HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-01-18, Page 3„, r = � E --qk Iq L, , ” I ` .9111117 I ,-�,�'.T " - -F'Mj - ..­ _�4,w %- � . , . � � 111 � . . � . I � 11 � I __ ", I � 1-1 . - I I . � .1 I I I 11 � - � � , 1, 11" 'I 11 ,I 1:, I III i----. _ - , - - 1 - � I - - . I � I _1 e ._____ !I imple 0 R 0 k, , No �, ,. . __ I _!_ko - , . , � . __ 1 '1,.=1M;11 ; ___ _:��_ �M�111 �� , � I � =�-_,r;.,-_-'r#! �! , —,—, ,__� - ­`" I, ­;:�7 0 , �, I ­, , , 1�z I—,__, �] , '' I , � , - It 11 11 I I , ""Aw � , , � "I 11 � 15� , , , � I I , , , , , , I , , I .1 0 . _ "I .1 --- I ... ; , . , , � 7 I ..... , , , , . IF" F , " . . , I ,ff, lumbKOD A '' � . , ", ''4 ''. : _ 11 ��. I *#' * � - ,#. , 1 -,0 .r*96'" An ft, , low 00. AW � 11 I , � I . . I I � , 011121W16,00'. 16 � � "" — I ' � China Js Willing, to, PAY This L � Arge . **SOW* tvaiiiia T044cilli $00 ,,- It � * o"i0kRittT "t 4*660"w to Nearit , I I I I , I . i AV, fc*lwo, tp 01*4 `*0,44 Oatt! � I 1"demolot Y, , I 0 110. Ift. :H_*W*1 IV 10110 two � � I , � '4M .W . : : = tifMiantri,i 0*#,%* .0- %W *" PIO, ­ �, "z.-'-,._-',._"."., � , , ', t - ; A4r#AW***WqC41Rr64*W^ A deppatiou brof" 3NIKin'lli t-'Xh11frO:UrA,b,*#fAX"#,ay - 1%.* �ko-aalildo;**-t**��A�t't4Ufi!g%Q'IXAt ,, ,444,'.ILt4��R'llt)10��4,pAt�4,tpp.taaA44t,lprw4t.gr*14vg 4140".tw;q"rt**,I,—Tt.q,*.*;",1,11)ut.�l*�,$Akq)vbt,�w"TtwurpuvpaAOA', I . of, tha'I#Aqmnit;e toi tin 4olcmAdO, I -1 - 1 4V4, *414 The,: 1*414,09 *1*,qnRa* Stikkas N Op *re. 1v 100a, qsct*4,.*., *W, tbo aulm.". �#,Ad, �ka4 cht,114,* * � .. .. - " �� L , , d I it, I " "Inkrati *IT 'ifunku. oo Will **Aror, 1s*_ �4 ;Af, -kpto r"', wnod,, %1raa 11tau- � IR tww P-,. V41W It .44, . , . 1. 11 - , . . �., -4' AW1014 0 0 ,,� . - :_ -Z, I I . ., A PA � . . "."M I 1.404"Olotei, pirlsooerR W. oxf the Way I thso Ortift. to skarko I I I .. It Ith , � , 7, W. " .-a I -914 "At"" . 01*4 ' -'_,W'wJ0k ' pf - of 0 (t xwu 90 ths, - A - --- ---*9=fv ur-O'Ligam'", ,. , " I 'A' 40. I , ,it � ­ .4 , .X , , . I '­ I And 0 , .1. . 41,90,0400i Moro fA corfox. � 01�_"000; Aegircienit. the Boxer upriflug, 8XQ,W'kfwW%g4_ '. . ksy"T 0thQ,T,Pul4l19 1XIMAMM AAA '41 ; XW- 000tku to,thic * 0.4-4 Pr4;W._4qrA "rally ratelAtiongd, as tho basis. . build is ptilaq;a to roprimp Ovary W.R,­', � em,*i0A �Y, the "p-41, 00vorrimcut I The national 1A0mAIt:,i4,AX.!0 what'l . I- _'.� .I ... t t, wafl bit by *11hullet 04*m �Oust=_10111010. Of A.XO2,,d rOnrid V44 #wtall tJW W Tbafn 0114irfa, Por - 4, rl, �q ,,, 08 410. co� A, YOY 1061`01 "S p A famimbe , I . � _!�-� VhO cXIM, On the se;L-fack.,. , r the racivemppi; of tTQ � 9,ps,.Qer_m1jAytg is . *Its . 't , d. 4b4 coula be �40! I ' .. I 1, pav - wo , ,sk kfimvtoyoil 14 t1w,arootion � the biggest of AIL At part J* A , , t4t-,d , Wed tao be from 1060,0111111fe-, 4f" t ba, now crane. There are some ,, Ily 3 � I . � _ that her bill will be from ,015,00,90 , '' ' MW to E60, � , . � itkilw., %,OXkqrfs Amet tbft=-the _W , to X16,00.01#, I�p ' - to' _ 4, apoording . glark , . ' POrA6 " bb ro b t Ate med Am to, All W 4 OR -1 v I n*,104ty *xo-$ft1MkavLans�aud bill a - 814 man Who Ong ,4t to know, Wful go 'Ale China's finances Including Sir Robert 1 farli wce$� t boy W4,0U09"Oful.1y com- next with A. claim of altogt, ;C#,WQ, , Hairt. tile '�tmjpprial P#fca!,or JA 4uri- pletisid, under the 0motlort of Baron 000. Frame boa not a fiva-t iiiuw ow A .6ae (Imtomil"nay 'A . 40 will be 404 t,? Va". kjo14. ak� at the work that I , �. and Italy only #kpirropriated 30,006,000 . Va raise thin sum on her own credit with;,. bad been v � aW ,,rt . � p y attempted ter many francs. - out any Corelfga, QpAtrpl of bar re- weeks previously. [Vikere. remains rot � . RussiOn action in withdrawing from venues. , a ffunal�, popt-Jun, Oft thq f4?mdat1on3 un- , the concert of the Powers axid reaching Taking &PA0,0Q9,W0 as an.equitable ad- 4,qr w.stex. to'be laid; whan this work an Agreement with China to sign a juatment of the Indemnities, the bill is counpleited the rest will be, easy. I treaty at St� Petersburg indicates would'requixe a reduction of the money - . . that that Government need hardly be captured by the allies at Tion-Tein and Pekin- The amount Of this loot in ea- BY UIE BAYONET. -included In the matter of indemultleA. timated as high an jelO.000.00D. . , tak,,, I I Boer� Were Defeated With Heavy . --- . . .1...11._..___1 L Notes and Comments. -Il— - has been the material tpro- Losses. her hairdron3or, manicure mud man - gressof the century, that of rqligiona A de4patok from Pretoria, sayii — lilte has baert even more marked. Updor cover of a thick tog the Boa - Viewing it In reltroopeot, no other — � att4oked the British garrisons tit Van, century can be ooafi�parod with the But with tail the nucessaes of the Wouderfouteirk, Belfast, WildlonteLo, one just closed !a the steady advance last hundred -years, there -have been and Dolmanqtha between midnight zhade along the linrea of human pro- not a few disappointments. Greatest and dawn Tuesday. gress. In modes of "uninuaicatiou. of all, perhaps, ha4 I>aen the �boUef , At Belfast they managed to rush Of locomortiont, and in the appliances . that with the 1prog�" of -de", oraey the"Britiab Position, but were ultim- for comfortable living, which OtaM a,nd the development of pA,imut"'tures ately driven out by the Gordon High - so largely for what we call, civilize- and commeroo, wars would cease upon Landers and the Royal ,Irish Regi. tiorn, the advance may., be said to sum the cartIL This bsliqf was, about n1enti, I up tha t of all this Ages, The growth the Aniddle kbf-tha,,centuiry, general ,Xt ilia other.9fitzits named their at - Of Population of tile civilized world, among the oduca,14 Militarismand Leaks were repulsed. that K Of European nations and their lddus+ry were regaIrded as so 9sSen- The Boers lost heavily. They lerf t kindred, haA heen enormous. A cen- tially incompatible that the faTth- frolic, twenty to twenty-flvo dead an tury ago, this population did not ex- er development of the latter must ort.thit field, A number of unfunded ceed 170,000,000. Now it is 500,000,- necessarily bring in the era Of peace. wore oar � ried away. 000. As, with the exCePtIrun of Luldia, The tendency of democracy was Tito British casualties In these fights the inton-European races have remain- strongly in the same direction, the were %bout sixty. ed atationary, the resuilt has been to burdens of war failing most heavily To the west of Pretoria Gen. Gor. so shift the balance of power to the upon the irria.gaes. Yet no, decade of don's force had a fight with the Boar's civilized nottions as to make them the last half century h4a boo free South of the Magallostrurg. The practically irresigtittle. Should the n ' from wur. The Oxp1n&�_,.n or com- Boors left twenty dead On the field forces which have brought about merce has imposed no check upon it and had a number of others wounded, thin increase persist for another cen- . and as for democracy, wars have J,n The details of these affairs have not tury. the civilized population will be every case been forced upan the gov- t n yo boo received. 1.500,000,000, or more, and the Yellow eranakents by the pcopl.e. Am,iy;g diiiii- ------ ,*— Peril have vanished by mere force of or fibsillualons brive been tho,failuxe . BLUF:JACKETS ON GUARD. numbers. of manhood §utfrage and op'sn Coro . - . I`__ — No less wonderful bas been the petAirm in trade- to free Inankfiad from sociItl and Industrial ills, and of 11�unted Infantry Occupy picka- economic developments of the century, mere Secular educiftion to uplift the neer's Kloof. The wealth Oct the civilized world a race in the truest sense, and of self A despatch from Cape Town, says; bly did not government to' insure respect for --kThe mounted infantry from Cape exceed 125,000,000,000. Now it must la w. Whether the Twentieth Cen- 4) wn T occupied Picliancer's kloof be reckoned by few of thousands of tuTy w:JI see the realization of many without Opposition before the Boer millions, and is far more 'generally of tb�, anfulfilled ideals of the Nine - Invaders could reach that place. Thi distributed. The discoveries Said in- teenth cannot now ba known,thongh cyclist corps has ixrived at Clan wil- verartbons-thei ralLway, the steamship It Seems not improbable - thut in all lijam. No Boers were seen in either and the tolegraph-which have con- that goets to inake up material civi- o f these districts. trittuted most to this development, Lization it will surpass that now end- The (locks am guarded by bluejack- were a century ago unknown. The ing. ets and marines. Oonvaleaceut sol- math,ods of travel in 1800 were sub- Wore the stranger has flow to knock. diers are taking their places in guard- stamitially those in vogue in the Mid- O es refuses ing the Boe,r prieforterson shipboard. dle Ages, and curried one at fastokst The decree issued by Wiallam 11. On the Ploquetherg road, the twelve milles am hour. The clipper gi,ving to the English language .the Boors occupying Celvinia and Sutb- ship In the firstr third of the century, precedence long held by the French orland consist of two columns, one the greatest advance 0 of mankind UP- in certain German schools deserves advancing in t1be direction of Clan intention. In consequence, says the to that time ED locomotion by water William, and the other towards Wor- German Emparer, of the "Importance sa,iled eight or -ten miles am hour. coster, or in thiv directioi� All pars- c .Itach'ng to the EngLish language, Communication was by messonge,r or sloa in front of Worcester have been special" attention shall W given to letter at asposd not exceediing Occupied by seasoned troops, whicb, a this branch hereafter In the gym- eight miles an hour. New, we deem tire gathering at eirategie points. tookaia, and it shall displace French travel by rall stow at fort� miles son The tranquil Dutch operniy aisap- a. , an oboli hour, gatory study iin the three The modern merchant ship upper olasses. French' being made prove of the raid, many even sending lk�rms to the British camp. I steamst from twenty to twentyr-fouir optional." Thics decree would have ..' 1- .1 ------- d- 1 lonatts in the same timb, and the tele- surprised Charles V. it he had heard graph flashes our messages across i 1 FAMINE AND WOE ON INCREASE. it. Charipts said he talked Gernikao coutiments in a low moments. The to his horses, F)�qncli to his J�ieli�'eas Rumarinum 1111411 ' Ankerleakof Unable to world has, in fact, been reduced in associates and po,litical diploma- p urifeve starving Chinexr. ,and size onter-half, and geographical Isola-, tic friends, Italian to his lady ac- tion bec,ame a mere expression. A despatch fxom St. Petersburg re- I quaintances, and Spanish to God. rng- ports that according to news received hort cut pork. $19.50 to 0 $:-' ; "a" land was no part of'the domain of from Takla at the Japanese Legation I Scarcely less wonderful have been the great German Emperor and S��An­ the famine, disease and general mis- the changes in other directions. In �:sh King of three and two-thirds con- ery in certain parts of tfie Chinese a 1800 the discoveries and achievements which have revolutionized art and in- tnTieS ago, England was an old na- Province of Pechili are growing worse v dustry and military Science were un- tion even in that age, though, but instead of better. ,The Russian and I .she thought of. Cc,lokuial derelopm,ent had only a few millions of inhabi- American officers have been most gen- p had not yet begun, and the resources tg n t,,. �jlbt� had not yet started on erous, and axe still supplying a con- p of merely of what are now the mast li,�r career ot colonization which, as siderable quantity of rice and other u advanced Of the gTeat coloonles and in Web,Apr's phrase, made her morn- foodstuffs, to the sufferers, but their dependencies were yet unknown. The Ing timm-locat follbow the sun and keep coAkupany wRh the. hours in en- charity is insufficient. Thousands of ragged peasants Indian Empire, and halt of North oirclIng the earth, and her language pour I into Pekin, demanding food andcloth- America were under control of trAd- was spok<-a in unly one small spot on Ing. They have been rendered pra*- t Lug companies. Now steam and the globe's BuTface. ticall� destitute by the severity of the electricity have revolutionized the I i ; winter. The hospitals are'overcrowd- S canditions; of .development, and what So Even at the beginning of the past ed, and even private dwellings are full B were undeveloped and wa&te century only about �0,000,000 People of sick paupers. The Chinese author- B places ot the earth hare expanded in- spoke English. Mere persons used ities are heartless, and the English B to g-reat soLf-gorvernking communiticm� Spanish, French, German or Italian a.nd German forces are indifferent to S addling their quota to the world's than Spoke the language of Crtreat Bri- the stiffering -they see about them, einergy and prosperity. A century tain and of the new commonwealth although it is reported that Large ng7o, the masses in even the moat which had just arisen on this sums forwarded by both the English civilized states were ignoraut and side of the Atlantic. At the down of and German courtr, for charitable pur- B disciourtented, and suffered under the twentieth centuiry the English is poses have been stolen by the native grievous ockincrichic burdmA the up. th,e speech of 139,000,000 of people, or authorities, to whom they were en - per vlasses scarcely feeling any mor6 thian Ube the Russian, or far trufsted for distribution. C t,piuse Of obligation for their material more thian employ any of the other Eighty thoul3and pounds of riecand rind moral uplift. Human Slavery languages for Europe. Russian comes a quantity of clothes Lave been sent C existed, minor offenses were panisib- ,,(I bi capital Sitter English, and, In this order, Ger- L post basto from Tokio to aid in the I peruaLties, and prisons mum, Spanish, A.0ronch and Itallan,fol- relief work. were habitations of cruelty. Now low. Omitting Raissian from the oat- . the great civilized States, save one, are by culation, no two of the other lan- - 0 BURNED gloverned popular opinion, the guagms of Europe In combination have SUPPLIES. :he capacity Of the people for Self- as wide a vogue as this speech of Groat — g,wernment being stmfilly enlarg- Britain and the United States. At the Act of Loyal British Who Left -A by Ithe unceasking, attentivirif paid to outset the English language had a Jagersfontein. 1-puIar educkablon, hard fight to got a standing among Londoio� Jan. 8. -When the loyal 0 -_ thin gTowit tonige,9 of Europe. The BriAiah were forced to evacuate Under a quickened sense of public sea warriors of Elizabeth'o and of Jagerafoutein in the Orange Free duty, many and varied reforms have CTomwell's days, the colonizers of the Staff, 0bristmas eve, because of the 1�-en enforced by law or popular times of the first and second James a,c-tivLty off the Boers, all the furni_ a ­litiontion. Sympathy with poverty has and Charles, rind the land fight,ers of . turit, food, and c1lothing that could not ' --v,arywhere Influenced taxation Find two continents of thb days of tho be taken away Safely was burned. In legislation. Pity ha's so largely in- Georges, all combiged to secure for the retiring party wero 3,000 civilianot; ,,rrased that Men fire braided with the fb,e - language a foothold. At t one time, Indeed, a century and a hird atrid 800 soldiers. One thousand borses f t1loviiation of distress, and In right- ago, it seemed that Frrmee, and not and 2.500 sheep were taken along. ing of wrongs and oppression, es- England would give the 1wragurigeand The party marched for three days, pec,itally of oliddhood and of the poor �hc Weste the law to ,rq world, and to taTC9 -portion Suffering marny hardships that cost , re,askes a degree of rage which at a of the Eastern. somkit livask. One mother who started I inves interferes with the execution t 4 laor. With the growth of wealth, . -------- 111k- NO MORE CONVOYS TO LOOT with he,r throe, childran looLk two Of -f naturral ,knowledge and the pro-- — them orn the way. 4 wress 01 scientific discovery. life for Outside Lines of Communication to ------- 41­ ,he masses' has become oakslier and be Evacuated. ,ambs, per owt. .. 3.75 4.112 1-2 � r0T. ImProTtIA sysitems of hygiene . A despitch from Capa, T�>w'n eays; — hare gi0iii Mankind a now access of -11oram and vehicles are lwl�g_ com- But the Bors Were Driven Off health, and no greatly d4minimbe-A the mikindetered for the mse of the Colonial With Loss. loss of power WWh1 a century &901 retarded Its Before Defence Corps in the districts in A despatch from Voodoo, says: - pr;cgjeM the & - , d ,, Which martfiai law has been proclaim- Under date of Thursday, Lord KItcb- rkAnce In kfftfittfttl�u Rod in thopAical ed. enter cables the War Office that the ,ar%ienee, +1W &#At scourges of the it is tinderstatod that Gen. Kitch- Boers attacked Knobadodorp Wed - ram. tYPhVK and dholera. have lost ener has deebtled to evnernate all,,tbe nesd'Y night, but were driven off bek- ivach of their v(ralBrice nod fGrde,t towns ontside the lines of communi- for's daWo- One British officer was and thcTo isl IL ptomlias that the time cation. Thm there wUl he no can- killed. , rnay COMO W11A_n mob will live out voys tot Me Boers to capture and The Cape Colony Biters, Gen. Mtob- their allotted 0(iMn in health. The toott, Ma klas boing' to provent the enisr says. seem to have broken up viro-s and iltnitotaltitles prevalent in burgit"A ffain roplorkiishling their Into 8131111 parties. Some returning Prrv%tw deritlWW, *nd Which tend- ,upplks at Ithe expense 01�tbo Brik� north, and"ificans biding in the mean. M to 61111idelAO th# raccr,, have fallen U11,4111i taxpayella. All distirtiot. which taLuB of 3101"" into &reoctik utd-tht obutobes hnLve cannot be ziddqnkately proitebttil and Herzog's eammando in in the neigh- I bren k"StAftfibU Iri 01161t 14f0ftS to ' cannot be ailcqtateLy 1ptootetted and bourboad of Sotbarland, Cave Colony. extond this "**I tftqw*s 4 , sklihieved psitro led I will he denuded, wMid tbo Battle W Orgiftnuddig ft tDO1111111111TO tobead ..d to t6*U9 0** WO*AftL V&r. ltkwA of odifflitinilliffiftUon will be more . I - . - � I . bird otf. - 4 . � I . I I I �. . I 1� I I'll . . - .1 I . . , �� . . I , . � . I I I I � I - � I I I � I I . I .1 �&�� - I . I . � � L ' I I � � I 1, I I I � , � I 11, .&��Wllk I _�, .A&.,dA 11 . L , � I 1. 11 .1 I . . FJ ­ -1 I 1) , .1 I 1§1 . I- I ­ I k kkIL . � . I 1. 0 � I - . I I . I I , .1 . I 0 1 . I I I I . �� - It�!�Ivl!t�!t!�T��*! 7,!"_�,ts - P, _1 " " . - I - ,� - Av , - 07�­;_!_ � : I O." 1 9 � 99 . r41 T!7-,! �;_'T!�?; -"_tf!# !!�;_ _11ii !� _�!! 'I rvww I � I , I - .�� �t- �,.�t-.!r�o��. ,I 6 � . ­ 11 - - - - 9. 14�"!" t- -1 , , !1 f!! ­! 11 I ' -, tilli; A, E , 1; A V.V, , o 19, 1 9 (, I .r �_ I I I 1 6 I I � ' - � , 4 1 ? I , I I . . " . I , , ! 4 I . � i � 1*, - 1 4 �, , I . bb I . 9 1 r0l im , . I A0.0 - . I. 11 11" � un T kklt� I I . 9 .. . . I i . , - I Aoftt ,b;;; * *0*00 � ,. 9 11 W, , 9 41 d I W� ftv"w 0 I* to of ftow . I . . 6 �' ' LOSS i � -, I � WR W, 1� RM _ , M' . � , I I w , .. W JA ,# X�9 1 b 6. 1 . �­_ ___­t� . 6 . **-�,* I . I I " " I "M 100W. I � . VAIAW, , M^ X", Flo VaT UM MW 'A*"**W*0sk40"1*WA-0Wsi0 . � To� 40'. A-'W**k - w0t- me, �: .01' :200, British Awbu,shod --by, 14, "W-WU-X64***0t0***sk4V0W0, I I I � "M , � 6 , � I I : "40.= . 1,6-1 .1.1 6 r L � . -61: " walm "M I Ow, *Upxots *v � , . :.Mr,#kR ; 6 . 6 9 1 "M"* 6 . . 9" - - - . k, V44,1pr40- 7.0,0 Boer& . . t* � .1 I T" A-04. . 1* ***%Nflr ot nk"*1A"# 0* 04 .1 , - It -6,17001 pro; 1 '.... " .1 I r , " , *itio, I 11 4 A #4*404, , . I I I 0004 140"Wook 0"', Poll tPilt — *WWY 440111111111� � —.1-1.11 I I �� '416, �tr 'T# ut .. 40 40"fitz-VO4 WI*fAr" 40 1 -ft 40.1 I I - .­'­­ — I . W*441*1*11111141040*kod I It U411if .4 *,**TA9Ifkr P.. U_ 106 W b -044, 4 1-§nk. *4410 froWto; APFIA4 , 4 A"", tok 99004 11trikiwin, A* To.-'* 444vur, t-YA4 kocloel ordo"d t1kam@; to � s,.!!!!t"#AJ6 , , " 0*1004111illif �tko woo1w:tAxt 9s_04,W##jW*tj; W.14044 ftk )OA#q4. slit, X ka;4 944" P19'1*104*41141M t4twe'likA 9 1 191e,q; retim lk Age* Rd- -A r"R. , L' I ­ *W,' - Rt'00 -*�(09* Me , , rj�9* I 14eqqoatly, mffry , - -1'" ­ , - , ". -, IV * '-10111111$ 9 * 6 0,4*14 'A* - _' ' kc%* 09"i %nit 4:040V .e I ",- - 44 ­ -r I 944-�'979; X% $ at 9* - W I h - 11 a * vwed In exta*4sid order,. &X4 drove i�.� . . "-44 -4 Or . birolot. 110, 044,, w4:41 ow 001RAW , � Z0460(i*f, 01A AA pb I , t H-( -tho . B . � . . , . � * , r* troM I North B�;,, %% . , '' Oak '' their Mitla". 46.44 0ANA".. . - - 11 I W*"* a 0040*raw XW14"flit, W, 9 - ,,, .. "fre"It ­`sAv#f1Pk;y,t, nffi*W*-, A—_84, - "ate —040.o, '1111ir 0`11104" 44t $44 XQ&CIWCI 104.64M . . Mulfasid-Se, . 4410, Parr �, &"op,aiatit -Viw-,f -ftrim'-710a, - .. 14104. it X04 _ lot#, At 0,14 4-011h* b,V_pXsTt�iii,ex#srI#�6,",k t ,,J�1, , 0111, I X - 0* Ari"* "W *04 AM b pq Tlhe�,QJ�64 F04Q 410 II40 front Of #0.6W; 0XV01lCUtUre, 1.146.9 6 1 =ill doorr. selt As, 99,409twa.- � , ., r I ! him 4.;4V*ng,§4 JA 019" for D a 4 . 9 Wlfn alp a P * 07, PrIaouttro. W. ilf"1644 to W., _W)4 #0 � Bran, to, And 44orts, at 41; t .1110114001% �W_. fek n'til *U"Llet"'d them by his 'M -Mmotou a mRU bots icantskintfifig an PW,J4.,, I I I I , , ­ - 0orn-T040 laasy. Win. t w" I ithAt bAd provio"tr u0n, scroiateo b$ *��M 1151ARWIT. Tb* leadim $14 � , . � 6 6 M,og Intervolortial obxqAw& bas . --,-*"-III— 11 b I "'filtiotilia" the Ruxorzt. who reported tb , I I , nat tbayiMuct4ron sustained several casual- been stolen. THXb Sb . I _ M 04A ��, 9 _X ,W -W � ,U* yollww. APO; K% 3 yallow. 44% NO. 2 found at, Alan of the biargherw The ties, � , . � yellow, flkcio . OftrA, he - Oau.nda will have About go,W � With thA %Tout406 og' ' � . . , , Reas--Stifiad,r. no. $#Oid,k. Middle "Yor" Wifirks lying 'a the Seven hundred Boers at Lindley sq'iffarke fact Of 4PAOO at the Glasgow mail COMO O" , 1 tb* Atn* WW - , I fr9Jg%t#. ,at 81 1-40, and east at 020. frit". They allowed the Irrianarsto ambushed two hundred of th men Exhibition. . .. rf#*� 4r4*Ud4)1k0;,# . . . B;Lr1cv._Uni*t. 'No I " forturd Lord Roberts'n body Ali the ourporatlok# labore The 6r;fkad.awwor 4 Ow VO4 #*WX I .. ?. cast, 410; arld P-# witholtift Ing tation, oreserviog who Irliddlet 1, , , their fire OAA tbat Im rs ot Kinv Patient, virfakkitubh#* quit W*4011.OW0 , , , freight@. WO; No. 2 imtra. HOrse 1,,)cro wl . . iperial 144bt guard when here, and killed Lieut. ,stock wtruck because work was giver � thin 00. yords of .4 h ,a* 1 9 , . or"j; to be reliffigntod ito llkwto . � - W. , � � . I , 89 I -2Q- east- and 38 . I -2c. mIddlo * WhOU t them, LaTfig. Tbore wars aulaffirous other to a vion-ulden man bamed &Leon. I : , . frolght:R. Ask ArItligh tokand they had en I . . ridden Into casuAlties. The apdork hold W a blig Oblitago she rughAd '50, She 04 W i another aMbitilib, they dis- . rly, dilfy '. so 1 ,� , . . IRITO — Steady. New rye, 4,7'04 er9ifft, Mounted and kept up &L hot tj G01h BOILIIA's commando, reported syndicate upon the Hamatork stove wxIlAten y a d f --U- . - and W. ifleat. ra, , . ipa Ili IV all 04A 4 � 11 I . to be 1,500 strong, is cast of the foundries ban been " A .1 I seeing that his men were losing I Spring&. extended three and a brala�xt*rvodl a d t '� Ikkakwheat—Steady, Car lots, west. '--------- _ mouths. hungry. no doubitk, bactiffouto abs, w*0 . . arn! quoted at 49 1-2c; and east at W =_ - __'.. ­_____ ---'--- — It oodt #14.986 to administer the looked Upon as hopelessly Out Of .. 11 1-20. A IN ]J01RDV PERSONAL POMTERS. Ottawa -Hull Lim relief fund of date. . I ORLS—The active demand continues, 111111 OLD ENGLAR � _." 09U.18.11. In all 14,799 parsions were The grandmother Ot to -day tbrUls ,� I'', . . Sales are made readily. No.1 white, ..." `Vote* of Interest Abool illauto at 44o clothed. . east, 28o; -No. 2 white. north and went NOTES OF INTEREST ABOUT JOHN .."'.. ". At reavic. 'The HamAton Local On ' with the Jor of living. The crudauma � , 11 � 1, uncil Of WO�- of youth and the #xperiments and 27c. 1 , I I , BULL AND HIS PhOPLE. Aroliduke Otto. the future Emperor men will appeal to the City Council mistakes of early middle -age F41t, . 11 Fl --Steady. Dealers ask #2.7o — Of A,uAtrla, is an artist of great tal- to puns a by-law, park I .. Wr straight rollers, in buyers' bags, urcorkill. orecearrturc-A to the Lanit Thai ent. lie pussease, W ot st,udio in who expectorate a &11XLDV those she experiences to the fatiIaekst the 11111- � ", 111-dildto frelghtis, end export agents Relaus suprolIke kin the 4'"nuar"141 tb6c A044145,11W hf Fine Artaf in Vienna, parliament you the sidewalk. mesa and richness of lite. She knows � ; r 9. bid a I gin r _ Vtorld. Q,t its approaching so&- herself as never Wore. She han I I � ,,� . Buffalo, Jan. 16--Flour�Dull follows; twe,i,s, Salmon is half a crown a pound In and divides his time bot'Ween the b1cad-quartors dIon Will be asked to incorporate a grasped life's meaniag, *be has learn. but London. firm4 of the eavalry corps oompati.ity which in doairoum of bridging ed by mistakes. and she in enriched Wheat--SPring. spot prices The Income of the Prince of Wales wb"eh lit' Ou'""auds and his Btvdl% the St. Mary'a River nuar Sault Ste. by expoxionce. she has bar oltibes unchanged; No. I hard, old, entail exceeds X140.000 a year, The Arobiduke has frequently exhibit- Marks. ,,' bar lectures, musicalca and travel. lots, 883-8c; fklo� 1 kJorthern, new-, 84 I No fewer than thirty-three gonerals of] his work anonymously, In order T. H. W' riaN & Uo., owricturs of the She kuqws the vIvirs of a AOQD4 pby- -8o; do-- Old. 0 I.L. 82 &8o; win- ter, inareaBed offeriugs; bids lower; are Serving in South Africa. � that it linight stand on its merits, and net bet 'favorably critialsod big troin wPrkd of Honolulu and Livior- sique. and taken ossous in physical No. U red, 78c; mix -ad, We; No. I It cost .113DID.000 per mile to build the s his rank. Pool, buirto bought titer Iran works of culture. Sibb. Jiss some cup absorb - white, 76o asked, underground railways of London. Little Prince WW'ard Of York Is of Axnantrang &MIDrrisou In Vanookkkkkiror, Ing in.Lorest outside of home. to on track. Coru-4Weuk; No. 20 420; An African, who had visited Eog- an inquiring disposition. Not long B. C., for #250,000. keep from narrowing, which is the . yellow, No. 8 do., 413-4c; No. 2 core, 11 1-20; No. 3 Id-nd. described anew as "ruin gone to ago, no it is 5,'Ld, he was taken over Sergeant-Major Joru McMurphy, fault of the severely dome*tlo we - do., 41 1-4c, through billed. Oats sloop," ca" Of Our 91`0a,t inork-of-witir, and was it ged 89 yearo. who fought the Boers ma a. Sbc would shudder at the -Quiet and ougier ; No. 2 whilte, 30 1-4o; Nlo, 8 do., The Marquis of Buts% valet is rich- mututh Interest ... I In a large, heavily- 'a 1"1-2' and served in the Cri- Lh*Wbt of allowing herself to de- 30o; No. 2 mixed. 28o; No, 3 do., er by him master's will to the extent buat eho.gt which wits shown him. moan war, ie, �-t.ur. In Now Wustakin- generate into a mass of ponderous Z7 1-4o, through V.111od. Barley -Strong; of 92,000. "What does that boad I" he asked the eter, " the result otf a fail. tat or to becouts-stoop,-shoulderad. fancy is quoted up to 67c for Western; More deathe are due in EngLand to tall officer who accompanied him, The Pigeon River Lumber Company She has hex daily bath or rub -down. nothing offered below 62c. Rye -No. 2 Mlwholi8m than to diplitherii or ty- "Powder," waS the reply. The little of Graudo Rapids, Wisoonfrin, have her hairdron3or, manicure mud man - on track, 57 1-2c; No, 1, 58o, asked in phoid fever. boy 100ked Sympathetically at the purchased the Fort William lumber sense. She in far more helpful Lind store. In Lancashire an effort Lit WI Ig I stalwart figure, and Observod, "Then allllo. which for rukany years were companionable to bar family than U Detroit, Jan. 15. -Cl oisod;-Wheat- made to iDt-duce the ru,se as the it I 0,,�ou al. I t ko Powders, toof" opke,ruted by Graham. Horne & Com. she allowed, herself to be effaced and ., . No. 1 white, orialik, 811-2c; No, 2 red, the Queen's I)Lrta- tional emblem for h- A"aterike t Guy C. E. wylly, who I Pa thy. crowded out of life's pleasures, as cash and January, 81c; May, 83c. day. hum -TI the second Vi.tor[a Cross Mr. W. J. ChLrk of Toronto gi.ves no- did bor prototype of a few decades Duluth, Jan. 15 -No. I London now has two elt,otrlc ,,ub_ a,warded to the rasmi *uLan Imperial Lice, that an application wilil be imado baok, who oft oat alone with the me - ­'Wheat h -a r do 761-2c; to arrive, 77 1-2c; May, ways-tho City and WatexlOo 11aLl- ILL 'u"I'me", is the only am of Major E. to PiLfliamout for an act to incorpor- notorious click of bar interminable I . 'Icult"ing its th` "`L` "Lecompari'mont', 80 1-2o; No. I Northern, cash, 74 1-2c; way anti the City and South L,oudor, Wylly, late of the Lobrister Rogl- a,to the Canadian National Bank, fur (it her solitary thoughts. I to axrbvle, 751-2o; May, 781-2c; July, Railway. mout Od ,the In4lan Staff Corps, and ' the pur"a of doing it Coutirkil bank - 0 79 1-2c; No. 2 Northern, 64 1-:) to 70 Mr. George Cadbury,! the coca" grandackirt of the late Mr. Robert Olork. of Wo8tholme, I ng business. Captain Nordin, a Norwegian mar - LONG-LIVKD ANIMALS. 1 -20: No. 3 Spring, 66 1-4 to 63 1-4c. inanufactuxer, Bent Keir ILtrdic X 500 Somerset, und ,,k jou , ,r nt-at-Ai, � Wort and J. 11 A. Dubuc, of Quoit cc, Fabulous ages have been ascribed to 0� Corn -30 1-4c. Oata-26 to 26 3-4c. towards the exPenses of Labuur ean- ma to t he, House of Assembly, 11oburt, Tasmania. have audintakittod ,a propuaition to the the elephant atul whale. but it IS new � 1. Mimmea-po I Is, Jun. 15. -Wheat - didates for Parliament. - I only twenty joleeld Government for the entabbahment of thutight that they may be ospAb10 Of � """ Cash, 75&4c; May, 77c; July, 773-4 Lo The War Office has decided W-vard Years of age, kind I th anialalan conting all ico-broaker and tialvago Steamer 11 ;1 - attaining the age of 400 years. It to - . I p " ' �.t�,,�:, , ' 77 7-8c; on track, No� 1 hard, 77 3-4c; war In"LuIN to the trext-of-kin at r'.1_ at with a ,�w,r: f qualifying for accommissiont LkU the St. W%VTca0C; also for a win- recorded that wiLan Alexander tVli� ' 'A `1� No. I Northern, 753-4o; No. 8 North- diers who have died In the courso Of tin Her MaJosty*s Army. I Wr steamship service bot,,.on W,- Great invaded thin dominions of For- . I ", ern, 71&4 to 723-4c. Flour and campaign. I Mr. Xcilgon livea In a house ble h roPo suit Quabco- us, one of tho Rajithis Of U�PPDT India, 1�' . 1. brad -Unchanged. In the last sixty years tit,, SIIOV(10f� w IN all agog with --- he took a huge elephant from the con- � DRESSED HOGS AND PROVI- OM&n steamors has been increased wire,. A, ,,, tip- PrLmc,hea the front gate it Swings . GRJi41LT BRITAIN. querod Prince, named him Ajax. dedi- . SIONS. from eight and it half to twenty-two: open and Shuts automatloally. 'rho tail him to lite sun, and lot him go, . ; ew'alth Toronto, Jan. 15.-Dresse,d hags on and a -half knots an froar. 1 V:s4't` r's fee t 0 n t be a to t he If There has boon a heavy anowfall In the Inscription, " Alexander. the I the Street to -day were firmor at 08 I The farmers of Kent, art, wuging Ps Of Lie fro "Ingm a bell in the kitchen anti also some parts of Great Britain. son of Jupiter, hath dedicated Ajax to � to $8.25, Oar lots, on track here, 11 WaT Of extoj*akination against spot,- one in the mastor's study. By toaLh- Great Britain will raise regimenta Of the suit," fastentul round bola Ing. This .1. I were very strong, Holders asked rows bullfinches, and rats, In econso- img a batten he opens the front door infantry in Lndia to relieve British garrisons at Mauritius, Singapore, find clophant. the story goes on to say I wits found SW years later. with ti� I $7.75 for mixod lota, afrid 07.00 was quenoe Of I lie damage done to the � Wore the stranger has flow to knock. perhaps Hong Kong and Ceylon. inscription still Intact. The average O es refuses or,o ps. , An clee,trkill mutsic,-bux playm during Tito Board of Poor Law Guardians ago forr an olophant Is, however, 100 to buy at $7.75, and reports itself as During the past .season Z1,100 was ! , dinner. When the guest retires tit of Wcobly has declined, on patriotic 'yours, The age of -whales in asoeir- bei-ag oat of the ma,rkoi at pr esent. paid by visitors viewing Eaton Hall, ' his bedroDin the folding bed unfolds grounds, to accept, a, gift of pictures tained by the sixe, and numbor of lay- Provis:oas are firm. ' the, Beat of tile Duke of Westarin ter, by ulo�,trlrity, W ben he purts oil t the and, books from Mr, Win. T. Stead for arm Of whalebone, which luorcanoyea.r- Quotations for pruvisiong are as who divides the money among Che"ster gas a Strange, allookling display of tile workhouse, I y, a ad a pax Ind of 300 or 400 years has Dry silte,d 8bouldere, 8o; long charities. 8 kelotons gravestones, owls, rind Earl lbutiortA will doc itio the case of been indicated thus. If) the Sayolkolles lear bacon, loose, in car I-ts, 10c; No fewer than ChLrtoon ofth � o Lon- (I tb,t,r hidootui Phantammagorla dances Major-Gencral Ofolville, whose resigna- [stands tanio tortoises tire habitually and in case lots, 10 1-4 to '()h '_2r; (to. Daily Maip.4 war corrosimridents aLA)ut own the wull at biti feet, reag- Lion of facouitaundor-iii-chief for, In - kept. anti are handed do- from ratS. hort cut pork. $19.50 to 0 $:-' ; "a" I have either been wounded, captured, Pe"Iring kind disappearing In a ghost- IY okwitr"d d�a. or to men as legaoitea. Many of these $17.50 Lo 818. ) Smoked moo,ts-Hams, heavy, I �"'; invnlided, or killed; it fourteenth died I glare, Colonel Le Galialis, whom<% Less in The British Governakeint. ham appoint- are known to bo more than 200 years nedium, 12 1-2 to 13 1-2c; Light, 13 of discase. 1 ��Yurth Afrkwi Li somuch deplored, was ed it commission capocially instructed 0 Id, In Ceylon there in now living In -2c; tight, 13 1-2c; breakfast Imcuil, Waldorf Astor, son of William Wal- I "It all-rumd r4poortsinan, a fint, Polo to inquIre,into (he preaence 0 f ar ...... le I,, boor and othou. drink. and foods, the Government Gardena a tortoise 3 to 131-2c; pionic b,ams, 10c; ro (ter[ Astor, who bag just come Of ;,go, ' playl.f., and a cavalry leader Of dash and to report how the presence of the so 61 to be 6W years old ; while an - Itarogri, Ile; smoked backs, 12c. A � 1, ill wool, it is rumoured, the fair His- 1 - I and 414"iIng, It was during the of)- p(, bon can be prevented. olhor historic tortoise was knot as 'Com- neurts out of pickle Ic leas t han ter of tibe Duke of Roxburghe, 1,ilily . eratipma unklor Lord Kitchener, in 1897 a pet by Xrebbishop Laud, who * rices quoLed ,for emoked meats. Isabel lones Ker, . i an"I 1898, that he performed bbi most natinded it to the care of a fTlend, and it eventually died in London In the Lkitrkl-TLerces, 10c; tubs, to to to Mine. Patti ,has for .some t Inle he I 'I -talole wtork. Jr, the latter year, tit UNITED STATER. rnign of Queen Anne. -4c; pnal,I4, 10 1-4 to 10 I -Po. the record for the largest hum litat Ati-I'n, lit, Aram the leader of a revon- There are two cases of smallpox near 0 Torooto, Jaxi. 15. -About 40 car- has boon enrnod lit n y6ar by It W- naitssanry of grout plank. when the Watertown. N. Y, I I It UN K I' r E, 'A , I , RIU30H. cads or Live stock came in, and Some man. The h;9hesL total for t%%elve NL J,r and ,Yth,-r officters had to u,je ' I The Street oar System of Reading, Blondes may weep, for In the beau - ,f A was sold, though the derrIon(i months is X70,000. tho-iv isworibi, repeatedly. Orice the Pa., is tied up by 8trikern, ty cAyntest in Paris all the prrises for . ,11 round wus light, butchers not A box of I lie. Queen's ctkovobktv,,oI,I `111 �IFIY 111-1111' for the gun,4, ,Ahen I heme Two boys kickod Annie Dowd aged 6t,th " the fairest ((Los " and for *,Plus- a.ating to buy more than posmilAt at Iteoding to provide a lit( Iv, roone %svr�- tiLrri(,,l lai aw,ther din,etion, lout nine years, to death at Middletown, tic beauty," went to brunettes. The b view of soft weather. litith Shift- a soldi,51. wit �' for the Another of o dit-d , "i 'j'"' ]" (I 111OL4 ("Aught thoni up wit h N. Y. saddest part of this was that the board Lug and but,cher catti,e is unchang.. al. Mo4der ]liver,. realized t wenty"".- ( it' i`itfth I�ivi,i,,n, and, irk the wo,rdm Three. nurses at Bellevue Asylum, of judges was comprehensive. There d. Small stuilf i4 ste.ady, with tit) on and a half guineas. Of Mr. Buxle-itgh, 'taught Lbein It les- New York have been indicted for kill- were well known artists iLnd Red- pward tendency. Alfred L. Jones, the Ltvprl too' 4h'fl- Son." L'or thL,i ek)vt-r irLtnOeUvri- he �%TL4 IRP -11111Y aiAvntio,)ur,d in dempaleh- ,rig it lvttienl. Anton Zahm. brower, of Synctiae, (arn. the tailor, on the committee, so Hogs to fet,ch the t(yp pricq must builder, has offered XI,(X)0 ayaar for ,v4, and ,,v;ii xive,n the lyrevvt rank 4jf N. Y., burat an artery by coughing ben ty was judged from the stand - : ,e ot prLme quality, and scalP, not be- five yearm toward It fund for etttab- liouteriant-oolonel. and died immediately. "i s rtist judges - f ow. 100 nor above 200 lbs. lishing n comprehensive System of Klmg Alphoittio can no longer be Grover Allen, tire boy giant, eigh t anti of the manufacturer, a,m the tail- Follo-wing is the range of quota- technical education in Writes, cidled the "li-Illo KIng," !ill he ban years oid and weighing 251 ItOL11111M or judges. The house of Worth Should ions:- The Mersey Dtwk M)ard of Liverpool grown very awich ,,f late, an,l has , Lol dead tit Andersun, Ind. have been ropreaentod. Worth, who Cattle. hippers, per cwt. .. 04,25 er, 00 * has decided to spend nearly $2,000,000 lx4-,,w robuit nod tall for hL4 age. At Cholj,kem, Wom. fiv-, "ten are un- sent out the first blonde robed In maui he had dressed her in sort - utcher, choice, do. . . 4.25 4.00 in ranking the southe,rn dook able to IlLs X-ijesty h.ras lost hiA former deli- dor arrest for m(ealing a mark, contain- yellow, light. utcher, mod. to good. . 3.25 3.75 bold steamers fifty per cent. longer c" to appearance, an'l Is no longer a Ing @4,(X)O, in broad da3light, fatcher, inferior. . . 3.00 8.25 tookers and broader thrAn the Oceanic. tilmid child. Ite is fall of fart ;Ind A tearn run away with lOati of BRAIN AND BODY. per cwt. .. 2.75 3.00 xport bullp per owt. . 3.25 4.25 In 1948 the United Kingdom had lk,48 Me, an -I ba." dnv,+,pA?d it very m(r(yng INill hits school chilldren tit Kird,00, Wtm One Debating societies Linve often dis- Sbeep and Lambs. than 2.000 miIeA of railway, carrying ,of ewn, During thi, w .... ks h-- -pendm with his nwth,Lr �Jad SIB_ waA kiliked anti severil merictumly injor- cu"M the topic of the relative abil- ' ,heep, per c-%vt. . . 2.75 3.25 about 24),000,000 twu4sengers year. To- 'I ters tit St. Sob,iNtian lie ham ae,ourse od, try of short nion unit tall men, but ,ambs, per owt. .. 3.75 4.112 1-2 day there are over 22,000 milvq of line, (if WAI;J bolth, �%Ili;eh are always lttoobiArl I,ti -i-ric, , it p unw fh,nt�t. the Chicago Board of Education, has ucks, per owt. . � 2.25 2.75 Milkers and Cal-ves. carrying 1,000,000,000 lmtsseng�rm. of gr. it I -m -fit to htm. Ile 64 ri go o,l a bet rind kdlp�cl himself, while lying gone into the subject in it vory scion - to,wis, each 20.00 60.00 Thi- Rrili�h Govern me OIL "' t he .41,. *,nnwr, nn,l Ls he,ilthy tippetite on a cout. It I�midf, hot Kirk wife tit tifiG mannor, It hAA.m ex.aminod ,tit the . . . . elves, each. . . . 2,00 10.00 a" ne.r of 25,000 camels. Set veral t bon- and high �ptrit,i show h(yw entirely Denver (lot. ­h,,ol children in the following . Hogs. stind are u."d in India, to carry FittAres ho tkt�A'i K ,t uvor t h,- wva kne-4m of his The Carnegie 0,rnlmny will fight 1.)intm IloLght, height. sitting, weight littice bogs, po r aw t. . 6.50 6.75 and equipment when comparkieR tire Lillan'.y. the King k'401A 11 very ,e- th., Natmoal lul., truo hy huilk1mg �tr.ngth of g tip, ht'aring and aauiLy ight bogs, per owt. . 6.00 6.25 chringing quarlers by line Of march gulir Lie. From two to foar o'clock a $12,M0,000 Id int af (Nmeatit 113r ,4 vision. The conclusions thum far 14 leavy bogs, per aw t. . 6.00 ,, 6.25 With R I�Pillftfinn of 5,5(9),000 Lou- in flovitteA to military drill and gym- bour, Lake Erie. rt%ached art- that Lbere Lq a pkrysic I I *,_�_, irtom bogs. . ... . . 4.25 CrAl �ows. 3.50 3.75 dom harboturm every day 120,000 nantir-s, fniru f,ptLr to five tho, King A citizen (if Lincoln, Ill , n Intel 14iXetnor45, " Nusus of firpoccity, that duLt children . . . . . , -9. . 6 . . . 2.00 225 it ag strangers. ,�4onie may remain awi-ek. J#Ulir�X. fi"-6) Seven Stitte business is F11,00LIN-1 Of tryinw 10 are lighter and prococious children I - some a month, but all the ye,ir round irg t ra nsae fr I with the Qn,-en I tegent , ta,rve him three children to death in hotivier than Like average chil . 4, a ad - . there isi an aver.%,ge of 12i),000 vimitorq it kid ( ho Ni niqi f�rg; a t seven ", ,� -k he Ire't f50000 left to them, that mediocrity of mind is associated TO GUARD THE MINES wbo are within the metropolitan hom dinner. and at nine rho, )(Ing Olart�nv,e F.Kwir, ,k ct,nvio ar Ati %% ith An-hoority of physique. — " a r I wq. 91W14 tO bed. hurn ,N Y., murdered A. W. I3,,-ned,,-f tie Thousand Men Selected for The Queen is c0tiblothing a ig,r- I'T"reqat'r M..X Malk-r %Nho r-ent- it giiard. an Wedrit-mday, N­to,ke th,� READY 1*0 NEGOTIATE. s trait gallery Of soldiers who h-tv e dip- IY Tmamte�l ,�Ikty, wam p-rhnpR I h,. An", I g-uard ihro,iten,e(l to) roport him fior lf,,r P'nther-lo,u have bwan paying A tipstontrih from (1dipe Town, says. tintrui0it-4 thenmelvem tit ,Iw(mth Afrt lyrtif,riinfl whol;tr of thn ,­,,�ntury; nev I nim".1-Nill't. Ot"f14LI"US 14) iny daughter. You . -The Vhambr,r of Mi.nem h14 finally ra, She hae eerured a l,ortr.it of ev- " rlhel-,ogis Lit- wi-4 ,.not .,f rho- s.rnplp-l- George Reed, anweentri, lwtchcl,,r 1, --n I pr,.p�p,kl yett rrang-ed with the military atith,ori- Pry general in the fi,+l and makeot An kadmi-I on I m -f in-l"t 'if men. N r­lun,-� IA.m Jun[ At ... I ' in I,,. I I I I I.- ll�A I­i,W1,p -Natt yet %fr. he formiLtion of a guard for the pro- effort to ()IAain one Of every officer few nit TO h,o it g ) a Pe r tti In .o rn,- ,� ha I Itorne (on bim large firm," near 11raz I 11--r �afh*.r -Now, let u -i r-ortne right terti,ork, cifthe mines. A thmisand tnen who emittecAilly dir,linginglies li,mself. gijmhng pmng -,eti-ty i-Ily ,Nho .ir- Intl Ilehadnit-ul his from ,,r I-Ard f,, th,irtyyears Ilia ost.h ,m %orth ,I ,wn lo busunesm. Wbot will you vitll shortly lenve the coiRt towns ljord rlfl4flbery the nthi-r night fold feo-ted t It,- gre i i "t ve,:,-r,.1w,n (,,r $714,000� ,Ak�- ti, -t to pruptowl or Johnftnesburg for this purpose it R�d ,otory to A (%,r, -ie or --iol) nin1eq V IV hr-4hitip AM I 1­1,F)"Ig Ail nny Aharte — Fiffopon me,n will be detailed to poolk Ctntavi,rstilion rm ul-,n (lie vleth,�r,i ,,I r -rim mlid 1,, hon, Ori, pr(tf-or. GENKRAL. TRIU,MPHANT FI,ATT&011­� aino. of okol-nion in London. and hi� I.,,r,l � h I I ki min, I pni hnv,�. fr. �Y- ,rure' Que�n Wilia--louna ,ill ;-­,tv,ls he So, Dick tionti DaimY have made upt - Ahip set the falfil, in I roor with the Il- 131terly different fron .,,If u,t naarrim next month By GeAwfifel After the way she Laid � HEAVY SNO follom Ing ' A countryman Of mine rww,r niortalAl It A mirvk-11oits to me lit-t,w The French Medoorranein %(itifid n4m out I at expected It. LBO kiii, I waq a0fK1 try a gentlerrokin I* the Pon can tolerate talki,ng to an r, in in to t�- ­1�1,op.-d ",11A .ir-d­% did he pacify harl - , , I 01110 W.rUmme. ('11-artna 11w Trnt,l­ lot, 14ti-tinA. wher, the C.Iedonian Asylum OT'?JM-rY faAlViI611111! 1 Allpp�� you are alwayg thmking mit ,,,n,, pro- telegrotphy Ile tAwId hAr that he it rtiber quar- 0.1-L was. 'Hoofs. man, ypr In It I' was the found problem ?' '. I c'.. me 1"-f ly H,,rhPirt li,matirck janyro, that (;- r (,-I with her tham, kiss any �Aher girl. A despatch from Olde.qsa nnysr,-The pnwy rejoinder " �al,l the Professor, "I ,tin pretty facity many'* trade policy will be Ono, ,.f police, fimmon, and phyAlrianq*have __ 0 ,111 naY. I muAt exmb-as. %t rktght� hjvwq,�T, I generally Inke h,iir proter,tioct agitinst the Ifnit-A Stnt�� What would Yet, tin If you were to rescuM 470 passengers from fi "" -HANDS UPI" art A regt Or m1X­ "Ah," rnpturnuAly mokirl W[rol,pith lel�graphy between 11, n- %u.idenly tall boor to a fortune I asked trains whir It ha vv been sno w b. mn,l for the yynmg lady. "Thinking: think LOW and v,ir-13A -laode ,or it), If- -trita anarchiot T h,i t is an absurd Re. vern I &-kya after enduring the — ilia' I Rupposte. PlInnnLrig sit,me nek�l#, w-att.-in group is in prarficil ,pti,i queAtion rolelied the other. I ain gr,pa teAt mufferingos. A force of How Three British Soldiers Captured —k. Profor-oor ?` "No.- kinfm ly m, iol "at tion, not so ahort-kght,md as you believe. 4,000 trorkmiten in clearing the-trarks; a Party of Boer% the prof(tstiar; night I generally qwnd an borur pinying skittloa!­ - - I .Pnt through the family records and to Ode.qsa.' Four davit' mail ban been lila,sera, Berk Do Wet recently —_ _.111.____ COTIORS FOR " 11111JR14 11AIRL mad. dea,l sur,- th"t I cOuldn't poo- stalied up. captor��A fbrec ,.f our men, nTwl. hav- I ARGER. NOT SMALLER. The girl witmo haii r l " of any Ahade sibly fmil h-ir t,, i forturio before I ing dimarm"I them. told them to fol- A,h. sold the Rym.pqlhpt6- MaTi, I that justifian its he i rig ft�rrned red twirrAwl anarchist. LEFT FOR THE CAPE. low on. They 4Ad ao umtil they c,amp you have rtml rart Pd a cold, 4� abrml.1 not, it is said, wvLar pink, red, Mr flubb- -Sontion- I I do not see - to a sprult. where they bid. Shortly Not. answered the man who %frivea Or bright "flow under any cireum- why I shourl4i take ainy notitw of the Mounted Troops 'Have Sailed From aft"warrIA a p,irty of RoArR come to be accurate, Av" amid Pluffering, stances, as these nolerg arront uate the OpIthOt 1`10 applied to MA. It Meant Gibraltar. It [Ong, One of the Snatimh soldierk; "Hamda ' I have eirp,andod It. red tokknomm in her hair and present an nothing, Mr. Ponn-What I Why the A despatch from Gibrnitar, says:- stood tip and shouted tip! rmilinI,ig to file comrfi,tAs to rover the Unnimn-Now Any your prayers aribee.oming contrast. On rho Other hand, the auburn haired girl can inr man call -i you ,k blithoring idiot. Mr. Five hundred mounted British Infantry B,,r,, ,h0e he olkiarmpill them Th e Tominny -Vo; I don't bitliove it doen datep to her to,art's montent In all the thabb Fxa�cfly; and thipt-0 Lq no such ward in rho Frigliah Iftnignago as bljth� Oft here f&r the Cape on Thursday ,�Oerp. ,h,,oking lik.oaselren _,"o,n tiny good AfAmmm- What I Tonam y gv,,Idktn brown ahadeA that bring out aring They arrived from Malta *In board the troopship Riallexas, and wart reshipped bored norr,,kitriered their arms. i nd No . frat .JVA, gittin, dirignAtod I bin , r port . aja thisq ILMA to M'Ako little K91her ilia ruddy gold tints. .,ilia -nay alsm "ar light and dark itthadm of blue Courtesy in a duty public aervants by the Mward#& Castle, were taken to the British mmp as prinorkers Jack a good boy and N�ls just an bad and melfinh am ever. and Wrfwn, dark purple, Cray, whit., own to thO humblest momb4ar of publick. and a bluish asiont of Lavendar. -Lord Lyt ton. . I , . . I � I � , , , ­,;­ ­�.'­­;.O­,�I,­�.�* I 1 - . I ­ � �. 4 1 ' - ,, . IL I 11 . 1 ' . . I � 11 I � ­ . ­ . - MM _�*.' 1 1 � ', . r __ :�-`*&��%64;4"AtioetoW?-Ait-"11 "' %­ "'.,�­ � I hadINA1111111lib"41iii" L - '.��. � , ,- r, 'I 1 I . I � �. . 1 �-4 - . ��,, _, � � : "" , - , 1. ,; 1, � , ; 11 � r I-, 1. I I , _ .1 i I � i _� ,� - � .1 ,.­ I - .-, _..fiIWIll1i�,':,: ,r,-:,:!��".""W--",.-����i�i�-,tk ,. 10 I I , . "� . .� ,