The Goderich Star, 1900-05-18, Page 4end for the Ir oestig tion of •tbeM« Racalities. the, Conservatives ask the eoverrunelit to Renew the hives- Option, nves-O,tion, and Keep 00041 the Premier's Promise. • • .411. rutetokl by: Tu STA?t IMO week, kine QppqAtiint l*;tve *eked the Gov` erntutmtfor 4 If4,4av,tl of the Investt . other ton ties Wiest *Mau erection ralsttiilti'''. and that the arekyille, e'leettert ha ;WO edxjaitid bile. On rritl,iye ire L.,.110-1,1eu, of Ilatif*x, brtungh0 the wettest up -,teat stn atnend . meat to the 1putin,t 10 go into *Willy, Ile Began by itWater :of the shoatit be las outdate toothy ltliittt>r sent tio- ► t [ 1 , it F x s ► fore the ttlrtl tA+e n it a one t.i i WHAT UAp:allsx t1HOer1i l bedleeenehewnthatut Ilan_,aloll•' div eiun N'u• 4.4)olhorrfe, 1 eie4#u . 4$,iat►U,oie *OSdeporltea n feel/4 0$ ltol►t. +tet an, Arad, tat• the,reenelledeff of the polity Oboe: tile bmllot.v tele ht,tuitWd poly iet M L.i n Indiete lvkre testae,4,t: tinitt.la?o1Ilog iiiih•dieleintt•1;i8 4611041 Were coot 'etid When they wire cranked .08 yrrt for. Robert Ruhnett *rad .oitly80for #tolte t Mel,,attn. 'I'tteea were Idol iht 'before 1 t+t . t lit.. e ra • , r • ' ar i'i!e � • 4 1 ktelrs � hie t tit t ulttly "' Eltectiune this «ieyeinii, Arad t'uc tell the .0 tblhe yah dlyui h who di tut , tearoom in witia..lf the attempt, to have rworu they ururketl melt 1r*llttti(:.'tor it pestered he cit kWh/Pelted ttlotion h+rd McLtrele.1011)&ld then to the aprttY 11t.uu dereoted. b ,Elsie .walled =t et rtrtttt.ttiinir once , and 'wpPpl, What. 1 he held dipmated1hetet In Melo*. ,Oe. :then he euhje et eine tip lwib apps en the P,etnier, hail' kill show In year.! Iw't the Llt eritl party find striven to rhainttrin't 1•911Nrity o,! elketdonu. and how airy ware rerolved'shot ye to live• , epl° that -pine e,iandarrl. (Loughter )• Its. MI. Borden's opinion. •htrvitig re gent I,u•wltltt hits eltatrd,y beet! ;peled in thin 4..t t,tiieet crit erne{,fhtiv►IitF, ieg.Rtxt ' to what be furs stint d, i"e •ciui prove, Eli given nn upp�rar�rttuttty„ twee the pleb, clot yy of the Herrero tbent taAnew tire in- vestigation Logo m [1 Ghnuirhtthat. rutdar the chxcrtmetencesi the Premier should Jii.irti4 11 Have token the earliest upppunrtnnitV' (0 oleo' that: ttita invortl• ganon. Wos�jtrttueedetl With. ud .lie riped the Frestttiier would analtu)tte;,n the Heinle mato the teasaiia which litA influencedins I0 ;teethe.. pruceduca or the limbo". .fur the purpope : of prevent- ing this motion from being 'mule. A straying titecounter'ot 1,1114■ wile1,1114he great Many nle►nhere were curious cur did not went to litter the door. And oleo preyed tlptt II2 . ballet* Were glvltn 44o the deputy returning etntier, .laoneld tinnitniugs, who ru%urned 27 ut thrill' entered. Another heti* roved WO thea the Ale Uty returning otticeh, tn, diver aer'd of� the Plain' pwrvteiottri Qt the electio►i law, put the at unterfo:ilr hl his pucker Mimed of destroying therm •1i'urtvthrre Mclean irrtllate were. heeded to Vurn,siingKte and b hint pi ,iinialtly deposited In the Ira let talo. lint wily Wilt then mime out. (Hear. hear.) ltuniild• Otuutnlligv. in giving his evtdence: stare theaurundt- tee, lit ;• Jrll�dVik'.:i4irad17‘ xtlA9it "molly r.. ., .. :. . ,... ...... ..., ., . �. ateitht,. hive reoovared **4 � �� 8tor>ttottrr;. 115 t About SPRING !GINE ? mar 1 tiwobsrr __ iMt > i_� �• Via i elerebtees et Wow.- sof >eteinteet eselsita enestostailiniiessiditik'Sioti )00#00'. "Mutt e1,.A11: tet W4 1O *yawl %otrio ws .W4 iteardb('4 Mils taw Mete'mat —lei !M,-`^ael--rr.t t,�1 eellea iie$senewt Meow« Ott ete atL hew I egertR•r•irle+sceSSrWO �ilpr v tt tdli14 *mit t ttt,gea i:itt.:ratiis S t►t ► -mat R"fid Tose40 rt114. al late, ra q --SMI 'It1ite 3 �,Mr K i!t !lit t.'higrse The *?k rot S ,Ml N i D Pit ;• b o l DJU�Ui* .•....,....0 �- .. ter,,,-.•„-., 1 have decided to dear out my stock of Ready-made clothing. whttdi'. a �e � 'than means that you wi1J get yclur Clathing at from 3S tb S0 per cent� what you usually pay, Over a thousand 'dollars" worth of new spring Cllothr just arrived. . . . Men', Suits, wort $io.00 and $tu,00, for $7.75.. ,lens's Suits, worth $$:oo and $9.00, for $6.5o. Men's Suits, ,worth $6.5o and $7.50, for $5.0o. ' :. .00 for $ t. . YOur�khs �'t�ltO, regular 'l b►.Qo a�d .$7 � � �5 Youths' Suits', regular $4.5o and $5.00, for $t3. 5 • • tepGillettt'hat he sage t tri altars ltriturru (aenntntoee of thea enb• . y 7 ro Ortionate reductions. Do sand �,��t�ren s ,�uxts at p p the the counter. t et division dtha h put i n u f ale to hie pocket, *Mutual; the fait required hilts to destroy 'hero. The �. reason ()mintage aye for nut de, thp,bttilotwee tq he maintained. them y • • ; t. • clrcurM�etsnoee instilled a further in•. y vttlpgttion. Mens Tweed Pants atC. 75 Illi 'VA7C$A, MN eA.LLgA'e. WORKMANSHIP - �, • Mr. Borden next dealt with the ue. These GoodS are made by reliable people, and the FIT and yui•r+eaoe" at nod No. 8,• iiuderreh. At ti►e pnbiect, And would. listen with In - tamer ttl.trtte:atlpltintit an :the Premier ha n ta.olke IIIIear. hear.) mugs ttnaTEL' PitIVBNxi(D xrigatax. Tho Minleter of Trade and Com. reneges. he pointed out. had mile used. lefty lang,n,lge snout, the Government inviting inyte ii. atlon, mei yet the Government hili detihe tat.iv gone not of its wary to ,prevent env inveetlga tion thutt ; for during -,,tire present session, (Relit, sheer.). It 'teemed to Mr. Buten that for the purpose of having 'slid Motion adopted ' I,y the Hniiee he need. prove ortly two brines. 11. the first ;►l ce« the report. ef, the Committee nn Privileges and Sleighing of I.st,petisio11 rhewecl that Etre i geetl anon tux WA 'then tln►ai.id. and iu Ilot next pmee, that it w ar co mpeten t t iefnP tide tier again. cern- lie the ct - neittee. Ile feadred, however, that view of 1,, a Einar.tItbn ak:en by the Gov. erneieut. be doidd be: a huger. to go rmgewhetintothe etaidenco that had already heep,c1diic d. ,tklear. beer./ The cattrinitt tae hurt year unanimous- ly reported th t there were nine wit• noises in• ntteittlsiuxe+, whotn`there was - not .tlnw Lo•.eitnittine. Alen, a. far as Brockville was concerned, the comma. tee Were not able to go iihto .that mat• ter at ail, Mr, Burden then proceeded to trad::Iron. Lhe P.Olotmenuhrv.}}yeas• ticu,MM proce,lure,Af Sir Jelin inseer- hurt, and ,ileo Trem the journals of the E.i 1 kh"lltutte'Of Cranium%, and from t minutes 'proceedings of the Cam Ion h a ' ro ae in adi*tke a igte, of Ow ,Alert inYeeetl`ga•. Mom/ #tory cuittpl il', at, one ewe' on con pier erlv'be esitirrliel''the fntlota. yet. to further testhnony, he *Aril that themen in the polling iiwth ;molted anexpectorated freely en the floor, The thirty ballots rgq�a��rked Inc McLean were initialled bv•Cumnrrnge With e Pencil. In this pr, l Altars. were 27 un• used ballots' and 81 la the box. whiuh were exaesly alike. DID NOT coiiitEaroND. FonrLeen Bohner ballot,. found In the box, the dit!erebce between the 44 wlet and the 80 found In the box for McLean. were noir• ed .in ink. not in pencil. These 14 billets differed both in the printing .aid, the paper, the tatter point tieing hoe heated conclusively by a per imbed t. Cum - filings could not : onat tor the peculiarity of thee.t 4 allots, liettiter weld he explain tit ,t)ttt that they did not correspond wit till etneea left on � h ad qq ti the Willett! h tr, ,d to . �hic h W /o•rir'bikon 111.11 il*v, After cpptlNlder- able queetf uing. Mr. putstfmall at last adtnrtti Omit the 14,.ladlote were. not the sane an , ttie ptilera taken ' off the. pad;. •,brie • be euuld not tell where tt s`pV,catft0 from. ,tlthongh they bore hie initials. - :. Mr. Bch. l lieti iteltid tht .vldence IYf Th mite Ola. ey; et. 1) phA` :.xpert fr'utn ICddy'e: Who regret rrttet'otrte• ter, an ln5trutateftt capahtte-pt'teeting the thlcknees of paper to the extent of �itnOone•tht? regio,#. h (�tt t�ity Ifs' it,• e,Her. vey testeed�'11ip 1 h{11.lote-frioitl et' box, mid fotu'd thea Were Live •ene.thoue• andthe of on, inch In tblcknet..;. Then the 14 ballets were ter , *Ott they were found to be double in thlelf ee lug resvlftnc rhtrn Jae reviewed some while the 98 *tube front Whish itis were eupposed to have heirlikben.: et thelstenLe he proved Rotors theses- were' discovered to be: of unreel,+ emit, ea,,lviiq.sey.!u*m. • thicknrise. Surely. it tint s,lnctity Of thrlp poll * tnittof 'Perim* box. but 3z+S i1 pp n Gk 1t not Sat[stiea with the : Go ds, ballot' Oen* one of the box. YQW aU�,,.��ur ..Mon u �a Mr. Footer It, wee crowing time. Mr. Cochrane •--'They' must have hatched. ! iettighter.)• , Mr. Borden wird' tha 72 ballots •were thine futlgd for Bob ea,40 for Mc. Lean,10 were hot merited aka% and was sleeted ,art the deputy retttri•uhi officer. Thr tT Ilse 'eaten' appeat'e before tee a nrnrnittee Ieetiession and swur4 that their murk their ballets torAlc an, and dtelivered thorn to the d putt' rotorningof,Scer. ,Mimes Parr. Nipps emelt wore .then( ecu to give eviilence that 1, hey voted for McLean. when tli. Fails tttee, ceased the ent• IN OUR un rv, eln'ot kri niacle dei'larntlon. ►i,l11 a err tb�ttt tour lsillote'or ,t..ean, en that '98 or lib o s 1.. d - n 1i 'sweep r tela h e n,e ,,h.td et litre s !r 41 Y elal.W Shut they voted for the t7naatrker- vati+,e aiditlidate. the ret only 40 hul- ote werve'fotrnd in the ballot box for Eur rat (he slurs oft *egg: Remf�i y Arnnetrong. Fn1T's p clerk. tesLilled that none of the agent were a worn he• fora polling began,�� although Farr tied. aq entry to that effect ,ifs the mill•hook. It was to Armstrong that Fehr made the remark daring the day; "Theme,ire thirteen 4—good ballots in. that box for liolntee." ter in the day another witness, .R. W. Clark. saw Parr handling' some papers at the window. in MEN'S FURNISHINQS -we carry first-class Goods tip . . . -461mi..: H I PTs, TI [S, COLLARS, cu rrs;. ET esirOUR REPUTATION FOR GOOD VALUE IN THIS LINE IS WELL KNOWN, -(01 AB TO JAMES >rARR. • As.,to James Farr. It was aisle shown that while he was evading simulants' be wee in correspondence with Jos.' Vance. an sissietaut "nrgaishizer of the Liberal party. But Mr. Borden was IContinese on Page s•j ;°41 LA)14. 6000 D60 a .. You will find all the latest styles at prices much lower than you pay ter elsewhere. Dry Goods at our usual Low Prices.' l iine� of s.' TERMS: Cash or Trade. J. H. PEDDER, GQJ}EI Colborne's 014 Stand. Q. a A .Al, A, ..A Jt A , .Ai Aih e i A A A A e# +! A. AAA OD .13.411041.N CENT4E We are elfowiag E&TRA VALUE IN JAPANESE MATTING. corm • • . WARP at I$}.o to 40o. . WO .lire: phowint°E$.'PRA VALUE IN FLOOR OILCLOTH. We are *hawing EETRA, VALUE IN ART MUSLINS. %tare eisewi11g4EXTRd. VALUE IN ART SATEENS. We ere .'bowleg EXTRA VALUE -IN CURTAIN NET. tt% ars ellowipg EXTRA VALUE IN LACE CURTAINS. We ars allowing EXTRA VALUE IN WOOL CARPETS. AU at prioee.filet will win your favor. " t J1.113 -es Robins�ki riastrawitimermiassweismariarA YuRin the `f'- You want ES OIIR FLAKE C'fREEN PEAS. •, HIGIUDRAMS RICE. •r' DRIED BEANS, All at15c. aaad P.cFage, should be appreciated by up-to-date Housekeepers. • CEREAL .COFFEE In One -pound Packages, Sealed, at 15c. °Package. • All Household R:equireinents-;the best in the market—Clean and fresh,, at Moderate Prices, • - 11101iQ1 10 roil -STURDY pop WI I n. of Fine Clothing, ps and Gent's.:, sacrificed by • lete • A A i'A A>wA A A A A A A AI A AA'Al A_'A A A ismommiummiwaorsolowsolo a -, . - i r. . - 4i ~I A,A'A . •Ak!< kit *IAA 'A'A A A AR A:A ay pa e .d• 3 • • WHO AFTER FORTY YEARS OF CCESSFRETIRE'. BUSINESS HAS DECIDED`iO TIRE. • l itbe a splendid op ►ortun t ato buy yourr Sprin its, l urnshis . )at nder eai ,:+ lov tt ,eckw his moist d 'eta '+ ` - i ►t to ri6i�r. 0 ate St, \e: IN 11+ OO ICF