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The Goderich Star, 1900-04-06, Page 5
a Few Newspapers in the Provinice of Ontario have a larger circulation than The Goderich Star. it is therefore a superior i,Wvertisin `�D1\(P14 L SEPARATORS SEPARATORS.. ei rtntuitlir a 1ir•tc. wgure ipetor tg Tee ma. opine wets as Innen us two good cows. If you ATC Milian 'eight cows it brinae vor as much butter as if you bad milked ten cows. It givegyonwarni, sweetskim milk for the calves, savestime ares h hoz and makes your butter worth at least two cents more per pound. We represent the • • • "Sharpless" and "American' Call and sew theta and get a ten days' trial FREE. •x411000 EMERSON'S BICYCLE & MUSIC HOUSE. the 3oberich %tar. TELEPHONIC CALL 71 FRIDAY. APRIL 0. 1900. BRITAIN DEFENDED. Mr. J. Campbell's Reply to Mr. Robert B. Roosevelt. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Times. Stet, -1 notice in your Issue of the twenty-first inst. a letter from Mr. Robert B. Roosevelt defending his at• Lack upon Britain, which apeeared in the Tribune some time ago. and which the writer answered through the col- umns of your valuable journal, in a late issue. The part of the original letter which your humble servant took exception to was the following sentence : " Not only did England take (hie very City of New York in tirne of peace. but is said to have secured Gibraltar dis- honestly, Cape Colony by open treach- ery, and is now in Possession of Egypt under false colors.' These are the charges {nada by M. Roosevelt which the undertook to an- swer in o e letter -without mentioning any Mee -bit like the man with the Is nose, our friend took it to him - f. It will lie observed by anyone reading Mr. Roosevelt's letter critically that he has dropped the charge entire- ly in reference to Great Britain secur- ing (Gibraltar dishonestly -fol he never once mentions it in his taut letter - hence iny refutation obtains and his baseless assertion falls to the ground. in reference to his charge that Brit- nen ritnen was in possession of Egypt under false colors, it will he ooserved that he withdraws his charges and gives his whole case away and says that "it :s the French who have been making a ullahnloo." Then he p h goes r n to state what the Wrench say. As for himself, he says. " 1 am nun -sentimental. I he. Zieve in the conquering race (English). and indeed that the progress of con- quest by the superior race leads to the development ot man." After Hort we may bury the hatchet, its far as Egypt is concerned. He evi- dently drops his charge and accepts fully our explapution of why the Brit- ish are 111 Egyp?, This narrows ethe charges against 1lritaio down to two, which he said in his first letter, justified the title given to Great Britain by the French, of it Perth:noes Albion' We will exec uene these in order and doubeless will find them as haseleus aro those we have just disposed of. In our previous letter we :rive the American (IyctopiLedia. ublished by Appleton & Qo., of New York, as authority for any statement we made, A cyclopaedia is as impartial and unbiased as a diction- ary. It is the only true authority on disputed points. Historians are often one-sided and partial. Even the immortal Macauley was not free from this charge when speak- ing of his hero, the Prince of Orange. On these grounds we positively re- fuse to acknowledge the authority of Mrs. I'amb's history, from which Mr. Roosevelt quotes:so confidently. We want somet,hOng of a standard nature, which all men of all nations will a<:- knowledgo, and this we have in a work published by Mr. Roosevelt's own countrymen. D. Appleton & Co. Now, in reference to England taking New York in time of peace, let tie turn to The American Cyclopaedia, Vol. xii, pave 371, and we read as follows: "The Uutch settlement, spreading to the east and west, Farpe into collt'lOn with the 1$nglish Up nn the Uonnecticgt and with the Swedes upon the Delaware, In 1056, Stuyvesant, the governor of New Netherlands, took forcible possession of the Swedish territory and annexed It to New Netherlands.' We could here remark, parenthetic- ally, that Mr. Roosevelt's countrymen did exactly to the Swedes, what he blames the English with doing to them. The border contests with the Eng- lish continued as long as the Dutch held possespeon of the country. The English defined New Netherlands as part of Virginia, aclairn founded upon the prior discovery of Cabot. in 1622. the Englikh minister at the Hague de- manded that the enterprise of plant- ing a Dutch colours on the Hudson should be abandoned in 1627. Gov. Bradford, of Plymouth, gave notice to etor Minuet that the patent of New ngla,8 extended (.o In 48, end that 'hl? Itutetl tsar! fro rights 'tei plant and y�f_ges n�qoi•tll•oi that line. In Marsh; r684, Ohdrles f granted a 1:hedter of elnhends lying between the Connecticut i rind Duke the €Dlticrl rt? inei in4udu Now N.elbRriands and a portion of the terry I tory which bttd beets previously gtr- cd to Connecticut, Eiassochuaette Iand New iIampabirc. lis A,gguat uP the Bawd Yerar. Wit/MI Any. declera• tion of were Vol. Nicleule. at the bead of an English Puree, appeared before New Amsterdam and demanded its surrender. Being in no condition to resist. Drev. Z:}tyyvesnut complied, runt the whole couutryp quietlyassed into the hands of the English New Ams- terdam was can=ed New York and the nurpp of New York was also appli- ed to the whole province. Nev York wets) subsequently recaptured by the Dutch. but was noon after restor- ed to the English." This is a plain statement of the tak- ing of New York by the English. and it will bperbserved that though there was no 'proal declaration of war, there bad been a continuous dispute tam untiog almost to what is known as I state of war, The subject bad been a hone of con- tention between the ewo countries for many ye, rs. The finalewas just what u the DZt had a right to expect under the circumstances. and a consumma- tion devoutly to be wished by every lover of progressive civilization in the world at large. The English had never acknowledged the right of the Dutch to New York and adjacent country, one of their contentions in their own favor being the priority of discovery by Cabot, who was in the em• ploy of the English, A formal (leclara- tion of war, before hostilities cont- inence ot late years has not been considered necessary. 11 we recollect, there was no such declaration between Greece and Tur- key, nor between the United States and Spain, and your readers know that there was none between the late Presi• dent of the Transvaal Oligarchy and Great Beitain. Kruger, it will be re- membered, sent an insulting ult.inia• tum to Britain, and without waiting for a reply, marched his Boers into British territory and flred the first shot. It is supposed, however, that the British will fire the last. Now. in reference to Mr. Roosevelt's last charge, that the Btitish secured Cep! Colony by open tr eachery, 1 would say that he utterly fails to sub- stantiate the charge or else he did not comprehend the meaning of the world he used. If he turns to the Standard Dictionary, he will find that the mean - Ing of '•treaclm y," is perfidy, treason, and the synonym is fraud. These are the definitions and we mien have correct deflnitious or we never can arrive at, logical conclusions More- over, oreover, ae we said hefoi e, we refuse to take as authority any obscure, one- sided historian. Let us have an ruith- ority which none dere dispute, the American Cyclopnedla. oi' for that p811 the " Brittannica," or any sten- dard work of that kind which all men eck nowledge. In vol. III, page 748, of the work in- dicated, under the heading "Cape Col- ony," Mr. Roosevelt may read its fol- lows : "In 1795 the colonists al tempt ed to free themselves from the Dutch rule, hut the Britoil Government sent a fleet and Look possession of the col- ony in the name of the Prince of Orange; and it was ruled by British Governors till 1862, when it was restor- ed to Hollaud." Upon the renewal of the European wars, 1806, the British again took pos- session, and the rolonv was formally ceded W them by the King of the Neth- erlands at the general peace of 1815. We would ask where is the evidence of treachery or fraud on the part of Brit- ain In that transnction? 11 any fraud was perpetrated or treachery employ- ed. it roust have been ly the King of the Netherlands, who calmly told cool- ly in solemn assembly ceded Cape Col- ony to the British. Weare happy to see that Mr. Roose- velt, in his happier and better mom- ents, whet) reason holds sway, rejoices at the change of ownership and wel- comes the beneficent rule of the Brit- ish, its is proved by the following quo- tation from his fltst letter which ap- peared in the Tribune : "1 think most men will admit, that Soul hern Africa will he happier. richer and stronger as a colony of Great Britain. after the peetern of Canada, than as a couple of weakling republics." These tine my sentiments, too, only they are not re- publics, bat religious oligarchies, and the Boers are not fighting for their liberties, but for the liberty of depriv- ing others of their liberties. As for Cape Colony and Natal, they had no grievances and could have none, and there was nobody to rebel against, uulees they rebelled agaihst themselves. Mr. Roosevelt well knowe that Britain granted them re- presentative government, the genie as she did to Canada, Australia and New Zealand, merely retaining the eight to appoint a governor. There are no freer or mere contented peopie on the face of the earth than these colonies, as proved by the actiun they have taken in sending 1 heir sons to fignt tor the eninire. Cape Colony has the sate government, that is gov- ernment by themselves, then why should this (•'ash and reckless writer say that, it takes 200,001) British sol- diers to keep them down. The truth is that the rent trouble began in 1834, when Britain emenee• peted the slaves, paying their owners for them. Nexe year the friction be- tween them and the Boers began. The Boers stuck tenaciously to negro slavery. in 1£338, a large ngmher of them "trekked ' north, and like other pious men of old, drove out the right- ful inhabitants of the soil and estate lisped two so -{.called republics, where they could hold slaves and "wallop nnegers" to their heart's content. Not content with RIealirig their land from the poor natives, they resolved to keep them in prose ignorance, and ae we have seen, tree them merely as heaete of burden. They have heen re- creant to their ditty and deserve to go dotyn before it brighter and better civilization. What government, found• .d on human slavery /La the chief cor- ner stone, ever secoeeded or deserved to succeed P Britain has given civil and religious Ask to seems.. Tho "CANADIAN" grand Wool Carnet- examine each strand of yern for yonroelf-- nothing but pare Fleece Wool guaranteed. Rewire of Imi. tatione. See that our trade mark " Tho Sheep " i, on the tiekot on each roll, with ,amplo of yarn nt tarhed- none perfect without ft Royal Carpet Co. J H. PE DOER. Selling Agent at Gorier -lob. etWe. s, Easter itcifioranGes! eweeeeneeeens We ars showing a nice line of Easter (lards and Hooklets--renging in price from So to 25o. Hand -Painted 8aoheIs BOce Hand- Painted Floater Ages no, 10e, and lea, Mee Pins, Flag Brooches and Flag Hat Pins. These are very timerghle far ')aster Souvenirs and range in price from Ian, to 281:17 Betides these we have a veru pretty line of Ladies Belt Bnokloe, which would also maks a very nice Easter Gift -ranging in price from 20c. to 75a. One brave boys are noes clothed in Khaki. Khaki Note Paper in the proper thing to do your Easter corresponding on. We are showing Ibis Paper with Envelopes to match. Pride, 20o. gaits, Envelopes 200. package. tarpon'1 boy WALL PAPER until yon les onr new colorings and deerrations this season, Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store, Our Telephone is No. 100 13, Court House Square, Goderich liberty and t';:preseutativtj.governnlout to rill the colontee, Whenever their color, race, language or religion. hence !mesons, frons the Iee•hLund tiholes of the etortuy north to the golden gaudy of the stentrY *Meth, Felly to her bele and fight for her to•t ey. There will be no retrograde movameril Coward the derelict eivilieatioa of the sovcntentb century, Tho aim of freedom, tiko the sou to the heavens, will sot go beck. ARE YOU ONE? iloN Ode cian0 pgcable weather about o flout at me been 11 in 110 UgADavtbcore In the THROAT and CREST. For tilt/Ara we recommend our "Maglo Catarrh Cure Powder," Price tie. (Including Gins -sand Rubber Blower) Wherever rho English language iaspokcn For eoagha and Colds In Throat and Chen or the British Ilse waver, shore to liberty - Me lite hire your choice of 23 or 90 well known ltomedles. Wo recommend aria ono of tbo the fullest and frccaa that humanity can following tour owr uroparnrlons): enjoy -and soon this liberty, this freJdom, Toth r brighter and better civilization for both black and white. vein brighten and bless the dark continent from Zambesi to the Cape. J. CAIIiPBELL. Brooklyn, March 23. Seventeen Years of Torture. I had a had cough for seventeen years" writes Mr'e, Sum'l Hamilton, of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or medi- cine could cure it until one year ago 1 began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did rue mute good than all otber medicines I ever used. It Is truly a grand cure for stubborn coughs, colds and throat apd lung troubles." Positively cures con- eumption, pneumonia, grip, bronchitre, asthma. hay fever and croup. Price 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Jamas Wilsone drug store. Jaynes Stewart, of Farquhar, Us - borne townehtp, has suld bis 100 acre Sum to his brother William. He had is sale of surplus live stork. at which cows brought from $33 to $47, and year olds up to $19.25 each. By their action on the stomach. liv- er and bowels, Miller's Worm Pow- ders correct all such troubles as lack of appetite, biliousness, drowsiness, sallow complexion. etc. : nice to take. There never wa., an dnever will be, a universal panacea. 1n one remedy, for all Ills to which tlesb is heir -the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases root ed 1n the system of the patient -what would relieve one ll , in turn would aggravate the othere We have, how. ever, to Qulnlne Wine, when obtain. able In a eouna unadulterated state, a remedy tor many and grievous 111.. frallest systems are led into conval- escence and strength, by the influence which Quinine exerts on nature's own restoratives. It relieves the droop- ing splrlte of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despondency and lack of Interest In life is a die ease, and by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes or sound and refreshing sleep -Imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, cour- ses throughout the veins, strengthen -ng the healthy animal (mentions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, atrengthening the frame. and giving lite to the diger,- lye organs, wblch naturally demand Increased substance -result, Improved appetite. Northrop & Lyman, of To- tonto, have given to the public their euperlor Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, guaged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches near- est perfection of any In the market A11 drugglecs sell It. Hensall hits contributed over $150 to the patriotic fund, which speaks well for the loyalty of the citizens. Sure Regulators. - Mandrake and D;tndelion ale known toexert a power. ful influence on the liver and kidneys restoring them to healthful action, in- ducing a regular flow of the secretions and imparting to the organs complete power to perform their functions. fheseGevaluable ingredients enter into the composition of Parmelee's Veget- able Pills. and serve to render then) the agreeable and salutary medicine they are. There are few pills so effec- tive as they in their action. Messrs. A. J. Rollins and A. Stewart, of Exeter, have purchased the Ogilvie flouring mills in Seaforth. A close of Millers Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children healthy. If your child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive. a dose of Miller's Worn) Powders occasionally will cure. ----T- J. P, lilerke, who for the past 25 veers hes conducted a general store at Rxeter, has closed the business and disprosed of hes property to S. Martin, and left, last week for Winnipeg, to take 1 he position of Gener tl Agent for Manitoba and N. W. T. for the Do- meuiou Guarantee dk Accident Co. lsvery mother should see that. her daughter from 12 to 18 years of awe takes an occasional course of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Many young tidies who were supposed to be goiug nto decline have been restored to health and vigour by the use of Mil- ler's Compound iron Pills. 25 cents for i0 doses, John White, editor ExeterTimes, and wife. will celebrate the ninth eonevers- ary of tf eir wedding on Good Friday, 13th inet, Jae. Sterling, Park Street, Chatham, Ont„ says :-"1 was run down. and my nervous system wits apparently broken, Making life miserable. Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills cured me." If your every -day duties are a lou- den, it is bec•nuseou are not well. Millet's Compound IronyPills will cor- rect this ccnditioi , llawdon tk Donell, rat Exeter, have sold another of their recent importa- tion of entire horses, the celehrated Scotch Clyde, "Brimstone Boy." (10708) to Messrs ymilli', near Hensel!, and it. was shipped last week to James Sinihe, Alvinston. "Rob Peter to pay Paul." That is what they do who take stimulants for weak nerves. Hood's Siarsaparilla gives true nerve strength. The Seaforth Turf Association will have their first race meeting on their new park July 17 and 18. They offer the very liberal sum of $1,750 in purses. Holloway's Corn (,pra is the tnedi- cine to rentoi,i' Nil klidls of cons and warts, rind only clouts the email sum of twenty-tive cents. le. L. W-alpee. oe Loudon. offered his Fine farts. not th of Exetet, for sale re- cently, but though (here ryas a good crowd prevent the highest hi war $5,456, the Keret prieei bung $5,500. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor does not require the help ot env pnrgative niedi'une to complete the Cure, Give it a tyial and he convinced. Georgecfniht n,3 a mer well- known resident of vyinghani, died in Toronto last week. The WIngham papers say nearly $1.000 in customs wits collected by Fl Davie, the local collector. for the week ening March !list, one of the hest w eek v In custom collections for some ti me. Wit] Work at Night. Cnnntlesc 'hotesands have found a blessing to Int. body In Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively cure con - titipation. sick headache. iizztnp.., jaundice, malaria. fever and ague and all liver and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable ; neve.'ripe or weaken. Only 266 at James Wilson's drug store. "Compound Syrup WVbIte Pin., " (largo bottle 2.)c. Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry Mile 600., and $1.00,) Dr. Cooper's Cough Emulsion (20o bottle S. E. HICK, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, GODEB.ICIl, Ont. Telephone No. 00. "ALWAYS THE BEST AT HICK'S." "All Dunlop Tires is rano' On macadam roads - on country roar' -on good roads and bad roads - Dunlop Detachable Tiros are safest and easiest to ride. If you meet with a mis- hap - a puncture - ten miles from home-" these are the only toolsyou need." .'Tho only tools.' Th. Dunlop The co., limned, 4uuu,..l. )V m ,-, C. et Jul.. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is suoseufully mud monthly by over 0A/OLadl.a. Bale, effectual. Ladles ask Taour druggist for Ware WWI Rod Cas - ke so other as all Mixtures, pills and Sons are dangerous. Fries, We. Lin per boa• No.11,10 degrees ■tronger,$1 per box. Ne. 1 or 2- mailed en receipt of price and two $-Dent stamps. Thr Cook Oompaay.Wlndaor, Ont, 0s. 14nd 2 sold anti recommended iby all responsible Druggists In Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 sold In Goderich by Jesse WILION. drnggtet. Mill Wood For Sale The above is cut into stove wood length and will be di -livered to aro' part of the town the same day ac ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at 128 Cambria St. will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. Peter 11cEwan. Goderich, Nov. 21st, 1809. 1127.7 moo. REI1OVAL GEO. STEWART Is moving this week from the corner or Bruce and Victoria street, to YATES' STAND, on the west nide of the Square. Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, and Choice Groceries. du)., will continuo to be specialties. Old and now customer, will please bear in mind t6 h o change 0 of location. (dal l RC theW B new premises'and we will do the ver)' boat we caforyou. for you, GEO. STEWART, The Square, Gotlor1ah. Florist and Grocer. F. Barlow flo1nies -DEAI,ER IN -- Coal Hydraulic Cement Portland Cement Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick Fire Clay. OFFICE -South aide of West street, near the Square. 'Phone No. 75. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts. Short Bread and Cream Rolls. Mince Pies and Lady Fingers. Kisses, Macaroons, Maiangues. Brandy Snare, eto. Are as gond as the hest made in any City in Canada. Can telon leads the trade in WEDDING CAKES, ,n fancy designing, and ornamenting and almond icing. (live hirn an ,,rile) and your satisfaction will be assured. D. CAN ■ IELON, WEST -9T. OODRRICH. Order your SPRING Suit from Dunlop the Tailor. Steam Boiler Repairing. Since the Boiler Works have been removed from (loderteh I am prepared to do Steam Boiler Repair ing and also the mannfsetnre of Smoke Stacks, &c. D. K. Strachan, Macrntst and Blacksmith. 11727u Victoria *t., Oodsrtch. kaliktneeia:J' -41 S. J. REJD, Practical Cutter and Tailor, DYER PEDAE N DRY COOS Sight• All eleseeo of geese made to order in modern fashion. and satisfaction guarea- tced w price and woruaaeaehie. Let A fieuro on your nest Son, Coat, Pants, or Wet. Repairing. Cltauial1 and Ptes,uag aro also sptcialttes. S. J. REID. PertinentPointsof Interest 90 Business and Professional Men. Good printing ,s not neeesannly high-ppriced. Cheap priniing is not necessarily poor printing. Good printing is like goad painting - It de- mands and obtains n second glance. The second glance leads to thought about uud knowledge of the thing portrayed, and then cal to the artist or advertiser. There's only one kind if printing we don't do. That's the poor kind. That's the kind you do, 1 want But when you cu want something that is neat, clean, right up-to-date, pnutsaQ un good paper, with Inc ink, from type that idxnew, and of the very latest face, set in an artistic and intelligent manner -in short, when you want a strictly first-class job lust .r telephone, No. 71, or drop in at TUE brut. office, West et , and snake your wants known 0111TCHELL 83 ?ODD, The Star Printers. "THE TWO PRIDHA.M malttsm. f The Leading House in the West for Fine Ordered Clothing and Men's Fur- nishing Goods. HIS STORE is headquarters of the Society for the encouragement of wearing properly made Aloft -CLOTHING •Eeta ••11.•• If you buy your SPRING SUIT from us it is correct in every particular. We want to do business with you, yohir trade will do us good, but we have no right to it unless you receive an equal benefit. We make all grades of Clothing, and our cheap Suits fit as well as our better ones. It is cheaper to pay a fair price for the BEST quality, than to pay a LITTLE lower price for a MUCHloiver quality. 11IDHfiM. Tie Tffllor. DON'T BUY AN OLD SDAPE• RAT AT ANY PRICE are by far the Latest Blocks, the Newest Shades and Most Enduring. Christys are acknowledged to be the standard fjat in Canada. These Hats are expected NE1XT W133E11C..- A shipment of Fedoras and also the Lion Brand Stiff Hat in TH=� WITIMK, •••••••••• W. C. PRI DHA.M, The People's Furnisher and Hatter. You want Good and Usclul 11111616s io' • • �siPd\�a�'�LCi'rt�"e9L•t'7.�C%.!x"'::J✓.c:`,i'7:�'Y•'r��[s}�,� iBuildinga Business!.Your I household. �°v"�':.'Sl'.:$%:.' �;�%'sifY�'.s1lr:.M►,S�L+�ikSy',C�lSt: S�'1���.r�� _`wYtaC'�:vC.: �%:_"SY''3'Y'�� WHEN 11:\KIN(. YOI'Its;l-:LI?("f1ONS, DON'T FAII. TO SEE OUR Fancy Rockers, Chairs, Couches, Easels, Extension and Centre Tables, Bedroom Suites, &c., &c. We carry New, I:cliabk Gooti>, and our prices are the lowest to be had. J. 1ILOPHEY & SON. FURNITURE DEALERS AND LEADINC UNDERTAKERS, West St., GODERICH. THE CLEVELAND BIGY6LE� The l:1-) value in the innr4.,'L. '1'hls bur been proved rfaht here In Goderich for a num. bar of year back be the increased demand fur theta each soar, and from this very fact we are going to l.nudle nothing his. Clovelands. 4e\V E INVITE V011lt INSPECTION. AB IC Ti civ Dalry Tinware, `.:ap Buckets, Pali:11A Oils. -- Varnishes. &c. have 0 )pry tlrgo stack, Aar We hoc, Added 11,1111010;e 11111' ur SPRAY PUMPS. Now is the season to rise them. Chill and examine them, \V,• also handle CREAM SEPARATORS at a very reasonable price, T3/72,3p$oNA) 22. LEE SHEPHARD. A Well -Shaped root DESERVES WELL -SHAPED FOOTW EA R. We should like to show yon some foot• wear of that sort -to prove that style need not ent.rf, rs with comfort, nor comfort with style -and that we give the most of style, comfort, rind durability for your money. Bee our fashionable Sllopere and Boots. All of nrwost clesetn, perfect make and guaranteed to fit and wear. Wm. Sharman, Jr. Corner of Square end Eaet 8t. True Paint Economy lies in using paint a little before it Lccotnes al,solutely necessary. Don't wait till the old coat has entirely Worn away. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS WilOON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT keen, tlic farm wagons, implements, and tools, young and strong. It's easy to use. Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Black, Every farm•should have a can for ready use. N. D. Rougvie, (iOI iE.RICFI. SPRING MILLINERY. Thr S!1.11. Pastel. van Dyke, Wattean, Athos. &c. 11 r11 he l ;'r,l at 111. 1_, ;,,-,- ,MIllnie•7V h'.tathhghment, Hamilton Street, 1iodtrath. Sprrr.il valor 1n PINS. N'iviltie', in \IEI LI NGS Y' 1 hi vv r}• h3 -.t t.ilu,• .in,1 the I,ittet In all Lines. MISS CAMERON WORSE Li r'S the place 1.) I'm kag . Stoves, Furnaces, and Tinware CI 13E 3E1 /WA gond Farm Horse for auk. lir will ex chane* for n tri vor. kik err Thenre Wood'. Phosphodtlyip Ms Great Sri Sold and, rrpaltada. On b� all dru fn nada.. On»tdy. rell- rM rn.dioin. dieser. 81 package, Nmaareed b eine ell forma . Bernal W mines*, all effects of ahem or ogees*, mental worry, effectsRxosaelvs eM of Te- tetceo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en r.e.tpt "f price, one peakage tl, Nz.11. Ods 1St! 1N atria/1 mare Pamphlets free to as address. a The Weed Cetmp.y, Windsor, Oal. w -n,.) , Paoophnellno sold in Oode,leh by J.s Wriitotr, druggist in Custom Tailoring is easy with the Style, Fit and Workmanship we put in our garments.' OUR CUTTER. W. L. McLEAN, has just returned from New York with the Jno. J. Mitchell & Co, Sys- tem and all the newest ideas in the tailoring line. Su If you want to be in it call on us for your Spring Suit and Overcoat. �,aspei si:fCir.+7visea srAinP. v LL CV: 4'eC''La4v fYi:NS:ai� tN ' N: r3✓:��C':3G 7/d A. . McLrAN 4 MY HATTER, CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER The Goderich Star stands on it's own merits as a Newspaper. 334E1LT1%T tc 'S, -...0°°11/0 FULL LINES OF SEASONABLE Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS 1 Notably, Navy rod Blaok all wool Surges, Broad Cloths, Cropons, and Black Double Warp Lustros-from 1 5c W 45c• Full linea of Hosiery and Gloves: A large stock of Yarns --the best that reedy money can boy, Will not be undersold in any of the above goods --quality being equal. t '•W111 be ploaaed to show Goode whether you purchase or not. A. MUNRO. [Draper. Grdnito Ware Is the most ECONOMICAL, most DURABLE, and most SATISFACTORY Material for Kitchen Utensils. ' •• •• •• It would be hard to find a larger assort• merit or a bolter quality of Granito or Tin ware than we have, and we want you to ea i1. The GOOD kind costs no more than the oor kind if you buy the good kind from C Tm7Cla © 3E33EL44'.C_, PLUMBERS AND TINSMITHHS. THE SQUARE, GODERICH CdFEstimatoe as to costs given on all Plumbing and Steam Fitting Work. Reliable Goods. I have received a large and vsried assortment of Rngi sh, French and American PERFUMES, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, & c - ALSO Rubber Goods, Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Atomizers, &c. Chest Protectors, Trusses, Supporters Sanitary Towels, Chemical Thermometers, &c. F. JORDAN 9 ('orner Colborne. St. and Squar .tri.,. ..n.+. _. _ .,!i. : -i-. That Touches the Spot Mac Leod's l System 0 Weak & Impure Blood Liver & kidney Diseases Renovator Female Complaints, &c. Ask Druggist, or write direct to J. M. MacI.EOD, (}oderioh, Ont. Rieldenrx and l oboratory Ne wynte gt reel, the Old Bland, In roar of Knox Church. I A T HI -'1"- Knives, Spoons and Plated Ware HEN ENV LI) N O \\ We do cI '(ichle Plating ye, y Resonably. Toe ttcnth rson bttiiIc Go., LOW], GodnriGi nari 1 { S4 ¢et 5, •