HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-05-18, Page 6t, 7 \1 ?r. LS[ r May 18, 1900. Wst Huron and Brockville A Demand for the Investigation of the Ma:h- ine's Rascalities. Hie Coli ervatives ask the ljovernnlent to Renew the Inves- tigation, and Keep liuod the Premier's Promise. As (., rto11111\ I11 b. ST it last week. the 111, p.,• l,,nt 11..,.ked tit, 1.,., el 11110.01 fa.. ., tri:. .• ti of Ilse 11.vrntI KaUoo neo, Ito \1, _I Ilwun ulecl 111 tot.., dill lee, ..11.1 11,.,1 1 Ile Brock Ville. eh, 10,11 Inlu. lin Ft en ty, AI, It. 1.. It.,rtleu, of Halite,. bret,ght It, It -Wiest 1111 ns (1.11 x111011,1 111,11 lit 11.,' 11101 inn 11 go into rupi,lt 110. began 1 v a re, n•.v of the etf.r is Ile It.. made to h,t.r Ilam• 11001e•t sent he tote Ibr lo,nu,ItL,•.' nn 1'r1v114K1, and Eli, I,.,,,. I1,is session. ,,u,l trolled the 1„0111rt tit 0 hit 11 l hr ,tlientpt 10 h,t.vr IL tut>..r.l its •tt ummistsed 111011111 load bo.•n drltalyd. HI' .,Iso 1 mulled t11AL whru 1Itr eubjtcl cane up haat session the Ptrinrt had told how in years' past the Liberal party lied striven In maintain the p,n•nty of election,+. And how they were resolved always to live til, lit that pule standar) ILatightri.1I its :til. Borden's opinion. having rr gait' to tvltli hits already liven lit It, r•t1 1111h,s..Wir.•ti011 and hnvutg rrg.ttd lit tubal Its iris stat..l, he can prove, if g,ve•n an 0000rlWill t', IL Wit. Ihr plain dol y of the Govetimient In nil.tw the in %nestle:item to g.. on. Ile theingll that. totter the rbtuuostnncrs, th.• i'trtnlet *Scold hint -ell I11vr taken ilii• wiliest opport mot v 10 4ee that the investi• gtutut was proceeded tvu 6, fwd he hoped the Premier would onlialtten the House as to the reitiems which hod influenced hint to 11110 the pr•ncrdure•ul lite House for t he purpose of pt even'.• Mg this motion (real being Bade. A great many utenlhtrs tvel•r C111'101s on the subject, And would listen with m- imes( to any ex planet toe Lite l't•eiier had to wake. ( litter, beer.) 1. I:LIHEHATELY 1'RRt VENTED ENQUIRY. The Minister of Trade told Cone mere... hr pointed tint. had also used lofty language about the liuvrt•tllrlrt,l inviting invraligalnnt, told vel. the Government hail deii.tetetely gime 1111 of Its retry to prevent env investiga- tion thus far during the present session, (Heat, Ilene) 1t seemed to All. Borden thtil. for the pm pose of having his notion adopted by the Home', he heed prove only two things. In the /it place, the 1epnrt of the Committee on I'1 ivHinges and Elect lents of host session .,hewed that the invest' gallon was 1101 then tln1Nued, and it' the next 1111(10, tha1 it was competent to refer This nu(ller again to the com- mittee. lie fraud, ht•ttrver, Ihi11 view of the unsilion token Ivy 141, (;ov- etnn1tnt, he would he uhlged to go somewhat into the evidence that had alrr.ndy been Adduced. )hear, hoer.) 1'hr committee hast Year untttbt tion• ly reported that tliett 181'!1' nine wit• ne'lles in attendance. W110111 there was nut lime to examine. Also, sit far 11S lituckvlllo 18'ns ('unset n1,1, the co11tunl Ler Wcre not ahlo lit go into tied not n all. Mt. Borden then proceeded tel ( 1 In trod front lite I'arllaturnint . luar- 1 ice arta procedure of sin' John Hu11r- iinl. And also front the jnirtutls of the English Hunan of 1.onnions, anti front the ntiiuLes of proceeding„ of the Can- adian Senate. to show that. itvestigt )_inns mut completed t(L 1111' s0vann 01111111 properly be resumed 1 he- follow- ing session. Then he reviewed some 1f II1d pools he proved before the com- mit Lee hurt session. WHAT HA8 aHEN DHOW N. It had berm sn,w11 that at polling sub- diviston No. 4, Colborne, West Huron, 43 ballots were deposited to favuut of Hubs. Me lean. and at Lhe conclusion or the pall, when the ballots were t Led oily 30 McLean ballots were tumid. At that pulling rub-dlvi.utit 1)8 ballute wet r cast..tud whet' they were c d tits were f d mai ked for Hubertlioh11es and only 311 for H„Iron Slt•I,ent. 'These were brought before the cluiutttee. Fort y-IMee electut•a of this stilt division whin distinctly swore they marked lima ballot* for ,1cl.eai,hand* d thea, to the deputy 11+101lmila officer, and supposed that. Ile had depos.ied lhem it' (lie bolt. He', Also proved that 12,5 ballots were given in the deputy returuntg officer, Donald 1:ultimates, ahe 1e'utlira 27 til thews mooted. Anal het point urtved Was that the 'roma, returning onkel', tit! dlarrgurd of the plate pruvioA,nn till the erection haw, put the counterfoils 111 los pocket otstend iiestinoyitigl then. Forty -horse Mei.e,nt bnllutt weir handed lit twinnings and I, bun i11es,lirtat,Iy deposited lit 111e bal- lot. at lot box. but only 34) of dent tvuuu out. (Hem. hero.) Donald Cumuli mot. in toying Ins evidence before the c lee, testified that he trots cluul•,nan of tits lt.eluint Committee tit that sub division amt that he put the cuuulat•- fulls 111 els ixocket, although the law required hilt' to destroy thrid. The strict' Cummings gave tot nut de- stmyurg 1be.couIiLer(ods was that he 118 VOTED. 123 ui1i did utt want to lit ter the floor. And Mr. Borden next dealt, l yet, 111 further teat' u,ttny, he said that cut•rencee At poll No. 3, GO that poll 118 persona vet, ballots came out of the hili f <'q; Mr. Foster—It Was ttryylt�l'; r pencil. In this poll Ihere were 27 un, Mr. Cochrane — Theyt4: , ,,,,�I1, used 1118111,18 told 84 in the box, which hatched. (Laughter.) 4p) { weir exec ;ly alike. Mr, Borden stud that 12±iir'•tij; When you have that Bring cough which shaken off. sI have used three Pierce's Golden Med Mace sty corrcepo write r. A. 8 N York, N. Y., (Box 1437). 1 am In need of no mo sistanee. When i s medicine 1 hsd a regular - cough of which I wait everybody cautioned concerning it I was 11,141E ' rapidly, wee very pale at,4lyddi st petite whatever. Now 117 eoldlt, changed entirely. I do leakreou all. have gained eight pilin►' weight, have recovered my 11taU, color, and my appetite is enermoel the ballot was to he maht$titfll` circumstances justified a tIil;, vestigetion. the lieu in the poling booth swotted land expectorated freely on the floor. The thirty ballute marked for Mclean initialled h Cummings with 44wenn Y uta Nur ColtHE,PtNI). Fourteen Heinle• ballot., found in the box, the theft•'euce between the 44 cast mid the 811 tumid in the box for .1tLettll. tvete merited in ink. out in pun, 11. These 14 ballots diIYerdfl both 111 1110 pi tiding and 1he paper, the 'alt..' point, heiig 4jetuoustiated con - el ine vt•ly on•cluslcely by a paper export. (jinn- i 'lungs could not account for the peen' int ity 1f these 14 ballots, neither cmild he explain the fust 01st thee did net correspond with the stubs left on the mid ft ani which all the helloLit had leen taken Ova day. After consider• able questioning, Mr. ('utuutings at last admitted that the 14 halite* were nal the sane us the others taken off 1.113. pod, bill he could not tell w ees they care from, althoughu h they hole lin initials. ' Mr. Burden then glint adthe evidence of 'Phonies Harvey, a paper expert fl nm Eddy's. who produced a mlcr•ome• ter, an instrument canaille of testin R `the thickness of paper to the extent, of ono one•thousandth afar( inch. Mr.11ar• vine tested the 81 ballots from the box, ,end found they were two one thous• andlhs of an inch in thickness. Then the 14 ballots were tested. end they were tumid 10 be double in .hicknese, while the 98 subs from which All 88e1'0 supposed to have been taken, were discovered to be of uniform thickness. Surely, if the atutcttty of there found for Holowel'f Lean, 10 were not. marke 'i~l was rejected by the depti, officer. Thirty five vet* berme the catrunittee lest*ee. swore that they mark/4V.tilt\s; forMcLeun, and deliver tilt' deputy returning officer.- Nine fficer Nine men were in attendINii1,C evidence that they vote(l rurx, when the committee oe i Ten others mad ((tura,. h 7.t to I.he effort that they uiit:''i, ballots .'or McLean. So $11.10,-, num had either *worn or en tip. chit ed that: they voted (tl<l't1"';•; - vative candidate, whercltsl,nP;,ro lot• were found in the layl;; him At the close of the'lint, Armstrong, Fner'e poll 41e0;: • t tone of the agents hair R bit' 'fl' (ore polling began. al t muds an entry to that till•hook, It was to �.rnu h �r+tg4' Farr mate the remark cli11,tir:,,.. •°There are thirteen d-.—.- ° r in that box fin' Hntrtiee.'1 ''I',, •,. Cook's Cotton Root Compound clay Aunt her witness, It > i Is successfully used moarftly byover M 000 bedew. Sate, efts tie ob 1Ladies 'Ar • uu dlin soots �t'7''� lask Farr handling R d . la . gar den t for' Cooks Catton Leat T 6>e Gm - MA= +�.,n�rM�r�aa.{xtenootheraadlMlztures,ptlleand A0 Ttt JAM Ae $ 'xIDrtltlons are dangerous. Pelee No. 1, 81 nee ••'+'• ,, lifer No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $11 per box. Na I.y.A ;fti, ►r , maned on Coo C of price and twos -cent Al to James Farr. it 01111 •9. �-tinps The Use1� Company wtndaor, Oat that while he roes eve (,,.., q Noe land wddanareoo d la $ a recommended ley all he was it cerresptudettCe;:: )tetiponsibleDrdggletxfnCanada. Vence. aft assistant nil'( ti.5.l, 1staNd� '° g Sold in Goderich by JAltee Liberal party. lint Mt druggist, (Continued on Page s„,,.' t •.'x11.`.1,.4;,a►it 14'11 ST.�l� VQI.,r XXXVIll—NO. 1P52. ''WE EDUCATE FOR' the Goberieb. %tar. T>F1ZPnoNw Genz, 71 STIPPI.,t 7 JI\1”` ' GODERICH, ONT., MAY 18, woo. War. MITCHELL & TODD, Owners. ntral Business College RATFORD, ONT.. ng re, and women should exercise etre io tbu..ing a Scheel Money is not per. reforo It should not be scent bly. Ire you deride to spend a dollar ,.s�,�ldgl'Cert'clpond with you. Our Catalogue yea Aborltour superior advantages. Com- latfatiteur °aurae No W. Our attendance is -firditisOng year by year. A large number of f 181 nIudenn, have accepted good situations. ltd lidtntein attendance this year from Canada, fdlee -,(,1tatee and Newfoundland, W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Order your SPRING Suit from Dunlop the Tailor. J. 4 REI® kadtical Cutter and Tailor, ;OVER PEDDER'S DRY CORDS STORE. All classes of ,roods made to order in *dery fashion, and satisfaction guaran- *teed in price and workmanship. Let ire figure on your next Suit, Coat, ants, or Veet. ltepairing, Cleaning and Pressing are Aso specialties. • RE ID. ETIRIN 4. $12,000 worth of Fine Clothing, "Tailoring, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishings will be sacrificed by A. P. McLEAN, VV 1: FRIDAY. MAY 18. 1900 W.C.T,U. Notes. At the regular meeting of the Union on Monday the educational suhjeets under discussion were The Press (snot. Mts. MCGillicuddy)and Work Among Soldiers (Mrs. Geo. Acheson, supe.) The work to connection with this de- partment tieing' prevention of the sale of intoxicants in centeeus at the 01111 Lary camps, or rather the enforcing of the law prohibiting the sale of "spirit- uous (including venue) and emelt ltquore of any kind. within the limits of camp grounds. during the tmnuual training tit the militia of Canada.” This law was enacted In 1893, enforced in 1844-5, ane then dropped so completely into oblivinu ORM. urilitary 11)80 supposed it repealed. Under this supposition the old -tone canteen bar was doing business uumolested, up to last June. A TEST CASE. To get a test case, the London Camp was picked out fou investiga- tion. Positive evidence, showing that nine canteen bows were running eight And day. Sunday included, was sent to the Minister of Mitit.ia, together with the names of officers who testi- fied to this. Instead of holding the investigation urged upon him, Dr. Bolden contented himself with deny- ing the whole thing of the evidence of General Hutton. Here is what the London News—a dully paper with a very large circulation—sins of Gener- al Hutton's defile' :—•• Every day dur- ing the camp Ma'or General Hutton, accompanied by his st,ttY, rode past `hese canteens while they were in full swing. with rows of red coats and civilians standing outside of them drinking beer, and if his pnwete of observation were not sufficient to en• able him to see what was going on, then he Is not a tit and proper man to command the Oanadie.n Militia." Mrs. Thor•uiey. in her annual Ad• dress, says: "We repeat that liquor wits openly and freely sold at Ibe ti L nduu Camp t canteens ee ne tits year. and much drunkennesq moulted. We Kaye evidence to prove it. and defy con- tradiction. Major General Hutton says this is not No. Let nie give you a few suggestive items; A canteen proprietor told a London gentleman that After paying all expenses he cleated $600. The camp lasted ten days ; hie average gain wris $60 per day. The soldtern received, per duty. 50 cents and theirrAtl 1 't 11 Y. It. conse- quently took, each day. the full day's pay of 1200 men to make this canteen profit (leaving' out of count his neces- sary expenses). and there were eight other canteen•salotns to share the pat- ronage. e. The friends of one young man in the Huron division told our shpt. that he spent at the canteen tilt the money he received and was $8.51) In debt when the camp closed. One Of the officers in this battalion est the pace for his subordinates by taking them in as body to the canteen and treating all who would to liquors. How few would have the courage to snake thetnselves H. C. E1LSINGER —DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OF— Modern Sto'bes and Tin74)arc. 'P'LUMBING AND HEATING A SPECIALTY CORNER WEST STREET AND SQUARE - ,#ead What a local resident says of the Kelsey Warm Air Generator, sold and installed by us:— Orme of F. J. T. NAFTEL. lk'e,Tiife, Accident and Plate Glass Cor. North Street and Square, inaurfnee taken at lowest rates. GODERIOH, May tat, 1900. nlaniteeSmart Menufanturingi Co., Brockville, Ont., G Gaels iutN.—The No. r8 Kelsey Warm Air Generator you installed in my houmta iaat fall has th given me e greatest of eatlafaet on. I have feline it very economical in fuel and very easily tt111nai(ed, giving the very beet results in heat the whole house being heated from 75 to 80, both tpBl tet'n and down, 18111) at limas I have lett my bedroom window open all night In the month of b'Abrusry. 1 have found ro gas or coal dual troth it at all, no heat In the cellar, and rLe smoke �l1 pipe ketecool. I have used other furnaces for a long titne and from m experience in furnaces Lbinl eatoly nay that the Iielsey is the best I hsve ever seen or used, end can highly recommend "e1) to anyone intending to heat With warm ale, as it does not burn the Mr, but gives a very oven nd pleasant heat to the house. F..1. T. Neuse„ Goderich, Ontario. , OUP Ciocery Wants LSCan- Best be Supplied at this Grocery. t'e1'3*thing PBX! H and UP-TO-DATE. NO -CALL AND SEE THE STOCK. The Square, Goderich T_ tO1 ,Bedford Block. --ghrewd Merchants value Circulation, and that's ason they talk to the masses through THE EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD BY JULY THE 1ST. This will be a splendid opportunity to buy your Spring Suits, Hats, Furnishings, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Overcoats, Underwear, Gloves, Socks, Umbrellas, Water- proof Coats, Neckwear, Collars, &c., At and •Below Cost, as everything must go. it fel' it IIil !a . f" .\ e M•. 116 A N T 4ENeRALCLQTH11'R-171 A P Mt 1.11A N . singular by declining? Row ,Mena, i wonder, can trace the taking cf the fire( glass to the poldierc' camp? is it not time the regulations were revived and entorced? In another column will be Lound le request for Literature. It has beep customary to collect only from the members, but as fresh fields have opened where good reading wttl be appreciated, both in lumber camps and by the sailor*, no doubt want' will be glad to help in this work. Will you kindly send such to Mrs. Cohn Campbell, Burt. senora' work 2—SEo'Y. +311.1 Dashwood. FOOT BAI.L.—The boys of the village have organized a foot hall club with the following officers :—Pres, David Tamm ; manager, J. Hoffman; cap- tain, G, Bielhy ; sec. tress, Jghn Eidt caretaker, Albert Shettler ; committee. A. McLaren, 0 W. Snell, Ales. Otto, Geo. Snider. They have practice three nights of the week, namely. Monday, VVednesdav and Saturday. The club intend playing the Grand Bend team for a silver cup at Parkhill at the 24th of May demonstration in that villttge. PERSONAL AND CHURCH.—Rev. Mr. Seeur, wife and child, left the village Wednesday last to spend a short time with friends in Waterloo, Hamilton, Stratford and Niagara, before their de-, partite@ for Rostherm, Sask. Diet., some time next month. Mr. Saeur was highly esteemed by the members of his congregation. and his depattnre has been greatly regretted. Rev, Morlock, who succeeds Rev. Saeur, with his fam- ily, arrived in the village last week. He is kindly welcomed to our nutlet.— The Young People's Alliance held a temperance meeting last Thursday evening, when au able address was given by Mr. Geo. Bielhy to gotta an apprectative audience.—A, P. Shet- aler etas In London on Saturday.— Oscar Snell has sold a large number of wheels this reason.—Miss Kibler and Mien King visited the forruer's home in Zurich nn Sunday.—Simpson Ire- land wears a broad smile these days his wife having presented himwitb a bouncing boy on Sunday. Westfield. , GENERAL Naws.—The anniversary ofhe Methodist t Meth diet Sabbathn s • cho l will he held on May 24th. A very pleasant tend profitable time Is expected. Revs. J. M. Wilson, frotn Bentniller;and J. Whaley. Presbyterian minister from St. Helens, are expected to favor us with addresses on that occasion, be- sides local talent consisting of recita- tions, vocal and instrumental music. Tea will be served from o p 6:d0 to 8 o'clock l ck p.m. We cordially invite all win feel disposed to enjoy a pleasant time to attend.—There is an unusual interest manifested in our neighborhood at -present. One of our esteemed young thehas h > n rhon v' c n !need that is good to live alone, and has decided to enter the holy bonds of matrimony. About 159 guests are invited to cele- brate the marriage. and on Wednes- day. May 18th, at, four o'clock, Henry McVittto and Miss Annie Fothergill will be united ,n marriage. We wish them a verypleasant p e sant and prosperous journey through life. PEHsoNAL.— Mrs. John Redmond, who has returned home from waiting upon het' step -daughter. who has heen very ill two or three weeks, reports that she is in a very critical condition, with faint topes of recovery.—We are very sorry to learn that Miss Rachel and Charles are not improving very fast. and are hardly one of danger yet. We will he glad to learn at their re- covery to heals h again.—Thos. Ker. ntek, who had to undergo an oper- ation recently. is improving, and we hope soon 10 be able to say that he has recovered from a very protracted 11e813. Holmesville. U.O.F.—Mr. Olrivton, organizer for the C.O. F., has been in our village for a week, getting members for that society. Seven members joined on Friday evening, and three on Monday. Several others are expected to join on the last Friday of this month Mr. Clayton is a main that understands the husinese thoroughly, and is a credit to the 0. 0. F. PERSONALS AND DOTS.—We under- stand Mrs. Geo..iDihhntt intends leaving an June 2nd, to Visit her former home in Ireland,—Mr. Aireley visited Mr S. Waiter last week.—Mies Aggie Phipps returned home after spending several months in Manitoba.—One day last week Me. W. Holmes. of Lurknoy visited his annt.—Mr W. W. Kemp. traveller for Page W i 'e Fence, called at W. fitanley'son F iddy.—Mrs. Sin- clair of Winnipeg is viaitt 8 her par- ente, Mrs and Mrs. E Rumball.—Mr. T. 0. Pickard has sold he Cole Farm to Mi. Wm, Gonne] for s piewhere in the neighborhood of $2500,)s -Mise Jennie Phipps returned home from visiting friends in Toronto. Whitby and other plaeee —M. W. Howell of Goderich wae a caller in our village on Tues- day.—Master Charlie Thompson of Clinton is a guest at the parsonage In the Morning There's no waiting and waiting for the fire when you have the new 111 PERIAL OXFORD IN YOUR KITCHEN The fire will keep in all night on an extra low allowance of fuel, and will burn up briskly at a regulating touch ready for broiling or baking as soon as you are. The saving of time—as well as the saving of fuel—will mean a good deal to you—every day -„won't it? Don't make the mistake of choosing a range before seeing the patented features of the imperial Oxford at our nearest agent'$. FOR SALE BY LEE & SHEPHARD, The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, TorJnto, Winnipeg, Vancouver 2s We purchased a oar of ADVANCES IN REFINED SUGAR. Redpath's Best SUGAR Before the last advance. The most profitable way for You to buy Sugar is by the Barrel, as many of Our Customers do. We would suggest that you buy now. Unless a very material advance takes place we will sell for a while at the cld pride in barrels. Don't delay -4 G. M. ELLIOTT, HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH CEOIW.THOMSON & SON BICYCLE DEALERS, West Side Square, - Goderich, Ont. "Goderich” "Crescent" "Rambler" We havc the sole agency of the "Goderich Bicycle" Co. for Goderich and surrounding country. None of our wheels are in the combine so you need not fear high prices. Call and see our stock and get our prices and we will guarantee satisfaction in both. Geo. W. Thomson & Bon. 'PHONE 92. SALE. EVERYTHING MUST BE CASH. mcLEAN A. P. • if All outstanding accounts must be settled at once. AH remaining u paid after ist July will be handed in for collection. re THE PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE, GODERICH