HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-01-18, Page 7I - — - - 7-iPIF7 --�Aoo, - - -.-, ,i� - ! 11% ,- - 'N' - , -- -'ellewr 11 1-- -_ . I . I . _ � � -,
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Jhe Rov. Dr. Talmage � Speak* to, 1he '"w'"011"Ow **:*k *"O " " I """ # 0" U# * ""t *4 $&"Z a - M%** *�* " tV,* LO*X;OW 11111111'"to �
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I.:. I I *94. *"("W "I'd rw* t4 4414111"10. *Uosw k"Wilotlit A*U,m Vit,books � COW. 0.0w 1* Or map 0, , *4*41 V*400* 414 �11*ftw. 04%mosili. � %U VW4411011 all, 0000 $I#""* on"* I
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,o� is, . **0AW, to* cwa**� tp 4swoolt- pox. 40 t **" - ' I Will" -t)W a)#t 14 044 sa** th L _$71 - _V10-0 000 ll -W-944,0100, 4 williklar b"" a 4 ba"My "" 4* 1111,11.1ir YA06" Of bittom V*Vrootelit IJ* �
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, _�%*4, 1. .
, r itifia., , -� - , _ 'a * - , "V+ Y"ftsit �Psio% thfa� ahadrois wv"Ull ,
� I - __4�_ �_ . - I Throp-44, tbs qvmwtololru � I , MIX. � A, to I __*�__ 1 "97 41"at foot* illf. 4"k#i* owsoll, �,
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, , Wtq 's, vi*M,"�,44V , ,No , - I I I 0 Of. TU 40414""P004 "Owl'
. ,, , , swilft psat;4 it kb4 sollti 04 ts" tAk*a,vA sM N* *p �, , vwfror
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rowwtog tot', "WIP,axe, U.'"t two �or, the fi , �Jfasy b - . An, bet � �, ll,1*4-joii . ". f, � ",J;jJ*syslry�,y%*r,4L I*Wlaot 900 to"Ow- flo U,k* WX*4
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I � . al P# s, .�o 11 11 I � � - ,
� W, an at W*4 06, ImlintAl. 1 4 � t 40.4�, I
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, ,LfIL� 44�'A '* - - 060 - '" '' r - i, � .
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I . , T. uf� 04.1; *O, ; *'�'� �. _ .'�. . I :�-C'-AgIo- " 4wrouWA-iltili" 0*4 **04
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1 �. "Vkot '. . tb* event of the foit"*"ot tb* -qadi� I 14: t*4 rop"t WA4
thoic W*1QVs,.r-1,M � i ,'ti.ls.— kolft*<-*A*� � — __ I .tot P4 . , w . - . I , tux - , �
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Wt,keuvoiirsolks 4#y f9ir mamber� or" - - * -* -)k -iw , , ,a, .- t- .psq,; ""t_k� i"410"r- _;---1.,-.-'-- -1 ,��. I � � I I *)*�,_
, Awitwo . *. a � "4 - . ,qlk"A#$_ffix__!�_1* _ '"
t SAdwilt, I'lach,0401WO MAW,91 I .- ,AAU� tWART,x10W-.hW"W-"l. _1 I 1, "
,, Iftellot 04 t",ri 001IL a" ,_ , , 'tko "04,0C t,N—# I00 at-& " Wii *ii4 *",**v*0i*tiy
. , 10. 4 4verAtuat-4 � 404 , k p9qS40 04" OV t* L
. -4f, "rii"i , 711 *ft spt , V&P#40 ,
oyea� Apeoritijsalg , - � it'i rk" I fibe, X0910pp, Walkwel blar,
I T '4'to;-Ju#. f A 1*04 q '" boll , ,, toi �d, I I I _
I - I
phip 112 ,4160�r�,* ' ,top nit i '" �'iti W, . 0A the '011g. , *"art ,
I � to , "*,r*,kbpirt"4ti,wi* * 1. o
. , , I* , sobet** i'* te �� �
. _ *
,, , , ,�t%), tJ*t.raaWon IT '' 4. th wsxlt Argos" to 1h sea" of ths. Wiser
, "llwo. 'Who, are, t1loy"4no -V�bqro ilo, boftuoa they !oil* In, floe , , Ths, . , , _ or Jagood � .. . �i '� ,too* pro *4, *Q otovot, Ov opoti � 7 � WAX Plo **!A ts, ao,w* ..,
_ ", I , ,�� - � su , 40AW , 1,
`� t*-* " 04 �'",rbk wxeiltu "'Nuit, %itio vfw,y lo- 1111"1004 by t4 L Q* $*jW*t#*-,
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, . , be . 1
*40,y. QV '1111-4,11011*i1oll *000., W, Oro toota. cairt be prooUreal vitliast an, 9 1",*Aox of $ew., , 1,
me L" rg *1#4 r6qd 4i -k , p"
1�11 , , i A I" g,14,"M - *hW 4 - b"llard �,),W � tirs* - ,
, I -1 . , #.h # - , a , g -s "Ittil"01, tb I
" , - - 0 W#6 oqoc"d� , b* i -**Iti� , le Ti# , 0* �
, , ,pul I J, I M t" , _ a, 4�im t## peroomitiftfAblep.4 tAu 90Q . 0 $* tbo 0 , * ,
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U�,P,, T �U,��, Ill* JO.W " - " W" , 90culi, I .Rre: he knot at''Irit . I
'*I � QAe' , tr '..= ' ,, w, w)tAl"'gi, , d a 0 10 "A W � of. � .
- ,. " Pa. , .( 4 , it- ,koh4apiff 'ghtAt4it ,4gjrq . duslaig th so.
I ," , , X tho qflt-� . Aflia-144, t;Afax 99* . W, I
. titu'40 oir V , jtlle� to -any two4quit tb,ellk, twao"UJlli,44014 . W $4 ", 7 � I I . I .
. .
. � I ". I. � , JWA 044 C1111, lte blankto fitirspgot tb I �, % 1 , t,m , a" I4 t:iIiiii via", the 090kot'. aid$ world fca) halt lihaye4r, bra"ll' Of I �
_ ,_t'4V
. - � ", , .,*O� sia,a , � . , ,. tat yst� i�� � . I � I : ,
I sely" fpx.piiq�ber -��lr - "o, _ I , jatiitw xvit, - .44 . . 1. . , 0,0 ,''I
. . , JlNP"JtIsTkF4tt4At 'y .""104040"W*u —a% a .A,Ampsk louni to Ubt&d9;1 a4d 16 W � I
. � "R- *cr tb . *01 home. , T " I tb".� , , k,'0r;o",tivozk, lbo *oacalaail ilk the the, V4,11" ;ea , VIOIWM
- ��,,� i- �, � I � I 1 - - , � ,.
, , 11 " , t T', "4,*" " "' , .. � I I -, '46- I , , ,, _ to 1)6op f, " # 1. � I., I., ..... 11
141"k-l"V40, A'X.,..LthQ ,at wita, r. ry ,Year * at#a*er has to lbal sent .
we lillo so th - ;4*1 -, '' )*4 I I 06 � A%itl fir , t$ " rw_ � , d� lil;l . I . "00"10",
I � '. , or'"maTT . b"Llipiao , *eqf, IV, T.T " . drop. 'VA,Alitt Woo praitr 04r. eve Was forilasid o4 this. igg!,* to" I
come as dovois, t4 t 11 wl- 1,40.0* �*"Ah",* ". , �. � I . . I . . , t. T-114 I I I I .
�ok Windows - i " -, , . I along the coa*t. its b4la filled . i , .,
'' ,
� ,I agmV. V?* ��4' , ao,xam,j � , ploopiw jqt.,� 0( - **'.,j Alt, *h , . lat ,",,mart. It -well, ! I - �Ti,'. �i I With miilfsloa�wafil Urkwisalty, ostokilliAb"Ll to , -, I
- - ' ' 11 _w rfi�Ll - 1*
*iqoi I " I .. - �� Vi4lll - --.1, 111�. �, .
� im * � *.midgitls, llig ' "'a ".1 , ,- . ;__ , ; trai'Mr, _11� 11�1 � I I I �, I
They are captiv ' wh000 ohai,A calZ '�' vitow* �a�
. . 11
. � I , " 014 , y0a "tiaqtNG, WI I ,
I . fol , lit b0o " � ,-, " . , , -I* U, 31 . . A�Ia. I i - - I e S
. 4 ... _ _,
, re 14 fl _44 ,X,� �, xa�' _ Drof ift - r 11 �, , ,
: , knawAik.0., , * lito."ai 'from' whta`h the Wat 400,07 lirel WOCJ� 01111006 th4t,NOIrth Sea filikerm4p, .
bee - thoy,axo. soldiers who doAhey fly. yo , , I , ai;alli , A, , 14 , , W Lto ��. #, . � 'y .
T n broken, . , �;, , , ar�av 1(4, k - Ph
.1 I Ila* *04 4m; L OP4, Vlkarsi Is a'd.aal of discomfort cicex� , 9 aix"u� , ,
aak(wr4 ti,�.I,Qo " ; 'k is Ast * - , I
4 Whop, W. . , t4.b*,** *4101fid. and it Is a tuak: 041106 tow and when it4 well.grgania'd ptillin, 00dAM.VXM,iI.,T
, ,
. . , ,
� have opIlAoil fO�- tb# � � � � , . I . 1 SOW - IWIIA 1,
tyjoarv! war, ?)tAA9I_tr,W4,Q -, I ,-a . so to, ?4#UX'X skyod, r, , -, , �1,
� ' "' ''I ' t ,. I .'" r , I .. V, 40in'd 4y the drooplsW of golf skirts, MoAt thoroughl' -
J , the Most careful Ottgut1*4 90# Judg- tbropY made 4**IL 04k '"% 1.
, 90, " � , I
" , hq� R.w
!� 4 ' - I and4 evident 44 . ditia "Ooks "W,4 =0474=*
T49Y Are hPV*,Vt'.44a,veP- . If ay WO sea A gro44 lc�k com. , - -, roosivitd, , , , � I ,,, I 4W!V " i; =1 In ese Labrador It w" an, IftaloulAble b ,
. � W I
rif to V1. !1*01A '101. . .
Thoycomo -As 4q* � 'L'" hill, it , - * . , 0, iiw �,� ," � I 1, �,. � � �, u 0 ell . . anow a . I
� . Kta thoWinflow's, the, 'k1mgdAm, It. 4*6t iil�ifi**;xler, `09, * - Iflod. . , �.oa: � .. ��, ",:, �' � I . - the aides, after they hays be por , lir Other put ott tb* q0#109 I � '.
7 _ , W e 044 ap 694 the allowlLaoss fit. . I
�* lxillilk sibinife4i � , W ,V*tU ; glprHQpj.,W , XEAT: vW4 a a -bort time. To remedy them properly, 1104
� ,
� - PIF low, T4 , , ** I � . , , -- �:M , .,Tlit " _-"_4110.� 911111W "
first. bOO41*0, Opy. ,q ew in, �o *1t4*jfi Xogimeat �.' � . *006, 1
glo tr,vhw,t c.�kch, jxp� , *0)ka410,4d"**4 is=. I . , pasovaii, 140- ,
� dairto UP. ap, R to strike Ito b9a,k Lot I -P -a *oUd plialij , 6X4 11 . now, I '11. 'Va^cif, ii�hd Torignol-Whea getting M444A ramwing the entire facing , TAbr�4dox Is a peninania of . X-revoirst. 0948*04ifto, * I
. L a . it I, I I . I I , " i1POIA414, ,11* 1^000 ATTACK ON PARIS APPETITES. , olilik .
� ' 4, *4,w 1:44'ka,44 .- 11 - . I I j, , - *-w6wa. worsol ft-, 'W" "I. 4i I
the sun. whoro: are bir TAKtN#,`,T#13'XIXG6,W I . - tram tile hom at the skirt. This trou. square miles, an area equal t
. , K , , - , — 'a vow,,c"og.w4wtau6" A*
' - I _= 0,
� 4 that s'eam ,, , , a _(Jr -*,) ;Oyr, fittkA yaqx �Ylvh a pre ll * It.
I . 041,tp, -c,Xpr.0 I 1. � still to make a the
to "dwell gntlor Wa 1-8 , , L_ . 'Wo' by tbeiaa� :A, � "k*; , We may be avoided by cutting the Etritigh Islos, ,while its 4- ,4.*. lv�l
,o,oa of heaven.; ,It *, � 04 a, ft)# q*,,7Q,4Jr ,�hguil or "41mli No 1. ,,,, ��i ;, - #,Q V1 At -inly, thou roll - ,)a,.,,,,. V.,, V4iIfI11r***rA**-.., '111114
, L, , 9*04*- the tn011ii ol?, plice 0, papulstlan oon, to 11`00114 the gale 4ir Alb. 7--coasillar. COMA4*0"U4,�*__'.. I'." I �
L . . �R* titte '�' . lay on a diflu itl�- " 4.000 souls, of whom about 41144he slid elber N14grr.. "OlAral . I
,, . , r ),I.!* r0im-irrect "'"Iteseen. and ,ban gaillikit, ..011462064"0111#440"'alka..'.. 444 1
you a" tbom 44 little qpftka against .check, 't4f!t IPAVRA yqla_41 doubt th , skirt several days before making it, suits of b
11 , , .. 4`0* noto,tri Ono
� the sky4 so fsirp elf, that you cannot 'Whether �V ralf*'fr'. A`bt,'but. 'the rush :iIQiaW#Q6Qi*it*s,*A,4 IM't*4q4,F0"Qm,,AII L , terimatitily with iblok alloItid Qt hard, 9149 UP two broadtbit a 3oGM are whito and 1,6W UliQuimQUA. The Iftindon Fall Mail Gittiatte's Par. 111�941041401110�111kilk , I - .
I I � I a dmr or wall, Ito that tile natural Labro,dor forms part qt the main. is correspondent , _ )lL**k*#wVqj,VK,� ��At , I I ,
A' vuess the style of their plumage or Of an Unmistakable 'shower. It Is nstiOt.is shoijild, beIllo , , U1144 oke, and it morsel of parslay . 10--ovepe*aa.bwjoo,*,tk*"WO**kmol�'", ,
�� yet In Au�zitimc.,. writes. "A moment. � ,
_ . �
1� the shape Of their bodies, They float not the raiki)W, up at tho. gleantinge, �4. V,siljyj yer, , " * 1, , I i ' ' � bertivatn each roll, bag of thid blas will work itself out land tar Ganadiii. its southern limit a,U# doic4sinn-4 I I-4010001140-4 Of Palatal PO#0441#,.� Jo.. I -1 I
,i L' Ilt, 'A ae-l"a; at6n_ � In aPPek-ce-bae been -wittlies, I I
,� away tiff e-WeeliAlan . I � - y 70-�rr0tZ*OrW*"". 04i -
I shollve Vell �941. alp at once. A little otrotobLQ may help being the Strait of Bclle Isle. while ita X*
', so far tbAi, it the. huotir*s gun but the0 1-i4w UP of the tul A #914 " at Impgrtaloce, - of -Mlx one end a h taken by the Chambor in a caAual Wool, 23-Crau#�L4ktv*slslz,4o4f*aaw "
.", AO V , .q... M
k be d*harge& At tbom'they do not imtQ (114t *P*_'�"W1'4_9Ve�'t� thejr� 4 " i P#0,5 of minced veal and halt , fwme. After thin cut off the Uneven. northern thaumdrary in the Hudson Of way. This manufacture and satle of I"alo'yAhewl". Um"ht,43k%POOOA-.. M,
I � I � -,, what is 10119 'Moo .
, to, , W.. L , Pt a corn of �
- I ,/ -f I I I But an It is frequented only 1&--akintsiallina- Ru"Nsuovililso. , � , , "
with d# Th ure.. all, ".,i't, this M x 1181.4 and finish the skirt. Strait.
"I change tbelx�oourae. -Not str � ,wp.!l qO Wbfitti,tall Wtol the grOOd aull die,"It Pon � I absintho and the other dencefien- — - ..... .'"
I. I , � . od of salt pork, also minced.
dove# or pifiloque,. they never take any a of them are ,young, and 44i4likli I ' ' this with twp large ocips, of state 1"fallarto. Ckitia"friover W4A41W. I
� , .., floai� so�n , al'" X a of tvaq by the Newfoundland people it hall go by the name of appotisars are to be 19-catOrrift.lultuag., CoLsIlit , 3w*"# ,#S .
I , 0, Tlilp is t'u '� t I O'" "
" high exursions. They fly around your the very firsit U40 they,giake of their 044 Of W#A4t,;_oX9vPt it Ahriyels find, broad crumbs, and season with pep- IWQXNQ31Y IN DIWAS. been under the jurisdiction of the forbidden 1, ]France Swill. at any rate, go-Whooplag.0ougil..., I � �
pm -ittigs W to fly into the kingdom t,04AAot per and salt. - Last, stir In two beat- Buy the beat materials you can at. colony for nearly musty years. �
11' -9, and aliW,qu �4,a fvucel,ani��e � - _,_� %�!,�n quinfix, to; Its end, :the -4arvies T`hfi Is the purport Of an amendment tack 97-KHROV 11111804,1104 ..... :,-:::,:--...:,.: '1451 �
� -
1�4' to dislike �greit aititudea. So thea . a a it's 411''if-ri-b"Id." 1 i� It a and mould Into a loaf, Put tord. land seems atetust, It Lei bare of green- - 216-Servauto 9ebIlItV_.1..1.. ... --.11.41114111t , I
I? . wings ave 90mma To ItA beginning and grow. The "a egg ed Oh to the Drink bill that hat, just .W*Wn1W_. .23 . Ij
:� ill Into a pan ckn h U 17-arly, Bay Firrer� ........................ . 45 I
been tVD with shot, an*,rufflotl with wfiole6 vattsit is a parable OSS black 'WILIde-meas of farbidding rooks
souls. who come t Christ and to his ' - OIL tic' d , d bake in the oven, bust- Air and bw4s each garment after cry mud living things ; a desolate, been voted. 'Ito Goveirtamistat
�1, Cc low. Th ' � ing, are I - I
_o lug it often with moted butter and' each pio" Dr. I I I
. . I "Um X= of On DISGAM at your
Ill.' Church to-iloy,,. fly , Y,A81VXO the t15MP-(,,,,Ai:fd,,' Ofiy!'�.d almost ot,.qur )�o;d.,gnd it# holy conee.quenc �' and stunted fore vited 'to Issue a, deares u6booing till Do or Laid ,�
OPP 0 , � , . , t Never use Pin& In lieu of hooks and at vowth, an If it d,I I
" 404fiew- S��Ift of them' ($60 Visrse;V2.) � nk of which the consumption, In
r great things; they flock am .humble, dr ,ii in't, !0 hot Water and dipping ,the Liquid up
place at On feet of Christ. They ar have been, ,ke ever it. . had been throw '19m 9.4m
(. e making 4 very crooked, 25'.. See 10.* W. '16.- 25; 'L Server cold. eyes find' buttons. n up in some past age the Opinion of the Academy of Modi- M.U.�Z W. &�,(=1141%1=19444=4 ,
course. ' by 4 VOlOaULO eraptica and the pre. . I I I
;- not ashamed to be called beggars far They Aippodl�-,�helr wings In 17.03., �F�1� .. balf!3 Foot Jolly.�Calf's foot jally Keep bto�ko and eyes ,And buttoUb -1--. Is a danger to the public health. . .
,1 - P_. - . mature titoolLog caused innumerable . I
(I mercy, they are willing to got down rou'h4in"'Of sicf�-they #tf# ,� Is a good luncheon or suppr�ir dJsh� tightly Sewed ,on, " The realization of this revolutiou. �
I - . �a�,ed near 4 it am. WY6 me, let him � .
V. tile gulf ot-14ditlom-,"b�'t,4hey isarw tallow me. Words have straince. his. Take wqll-olciane4' palf's feet, put orackm In the crust , the coast Is scam. A
�� an their knees, spa to crawl under their ,fiataiger-they I � Rip hiouka and eyps and buttons off ad With hundreds of harbors, and stud. ary measure, of which the autb7or wail _.
I one quart of watur to four oalf'a feet w)Wu-out waists 1
� tbii table, and to Pick up the crumbs I changed their OT!w. ,The Greek m4ht be literal. before very fittingi : a Socialist, In, of course I
, at Gospel provision. There were days c*u-e- TheY baXe come, at last, "as ly I uslaXod "If any mai I I and b,oU until reduced to one quart; th 'in to the rag -bag. oonslgn'ug tied withislaudit by the thousands. y "u E L*LO A I 11�1�
dores, to the, windows." . Ara� ., I X. is ai�dcaoim q Thus letter. have boon chosen, wheX_ impracticable, T -be Government will I OWNS", I
1) wbeni they wore proud and puctilious ale. " bo�Qow, "id hiWars a Buttoinhole-fititoll ripped glove seams , quietly Ignore the invitation .
I " 0 In -to then strain, and when cold, take off v6r suitable, till defences behind which 'they .. 11111�
muolpinexotrakle, and puffed up; but '.,I* While, a groat J�T� Uhis day 4arvantact thachur he, taip.. In taking out the jelly HOOP Youx shoo heels straight by to loca to .1 ,,
I . � The Old Reliable I
,� obes, and, church t
I h&vB received and the Chamber wIll
� not now. ,Thei highest throne of eaxth O`�rcc"g 'to the do-44-Cof"mercy, the molnWrs are ser#aufs of Christ. 14 "aid the settlings. To the quart having "lift4" removed as they wear . A Lt'rrLE) SETTLEMENT, have sufficient sense to forgot its � � ,
"I 'Maxy ' largest ti6tik'ar. going the other, way, put halt.a. pound of sugar, the juice ALL KINDS OF . �
� could ndt� topVt away from , 010,00nste We ,are all deacons. The . down. the shelter thus afforded being of In. b-tless vote. Not, indeed. thatthore
�, . it is'll Viil'-y easy thing to, tanie doves. . of two lemolas, and clarity this with Keep your shoo buttons se'wed fast estimable value Whou the wintry galetti is not much to be said for the measure ,
- Jesus's fast. Stoop, oh palrolonod sour, -. I 9"ter.'s servumts are to follow him; �, '. . "
. �,
I if thou wouldist enter heaven. A high GO out With a, handful of corn to �0, is am a journey. By the .tboraY the whites of two eggs; boil all to- _and your shoo buttoned entirely, to blov� ttud the xclantleas We-p4ok Lu itself. buit to suppress the pro,_ � ,. .
look and a proud heart God hates. Ply feed 'the Pigeons, and they will fly 0.atb ,af hplinee4s..suffering. A.bd tell 9' th - er a few moments and strain it keep them from "ranaing down at the Liweepe along tile share, destroying tice of drinking aperitifs by a stroke COAL ,.��
on � 11 �_: �
I .
low. It is a x6troy that thou canst 71yuir shoulders and Iyour ,hands,, Ae,propoeds to'glory, sud caustantly through a cloth. heels.- in its path. But this doubles the of the Poll is a -I feasible as it would AmAys ON HAND . I I
I I ___ , � I
fky fit all. Remember all the years of so itume -are they. -GC�d h4A fed thee L e his seriattite must be with him. Where . TO Improve yOut figure, carriage and danger of navigating the region. be to abolish smoking by royal i,,,l- .. 1� I -
"V110 are h"fare . THE HANM t t I , I
_ Me Witll "I'lle tin l;,
thy sin; thy days of youthful wander- - o8t- . am, ,there shall else; my servant 68. . appearance, buy shoes. gloves and car- There are over one hundred fixed ouUmution. =moo I ! L I , , I ". I I , .
of the wheat." ii�nd yet you hive floWo 1$.j6- is 0, promis ' after The hardebt. roughest hands may be sets large bhough-they will keep both settlements " Durling the pa.st twenty " I
I ling; thy days of manhood trausgres- from! bo alf you� fives 'Ion ' ' t' " ' " , o at heaven here - from Battle to Nain, ,*cars the The BW Scranton Hard . :�L
_* Stan; tl�y,sinsdark, brooding, death- 97�_ On but It, inclattea much more. .,As . tile made "t and white, In a month or their own and Your shape better than oiach having a resident Population of htkbit has attained to appalling lro- �: , �,
have takeD.-iYoUT clot ��,_ " 's
ful,-.*ims a slast thy soul, against . 4- ou� Of his time (if his passion drew near our two with the proper care. Rain w,ater If top snug fitting. five to tweuty�fjvo familic�a. 'The Pon. poillona in France. It is calculated COAL - , .
i ;W waxdr�ba_rili�d tyo'iILi`b`r8aaPr'� l' I . . I 14% 11
thy Bible, against thy God. . �* of his Lord repeated his assurances of his La considered beat for Washing them, Pin the collar turn -over Into your file are termed "liveres" (livehares) to tlr't I" P&x1a alone "me 000,000 per- I it the Market lbr C&SH _�., � � ,
' '
. (It is an offended God Defore whom hanok!;. L %"'s Slkii'lt, NWIP'not al- abidlMig ProtteAlola, and future re- but a littre borax added to hard'water waist -it can be Marc quickly and sea- didtingulih them from the mass of the ,,one consider it in impossible to dine , �,:_ ,_
I ways strivxl. In the morning, after ceptim off his servajAits to share his will counteract its effects and make IL,� removed to be was,hed, and both it Newfoundland, fishermen, who i m� � 1. ,,,,�� 'I,
thou comest. Thou dafterveirt his wrath. only until after they have swallowed a so- ., ,� ,�'. � - I
� ,,
M " " _*
CDO, i=3
I ,
'' - �11 '�";� I
1 4 `I
- E�:o - ,
� I
� .
" I,
I � 4
Or A
I � 4 I A 4411'
� Illp"T T"4400
11116" t llffl*Al
#LhWrod Oared b
� � GooV 4Z'
E46" p 9,44 I I" , .
I', 0*8 I
He scattered the one hundred and - a 5?.v'2rQ night, yliu�lna3r,e qpue_oi1Lt,and,, V�ot -to live and roign witsh him.,, it just as good. If You will make a and the waist will called appetJxer. Many people irt. All coal weighed on th6 mar 4t; " I 'L
I seen th,wWdj�aAA ,�'A I , , , Orylf'. - receive less wear frOquout tile coast during the sum. scales where YOU get 2,000 lbs for I :.
eighty-ifive thousand of Soonacherib's latter QwJ1!1P i� sh'o,ri"-sk, 27. Now Is mY'soul troubled. He strong solution of borax and water than if it were sewed in. iner fishing season and axe termed dulgo In the Ildibit before lunch " ton. I , , .1 , � , �, , "I
,% God'q mqcy'-`wili_�c6jjo� . I f, ,esa,w and keep it in a bottle, on a shelf "floaters.*' It 11 as before dinnur. and needless �'.,��. i I
' , , I - we I
host In a night. , c,
a n,J it he, . I . the grief - and - a -aguish of tie Pat your kid gloves on slowly and 4a doubtful If the to I ,. I I., 1. ,
, �b� ,avexed -with sput V(Moh should shortly came upon arefully the first time --seeing that world has tile counterpart of this any the LIUMbOt of those who are at 1-�._�:, , �
HE ABHOR SIN e-�tbi`,1�61, . or the washstand, you will find it c n IV 31. LEE
Howill judge the nations. ':Holy, holy tile bodies cd those who perished`iai�' ib�m more convenient than using it in POw- the seams are straight, and they will annual fishery migration. In June content With at single drink it, legion. Ordets left at Lee & Sheppard's ,; , - �_, , "
the mborm. , in the qG*do" at, ,0pthAexuano. I I 1;�. , w
in the Lord God Aftmighty." Fly low. "'hat storya is �omlni, Ckimpare LdEo 22. 42. On. madiog dared form. Warm water cleanses the keep in shape. each year Lho inbabitanta of the east-. The cOnSUmption of aperitifs In Par- Store will receive prompt attention 1. �: ., r
Again: Thesaperaoinis who come to- It w1l shiver the mast at peLde_' . ��.,"� , , _
' it t!b is St. Augustine oumposed this haudA,mowe readily than cold, but Wear Your petticoat two inches orn coast of Newfouindland to the � , 1��: . ..
__ _ __ __ - - _. . - , - - - � - - __. ___ � '_
dayi are like doves on: their way to the 'wdII drive intai the White "reefs at -1 � I they should be rinsed afterward number of 25 000 people - men we o-," ,, j, . �,
or% "O ford our Al fat in shorter than -ur dress skirt ., ,
dcwe.�oot, because they fly for shelte
Q_ -of- a,
death every, cargo of siha, The ceda.ra
of the rurunfiOn -III in
above k I or, 0
is-, ywt for us mad4 man, I
cold water. Wash them gently until
Hem your sewLng silk veil before the
I I _
"I'd childrea-sLart for Labrador to
The albatross makes a thro a
split7i hu r -1
acknowledge thy mercy; for in that
thoroughly clean, using a good brush
first wearing.
engage in the oodflahery. They Load
tempest; the seaguila find their grand-
ricane. a -ad the istands , soall "I
nwVed out of their, .
thou, who art so great, yet in thy
to clean Che nai-Is. There is no surer
" Skin" off your kid gloves. air them,
their schooners with their household
e�t frolic i Ithe storm -their meriest
hour to be that in
places,, and t
continents shall be rent, "a'
love to main wasft willingly troubled,
mark at a dainty Woman than well-
then turn them and stretch them.
goods, Provisions and salt for fish our -
seems which the
surf of the sea pile4 most high. Not so
I nd
the hemLis.pheres.'f3hall - N�-hirll like, 9IItrouibled
how mainy members at thy body,
kept nails, and their care should be
considered as importilat as washing
I - 0
ing, and make their way to the har-
bors where they intend to fish,
with doves; at the first (blow of a
'top in the fury' of that dn,y. . The:
lin, their own Infirmity
na Imes t their will, bast thou
the face air combing the hair. Pare
there they remain uutil September or
nartheaster they fly to the coo P.
mountains Will be blast:4,-`/ and th4
comforted that they should not
them carefully to keep them in the
a- 7
October, when they return to their
Eagle contends with eagle In milial
and, fights the
beasts, in affright, be from
the oli.f6 in an a,valanche
. pexish by despair." Christ
proper shape. and smoot]
A Qlroei ('ar 11.1ae Twit varrtem 11a,eiviazer
ft,r 111fullilkig In file Coulto Free ,41.11e,
vulture ,vulture on
bosom, of the carcass, but doves, at
of .terror.
Mho dead shall rush forth from thb,
evidently had a thoroughly human
ith powdered pumLce-atone.
w I
Bomn. Is the capital of the Coag c
Dii-ring Line period the ,,Iivyere,, on.
the first dash of the bird of prey,speed
sopu&hrea to see what iar�the mat-
, iinging to life, -which is as natural as
. __
Pree, State. It is fifty miles from the
joys comparative conifart, for lie can
rely with certainly on enough food to
for shelter tram fiery eye, and iron
ter, and all t
,hose who &46ise God
hunger and sleep, and not more sin-.
mouth of the river. Fifteen years ago
keel body 'itud together.
beak, and Loathsome talon. So ,to-
tot than either. What shall I say f
A clothes brush should have a place
Boma was nothing but it rocky hill lit
aoul It is
"tie" tile "floaters"
da.y, theme souls come here for shelter.
NOW. do yoai'-suppo_.,e fAmt� -1-cait-
I Jesus recognized that he is to be the
among the necessary impedimenta of
the -base of w hich mtrotelted
start for home
that his iniscry begins. Jae is
Everyone has a besetting sin , that, sin
��nld h9re and
, r4noW, that that (lay
pattern Of all good moo in coming gen-
�erakiops now. be
the toilet.
mitrah the prolific source of tropical
all -
ways a fisherman, but of t,bo
is always after you. Wherever you
is comi,ni witak*
q, toining you about
shall . meet this
A ba:nd-glass, ton, is a necessity, it
feve,ra. A great change hits been
or der. He takes service
go, sin goes: where you stay, sin
At X�y lastArR4 KngQplace -will p� ,
trouble I Father, save me - from this
hour. A better meaning is by
'and Would make sure that one's back
wrought in the appearance and oondi-
with some
w ell-to,do "floater," who provides him
stays. YetLibavowatchad the, hawk
bably Lie near Vour&' Wlhat lit, when
I made
putting it
is.as It should be; and a pretty
tions of Borna. A number of long
with a fishing outfit, beat, hooks and
above, the barn -yard; it sails around
I get, UP in. the reaurrectilon day, 1
I �
question mark after the
word "hour'
kind is made with a lolding-handle to
streets have been built over the hill.
lines, and his catch he exchanges for
and around over the 6rood of chickens
olabuld B�e yck -rushing at me across
-"Shall I say., Father.
save me from this hOUT?" For
stand on the table. Everything on the
ThiA height haB been dug down and
food find raiment at prices that almost
-around and around, now almost down
Me 1�tsI OC ilic. (�e'moieFy, and hear
,an" came I onto this hour. "The
dressing -table should be immaculate
lovelled so that it Ls 'no longer (fit-
equa: those of Klondike. For his flab
toi the flock, th��! ti�kok,again, until at
you cry' ,.NiIF6y did j"otht.lj� ma,
in Its clea nliness.
tioult to reach it, from the bank of
ho receives only about #2
last it drops and aelzoo its prey. There
of tUis? If it had not been for your
cau6 Or" Ptlrpbpe must not be
frustrated by the weakness of a mom-
Dust. ad course, is not for one mo-
the river. The marshu,s have been,cif
a quintal
112 pounds, while for thi-rd-rate
is a hawk ready to, pounce on every
neglect, labould ba,ve been on the
ent spoiling the object and work Of a
ment.to be tolerated thex:e, and arti-
drained', beautiful little parks now
float, he pays $8 a ba.rrol, sour molau-
dove, and that is the reason that these
-Y to glory." I cannot prepare
cles of glass and silver should be kept
flourish ind the Boraid of to -day 1, ,,
sea 60 oonw a gallon and musty tea
doves come to -day ito the windows-
myself for such a constornittion.
28. Father, glorify thy name. "This
as bright as it is possible for Polish-
sm-ilit'g, flourishing town. Piers ex-
fIf) cents a pound. These form his
theyl want shelter in the grace of God
"Can you' tell line how far it is. to
is what I Will may." Words of abso-
Lug to make them.
tend okiL into bho river and ves""18
staple articles of diet, together with
and in Christian aesociations. They
bell?" saLd a young man, as, On SUh-
lot& self -surrender. A' varice, Clear ly
TWEV is not difficult if a chamois be
f*"11n1 Luroi)e tLP up at those Iron struc-
cod, herring and she)I flab,
say, there is any power in your
day, on h3rseback, 113.1d"Iked'palit,a,�
� ,
" "A
heard b1Y the Saviour. I have - both
kept near -at hand, and used daily to
tur0s iind diii(hurge their earg,)v-s di -
prayers,*Iet me have them, if there be
goo�f Christiar� ' '
deacon. t the next
glorified it, and will glorify it again.
wipe everything, so that it is kept
recLly into the little care thal are
butter, milk, cheese, and like he
any virtue in good counsels, give them
turn in th,a rondo the horse throw the
"The Father had glorified his name in
quite dry
ivalle,it steam enginvii "long the
tol =a; if there be anything elevating
toDffimg rider, and he was dead, He
Incarnation of his Son, in his
Main 9treet of Borna. .
never sties from the cradle to the
in Christian associations, lot me feel
wanted to know ho.w far .it was tfibaptism
and miracles, his life
The pecullar;ty of this mtv;irri (rare-
grave. Nor does he know what money
their influence." "Where thou, dwell-
bell, and found ouit wfthout the ties
doctrine, Bu. t it was to be still fuTth-
Whop putting away the summer
, a
v y is that it inakos no charge I. y
means; he never handles a coin and all
eat, I WILL dwell. Thy people shall be
law I
,.W myi people, thy God my God."' Open
cows telEng hauL I . I
So thou
or glorified in his Passion and after
wardrobe all ribbons should be remov-
one who deNireii to ride on it. Tlo,an
I'l, on -
tire populace of Boma may frave be_
his transactions are conducted by the
lit Lmiple of, barter, a quintal of fish
your. doors_o4 Church of God, and let
art motinted on a _jwift
steed, whose hoofs strike fire from
1143 Passion, when dOa,th should have
no dominion
ad, cleaned and rolled around a piece
tween the town anot flio, river, with-
forming the ittita(lard of value. As
themil come in "all do�es to their win-
the Pavement as he dashes past, and
more over him, when he
should be exalted
of ca-rdboard or a bottle. The trim-
mine should iie
out paying it cent. Passengor trains
regards clothing the "livyore" and his
olDwa... .
you cry out, "HOW. far, h iit to ruint"
above the heaven,
and' his glory above all the earth." '
removed, fro hats,
the ribbon pressed and olearmol and
however, run only four times aday,
family contrive to got along with per-
haPs less than
Christ is the onlyisholter of the soul
I answer, "Near -very near I"
,20. The People - - - - said that it
if it has not faded, put a way carefully
The man on the street corner w 11 o de-
tiny other civilized
brings, and that, too, in the face of
in trouble. lWhat can you do lwltb-
Out him when sorrow comes f Perhaps
Oh that my Lord God would bTing
you now- to gee your sin, and to fly
thundered. That is, the crowd of by-
with the dress ribbons. Flo
sLres to hail a train must mometinjos
find it n rather long titne to walt.
a thermometer that for eight months
at first yon take vulerian to quiet your I
from it; and your duty. and h, -I- -on
gtouders, among whom doutirtless
axe not fresh should be throw -n away,
Though (tie pasKenger service lit so
in the year never rises above zero.
. The further north oney goes the wore —.- �
� . , ere were oelieverA and unbelievers. Sts next season, contrasted with the infrequent the trains are running appalling becomes the condition of the - . .
nerves, ,or alcohol, &a revive your to do. it; so that when the last gr,,l What they heard may have been an fresh, new blossoms of the millirlery about till (lie I ime; for Boma is it very - - � . I .- _ .
spirits: but hav�a you found anything terror of earth shall spread its tWO
in the medicines or physical stimulants
black Wings, and. clutch .With its
L �Ilnct noise. Others, however,
wit'll cloarer 'than
garden, they 11 look worse for wear
busy place and Royal avenwi through
c-ast . -folk, find it Dante could have
" the
sufficildiftl Perhaps in the excitement
bloody talo" for thy sotd,;if dinn6t
physical and spiritual
bearing, identified the voice and said,
now. Everything that cannot,do
service another season should be i
whicitt, the tramway runs is lined with
imilgille(i an inferno of circum-
slitnetis here existing wauld have at-
a or in the merry
making of the ejub-noom, have
hurt thee, for that thou sit safe in
An angel sDuke to win.
elf-dway ow burned. It is a to liah
stores. The cars earry goods from the
to (he
forded him all the requisite material
sought relief. This world has DO
the wnrm dovc�cot of a BaviouT's
30. Compare John 11. 42.
waste of space to save faded, Onto
steamers shops of Royni avenue
or oil and other native
for it Lhii1ling picture of ever-present
balsam for a wiourfaded soul, no shelter
. --Come in I Come in I
31. Now iq the judgment of this
World; now shall the this
and battered garments. While ei ar"ag
fear the
prilm produe,ts
doWn to the wharves. At times, how-
in se ry. Pitched among the rocks In
Wife harborrs were the rude homes of
for, a bralsod spirit. The dovej in the
Eternal glory slialt thou Win."
prince of
warld be east out, The time for the
rest Of the wardrobe, tb a boea
should not be overlooked. U there
evex, when several days have oiapsed
the ltvyeres." In many p;oces the
time of the deluge, .flow porth, and it
was all water; and south, and east,
separation of the evil and the good
any that are run dowm at the beelsor
after the arrivid of a steamer, there
bw freigIblage bitainess, but
fronts of the structures were upheld
and, West, and it was all water, In
has begun; tile tdaue fcxr the deliTer-
abLow heels worn badly at 'one side,
may no
the tram,Wny is up) busy ari ever, for
by posts, while the rear reated on a
convenient ledge, and ingress
which wore t4aisea the carcasses of the
�, �, ,
� - � ,� i i ,
once at mankind from him who be
have a new lift put on. Keep the
then big loads of dirt tire haulmd from
Pgrv.ss were by means Off ladders.
dead, world; and the first solid thing
lI7 .
, Lt,Qo, ,,,Ak,, 26,
here and elsewhere called "the
Oritace thle
shoes polished and when not on the
one part of Royal ,venue to anoth,,r
Timbers aecurely stepped in heaps at
the dove's feet touched was the
Of World." John 14. 30; I&
feet stuffed with tissue paper or
in the still une,implettid wo;rk of lev-
great rocka, wore tightly wedged
" Greelint Reeking .11hesus." J.ka 12. 20,13.
11, the uquirp3r of God's right, Ezek.
2L 27. 'He -whotee rebellious pride ex-
arown over shoo trees.
oiling the town.
against the houses to prevent their be -
So the soul in trouble goes out in one
direction, and finds nothing sobstau-
G;,.U0!;1,0Te11CL1�uA n,,Jg. 211.
� ES.
polled him tram beavi!inr shall now no
ing overflirown by the gales, while
anou the be
I r 0
more prevail on eatfli. Luke 10. 18.
roofs would lashod down
tialUto rest Open; find lit ani6ther dir-
Verse'& Certain G)ireiks. Not Jews
32, 33, John� 3, 14. 16,; R. 28. The
Oatmeal taken both as a food and
The Gaek-war of Mirada, an Indian
with heavy ropes, which were to pre-
ectitm, and every Whither, but. there
I$ no refit for the dove save the ark.
ape.ki,ing. Greek, who are called Hat-
"Grecians," but Hellenes,
Lifting up from the earth has refer-
a cosmetic is Most excellent for whit-
Prince, bag it battery of artillery ron-
vent same boisterous guat from up-
Ii Iting the thatch. Troops of
Agaim; ,.Theft entitle, like doves, fly
"Greeks'" by language ifaht alsd by
enco,both to the enwifixion a nd the
aning an d siciftening the sk n.
Salt and water are good for the alle-
qi�stiiinfr of gold and milve,r guns. 'There
naked children gambolled aboat and
home. Most of the w1inged denizens
race., Gont�lea who reverenced the
glorification Which waft to follow it.
vintio-a of Pimpl2s. Pat two table-
ure four ituns, two of gold and . two of
stared in amaze at the stranger who
have no hc)46; AioVi� they are at the
of the je Wei. Just how faT their re-
The-' word man" io trupplied by the
translators' , "Things " "forces."
sponnatul of salt into hadf a pint 'Of
silver. The gold gunh were. made in
lauded for a closer trispection of the
north, ahk hl W� lit the soukh, as the
ligions culture had Race we need not
. ---A -1 � .
Water, and bathe the face in thl.s.
i874 I# an a.r1imin of Lakha. who
place, and hordes of hungry dogs mnif-
olimate hidlokkes.- Thin year a mat
guess. They were not fially Pro,
woifild�do aa well or better. Every
Bran water is much esteemed an
worked on them for five years 'They
fed at his heels, ready to sample his
one tree; uc'xt year a host in another
lytt,4. As Dr. Co,mpar Cray says,
ley and vo*rnment , the ingen-
17y, thklft�,` jilt�Wjty of human na-
Wash for softening and whitening the
weigh WAI) and. except for the afeel
ealve,9 at the slightest provocation.
tres. Th6 golden oriole remains hat
"They m,iy Nave been ewqygaffig Can-
turt as will'As Its turbotilences, (be
akin. It is prepaxed as demand arises
lining, tire of Roli<l gold. They are
Dirt. filth, misery, porverty-these were
three modrithei of the year In Germany�
tile trnvelers WID.) ivere accustomed
abil :mail i
i ustry 4 , I , and. the w-rath of
by putting a handful of bran In a bit
men it ted on gun-vnrriagezi of c,arved
stamped acroes the fact- of every settle -
aod 11A than grmo._The Unnot oil!'Ror-
to worship the gods at tho. place in-
— .I Ui- - " -4 - -
at cheesecloth and tying the cloth in
W004, OV tirlaid with silver. In 1876,
ment we visited,
J. , � , I
. r, �ii,x
�;�,,, ,�
�.. I
,, 11:
I ,.:
I ...
, ,
. -
I 0
way cirafisas the ocean to, " rest to which they wime, as the manner of i a .a— 1. ,.e ng- a bag. Irbe bag is then squeexed in when the GnPkwa,T went to Bombay to The coast has nio civil adminisitra- I
a -way tram the -Ygntfirla blast. The some in our day is -to do at Rome dom of g6d. , water a number of times and the It. 'moo I the Prince of Wales, he took the tion. there are m law,,, no police. no ,
her-, tha Woitiucb, and the tgrwa- as Rome does without considering � . I V . 0 quid Is ready for use. gold iguns with him to salute the offidiala whatever. During the sum- . I
, ' Whien this foot have become t, Prinee, and that was the only coca- mer months _ 4,-���,I"44-p-(��J,"4"g,#�,;ii
,.* beak Ara tasqtatbry, The OThfil" Whether or not Rome does right." We 9OV00 0A."ETS AT NUCTION. red g � ,
� call each 6111611i'togother several days cany *ith-oul much Ogle, hi*ovet, rp- Two kl�#gulflcout caTpets, rpesent6d from Long standing, a bath of salt ion. on which they have b"n allowed TBE CUSTOW9 COLLECTOR. e I",
bef6re, goibg.,chOwits their leader. ar- gard the -go men as "rghip-�rs (A the by the Nfants Doatift gainehl to the find water will be found moat sooth- to lenvo the State of Baroda. who works along the shore in his re- WHAT 1)115 T
range th*zussI*** -ta two lines, form- one God roveateal In the 013 Tests- #A Ito 6 a St. Antonio in Inc. Put a handful of common salt yenue cruiser has powers as IlMagis_ S"OE CREDENnALLS
, ", Vv. lit f WTIC �
ngl� � � trate and decides the disputes whicif
Ing A*& It afta are gone. But the reent, like the A"ont Greeks men- 160, bh*6 just baen sold, by auction int,do fonr quarts of hot water, and A MONEY MAKER ONCE, are always cropping up among the 51W . IS. � , I",
pigetida, IIIAUA4A, to th the text, sum- tio,ned in Act -A 11, 4. The feast WAS atif the )ttioaph(Aijk&lbej�i� Liabon, to place the feet In this. as hot as it Hungry Henry -Yea, kind lady, I thousands a( fishermen located there, , or On eve a coupon will be t, I
met, mad Y&W b0d always, have R the annual (east at the pasgove* ry " Slater Shoe " f,
homis, in thd,an+�."t.'' Aind me Christ gr6atest'of all treb�row relliglatus edro- ohngoli�, !Thd sfil� �f +liai 0kr . . ,,/,
� � ,
in tho h6we 041husA who come tohim. mortieff, and kfi this slk�clal y�Ar it waft INar0lita. atind viibdut T , Matt. bUt take them out and rub hard wit Kind Lady -Ob, More octopuses I 11 Tells of the leather In Its make up, the wear ""� �
0 r, the Pay fi* rAvisilra �t, the convill t d can be ibbxna. Do not keep the feel ruled to make lots of money before the but for the balance of the year there found giving the �thoe's character.
12t.b"I'ah 4 the water after It has cooled off money poweV5 crushed my trade. In no recognized authority. There is
6lj4ia4jLsA, WA__;eJ) , c
He is a *Afmi hitIme; they rest uroder waA Disdo of rnimo importance to the ena , 04tifted A rotagh bowel. What did you vrork at V at a road on, the whole coast, nor a It Is adapted to and he- to care for ft. �
L blm�l MUph,L **t�tdffnaftt. Vbia t ", . bridge, nor a public work of. any kind. .�
. .�
the .�f6aali*' �Q 'tile Almighty." World by ths.dotkth ot, �IeLM. qrist. _ , moet � ftj*#� :' The wisilly proportioned woman Hungry Fleary-1 was ri counterfeit. For the eight months of winter there It gives tht register number of the shoe by �L
Christ tilla-',jili tha"t, ehiekaus,find not 2L I'lle *Mo oa*e� therefore to, btd4oi*'*tt4'tW* JlITa`qM Irro"Oh and ***t* IiL sf*'ona'_ha If the 81*6 of her at, muitin. . i
� a III, e we pt a few letters, which the makers can tre" back to Ita birth, and should It not live .1,
"jj�a _4k . - M
#g of I Pb�,!*, , � - ' is no m,
� The fAXWN11 oi,Phi)lp,*ud AD- 06;fnav� �gmdl**W*V(�ONI it" &#�,,thVA. If hair hand calls tar a. -Or which are farwarded by way of Quo-
, , . .
. , up to their promiseg, make good the guaranies. I " "
� ,
Lwh;lcl�, ,
up to "' `
the Ito* thilll IWJ, 6 It*,, fte I$ 9,.':" illrif�* arabioth Ofeok� thotightithdd men tlw T1t*�h66ifi.4i6ci"dth,6,4i20 for Aujj�r 0A,g.slioxe, "he must wear a, bee, alang the north 4hore of the " Slater Shoes L, 1
ha1b6-VUf 10ifteill �Wfty,p do** titi, �hhfirnsialteg ftfs, doJA16" , tallo, �AIAR;Vfik'V W-i� 4W fioirT� ft I aboik . if may h5 Identified by this coupol) and by the I .
- gilpo bfilo,* Jher J.aM ftjoe, Princess TablOtS River St. lAwrencee, couriers taking It I
a t I
I �h[46dod ffebrjaw&L t 11
dafte�, tpollai%L' "fa;I".th& yii�owfl of A J,'Grieffir '"Khfal 41*0 6 h_ Are whaliyou walltlarld! fOrMlOf them fram point too point, but rarely name and price clampzd on the tole- Every pair Goodyear welted, !
t ro*,14 *q. � Jilli'thei *I'D& ,bf '0'rlis, may readily "v4ai0WL46d'tbfiGf66k! of #qUh,fly WMIdid coil�061:N front the,, AN ATTRACTNE; FIGUItE, teiraic troubier.i an Infallible rome- $,3 _
ivutto� **Lls� 4*Ja,66j* 0i daa:f� v,L-titat*- 6i ImthooddA 6'ftwilllkd.16� *At,r6l1,a,&nV*nt, wore also an"Un'e. dy A Incovered by fi fOrMost fetrATO ever proceeding beyond Battle Her- $3.50 and $S.00. 1041. _r g, -1 . ,i 1,
I In nine 69MR out of ton a detective �ft;ppelalfdif gvtloftuirtalt%vteeleydeselotasbI Vh ithleal bar. Dirring this period the livyeres , - .
n -,y *Wk -, **-AA 0 **0 f,6r I reajdoffij�n of phalp **$ AU46 the raAj�: ;ad for affille 4A abotbfir date, bat pub. kokl* fiorb Is not so in reality, P motlonv,used manthly b7 travel about by m8ans off dogs and r
gteet Vi*":,u**'*1wj *id ti;;f Ili I do" 'Of And,r6W, We �WoAld see W fWi* h%A b6cafte so Miltraing ttAt tkt 6 simply the result off oontitAnnuft �,orseover 56,(Mladies; for able I k 4MC. +"t***$"***+"*4**" 11� '.
_ St
GOW. st - � � 04, kamitt, yo shall I Jeffut, 06 **X .Wprds sfo a W&1*61- qt% nt on reeelpt of wee IIII'M sledges, but thetin only jouirneye are in . �)
, -ow I th)'t 44,16 bM b6fifli 04V41Dt1*n*Ad6dii ly, *,UffiW baidly. (Ittine beltio" &ud,A#M# Drug Cot Windsor* Ont. Cmuputat of came, which In obtainable in Wm. Sh*rman, Jr., Sole Agent for Goderjoh
.. _ � .1 I
L I : .. � 1,
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� I 1. i
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