HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-05-18, Page 8FR77w,
SCHOOL that -m doifirll so" I k lov I vii
Cfl:bls-To� 4t, 'rogy full 4
SUNDAY 44404"_ A,
PC pqwort. "Vm. W. �V*Tkr 1A4 :101111AR,
_!N .4 1 OR
-V *sAm, WOW, I Iho _111to, y F Mae turto otbom..
sly PI'm r4lext 10, �Pt its III? All,
I, F.U. "'R, E ur 1114
-imposque of tiame avomsr-* allisfiell, W lot The MIXro'. 1,44 "44, 944 "Wilio, 139.4,dflot 4mq#pds4'of a CORN.
is -is. olmstee To" Lake L IL tbo idlKeltinbao" . � , rialp". Tk*- **- FPR
Dr. Talma Discourses on His llkngetisO Ot A.'bps ws*t ovet plowing to3r
PRAMOAL NOTI;& to walk oil# day don't 4g4lili we with, �Jrty married Armoploot
at tha, 43otb 40 -OP and Shallow
Atl;iorlmsi, Apid Opelt 1% lady o big way;
fl� * - a ph"ll't feel ashamed to be uk*00," A t
Verse 1, The smme day. After the Thiel ate West* wbilo - d, Atraidir As4daria, , t_ , 0 thilix ardent adeloca
# , .114heie seen Whou tlis 404 little boy borrow- marked 'A 4 be Carlo bAN
Wonderful Mission. call og We mother and brothM not always W9 -4 ly 4&14' ad Xouxg writair, , w4o4o boo*, "M til -4 land Ili covered w it le oeabogld be At
Aviii 0*4 lail-0 t p. 140 4it ioe�alklng, too,. *01,04 y4rd4prgre the plooviag
ad at the close at chapitter J* Out P#Strkl 4 Uttlo. girl We Lnvv 1100-4 b shallows
r-11. 0 out In tterralu. t, an inc tban
of the house. The house III C*",r - umtroAtful, 004p, "A Its'* 0.00kip Ay Whom 4140 k s *a A114 Mat a 14 "new Us atteA, leas
Vilt—O.Calt to Be Anything Great or Fatuous -4n This 0 can catch cold tax'VAI " children.
tia. tbe. lax plowing. The
am which he made his home. MARV$ Able CbrIatipplo, 4 appflo, gbil wittt quick jKlIteuses than the child .. or VA40 marko an one's with your
bat of &man peter. go Went to who is 11111
0ho utteris never a word except rains carry the soluble part1cloo of
World We Get Only the FaintesiL -Outlines of It ried by his trwiteles Xp4 rile QwcK14 Viorn ng" said, and, bowed and pencil. It W0414 #poll spy
0 Milled. wop plane with b#x-husb1tud, pp4l'fort;llty dpwp depper in the 601, afew
the, seasid. so that a larger number ties. Cbript 1044* Xts thib4
And theleflho
What Christ IS -,T110 Dr. Says Christ Is Evm" Might listen to his teachl;Lgo. Ali dar)dler rectaiis t 'aid 1&4p and root " Or loan on W with year elbows After , the bisto of', bei first c ild. , Vomit goakipf; rain. if plo �, ad she) to*
r ban he went tlerou0i' when you are rgilidixg me. It hurts.
to, in the bofor* Wsilfiaye t vionells thaj ob"..09 to .. Then Who is wllowsa� to �lk to ;#9 1 of tufmorly plowed land
the laudscg gave him to: he reimtod pro Or open I , rr tb4
OT no anid lay tqy face down Ill
thing In the. Great Plan of Redemption. (Krm no; Ix. lid. field and the flab. I"* W 00# Itb4t ble w like to be child. A little later sh in permit, lying linm�diately underneath
4r abuadoritlX, Owt a t%oy would show politeness t Otto the table. Toti wpuldn?'t
L , q
r A",46, 4#4 It of I be doluble
*a caonot rospose 94 tb " you# treated aq ted to converse with bar mot4er-iu- take up and bld most
00atch from Washington says: Out of the sweetest flowers. They or drawing his not. He oats XQW, who"Jilomplabe this I Will rue
tottep, their Infidelity upon the truth$ that was the position customary fV we forfeit s. Is te **Or put in between my leaves a law; 4till r May plant food, whereas if turned it
—Rioov� Dr. Talmage pre&Ichael from the wilhicti have led thousands to hoven, a pericill or anything tblckor than asin-
loilibuitig text—"Clerist its all and in a teacher. fulness. �Oelf L Pirtit,
tis otbjr Ix -It again hear her voice, and before a to the usual depth it %VLIl BOAk I ato
and in their distorted visius, hot Bl"18 FAMFIRL]YO PRQKJ�$E. gle wheat of thin paper. It would
Prop �tl,,Grcat multitudes. it was near comfort tsot odmoss from wtoaltit 1p,
lit. 11. Sbi�Mb to war witho Prophet, and evan a $train my book. great w*ila she will speak in white- the oubmtoll, and being deeper thwa
Every. age of the world has had Its gel tot, with evangelist, and repostl class of tbB popular period of Avon imoft Pastils to the gV0Wtb Of W310A 111111PAvok tllto� 0111C to 11r8. "Whenever Ion ore through, read- 1pero to the young girls of bar house- mcwt giants nick their food, i's ailoult
the Saviour's ministry; but noof many the Gospel mopirit, It it malu love ho, 4;41460 000 M.Orftlag. and she asked lug me. if you Are afraid at losing your 4
hintoriares, its philosophers, its with tlei and if they can find-weeke later he wai, left &lad* with world, ot Its love of the FWthor is not old. ibet milinx not les.ye itAle, Atollilliq "� aq far as immediate returns axe
=dtruit of character in it Main the twelve, ;'him it he would bring another quart V14m, don't turn down the corner Of during the fi;ot r.1pe.
artiats, its thinkers, and its teachers. 'Fulton A crowd is not always the In him. Hismonelaw that these thorult of her Married concerned Only deeper Plo"'Ag
of God imentiousel' in that Bible, theme token of a muccossfui ministry. ato grow umplantemij. and thin battler the. that night, he said, "Yes'in," prompt 6" of my leaves, bat have a Boat fit� ate, to a to d oburebb. �4jor wii4 make this lacked -up fertilAy
Were thers histories to be wTIttsDf carrion crows caw and G t i heir wings book -ma -k to put In where you fine
84 bip, Thi to bly the bout soil the more apt thV are to grow. it I ly. and then never thought of it &gal; to 4111101631s a bride torminettes offer I evallablai fairplaut food.
there has been many a Muses, or a over the carease. Because they cannot Whinh Was keriptvide8r ffa`"=lco in pass- t he soil has not alrooldy been pro.: Untirl he was in bed. Pploll. and tboo close me and lay me mix yvars, but aim will n6vet Again I %V�tb a stiff seed the conditions tire
Xenophon. or a Jdaleplaus. to write understand how the whale swallowed log from place to place Along the started for the pulAlops down oil 1117 4140 Bw that I main have a open her lips -to a man useless he bb elmozi, ill* Bafte as when manure is
Were there poems Jonahj lbey at!eim( the more wOJKk- abors, MOOrk & 9. And oat. This need. Well. I Can't take it now," said good, colurfrtabilp ' rest-" her kinsman . young girls or@ allow- applied to the surface and plowed
them. 11 be derful feat of swallowing the iname-.'
a was the bust,nern, ry pasture at tho, 23. AArtoulabing Ontorion a" told of, Billie; u e 10 a liberty of conduct that 'in in under. Corn is not adeep feeder Lnd
structeelf there was always Job or star whale of ii. low inches, below the top ) oil will
rabbis while giving instruction. Mul- I wheat and barley harvesting In the I though be turned and topped and striking coatrant.' They, chpitikes
e Homer to construct them. Were MODERN SCF.M'ICLSM. tituds stood. On the northern end tirstat=kat hellarstis the word, and -he was tireid. At feat STRENGTHENING BERMUDA. freely and cheerfully wattle whom find a perfect network of fibrous
is. I=
u twisted till
there thrones lustrous and powerful to They do not believe it poosible that of the take are several small ile �th it. "Who seeks to knoW be went to this head of the stairs and they please. leroota. La an extremely dry season
the Bible otbry should be true which *here a boat may ride at anchor Gods Will. acceptu -hat he under- ... I'llo Armenian woman differs retell- deep plowing for. corn im of greit td -
be liftedf there buts always been a shouted "Mother P, Floallax Dry 04wk. ass Ficett Les, oally from her Turkish sisters. Nei- I v a a I age a ad a x tra l rge ( f - -ps ass
Y6 that the dumb nam spakp, white 001) a 'few feet from ILL* shores, which , stainds, and seeks to live it, bearoi:4. New I" 44ur3c of
David or a Caesar to raise them. stahey Lbeausbives Prove the thing Pos-'sioPe itentlY UP on each side. forming Ifrdit. If seed tiveld mail are good. this Mrs. Fairfield hfd just threaded Cher occlusion, Polygamy car divorce �ofton grown from this placLivo ifow-
s demanded for sible by their own utterancen I I am a natural amptbitheater. fruits of the Spirit are love,joy, peace, "People here have no idea of the darken her preseaL nor threaten her �ever, in most sections he eolohtiOna
bar' ae�dle. and stretched a at king
the intellect and the heart I there opused beyond bound when I hear' & EE Many things. This 4p- long-suffering, gentioneled, goodness, maiRnitudo of the plans being perfect- futvre- She is not aducatedwwitb her � are mat favorable more load we s Gar
tan been it Socrates f these men talking about a to- egiinnino of fultill, meekness, temperance. Al with a big bede in It over bar, band. ad by the British C
1 one a I these brothrm, however, as your girls are. 111 4f40r dosQP Plowing. -4haliow plow -
and a Zeno, and I f She said, "Ob, dear I" but ob remember how puzzled I was lug will,gtwrd iLg*in,§L I h loi. of fqr-
lure life. Just amk it man who ro- him practice of teaching In paratnes-Imprig rain thegood ground in which a woutto
notes Jerts that Bible what he�i% when I entered one of your coLlgies tilitY. an t#'e growing t in no osea
7 a Cleauthes, and a Marcus Auto sit in, and Of those given tit this time Matthew has been planted the Gospel. The 'see what Billie wante turned from there. I I
d. 113eirienuilao." said a visitor just ro-
coming forth on the grand Lend glorl- near him hotog your soul. He will tell has rworded seven, and Mark an ad- graces at the Beatitudes beautify it. 'The fortifications, and saw 4rlrla seated among the boys Beason Utilizen It all.
Some a hundrodfold, some sixty, some
ditional one. Doubtless there werel "You'll have to go now." she said and dock yards bid fair to 'in the Diane room.
tous mission. livery age of the world you that frativen in merely tire devel quietly, when he bad told bar. I
opmant of the internal resources at many others which were not written. I thirty. I -good soils are fruitful make t
has Iliad Its Criumples of reason and he ifilaiatiq the Gibraltar of Ilial. "'30130,* 1 said L9 My neighbor,
it man; It Is offloreseenre or the dyna- But we are not to to pogthat the, but not INI lire Iva' "Oh. -other I I can't so away up but are the girls here for, to make T&S'11NG SEEDS.
equally product
ad I Atlantic- St- GGOV96 has 'gone down I W T)W�farmar or gardener abould test
-Pam Into a state of a' her"al and p, wh ains no- Talents a ortunities greatly there alone." the room look prottyl"
morality. There bas not been a single mitt foe reaching In lost Off
vary munh Siena I was there X years i ',It seems Incredible that any qua ,his seeds before planting or owing
age of the world which ham not had transcendental lucubrution lei case pubtiolood. In parables. A good do - vary. Mrs. Fairfield know that, for Ell-, ago, but Hamilton has grown conaid- could think a girl capable of Warning
juxiaposition to The ever present linition of a parable is that of Ly
0 some decided system of religion; the narra- lie was never out atallie at night, R' them. to see how large a proportion
"was," an it the great "I o be," and man Abbott: "A fictitious Is aratel . The Government has built an along wio her brother. It is can -
Platonism, Oriontalimen, Stoici%m. I le, everlasting "too I" Considerin tive, true to nature, yet undoes - n d downAtairs y sidered a disgrace likewise for mituan of them will germinate. We know of
Imobbatance dock shaped like,Lhe let-
trutph -61101Y With a woman., even noketter way t do tlais than toplace
Ito 171 PA,41ALLTH. wit6 the baby, and, If they waked him, ter V. which is 400 feat in to though she be his sister. She may them.between two layerm of flannel.
Brahlnin�am, end Buddhism, consider. 111muselv6s to he wise, ey are fools Live. veiling a spiritual t walk Pit
for time and eternity under a symbol, foe- the purpose ngth. The, I
Ing this age@ in hich they were at rhon, there In another Holes of pvr- of convevihg it to lainda rolucit- baby would wake too; so Mrs. Fair- bottom is round, so that when It be- entertain men callers, and, of course,
tiatiod, were not lacking in ingenuity mons RSAUTIFUL FIGURES. field thoutht minute. Then she,,omes iota the wildis 1%YbIgh,plave in it place, Tuoi8ten w*h
who voine I a I he Bi his as ron i re- ant or Indifferent. " It taught Bowe structure can bo'ber face is never covered, like a Turk�
and force. Now, In lb!o line of bone. vpermialiats, They tire enormous Pres- I hings to the .different, arove A Beautitill figure Is the most preci. Salk "WO'll 1161o. I'll 'have the milk onto women, out J)er Mother or some weit4roaad cover with another plate,
careened over just an vessels used to
bylerians, or fierve Baptihis. or vio- the truth home to the tbougbtfulaDd I older female relative is m -
lent Mpthodisim. They rut tire Bible Inquiring. Behold. perba." OMPIA1119- come down." n ant in a wlarm lieve whore It
ficauL institutions and of noble moo, *118 gift. after perfect health, that any I ready when i dwayet priDs
be in olden times, then the bottom ant. They attend tile samoi center- w
those appeared a personage more %%on- r more I When Billie got Into the kitchen, I can be scraped and painted down to'LlItintueutit and chturobt, bul, may not
'I Their urestf. instead of rutting Ilia his words by Winting to a farmer ; woman can possess, It is of is Ill not freeze nights, and keep the
derful than any predocamsor. Ife came 11 0ho"i ruit, read to malt The Billie. If tire- at work on this terraced hillside. A veins than a pretty face. It lasts ' hit' mothor stood at The door with bar, thq center lini. kilt together. The womsia'a seats I �Itlannal moist. Most of garden seeds
After, this, the dock D
from a family Without Any royal or kisipture Minks as they do, w 11. -f mo%4 er. ho nower is, first of all, much longer, And it does not betray'bat and shawl on. 1111lis began to to havel d down churola are purtitiouqd off. and are In 1949111d gottirmileekto In a reN% daye.
t when- her
aristocratic not, so much (be worse for a 7 I way 'the rear. 'Au
I It Christ himself, who is presto he at
Pretension. He boostrue a the years, so must eventually even feat ashamed. He wished he darsdl= the oper.tion of 0101L %%hlr.b do not itpp6ar %,ithinra
tures. The Bible im merely the whot- over truth is taught; next, his apos- laing and Willie among many old Armapian I v
Galilean Mechanic. He had ,, ad- the Want Perfect features and alone. Out he did not, tar it painting compi a ffidr this firort tomes may be
I as an which (hey sharpen (be dis- ties, or immediate disciples; but also oted, Between Chip in-! families parents contract far the vantage from tile schools, There .0 lovely akin. With a per an t0nesOleaa road. He took the; nor and outer skins is a space of 2D:marriage of their children while they :dared Practically value
eting-knifn of controversy. They who labor in Christ's cause, whether most Ilft I it t lend, to
are In their infancy, in the'majority of although name might be entire a that,
were people beHide him, day after day, 'e'ome to it as a government In time foreacham or lay workers. Went forth. form. amarTtly gowned and wall met up, m4lk, tind they tramped ovar the feet In depth. The dock can be sunk
who had no idea that He wam going to at war romea to memories or dicoonals 0 the Icat the farmer never lives up- empes the young people airs pormitted tweak behind the first and yet for wompons and munitions. They have n his farm, but always in the villa a woman ca nnot f all to look oba rm- snow up tbe long hill w i thQut a word. 30 feet. Thia great 1: chain her is di'vid- 'To -make the r own malectiona, though : ti A*4 wherb they slar[ ho slowl
be anything remarkable, or do iny- from which he goes forth to his fiell:: Tbs wind blaw in their faces, and Ell- ad into 82 copartments by 15 trans-! always wi I . par- 'tteytdom make vigorous plants. It,
thing remarkable., do v I a red e a ve r I it of I n th the consent of their
,gowar against all Yet, notwith- -I her " to; and y want somany, blob Are often at a distance. There are three olasseis of women lies earn were cold, but he had the versa bulkheads and a longitudinal ons"outs. ' Elopements, therefore, are ia.a good idea.to count. the stiods put
unknown. in, say log of each for memall seeds, and
standing all this and without any broad awards, so tnany muskets, 4. %ome elatedu. The mead is not all from an artistic standpoint, who me milk ban In one 4oand, and pulled his running along th-e keel line, These
title or scholarly pretension, orflum many tiwitzers. so many columblaoso truth, but Gasped truth, that blob lay lai The marriage tie is sacred in Ar- I if 80 to 85 per cent, of thitim, have put
g sled with the other, so there was no to
bpi a salvaltion to those who receive M to) beauty of form. In the re pumped out by Boost and death only can break it, out good sprouts at this end of the
no much Craps and canister, so many Ing rhatqr1o, go startled the orld field pieces, wl . t. 'By (be wayelds. There are no first Olson belong all the daughters. way to warm them. go was ashamed It a person has an unconftelaial COM, tallL.they tire good seed, and 70 per
Ili which toolalie-4be t lonces in the Fast, but the fields are of Juno. They are great, Call, mQgni SIXTEEN INDIVIDUAL ENGINES 'to a very fair seed, though we
with the strongest antennae ments. field of dimpuio, or they in an' &6 got to ask his mother to t4ke the milk. Pardon they must endure with the cent a
paths, upon ficent creatures, whom same moo do- Mrs. Solden exclaimed, when she on each side of the dock. But the Gov- mann kind of pa. I ienQe. they would 8n
ran ter collision with solemn Priests 1 11118 victory though the heavens be o.
blob some of the seed will be sure to I scribe as ortiment is not satisfied Nvith this pro would not care to use any that did
darkened with orrinke, and the parih
and proud rulers, and with a voice i "full bodled" women, In the `9`n8d the door: "Why, what made dure a sars head, which, though I xtt�teat up to that. Of cours th
rend with the thunder. What dothey (all. Such Lire the heartA beaten Intel may try',to cure, they will hardly out time 'before the first sprout
that ranit through temple used ps lave, I rqto about the religion of that Lord hardness by the rush of worldly and second you come away up berp to-nitlet I and ision. off, since it Is a part of -themselves, varisa with different aced. Let t one
class are the ithughter Of you, too, Mrs. Fairfield. It's too, v A now dock Is boing built itisec- "With Turkish women their Only !uright come in three days and some
and over ship's dock and tuount ail, top. .1 asus Cbristl I have mean some sensual thoughts so that they are not Vanua. These women usually could "have got along some-
a- - They are how without the milk" tions in England which w ill be 800 feet end in this -world is marriage. Ac- t kinds of grass not in leas than thwee
"I am the light of the nuvh men oame bank from an scatesis 0 to the tru;b, which falls upon the impression of ideality :Iva bad! I
but dubs not enter them. The 'cordingly girls airs free
Massacre as proud at tbAir "Billie promised you," Mrs Fair- in length and capable of accommodat- their infancy we Ir C I ef I
world I" MOO were thkou a I I al�ack tit �'O& 1 Revised Version, "the birds." always weAl developed, graceful and rocked t6 slaoil'by tbakr�mo I -U .%-,r,,
achievement as an Indian *arrier Ei if, f 't w I 'Va the idea that that hand, Yet hard from Jbst an the birds pick up the seed on generally good to look at. field answered; and Billie wished no- Ing the largest Through the juliablea u4ure hu Lei .ra Ad,, "to.
In the body would look at him. a
the Uss Of the axe, and saw, an boasting of the number of scalps he tosy of an old f orlised, Joseph Hay- some, c u e yd same Joey he true of
d ads, has taken. I have more admiration this hard ground, an 'do the light third class am gathered the cloilaren "'Twasn't any matter, she aid, cous "regrular age for'this muprome
and hatchet, should wave the aceptre for a man who goes forth with his thoughts and frivolous utterances Oki Psyche.' Under this class come the mothor," he urged, when they had %", who drove me around for two, "The
drive away the impwaBsion of the w lelicity is from 12 to 15 years of age,
of authorltyi and that upon tb;t flat me, to days, I had a good chance to see the
r oat the championship than omen and maidens teens Ily- described started for o Th Ind but unusual wealth or physical at- DAIRY GRANULES,
I he a or theme theological puillints. truth from Cbe careless hearer. Els. was Ili their blntefr.R'�' d OBillie's dockyard and the Government works- traction call for earlier contracts. Throw awy the shallow pan otettiona
brow from which they had so often who make our tbactleglioll magazines worm at the wandering thought,$, 68 havin fragile. girlish looking ears were warm-
1which Mrs Satan's messengers. See figures. I f the three classes, a" I visited the site that is being exca- are pleased if they got a chance of
Besn IRIM wipe the sweet of toll there ring with b "Buy th . a truth, and sell It not" Generally speaking, boWever, parenta Of Lho'noillot, fat this is the abomina�
I veirse 19. vated for this huge dock. ku immense
SlIed apendour and of Universal data, RT. a
would yet come the cro%va of Ittepar, TEMM HORRIBLE WARC Strong places. Revised Version l e other, but said bin mother. "The matter W; lbetrothing their daughters at 5or 6, tiOu Of all the evils. TAke the deag
ran ycrur protaise, Billie. Would you sell dredge and &hip comiloined 18 digging or at any rate,. beforb they reach 12 setting in cold water. Churn to ra
away the coral rook by means of an
inion. There are men who seem to thi very beautiful women are found in all ff nut
WIS All know bow difficult it , nk the " It -1 ON" not placem where nton;; - the trkith just to got rid at walking
In to be anyt Only Una of the swond of tern le is to and --IT but where the I threet. years. For at that ago Q1V
'Olt great or famous, and I endless chain ad massive buckets. t 1800 hquAle as diLTeotod, suit you came
UP to Mrs. Solden'aV' n-, �*Vlimrb
Ut those who had been
boys with Obrist in the streets of a nicide no answer. He was i which has a Paolty of 600 tons. When —'either o a buiter �liiet IvijI cnthe-
These deliver the rook into the hold, says .11;0 p Q
no iwondef stick somebody. There Is one Passage' rook boneathe to thinly covered with I A. woman who daideres to make the be put—so the d Mqb
of the Storiptures that they like bat.'sarth—an emblem of the shallow should a
ter than all others Eked that is Lhis:1natteires which soomw to be converted very most of heraelf Coldly her ashamed again. under the carth; that is, she must top -of the market.
'title is filled the vessel's dredge in haul-
Na3strotti. and soon Him in after years Bleased Its the Lord which tatiolooth when Only the surface of the emo- Own figure- She should Presently be asked him mother if she! ad up and able in taken to either marry or die.
in the days of Hit' culuklate obscurity, find out its I some DO 90t make thlet mistake of feedialp
bOuld have been very slolO MY hands to war and my fingers to'tions Is atirred, I Id slide down hill 'A girlis perfectly marriageable if
a to mcknow. right while the heart be- good Points, its better points, its bed won ; 0
lodge, I adjacent channel, where the debris is Is either pretty or Wealthy. Should calvea.too muoix cartionaceaus food, as
Mrs. Fairfield lai%Whed; but she was du,,mped- The dredge usually ke
Woo to us If we come to God's 16w remains unyielding. Forthwith Points d its i she Possess both, then she Is a great it will tend to fasten them while intor�
ward tile controversialists, aim an peep. 'they a rang up. Because the rock' a small Woman, and dhoL tucked her-
LER18T'S WONDERFUL Mic;SION. tion or as connolasectroll, or 'an fault- boneatt wam, warmer than the soil, Shia should then take It tin hand, and self up an the front of the sled while the" trips daily, excav , 6
e sit" caich, and will have many suitors. feritig ith growth. A nitrogenous
I remark, in the first place, CIbrist I flu ts. Those only and started, a Pronelature but tran- by Means of exercise. diet, gymnaaLiCS, neighborhood of 1,500 tons ot or 'Ll About bar wealth there can be no diet, judlebously tempered with car -
y Billie stuck on behind, and they slid that tim.
in sv6rYth1nC.W the Bible. I down the long hill to their own yard_ "Lying close by were a couple of doubt, as in the Fast one's financial
I do not got Into the heart of God's truth who ant growth. So the weak, emt- a good tailor and a first class cornet as food like rowan pay, wift
care where I Open the Bible, I find come seekIng for Christ. a, where Billie skillfully steered in. Hi status Is known to every one The
te'long, narrow, four tunnelled torplodo-,age, too, can be easily ascertained. the Atild(tion of 4� cake, is admirabl%
Jesus. In V111111,10VOT Path I atart, I 'such. They will find, tiaminWgolootbte Onee oleateure is' of ten the moonset to maker, not herself up to the beat POS- mother praised the ay be managed boats, that can make 30 knots sa`dly- but the puzzling question is 001at appecially if roots are given at inter.
his Bled, bu Ilia was still uncolla-;1besides some fine looking torposda
Puma, after &while, to the Bethlehem behind the curtin at prophecy, until U: not, suppose that mpre excitement A woman can really do more with 'fortabla. i her good loo�s. Is she Pretty I That
rom to aroused, ib time ad revival. Lot &ibis advantage. t B
mliages, I go back to. tb" 014 die- He stands , In, boat -destroyers. vals, through the winter,
be discovered, and, of course, as
the full light is true conviction. her figure than she can with bar face. **Wty don't you do something to "The barrachs are exceptiocaally com-: Must .. There a evidently a at rang prejudian
pentiation and see a lamb an -the aitar of Now Toataiment dlacionures, 0. Whistai the sun was up. in the If inclined to be too stout she mother I" he said, while they were; medians, and afford fine accommoda-; the Y".no mn ban no insists of find -
and 4sy* "Elehold t1le Lsmb of God Jesus thin Son . of God the late springs rains the seed quickly Should rigorously abstain from every- wmae' On, thA �part of the farm dairy wom
Who t4imth Ing out for -h maelf; he must get soms
"I Iti'lieve I'd feel better to and exteinsive. OUtside U:ie Gctvt4rn-
bonpaint, stave.
worIV Then it to and aeoAlle manna Him in gentfalginal table and obron- burned out byt the bat summer sun. sucle. Eke late hours, over Ind ill gonew at have a good whipping." ry
joYmY the Bin ofa the Atavloer of tile world, They All find gorminates, only. to be as quickly thing that oncouragea em orminig themselves at the big coal . tion the It ortif iontions are very strong wqman to act for him. . He usually against livien't is called creame
Israelites 4n the 01091cal colonist on, In pio'stio stadeta resorts to a Jewess, and if ber.report tar- Whyf It Outsells bar product.
Provietad for the
truant works axe the wreckivig busir is favorable he then brings the matter this to
table and leading in general a laly His mother smiled at him.
wild;Phie'", sad 1 581- 'V6110, the! and in historical narrative, In— bro- the long drought of summer the our- ness, there isnot much doing On the to,his parents' attention, and his me- learn, w re meek,' pl*ess in
Because they# had no root. During Us
braq �:eof itte.1, lar.1tudit-up an4
X to
I."Twould be pretty hard work for island. It is said thbra are Wil Of them, ik.�)r, af ter a call on the girl, a rr and sets if tbxt pruceas Secant bb
I do t 'Then I look tit the rook' found arable and in startling allor- face soil becomse, very dry, and on fla36 lose not theo-ocourage to make most to vAAV such a big boy as you 088 for every day in the year. Per- I a party at a public'bat�.' Th;il Is a -practice.
aad.`�*s the Water gushes, butd
111111ittan by PrOpbst a rod i able. Riiiy will' see ' HW foot On those Plants liven, wboas roots reach she must may goodby are. Don't you want to belp, lie- adopte& tn, dairy
I say: : every sea. and -11fa tears In the drops down to Moisture below. They with- help there are, but Many of them are Ph sical The Pennsylvania agrioultirral oW-
a four 0 be u i of Iniali. She will then join aimed of makingeme do moral I'll more Pinnacles ad rock, There Is defects. These bath val
"It 14 'asuo, the fountain opened for' of dew on Berman, and bear His meted away. cry reviv I will niab I t a t ascertain. if the, girl has any
pin and unalt) 11068B." Igo back and I voice, In the winds and the overfloiwipffiauka of wo6en who fetl you how yon will be punlithed liaga has been working on the line of
0shoid His Instances off this class, people of look at fhe wrilings of Job, nati'llear, words all-abloomi W the aMO-: whoon they ]have palised the age oi Billie," she continued. "It's too let'.' I NO FIRJM WATER tromely fashionable, and the *oM"16n 1da ift4dall dbAese too neast the eXt-
valley be- tional nature, but weak
08511Y. tblert a to tofinish mending these stocking, to- j an this islands. Great surfaces are dress elaborately. A no0i4l of grefay geucy of thisso conditiono. They have
hat my He- tween Mount Olivet and Jerusalem. influenced by afrourellstances. When
n I go to us" at rAgaft. night, so I shall mbud them to -mor- cleared Away an the WIla, These are pastries and sweets in always serviO41,1kise %84yg AL�haeqe O�about 48VADD
Keen- There are some man who come and 4
I 1�oo,,on, the contrary, bar trouble' be row. when .1 was iliftiing, to �n*ke a icemouted, whitewashed and fitted aft*r Which ' cofities" the smoking of pounds we gut. ' 1 ches*
kept, and I find Cloriot Wasented there walk around this temple of truth and 31 M am from
Ot ION th67 Are Often callAd backslid,-, an VO# of b to,% pfuddi g adarVhih cuv cigarettes, long pipes and water pipes of good sie for hanling and for fare -
as PIAOL of reilftown;" and thaix I ighUy leanness odl and ;zt
converted. bli ddt f mto me too 'is rns. Tb�are —the women seated cross-lem
moroly see the outaids. There are sire, WfA;k, t:y the rain
*than wliti walk iijt- the Parole and geOulnely 10 reality they warm never ch Makies it impossible for or cr
tUtu to Isaiah, &46 Christ is spoken - Unit. * ,,,,;�d there'll be no; =lei rod on Ily-use. Prlfessor Hayward says there,
Of "so a Sheep before her shearera in then go &way. The, Christian. appear in either becoming Cottairs pudding was Billin's. jay.; are lakes in the valleys, but these are'divK11a and gossiping the entire tizies. has been a ready sale for all thht
There are others who character that carmot stiAd trial is I, Orlte desse
dumb, bo He opens not His mo even ag.gowu or smart tallor' frock, rt, afted this was a blow that salt. and betva salt water flub in them, IWhen this is over the t rapare ban been mas in that vicinity, and
uth." come in and look at tho pictures. but bat reial� but only gasendlag. be laid to buirt, Some of the valleys are very fertile, to an ter a to party the
be ShO114., With the aid of,both diet at b ill D more could have been sold. The price
&1I the way between Gaia� know nothing N%hat. are the 7. Some fell Ong t thorD& These � and gy Uslum, sat about developing He and ibis father would say the great crops being potatoes, on- Whole entartg"t r olftil is 18 opolits a pound, equal �D
Asia and Uslachl. Then I I urn over to h a a
ey411t attractions -it the Bible. It is titinllout InIal"tins, asin'ber torm.:, to t!he UtMoot'L It is her Vottage pudding" to each othpr, forilelull And lilios. It In delightful to; devoted h0belf to he #irl, .4 aef -It is 2 ceota'�fe bot1ter.
duty to covaI% *itb soft, firm ourving a 10119 time aifterward, If anything was drive throtigh wires of Easter ILlIes nesell 4mi*r- 6 0
tilieVew, Testament, and It lal Christ OnlT the loan who f,)mes and knocks ore 0 a M where they are permit- ess'lo 901i at& his, at
in the Inrable, it is Christ in, the mir- at the firsts. saying.—"I would ate place. In the parable,
tall to find
&Ole' It -is Chrlint 'n' the Eva legalist a :,708(18" --for Irlin the glories of that aseChitint tells 8 the repreaent"theitliesh. the barsh outline of her angles. In danger Olt being neglected or for :1n blociou Bananas and'lotsaf other fections they a discovered and re- FARM INDIVIDUALITY.
I women think it useless to gallon- And when 1111flim ha4 grown tiopictal fruits are -grown on the is- po�rtod to the hateinded -brJolegroam.
IttDrYs It is 011fist in that Apostles : book open, and h goes in and finds loar" Of the ollee"arld, tKe deceitfittiliess Some thin to be a Mon. an(L Pso,?la said, "Just, lands- 'Should bar report be datinfaetory, The trouble with average mankind JW'
GP140118'404 it Is Cilirist in the trum- 14 to Put, on a little flesh. They say The Goveftment In graduall
give me Billie Fairfield a word; that's acquiring additional lands for fortl
C44sti and with HIM, Peace, pardon, richice, and the. plealetapag of this V
Pat of the Apocatlypse. be t "Oh. it's not my nature to aff6r a few visits between the parents that It delegates somebody else to"44e
Tlioriia will gro* for themselves at, 118,96 is agreed upon and the ta� thin
I life, comfort. and beav;h. "Ail in all They appear never to have wil I want," BI Iris would smile , and fk&tlGus, dock yards, barracks and Lhe mar there Are a great many - but good seed Must be. 0anifid nieO4 learned that it is of the very n iture ally, "Veto, my mother. taught we to, similar works* There is no doubt day
people *J16 do- not filid' Christ in the i in TOSUS" In the Bible. list. lei OIL and, as Much af ' itq week
I remark again that Christ Is every it for. Choked them. They 49 not; at & human being to possess a 4 heal "An to, the betrothal, the busbAd as it IM.Possible CID gai-rid Of.
08 m keep a promise." ;that the i0tilobtion in to make it a The t4sr Bible, 96re. ts, a man. %,rho at Oldies
always kill the seed, but they pretreat th iplace at immense strength, equip ad Joan to 91Vs a olower—or, rather, %bire.1 ikhl 4ra
tile 131blei as an historiain. Well, if in the great Plan of mdemp- well developed body. P 11 eX%WriJnwtot, istatidne arb do.
lt'ftom full deelopment, so that It with the fullest facilities for the re- as the 14)ran ditinctly states. The
164 We are slaves; Christ giv f#111#6111, they lack this gift of nature, Ing a spl"did work in th:6 way 6f,ix,
YOU todmome�� ses so 'hftt*r'au' youi will 1 4611vormane to the captives. We moo brings no fruit to perfection, Lake 8. ILBOUT SNOW. pair of naval and merchant shipst. minimum of this dower ls fixed. It
Until Ili this boobb haw the world was re 14. their birthright. there is something
How Many starve their &oulls that I may, not be less than $1 .70 'in your perimentation, lint every forms,
thirsty,: Christ In the river of salve- ttar wrong ack, They should find money. The Inaximurn is left ?0n, ought to experiment for himself. Not
made, how thp Ifileas tied to their they may 'supply thiir toodlest Be members. A Anowfall is equivalent to about a 1 0
places, haw. empfras"ware otbblished, t4cm to slake our thirst. We Viet be poor bore than poor hereafter. I gut what it is, and remedy it. tenth of Its depth In water; that is, THE SCARLET LANCER& that agreement th famil f
blowt motion taught -with natio, jave- i ban ry; Jesus says, "I am the bread 8. But 011eteriL Notice thmit In no In- a snowfall of 10 inches would, I in able to obtaln loome at 0 that he sbould 90 Into expensive. dit-
Ot 110' %:Ift are condemned to die StRabs, in the Bead different. Trjith Is
ia4kinat'heirbegoon, Ubtli Christ says, "Sae that man from go Turkey thlo, otow ficult experiments. but into ordinar
'1215 PLUMP NECK melled, make a layer of water about mealy play, for in Ily
this, daro wan Chi$ _"&too *herevar it falls Up the, .11, Tionot Ever Igroke it hold naiieniontatiop to test the vein
11AIlt-17 AVtth the M�Ad. infir down to the pit. I am the Jauj. walmn has on bar husband is A deep. snowfall,, square of Iminotimary. vorbe her he may �turii over ifferedt V"ietlsa of griln, fruit an
YOU *.ITA sefle T, dre of phn- od groeltad� Raprehooting ts' TO fill the troublesomolo hollows on Ono inch in depth. that to till
cog- the tritAttlip of qfthoeror% a -ad a I
We tars Loosed on a sea Of; beartik which are raceptiOle tolider and each side of the collarbone, i a ayetem though injurl6us o traffic, Is bone- Lord Roberts's successful application to her his ddwait. vegetables. Probably 'there is not
as, amus Ocomes o
,yar it saylreg� r4hady to make good use cei the atimpol. 6Z deep breathing Is invalu le it lies on to thin war offi6e for the Sixteenth "Af'fer marriage it is neir prime Ono
the W044 UU`tlad and It bb -not afraid. We are ItA What kind of filloel to farmers. Whil farmer in A thousand, perhaps
Oft Ill# Brought forth rult. a deele breath, hold it as long as pos- the ground it prevents frost fVom Quesn's, Lancers to be allowed to leave. Will, for if she displauea m shis in 6 lie gr&*Ing'the beat and momi
back 6vitti, Moil down aj Iii. aleft die rkness ; Jesus soil duty to court and obtai Ida good fat Ons, In'tdu 111buSand, who can say
, great -akonipiq ill stet,
It penetrating the sail, rid protbots dell- India for the seat of war in South I in inereluenf. d nger of
nstarred w1h If AUT rthrpur
otrtIgUako, And tempest, And bat. bright and Morning ate Birk ; jeaus Ili 8 are Posts Of all the toll, fruit which will-siblet. and then exhale it very slowly. missing:pdra, r it Is VArietr, air thab he [a uAiba
U0, If history -,put -i the balm of Gilead. Wo repay thd farmer for his toll. 11 Mae. A wi %otiose taugue has ab
3 the'Repeat this ton times, Do this twice Cate Plants fe-16m freezing. By the -Africa recalls to a Itiorreaffondent of de 9 110 YOP up the fertil.
tialt toll the'L bit" 0:11 are detell. � bass the shrouds rand and It t
-Oth&* Iles pfloatlon it represents the renowedla day. cooling it 1produoss'when it thaws, it the Pall Kali Gazebte a story of'tbla trpublefi for at hiliaboindwill lbavele at f his JAS held n thei majority al
U00y 4 ith 10 ffraY6 lefilocks hea#e, as He cries. "I ublifull - k dudiloge long bad -to, 50 , sees Po 0118 can I
ogaracter Wroulght. by the Go"l, and, him accurate
GOD events it 0 liond e udgmdn Should a' ormA fork 0 thOss PIVIALS, for there
AM tM, reurtection and the IW, bq the ennobling Influence *blob subb a s it is absolutely essential thatthe retards and even 'prevents the sud-I'famous coavalry regiment. The Six -
that bellavoth I me thoVsh he -were clet6raciter #Xmirta. Some & hundredfold Muscletie should be developed, the fol-, man wish a vorce he has only tim, a oddIVI vality about the farm.
pould 1 ,,,.,teenth Lancers is the only reglenient
4id Thucidides. 'don and extreme changes of tempera-
F'eam t dead, yet shall he live." We vtant 80 Vtold. A single keruel, of lowing as raise I am Lure that are so injurious to return his vo be heir,
Iftakis fiviivitli; Jus -me StXt, a a mus boo a a part, of British cavalry thaot has ever peps- to dow It R44 pay.
AD � t6w is Moreover, by lying la�jos 'Glet 6nt:' Shia bit to gi
I lbott1011' justified to 4halithas breaknown tele PrOefoub$ 12:of one's daily routints: lkisvinib, 4*4 (be—daity b.ondrisid grains; but in the East the Ilia spring tratood and broken a square of intan- no redress. He ab# not even gi** a NEWCTINd TUB ORCHAJtD.
4 6ftoo eftlli#ta, Wrld to Voidot hatV90t in trow tw
it%ore 6va lOokee %ith Ill keeps plants from routing too try, and It mPaoQ& this unique record reason." of
t� Gal
thtp i1b our Lord Jesus Christ." We -ant to.,sixty I., Slowly band the bead forward till early and so alliti touches the neck. The ralsa; from log nipped
to oxilrolse:
lit Witimands 6t yeaft, faith - `11tilieve in kirtisme the ttromat of the'sesd.� go i by "by a fine (sat piorforml6d at the Battle !the -advice to continue apple,-treet
I be f root.
the, JLord esus' Christ, and that& toord, still nolitursh froffi whiele groat
UPON. TWO LIJ&Vka%,� lit very slowly. lei kilwal, in the Punjab, in January, -i 161-11tiftS (-,sound enough, with titis
shalt be sived.11 I went to got trom oflaots come frealm the Goo I sad, It 'bond the bead backward The snowflakes are of 'varied and
per a 2. Slowly it lines proviso aaded—tlasit, no one shoud ikt. tempt it Whicola not fl
"There ls, now, fall in the beeirt of Bout of Tzoiraus. ad raiise it again. t4bTystI., ion of The Reliant Sikhs had thrown theme- rMly X9301yed
it *Moto awoondomnatio)bi to thein and unuflOblo ra- 11� Band sideways to right and leM 1140 Walker* Wlo�%
Well; it *as come -fat Jesus." The crops ftlth� 611141 by Ivefi IfttO 4quArsoll, and in this forma- t6W Alvik his iftes. and thli'land they,grbom
i ��orold have been the Nvejer, am wxanary, or are b� 4010 airs In bbi of 'Jollift Alt those movements slibuld be m
Ithd humber six. Six -rayed stars arp Ann thaf for a )Png tims resisted. the man 4iiatf 0411ki0b. It maysits.
find to titts back fiialttikw. �-Ve anpried It. The flames of hall, Wtolt alood. tits bArvest Is world- Deleted ten Or fifteen times; ptld when A
Willie f�axd. -told. Some elts- you liteiiiIis done this will f r th 1. Like 1100111; common form ot snowflakeit
Ill% suffe0i Tfia. shame—JU 10116- 'AoMA thirty you
uiiai. I tkp�ffi In. I In tielild Nvolit c, and tits blibIrmiaties desperate charges of the soglish C*V. misalftittian ra raelth4d tl*t hkinore itean'646.
eendured f, q Thoto vrown—he Wore 13101's MY 6ftYi �,NO results, bftv* coma 4ilvistry mustils in Your throat and bank flukes lh4t'86 all mi1nit, fill, 4t thiei' anga, a large district *Web catiolhis I 'rfJ of 0 owjostg 0
(To, it. a heights of heaven sing it ttind (ruin MY 1111olvilitl0b." DOUbtlefts thfird to aching. Then bathe the thip"t
gietereing, or at lilt- and of �letxty 'of this 0iPiat watiSAV 4 -66 look Aftdr. t a a$* It shodid it `I�l I Ithd
-be- alr%v just as ttubbornly, - tb* as Wo3l; of light to worlds f ligb?, ail 1161gh t 116'1� 1*40s b%r*6&t train; MAZIff and neck to hot Water. Dry r, wilt tntantq had raifted the rr Onah that cglil*ra' valy 1 O*tb
i it sitytbt 'th the beetivens or , "Glbr$ t but no otlib'"OW3 hibw% I'letti go.. one
I that' e found, when examined. to.linvin the
111ft %hd wall' Massiga ib any goad icultasslare at wlitakloo. cibleirds are chilet 6f'r &tdU& at,
fto mori-.-Uta 't afmaltif jitiflumeaftil b$ it af 4311W god" doiji at*eellft, ruiellifig it.1p, With theL q % X 'tayA, each bettintolting. 'As I he, moolitigin . whicli, t'fi eda. tb#t_,kf UiQro
kiat 'Ps Watliffidr thbtakes bat. Again and agalb did the Sixtee ey Alt
a Aod as
to" farfla livid stal-bot tliib of tfib la a ths. iesialredisly -140h Ifi1ribut or fito,, ied in thialt 61100,
-am C 0110(b albliplar abil UOtil theY Vineerk atti-ve to bVeak hrough the
tllest lot ate, x4tom lakt4-tir art rahla of 14 6 re e'J 11gen.
tollbles Or. e ri 101conds. ed It J1 awd Yallit nee ff a a J110W the .0kintalp, _14 I wh ni Ate Ofton reductod,to 4slaqdarit lots wil
1110 fiiiwdr. Liptibol to (to explain With A'soft rig or to% -4 trelo sullibn WaS6*6s Ot tliifl�ffikhil *gain and come alsori aimd Inbro fla
4i 61this 46"bi , Oded A 6�166 hol iftetbo prittilia, %vilb ob4fo 6ndo. 6fitb flat 4 Got In 11
11 t
td;Y; -wo tcilq h 1, this t6ithlb otifififft tissit, was rialkle. C1 4k*i' The iletsdle-shfip� again 11COAS 61 64441A Were 4liptled. '011 lislielen jl�L
Alt, .*h1d1k deftftimites
t gavem 7 ad ptisma,, str pragieri#
;i� 'Cos ro
hu,e6n� 0#14'"OU'd be to of tU and the PritlA.'sare, beaten %blivin "Aftet, tor OR obillitt lautloa, f topok with
bllxs%rdo� and It ththe tb atill thelloon
tit 44* *4*4 nt tikk t *fil-ark. thin Asersearw got.
11 W1d aaoft tag or s#out#. t 01AUght6t, A'A
fOf noUnidirm% it k test A le Ah *Ind that rifigal in t
thb" xr6 thinin Thbie, art: OW A07t", tVVon, tU6,staut
r-111ifist aim Itokirc '*ith IV
tebakilla still rosawater, w106to Is & WHO .6
'Thi bit Nat Idlileks &rig thlbest
In; tot, *t* *lot tontlett "d Mips to close tli� ft Wild it tag. the jo,"ftkia *40411oft.
tbio 46 piettih 16r la:ya
hk, atli dirt trbft eter K *1116 nkatle, swilirtby 0*95 ftddo 41tLJ& Al tU It 'It" In tht W®rillifts wish witli WAkIii
1, khdiuK atue to this ttooperle., bf, i,14A Ift6d 1Oa*4nd6 thoria tt6olil ffal Wahiat Ilk
threabi " and Oli Webod $op# I* �#ftbost ail the *%otfiWebt th*,0% OK, dr6 4111flU600's 4bl, 066 it": ;6t tbo, Uit to 9,404 SUA06*6V
Almg olsilIt. The$ Ub 00"t 1111aft, mi iCuiftiwiiii ames, slimetlakiy to hotp, is
it44' toll be an lmmiiiast,
to bf 6140 )JO t 61b *Iomeel, t Od tWroolthly Ift -the J144, lot tol At 4�. it , ,
it'd tA as V%J"y t
0 8Z Anti then *s N*N*76 �*,kv 0 b1folit fterftr ")I 'tot rd
and (U; 6 to *.auflful I tar lauti 10 dition,
elilita the shlm6i� do d at 000 tot, ad t 4 tt It "them h1ktol6lis Iseelt
thb b#%Vt,,W heir 14*W,
lei "n edL do* oya end nQ*Ur* 0C..)IO41k tessilt *Vtt ist Wietter at lot *11iWilit 16 ktoot 00d vojtli old ft6% thik4l k -tikkes, 'fillet tat!bi* , V_ lad
lttb6 Wmit ti
ta to ad ffeWl is It
lit* in
th" Alifft
Vf IkOd' ittk0o" hel"t tlk* 1160king.
tbat hail, *&at] Vol
I "ty. it Oillt A drowetiftit, �io 10
#6 tottli I it 44 091tivata the (Or 0410kan, foqd as
tro Oil 11 �To, I,
I Atre-Id did thb lA*Wft - �� 04- uoi our t an ',Wt bid the im )ihdtlutllilh�. U& It a
to throuo fl* 6A%relw, thi wime �Vtiy tit blwh W, Inoisto, 04 6f, 4 th
ve,66113*�, � it( Ali a,
r"d I fiftepro. i J*Af'r iloirot is 'A k . 04
wolitai 111110411,U110 Al-� t t, to btallikits 64114 Koff"'o. 06. t tt W bill: it "areS '�W.`Spt
-tit #116lity Of lot Wptr" it tkitAlOft thoil diffiftit,k" twkbt$. to obtfiel, We's tb6*i 16 -t - I* 90dit Ph Oka dt 411010A. *0 lit, tidits "it titter their tfuo tolch gelvw
t lbeii J)0116,ft ot t `86ft toUrigh f4l"60 tAft ONKA 6 Whet *hd iftlooves lbe 06'ath titfthis t6 irlit4eads on, 060 411111,164o, 4#0
*a thili Ale" at Wl; hiiia itfiln 61 ubm oliftot thillit,
9'ftS f"41
rJrJW It JilgIiih Into' lo!rk si Soil, 0 t 0* w6fild
t bAd 0 016114"IlIt *0 eqlp d er 401 "tww 6 gw
lit kvis t�l*ttfdilo
_did tty. X
#11,16 1b"Iel let
%1* Allif JL0 5ft I*ft6)&OJIr* li-fid jar *Atd le I 1 0
'tt blefooll 1W
It* 1A hot a "111114 molt th"611 It, ?&
't)US, tiam 706,011111 Ana
old 1111 04 160, t Ulat coo "'Yolof 6**' 1 at thd W410A. IWA *Ak thw o4fjbi
'Ole K, it
eOWMd' t?A IA slid tigh tift, 111ftA bfig,flej tw.
t '06 it, WfAAA ft1t
Ttft4.: Milithl,,i) Onto 111bli tbkt Aft 6 two. t t4t A" JI a lioi�vf IOU
to tuis litiftib, inW" 11,11110 sft lk"A* �fsmt flalft"Alka rAee.�
4tj ' '
til, bow 1k
AIM Tbilf 6hlA a &1154
14 ite"d rlF, Viva TOM 4* of It 't
tV wvwh 4'4' #1 tat .144,11111611 t*A 411 meowmisra lif 4014rd, a norw *Own ywoU Is* **Rio
'it 1 '0 1 1
t t
�0%6. 06"*011111401111 %11
ter ifiN *tJ�Cjuot t1la; tibtL f.$tAt. tof'rt #jVI1 IV W"t 11 lk AW **I#t� jt*o* *Iklift Yftr till Wt ft"W1 bt *00* 1%, *too* 0a bl
11 , it Ato 11111S t
rAwmeli tat 14 . I
0*.*, t
k4e, t
_s"t of %ttieft lei Xft.
6 T 44"Ok *,an as
fFA R -ft
0 V14 "llit lot "r, *0
e4M 10** r -A& . ft