HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-05-18, Page 1PF tdhaa� A- A- fo r givos, the T I'very. be4t romIts for' YOU Io Q001.4o Quagas, 4 t ty, Cir f�jj6tj + 90 I�10 j,Vn1 GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 18, M 113 4 YEAR. IN A0VArkC* Jf yoit want a Big Day's port,. or a'Day's Big ,Stport, attend the Grand Celebration at D ---gannon on M4Y:24thev--F!un For Everybody, court of ReVISIon. visit to Win. TO OUR COURFAVOSDEsTS.-An neak L41,D AT HIRST. Brief Town Ica. We WanD-Guod Water. acterizpil thPas two vitlectionst, and b^vo 6rchRjA shows that plidussf Thursday will Ile Quitim"t? Birthday. TAP--& G=ARA! OTICS OF COUAT OF I , I" W istal pqaro hae b1bliltipmed fra-ely, and will our country clarres Iseverai WeI1-1Eowa,$ama9Add. 2 111rop DansrAnnou in mind for the To the XMtw of Tan Simla. chosen to face what their desperatilvir, N Ith.
ied to the Roll of rile Great TO- kf oadcriviL, than 'N.., Do -9UN-Yaur editorlaial In IsA week's consider the least of the two dVIl*-jp 0 apples show signs tot an equislIv abuts- $find iQ their "CatIls Ye. may slarradad June Issue of Twit STAit, in r4ownce to the 0t Ithe Court of Reviolopt alive dAut 170111440 further eaquirv, evers ghcr -ANT We =0 Luillb itGal Iflotirlivring� The leaves ore devel- Wdnesday ularistrag. arid fill carageas Beyond. 141j, at Robitatatenio. con4ition of our town water, Won in: so duluic they give tile lie to tb* prol. TOWIN a lejaciiwilt I%QM tit first %Ilan of w4v:*. should be in on IK(Araday. of the toil
G'104 #Y Aftlas A
ll am f the Towa 0444 to. the Tawas, fijTI oultaggrastilly. 4aind there oxe no(sligais HINCKri-Dr. Jun. L Hiticks, one "alitolirdthtne. While loarvai, talull a aRVANT.- delegatlerisgro arratisilrag, the
Tag RoyALTxmPLAR&-rAst Moss. time wall known in this vicialitr. fliell, '41saraPessred on " eduesday, ter and ishow themselves as Ifte. als G"04crich, for the points In Ontar a this Instict 'is said to lethargir ot our courricilloarat to 1)66calre r HN 8' 'A 16, 42&MMCU�Mi'l4�tii ol I reilmv Oil t4tv Square _ W-IWW- 19 A !04 141111�^ TV0444921,90 W. d Quing Enriuka Council. No. 103. at ilia house. Menisterj, hUch.. an 8 land defence of I% gang of crharllusl% 09 in dituicarous abundnce. So UP no, Walter Shannon har been awarded toadit, the public scam to he P41111- itevaisce Uail. Though dy front a pultsfurvary c the contract to paint the Court House. silly rig the signs u tills way are. a full crop 'net IQ the Test, until aint IIm For 0Q0 Or '90 XIOL of phims 4444 peolm tile attendance wits not all tb^tcould wiiieh he had suderead onto Life. he Beg t gnt of the source tit 41seave
sqac� a ular tneetitig of Huron Eric t at the filth. called water. IL HOLMES ON FROEUBITION. NipipaAnviNa.-In Bla-:kstone's Res, he desired, a pleasatab Lima was spent. lemovins were inLerred Ili tit town lit astiont, No. 2% I.O.O.F., this Friday Islay CAU" to enter Our homes. I j.'jASTURZ TAU TO LET M, it THE P457ibi bi� -66t1ki 0; iii�10N- t of rravagenjentai were completed fair Elie which he had lived fiftoeu years, eta evening liallue move abould be in L think In the Now Era of last week ?4r. SICASO-10:1 tow near Godoilgia-wasior SAO at cities
ilm pubho to strengthen the counX
4turant may be seen as nice a plee Tnuallay. although at one d lit It waS Will !I . HOImev Elio acting member for Wyet at'd labarip in vablandai Apply to ontortnilument of the detelaLlits of the 'I at one Li visitortl to Lewis Park this hought the burial would take plce In cal a. it need be. In we-od carving as all artist could destre- District Council. to Ile hold in Gode- sk4litne" lie ,able It) obtain a drink of I procuring suitable Huron, rebtakes Tus STAn for alaying ",a" 11 U WNSRIP OF COLBORNE. Ib forms ^ canopv over the -Rod& foun- rich oil May 31st. A good prognink is Maititlud cometery. Deceased leaves water P wittlior for our citizens. it wan with that .he TO A; did nut raise his voice on OIL SUR CHEAP. -One Happy Thought III tucturn hint a widow land two chil Innocent worriment road tain, with a back in which a usirror to being prepared and Elie members tire Robt. McLean load a large horal of isoll"s belasalt at prohibition" during the Range. 6 holes. Warming Closet arid Take notice that the Court of Revision at -k of the owtivs% earnestly requested to, intake uest. rs. Hincks, nee PorLec. is wavil delivei-ed t his ratuch oat Tues.
your suggestion that the temperance Township otCollactrava will hold Ite, Oral al, placed. Ill in the watt cattle Doollu- In that Town Ifiall far tile purpeato of heahns Und judged by the two serpents and Mcf,aday evening it grakid rally flight. known In Goderich. As she has Sovel-AI day, and church organizaticials take the tuat. (I'llcussion on Mr. lrignt,s auction. ApC� to y war Ion Carriage appeals N oftiat the staftoiniont roll of tile other embellishments it rourit Is tilifes office hot nimi-i-Inge viAltaid ,It tile L;� uP;,Whv tint Include others P Even With characteilauc menness ittall j FRO A I 15ra - Is Cat- raviviodialvalorLhe year liam-on Saturday. Elio av GoDuRiou Is Tau PLACE. -The head hortiestoital, Blai road, and the rii The engine. holler find pilot house (we . I
taken considerable time to complete. oil the tug N. Dynient were erected by f ho have other alternatives are dishonesty he sucers ,at the practices [or lota, a The at Is . I lent it'. ED Silt, day of 3jay. at 10 o'clock In the loran all an expert wood n Ell(, tic re uentiv Interested in Lite welfare of f Ali prtiusint "011a. That Mr. Blackstone quarters. and couseqUelatIV [lie Armo- donce of her brother GeulKe tit low B latinalls. their cold writer friends. One clergy- the proprietors o(Tus STAR. and after
4 Cat a. or t rt d rt agreated ii ice ]brasre uftstwltosl C at
or H F�W. Me ON er.will he admitted by judges of ry, of the 33rd RegimeAt. athoulJ, cer- RyaN. -Lizzie Dodd, wife (if D avid
at* ap T . a rd. ocD. K. Strachan will deliver one of man. at least� has whielty advised his quoting & part only of his speech lit the carn work. -
tainly he lit Goderich, for, collifil-ing Ryan. crossed that river oil Wednesday film fastions sprinklere Carlow, May fib, 1900 to the Brussels congregettiou to retrain from using the House to adtow that lie was not silent, I GIS VOIC HATCHING. -A LIMITRD PUBLIC SCHOOL BOA.nif.-A special Major BecK, istore thall it shard of the a fter ail Illnes,4 ofeis months ducation. authorities in a few days. town water unless latter boil(pfr. anti I Gaitionbor of thoroughbred Barred P Board Regimental oflicervas live in town. he winds up thus: '-We do not expect A., %' Toworlail. meeting of the Public School Tubetlocous, induced by lot grippe, Cha.s. Itaid has been elected V. 0 Ell It. k that while we are work Ing caut- uth Peak Eggs for sale. A ply to Walls. Then within a tow miles is the rosi- Tom Lighthouse street. (]a erich. wag held Tuesday evening ; present -oil Lodge. N 62. I.O.O.F.. Vic; selves Into a frenzy, -as anti hadge,. THu STAR La, do the menjiver for %Vallr, of Hut wit, ONTREAL ST. TONUORIAL ROON13- dence of Colonel Varelie, ,%nil Captain wits tile olf-lease. and though at tirnei % roads to wbee on. C. EwAftisoN, (ruccessor to J. Broplaw Trustees Colborne, chairman ; Acheants, YounK. The officers residing in town deces-seil suffered severely, she never 11. D. Rougvto, resigned. ate., over good I we Huron justice in this or tiny other Oats LE-L-ot*09,70.495andDdioiut-.bli- M 'are allowing a dangerous agiancy to mat ter. because Tun STAR would soon. pro riator Modern, Dolly, clean shaves. b r Ball. Blake. McLean and Raid. The are Lieut. Col. Hurgeon Hohnes, Cap complained but hole tile it A. McD. Allan will be the fruit link in our midst. Yours. or be dishonest than hosseet, it it son's Survey, and 1296 1297 Land so Ili lit. ell iffiction
t Lug and shampooing. Itaxors sharpsued
870. running numberst. ZI in &odartdh. For rl meeting vvax called to I:18041'113 trURL613 t-aiu D. Holines and Lieutenants, with much atience anti resignation idgo sit the Horticultural show iu
Liculars apply mild boned. tt� I coal fUl-d In SCiptOmber. Nicholson's seat Vacant, through fit). 0hisholim,0runt, Will. Gundrv, Jno. that wheat Pr`�- ROL, er"o call canie she wits ready stilted its purpose better." �ekjce from the Board. The seat hav- S#iell.Jno.GtIt,J. U. falasson and H. Ell olley the Mitater. The fundly reqid- The largest turotuAt of Masons seen A suflicient answer to Goderich Markets. ing been declared vacant. it anotion K. Jordan ed I%L the Nile for it long period, where rk this kind yTORX TO RE hat it" otora In Vic- was made to instruct the clock to the deceased lady fair some Wife was fat the funeral of tile West Elgin Nursery Rhymes. torEA 8 Ock next t a& Shophard'o. It (COSSUCTSD UP TO MOON OF TOCIASDAY.) li ANDALISM.-Bars of the fence that wits widely arid to Jllies Hays. on Sunday. f &I guativult is to say thitt neither the tits rot, yea, 'been Battled ,, sa dry good" write the town clerk, to hold ail elee- faivotabir, known, but. land lived it, There arls many pretty plots fit the (Roylood verislon.) plivitto views nor practices of the tandill In Louvre ate no t best trials wboat� Standiard .......... S 0 61 to $061 tion to fill tile vacancy. guards I he walk to Mactlermott's step% town a Ittle over two yenis. Tile cemetery. but tn(Lnv more could lie Do Dean Dole was a marry old soul. PropeiatorootTuEhTAR[iaveanytiting for fitted up Its th a it is Whites. (Standards 0 61 to (I 61 were brokers awav last week. leaviiig it residents aro,ind the Nile will
cam manner. and can be plod amfotesr "PrIn Va.-,! per 100 lbs.. Patew 110113' made pret,ty with bui slight label. A lid #L nervy old soluilar
.. .. .. :. 12 1 to ?j I Tau D.0 P.M.11.1% A..OAD.-Tbe While the votes had n aa� NIL u L Apply to ROBERGY11ZLEAN. Family 00 to 00 dangerous spot over the steps. 11 a with 801TOW the flews (if Ella death oil 'Gped, to till with Mr. attitude as a Uod*rich. Bran. par ton ...... LA 0v to i5 oo past few days have heon exciting ones J. W. Broderick was its Clinton oil Shorts. per ton . ...... 17 OD to 17 00 ulft.1 Acurne's'antojo Ip pert,ion should fall over Laid g"L stilled. hit*'- Ryan, und with her utility friends Tuesday rind hifujillat N. Robson's stock Mque&!y` t t arle. P""Ilc fattt represent Scroaninxe. per too----- 16 00 to 130(1 for owners of favorito dogs, mt lartast a the boy, youth car man who liaroke tile lit Ooderich will atiouru list of Wt.tace ;108 that Was iviews fat Illu electoral (if West nil ARM FOR SALE-Kaid, halt of north half Oats, old ........ n fence would be guilty of fulfiller. #laid sympaillize with her beteaved old by &tact Ion. ob. Palms ............... any "' the foundations of two dwellings they at" Barley ............................. I " 'a 0 to the week. Some great pets were de of Let ii. Con. 1% W. D. A4hfield--M a 0 27 to 028 dozen having been poisoned with! The Buchnnana ve commenced con. Wheat it becomes nocessatrV to
I'm$ easy. Apial and haaRtux would surely bet be pittipr arid his motherless I Eck
YPIUP HoLT. Oodart 0 69 to 060 their great sorrow. The foll"ral will I entilparo the privato life tit the pioprit-
all contracted to build in Lucknow. M -t
troved, and moist of these wet- proproper punishilsent for Patch ,ad Rye ......... ............... 0 35 to 0 to I t take platen 1^ Val ad" Lors of THic STAR with that of Mr. AL UOTION BA1419 OF VALUABLE GODE: Buckwh L per busisel .......... 0 to to 0 to and friendly Pea that the dog Ton te t. Will out. citizens will) see tolilmilivir at 2-W P. in., t& RICH TOWN PROPERTY. on Tues or. Hey, per ....... 7 00 t TW such wilful destruction tot town front her hu,ihanil'u retsidence, St. W1104,11419 this May Ili not au fait. A it. y 18 could not Itave had reason for his omElie comparison will heaths, MV 29th, at Buxton, 1. oat 2 o'cloc Lutter. per I, property pleaso inform the 0 is Lo 0 is avid we lamy ll.ef voting lady rider NLYA. One wheel round Hididd diddle,
council ill. b. C
,I'll stlacee -an Actifirs, p -r dozen ...... malIcIouo work. A I;irge toward tint, that Lho p,%II will be fall" Life a tiled hot, find un-thod bec The Welo al load varautgm ilia tit tile former. An it,
an "dry. AGO or. C for his 0 loto 0 11
'Wood Of) - apprehension and convic. somoconstitble. so that tail exalpi. x I Eight riddle. Oat go am- 7 Lota in St. oavid's Ward. well . Der cord.. ........ a 75 to it offereal fill way be tnade off the aftailt -!ends ,I.ua ru 'I hey all disown the maintains. Lite ch,krgo tit dihonesty, Tuft STAR
imp ved handy to factories, Lots 74.7,% 70, 81, Cattle. A 00 to 4 W titan of rite poisoner, and lie surely will T offer P Ila elected hv deceasvd t(i re who The a-tivarticals
82.83 81. �;vmour mot 0 (13 to 0 3t -if her i,itnaios to ojot.her earth. Chancery sitting of the High Court elLugh.to sea such Port. irk publishing Cattle. Der lb. or4i:i&ry . ........ . Ile convicted. for no person imbued tail And sweat that il at was viltan, liolol"at, StAtellionts At., 4 16710 St And6ow's Ward. There UnIlls. per. Ili ................ 0 03 to 003. a-2 ry frame house AnV order, stone Shoop. -j� ....... ........... . ...... i 00 to 6 00 with such runi-derWti instincts call HICTIRING Pnom BLISINESS.-The of J st ice will commence on Month ItLst week, 'to leVol-Led in tile -an -, Mr. A. c ation, b to the Go a. Sheep, at, per Ili .................. if 413 to 0 03 escape detection. yetoi LnerchiLlIt arid tailor ev it ZS�11, Chiet Justice eredil. lachttLAIIII Dole WoUL over the hill. On age. live weight.... prehitlilig. To lot it tialiflut votes. proved that it WIL� atilt treating hint 11 ...... ..... 5 60 to 6 65 F. McLean, announces that Afttir a buff. tairialki di vioe, %v )lose deal -h was 110t 'I all A a lots 99 10. Thegeoretwoofthotawr las MacDonald. D.D., the ligaid Piesby savat IsIsIoLd in good situation for building a dr ................... 6 25 to 6 50 ocan w either dishone,atly t- trojoisily. Tap ECLIP81C.-The vreatest tvent of iich KoiLting Factory ittill Across to I he Soo. sited. Hams. star 0 to to 0 Is Moss! call eer tit 40 year a he will rotice, air Tun STAR lit�t week. But The point of this whole oatter :0
For further particularis apply to Rale a, Wag at ........ ...... o o9 to 0 10 the astronomical year 1900 will be th e Igaised Kway hilloal, a factory with seventy Pritchett ovato his oat@.
land allow [till soils it) cart V ilia Lhu. well tit Ilia late s 0 O' to 02 -n
E. N. LEWIS. Solicitor. Hid:.. aiderick St., V00d h king grain ought t -w make thin : Mr. flohnes asked for support
alleep skips 0 40 a. 0 eclipja of the sun on Monday. May known Palace Olothing The Delroit. Wednesday evening after- it things huill. Do can had a little flock.
rniiow, rendered. 0 03 to 0 (it 28 th. which will Ile total liver a large 4 aid C And they were food of difitigh, (laid vf,Lea during his cauvithd on Lisa
]-LW&- Clalcloonsper air..� ... 'biethas cortain1v earuall It rest, comparatively shot t illness. Dr. Mac.
al everywhere the vocals were enni,
0 so to 0 40 It donald wan horn Novoinhet 1). 1932 Ili oil till (In h tilt- t -hat lie wanted to go to Platila.
U warvoish. near Donnybrook. 10D "res- !)uakav per pit r ...................... 0 40 to 0 oil rea of the Souharn States. Here. arid his Iflany trionds will hope th%t flat- a titiont, ad yel
", ARM FOR SAE, E - LOT 29. CON. 7. Our inineral Water is the beat health A a limit was mitre to We - Ille"t to secure prohibition. The
85 under, cultivation and 15 inojlhei�l, 35 lances rurkovit, par Ili .................. o 07 to 0 08 about four-tifths of Elio sun's diameter vaiar,a to come he will enjoy the beals- the Litadel of 14ilebec. 11 is f t c They wont to No'* A and 4
f a a tier was our ell izens ritreiv mention thl"131 a t to (Which was against thu law),
In li,vy. anscond crop 8 of on now Goose r lb . .................... 0 o5 to 0-5 will Ila obscured. The eclipse will Lies of him elegant homestead tin the A I'Mrsoluilaster arid saw service it Cor. it iends %via(& vilaiL their).
]&aid, 20 In panture. leaving 22 to crop this A -ad d III it lot of other tricks Government Promised prohlbitiosi It
FRUIT AND VZOICTARF.K8. begin heren, little before eight o'clock Huron Road. arid the lathors of the Italian arid lie wits ell lwated
Boring. Mi lasolli of triftnuri. So of straw 200 Will Elie Public Works (',,mail tLee Which Donald never so w.
13 per dozen . ........... 20 to 0 it) the morning; the greateat obscura. fartn" adjoining. Ilis trig advertise- at Knox Caliege, 'roronh, *Laid ill k ,oul rIlifte � I the people voted for it, bot are avi
buAlials of mangoldd and turnips. a 'he grabolithle wal The Onlookear,` in St. Thomas Times.
wElud If I ............ k front I lie
enoughlo Bananas 30 to 40 Lion Will be Alicaut. nine O'clock. and tire talent on page four will be found of holy orders Ili 1858. For several years doing their best to repudiate that
Ifut in Drop. all of which be 1.1,
on,pt cc sold at cam The farm has good 20 to 30 ad park entrabee, to Life steps. vv heal West promise. and Mt. Holmes Io apologizing
4 Potiatitc vaor1bu.h::...*,�'..'.*.,, st reet is heing reolivated ?
he too. barns. eta.. in close to Blyth.7 Be ve 25 ED So eclipse wiliend 11,114111t, it quarter pa, -L in(larest. lie wms A, teacher, but latter- Ito lie
h- A piston. per bad ...................... 1 60 to 2 so ton. All the notd astionomers on three ebArges, lit Clinton, Senforth and PRITCHMTrS REVELATIONS. tot'. inlitAllid (if condemning, tile Gov.
aud 'Whitachurch for markets. close to c Apples. per bushel .................. TH H STAR PATRONS. -Th is week T ux
Xas. schoola, pastoffice. et4o, Terms re a to. Thoso who vice having "the new IlLb Is to 100 this continent, as well as those lit tile Elora. Canada, He wits iliarriell in
ppl, to M.G. 0AM-EROV. Solicitor, Gaidetich universities of the old world, fit e atialt. STAR presetiLif to Its thouirandlip of read- Polill to Agnes 0avan, t hu third (latigh . itle wiflk placed ill front, tit their pro. Ira hill speech alit Tuesday On that in"Illell Vat insincerity #Laid hall fith.
Now Advemlsement;s. ing arrangravents to obserye this Intel'- era lat local paper the cquul of which ter (if James Cavitil, (it Pitt is. jolls al 1`01-ti"I at'" I'llillit' belleflIctOr", Arid elect.j., 8caoldhi, Mr. POWOIl road Rev- Illotitill was it straight,
Money to Loan, page eaLing event. Ilan Very seldom appeared lit this ill- 1&59. Tell children wavre hort, to the,,,' those who air e not. a vu not. rocluest forthe fulfillintalit of the Gov- oralfiffillaviteflonij.0. Pritchett, Lite
Undertaking and Bonsai Furuidialnes- ofimhornsix are. living today, as fol' It. to well known that sunflowers "i ex-aldertatilan of London, avid ratio time torliniont's pledge. Her C, it in: HOSORBLY VINDIOATHO, - The any oil her town of the size (if Goderich. Ditvid, %orl)lloxiotlsg,tssmq,aottic).it3 who I ONEY TO LOAN. Baokar& Myers ................ I ........ a
House has aftiricej tile principle
"he Corporal ion of the Town of Goderich has Court of Rovisdon-Town of Goderich... .. I many friends in this section of ex. The him tit mot If size of TH it STA R, ill tich Willian, land Allie. His w1dow illand odcrai aroond their- premise 'hat the prohibition of ilia liquor tratilollatha, *1 a head worker for the Liberal party, General Servant Wantod-A. MeD. Allan. I mayor O'Do.togline, of Stratford, Var larger than Italy rival. WAS not equl to him. Dr. AlitcDonald hiii,i 6hould grti%v a few ozeb of them. These deal wit It tile West H orain arid right &lid most oftatual to Islative retalially for
a a amount a nit title to can on survive&
nod rat Property. at reasonable rates. A Wo. Olararta for 5a. -H. B. Tilt ....... the occasion. arid several (if the big, been a resident or DoLt oit for oil ly it good commission will be paid to anyone ecur, RoUtlaff from Buminess-A. P. McLean ... 4 v c I'll, A f iriner sayal It too gt owing Eitarae� Brockville by-elections, find isre so fuh Like iii of intemperance, And li- also desila"d
8 be pleased to learn ,that he hits bean Ion a us brave been converted luto little nlol,� thall a year. but ill that
Irnif satisfactry loans. Further particulart completely vindicated in the charge a supplemetitto got everything ill. fault trisfe had 1111LAI.- 11111loy friflodo 'I'lle I.e crops are growing, barb wire is grow- and explicit In their details an to Intar
Land be brad on a..pZ1=ttou to the undersigned. Welland Vale Whechi - McKenzie scales noun an public opinion wollid stiffictlatir
h L Howell ......................... ......... 8 -owing. arid every 1, lit' -go lulpleats tit truth. Speaking "n't"
order of t brought against hint by it mail naned It is needless to, say it will too well "Iftion ivel.c Inkeo to Cliliton f( ing, coal oil is gi Ili stringent tuest,aurits, it vvi" provared to
WM- AWTO Buggy Doctor -J. R. Brydffos ........ ..... 8 Little, who Issued a wi-it clAiming that worth reading. 3 )b wear k in hand and but ]ALI. Lid lig lie buy4 to VI-owitig Ila ire iogisiatios,
oZIC A Bargain WhIrl-j. H. Padder ............ 4 Mr. O'Donfightse had #alienated his c0IIII)Ieted lip to Iftsk uiwlit, during this The tialvelleral for the Kensintilton with regitrd to West Huron, Pritchett's Tailat the talliblitout, of I=, �rhcrjln a majori.
Godorich. March 7. 190%
Correct Effect In Wall Paper -Goo. Porter 6 (Ltttle's) wife'A affections. Biffore the week, footo lip over (9),000 itntirensions, 11 AYS.-On SatIIjLdAV tnof fling rarly, Fiat niture ("O. haV0 I)WDn Called Off the otateluental couill In in tile minutest de- Ly of the votes polled thraughout (118 I)ofaicloll,
'ii The Croat Ding Produotion-PiLille'ti Celery Ill get Into court Little volun. A fact which PlOva's tile capability (if Jarlies llil.rs. who had been suffst-ing ro,itl for at A accoutit. of the &tile InstAT things which werair oniv "actuating o"bAL"nI,IAJ MajOrAIIIA In tail tile pro
CANO con �w days, of Musical. Compound ............................... 8 tartly withdrew the charge and make, Life office help. The publisher a "Pill*"- saime tim froill tin interlial c-oll),11itilit. rder list bring a full one just flow. partially known here during find short- wines* but one, wom asooetkin&I to G,j In fzvur
WGLEN CAMPBELL Old M&Ierittle-Dinvional Dyes .............. 5 a solisints declaration that it wits tin. elte "rich patrainago arid desire to
e con. passed to Life great bt-yclud lient-pf,111r. Weduesilay will he Empire D.I. and IV after tits election. matiattmetory evi. Christv's Hts-W. C. PrIalhant ............ 5 true, Fro far its the ex-tuayor is thank the general public fall. thinie, , ionce from other"takircea. thaeouch less.
Organist and Afesicat Director of North St. Glove pitting Shoes -P. T. Halls ........... 8 earned. The genial John is being marks of confidence, arid to &kill that rile decensed had beeo fat- fiolli-lve'll till Thutsdav it loyal people will Iflolooll Tile Government Cliff latest these 4ura will he th.roughly
Aldhadist Chum& Auction Sale of Town Property -E. N. heartily congratulated oil his vindlest- ilia circulation Is rapidly moving up- Lho Lant twelve filootl1q, ILIA it in ptob- the Ilia thday of Ood'm Chosen Ruler (it sworn starenients only by prosecuting ploofCa i4d, supported by Life poo. able tile disclarsis hall been th-veloping the greatest Empire "that is or has Teacher of Pipe Organ, Pianoforte and Lewla ....... ........ .................. I tion. ward,
Th he mAn who of tkes thein. r t,y per. Thatthis liollse is now of rite opinion, in
It gr? * furing that Mi. ILlya, who baBleased to receive pupils at him DR. CARLYLu's RHADINGS.-A fairlv LROAL NOTH91-In Single Court at ;)relliolol LO his it Mess )),Ili hoell (it t,j- initting tile onquiry tAi prot-ateil -and vlow of!hO finaid'AW fAa!t�, LIME It in da-Imble
Rtudio at orterson's Music House. West St.. was oridetO,00tl soine nion.ha a
Toronto, beture Meredith, "lonAlly A town cloplOVels it, .elloill tile anti expoi tient. that v)-linnittat or their homes If desired. J.- Dam- rw i tholl L
Tolull large audience gathered tit the 0. thitt, thetravvil clock would he Glee c seeing it) it that Pritchett and every- tich m.4"timA am will iaot,urm tho,
For terms apply at 14merson's Bicycle and, Assembly Hall last Friday evening to) caY V- SCOLL-J, If. Moss, for defend. "t tile graill tlighte(I flat.( 11with, Alld llll%f'Y PeOPIF one whainat he charges will) wroug- prohlbiLlonof Ilia liclatir Lrmtll,i for bov.m,re
Militia House. 1746-lyr aitland Lodge No. 33, A. F. 1, A. AL, would like to know when " forthwith appears Ile witoossias before tile puria,aaeA in at least those provinceia aslil trra.
heat, Dr. Carlyle in it second program Malb, ujuved to met aside order fnr di, And it may Ile truthfully said that lit- wall bhow tip.
ENRIJORDAN. WILL APPEAL. -At a inseting tit the of readings, principally from tire woi ks iecting judgment to be atitered for- tried to live. and cert.lonly tije(l, it it ,lit
T'leal Director of Kravis Presbyterian Special committee of the Town Council o Illouse coultalitEve. toric. whinh h,t,o lit at, u,,h prc�
If Chas. Dickens. The ptogratin, as plaintiff, made by the local judge at Inember of tile Fratea nity. or, sutitl,ty Air. Dodley Holmes has bought the lalliltion.
church, on Thursday Inst.it was decided to given in these Columns jast %vasek, Was Goderich. It. McKay, for. lIlaintiff. Elie roanains of dif(entsed WC -1 0 PlaCed it) olegitta Kiely prnper tv on Nor ill street, Mr. liolows refuses to vote
Is apatine Classes in for air
VOCA14 ORGA . PIANO and CORNET appeal against. the decision �iof Chief very well selected, and judging from contra. obje,ted that.under rulo368 the Maitland ceint-tilry, the fillivaral tnkirig plaositar North ntreet, rhurch, for. it Is INVESTIGATION REFUS111D. suppliart that request, &till TfiK STAIC
Ppilla prepared for " Toronto College 61 Justice Armour in the cual Case of the alliplausesufted the audience std- yroper course was to have moved be- PlIlcia front hill late Willia Raid, about $2.(XX). Tills is VOIAnaluly A
Mu.1o" exams. mirably. Diversified mi were t 4 street, sit 2 p.m. The Church He, vi v rvi y desirable retailitiance, ON pages four and five of tills Issue -fisalcaus for that refusal.
Holmes vs. the Town of Goderich. he ore the officer who trinde the order.' :11 gives lit full his,
For terms apply ea� Tax FavartarratiaAc. South IMill STAR haw alreasay expressed ith, many characters represnted, ell Order ruade setting aside judgment and fit the house and at tile grave wain coal- A (it -at and dtimh man named Lewis of Tills STAR we give Mr. R. 1. Bor. &4 repoltod in Ilneard. nf April tird.
trect, Studio, OdAtellow's Hall. were portrayed with a naturalness execution find defendant let in to do. ducted by Itev. Mr. Alliti. if p. 4110, which reached TUR STAR only
1717-lyr opinion as niara.mit such a step, and if N'iclol ill K,oviedy was hefoco, the P. M. oil den's speech in making his itiodoo for
the judgment be sustained the cost to land ease which allowed Dr. Carlyle's fetid on payment of costs of motion anti s, reet Methodint, chair (,If. 4110 I he Craft vitai Red with unruly cOra* it renewal of the investigati.n into the last Friday. Way I Ith. The saintericali 1138 EMMA ANDR R OF AbiliLy as ail elocutionist and ail actor. Lipton throw,, away hV reason of tile ceroniony by W. M. fii,o. W- I)- 'FY, 111cl, Goal drorikeness. anti Was r(1- onclosoll lit brackets, thus: r.
Piano. Organ, Theory. Slight Readt that town will be an mapiesivivint fIffure. As an interpreter of Dickens, Mr judgment, within 11) days latter- tax&- of Maitlamd, N(l. 3. Therr lAlgaj West Huron election fraudii, Arid ill
Ear Traltaink, A specia[V of the VI Tan G. N. W. -The prize list for this Car lyle Ili most successful, and in two Lion. lit Court of Appeal: Snider v. tu,nout of Masonq, no(I it ho.st (at maoded fill- a week to sober up. 11ohnoo onlita front his owil p,tpel-. tile
Practice Clavier -athod. The Elicit Proof a* ;eta Pulley and Morris picnicked continue Elie ouquiry into the Brock-
lavier at 0. W. Tilovansca'amusic,,2finforlum exhibition is now being distributed to other numbers -King Robert of McKelvey. -Judgment an ,,rpeal bF friGII(IS Arid nViC�lUalotatnevn %vorta pales to I New Fra may be used by pupils. A.loo Kinderasarth, I On Tuesday. w ion the
Sicily," I L f n w. and --The defendAnt froin jodgiv I n t t #it decentleds ,ate It, h Ir Sabbath school classes tin vills endle also.
Method for y students will Insfulthersili the public, this being the Robot t- At (It!% t, e r. 101fort "calt"
mung children. Bandit'sa T.rolvNon-hr Alan, J. (31, 0. R., 91). In action rot, ill- 1he ceol,L�ry. Till- IN(. ' 11 ey A farm last Saturday afternoon, ruatter wits again discouse(i. Sir IA,tiis Speaster. " (West h Toronto Congerkator Course- first prize list for the fal11 -hilo th-r. Is force in
Ij show season ,Loll hall it most, enjoy -011e tirne. during Davies an Whlf of the Ouverninent, the rearfark. aiftlw hon in,,,na).rror Eaott)ur.
41lo a held the audience fit breathless atten- junction said fair dAniages foi- P"t A. Stinitoo, E. Britauvrain. Z111bation at the real sees, 367 of 19W published. The Industrial, of tion. breaches of the covenant if) J 1.. Ill vdRPA which they were photoed by 8allifive. Torutitt), usually heads the list. but it, all fee- nnoutared thtt Clio suotiort would Ile mail wtlIlnir.,%s at) Individual.
111:11111rovement or stock. ill halt yet out. Anyone desiring a coF fill(] 'I - .1. Vident) Afoolig tile -v. Colin Campbell. statterintendent rrfused, notwithatitrading tile full alld to we a ,dolp furitter than I did IsLot. Year. and I
V GODICRicaTALEKT.-Speaking of the talent in writ.init, under seal . data. 7t If Mi
December, 1897. fill- the sale fri r $2 " (W ers froot it distance we. Alex. of t lie Sailors' Department. WX T. U..
of tile G. N. W. list can h&LVO it, Y concert held there last week for the to plaintiff of defendant's real estate. CIL11111hell, of Alpena, Mich. will giatefully receive literature. at explicit promise of 81r Wilfrid 1,aturior intend to suPPI)rt ilia Ill- i l of live bon. inaut.
West street, to 1) bar for Culche,aLairofr tioattitude
sending it card to the secretary, or ILP- beneft of the 33rd Batt., the Brusaaels and ale* of his practice as a physician DioKHos-The realliFtins of Robert tier home on dis. lastyeAr. Here is what the Premier which I took (it the Ilou%o, Inst vear, wa,a that
plying to any of the officem. Intend- ;and surgeon, with thp vood will there- Scott. whose (leitth in lirf,ok tributed where sailors may have lit illy opinion, the government woro not junti.
n co4ilivatitoras have four months Ili Post says of two members of the quar cceas said last session when promising the lvgich to prepare for the fall show. tatte who performed: ILMiag Fiqllel of, it) the villagaia of Brussels. Tile do. to it. enquiry : (HdnaArd, pp. 07*W.38.) A&I oil tile ore l" P -111"s a p"hib.
feradant covenanted not to pract ice Ili lyn. N.Y., wa briefly noted in theso Tile NViarton Catiadian recently We have always field, Ili ("Rill Ill st., ItOrY 111111017 IQNV. That. is 4f all my opoition ; yet
wo-a quite at home in her well chosen -ussels
Gux CLUB Saoiyr.-The reg if lar selections, arid although first-clasm I Hr far within a radiant of five coltiftina; lant week, rearlied towl, I)V into court 98 ea -es against nut). and we are prepared to Ito d flow.% if flelleve that the pehiciple of miles therecif, for- Hve years from date the tritin Italian all, who would not, Pav 1:13 After et,11 rup. that the notrity of L election, rtillo. arid thiLt 8omilar or lau-r it should be
weekly shoot of the Goerich Gain her heavier numbers, did charmingly in
Club was hold on Friday eve"In g. and telling about nit ughty EdlLh. M of agreement, which also contained a Friday, land w"I'" liaid at I -it, in tile iii,tilled. In every rase judg. inust he guardrd Ila, fill costs ,fit(] Ili ro,itticnized Ili this coantr), in tit,, frra of L%w clause by which tile defendant I In d tanilly plot, off inent. wai grunted tit the rate of $1.50 hazards. It was nisr thiLy while we Idianot thillk tf-r, 1,i n llidwatfal lit till lthough the new traps worked nice. Acheson won favor from tile fimt with himself in that stuff of $400 In ens)ot he Saturdy per vear.
I the weet music site brought out of hot- e **
IV, he shoraLers had till all caught on 'es The floletKi I -,(,k plml� ('"Ill FlAn. Allen has hought front Jon&- House. on inore than one lit cliat arito frola Lite 1upior train -
via, I hall set tip air locate himself in the were sitting oil tile other side all the who ,in autmpt the evil.
tin. and the audience would njust to the tie tv th rof w, hence the sco res tire w prActice of medicine of 'atugery with- the family not yet nil tAi A good average. The I I-2 than Millor hill Ewa, last horses. Via lacing delinquencies which hall takoit thp,ta w!ll tin -led I)y lnit,t every talent.
-ovioil, it, lnqt to ; 6 Illingly have listened to additional in five years. or within a radius of five and Ili h
followingwore theghootersand their elections." Of the concert held in tit ifes frovin liruAsels The trial Killift it ail with harneov, rigs. placp it, el,li ill the Attrotion of ber I,, th� but twth.r ,his to
I�ud e. Rev. Jan. it. tier rt c. Under till- Pikilfoi tiottogoluielit of tile Hotise. as to which, we thought. oat ltiw operili ion -a at rtif,)rvo a vrohillitoary
UACKNEYISTALLION. LANGTON'8 scores: Andrew Rougvie 4, W. 8V- Seaforth, the Still says: "A4ios Ache- following Mossop Mson, v icat fat tile 4 Ito I lie 'vl q-1111 OM -
THAEN ELT. (Till and -ill- owned by Xd- mons 6, R. R. Watson 5. son's violin solectiodIF were sTl,,'d*d v B, -n. wo mav look f( r soine good trott I ht tilts House. Possibly I N its iLction,
2, W. Cattle 2. I noin, 4,53. affirmeol on liwaor Isw or tvit k nit entirely dort-runt que,*
word 0. Attrill, RI sawood Park Stock Farru, but her rendering of William , I , appeal. held that ioritired tile a this Reason. did ill , always do iteelf the
Gen. Symons 0. D.. McIver 6. N. V. plaintiff wits e itled to both ran in- There waq it large illthP "' "stio' I latiallevi, that if . Protobitoi-I, 11witir law
goderich. tint. her best effort. Miss Bills Fiaher wits, Tile 0�,drrlch Aitirativorst were nalver hich it should tinvo doue. The allies
Dwaamiloss-Langton's Dailegrolk-91 --Can. Rougvie 2, H. Rutson 4. C. Qsarr6w 4. jonction and dountriges. Appel aliow- hoitse servict,, nod inany (0d trif,ii(lq .4 -1) 1pe,n,l� ii -I ri.., to the
radian Roorallney 4 B. and (3311) American Hack as usual, a favorite. her pieces ran 9 tise(I lo play the RmVro. t ion wnich has hello I rolight tip I)v the AThe Gan Club will hold Life weekly gal I ed in part will plaintiff to elect wheth thefilonily valy S.D., twits fal;a lit 1897, land Is a beattatiful shoot this evening, arid An extra one front the childiqh dialect tip to t Ile Pr he will take Ali injunction of- dania- At the gi-,tvf, I�ev. Air. ali I t. A.,11 'IT' 011 tit Pretoria," ail ( linton (ail ell holl. gonlientall Involi,e ne of facts
he 0,F
diAllplo dheattifist color. with a strip on face and the morning of the 24th, so that drsmatic pi oduction of to It ro-ferii to two elect ions, the Brock Pat fortl� ulm till.
both front toet and near hind stocking w�lte. gv,i, Oarrow. Q. tot- defendant. plele(l tile lal.1 Vi(.,.. 1pl %%,. M. ne�dii.y. halt, t )am fill vanre little fit 8",ttA
He is a very h h'kqao factar. and hock action the memblairs assay take in the Dun- which wasigiven in costa, 11 a W. M. Sinclair (Bi-tistselol fair Brof. W. 1). Tye I Iva I. "f I Io. Nf ti,,l w,trianting [lie extl#hi;o of Elio trip ville election nod tho Went. litirot, f hole if il,o ivietiom" t11. Expositor sitys: "Miss 1.4urn. Ache-
_4nnot ed. it rise from champion gnission celvalarat,ou. it liternil y. Am "i;ght ht,- ex I tile to th)it hurg. the deni wits called ofT. electinn. With ro-gardt-the West Hor. It
tb4k Ittl1tiflitNot 'end U.M. 8 both his eire vicalintait, was e 'A any good, fvnq - ------- 4l.- )if elm -Lion I not free to say.at. onco. that
His LAST APXEARAN4qX. her selectiortis dolightel the aticli6lic". 4W it& he Ai'liniported'6m England Before 'loll, casiet, of (file. !,a) yoting an(I H. Newton's neiv wellhig on Light- Lang rile 4 gas t wAs litraid by Mr. Fred C. bayiiii; heal -d tile otittement, thitt tile
I Amqng tile 01itirolles. known as the late Sc,.tt DiriLs(� %v;jw mt ref -t i* new I v read y for lit ick
StAyons, of apeviroold Iadkoey Stud, Attica. leavinff for Englaq4, Ilia last appea.r. She I-% a graceful and charujing vioilih- coverml wit.h fl,twers, rio,l inLy, Iiiit (tie bricki, ale imt elvt)ect�(j gentleman Is -in inatim. and I, - it ti'll' t1-1. t ff. J., Q08 0 most successful and beat ancia in Goderich for some time. Dr. ist. As an elocutionist, r4iss Ella Tho Hpvarnrth League of North street I underabir.al he is prepared to allboll' I C 11 blitt" h"ll, till', 111.1 by the
it 4 the United States and Can. Fisher it arid awn Ill, 1'eff- 0- t" I do
a it favorite in 4asaforth rance wa,, twt sweet el. a t i,r 1)4-f,,rp Jim& %VhPn
etied to Canada by Ilia prail- Carlyle will give a unique eutertain- Methodist :-hurch next Tuesday even- ,,, v of 01f. loved role ,It t1li, ,,b will ,, (oTltilloetI ill &' tirlish. 6,te pnn him standing stols, b.oNlihel
her selecticnis an Wednesday evening ing will have fill rvPiiiog with Long- Ili ,,,I this Iloti-al, lie has tumle a primA arlitovirt; Attrill. find to pronounced merit at Lite Opera flotlse. on Friday increased her popularity here." Ara fe ow, vvilh tableaux, music eV reottod. Sc(itt wits All Im lint kq. like Itainloer. life strove ail) th:i4 I it in h.�r
by 411 w Omen seen blast as one of the best I rectLa- i If fh of Uod eric h, Its I I 4a " 'at t I 1. I I cie case wl-irb. I may, wiLlimat nov
ectivio ]irof Ifalft:illy type nowto Canada. eveninfr. June let, consisting of it cut-- other correct I. wits held at WI 1191jam, tions, readings front the post'! work", hesitAtion. Most g', to) thin, CmianittAe a was At Is flattet a Performer, 4044). tain-vaiser, "One Touch of Naturo." of which the Times says; "bliss Ella �':n his vi ork, oililigmw tit the aliflendid 2lil) Ar -tin
S. o I ag.,44U2 A erc^ag%r Garton Dalsollat Con- etc. Refreslimetits served. 1 ver ecal. a" r( twit Privilegi nod Mot )a. %Vith IIs IP - . tits dam was Lady in which he plays It pathetic father Fisher, in her comic selections. was ject.ion at the door. all ('01111teoun in everydiv lit,, nit, ... Tlwv. Ilo",-Y. egitud it) the Iltocloville election I al lit Hack., I 0 At orl"n, who Is In search of his daughter ; #a very well received, her rendition being -th street when the Millions waid " We ill in."I 4),von tile Still 7 1, .q
s at, a Rev. J. W ilson, M.A., of Not toony that. Ili my PoLisnalion. the -1doratio- I ito jr D.I. o Etag. Me clays. roaring farce. 11 Slasher and Crasher." decidedly good. Miss Acheson in her ish hill "winfiry in .)tjr is," All wl- j u it 1� flint flat- 110%V Ile little hich tie haw insAe out is very, ... . ...... church, will preach in Victoria street wel-e toolld he .11).li wtltv" J,,ii-ed lol-elf I,. dial rn'le w
In pedigree can be treenail back taidefinitely- the story of two cowards. who are not first appearance here made a decided a-mirch on Suntlav morifing next. In hear -1,11v ill tit" piioo~. [1it. caso at, till. But such Is the sane- Wo, at 3 very wrak. I( indeed he lints vusole a t'Irl- it1. buttvie4orat who are Itaterestell In We close U cowards after all I land the bright ec- impression. Her next visit will Ile t LoZ will craittlY see that L*n% lei on Parl thP evening the Pastov, Itev. S.J.Allin, bent-ei-tt, were lilothet., 1,11,11 ct'd Daneselt -tstrie comedy. 40 Pran- eagerly looked forward it). It �llplflv [lit, R. firl.1 otner x)ats
1jac vast leaders. Cat will preach the third difitcourse tin the (4. 1), n ak� tity or th-3 b-tllot� such is the ian it,,. in,p,,rw,t,j4ion, If ,n,sn miall,
his own stable. at calis." or " French Spoken Here." in Y, i0vmw o) 111, ollalel 1, -is.
Ridgewood Stock Farm. Titatitaft, $25 to insure. which Dr. Carlyle plays a nervous H&RD010 RIVER AND LAIII? l3nt last verge of I he 25th chapter of MAt- A. Mul). Allao ),till sanctity or the rights Of Lhe people tile si,arof the thew subject, " Who ate the right-' J� F. firvdiarm. whose urooloe adver- whieh they Enlist exerclse whers ps yable January Ist 1901. kouseholder who endeavors to rent builder Marlton says he is behind with tLaeo-ol appears ill anothor colouin. ever they are oat 101 upon at the , gal on,hititlan . 1vt we fintl in"
EDWARD Q ATR(LU Proprietor. rooms to Drench people. although he the tug now on stocks, because be has A great welcome meeting In the Sat 1, . orij tak-ting A huggv for Dr. Turnbull polls Lbat. though. In my Opinion. in for- l" .on.. of I Ile la.1glaborina
MPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION. can't speak a word of French himself. di roller hestring axles, and hast aiinn Sp
MILTON MI. No. IWI.Vot. M 131des. The same ladles and gentlem as who been unable to obtain sufficient skilled vation Army boarracks, on MAY Mrl. The War News. eaking here in b -half or the 1�, th, tte f late S. Q. B., bred by James Brown. Reg.. Mf1- Look part In the wardrailma. wit"Ifth the labor since satillors and fishermen left for to Major McMillan, the now Provinciel an f,,r otie for Dr. Whitely. it ( overnment. the cme made out (.I I It- th�, rmk.jtdt.,y jlq,� Is.
tonlaill Torres Scotland 'm Officer for the West Ontario province. Events have inlavcd rapd1v the is clairoe(i thiat with these niales the In regard to Brockville Is more �,n.thm it hA- P.11. Ill Ilan IwA
Aliss. Innis. Milton. CDC ", rliwk.lo .107 & caste In these petits dramas. Dr. Ciar- th ei r season's wait k on the lak on. -Th a
boom (Itift ,f A Vehicle lit reduced IV) por t Ilan weak. still the Governmont son Of IM 88 (0110111111: MOTI)i James Mo. lyle should have a packed house on Ili, tug N. Dyment is now ready w steam accompanied by the CbAncl Ilor nf past Week in tht- Solith Afri(.in' (nn)- (#-lit, itod ine horse rA" (Irnall' fall 11114CIA Will nOt Offer any 0bj(y,%tIon to s- in thitt I titbriallit's, faff0eld Road. lGodertall township. for last appearance. out of porL. and it Is expected will ratiart -Staff, Captain Phillins. The Mnjor IF pa ign. Lord Roberts i,, ri,,�k n,.rtf) a- lw--vvith 114ttoromary silt. the case al-io being referrotl to tLh. L,it. ,f noon. arid to Goo 0. sturArls, -morrow.-Am
2, 7th eon., for for the Georqtairs Bay to an old warrior. being in the Army
night. TUxtwxy-T. It. 11. El to t1s, 8M con., FROM AN OLT) PRTRND -Elie Honor of KroonstiJt, tht, seconj of 4)n Tivesday atternoon the Committeo (,)it PrIvilegas and to - --a t �f I he I for noon, "it to John Rathwe1l's, Hayfield Line the authorities\ to repair the L front
#oing It hot twenty years: he psews. %Vvnn -tions. I do viot, lwlipvp t hal I
for night6 StalinDAT-tO John Wigginton's Judge Johnston. writing from the Sault govetramentalock Noftnelumberill Ain ittle in, I thra the Free Stitt-, and Cener.fl likinier litno aelectorl midual fair it game at It--nia th. -0- oasat ro land, &till 'knows it earn@ oil N I ec
for noon selto Win W;Zc1"njh&,non. 11 for t -win tin thn West stropt howling obould anyone single word triore I last week to renew his trupscription to piled on it I- The schooner BZfjg;1@r. wo,rk lie is engaged in. Everybody has crossed the rjivermiA Illit"t- brave arcoroplishod all that to reqo�riv4l
night. 'ITTUPADAY- to from Toledo with GM tons of coal for Ell greon, arid the t f-alolt was ail Pa,lay wi hand con, Collborne, for Via STAR, speaks thus of the old Goderich Elevator and Iransit Co., or- ;1.1, fla Mi I�ant-, The following woT of front the Got activations. on this b
Henry youalj% mt, come and hem- hint. All fare welcome. ed the Union J�t( IN .11 Ihn noon, land to . P Vmmee@ at &eye'llor tot town of his boyhood: - --Q.- -- - player. Anil I be Item its : NV. Camialtell, I repeat. Mr. peaker. that It I That 1,i night, FatDAT-to m. Hkk'fh b oon:.G4da- rived in port on Saturday Morning and Gien. Bulfvr hs IfW Ill. tI b. -
rich tdialtrisishlo, for natin.then to his own stable. I-Speakiraf of the old town, for whose commenced discharging at noon. - A BaslneS3 Notices. and Dtindeu A. MrD Allan. tkitnia. skip. 22: there Is no question which can to 1--ve. tit-[ it --h 1- main atitIll Monday marning. Milton IIII in A. Fittrow. 1). Strachan. Joe.
Hamilton strepta Geller loll whom he will fst- prosperity have wished and will &I- number of men were asnartitged one day Next Rargaij Plays. May 81sli and June The tollow' better advantaReoccul)7 thetime ioolvelderod by all horstatilen to be anti df.the ways hope, I was surprised to else that. last week cleaving the coal from the 119 dCsj1;it,!) wa% re- Wynn, kip. 10. f.- of a,, lit,, ,pi n 1- V-, I t it. th.t it �Gal,j
best silt round Draft flornas in Called*. He ovill notwithistaluding your numerous fact- dock. When the space wnA cleared 4st. at Robirison'a. celved and f an tho 1At- On To-dav ea,ening. Nlrati ol in of the House. thau that; we should in add- too four year* oldjn Jone neik riald weighs now ories. the nesir elevator land man there was but little sigs) of A fire hnr- C to, re will kindly take notice shot ost pal-ahlished re, d and wateb carellilly over t h. tlins,.f
95 invited that voting I#Ldle* of 9111117
IDW Itis.. Is healthy and svifforimsi and one of Itions, Vour population hA* 7 I ;n talei placit. -The ollaill SC6* to 6 tin And kxr MAY 2jait 'me will alone our ports, tAtivamorldittketatbayses a earth. 6addes bein y., en to- Ae irt, - ha,rs. 14. (Iavo 1,,- A wheeling party. the rights or the people at the th- Gave of the )left briod. As tothe quality of his cre"e;d 23 Imt year. We bar" nA all 4ay tfiese tizqes, nod &ppar- store at 7 o'clock eatch evening, As" Itinil dy morning, in,li'md to Altpr an of five mil", pol Is. tehill I ha's
Vvi a itardayst, and eays before Half yQ. think it truc:
attle14 We latilad him to is tow mar" vartran he & larger population than you, th ently flume very excellent work has tha, nartV %were served with refrpqh. *in ra tion. Motithere flont. hear. .,r was'two Years, and him colts train thatat year bout 151XIcionaing and goir1g. Rve beert done by tbe improvised at tile re,itaotant. The Iihird4litna ry I 4 I'lo-oll. -'I 40 at all the FiLtra they were shown hotel and boarding house Is taltrad to machinery. After the val, [,ondon, M.�%.- 17'�Ir I- K;t- If wrong a- in
apt fail. Go to the Victoria 111-istaurians, Week St. pleasant evpning rAllif- to It t-100411 after I he PrInso Minister "If a-hit'llilan 6f Ili. t -In, -ith
provide for iren eate. no tionseli v4- each dynamite cartrialstis tere are for Too Orosim, Fruit, ';On I I iheral, in the tomm,tit- room favor a
a Y4 are stid- carvt� and now buNitip cars, Confectionery. of tht * , H,)kj,;i, of thi% it tew hmi" lipent ill anoisenteratia at ha been (Inne in thaqe elp"ItionS we tin fly* I IQ.� - goinfir-apin all thousands of minnows 11 Ling wrong Cigars. alta, I he til-Acher's said omen isnest ex -
Ila . Nile s amid nobo,ly ollght, to be ahlpide,l. If law and I am -Ull.g. #,jl. to do
11t.3 patts. The 016rques have MPelliell side ropwa.rds In the water, apparently 0. RTAIRGTOST, Prop. r�orning announ,ed ttmt Mif(l,tinI,Z piewsp(l their gralitoile to) their lihid
d*"T y car t Is rig.
end - 6 I 11 OL f& the International United abd It will d hig. but It seems they are montly Next Bargain Days, Way 31st and June had bet -n relieved. Till- War 0f- anyone hwsr,,irstravened the law. oi"ll &mi -at., ells. compare with any hotiel In Ontario. I Xasned air at least 0 vs at rths of them ist, at Robinson'*. fi(e however, %k is urlhie t c,q)- It Is fair an(I irtillit that this should The logic if th11. or)ooch ran wifoly
t* fat va 6 J11,1111 int. havai just met yoitiF X. I reacralim li;�� the iihock-The steamor BrcTmcir.-The Best land Preattell $30 fir;� the announcem(nit. ale Register. be Investigated. and thisat, we he loft 1,, the ar-milideration tf Elio
r own 4 11claalson. of
oltlh St. Andrew. from 'Fort William Dievale,in the market at McKenzie & Should know now, henceforth and plerlorq whmo Air 11-4mova canvasseil
� aud he a scita. an With the
fore jail sits in& rally remain hatol. We have with 87.500 bushels of wheat
'a Howell'd. They are both hassillaonavol and not tmrh tft ell* Ren Allen ere; hi has built a large for Richardenn's elevator, reached this durable, Diur; ng I Ito- Wow on *is a lard kv I I -e Tali, R -r " ndl- will holve A fr" nati� undor pie Mllqt be expresqe,l an the v-po hitioll. Hot -P rawtv cll l t -til ion to
seatmou tMo Wall will Goa Is Is Piarlla� irmtinor their oat* hills printed at for Pvor. that f ho will of the pe(-)- " a friptid nd ei3jtprt�r of probi-
sale stable and is very
any A"mIllar. I aw gort just after noon on Molsolty, sLas
Gv"Sir itivalos, met younx Mr. filevicivar, who iq one of d To Tam nraiii, -A r1oh lady cared of bar take walor wits rfiatorl�d t- o,vor his hevelina eaeli w"t, fill Lim* of �le 1ple wL,;b to oxvress It. however the fact that in quoting it Ili lit. ownt
adderlivered bar cargo nT TueNdity
M . i , a . A, , P-006trairls, the best Arid most str6oftassful travellers moming. when #the steatniald out of It Pastorate, and Noises in the head by Dr. three infle-I w@lat of Ow 1111A]i , ,V,, T, T 11., 19, 11 At Itta art." . Rains.
whooner = Ni.h.lanta'. Artifiial Ear Drums, hat sent ran extoniation of the pipt, 1.,r tio- j 1, R. R'. 4 Wh�.*. Revere the ircansequences may be paper Mr finlin" mutilated ihn [lan-
URPOAUID CLY1198041411 JITAU on Ithe road. And Omen I* emp d fat, take Superfor.-The 41, to hit Inssi Into. so that do&( people. nles would nrat have Iriven at. (1,.n, -ith thl- v.%r-. -p in O�d hria .ad savetill on one alde or the othor. %^all roluirt is, a arnanner that Pan prop -
IN .4 91 as Mr Olergue"s Cissahman. wid 'as A. with 2NOW bushels of com for Rich- h.,- �Ilh t�o laa,ar,io f on -bard. DAFRIKL
tvii, V 0914#11114110 H. I& earnatid for himself a first place in the sairdson"o elevator, arrived In port on I Notwithstanding vv rava
;AtO I unable to procure ilia Ear Drums may water (In that ay. A comedy pi,,p,�a the long a ni ariv he e%11441 dishantrast. as Ill adily
(or it lbagnat6le oplaffla. Though our town TUMaday -Pickerel tasty now bia le ly hae them free. Apply to Dept. A. P, V. ed for thi-i stat of thinge In fill.ting Rt" 4"Air May at V .*.I -k intho
'M 'is ttawdlAi 11 FCofthl Twilarnis
Kintidl.611TOW 01 wiltdes, t&kPn.:fhever&l boat houses have Zn &be Institute. 78 Eighth Avenue. Now. haoin. A n,tJ.n atelto of. vq1ty, -afartis In. labored "uniant 4 Wr Lpi4ie in *ate he seen liv roadiviff the ra"riaa enclosed
Itharal Ile IslikillhN b6fts flahli ftolail" 4 wall I-vated dwellinu and I, aa,� of In -4, port of the reloLsnal neivat. an i%rivimoul. within brockor. th lyr.T-rty -f A. J Mal,iger. lot Ion no da of silt* 1101"I PWdlit"41 91 vok 811glish. TO& land RMt6h. W 0 "*ftd ob6ctoad Along the G.TAI(broakwater mi York. U. S. A- Tun STAR plo-ing It RAC-11"ll , 'a- till
illL shatteved Into frairtnevalts, by raTte bt tiw!l till their tArraings here. there is far this sassition.-The Big Kill Elevator Ara you Ir I* house. or would rather ereTiinst noticed I (1,A.rie
k"11:** to fit"re' I ran Ing your F'ov.1 Flt� D,�� V" ittm eiriffila. The hotel Irs"Wair in will 1* (Weapied the present yea by the you like new how much It would east ? Plo, one (if ench Its. zralziocz intent I two rain Inn larat of Harbor Plot Tboliffeavas Mr. Powell. of Wastrifirtrol and. there is
116tir 1116111ft Y I -ad leg Ground It Is 1. -id -wild ahssi- Georgia Htswnrt had Knox Churc-lis
walifuld ittraile It tboy had & Rkhardsons.-Heriing, tbotigh plalusti- Let as send a painLatir to give you &is fasti- a Ited of tillips. an.1 hoinj th,, tail v T-a;. 'Q raids. Instance, may -raimin at, mori but one roncluoiora to he rearlittal hy gr elitist earns on parsule vestoriliqly IVIll Of "title Of f6t, A" not biting ravenously. but, pereb "ate on hill work A -d we will tail yen Ara t-, jrk. -ith Inteftt at G Or, -rt Tuariman, the ptih1w. atull that. is. the it
hatft,"' at) I n re air of Tn R ST A R office. In
our hoteflsa� tA WWA day 110A been allare critivirillator amund the plaro and in what the beall,larasterial "I am% McKee- fair apart P- Thp answor was I he G A ttollear at a t I aint. a he Inds will he mt) Proflorlerarl
taked in one "d fillore of oar ho- the If b' '" "
Tasto *tAA *lvow *4&0# iftircoserr. be biting tie & Howell sell nothing ut reliable ing tritrettipr f foot lips, ' I Input aro Afrai.1 to) pea vnit forth t6w, slitbov, and win 000n anti I he 4 P"' that this portion of the town V4111 b*
IWA* stali wfi* towt., far"It. / painial. Elvarplassit While load in the bask music of the collision %vas heard after. oso mate Do" far Tan STAN in fit* "A all nine posure of tile wrong doing which clutr- ILIA@ to rernst all havilders. t 19W
ration ac6l
aY, 04 Sury
rol"In � "also