HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-04-06, Page 13
I 11 11j A. t.6111. The Star- OlnesJor;: B it
You in 04411tyA, uAnd" wiviy be rco
a0vorth6er-4 tity, 141ta for 0 X=
GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1900 Dear Rader, ---Your Renewal Subscription to The St4r may appear a very trifling matter, but the aggregate means Thousands to the Publishers
cc cl a
or Found.
A 81�31--ORTHI`rz DHAD.-Mr. T. C. To A CoRaEapoNDxNT.-Youi com-
ACCIDENT. - Yesterday &;tcrucion.
Brief Town Toplea
Xemp, who for over 20 years tidd been plairit, ra�t boiu� signed. we cannot.
knowingkibo is.
Mr. A. P. McLean, while walking oycr�
icy his
Sunday I& Palm Sunday.
SE FOU N D. -Found - few dry -,a ISIUM
Apply to Man, C..A- NAnaiN,
,op 0 annoy
alanager of Lho Ogilvie wills in Sea-'Wil,1101.kt, the a other
some ground on groUlidd on the
Wesley J. Whitely Found Dead
Shall we he fed on shredded dishes
uproving PrOPCrtY
forth, diodt hi8 residence there last perrult it to appear in TULr STA.n.
Hurtan Read, slipped and fell, and with
ilm lug Easier week
Eu�_A good gcoarat servant. All.
ad Pat) ing for this advertioct ont.
He had been all for nearly two I Your pioper c -oor%as in to atind your
%is result that one leg was broken
ou a Lounge In the Huron
some Startling Serious
The cinder path on Lighthouse itc eat
to W14, 41DUESO.N.
Vears. and for Lbe pmst six months t1da.1 statement to W. J. Paittley, Clanton.
been cooflued to tied toost (if the time. WULL DoNdg. DUNOANNON I - The
jft*t ObOVO the ankle. Dr. 'Whitely
reduced the fractore last eveninF.
His friend* huW
Facts for Caadlaus to
'a hould be completed.
Shredded drinks were favorites at
farm work. ITIGOW girl to as Ist
WANTED AT OCW - itking, butter.mak-
as - Dis ed roll Use 15 us !I
ta Sable Clil)tlive"Pup.
Ing, ato. Atipty to Ridgewood
I uder will be auitably rewarded by lLavit g
He was a native of Bettinsville, and his Bank of Commerce has received and
many will the old
Chief livuly
Nasirn'va corner kill* week.
4 mlid
se lb? STARLofflee or returning to ownur. A.
I emalars Were takeis, there for toter- cliwarded to its destination.
mayitiou be on his pistil as
as ever.
On Wednesday afternoon Watley
The I"dlnw business the" days
BANDS. 0011antric.
Illeut on bloud". He leaves IL Widow
and faitkily a, three sells and one irs.s. Mr. B. J. 0;;.wt.rd, Dungannon.
THic RIVRP,-The long delayed
Whitely. book keeper at the Doty En-
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jan. A.
seems to be selling bleyeles,
Public Notice.
Money to Loan.
daughter. ti IS latter tieing now in Gar- the folloWing Burns collected In that
break-up of the river began vesterday
gins and Bicycle Works, died sudden-
Hotel. The death
Atidess(to spoke to the congregation In
Have you retiewittl your subacription
to this big family Journal?
MEETING. -The alassual most.
L Intl of the Goderich Curling and ditaLlog
ng her musicL.1 at Ladies. village and vicinity. and oceedo
funny pursui at,
of it patriotic concert -. For ational
afternoon. and flout appearances lst ly
in the ftmon
between 2 3.and
Knox church on the subject of Home
The first dust of the season was fly -
let oil Witt be held In the court Hc
Mosailay evening, April vtk
Corporation of the Town of Goderich has
SOUTH HURON SPRINO FaItL-A Patriotic Fund, $111.70 1 and for the 'e
v ning promised to paqs off without
took Place and though
doctors the
Missions. taking as his text. Jul0ges ik
ing on West street yesterday.
11.0 UnER. iiicy.
417 large arnount of Sinking Funds to loan oil
�adl Farm Property. at reasonable rates. A
food pornualefilou will be pidd to anyone mocur,
saLixtactory loans. Further
meeting of Uie directorb (it the Solith Red ones Society. SnX
Huron Agricultural SOCiety "as held BOA" OF HKALTH.-A utoeting of
Quitea, lot of Ice crituedown,
and while the ouWr edge of the div-
mantled breakwater was piLrtly But,
two were soon on emus
nothing could be (lone. The death
having Occult red in a houss an
5A After referring to the reason.
why God in His Providence permitted
Iffir Honor Judge Doyle held a Divi -
sion Court, In the Court House this
SPfUNG am u ready to
extiouteall order* tar clean . -
vatIng F ther L" ratio
I owe, Uo tare c..
air particular%
Dial be had on application to tLe undersigned.
in Heavall on Saturday lost. It was
Lhe Board of Health was hold in the
merged there did not appear any
Inquest wass deemed necessary. and
* Po rtion of the original heathen popu-
Although the lenses of the skating
and to total to andtake t and h4rday
veryt I jai Ist connection. 't court
I y rder of the Council.
Will. ivUTCHEL4
Town Cloru.
decided to hold the &no tial upring show town clerk's office tin Wednesday
arthe ex hibition of entire lit -k at lug. prevent Medical Health cer
danger of a serious blok at the mouth
Of the river.
yesterday morning the following Jur
iation to remain among the Israelites,
rink did not intake it fortune. fie In 0 t
too a nick sea after th I ng winter bitt
let we show you how unstl ply au4 ofti.
all, I can do It In mile work. a.
Goderich. March 7. 1900,
Brueefield, on Wednesday. April 25th. Holmes% Clerk (if BoatA Mitchell. Dr&
This in k laiRr than last year. Taylor and Gallow, Mayor Wilson and
wap awcat n tit by Corniner Dr. W. J.
Bluses I Thalia. Sturdy, Jan. Harrison.
he went on to draw a parallel between
the conditions sixisting In Caution at
a broken Reed.
Some action should lie tatkii it to Ila**
Goderich Markets.
A14"TEAD. sucs-St. David's Stree
owe Wee
The prize list Was thoroughly revised Jan. M. Shephard. Th" hoard elected
And the prizes considerably increased. I son chalt inual, and recasts.
M, lth
ipsue the Advocate closev the fortieth
ye ar of it existence. with its founder
Captain Murdock McDonald. 0. A.
Humbel, 0. Pennington. A. Mcl.).
Allan. G. M. Elliott, A. Duff. Charles
that time. and diose found in our own
land at the this e. First he
the bathing house put In shape in time
for the heated Lovan.
For Sale or' LeL
(conamorrittl UP TO NOON Of THU1111DAT .)
Buttor f.ud eggs have weakened considerably
Uonsidpi I ag the fact that the demind . d �',d appointment of a Sanitary
fi)r hoth horses and thoroughbred cut Inspector.
Ll I very Knoell at the present
atillat the helm, feeling almo.t its
frisky as he did in the dave of old.
But what changes oince We launched
Bates. Gets. Sheppard. J. H. Edwards.
Alex. Johniston. Councillor C. A.
tat Ind .,at ,,,P,r, t.. . en.ent, that we
have the presence, not Only ok a large
ungodl y population In line land, but of
The Big Elevator On. ishipped ten
thousand bushels tit cairn to various
point.0 east the past week.
Meadow. For
a Saitford known " Big
terms to ED W. C. ATTRI LI, P. 3. Box
oinoc our last issue wheat hits stro arAticued
somewhat; oats have guile: up one cout, and
e I Freater
Fon LoNDoN.-The London Free
time than it has seen for many vears.
Press Monday last the
!, he frail bark on the nes. of public ()Pill-
Humber having been elected foFemark,
the jury viewed the ltodv and then ad -
it arge eloinent that is absolutely
There Will be s, ineeting for the pur-
6, God ch. 174&lm
live h"s are still rivinx.
of announce*
it is expected the farriers of the Riding
W III take is gtenter interest in this names of the avilitla, officers. non -come.
ton awav back in the firut week of
April. 1800 1 " So movies Brer Davis, of
journed to the town hall. where the
heathen. This was Illustrated by a re-
feirence to our large oftiev. wher" are
poso of re-orgunizing the Oaderich
Oun Club in RougviO4 store on Tiles-
Apply toGRO.ACHHSON 174&tf '
irall wheat. tiLandard ..... .... $ (162 to $0 63
8pring Wheat. 18tandardi .... 0 03 O I, 0
show this year than they lltiv6 done Rod privo tea who have entered for the
I s There tire also it
tile Mitchell Advoc4te, last week, and
truIv the record I to tin proOd of
tollowing evidence w" taken : Nor -
man K nnedy testified that. he was
found the poor, the untaught, the neg-
Its t -,l the lininal and v icloo- I -
dav evening. coutmencing at 8 p. m.
Floor, p to 2 3a for sev yeal shot t coursep Of Instruction at as ti , Ane burnt holl"Ing owneu by 13tasett
OUSE AND TW413 LOTS FOR SALE OR r 100 the., Ptay 2 35 Wolsle bich ca, ya'aii 2vu to 200 nuunher,rp y The papers in Can a show' Pilsslug 011"d t'lle house not' slow the vvho,4e tinop til and religious condition is
RENT. -Right-roomed heads, and two new and good horseal in I lit Harisheks, running throngh April and deceased in the "mail room behind the on Lbe town property hits been pulled
tots. Good cistern and splendid well water. Bran, per ton' ......... . .. ... ... 15 09 to 15 00 duitrict, and it would be to the adviin- May. a like record re fe w. little better than that of the heathen down, P. MeEwan Is.tving purebaued
Shorts. per ton . .... .................. 17 00 to .7 00 Amongst them are the follow- I , a loom; lie Wits (in tile loonge Insoule foreign land. Also reference
Hearing orchitird-arples, plums. peurs. grapes. I tagr (if owners of both homes and I -till. 8 �LI'Fihj head and shoulderas hanging was 11
c Soreatorucs. Der ton IS 00 to 5 Oc isig front the 33rd Huron Battalion ; THituR Sconn ANn THNOn Thurs- it for vall, making purposes.
�;aches, &c. Locat on near Collegiate Institute, ....... , 0 V to bring thein otil, on that dity atilt with tilde to the vast districu of the The Ooderich I(nitting Co. added
III rent, sell or exchange for smaller property. oats, old.. . 0 2" to Liut. Unit, (Juderich. And Second dav last anold residentof Goderich. liver I lie sicip, and nearly triching the we8t� tA) British Columbia and to the no
Harley... ............ ... ... 0 35 to 0 40 thus let the public veo what they h.ve so[ Lwont V h, its staff the past
A lylto S. Griersou, on the �remises, or address Lioitts., Varcue, of Colborne, and Mrs. Samuel Weller, patised away floor: tried to straighten him tio. and Klondike, region; to the presence of the
Ger ch P. 0. .......... .. as 60 to 0 ill, got. It Is expLetud that the show oil McDonald, Senforth. Second Lient. it"hedideothoughthe was doad,and Pek . arul tit., h4t. will keep old
P—" . . 0 35 to 0 44) It horiginies of the country; f I'lle
bushel .... ...... 0 40 to 0 40 1 he 25th Of April will "a #he best that Gundry. of Ooderich. has euteted for after an, illness of about Lwo weeks called Alex. MeLean, whoalso thought Chinese, Japanese and other vast and new haods gullig Lill Fall.
TORETO LEV-At present occupied by E ... ...... 7 00 ta 7 50 bits been hold in Brucelield for a long tillooll-
.aLpor to tile special course, which begain May wILb the gtip. The decomsed wits hosts he was dead; tolophoned the doctor, A change f,td. fill- Brorhey & Son.
Goo. 8towart, career Victoria and Bruce r. per lb .. . ....... 0 15 to 0 17 tiale. At any rate, the society will do I and ecioLinues that month. Lient. in Ireland sevolitV-1.1iree yeais ago and who wns ties aLtracted to our shores, many of
"treabi. Apply Lo D. K. 8TRaCHA N. soon on hand. Deceased wits w ho:u are in,graeat d �= ti.r dozen..... 0 10 to 0 11 their part, and will leave nothing tin- all it ne" foritine denlei, iii too ate for this
Der card.. 3 76 to 4 00 6aft hit* obtained leave if abseveti, wits brought to this country in Infancy. In the hoarse between thirty minutes prvs, he -it, haencattle, ... .......... I oo, to A W done to make it successful and profit- ( f th,s, last o. it,
from the P. 0. Department. land laid She had lived in Oodericfi for thirty- land one hour before the witness went uncl ristlan e ementa in our Ia d, and srnmiy new hoes fur the spring trade.
A 8A.1,14 -bots, 09. 70,10'and Of in Hatchi. W&14L near I Is. ordinary. 0 3 able. it was also decided. at the game duties here will be performed by Oil years. Blisiatit, hel husband, slie
eon's durvey, and ISK 1207 and siouth ht. IdIonbe. 0 o't. al .3 to dinner. Alex. McLean said he naw mingling with Pocilltv, is a seve'r,ts test- Dr. MILIWO
per. lb.. ......... .. . 0 03 'a meetng. to hold the fall show in Ex- wits called to his home on
.......... . ...... 6 Mlsq Miller. leaves to tocaturn hot- two danghters, deceased between half past twelve arid
=nsion miters. all in &;Ierich. For abeep ........... A 00 ing of the loyalty and fidelity of Chris- Tuesday 1,ist laid will be absent front
ra ap . , 0 os etc, in conjunction with the Stephen Mrs Marriott and Mrs. Forb", both votio in the liar at the Huron ; totw t n anip HoLT. Barrilte Silesia, tat, per lb ........ ........ 0 03 to This adjow will WRIDDICID IN NRvv Yottic. - The to[- 0 I& a Here I,, found the church's great hill office all week, but hopes to I otor it
Meartch. News. nt,o weight ........... ..... 1) 60 to 5 76 and Ushotne brKneh. f �Oconto. nd one bon. Willman. Whitely take whiskey And wine w;t.h Hoge. dreased.......4.... 0 25 to 6 50 be hold on the first Monday and Tues- lowing cliptled from the New York The funeral took place on 8ut I then another shortly 0 ppoi tunity. Our work all brought, to by Mondav, next. The cause of Lis all
0 to w 0 13 It ' person. and it doorki. The clantch's duty ties ee*nee la [lie dmi,Lb of tile fathet.
Herat, per lb ............... ....... duv aftet the Westen n Fail- at London. HeralT of March 29th, will be read aft -t -noon tAl cointilery, X (Anrtear it, the sitting room i its all de. ()or ow
STO F1tO RENT --Th I%t one store in Vic H&oon, Ionic clear .. ... .. ....... 0 09 to 00 10 R
is Block next to Lee & Shaphard'a. It Miles. 0 06 to 0 g -Expositor. ftlCiaLing and P. Me- ceased land Lbreo drinks; saw hini go here. to exterviiinate heathenism toy 'ill6i Itl HA118 11IL4 HireAlly L'otlItnPIIC-
or years boon occupied am a dry goods -est here by the many friends Jasper Wilson PI 0 with Intel the evangelization of the hoallien. land - the criebralL1,111 tit Ein-
kin. 0 do t Ewan James Read. Alex. SLelling. in(Lo the oorn Owns 20 tulnut,es aft"r. by bri ed pIdnuing fut
and it is one of the best stainds in Lown 0 03 to 0 t,4 BUILDING OPERATIONS. - The first of the bride and her mother Mies ' McDonald, Thos, McLean land witids. land just before he lay down he to pill, Day I,y tilt, ubor that butdnem It Is ftttod up in the most James destroy the wicked
complete manner. and can be occupied after 60 tiltial kinder the pOWel Of LVADOO
Chickens per al r ........ 0 30 to oo 40 week in April. 1WO. 18 not it"' h"sy Svild Margaret Tome, only daughterof John Shaw ncting as pal had a scuffle vwith Nick Anstoy title sling School pupils, &aid will ,)a
March IsL Apply to ROBERT AdoLEAN, -)uckm per pa r I ..... 0 40 to
Uoderich. Turkey@. per lb ................. 0 07 to 0 us week pipe.
the coiresvonaling one Of 1800 former Judge Toms, of Goderich, Ont., Marriott and her son were here from trying to Obtain his (decessed'o) grace. notble by unfolding the Public
Goese per lb _ ..................... 0 05 to
06 of T ro to. which Anittev had In possession; ill the
W Its. the weather being strongly and %Valliant Franklin Hartenstine. n Then Mr. Anderson gave a ballet re- School flag.
fel I view of the Home Mission work M. Elliott, the Hjundton street
41ARM FOR SALE- least half of north halt rRVIT AND VEGETAHI-Mg. New York. were married yeRterdatv at of the
of Lot, I, Con. 10. W. D. A.1iffeld -60 act as. Oranges pt,r dozen ........ 20 to 4, against ontside operations. Toe Bit- coffle Whit-eiv over the Chair, be. the church of the Heavenly Rest, HARYAoR NOTICS.-The now boiler has 8 -toy. and Prest,vtorian church in the went. Nine- -ied
ermsetwy. Apply to Lemons ..... ...... 30 to to charians have made an early sW-t, and -eet, Queen. and iog forced down byn Ali 'e -0 grocer, ham ceirt his trade mat it.
P 1. Fifth avenue, near Forty-fifth ett beon placed if) the tog Sea teen years nwo the[ vvet only two HILIP HOLT. Godarich. B 20 to 30 Swartz, who was prese t, raised him MILPIP Lend Gwocor�. into it
p tve done about half the brickwork Oil by the Rev. Dr. D. Parker organ, it now house has been built. over it.- 1). He then said lie would like to rest congregations belonging Lo the chutch IWat,_
otat008 nor bush .. ......... .. 25 W 31) h - Hign. FOR SAL& Joilles ('talk's dwell u west of I-jaike Superior I now th handsorni, pit Is Let 11 on -of It one
ROPARTIE8 Apples. per bill ...................... 1 50 so, 2 so Ing. and gob thQ in- rector of the church. Onlv 'he "I" The Guvernryient engineer still Waste 6.nd lay down on the sofa; the next ere ro 11d )%ftel All ins
P A liploa. por bushel .. ........... .. 75 to too side ready fOl PIASterl Dg. -Frost Ple- meditate relatives and friends were little witness saw him lie was doud. 140. This vear the Home Mission Coal. dily agree wit, I bho that E. R.
House and Lot for intle-St5o. Lhe hard pan in (lie haibor when the emn rvo, Choice Building Lots for gale. vented the firin mtarting tlastering Dr. present. The britte wo, e it going. away Deceased could not have been hurt liv Ullittee agreed to take Oil Mi new fleld", list. its innial done his work well. The
House to rent. all modern conveniences, Hunter's residence, but. t ey have got g.3wn (if Gobelin blue, with A hatof old weather perni'ta.-The logt. purchased f
Vacant Ltuid for "ale, suitable for New Adverl.1semencs. the full front the chair, as Ansley let notwithstandinq that a dellcit, 4) $NOUO title. Mr. Elliott eny%. Is a guarantee of
Block of Pago the frame work of Will. Swaffield's lose. Site carried a bouquet of liliev Of by the Lumber Co. h r him down easily, When he went Into stands agaln"t Lheni. Ilete WOre t1OOL-
Market (Jarden. the excellence of li�a good". Farm of 69 acres. n4jolning a thri,4aw vill- it welling oil Britannia road in position. the valley. After a dinner served at dumped around the unit ther, the room to lie (town be walked with. ed a few sentencos front a letter pill)-
Edumte for Suceess-W, J. Mika. 8 nd the t I "it assay be we will have another
ice. land best alay loam. all in stress. -oof ready for the shingles. tit re many of thoin.-The Dyinens, tug Okit 11,88ktlkliCe. battle today, and it anythin happel's
It Delmonico'st the couple left for 43 ft lished recently front the poll Of Rev
11"ter Resnein bra nces Port cr's Book III a.
E. N. LEWIS. Buchatians have received a ear load of sooth, where they will spend their w be ready for Initinching As soon IL14 Di. Roberton, t1m field see otAry of
Solicitor. Lfoder4ch. Store . ...... .... ....... .... 5 Ed. Swartm said lie Raw deceased to late you will know tLat I wam not
Made the red cudar milingles front British Col- honevinoon, prior to a trip abroad. she is cauli&ed and Is planked %ip it) her 'Lhoot 11,11) . tit. in the reading room, th . a Presbyterian clinrch; " fruld to die, but LIIILL I fell doing my
and expect, a eac of lath in a Mr. 'HartensLine I. a graduate of the deck.-OupLain John McDonald title al. talking it, one at the boarders -. did not 'In 1808 nearly 40,fW people f:nind it
The above. in Austin Chi& -
Tailor .... .................. 5 few days. La4t, week this firm fixed Metropolit,an College of Music." ready entimienced work oil his school'- see him again till about one atid two bohn's last letter in Ttitc SrAll. Shown
Musical. houne in Wetylvirn Canada. an
What About Spring Medicines ?-W. C. III) the store under the Opera House Ll the Kolfage, all(] vv;lI be rvady it) Only abont, 25 pe t
Goode ................... . ......... .. 4 for John Ytile, who now occupies It Its Tit s Tuitir AssocIATION. - A largely 1. o'clock, wheat fie wits lying on the floor W-000 it' IW9- I , , tt SpiriL of patriotiani and det.spitnina-
WGLIV4 CAMPBELL suit out of port am 9(ion its the lake IN of these tire Carimlians, Find over, "I 11
e Parse Found-Wul. Wnru�k . ...... ... I in the sating room oil the bar; helped thilt COOld Only emanitte from a
a bicycle livery and repair shot).- Ott ended meeting of the Goderiell Turt clear of ice_ -The harbor ig pretty well his,, tip and he f%ftid he felt Lived land cent. stre (oreiguer", people of Vltf*ll)tk,4
I r,71 Organist and Musical Director of North St. General Servant Wanted -Mrs. Gro. Ache- Within the next. few d It vs the Btichan- A-sociation wits held III Hot tou's Hall crowded wiLli ininnows, at) there blave soldler of the Qoeoll.
MethodW Chutvh. t...... ............ ........ itaris will stitrt trae foundation for a ould like (A) lie down : told film to go races and tongues. front nww moon on Still Orday Wag .111
Teacher of Pipe Organ, Pianoforte and oil Monday direning, to snake atrrnnge� alimild be it good Pesch 'in(' back IoN�i.2whei-etlietewaeottloiinge. CelltIMI and nortnern Europe. 'I'll I m
n T House to Ict-Geo. Achewn ..... ........ dwelling for Horace Newton on Light- III,, 1161191ink Hq Iiarck, and a, long WILV north.
heory, inents tor holding a July ineet. , 11"19 I 1194 lie did so #laid rested on it; witnpt)a your ittirolgrittion promises W hareak It'
pupils at big Big Meadow to Retit-F. C Attrill .... ... house street, and one for Mrs. W. A. M?trlton i hoildinK livi e have their I )�ed the door and dia not. see t the record, Would it lie prodo Wi.lillig to VeL the meaning, entIniry
Will be �leaved to receive -t C( litil nt., -nI -iners.
Ittud o at mervon's Music House, West St.. Ar -ti -is Sale -Th... Gundry . ............ I Rhyna8 on St. David's street. -The fit it necessity was to hilve it gns,ranu e rills prel iy well cover,id. and it seeII14 a the west it (It sevpi nini but
or their homes if desired. gnin until the hart,endei told hirn he riotle, (3nristian, to leavo In
Koeu Public Sense -W. A. McKim ...... . 8 dw Iling being erected by J. T. fund in case of failute trout Italy clause, as it their will be remly for I it heterogeneou. inams if ttiin kind ---nn- their views widely divi-riaent, its
For term, apply at F-merson's Bicycle and 11 was dead ; he went, In to see him - ir
Church Alaba Idthorpe an Cambria Road is in tht- and in it few minutes fifteen lovers of ife le"I front the f"lloWill
Music Houve. 17WIyr stitte -NicKentit, & Howell B (4. before the end ofthe inonth. -Thedock was about 2:445: just hefore lie lay di�wn evangelized. unedneatted mrid OnAFINinli- v"'ll
ENRIJORDAN. Anne., isfeeting-C. A� lianib� ............ I hands rf the plagLerers.-Tine IJ mtory tood norttes hold signed honds for one ople me wonderintr why the OT.R. lie had a stuall Arink of whiske lated ? Let um not hoild & second South anAwers : "it, nipans means
Professional Card -W. Glen Catnpbell._ I residence being put tip bv Munnings. undrLd dollat a each. It IVAN t1rilIv t, ri-paired [tie eaAt pat t of their Y. Africa went Of Lima y
Ano- Presbyterian Artai.it Sale- Thou. Gundry ............. I on Trafalgair street. is lm.hed ready for arritinged that the Association ))old It d0aC8kI()partICIIlItrIV AS Ttio inquest w" then adjont-ned to and "It 11%10 openitnir
usical Director ol it nveds fixing Speaking of the difficidt, pitahlom th wo"'
Ichurch nl, Rern.val-George Stewart ................. 8 the piagterers -The work on the meet on Jnly 31th and 25th. and it"' a Ionic the witter front very tooel in- 10 a iti. today (Friday) in the town " (it navigation." The lenders ot Tax
dwelling being wit tit) on Canibrift nUeSeS rimount.intr to $16W in the 'g- by %willch N.es- hall, after it second M.D. had been ap- church lime] to solvein connection wiLh F;'rAft can take their Choice.
VOCAL, is at It 5tand "till. oil gregat,- he offered for conitietitlon on pointed to asaist at Lbe poxt mottein
ORGIA PIANO and CORNETf the large influx (if forisigners, whose
Spring Cleaning -S. Halstead ............. I Rond bv Mort -is deed. -As the channel Priplis prepared for *'Toronto College o Dog Lost -A. Sands ........................ I sets entor th" harbor will oot lie ver eswere so wid,dy diffi-rent. the
(if the scarcity of shingles thosedityr, The riteaq will be tiot, wide at the oft he Hell- examinn.Lion.
MuAc' exam. Be Rcady f., Spring --P. T. F -1-11A ......... 8 account For trms appl a*. Triv Sr. LAWRIENM, Is and jumber. and pace, $250 ; 2 25 1 rot and 2.30 pAct. would a not be wise to np I 1,ATFCP--- The post inortern wam con- !Itaten,ent, wn- runde thal. I lit, children P14INCE OF WALLIS SHOT AT.
1( House Cleaning Tinie-B�ker SL Myers..
Montreal SL Stud a, Oddlellow's Hall. $3LK); 2.2d) trot. 2 24 ;tee, $3w; 2.15 Ll the ,ipenk ITZ7-lyr semant wanted -Nim C. A. Nairis FoR l3R(:mFL1;. -Oil Tuouday W. J. pilot to timet efich vessel mid brill' ' lit elit cluded last evening and the report will 'Llelell iffert-111 nogURge". Theae for- h and 2.19 pace, �LX); free for al"s. in. It such 4 plan were adopted and eigners for (lie most part. tire- settled III
Dowding lett for Brussels. wher* 0 $3m); and a half Inile race for $, 54 I* captains notified of the scheine, their
F188 EMMA ANDREWS, TEACHER OF 13110babiv shi,w that denth wait due t4i Brussels, April 4.1-- The Piince of
MPiano, Organ. heory, Sight ftalidin� proposes doing business fr the future. Entrioa for the bove will lose Jolv would be no inore kicking ftqIkInst heart trouble, frorn whieh deceased M.Lailtoba. Assinihontand Alberta. in Wales was sabot at, today while leavin6c
co onies (if front 200 to I(XX) fitmilles,
Go ch harbor. and Itar Training. A specialty of tho Virg W. J, 1). wilt lie, intich inissed by the 20th, horses to be eligible July 1 t der had suffered niore or leas for sonte Id
Practice Clavier M,)th<)d. The Virgil Practice So that, these sh,t1l be no delity of an in conseLlnence tire likely to pre. th� railroad st,iLion here. lie waa; not
Clavier at O. W.Thornton'smusioetrivoriurn ociety he
may be rl,aod by pupils. Also Kfndergarth� TuR G. T. U. -The stininier rateit foil Sons of England, of which difficuftv in stitaing, that well known A URNERAL 'IALK. - During pait, serve their ananners. custonis and tra hutt. As the tritio Was leaving the
Method for ;rung children. 8uidectis will hd been an officer for inany years. starter, Mr. Perry. of Zanesville, Ohio. Years Goderich has spent slimly hnn- ditions all the lotiger. Except the Northern tation foi, the Southern
Cour�_-. all shipynentg carne into foice on Mon and hit; departure leaves it vacant sent will send tilt! anio)Als oil, and as tile dreds of dollars in advertiming the DEVELOPING NORTHERN Doukhobors, of whotn,011l� foor por
)Vl rR '10 the iironto Conseriatory Ritilroad Station an individual fired rol. on ts. at the residence, 367 -The office near the atiction used cent. can read a ad wri e, t a inost, of
Zlication day. in St. Georgsl'A choir that will be hard cltIb 114 tinder the General Association's
by the lato Joseph Williams and H, lea. Lila July meet will show ovir et'lai City as " the healthiest and Pret. ONTARIO. them have received it fair edocaLlon. 101101vel' at the Plince o.' Wales. but
to III]. Nil. Dowding was a good busi- "'I the iiaimed His Roi a] who with
lleople something new in the way (if tiest town in Canada. with broad, hat It 50,000 forelynors, or 20 per cent. of -
Auction Sales. Secord, at different titnes, hits been neeii nian, upright in all his dealings, ni-inagi total population, are settled In malli- t.ho Princess of wits eii route
ld to Jonathan Miller.-Thn Star ng races. The Goderich As. and smooth limestone roads, unexcel let]
sc and his work, IiLe his word, could ill. 90clation proposte to lease the track for The Manitoulin and North Shore toba now. for Copenhagen t4, attend the colebra-
for- bicycling, riding, driving," e1c. It L Idu
ucrioN SALE Flour Mill Co. shipped lt,�Ar load of ways be depended on. The night le- a term, an that it mav he widened to Reference WRA 41110 inade to the ra id t'"" Of King bit. 1 T'
flourto Montreal on Friday, and re- fore leaving for his it ew holne Mr. allow twelve or fourteen homes to tr,ot growth of the Mornian siettleinent in tA would almost seern that the Council Railway Project, P, which occurs on Atli
saived a car of Manitoba wheel <in Dowding was visited at his residence or pace abreast, and the widening are will'o to sacrifice ut good and S. W. Aloerteii, and to the iscreaAing w C
Of Farm Stock, Cattle. Horses. Tuesday. - The Oodecich Ortran Co. bv .11-earnIZ reptaittion in this re8pect,
shipped out a number of organ's and St, George's choir, in fail] stiength, will necessitate considerable addations in allowing the Squore to re The marvellous development^ now activity or theit prophets and inission. Editorial Comment -
Sheep and Implements. t�o sAv farewell to their much eateerned tod alterations to the fences round the s IIIAIII In it
it large quantity of batth material I lie tate of unpardonable T11.11ghness. The taking at the Saultaire a surprise aries ; also to the work done by the
friend and one -ti late choi r master' Th e k nd b( church in Lhe Yukon district. In clo,#. OrqCR MORN We one of the
Th mas G undry, Anctlopear. has received past week.-Coopor nar-d Wilson whip- inernbers had ptepared for an evening's t" be large stones a )uIders pluced on to those who have hithurto looked oil ing. Mr. Anderson made an pArriestap- tienchant. letters Dr. John Campbell,
instructions front Mr. James Mention to sell pod two care of wheat to Berlin on entertainment, and it wRis a surpriue h- THa KILLLINO OF FRUIT TRictes— Lhis pleasurable thoroughfare last, that se, -tion, and indeed the whole peal to the congrogaLinn concerning formerly of Senforth, is pnblivhing in
ti� Public Auction, at Boulill I Lot 18, Concoia Wednesday, # full are being broken by It
Mr. and Mt�. Dowding wheat the vltqit- There has been frequent complai I -thorn On the danger (If neglecting those conling
a1. Goderich township, tBarfleld Road. 5 -Nairn's grocet v ors took possession of �fio house and few men DOW, but prompt North Shore region of Not N w l'ork and Brooklyn papers in de -
Miles south of Goderich.) an A HEALTHY FOOD. amongst orichardivits and others that Ac m onr land, sonia of them heathen ' 0
prepared refreshments, which were tiono its required to alLe a tario, as & rocky, storilo and prolitloni tic) -rn fence of Oreal I-Ititain, anti her con-
WEI)NESDAY. APRIL 11. store has been a special centie of at- �e.,ved during the evening. The choir during the pait, year there has been an good J 1) of it. More labor should be wawu�. It is now fully rtst,i%blisbed thlit, and inany of tht nnevanizeiized. Ii
sommencing at I O'clock P. M'. action the past week, to witness the peRtale"up is allowed tAi breed III our dort in the Swith African war. Dr.
tr pre.ented their departing member with excessive fatnlitv amongst fruit trees, employed, and even the securing of a this Greater Ontario Is v"Lly rich 'I) neighbothood our children ruity die, Itrgllps s() lail-lv and cour-
I good drall More, rising 3 years old. sired by steam roller or sonia Other piocess
(3nag asypolds, 19 deal to Milton Hill, NO. deationstration of conking shredded an illuminated addreal nrad P. valuable wines and other clasuds of nutsery would be jutitifled to put this rondway mineral :and other natural resources. frorn it. We must destroy evil, or el'il f.,rt i ties If so well
ioul, Vol, Sir wheattatscuita afood, conductedhY nitisic vithinet, and hAA it pleafiant hit" been hinia-
tock. ]it Ontnrio there has been a in shape. So far t,he qravel, teaming. and with faciliLles for its developral('ot Will de8trOY on, Out church 5 posts of OW. algili by Jlng Canute (imp.) Mi. Hewitt. the representative of the sociAl time. The following %vita the ad- Ive in thp past ; let, s with fact,i, that lie iiitimt corninand the
bolLfromsainal. g4roll, 1.0-8. manufacturera. Lessons wete given dress presented, it being read by Mr. `99"Pas
g tendency to attribuw this to furniga- etc., has Lost the town sit the n0lKhtio- Will spring oil a business attivily and ,, r itsure of r-esponsillility sit the regpe(t of those tipposed it) hills, and
I goosina-purpoes Gadding. 7 yo— 014. e h rwil were largely at- Geoffrev Holt tion (in case of young stock) by nurse- hood of one thoto,and dollar". Ali ad. wealth that will be felt all over file file
ac IIIOrnII:F,' ' it h itional one or two hundr,-d dollars Provitic", Front what ham bi�en per- pregent, in rnainui,ining Lhat high atn- him hotter" Itre r-Alcillated to (10 v(1 -y
I wood. useful Drivioe Morts. t ended by IA es, no t e unalflinons w. i. DowniNa, Rea. ry men, but the American Gardener, w, 11 be requirptl Lo inake a prompt #laid fOrned donng the past veAr, Lb dard
al Boilers. rialin I ran yadalp ON, -gibe all due sentiment was that of pleaaantsurin,se De r Sir, It was with the most Ancere re- after giving some en(kuiry to the ex- satisfactory Joh. In tow e much Old friend 9
to calve about =6 of salts. andavviectation. 'Ihe mAking 111) ot zrot athat P, h n.rd of y'our intended depmr-ture 11 I hule are granta inade by the Doll'inion ittm On- Inay wed IW P11"i'l (I hill).
I Durham ITAifer, rising 2 yours oW. to calf. the ruany tempting dishes and their fmni our midst. and now that you are leaving cessive death in Ameriestan StAtfes, at- v,,luable hotesand rigs I . Lario 0overninents to 'he Algon-n. Cen- Brief Town Topics.
I Heifer. rigiug I years old, it) aAU, us. we cannot lot you ar, without giving some tributes it to the Fevere cold of lamt he LI-aveied oil I III, I StIl-re with tral linilivity seern to be fullv Joetifle(l. c cooking was performed bv Mrs. H�w- exDression to our feelings. winter -that of IM -09. A Rpecial Lnysafety. In this heautito wheeling For vear� Lhe people On Manitoulin March NvetiL oot, like it laillb. A in Smith Ons -
3 Heifers, rising 2 yearm old, not in Bit itt, raind her dexterity and iskill, added For twelve yea" yen have bean a member of bulletin Issued floras the lown, Experi- Lown (heri, are prolwiply five lob Cow, arivinir milk, to the excellence of the biscuit, delight. Lh Island have asked fin railway coni- This day week is it hohdav, Good tarto hitti t(ir, following interesting
I good Mi c choir of,At. George's church. During part t Station discu-;"s the inert hicycles owned 11v individ
I good Milch Cow. In calf. sit everyone present. of that, tige trthieranddnstru�t men ns IlAig. Whith touni(Atilill thiLt Wolild efiRlile th" d(' Fti4lav, lettel:In the Toronto Of Mon-
u�ou were our hich may he.- eloploved to prevent or fit least $:3(1.W), li�lt ti -y velowni-rit Of flint F(rvAt and f,,rtii eXilloill-kLions tire now in dyor . III t position %vhich you ti ed with w e
jS Stear Cal veg. If WRNKLY SilooT.-The weekly shoot eq,111 M,t..(l Abinzy. Yen have always betn avoid a rectirrence of the disaster, and he inted on I-ist vvni'm " gener.
2 holfer Calve.. i,flllind, "-hope extent is pli,11111 to I [ite,
Place 'he moRt faithful of I'm all in yow devation to ,�cornvnendg hardy stockm. deeper paradise." aniong I hein lot,, t 11, ole ren of I he I ar,,vinco if 11. nseveral ally would no I- inter
12 good breeding Ewes, with lamb. of the Off Hand Rifle Club took theservice of the choir, Iind your influence -
The a ti -no, ioyai anti (�on�j,itent ch-chnnan 1. troll planting, and the modification of clil- Geo. W. & tE. Jlan,!, nd whoer- ns a lti-gnlai moci ing or Mail land Lodge hted in aliv it
I set of new Bob Sleighs. oil the range Friday afternoon urRI practices in orchArd by th I TUI-91irty "
erally recognized by the members of the con t e In- Enapigon, N. 1). ltougvie. Nl( Keiizie & �tocm -rniqing mind general saga N,,, A. F. land A. M,, next
I set of diq Harrows. only used two seasons. wind was strong and the light not over gregitt on. trolinction of it covet crop sysitent. Howell. L -e &, 111111164.1 & contitiv nreoftheri(hest. evening. one I. forth nTRRMS�-Efadht monLho' carvidliatin furnish- oil. nevertheless CapLain Donley and Weareno"yindecdLowiNhyrin God apeed. The teport of the inspector of fumigi `4on. John I'Ole, 1. Bro%% n, ohn�tiqi A r,til%vav to convet the Ittland ,f Hvigubtr " -Pt ing (If 0oApi tell , In the Inattet .,I 01��e Ing sp=vsid joint notes. A diAcount of 6 per rvm. Clittle scored 71 each. thus be d for Tour place will be hard to (111. Inyour"' Lion appliances for Onttrio, just Bros.. J. If. Woisell, J. Brydazt-4. etc. Manitf,ulin Vrith the I('. V. It SS11JIL II N o. 157. C. 0. U. F., next ThurAdii y tri'tim. file" al'. a f-, 11111'g,i which
" - home may you have h.appin"li and priwperity.
rent, It ight allowed for cash. ing the lioL Those present, at the and find as many gom friends as you leave be- "sports the result .it his entloiry Its to hnve for the piesent meiv%it)n iiiii-le at) Firmich #and beVond nort.hwald Into ev"I'l"ll, inany ,f tis in Proprietor. AucUsineor. I
,JA.MEs MCBRIEN. hoot, and their scoreg vere m follows: hi.d you her. whether the deatht; was due to furni . invejttnentof$I0,(XX) or nwie "I t.ol tht- SAI,ory nickel mining country, is A arw0do-tit. of St.. Andrew'� %Vmrd like 1,,know n, little 100 200 Total Signed on behalf of the choir. graion. acid lie CODCludes from the re piv tile public denoind. And hese th, latePt land inobt promising of the has already plantrd a few vailv
,OCTION -4ALE Captain Donley 41 30 71 NTINNIK A. BALL. plies that the injuries were due to line figures do not take into 0, Jodg- tried oil,,[ gmhv Rome
21 24 45 M. ADA BURRETT. or more of the fOilOWiDR three cituseva : the f,ict t hat the$ e iq fjr-Rt HaRH hi. 4 -he I fordevelopilla; of potatoom.
Jos. Andiews W. H. A. CLJFN', Orgianist. (1) The very nevete winter of UM -90. (.y(,Ie factory in 44oderi( It 9,11 elv Ontario. The island contAloing l.,"l There will he all open ineeting ,f q4-venteen per4onA I tip ilt y (if fine
OfFann, Farm Stock and Ii. W. Ball 22 22 44 which destroyed very many Toung rapital U, the, extent of Sio,I)IN), in,ega. s(iiiare mileA of land, and 15,W) pecill, I Iii8tittile Lateral vsot it-ty iir iww ist imit-tit %%its mtli� teil upon
wrn. ("AtLle 31 40 71 W. c. T. 17. NOTR&-011 M#Lrch Oth trees in all sections; of the country ;(2l i,, r.,r nix rimuttag in the vent, is" "Its' thin evening. e;I,h ill, I �11� fit. I vvo
Implements. N. 1). R,ougvie 30 2 2 oil by hosinetis rnen,electm 4 and froto t he world, shot out. I'y III,(. - The MR ill i. bagging 10.(NXI I ... At, ,f tfie
E. R. Watision 37 27 61 the regular meeting of the W. C. T. IJ. the prolonged drought, which wait should dernand the en -new con4iderii and vet to one the richest nrid fni e.t
I .. t.gtructed by Mm Westialts to Bell by WAS held. Educ ttionAl Subject., Sri]) prece4ed by a longspell of wet wliather: lo eI. ,t for enipoient by flr%t . Hutchison 13T 20 57 Lion and pronipt. action of I booe wl CMIlAdIt. him" [),'I() the wlmt. of
Pniiiic Auction at Lots 8 and 9, Con. ti, f4ode- Cnas. Reid 28 15 C3 bath Observance, ty4vj taken bV Mrs. and (3) the advanced condition of the are elected to servo the and the to Fmt %Vilhaw.
rioh towanhip, (Huron Road. 3 miles from buds at the titne of fumigation, The ta The capitAlia(,K intere-ted in thi% en Nis- aq wo
Goderich). on S rriatter to one that rnAy Inte UsLyeris. Nine out of ton people in -0 hnv� cti, -ed I 1w chAr tot vind cherry Wit( it PATRII(yric VicPsm-Recent iminies of Auheson. On the flist I in rest fruit (i , teT fit, Of no PfTt)rt iR ho Ing pot
Lbl)"'Ll ( orich willondorse theeitriv plac- 11 birfim tind many other kiwlii stwold MONDAY, APRIL Oth. t L;) qnb�odies granted to tho Mallitol
the Sandout (B.C',) Mining Review April is held thyouqh( is a I)olnln- growels hAroahouts. Ing of Lhe sclostre in 9hapt, tij u�tv,l "' .11rely Inake prillg. f,,tth 1�. (ioni %%,th all -,hk�. A part.
commenCing at I o'clock P. M. so g ion o ir tional thanke-giving for the PUBLIC SCHOOL BOAnn_Tbe regii- On d th,-y will AIRO endole the N(,rth ILtilwny Cornpanv.
I good show several hitA of patriotic 11 I on' krit)wn cychot, who 0-k n frclol diijiling ow. i goad general pur ids"' and will soak that. the putire line lie A W4.11
_eosa Marc. In foxl� o8tablishlDent by God and mainton- ho Ing of our good reputation.
general purpose Marc, not In foul; I Golding. from the pen of Mrs. C. Cliffe, the wife r monthly meeting of the Public to Its., indl%itloal. .11y Rholkid no%
rising 4 rcam old, strod air "WoOdis wra"'. I once by man of that day of I est and Iss, Antri,idized Little Currnt to Sil& turn r,,Ijtlll Lilt- S(Imtre We week R�yq
Filly rianit3reartioldiIi Fit rising 2 Man Of the editor land sister of Mr. Charle hi call Sundia.y. The W. C' School Board was hold in the li"I'Ary _70, I ... ry during the ReS1111017111 of IM). And it. was it hunipy ride. everT t-ther constilopticy b#- dpitit with
Z, w o rs I p w e A representiLtive (of Ta4K STAR wits I
g.dj'� cows, n call. Hai or. in eat; I Tives-dy. of town. Here k a clit"W"g T. U. has ever been It staiinch rippon- on Tuesday evening; present, Trustee,% 9 be OndertAkinR will he proceedea Thr wrillim (,it most of our At rei,te in thv wt;iif- nianner " was t`4)uth On -
as; I Ldanber Wagars; I mot of Sleights; which may be taken as it fair sal I hown through McKenzie & Howell'a with in trie rainot expeditions arnanner were never in wt)rpti rtindit I tltan
Outten I Ru 7; I 0 mocrat alrop; MP ent of all that, would seek to destroy j 11. Colborne, Chairman ; Win. Ache- t I,) '
Box; I W Rack; I Gravel Box; I set =%canada I home of the tirs,vo, Ole siLeresiness and safe-griard of this ' hardware store, the glaws department, Aboot So miles woold fou-nish tho nec they werp this week ,a r ? n the general Plectiona of IMS
"otra-, I Send Drill: I Mowing M"hine; ore the Voice Jack ever shall wave pte-historic institution. It its thero. son, H. W. Ball, Chast. Blake, Joo. iLud iron warehonso the other day One enary radw)%vroinninnicattion bet ween I here will lip a in-tinir liorim the c-inty (if 1111.1tri" ftPCo?V to have
Ski, ' Itake; I spade Cultivation I Gana Home 3f the heroet, an fl.aryal and I ruo. fore filling tbat we do our part, fl a (�'rai te, flotat. Me Less n and Chay. Reid. would an-noitat inmalne t,he stock large Manit-alin IRIand. Sudbury. otnd 'is Encampment, No. �K 1�0.0,F_ LhIv had A dehige 1 bribery which eiected
low _9qt, Plw. I carttina Box; I net of Winning fresh laurelsi England and you. A 'merfit -port, show enough to 911pply PVOFV possible easier. inany winerpil rangos. It woold cost
osi Jilt
a iprit7; 2 vote a( saingle Herne"; I towat doeR.Jan I lic senti he Vincipal's monthly rs Vriday evening. sit 4 Is. To. Mr. Ititrioer at wh,pse trial some
I arks, Shovels and preive sonia of CftnfAA. noble and true. g : I a tu V A
entry ickv, g 42041 and second towarg. -einforcing,ow an average attendance of5W pit- gency. atiditit $42.(X)0.(0) to ennetmit t I big p(ir.
FO Barely our hearts in& 21-5 boys ani 201 girha, vv,liq y beitt prood I If for ),oil-- P I
Foremost in baftle ^t duty',; quick atill, prevent a weriketraing of prevent Sal) vlw n I I ' kid 91""P. eightf-ti, lier-n% vvert� r,,pi,tted by the
anporonao otbor sirtlp/ read tiOn, $Laid Oiler M.(XIO nontially to op- w Iera" some hich cited up (In %Vast tr-t. vn ar cmh; Peady for England, to stand or to ralL P, Mr. HR,119 filato te th 14 Tiiic
hath laws, :and to socure their amend- and received. ported MILLINVItY OPFCKINO. - While roon(I �1 jiidwex - m TO for the Ing the Square on Satorday afternoon, Cain hAVe eastane by (-ailing a
"Isip a' $ Hall to the heroes of thnt gallant hand I They propose to Plpend An N110 oflu-sa.
rr.""Moslut insollArit 0 fl�lrriigh- Let me give that blank forms were wanted titme. vero - f`l`Pr-tt,P in th� hands of
Ing approved joint n . A d 5 kf 0 per Who laid down their liem In th.tdi4t1nt lAnd ; YoOnfew ofthemmov striking choole; that Mr. Rates bad been all THx STAR'S yoong trian was attracted if necessary, in ininsiral detel- lands -tit,
cent. stratstaL for a" Oil =11"Pounte, needs. not words. their watchword hii.ii been montes (hAt tnight he quoted, As to Ili days, narld that Dr. Holines. mediend by ths large norribi-t- ,f b,diea painting ,,prnent. mn)eltpr--. Rod uch other en- (In %13�k(10%y & bovine spent Pan hour it cro"n At the ararall time and plane 00 terra. which An they ohod their life'. blood for country and man'" n,.Pd of tho day (if rent: That health offleet, had riantA-d staid Inspect t�rprlseis as insiv ho nrrp.:qAry to Create p a Wvvt stioet lawn whilp (lit- wnelt-vle-I ,ot hy the -tarre, Judgett.
onsintatt; at I about to norea, In a good 8 Queen. into R_ B. Stnith'a n1wayt; handsomo r tamily wastat church. The li-ii was
gottivation. will be tafrared for sale. =10 arninent, physician. of New York, the ed the Iniblic Fachools. The principtW4 a tinflivit,111 rolditiollill t ght and p"- no 11— o, it th,it KII tierqs ippoitetl hv
eanditlonit and full particulars will be made gad beartst of mnisminiz Way enqoirinv ithe rfaiv I. 1111proved by the visit.
0 A,.Y; I�te I)r, VVillard Parker. says: "The report concluded as follows I beg Otre, and on ,,ng, -r trafti �.e rFtilw^y 14 the In the tioal of VS
and Irour Joys, Wh t p ying enivrprise, and thn, make the -Pao pre-ented
For those wh died In tht land far -Jahtntl 11 moot he obtatirved &s Pa. day of leave to call the atLention of the Board Tile Adde I knotaras at "do. Nianaffer Andrevv�p Ror n
Trial we staftare In your grief- Itii,i'ore I he har of
?Aaru NOW. rho& Glmdru, For Asoaldx,p millions am proutl of their be". rest. This I do not stAtAi "an opinion, to the too frequent violaLion of school millinery opening"' hirikiiig Sudbury Distrirt one of the most lot Dowding by St. Oeorage"I Ii ... r ,,
Pr6prietram aloodoneer. Tag Bowmfiro CLUB. -A meetingof but knowing it is it law in man's regulations by parento in allowing therernust bevorneil inw worth noting, portAnt mining centres in t1io Dornin Monday evening, was thp vi,�tk �.f j-t-ce. and ii,. hint t.t A trial in Lhasa
nature as fixed aR that he niust tAkas their children to remain from school the y. tan. Joined the prove -ion, and ton. nod Increase itji population to Bit, ArChitdWt F,,wlf-r It I" a real wor f , ther Of there I% a pro,-
ISALE those favorable to the reorganization food or die." Sir Robert Pool. who for the moist trivial reslations. The was soon in that nriet-ca of wornail (X)tL art. . It-st t,ntt-reil againot tho election of
f tho Bowling Clob wAn hild In Conn. was Prime Minister of Orest, BriLairs. vchool regulation Its that every ptIpil kind. a millinery tirtwi-t-, where Pharos- - of vailwAy. In connoction 1). McIvor, )f Itimaxvie'll. rainde it triii and it "light he
regiti,aired In it public school ohnill at- ing hatR, duck,, fit honno-te, and trinini ith theetelarrahrimat, lintia,woold fornioll
Au"'ON 0 ids "I never knew a man to es Thist lint thr�lugh the townthips this week
ty:Clerk Lane's office last Friday eve- *' "'Ve I e 1-111 exhibition
Of Household Furniture, failure in either body or rpind W teiial (lu4lly and rewulaft Oretv ingii of sill kindia, worit III 0-rit,fol pt- a direct and cherip tneoanIi of trmart"port. and wild over 300 hafrela of rhoroi x
nimr. when, after a short disetianion. worked even Its III the viraek." dav orITC I his ,r 0 R,tion hetween thin minincr centro rand 17'eut t4l linild hot f. if wh,lfp tolght
t a whocal vear. in wh c (tivion. Tl)efifat,glan�-eiittliph4-ftliti a if, (na-meit, ntiout lidtfall the
those present agrPed un#LnimOUsIT to R' [it Htin Gladstone mayst, he namo is to roWnstertaill." During the Rhowod that fashi-is wore Titling, aq Itto Iakp pet til of tho Province. anti ri 1, Rothles and b,,rn4. inan o,hoil,kied explain in coort the
MTtist. J. It. SHANNON will " by F nblic re-form the club for 1900. The fimt "rhe religious obstervanes of Sunday dil."ussion thott folloviveld the rvindine of fent hel-li $%aid trillinlingm gpi�prtillv Ate An additional rnsti-ket f,,r th- I*be 1-11 ormt0i RA -1-041 in 1-t wi—mv i-pohiritir f the voiraiRter of
A action at bar reasidaillos, North 8L. Godarich, huadnesx wilts the election of offles-isi. it; a notin prop of the entintry." erorn the letter alatemont it wits shown I hat werp (eve don't mean in lit re) higher farnier and rnan-ifartorer (if 0141 (an week'a NT k Ft or- I Pt kit tied "I bit( 1 t am utwely of more irn
rommenclast on the following twinViaotten : President, A moral. social and phywical point of many Parentu keep their children front than �ver, rherp were wi mariv awppt tArii). Fa, woiild alito forninh 11, the Pr on RiltllnlAy A WEDNESDAY. THk ith DA Y or _ IIR t,, tIpht-Jd the traditions of
view that, it "'Aft(I'Vii(Ills' I- lake portA ItAvantAires tor thp arrapitiraw STAR 19 7-t I, - Iaz" ,I.l pri ncipien of equal Juitt,re
APIUL, 19W Floint. McLean: tee PiTsident. Dt. vip-.thp observance nf Sunday is it ischool every day whon they (the child hnit-A on it Homier: Socy.-Trptm, W. I� Eliot: duty Of abqolote cor.sequence. God ran) are tio tAke part in public or aelpet the prellinsit, nd half of nickel orp qiniilftr in that ro"Itansod pi n nt�d lAp abot It t,) w n that) it k to -critirp live seat of one
Arnallas until all I Tesev".W.I,sine, if I 11 Men VIV ('IPVPIAn4l and Hnfl`mlo, anti it in The Itiort-sitund 4,wty cl-ed itm nien0war if ptili,,r"Parit. Possibly. the
Furniture, rur- Main Ingeornmitlek" N in his love and wisdom nurvoned to chtneb sinterWnstrienis In the orenirg. were it� loct Pit sit wort h y I ap,
int hirrattelf. The ptirchwite of blank reports required Lion, but, brfore we left the ho,i,or lopt onch roint-a-Al "Lill-rcads, eonstTlct flPliess (it winter weatings on Thiirvd,4v rait,irtiov general lawny he riwo tt, ex
J". 118-Contiell and Writ. Campbell. raistp, in the refits; of man
13 V �O I! al F I hi"Fli, The annnnI gee was PInced t $2-50, the an eternal holwark against seiriahno-so hV the Principal %v&4 loft tA) Gontinizent. toost of thesecbnuen ..ad V -01I pie�l hR,t %vhen It 1) ()r-tnt. a v th-P lili'le inatterp which
,11 111711 a .it in th� 1�kr regi,,n Pv.nlng.
13jetars Parlor Inst year, and R. 8 WIlhnmQ and grvo n raltA raing Invititwe. 11dik - as Koine somewhat "i,ot ,vf
ZA ight he one ineeaqptnt Rtrog xvho did the school work doring tho chaded from inprit-ning thein in rip theit pii�twi,oit,l mod in.Dortaint pool- rpkvp an Pirvellent aililrealt fin Iloril h IIIgenerr4i Idea,s how
!P4 & The Rix days petmitt,-ii 'roorarnittee, and on motion the Person" oil( and purchri.tied. hence we arp prp his aid "I I hp*p Ott,* I i
44 N wastre-plected fill honorary member. for tail in
�Ndlgft andRome
mdFor of the ('1014-ginte
Oak Din 864V 13 rod an For- -d
sisters ratrallild 0 Itilanxis The managing comittee wa-q Plot hor gle after physical nerpantritles or men III news of Caretaker Bat elt orpre grant, lj%il I t is wort h not I ng, howpvpv I hA I I and . I Jwd tosingAges, ettretAlier.agilclattiong t -I acl.ii-ementst. Kit the iteventh $1 per day The following ltc(-Oqlntll aftpf It few of t'he halm brad hoen notiv coltisip in whIch will arifid'Ar th" 14"" "bf Id 11
N 4% 61" 00 f Ioxne. woold re&k the spell Usit lift the were -end. and twing rertiflod, orderpd ed. equallvd, a. prettV rine. rtifiln,r-11 Frotars, (bege aqri ollapt facls it would in tho liwsal varp-4 next wvok r t 6 saive tg:be mnde to an. Coll In a t�lqsd 4&& Q. Q'Oonnell we .rthward bound Pves he id Joe. Yale. I U) lort ric I horn, at) t at, I he Ra6 ,,f .`�n o it tioth tile tict telilk-11 FlAg WrAnham to Oisink that g9nial Married.
T toW ell',ek, did newt suits, I hai w-pnii Thlrt� wore oppial nt*4 Ito al -ft It letter of condorle lasting renliti" at 'the eternal life. F, ht. 50 cents', W7T. lsh soin (%I Win, ftarramy M�('orniar, now
Shannon, Out next rannietinx April Oth. 8 o'clock $i.'751 Signal. printing. $2 I& and N. D. orstrap charming honn0n itilito obown. I %tte r -P --d 111,10" f Ott.tiva, for #in intpreettarg ri f ( , ow am On Aprn. vN tflori, vd,
pv 0 tho of the hrfd#'a ratlior ootiorlrh
Bit a" *6409 agka.�'. n Dr. The con- 4 -ti Ito neattv It aftotols"I Black: and Whito. with Jars, A. Anl.�., It A_
on thl Ula of I LP _pr.1.4 �t mind a reasolution 013 t4e 1444 vqs in I , the Temperance Hall. Rouffrits, flag of Casmada. $0. and I hev we nd lAtOpfully ov&r at t *Mtmlct*ot Wo be will speak on Educator! tractor supplying this pohile iwhoole trimmed, that they 'Vill bec.nic tiny hoc JIR4 seen given laprewfol-is where inipplempant pagia, containing an ow"ll 14^rhort at A Mass Flabor, a-1 i &#to dilligh -
A b by the ramays.1 of r rerts-,ravahi m2ppets of stletitsful (to porti-mit (It IA�rd R.,berts. ori-iin ter a lionry ( orwon
_y tues club to W414117 ftr ON L;4giarr wits unanirpously pastood. Thai UOtrbiatA. Ittabaraped a very large, with wood wasgrantes:1111110on 011sts"(10unt mis'prfars il%$ Tile -0I loon.oll't, Eave been ohnwn. itu
ova am"i then adiclurned with tho tin, num r oil I Idle qrT 46y*il tb I no A I rag discussion took place on h glib- 91114 tableful V aliptnXed, ran R H tw-ler if gr�n RhArl-f
Tirok avvbyff. A d=inst that the executive would of fit@ i offs 0 �Pdsrm " r. , I Irent.114ting this schoolts. Vill the an I iip,,ring openni� should iw at W Platen t,, -Sonsir NVay- ' Died.
TIM STAII, Iea& Sit atIltdift lot@ no time in having the _P1 Vill. I . F MtZ dt Wetly I who admire perfort,on in SITAR side am trade winners d that haA a position if hotior in
lasin pro- After the moo -Ling 6 ca ralook Cat wI.F. Was left to tho 00fittrallitnt Man- tat sid n Tri %I h I..t PbMU " f0t T" StAk 60 that rind of attea, P" for tl- ftitalson's play. served 1 *liver collection—Sm imittee to got plans preparelL millinery. Lhey don't cost match. either. thA manctorn ,,a -i �, yi?a-
aS .4014.4k 4 01 MWOW A