HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-01-18, Page 61, " (�_ , ­ ­�!, , , � . - 11111 7W M -*�r,,tt; - A , ,.. � , . "W , 'T 71111MIr'll: Mr W ,1111111 _ JX �F '. 1V7T,;! - � wrr� - . � , , I 7'7�7 Tirv-11 , FF .. 1� , � J .1 � WN -I-'r---- . . . - 11 -1 . . - 11 . I _1* - '7-'-'7 ��_ 111111 I 110111111 � , rr I- 0 k , 1 - . - i , 1111110 r � . � - .�w N_ 7_710"" �"_74"'s'r ' �' 4�7' q - %_^ .. -1, I . '11reillIeSIPICIPI'll1iii . ,- - - , � ­ ,� . I . . � .1 , III!, , ,01r�"W I 1:�� ; . I I , I I . - � � % " I . . , 1, � . 11 fee I . . 1. r ��� . I.I., � � I 11 � r . I I -1 '01 . I . " I . . . . I I " . I �, . . , I � r ­ - . - I r I I - � ^ . I . - I I , . . I . r . . . . � , � I 11 I I � . - - � � .... -.-.-- .... - .", I . , 0 ;; � ,'I .­ . . I — - � I .. I I . " .1 - n "10- , I I , ttall 4 ps.- 111,10, - _­ -r- ­­­_­­__ . . , I . - - - � ;;;;Z_r_ " 1, " " -'r .. - �i , I . 1. ­­ '#, — I -0 1, - I , "I.. 1�1 'r . , - ;v,-� " ", - . ... --- It 1'.. I � I �, __ "..14, -.1i .... I# 7�. -1- - �o I I M 1� - I 1. I I a-.e,,- ­1A1 '--vs "": :� " Vow' �* i " �, � 11 ­ I Ir - 11­­;t��'�' ol ­ � i 1. . � .. . . 1*1 altililli __2A_ 4W . I., � - rr .. I . I I � - 1. ­­ - - I ' 1 'Ir r- ­ _­ - ­ ;: I t � 1: I 11; I., 11:: I! 1: � I "! 1: I., .: " , 11 4*,Qw . � *4 " 011,1111111,1111. X"11110110 of _Xbw . I � � 1�� .- . - ;W _ w"m 1, - '. �� " r . - - ­­­­ ­­ , ,-,..-..' *** r 0044#"l 11 r : ow too , �_ � wwow . . . " 010,110".191 W_ MR.. '" A #"* ii , %1*11111111tili . . . , - . ,lit clik". I 4" AW I . , , i; *""* � . . I , � . . � 0W." , �40 W411" tWW "0#ILG0# (.01 ,1111601". I I 1,411M I r , � . . ,", I = I I � I � l" 1 I" OA. r - � I I !XO�**"*%****�*ogvoo*#;wUwop*,A*xvwo*�wnk000tal, *" X"#ft - � I I 'W~11I of vllop_� I W ­�,­._W% to—. !*- . r . , . . � I - � . - � � - - - I- -4 - - - � - . A 4 , # W � . . - , - L , I . � ,1. .� . . low RAW$ ** - 14", I 0*11" 14" 4a X144 A, '"Wo ;*= Vow. I � I I . . � . r ., W, I - p9m _— il _j "OX*, U,6 I �_ ' D , . 4W4-4 WW OW 4*0 09,W*01111, 4 *0 fadlot #ll. r, , � . I . . , I � � ,." j Z � I ; A,, , : I . V It lul TV RM � , : �� I , - ,JTJ.r I , , � .* ft0M UU, ,� so-Royli AP Wis."m , *"rso$ *0 I " _____ ­ A%UOW-W)� _g J* 04*. �t - 11. L A " - 00" X ". 4k, XON, to" va. A0 "M, . ot , � _k"#0 Iil, . " ­X=PM UW ACIMOM - . E' , � ­ I—- ­_ , I'—, "I "' '_ ,�' - "' .Wt,lo I , I _. r � 1 I$# JW 4 . � , . . - r r . . I I I ; I A '. "With''011.0"t. abllm* � I I , I *a 04*411it, U * 0 . 1. , *r #*Ir I '006, of, oA wol #"P*k,"VM# at � I �"�$!AAW "MAW � 4 . _ , ,,*,k r *W*, . 'tUt ,# I , r . ; _ , I .ill*Ia 41* I woll"llo *_ 0`4* '* I � I I "'I 0100l"t 0";Mq "%r V0000iiii 10 4WO. � x . Alli 44011114,46 1411" Joft r . , 00*4! I lavour,it hall 019 6`42" � i - I . , _ # I F 14WP* j , W* #* . . U "for",*' I I � r . . , , 1.11 - I � .. ; , - 1, Ir r r . 0 0iIir,#m"W*W,rJ , all. 4-- fi' 6"' 1 1 *A I 0*4 witost *4,* vita, yory *ttv-. wtvs I , . � I . 11 I I : 441110,101 **%w ftow* J* q* ;v.* _� - I ,,&" , . W 00''fire, _*00 "** w 0 r ** I I .. 1" � . � _4 P#O(Ct$. 25. 1 '" ft _0 _ *Ati 'fo* b"Wa` t*- 0$4, � . 4-doM ll't'� . ;Wfkok, - .. . . � 1 wx Itup-A*", la""._ 0 "PA., - i", � ' ___ I � I �.. :, ­, ­ . I ,. :-_�� I , '. 0 , , r4)tW I _.... . . O."11 . W . , **" *9 11:4 064"" amee, jWxWA to tk. *40P 1.0*1 4 0:10114-4 1111111W 'I I ­ , I . I 00 � ���!!11;���l�'l��!'I'.:rq:,.,."-,;--� !I,:", 4 . j TOMOO,� - . - .1 I ., �1� F"I" 1114t!011114"111141 #J4:1V*tX0_9140t*t1 � � � . Jorl 7 *' . "I - �f# $0 " Ili d, rdiwAlla, �M*bt w4wo'o, ft 1, ,. I : 01, % IOLbeT S- . . , W#U* ., .1 **Uft 44 *",w* '"Pt"m, V1 U xlil,- 4Vab-. � . . . .- , lJS rog1to I . � I POA44 JVOIWW JW* 'U I 110st 1 W9,040 *9 . it- �tmolli A, *40#04" �4, 1 'Mu '""MIJklis pt . PTISS!i , 1$108 � V% thr"01 �0000,w "AAM", bill -M " .t , ly "r . tb* . 4.V4SWOr*b bont"q , 4--1__----r ............. tss .......... me.pw 4 , t9 ,Ip , X- ' =a SUWNSTLON iV*.r 0 , ,4. �, , r. . , a sweet With 1 4 klip. 11*4 111,040 641 0 "''. "M 44 : : *Iro o,it* 4`10t1i *roq 4w five,' t tg�t)llia it, tbaM- * .. . .,t , k_ � , : Otiommay keep Oue'd root . , I - -1 � I Xj* -tx# ps '" r . koew #*t 449i P.0 1,1111111" Pk1`d*"IS,*U"tkk aovk , M ,b *"p A , � � I., "�", , by. - i ,� _�W � . _4i(i,4*rr*0 I I *04, r � ,t ww1w, *9 said." PIL , . foc *,4,4 to o wmtv -to , .1 ', # " , , , � . � r .11 " �nntlt *0 r . or . sle * I's '' , ons of violate a), 11411" I ; � . . - " .1 lot 4" , , I . - I � - ,O" Vt*. T, 49 p U.4r . * . j . . " 4_ - - "11i y1rali **u 41110 4, - -, IA. , ' tuo..701110004 . � 11 4 171413, * t9 49P 1. * � ; . -; J11410 ItM 441; % tgk* ioi� 141iflaw favall0o" liwai 11 "Jil 19U. 'win, W019111 ,,big 10441#9 tba -trq *wItawt lot, , rio, *#, I _­ I . � , I %_�. xprlr 'Opq , a �_ I 1W, b, I i 40_ , I t . �, I - '11, 1_�­� ii'w 114ftwo � an of Powdered orrix, , ., t I'llia �*rl*%Lptly; AGW4 boit-tbt oti of My . po"L' ' - ,�� ,_,4-e� " !� tvA its Q14111, . seat *z . VA"W.0i *�* .1 '0 -t . ... , .. 901W J! X si try� to bl.t_ XMI01W vith j - reep jp'.JTGJW v I* )���� _ - . . _ � _�_ .— "-- - - jljotlng little bam OrIFLA ro -1 I . �7-*' &V;.00 r , � Oro ,A r I I I I I __0 � X991 - I - . M. OPM*k * V4$,'4,Ood *A4� wlktar Aria . should be renewed 0 `� "' . � OV1.1104, -09;" "A . ­ Vftt,,to, be cono).40ired, v . I h washed wheur .� � j - W _ _4 , * H,.,r . , _4"_*�­ N"the ,'!ifhoat o4g at, mO '41 ,A;�", . � - , _g"*# 1, tvwtl " , "' VO. iI G, is, I fitlo _ . _ ,#;r . - I - lqk� 1100. 1404. iiiwut in the,,. T ,4 _4; ,G)rr'Or Vod- *:*40*01; - � ,;"0W,*W9 _ - , , I 3 il: * 32, t41,4,4PoaPX a T u'ro. I �tb_aa WW P-01, � ,I bat.,.,. . 0. ,� *VpWIit. J# V IM I g'S , ' 'A' I . - . _ , � 6 AW . . _* _ � . . _ �* . _, ,,,:r ' . , r - �. I . ­ ' J r � � - ,: I "Oeir's. "GA. ft li''(1.4 I I- 1. ties or twice A . , ��; 1 lit A": �1-930* - , � #W04 IS, ta � , � .� � ��l is. � 0134� . QJW ill ..#0 , . I !'� i r '*' ' I ..4$lg;*'O,'f#�'#Jr.-,��r�*t�l*t�r,t:y,w ,to"_bG,fQX4J,lWJ,;!, iow- vat We, Pi bowro, at tho Ilk, , - I'll, , � . , 0044 tq , - , . I - __ . : , , , , , . V1014 AAkq AW -4 . *4 , ith 001400 4yo# 0 lmy Womatipla. P. W47 With 00 rallow ANIJII ,-titoro � I 41 ,,* 04 they Al , 10, Stop in -,A,r , _ , , ]BRIG.'', 1. -1, ;1 . - .c ow ow w Ir I 4W_ , jitb ,Ad the bow . , . � W , , - - t #4 7 Ai mi- 7 , U XW 0'04`1 to X4cQA8;V Va it to client, t .. I . , . 6 ''. � '1114p; *01Y49,90.0 411.1100", "Wj%l X1 , 4. t '140. *04, .* - WNOI�Abora . ", iga ad. DaWLI Japan I I � . . r 4W it �l'o 109A A Z"Iftil"', vd(t V-91- fill"; IllI4 tOTA, I Siaw Dolorms-15ho W46 =4144* to lost until I as# a 6,11 ' ' i tba apaitla. 44,19 0 44 Ila besiro "494motou0l*v.*�OLW�x"X.Oro4t',Olii .11, � ", ,,, I r I 011e, VA49 r 0 d vases , gskiy ai j*IW , , Al 01) thei AN �= Pro- howls, and, ,4. ., I , bot, ob Xsa4r AbY0 Qrtbk,, Wb ' . "a � � -. - - . I . I., bow 1 loved bor, 444 you are . ., w rtk W �llao , , X ; ;_ i ak* the *bAst r000pta I .11 �� " I is , quaint dishes an 30 X irimll, With Alit- wted. *14AIIG� I . r "tag"I.Ma".vil, ,, . 11 I . 04 ..q , Ole, und it IV - � S, Ild by t1i mon, W49 -joy W014, #90" to . r 0.� %'ka"o, *40)04, is, � r - I � I r r f , Y� �'D.li thf, , t : t#4 Y11 Apow OA ow ed,gograloat in � � '" I. gE . L -) go to slilap,, 9 t1r q L I wK bow X h4vts loved bar over 81460 wit . ,v bcAln 1, , r . 100, . - , � . . I � W, . .. 4 - I I- tloo,"k,owbo *"r. throw Of 01011A I 7AOkr A" I . .4 wAW , - . I _ � '0*Y -wo bare MV14A for the fowls. . . _44 " , , - I I the night to be* . _4 bp�, . , it ItAboo W#4 tOrrjo *I@gJt,JiUJ1#, , L , I wisis tv, cover them during , ,. fte, Wag only Y* child. but I VOW04L t _10 " , I - � , *th4,,.4OG4X;.,0_t,AW.,m00.t � , . 44 "r A* �Ww "PlAtored-a %all, artato I - ') � . estn . : .1 I. foxt to VAG W-be'a th"a- b 0111" VP.�.A*tJlw out 04, - .*§. !R Ow , ; .r., ­ - I . aw as$ of tile pow" I , Pa L @"rvA the .tAfol j*]A�f , " 40 L � I .. *�#$IlIi-J* . q , v '434 4--h . of Orris 1, JKJW , on I wits a yoUn, . � . Map;. lf%t�afr aboftlt Ithatt' Wb,*A *boi grow lute womanhood Sometimes, wh r0a, q%o . , . "Itlill" MO 41141106 QV the night '?, ;Wpiapt *Wav* ,a#,Gto_V"0q 400.4this-0 -, - , �4­, a N. III- , Br-wraw Two* �For, rowxrat - ng Sachets , , , I . , OW p*'Out Act 914 enough to be - 1 POPS04 the almilhouss at Deeping, I 4 ."O " , _ 404 , 0 1 '40r. By hani a I a gar- I . 1 .4w, , 4141 and U9 othsir 4bgUld be my wife big , . U *14 '0 � , , fi , �', . it " - 40 *At, -tog" fioi � Kwasypilfs,vit ibum.aur , aII4 ov"b reoV In the , , Gar , I - "', - I Metallic rattle, the thud, Of *L folu . � . 1. V*1 - Olothes-preases on . . I il.lovis Watch# , tin _ . .1 . ..�, . I , '000 Guorly. ito. was Ant bandwime ad bar from year to year, I ob",14 not Ilka to Ilvis ttero, DOI- .0, � '__ _ riormon CAPA ,to bgx6 0 give frag, , . , , r , so .1 14411# An S#lipty.' aI%ttQJr' Tlair Uf' , a 04114,101,11 , , , dove , Monte will be given an 'Iva , . ..... . . I ores. You most not lot The last OI ., L Id_ r 4!v:,V'q, biil,4�4 ;WWAt-4. T4 'rgail, � A " r1oro, Pillow, COP4 t age I I . � i t ** gen- go.4 low.# loved her with a deeper and W411i vitota Illast of xpq . , -, #,*4A", ' , , T19M4WniI*qr,l1a!44 in .. 4-Athie attiAtJoA tolygrd - even to 11 . I I . ,, vto is" Whitt ftoo Wag ttist of it Debt#. � - , ..q tqt #4 I . At telit., lilung �W ,, # #, V ranog Une,lijeotionabl. 11, , , . . . I . � . 'a'a r. 6V - r r 4 . � � . . I .044. deeper love as time went no. DDIOrea." the 011efilson go there." r - 4 I . . 1*0W Tb' i : .Qpbw thin utia of .ttlectripl,ty time 'dhere to the p-adox that *' " V�lialjo,44 RPM 4 Wir � BY. 11119"Arpment, it 'Olt 0 _ A �. . -OMUO bad —*61 go f4*t or % tworm,940, 04 , I ,. r I 11 . a wba - I . . 1J t foWtiro VAG, Squire. onch WXo1W' �*i4.��*t.,04m,ufg.�'41.%,tivoir- Initgured it, an tb I I - , it be he cried. turning suddenly to the been- "I will think stiou 11 , Allis +Only,� verosift, I= farmers, and it largo plant I@ a id it wh.jLt we , should small I t1ly Of the Ope . . woman : . . , W*O oinly 01044TON Irgm tho It . . ' I I W 4 ,a I il titul wondering girl. "have you nev- better do." she said,. and. Mono WN Z P" bAalrogdylutiperatli.on Ott Ofilgaerifort, ; � .X 4UGRIS &p If 49W L ., I , , ,ftevian tq tha, t4kip that 0,9 mad( it, , 11 . I414; '111.00d not help o9wag, totes `*It that In4tuAt 66, litingto x1flo . , . � A i1i ro j, this c*, . . - , . . � _! r - 1, t: Ott- MO news I beer true I Boil or " guessed how much I loved you V1 eyes followed bar wistfully. she would ocian(ted slid ttlil C&Ctsdililli b Cd Of Oug"lit bair, lino. 4miaeover _ There .*To liptAtIpos itt RAValli* A JqrgG central station, TEA is. ALCOHOL IN RuSSIA, I q�l . . ,, _, � , .W " No," she answered faintly. say no More. . _ Re Is bad Ant r 'WROJAU it r ' Dod"I'111 K1.4'Gy' iff0g,111, Usiling steatin And iltydratulic power, Wilt a New York "Sun" lot 11 1 acent I I . _4 1 patur 1AU44 11, themi101vell 49WA UPIZA tA# 9_MOn ;k tq I I Th � . I I . .1 V" , "I wonder at that." for girls are She brought the battle of Burgundy .d. , , , be late 91W breakfast *V4 144 � a first intpoft�ed ' 1 And 1 sum 6 rutood Mail- , , 016 011:11111t, . furnish the cutrrOut, WhUe At each diatei says: Tea wu �. . . BOW.gWIN T 11091111) 1U.4k t % danp, : . _Q RM �. - � ., - 0 one tQ4fAsk - tion.agro ro _ a day Ouch in- I , . quick enough In auch matters. There and gave him a glass of it. Tears, tATM On the 14-4 .1. L . rillne4i. peamiless-eboAl won be home- "Their boll # bad it to the iaook� ,All #410"114ira . Olrilftsl' 404-11501 . I . a will boa, slab-atation. Jutci,Aiussia to 1638. I` the aver age, � 11.1� A 4rdle, togObad Art vaunt be � A I � coutaWas # awitchboard for its dls� habitant OtOugainee't on , . "... I . loss. X, ,tbo InXt of the ClIef4eng, in bay* been times when I have gone came to the old wants eyes. when. from 4 Rao dos' , � . X4 basket well ' � cUr*rQr13.rFg4t!A10 I The total ' "', . y4rds rm,, fgU 4104 tbb'brii cup. nearly onto pound annually, I MY old to. mill0t 416 � a Pauper I" , kwigy halt mad from you, and have "I should not live long without my there come me furlong 4i 9 . 9 rifli plied Ir � ,a 10O.M,000 p,,Llldm and O.%. . . I .. ;it s, ba ixo?s I o"Atmal j88 allo,00til, Tea 4 � I ,4k6kqtOg .91% t tritaitical. This 1petvivir will be used Won . ", � , , I ." left you because L could no longer wine, Dolores," he said; "it given me - ig,ter of Ora ag 4 . I . � to run threshers, crushers and root' Ilts, total cost about I's I . �1, r 11 ,��, Th% Squlsolx voice sank Into a ;nor- fire, with a 4wo 110 water cat X re& 10 blaUght 44 4 VvOont It Indlanto"o D I — " I cutters. and many other term ma- and) sugar together Ot t'Ituodia about . . 4 4' , �, , . mur, and his head fell upon his breast, control my love. Dolores, have you fresh life." hot plate, of appoding bullets. in that thO best IIIIA4, Ot-000 linalt. All gar- � I - OCO% gar year. i,ar brandy, .. -, . ­ . I I . eb4iog, ,It wAI also �ba ItMed for light- 8265-000- 1, ­ , cover failiqied it f" She brought a pillow and lowered V - '': , Lord Ithyisworth turned to ill$ g1li terrible red light the Men, go they mouts If 1 W" N".V . , . a � - , VMS hie 444�14 be now Antli . , y I , heart and wipe the COUntry .1polnUot . .:� ,_ r Whw faine bad grown colorless with " I bave never oven thought of It," the blinds, making him comfort hie scraped desperately for cover, At teXA garment should Go no account III 91141. Ing purpo h nnually %about 40000.0i'll , 1 4 . , I , . _ a lay and . closely connected in our own coun- nomething like a quarter of the whole , 11 0 be I ". �_ . - omotjou, she answered. as only such loving handa could, and could "a the, heads of ,the B era pop - Worn- -Neither hair nor nails moat � r P1 L4* try, such ia pystom might be practical, revenues of the State 40 annually ,;."., � I r " Ls It quite true. Kiss ClIefdon Ill "My beautiful love, YOU &TO fresh then left Ii UP and down and the fringe Of rifle I)Q =4 minnoy mubt bo parse I Dodil's Wda expended on te , and , ,::.".; he , in tile a braud;YX wine � I as elootrio power has nanny advaut- Ot statistics -..�, ­ asked. and fair an the morning. your eyes It wan piteous to see how old and barrels qui,ver and gleam. How the and the parse In thLe'listaket. To fifty ionts, A. I= ag beer, with sugar. hxa I . '. . I , "Quit*. true. my lord," she answer- beare with the clear light of youth worn his face seemed to grow when regiment, lying - stum, I 41:099134t. . agea over stealict, horse power, eta., in areLaot forthourning, but It 'pitet! re ", I r .17 . r . ed. helpless under this blei in; fall Is 4 had luck sign, Unless � , 0. - I I ready. for use at any mom- that the Use of tea in increttaing rapid- I .. . ,� . . . and Innocence, your Hills have the he WAN Lett Alone. He slept; and In tire. escaped destruction, Is extra. it be upstairs. In whic - � . r 11 r . h came do not 1. ", ,.,� , " I am very isorry.11 said Lord Rhys. his sleep he went back to the d,rea 4 . . ­ == elat a -ad can b3 esially regulated. ly relative to the alcoholic beverage" 4 :41. I � . � bright smile of happy childhood I It rus Or Wary. To rvxb the trench in oe look behind, . ­ . -a consummation devoutly to be %$'all; 1�') . . , I worth. The words were simple, but wall hardly likely you would think of -of his youth, for he murmured oontin- to" of such a ,continuous blast of tied count, JlIlld it. ,W OW loon probable -___-:*__ ad. it is q remarkable fact that this , :-, . � I they had the ring of sincerity and it. Still I have loved you so I I am uaIIY the onerisime thatgeamed to be seemed impossible, and it was -----I*,— that more than one in tell ke�Iig no- WINTER WHINKLES. change has occurred since the intro- ��,��,:., r - .r equally � . - i.- duattion of ths, Machme-ruade teaa of �:.,L . � I ' I truth. "I am more sorry than It the not young, Dolores; but many a man - r,� . i engraved upon his heart, "Dolores;" Imptsisible to remain where they were. cOuPtO dU ADY degree comprehensive he Ceylon and India. � , ' , 1* , game misfortune bad happened to my- of half my years has a heart twi6o while his daughter went to her room In a short time the moon would be And accurate. A) merchant or. manu, Maude. -Don't you think that t -.0 � � - 11 I La Grippe's Vidtims -`11_',� � "Is there any way as old. XX eyes have sought no face knowing that she held the issue of Up,, and they would be Picked off to a faOtUrer who would undertAke to do Count de -Vowdroull in a very tntelli- LANGUAGES OF THF WORLD. ', I self," he continued. !"'; . ''. out of It P, 1. save yours, my heart no love but yours their lives in her hands. She had pro- man. I � bUSITIOSS withoot k6eping a record of gent room f ".. ,, I 1. Ethel -Yes, indeed I Why putting China aside the ulubt spok� ...'�, , I �r' ,. I " NO." answered the Squire, sadly. -you have filled, my life. I have Mined to think of Lord Rhyaworth's "'rite crater collipunies, up on the ARE LEFT WEAK, SUFFItIZINO AND his transactions, tilrquild'soon. land in he can even understand my kroonh. �,'-..�!� ­ I , . a ld are as fOl- IL L 4 I r "I Must leave White Cliffs and find wanted to tell you this for months Proposal, to me what she could do; Plain were ordered to retire., Breaking DESPONDENT. baukrugprtcy. It is true farmers de- 'Ttom-I confess I'd prefor riches to 120; German - . , I � . ,, refuge In a workhouse or almahouna, past, but I have looked courage. it is but her reasoning powers seemed to up into loose order, they made their not bay and 'wit so extensively as Love. A king, for instariM may be Iowa, in millions: English. 1,... , , L �, . 70; Russian, ffl; ,,;panish, 44, PorLU- . `;.? , _� I and Doloreis-oh, Dolores. my darling I your father," trouble that forces it have left her alit at once. and she way back with btlirprisingly little loss, A Me" AcOSIAN Who Avati Attiectucil Almain merchants or manufacturers, but sweet, but It isn t worth -anything. 11; - � I r gu,e@e, 32. .Lf we were to weasure , . 1,1� . I I . -Will 214`8 to work- I Am the lent Of from me now. I come of a race that could not collect her thoughts. bat a strange cantrotempe occurred, Gera VP 111161116 *I` McoareTY-1111a F,kperl- they bt� ve captital employed, and are I Dick -Well, it's always viroTth its face 1�1; I :L ' lance of V41se to Other-. . these In ratio on a 2ft. rule, we8hould . i I 'r ,. ,�! J. L the 0110fderis, and such is my destiny. knows no fear; but I tremble for the Since yesterday what a chance had for. leaping suddenly lute a trench constantly investing labor in pro- value, results; Porta- :,� � .� . �;, I F4t0 has been more than cruel to word which he$ to fall from your come over bar life I Yesterday she was held by the Gordenti, they were mis. Frorn the Enterprise, BrLdgewtater, dUcts, and labor is a thing of valtin The Atunt-Hits Giglamps an inde- I get the followiJig .. �� - �, ,, � 10 Guese, 4in.; Spanish, 51-2 in.; Russian. ;�i'_` : I � me I taken by th a N. S6 " pendent foxtunafThe Ni"o-Ishould "', L I " lips, and which will mean either life little more than a child, her girlish 0 in a, who seem to have 0� Just a's much as lailver or greenbacks. 8 1,2 in.; German, 834; English lft. I I"? .1, 11 � r Again the soft arms stale round his or death for me I" heart full of a beautiful love-drearn, been Qalcep, ter Buers. A subaltern Mr. C. E. JohnsiD, The whole problem with the farmer, Say hO hud ; he says- there is no such . , _ n Is about'28years � r: � neck, vind a sweet voice whispered to Once more he paused, unable to into which no norrow, pain or and twelve Men received bayonet old, a gold Mitubtr by occupation, ia as with the morchant,jand the farmer, thing as living with n any degree 31m, This all refors to the present, 'r , � �, " care . 4-i but just a century ago English was "4 11 � :-1. lilm- speak. The Squire looked up at the oame-only yesterday; and now she thrUbts-nouls, of them fortunately of well knolivii abaut the"mining camps fActUTer.'LIA to employ big capital and of comfort. 1. .1 IV , " Papa. what some men call fate oth. a very serious nature *0 such a way that it will bring Whal is the matter. Hercules V Jove 1 , ­ " ;. labar I spoken low -only 22,000,000 People less ...", I - . I beautiful colorless face. was a woman, with a woman's doom -before the Vale. In them parts and is thoxoUghly ' t- �,�: � -� . by a third than the number who X I 6ta. call Providence, and Providence " Wthat do you say, Dolores f" he of patient endurance and tielf-saorl- take was discovered. I ad In his business. , Not long P?s , him the greatest pagisible returns. No asked asi the former paused in his ,peak Portuguese to-4aY. If �A�l � 4t ill I . � :�, �. i � � . Gain never be cruel." asked, floe hanging over bar. CANADIAN8 DID IT, Mr. Johnson chanced to Io in "Por, one would ventare to contend that a arduous, work of cleaning the Augean -_ ; .. � ;"-: I IL, ��_ .1 11 �.. But the Squire would not listen, " I do net know What to say, papa; Before she could decide the ques- "A better fate Meanwhile had be. tax's drug atom in BrIdge,wator, when conclusion would be arrim,d, at as ac. stables. I was merely longing for the � ,7 li �',,,,A;,:,. � I '11 till) gin Old MIlln,"'he murmured; I am benvilderod," she answered, tion which troubled her. she must sit fallen the twO COMP41lies who had been a o -tee of Dr. Williama, Pink pills was curstelY by guests as by careful cal- horseless age, replied Hercules. " �,,', . , ,,., �, �: . _� - - , �L , 1. . 1; �. it ap�k ,!�� � ­ - ". , - , .Kil. . MY eyes are dim, and my hair is "I have been too abrupt I" orled dukwu end think ovor the events of followed by the eiaglneoris. It. is diii being opened, and remarked- "Mlat I", Neither would anyo Youtre a big boy now. but your fath- f 'C' ; � . � I ". . , . "". . I ' ne 0 -, '. . � to �� ., I *T0, I AM AD Old man, and It Is hard Lord Jbe 46 9/"�� .1, ,,�,�� , . 1114yarivorth. "Dolores, I wish I her life. True it had all been passed ,ult to understand why in the whole Mo clerk, "I saw the time when a venture +0 deny the Assertion that or still whips you, does flat That - .".1. I I Oat 114UPOV's broad end die like a could, pray to you; my prayers should at White Cliffs; but It was not so regiment the rear rank man migb-. lozen boxes of'those pills were of 111thagodays ofolose competition the shows the force of habit, said the ,� v,,:..., . � iA- ,;It(, 2111al ftlit,tture in on eirary box of the rmuiM pauper... . �A�111 e777" '. � - be so eloquent that you could never devoid of Interest as one might ex- not have carried a,saokful of earth =ira v.tlw tO MN than, the best gold Most Catrefull calculat4lon alone is boy'4 uncle. No, blurted the boy, it Laxaflve Bromo-Quinine -blow ' l.� ,-�i,�'; !� I Then Lord Shys"Irth Went up to refuse them. I will make you so blip- Pact. Slid remembered no other home Instead of a, spade. With ithese two intlas In the coutitrIA, 'A reporter of capable wMettmea of determining on aftews the habit of force. go istmody that courees a cold In ova 4V � I Ic � 'I '', 1 ": ' 1i , I.. I.. . Mrs. axd, layinli; his bond upon hIQ py, and %Vill live only for you. No -indeed vilals had no other; but she flank companies, the experiment was the Entarlirise happened W bear Mr. Whioh side Of. the account the balance Over the Teloplione-Is Pat O'Brien -_ I I "' L, I �­ I ill, , Shoulder. said gantly- It 80000415ful. On 'kthe outbreak of Johnson's rat4ler startling is found. Book-keeping Is essential there I No. Well. when he comes in A life spent 'worthily should be . I , - i. . I . � younger man could give you the love, recalled some long, bright, happy remark �,4i, - � " 'W'Al YOU Iletsu to me, Squirs I J the care. the tenderness, the dove- Years, when her fair, gentle mother the fire the sacks were cast down, and daked Win why he ,spoke sin-Aigh- to good farmin. measured by a nob!:,ir line -by deeds, � ,g it Is, the only means planes tell him that big son-in-law __! I ` I.O.: I � a- find You A way out of your trou. tion that Isbell lavish on you. DOI- had taught bar herself, because she he 'no" Mr. Johnson's state- is dead. I am higi son-in-law, but not not ylrls- . _� crouched behind them, and IY Of tho V.1h. bY Which the farmer may determine I I ,�., � I � bla'- WAY by, which ,you May live at ores, you will be truly happy with me, loved her too w1all to Intrust her to time was 81vast for further trenching. "lit was as follows; "About four acOuTately which lines L of farnting are the one that's dead. --- ...� '� . � White Olifie"bY which you may enjoy I am sort). If you will but risk the any one else-ca-Im. quiet years that By the morning they were not only Years ago I was attacked Nvdth, Is profitable and Which are not, and by First Boy -I've got to take a lickin, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS at good Income, With every comfort Wet.', had not a ripple on their surface. Her secure themselves, bot from worli which he may know what percent of -when I get home to -night. Second used I , they found grippe vtrhich kept ,me MM WINSLOW'S 8OOTHf-V0 RYRTIP h,s ban ,� motherefor their childrr.n t­tJp,,,. it jtrs,theg , themselves in gunh a position About three weeks. the Ob'd, infinite the 9UMS, li,I�L�Xp.4JL'u C. ".ad on I's . "If " You tire very good," she answer. ��', and IuXur7 U4,tAA your deaM It you home had been a tranquil, well -order- that I did, not have it prolit he realizes from the busilmess, as mother f First Boy- and I a the boa mu,PAY for diai r oazt, '16 be tlm said 1, � �:� " they could enfilade the first lines of very hard appareatly, but- it left me 'a whole. Lett any farmer who Z!&Id I 1`11111 W113 listen to;1,46.11 There was a our- ad. ad one; Ufa had b"n smooth as a has Met -her, Second Boy -Oh. well, that .mV.8=1�;"gh,ul the t­rld He ipire and ask � , , .. . ar ...,nu Kyrup., . .�t 4 � I IV" h6d1tittell" t silent river on a Rural won't ampunt to much. -_ ­ , I I.- Boor, trenches, go doubt Cronje had weak all the same. d 0 , keep a t for a �, In bla Mannar,* apal- Bu he saw that her tips were pale, nor day. But AtYllow, aft I never don so cootin . i�li I already realized that the extreme 'losing tbxce weeks I concluded to go year and he will have his eyes opened The war is making (lie. tinpl,ite .W � - : ter 01% 'his flio% and a tremor In his and that the words came with diffl- there were some seance which w1ire so Roborts-1 hope you were not angry . f - *2 ".., . . , . - �L I., 11`410�i "Ut Als marry your daughter oulty. vividly Impressed on her'memory that limit of his resistance had come, but to mork again. The mine I Was to More than one thing he never sus- at T�wmey when he stepped on your 1�,, �, workers of Birrningham,unpreri,d,,nt� . I , ; I " Dolorass" -hb'woat Ott; "and you shall " I meant to be kind," he said regret. they would never die away; they came it fWas tat these two cotimpanleal Of worlaing In was Making a "d deal P130taid- lbot 1ast night? Stophens-Not with 'Idly bully- I 1,; ` 11 . " be a ildli 21dill far Iffe." EFUSli-do not fully ', "but I fear I have been cruel, to her now. Canadians that � the. arallit is imme- o(f water and I goll wet the first day. . __ him; but I'll tell you in confidence .1 �,, i 4�!, 1 - . I . diately due for that white flag which That night. the old SEPCIAL 1019 FOR FAMILY TRADE. �.4i W.. 11111060*440 laut refuse I Hoar What I I have beten too abrupt. Dolores, you She rome&bered a fair summer trouble came that I hate bei '.g stopped on in the $100 Howard, $101 -,; i " ;_;, ;f,� day; fluttered upon the =crnrug of Majuba back, with the additio,la ot,a severe The eve'r-inoreasing demand for ice 'abst . n .!;,� �.,,V � 1Q.", . I llav'8 to say tlr*t--a rich man for life, must think the matter over. I will when she with her mother, was tilt- ract. The readers of this paper will be pleased to I t!�, IR I- - � day over the lines of Paardeberg." cold. I hat there is at le"t, one dreade d diveass 1". 1�A �:, . . Squire I I will buyback White Cliffs tairi no answer Yot-neither 'Yes,' nor. ting on the fawn, and the Squire came I mintriaged to got rid of the geems to make It necessary to uti- Adele, said the fond mother, is t'hat's'nience has been able to core in On itak' � . --,-*—' cold, but the wbole force of the dls- Liz all desirable sources staxon and ,bat is Catarrh, Ilail'o Catarrh . ,I, lt�, '. . , . : for YQU- I'VIII settle ,ltl4 annuity on * No.' Think over It. Squire, will you to them full of eager Interest In some 'a ". �Ik.,�""�1-41',� � I III Of sUPPly. rda,ehing the age where a girl natur- . P; � 1,"P., . ease settled in mor attomaoli, kit" Care Is the only Positive (,or.- now known to .., ,��;,:, .� ­ . YOU. YOU shall bb a riabia; man than do the same I And, then, after a few news he had just heard. Wynalicombe NEW YEAR'$ THE -WORLD ROUND. ' . eye Many who -have faafifAw to produce ally, thinks of marriage. True, repli- the medical traternity. o"arrilbeingaco" , �'Y,,��.:; . I — anad joints, and bcals Motional di.eme, rrqulro�& eon�ntullomd I " - I son have ever boon. Huall-wattl I days, you will write to me, Dolores. Hall had been purchased by a French . 'broke out- on ice might Orofit by their use. For eia the fattier regretfully, but do you ,�.; iv�lli,`;,�� . treatment. BalroCatarrh Care ispik nipper. t4." 1_. love Polores. I have, loved her since I do not wish to press my suit unduly, lad#. a widow, Madame its Ferras, Wis Functions on surippean Central find Re. my body and Umbst. My back watL so cartaIll uses quality and Purity are think we can afford a son-in-law? nally. acting directly upun the b.00d and I ". � . -1 faces of the �)-lenn. thereby ties. . � ". - �', " , .., Jolcliac* In China and Japan. weak I could More Important than -qunu�ity. it ., .";7��;10>,, ths first MOVIOnt If saw hor-a child, my dear; but always remember that had been exiled from France for po- sohroaly stand alone, Life is full of uncertainties, said the 'turqucoinuggetuhre foundatio., of tile dinome. A,84 i,,4, ­., "'. The celebration of the first day of While food in every'formi distra-seqd is well known to 861anUsts -and the mournful person C , Ill inr I f;;� �::"" You remonlitier,-And she o4me dancing your words will bring me either- life Iltical reasons. She had p . he r up, old man, I the patient Aire, gill l,y building up th ( .1 ..',,, "?%� I I 0 .,.,1'1 �,l �, I . I urobased the this year by exalianging gifts dates me, and I became on nervleas iblat medical fraternity that typhoid and const tULIOD and OA4-ting naturd lit doinq its 11 ,;. '�p ,,�,- . AiltO the 406111' with little blue shoes or death," Wynchoombe property, and hadnam- rejoined the jovial friend. You don work. The proprioto, a iijive so much isith in 1� � .. .- ' t It a curative powers, that they ofter t.no Hu L ,,`,*?�";, : ' I 111106'10ilfed ber all bar life. I " Whatever happens, Lord, Rb,)s- ad tbe Hall "Beaulieu.", It was To- 41 �,,­ � �,:� 1, I 611i fromold Roman.tintrea. So costly were any unusual' noise would overcome other germs of disealia, are not do- have to read the weather reports a d dred Dollars for any case LtkAt It fidiR to OU`a­. , 1W N ,. "­­ the presents in the time of the ease- . ma. I -tried several aorta of medi- stroyed by freesittig. Ice taken from ­;, , .1 . � ,'WoUM7411*19100 Much to -make her my worth." observed the Squire, "I shall a I the horse race Ifews'Lf you dorl't w n 1501011 for Hat Of teatinionial.. '. I � , W , parted that she had one daughter nd ant F. J. CH K N E Y& CO., Toledn 0. :' �i. '.:4 ". I I -but they were a great snurno of loillos' but none bads and stieams may to. 8old by dr �11 1 , �, � �. ", . . ,.. . . *Its- 1 )*'to bllfr A%. no young man never forget Your goodness to me," WAR.possessed of ample me I . -if t abom" to� do Any 'small lakes, p ,, : L:.; 1, . one. u .. , ­ 000A ever love her.'Slicaball be the "Never forget my love for your "That will be very nice for Dol. ' . Elalrd FamLfJ8iP8i181's7a5re the bent .1 I . l � . . - .,�,, . -1 . Profit to the Emperors and quite bur- good. I inext went to a doctor. His contain the Igermis of disease and My wife told me this morning that !1. , I . . I hialk abbJeots. medielate helped Me a44 first, but after shouldnever be used for Any --- . � I ,;... 11 11011100t Wqkq4n In the land. One me. daughter." was the reply. "Unia your ores," Mrs. Cliefdoin had said. "I have densome to t � ,purpose sher must have a new bonnet, said Mr. 'Do you know what a trigedian is, . I r, _-;t _­� . . . I , , , � . . r, . � I .'­ '. � W0111 '* Several hundred years, Rga in Eng� ai shont timang lost ltd,offoot. He them �1101 W011 OODVOY its impurities into Northiside, gloomily. You are well off, Willie? asked thp, fatlwr. Wily, . I i"I � "'' , ;­ 11,;, , 1, 1 10 � 0#1111 . 0460010i, She Shall never know In my favor, listen to it, I must go Dolores could remember how, as bar 10 tbB courts Of Europe Now Yeir's dergymom who called at the house ad- house and stock. Oat . of the a . urplus two. d ordered hef replied the boy. 3, ­��r',:�'. .",� - P1*4 11 lay My fOrtiftne, My tl. influence for me. Squiro, and you shall often wished that she had I% play- I nd It was customary for the nobil- changed .the maditolne, but witb na the eyatem. Many firmers br.5hg replied Xr. Sbadyside. My ife told the fellow what kills 1hp play, aln't I . I t Ott- 15", % he's � ".4 ' , I A 10 i6art. lA - life bb the, happiest man In the world. mate I" and the gentle lady was high- a � � N, , , .y vary fit bar ity to send purbes of gold to the king. better result, About this,' timse a water from Springs In pipes for the � ! �Ak Uet-�'AO-1540111 RVO In luxury And Dolorei. it year heart says one word �v delighted with the prospect. me Lot night that she ,,, w I I , 4 "I .11 I I Is a great day. All the monarchs be- ' �S-, � 1, �, ( Wed, One longing Ulf- now; and when you have an answer ussail'the new- more, sh ' vised we to try, Dr.tWilliame, pInik That needed tar atoll purporses pure -Have a high ideal, MONTREAL HOTEL DIRCCTOr,Y, " � I ?I _1 . in* �V*l,Ut4*-at parents dlao no ' Aunt Hannah ''I I � - -- � gin the do$ NY Attending church, at- pills. I Cat a box and used am, �5pring wat r ice ­ I , . � � IIQAUW� t8h6411411 have all that this tar me perhaps . ill Le might be -made by ____________�' ,� I I �' I I � I I - , , , you will writsill I wondered in her childiall mind wh� and ttry to I've Ap to It- Bd'tb-yes6 The 06 A��., I— I I , r"�, . on glt'b h, ter I I I , I ward, they resolve tlid,dignitaries but thely did act materially benefit rumn-Ing lit into molds to freeze. BAIMOral," Frea 1jus ­ -a .. :, - � I _: I 11 " Yes." she returned, faintly, l- I this playmate WOW, d be like, nov4 * 41. 50 A up ot. oil I . I r4appose that would be ni4)e,,. ,,But -- -- - - §1 ' ,: I � , � I of Church, State, Army and diploma- me. I had Do on so Such ine, free firtymentow and slash, J J�VEN U k - college I -, , I I VQ044 ,10f Iker, if she will murry will." dreathing that on that day a new old- " be ma weeks Idle isn't it more practical to got abhnd- _ _#91181E ­m-"pl Avenue . ­ ' . ' .. . _, , � mtj;�ii* , 11� . 11 r I tin tiorpo. I I .� I -- Apply 11-61 ,.tes SIM , 1. " `�, 1; 11 ." L... 14" 1tW_V*AaO4 fair &.tow moments, He took her white oald�hand in big. Ment wbuld be brought Into bar life . : ! � and was feedimig dedporste. A friend Uncontaminated by dixt, filth and d!3- some photograph of yourself. and en- p.r,l.y : -1 I I .1 I 6. � I , , �, I I ­ At the Russian capital the princes strongly adviligad Metal go, to a boa- ease giarinsi' 13ho J COMM,,nd : �;, - , , ,� AIOV', 06141ftht Of words, but because raised It to his lips, and kissed It with which- would max and blight it. ill, Pr"Oes deavor to look like it? . The Doctor-Didwt I NRY he was to' .. 11 ,­ -1 - 1, I I I _ �1111 , , , " 'of the Imperial family-, personages of .. t, that Would be remunerative, to the , ; I 1". � I I itli"4�4,1(,A *as Go great', "Bush," he Passionate tenderness. Then howhis- thkoicurt, functionaries, and servants about . ,,, � , � pift I for treuttineUt And I had jug I 1. , �, ­- � 44o,lm . .4 i � She recalled one day whou they Dealers would flud it Miss Partie Goodwin -So you've ask- amid all excitement I The Patient's I.. I �� '', , I " I -"you muot flat give me tiny went tagether-tho Squire, her moth. decided to do so whPA an I I ed papa? It wasn't such a terrible Wife -Yes, that's what got him ,,- � I , producer. I - I � ". , Ai I 1 ..14 - t 1 00444 Zo t bear it. Lot Wed a tow words to the Sqaire and of the palace come in reIguilar'order to actiqualatan6 learning Ibuil'take tbo furnish such ice to jh�ir ordeal waa it I All you bad to do was cited. ,�, �,.A , , - -Iiii *0 necessary -� I , � _ , ,, , "" - tillW Wilt Until I recover retired. or, and heraelf-to visit 'Madame its a but , 1-'j � J . :)W6'7'.-*-',. W Forma. Dolores remembered the present their homage find good wishes OMW box of title, pills ateggeated that I "dist"mors or "a"s tho4r'trade In' 4r " ,� I "I I , " " iI � , 11, , , , - , cOM­ to keep perfectly cool. The Young - `I:,I,�, "; V � � , � �:4:oylii . Father and daughter set for some I , M, ,�;-�, . , , % , to the Emperor, who kisses all the ShOuld .t I 11 , 1, � I I I - few Itolnutea after 'his departure an stately bandequitt matron with her ry three boxes- bet, r - mota 100. Blocks of ice made in molds I W. P. c. 103.(?. , W", � 11 , "I � ,,,, � . � _., I , members ,at hie family, and a more in 0 6 with - Man-CoOl 7 I was so cool you could "—­`­e'-----_-_w�� , � , ,, ,;, , ­ ­_Tm- I IN".3), I I , ,� 01140van. I 11 the giving there up. The mutt a r�gular, Oven surface om all have heand my teeth chatter I �� - -� . � . or at oney -, t, ,. �11 . U .. 11 �, .; , ", - " � , � I I 11 I � I � , I � . 'a. though they were turned to stone. courtly polished manner, and the high officiaLs three times according to sides ,would pick no closely that it OALVERT'S A,:�;i�:,,G . I I � � , � ThOt, formed, a iStriking ligroup-the Than. drawing her to him gdntly, the startling, vivid beauty of bar daugh� deididedine, on trying the pills again. Kasilt-What was Jones fired for? ��,VR I I I � aid" ��l�iijb the Russian faShio& People meeting I igat when n' would 609 tanch better, with far less Do Sales -For giving away one of the 131 � I " I . , , , with big Stay head ralsod old man sold- tar I.iola.. Before her dusky I)Aauty. I, the , three boxes and oil I 1. , . � I I , , Q. , I t . street in Russia, an Now YeAr's s waste, and coWd b3 pr,odubed earlier CARBOLIO 1�1,',f -� I I I -.1 I 11 1, * t, 1, a fs)." tuo of pain, sur. " Whatt do you think of his I g �11, t4 was quile a bit -improved. Could cat trade seerets, I believe. 11,dati-you . , , . ad pale Roo delituata, for Lela do For- . �'g ��l , 00, ift Lord. the complexions of English girls look- kiss each other, whether as Ili the Reason than ice Ot like thick-( don't say? DeSales-Yes, he told one OINTMENT. .-� . ,� , , ':" �'i; i',j*jd_jJ� . I � p I 11, I , ��' 1, ,:, I I . ­­ .1.1 41,11kr6l,. all striving for IthIP'sPrOposal Doloreat taltatavar QuaLulied 11401t mutritious, tood. slept'lietter, U � ,'I ' 'mi# �yt,,Ua *$0.0A#* trl bf his Side, groin Heaven to , ' ' ranger. But I , I I ,,�­��­, g . Or not. ThO favored ones who have glad felt noticisably at Alis formed in p6ndA. Wherever it is o boss was For all Skin ailments. � �, I , L ' 1, , i . tir ras "tag gifted With unusual loveliness' boom kimed bly tbr� C2ax are permit- %VAS still an Unwell " known ithat plate Ispiring water let is an old blockhead and the boss over- . ��'-.� p' . L, _ , , "�"t,Giii�t , � . � I I 11 P, .. .., "I cannot tell She was three years Older than DOI- the " 'O " ; W� . . f4lod 11144 grown par- - ,!�� . � I I �, , .. I "It nlan� � As . , - � , I . 'L I . , , - 11 _, 'Lt � , I " ';if# blinds 61111111119 � " Its Is very good. a a 64 an a work. hot&,- will stimulate production, jolp to . and " � �. ;� : ` t**Wliv� 'kh v ry n bl d. and kissing was ever, I seAlt for eight ------*— — ;fAc'V 11 ' Calvert & F;01, MR11011seter, Engl � ."' she replied. tod, to kiss the hand of the i�mvreii-9- Pills w-cre dobig a good , Obtainable the dMa Il'i 0. ores; and, there was every ' nd for each goods heard him. 1, ,�, .1 ,. " �, 4010 tAtfibri'll'Abalitt a6d all. child, from toy h4a.rt I dread pov, I rite Now Furnunre comp y. ­ 'i , , �', - -,� morki 016844 believe that -they would be great suppressed for a time, but reestablish,- con,tinur,d using, More boxes. preserve the public health and br'ng an thil � ,� I � , h4 ',, .ibl)lt I - t 46�i*104 1. .joa�]J* W, trienda. Madame do Forras wee do, them till all ,were .0.01,1.1d fare. .1 is t�, ,, I afk� and the workbpj 1 O gen- is � � J, H (a ed a few Years ago under the reign gon, trade and prodit to both dealer and The London correspondent of " � � I . I 1. lighted with her visitors, she made When I &lit thilb I was restored . . 109"O Of Phout . : � .1 Is of Alexander III. be producer. "thht .; I �, 1. I ` 46 SOUIts had assayed t6 GroG W althy.`� I . I �; ItW14 OX4 . Th. MUSio . ­ eAd a said I Should � NeP ywk *h 8D41B the most " 11 110 31,d 11oc,(4 . I I 0104k, i4t, �Wo *I triendis at once with fair and gen- hemAtb. All MT stomach trouble ffl, special rates I . I I .­ I . Ir.. I - '' A* U114'vOlve had died be a rich man. What will you do Jau� 1 is to Berlin the day for ill" had dist - prtNniAing market Ili offered in the S I I or discount . , � I 'A b" its Mrs. ClIetnion was most gentle to � United KinioQui for American fut.ni- T�j., 't 11 , *0 I., t " 6voly Ao W, Aut had- come lOoictras I can you give, in t %, . ppeared. .1 was fully 4111 fleshy I 'I , I � 6 Some Ida Court of Coillgratulation which Teacher I. "I , �, At �� ,� I , I 14d b"Ill the wbl�psead � the Squirt, who was full of admire- held hly Ub Emperor And is As beftrO the, fitseAtt"k of Is grWpe, WAFA Potrwity HOUSES. ture. manufacturer," and 'also adds �i-�, ,� I from his Ill*' j I - I . I � Something to rett my, heart I . 'WHALEY 101, � I . I I I . , Upon. R mpress. my per ' that "by sending good furnit. f I ,,:. - � ri"A `o"*A*)torG#1*'i Twice he Ud 0126thinir to think of and hope tion for her, mid charmed with DOI- . vies were -Dow as ever, and I Poultry houses, should b3 so tDon- `.-,��: , � � I for 11, BOXIS it the morning the streets near �kmw, teTprising manulfreturers, Will ROYCE & Oo. ". Ili"" � '� IX".# , " $ , " "', " , " " I I " 11" * , "_ - � ' " * , , , �- , 11 1� , -11 k . . , , I '' 7 - , 0 * * It * " - L 5J .- -I-- = 7 - . � 1 '. r I , � i ; - , , , �, 1. , , I 1-11, - %� � .� , 11 ''.A.F. Rill L A-, - . 'L, � 3 , 15 U 1 I'li, 11 1� �=' 1 1� 141"'. -, "ll 1' fd-F � -ttd` , IMP , L 10 - , , �* ot* 1 1,24. ttliya L � , 'I _pr - 11.1 '. . "-� . i tod 1 341; 1 F� -, - .1 , I to , I I. I I I I I � �� It � 4 � I 11) L V ^ , , d "i 1� � I �1 � 'i)li I I - I I . � I i, I , . , 11 I I 'Up, wii! " "I wfll consittiter tbat propostal. Pa. aro% 'the HUY&I 80,1110611 &-Va crowded with 4, ' that work would give, strength structed that even I'A the coldest win- I `�, f, ; � )&06G4 1 ,� ,. an tamw 0*01ttill gas- , — an- Wanted 111"ve oat. , 4 � trade Awaiting them which wirlfU - I isit , ` mi, �� ii ,,i, " L , !, . iii, !"Ili, I . - - To be Coattlaued. 4 my musales. So. bitter About sit tar Weather the tempoiratute Will net handsome profits.910 The Canada Alir! ---------- � Tory to, ant, . _�,113 - I 1 I —_ eftop 0 - people. KU widting to Bob the state [IMMIlia, I welat'Aci Work again and �ffo below 60 degrees during the - - slith .. �... �q � I I , I'll I I , I I , 1, . � � - 0 !! . nituft Manufacturers, Limited, which 84111111160CAMInge-N. IrOic,st­,,_a�est-in— 1 '4 , , OILTrIng" Of the Ambasaadors, princes b,V6 Wt badsibit* 4sty alnob, on., night. of 1,11�W d.Ap , I " , , :" . I t, 1-6 �, . , atims, lute existence last. ,b Ij in H . q . .. *61aree a Week, with A ia CKW ,,,,&C.O.,1tpod ��J I - , W 'Aft * a' I*dLIthy flock of capital Qf SSODO,OW, is We" equipped _... I n ('AsORMI-1011.616 'a.:: � L. �,r nobles. w3l. Aire an thekv *0 to dox64 - boXim lot I)f,. WAMUIL� p towls will ') , :I �' '. h)lk 1a0t oard, for otild weather . �11 i . I 1. 1, h . 1,8 the Ou tj so - . oam 11110 , to -do a. very -tile& export trade. it �', I , '' � . ".." I .1, hU absorbed the Furfilture Mainufao. he aroat.� . 11 I - - I.;," I , I I by it short Wr holkith * YA16106" tban I had -b"61 h2*6 Is hitle Aght�413:2d, *10xie they may tWI* ININIfting Co., of Berlin, and ,-.-.­:"�_�__ �14,7;i- ON . .". I" I I I I L #1 CONAN 'DOYLE PAYS A THIBUTI TO SOTTIOS it the Catitle cheptel. at 1A Why 1,saild they Were WA I during the Li-va"ol ota a4,�ai the Andercon Fur.. - -.-- T. I � ; j" . , " �­ 'i M-6 , , _ 1r08091rOCllTT1Hl&8CH0,, I 'I "', ,� r� ' � :­ � U-1 UAI attend the Calti Of 061OW4ttlitatIcift. p4M Sa4v6dA* I* &W kave Mo be,t. during the daytime, PrOvided they METAL ROOFER- S-- -046_.", — ,:T� , 11 6 . I -11, � . 11 I . I . � . . t, AWS 811M OR 1"' , , �': , , - ­:� I !" "J, r� ., �� f,� , - IN The earettiony is oreaeded - f1delside at, Lr � 0 - P, 1, WOO ,a . All the and tb . t6h &hit hitutie, but . ,,�) " I .. , I I 7 ova 81 VX MEN. printish and 11110hoosiolles Come +. tuta niturellbo.W.Eft laW 96421ation ThI6 11 , 1W I .N1 '' L ' i I � ''I I L . � � Wo*un More to =6 thap ,A3w cofill atightA wariat hatal" ia,*b"AttoJy ea. will, irive the nowi . 140ok `dI)'tO'd&te�Tr6114bl. at. I �. I L � . I I . I L - � r I �r I , I., I I 1�, I ­ I i .- 111i .,_14_-'s- . ,"- I 00111kit as Iffillil W fill them who hilito . oomp" ample f& W bratent's. ...pip7=., .t,,,,,, Vcnga � - ", I , . ��! ! . I M&M. faO '*2 0*1 AL malli hka Ike �,tvfll IRVAtal, Hens thArtArt.f0tilthil to roost ollitieft to edbilpate wl*. I United ,or Peru" �!, � . ' ' -1" -1 1. , , . ftri 1% ollso vidih 640 ti, the Inotory at' Clia IvivIlt, I t 6 - � : AND, go L . & Of attsabdl* Court tbs� giveI ,far ,hig Rj,*.,,, " � � � �t,� v k ,.#&ttr*3J,freozA will Statoa fatitorloo saxessaft*, in act[- _____� I ''� � I " ­ . ,.� �'. � *# �rlt, 'J$ Mo 41101111 1"Ast0beft-41MIlible WilitVIIIIIIII ft tivitteat, so thit It to it vwy lout, t4iod, nj� W411b*00 'pidifilli "Oet1bu. with this we imigM add th .4 il,'� . I I T r ______ . i, L : I , " * $ , E-FROTIVELY 1-11-1090 tha. 11"Its VAiiii " . 11116""lift '04, I*r And ItUrfORY t�Ary -to m*ke M Citthollo Prayer Sacks, Gas � 11 � , 'Ina lim"3 Whore ' � . " 'L " .V ' I I :1 ' � �_ " " ., , .. . 0 L _­ � , BY . rather fAtiquing Affair, 1aX&6iJtIiitAr 94W tv . 'tho ralatt aiftt6 djiiojk�Itl � t*hmo� , - - , I t10 oansc& vollinittit%, Malliftiftiatut" Itelfirintgeturek si't olfixent ones, are. . 1. � f 11 L' I I . " . � 4.. th his bo6k, "The bresi; acier WAt,11 that; I I . ll,uftry so I ,A A $aapul%r*. , I I . I .- . the. , "Offft X p0ttl6ft Of ptilif rellift Mack to RdAfAtIO6 WOrits. am Ornalrobts, � , ,", . I I - , Thit "I"314,111011i 1 . all 0�1,, , �"t`, L � ,.# �. , . ; . NO UNPUTINte Dt� A. cla,aim Vie "m it gisx2o XwIt , g AXh a,&, 104 1 160 that b"i � Build tha libbuts so that the, 110131W It III bA6 16; thib beat in. tion. 11.44 41161111111*1161ife.10t.vtku., U� P , , "�'­ ,�, ' " r A. � 14 , A801 10A , F�,�09910,A`11111111 �,, � 11 , I I � . itit6tol& tjk0,1%­ 'L I . not' Y&tb*Ut*Ot(ored, I ----------__:: I 11 � : . � ' LU - �,4 Attl�*L�,4,'4j�'J#Ittii dome on ta 'it Ab MAY. li:l, *"U�r a 4, GO.. mitrit"AL , t� ,_ il . It � tg , bbkt fa d, - .. , 64111itts d4v- I . . � I . _. I I I 01*10A at ittal uttito at . "d 111ift*03011A th6*040 V64M&tcdj�, but do . , A. .1 . � - *t qt*wmi NAX46bor* &*a J*y8i all faloiltigavit ul. � ­ - --- , , '11, 'I ICON � oWAS-4,4 ilf thi lklam i I ftrina il,rk , , * *L66kaL all the - ' — � - I L - 11 'G. 'yoot *hw *= t � 011tt 'CORE Alrhu � ` 14 31m, - Wk" * 0 Cho' Imits, Jow I " I �­ Mean _ ""', 61 Cov. P-aitin � . I � , " ; �* jaes"L J*O& tl'* qj%6� $f attoMp, t6 XrdV0JrJkJftkW#J JOJJ 'bv - . -41111i 10" , 0 . *;t " � C6L09§T8 �ZMOX(G_M&NgS, - , ­ ��k I 4kJ,*'d " , ap� ,,,,,t,, Irolir ffi eat. w6w.bb OR" fal FlIft .10 b - , 'L . I I _� ill A;�iiet twtu"W tu- ft I gresitt. ;,*ic t6litfiatied thko, x4ailli, ,&Ad y *111 'Imognti q6 , gto*& Or 11*1to ,�,� . iktq a*"" I �,L A"- P , A" . ­ . ' tbilli 000 1, qG, il�14*1*4,0,ht 7 � , . I fAttilit � . "too , "' I , as ft romps of two 61,4 11, , I I . .# bletill, lit" tb# 4VA0 tilkAtA tliAfA&IIAN llili WtWI- , " L W4 - sent free Is . , r I ff"NailAi I— 1. tovirm JJe!!A.,4K 4)iii ar' JIS'6" 110 _JlWebo et bt, t4 ".." L - "Iti broinif ,,, . * Aibftl� It . . � . ;J i I , . . . � 1 ths" Is * 06 1, I Uemsts..Vr.�UAfi m a I '­ I , I I *Va' XV �jj_�' *�, I - , 44010, heAC ,41010 *t OrGdtad at thr6tr * Joyard, $it Pat sitintlilliNg ..IUNU ,� I 'LAw ' taLleiiii ., Ulu In I I I -, 4" q, in $008 teiallfftlft' Addiniss, Tup tou 6. he . . �1' I I sw '4thil � , jL 03 U4144614 bi olittla", . 141*301itit6it ta hava , I I � I 'I , I i I -, '-_ I MKIWIM21111i 1. " 1. L I I I . . W . i. . In_ 6. I _ *�jt L' a ftwt *,11101 ,,at L(ti# "blis tlli 40t LA* %' -0600t "A Wf4to o"U64 , . - 04t W4 tilif *fit** I W , a6ltiliIi "W 1* I I . . winfoath, FREE, � I I , I )� , ' sins I ­�."�, *0 � Irt6*7,ft J00 Cuu. . sk"' "*th, � JLtJ ftilitI ' ' ' � 161# hu `b"i4i�lb#1140 by slyallAitioo - y ca ract, I in - , , UAL , I I -1), .)kid W t � , -1 I . , - I , JPA,. � ,, *A obOAthk **I' I , .66. , I 0 ilij ik ' 0oJjbt%tGd �*.AJIWO,.,'Afit *Jk, AWIOJI�d ,(�4",�#hit6 �Ojm# lljokl*i" J.A'', t& tv�#jjlti J* 'J* lare��, . I I � L , �h' "*' - - - I 6tttotl 11 11M on *44 'I $0 L laino'li tu,lh� vlul*� , i . _'Ailli 'Ottild :1 "�L - '1$ ,:, , I I *" 04 - �, I L 91 Tlill Itiltip' r to 14** "d I I GO fbiI 1;64$_ Stio4elfla*d, �X*Idhil[4 the, , I � L - ft IM04 otwatsitk N**TdAlitti *6�4 J�',d ­ , , 'I ,Z J%- " 4 ,Q4 tt, . . %efe ­ls *at �4 1 ,h ­ J40% *Ilillii , L A V, -wilith 'Wne''jW .1.i i ". , "I I *, L"' , ', , 't �4 , ran* I 0 . .. ;.. KV L ' tut 146tiliaww U, 34--: ,ft i, , ' I LtkAt it U - ' "� *d'111414*0 060w6oksidU*;hi I I I �_ . k� litirrkboad r lu slo kivAto 4b to . ­ ,54" , . 'MOW � I . ' I I 'r, . Wilit, - . Id f4fth, I L tllij, 1: . � - 'm I- 40, 4k h*`10iA J* r I , , Tamanvoclooko-v"Wo 11114.011110116.1L . . : 7� ,,;-,! L 1� )*460M " � 'a t , ' I I 'Whf�fi t�* tllr�ith�tf � , "fit **** I 04� "lit Vi'. � , t .4 - : otu , , 44"O" , ?,�, - -.141liT, � ,�, L �� La" ,� . . 01 I I I , "'; r I . I 06%40011111 _ � I 111A4,01 'A 11!4 t %* 60o t6 , . Q* I ! . , 1 4 thii * ft at 006 tU� Wftl4.r $Jjoa on ti, Ma L ,�� f4.1 *b", CAW110 A'A*t**t It lea Iftils _'.,Kt, j)IA. t 'The *h1ji6'*ltka `rll ,(� *jt,jjfJh6 L .1 A 1 "I , A A,*tr,M*",A,*JJjV,L " 1 tiallit. , I I V*V6 It , �ii.,AAAIV 4A . 'Wt �Xi4 'I . . , - 114 ut , ,**: *;�j '' " , U46 � , IW,m*0 . � , � . , L . ,� .1 ­ �tlsdthii ,,, I dotaw* of '41 tkok -01 0,61t, 1 11 11 11 � � I . I I I � . 0 UW Pfft4t UftlIttlibil Out *4" I W% . . flat n lone -the fd*u � 9 I I I 1, 014*1' � Ili L - 0", w tt�% , , . ja A. 101i"41 . � , 0 Ano AS%' � . ji� j&_Jjj"�*L "411 '.. � �; I 11 I I . , g), 1, , ", " ' �h L � L I I , 11� , " Atli lati.;f, With 0, 0,0 . Woo. ka� 'I Ift4i * � 4, U14 ho*j tut, 'hea, "k, 4,0* * #A""o L, ', tl'A*' 4 ' (�L � �*.�, kw, 6, u1i; *146ati , I � .Ji L, Ot)�V.'GlLvl§O ;"-*-,, . '. . 11*0U111111111* f , . 4 It , , , 4,f , ' , I" ­ , paltok ,4m* � A, r L ' L I ,OK.JtJSG ­ - ,� 1 �Ili,4,4 1 , ,, �LCS,**Mliii �liLJVO��a,jait ., IdWifthlildi .1 ,,, " , * - = _ , WIN to A ,� 0,100 . **41 6miw � , " til WA4404 UNO Mk,bi ,& I ]IRSIX, P"416wltl 1 X "*L W*`* bv�,llft* I � 'M 'M 04 I I - Root 4111 . Hit" " I 11 I 4sifbat* 2 , , A0&A&,6f ,�,�. ." elf tl�6,61A , , ,"f4li , � I '.1 0 40i Q61i", k ", Mrs. MMO 4, qVMitoffiJAG, Allyk. . Vitilli � G*4 1 . I ; I , , . k J4dlalt,A*t, ,O4 tIlo, *611. Ail 1 tsa;6.4f , �11"Aj�,�Aj�"i I . V, I I , , " 115111 LRM;,W% Owt Aftdw *%d 90 tobil I :1.1�1 1*100111111110, 40*rL ' ''I" IlAittiG *'ftJ%_JkSdt I � ,ktmtt,�,f,44UO4!xwt6t*l-*Olght6ttliiy 116*,asignall � ' �, , lili V4W6*,W.S0tW*,,tU,,.J$,* J*or #A4,ti6 t*j�t,)W *i,ifitorA . � �� , , � -5 441", � Atilt, "Or 44X"", U 100 IYA. - It, 104 . ­­, . - -- ­-`ncetotho .44 V-0 ilhG" _ fittif 1*0*10�66 14W.1 U, *401y: * 6664t"g " i t;# 11 � � 1111 Pay YO , � __'iii� - I I I I I . *0 attk*,;� "to, ft 4 .4, I - , is !WIWI tOW04, it is ftd%t ut 'a (I ,4 ­�� : 1! , � , L L I S7 - � . , 'At tv;'' I , W .b0t:,**t04' 1% , L. It . , I �. I V , � i : , 11411011i , � ,!' L ''. , ' L � " . R it . 11*1016641"Woild'i ­ iiii *6144i 'ilt U to ­ "Mi 10 tlio - a Any. cg 11 , 1- be , I ,b � I 0: olinnilallort On. Liall . , , 00 . ' � 04*4 . I �� , - , , S; *a*", tio, 14iiiii ,sys�atfstei% N* It * -,""I", MY (i , to w I . � "VAN" . . okliot I - 'Ohs .*bQ 114 . I L , . X 110 * Ut 1, filli*A4 strawm4it "ce -tu 0 - " I 01 �00 ib" billk. " .Vol , V .. , h1i - .. , ,� �, :� ... L I , . r . .. . I "S , ,,�, t , , , , , , ., . . ItZ Market 19t, T I I . . . . Ai I �J : ", " , . * all �N*Iilfv *,"ft - I ­�,,:LL : ..... .. �Lz!��:: .1 �� �::, � 1� '. .1 4 �! " . _L' � bokk,t"t y0al *1% '*# - tir Jai �tko " ll'"Allf 46--l"i ll , r *" 010. L � - V* . , Ibilk 11 , I 1161, W."-, I ; - �., I I , * I *61ii *At" !* tho *04'' -."J, ,,,, L I 1, � I'll I , _ I 1110 VIIIII, As x4r.4wo 01a;t. 6440s, 46 1* *00W 0 40 "*0010 .,4 , " L I L It I toiltill It p-.4b1Ojntjg;Z­ -lit$ 1 04 . �"r! P, AW �' - , , . , , , L. ow, *400 0", 44, #AW. mmt* � on US, 46-amov itut0i Was i k I -, tt. JU "oLalt iV6 Atisairmoalwit-tt.40tit , 'Aa *r ', .1 , , , . I : � ',,. L� �, :..� I,- t, , ." .1 ' __ ' ­ ,C *s0out" '00w*44 ,* L atsuia� sk"Olit A;4 *"*; "-, "' , I . ------- — � . 1; ,." 4 4119N-1107.' � Lt _ L . . e; I I , I . :1, . I ro . L , r *7 `11* t)kU Iii liblit" A, Uttlih *t' 5R It* "'WIS ft , _ -S, !4 , . 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