The Goderich Star, 1900-03-30, Page 7I IT-, IWI:r W111?1111111�111�.Vw W -w-, ­ . ", . � --e7 --� - -, ­ l -n---r- - 7-,7— ,71 � - --- - - --:�­Aimi' - -49 - , - 1 7- -, 1.7 � 'i,-- -'T,­T-,F_--­ ._--­1er,_, - - �� ,---'V. ..N.Fwf _ - - _ ., , . �. 4 :' � 7 � 1� , p7j" 1 , , � r -1 �3:1111_ , ii 7. �,, -T - 1­1.111111;11.1111111111� �, . I � I .1111111111�!111111� , fwl - . . . ,� - . . I , 11 - . . - - 11 I I I - � I . 1 41 1 la-, ,,�<)k" . . . - � ­ I 11 I I I � . 0 ... 111717- ­_ I - I 1. I 11 I . . . - . I . I - sl. " I - __ �' � _. �. 11 , � l � . . . 1. - i .. I- I � , -.1 ." 04 , , � , I 00'sp .1 I I I 11 ­ - I ., � . . tPowl I Zii,ol Is 111ill it 01:010 1 7, P,1,1,41, 1 1 1 iiies , l, I ir � :1� : W " 0 -'_ 1411- . i, -, .11, -0 .1. I - 1. I I . . I I I I ,� - I 11 � . I - I isr_ � I , � I NFRIZ:11�1110 � , F. I 1�1:,M�Mili­ ­­­ 1. . � - I - - - � - 11 .1 " -1 .1 � I - I . -1-____-- - - I I i 1. _­ , � : : :: : z: III, 114011::11: :::' I . �t - � :Zlt" 11: ,11= 1 . ,: : ::Z11: ____ - I ..'".1— . 11-1 ­ - 1-1 11 I I � � I - . 1. . I --- MOM= - 1--M.111-F— I I . _f- I I , - , ; R54 11 .. I . , � � � " 11 �) " Ike OQW"004 At 04 YOM" - tilits, vim was, Amitsolet) I I � APPM T01 'OOP. : I � I : . MI 1", hg=_ Y'at ,-.*"UD1WTR1, _4" '"i"s" I I I *4 to"pu:r.404ii" tolxii�"y W- -�o gr I 'T, �*C� , ., � . . " Naw- 4" ". UT, k, I - A VARKING. M5SKE`-F,F,F-cr �, TWO"* %Asuym ' , . I � Vo I* Ilk"': it v. us, � �_ """ .. I 1. I .- 'O 00 4060* ot *# - , , T4 ttinfisigtwe *.0twomi'U."Ut I , I , - "I X"twill"$0100 - r ITSTAL n , 1411011110= , - Nr-uu , SOMMA I *W: t7-113 L f- ''t " "-f . *19.a We We AJA *iat 1,11xv 44 ow*Uom 14" to"" ,;, . � . . . � o* sioo)4 -A%r*k#W,iir. . " %-at oxv I faIN I br 11111111trMAW 4#_*"W I . . , I I I 0. � . funto'co y1too t mm w ior "t saililiss, ir '141 *01i IsAsolsicto rr*v .LTOX", V 4; 0 " - r . Quuy. Warta, : 41110111", ig "011111111111111011111101k, , . �i s05RRU . I T*_"01_rP%r 11o*1110*0 W0411111, 4-4. 1.1-1m. 'T - iil� ,, , r . 04 , Rparht 041M :, ' I , ; ­ ` Ny *be `O�W;kw I � - tb ,)r44W1U**�4Ar4Of!sjsQ - . � - oil I 4 I I -01 ., ,P",4VA. ,�T I . ftr4 - . ,Jj�'rgolllr. I ... * 4owtok, I"* 3140oliiotak 0gavP Town All Oaht 90 Atw 141th ,& # �­ 11 I �, Ar, ail -W " wolkits I o" ,*44,*,000340000. 1 1 . � 111111011111, .J,* W" �p - 4h, Ut a vroiui� - . I""* . �4, 40k t 401kor 0,60-k I. *00,0 wt. i ' , , , I 1,004 , 1, Al.lcm � -, 't , i �t 41k W* stv . 1. , " . " ^ grAV4 vUtorfylou A*4 I' �. "I pwm" ot T01* AY010111000,*044 , - - k� Tram, r*tAtig,"'444, �* 1%14 0410`�111* Marp i0o K" wo"04yi, osgo --*07*04 10 I it* X40011111111l; . . for M bsowl* , . . LtPAR"' � I I 1,X ,a , I OM94 � Vto Vali, �lilseia,* - "NaNa 4, 14141WItIsis *A* . . ".V�__1,"_1"L , "Notim sk ool, *06"otioisititii s@4 - no VU . -, � be lxxitbit , �p s,;I,t go JO *ry, - *�-lspt 0 I itso # t * ut. 1.,Tb*. , o O& � 04ft1*104011144,00 - " _h 04tSQff*r . my. . I , 9;� , fir 4= . Im It"M : *16110 9*440, romrill 419*114*911109 A" *.it", . _ I XXo,s-XATgaxak. Kam a, Is A444 � ­ p,F"Wied, the it"Ptero � kWkr"4oaxJ&,,*kWk,*m0A 010A-14ow ourowls, , S .J�iox W_.V,4Ad.XPA vloimp JA"ffAA*_ , � . �-, - IT110 Ad 80,104it Uw s U Al&- �- - - - . - " . at $010w,411"ve-4., * T*sv*- i 14 - * V10414 I that AJ,40*61ill 4grisper �� A5444;mW 14gtit WVrk­--bPAftW *$i1sw, biso Alat 114*0 sdj*Qd'* t4p Ag -kit � art )A loo I a r, 14to, laomlolbitlt;.' - 4.w 4a *ot0**tM,T A)k *.I# , , OFF100 - ", , hu 0 road* Of the, ollosq, 4"" tirg osto I -a RUN INTO A TRAP, f`mh`gr*Pw`s"m"0ft"`u`t*dk*­* '- �i �, I * 'C40* ' I I � T�` * - ** VO4k. This W0000*00mitat "A"* � . _sr, Q , L *A#' b"'.4 1*1 L 0 'bm Jawow. WvIer"4,01* way" 4144 AM*. *5 hoo * ipt Woo, 'Toolplit 4� 4 .,** *g,".*1a to t Adtl* qi& , - . . � _ ;� ' MA" . 14304 �k W14j* rt,_, Pont.,,) a , �� ..... t... ­ . � 411 . , I � 01t; TrICA-filptivifyiese. at,.*" gosath 1900ages before wo, SX41 saw Tork-4"W, xivo 0004owls,4 Awfiiatls 0,W41tijair tkit, I . VT"__V"_1W"L . Rowto 1W spooveaw ,0080*% a4tu. - , .. ' - . - - , � .. .. �� 10"11 V"0*4cod UEVA TWQ SHILLINGS A VINT $1414AW4. _1 armut ot,00 ratio, at Wysiblialtht'MiTsiacia, - I VOO Ot0itIl"; A%** ,"W$,*OIWO ', tklp .04 1 - 1� C -nod . - )1*," "Wo bulvi gat t;;ivo W t bA^ 4091, -Th *0.L<:1g0l*V;�,1 -s`1AX"-,A*4-9t%13WWar*J-osA,g, T44% T11111 '41"ON110* 1114, C**&�Pp, 1L. *11W-1. Bamtolkisd,4 , , - -1 -1 ,,, #*�*qtog 4 u, , gin FA,W.lrtp and re ­ � '04isls, I �' .1 . � �, .1 � , , _ ._ ,, 94%, *049it Wrl0.Q,X',-'fr�w.- F4tongirt, � a F4144 at &o4;yx%l1L � *14" gPpW4 to 'bia on tU* to' ma*ism a, coinplglint' concerning the been b1forel 0 # . � , . I � q 4ttv* XOJ*4 � I-'; , _ �,"XQWOPA.A.,�p X�y * 14 . 11401 tuoly. "'c9WA4464 4 wooAssor. 1� tap&p. 0",ting tw4al. TbtlTr"Llyallil I HQqXJFJU1ls'b*,. 0*'L AdkJ* I _' . gulotte Jisony 0, *oovsisit 110141 . , ,4.' '.$ :* "a onoiiiatim sit luois, so* iti" - � - � , " � , .VAtbL r lot 44 a 1 $1, 4.11641 - Le T4eml)ero of tile an the. bot afield., Their. oiltila, to I . Ll,'"o * I . .. � ­ __­­ , ' ' Q9 WMAW . 0 crease, ka �Aa. T1 , to; _J0640414 I 11 V 0 111, IN kp b got ext4foat'i , , , 1001111i Aii this . , , Pa: . Came. Mirtu'14*4 , PC" 'r, I L bel 0 so of pive of beer J4 that towa. atil ailart". store wittere we'"J;v -*or#, Qoii,,:PWkUA!k strAdio an 1pipas4allimilit appoal -0,30, 1�*" **4 Wasted" -, I 1369,04016ra CTIAW 4,1111P41; the bOX40 Fik"O el'Aff 94" t sinuil y the 0 Weak tin , the tow.u. IM4 wax* _� a tow tbings � Vittilu-STY - - W 04 0, OW t Wt' a" q0V*4"* T"_"!1g4A1_6 'o, " busis XbP'X#Rm8.JAg d14 Louvre - but lastead Of t '48 the gains sm- Buller 444 ifirow .RT4 to W'Aliakkilat their skk, BaslAtost tut Ili* all , I , 4 Ron 31*19 . ' 40, prk �qs t�ft lialmy troall I to, tul buirgk � r. � 0 " a � ­ I _ = !alu , ­ . .1 t , , fat , at of bW,. bu 10V - ''a. _ �.. , .. .t I . I . ilishloents have lisson ?a Hid at home It Is more like buyWir 44- wstseo Hui, * . , " . Over * - A04 o4bar aTtabs, IN ., , muspe,pags4 tlliplault,--WAUght tar 49,44oat., 40WAtham *eaJest,llill,,1WaA16T0", 44"M to Wm*"* v4petap,104. . I., is.# I�Ziq to. be got new. - Water- I . I . . . , . it b '. ; �loatorft irlicaft here. , Psainy king Qt Qua onthuslit'lln Javiiiorwl Whits, 101111111s. I it ;44 cartata the 'itial"to, &,4wt at �msvaosolr 11 IM1100sm'', 1..� 1. . I ";As KlAilAce, VOIAZAA-wi Qt Apt HaTur 4a pavvromout b4a ision, A I , ,,y, and wont out . . - VI VAQ , U �. - jut ., a t... - I alp" but could not Set paste ore gold got 'Plappanze ; butter 1: V&.414 for W;hat We be that the Sw Laaobit�,Usrch rho Be* _ an feAV Woold, hip I tliv War' w9qld Ro- Boa WO)"M FROM I Wan , � r. I *. ad- a oQu*eJLiAQa to a Compieny Witil ii'r-biir 3s a pound; 111r, is 84 small tin ­ . . � . - so."'nowair Office � I_ 4#0 W ,_ .1 I I rat# at lt_ Wq., I n to ink,;;,lonly glulp , of jam'.1m, aun oil, It Aaearilt do to the flat stitacIlll I1%If-*tvxvo4.toTW publicit would retain their ltkdolmv� �A� the IqUawlAS deeps," *-!- 1; T.4o'-Da orktregl'a iiiihave Of .46 -OW -00 tanner bottl i% the live too high. Thres Wketo 01 elgAr. I I i3is� qr .X 4SAI&L cQuatituted for am a? a . 9. and to , strickea though we werst, avesT 401U17 donce. despite the temporary Ilrlt-1, tmai Lord Howls., Eh"MA Co lie A11OW04 0 OW I- I : the British, wor , 194" iss, 4�4.whw- bUrpoito or exaloitkis; On eleotTic oz- "we price. Witsit . hot UG11 the , . Uerablaa; - time W444 we can got them OlAgaper.11 ottes cost 2m.11 . III woo forgotten. 14 the almost car- I lab 9cpUpulon. at Bloemfontein, -A t6togrom from Nicholson. L�L 1104111111, 000111in at Pnulirill. � �*'. Bgak got, 4MA4 itreak aeriico 44-tvil rallwAy line be) � . tWeep Wusools. iind Antwerp; � u1sliwayo. status that -Agdea-Powell I I Q40 liqudired and sixty-four cases of � twat ol Immediate relief. Hioudredas I "Treadout, steya followed Kruger In Y, 'Au well to 4w�,h ku D -Ar- I A. , rUligy. I . . . Wofthii�)_00 C44 PP. a0rou"y1ine, BULLER MOVED TO TEARS. V in b, sparitut d"*q4 from Issaadoio,, 7 � 108 P&M?A 16W 49Y9 "sQUIDY'll Cordon MYO.-It is fliplotit6d fro= Z410OX0 Tralin, Vamii4qi, Perda, ough uslon to General) L X; . , . . � uw4mloa were imported -to the Madlomil .* � ­ TOUCHING LITTLE STORY. clunbed, Obuservi4tiou HUI io WVACU for i a stioug speech. He told Me , . ilar Tab. An interesting all being much rou*od-, "', Marqued that Pretoria Is prepared to 11, 11 I I Health Officer of Hamilton last. wool;. ris j9,M1qifs, apd, on L$p branch line to eat Intel alto 4ousses, writes a car- Buller after ttLe Tugela retreat lacou- the first siX.Vt of that wou in khaki, Wra the Vree State was tar frova . , : jr�,gtmaat. racculply " . I Tipe JAW41,q;- � Tebser4n t fal - Is an the Ith the Nort4amptans at Mod- t4l4ed in a letter received at Nowcals, The Advance paste reported that the quaq,idered. t1tough its cafiltitl bad been 9 Nicholson referred to in Lord , d . I - - Q ta. paral wt T l. _ . I Nk_ slan, sa lisp at two 740ra, *44 kil", . ge,rrisoatA iiii, HalWix, will AOL go'co, . � ab , 7tw - MaJor Johi - � � � � . Awai . I r, cona.49tiom will I- do vor. m4d fou4A 4 nice, comfort#- tie from a private, in the Royal Welab Boers wore making active prepare- occUtiod b,y the British. 11* War A "Wtfs it he Base women. frantic, at the St. : W05P Wt" 10 ,ijitely ad fixith, ,ttle Moo u 1, a ciampletq1ty shattered- Evil Puaillors, serving with the Natal Ineld . the urabarm, that England bad 'de� otiolmon. cortualandilkint-Seliscrall ( �,� , Africa, bal"ta, 00. b Ill a the t . A ,� jwyt. . tLow to remove their "Longs Tom" Britijilb South Alrima,kolisco. stutiou- vera" to the ]$oar am I raJLy!a,y oyate "4 fro. , d , tly woll-to.-dol -had lived I finitely refused to allow the Ite it, . 'Y' as*, qatreat. I I the Peru" r event * _ I ; , ople Foro.. In the letter be a0s: . tog tw be 4111OW1114 to 4bwt the Will" ... I Wilfred Martibi,call" �utt AA APOW b r . One room LIFOPIrtleular took "You kmow I told you in my last from Bulwgz& H41- to roMain la.depewl, es be ed in Rhodesia. I ,,� � , Jalisco,, then, shot himself dead In a extended to � Bandar a , on t a (ore, all the Pipithl a b%d'to Q uRw -&.tok ,-4r 11- 10111 closed. ottiom Impriamed at Pretoria. , I . - a. and that was what had evi- lot�er that a big fight was coming -off TUGGINO AT "LONG TOM." . It Is allo announced train the Trails. I . � l I 00,blaabla 4001ter on Princof, Artlb!ftir Persian gulf - The wo be c =.ku been a little child's room. There well, so it did. and the Boors came off was to fight to the last.. Ckov to. � I . . . . . . 1� I Plated in 1903. '*Stoyu sold In the six months tho publishes the following from Malts- mout haa doolland tolaterfors. I I street. Moutrea.l. I were a lot of toys and small, cups and book. They played the Ivery devil with A derrick erected became plually . London. March 26—The Daily Maill Taul em,pitsill that tbes Itsligi a � I xra� =a, James 14 111049 Clark & I . , . - I . saucers, dollps, etc.. and I found an an- us, and in our retirement there welf, vtsible, and quick the open fire at war had been foing on ti� Boer4 ItiLd king. dated Wofinviisday. March 14 -. I . .1. Raid, pr terti Olt . Hamilton, for 1112"dw QUEEN VISITS WOUNDED. volops w!tW this on it -"This is my more killed than there were in the to* every guin. was In order. In a moment, lost less tbnn X0 men WWI and "Wo Are still being bleevilY shelled I . I 1 I damages 4or L6 less of tier son's bead dear granopamma'a boar." and inside gular engagement . . . . When it was I that the fighting was reallt:001UP11oll Then have been severall casualties' TO SEE THB WAR THROUGH. a I I I I an the big naval guns In the, Clove, redoubt' ' I I I there was a look of hair. now trodden all over the Bagre took the boots d Ing now. Am President, warned .1 ., in a printing press. ( Skirmishing continues in the trenches. — I ,. � , Jallp. to the Soldkers under toot. All these things. I clothing of the dead, and out the ringo and at Cawgr�a Camp got to work- Free Staters not to believe Lord' Reb.., The nativo food question in : �11 I T , L. J I . ,4e bay at -Port Arthur is frozen Her Majeoty h ' ' ' ' ' thought. were a trifle touching. In off the fingers of some of the Officers Fast as they could be served they arts' proclamation and accept his In- difficult. The ba"I'ming What Kruger T014 a Deptitilistion of acjQaa to T.IIUU�till 10gpe, With, ice three , , JA Botrls' haVe broken the . . � . ,. ., . VV90 W-tq Roanital' q"; the front room was a dead Boer and men. It was a horrible sight. . rained projectiles on Bulwalua. -and m vitatiou to lay down their arms. no at to respect %lao Sabbath Burette?& ". . last 'thick Navigation wilf'ilot likely A 4psWoh from 14rilon, Mawob 22, stretched out on the table. When the engagement was ever, Gen- assured them the British had failed afracifem' I . . ,. I open be,ore WAy I. aayA.-Tba Queen,' accompanied 6y oral Buller went round and to show five minutes the derrick was smaskied elk every occasion to keep solemn by not tiring, and have si llhe ops- A de"tob to the Loadejo Daill �. I . ; �, Loro issutLer&4 bus, acknowledged in Christ", and attaiaded by -A PARADISE FOR WASHERWO- how he felt It, big tears rolled down by awell directed tibell. How we treaties they had ramsda. Sir AlPrad portunity to eatend,their trenches." News from Pretoria. says that a de. . I . .1 gre,teful tornami the nuwaage of coluded- Princess MEN.., his face to see such a lot of killed and cheeredl Then the Boors dodged Milner. Steyn declared, had publicly Nas;,T­ .." ..i .4-ir.k..... potation at burglboors waited on PnW- � - 11 �, once sent, 2144 by the O.ttaws, City a large suite. visited Herbert hospital wounded . . . . Colonso, is surroupd- I ng the ridge, trying to drag their proclaimed that Airlkanders would be Lady Sarah Wilson. in a despatch dent Kruger to eK*Iro regarding the , e�l . Council on the loso of his eon. Liard at Woolwich this afternoon to see the Sergt Wilson, of the Howitzer Bat- ed with big mountains and hills. The a a exterminated, knowing that the Re- from Majoking. dated Wednesday. sit nation. - They rocialv" a reassur- I ,T I . Ava,'uu,SoufEh AL,rLc& stick and wounded soldiers who Qre tory. writes from Modder River tobia Boers are behind them and we might "Long Tom," but the naval guarters pu ca would I Ight to the and. March 14, a"; The ftemideat amid title I . Who appointment of a. pew Healt,4 being caXed for there. Ilamonse, parents at Northampton; "We bathe just as well try end shoot the imoon as followed them, plantilng their shells "a el b urging the barghers -We have received news of the re- Lag reply. - . -i ��� Government intended to sea tawar I I I . Board for the Provincial of Manistotia its awaIted the arrival of her now every day and wash our own try to get them cut of it. WLtb deadly preelsion. Our guns to P a air rust In God. Sleyn's llef of LALAystialth, but it servem to through determinedly. *ad that a . . �� "I announced. Dr. MoVaAden of Neepawa crowds clothes. Like the poor lodger Dick- appeal roused the butchers to a bacresii, inall of war b � .,� . I is Chairman, succeeding Dr. pa,tter- Majesty a.t the station in Woolwich, one wrote about. worked wtth almost comatose roar pitch of wild outhuxiasui is. no go Q%tr disappointment. as there M _y the nations* bad- I . - FIG vospect ot our relief. The arm would be hold abstl,T. I f , I . we go half naked HTIENG MAO. while, we watched and cheered every . ; son of, Winnipeg. I and lined, the xoute to the 1106PLILdl. while we swill our shirts. This would -------*-- town reiiiairin clos6ly invented. The ------..O— I � % I A moventealu is on toot to settle a There were Lavish decorations slad on- be a paradise for Waahorwoman with General Hector Macdonald went shot. Boers are reported to be' very nums- r, 11 great number of Finns. who contain, tiounded eutlidsia— wasl#i�played, the son shining and wind blowing through Euslia Camp the other day Suddenly, the dazzling sun was, Obs- PRETORIA, IS CONFIDENT. erous and strongly entrenclatiA b&. MESSAGES THROUGH THE AIR. � 11 pla,te emigrating from Russian, tarri- ce nearly every day. Our tWnga are to ta,ke the command of the Highland Col. Plumer's force. — Is tory, ial Lhp. hold Dear dist-rict,,in I he The Queen ,uppeared to boan ex I- dry to put on a i ew minutes after they Brigade, in the place of the late Gen- soured by heavy black clouds, whtch — tweep us and I . � �� letia ,health, kib,Ii ,6ove In an open are washed. That is the one remark- oral Wouchope. The "Boots" who were , broke, lease In a tremeadinus� thunder The City Is Lively and Full of 114111- Some of the natives are dying Of -Caj,-r stattes- rowelr`* war kites as Mod- ; I ; " North-We6t. "Torrkt&". two Landau through the axalanal grounds, able thing about the efitnate. You with us says the owrospondent of the storm. TurroMILA of rassu, volleys of tally Activity. I star,Vaition owing to their prejudice , oter alver. i . .1 . . I ,'I I . It was shown tha,t the death oll may got soaked to the akin, and go to Daily TiBlegraph. Ha6d up and gave the thunder and vivid i,ghtntng broke over A despatch from Pretoria, mays: -A agalosit borsoutimb." Wbile Colonel Baden-Powell to gais- , � � , i Old men, ,LWvven and Rabbit, in the where 20,0111111l oruployes were drawn up sleep in the open air all night, but General a thrilling welcome, whilat the whole region, Chocking she Opera- Cot IELatly defending Mafeking.lals broth- �, . �, Ag�ad People's #ome at London, Out., �n fine ii.nif gav ber- Maies-ty a g . the morning you may wake up as our fellows who axe not usually demon- respondent he- ju&t seen Capt. BRAVE BUT CARISLIC9111. 1� . I �ol#en T ,&Ori:� tareah. as a daialv.-I . strative, crowded dround the rall_.,� I L�cn.t at, Major 8. Baden-Powell. of the � was d h k that I AAr- . licur guns. Halfachour Later I � us to IV is 03r, � ,nificelur, r(iC+LIC ticen 4 seen. the agent of the gun works at . " �Ig ; A n., � ". .. L I , as A Y. buted ,lbautlitLenjob Mu"or flowers�` in line to goes look at the brilliant rt, ZW�ro JL111*4 Lt. the Mon. W. Lyson -*,I Socits Guards, to helping the Intelit- 1, mpt, 4� f4t a 1�, passed asuld oar nAvX guns I .1 . , , -ann, sweeping the ridge La Crsuaot, France. who was rope . ,� � A, a d StrmIthoona is �o be the wards. of the hospital. HE REFUSED TO SURRENDER. dier who by sheer merit, dauntless ag go- W.Vkudsisd Tk,-*. Oth.m gance Department at Madder Rivei I '., . cod, in �he House of Commons at On the paxa,de grounds of the garri- pluck, and Iron resolution, forced hill hot,,, Bulwaaa and Caesar's Camp. ad to havig been killed in an ouga '' _ . Ott I in costeAtientoration of his sea the, School Chi Wrens viewed the pro- Corpl. S. Miller, 2nd Devous, writing.' ��way from the ranks to the bligh place I where the Boers were still struggling inout with the British some timeago. London. March 20. - 'Me War Of- La amMaDer all blo own. � , I I contri 'on to the hhal,laixti 'Of a eon- cession frobi, military wagions,' and to friends in the Isle of Wight after wLth their 'Long Tom. . flies has posted the following despatch Whom Sijnor Marconi's, assistants � " : . . L, . . he holds. The Australians had ez- CaPt. Leon w.As quite badly wounded, .: , � madiang for porvice in basig "God, Save tba Queen." The the Tugela battle, says: "Our regi- ad to see a gaunt, prematurely aged TEN ANXIOUS MINUTES. from Lord Roberts. 0 , . idly, He "Bloemfontein, March 24—Yester- 1'7! - a. ment went down close to the river, but but he is noriv improving rap went out to the war, aayvk tho London 'i'll�, I'll, original flag, msdo by some of the man, war -worn, and battle -broken. and By this time our cavalry scouts lvill sell for Europe next week. Daily Mail, with their wireless take- '��.Z " , L , ,_ -/Alice Cline, a young woman, who laduas of Prostoom an: the 009"LOP Of It was impossible to get across under were surprised to see a ilashinq, go]- brought in the news that the Boers day Lieut.�Col. Crabbe, OuliL. Trotter ratum, the Wan Office kv� I'! I � formerly reaided.,In,W innipak, 'hag been the town's first a,nnexa.tion was bblot- such a heavy tire. The bullets were lant-looking man, who might In JIP- were in, full retreat III all directions. The people here have not beenonat and Lieut. the Ron. E. Lygon of the graphy appa . ` .� � arr�stea atwivy;teaspolis, charged with ed; over Lhe,artillery barracks in lion-' falling around us like a hailstorm. and pearlince comfortably have passed for Buller also heliographed the news. dmvn by the British successes. They Grenadier Guards. and Licut.-Col Landed that they should woric only , , �. - 11 be ,a visit, &mid the It Is miraeulous how a man ofus lived �� 1 ving raised V1 notes to $10 by our ot her Majesty ' five -and -thirty. The grm�y-cled menin with Lac first glint of sunlight after are confidint of maintaining anturdy Codrington of the Cold 6trenn, at the bass and on the railways. This ,-t ��, Guards, rode eight or nine miles be- I - transferring the figures from revenue bongo whef,e flat7ral Gordon was born, to tell the tais. Toole was a bat- soft slouch hats, from the land oftho tile storm, thwt they were retreat ulg resistance for many months. was museleos business. So the of- 1. � - I" � 1� I ; stamps to clurreacy. . as affect vely ecora.ted. Lary Of artillery on our right. and I Southern Cross, lounging about with north alongtheColeaso rowl, pasoLng yond their Camp oil the Modder lti� I �w - � I r In the hol believe nearly every man and horse pipes in their The Rand Post says it harboon ad, or without an escort except ont. ficars on the spot matted the men to !,� "i. I � Principal Grant, of Queen's Univer- The Queeq spent, an lion teeth, did not break In. behind Bulwasna, whisre great num- �1!! aity, wants a now arts building and pitals, and spoke to mumi of the were shot. They had to leave the to hysterical cheering -they are not here of waggoas wereseen,acime can- vised that there sivill be 43/joneral de- trooper. They were tired upon by a gu tip to the Modder. They. won.t. �., �. , � � uns to which we were the support �� 11� , �, ,J � I second building, containing readirig-, Patients, wishimir, them xapeedy re- 9 - built that way; they sirnpl� looked at voying their o"Don. Long columns atruction of the mines before the Brit. party of Boers, and Lieut. LYgon wt'" and found that they could do nothling �,: ,- ��� room, library, museum and convocia- ocivery. Our colonel, Col. Bullock, a major, and the man whose tall bissiory every one were,aLso visible on. the other aideof ish are alloilved to occAipy the W,1(I killed, and Lieut. -Col. Crabbe, Lieut because there were no masts. avail- �,� f, , . ,�� tion hall. With respect to securing .--. - about 20 of our men were made pris- of them know as well as he knew tht, the own. movs.ng rapidly over the Codrington and Capt Trotter N% ere a "'.".0, the Coin fields. his to rawo their apparstas to the .t 1:14 1 � 4 I funds for raencelkie es oners, and the Boers Irit the cotonel wa r of a "pub.," plain., towa.rd the Drakdridbory passed seriously wounded. 'rho trooper also �,:J �, AN ARTILLERY DUEL. down with a ri Is because he refused but their flashing eyes, and clenched as the afternoon waned. The Standard and Diggera* Nowsof was wounded. one of Use wcun1-,.(- necessary height. ", . 11 11 %, - 1 ", buildings 'he will make an appeal to , to surrender. We did not got the or- hands told in language in " �; the, Kingston Council. — ore eloquent , 't-1 Ill I,,, The Ca;taraqui Iron &malting Com- Boers In Strong Force North a der to retire too soon, as our men than a slave of cheers that this wee Then we knew we wore Iree at last. Johannesburg, strongly opposea such officers held up 06 white handkerchief -,%Wajor Baden-Powell Came to the 7 i ;.", , were falling fast. Our casualties 'Ill th,eir ideal man, the man they would But W&LL a insainatill A cry comes a. measure. Lt declares that the dit. and the Boers &nke W their assist- rescue. He rigged up saumber ot I-, :x ., , "I "Cavalry I I , Warrenton. killed, wyunded and missing number follow rifle in hand up the brimstone . 18 atructicia Of the mines would be an war kites. be raised the &ppaxatus and ? I "I pany has offered to put up a amelting from. CatilAar's OAmV: ance arid did all they possiblY could. �t,��,� " �',4 works plant worth 0225,000 in Kinglw ' coming I attanding to their wounit". ,rile Boors 'i ,�� �� atom, with a Capacity of from 100 to A despatch grom, Warrenton, March' 113, and m ag'- heights of bell itself If need be-, aye Is it fri.and of feet act of vandalism which -A,n:.!d n1le—natw than coriveyed the wounded Los tile men. into infil-a4r, and the 4inxiounly- I ­ . ments with heavier losses, especially and stand sentry tbare until the day ­�,11� 11, 2,00 tons of iron. ore sladly and- employ- 22, says:-A..recannaiissance of the the sympathy of friendly powers. This were awaitud messages came cliciging I , the Dubli as." of judgment, if Hector Macdonald gave At once the town is in a terrific view is strongly endorsed. nearest farm house, where they �1� !,� I Ing froam 100 to 200 hano. They vvill Doer-joelificili was made .yesterday by - — . hUb,buts. Troops hastily gather; guns taken care of." through. I I the order. Johannesburg continues calm, and no " ; k'l . �, , . 1�, pay from $10,000 to: 8150,000 yearly the 20th Battery of Royal Artillery, PLAYING 'POSSUM WITH THE train to fight till the last man drops. breaches of order are reported 111- bVJ011101--bas"t P-11- The latest report is: "Eami and :�, I in salaries. In return they ask from u Lt it proves to be the enemy. It In an � � ", ,,, nder command of Major Blewitt. The BOERS. CORPORAL'S PREDICTION. from that town. Pretoria is lively and Bioeinfolitein. Baturday. March 24L Orange River have already exchitag- lkl� A the city, a free alto, exampliticia froin anxLous ten minutes. full of military activity. - The Doers who yesterday kilit-A 4:,., � ; - artUlery was supported by the Kim- Surgeon -Lieut. Oriscoe, describing Air. Simpsop Self, of Beadi ngloy- As the columns gallops nearer over President Kruger returned yeater- a. .1 ,, I ,I 4 taxation and a bonus of $4,000 year L,ygon of the Grenadier Guard and ad wireless desoatches, end, Major D. i� "I ly for fifteen years, which would be barley Light Horse. There was a his experience at the battle of Colon- Leeds, hag received from his son. Corpl. the flat.s. straight toward the fort at day from KroonAtnd. He states that who wounded Col. Crabb, I.jeut.-0,1. F. S. Bader4lowell, Soots Guards, �.,'�,io , �,�, abo,pt equal to $85,000 cash bonus now. smart artil lery duel, which lasted all 10, when attached to a mounted regi- Thomas Self, of the 2nJ West York- Co.esar a HLII, every field glass is ho never found the burghers more re, Codringtou arid Capt. 'I'rotLLr of ti a who in in charge of the kite4lying "!;�!'. L , ��., GREAT BRITAIN. morning. The Poers 'had four,guns, merit lormed of Imperial Light shire Regiment, a letter, dated 12Jan- n trubtled to make them out. They solved. He Is assured that the fight Coldetreato Guards, who had riddon corps, hopes to eatablish connections . � I 11 %". .- Horse. 1.11", Natal CarbinierB, King's Royal Rhies, nary, from the Camp, Springfield, in ,.an, r�, " .. ��� Admiral Sir Henry Fairfax, British two of which tirad cordite. Thalloer and Natal Police, says: "We were I ,h the river. Our guns Rre ready, in the F ree State will be desperate. Ight or nine milog beyond their cuillil thugi with Uedder River." Callitalm 1,� ­,' . old the course of whdch the writer says: inlantry, and cavalry waiting, too. I am informed that the Transvaal 0 " Commander-in-Chied at Portsmouth, fire. was ineffective, however, and the oilf to take a kopje held by the �vlodtler River without escort, �,��,*�,:.� I Boers - I on the Kennedy is doing similar work at 4_ .", is dead in Naples. . have been in plenty of this war, They plunge,iMLO the river, and ins. Government has taken no resolution to , �. � I . guns were eventually silenced. There on this aide of the river, a mile or and I can tell you it is a marvel how except one trooper. were members of Uratige Itiver. ;)�, -�� 0 ple ol minutes are up the ba.Dk on destroy the mine property as a last '.,�,� . It is reported that the Duke ofYork tw below Cglenso. I had no business . the Johannesburg Movinted Poliel, The kite appears destined to play a �,,':�, � meditates paying complimentary visits were no casualties among the Bri- I got Out of the first al"gagemen Ft thins stdo. Now we so4o the khaki. They resort. I ,,,�, I I - , atter the war to all the great Colonies. fish, . In the tiring line. but I thought I a place they call Glen Bellalshl L Fat- are oural Saved at last, thank Godl After drewing the wounded, they get,' g000WL[Ill part in the war. Hemsides _i,."' 11 11.1 eon Id drop back at any time, if no- court. Bullets came down on u like them to the British Camp In an am- PI'OVLdiug 96 telegraph Office in mid- , , - � . Queen Victoria contemplates pub - 71 Two citIzOas of Vryburg, who have cessary. We got a 'heavy volley from rain; it was horritilse, to see the poor SAVED AT LAST. D. bulance air. it is very useful for roconnalalsi 'I" . 11 , Ji lishing another series oi her diaries, been imprisoned by tfse Roers, arrived a rise to the right, and another imme- follows fall right and left, slieuting Out Of the trenches, over. the plain sauce work. Mai,lior Baden-Posivell's � "'N - �',l 11 . the proAts to go to the Mansion House here underaflag of truce. They state diately from the top 500 yards off. and for their wives and mothers. As for we rush, soldiers, sailors, .zorreapoa- — pa-rticUlasir variety of kite Is furabilir 1!,6. .,. war lund. � ,rom the slopes. We all dropped flat. myself, I never expected to gas Leeds dents, citizens, women and children Kitchener Occupies Prieska, But the VAAN8VAALZR3 IN RZSKILVE- ads with a ca.inewn. so thatit a view of �qw I that the big gun with which the Boors . k ,r� . 1 , Sir Edmund Douglas Veitob Farse. Well, no one gave us orders, and we again, but when I came out without to, welcome our deliverers, Cheering, Transvaalers Escaped. the eneiny'm entire force or a pictuirs- . 11 ','��: I . , bombarded Kimberley was sent lay on. By-aad-by'CapL. Bottoinley, n scratch I shook hands with myself;1crying, waving their buts, guns and Wltb ft.ssir.olos -" -h-v map of ,I,* coulutry ca:u be procuroil. � , I British Minister to the Court (if COP- through Christiana to Pretoria. A despatch from Loudon says: -The c.,:&t 't F- asset .FF antagen, is dead in 'his sixty-third 1. L. H., passed the word, 'How are but I can tell you we h -ave plenty to swords, on came tno man. in khaki, . th. I'l-t. In ILczLr beneath the kite laman, can , � Trains are now running to within ThorneyeroWs getting on on the do and a lot to go through yet before galloping their foaming horsom at War Office has received the following - ,� I ", I year. I eiii1t inilescilf Warrenton. The Boers Ladysmith, Alarch 21 -The selmis be lifted to any reasonbble heifflit. 111�1,'.,. The constituents of Dr. Gavin left hurriedly, and bad no time to right ?' I tried to pass it along, but we reach Ladysmith, although we sire luil speed. On they rush, toward us, despatch from Lord Roberts dated I miuk as Lite kite in steady he can see �,,,�. ' trequently engage the Boers buyon- P�-�� Brown Clarks, Liberal member for Could get no answer. I didn't realize only 20 miles away. Thore will be some coverea wit,b dust and tLred with their Bloeniff-yritein, Tuesday. Mam.h 20:- Moran. under the Itiggarsherg. hot what he waintA to wili:06ut jnterrup� . , ,, damage the station. vacated Klipdam for the moment why; I hadn't beard horrible cutting up before we get dashing ride, but. the hoofs of their " Kitchener occupied Prieska yeater fighting has taken tie". I 41"", aess, held a meeting in London, - The Boers have - no important '. Calt*h �., , Thursday, and passed a resolution tie- andWindsorton, whichare almost de- , groans. Then a man in the rear said, t blare . . . . We are ill[ determined hor8es bealt the plain like a reveille Of day unopposed. The rebels surrender- place. This major hais always been fond of � 11 ��, manding his resignation. Dr. Clarke's sorted. Their wives and families have Doe, you're wanted. There's a man to give the Boors ' soelts' before the victory. arms. The Tra-usivatilers as- 'rho, Free StaLerR continue to ente- kil -flying, Ris first 1OVO Was the ,� �1' pro -Boer sympathies have given of- tied with them. They sank the poin Is hit on your right.' I rose UP to move noble British flag shall be dishonour- The Nattil Carbineers are in the lead, od their our lines, aurrondortoK under the pr- balloon, but after one humiliating day !� . '� I Wind- and looked around: but whiz, whiz, ed, and your son Tom will be in it to with Major Gough at their heild� next caped across the river. Initiation by Lord Roberts. Till, at Dover, whein thousands were watch- IVI'l fence. erton and whi% I -now by my head, now all (to his beat." some Natal Mounted Police. They sire " Mr. Ste n is circulating a notice by c ,j, Lag and the bailloon would tooti rime. I In the House of Commons Thursday sorters. The Vaal river can only be y declare that tho Transivaillerg arts 1� round, one almoss, grazing mmy left only 3M, but, they seemed thousands lie gaid ill" it was necessary Let tbxnk lo afternoon the fill' sh we b onident- crossed by swimming. The country means of despatch riders, in reply to lerinined to light to tho bitter end ' I'� L -100 Af and plunging into the ground- A TIMELY BULLET. to us. They slackened the Pace, of lie experiment- , � ., fl, qtQV1[e,Z8�Usj�em this pide 4 -this Aver is, well patrol- C' 'rho of tlometblng else' 11 voted to seoui , . , and, I saw I could do nothing. So their tired horaes, while crowds Of my proclamation, to the effort thatl majority of th,)so who hale I of the financial rcilhtlon.� between Ire- led by the BAtish. W. Weinecke a Rotherham, rosery ad- for yetars. with kites, atick found , 1, .. , , land and Great Britain by encroach- . - I flung myself forward, and 'played ist, 2n,d Northuniberla.nd Fusillers, was the besieged ran alongside, cheering, any burgher who signs a declaration hitherto taken part In the fighting th' at the secret lay in, nuttimber. Of ,Ii , , possum.' so success.ully that the Boors I have been Free States -4. The Trnns _�Y Ing an the tim�o set for d,naling with FAILED. ho got to the top of ahakbig hands indiscriminately and Lhat he will not fight against us again 8niall k11,08 failtened together. Ira 1,��;�? STEYN'S ATIEMPT left me alone, and some of our own among 4 hose w r the 8Lngl1[1g. Thus the motley procession will be treated as a'traltor and shot, vaillers have been held in reser%�- now raist-a him man from the ground by �1�., -, I the Lon4on Water Bill. Considerable . m o " a hill alt Stormborg, in spite o'came marched into town. "The Bloemfontein people are Af-Irrhe Ilovirs are pr�paring for nnothur anla of five 10tos, three rut the top ,�L ` � excitesneut followed, and affairs were — heavy Boer fire. Then the order n. and will -clirly a sitrolig me ,� in confusion when Mr. Balfour inter -1 Fres State Boers Decline to Raily to to retire. "Of course We could not GOUGH'S DASH INTO TOWN. fordlug use every assistance in the mat- canipaig - of a geometric figure, and one at vemed and allowed the Iriah members I BOERS DON'T LIKE LANCES. o 0 ly-fortified position Ili the Tran.4"tal. e., ? I -H Is Banii, er.q. remain there without- being taken ac, On the wa,y Major Gough toldtua he ter of hospital accommodatl na. W In wide angle. I I what -they desired. . ' Nve began to look for a way down. We had been scou,tiLng ahead of Buller s have, Consequently, been able to ar- necessitating heavy fight I i I I � 19 1)1-fls:',' "The more the aneury aboot them." �. A dep.satch from Land.., Wed.. On. Of the 12th Lancers, writing , the� can be dri,�en out be lt,h.ls he saym. "the better they fly"-whkoh UNITED STATES. from, Modder Wfver, says: "The Boors ,(mid not get down the salas way as army, arid finding no oppot,ition they range for 500 beds. . � -Thirty-three prisoliers were taken are not expected to make it 91nrid vi &�m - day, sa.yB!-General Roberts' do- wosn�!t give us a chatic we Came up as the Boers commandedl made a dash toward Ladysmith. and ,eems to be acharacterkstic of the , I wi Daughters cif New York Istillion spa a 'o- Is' i at Prieska, 200 stand Of arms, and Johannesburg. but %%ill concontrive family ai tobes to the War Office contain per scrape with them; directly they it with their fire. There was nothing ad come through without, get I. ng. a '. -*�� res are sewing for Cuban orphans. . We else except a drop of about 14 ft. sisigle. shot. some supplies and explosives. at Pretoria. 0. ". . ? I e Wel- the Principal news that has been re- see us they got on their horses. . " The Doers have began to surrender 111111slolh t,..--- - 11)-,,I� � kqJohn D. Rockefeller will sgiv straight down. The first to attempt In the moin street Generab White RETIRING TO LAING'S NEK. ,", lealby College. Massachusetts, $100,- eiived "fr6in South' Africa. There are caught some the other day, and one on the Basutoland frontier." .11 . I said: 'It Is not fair it fell, and I think broke his neck; the and staff awaited the approach I London, March 2(;. - ,rh.i int i — -..* 000. . I no reports of important operations, to fight with long next got shot dead, and the third was the cheering crowd which led th h.r'8)- ........... 40- - - British losses. ext-lual%v of tho i 12,000 Hisem. . . I Clai sticks wito iteel on the and 11 " I "Ilk 14 Can-. North of 1. . Bishop Potter of New York, me shot in the. hand. I made a jump for 08 of the resourers by their brie "I'," OLadintrisilth. 1-1 . of g and General Roberta seems to be asm- dles to ids sent honle. are 16.41A in k " 1. the Filipirim are incapaiale ov- Lior. at the pact I fication of the region it, and I was surprised I had not brok- w here the brave general stood. Gough MORE FIGHTING IN NATAL. wo o rided and missing �: "I', "BEART-SICKENING SIGHT." en any of my limbs, Find I can assure and McKenzie junsped out of t1beir — K-1- k­,111� I ..--i.'- A decpale.1i from London. Saturday, � ... I . sigh t.11 Itairli 24. "ys:-Tho Morning Post'a � I I Axelibisholls, Keane is endeavoring behind, him before further Advancing "It was a heart -sickening you I lost no timel in getting away. saddles and sultiled and then wrung Winston Churchill Says the Cam- Brussels, March 241 -- It i, 1�_:� to raise $1,000,000 for the Cathicilic T,hei Mornhg P9st'a ,.correspondent contiAties Killer, ",to see them cayry- Well, there was a barbed wire fence ds of White. Flunter end It"i roirpopondpot at Ladysmith, , .:1, . , . ,, University at Washington. at iRLoomfohimixis teli;igra.plass that the fag away the wounded, some in the path, and I gat tied up in that tbers of the staff, while tAe,throng paign is by No Means Over. noiinced that Prv%went Krur(-r ,,f , Wlaw- I 1.,:, j� --a tim Vilurvilill,, telegraphs particulate I—- I �� M� �� The United States will have to send Vr6e State Boam are surrendering arms, others lAgs; and the Boers even lvith two mom follows. A bullet came 0 Transvillal reputilt, has Ainimiled i- 1, d releaged us c' heered itself hoarse. White rri.ised A despatch from Pietermaritzburg, 1,: 1 � . 50D tons of PTOVislOns every week to t.b8Lr axing there as fast as they can and broke the wire an' flulgian rail"a� concoNsitins In lh f s-pilarding thpil3toer positions In Natal I 'i , "� ,: . Ared shells at our ambulance and his hand, implared silence and mede Natal, anys:-Yesterday the new iron country. Much It-Igian ,-sipoul k- i- on mar(th 20 According to British ia- , i'� . . Puerto IUCO to keep the people. be registered. He adds that President wounded some of the poor fellows a Soveral men were shat in thus fenne." a briel speech in a voit a full of emotioji. m Ll I bUTghers — assenting for the 4.7 naval gun for vested in th,,,-,. ,,,n,­4t,:nm and gra, - The United States Pacific cable will Stoyms atEemapst, to rally the second time. Our naval guns blew up lie thanked a4l Ln 1.,adyamith, civilians hke;, f0leaRLIOn. ihey sire holdinir the BLir- � �, likely be lai,d only to Honalla at Kroonistod Is reported to be a Com- the Tugela bridge, so that the enemy COOKS FACING FIRE. an well as military, for the fortitude field Purposes, invented by Capt. Per- commercial compmatIo sR ar,- _ r Ili first, 1(nibberg mmge from (Nun4dyclettub to " . " and afterwards extended to Japan. plate failure. There is the bitterest � -, � In cannot got away those guns we were Some arousing stories of our irre- they bad displayed during the prol- ry Scott, of FI.M.S. Terrible, and rOn- to follow 'k feeling agatast the President obliged to leave on the field on Fri- longed sigge, alRos for the suipport al- 2.000 ll"'. --r. -11. flo,rih Their etrongost. ponitions are �z.�� From the first of September to the possible Irishmen al the front are structed under big direction in the Na- -sft� I . Bloemfontein -beca.une he did not so- day .11 forded him In bearimg their priva� Southampton. March 1.)A -over 2. arroasi, thoNewratitle ri)ad. v%here there : and of October last. 112,000 lambs quaint the citizens with General Ro- related in a, letter by Sergt. Medland tal Government rallwIlY workshops. . � wore shipped from 'Canada and the berts offer to spare the town Lt! it Ne sham D.L.L., to his parents at tions without amurmur, never think- was tested and found in every respect 000 Croops siitltxl front heri? On Slator ;.is, two, lines of entrench"rits and United States. Value $270,000. FALLING ASLEEP UNDER FIRE. w 0 Lng of surrender. day for South Ahica 12,000 ropm %till mxte,en guna. 1. I , surrouldegod. , Northampton. HP writes: "In th satisfactory. ri,ey are also bulding the Drikenal- t. � The United Stat4EW Goveletimsent h&d ' . - 0 Wrltl6g home from Modder River,a Mlenso fight one of the, offirers of CHEERING AND SINGING. Commander Ogilvie told me that ho is.- K — r., T-- n ­.t.... h-rg raingo, from Ofirer'm hook to �, 'r I �. promised the mayor of Portsmouth, private in the 2nd Coldstream Guards the Dubling went slown off thp lines Then, with a.touch of that humour would undertake to move such ague Durban, March 24 - -it is- ivoro­ I tl_lykqpugIh. . . k , Eng., to "send a squadron to Euro- TAKE THE OATH. say.: "I have been through three bat- and asistv the chief cook there fight- which' had often &erved to keep, up wherever field artillery oo,uld go, and frost, an ftuti.l-ritic souno that. tLe There are Lndir.atkon.m of important k ... pean waters at n6 distant date." — ties up to now without a scratch. Ing and firing away with thel 6e,st of our spirits, White added that he hid .,A quick as infantry could go. Beyond Does, leaders are a%%are that they a l, riii,a- in their dixpiclaitions. Native . I W. H. Xou�rer, of Chicago, arganii- I 500 Burghers Have Delivered up . . . . Nobody has soy idea of a them. go asked him what he was do- been obliged to out down our rations all doubt the heavy weapon must be- henten, hut t. Jok thov rsst, 11-1411 - I ,iP­rirrR .say the Boer" hovimseat thestr . � . ar, of, the railroad stock yards at Chi- " battleAeld, only those who go through ing there. He silid, ' Foightin sorr in the past, but he promised not to do come a permanent feature in modern f,,r four or six tnonih�', lNitiltil ,llh, 1, ,l,,,men ,ind rhildren northward, and " cage, has �been appointed yardmaster � Their Arms. It. It is something awtul to nee the Can't help it ---couldn't resist the muaie so any more. Then raising hiss hill tip.ld armies We have bought our oz- hey t1rin!y he ,.-,-- im-go -1, flix- ths,y Lntend to, withAraw I ; ; . 4loemfontoln, dead and wounded. You might not any langer.' The officer asked bin, tin his band, the goneiad called for _� kUT I of the, Middle Division of the Grand A despatch from porience dearly. Lot u. prolit by W ,'""e, ' -a to Uning's nek They , "Lf Trunk. redit it, but it's as true as I'm alive whore the other cook,4 were. " They're three cheers for the Queen, and, the I propose rantaini ng I A Na t a I fo r I he an on ,vill for�e 4,rtwt. H ii.iin t, gun,s :in,t Aiqr - March 21, says: -Lord. Roberta gave 0 graot. favorahii, lertom, ir, 1 -Wing 1� i,,- afrp,tidy sent waggonts, to remove that at Modder River I saw men fall folghtin', too, sorr.' Tbe offi(wr told lungs, of all Ladysmith roared three present. The fighting is by no meann _�-� Aiccording to a report field with a banquet last night to his Command- asleep in the tiring line, fairly worn him to grst the vook-pnts and mnk� as heartfelt cheers for her Grariona over here. A continual severe prompurs; ' lopondeoce. 'Ihe.N exl,.rt (;,-rman,l --i -tio- lielpinnUans-, detacbment. 1� the State Department at Albany, the Ing officers and the foreign military on t. We were lying in the hot send some, Coffee for the men. They went Majeety as ever Britons uttered. Then on the enemy nt all vAntA is the the unitmi .1inte, to ir,1.:-f,­- I I G- Clery h" r"overed and ban 1, ... , real property of the Salvation Army a and mission of Mt-�Ais %st,d%erniann, I i� i�iken over the conarmuld of Gen. �, is val ttaobes, In Proposing the health Of for twelve hours without drink or back three, miles, got the pots.s we cheiered Wales, Buller, White, Latly Ahortest way to Pen0a. �? in the United States . the foreign attaches, Lord Roberta food and the heat was unbearable. My slartod boiling thfll,m, wbAn a . hell White, the garrison, not forgetting ,her and %% --m I i,s F,srope il� I - - 1, � I,vitplton'A divi�ion Gen Lyttelt-on 1,� $611321M. ' Company got lost at night, and we had blew all their Constructions to pieces the aick assad wounded in our rejoic- - (en thin Ro far its Gl,,ro-ri, is , m 1, l,t h,will ss,pp,,int,-­l to the commsind of �', . The National Steel Company of Complimented them on their soldierly hat ,enled 'The 11ol-r plitrot in� [wit, ,, the Ladysmith division which Is alit .. to sleep in laager among rocks and Thin poor *'Dnha' got no r,offse t t mg. During all this bra" White, REPLV TO A THREAT. r. rujs�rating Chicago and Now Jersey. wit h a capi- hearing in enduring the Privations of stories, and almongat the dead till day. Th" bave bf�on cut up badly, worn a,nd weary wRb dayn and nigbts sland at Kroo-radt, the %a.,] H,,, ,, tal OL $50,000,000, at its annual meet- the arduous ma ch to Bloemfontein, morning. I often thought of home but am as full as fight as ever. They Of ceaseless visirilaince, Joined wit;lv us — and othor pomi%, culmirinfing at tli- 0 4 Ing at Orange, N,J., showed a surplus He adtled that he hoped he would next and the children." "re the first in netion nt Tniann, \Vhon he sepoke he w,ii,s much moved Britain's Reply to the Boors* Inten- ,1,.'Pn-- of Pr.­,iln whirh hills twets GIVEN A LIFE SENTENCF. I of 08,706,0000. entertain them at Pretoria. sind have been fighting prileticillly ever by esual-ioti, and though there was a tion to Raze Johannesburg. preparing f(,r it ,st. st-1 . The Russian attache, in reply, said — A bill was passed bSr the Ilouse at that they were proud of the honor BOW AMBULANCE MEN WORK. since." - assiale silts his face his voice was brokesn. R.'I"', - f...­_r..t.l,. 011-d-roplir TMInhi., Leawlimit ft. Contra Washington appropriating 410,000 to of sharpig in such a magnificent Mr. Charles Boson Caple, late of amd tenm lillaterned in his eyes, as we A despatch from London, Wp(lnoA- London, hInr(h '241 --A ap-ial step- Rl,,.m A-killssr a Cigar. . I . secure plains for a suitable, inomorial Mardh. ,1 k . Cardiff now of the Volunteer Ambu- gave him cheer after cheer. Then, day, BOYR,-The T'imes uslys that. in pelt,,h front Ith­mfont,in . h, N.d .k d"Irsitch from Bay City, Nifleb . �11. � to Ulysses. S. Grant, 'to be'erocted. in Fiftben hundro4 tests have, takep lance &rpa, serving in Natal, writes An ex -Dragoon writes: -Roving sterv- foltowing bin lead with every head accordiince with pr"edent, Mr Chnm hiar,h 24. mav� 1110yard Kipling has niv,ls -I)nnimi J Trembley, Convicted,. .1 I I Waitlifaloton. . 1� . the nath prescribbil in Lord Roberts' to hia brother of Tugela and after. He e,1 unde, 'Silent Frone,h,' I wAA not unrovered. we mmg "God Save the horlain's proclamnlion rilgarding the arti,wi h,-ro ,tf the meirder of his wife, was on Frl_` . �. I William Doab Howell has told the proclamation, by wiUch they agree to says: "The boal tents were soon in the least surprigpd to find thnt ho Queen." To Plose we sang "I'le,pi .'. � " n iR An ex- a Jolly Good Fiollow." to which White threatened dentruntion of 34,hannem- T'he lilw#*rq aro rq­rt�l r-tilin,4 .1 I Anti -Death Penalty League of Massa- adjure war, to remain at their homes. ready (or the wounded. By this had relieved Kimberley H d hiA ilianks, burgwillnot be published until it in fnmi 1�r­)­,,(it art- 1 --rig W -D ,in y morning Pentenred by Judge ;,�, abagaotts, that he believes capi,tal and to deliver up Chair arms hich up ample of still wattvrR running dpAp, Nughingly ankno,wiedge Sheph.rd to ,snprisonment in Jackson . -Henry iiw time the battle Of Tugela had com- of few vv4nrdA, but ano of the . a b,, -1t: - punishment a legal atrocity and a are principally Martini ties. menced. It was not long before the 11 In" THEN PNTER DUNDONALD prromulka',ed in 3outh Af.,I.x. ,It if; -P sinte prosion for life '. I ' . mmqt ' buslnomt' generals; in the Ar- I �� oViielbs ast linmicitle. e , ambulance wagons started, and in I heard 1, was ,ban I o'cloak I.,, Iblis even- tindoralosri,4, however, that ,he Gov- - - ,pro.nee ,,ohoul any evId.mca Of ' , I . MW Elsie Tyson, heiress of "Old two and a hah @T three hours they my, and it I d diwiplinarian. ing The aky was rapidly ovarnant ernment Lntondm to convey to the (Polinsr or Prao,ton, and left the court- ,�..' � up by a I raloper whom 110 11� t� . . TyRoh" the eccentric Ausittrfilla mil- GROBELAAR CAPTURE]). returned icaded with wounded. . him surnmys .nd anotbor 1bunderatorns, with ter- Boers that any wanton (1014truction nf CRUSHED BY KITCHENER. rf�m amoking a rignir whirb he light- �i . follow 11 tichiGe, who di6a leaving $13,000,000 — ad by man wbo were able to come so h.A sentenced in a word or two to If the night. British property during the �nr will �I after hearing big sputence. Tram- 11. , w fourteen days' confinement to hnr- "lls' rain brake, lArling ha — . - were ounded , Lord Thindonnid be regarded an �arranling a claim f,,r lils,ly is thn man mrsrented at Toronto " ,. . to bar has Isit San Francisco for Soot The Boer General Found Wounded by thameelves. as they racks: 'Old Freneth don't hn rk 't bit� In . the midqt ef thil Near I I .. I lawd. She was once a sarvant. I � Itk a FiVneh611130. only slightly. Other wounded were but., nrilrely, don't h,n bloornin' weil , " Ill rilnirge forre of cavalry enter- compersouition and jusislifyIng a levy Two British Forces Operating a low wp4sks signs rind brought back to . 1i . A case of amn-11pox bits dJ,1v6lopod tr4;1 , I brought in on stretchers, and more I e hn"Id ill(- re- Prieska Units Wehignis, � � thels,sw department at Colu'mbia Vnlrl� A dairpateb to die tbadon Morning wore leArrised it on the clasped hands hile I" __ - -..I'— - This, whole' night was apent in re- nources of the rranmvanI Reinihio, % ,i-np­,1,h from Pri,,,,ska. Nlareh '.'�.' . ...... ..... �� - % -, , vsraity, and Thursday the health del Post from Norval's Pont, dated March and arms of two Comrades. These jn,tcing Onr limiipd s'tnre� were rrP,,,n prrcw@i Linaderlunte to nissiot the claim IN F WT ED -W IT11 PLAGU &. �, pa,rtmut offetalmi risiteA the defsoCt- bearers were doltie up, but ,hey kept 2.,000 DEAD BOEW"ll PrI fTfely and we Ate 013T fill, while .0 q%VA -4,enoral l4ottle and 1,ord Kitch- I , I 16, says that a low-laral railway is on. bravely; they w"a helping their our reAcuers divided flanka nnd tnbl­ Prior joinp,i for�n nt Pordershorg nek A dessipatch from Sydney, " 1, . � mont, andi,subjected evetry student to I "Mug C 0 R P'S OF I OUNG BOERS. V.11 - I � I , , bal0a codstrii6ted under the broken comrades. A.ftor a while about a doz- ,o irp,prou.lv Ti -lo r,,frWing flopris tAr- qydney, nnpital of Now South aleas� 1, vainatimt1ov. . . Illed AlmoitTolal Those of Topp,i i y Korh nor'q ,nvilry l,ln .n,i Adelaide, capital of South Alin- � .1 I . . GENERAL. bridge there, and that pplies are bes- an of us started out and went to the 8,temy K must have suffered much dnring that — Ad Pri-ki. on thvl Iflth ,,ithmit ,,p ir4lin have been declared infected , . I I I Adelaide, South AuNtralin has had in* pushed forward. I top of the bill. The Doers opened a the BrItIsh, 1prr,fic n4litst, dragging their gunis Under British Officers They Are poqilitin Thr Boers e-euntod tho ,,v,t h ilia bubonia pla"s. , terrible rIAA fire upon tbern then. and ''I IL eblutfin will start Wednesday to the man began frilling by the dozen. In A dexpa - - -, , I I pa"Ps n W tb,l City Impprial Vnlunt�prq, ,J five deaths f. Plague- fob from London says. -The and waggonist towArd the ,mountain Doing Police Duty. ,,,-n mbrrtIV ho ore their irrivil Two 11 . mar Company in tau- * a 1 7','l THE q0URCES OF TIN , AWtr4JJ1m'0 w-blent crop will bb I.S.- I Ch bY way of Plillippolia and Feats- the midst of this my section was call- grohangA Telegraph ateh London Kays ��Tb " _e - rariv on Thuroday morning 41WO A deap, front ro tako-n pro;onern in the lion , . I . 60111,00 b4thl6ts, tnat-MA of 21"W'(100. Smith to Bloemfontein. sit apon. We started to V forward. thority for the statement bat Mon of al I armA Mistrials! In purfallit marond edition of the Tinion of e'l � -a t or .nirrig4asinent, had heAn rple,i-nd. Durine the cloAttig halt of tbA ninl,­ 6 I I Over 4,725 draths from the In Another despatch from Norval's ,and soon came across let. of wounded. it is officially admitisstIl at Pretoria to the nor(hwilrd Adeta,phinent of neaday publiRbas a dompalrb from qnd are well t"rith contury, Cornwall, wbi,-h from I 1 I ! '! P that the total Boar casualtlAse bnvp rurstiorml Light HarRe r rup, Dot- Bloemfontein. disitad. MondAy. Marph atienitreit la Bengal least vviesk, NJ out reports the oaptursis Of Com- Some who were so badly hit that they s, M The Prionly us ri-pnrtmi to hv, diqpor%- ,inrient tisAM had been ibs,, world*0 I I tutta aad Patna mandant GTobelstar, He was discovor- could hardly stand were beloing olb- 'Etillad, 2120; wounded. 1,251. wansi. li-it then -Long Tom" wnnirnn 19, which xnyA­The blowing up of 1�g and the sr�hsellion ­sn's to he grvsat(k�t ,tairrets of supply for tin, has . ,,, � ra I Osman ed wounded in a form-houso in the arm, and when we Offered to help, re- been !- and all fhe afek nnA wrM'ndPd in A row Ek-*rx nre rpportM In ls�st that distinction. W,,,in as lnto ,�� l I I the ism6us Torkinh gove' �rjsd fro nalghbourbood of Donkerspossart. � plied, *No, no, my lads. Lower down nick, 4,361. Total, 7,7M. Ndnmll,q camp, WPrA Arnillrb, into bridgfo by the Boers; 19 an "'v1dont bp sit Korsbardt N,sither l,nrd Kilrh- ,,, IM, (larnwall Prapplied one--hAlf I I . I 1?aislisj in hot desd', an repo . A Britillb fbTbe r660nnOItrGd t?Wards youll find hundreds who cannot LOSSES ON F"rH SIDF-9 � I . _ gign that the Tirninavantislrs; iniond to r nor G*noral Settle enroxintprod of fill the tin produced, hut no- tbo '', hM b&&bfik, but still lives. philippolls last Saturday, avid totwd move., 11 Revised reports are!- , towyL Major Crawford arrivpd dilring tho sll�qndon t he defanse of th- Frna A, "n �'� v mppmqit inn on rnsafto, and fonA t ho Malay Persinvula Pfandis at tho he'Ad. .� :664apaiam6 Crown Prints Yoshi- white flags flying on the farria-bonew. Boar losses- .. �11 bft.a Ifsfanftlya, will wed Prince"t The women all PrOts%�, that their THE PRICE OP L(TXITRIES. Killed. . . . . . . � I . 2120 mor-n(nFr vvftb it gnn frninof Purs- Siata." a farms dewort,p,& h,tving ; �:J I 11 qnJeA in tha mouth and' -eat . in IM turned ont morp than 11 ivrkll White's Cbrint- - All i A ctRillorTS DRAWBACK. - I . plim, Lneludinot y on por r4nit, of the world'A total PrO Wg, di'dghtet Of F1411140 KtISO. Ong boalbanda 'Wiltre not liting. T Tits following .,. .xt.r. Wounded. , , , , * 4;Awl ra" prommlls to 11sk, frosops, By non" A ,,.rpm of young Psoe,ro from I I ... Is, rms 102"?, ote from a Sick I . on- duetion. The Datchs RAst Indits"'i stand 1 us$ 9. readily Al pribsis'liliblims Ill theA �i " 'a , , , * Gp.roisral Buller rodiii tin with hLq siltaff surreunAing Blo M.licintei", andor tin Rrambls--Do you ballsi-0 that h all I'll , Pout hundred of Gen. Braliftnt's Col- I tteT , which Mrs. a,Lrter of 4 Camfl Kii�ft*lai- , ill the beat policyt next, with 19 per centi.. -bits C'Oruw st sithows a surplus t. 1, SaWri,oW aftd an dutht britadi left Allwal North Mon- ion Terram Taddington Wond 2,04, am ,vass iriven a retiming rproplinn imperial officer, h" beon detallad for mt tons, not , F ded. - - - - - ' ' - pollm work. and to prevent thiss, furthor Tborriss-Tt may he tbo Rafelitt. but turned wat only about 1%1`01) . 8 for low1oft"at van- ofir for Itourville, slid Mon will fol- bourne has received from, hot lion. Zr: I W,f,1.81d - - - . . . . . 0,W Arid tbust mdod the eel t t stage of PillAgA of ikhan4nneA farlm by th^1 shore tqn*t sinnell monat, in it quite "Volft veir can#. of the wbole4 Ill i, I iz= . , '94WCA., twat W1111san Carter. of the Soott, Damd at ilisesse. - , - . . M Ladymith. . I I - - i e ­ -1 LLL ., ty *I. 11 '. I _. - law , , , 'I . � �1 � � .. .. . I ". I 11 � . I , Q ­ . I I I -1 I I r 1. . I I �: I 11� I , I Ll"". III I 'I , I " .1 ` - " I .I. I ,_ '' � , � , I 11"'. . I I I I I , . $1 1 1 . � - r I % � I I I , . I . 1. - , , . . I 'd, . I . . " . I I 0 I 1� 3 . ': I �, 11. I I " I I ' �.:!�� "'�;�` , I . I , - I . I I . -_; --- I I .-- - � � , I I ­­­�­.- ___��,;.j­ � -1 .1 � - . 1. I- - _-7 . � . : I � , -1 . ­�­, , , " _ -1 -J "L - 1 ­' ­ '' ' � �' ��­' �. .' ­ � "-, _­:­ - " _ I - .::ij� ­, , ��, "". , 11 I . -_ --. Z..'_ , � -C_ -it&. _ ), I . ,� - _ I _ __ �_ ­:_,­­._'­10��,�. 1_. - _-11. -1. __ I � .7 -"- _­ ­ � ­ 71'-- * - ­ --4l," 11 - I . 11 _��'; _ _­__� .1 _­�'­­ �_­ -, I- ­- -- ­ , ____ ­ , � I 11 ."L " .. I - 11 � I I I I , . I 11 . - � . I I I I " �,� -1 . .- , _ '. J&L I % '. I I l , � I . � I ­� l . I I I _. 11� I aa_kAIL.;;� 1. . .&�.__&k l, I 11 ! - . - I I I ­_ I a _& - iL ­� lowle, _:� Ilia- I 11 l. - -, ­ -_ 1111hass I ..A9101hr- - - - - - I " -ANI-It. , - I A.111111,"l-st'all . 1, - . m6i,��,._ 1;,!, smft�ft