HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-05-18, Page 7Wc4CHESON &SON Three Day'sSelling MAY sIAND17 habeas tied lidnll ase Only 19 We quote three days' prices, Prices extraordinary and for the most desirable and seasonable goods Our reason for such a sacrifice in prices: It is imperative that our stock is reduced to a fixed amount in May, hence we prefer to do it with a rush. Read every quotation herewith, and of which the values are good at regular prices. 20 pieces of Dress Goode up to as high as eighty cents a yara, widths from 88 to•54 inches wide, to be sold at, twenty-five cents a yard. Handsome Plaids and Checks and Silk mixtures, one table at one price, per yard , 25C 20 pieces white Victoria Lawn, lk yards wide, regular price 12ic, 8 three days price at C '25 pieces fancy Wrapperettee or An - conn Flannels,bandsome for Waists, Wrappers and Dresses, in light or dark colors, reenter price bas been 12fc raid some 15c a yard, our three days' price at per yard 5C 100 American 11;4 4 -ply whirs Crochet Cotton Quilts, good designs and re- vereible. They are slightly boiled. Good value at regular $1.25,0 your choice-. .- ..,...85C 15 pieces Scotch Gingham in bright good plaids and check patterns, fast colors, prices were from 15o. to 18o, your choice per yard.. IOC 10 pieces beet Loch Lomond Flannel. etre Shirtinge in dark colors,QQ regular value 12-ic. per yard, atSC 60 pairs white Lace Curtains, 54 nichea wide, full 8-i yarda long, handsome designs and entirely new, special value at $1.75, d. Bale price aP1.25 or Oilcloths, English and Cana- ian, in 1, If , 1.1 nud 2 yards wide, , new designs, regular 25c, at per square yard ..............20C 20 pieoee heavy Cambric Black Lin• ing, firm good cloth and good enough to line any diens, would be good valve at 10c, our price three days at .... . ...... ....7C 10 pieces '27 inches wide Eoglisb 'tapestry Carpets, designs and col - orings good and suitable for any room, regular value 46o and 50x, your choice at 39C W. Acheson & Son . _ r,,' : 444. ;061:6s',.s..-.•,,,s;. _ ••oe; Doe; tan; 9 1 Space � rt. Watebe h T is f (''runt week to weak, and BARGAINS we will offer from time rt. CASH. you will be surprised at the different to time during the summer -for � �. ... offering ROBERTSON'S PURE t per gallon, tin gallon lots only.) .e, Pinto in Canada, and we carry a 1 Twenty-six very pretty shades j � , ,, here for spraying. Call and get 1 r i Screens t At (sat year'e prices. hest known fertilizer -9c. per Ib, 5 days only. k r rt. Paint Surprise 1.,41. r, From now till May 15th we are , , READY MIXED PAINTS mt 51.30 These Paints ere the most popular large .:tock of the most artistic shades. re' to choose from. r' Spray Now ... \Ve have the proper ingredients re the different formulas now, r! Screen Doors and Window p r11 Sulphate of Iron, the Remember the " Paint Snap" -I rt % rt. A. McD• ALLAN, r „jr t bR* a 4'61;114 l'vgb• i l.; V"tk'il►llrlY:►s`i.1�ICT'17ererkl _ the �obcrich star• TKt.Krir119K ('ALT. -1 x - � FRIDAY, MAN" 18, 1itg1. He Is A Wonder, All who ser Mr. C. F. Collier. of Ch. - nkee, ia., as he is now, cheerful, erect, igoroue, without an ache. could hardly he is the saris roan whoa abort ime ago, had to sit in a chair, propped p by cushion,. suffering intensely tom an aching hock, in agony i( he to Sinop, all caused by chronic htrouble. Electrict mitten lne and hwl o 'holly cured by three bottles. Pose' ively cures hack arhe, nervousness of appetite, all Haney troubles. 60c at Jam Pe \\'ilenn's,drug store McKiliop'e Ite17 assessment shows 3,010 acres in the tow'nehip, the arses• ed ratite of which is $2,000,000. There re . days of e statute labor ; last ear. 4,143. There air 8.018 cattle, 199 sheep, '2.1411 hogs' and 1.783 horses. 994 a_ree of fall %)heat, whereas last ear there were 4,715 acres. There re 878 names on the roll, or one third 1 the population. The average num- er of cattle to each 100 acres of land i only x little over 1'L _ _ "A HRAHT AH STURDY Aa ♦N OAK." But what shout the Mond which the cart must pump at the rareof 70 times minute? It the heart ie to he sturdy td the nerves strong this blood mist. A Chatham for four years in niy back and out relief. Miller's Pillacutcdme." ated and who lack overwork, care quickly by taking salePills. 50 sale at F. M. Dunham's Mn. William died on April sinful illness. daughter of the of ullett, and V. 8., of Seaforth, Tucker'amith. and 11 monthe, _ Old Materials DIAMOND Are the Favorites Mat and Mn P.L. Stanhope, C., writes Thu.: recently sufficient,old materials cloth, yarn and stored away from a couple of fair i sent G, Wells Montreal, for rug de.Igns. f wawhe l my old loan says :-"I treated I with phyetciags for pains I stomach trouble, with' 1 Compound iron People whnaredehilit• energy as a result of c and anxiety will recover I Miller's Compound i doses 25 cents. For t drug store. I v Grieve, of McKillop 20th, after a long and e She was the eldest late Thos. McMichael, v mother of John Grieve, c and Thomas Grieve, r She was aged 50 years g e t Profitably r Used. a I DYES r of ail t RugMakers. r r ot Victoria, lis i a discovered that J bad t Pitch as annel, discarded underwear i which 1 could make f -steed rims fort a floor. a At Richardson Co„ two of their handsome A Atter they were+ received n mar... tat..., t i ,.e t , r v t u f t k e 1 SI A 3, v al h 1' h a. he rich and pars. Ilond's SaraaparillA makes sturdy heart. hocanse It makes good blood. it. gives to men and wo- men strength. confidence. courage and endurance. Hoed's Pills are non-irrit.nting and the only cathartic U, take with Hood's Rar*apari I la. thein with Diamond Dyes to match the shades on the ring patterns. 1 hooked the two rugs and they are an handsome that all my friends admire there. The Diamond Dyes are. I think, the hest and most reliable for home dyeing. i certainly reconnnend then j to all who make mats and rugs." CORRECT EFFECT INS Wall PaperandVl�ir�dowShades NEW AMERICAN WALL PAPERS, THE VERY NEWEST EFFECTS -EMPIRE GREENS. REDS yN[) BLUES. Nothing grander can he imagined than the tone one of these Papers gives to the interior of a room. Regarding the cost, it is a mere trifle in comparison with the other furnishings of a room. Prices range for the cheaper Papers from and from 5c. to ioc. per single roll, t2c. to 50c. In the higher grades PORTER'S WALL PAPER STORE, Otlk Telephone is No. loo B, Court House Square, Goderich. WEST HII NON AND BROCK VILLE. Maaaw+wtiEla seessaiwasIe THE GOt)ERICH S'TTAtt. ;Louuuucd from Page al only concerned witdr Farr, in so tat gra to show that a further upesortunit should be giveu of getting him before the committee, hecauee hie evidence wouttt- enteduly be pertinent. 1gg sup- port of this, Mr. But dru read feint evi- dence given by Joseph Kidd and Jos. Nelson, Troth of whimi had converea- tion with Farr. who told thew Clint. Vane* gave tow- a ticket tut North Dakota. which ticket he showed w nue of yheni. The evidence of these oven. au read. also showed that Farr had called at Vance's house in Toronto. Jon. Neleou had asked Farr whether, if the electiote mete straight. Hoiu:tw would Inc elected, and Farr auaweted Not uu your life." (Laughter.) Far also told Nelson (bat Vance received telegram front Ottawa during the to vesttgation, telling him to seep his wan love, and Fart said he had a hard time keeping eut of the way. Other witnesses also testified as to what Farr had told them regarding his efforts to keep out of the wry so as to prevent 811111 11•008 being served upon bile. T one witness. Mr. Ross, Farr had state that, as deputy returning uflicer 1 Goderich, he had voted 2 times him self, and was in a bad fix. (Hear, bear. Farr also told Thos. Marshall that h had a auto of money and a ticket t North Dakota, and was going away i consequence of his connection with tit West Huron election. y • a d Acceptable to the most delICdtr n stomach. aw..v.xsawstw5e-WOaaarWw4e4.Yde'a'f a -Nr •a.ew.w•fier,:raw-.e,a,:>. v idy their notion un the ret ()mach, liver, and bowels. 611:11er's �V ,rtit Puwdetw correct all such troub.ret aa lack of appetite, hiltiousneea, ctru wainee.% sal- low complexion. etc. ; mese to take. For sale rat 11'. 81. Dunitaue'e drug store. Are You • Easily Tired ?-'--1 la your system run down through illness, your stomach weakened, stud needing the aid of, a !tout R• streugth giv tug Tout.:? TRY pQ Beef Iron and Wine, Prepared from the beat Extract of Beef. Citrate of hoe, and Pure NY nus. Pint Bottle for 75c. Or brink your own bottle and Pel any quantity you like. SCHOOL Lull BALLOT THIEVES. e S. E. HICK, O CENTRAL DRUG TORE. O (iUUaalt'H, out. e " ale ,lys the Best .t Dick s. As to the Brockville •lection, the Neces�Itu i8 the Mother of Invention Premier had said last session that the came, es stated, was `weak, but (lever- ` theles his high regard for the of the Hamll�o� stireeti fl�eu6h of the ballot and the honor of the e House iuduced )lilt] to send that ens !leo to the committer. Mr. Border presumed that the Premier's regard tor the sanctity of the ballot told Che honor of the House had not shine since last session. and it, should, there. fore, be unnecessary to adduce any further evidence tit io crake any fur then cease in order to obtain further in vestigatiun. (Hear. hear.) He bed, however, soave further evidence which Inc wished to offer. There was testi- mony int am affidavit which he pos- sessed that an expert was employed and paid to train deputy returning officers to steal ballots and substitute forged belittle ; that eleven deputy re- turning officers whose names were given were trained by the expert, and received 101 forged ballots for the pur- pose of such euhatltuLiou ; that the amount to be paid to their men for each ballot they would so substitute was in most eases $5 per ballot, and that the method try which these 101 ballots were to be substituted tot good ballots Wall as fellows Dr. L nd•rkin-What is the date of that. affidavit, and what ie his name? Mr. Boyden --11 iv a statement made by one Pritchett, on the 20th of De- cember. Mr. Fitzpa+.rice-It is being investi- gated now. Mr. Borden --In r'egar'd to this mitt - ter? Mr, Fitzpatrick -Nu, in regard to softie other matters. Mr. Borden" --Well, that is very good. HOW THE TRII'K 18 DONE. THE NEW MASSEY HARRIS BIN d DER with 32 seta of roller bearings and the NEW MOWER. with all Cho latest aniprot n.ents, Sul up now tut Inspection. hrea1ulno their superior mortis • After remarking that it was right and proper that any man connected with such matters should Inc tried and punished. Mr. Borden proceeded to read from the affidavit the account of how the trick was done. It said :-- "The deputy t returningofficer p y car would seep the false hullote so that he could •eadily take one in hie left hand when e wished to work it. When a known `,onservative voter would be in the act f handing hie ballot to the depot y,the atter would place his left, Hand upon he table with a ballot tinder the hand, wt no counterfoil. .erfotl t At the emote i- re Illi cent Inc could accept from the voter, with his right hand. the genuine ballot and counter foil, Ile then would piece he genuine ballot tender the telt hand ingei•e as if tot the purpose of tearing ft' the counterfoil, and with a quick notion of the right hand he would re- move both genuine ballot and counter - oil, at, the same moment raising the eft hand and leaving on the table a l:tllot from wh1ch the counterfoil had pparently been Met removed. He vculd put whet Inc had in his right and in his coat pocket, and then put the box the ballot lying upon the table. Thiu ballot 80 plot in the box vould he one of thous previously fur fished by Cue to the deputy, and 011 vhu-h i had put, a cross in favor of onl,toc k,,, \Vhether or not the statement of hat affidavit was true Inc did not BICYCLE LIVERY. now. He knew that. Pritchett had l-1 gsiou tit , u,Ieri.-1 . W01.11 t.) that abatement, and he von-' . Full litre of all FARMING IMPLE M E NTS. Sole agent for the old reelable Maa..ey Ilarrle ".o. BICYCLES including the Chainleas, Toronto, and Ivanhoe Wheels. Nordhelmer and Bell Pianos, Or sans, ream Separators, Sewing Machines, Eco. Full line of REPAIRS kept lu stock. tar We are In the combine and cru, therefore sell cheaper than smeller concerns Our Goods and the priest demand an tummy tion and your ',erten* consideration. They aro n11 M purely Canadian manufacture. J. P. BROWN. WORSELL'S Less Expense Less Rent • 0 • CHEAPER Stoves, Furnaces, Eavestroughing, Roofing, Tin and Graniteware, Bicycles, c c s yand Contracting, at WORSELL'S Cheap Tin and Stove Store, Ralph's Old Stand, on the wrong side of Hamilton -et., Goderich, JI Revolution in Wheels ! 1 am agent for (Inc Eagle Quad -Stay Bicycle, THE I,IOFITE91) AND ONE OF '11117 1111 1' WHP: N:Ly h1AUk. 1 have a lot of good Second Hand Wheels as good as now. Cal around and tee thein. A froo day on opening for the children, Repairing of ,a11 kinds done on the •hortes. notice. JOHN YULE tired to make this remark in regard to is eitatemedl, that It seetnpd to oiler n exntanat ion which had not previmts- v (leen given of the reason why coun- erfolls were 011 90 many occasions put oto the pockets of deputy retie nine lfflcers during the \Neat Huron and Brockville elections, in dellence of the dein requirements of (Inc haw, and put nen the pockets of office's who, oil reyiou9 occnsione, load never seen fit o adopt any witch course. Ile had ead to this hops* the evidence of Mr. 'Innmings with regard Lu the reasons which induced horn not to destroy the ounterfuili, to refrain from destroy•' 1715 1f GEO. STEWART .las removed from the corner of Bruce end Victoria streets to Yates' Stand on the %vest side of the Square. Cut Flowers. Floral Deslgne, and Choice Groceries. dao . will cont anus to be ,nt.•whiea. Old sod caw cmrtomer* will plea.e hear to mind the change of to a lion. fall at the new premises and we sol❑ do the \ cry host we can for you. ng the counterfoils, and to put. them i GEO. STEWART, n hie pocket. Ile van t ill Yd to submit !The Son so-. t: oderlrh Ftoriet and (i rover. • Mill Wood u the judgment of any reasonable nn, hat the reasons which life, ('lllnlllinga dduced for hes conduit 01 that. respect were ahaole,tely inadequate and un atisfac'torv, Ile Invited Sir Louis T)avies, who vuuld follow hill, to suggestan ae• tenable reason. Having regard to the •port of the c•mnmitlee, having re• and to the •vidence presented to Par - loving That the poll hooks, yntPrs' lista, nd all ether papers, letters and dote- i vents. and rnenulrande relating to the nst election for the electoral distric•t.1 f Brockville, and the haat elect loon for he electoral district of the west. tiding; 1 the County of Huron. which were ament, and to the further sworn tatement which he had just submit- 1 ed, he felt he had every reason for eterred to the Select. Standing Com - tit tee on Privileges and Elections dor ng the last erosion of thi■ House. and ileo all pr ieeedina and evidenre given, aken or received by or before tips said telect, Committee on PrivilegAs and elections daring the lust session of this inose respecting the rneltera afore.1 aid, he referred to tho select. Standing lommit tee on Privileges and Elections' ppointed during the present seesion f this House, for further (•on•idera- Ion, and for the purpose of inquiring into and inveetignting the conduct. of l the respective returning officer') and of the several deputy returning and other officer* at and in connectto, with the! said several elect.ems respectively, and of reporting thereon with all conveni- ent. speed. Sur Louis Davies moved the adjourn• ment of the debate, and the Howse ad- journed at 11 Fin. Your Physician's Prescription. Von shonld be deeply Interested in the correct and honest filling of void phynreinn'e pr-eerhption. In every rase our diopenring a relent iflc illy and nc- rnrately done with a view t , heat re - smite for the airk, A Great Medical Discovery. PM1IDP'* Celery Compound is the crowning medical disrrtvery of the rentory Thts popular medicine is nur great leader. It give* the hest reaults In nervone diseases, neuralgia. dyspep- sia. Rrightb dieense and firer com- plaint James Wilann, Druggist. G(xl*rirh, Ont_ 4111. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Br•nmo Quinine Telt let*. A11 druggists refund the mune♦ it it fails to rare. Far. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 1 car tf. For Sale The above is cut into store wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at 128 Cambria St. will receive prompt attentiou. 'Phone 98 Peter ricEwan. Goderich, Nov. 21st, 1899. 17'27.3 moa. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarte. Short Bread and Cream Rolla. Mince Pie./1 and lady Fingers. Kisses, Macaroons, Maiangnes. Brandy Snaps, etc. Are as gond a8 the hest male to any ('ity in Canada. (1ant.eton leads the trade in WEi)i)ING CAKES, ,n Lance designing, and ornamenting and almond icing Give him an twofer and your 8nttafar'tton will he assured. D. CANTELON WEST -ST. GODERTCH. Steam Boiler Repairing. ' Since the Boiler Works hare been removed from Oodench i am prepared to do Steam Boiler Repair ing and also the manufao'ure of Smoke Stacks, &c. D. B. Strachan Joseph Stalker, trac•ber of S. S. No. 10, Kinto,,e, ,e ryldeu-:y doing good wurk with hie pupils, lot he to outriding up to for midsummer examinations 8 fur the EI I a Brice eaau11 nal iota • 9 for the Public S.hw,1 Leaving or Pcu1. I J uuiut Lea v nig , a.id .t Cur Pru•t 11 Junior 1.eavlug 1t may he added t -hit J,tu,..r 10.1% .1114 ,a the literary Out fit of the Se, u .4 1 lana teert 10c913,o of t hu Puhhr school teacher. The examine roil fres pall by this 8chool amount I u $413.00_ The Hots, ill•lest of brute vitiation when sidle; ti g Iron. a . •ar, .vin a,00u, unsure, deer i-5 se u, u. h bruedt ILO ne (11851er 111 Alike e pndu'8wrul, how the healing, suothtug ectruu 111 I)t, rheum,' Eclectilt 0,1. 1.1 nee", ' 'swelling of the neck. ntttfuess of the pante, throat. and Rouge ere retie%est ! by it. The annual meet mg of the East Huron Libretti Aesuruttion, oht,1. In crudes both [huat11,11 and Pio. itetnl •......00.110 00 ridings, will ct,uvette tit the Tow a Hail, Brussels. uu \\'rduraday, stay id, 11 \ MI buy' y'nur SPRING SUIT from 1.13 It 15 eoutumneti,g at 1 p. 00. (ii the suer date mid at the smile phtee II etteren- Lot Ee.1 111 rvrr y' p;Aftl'.uta r. We want to do business no Ith you, ',our trade w ill do us gond, but we have no right to It nolo„ you receive an equal benefit. "THE TWO PRIDHAM'S" the Leading House in the West for Fine Ordered Clothing and Men's Fur- nishing Goods. b ill", sr 1ONL i, t,r IIIc 111,0.11• h,,t.l.ludrters o1 the S(...,etl cal. ttiragcment ot wearing properly CLOTHING lion will 1m held to nuulu,etr ,t ,tiudl- dAt• fur the ('unmoor. e\'et will lou,,n„„ o„o. luhk'- ' rate ),,iii 'lin' ,tt ' i :n ni,.1 , au the We make all grades of Clothing, and our cheap , u,k or 11.. ,1 pct. t• • ,r,t%'r , Slllt, fit as w ell its our better ones, It 03 cheaper to .hili ('.,1a -,n.,,,.,,,. �, ,,l,�.li,• I . til I av a fair price tor the BEST quality, than to pay a br ailnye.t. .nu u,,. ,I,,nLe, „v,dded. LI`rTLE lower prier tura MUCH lower quality, ru '1'hta Syp n plrn-.sur to the ln,te, 1 And 1111N1111111N111 p„ssrn fol r,.ln•, na}r, I enitug 0" and ('Mull ,til rttfel'tlolle of the :brunt nod lungs, coughs, .olds, Inoue hills, and etc. RIDflfiM The TdIIor. 4 31 Ghristihs' fiats To The [root ! Lento May 20111, t 'rake 0•- t;,, : „um In tl.is line, I e a 5oe. to J5c. I„ or 75. i,..r I,f C'att Links with every one of Christy,' Hat,. It you want the latest and hest -you w .I the Christy , You Want Spring Underwear ? Just drop in and See (),.r ( ,,,011,. I (.11 e ,Many Grades. You are Suer to he Suited Heft:, hath a5 Regards Quality and Price. See Our Wlnddk, Saturday Fur rite New Spring Creatlr,ns in Ties. Just recened Handsome kerchief firs, Oriental Patterns. The New Khaki fit, Khaki Ground, with Red, White and Blue Stripes. \ try Popular this Season. Sole Agent for Me London Christys' Hats. NV. C. PRIC)1AM, MEN'S FURNISHER. High -lass Furniture At I\FASOl♦ ,BLE PRICES 1111100r- OTT MOTTO_ - Complete New Stork Bedroom Suites, ,\lattrasses Springs, Rockers Chairs, of Sideboards -fables, Lounges Couches, &c., &c. Wo always boy and Hell on close margins, anti always give the pu •chaser the best end of the profit, UNDERTAKING is a specialty with us. We have a model iiearse and outfit, and carry u complete, modern stook, at purchasable prioee• '('Night and day calls ',lumpily attended to. J. TROPHY & SON. THE GLEVELIND BIGYGLIE"'� Tho 101'.ST tuiuo nn tit,. inarkot. 'rhe• ha. torr, urnvril right here In tloderleh (or bar of )cur. buck h, the ,w'r, i.t.t 1lcntsnd fur !hem rnelt your. root firm Chir very' (act going to handle it tallit h lint Clovelands. z-rr\V F: IN'Vll'h: YOUR 1Nel'E1:'fl0N. AS 1-C wc)1t a muni we are Dairy Tinware. Sap Buckets, Paints. Oils, Varnishes. &c. 1:7-\1'- iu. t r a,,,lri .i c.0„plr,,' In„• o SPRAY PUM P9 Nos' 1. the •acnxnn to a tie them Call nnd„tu11linc 111,11,. \\, n.,,, l'RIOAM SEPARATORS at aeery roawnat bio price. 3112.317 ]:' ii LD N Al z . LEE & SH EPHARD 13 Poinls In ,n7, .lt'ru7'_; prier only', m purchas- :u;: Slo „',, \ nu make ,t serious mistake I I,I 7i-' .III' ill ret• plink to he looked lit l Make --M aterial--Mosey. \V slo o yuu Shit's that enint'lilt' i",nth ill 1he w:tv that give, great .line :!t ,mall ) Ciunc ,1n,1 ,,•,' rune ,Mone, I'tr+ugh fl'o t'..tt 7 St - per pair. Sole agent for the Slate! Spix: for 111'1 :tn,1 lilt• hmhie„ for \t imt•n, WM. SHARMAN, JR. We riff t rlln desire to Thank our f=riends and Patrons`" for the kind planner in which they have ars taken dill, 11( the .New Cash System of rq', Busine,'\. 'I 111-: CASH SYS -I -LM HAS"' COME: IO Si,\Y. (MI We ,nen 111,11, 11_ 111, i1, 01, lin\r'r,, g„i,1 until ,11av 24111. 25 per cent disc;unl on all 7able Cutlery and Sil•ver'ihare. 'Pure While Lead, in 25 /b. irons, at 7 cents a pound. ilii, Ina Tile, th1 7..11. 't W. I life li; !t.1 !, Jr, Somervaille's A P , Elephant, 7igrr, Sanderso.r 1Pearc v's, etc. . Sanderson Pearcy's ('o Co s and Island City Ready Mixed Paints at 30 cents a Quart. a. Old PPrice, -til cents. ,xt Step Ladders, 5, 6 and 7 foot, at lOcts a foot. c.i Barn Door Hangers. 75cts a pair. !,1., Barn Door Track, 4 1-2cts a foot. The Cash Hardware Store. N. D. Rougvie, (oderich. SPRING MILLINERY. I I( .0 1- ," v ` , Pastel, Vanl)yke. Wattean, Athos, &c. •I y1 l ,1'1 ,r ••i , ilin It ,n 1t•r,'. \\ (e 51•e,.II , 11 , FINS \ „•VEILINCS IFiP 1 he v 7, I •I, i' .t nl i I i MISS CAMERON i HE S 1 AP '.tait,k On its merits aS a New`- Macninist and Backsmlth. paper. and gum ,lnttccs (\)uantlk Quality 111(1 Clr- srlotorta St, Ood•rleh ICU atli)Il, iselre anti-.0111n2/410sd -N7 NI ct'-V .024,EY Bui1ding a Business! I/.6Yid'.All:lA•',all',iV'•ea'aD'c3Yd1' v'.a A ,av •1' see tie./ l:-° '1,+S' .QS, 111 Custom Tailoring is easy \v nth the Style, Fit and Workmanship NC hilt 111 l)ur garments. OUR CUTTER. W. L. McLEAN, has just returned from New York with the Jno. J. ,Mitchell & Co. Sys- tem and all the newest idea, in the tailoring line. Su It you want to be in it call un 05 tar your Spring Sunt .and Ooercoat. p.,Q1P410, al r40011r lB".a6.4'CT t\` h 'a "C- •N - \ %1 0 A. P. MILAN MY HATTER, CLOTHIER ANI) FURNISHER. $r ef•..l10iY,e'.00--ArOIP',illr.'1'.10".#17.11"' \",' \'�+.�1t'. e' 44+r: \'t".\'Seita ",,'4�'•-s!tt' i 1900 - fl. MUNRO '1900 Now in stock, n genteel steam went of Staple and Valley Dry floods. All leading widths 1.f Black0131 ('nlnieel Velvet Itil,hons. Several widths of Black nod Watered and Colored Ittllhons. Frill Mimi of hosiery 11,111iluvea, Enal,roid- eries, Tucktnga, All overs, tic. Piques and (Om k's Navy). Yeveral new hues of Corsets from 50c. up, SPECIAL Srva•rel hundred yard. of sin¢le fold, all wool, lbws (heals, nobility, they 1)'Iteige will be sold at ilk•., 121,'. and 15c. Will lei plorised to stlu\v gouda o hither you put chase or not. A. M U N RO. Draper. Grdnit6 Ware Is the most ECONOMICAL. moat DURABLIC, and moat DATISFACTORY Material for Kitchen Utensils. •• •• •• 11 would be hard to fled a larger assort mend or a better quality of Oneness or ware than we hare, muni we want yOU W ass 11. The GOOD kind coals no mors than the poor kind if you bey the good *lad from PLUMBERS AND TINSNIII'It4, T1111 Sy1'Altl•:, (1111r1Rl('1t KEstimate■ as to omits given on all I'Imntbing and Steam Fitting \\ ork. Bars The Ways. Tonics, wisely taker, build up the syrt.'on, and l.ib1s. 1t 1,, r, vi,t the attacks c1 dlsr'ase. From our large stock of `'-Ton ics, Nerve Foods, &c. Anyone ran select 11 Mc bane 011 'Bible to I'.,•ir ailm tot n have their 1 i1y.i- den's formula tilled u, our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. (;hEmist and Druggist. That Touches the•Spot•�� � O Mac Leod's System Renovator Ask 1)rnggint, or write a,,.t I,.n,.ra,,,rt Weak & Liver & Female direct to J. 1f. reel ., 1(111 Impure Blood Kidney Diseases Complaints. &c. \larl 1l01),,�(.uirnderieh, 1Int. ie „nil V1,.•,I in ry pr t. n.,l 1,r. h. HAVE' YCDTJF2 Knives, Spoons and Plated WW It ENI':« -PI) \()\V. • We di) \!kkle Hating ver‘ rea\onabl\ , • The ficnOersou b16u6It Go., Limltie ': 6od6riGh