The Goderich Star, 1900-04-06, Page 4.1 a it " � ..`.� i _ __ -_- _ . The, Star u to the end of igoo for Seventy Cents is a Great Offer. If you are hot already a Subscriber, you should not rni ,11.• t�i�� +�ba>I�c,�.: __ can , proposing to do? The example of the w ' T C TO A 1DYl RT%SE1�S• + eel aaed in a aCA0119 Istruggle .... one of tlltr outrunz0s would bo to dr from her the Australian colonies." T116 Children of the Blood. lw this the North WEnII axr.OVIDR down to snap But Prefers Brltlsh Rule to A11 display ra,dvert$sing On the titch The F1euch Primo AIitlisttr of Calaatla and the Socialist Prime h(luister of the starry -bent ploo, Or tbo South Wind whirling spindrift train Be Washed Out flr$tq?��1��E of °Silo Star ITl.11 " #'•lZ Now Zealand have changed all that rbcyo to Lite Lino t "One Of the wrist harerac•ed decep- be'freafrCM Cuts and will b0 < with a vengeance. The work of vearro NO 1 Vast or West, fling oat yoor best again[ To lite B'ditor :-I Im.ded In this S } Charged for at 20 cents �Il y' Hach, ra measure, ea tor. imperial ft-doration had been done in the hast. six months, The bonds that lite nota is ohcor ; fine clearer ahga year storm -wind to the call that greote no hero. The Diamond Dyes In all the new. pulnS tctness Of the ornpite have unite the nb and fashionable colors ar" [mule espe- teattallt pupulatuui ugain.at Laurier y and every 1n8GPtlon. Ibeen otrengthened immeasurably. Power would now attiko wbcro•crthcThreoCrsss Banner waves you Ir ����y� 5(a 44y�< c��;b� vy c�e And the that hear the sumntone Wit. ce or light weights, and produce fade rn wash out., - (ire,at lit ittlm ninth strike Rut only From mouuEafn crc-L to river bad, train, Trope ." S. Minds of the French-CanadiRns thnE ,t be- ------.-----•--- ---- _-- the world's gr•eateot tleet., and nut only w Ell. 1-010. few to years, and ! know ,a few pacts about k I Bovrs. In the first, phare -do they Nt to ldvePtiSOFS A mla hty army of Devwas and Hi �Gb- landero Inniskillinge and tvhut 1L flunua out o'er the hourly voids. auric .4 the most popular In every civilized land. pfftatlt Il and As at)lite dealers sell inforior and I k Brockville Recorder, and Is a too, any court, will give $I,(AN) to env man who will not, but also the conjoined [night of Lh" I it.ariku the busy mcrehant'a car whore hur prOve that I.hey did within Lhe hast tive Ali cbnayves of red vcrtlseme11ln for ,be cur the Dominion ill Oanada and United tit&tee of Australna altd-AB aye rying tboudaud. pai:i Diamond," which is a sure protection to ever homed dyer. y Y tont Lw uc of Tile. bTAta hila[ be In tho hands of shall fire lung wriLe-Lite United States g Our the Kranl:.ta oak. lL bids Iia 'rho. erwhin p '� care of Itself, but as it is received daily tho printer not Inter than TeeeeAY NOON of of South Atrwa hlckm come; The stockman Itatn tram the Pluln, lhl which sults owned by Mr. Rhodra, nn i':n bshuuan, and Mr. lit -it., n German. each %sock. Advertlsem oval piml v govern In brief, there has coals to the his Mlomunn from his home. the milkingof hooked Mats and Rugs thom3olecn accordingly. British Empire through this war much Mail hear It in the workshop as It ochuen down I . CONTRACT ADVERTISING Lhe saute experience that came Lo the Elio [.tree(, ( The aguten for all contract adcernetng to United States in uur war with Spain. Just as av0 realized that South and ltstln the ready hand to arm, the loyal bear ' i elude twclvu ehaugcna year. Every additio inl Ninth were title agars, so It finds that w beat, It peals o'or the desert waste, It thunders o'o i{ change will flu charged for cii ria. trio actual all its parte and useatbers are one to --- --- .-_ - - _ HoN. Mit. MuLoc ic, P. ,11. General. 11 - eomt of compa4tloo, froth leo. to 750. All acco ilL, ,tiro rendered and collected .pmt. sympathy and interest, it) war its well no In peace. And just its chi! the Good. The Free land's call to Free hien, to the Child approved. Chequee were Issued for the following amounts. Jacob Miller, rep. mouthly country was raised from sutl-inelnslon ren of the Blood. Canada, and in it ho IISNI'1'L9 this grill- and died. Mr. Fahey had the LeAcher hilt, he w,av let Off, as the to the Itigher and hroader rat ate of a Where'ur that brave old Banner flaunts on i` _ - _- world Power, nn Lite British Empire Triple Cross on high. },,Z - A 1 j� ¢ '(� ��CiWet�iClllal`f, w I t•n nN[ormed ft•cuu the a.>•utuea ea- tate of ahupkrrprra and traderro to Where or Ehe Lion's cubs are rearod, Antis on rhoaWrnrouly,- I sob-Irtting of such cuuuact.6." Al r. Vr t that earlier and truer ane of eniPlre ..We hear thy voice. (creat Mother, and we o, 1. TVA -F -P lONN CAL" TI builders and realty conquerors, Thu awur to thy call. By -Law No.7 wets passed, Appointing a,;. �� v to his pl'UlHaalotte : "Tile nun' who Old spirit of udventut•e and of c•Onqurst flnlltes free. The race is a fighting The oMprirK of thy mighty 101118, spread o'c i�,, carrne- the malls from Pine (Iruvt' to FRIDAY. APRIL 0, 1000. race again. What Ihat has niruut it. the songfrt ball. Ivo stand wish tJiou lu colon, -Lord Cod, b �.?L _ _ _ _ .. _ _ ,igen past histury LHI16. LV Int It will Thou our guide to the Board. No action Laken. At between the Editorial Comment. mean in the present and the lulure we ,hall see. Tile great fact is that this Wield Thou Lite Vword o[ Justice, but rbcs Ila � "The man who carries the inuils Ile THU PROPLa of Topeka. Kansas. pro- race la still in Lhe full flush Of vitality Tile day of its lot novo divide 1 We bring our live., a (roe gift, for the land a : i nose to collect 1AA 000 llushele of Kun and Of creative power. degene, al {un is fair heure. So nnu h, freeman leve. '1 11nits corn itt, once for 8hipnuunt to the ntlea8t, the 'Irnurvaul war has dew- For liberty and equal law, our obarwr [rot night and he lilts to keep a 1301-60, a •'' e4ttvmg inhabiLauts of ►orltu. The unsWaLed W the world, above." the Boers confiscated. We that ata ed fanners are asked to contribute each a - _ Ands when dark clouds low'red of ofd, of again oil the 20th day of May, Cour wagon IOh The rutttribuLiuus will au ��,e r Ty. Fa n n y • Fathers grimly stood, 8u, now, before the Nations, stand the Chl(dre ,•y:*, another project in view when ho put in conte from last year's crap, of which pomp of heating and determining a peals, of the Blood. "tipeaker.' above, but, 1 think tbnt will be enough to let yon see what the Boers lire, I thete are more than 100,000,(100 hushe's _- C. M. In London. yet left in Katisae. The crop of 1881) over- 215,000,000. This ntfe,•- AN IRISHMAN TELLS AN AM - Absolutely Fast• r .. AFTER aggregated ERICAN PAPER WHAT "� a1. ;:: .;j Now Tribune. 'There are river 10,000 Irish volunteers fight W tits Ing ill food will go a lent{ way fill- lilt York the war, what then P Beyond i Y in Natal alone, and we will g death to down the cruel, and i �, relief Of the fnmino stricken people- HE SAW• --- South Africa The dream of Ca is M• whit • what is ca nada, doing ur --- ,-. 1 Town will be retalizeJ in "ons land '�' from Lion's fiend to Line " A race can , proposing to do? The example of the He 1s Not Friendly to Britain, DIAMOND DYES peupleof ttsingle Anlericitn `Jttatecould But Prefers Brltlsh Rule to racily be followed with donations of That of the Boers.Can't Be Washed Out wheat, The following is clipped I'VOID the With Soapsuds. "One Of the wrist harerac•ed decep- Providence (R. I.) Sunday Journal : tines In Journalism is taking place day To lite B'ditor :-I Im.ded In this --- hv day in Afoutreal. The Httr i. I'LL- ively e.ngiaged every (lily in endeavor- eunntr last woek, having route trout (•ape Town. South Africa. I CuloP by The Diamond Dyes In all the new. Ing to Incite [tie lit eJudices of the P, 11, the wily of Liverpool, England. Hera-- and fashionable colors ar" [mule espe- teattallt pupulatuui ugain.at Laurier ins that, the Irish, n,v own aslant" chully for 11011110 use. They will Live milli �ly be(-nu88 Ill- IN a Frenchman boing iu the Stn" III HII, Ill's raising oloney for, the Bne Rof I to reavy silk or wool or mixed fabrics avhl a there'll printed SS office On the 8aluH pnes.se,, n French- in Providence and vic•inily, elesire n0ake n fete facts known to then' ce or light weights, and produce fade rn wash out., t' Canadian pa or LA Juul cal, which p daily Is endeavoring to instill into Lhe your paper, i► you will kindly Irl ills, let ,,I colors that never colors No other dyes In the puurket can ." S. Minds of the French-CanadiRns thnE ,t be- . 1 have lived iil the 8 stout equal the Diamond Dyes in strength, hrllllancy, durability of color or sim- � they cash[ to vote nKnu,at Llwrfrr cause he is tot) British. Thele iN ret/ few to years, and ! know ,a few pacts about k I Bovrs. In the first, phare -do they phclty of was. Lon years of severe tests have made Low Dyes the ,„i pur,allel in Canada for such two know thalt un Irishman Or any other most popular In every civilized land. drCeptiun." �.p THF ABOVE is clipped from the Intal never Rete Jnst.ice frnru a Boer in of lacy in the Tiuntvaaal? 1 As at)lite dealers sell inforior and I k Brockville Recorder, and Is a too, any court, will give $I,(AN) to env man who will weak byes put up in packages to 1110- tate Diamond Dyes, always Insist upon r._. ` sample of Lhe charge heir • Made by prOve that I.hey did within Lhe hast tive gHtti lig l.he gen11{I1M aVl:h the t1Atlle �:t, 1,h Is and Other exponents of Liher,tlism. 'The Star is able to take. yea re. i will Five vols is lype of the inatice: Diamond," which is a sure protection to ever homed dyer. y Y ; Montreal well In 190,5 was living In Johannesburg. No to{lures, no disappointments m '� care of Itself, but as it is received daily I waN %%orKulg in the De Beers mines, loss of materials when you ave Dia- ,,, ut this office, we drrui it but ban to which sults owned by Mr. Rhodra, nn i':n bshuuan, and Mr. lit -it., n German. mond Dyes. Are you intr.IestHd in •r say that Lhe Recordet"s chorus, its fan g AL that lints LherO werH about the milkingof hooked Mats and Rugs ne Lhe Star's columns aro coucrrn,'ti, iv irishulen working in the nlinea. if so, senfor Our new illuAtr7ated " amend Dye Rug Book, " free to n deliberILLe untrudi, incapathlt' of pl nor' That year ,t late .van put in force son Co., any address. Wells k Richardson y % It the Recorder or any Other (iriL whereby ull children had to go to the P. 200 Mountain SL, Montreal, Y. Q. #)' paper will w aka good thin cllltl•g(,, %t•H nOer schO01. And all had to learn Dutch. Next door to ale there lived a - - i1 will join it in den-Inriatinu of Our ina n l,v the nurse Of PaLI•iek Fahey, Ashfield. Montreal rotrulpurary. who had three children, levo boys rand Council in Saturday, 24th March, --- --- .-_ - - _ HoN. Mit. MuLoc ic, P. ,11. General. it gill. Tile girl wits about12 and the boys were younger, so he sent them to memhe" all present; minute. read and ., recently introduced iL i osolut ion in the + se Inol, and One dity, because the girl enuld not learn the t)utch, the teaellel• approved. Chequee were Issued for the following amounts. Jacob Miller, rep. Commons designed to win Lhe nppruv- al and suppOrt of the labor element Of struck her nn the head, slid through that blow she went Into convulsions E. B $3:Jaaa, Webster, top, E. B. $1.b0 S Pentland, plank, $1.75 ; M. Mathe Canada, and in it ho IISNI'1'L9 this grill- and died. Mr. Fahey had the LeAcher hilt, he w,av let Off, as the son, rep. mad S. 0 St 10, 60c ; Jos. (}old ciple : "sill (invt•r-nownt, ttinirm.th arrested, teacher was ,n Boer. `lo M Fahey thorp, plank, $12: JanieR OArnelhol, entting ice ILL Cransford, $3 ; A. V. : Rhumld rnntain such e'UIId1Ul111N IIP will o would nOt Int his boys Po Ln echrntl SO Boer 'lee cattle to making road ant Albert `" Ill dvent abases which Islay #-•vise frorn artt•r that. the 1t0 $8.75Ctirrzl, rep. $6.75 ; A. McDerinaid, rep. cut S. R. I sob-Irtting of such cuuuact.6." Al r. nrlent 111111, and hecAues Ile would tint with theta they shot him before the 9tk lo, $1: W. J. Treleaven, taking �. Wallace quoted this Its Idle in9lau(u ill 2n eves of his pour wife. He lived anont township snfM LO Goderich and repairs, $3.00 . Canadian Patriotic Fand, $25 ; which Mr. Mulock was lint, living up two hours after he was shot. Afvself By -Law No.7 wets passed, Appointing a,;. �� v to his pl'UlHaalotte : "Tile nun' who and Mike Carroll wont and got the but, the Boer would not Pathmaster•e, fence viewers and panne i�,, carrne- the malls from Pine (Iruvt' to a•iest, police let. hien Intl the house. Tills occurred keepel•s. An account front Drs. Shan dt Shannon fcr medical attett°danct cls„_,.. ,. Woodbridge post "'lice, two long 9 ain't It fraction on the 14th dAy of October, 189r3. We the both non on the late Mrs. (Turtle was prasentei "I,,'..' types, receives cents day." And the Kincardine Review called n meeting of all miners, Irlvh, English rind Scotch, and we sub- to the Board. No action Laken. At between the Pet' >; ; quntea another nearer- here, as follows: Rc r citta and got, It vOon coffin and bur- led hirn deeent.Iv. We decided also to [agreement wall made cor oration and John Schonehals, regard be the � "The man who carries the inuils Ile let the I411g119h (i11yP191(11 at Capetown ng certain repairs to made on tn'll dam at Port Albert. Mr. SehooM i , L tarsen Kinenrdine poet ofTtce Land the know of the facts of the ease. SO we hale is to raise theeidednm at least 2 ft ' • depot gets about thirteen cents a Lriv. 1 R did. Ht' sent testi men to Investigate higher than it now is, during the com I His hues range ft inn 5 arm, to 12 mid• it, but through that 20 of Lhe in were Bent Out of the country, and all lug summer, and in return tot this al night and he lilts to keep a 1301-60, a •'' the property, hn'niture and each like Mr. Sehonehals' sasesstable property I to h0 exempt from taxation for til ;- cutter and a buggy• The contract was the Boers confiscated. We that ata ed year 1900, Council ed journed to [nee let, sat that price to the lowest tenderer, got together £]lfi and sent MIs. Fahey again oil the 20th day of May, Cour A. M. Poll4y, of Goderich, who had and her child' en 1,1 ck Lu Ireland. of Revision to he opened for the par ,•y:*, another project in view when ho put in I can tell you 20 rates shnilar to the pomp of heating and determining a peals, ,' that. tender. Polley sub -let it to JOsepb .,�.; above, but, 1 think tbnt will be enough to let yon see what the Boers lire, I [� At. 2 o'clock p. m. on tbat daay.- `V. FITOTHICRB, tiocktn, the old nail carrier," don't love England ; hu'. I say, give me -_.+ THE WAR. English haws as t hey are in Natal, where every man halt equal rights. He is a Wonder. r .. AFTER That iy what. England is fighting for. All who see Mr. C. F. Collier, of Chc "� a1. ;:: .;j Now Tribune. 'There are river 10,000 Irish volunteers fight W tits rokee, In., aR he in now, cheerful erect York the war, what then P Beyond i Y in Natal alone, and we will g death to down the cruel, and i viQorouR, without an oche, coul� hard j Alter „la doubt there will he great changes Ili helpt appeal to •all Irishman to help the wid- iy believe he Is the same man whc short time ago, hnd to sit in a chair South Africa The dream of Ca is [lava and orphans of the Irish soldiers propped up by cushions, Buffering in ,-. 1 Town will be retalizeJ in "ons land '�' from Lion's fiend to Line " A race ayho fell in battle. I IIAwe come here o/�n n little Itnsuiess, and I am gQoing to tensely from au aching back, in agora if he tried to stoop -all caused b has been stagnant will be vtttliz- etown neat week to tight the Boers kidney that that with now life, n laud that has been lNi anti avenge poor P.at, Ftahey. So, at chronic trouble, no mod' helped he Electric B0 ed II ,wasted will be utilized fat• humanity, the hast, I Ray, God bless old Ireland cine till used tern and was wholly cured by thre and what w0ra lour or five separate slid tier soldiers. who ere fighting fora bottles. Positively cures back-acht ;:'',+: and sometimes jarring States wi:l be, •;'a' lots do- good and just cause, nervousness, loss of a petite, all kir pp tit's; unitod into tine rent and Yet. it Is that else- DANIEL MALLEY. Dayville, Ct., Fell, 12. nev troubles. Only GOc at Jas. Wi 1111111, ion. probable where the changes wtought Will he _-_ �_-- son's drug store, - r-- st.ill greater, rand of greater- import to the world. They will not he so much in maps and names, but. in knuwledRo cud spiritand purpose- Lhe factors which make and unmuake in Health April, St. Helens. SCHO RgPonT,-The following i the re rt O[ B.S. No. 9 W. Wawt nlape at will. nosh, fcr the month of Merely : Icor one thing, Cleat Britain will long --- IV, class, total 900,-W. J. Smit Maria 1543 Sadie Whit have found lutrselL" She his 810, Qurnin 1 needed so to tit), For tetany a vote Use the World's Greatest W7• Betsy McAllister548, BetsvSmyt she hrts permitted lietselt to "wink . 488, Geo. Stuart 460, M. Buchanan 38: ,r ' in slothful overtrust" and let her Spring Medicine Rebecca Agar 340, Harry Fowler 32: •cannons moulder on the seaward II1, class, No. 11 total 31115.-Nelli s wall." This war has roused her to thot need of milivary r eorgtanization and haaR at the samee pains s Celery Compound Agar 4811 Mary Oameron 425, Stanle Agar im Jas. Sturdy 149. I.re•equipment. and to her her potency in Ill. class, No. 4t total 480, --Brow time revealed tthat direction, if she but will. We - Nmith M&(}repo{• Stuart 262, Mar Murray may be sure that now she will. Not tw, ', again in our time will an English It Is the One Remedy Gladly land I1. class sent total $00. -;-Victor Du, army tied itself less well a(kuipped that) its oppnuent. Not, again will Universally Recommended nit 220. 11. etaes fun.t total 480. -May Came the English army require to he hum- by the Ablest Doctors- on 3b& Willie Durnin 267, R. Bucbtu edit' recruited from atoong the undril- an 117. Lucy Bray ft Louie Ward 6 led ranks of peace. Conxcr'ptinn will -- T. M. GORDON, Teacher, not Ile needed. But without it the world's great lighting race will keep �Jt is well known that almost every life -"'- 0 ' Itself in f ahtink airn• cluldittmt of winter has bean detrl- " IFT81i OAP FITS WEAR IT." a Anti this, too. other Pot�ere will 'nent.nl to the health of thousands of men and women, it you ate suffering gg from the cboil realize. (creat Britain will no longer he lightly held A negligible quantity long The blood has become elogggt ti and ; rho akin Is unites, tit and Int 1) quences of impure blood have boil phnples or scrofula sorra t it your foc 1. in wawa by l red. :lite has ranked n)tiddv showing eruptions and pim- does not df�eat or you suffer froi f fas tile orth she willHranitaam 17181theH 1. tat 1i plc's ; the eyes are dull And sunken; the catarrh or old takeiHn, you are tt one who should take Hood's SArsapa ' Arl ly Powers nil Well. The station s0 d more than two handled nerves aro unsteady; there is loss in ,weight, ,and trochlea, rheum- ille. It will fit your case exAotl blood and cure sa tluttcars li + tr ellen ttl.AwarBeven thtyusand, umIRIch byam and neuralgia stake fife n misery make Your pure rheum, scrofula, rheumatism, dyspe ,thoLisand rinlles over sea, *11:11ont conscription h day gild night, y R •sin, catarrh, and algin you parte land without perroptllilo draft upon Paine's Colery Compound is the nal��rr health, .1, lrer&0uhnns IvIsoumes, lend they nnan spring medicine that the heist physt• *ho in a strange lat)(1 and trying clans are now recosnmrndlnt•, hecauae HOW's Pills cure all liver ills. No' ° oli'mftts excite the woncier and aduul� no other remedy' ran so quickly bring irritating. '1. 'Aunts of ev,entheir foes by their valor new and vigorous health to the ailing. i 4roCM,.;t.•heir eittilamncrl--•-the nation that halftlei4d and broken down. Goderich TownWv. '. ,&W6 that is an itriportitht militanry PAi+hemS C7elety Compound cures die. w >Ph**rt oh land as well as iter.. That =,; tl9tri: thb Clontinentel PO'WChIs IN ettue h first purifying the blotxi and eonchftig and etrel,gthenfnR the gtt SCROOL ]UPORT. -- The foltowir Riweb the relative standing Of ti , x ,.6r4MAdiartlr r�oguix�. and there will ' nerves. makes the vreak Strungi 1t pxtppills of 8, N. No. iia for the nioul ' talk of "Sacking tilt nits0ern 4 regulfitos and inviltomlos the smite this brain to the Carina March al. prtaeed on good 41 e." nervolliftrystetufrom rtntent, riunettiality_ and Ifenen • � will, tlgitifY; Ito A Ittrijfing w1hut"t nerw'e fitattlent, proticie�tc i it1'ln. f tlpatrley+ 14t011 , L. to the t*14innehip lietWoell this 11 ,fleeinse that the exrterienee of tens of Qarfleld a e0ollagh, Prall'kie Char iil"n'tty And the salt r- . tmtV41VA? A&AIrI A'r ttryy -:- I-'-'-"-- -'-' v art- . Utel yeti rear--,ari- -,- ILtyre klmri lt ?'' ttaf'4,'tmtllff '+A tfilfl!a nfte A»;u 15NiCri:- ,t Is foil, vi nd Ala 11 to a;" ,1�(kt" Xva.dotlistl It bit•« ittr ret+►. ?igf►e err ttwb VIMIM - hirer; 1301, t• Uothle Thotnnpplon, at 1 Nitta Vpaltier0. Gordon Whites Ja I M'u J" l"411" rte Vf!!cr .titre wVitlr IIP, n*m# " YAl"11111" Alta the ,t v�•L1nnt► nmy,1 v '- - rawce It ..lice ][ilio rrbiirk�klc� *'BtAllcfsf,tea%r+f11on'thill JAirel t Est 0t, StdriliJi. at eJohl 10fi&. isbi460M rlftmti lilt tol�*0 j<t 04411 0404 dltcrrq 0", I trYtx O J, T�A111th riiltwf e t , 11 A n&- .t I� -�, or, ;­i� �- . ­­- - -I ­ - +,,.-- ..tom 9 IMaI!.a,aL.-isa..w•r...r 1 - r`s..ra,atlaa.�a.._. , if 'C t IN PPWELL PREPARED,..., who is taippppled byy nsxide Aor deformity - - ----- - - -- - - ` - -- -_- hardly understzands the meaning of the word -crippled" as comp cd with the victim of rheumatism He is not only Fur Spring Trade in all Ines of bent and twintcd, but also melted with i nain so cruel that he -envies the trip pie who stumps D �'( % G ® 0 DS along on a wooden y , Y leg, whistling as he goes. Rheu- -.WNM---, ntatlsm is known • to -day as a blood disease It can only be cured through the blood. bloTohdgpanPfyinwq meal- Ready-made Clothing' icine Dr. Pierce's Goldreu Medic.l Dis- C' ofa the acrd the hen's Furnishings, lood poisons which cause rheumatism. When the blood is cleansed fiats and Caps, the rheumatism is cured. There is no alcohol in "Golden Medical Fine Tailoring. Discovery" and it is absolutely free from I cum, cocaine, and otl cr narcotics. Mr. R. J. Mcliuight, of nsaes, wanam.Irur: Assortments Complete in Everything you want Count 9. C., writled I hub been lwublcd witb rhetunatism for twelve yeas, so, bad £1 t _ at Chars I muld not leave my bed, I was badly crippled. Tried many doctors, and two of them gave mea to dic. None of them did me any good. T�c pains ill my back, hips and Icas t( and at threes in my head), ould Dearly kit me. My appetite was a bad. y who saw me acid l must die. i J. He Pto rVe bottles or ' G, Iden Medical DlscoverryyLad four vials of ' roll, te,' and today my heps food ager auHeringw telve years with thaw matlrm.. The sluRuish liver can be cored by �•O"3E33EE.Xd3EY. the Erse of r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. . _.. - - - - -- - --- - - - --- -- - - He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton. of Nest ntherfro, Ohio, after Bulla, he Huron's Largest and Most Progressive Newspaper. 8 months from Rectal Fistula, he vuuld die unless a costly Operatinu vasperformed : but hr cured himself vilh Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the beat n the world. Sun-st pile cure un earth. ;tic: YOU It box. Soyn Solid by James Wilson, h•nggnNt, • Tull:Tull:Torontoontu Trlrgrvun in its Logia- WANT- - ative reports refers thus to the well E and popular nleu'l,er for South THE3uron : "In the afternoon the Suttle of vurds was Opened by Henry Hiller, BEST! Viso rattled .,tY what he 17ad to say, tut it took hum less than lit' If the time o sav it that other members occupy. k great thing it world he fOr the tax- myers of this province if every repro- And It's None Too Good For YOU.11'I ienhative Of the people reeled ckff his peeches in the manner Of the member Or south Huron. By days the LeLos- attit + would he shortened, and there vould be sawed thousands of dollars. There's Only One BEST I What About SPRING IMED Cid FF ? . I undoubtridly rnaoy people aro boacdtted by tiering Medicine- The Prhval4ops of virzw roapled with tbo shock of sudden transition from cold to heat maks It d4siXNllla tilRt N4tliz s should be aeelaLad, ' tvbut ball D raker " io answer to this queaUoa *0 Qepr}ily rpi}taga our 6tasrafras Blood and Stom-Jit Bitters. Iudacd wo guAraittes Ratl;: