HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-01-11, Page 4- PTIMR' I VVW7- ,-,pp.4e_-,-K' 7'" -71114111 , . 9"W 7 - 1 �,1119w" - . W. - .1w, I I -w- -I" pW__ . . ,��', 1, I � - __ I 510 - " 1, ". .1 1. - -, .-Anrik"ff" .,V-7 I -;, ­ - — � 1. �� ,�"# .1r. �T__ . I . 11 , � , I 11 .� , -�,Fqlpm!r�t .. , "T1. , � - 4 1 ., ­�-- i ­.s,. . . S_ I I t � . � � . 4L . I � � 1 . 1. '. I � I r­ - '', ­ . . . I - - ;_ � , a I III I I I 11,1111 � . . , .." ,.&I- , I ... .1 . I __ - , , , . - - _ .. !!.:v, : � :t � 0":ztI.. 1.''-.l� mitioIolillo 111000,0101.2 II - , " , Oil I 111110! , , 0 . I � . . I __ . .1 I . ,- I � I I I � � - . ­ . -Ifl. �.. I'll __ , . . as - I - ­ I- ___ I.. — 0 - 94*l"A 09ai�mwg;.Xgmy 0 _111F�2111� I all I !I I � I I 1! 11 I I I 1:112 I =1�11 I 'lop .-"a`p`­_____._=11 , � it ,401 I .=ZZ2V2= low""VIIO,�h�Aft.�- 9 � ,;t;;W 4 t7l�!; = — , . - - ­_ --- � ­­ ­ - - I.,_ 6�jimfm,,!r-rrl�­ . 4 1 1 � , . .1 - D �.. , 11 I � I I , ,:4" - - - � __ 1_._11.__.1_1 III, . � 1. 1. !��!! � ­.. . � 0 THR 600800H STAR - h . .. I ., ii- io. . 6.!..;.-.-I, ­...­­, - - I I ... I — 111111111 "-,I _1! I_ - _;�;­14 . I . I - I _= � I 1. - I . . It . � pAitlit.this. . v*404a, 0-04 A , ,� ­ 'Mu ... I., - I—_ .. I I ON I . i � - A " 0-1041 A q � � -11, I ­.- -1 1-1- A �� 0 . � I-_ - I.-, 'i I __ - � ­ � i � � - - I- .1 - .- ! .111- - i - .w"­�­­* I :, , ow. jkk. � , 0 1 1 , ,; I � . "I"booplott".''W - , I ­­- ­­­.- .. , I - . , , . . (�Ppoa # It, _A___ . a, elf In F I vul.34r, -Visyl),r,�xm,tAw)oif,i(YAtiotl* 4, I . . J, 11. . " N.M."Ta"obwo 1** 01jits"ry's 1"1-?#,"",WjUQW ; 1) . . - " - - �­� W ."!F--lacipt I . I*aij,�40bora4i4-'P-IYI�teg,04ob4�,00.,�-sol�-- - ' . . . . � ' I 1, . 04 Awl � -mm ; . " . I , I . � � O."M 11 1� I - 11 1. ; � I �. 4 Pit, 44,04 UWA—d"i I 7* Joi ' ,ghlo' . 4pww W I I 4040 otterxk-*M4110two bt-UlAw"flor. , I 11 . E IN, DO�Ujff � VA *,jjrj 51acclillfs? I t4c r11jrTWcs%0,A:"0.p%si10V, t010A ,A&k I11a1 : i I I I � - . � -F, — - 1. . #jk .;%, 11-1116 ''I'll 11 A.1 , — I - � I I _ _. _ d*.jjTtp,clq,#.4ttC vuauou - - , i I ­ - . ot 1113M �.., . , 11 I I I . I I . 1 #40011111114 1000 Illabo-4 4t,40111" -11� . � . ' ! ABOUT W9410, V"'VOS. , , . . . . ��� I I ­ iA* *.T`* jAws llc�tlf . I �, . ; . I I . , . ** � '. ruelf**0,-,Q,rVr Alist. 4011 Uk I 11 . '­ I I � I I 11 I . w. ". .1 .. I -. 11 �. " boq 0". 111fldAl15'P.t0C01la,jr leawiflows tillolfflar, I � I � � �., _­ - 1. . . 1. ; � * OLD .. .- -�i . I I- - I - – .1 111#sly"Knor enorall'y's : i � I I. �: � . . . ................. 'AT C . - . ,�11, .1 11 I 1141001 U1011firtoll 1WV 04r. 11111 vion- . I . " . ; 1E_ � I I . I I . I .1 . TE—L a .. - .1 "I � -iflutiols;;Icipy �10. ucet . - � ,0 *tq bete Olillt � .9 , ­. �� 11 I I � �F 8 N-1 0 - 0 culls"Wr � . . . , .. I If: - , , 1114*11 Aqf;PA.V,-,#qbb;)IlI, Iltzi, now, it might PAY YOU I . .. 10,1111, I I Itrtptolwaol ti.v welta4ut to tbalp I I ­ : . � I . 1. I . ", . " 11, . I - . � � FA��, , , I � I R.. � . , 11 I'll I . actAdvittivelaoil"lu, Alt! -log IctAltij `=, . . I I , '_ ?II. .1 .. : 1. �!... .. _ I.. ., ., I . Wo InglMeAt— , I. � ,..L - I ,�(,* I �, I � � , 1 , . � I .. 11 - , I . 11 � are"whof V;g las nai4illmod. thipits , . M','t .. . . ., . . I . I � , � .: , ­ . . . orfs . I 4,41: TC P4 ', . I � � . I 1. , I . �V �, . I I kolialu�soldii,wo. Mr. Aught 04.1lificil"I . � - I 1. . � I ,' . I i - d � , � . � 1� . , � I . I 1. I . . - .� . I I I . . I 1. 1: 11�1 I . 1, L A I I *.' . au(I'm I ­ � . W. I at pt A - ax4tjve,_js.roo10-Qtdn!ne Tablets, I 1. , I I . I 10,410 oder %)LAost. who ful,ve. . � , I 1. I . .. , I � C, I I i - poll� 11 ,Wjtb yoNjillo dvviiapon aq,4 1113petuous, I I . .1 ". ZI . I ., 1, I., . � . ,:. � ", 1, . `4 , '', , ... � X11 . . . ..�­ � V Q 4W . � , 10 C94j,taraclil Ill tbol'yoW.U. AM 4 bottle of ... I ,. . � I .11 I I 1�*_94I*1KT0#0 vd-WAIIINnumberof � I . . I XM0 Tax .1 M; -, :QW. AV!W'Aft - - I � . - . "�`n . ,909 '. . , . D. co's., � .1 I *1 . , 't � . ��, , I . ­ I � . " ��,"p W, jk : A .. .111111 luolt, f0drow Counts Y -M to fighting. I I .. , I , #C pj,po god Tar, D . � I . . .. . I % . _ , I - I . - N� - . 0 . I . I '. I- � �., -1 ­*�1, �- . � . � . L,ti.b 3 � , � , , , , - , ­1.11,�. 11_��,,:,�,__�,IWI_T,!W _I __T 4L ilitateca.3.4-and we gwu _," ._ ­ __", . . , - -, - '. � "I . . � . :4U . I . I . %� � I -, '. I I , . s old .. A". I , "O .; 01-0, . � . row"par moluc,y bock. .,. �. , , - . ., ye _114.1)" . . gh,j 4 is:* 4hqrM"e - :. I . 11,10b I ,� , , , , �r " . � �­ -..t- ,;,.!"`:_I I � - I ' WilAbacoptinef0of Alrrlit, ta =Atw. . . - . I , 11 . . , 0, _!__ , !! . i�_ I 1; - � --roo, - ] '! , �.. i �, � . . . . , - , gi,oinlisimst, the tisittlewor the ar '0110, - . ,!, ­ ol I _ I �x j , 4 � , - .1 , . = , � . C z, � ., I,- - - ,*�r -, " - 05 0. .. I 5,4000-thilitgrand and glorlou " .. � I I � $ - , .� , 9 � - 410 . I � A" � f "� .. I AmpIrf) to Willell It Is our proud pr Ivt- . . . " I . . .. - . I .. 1. - . 1.11,11, .. . ��aas� .1 � �, I IL belong. Our heart* Were I : -9 111 , 41109 XA -1 . . 4111 . . , * . lf;r W . IWO 1)* � , I - I I ; . .� . ICJO - _. � . �.,_ _.0Vl:PiVW,XPQ%_ . . . . tv �� Block. . . - XX 0 - - � .with do est, ride -pi Ide of � .11 I oade, st, Bedford I I I 11 � .. I . W. Pl' as 0 110 4610339-Rild . ­ . I . ­ � ... _�­­ � 0, G __ - 1. 17: , 1 A . *i , 'I �, 1� . 1013V V01111141 rTI ? (Witt to" W10113w, ioiw) . 1. . I I -0" I . . ..... . _; , �jt,;Iw natural [lie fat -ling, when the I 0 YORP Prq?qrj,qtjon Patronage Soliaited. � , .11 . A .... . Sms W alit conotive "eterew $Wss rOW44 ir'. , 'Is $?,O . � , . .... , '. - . I . . ;4L.1 . newe flaolied heavialth the sea and over �l . , . kv, I I . �q ''t I I . I � I I r, . I L I - � I 1. , �. , ,eash Mlow raw" sun . a ar, � 0 's 41 As .. - .11 -,z;; �_. ! _­__­.­-_._.-- - ­___ - . !, I � � I .. . I 11 I V INA Wilve Lbot* class yocasig nien. h a is , I I I foon) peaceful viscolons, lintutilared in I I . O'. � 1W 0 � . . 01- 11 . "" I . W-000 I � � � I lba' 4 4i. . . . 11 ... ,. I,. "919'aast r . t1ce,41arts of trial. tuarcip tyivo In military . , . . I , . . I � . I � I I . A : ; . � I . . , ­­ 1 -1 -111.1 -M! ­1I � I . . . . a" " ! . , . " 10 I � '. *A � ateoloplistailltantm. Wholly lacking that . I , I � I 0.- " . . _ � % . I '. knowle a which causes only froul 6 ,:.. I . $3.4" GOOD READIN6—appiewmak , � , - � ',�,- ==I � ,"O . . , - "Ift � . practlim"r taxpellencia. dn - . , 1�k, � I.e. .. I A had taKen a So WbA1111111 Of 00 COMMon StQ6k Md 0420.000 FWomm. atoc* to Uke - long w,atoor 0%,ealng. �. �. I p .k..j Whist a Been ,fa% V 4 -y -went of, the, Purolicts; : w 001*4"g . 1, . , , op., OM ... ___ �- I 11 " , I - - - � . Do � '� k . � . ',),. , 4 - . .., "' t'sl= a OU St athas price w do - iia, � 10renstlat place. the, plavis of dangoi I'VallatillMoill Mock Is toorV*d =2. '41�4 * 1,*-�9.0 of . 11, , - � ­__ , I it 11 find of death. with the taost that oil to4tal has s. kc08T=th%t MMIlilly 0" 4 . 0 I.. j , , 11 . . ­ I'll 1:. ly trained --Soldiers of the Queen," Vi I I I I ;too 330o,='3-11. Volst 250. - ... I I ­ I I - I I I . I I I . ''I . - lil' , with heroic 'valor land pivelfaltitted * 111-ap, � Ths-nallocas at &`fl;�.* * � ''. , , I - . , , I I � ,-- The Stinket Minister by �rookeL . . .. 11 I I , Au� thelDlielVeal Ilrikis the to)", Out $775400 7 Per Cent. Comblative Preference Stock 1s.,-',NowJ0ff'er'e for "'Oscri If u.0 Dt-ylu. That Terrible Usti. w, orr6 'O . , I . , I e If I . The Silver Uptelicatisby r� . - __ . I I . eftiluft, Ismseri i va -otis hiesido. to �, . N ;1 , � 11 I �: . , � L , "."Oft P , . *" - "' , Vinall, COW13e, vvilaull, Ill tile Dallas of this C(DIILJLIIIIIY ." I , D:U %0IaIagqe*tby ol.o. � f. - � . I . , . . ft7WMO 10 Ver cent. Ver fillimle, on A 04#04; 1A percent. on Allot= if L I � mneraLFors, oldier.ast,%Vititer. � , I , 1- AW .1 . '�_Im (frotio Willett weare liAospy us may they .0 26 per oent. *000"r-attlAth 0,Aor 4.99traffilit, 25 pw QM*A *11111,10 N : � til p , qt; .:� � , � 4 . � 4 , I "r % ,,Shot, by 'fillital. It ". I I I - na.writes cattle). all thA liattle of Lblo tonally. in mag!'thoaftArAnotment; RG per ospnt� tUr441"IF204thilil "iA4901iint . . 114ndo.1 . I - , !r. dirial, yet, - Bound the aiii cy filre. by Clark Russell I �, .4 A I I - - , it � dy Co tile nalne (if this (fill, land we love sop L I I - , . ... . , I I . . A Week lit Killarney. by fluottees.and dozeelf or o'llervill.t "Itood. 11 I .. � caWM*;Q7*A="`ca`trtAt;a well find Ili I he islinse tit liberty find Out Lending Library fault boomi-all the nowlsit pablicatio,141 %Ili all car 11,L " (,I I _� I . "M oyvixas. Ifiliftsot lib toll' w"t 2U Preference Sham are Cumulative, end roink, both as reWda 04pital and Dividends, W4001ty to th he i3word IN -Ili, L" :1'. 1 IMT e . I 0, 'Piciffinga ftis, and, in *d to they turn thein oi;K-4WSee our window for a sale - y . . . ;, ,, illalmle . I ,111� dul tkp�� r . dltW# of Novel,. -I wall oft ii.wr 41 joif 14, Croaset; HildalVado 'byarantAlluniflepart,t linoorton,tte, by Kv. jfickia�lia;Ttlu -�I- L " it A Mdre, we extend it weleoine I has dity, Mdvkg a PIrshreputial Dividend of 7 per cant, are also anticlod to diVidic WKIII the COMM04 shares, &19�"rikta, any surphn prq4ta A or providing - . rw­rd-w 4i I I . . 1 ca" - #'_ . it I I ,ee i ivoirl-loitoolaml sincerity tot which I , , . I � . 111 110111,1111I -Wild"c4to ryhls - . -, fl; 't Ili I . i' , ,�� I . , , , h . PtIfA., r4seattls ve Beew" Fund, and after the Comm � of Stite, by John A. diewart: Becky. by Helen MaLbom; Too Itj 11i,t, I litril,t, I "" , Q , I Wledrus itort wc)l.(Istig.t.illttfiitliliAtelf-expret;toI little du Shares have received as dividend of 7 per caslucC The Charter 413*Provides, tit, It after pa,vianont of tho dIA-4sad on dr-setidoloMem. Publieher�a price Mas, other dealor'a 1'ried OU'. Our price 26o , . I I __ ::: �'.. 11 , 4", the first opic, tau realized, I doubt not It -tag ere this, a* Shares, and before payment of the dividend on the Common Shares, not loss than .05 tell, &ant, of &be real ' i I , � I I .4 L For do lltdmn " . , . . �:i; r ,."', 1. , "I. head. not sivist tiny tilree . 1. pa Q ta in every *I . am, 9 ;1 It WOU14 cure tier I thattoadonst tile lasigua I If,jaill"S i A year ;,.,4'' :, . � ve I I als, land when also land cosslill find d6lillicclisheip" of ` bu` be "t Addb t* f0r= it'Rostarvall Fund until such Reserve Fund amounts to $500,000. I , . " ,,.'I ,, I � . � ; SIM �� al wall. general 4.1 I 1. 1i -i I . . KIDVS BOOK STORE. . If ad an the ariny of the United ,jotiatea. Wil- . . �4- ­. � I - . I . _,� I , 11 , I AAk at cost," The 3XVIdeand on the Preference Shares will be payable haH yabarly In the months 61'Au , .1 . 1. 1 , I ,r .. fillasi Teettlil"ll Shet-litull, "War Is _4n , Iss, - .— -_ - , . I 1� - . I ; � , I t � .11 . . is - at AU4 Februa a . � . I I I I At tWfc;thjiecWln v'silillas 9r.tho abs,"ToTdo% . , .1.1 I PAISSr no debenture, ime, and no debentures can be created without the 00118011t.of at IW _, , _W �t ob I There I �,, . � � - :: - .. RIPTION "I itellAtiod is jubunithh,owy,whell, ILs Or Vallipta"Ontaild at a general melasking specialty oonVerculd. . � . pr"out , I , "! . ,, I ; - , . . . _. WO)"N SMONG in tile histolleas 1.1 life Was, all South I I . . a, . .. " �;:. I I "" ��, L ". �'. � .11 . - AND 0XIC wortilm WEI.J. Africit, the h000r wid ieptitatioll off It DIRUCTORS. "... BANKERS. - . : 0 . I I . I , I I .1 . I I � , I ­� . 131111011. 'if all Itillpire, -tie (he i8alle. - Z . _11 L �,�. � I , War lit undiiiii-tedly a trentendou SMON Sh'"1111% Waterloo, OnL, President Furniture Mfee Exportiog THE C.&N.&DTAN BANK OF C , . I . 'O _. j . , ;� VA- . 8 evil 0o6p, fAmited. MURROX � Fal I M 1* 11 i n erv---/- ,,.�, "Ild blillItS In lilt LIJLIII P1116ifl, 114) rtv souciTORS TO THE COMPjkNy. i.11' � 1 'Obertcb Ztar, and dealt luitioti, halt it, this I eeflfItVV(,ocl RON. SAMUEL XERNER, Senator, Berlin, ont., President of The B�AEZPI. LAAH & CASS I 11 41 i, , .� . ". � I I I Ne ,. I I 1W. I , 5��� , � '' � ;' ' , � I 1- I _�, . �, �,,.,,I, - _�, , T111"P11101414 CALL 71 diet. flow let Ila holpe I'llpidly dravIfilcr Simpson Company, LimffiA I ELS; Toronto, 9'�,,,' I I �� I - I �. 0 "'M pf'.10 - I If it Close, I.oav approut 11 i ng't )Ili Pei had SMRLLIH & SHAW, Toronto. - At the Hamilton Street Store. t::�,,' . � _ 11� � I , ­ - ___ whinI peove shall ol-cip silo 31OBHRT KUAOUJ% Toronto, Ont., President The Carter-Crume Coq . . � - . ., , - � ru lesullit ., - , " VIRADAT, JA.N. Ill lowol. ximite& BROKERS. . I . , �,"` I . �. ., , hel avilty, Read 'l.he (.111111oll'bi lips glow R. WILSON -SMI I �,,'��`�; , � .. , �.11 . , ., -_1 !=--== �� �, .� - __ vold" it Wile llec�btfjklv- -ilectidato TH,, UELDRUM & Co., 151 St. James St., MontreaX Never before have we had better values in Milfinerva. It " ill NY �,.,, - . I I 11 I., 1. -y ill DANIRL'XNEORTE11i Hanover, Ont., President Kneclatel Furniture I " . I ", , I � . . defell"" Ot 41111' SeCill'ity MN It lkatioll. I PELLATT & ' .11,11, I , , '�,. , : flitary spipit. --teds'Aly Io let tile tivorld know PELLATT, 36 King Street E t Toroutie, . ,� 11 . � , Limited. " a you, even though you do not buy, to see all the Ilew leading styk." and el - I r ,;;, ",_:, , . Llint BrIlhili Vill,,,. 1144 Ilt.t th.gess HMMOra REGIdT4AR AND TRANSF . ..'', ��,� . � . . _ M 40"AIROILL, 3LP., Clurglil, Out., of H. Cargill III Son, Wholesale ZR AGENT, __7 , " I, � ". Prated Willi t, IIJASHIlIg of tile LIMITEP, Torouto and Moniftaccal. 11, "'. I N-. - "; r �" ._ he I NATIONAL TRUST CQ,, shades. Trimmed Hats from $f.00 up. ' "" 1. I.. . Years, Lhatt Brat sit -k mad hertaists, . ,,,... I . lQTTY GOOD SPEECH. Amiser BMS6,T"nnd'aon, OnL, President of Hobbs Hardware Company. AUDITORS. The Public is invited to call and see the sto,:k. - r � , : , `,� , .: I Pall. W. IL HOB ,��L � ., � r ,� . GODI:RICI,.t CII, are HIM IhQ pIP(jolijillittilig ft.altil.ee ,If , , I 1, - British Character. avid that 111.10,41 have 0 , : 1. 1, ,`�.' , . ".1 - .11 , . _ THOS BBL14 Winglisim, Out., President of the Canadian Furniture Manu- JENKINS It HARDY.!Publio Accountants, 15i Toronto Streek Toronto, - I'' _�' ��,*_-�. ", ,:��',',:.:,:"-:-�;,.-.. * - MaNS. allotild arlillinto Ihe bo4olow 'If those ii4turfaral'Association. HEAD OFFICE. il�` ,, 1 , � - - ', . . ' t.� . .1 ,�.. Voting Itself, stit'll ;is MW glipst,ki, wholl IT. IL ANTE314 Salinas Oaks Solay.-Trass. and Manspir of the Anthes Mfg. TORONTO, CANADA. Hamilton St,, Ocaderloh. � I I ,:`1001tV43Wl At the Rece they realize the llatmenisol chunicLer ca'"Id" MISS CAMERON , `�' .. , � 1plt� P"On or (if tile woik they %yet-" citiled I ��, - ,� . , . I �, _ ., , . � .01 TfUlp'loltilly Opriogs: 36 KiNG SrAZXT FAW. , _�, 1118holm .11nd Wilson. g�' I �;. �, ��I._ . , . � L alooll to perfaillaill, When they . ".7 . � ,; I "', . .."." �,, ,� . . I ? . --- �. -,--- ­ - . f, I ­ I � '..... ,,� , I . are 111110restald with it knowled '1 . " , , .11 , I . (if that fact, llitilt they linve Iseen I. "I �1_ I . , -l"Wincorspoweelslat; week prevented - F, 1.0 ( _ Le. , . I , defenders -the hold und Intrepid tie- 1Fb1R01WF"n40l0rUft ��, , , . -'.i o*Vt*fttwouId do plallee. to (Ile feriders--of tile bon(,, find flitegritt (if . , 4:4r, Im I � I I . L I I I - ­ 'I , 'k, I wiwij W, t speech �4 - �,- , I I . I 4 - Pet -delivered lit tile the British crown find Knipire. . ov an - I - , ", , I I 40hmin 4118 11101111 House to 1 ,repc ,,, , t ,,, they understand that Wiev have added all" as tug otaticarns the following furniture issanufactuarlag businesses in the Provialloof of Ontario, wilah the objects of scuscoUdjaillielif ;�%-,,',. , * If, I �_ , � '' a , :,It welding, lievotad the possihillty of stay manufacture, and in the sale and distribution of the g produo : . .10itut., beroell. And ,is it %fly issualitlitill, the 110,4 Ili atreellen, yea, 11 I 11N %4 ka ,) - k � the victims fitteretate and efflictilog soon in tre oods ad L. - **'k, A , i AA �LtOt**,At"li*btoWgafei4kdttiittAneeta , It nald of 1111vol till interest its well. whirla I i. Amerkan Rattan Co "Limited, Walkerton, ont. . . * h t� � - ll I , " , , I: 0 1 Illific Ocimpany b forialcad to aoq kerton, Goderic S . . I I I tlf6nW0,,�,',,*6 jV!prQpdcIc8 in stlitstAlic.t. lillid tilgether in hartcloolosis unjolk flip 10. The Knechtel F!UrnitUre Company, Limited, Hanover, OuL . .11 I I I . , � 11 . ­ 11 ' ' 1,� � "': -, ,L I . -0 s Of Ails Honor Judge I)ov ,. � � 11,1 i '' 'k I 4,01ittlift #laid the Motheilitsid; land IT 4400k, 1 2: The Anthes Mfg. Cormuppolwaya, OU' miate'd, Berlin, OnL I I. Joseph Orr. Striatforfl, Oat a 4 - � . , ,,,be, Iliflylalp"s. a M 1� 1_ , � hill I , "'. -011 qk,ll..tl that thoybriva, M Bell At Son, Unfilled, Winglums, Oat. 12. Schaefer, Killer & Company, Waterloo, Ont. . -, I , I 941"'O'CoArrow � I I LM . Ounces and tit() L mairrialiv libisi'tt it Ila prov)ng to . " � 1�' L' I ��,� � 11 ., ,��',�' . tile 0 gove[ iiinel;ls of Letartits" th,at Lireat. I BVIIII110041st & BOX F=IturcComPaDy. -Acdorth, OUL I& Snyder, P,6os Ift Coinpany, Waterloo, Ont. I ? 1 45: am or", Guelph. out. Bargain I . � , , , It 040nor Judge Doyle was tile firitnio IN not jut-i-tliv jjjh,U-e$.H a, tile i" � �, 4' . , 14- Sfemon & Bros. Malift. Co.. Wharton, Oat I I I � ­ It 6. Button & ]Peasant, Winghom, out. 'Simpson Company, Limited, Berlin, OnL - ,I " I � '11� I � 'It tit Welcome the hercien sells, halt that she In little to hold Ile � I 5. The I � , � I I I , .'-flrsV1P#AkC . own oil 1.111d its well, and will perall: IF. Tbo Hobbs Manufacturing Company, London, Out. 0. The Union Furnit it Company, Limited, Wingicami, OnL ! � li, . , C, . ,, I I , � � nod,104,0000iluff wilids were. ­Wbea no illtelforence whit � u "', :" ­ ,, ,_,. thaia�o . Id, t'own does anything, filter does Level. In hot- lit & Lewis Huhn, Now Hamburg, Ont. . . x7p. Zoollner & Co., Mt.,Forest Ont. I . . t � I �,�,��: , , , '' ternal or external affairt, fly tiny liatio'! I 9. 7be HM Chair Company, Limited, Wharton, Ont. With the exception of No. 7 all the above properties " frolahoid. . �i � , �, ,,, ,� � L 'Well"o In eX World. . I � . I , It" . preatialrag ,Its pleaNtare ill Ili tile We odpell lip Islas - I , _ . - " cloill vytllt.11 lilt, trillille Ili om- ttli(IYIllg a . ", I ".'' 1,�i ­­11clug,otleorthose to Welcoll. the I THE FURNITURE BUSINESS... . , .., . 1. . , � _, I " grat'll-nde flat tile jlotjla ,)#art I hey lin,,e Centre, le .;��,� �, helt'#$. We firallor sald � � �, , ., . , Ito wag do. taken let ims glorimis wi-rk, and w(. The inanuttature of furniture is a �v .: "', " f I 11, . I", �. , ,.,. ,., .r I , no of the principal industries in Canada. The supply of raw material is abundant, and can be obtained so is low cost, The Lad" � % 4 ,�� . 0W A'$() to sea tile large alit] desire Lt' flat them histior for Lilt.,, which in already one of ooticilderable magnitude, is capable of great extension, and anad �!:�:,� , I etktoiO#IA$tic Well Out of citizello, fall %plet)(1141 itch hAvelliellW- nell leveatattatIA of furniture in the world. . C a should become, in the near fature, one of the leading countrica for the manufailburga A U,�, , ." I Ave bktd hall flu grell.ter declus lay Which thev have dommitilt-Atetl to, * � '�,"; �� �111,�, - listratiolk Owing to the Inamahir 0opulation and the growing prosperity of the country, the demand for furniture in 'Canada is very large, and has absorbed necaparl t ,.. L. " of thils klod since tillat, whiell eeh,Ijrnj. '11"ll"'ll"' I'llat oil" f"'I" ""111"i't"11 h0lut' of the production of the faillatorles. y the whole 1-I.L., �:.:'_ ,thej­ breeds Man its hold Itild ht.%ve as evel * BARGAINS IN �1 . I.;; ., The orporb trade has only within the last few years been cultivated. CanaddoLiture is now being shieped to Great Britain and other countries, end the outicab in � .­ I . .1,104 Alol of Littlysililth. rills ,,aid It lid tile still, filld I heir 14aitita, will h. � � L � '. '�;, ' � 1. ­ .� . " direction Is practically unlimited. Valuable connections for the ps"rt trade have already beeralformed, and, in addition to the foregoing Factories, the Company wfli ;1 I ,P �;� �,;!. tl$Lot%tttiilitrdiL�attintitritti()I%,4 whiell lemerlibered wi I It it-litit.l. wid lovillw ,� ­� I I '*L ,'' . �­'; , * kifig plarjo Ili filinsidg, bb,,,ed a regard by Ila# p pallillirilig f Berlin, Canada, and Liverpool, England, which Company has I 1, L , are "uhre the busthess of THU FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS* EXPORTING COMPANY. LIMITED, of - _ :� ,::_L, � tA I pill - bein recently established for the purpose of developing the Carport trade. The Company also has an option to J ; I � � � ,., 'r Ir -109ARY Which wits not excelled e%,,,,, ill colkoltYiners Its arter thell. Ijjjjh'6%v" on invertible torms, after t90 org-nizatida Of the Com. � 1 lastly has been completed, the business of the ANDERSON FURNITURE Co., LIMITED, of Woodstock, th t furniture manufacturing establishment hr Cansdics, thos �', , I ' I L�' , U14 IV tier land, Ile epraoldort-tj 1 -hat shall have crul"T'led filto djll;t� Thi -4 addition of which will give the Company coubrol of over 76 per cont. of the output of Canadian factories. -ac OLA D I ES'" JACKETS, �, ,,,, � � -'L I L I �� lultundoatull.fietan placed linder If dee, is tilt hour uf li'mphlegs. We al44 . . I I ,. ) ' . , 1: "�� � I -, � L 1 #04 la-latfio obligbi,1011 tit thp bl-ave prokid that t'liks Kill$([ f&141 alld hiNts-afric The increase In the Furniture Exports trade of Canada during the last four years The sales of the above 17 factories for the two yeare and seven months ending Sist �, ! �:, , mclillailc me.4 wb4), like (star heroes bere, "okkiltv tol' I'll""M wil-i ropreafew.ed eat I will be ma from the Wowing figuares: . July. 1900, were As follows: . BARGAINS IN ,i�;,� ,:, . �w . Without to tighi for tile F.1111111y, ( the Insist, alptiol 1-4 are primal of wilt, . � � ,� ,,�, '6r , � (11, I't, I Vill . a I r I :'� - , , t�% �'iad 01�de fit page I it our 11 jail oly Pt es'ell t At I ve-. We rej,ilce I blu, ov a. Tote salue of FUrniture exported in the year 1896 .......... Ill 75,447 For the yw ending Slat �ecembdr, 1898 ....... I ........... $1,082,023 � . I , � e ''I 1. !� � � L� L 0 'clI' last as 11jillf as tile name oul'agi,0148 and heroic f1hatids alvW1111 Told Value of Furniture "rted in the year 1897 .......... 115,863 Far th r ending Slat December, 1899 ........ �, 1, L 'L ,�­ 1.11 , 1k,40ontry Itself. in expro.ssjj,,r In, oftee anore, IllAt they I-Seap"t ill, 1,188,102 1 * -- 11 1. I "L , � , I I 1 8001% At the flaro return of Pt of thedansrerinnal the perils of , Total Value of FUnitlize explarted in the year 1898 .......... 242,177 Far th: month ding 31st July, 1900 ...... * * * $*763,720 1 L I I I . � , 1, L `.:., '. I Lt I 0101, whorn lie I , 10 ightftil carnival ,it blaught _-. ­* . i ,, . I L �nd known fillice 1111"I'Ll"11111. Told Nr,l,, of Furniture exported in the year M99 ........... 35i,479 Being at the rea"tio per annum of ......... LADIES' FUR CAPES, ! I L 1. 1, I � ," L., 1 400d, he repeated whe,t Ile h find that Ubey have beeti nerralitted to I ........ I ....... 1,309,2U , L I ­ , I _', L I 4 tl�v o0oll,910 '14 t1liftli'll, to (.njql It i's hals-, for vitany Thebustruessfuntilable acquired comparlse Somali ofthea oldest andmos I t, ,� " � ­ � ".," 'I . .. , 0 of the rec it 11 -r, It t important In the'trade, and the factories am sift&W . � la " '�L'��­t,�"j� ":�:, � I , 0 flu 00 vearm 10 cral"t bMt localities for raw material, labor and ship In li 'A t BARGAINS IN il ­ I I I It Hurall Old L If I 110 "(1)",,fif and quiet of the p�&y They are equigised with the latest plant and machinery, and am capable - - . - , L `,��`: �."�­�".' �. �! , 14 oku, list In A lettA-1- Written yt'll their hoities. But fill w I oil,. hrave of STassatly Increased production with Small additional, ou I and many ar am have sa*mJ1W or their -own, which ,w1U Decome the 01 � -' - "' ,.; �,�,I, , : ' t I 0 a * '' �,,.,�." L'- Lsdidnot.roialaIrn. Weehoor, 3iaM96rtycf1MccWmV&UY, ThOCORnpanYwillthusbein POSitiOu I '.�'.,.' �� ,!,_",�, . % i4ir I I realtoill nusbatte ,_ ,�r ­­­,.�­ 114 f,(,1,1,aP1,p,1!r."V', , to CArrY 011, Its OPOrflitiOn r a In tile most profitable 111111inner. - ' I '' I 1.,�­_,�X­.­­j' 10,01. it ealdil"t,ol'ifall, I 111g: wl"Rovi'voliv for tile despad, . at i , �","­,'�:L'. y , _�,:,LL'. �.: U -t , e er t, There it." lisfilly vaeAtit vilitire, in i PROFITS. � , L �:?,�.� 1fL'4"­L'j'L ��:L?".-��,�,�",���4�", ­ ­­ Was not . ,.,�. -.1 � , . 4 I I !, .1 .11 I I at ollowe tlanadlim hon, .. ; I :,,� �. �,,,.,I,K,.,; . ,� , "I L , � �*, `,,,-."'�,_,,�!, " 0 tile it -tit) IT eq tills dar, Chair", that ' I , ;, �; � � �,, lj'� !�L � , ra It *74111 le I tile kind all liever tilore be filled. Those� who The aamosin of %be 17 Purnflaurs Mauldacturing bushiesses as enumerated above have been examilted by Memm Jenkins & Hardy, Public Accountants, troroulacca, and LAD I E831 FUR COATS, I ; , '�;'-,�,� , 1, - , allbe fillipowin b a OW of their outificate: . , � .­ Ila -41. Is greatet i�_`t,71_� 1-.1 14111 14' ocetipled thern Ili flaya that cu'll-jokilap I . I .:', _�­'-",,;, , :6 IWI 11 Ivell it Inall ([,fit) sleep 11, oil.earliless F.111111 L" , . ii " I ." ­ , ".. 6 tier. flobever I I Toronto, November Ist, IN& . 00"9000mmo .�­ ­­,I�,, I , ti,nd forevermore. 1) We blm�Y Q"fy thall we have examined the books and accounta of the 17 businesses not forth In the foreping Schedule, to arrive at the profit for the t" yam slacial L 1 L ,.L;�',��,",,, 'It L ' .;�_ , .�­,,k �_ , 'O 1 IIVID t 0 lip I ovid eneath klita. sky of , .' ", , , ,� � 4 L il�,,.,i�::,,,�,'��,.r�,�,,,,��K i 111-14 '01tizens. Arad Africa. heettlo-4s or t ficalfacan moicatba cloading 316 Jtd I . "'�` ' " ,. PA It 0 aticituipli. ­ lil_� 4 Is ont-ar -'s lirdra tire 01. . ., � , fle lot _ _y IUL 1,�114�1 Mae flop I a rotrent, 11111,101A)bdetticern. As the Stocks of the businesses had been taken and the books closed at ym I �', ,;, "!_ the 6 e ,t let ying dateli, to is Impossible to show from the Accounts the actual sep"Alle prollis for do �4".,,:-'',­� �,,�fio , ,� ;,,: "�' '� , It years candin ,�!:',",""�:"�'L"",�',�L'�,-'�4"'�"p� . & 411416 lit) Illat"I 9 tile '"ed Ones left Isellitid, who _ C Slab Dqociazabor, 1898, 31st December, 1899, or for the period ondirair 31st July, 1900. , ;, 'L" �L "I � L;, ' "��.'��'Ll V . -0 11 0 & 0 1 tt 0 1 . � ." �rr ", ds 'Ave heera wat`111119 w:Ih lifititteinble We W that the aggrepts profits of the businests6s for the above-mentioned period atticautold to 111517,M-13,,which, after making certain necessary adjmFimmio ated JAS. ROBINSON I I �'!�;,�'�`�_r�L le ve eillot'lorl rut- the 1118140 (if tile ou"Illet, '� . �'!���;,�'�" . roicaxpoll oil . . ,.,,.L 1_,.�,:.-',",� " L � , � � nti Cbsq*EOXPMMGfmwugtnsukOxftptingman&pra'"IaAe,% we apportion scifollows: . . �, � , -J ", � -, I c,�­',�,�,,,�,, I wit, 0,atc r, a a oicm- on,"Waiting fair tile afflairad of 1, . - " . . . W , I.... .. �- , 11, .., ' lee I ­ - � i 1, ,,, �. ,1 .,r L I 0 1. forever atilled In death; tiolki, Livia Wor the yew ending Slat December, 1898 ..................................................... - _ I -� I_. "" L ca lot tile , *144,"O.48 �� ��,-, ,�:�� ,7,,� MK,�O'L I . ', r __ ........ 1-t 111",�­.,�­'�' � llftld that CIA811 of ilrettfat and (lie taugle,s mi,irl For the year ending $lot December, 1899 ......................................... ..... L ..... ­' 280,70&18 - " t L �: , 11. ­ 11 . ., I - - '. 1, 1_40 -11, I A_ � ' �. 11, ,­ ,, " b" ;_ D(% to t0f(We nurthing �!. � L . . .", ".1, 1 I it" 1. � 1 , 0 .00 . t . �4 1 - �11 41 �� 0111 " I I. 9tt yng tot, i le ta'! tu'llitit avid dileadhil suffering I I ! af 11: , grig 31st July. 1900 ................................. .... ... . . M 0 � lit, htl.d not h.td blumt, and hiditrepen to tile I . 111corselven months an& . . . . ...... siij:iii.6 � ,. I � I Vc 'L Y-1*1 ,,,ad Being at the MU per cannum of .................................................................... 244,8ft82 � , "I I I I L -1 I - 11, . ', � ,,,, It I �,�, ,��"_. 1�:, � rvAq 0 ti I , - .1� "I. "Os rae'11101Y pleased to 4 V that ttlairk tile patst4ing (I Lit' . ABDUT . 1% . I ,, ce, and repairs of Plant and Machinery has been chi ol as an expense of the business, find provision has liese UWAU . I I _ 1. � I ' ' ,."�L , .... ,."�L " , -'� -L� 'L ",7,� ,,, r 'L - 01114 W tWtXlI0Wqd to ,add lit% unit thtougli tit(. vilileys fit 1 hat. money has not been isliarglid. "Turs- faithfully, I JENKINS & HARDY. THOUGH OLD IN BRITAIN .1, � I.', I., htt)"1111 They art) ,At pejeci. I h wd*bg all thect profillas the cost of rapilinten SOMPETHING NEW IN CANADA . - "` Ir '' .�,..:, Un tile , - it, If to GSPC*oiagm. blab lhatariscall on Capital and borrowed sal ,��:'L� I � 0'1�"O% P*Ions t'o thoge Of those 'If fill' dieltdrit. I.Ajjjj� Onnuillaritt ot alfre, pill , 11 '11�'.. I "" ,!i.�:,:�� 4, ' ", I , statement that the proflits of t7jo last thrie "yetwas haVe been progressive; 0 0 t I 11'' ­, _, W .Vkj*8ffj _ th am un �1'1 "' � i� -�:-­od 411thaakelftlitle asseirailly. t pronell, MIRIM41. UGOISM , �, LA I I ,_, . ko��* Places Atli] 'rifed", the Acclountants' , I 1':_ fiajA, " , L IL -Tile oceaslo, I . I I 17 t6 M the 7 DW cent, dividend on the $1,800,9W Prieferduces Stock no'w ifssued,�btiilng $91,000. Is (0 �� I " , "at n , 11 . 0110 I , �:;"r �" I I _1 "OU"11 S lit nly of joy lit I fall Irlsih and Scotch ujjjjjjij,,jj..4_n��T. I , . ;.'1-1 I�: W- 4 11 not play ofmadhalls of tbo Iskil; tvro y"rel morip than doubly secured, "d leaves an ample surplus for providing for the it so -E the basis of the profits s"Delicious", Snelling3 , " ,7,." )mo of tile III%%v*I first atad always All Is- calilaidinicat dMid OIL the Caiiiilimon Stock . 9 rve Fund and paying the divi. I " ,�, " , ', -��', L �' ojr�;,� A -, -tuqt the onsittaullit, of � � ­'­ . r q - WA(r had rutured .. fit D to isaftlaiaud that the above Profits -Will. be con"timbly. litureffsed as the WITH , , 1:11.�"L,l . 1' it forniblablo it 'a" ,� " ' �:�".� "'L�'� " , � - 4. �ii 0 111pire, 'i"It, Of Titer fought as noroes jlghh * . . . , ..... . � ��, Lr � " -;_ . ARiWouh t I'd intrepid toe tarigother r0lifuli"Ifithf1a 411=1119116mictiOn of t&e buslineffew TEA , ,� `�,,;'�:�,,, �,*Ief�10146"ihOlilghtlls"Welh as bring. Were Ili ADvANTA098;.0F AMALOAMATi6N. ill � HOPS 1, � I ., ,,, � I 11 conimalass iaA life. jkja,th, I #'v "I I,,, - ­ 11"1600-11AW11ift the collerete the fact tfself . I . ! i�, '. LL ""', �%1:111 , ,W r - , , " ' 'L , I 0 al, Worl - I *1 6* advatitago to be gained by this consolidation of int"is %be followin may I . . I'-,., . , �i, " ; , , :, rotild not Begin . .1 L�. �L, '. ,W . AIA wtiAlod, fat's th011i, Tlliap died C be allied % .1� I I I '�, L" W" � " d.dide tW side varcha" or iumb" and goo& in bzM t1mmUtAss and 03il better ta,=& 11. 11141, . W paree toizether. They were it I SAL T" I . I .! " � � '.�! ­_.# t*11 *000% IV 0 'I'll I. at in tile flause deep pit, I . ,�,.� , _ WA � t ftj)jjjL jkV , lit delt-ra a[ ill 'a flais,avem of 21111IL AVOR"06 of untio-coax" . . , , - . I '' � _L,l , , _t ,. folinliler fare no -stt - It in oost of dlliiittibifflon. I , I I L, 'It tit ., ;. , � * 1* w hul ,7 compoution, . kn r 7 4welits atists Into life " L �,:, ;",W,Prs,,fco1 it, L I - 11 1. , p� 11 b that the ,jesailtras were idikRWAV Th% St. Their I the 331MAIIIAtUralis ot VWU � fl-tina then- Intertringled, Tv T n Mas "In V IM40049INX I N ', T % . . , , -.."44.11. 1410it"Wacialu I ti a lnnpr fair 14 mkiwMili w fovaqht , different Jcjn of ftValitum 062 ,44 which 1131111,111M tba* IngWald allat each factory 1mving Itio, msnUWtV" I ".. 11 I L -L '4440,xvis sti I - , I ­ �Ow,'*04, . do I "11ftitUndertakes ape" Unea I ' L I f rl,Tfsile-, Th" cited - StLD6 . HALF 11, . . , " 01. W.0moh7w, nets t' that, Britalan mig It Isv,j% *eheit linjoll . I I lillillopniscat or WqXkft trade, I' I . - 1, , . I ft,tL fli 'W" $shed I HALF � - I . I I I k,;,jL ', � . I , . " a UIOUICIA OUR. frI"a I I if . I :1 ' �, . Al-,ftlL ' ., �, , � I I , r, , V4419111; us saveral ,,,,, I 'L . � � 1. W, . V _ b`4 t -IIIA timo fin th, saintl 'tot- all , The Board of Dimtors Include *,he ropresentativels of ' -L , � ��. ��. O!" L )* In t lie gravN latitv %%..a Dc.t hope sign I_ INANACKMENT. ., ­ , it 111111ted 0AIlarill. somot afthis piincipal bildriesses aloquired. and' POUND . .:'. Wi.. I .", labblonstratin We dapopoil itisalso intended to retain t.he servio" of I I I IVA I - POUND :�� , 'Or LUL% various factories will be in the hands of experjactueed 11 . �,�.d4, 0, tM A I'llo 01I I 101P lotI11114 this laurol wreath 0, � nab of the old manspess so that the management of the company and the amperinteudimicale 61 the '.: I I L . '�,�LpDt O'� Oil -V"10 love, Again I that)k Voli. Me. Mayo. , UM � i'. I - .. �� � ;. , im sholulvint, who have been stoowfully idinitifirA with the faruiture ftade tor mmi years, I s I . PACKAGES - I I :L . � I . wafptrv,,67;��,,_, Ir , 0101141i Of t (or affilrallue file tile opportunity �i PACKACES 11.� 11 W.,."I"',1. I—.. I Lj . � . � � P, j , % 1AIIA". When Of" table I I I �, "I � .P., I ­ u . , 4 sin"'ll "lls"'i'laithIg DIT8011 with thiq n . �, � I Z dpalovistrittioll. for perlibiLtAlig 11 . '� ,� a fid I . �t ek 600til ifuld joira Ill tivai-lersialhiR our oluzoall Rol 'e to I STOCKS. � I I 11 I I I ... . I I ­ L . . ��t , Is insoles' fallecia Win actimahk a suse of Qvw 0*060 foat ill* PWOUM 61 66 111111011cill � 00 .. . , 1 sLiftik � , , 10'., � 4, 040 After P I :�Otvtlon tile allers. Vsuacdj�srjr Qo .2 1 1P I Irpt for On valclaiiiii bas ­ i . I � t"'IS�' L itil who vilipirlidelilliptodiltv,bt', **I -14-UTAO to be lashn over by tiass QwApNWS* licaccies' :, I 04, *0 Ad' I _WWd I - 20c. ; .1. 4 01h .of ON", hertrate r4tradnet. lay I heir jealtApals- t4011 "it �§&:Msftl J;rpom of as co : .. , � 11,41 %lid - . .1-1 . . ,­�. � I LL Milk III ia. or . Watch. ThoWdoe to be pdd by 1,110% paty tot Ili* above-eq=6112 bitslesecaspas has belacto fted . call iljL,"k_qj$j I . I �. . Z � 'land 00111"linaketa Alhkv�*, twor tho Interests to - 1610 at to M3.47.2 Ill qath, $04000 in I I 11 , V16 Out, .11 I L. 'A j i L Officials I �Zbo ftif*4 four 11411111, *44V 1 — . � � . 1. � I ; j, 4 us thell. entre. bralve, alleatoarv, mlilait-ted 4 661 - jWdoetAmoristanch'"AWINDAta 60 lat . ­ —_ I ,� latowlit, . W"M pl: Ili %III W #A 01i 13104"gespan *8 vow4in-#Aok% - , %aliva, thitt I A till tile assital ,26jgft� k,akfottkeM.,6fre&.W,1 "" i pr:spshy. TbAOaAs*y*iI clitue cits ' it I . salesty . . ��, ' � - _414'"Of i t0bld fit" , tlkb from tilk,al. W 11111011 . . ,: , , , * . . I � I . .1 .j, I � .1 1! pla .. Z%t&, ,(%,)Car that � 111101W � , :: I I � bl' ,- rill till hKato - *401114b Wrala bit Ai , twlisairt Ititho"ticollspom : ,- L �_ . I ,.: '�' 140 &till Power , I *16 fte ls I ' sou"ficticallikiptic for *hleu Is ! 44W Iiii . I I I I , . Mod I -sille.re.ly hop ,fiv I . _ 001111ifflafth UVILItA If$ PlIt"hig tillis whole 61 the ahkr6b 61 11hill OftPksy, "d I I I I ; . , a , 640 10i4to try I live for many ve 11114v W =A41116111111 M liatillitlet, the - . , - nisliffil000d,paroliciiiii,latloo. I . I I I �� ; FIC',)�*`4,0, ( It, . ta., 01 4 tiler . C4141ife, . � . . _ .60 iliva. (o Qtlj,lv -t..." flat 111614611 . ,� ,v, ,:�, %, 11 L , 0" 1110 awtivet 11.11d Pqt0ejjj, - . ": j.40 't'%'b, :1,1 L '" O&�'d"o h' I I itiess apro" ?4 to O" i4d it itinii thliallit at ticay 111twitasto 6*fw latualuesseas of willstow . I I I .1 � I I'll, . ,.. '.ft*W-'*,*bA,tVt `1and liefire .1 tillfiase aunt n ., %F'V"� = , lit 11,1111, tuft" , I k6nt Iddla L , �­ � I �� L ',jkd'q(;,*. s � . I I I I , � 1 ;4* L14A. - 0 11 ! .... I , !Rlkl( r"ill ')it of "Air It ,,d In agreen niti'llip 01*v, to Ise '.t -13 I I 10111111#4 4111 ill* to"' lit. , '4_,.,, �. 't whisni Their lot ansfav Jill L, � t�,-! " I'll . _ * k 'Wok � - 0-haaft = It lik"doill, obtue 114t 'a (JIM046104 44 that illiat6a of -ill, cftrAlacy b'diho Ubb=d. T06fitai Ski& Sir "op Pkker I . . , , PI .. L I . , #.V% Alifl �0, h4tj itt at, I. I . rat . ­ . I , � 11 ,:: ': i4! ft 140 (it tha 1*11tift-tion thavit I It A Ji* ell0f (A nv To& Pkkor . � � L .4 � .- ... � e find honombi I 1, - )to I . .. 11 � 1, .IV Tkove, fail hftgll;. raftItt & 4111lik � e& - Ii have toutaid it gv,slaaip, . ,. InA � ,:�� , , A*` 1.6t 'A's 14 gf6w . cr Arged the litaiglategii, Tft" 00, _- . bakilyt.olliamlo , , . I . .1� , L f* L4k ' ftilloto wair. 0, it 11011l 4*;aliolcofiii:ftiW*W .:, ., ''I IN ,k" tile tuost Meru i1FAi - 1 ,". . L . � I ., L . . 0 �, 'L 4� " 1, , � � � 0 ft 1. A*,y t fulat coal e lin. j � 10, .004 that histead 0 *OR 11111411, arial ItAve I ,L nave Written $11~11 Went Maud Hopp" Tea..' �'. � I . L I q*=-'X4tW a *6 soot d it he"r UA' .604 in faidele" icatical" . __ L _, � I., . . L I " L, L, k - -, . -*" ... ; � I � . , q', . W6 Ilisnu the licats"or t of their cotint.1 Y', . , . � "I . 1. Itc, , " I al lwwliip�= & 00. - F 'L , . Ip - L�� * I liii4m ougli, (6 " I , . A* othel ft Sys 00 AII& I -r.. � I I I ... . - Act safe tg Intarodaselittjoitto Candola. -iaj att'llingis', ipiat cant 111141taid of lEnglis . ". ..,.-""L�01.1:1 , I L ,& F � I �', I . 10, 164634 ' - "' ' L ,­ ' I � , . I � L 1001. ""elfur"t 69PAb! Tal'14' "pe faid'at testace tally sallialit f In YOU ft small cal,ki ,,4 If L � . � . I - r E I* b jok 1"'WhIalondlyehoei 2U 1301164011* U41 *01 be " at 10 4L m eg ToW4, Ift parsAftior, , , rg I . ". : Vf*4jftjj$.`L jiftjil t,jjQ a .11 lb, letG IT . ­ . ,L� M; WU f"..I., � R dd6(. 0 190% Aga WO 4oliall 8 " it or baom 4 ' ThU1646* 1.1 sp&.AhT4%cfhj*asjP, JWU qrr. jefolika it, f L 1� - --tto , , 14 tesullan"i to the TO"* "I ,iiiiI, " 104 . I , 1 I I " I , � - f�%W siAt ih " , . I . I I jMtb6n;f*6#,*qbkV6*,4uV tits not A$6ue.#Q*b4mL,0m III TO 13 M114VII1,4% . �!,f� �,:� . ' , tLlctt. in *Ik<0 . 11.01"Afil ,. I 13 ic Iiiialif 11 frflicia 1% Chi - to pipap" . . I . I '. . .­ L . 11 .1 I ... � "'. i � 11, v6pul'a 0646 to %till* fr Ind litiesof p4e. ()III . calat. , 'ok� a latch floor tie Ills, , . wtt .Aft . 4. L . I 6 ,�**lia , . I � , '', 11 . I I ­ 'I " Rills =V1 t A�i W k4talw" 60044A, wit , ; 'i"'s paiii - IftlAtictly roum - �,.: _,��11. I *#% b#V %=L *a", " %twu 4110 1, kiloAl rim * %lift", - &in Ill .*Wth � �, �� ­`***sakohs,� '40-4 ,*'V1!LLj" 'St'611 a V 116 awd ju 1*1 **4 . " I . I "Wed. 044 OrWe . 0 00"d"M one at tilt, - *A**-* bAlb"'11111" ­ . At4h Thou" � akt"*JIIL't4t ' " - -069 *46Y."A , _.11 ", . "t to tedoo aIlt?"biwi 1111:# , !,I I" Ot TOM 116P TMA Co., Llredoollad �',',,;�. I � _'Nicerit" f" ,I "" t,vlir .., ,,, t b4i does 111100111 labo%W61% ,: L . "ied 4900 z*,&qz9fh . " W001111 " h4d " ".-1"... ---11 ��L.,��.�-..�l,"�.,--��",.�'I'll� - ­­­­ . . .. '' , 01 Wei Adwbtl& 4%, A160t -or P& I —_ - - I ­ A06�JJQ � i I I A I 1,� - ,,,, -, I .11. L L I " I .. FABItHEAP. . ,� �,_. ' .� , a f" I sed L L -­ . �!t� - �, -_ � I L . LL . L,;',. ­ . .. L ...... 11- ­ I I , _" � , � I I '"tdillitat* 1­#��q�� I . , A. WADDIOLL 4 00. � k 1 4 -1 .�, - I � -, I 1, ,. �.L I .11 . ..... I ''I I 11 o ­_ -_ . .. I , "11tou)(lic rob tfiat I '� 11 In, I I i � I , , *y, tioutilil imil 14MI01 11 ao, fatilt"T lit. la� -rompt-ro. 11 _j� ' L W0,14 AU& 01*kk Welt 0 hl - W tie I 'y 01dr )11 Ill; 1 1. L I . - . ­_:� � ., I hop y 07" I ­', 01 I ,.,- .; , I . LONDON, ENO I ". ,�'L i L � If= '"t 10 r, ("I'll, lea tro%*,,� yNy. unleied 411 An *x4mtkill ") U I've 0610%,*kii�a",It%6,w�s4ritts", I . 0 tl z 11p)�,*' t ..P U N 0 �, 1121U&IM `011k* "Ot 111�61irl V., alku"'gle 1.10 044 wit,431ft m. 'ara L I , � .*Ill,: , . . _61 121116110. ,. I I . . ; L, �'.j I �t"L ;V" 44, , Ptlob*, �- . . %"Ito oldt to milk a" 1*6 46*A,0rp0,4bIAI I It'dimilieth, � 4d"Ost Ot I k 4% . I I$ i4lik . Ii#*4 - *40. � I , aAt j*t'#64sjjft . I , 4iitlit Ill rals. 14K1 36, Th . It 7,60 ­0th , 0 *� at `006 -61 L, 1. , And . �� Atli L, 841,0# .. , , L I . I I "'14*4 *t P 14 Oft 14 . ,W Ure urn ja too" q *0040 WOO& riAnia ""!� . . � "61, illt Me" J . ft *0 I of .. I 11 , Tho. Wu,e tafllladki , I ­ I­11","114*1 , w,4%t4cgxed Afid I I 11% 149 to* Ito � I �Qjvj �, : tg V, h, i b 0 Is 0 I na t 4 *"" - Up'by & CO., Gtocerss, The Square ­ � W :.r "ilijo jkjj ' I ----- I ,10-ftill 1* *11ti : I 'I 4111"1111,16 A* W .= . tabit , lhbuldo. Kra "ud,40th'i , 01=heft *111 fdtiA* Wfu "�4-­-­ . W I'M :� , op'"t. ithe 'I . .. , . ... � Keep t I �b L.A.,, F1, 11VIIINN I ­ . .pslis bbeek I . . 1, , I V 91140th*t, ' t 'A -q Am __­_ ­ I Wit uo W61nia,L W"' 6' Nfok"of''.jr 4 "'i I o,'eor&n, jLkW-tjjlicojjoj�0 .,,.,�,,flll,,�_ ­1­1­1!111!� . .. . ftotw-yl, *1I1i,jwy6qk* . . . . . ­ 1. � :1 , ,. A4. 1 1 ------- .... ,04*44W Illits lookA I t%jjftjL "lly 11 lfpffjg�iro COVE All .4 46dOi . ":X, 0 , 16 by ,14 no , Ift $01�ltjff *,Otj� OT CiAtf& t,bfh*fIj)kWftt§' _ &064, h#*jist i*!­�!t!!'#!! ... !'!'!�_-".�",L,!M!!!5!2!!Mt!.�� . '1� Of , kh?� MA* Whaif k hd " tf 04 " "it I I , Id, _ $1 *6 ftt*t , 10 � 'A * . "Oft* fat _tkcp� 12 I 1 .4 ,k III 1, L L - L, I . . I ,l = --1 ­ In I . .L .. .'Iftfilltij J" I , I 7 A"th 96. AtWV0WVA0' Alid *6- ' .. I k %�;'j �' I hilicIft A06K . I . ,. .. 1. I I , . L . _ _ 1� ,,_-, , jj� , . . I I �) .- , I totoll" L 'Ttio, � I I I b4tMt , . 1111101114 *00 tyZig camelft" -00, , 0 ­ , 7 - , '. �11 ,� . 0ef*=V#"64tf_­.,, � 0 _ _­ fele owdes Whif, , 10d,08ii, 103014 1101k eM , it, �;qftl" .. , Alw0m, 1111,14 IN I L ­­ - lot. 11 I I - ,-, I . O"r,o, IS , ., � - , ,,, �� I I . i-4 =;Q*40MIAMA'A rtfown Lit# = , 'L � I 0 ftft$' wfugh"li , " d"Will 1hol , Ise Mb1iW%ft%%1d,hW9a­ tatilli Wfto"NW0 -6 r h _41t, OXW.4ftotiolulali -'OhIv .,X 00 tift -t, If if � Lt. l, � "AM at ', so - O." 6111,2T., 1% a oi� I- _.- - I b At 104 L OUT". III* 04011101041 I . ,ftllj W L � Wjluif�F R�Wasa"Q *M" IC.r "' uft6t, A111W' 'Q6tA;=:,.'A,r., �;Wtkl 11416pliall"OhM z4o, - .1 I L � I I wicaw XT0 01111fu 0-I I"- - 0-- &­­ � �L it I �4111 1� . , i . I . a 11110000,4y, it 'h'o . 17,111pe ntt I I - '11110111"d egQ to ,-W..4* I� F%*404110t tit Wl '.1$c . "I - � .1 I rMIL or 111111110111 'I , � -,(76fIn" j6f, 1,$"" 11, 110111440. OW4 Li. I � , _ ,, It L yo)t . 1;q , � I [as I grM610thos "I .W , bw, � � . �WO'*,j#. ' ,L I 11 , -4004 14" t%tj� 1"M Ith, 1011,40 I =04 f ,Z640' * � . LL 4 . . L ' - �` �� I ,. LW& I ______*____­`* I . " -f*Wjj�k'Z..�$A4*'*o& *ps'"%*#Aeal% WiWas *"., 6fal L 'W­fiAl L .� , 46111d ft ;;_-a_ , JJOU . u I- Re U" 36 OtAt I , 't 0 SON. "do 0, , 01ONa , � I P . , _ Aft4wo l r _ L, I M �414 bow__0 t 1. : 1. - . L _ , t* ***a 'thw M"y " eve fs"'A 40*4 - (a , � 1, . A , , 'L ; " I _ , ,,:' , 1. 41 U 1W 1, 1. ot'm . I 1 L L, , "Iftm,lM"v��AWKUUWuntt6 ___ ova P Wital . . , �I, � 1 6ft 4; � - . t , , . � ..%­*l,�� , I .�� M j we .?,) I 09 1; . -11-1 1i I . , I I I I . - = "ardma%p is, W44t. Inas- . I I ! ,. r�.=,=24110,8%%11414*11aph'� be,, we -A WtjjjjjiR�-f,,hxtb e , , , I Ilk 1104 VAMO - , � *04 ok "*I- 411, -W I W -1a ", . , 14" bil"'" I . , 'A ifell , cii := a oft 14 tw f6wo 4 " * - hViii W. 1. no woo , L I � I , '.. �& 10 bit Wt�,LQJ _tAko " - 4WItrw 11* .0t i #Ihft 14 , . I I t A lit , i , 4 ,�, �* I ,*Ift , Im ;no" - . , am WW i i W.&;&." )l I. j L, 1. L. Y, *hr 4`11 , , I WiffeLM�PW 'OPOW4 ?, , , - 411111, A � -_ I *)a", �Micll, A Aha* R"'Ii 0 921 rot '­*"Nt;`";' "s 4 WahavierGUIP I . . -1, 4 .11 I I W 144 10 . I ­ � . I . I , a vt �A ap""Istal im,vf oft"s ta %:J�;;`lo"$� - '04 , . k . . atooftlolw � sow ` , wit,16 N It NT, _ W, W"M ItIpit a . " "i"Vo � , a."'ftl' jlblwolho� *""" . ". , -A -jW *ill I __ . I $6 Eei ' , L � M33* "11 J011*14W ':111Rej;,".*"QspIr:to1^ QL ,.AoXg .� I ww"Pralt"01N. . . ,i �4 Wo'est aseau at - - I L , tonlue6 al "W41141M ii;;;;Ilf'�' I , 46 ' _tfthltjj­ V '' V.,offilulfcaff"t _4LlIkjV W&, 'Is sold to .. 1. , At "'aleas � " I. 64 A j �,L' � _ *' jj'#* R 01"M sot"71011,04 111t, 7 'emowi%� Ingreaftel .. M " I *1 lt� . , ),"" L 6 - - � ; , 'i.IW , ,, _ �' � , . I I I -Z . L - , . *0-4-0** -104...W�.­ I , , . wwqal* Zl"AW4*"AU4i4: . !, &MV, '*ille*400A a0w,"t K ak*ft� l''ticl Motu : L A, . . r"'illiew , ill= e j IW *11 " Weitie, ,, ,. - 411" "T . I I L I L "d �pal 01*414 1TV***1uok%0*%W 11 '* to � I I L ...'.0"44, 4-144.- L =I I I � , Rovoawr"48 .L ;ww . L I r � L' ' �� � 1. - . 1, - Appa_­j_ ­�_, ­ ' flat ii I -L'' M.4 """I'larquQuitli , , ,� 1 0 , : WIFIFIN . . I g= V"wity, :.�­.,;<"O", - . I i I , . I- I I . ,t"* ­ 'M��,*::.­.:. �-*44*#Vff; ."", I . 1, ' . , I , I - . .... I 11k 46"Al 11 . I 10 to : aill" , . , 'O )(M ftiiiie I I T" r#4 I*— '' L " =!�L'"% I "I, I I 10 "IftAl It 11040 Lft "014 TI fat ,4 : . : ..... .tv,p4"�,", , . 1.�, AW110004,:b". of *ft' kkile 12-P P . , " , L' Vill " 1; W-­� -&-tom V I W Xproft 1: 111k, l7w"'Mn I a' vaitaft - " 0'" .. , '111;11'AIII.11,4l,j6lir,,.i.,.11,1,�..�...o �� , , molvii " 10--6.... . IN* I. . , 4 . I -0 W" , , "W *"A NGW.*.,�4�; ... 4- : Woope iK =12 I" - - I u I r, ^"L,hoj", MUL' ,4,,,l:.,z.,-*.,_ ... I 1�_, . , I , , 14 i '� *b0clial gaspaps, M, ll�� -WIM I if %W&A 11 L6 . le �L � =4 st , If *.-40,v4o.�o* he ramk WA �K � Jkl A'do-ii. ;;;a is 4W", : 46 %ft 4% "t"Olaft,41111-11iftbr, MY."V _14� =Fqv=� , 11" 1�w AR M_ 111014 141110ilit, - I" " 441Inpp0-40­04..*0*V '44I,'s I,4.'(0`W11,i."._ .110P I � . 161014#W "I"; _, I 00 � i nku VAA I 11011166114, I Y" I 01111110,111111110111i U* I 00k � 1 4 ., I L . " . L $1 I , . : � I issiricapa"*f, � "ftft . hilic =I WR 00tA 1, W Lia 11511c,litea, � L �L,� ­­­.' "I*, 1. .1. 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