HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-05-25, Page 87
tsTall ra 00" W
**4, w4 a lop hsdo
46,willys, U.W* 0"
of big test :wpo torr4bls cuxlke.4 AGA
he Will be Qg llttl* Uply C94rk4bli DESTROTIN ANOPIM
VAInor of the voyage. an attv# X44t01ftuV0 ban OcclAil'"A buto4 the accident to the - clill'41040"
9*04 I%ilo Asuang thowQrst lliw#* 4 this tftf,� bo r which to at 14Y 41000%�Alltlll �Atflu$p ppe giman, 6
tb naiii; illcomyaulolll� Who I"
0440 ot the for I tive and can tlo 'P.4900
It to shift 4 the ba""d %11* by: 0 =4 4iil* Nto, Iva -4006 go, be *AA
It down
betever k aqw
foil of the 4A Awfirii bicti. js *u"4 toctuiri440 4-riii
CAU - I he the White Cast 449A Q fox, 0XV1 TvR.9 by LQ- - however. to the, _,0001 t. _X4 gFowar, 04
to For this lugoot, 41k *44 s
cause. it reduces
t crew still turthl. TJAS nw of Ill,
JAY** to pqx*,� A
ly onarro our al; 11, 1 9004% r
for Which it J$ ottlilt =IZtak# 494DW, 4Q4 1hisla
44 t4vhot liqwd It WW be too oTIQ
s Ile depressing H%litn, walkov 00 a A lixit _,4Jlt9bO--% L. ja 10.1-00AI r get 0 li 1 b40 34 -Y-� igbo -.04 effective a T4 oflmpO.J!W
_ .
NWO -)PI99roo. rl*doo idoATSM"W1 W. um *11 be found th To
this but jJ4
to 494bt gliatit_ to,
A vOry for he ban tout his usual I to, it IgAli. , UN, k
lutol. my 44)) a W -;QPd 091k 21sre are a uumbiir f WAS 1404�* -gin it 'Pt vat, 84ya a LOAA94 'otter. Lord -pomitv
asX0.4 go. I and joviality. Goring Is the Only QUO 14a, A4 A4* 414 talbulij.d. up the ew Z
answored that I that feed upon, the lositeg ut ;ro# ANIONt and b4t 41willifectantil
who preserves his be known, It Mould be usodl, in the glader Algiloot very 3toli ma p"
PAW404 of an QUO* 1;9 a �pk4t Vr WA,
gal and for tbw various arsenAtis
van wildly Into the gal ace hup still workingi at his Vilart 10 NOTOX44 ISM-* most Axogor. He nhe _ng about for W trace of his own cabin. His nautical IFAQW- afell. Paris green, ilad bor, and little place
Auxiiiq swoMit 00 1041W.Awdi #0 qxtoo- aq
divary an $0, #1ji4lit ins 1041ble, tasks, 011410its, QW9111 that b
Ww a I followed him, endeavor- ledge would be useful jibiould a" aas* tho Most COS43494 luring AP4 ve4aw will tborionglily 00141W a .lid
44 1111att profits
a wars ridiculous, We hunted fully, Or Savalt t
vor tbehip fox an hour and a half 401:10 10440900 ban una,Jourth 9muce tp four gallans. As TAP, eleaa 39c.turis franvaii, damp a Ot was 4UH041Y
October 29th, 8(lith.-Still bowl go with a little gin or *)cabal
&On of tb along with a fresh breeze.
coming on 44�4 thil, 11raguic im 4iliglatl oalmble, it in OR -position. The waste of ublic
Inly, to P.Orou*40 hbu that his th .. f happen to HY400-wbiai Z Wther Woo 9AdRlr- M -1111 -be 490 in water at 00 rgte 0$ room. fous -grown fat n t
t.rb d
Poor Tibbs 340drub goAtly. Le.ave �o dyy and %tilt
the will ewro�rsl, Moro do,
ag womau or clill Va beat to a4d, a #in -of golatine lso.
t and nothing of note tat ObrOAI1 loolill m6uey
board alwa,
tb m9ant a thin
cou%etaly from calling to -
to I vote 41 ad been roduced' to a flue
,at 4 bettor then, tw,4 gallons orcu
aname. 19 a tils' "-Unit Of a] odor of'QnIoA
�qqilid, agd, U Tbe ?xtorticia, qudor tile thin you
3toom of JIM* to , my be rw. ved art. L
an he sailors, Who are prevent Injury tp the IOU PA from forka, ate., hy attoking, them toy 4,00 _WbeA It's Oli.
and ives iratit avalf-
generally stolid onouck wore deeply bined with the exalting episodes OF ablIp wag jftt 01?oUtm Ignil, tbpUgb. no Matarialft. A- -abort time In sand or Moulld. The
October Slat. -My weak lunga' COM' th(Mght'llle tho loom of'148d. The 0 the two cor of legal form, was unt r4a UP
liffected by the sight of W= as he I"= soluble and its it kit4en window box is iqvajuablo for, peasantry had coMe to ard it Wag for gur time, 1%pour auA,
the voyage, have shaken. My nervous a purple lip the lull
roamed disheveled gutf; wai% 4114 qopa at 011 0.0tod a A 'Vey bareheaded and o Va. ty,
so MUCh that the most trLVial that to moro varltablo In coAa tion It is this Mrpone. rulers As their natural
awe bad %bouttlie dook. sexroblus with fever tho Pgrg
=t facts me. I Can* hardly be" coast 4 littlie oogoit ague" Spur iloolor.
ho we I*d oz- tbo least clestrable. For Atia3dair in- The
tall anxiety the most impossible places Ileve that I am the same mad woo peats& What waso.ur . Sur army wan so ba11y led that the
And ireturaing ti riso to see wts eINZ
them again Gina tied the external illa artery, an the see poison& lire not effectual, BABY IN WARM WPATHER. individual corage of tha non w
no wWO was xavemlod to us at again with a piteous pertinacity. The operation requiring the nicest pre- its they maply suvk the 8,4P end 40 ]luring the heated season tberilLis a Justice, personal last time she was seen was abomt day-breakfA�41irss WO ODuldlook on made useless.
ision, under a heavy rifle fire at elt*er sidn w.iig px losvilar, and, a seven o'clock when she took Doddy on long illits of f, 'not oat the OMO TOR14507 very great need of reform !A matters rights, equity, were men so
Antietam. I am na nervous an a child. great bllidWO rallids In and brea6 that will kill by contact or act through 0.rtsialug to the comfort of th, to the poop in give; him a breath of I ,, . lying h .0 babe, phrase
a If dozing last night Into a cload, of foam, But bOhlud the the repiratory organs must be VX14 a'
fresh air before putting him to bed. about four bells in the raiddlis watch, surf wits,;theray N�A the Ad It is within the, Province of the NEW LIFE IN EGYPT.
Tiltere twas no One there At the time tryin in rain to drop into a refromb- of Porto Olit gris Among the best materwa 10 Mb- physician alone to bring about &'re -
except the black seaitoan at the wheel at sandy = to less than twenty years Lord fire areas, They are U. J. er 41 of westmoat
light inside of POrtullitt blit A giallit sandy waste, thrum. or Persian Insect powdoi.but in also debating
who denies It vin seen her at all. lug a cap. There was no these matters. Tbar older the case o been A&Zted 1-4, super
a mir is my cabin, but a single ray 04 IOWA- which stretched away mod awauntli care must b Cromer and his staff have given of the big lumbermen who 11
The whole off wrapped in light streamed in through the port- It ble a taken that It Is ft0sbo 011esokbe family Ore drased to suit store millions of feet of inflammable 113t of the CalgATY hospital.
Mystery. My own theory Is that Acted witib the alky-line, To
right Egypt new life. They have not had
while Mrs. Tibbs was holding the child hole, throwing a silvery flickering and left look w%ore you would there Wa it soon loom Ito active principle, their own ideas, and it would seem a free 'hand. At aln�ost every material oil about and through the 0"60 BAT
circle upon the door. As I lay I kept w, Yellow sand, he Pyrathrum way be applied in a pow- that the overoge man tries to Bee special committee of
113 Baling but sped stell t wo cities. A TO VVAW A VOIL07IN
and standing near the bulwarks It do or TakeLaxativel All
Malin der form or In water, but It Is most how Much clothing be can weer and other nations have mated the part of the Ottawa Coupall has the matt druggis a refund the money if I to ouro.
gave a spring and fell overboard and my drowsy eyes ujxvn this circle, and to some places Into fantastic feet effecAiva when burned on a ahuvel of nQtdrop downdead fromsuastrok I b in hand. 'the proposal is that here- - -1rat
4�' that in bar convulsive attempt to wits concioua that dt. wiag radually some of th4im, several hun4r6d t a dog In the manger, restraining I 25C. 4 W. GravOlm 91gaisturet Von oath box
hot weather. Thus so for the -'ever. necessary changes. The young Khe than half a million feet of sawn
catch or save it, she 9611owed it. I becoming less well defined ma my Idgho while In other parts were long but costs. Kerosene eMulslOu In in after no mill,owner shall have more
can not account for the double disa senses left me, when, I was suddeuly* stretches ae, level apparently an a I William Ryder escmped from the
Pearance to any other way. It reoulled to fuil wal�ofulaeft by the billiard board. Efarthn, and 1. who other excellent remedy for th4 class age iman." but what of the babe_ divo has at times showA great will- lumber stored In Life neighbourhood Parry Sound jmil, but vas captured
Z bad onato on deck together. looked at 6f InseCts- ingness to give trouble, Obsolete re- of his mill or in the city limits. a nix eon as,
quite feasible that ouch a traged gpearunoe of a small dark object I To prepare it, dissOlVO w)IoUy clepandent upon the mother, Of after a obas , of t MU
should be enacted without the IlDoZ I I hinder our adinlustrators course this brings a protest from the
ledge of the man at the wheel a enter of the lummous disk. OaOh' other I a astoulatiment, and- Her- four ounces of soap in two gallons aura or Physician, or *U three I It to gulati-11 Mill -owners and from those %ho
slao f lay quietly and breathlessly watch- ton burat out lauj�lng- Hysou Is Ox- of boiling water. and after adding one a lamentable fact, known mad r000s- frican using to the utmost adir-antag D
hag it. Gradually it grew Imiger and 0000110gly Mortiflo atthe occurrence, thrive on the shipping industry be- O'KEEFE'SITT M ALT
It was dark at the time, and the peak Ole
it and protests tUat the the prosperity they have helped into low the L
ad skylights of the saloon screen the plainer, and then I perpeived' that Instruments gallon of kerosene agitate with a nixed by all physicians. that diseases Cbaudlare. Granted that L L u V I at 1 L4 J 9 i I.', L I I E N Y
greater Vart of the cinarter-dook. was a human hand w1fich had been have DO A tampered with. There is forle pump until an amulaign that of children are far more prevalent and being. An artificial system of fin- lumber is stored outside the city.
no daubs 1411'
t will not separate has been formed. anoe has been superimposed on them
h ay 'be it in a cautiously inserted through the Chink that this to the mainland of This will tal;e from five to ton min- fatal during the -heated season. they argue that liLbor will followin According to the aAasssors only terrible catastrophes andhas'caist the Of the half-olosed door -a hand whwb, Afrifti and tbht It was really the utes. Before using, dilute with wa- Knowing this the remedy is pro- by wbich last year they were camper.- the track of industry, and that pres- one abeeps Inbabits' Orillia.
darkest gloom upon our voyage, The an I observed with a thrill of horror, Peak of T1040fiffe whictil we saw some ter to make 16 gallons. Tobaco Is also ventive, keep the babe cool when the ently there will be another lumber
heated season comes, tak off the suburb to be destroyed by fire, Also
mate has put the ship about, but of wa not provided with fingers. The days ago upon the northl horizon. quite offectutil, particularly a Oil to raise twelve hundred thousand
con d
t against pounds more than the nation *100 Rewaii=-, $103.
you there In not the slightest hope door Owning cautiously backward, and At be time when we saw the land flannels; and keep the babe lightly at ex- there are hints that the lumbermen
plant lice. It may be used as smoke penditure requires. Lord I
of picking them up. The captain is Goring's head followed his hand. It birds we Must have been passing some dressed. Tir the babe during the Cromer might take their anorgy and their The r0l"atirs Of tlrb V,&Per will be pleased to
otion. Tobacco learn that there is at cast one dreaded disease
tupor In his appeared in. the cantor of thei intion- of the Canary Islands. If we oontinu- sweltering beat of a July or August pleads for a change of the laterna- oapital elsewhere if their present
-me course, extract to also an excellent remedy, by tak off all clothing and allow tional Agreement, which compete this. but science bus been able to cure in all Ito
now to Wo and that Is �atarrh. Hall's Catarrh
cabin. I gave him a powerful dose of light, and was framed, as It were, in a ad on tha @It we are methods of doing business are ham -
OP the north of Cape Blanco, near the on- Where myriapods or nematodes infest it to As he points out, it debare Egypt pered in any way. The general a t .4 a to t4ke calf, post Iva c1dra nqiv kbgwn to
ium In his coffee, that for a few ghastly. uncertain halo, against which b.%ude during the few hottest pin
hours at least his anguish way P1 inly. It the &oil It should be thoroughly star'- hours of the day. The babe itself from benefiting to the
be bid ftlat-UTOB allowed out explored country which skirts the full extent Iva seems to be that this Itt an idl ne medical fro. ornity. Catatrrh boing a con
8 Itutlaumt disease, roqwrofia C?
deadened. s thiat I had nea great Sahara. All we can do is to lized with steam. will make reply. Drees the tender from Its own prosperity. Yet, not- threat and that Ottawa Is of sunitu tonall
v more tretment. Hall's CatcurrhCuro stakertinter.
October, 128d. -Woke with a vague such oz utterly fiendish( and austral- rectify our Instruments as far an possi- bud Ila accordance with the weather; wthatandIng this, the National debt use to tv lumbermen than the lum- nally. ac4inu directly upon the, Nood ad
inudouwaurraces or the system,
feeling of heaviness and misfortune less expression upon shaman face. ble and start afresh for our destine- A�m when the cool of evening comes have Is now being yearly diminished, and berman are to Ottawa. Ono news- the Y all.
..Wag. the fouddatipa of tile die
tion. an extra jacket to put on the babe by skit vil financial deals the totalof paper even exclaims; -"Let Mr. 9 1 a
but it was not until a few moments� His eyes were dilated and glaring, hi f
tf, rne Patient strauffth bj bolidl
reflection that I was able to recall lips drawn back so as to show, his To Be Continued, Many mothers keep the warm wool- interest due is Materially decreased. Booth go. The fire, has deaLroyed GODS -tion and asdutlag Am are in
our loss of the night bef ore. When I white faliga, and his straight black an abdominal band on during the first LENDING MONEY. more in a day than he has been of woric. Thapropriatorobaveso much
came r DIN what itwourattys power& th ths O1T9r 0 -
Ion dock I aaw the poor skippe bair appeared to bristle over Just I year of life -no matter. what the Lord Crom�r is especially interest- worth to Ottawa in ton years.' � f� standing ga-sing back ut the waste of forehead like the hood of a cobra. The range of - thermometer -under the into- dre
e rament, toat U 60151A.
pu ON
waters behind us which contains sudden and noieless apparition bad J.0 EN)AY&OO..Thicsio.
Ing when he describes the industrial with pressure from the Gove
Dpeadod Meal Time. takqn notion that it helps the bab transformation of the land. The the municipal authorities, blia opin- Lqo
everything dear to him upon earth. I such an effect upon me that I sprung to teeth. This bq true of very III ti�drulrgjj-s 150
peasantry now find their rulers a ion and the insurance companies the H
-nourished babilb, whOpe sup -
attempted to speak to Win, but be up to bed trembling in every limb, thin, ill Ali Aalul*1416Z; the beat
lumbermen will probably be put In
turned brusquely away and began and hold out m ry of fat is very limited, but in a help instead of a check to prosperity.
hatind toward my re- THE STORY OF A DYSPEPTIC WHO as thy babe it's all a foolish, cruel The Government has started lending their place and kept there. The Workman cleaning unit the chimney,
pacing the deck wit h his head ounk volver. I was heartily ashamed of my HAS FOUND A CURE. i� notl mail sums to the fallubeen with suo- public safety ti of higher importance of the old Orillio asylum found the
upon Ids breast. Even now, when hastiess when he explained the object us -
The great NJIo reservoirs, which
the trulth is so clear cess. than rivate interests. uqds of dead sparrows.
herein set forth is well looked into will have a most far-reaching effect
he can not ass Of big, Intrusions as he immediately guarontee If the little dictum
n comincelion Begivees
a boat or an unbe4t isail witgout' did in the most Courteous language. Ile There Is ou 111111112 to Q on agriculture, are 'steadily being MONTUAL RQT
peering under Lt. He looks ton years had been suffering from loothallee, G0041 111rellb, IlleitIVINICAIS and Good D1. _Nero will be far less of the summer PRINCESS AND COUNTESS. 411. DIRECTORY.
disease of children. pushed on. Alexandria Is obtaininga
Ider than he did
0 yepterday morning. Door foll&wl and- bad come in, to, beg gestion—Dr. W111111auts'I'lluk I'lli Bring 06 The romances of royalty are as tra-
about Tbese Coluditiolits. 5bp
Horton is terribly cut up fan he was aOm8 laudanum., knowingf, thlab I pos The gospel of health for warm woo- modern system of drainage and water The 11 Salmoied,11 Free Bus also.
ther is keep cool; to feel even cool supply. Everywhere, In short, gic an those with which Mr. Anthony
nil of little Doddy, and Goring seems tiesed a moilloine chest.. As to his From thei, Tribune, Dessronto. pro- Hope has filled the imaginary realm of AVENU 11--&Hete A Tenues
!Oorry too. At least he has shut hlins� sinister expression he i t . I ILM
is never n Witilipwt good' digestion ttlere at times means to counteract the gress rules. Even in the Sons 0 Ruritania. E N(IOSE-r-Mo011 tol rates,
can mischief of yesterday's and to -mor- where less than two yea self up in his cabin all day, and wh re back
nil av-
beauty, and what wit'lil my state of Princess Stephanie, a daughter of ST- JA 0"40—TEL-sio"Po's (I.T.R. Depot.
I got a casual glance at him his nervous tension and th^ffect of the be neither good health nor litippinesA. row's beat. agery ruled with undisputed sway, the King of the Belgians, in the bloom b
civilization and peace everywhere- ut early youth became the wife of ts—Rates moderate.
head was resting on his two hands, as shifting moonlight, it was easy to No" depeds upon this perfect work- Fint-olancommer43�tlwo�cals000�o 40%.o.hnZ
if in a melancholy reverie. I fear conjure up somethding, horrible. I Ing of tho digestive organs thou prevail. Th. Cook'. tourist may 190OU Archduke Rudolf, the Crown Prince of
we are about is dismial a crew as
visit Khartoum at his ease. Trade is Austria-Hangalry. She seemed do- W. P. C. 1025.
gave him twenty drops. mud he went most people iagige, fla even slight XONTREAL FREE, being fostered araong tribes that. not
ever sailed. How sh�:Icked my wife
ow g am
will be to Naar of our disaster I The gratitude. I can hardly say h kit I —
off again with Malay expressions of stined to be an amPT
much No Longer 'Any Fear of Bright'ir on
ess, but her life in
functional disturbancedi of the stom- as found their one business in Vienna has been overshadowed with
swell has gone clown now, and we are Ellis trivial incident irtfected me. I a0h, leaves the victim irritable, met- slave -raiding and thieving. unhappiness. CALVERT'S
eath. Of
doing about eight knots with all sail have felt unstrung all day. anholy and apathetic. In ouch cases Digeaae Since Doda,iXidney A TRANSFORMATION the crown I'leflagbar a wid CarbVic olisliniffe-sitaiits. soups, Clint.
set and a nice little breeze. Hyson Is prince Ow
practically In command of A week's record Or our �oynge is most people, resort to laxative medi- Pilla Came'Into Use. We are often told by oui; Continent- with a young daughter to be edu- enestril, oath Powderin sitch have been
lith "hip, here. omitted, as nothing eventful oc- class, but-Iliese only further aggra- at critics that our position in Egypt noted in the statelleat but most awarded 100 models arij, d1plQuists'llor superior
excellence. Their regn ar use prevent infooti.
as Tibbs, though he does Is best to eurred during, the time, and my log vato the trouble. What, is steeded is 411 Kidney loheme.ji ff,ve Been Rendered is unjustifiable and against all pre- gloomy court in Europe. er to obtain it
supply. Lists mailed free ion application
incapable of applying himself to rseri- important Joselp. a tonic; something that will bWId Harmlems-marin I'lulitiond's Casio a tered upon her econd romance. Her
bear p and keep a brave front, is consists merel of a faw pages of cedent.- While we can show such re- The Pwincess at thirty-five has all- one
suas as 'now there is little need for
ous work. November 7th.-Harton. and I oat up the) system, f-risteud of weakening Rhesturnilgin-Her Gratitude ter us to trouble about the formality of marriage Of Count Falemer Lon F- 0- CAtVERT & CO.,
October 24t& -la the ship aceareedt Doild's Kidney Pills. valved the acri-floo of her royalay IARANCHasTrit aNGLAND,
Was there ever a voyage which began ad the poop all the morning, for the Lt all Purgative medicines do. For our authority; In making itself re- rank
abd eaMpslete so
weather is be(oming very warm as we Montreal, May 21. -Another cure by sponsible for the good government 09 from her Miles, atolls a Dialog
so fairly mad whichl all so disap- this purpose, there is no medicine daughter, who bal.Preacbed the age of :1 - terouslyt Tibbs shot h= through come into southern titudes. We Dodd's Kidney Pills is repoit�d in this Egypt, England took up a task from sparri toteeci rentowol
reckon that we have 43ne two thirds equal to, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. sixteen. The King of the Belgians ta %Lp!
eumatism shrank. Itich.
acity. This timal it is Rh which other nations then and the Emperor Of Austria each at- IFOWto.
the hand during the night. I was i6mAW
awakened about thria o'clock in of our voyage. Jffow glad we hall be They ecarxeli the blood and strongtiben which that excellent romedy has n- Our action was disinterested, for, di- tem-pted to dissuade the princess from
the to see the greeiv bank CP rectly, e gain no single thing by our this second marriage, but ob
morning by an explosion, and im- and leave t 6 Of the TOigue, and istimulate the digestive tract
his lilinlualty ship foreverl tilittered. There bume been more of work. Indirect y, we to had fat
profit touch, tell in love with the Hungur an coun
froon first, dose to last. In proof of Frock of porcelain -blue serge. ThO slinflar cases this winter, few of which but not in the way our detractors Ad ciliose to take her leave of a court
medlately sprung out of bed and rush was endeavoring to amulse Harton
ad Into tfxe captain's cabin to find out this assertion the case of Mr. Thom- skirt is trimmed with three rows of have reachad, the press. Rhettanat-Ism Say. We ptofit in that Egypt gives a
to-clar and to while away thel time
the cause, though with, a terrible pro- in my heart. Quickly whore she has never been happy, and
sentiment in this ciJy__4aa It is us an opportunity of showing to the to leave behind her dalagULOV, LO
by to Ing him some of the experiences a& & Stewart, the All kookivni and shirred black satin ribbon, The ear- is so coitnm6a
ns I went, Goring, went more quickly at My past life. Among Others I re- genial proprietarl of tba, Orienta-I sage Is ornamented with shirred rib- 4-ndead throughout the provill E world what England ctincla. For whom she is devotedly attached.
lated to him how I Caine into the Weitiks. ww"hol am
still,- for bla -was already In the cabin pos- d y ee- 'oat Egypt we have given the bravest of At the marriage, which took place CM110.110 Prayer ainjoe, aospu
easion of, my his Hotel, Dectroatc, Ina 1161 lire.
ok at.oqe, ancit as Ill �)e quotod bon Imitating a bolero, and three rows every day Dodd's Ki Aa Pills are our sons. English blood has been In Mardli, neither her royal father nor e0i
stooping over tb dead body of the 6 Rallvious Picture% stat 7, and Chumb Orosanintil.
final I rummaged, In llb side pocket To a reporter. of, Vila Tribune. who of ribbon form Via in front. Relt of 402tionel Works. Hall orders twelve prorepli Atten,
captain. It was a lild"us eight for Coming More mad more Into general poured out on Its'sands for It. And her Imperial father-in-law was pres- Ilea.
the Whole front of his face was blown Of my old abootingi-voat and produllied mentioned tbelfaot th�at he was out- black velvet ribbon. Mateirial r - MOUNA A GO., Ifiontreats
quired for girl of 10 years. sergo, 45 them to as -
n, Ming Stewurt out of our sacrificie is coming a trans- sist at the Ceremony. But the count POULTRY
and the little room was swir the Identical object in question. He foritng from dyspepsia, Mr. use. In Xontre4l alone there have the outlay has nort been in vain. For ent. Etiquette forbade
I HOUL L was bonding over it tugatner Inches wide, 4 yards. been dozens of cures of Rheumaitism BUTTER, EGGS, APPLISo
I b R
0 cad. The pistol was lying, aside formed nation. ess ban not forfeited their love or P1
I pointing ou said-"Wh don't, you take Dr. Wit- suclauterp DUU& toopmmbogtrosttitswlwlf to
bi0i on the floor, just at Lt hdd d -t to 1kim the curious y by'-Dddd'i3 Kidney Pills reported, since fbao esteem The 0 ads
ran* ridges upon Its surface, when 40 1 -
pad from his head. . He had eviclaul. we were 14hins' Pink P1110" Asked why he HOUSEHOLD HINTS. last tall, The count Is of noble, but not of A410. Wsdtt-lki*MMt A dallicurno atq TqMt%
I put it to his mouth' b6fora pulling Conscious 67 a alratiow falling between gave this advice Mr. Stalwart coo- Rheumatism is "Islom .able as TH REBUILDING OF HULL royal, birth. He has estatesin Hun-
fligg., Grl. To do away with moths garments
and I picked hini us an'd the sun, and looking( round, tinued. "Simply because they are the trestedby the majority of, physicians -Corny, and Is 1L diplomAtist who has
saw, Gering standing bablud, us star- con acted with the Austrian
reverently pligind d him on the. bed. at stODO. beat medicine for that complaint I should be beaten anciL shaken in the nd mt hospitals. ftt more than one [Dyeing I cleanlorg I
Tbe Crew bad all clustered Into hill Ing over. our shouldero at tb unlight and hung in the air for fiOW IT iS PROPOSED iO LAY OUT embassies At several European courts.
a , For the very bestisentl Your wdricto the
cabin, and tho six white man were For some reason or other %a appeared know of. For ears I was a great doctor has confessed of recent years Royal etiquette is rigid and without 1111111ITISH AMERICAN DYEING C014
ds should be ex- THE QUAINT OLD CITY. sentiment. Tobe crown pTinces, who Look for Tol, In Your town, or send diretsi,
deeply grieved. for they were old to be powerfully excited, though he sufferer from Indigestion, and during that be Lice cured Rheumataism, bythe
hands wk�l, had sailed witu him many was evidently trying to controd hun- amined at least once a month, brush- had expected to be an eanpress, di. 510titreal, ronto, Ottawa, Quebec
that time, I thinks I tried .4 score of use, of De"'s Kidney Pills calbliated To also. r1c.sinlic-Like From Its Ashen. in vested herself of royal rank and priv.
yeari. There were dark looks and aelf and to conceal big emotion. He act and exposed to sunlight. For in -
them openly declared the ship was bid stibbby thumb before he could re, porary relief, but not so
murmurs among thom, too, and one of pointed once Gr twice at my relio with modcines. In some Cases I gOt tem- as the first and only cure, ever knon iiissisisto,:alliti.&I Foron-proleses Cribs Liege when she became a countess. She R 0 0 F I N G and Shent M�talftrke.
ure. I fairly fested cupboards burn little square for either Bright's Disease or Dia- Lumber Waite. can never inset on terms SLATz in Elsok
packages of sulphur having printed betes. If the new plans provail Bull witil who Is a great Plabliciandn61.8.1, OWPI
haunted. Horton helped to lay the cover himself st4ficiciltly to ask '%vbRt dreaded meat times and th)y food that her own daugAter of equality ft-d-tUrfen StATiCROOF'No
in up Is oT claim is true has 'be rebuilt on incombustible prin- to marry a kizig's son. arm - Aletill cellic
poor skipper out, and we did Ill It was and how I obtained it-aques- I ate gave me but little nourishment directions. That this latte' figure at the Austifan court, and
In canvas b6tween us, At welve tiou put In such &brusque manner The best remedy for bed bugs
tivalshliA 14 work is oallpfs,
On th)0 recommendation of a friend I is been Waved over and over again In ciples. There will be a broad at YOt she has exchanged a life which 1e1a6r1;,1s1s1h to a7
o'clock the foreyard was hauled aback. that I should have been offended had root eroed
a M f,&rt of tboonaelt
and we committed his body to the do I not known: the man toi I)o an eo- began ueing Dr. Williams, Pink pills blue ointment. n c Bright's Disaaas is running north and south and liall become a perpetual tragedy for $-A 61141111II&WIddi fijj�,T
Olh anoth-
Goring reading the Church of England centric. I told him the story very a little over u year agoi I soon ex- A sure exterminator for roaches is vo longer the dreaded malady it was one that promises happiness, and ev-
er broad street running east and cry one who knows her. wLsbes her
burial service. TtA breeze bus fresh- much- an I had told it to 14,tirton. He pierienced relief and no longer dreadi- p,,d,r,d borax. tein years agb whien to be seized by FURS- PU RS,
ened up, and we have -done ton knots listened with the deepest Interest, and west, and the other streets ivill cross happiness in the fulleaf
ad meal time, bat as I was -deter- For washing carpets. -Dissolve 'a Bright's Disease meant certain these with beautiful matbernatical ------- lin
all day and sometimes twelve. TUe then asked me if I lind any idea what aw ns.,. COD,
the atone wtio, I sald I bad not4 be- mined tbiat the aura slibuld bepei- box of any good washing powder precision. The horses will be of anot as reach Liabon and got away in dealth. MOW Doddle Kidny Pills lire n
from this accursed shlfcithe botter yobd. that it was meteoric. He flshOd manent if ��ossible, I continued tak- two gallons of boiling water -, use as well known and, by their. wesgright's stone or brick stucco, with metal or "The popular idea that the age of es p Coll I f
pleased shll I be. I as though me It I had ever tried its of Ing t1pB pills in light doses forseveral a soap when cold. Disease Is thTpwn from th ystem. horse can always be to It by took -
feet up -
we ware in a floating ooffin. Little on a negro. I said I had not. "Come," a slate roofs. It will be a neat a
montNs. The Telsult is every vestige To be delivered from ants make a Dodds Kidney Pills a7e J I oaf 494 St. PA t, Mon
wonder that the poor sailors are sup. said he; "we'll see what our: black ust as! off I- Ing at his teeth," says a veterinary
thrifty. modern city, with sanitar; surgeon, "is not entirely correct. Af-
too] It so strongly. took the atone in his hand and went good an appietite mow as any boarder containing sugar, broad, cakes, ate., r Tatting fir d
tratitious wbisu 1� in educated man, friend at the wbeel, thinks of it." He of the rouble left me and Ithave ais pyramid of cracks or other vessels aaclious in the treatment of maladies regulations. ter the eighth year the horse has no Miahigan Land for Salea
ell CIA IsOrdarvil kId-nay8Q8
ob with the lower one standing Ito water. they are tar local kidney diseases
Oat or 25tL-Made agood run all across to the sailor, and the two,oz- in the houlse, a d Of course, this makes for the pub- more new teeth, so tholt the tooth 0=2110 6000 FARM%G LAND$ -
real listless *ud.,depreu6d amined It Carefully. I could see the A M7, digestive organs mbithed is useless for telling the age .
sy� - Ito good. but It's hard on the word linTurk Or
For polishing furniture. -One third thmselves. Here Is am instance: ItIVOuntlie,
Ptobor 20tlL--Qoi1# work Ukq A oburm. I May also add of a horse which is more than un
Sarton, 14 nodding hit linseed oil, one third Wrilentlae , Ad gestimlatinir and 1 1 8 jgMrmo
and .. Colorist. The burnt Hull, if it was Leon TAke !rk At 010611 t"ging. from 92 to
I bad a Ch'st togothot �pn dock to = okeited.13r, an If making someas- that my Venexal li�altb was greatly one-third Vinegar. The b the treatmant of years old. As soon as the set Of rradre. Ttlaw and$ are Close toRnterprislitsN46
ottle must I have followed
dirty, was also quaint. It had an teeth is complete, however, awrinkle 4 ate.
sortiout, while his face betrayed tho Imoroved as a result of using t ry time an apolloatial, the, first d&tor'
thetnornift. Hatton'ttled to&a* owns. Churches, Mcoll 11,11(livillbosoldou 'w
a of Mdatreal for Olt
reasousuiewrins. Apply to it
aujing 'Out, Lea to most astonishment, nll�xecl, rthink- tAlle." is made. Rheumatism fom Whiseb, Ijkavo bee antique -foreign flavour that we ad- dgd A. H6
ill profonsion And tit A n. the upper a Job Bpi
I got n
Ida 6�460t;lu going to Ehrolpet but he with some reverence. Goring o$mei mired. There were winding little a now tattemore, 14L
To clean wall paper. -Lay a sheet suffering for 8Ix'$,adrh, but at the Iowa reyelid, and "Do you- object to my publishing of wTinkto is added a
quardoon Varil6d all hlaquot one and across the dock to us presently, still itch year, so that
thick blotting paper over thestain, relief from It I hve taken seven streets, nolaome cut do sons, slipshod to get at the age of a horse over 8
406 lie A& intortuatlosi. lavIded the holding the atone in him hand, "lit Ms in thiti Tribunal,, asked the re- auld then press a hot iron over it. PACKARDI
Seemed to be altirlitly offindi by ha !!aya it Is a worthless thing," he said. 1porter. ddla Kidney Pills, and I tenements and foul little alloys, years old you must figur
r- ait bomes of Do i the teeth As soon as the blotting paper be-
-city, And went downinto "Welt, I Wive no dealre for plul,_ comes greasy move It; bring a clean am 002A�plately omrad. I m telling all which offended thei nose but charmed PIUI the wr 63
to)!'$ I rtina t only to be ohmakedt Over- lnkI Dresel
bit, thrib. I Wonder why with. whitilt he raised his hand
ivo thould bon r
both' take ittialt an l4t6rast in this and would most certainly huve made Unity," slid Mr. Stewart. "blitt If you part over the stain, aiad then apply my friends of the excellence of this the eye. When you came to analyze
the iron again. Reliant this until Telnedy, nd I thank it a thowand the charm It would nat resolve into QuIlik as Thought
maim f it Is .-bla Iltviking, lip, an and of my ratio had the black sailor think it will hell? allYono wh(J suffers the stain has quite disappeared. times a d4y." elements, except perhaps that the The maddening toothache stops when 46hind him not rwbod forward and as Idid, 'you =7 EU61M thb facts." ' Buttermilk is good to bleach fine Nervillife-tbat wonderful nerve -pain Mill, his Ap
nseized hira by the wrist. Finding WAIIIIAls' Pink Pills ure b
go. laces. Lay the laces in the butter Ymas truly, shop Awnings were hung too low,
Hat 11is A flkki; be. to r6all hJ0061f, atioured. Goring dropped the y cure -is applied to the tooth. Nor- no 19
Ing to the root of this disease. milk In the sunlight. Uoxba Gvimond, there,were no by-las against signis villue is the only positive, fiever_fAil_
that he b after some Atoba mid turned sway with it very They el-h'i, �1`
crin IA4 Wbb halt got OtWOy to Porltu�- bad gradb to nvoid my angry rem n- renov a
and linseed oil make an excellent mixture ------ 0— the houses had iron girl . ilea on the nerve pain. Be advised and try it,
19 V. and 'build Up tU blood, One third vinegar and two thirds I St. Flavia. overhangitig thb atroot, a d many of Ing remedy for headaches and all
gill - iad that he ligs chosob Ofis Vabo. $trances at bis breach, of fallb. The stren4then "tha 06irves, thm driv to birl ton fufniture when rtibbing
illivillitilis ings bittlok'pftad up the stone and handed dIse&ge � from bbb sylitom. Ing
ISTOA)r Op BAROIJET_ filont door. It you could just forget LL
If your
attive, munial ci tha spring q The fee for county pupils at aftit
44d aiialtOV66 U#64 a It' Ulf Vbb m1th i low bow and am it ill leaning.
I ( , I 19Z
X, Too ,the no#, fit dealar does U6 Ono f Ina housakoopet nOver fbo Chances oi typhoid
irhx�nd reapbot. The whole affair i keep them, they will lit's The following story'Of the late Sir favor Hull Ilg
h School, is $12,.Wbile town papiI4
fit,10 Vqjhor. a fOkL4W.JX1kd On% Is f1baxplicable. I am rapidly coming be holat pawtWid t pring nor fall oleauttga. She kao X;ohn Millais is contributed by Lord wom a very pretty place, partivulatif pay 014.
a W -cents a box, Va
her dining -room fitaid ria(bbinig Me of a -Sunday. when the br lit -eyed Us fteurd
bt t 0 A , t"N to the conoluMen that Goring is a or -six boleis for 12.W, by addressing tot a a - lamm' ibf-Hersford; to it -recently
d r itur and r6novmting the entire Co.
j "*AA i0d b M0111ad or doineching very near lone, t1ft Dr. Williad4o' Medicine Qo,, Brook_ house, with A church diall ther T11H AtOON'S M1711,13B1
0 other datles to litir- fished blography of the great ang�_ 1'ro'4411 Ifirlil want to OWT it h Aft
g1kAtioa When I coiniiire the effect proiltood
W", OIA4 I form but sarvlagt the,table. Uh trilhit t litt46ts were liflathe *Ith ivid color VVan the w"ther is ace ted by Out
tbb Atone tq)on the sailor, bowliVere) T11166 sadqu as roal, b�
A) dash of 80did Put In thO 00&t6f Shortly fter his title wall cantor-. at r, llrputelk-. Tile C bet V1 I th the reftmot shown to Martha Ono In town and bounet. r otheV4 it br� a lit #A PERVININT
moon never attracts cornt frato th-a use. ul IL thQ'Awift glances, the' bright eyes
and the suirvrul� of T'ry LONDON HAT. 'rough the ho
110 Cloplig on its first produotloh, I tio
Sn " vent any OaOr 'tender.- aching t. Puthankim Paln,�
A t this in which tiablia 6� Is bolf64 will Drs- t*d Pu liin, kiltals xiiiid a ofeasiol
*06 It., Pt
iqooil his ve� and be less Corn 9 tua: 4t., Ak* �.Nv 1k k06datly, seen in Loh tabloso6da of Onegtk adi td xtrarol romoves the roost
k6t �Kt oomis to! th6.eOnOIuaIAnJhAJ This hat Jd to 91 visit color. theM
got hold Of SOM6 don; toqna of brilll&ut scarlet, thb the regular recipe for co6kies wni turn,, AddrasAing 11tilloo rldndo In bit ph -lea, for they tire of Painful obtagIn thrpe days. , t
XU*b timilt, , on; f . fm4nont quantlt This Thb did"
45110jal till blob appeals to 6 hIldfoa Cho h , , the tatAal felt lly lbakeis no sore spatS4, 'tlo (WOO
make them crimps and tha, a Ory W 0 bald. 111116, *hldb '4061il 40t grallt romd
soft and rotor hikify falti enjoy the fialk .0 PAIdup. eaplf;il.
oliiilfouI4 abbd tu *6, wovlw 616 var ot st You kn*a think It In, nothing ObRU06 iviih, for I but the (Itutint- doeStilt go fabling �Around a Mims
Itobands to be A
b.*,t, thot, Wpii folobtl into, rottoid ShOpe, rising wttb The vagetabr: afibbidgesi 6nions a*4, tAdo a bsvo I the, 41tt, 00 sed,9046 for toots but getti tobtisibbilt at onco and Rtscrv�i Fund
but I cart tat
mbo OtItIlltbo- ILI 40161014 the altJ& fli3id' 0406tS 41M MUO Moro delicate. find OU that it b�batllll 4 91*At d4hl a 4#60, T46 initrah of proiress is too afteists a aura. Diin't be pOso*d up, DUO W" bt halddat, � dellol6do It Otter iligy are kl& It,
, l 0 left 01%
�;fii* A im
bY A big bo oh 0 1 a fdad`4 for them. on by aubstitutes &ill! imltatlohs� Get iiim' hold on thils oro�a z4b bf 7 as"a I It
#OUT OvOt thQA little lAilk it
*Wd ?,
ht 11016: MOW, i at but 111 100011. 41. no THIS WAS VWXY. Other.
ta tho #064 Alto .0 white IN
te601" It Ih better tot b t4b gaft -house* thitill
with a
0 TWOL two ftyi *6 havi lway tilt the, 611111ilid doft. 4j, wart oliIa that 0oldioll, Alta wai stfuelt
lb by 4 foot%ut 9014 Octane
th rt
b itt lift to W*toh tit A", A44 X�, lill$ Wo t to bat "ll 04,
ASIA tb?h So' tit liVAT'6L Th 116A �0 wlier iiiy- 1***6 .70.6. Wl AM "Ibb %ilim.
I 1i
iof,thlf oIlitlaft tAlbo' 'atut gob luck btt Fat. lteft'.W
t 6 6" 1 t awl, 1W I
itlint bill it wow 451a 444 to t14 -A to, t*11 *A*W Oil," whov smat., Thli I" of *10 tb� 164,191 36h, -Mill 6110' VA '110ft"
4400W 4011 bikd f0V bolift litirktints of %rtM*iAJLhd 1 Awl Ili* f4 t 11 IL OM
4ftobt, ;R t6, .6 WI tAiW66 0i Oulovs, Is *106 took but. ow 301.111140.`=� 0 ',;b Irw,. 01 ft.�
_F'Ort 'd 11% Moo,
thli 'TO
74 g w1w tho'. 4066to a44 Willa tht lbatifisgatio %00 It. Jib of e4ox0b;; 'thb 61,61h dhotik& tw w -ell to 0ii "tat Pitid he '*Jhi �gh 110 'atill tolk *4y roun Dy 4 A410, oz liiftatt Wbillit I X AmMod.- The, tnol�, T liPh *A?At ftd
P"t h4a 10t, I , *W - 4X04tod by - 4ww AIX v
W)ALt Ill till Oltbor b 040. lilla ud �hIL",
to whitsil tile lvoy witH4 0 00 0"t"t, tii vAlklot ato 60 4"
=nAiLls ll , L *0 it btljWy *Itli lk tat.
Tuft urdly
0for �bo 14, it witvlto, VA gs,� kbotore W" t1W *k**4 Ot ito
Ito 4 42OW111W 7&t 4*111iiiI ftaflkly likk Xf 7
W""r* *t At *7%
0 t 0*0YOKIls ItAtY 4* 10 t
1431n A'do 46 voltwb� Ott* t*07,
C*kbt*t0 -kr a4dio Tio lot
twit 11wilt", *,A# till
t4l wi r* 0* jut -it wilky 1" 0*40 A
WW WegtXft W
t lot" *401", Xf tift