R'#Q0'L L '11STLE1 F09 1%'0& f.ft 4104 tl* sooner last It ovait 06 ka"a oat Wavd 4sirk taft"us. aa "A' It, at gLJV aboug. iat hiv 11" tongth to faths, *loft. the kftd, '*I JW *4 t 110 Wil, 04 "1111116 to boil nagr sitatwQ1 p n, wth aere Xtelioli ut� go to yo th tar tithe to, OQWA tod aorfis*ad to Wak� ypu lk AFFORDED HER PLJ.-,ASUItE, o* lick u, tilt I cable 60 Wt till I ab"utdal"biAvil iza- 914 WW6111 RAI kbA* 0* AU, 8d**M1# iAl �ft;Ing -jbat�: I s9w1h with -tW laUjorn at Xtiencing. 110-1 am Afraid you don -i like orr a competition tar 00 Nortfi . MY good. little bars% Watitod 41614iYA# Iat f _ jot. .14 elf" Or tat" &bin tht abb-t-011 the contrary. it Ink It is 40*4. kU tibtw , - b I lid, of'. that 'Its T1 IN16hat IL Inklats k e*bu ftil 10W Wo* 1061414WAt"ta you 14AITURAL REGRET. 10" t tho 0 lism" 60*0* their fiaitq, b vosisig VWQW� ittlUe" ay Ursis tbJJ0'*'V't1i6 -0 � Wit C% mot* twin tmia MW 06 *AA: ISO" I &sot dt4wk on the morals, of tbe Century Y'r Hno,, expl bo tho *6b, 1 'h' d hA emy ad ere about the type; bW tht 'Uft o114*11 *As tb tar U;ue 'It 0'00()L 4111104,: 'Wt -614 9 -nut' to drawn l0 U*#$ tw! to fill you Witt, 'ro It ibiagOe'ste " , w r t bfiftft latt t 6: 44 VAgidtrate. 0, ppootrea to rottst ad#* w ft am 10A, 4*6r "Or ithit' tou- ta set, tO thinkio- th, t46 ftt It's jeot tw tit* b*W- it', sthis hatOth aIlls aliIe, 04 dreve Y'r frditir. r I*At* Uotalt ibatapau bav,*60 a am ouxII61 a easy coat 40#16 "Oor ed b* no "taili.jiM, a "too 'Okbe* " opih4�16iiw 1bib - bittliik th" '40 ofm 00111 lot bat**. 0*4 4iVa be orrod alme. iioth, tA aukA - lai�k and, two 40w, M-9VER RVSj Wit40 lft%�Qi You unduce thei &0*k rfriondii er With b amuob alobo' *t eWbAtL**V. at *W't X ftt� ofttig 1 6 *A OWC W,tjt% , L *00 **4*y lk"4 ot e404 ^It L How A 4*4 kif lit lid ftb"* tit tu UW44 t - $*Ala At 4" �iA4 .34 'i ' iAt got W" Yi* tAl 0" -it. ws* 00*46 Wt iok*a *s0*ftk too. V404 t", bult'. k loft it 'L =Airk t