HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-01-11, Page 1Irk .41 aIj The very. tit AA Y 11i. GO 90 NT.,, fto* -egin - ftt tbooi-b*g 10r Itar, and the Ww­ 0. 01 U01 T R4* w atA d Allamb- 11or 00 t9tw* *_09 y"r Igo;, W flllt* fwrh"A=*s*kafsav4uc. h raw a -A Intpor Qt We. suit* PO4 mamb-cr who lWyetiot 49 K. W All 113 I U946, 1111,1421141a 110004 px�"PAQW, putill'of"o SAA�tqrata� the :Aeratj�rprlss folp thair of 4% iIw b- P -it 'A -144= "I "a A0 ,Iw bt, *wv W* ox I oi -Q, sAn4 tQ Seriously ask U 4 result, t Ijr4. t"Jula _,'SSW tw; eV King tilbec, with as little &isy go pojiWAjbk. Out 'Wow I* 15; . , . A' r Ff Of sault StIt. JA �Zpla (A thk Uwt ou your filln A busitim of the magnitude of Tna oyer hith -all WAR to' U.0alikl1v , . '111 ( *11) Suit "talt" money to run it, and I'*Ito hit). bl- f4%1TI;ijt .,vo 00 profit on the papqr is so aMAll It *41; or thia enipjrq �rqut.nqliar Pumebe )ield it) tb.9 Qmill% 9 PAN X$Art that every patron should pay, and Nnrq Anitis.044P, "Ov0s,' Th* vn- on or A"u; Most race In, All J;li, itbo *1evorith of the This is a season of aleV 41t 001 " wont fflft OwIr AA Ta 0�0.CIXA P., Kai% 4 n; m, 41%yell AWOU Palo v pay promptly. twoll � f; ttler, of. sit * the year when me" people can "to af tifil 041411fifloll. WIN ta dollar or two, and we would ask you rho tolut Includ Ps' 6 t illt,14 an 01, nInding a # 0 AD ia Vttitr.tl not to pass Milli 9 ealkilt*rf Olt' 06� "'unoy 4964111; to an. ilt stiob 4. sotuve of t econstructi. Ilort e 01; !k1,* f& In# tiff.,40 a. T; jtv �1�1 - Pill - 10L 1#4*4 I piump kO patalle bvfjt.ant* r which Igoin TUR STAR in the general seraimaleq And ;ALuA# oth b coiulty grteufia�aud that otiti4v MR 0 opeoup. distribution Now, gentlemen, do H.UIR - lel" E )0 iW'01 -9i� V� tv,corumitteQ to jVho Wind at -o routes eferred o, one -our duty. It wadat. 114 joialuorwo UjqTy%U Y be; 19ritia, Yk. terday morning Of the tv Q 4, V , In A 0 ty thd Upheaval let tarling".11V �JJA -Ka PaIrl, blowdowri) tho ot pall;Osbt Midland, via Parrysound .ckatthoStak, Will be from t c)"alt-fromi Trig "BuctIP, Flour dud Little Current. to auTL The t 0 on n .44 Qr ujz,*tjVA o Pred pa, Ttap mwillplay other will aLart; far People We Nnow. rInto. Actlilklm tne 19rol The Cap Me 0 11 arall' espe N'Tll. And orms Hurgil will in tle0j;oU 1PIA11V hj� Ituila To the' pal, 1,16wi0k off1poers wfflr�, at A t, to in III be hel ta til The Oval* If Lk. a"' 0 hwh the-, o latter town south'Alveoterit end lao, IV Colin Campbell wax in alintern 6u Mond t4oTown of 0440AP I a laaftorl lay, encrouchmou a on (IfiliaM tokeilgity irqAv 4 p. oil Its way Lathe liatil will inake te Win, Pvoudfoot wait In the queen 'City yestoL, 'rho number of Vatholla naturti" taiatf," to_dOrlo, in th III Of t priasea year. -P M;- fly A t on, for OAS: T49 artneautyl thq;�Iaeat In4lkot noted On, this rrld�%v evening. - daClerk. Virlt, Orp, P4oaaiqr0�, tIpA fir, plabn trolt, Vort Huron. Goderich. Kincar vertakilledeluillig th. Wt"00041% If a., 199% Week rq$UIW 14 a rigoot Pull Tlkq b;f estituat Q R Ana" WO414, Delta at ]Co. C011110644v; varetv ry. Mr% TRA 4 MILL ENDO11486. T 8 j d )key PtKyQr§ Of the Horton' (11310. SOUtblitupton, Ovilen Sound, Oot- wU Mooers. of Kingston. was in town this ed at about, 0�0 locrk C11411011go ally other ue� Nall-ril. large vo;e piallet'! Am' the by-law t�) b?"clk"014 town ko a.gaine. dety"d. have 4)een utuch IATr bu� IV RX U URAX, sit r4, Wfalo'l, treasurer ir, votial. and Paety 8out-d Points Of r8 T 49 0 141T dror , be latter ro [d be far t4o A Bastall was to town for it tow held oil the to olAlto woul t '006T pilae meatingx aro an. wee funny nestauces the Wednesday of eavli mouth, anif ntifutgert that the 1 CAI" aratitto are lirgatIcAUY At task wild'it'l; rgplutt. tax exetaptl6re the hi' xiiiallf. Do entries for t, to 'Ar' and would I -ring the ateat J. nuclear and mother q0tud stria tford over Of Vendeptitorb With erole coureagft, The snumaIr Weetlor Ir a, At through the kincluvan (if tiberlif its and; the 41100811 C-oming' PA,utitry 144hibiLion mumb 'On alit uch with the (jr4nd IIpqortl., jiLmat ft,- Very nade on, or before January 20th. And Ottawa, Arm ric Ott B6ef catl,16 Just bold their own) altbarlugh nolds theso Spostings will Ij rn I "If C Allso Duffus left last week for her burns at Not hold at the own Ha ji, 009 odates. ie h4a menti, of thw-pro Trunk. P, day, January, 16, At I D!OOOIC a es ftom tIAe Lod an.. for racZlving Own holes bat4here And shipping might bring a the grand jury of the.Uoizit gratify'lilg Ilq Mr. MA04W. 09 twor- A. Ngner has been appolutild 1(e a ry ound railways. Thatualivalo. prior. and oftlevre and trauW(Ing, %ystenerall bdsit* notch above quotations. House. Woller, and those"wbo orp 9pogao aeutatrwe to Grand Council. for O. It Is not yet decided whether on A M -turned Isat week to her horav Inverness Clamp, S. 0. Aiarges�.tandan:cioofrr000%Wj*iii$pft ly Ito C. S.. will U)"t so. Rules. 4ressodAnd on isha-f9ot. leave nuide a with h ;it. It tuuA be said' that audJoseph Baca alternate "eP- reaching Sault Ste, Marie the 06w this Frulav evening. 41 large, attiod- queate& 1f.T0*h1aV0AQ*. W BrIAT BUILI)ING,-Tble Is an industry I Dutruit, is spending a oia `oA,q.i ,I, decided juuiV. the fatter rl5baic a fall cent due- stated to loproattl with the of,111cast resentative. stentuerte will continue their journal 1%.0 anco is desired, Datiolls, to ever to M. us Al tmh M&W or, log the week. thatliallbeen with as for fifty yeare.b4t fixtroleate; Ito. - entedor, ARAI there Is no �Ladles are requested to remove or transfer their pase landfielgla A �g 'r . Win. Los bam returned from �Aau visit to There was it large gatilkerlIng Of Roy on to doubO that the new Induletary their lt��tis at the hiji to all the intended for Port falituds In NewcoAtio. OaL (it AlTh Motions at the tip A:' at meeting (CORIAXOTED'VP TO NOQN 00 THUZ11DAT.) of which little to board. and from thita reas' and Intel- a. 2, W_ mXTQ a A'Wfe Fall willDt. otandard ............ Ik 9 as to 10 if, cjosQ ot navigation until spring al t 4911L to this town, way the Sty,Attford Herald handles this mediate points to other steamships Win. ilowett, of KjocavdiraQ. was A will In the In Masonic Hall oil Tuesday evenin of Goperich. JenAMED1 nh We be a v think t ta ratepayeta have acted ging heat. t8tandard) 002to D03 vear doruali that,peri' troubles6me question. Qwned bv the Clergue interests, County toowu oil Tuoadlw. last week. to meet 1). Supt. Mcultu. I a od. It has floul� wsely In their appvvial; ited Mr. hie. Hockey socrusa to be of NtrAttOrd. oil hill Official visit to the NN�AL I tour, par 100 the., Patent. 2 35 to 2 W Five anagailficent steel vessels. built, Mr Malcolm MoLeau. at Ontonolixis. Mich,, 1.40. .. .-f Il Famllv ...... 2 00 to 2,13 Ishad. Although the Introduction 61 Gawlean now cfitn0ele hill arrativit- the favorite Al the now Is vlaithig him Another air Uodorrich. A 1'�Qttho West Wavratiosh per %on ............. ste'un haarAlturast, obliteta toe thalse days, as juntaIr I came lulty the Olvde, oue to form Chapter. When work was through he airmusloteditim ....... 15 no to Is. led the still- with the knowledge that the to the I�n Company will be hold ts.,por ton ......... ...... ... ....... 17 00 to 17 C it=el branch of the b fl", seen playing at all hours of the day filel.L at flr4t, send It is underqtood the ssMutual Firofuniran, , usineali, a fait of 0.04eelch have full conflalencia guest of Was rr, r, list, gL the t ouipantuns adjourned to the sup 11) the Town Hall Ali jl� uOKA-Poon, Weducailay ulp.Ke. per 5 ptirchase of those th 0 to I of steault Lugs and ine0low that his ibno-91; ex. aloFit of our streets. Mr. Win. and Atlas Waterloo left town the ZY114-0.0 11101, for 41 160 026 to 0 ute1,sela is now being ispor ruout, where I,, pleassub hour was 23rd a v of Lao le 7, Now that the cowe must he kept off ged for by F. H. olorgue, week for haox, where they will spend 1, purpose - o- recal 1, th. 016btors' ................. o so to ilso sied otearpers have hP their 'tIrs)L pactatiranalwill till ed. I he spent discussing toothootuar inor"Is reverts nod AuditoraO retiodriot Its receiFt,l ...... .......... 0 &S to 067 float In Godirich haebor, At the pares. the Streets, the Council will no doubt will) is at Preaerat in Europe, winter months. and Roval Arch Mitsonry, The Are i- and distruaroomoutit of lho,Compaity d r 139 THE (loaTIcULTuraisTs.-The annu ............ ............... AD 25 to 0 eot, tlni`� two vesselq are being built I see In It that the long gratis and noxj- The port a of call in the Saxoposed now W in. 00II&W at Beirlin.,,egas. in town this lar meeting will be field next Tue , the past year-od a-100 fait,the election of r1hroo wheat. per bushol .......... 0 O to 060 Z, ra &it regarding evilliling. ultileg At the 1110a, per 7 (to I'a 8 Marltou, 64ph of which is trained, at. meeting of Lite Goderich Hortlealitut al cult weeds tire cut all over town, atearnshipand passe or services art, week Interviewhis D. IL Directors tp A lea cutting machinery, Dist. Deputy Grand Matiter, Bro. W- ourred by Lbe t a, r. po� lb ......... being twttlLd by Me-. Rodeveare. a tame it of meas. 0 17 to one large tug. the Clucas. Is 'beluair society wits beld in County, Clark Goderich has started tire nekv Tho milmes r"aractin AR06D exAll jr Mr. 0101-gue, qtId Wadnesday a last wool; in % inisit enjoyable F. Olark installed tholtoll In f wt and Edward gargs par osen ................... 0 16 to 17 Riled to ptec�s for the purpoRe tit be- 4we'a office on Wednesday evening, contury with a little inore Vill than truffle manager tot ariagh returned sit tAa Cd an M. P. P., all kiev I Fk- Visit at the Queen city. tie r" of uron Lodge. No. tPirti- WoQ4. per cord .. ................. 3 74 to 4 00 Ft built. Of Lbe view vessela.,one W There was it ltkvge attendauce, Its a Mr. A. Mlseauu)betl, 10 11 0 16 1 to to re-olection. our export... - 3 15 to 4n nwro usual, although file Cout of I I tlar" ry . ........ 0 21 to 0 for the D,tniniou Fish Co. apd tho much Interest was manifested In thl� Crulliell. cannot take touch of the tendont, of tile steanistue courpatny� J. 0. Stuart, who blue beat) spending his boll F,. Inat Monday evening t Class. Retall. vat lb. ordt each ....... 4 I 'OR, of Thessalon. i0ttawa, 1heyarvived tuvetlt*. reLuniod to J H. D. Reed, N. U.; James t on a 'a, RoBstars, gooly. 3 W to 376 other lot- McK Be who are now it da in town wig his tiop 0 300 10 3000 The tugs will be jauclal stittement glory, Stratford on mon 7 lost. 83-2t, tubers' fees. $2041 Ottaws. and Parry Sound their Cousin, F. 84 C. . Nairn t I per owt ................... 03 twitul. their length owe receipts- hore yesterday, to see I lie Uituada At 0 M. ProudfuoN It. .1 rat, por Ita .................. 0 ALI "Your own S. 0ooper- and Mr. Dona ma attended W. F. J. a 00 to 6 SO over all being 70 feet, beant 14 feet and leirial Live grant, NUIDW grant. has many a good election canvass funeratelf Mr, W Ur Gollan. For Sale or TO �Ler� . ..... f I .......... I 00 to 7 60 $20. towl. $318. Expenditures, $311i, yarn to his credit. And there are had a very satisfactory Our old townsman Alex, Chrystal loft for 11rve'asewdeight ................ depth 7, and they�wlli be finished Iva railvvay offloialb, and it Is understood theLucknow, oil Tuesday of this woo . d %V Gundry, War.; T. McKenzif,. Con.; per 0 14 to 0 SO time to start, the spring fishing. There W the trainstner of the West nterview . 0 (Jon. Williams, 1. S. G.: J. S. P att, It. oACB MARV, V SALE -7 years 014, pjdd ry many worse people than S. S. This afternoon th on I OR long clear .................. a 10 to Oil - ?port that two or three other% ve to Montreal home, London an Monday afternoon. no S. N. G. I It. Campbell L. 8 N Qq A. hands high. bay, bluok tAll said mans'. HuronAgrioulturalsocletv. The fol. and Grand Caine 0 town 11ast week an buAdnotsh And re. J ohnston, R.S. V G - HeZe 'L. 13. V. Hides ......................... (110 to 0 QN6 18 At M Cooper. too. 0. 1785-1. 0 to 0 inxyl.)e t.itarted before January posses ],whig were elected to office for the to interview the R. ami,ked over to vote for the Big Mill tax ez, G.; W. ea Sue6pSkIns...- .... 0, d Tallow, tendered .................. a 03 p 0 it n tun her of vessels now !it year 1901: Thos. Naftel. :president. The Coutaty Council has loat a good Ta un k authoritlea. uluptioli bylaw. ultabeli, J. 11�krj� man in the pot -son of James Boat but WOLFE $T. -recently viscated by Q -e-presidetitt directo Miss 'it oil, now of WaLford. attar sponift DESIRABLE n(OOLLING TO RENT ON Chickens per pair ......... 0. so to 0 40 harbor a re scheduled for revairt; during Otme. Wells. vIc 11 S. S.; It. R. Sallows. Cheap. Finance lenDucks per pair ................. ::,.. 0 40 to 0 60 it is satisfactory to know thlit, he hits no 11 01 dayo with hot quot, Mm J. Collitnittoo -Dudley Holmes, James been replaced by such it terling C. 1. HONOR ROLL. er. the winter. The question of, ship W. Warnock, 0. Campbell. tla�l rein. xtai d P, 0 � QOr West., or to TuajuAp FRUIT AND VZOETAT91,9111. building is. a vital one for Gaiderich. Allan, Joseph Whitely, F. Buighaul. �var., returned to bar hannu an Hand. D. Johnston. sale tf. Oranges par dozen . ............ 20 to do and thera are many citizens who think A (1438PILtCh from Indiana of T., OL% water, also cistern. oharacter as Lhat "apple kinax," David Now Yonrlo .......... ... so to 40 J. W 841kold, Goo, Andrews. J. Ades 0anteloo. of Clinton. The following are the percentages Mr. Jostish Barry, of London, who Pont URNISHED Room To RENT, WISH ..... ....... 20 to So that had half the money voted to tiiat% 11-tInds, :.�! , j �'� ).F go ka 23 big elevator been gi-anted. to Marlton, Fowl r, W. J. Cox; auditor, R. U. Christmas ny with hill rather, Mr.Gs the 2nit save: -"The Home a of kitchen. on the Square, suitable Potatoes. per bush... Roynold.4; tuicv.-treas.. Win. Lane. A citizen whQ is not a cow owner, obtained by Lite pupils of tile fuLkr Bart Ave., returned to hill homono have hoen organized from the renialne Us Got ad1reas to build it ' h 'Ilug of lad at dry dock at he Ijaphoe, nor at cow advoc , Oy moderate. &to. Says t; e dot lowest divisions tit the Lee Initial ext -l- London for Now Year'b Day. of the 0hosen Friends. The officers Terms 11T.1 c- that the town wculd have made one HURON OLD Boya.-The annual the pavement by tobacco chowers, Mr. W. CArric, who solved on tho police split, inLo L%vo factious. and the Home mrs to New Advertisements. Page. geoulne lndvsU,Ial Investment. rapeting of the Hurou Old BoytilAssoc. especially in door ways. Is at worse dis- InatIons air December (am In the Yuk?,n, left Goderich fpstarday for tirionds organized vvith pew officers. r South Atclea, to star Bisdati-Po a I An It SALE, ulneodber a aconstable- sa a h a f9rin of 146 Attras, situated on the MONDAY'S VOTING. -On Monday the lation was held to Temple building in figurenient �han that, of "Oo-Ijossie.l. FORM 111. lary. tio Is a son of Ray. Mr. Oarria, a young Jrho Home Friends will artubrace the Vand concession, Colborne. About 140 Prospectus-Cangillau Purniture Cc ... 4 land should Also be regulated by by- 0. Buchanan .... 80 J,C. Mastion .... 01 man of splendid physique of good charnoto eatern division of the ordet.. In, it orpe cleared. frame,hourte. batik bain. plenty ': " 1* 5 Big Mill tax empLion by Are: r and In good dat of cultivation, I Of a Housework -World's bled. Disp ........ ,-ItLw was voted Toronto on Friday evening. President law. 14' . J. Hiterett .... 75 V. Nowton......00 and Idstruatti. Wrionds wil be vileased to wol- prospectum to be Issued t 0 d Inl=m school and two uilles tram He race. Your Physictan-l". M. Dunham ......... ... 8 on by property owners, and carried by J. S. Willison being all the chair. The A citizen sity-i "it Pure supply M. Nowton . ..... 72 E. Farrow ..... 00 come III Illelllber4 the general planprofosh t ar villa. Terms reasonable. .14CHARD BARBR, wear Heavy Shoes Now -Wm. Sharman, Jr. s Councillor John Grieve. of the towtift, of )hosan Friends Is followed. The Alo- 110 votes beyond the required number. following officers were elected for I hi of town water Is It-i4tift"I in RI'llog. pi, Grallans ...... 70 T. Johnston .... 00 McKilloll. was III Godorich Tu-)sdai mild ad- Clinton P.O., yean- Presidi�n 1. Hugh�NlacMatb, Vice I IlLyt-laosoititoinoved. Abovesixty- Stock -taking Sale at Munro's ................ 5 There are 772 votes on the list,, and it Alunitner and full. sinee the cows amst J. Morris ....... (10 F. McLean ..... 50 tow iourti with At )I Oak g,eRl -I lie kept off tl�lt! y he C, Buchanan ... (14 0. Turner Haveml friondo. A r. Orlovo owns it spland ill live Veal N toetaillei 9 civil take Only one (I.AmEs F91r, SALE --- Male and terrible, Books And School supplies-Pdrter's B Idolit, W. it. Millal t 1I bret years birds, thzo'-bred. Price an required three- tifthe of the4e (44%) t; -O dv; treasurer, Dr. W. Bloan . Ex area near and wtillo hero loft an St.re ....................... I ........... 5 meant) that the cowe will no longer be 11. Dalton ...... 67 -1: R. Miller ay App to ORNS 0. TODD. Good Reading-Kidd's Book Store .......... 4 Vote Ves, to carry.it. and there voted ectitive UoultniLte. Walter Scott, W. allowed to t.a.ke theIr daily bath nem, W. H. Doll ...... 05 B. Elliott ...... rAl order with 1ho Oo ortch Saw Mill Co. for , plication. -a III. he different lodges of the A. 0, U, 1, ghtliouso Ptreet,11oderich. InaloriAl to or and further liaprot When in Doubt -W. C. Goode ............ .. 4 for It 5755. over three-fourths of the E. Gross, T. W. Gibson, E. J. 13. Dun. the Intake crib, J. S. L. Jeckell .55 preden t modolrl.: 'Cabloldi rigs. Our friend Ima W. Aro ,low disclaiming the roposed utimberenLided to vote. There were can, T. McGillicuddy. JohrrRollertooll. l9aae Salkeld, r., sold live tho F. Edward ..... U) L. Brydges.: ... %j proRrosvIvofnrmar,and l'itic STAR 14 plonsod -ndinents to the cobstitut oil of the F AttmFOR AALE.-Lait E. balf It. on the Caugh lteuaedy�S. U. Hick ................. 5 Roane Lbirty vehicles used to brin ollt M. Parkinson, Roger Croc ough 2 it ww that late Hall of pro"perity u4 HIA11111fir later( r boundn,rrk car Nile P.O.. containing �kor. J. S. bred aninittle. for expurt to lowtIL', this G. MVDonald .... Lit L, Yeo ..... o ina.tr Your Money Saving Week -W. C. Pridham s Some of the anionduients are re.g. Wol one 4. and watered vvith two 9 on his tuber". 100 ac the vote, tend every lady on the roll. %V ilisou. D. Wiviontiller, G, Waldon, Itirling ...... (12 A. Cowan ... -y I'adical. Although Grand Master "Over inhingeroaks. two gield 60-fout barnit. Bargains for CuBh-P. T. Denials Grocery ... 5 week. The qAIIotetLe was made tip Of 3- -9 vvi driving shed, ajj� good dwelling house with 10 Everything Must Go-guilth Bras.' Cc ..... 8 able to got out, polled her vote in favor W: 0 MeTyg�.t. J. R, Lyons, Rev. J, it cow. it better, arid two heifers and J. P. Brown.....01 M. Colborne;. .50 raise rGonis; 1, a jean , wells at bartiq and one At the -P. T. Halls ....... i. 8 Of the by-law. The voting' was con- A. T�rnbul . A. Walker. R. It. 4,� POULTRY IS KING. house. good oearing orchard, 10 agree The Pleasure of Living -ly an -eIV, but, untor- Uolueds. The Executi" wile empow- one bull calf, 4[iipppd to Seaforth, Thi, rest were below 50 per cont, ( r I in the ral.als inight be expectefY, tend Special Hardware - McKenilic & Howell 8 ducted tair d squat f­: , tunatel=of the dep.ity returning eted to make, fo load Nvar, (voin examination, -oluktrie thaelegislation to I, full whorit,. 40 scroll seeded down, r an "At wherethebalanve of the cat that it was III and considerable fall plowing dabs. A to ing Quality Shoes -St. Ge-rge Price ..... Stabled. I SOMO FaCtil thereon, and What tells end would soon be commenced, Ig Foltu 11. G!y 0 EORQIC NAV. Poll P.D. at officers the inistiLke of allowing Retire" or banquet, to be held befoi yet it is Lim general qpInion that their Stray Sheep -John Mugford ............ ...... . I. non -property owners to vote oil the the fimt, of May. Haster FnIls oil pril Oth ; A-4cension Kjff-eVet)l ....... 7f3 M, MeD,)w�ll._M GodeAch Fanciers are Doing. tire Olt SALE -Tilat -desirable bootie and Iota Huron County Council -Wm. Lane.. ecase in thu tatea will not tAke by-law, &aid about twenty Ruch votes lay MILY loth ; Whitsullany Mnv 2,6th: Alahe Strang ... 741 Birdie Devine -11A in the villagoof Dungannon. the T.*por EleCtion Expenses -A. M. Todd ....... . Queen's birthday falis on a Friday platco forat least I% year. No notice late itichard Treleaven.. The ouse were recorded before the MiStAke Was _j eO. Theanuouncenient that the annual has been fiven that, I� INDusTwAr. NoTEs.-The G. T. R. a a1r, Ill I 111cKay .... 72 At Ica Naf Let. 52 talation to this bricks onear, mail% part 20x8D klWzen I8x22 Notice to Creditors. -Richard Lee ..... discovered. Tlds�error however, ican- staffiwas� busy Wednesday shipping Dominion Day on it Mondav 12th of Ida Bates .. .... 71 Ettle Young...62 hard It caZion. Xing, VWj January Sale -W. A. McKim ................. 8 xhibition of the "Huron Poultrr and effect wil be discusse by the Grand not. affect the vote, beeause It the grain foil ortland. - Down lug and J Ily on a Friday 11+1soft water it soon 0,11d 01ii-i4l.nias on 4% ljorthit Millian-07 I I ene Achesers.. I frame woodshed, baral stable. ate. The lots Mare for sale -Geo. Thomson .... I article of the vote cast at 't h t poll is Weat,oby. of the Star Mill. shipped it Md"esdAy. 3 tine, September i4ithel Mosply .... 65 Ernest Jortlan.. 0 Pet Stock Association" opens the Lodge. comillsoors,hadfacroot-land. BeautIflallaw, trid December tire t'he ',live Sunday" (� Town Hall, Uodertch, on February We, The Supronie Recorder of the wit I ;116 thrown out. the by-law fit still carrled�i car load of their famous brand of flout larrie Milligan -05 C. 1). Harniltou 7 I statute treadi sutroundlog. POSPAMIOU call be had at stay thub. Appl&on place to The following shows the vntin try to Montreal on Wednesday. InOnths In 1001. Haiti. MCIIWAIII. 05 M.Gunningliam 0 1901. dmwo attention to tho ciall" A inerican Order of Chosen Friends. T. 9 -Andgews made oy many leRdl 4 Papers i., the B. Unn. of ludiaunpolip, in explaining George Stothers, 16thifloffibo. or wm.lAnd. divisions: to WingliatuAdvance: 'file vitweett 81111dy N Pred Hollnels ..48 tf Town:Picivirs Bros. & Co. Shipped it car of hots Stiates, that poulti-v bilti . its the re- the collapse (if Lbat order, lays down tting Star has entered its fortV-second year Eva Donlop..- (33 14 lo Connolly... 2 Big Mill Sball Cows Toronto on MondaY.-The Kn turns to breeders exceed Ant, of either the following its demonstrated facto; OR SaLg,-Thetwo at rick dwelling an By-law- Ban At "Arile' factory will be re -opened Pei MonelKv. %aid with its illCreAHL-d age OWNS III- FlIell HOA 53 Lilly Hartliirb..12 South West earlier olvs, and Wellington "No. yKa, ltolh.Culnullng 41 w F POLLiNo Div. Poll AGST. creased Amorglir. It is it clean, vigor- Erm-st heat,cornorcottcri,growers. Filets -I The lesson of the hosen Friends streets. All modera hiallroventents, full quarter FIRE BRIGADE. - At the annual wit a full staff Of eitiplovees.-The meeting nf the Ooderich Fite Com- annual meeting of the Goderich Eleva 'h"ter Fanowill produced III these jou little NUPPOrt, file has bet -it that It fraternal order touat acre lot, nice lawn, shrubbery and trees. This St. DILVid'o L-110 8 50 71. vVPII Conducted new,4pappr Z it 1�,dttli Fiflconer..02 Is on 0 the most desirable residences in town, St. David's 2.- 82 4 51- 55 for And Transit Co. was hold lei Hol.. credit all the publishers and to We P,d Avit Ad Nt c Itne. . 60 Duyid Illorriii...41 theory, ILI) 9how that while wheatt, hILVa It regerve fund. The Friends Ilud both lorf suentuerand winter, Ap pony the following members were St. Patrick'B 3.- 74 5 66 48 ) corn ot cotton can be grown only air none. The Galveston- disaster Nvas Insurance and Real"M ttontc-ARAenl Wails Hall o Tuesday afternoon. T4o A'OunV t9wn. The stievess; whieved is HullynobinsoriV e _4 CLIFFIt, a LIVOred localities. poultry can, be hat wrecked the order. The defal. I-9-f&rtlie:ve^t- lool.-R. 5 N 40 I Lh a walrited reward -f indlIsLI-1V and N�'ijf t,i(t WillilkilIS58 Carl Campiol elected officet St. Patrick's 4.- 73 meeting was adj ill Feby. 7Lh, ralsed In evetv Part of the country. ClitiOn Of the-, Suptaine Treasurer could oft SALE-Lote 95 and 911 In Hutclillion's C. Belcher. captain ; Tbos. McKenzie. St. George's 5.-, 65 3 60 V In Toronto. and In the meantime it enterprise. We wish it cont,intied Crawfurd,58 Jaines Gartow.P To test how poultry enters Into the not have don it, because his blind was Surve and #6uth SAW of 879. runnigg let lieutenant; Win. Kirkbl-;de 2nd 6 80 47 special accountant will pre re it ire. prosperity. numbers St.Andrew's 0-100 IPORM I. -DIVISION A. business of UhnAdil, it SAn reporter (All nifilled by One Or 010 best Security Fur -particulars ap- lieutenant; Wtn.Thompson, treasurerl St.. Andunw's 7.- 65 1 3-4 40 t, for pres"ittation on tr day.-- With it view to encouraging the de. (jA1ftC(- [)vke ..... 82 0. Robinson I interviewed oeveral local breeders of I world, and is ad good aply to Chas. A. Reid, secretary. W. God.ri.h Organ .Co. life ed veloptoollt Art it, lit.evary spirit Anderson .... T2 Hai -old Tmylorl) fancy stock, and the reouIt. of I he inter- I ties inih. Tire trick of Pou" 11OL. B-19AL0.11A.rich. THE G. X. W. ExurIarrioN.-Don't, Totals ...... 575 32 408 335 twenty organs to England on Tu=v. Canada. Tire Latbes' Magazine. TO"I'll- Guo4t. -.71 Grace Dicktion-49 viewt; gives good grotind for the lieliet -7- fly the defalcation, ARM FOR S"IL-The Scott& halt of the By & majority of 73 the electors do- and yesterday ten were sent to the i As. is otypring caish, prizes for I lie lie -at, North of lot 0% Low forget the annual meeting of the A eat peocer Guest ..(It Eiltin. St,raiton, 41) that poultry is also "King in Ontario," in diantiLer Read F I!, in thO 7th 0011cessi J Ined that cosvitabould not, run at large, same'deatination. Abort, "torieK by Carindian wTiterA. lossf-H Eastern Division of At * towousfirip of AsIfield: Huron Agricultural Spciety, lot the (&! H. Brinticorenho..60 Margery Bull ..48 it belief many will endor4e, whl,it they ni'lle vy theiv, citusecl -class 50 acrell Thecompetition is iveli and 'a Sharnian,18 renii - that potilt.ry lho oam. aid Pie Council will now. have the duty \VftjjerMA7Il1t0hh60 LAIII -tnbet Is rule d In This is It filtat CIRY HRLDoN's Nnw Boox.-A new a all burn 6o x 40 ars e V,I) Air the Evi-tel.t Fougen.59 Eddi 111ago, and 6n Halta�ie of orchard. A go . A Town Hall oil Wednesday next, cour- of prTing a by-law in aLcordauce further particril o Craig .... 48 every city, town aud re acting of Court Goderich There are v book by Charles 1. Sheldon, the fat' A . small frame house In good repair. erewith. Januat-v nninbei of (;It:! 1ri1g:tzit P . A (11111s. Saun(lers..5S �.47 riinetv-nine o I � inencing at 2 o'clock shnrp, Everyone th lit of one 111111dred forms 2, C. O.F.. took place OnTnesday vrellsonthe premises., he farm is About t2 miles from Ripley., and Luckil0w, 3 miles from having an interest in the fall f"ir at A GODURICH BOY IN THE FIGHT. -Ill ous author of In His Steps," never pbotographic k n1so Italph, Shoppard 57 C. IthViia. .... 47 that, alivo or dead, It 1110A increased III tivoning. The officers elsoled for the pro. Kingstirldga. and 7 from- Dungannnon. Itor Goderich should mixile it it point to fails to excite the Interestf. of thoueands trounced, rand cash pi izes offered, W. Anderson ... M Maggie Ahinay,15 value, that eggs are it leadin Ilein In Hent )ear wort formally installed, and trials, and to�rrusAipply to the undersigned. attend. It you fire it kicker,,;r,' yon a recent issue of the Moosomin Spectator x7tb July, t9W. P from a North-west boy I'( teadero. "Horn to Serve" is the. Alan 0arrow ... 56 NV. onr export trade, while w ()'it-, Our Alex. Sauntiorii wad chosen &it delegate to 0 eit want any change noa,de, or NIAhPI Wright . 55 WeRley one tone kinkleall O n ly be grown In the Iligh Court, which meets sk Sarnis, . A t it I If v&-`�,,bfirak appears a letter title of Lke latest book bv Mr. 9heldou COUN1Y COUNCIL ELECTION CoMell. you can sugget Italy finproveinent. you named -Xerr, giving some of his latest Grilia n Halkeld 54 Nettie Bell ..... 43 favore Oca es and III dropping in next month. An Address wait presented to and the advanced sheets indicate are just tAie man who shouldattend ,periences with the Boers, and as he very strong hock indeed, one of thrill- Dennis Neville 53 11. MeDomild ... 43 price year- by ear. Thelfollowing will 5layor WilsA, congmtoalsking him upon this meeting. That's the way to get Donald McNevin52 Philip MitchpllAfll give sotne idea, of the Vattie of this buto- his selection Ad chief magistrato of Gotta- West ELaron Election Expan;ss speaks of Charley Weatherald, a Gode- Ing InLe.resit. to the thoughtful reader reform. nch boy who also went out from the onti-in which with it master's blind man � Several Changes as the Result of Alice Ont -rick 51 Sidney Belcher 40 ness Lot he cotinty, and shows the neces rich for the first year of the new century. Pn THREE MONTHS. -Oil Monday Northweqt, the letter has a local interest of the cankers of social litt. of domestic a SLIFf Fight In Five Roby MeLlmn 51 siLy of introducing go(id stock - At the close of tire meeting the members, Johu Maxwell was* before Judge gas- here. He said: unhappinesq, of the broader woman Divisi6ns. rourAt 1. ­wvwov 13, J. S. Howric it; he(-oniing well known oil tire invitation of Alex, gatanders, ad. "on the 3ist we leftforBelfast arriving problem, of i(acial reform at the VIU119 -low..18 Thirza throughout the couraLy as it Ili (if rourned to Blaolurtone's restaurant W where evil, charged with stealing awagon, of society -nit laid with cu I. tired The following late the ligureq for, tile ahel Thor at midnight. On Thursday, i4ov. lot, VI ,-enee Naftcl.74 Vera Whitply..52 firlial (-trials hird-. and his; revoid of :0) anoyntormipperwaslierved. His or-ahip but the evid8nee being very weak he Gen. Stnith-Dorien forined up the i9th delicacy. but none the less with grftpll- County Council elections IaRt Moodily %I girie Leigh, ..72 11. prizes the past year is it good one, Mayor Wilson was chairman. and mange was found not. guilty. Maxwell was le, utiflinching truth. The Candian its reLurned it) County Clerk Litne, the Iloarl Byers. .... (18 I-Itigh Pollev ..51 [its stock it' vQVy vitllijtloll., as Illay be acid sddresaett were tire order of the even- brigade as follows : Gordon Highlanders, rights h6ve bee# secured by The Pottle then sentenced to three months III the the, Suffolks, ith Lancers, the Canadian publishin last return(; being sent in only yester. Edward Carev_05 A. Goldthorpo ... 61 undermtood wlien we mention that lie init. Stiveral ery fine ocleo6ions worn jail on the chat ge of otealing g Companij-, Toronto. beat its (jarelphell (,() has black Mintiream, whiLe and brown given by the Blackstone orchestra. Tire county Mounted Ri es, Ordinance, two IOhg the story will not appear in book form day afternoon .1 oq. I it Pot to ... (15 EST HITRON Outs, ta wilich he land entered a plea of loans, two pampoms, one Maxim, two �Vio. Knox .....61, I,eo. Ell()t ... A. c. I.A-ghorn,A, r. r. IA-ghorn", An0alo- newly ir.ratalied officero were called to their W guilty. The county att(.rne for some time thp imblieliers wilt rule g O( It feet and a tusut was drunk to thian, and a too prose- ar'76 it- of thanks was extended to Mr. Bann. -lb. field guns, two 12 -lb. R. C. A. No. 1. liattip Hnolts .... 44 13, Robertson 50 Ricans. black I-Ininbtir JiL I I 13 111()Lt . (y) Itaggl(. Sloith rA) and that Minoreas rAt we I to$] V0 Cate and Win, Proud t fended. guns, one automatic quick -firing Hill it M it serial in The Pr-abyterian Re Hugh Chambers, Philip flolt Ily Ale- 1�(�ggj,. 14, a Ab9tract Statement Of the Election view, hestinning with the issue of a he Regarip Tye ... 50 APOr. Andit- fiors for h As aencrou a treat to Expenses Ineut red bv and oil behalf of OnILDIvaN's, AID Socrrry.-The gun, two 12 -lb, R. C. A. us, completing it it; n I g n I q the supper. called the i9th brigade. We realt Belfast after 8rd Inst., thus enabling the roaders of Alfwd St;�rdy.. 50 F. A rinst roror. .41) h1liOng fell"I $I to $6, a d t it III a A tYv Loyal Or%oge Loage. 1,102 Robert McLeah, a candidate at the meetifig of the Childreel's Aid dark, black as pitch and in a deluge.of that paper ty. ave (his most interest- Ahnn P�t cay 59 etinte Law4on.48 from *,5 to $8. �, r, ii Ellittlop, fair the House of Oomnions. for Monday afternoon was not largelv ing wotk in i1vance. Fhzq Elliott . . R9 Ornee Titil ..... 40 Win. MuCromh dOPR 001, go V' Tucker (0won Sound). held on the 7th day of November. 1@W- attended, but Mrs, Dancey, &aid Mepars rain, marched eleven miles and hafted Fh), .... 57 Walter Milehellf-I h to the imsAiijes4, lie keelos it fpw f"` defendanlit, appealed from jtRjg- till daybreak all soaked through. At NAIRN-FLNLAysou.-The Windsor 11, Nelho I11plit f.f Comity of alley In ne. Livery Hite .................... III It 50 IA%ne, it. S. Williams and Jamew Mat- don we found ourselves within a mile Record of Jan. 4th bad the following tion for dittoagom for conves-gion of 3 filmck-t(me56 NoirunfiAlleo M rid during the paotyear lie fudd �ihoiit Printing ............ .......... 60 8111 chell disc?49sed matters relative to the of the Boer langer. Starting to locate the inWresting an6oun a The plaititiffs of HnItRant ................ ..... is 00 centent: The mai- No. 2. lit-mvii . 42 $30 worth, inchidin' it of MIA IV of it largo Bill PoAtIq ... I ...... 11 so conduct of the children of two families, position, the main column went to the 9 riage of Mr. George Henry Nairn, Jas. Connolly.. lin rw I) 1:11 wo W"). T Telegraph ing ........ ...... .. 10 01) and a eed on cei Lain stepR W have right, our troop 414 one troop of D. N1. for wh ich he gathered in $5. t I Nl;,y 55 OThoido Griffin M I in Brooke. Both defendants the rittle ones rescued from their Squadron were seht folthe left. Locating tuerchant, of thio city, Ito Miss MRY D. Cantelon... ZN 241 110 101 Charlem Wellu is pelhapq the hi-st air (-in bers oft lie 141(lgv. Thernalim- wretched Aurtoundings. the Inager We WCMAP�tire to the column Belle.'daughterof M�. and Mru' Ken- ?,40 222 :*i2 Hit Su."art NI lit rLv ,)I known breeder of gntne Nids in fill. to inovo the lodge from To morittin DZILOP.)p -01 and report Aftih0"'going some distance noth Pialayson of Detroit, took Placo 3 ames Snell.. 6KJ Si 131 795 part Of the land thougill at Brooke to Owen Sound. Upon Ow .-4. FURNITUns Vs. ORGANS. a Mon. Obituary, it I.PtAry proceeding to remove the fair- RatilffitialiMear, , se#erat kopjes we caught at the residence of the bridn's parentA, pf-eflPlIt. has RIOCIL nuillherN h t ittle Ne( and W. 1Atto.FAq,, day evening tortmo from the Kensing- and 54 fligh-st. ei ot, Detroit. The cere- No. 3. S,roK Rs A (irc,V townthip rorje,4- ver .90, he rialms he hao sonis itti good niture thedefendantsappPared and for. t*X In& Offloar. sightl =eglatager and at the same mo- t lie removal. T tie it Ial judge held Dated,at o Chi I let: at day of Decone, ton Furniture andGoaerIch Organ ment a number of Boers rushed out from mony was per ofluted by'Rev. Marctiq ohn Torrance, Will. Lar000l, hY pondirit, in t lie Brtir,Ftelo florit. give" the ho ever land. Charlev lif-eps bar, low. Scott, of Central Prealle tarrian church, ellituAloll. rt,11inving which is of interest to many I,lark brenaked reds iund brown breamied t .It tire detention of the gooda toy de. M. TODD, factories pla e me at n house 40o yards on our left. They a -ch NaeDiarmid. or ekey In the West street, 4 -ink. and were completely tAken by surprise as qslated bv lWy At Godurieh readers : I,ast Mahbath hlrv. reds, and hire received as onich am $I5 fendant (1, Lethbridge was clearly a Finapolat Agent Windsor, an old frlen� (if the Firilay. I'hoa. Stokep paid Nnture's pitfall for it Hinglu palr. Hours one distre-.4s, and that he was liable for tha b eI Jh once J,,krd ter an hour's battle. fit which I), few umny came gut with t t tre t vahle Air tht'so Seized Ill excess of hard blows Avef�p given. the Furniture merits, At this POZ We had only " on family. The ceremonv took PIILC� jognWilly At I)#',' h0fTlP IlgPd fill �4141--, Charlry. ott)(I told blin he only III, rs. In S, pretty alcov6. banked with palins ev i3 lootit AAod 27 dave. Deceaget wag towla that wnlkpti n stilts, and = amoural. Of rent title, viz.. S.11.75, upon a to 40redito won by one goal to 0. The players groups, Ulkington's and my own on the No. 4. A-1%VPll. perhnos Lhey do. losin bylirs, (in the evoning Air the day and nowers. and under it canopy of in ant'] witki it ditkighter ngewpe. wam. t, were: extreme left flank. We Immediately Funilax and holiv. The Imide wall Alex. Q, Bol,ier N IS W IRI W27 otitle rho,A, INIt Queen, will) cunip r(ir LIJOY WILIk away front all rom. oftbe setworoi Davis v. . Garret 1, 0 eftaAN co. opened fire and then the devils started beautifully 9:owned in white organdio Jno, belbridge. lZi 84 701) to Ooderich townehip with lot 4 lantilv pi-titorg." Hin 716. That -defendant It. Loth- On beating the fir- -felt a hoquet, of will rose-. [tic Hick ival III and become a IN Tft MAWRA 604tArKS ADAMSON. s. McDonald .... goal ......... Ine. XnOX up in all directions. and care te 718 117 917 ,,a hig nri ai,:olio ciinnelbell has one of the I 9 bi-I are 1p't I lie plaintiffs to tielleve that e rest redo III the g,)o;IR were not hold for rent, but; Ilia land we W a very hot time Moore, of Detroit. and Miss Jetigic M rhe -0ijP(-I of lhiA after 11- thispaitofthe Doininiom. Iligh vlaqAt I) I rentrival, and plaintilT8 were 0001cludw, in 0011% J06. Wright of our two troops cattle down Tile bridelunalds were Miss MAirgar I H. Spackman I 233 SIM 1270 it,, fminder Ad tho flivron Signal. of thorough, I, rep point... Ed. Bolcher right wing.jas, McLeod lVhe Urs kept Increasing In num- e4a.1 Olencoll. OnA. They werp roarrisige t4, Mr, Stnkp-. on Lhe black Minorelts. 4 gl-,-y ljo�k -it thorefote in thinking there t Noilift liarot ri fames Robin lof it. % , 1: Fare, aiLien. McKay- loft wing.... Wits. Dank laM,cotp jmnimh. its thou"nLY of dng In from every side until they dr I pink apd carried hollepts I( 2nd con. of Orey. wherp they have Ings, ba I I te I'lvinctith d not been it do4tremit for rent, land the All 6 anCiCh. dirtionotaDivi4ion Court, and III ran(] gold I MA, wa% theretore not. Aivithln the jor. t k wti elt (40-6. center.. tiv.Rohertgon lead us completely surrounded. We saw pink r6son. Littl#MlssHelen Finlay renided forthe pnqt 40 yparA. MrA. locks, 'W 0.4 IM. a. J.Sdji th.. center alloPbsItA - R. 4tokes, hall hepara in poor boalth for cilled Harobiovo, hrotvo And"I it law h Buchanan it wall 10 a flight to a finish. Wt wore -son, a cousin of tied hrldp, was psaid of red biacke" 11 ALI* Tiatotitta� for the ReAhOld t6overal yopirp with long troullip Jewhoino, golden Wyandoitep. whit I M clainoug for ex- ben fAIMPAt NOTIL-The fOI10*109 case- Of ft. That mitin 6blinte Was five miles on hecarried A l"not of carnations.. nniq only confined to hild Ance Fri sty, eteoted black Potandil, tioti(itkna. Anda" istrpsay� Coosiset contended Sot 4-Arr mly slt��`ctrong and had no guns ith bon rand loomed chartering in whito. No. 5. idblit hid at ifitereRt to Goderletireaders, has been our right. Per thite hours we held thent A21011IM01 11 - 6 11 t. Natirra wris supported try his Tho,4, 14,. If AV-_ OL 157 253 871 in addiLlo" to Mr. 14tokeo there are logivios. pyle gatuos air(] Hilvf-Ar hnntanig. thni the danialteri were too renvote, and ther 611164 lif'Ahat AAR10ft;fill MAORlo"ain iset do brotle6riThoniks Nalro. of Oaderich, Jim. B. Ali Le f W -i I#G OW t %vo Rona (Alfrpd. (If nav ('1tv, Mir" - Tire Rolling ratigp fmov 142 to $I() jh.,t thoeviflouce did lint hHellwo it foilbeatingby the Unurt, of sit bay, feeling in rather a tight place, but Buillij,jit in Ale alty of, rqhto on the WS1 meAugme the column bull heard some- and Mr. Alex. Corry of Windsor. At- PeLer M c Kit v. IN 220) IN) 4:47 nd 11, u., of Wwt i, i, n t�-I np datigh it ugh It iq douh(ftil if an X � tt­ of netion, and at till events pinin. lettr loth Appeill at its ensuing sittingm-431en dayo it �'J* I0 of %it OI A, hov him beRl, pair of Hnnnidi or tiffs could not sucet-ed againsit defend- thing or *halt was going on and seift out ter the wedding ceremony an elaborate D. rill 1 137 141 814 t,.r tis,4 Nl.0 v, at hmne ) knother (halt,, va- of Gode #douts to ft�dffli*itfe, WW "n repiOrted supper was served by Cunnitighaw. bitighlet will, Lhe Inte Mrs. MatthOW his lipst pair of Af inoruiol C. 4'. illww,, 4ist it TAIhl,ridv. A. 0. cKay Mae Aftu no 110 Was, the 061falift I Ich" liction 11; Migaret Sm. w1d6w tboyositiono and, none too soon a eolftole The pr0hents were many land crisi Iv. N o. 6. 141,,ke,4 eiijoved lh" AtI1108tof itlPfAlt'14io Smind), file plaintiff,A, (-ontrit. f oe t 61 K04 'In. 6 dra townehip, of of long tont 51101% came to out relief, and The grootn's gift to the bride oram a Wait. it. I(e- r, try a( ri eno4hip Or it htMv cir(le of friendR. hill pi izeo tile patit mention vvero hel ween Standli for production within 11) days NZA* llawat'd I . I I VdirrittlV,on, blabitpulin Wand. fol which at once changed t)ia loot of things Ouer do IN set in pearls. Mr. Atid Mrs. I IdR1A I ioo. She er1% a good it atilld land (9). or vertifleate of I rial imigo that lie re - If that *,64- or 1,000 ditfilvigetai 161- the d6alith (if her as 'he 116M, wlto wera evidently ignor- Nalarn left at midnight flat trip mqhrr an -I A hi-4,vilerfa whom wo je(tMevidpnee tendpred by plaintiff hatolvAblift"i iiklatlof� whUbA T%edatotidaTjts.iPPthA` There or, other V , I t of the Inam body being so Owl 'through the east an(1 will he sit houlo lifp Willi in ir AV ;�6nervlhered dr, I 6 kiii.twilib Pula&, oi '-f.hieft by have not. been able 14) Interview, tc, tho ih-- g-,odm seizrd t boatnestir, owned 9 11210" Will thou lit fluit they in turn were being stir. afterThursday. Nit. 214 nt 99 V litterin. 0 tho.e who knel st 4 34 no(:tl)lv Will. Anstpv. A If vertillrata, not pro - prow __ 0 W tb 11 on Ross, R, a rcod sale. i6A roun pai, and made off to feel for a safe ave. C. flomiethw,ute and Ed Mimroe, the doved, inotion dismis,Aeft %vith osts. "A wence ]Jay, Ma Ihwl *Qi6lfi�t 66 lihea 11, Sitr *ses'OBI loved oil this tAlIZ As place, ' Ouv Lieut. CMImeh wels killed chiel' lilies I'ving halltalliq 001 FrI 11 and thte6 then wbauded, many horses Nil, 7. i, .4 i� Business Notices 116 will, ,not 4 *I(h iiWtl,�vatchinsr 0 11 The totreef a #and walks were deciflediy it Irttli6r. Ild. d were Ow oygtero: lIet them at the Victoria Restan- �,Vj,l lif,jolpq h;.4.q p4j1d hlq farm. wh to a Who" (so Yoe do 0 A 64r casaillitI& I've §O slippery =Wrdin, neitr the front of M. IMcklitirt, ...= 211 VAI v Nil D Ili -,-a. fe*ii'to ma nexplitAle, As soon m Patterson. tb)() 2M I III 23 I 855 rant. West street. They receive them rpgn A nurnber of th- school chOds on who Itit Z!, eno. In, I-V. to Donlop. led, hile O"M if% delialitsking bojeoR -if th6 P.O. wing part caralturIv No. arQolte a 311 1 N4 I 1 07 652 larly and always fresh. fee Cream, Con. wore vaceinaled liolne tell t Rm, the 9" fled Weatherald 40W, got P69r giftuber 6f 1 itizefis slipped od fell A. Stol-ar 0 dv� mince A tie livirr twing 0- Si). 'rhe farin coli,- rish. 66th t 4 li,ow tb Of e stern �f e tu chalme" 614n u a bgriale. eattieraild Jon.Websier 2(N) 207 131 24 631 I(ctionery. Fruit, Tohllceo and Cigars. jAAgW0 SK in , Iting I caring the: Saws ning. are now holidaving with %welle,11 arms. tain�111tv,wit,v and wAq well improved. 4,be 'handle IM the'llotly, -it thrit children Nit, Holnit" ill lmy it e tell the hotel$ Mle I stWi Telephone 70. C. BIACIZ14TON19, Prop Parpoits 9hould see Ib X) I I" If he A.Vis way, fig bill 'V. at the dock. fill wile§ *"y' land thrbtgh a river wAtiat rain S 1 . in his old stand. corner of the Square and healthy little oneq front whoin the -`I�W the lolakd and Was tTotal recelpid for Aloe townsbip, said took Itith, to the StifrIft �blutftf oie Th '01 &I had its now weekly J, R. Colborne will "tionenoe basiniardi are vacchrustfal. " three ate atow lumly lindr; tuloutithing to sunt hill,. deetAftet WMf*M*# Aelt, (lot before one A the Will beAp hielving .9 llamiltnn street, to a short time with a material opeeftAtary ranav he ohl.tined. laal ve-ar aniontiled to $12AIR70 Tire Me, it fated No. 8. = I*, 10 complete now stock of taple ani fancy expenditivre consisted t -f the ioltow. it =CIA2,44wo Thetfuellation - . 4 0 Xlw ld& 61=' 22 22 3W Dary Gooda suitable for the spring trade. in - Rnadw and bridges,$] 1114150t -41- si; flifth les 40 .W AOAIIY settled? Wou If$ 12 801 ItY. bift *%101t W tot of hU tuen, Said 171 hIM 481 15 08-2 I *1110 *11t OWW the "he% *11ift Hie Doig. ..... ... AM J. ". Col.tioulot pni_pfe Am llkb. It Klei tb �tl THE GODERICH #14166*" W 4* Wol 01* 112'i tell 4b hoille ,(I Thia to II9111. &hp firat vpar of the 2tah S *Wt 41 id ship W hipt. , ne *" f j&*j,,t., 4(�j 2[lt (pA 701 contnry SnAr" diupAlta timl. bat vvAryone 05; Intenleal, $29t mireellanvotitt. OW4 fri 'th" A -flat A VALIdAtIrIn. Of u,#e4 it At Zvi ....... ..... STAR LEADS ALL at d tat in, ISS, U 'Alt A pitte Swelter than let it who lima W;,ra tholn &fiare.. 1,11 RD. In the was 14 for tec" M, I I . 014 *#I,# lit an addod expebare PlIato"i are not exulted aT,v9'n1 new holster alleds ab I PL t8all. RIVALS. BE YOUR W ItItt �AO 16 *w T# The 00derich 80r to flat, end of IMI sr true art �Vtettetrsvl and alsvpriiiiiappointe. TbeTtawnshiplaoutotaftKA td, of dillflNet -ror'1111.00, call &na Utal them. T. H. 11noprucl. plus on hand. lito"" rIllft OWN JUDGE. i W Cattle Ettle = k4hoop Sheep Hoge. ",��