HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-30, Page 4: �- a . - , ,._ - , _ -'w-r�m� ,,
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C�r�e �f the �3pera�tor� Tel.ts Now �t �Qrked 'in � ,
. . ' �➢+ �.,s*.r"f� .� P � • tt/ y . �.
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`�": 7[hc2o Etartling A.iiidavlts Fram a,6'ornnar �,onQon 3lQ,q�n 'p�,p Atso �
�. .�#t �. ,
+-_ � _„� Operated ln '17qest Iiui�oa�, � ��
� - -- ---� � � - -- �i��'C��.
'-�„_ A lydd�tesheqexpIwled In the LeK��- I�t�N auua�c. I�rnvc� sr.cr�sn 18 v�rr��e
, �. • - ,, . �
, ' �� *�..,;,� -.��, I,.Luro I,�ae Tlspadny o�QOQ and �I�e vrcux�•at�aUuz.esnitr�nrivk�r��ar: Li�. �������
�� `"'-'---- twn«e ab�ch it s read tAruu h bhe Qov- �x,w[, c�atvDinn�c�. 1'ttx �u�aaua• wna n
���� ��p c+rnu�enGlienGher en PluptHed thr PPtl- 3fAJORi'Pl' OF'I�'I VUT�O irUli MACNIBH. � �
j��� ��v� �* � u,�ei und �tis� Abtaru�y•(iaour+�l I.tiwt tvti�cx, �x Nncr, fltC �V18 iN Tt�x aritt- �Q'�� ���n
6Ury�veraeupahleotonlythptenMeaLre- uitPeY. 11{IILRIN uu c�lty returi�. �Aurrd �a R� •�
_ 1� : � ep�nac�. T�d We •tEl�iu unquil V rppenr- it m � 4r hu und +�t �sy rrqueat � hr ��tp��
.¢ S, f xQ ed lu u new nnd n�ate owkeJ phuru, w d rerul luperr �rNlecl ��p Ibe hnz, �vh�4�� L 11
�� il� 1 1 T3 I �i �`� thecountry wiU l�e�uKWu iled toriny �i� ��,��{c b„c•k tu �t, Th�mu�a ��ud dellr•ered �e�a��wQ'4�et!
y� ��� �� �. the te�cts preanuted nr the FIuuse thnt tn lhe rr.turuinQ olllcer. ' G �� ��AA ��,���
�, � oiKhG (;) I guvv (}earg�� Kinp�. the potl
�, ��� Uo the LeRivlNture r�eumiog nt 8.80 clrrl[, nn urdrr fur nll I I�r t�re. an 1 clld �t makea
� El�ut uight, on Ltte �ni�tioo ot tt�n Prein- nut wlsh u cUequa vrnt hy Meer�6eiil B.
fer to go tato �uppiy, Mr. Wl�itney ,1ul�n�Wn. i I.old Kinq t�� kHr�� �uy weakwo�nen
` �_-�� �� --" roee aud aaid ; ynrWuu uP tlie t�ea uud he dld so At
"Mr. t3pea{�qr, 1 purpoea tu dr.la►v ull evrntw I hnve never venrd Iro�ri g'i �On�
the Hauee tor ro fMw u,�auces whlle I luro. He aaW �oniethlnR abuut seeluR
mn�e eome allueionr to Ghn Urown me �ome tlroe in Lvoduu. g�(,'k wom�n
couurel engaged �n tl�r VVest ICIKin (b) ON TAS NI(3HT 0[f T81C IILL*CI'I�IN I ���' �.
e1QCClOt1 Colt1101aaloO, nnd tn ntovn nn WILLjpA! O�(�O1L�tAN eS1TLL.L NITS
amendment condeu�natory Oi �I•. iZ, Mk IN L3T.THO�SA9. HL+' 1'AID M6 $?�.
A. lir��nt, iw ane uf tho couna«I ny� �p� �{���i.e thnt f h+�ve txke�n pnrt in
pofnted to tepreeent the Uruwn h�fure the Fednr�il hyr-alPCtlOOY IIl Wec;t llu-
that aouimienion, hacauee thruuRh i�ie M,n nud BivckvillP.
hande, +�e Reaoctat� cuun�ul, i�U thr (q) Un thN nlght uP hLiy 4, iBHS�, Ton�
evldonco to be brouRht tuewitir! befure
Che cowtufsufon wusG D•tea." ��v�e (44IIIH tu iuy honae in le�nd��n
und xaid 6hnre �ver•e �veu•�xnia uut. f„r
Mr. Whltneq reNd the ne�ve�pKper t
i re urte at the o enin Ne�ebn ot thn he �VN�t Lrlkiu utYn.ir, ��n�i that thare
� P P R �viia ane tu� iut�. He aekPd me to {�c� to
I�portaflt to �ld�eptise�s cowinieston. M�. Qr�wb wa,n Lheref� hle h��uwe thxG nl�ht. I wont there
mant�oned nn rPp ��eaentiog the Liberal q�,�ut d.�0 p. m. John O'G}orman �vu,e
. orRHnizutlon. Thu (�overn�uent hud ���„�•e. He tonk we into ,. romm �nd
��` All ohen¢es o( adverbtuotnen�n tm 6he our• ��eeo eetllod upon W correot tht�t �iAU.tl• p���fj I Nu11I(I I1HVtl i0 Qet out of /,owo
rentlw�uuotTO:t9'cenmuetlwln6haAnnAnot �peat, whichwnr ner0oenry In urder lvrnwbile. 'I enid I cunld not leave
the pelntor not �nto� thnu TUKBUAY NQON ot �hat tl�e pul�Uc ol�ould Krrivd e�t n pro� ���y 1,ueinere He roplid, •� Yuu mnNt
� exah wpdk. AdearUKare wlll ploauu Qovurn per coneluefon. ao, nr yoi� �vill he wrresb�d in bhe worn- � ---- -- �------------
� bhomealvoo iCCOrdlnRly. �
QOVILRNMENT SAD IONORED [T. Ip{C.' He urRed roe to Ro. naci� I co�• elnction. Io reply to 6im I ea�d thnt ]
�t CONTRACT ADVERTISINO On three ditferent occe►nioue 1►n Mi. �ented, H0 }iANDTEA DfIC �IOI) IN TWEN-
( r.ould not n�wke Ni�yeuch etiP$d+►v�L, +in�,
' Tiio IlKurea for all oontraot udvertieing in• ��hftney) had epo{cen of the euurmitp �,OOLD 61CTLLAR D1LL9, AND HAID I�ouldnot giRn anylhiug to thxb otPect�
o! tho nppolntment ot air. t}rant U� bhe 81W e rioNra eo LONl3 es �
§ olndetwolvaohnn oenyoar. ICcorpuddltfonnl I (_ The enid Thom+tie Lewie, wher
s poqi�ion, whlch the oPAclnl nepurG ��t BgUQLD A8 AWAY. I C�DiID I16NS TO i�r�ing mP to siRn the aaid nPfldnvu
;:; o�nntto wtl1 be ohnrge�t tor ostcu t4o ootuul �he proceedluQ � of the COmalbSlOo aC• DH�"1'E601T THAT NtOFIT. �gerNd me $1CUl, which he xnid h�
;�,`;:; oo�t ot aompo�itton. lroui 16u, w 7x. a�ared he held ; but nelther thN Preu�• (8) Ix TnB L�'ARLY PART oF Jvx[c i����ld pny ii�r ae Koou xs 1 wuuld e�ar
,;t, eA acaouuu ara rondorud nud oollected �er northe Atturpe�•lieneru! hxd re• Tunt Lawte estvT nzK ♦NOTHG:P fiS1Ul1, it, �vhicl� I ieFused tn dn.
moo�hl� plied or pa�d nny wt�etition Lo lf1C Inl- A1YA IN JQGY [i1C BBNT D[B THREE BUMB �3) The ai�id Thouine Lewie, who nc
proDrietp oY the appuintu�ent, nnd, t�e nF $la Rwox. Yny�nrptN thun �tnppPd. rcyueeted •n�a to �nr�ke ai�ch atfidavit
���'�r - would ndd, tu Gbo lastinR dleRrece of 1 wrnte Cn Lflwiu thnt nnlesa they made �s the Thuirau Lewiv, uP I.c;ndon, Un
r� � ., thu nppolntment, of nn• ot Lhn �nen the uq��ed p,►��uentN I nould Ro home. t�u•iu, u, whom l wrnt troc�i Turonl�
' i • throu�h �ahose hnnde ull Lhe evldence He did not repl9. I wrut• Cwic�, I
; 1 , �he �oa�ti�h. ���r• uf lhe pmsecnUon of his lute clieule wenthumr an Be �G, ld, und reniutn�d tn the snid �uwu uY BrockvillP �n Ihi
� T6L6PAONB CALL 1l wuuld liHva to pu:.+e hePure comina to hon�e tw�� �vee.kn, F 1 ae�w Lewie Lwu nr lOtli d+iy ot elpril, 15�, to t.nk� purG i�
�'; the com�ulssiun �� oluted tudo u�tiee three tnuee, nnJ Huld I wouW ���P el�•ctiun thrre, uud with whurn
pP � �u nut ,uid in compi�ny with John O (3�rmnu
FRIDAY, Me�KC13 30, 1�00. , tr� t.i�u Orown Ke np�slnet thu returnlnR on bhe etreet nnd t.nke t6e chu,ncrw uu• j� i,� urnud frow 13rorkville to '1'orunl�
oHicer, dep�ity r�turuinR ofHeec and leee they pwid up ichnt tGey oweci �uo �,n the ni�hl xfler lhe aaid election
� -----_-�-�;_:�-. __._�,-_.-. Poll clerkn. nnd �n,►de++rr•nn{re�uPnte forthe (uturr. The said Lra�is, Lhe yuiA U'Ciurnia�
r� Dll+'FIOIILT TO DNDICILtlTANU. He pUC nitl Oli, et►id h8 would Nee the�p. ����d AlrxrintjeC .'�lui6h, thr or �iOlzr'�
r��, A�vittTttie h� tho `3iannl. " Rnte+pn�•• Lnter un ue �wld tney would Qfve nie R
"It {N' enld Mr. Whltney. '•bevond ciY the Libeial purly iv Untw�•iu, al
'.',�; e�,"lind a eae�+nd lettur Inst week �m �ny rumprehec�eion, hmv han. Rentle- ��n 1Oont6. I refun�d Iha $FiQ nlfer. knu�v thnt I weiN in Brockvi�lc� eet th�
`•The. Peddiere' Llcene� bPe," nnd lie mrn on the Nee�siuy beurheA could 1n• id �OId u�e I hnd thr•enlenad O'Gur- �,ime ��(nresuid fnr ftbout L•velve dii�i
conclude� thue : duca tbemeelvne r.0 nllo�v the w o�nt• riixn, who naid I miKht Qn to h--,
P� Lr�visenld he did noG t.hink �t �vn� a f°r °i°p°ees coi:nected �vilh the a,ui
n�nnt uf Il�ie nticiuen xs �1B91�LA�1C
� � ,�
rN e fIe �@ �I 11.
D w r 1 nw nnco t our a{n ro thnnk
a r dtto n o
"; ' e uare dmi ow
tor the fros prl�•IloKe voo �iavo givon nN tn �hu Uruwn counsel, 1 um not referring uf � t aide me, buG he con1� �
'»: nRe otTour Dnpur• ��e Nvnc �o rnolher I����RI nll to liie !e nl nti►ndin tvhen [ aw niit he�p iG A�ain l�e en�d he hrul $ll� �`�) Ou Lhe ..Bll� dny o[ Februxry. A
u: � R R� Y D 1000, Llie naid Thoinas Lewfe c�illec
pra�s � copy ot onr 8ret e��� .�iry nt �Uo Nnme for tne, l�ut he hnd nnt cxehPd lhe
��?'? timeW o�eut ono Bo Fou nnA �u��•on't 6eard nn>• �•h+tt l�e �e 6t1e verv laat KonWe�unn In �,`�e ae ; thnt he �vould hnve W n t.o ��'d ��P ��V Lelephnnd nt DeLroit, A1�ch.
S�'i raepohia [rom tt� Yu-6np, It haa Rono �o tl,c+ the province whi�n� u nell'•res�iect�uq � � and rrq uesl,rd iue to weet him ut Oar
w�sr, tVeab�Aild, �hethr,�orlh or'Ibry, Jaq� (}��vernuiant tvui�ld gntiHr Lo bn n�. t6e xnk of Tc�riinto In Lbo mo�ninR
� 1 nt��n's Nnloon aL LUe corner uf Ahbott
orQentil�-foot proud oPanoh n t�tiv�rn.y your�, ��������ted to tha[ posltion." xhd Ket tt en�Leti. Ox THIC RVux�tic�
:� whonC�ditO� Lhtrow+ opeu IWc oulmm�� frouly UN :EPT. `� $R (iAV1C 3IIC T[iAT y;lU!l, Atroet nnd Fi�e[•street ic� t6u NLLI�� C{1�
�,..,�.';' tordtacneafon, �peclally oo ruoh nn Importent O12ANT AND DtACN[BFI'8 CONNH88ION. AND HtC 6AIi� TBRY WOIILP HR\p M6 nF llHttoiL 1 tvent Ilnlnedlett8lf ti
rtuextloo nr thi�. Mr. W hit�iey t he� re+ui The WnC1(�'q $(� A DIONTH. j DID NOT A�fti{L TO ���d� t Fllni at u+iid enloon xC :� U'l'�Jt'k It
"1 Iho uftrrnon�i. �Ve met iu the b�ir
'�a+. FOP "RALN�R}�(il'�BAR IIPIINfiC-{YP i�n �N��i�it ��f Mr. \lncdiur�ufd'e epeech, TAK6 $$0 INBTEAD FlIf TH1L $1W. I
'';' not knuw hie n��tne, nnd E�rhn e nrv• rooin, ,and ha xekod nie to one nide Hnc
{+ p t�•Ilina oY t.hv connec�tiun af Glrnnt wl�.h CAStB ➢ACK TO DlLTIIOIT. THEY AAYR
•• no cnr��rg ntucl� "-tc�e q��nt� thr. P�+1- �he run(e•aaion of Mncnie6 nnd pvith ss$N BmNnttvo utC $60 AT Tnu ARCiIN� nPaUCtI illtl COOVu�I'9NUutl by asking �ii�
���` � LI��� asHUcle�tr9 ui ttl� depuCV�re�tainilng A'INQ OF EAOH MUNTA DY AbiPRICAN hoW j WR9 (Ze6tiwR xlonK.
lowin{t f�•om TeQ S'cnrs af Februxrv 10,
'`w ��1ticerH, w6u tind pi rpeU•uted 6he el• ft%PRR68. I eupp oee it co�nee throuKh (6) In thu intervie�v tho suid ThomNe
;r:! whon hiA communicl[inn eva� recoivi•il: F�.��i„� fruuda. Me �vu� ned the Lihdr Lrwia' hanrte. �'Vhen I epnkP to Lewia Le�viy told mP th»t thq com�nisaion tr,
., :�, To ♦ QORiRRRPOND1iNT.�-�VII! "RaG�pnyor" �,� ���emb�r++ of tl�e (�oaee how thu9 eshout Lbie mat.ter he euid he would investiKKte the West LIFin eleetiur
pl0neo egnd di� u.unu �o ����a �tno�, �.��a ��tN au wrtx� tli� tiuve�rnu�rnt In Ll�e hnve to wrlte or
��� uomrnunlrntlm� �vqt ho publi•h���� t �Yo w111 r� {Lo Torontu ahout IL wunld coinmence work at SG. ThouiN�
:>ry�, roedily givo tntt suacu EO LI10 (IINO1�K1I011. I/UL P��A�ti��n It hKd chueau tu aeyuu�e tu He woald have tu eee tl�em about it. on the nexG dnp, 6ha [irat d+ay uP Dinrch
�;;�> ��e muet Icuo+� wl�u caenun It on. -1Cu. yTs�:. cv�irda lUr, pr��nl. Th� ubova-nhmed deponant, John (�. +����� thnt no dnubt 1 would be esamin
4'=f�;,� --^��--�- HIC HAD BODi6 BNORNTRBTIDSq�Y. Pritch0tt, hninR dulp sWttl'tl, fll�yA LI]$� �a LIIE,' IfLYI. ui t�tnt wCtl�i, OP t�le bRFln�
ANOTARIt Y�C�t9 �vri9 nddNd tu Ihe ^I wnr» thnm,� enld he. "lhnt Lhe ��d haa ree�d th� foreRnioQ n$�davit by ���OK of the nc�xt n�eek, nnd thdt iP 1
'';4. hiet��t v nf I lio now Ynni�,us "�VeAt LI- tliue le r�unina, x,n4 fn crnnina �vibh no- hiu� ei�ued, und he Ic��o�ve tha enn- ���11°!d kivP evidence Ll�e commie�iouer�
" iu irNude"utSt. ih�im��aon Tlniradx crleratrd pricr, �vhen 61�e people ut �P��te thereuf, wnd that Ih� exu�� is 1°011��� �'"���r to I>ettro�C tu take iL He
'' � Y trne in eubetnnco nnd in trtct, uf hia did nut e��y �vhether ur ��ub the com�niN
' tliia pr�vinc.• wUl deu�and from thetu riouern hrld snid thxt then WOUI(� COtIIE
'"' of Inet tveek. \�Vhen the cuse of 11inr• o�vn knowted a $nhFcribod nncT .
G� n atn�a�iuent nf the rensuns tvl�icl� ah+tR R. .
" lin J, Oahllh the niteged bal{�,t manip• K�i{�e thNu� in glvinK lhelr enllursntion ��vorn to betoro me nL thn cily of D�r �f I cvould bus�iPy. uuQ tliat aU I wunld
{�� nlntnr, oF :1t. O»the�riney, nrw cnlled ni �� thiN monetrr�u� appc�intiuent. And troit, in t4e bt+ite of ;lficht;qan, onn c�f hnvo tu eay wun thnt ru fur av my dir
y nurv, Pur thrn� b�ttrr inPm•mation, 1 the United f3ttG�d ot America thiH �y�nn �vna roncerned everpthinR wxa
W�n pulica court, it �vns found 44ut, .Hko ZBth Decrcxyher, 189D. 6i n )� �'eQulxr. I snid to hiin that I did not
will rend a��mu �worn I.enuuwnv t��ken (� ed , Wil- `v,�nt to be Investi �,ted.
�i� e{ippety c�nnpwny oNerati�•e. Dun• in ll�e c�t}� uY Drt��iL" Iliim L Garpepter, Judae oP tbi, Thn•d R
ti' cnn Bolce, qn lisui (ititecl lo put in itn up- J�idfeint Uircuit, Michiqan. (�eal.) (0) I further stiid tu him thiit iY 1
, THIC NfIt9T ASP'IDAP[T. (�j�qBfl�, J, t�. Pritchect. �vere� iuve�tiQnl.�d I would cc�lt �he
p�,uanoe, Urrnch Atlorney b��nahuN 1 tvhole thina, Lewis ar ned with we
+�Jdre� e�i Lha court, ecnrin �[�fe H��nut• �r, �V hihn�y lhen ��+rnnK the POI- TIIE 8600ND OFFIDAVfT. A
� b lowin� dacuwrnts ou thc: HouAe, ex- $txte ot MIch1 un � thxt I would b�+ miee c� do �vhat he
{ fnt +�llo�aiu� Qxhilt lo tCu nn hin nwn p1,+iiuu�; lhwt f.6i+ deponent Prilrhett to wit: � � Uit o[ D�troit, asked oF me �urd rrc�n�lsc•d thnt �f I did
recnRl�izatttlSa Nhen nppenrloa h�Fore wne ,�n ex uldKnnun nt the olty of l.on- ' ao evei ychina cvould l,N Hxed up shurt�
��»� ; I, John (�. Pritchntt, of the city oP 19• He �vished �uid ofl'ered to pny me
hi�u Inst'hlnq: The nrcuaed �ve+e his � Londoo, ia the Province of Uotario, nll nrieare under the a reemeut R�th
;- a�vu suretb' Pur ',�2,W0. nnd the P.A1 �+t.,aCo.of bticLignn, (.ity of Detruit to R
• ��i� contractor, at pt�eeenC uf the �idd ctty ��e �vhen I �v�ia ohli�ed to leave Lon-
'� '',. drdared Ll�ta eatronted. O+►bill, it ot De•a»it, m�►ke oetl� and euy : don trn roon[hs x�o to nvc�id arreet �n
1, .Tohn (i, Pritchott, nt the eR� of � Tdnt on the 20th dn cnnnecti�n with C'he West EI
�vill he remamt�ereii, �icled na depotS• Lnnd�n, in the Yrovfnce ot On►nriu, � � 9 0! Decam• �ro elrc-
� r: retuPtling, ofli��r nt the� 1�V Nla•ct�on, r��ntrnctor, at preeent ot the �nfd clt) �`°r now luet paet, I g�coie tv �tin wf�i• tfon, (i11(] 6�Li(� he �vould �;unr��nteo iill
�;;;: ;:;; uP Dbtroit, nuike unt6 And on dnbit wnereio I de�eribed the proceed- future paymentv p'romptiv until t l�e
� nnd tv»a suGseqUenUv arrrhted q' inRe �t pollina eub-dlviai�ri No. 8. �d�����' tnntter ahou(d be Haed up. 7
'`''�� • wad fm�r churReN ln�d, vl:s., forRu�y. (�) On the lOth ciay o[ Jan„ A. D. youthtvold, in the We�t Ela�n elec• �'AP�ied theit I di3 o��t wunt hih mouey.
�; +'� 1bi�0, (`on. U'Gio�m,►n, w brother o� r.ton o(.1nnu�rc, 1899, fu Lie ers�sted in u in me to ice ttie
;� pPrsnuaCinn, perjury e►ud tnmperinu � tlie Lucul p �'R K
�: 3 John U'(�o��man, cu�na to ��iy huuse ih LeRislxture o! Ontnrio. t.estimuny he wunted ; but a� �refuv�+d
e I- i, � �nittl QI�C�ioll p�ij7erel. The ciiea svus ad� Lnndon and I.old me hix hrn6hac Jnek to do eo he dnxUy eaid iG would not he
o�j��ped n eou 1� oP t�mes, (7mwn A6- �vnn�ed me to o to tl�e W�At �I �o l2� Thet on the completinn ot tl�e
�; rr � P R R onunting of Ghe vo4ee, ae in tny eaid necesa:►ry for tba commteawnere to
t�qN Dun+tliue, C., atntiu �hnG bye-electiun and act Ke o de uty re� rome tv lleC[oit
Y R• (C NPA(iRVI� weot{oned, and while the
; 4; curnlag otilcar. I antd I wmd do eo, The e�bove-oxmed de onent, John
Ool. QIe1rg. Tory�nto, �vroo s neceaeiu•y pnd on fl�e followlnQ mo�ninK I w�w �rrutioere trera en�uQed addin �ip p
'� ?' witness. Aa t.ho IetttNr did not put in at the Dak� House, t3w Thomas, wherr the vote� 1ot� tUe resp�+c�t.ivg c�inli� tes, �• F'�'itc6ett, be�ng dnly awuro, A71 f 5
�n appearance Mna�iatrulo Dyv�dson � 8u� L��n. O'OormKn, lhiptwlu Nulli• I�'x'olc the eoqnted b,►Iluta fro t.h�' thnt he hu.v reud the fore�uinR nt4idns-
vHn, Squlre Hunt nnd J�hn Lyle. hAllut hnx and Rlaced theit� in khc+ it by him s�Rned nnd knows the cuu-
adjoaroed the r.use iodefl.d0elp, ��nd nn �'cauntocl hallota or '•u bullota" tenE.y thereof, nnd that the xamo is
O'Glormxn t•old me I wna wunted n+ �v��e iu suhstxnce itiud jn fuct of hie
atfort wns tuade, iu+ a�rooe, to hnve �t deputV nt �uh-d�vlaion No. 6, nenr the envelope, whieh [ alosed +ind fnsteped pn,n knowled � �.
�t, �� rcopened loat �veek. Eive �JtnlceN wlth th�+ mucilnqe thut wna nn the ge. ubs •r[hed ai�d
� � envelope tlup. ! tl�ereupon iequeeted �w��a'n Go �ePor� pae at Ede city c[ IJe-
(2) I�vPot hc�roe that hiRht nnd rt• �he BcruLinPuro to �e��l tUe envel�� e truit in tho �tt►te pf l�jlca� nn, oue uf
�,� t' 1�OV@Y'riRlet]L TWI118. turned to 8� Thom!►e next ruornmR• contaioina anid hnllots, which tliey ���e �Jnited Stxtea o t�.P�e,rica, tl�is
I went fo f he eheri@, taho wao the ro� d(d hy druppin� on the cover lap red A�h dny c�� I�nre6, Q, �1 1�OD, (.yiqne�d
'rr ' turnina otscrr, nod told him I t�nd aeallntt maz, Bptl ata,m In tbe hot W����+��►�J,• Uarpeuter, ud�e oP Tl�i�•
^.� , 11.ondoa Froo Proee.► heen sent for lo act Ae deputp at t4e �+�= a.iCh t2�rother end of ,tWe eenhn{� �udiaiol Oircuit,'l�ichj�at n�
" lt wne etutad by Win I.andon Adverv c.h�ve nnn►ed Anb 3ivts�an. BnQ he ��: etro@. ! theo put nll t6e pnpen, (�e+►�) (�igued) J.�, Pritcl��tt.
,� ` tt�er. on bohalf of tho Miuieter at 7ae• NRI(� thnt nppolntmenc �vas nlrendp jqCIOf�Il7gEI1P �7f{(I EpVP.IQTTB� ua� k Int�� ASAUIc A PROFOf1Nt1 I1V�PR�et88�ox.
,� ;` tiCa, tvhn hna contml crP tho PaniWn• n�ude nnd I.he deputv hnd juat tlren the hnUut Mix, Hnd bnd theeorutioeere, The rendln oP the a�davit,e creu6��d
rwceiced htn br►IIoC 1►0: gn�d papere. I After T laoked the hox, eP.ul the lu S+l �i•�Pottnd impreapion upoa theHouse.
' 4, p r tu►ry �inder �ine dc+xl�, tl��it nn twine n,ent hnek ta the Uake House anri rn- p�'
U�tlh B
s trio t i
kiro � t o
h he enin
aouiti he sol trom tt�at iustiEuGi�n nt nr•ted thta to C;oo. A'Glor�nxn xod � � R p R Mr. �Vt►it,oeq continqed ;��hir. 3pe��k-
n�vhiuh tltu ptullaok wx� Inoerted e►nd
r'>t'' ` rates tltai would cuoH�ct �vith the im ufre Hnut, Lriter the►t dn thsv er, thie iA oul� a e►xueU portion of tl�e
p � Y CRI•T�ieg eaoh end of it Eo bhm efdo nf ev(deqce, whicll ia �►CCqmulaLiuK,
;� terests •ti�f prlvute n�Nnuhutureru- H� ed me to tiako �utrdioielm� No. 8 the wx, qhd pttb taxliuR �vKx un tGe "TbQ�e �t tUa e
L � whtc4 tvas hut H conte��iao that the �outhrvold. I�vent to th• �horiR end� ut the rtrmR. y nd or �pw pt q�e�y end
�„ � prtce uf the output uf tUe Ponitentixry nRnia �tad told hlm thero 6nd Aeen w 1 ah+tll not xtten�pt tbie evenipq t,o
ia dyouiCrd by lho Lo�ubine. IG iA ���t�txke nhd C6at I�oxa �►anted for (�g) I e►tterwa�Yle del{vered tha eoid prophecy, Hut I�vil) ��p. �vhile de•
�`�Y � prtivnn tflat Lhe p�•ic�+ ot t�vine from N��. U 8outh�nuld. H� eaid h�e son ��ot hOxt fual ae it hud heen eN�►led, efi ing to ennane mysel! to bbe n,moud
tt�@Pe1T�LeuLinry ir�hlRher thna bl�nt of nHA out there and tr�iQbt nppo���� � to the,t�n.wrnina ot�lcer nt hlareeideneP ment bePore th�i Houae relatinR to t1�e
,� s � 4he �eYteral merkPt, !he Uhnthnui n��n, 1ru�• he rappeted him bnai� �oon. in 8t. Thonrt►n, �►nd theu rPtorced l� poAitinn of Mr. arKnt, the►t ony gentle•
�'[xn�+t, undrr 6he huud of ��f�n liiqdei -Tho eheriiY aek�d if I wre+ n voter lo my bouse In Lnndui� the eamo eveu• rnau who atnnda up �efore thie intelli
� 7''�vine ttuhl�erp," snve : thP ridin�. 1 eaid ^pes." He Raked (p�' gent eesambty and epende hta time nnd
C11Uyrlei� A. �Villinm9, oP Iixleig t�, me Lo brili¢ s�mrebody tc� iden�ltv me: I�) UA thoc3�v next nftor tbe �n1d theire In e►rgu�ing thi�t the appoin�•
�}: * I a aiii wn�et b,wk to 6bo nake Howe ��eL���n d»V� �o�erE heid, ol Retd �bAnt oP Mr. pront ns couoae] t'ur � h�
wrntp 8t�wn Por pricov, thinl•�np� he � BPqa„ flle�tv�nae rtrret Uro�vn weu+ made on rensonable
°` ,,, ruial�Q�e�t �omP o6e�p twiue. ''1'hie �� an � ��l�pnrW�d. \V1nle 1�vtu t�wlttina , C.oudun, p=►uer
. rouod '
��� ���f ��� �n� = ta Lc>n. U'(��rhu1�► nnd Eliint �� rxilweq � x Aqr1 bap.n1µo11f+►RLqTere enlled �no �� e, �neulte the intelligenre of tl�ie
�r�an ram� in. Une ot tUe Cwo Ks@ed up ht �t�y �reridenpe bV tt��nNbone b+�- ell ,eri�t ivo �asemhly. [L��ud up-
�� .b��i' t3�r --�I have youro of the Bth, re tht� �x,Nn ta qo +vitb me to f.he ehupif�' `�pet� g�nd id x. u�„ and u�lI�tKi e i( :��&�TmH. � The� r iN not to be found re-
; lnqdl� 4��+�itl ttfld In replv 1 bAg tn ilnd he tlid r�o, pn our v+'xy he eaid he L qnuld ccnue it�► towtt to hia o�jee, G��'I��t� �IU t�ie hintory of Cnnnd�► or in
�� . qttut+��y'o�t t�ie �nllowmv prlc�p xrtd �v�pld (ntm�ltaeA n�e a� Di»rabsll H. tli�►t be wnntsd•�o see tue. X ac►id ��'ee' t�qe 1liatory of nr q nivih�ed or Uhria-
�' t��tt� ior GU� dil'�ei�ttt hr�►nde Y h�►ae �„�ynNtnn. tVIiQ tVAil H 1�{� an�] immediRtulV went ta hte ��►oe, ti►tii► pounL�r y ryiF�jin tt�e IKst e��r,,
;i �, [oti'aY11a. Lat� test ti�nn oi�e toi� : iCair+�mnn on � 9�
the MtehiK�►�� Ue�tr,�l, and n q�od (#rit, 4nd met the enld a1i�.' Itobert Reid, nnY��hih4 liko R jn, where the mWn
1yql�t usdttilet, 14 cante. Hp aaid 1�� �Voltild undertt►ke tb�tt N'u'� '�++; Nlone m(da o�ce. de ec►id �'h�' �+�d lhe �twde, �ltiilqec�pher,
� tn �ne "Aic1 +� °rinud Hud �oniot,p +ls �ti�ll us r,he
� �1,V1er, tl�ixed Il cent�, ,F���►qHtnn �vb�lil p��i_v� qo E�bnble. 1 Y+��� Hx yonp laux op y
" Ex. ��itx��dAi�+i.�Tew �ra�and, 10 centb, r6H�+ IntraAuced �18 Mr, Jol�ndu+n. attd Y e��� ��id naty r�tul th��t C�utd lett it ecilp�cltnr of tl�ese malefocGure, could
It`� �. H�, %iib�tun. 7erme. c+u�h t+n t.1�� �bAriff a�ked rnr, to ce►U x�xin. �s ��xRt�� �e it ►vx�i p(hrn I left thn rnm�. �►old aa appuintmant to ti�e plxco uf
�" ti liver� I�"il"�IRht i,t� C?hnlhHm Ktzout hib �nn tan qet rrtdrnea. in lhe �ueeni �� tqe polltr�a turoth. ! N9Ii@f� Puhjic ptroereqtor,
�+Centd 3�w,1ClU pouad�. ricfternnan i 1vn,o n�a�int�nti, I ni�aed n h�m wF►y. apd h� a�i�i t�pr+e wna tto BROA� WOyt'T BTAND IT.
; 'ltauno tru]q. ���ntir �►nd �tcsE ►��y x. Nw ��at i.mae daaaer� e�s the mA ritv w�.. t 1 rqa ,�
, y ..-� +'GfiU.11tlPvtH'hBtl �O 111 . Ttli1q. lrj���, et�a4r- toi� � recaunb If �� p wap� �t �nne �n�� �ir, � 8Hp �I)RE LIIP virtuuua
D. � L7yA�tY. I aouttt over an� do �t Tn a rerY p�p�a o� cpis�rotq�un��,q deai��e to
� mi►n at th� �ub•dlp�eitrn. to d me. Glen'.. a'O ln 1� rn ipos0 p t':►r ea
1�.etirra 1'�V'x���i+an. 1i4n� vrqpld be it�q ppll c��rr�. nhqr4 tt�nr, : tie then u�id Cbnt n I►[�. � R j3uc c4ev a�r
+'�'��tayt���k��4Y twi[�e rfqhE in Uiir►t• (S; t<lrare auE thNt nial�t en�i t►n �' C�1�Enf 7'Oro tn wue up xnd nr�utd ��d t i+tit tlie matef,tecore i�ra hei���
lwarrY �� rG+�y��r s� puuud leua hsn tN+�t illretiau dnV t wont t�► the poll�n �70 ��u� 1�• ��r� him �no j h��l trind Gq �he r�dmipiatrncinn pL �I�ACICU �
�'�t��h'h+kufrll�'� d�►litya xnd na ��ey�lit it� n,tet �+. I,rte R�ci ethere eiere fayttlr�• dlipj�d aMunt7A tirllut�. �opie nther ��� d�a �'rovinco oC (tnta�'IO ( pllO ETIRI'
�Y!►y�, ,1�t: XY`jllitlkitia tbld the �ie►fi�C. � a'��rd Ynt Glc�r�e ICin , ii'e etP_pprd .�nnp Carue Eo Ed�y onr oi th�a nYH��r; . C�rxt�f, cheir solicftor and friend,
up t�nd +�+�i�1 �e t+�ns t�e mrin. I a8• �n� I I�ta �►�a arw%� pp ruoCs alwub � ratiussel p�roaeauciY�� fnr thr Oro�vn.
���, �"b1�� i� t�at� �t�ti�rd ,��p t3h�t�Krrr �,�I� .,miHislter�ed tl�b nttth re+ it. r. Sponken 1 Uave no�tith� mnra to
'iw�'�'�itii��F'�++�� t;h� fi`2!i�1Yi ��t it Ctttrc� �ul�rlq to tli8� rh� nlsavN Ihwvbed de na�nt� n Rnp. � n peut to hnn� �eutten��n nu
��IikwA �i�tfi�»kl tE '�tt n�ll ibxt r� ��t�G �Cini� �tnr] +��a�l th� tl. GCIi� vt�k� Pd , J t�n •�h� athc�aide ��f tl,t� �ouse to co�iai er
„ 4,.,iitit�+t�t�+T;��:f�f�Y�il �e� ,��`n��;t�n I'6nN- rh�,w�+ntunc�urecl�r,�ti�rv�t� xl! w. i�. P�tVchr.Et� 't�in� dut ewnr�, sa►�,� - d
� � tt� n
��; �'It�'t�', ' . _ . ,
� �Ne,��,�'!�r i►�' �%�s �`�i�rrtttiilip fi�lt'
, '�"�f�lf.. 1i�t'��:lie sPte1!rt'�1'�h.r�ir�'r�r:
. �� « �,. � ..+ ��
; �� y
���� �
t ltdd t•h�► #bxt� ha t��tb �rlYd thn n►Y+�etn� n�• n��riyt�, t�hrr i11iI1{rt51Lt1Ut1 and dia• �
�flnC etr- dr�rit� b� h'�rq sl��t�cl� �►rid kt�bw ttie : q"ned." (%ottd npplttiS�.J � 1
ti�iting. i�'onlentstri�r�otF nr�ct �EliHC rhr ex�nr ta �rf11i1'Ik�h }�{/R9 ; Oir 1 , v
tr wr�t
1 kM � l itl12 i
� � I Kl4"U Yf[�
Z !1 �[I �iQ r
Che Mx t t�Y 11� M. W li{tete •
b `'t)t
. Q � j �1ppcs
Y :tl nb
�1"Itl' 1 �C
P �
y iCS�'Y' Cki i
� iiilri!' N i
Cnsr #�im 1�l� a f��e►nd��nrn the jeer��� tha 1��r.ax�i�r nf �l�u I'��q.
�t �Ot�� t1��ir �'�n�th�t�rtr�tSp �.18t1Viil'�,'Y�t �h� l4t�ttn irr..e oY Or�ta�tiu._ (t�renG .hppl��iso.j I t
�ac.d+��rn• !���ichP� r�rnne�o� e}'��i LTnit�ci�t►l'Y+n� .�pi�r,�t tu lr+s��. ��►��lc��n�r� un �ul.aec��
r�.n� ilartt� +}f�,��Hiir�iraz t�i� � li t1�p �rt �GrYt1tN+�, , �+C n'�'3riCteh res tt�tt � i+1 Toek tu tlr� �
"ar��r v Gr X Q A r 1� 1,�fawu� �5�� �lrtir�a't ir� C?ar�,u• r»�iso . c�C ��r�ic3ncr,. Ar. a�rytrn�r. 1�aer'
�t er�tit��stl t�, t'lTr�i3io Jt►d e� Lhtrd ,�atliCi�t tl�r• °h�en c�tnu»it%�d� t�r,.ttle x�7�rttr d� �.1�� n
ntiY�t. r►�'d c��ts'�i1�fr. (�e+►1� �P�'n�ed, J'. Y�. �"ri� �ti+�viriti�. ��tic't it���til'� wi�E tru �idded it' '�
�� �,► • �n �� ,
8 iY� . e� tt c� tc�l� tl��b cliv n�atk 'Cvltr� Uwo+
tll%r�'tt� , '�i��'`hC�'F�t��,1g�f�,ty'��t �nt�� �ug tan C�rty�can �v.h� ths+ (►rW .�
iiit�l �y tltiiiNitl iiN�oC'i1Lti! rY�' �p�Y1'!! YYf t�Y�l tl�hly �
�#'ttiN,��,�� y1Eyt��. ���,,��,tc,���y t,�t,� a� ���wt�o t� {y� h�a ��rvt�t+�ictr+�y�it�»t �or�t���+�z�nu��rtq�r.� e
�ii� . �'�f. .. n . .. .a_. _ . .. � . _ 1 I�riy7�l��i�E�i� 1 � ��1'��l��lti`I'Y1 i�t�nV'n Tti �' � �1
' , r rRl�wn 1.ylc'VeNIM4A' 4{4� VF.W�A(K�141*jJ�IRPFQN iI�`tCwIY'�N�� �I� ° �dYi����iC XRY ���� �
�����rw���tira �►�r 'inW,'t1a+� 'tr��a ;��t�i�t ��+p �C�pr�ttl,��i °tii�'�+v1w�� �r�i� j��`�r�i'1. t�1y�'t11ti'i1i Iky I��AYt)
"�i+t did�i4}�'tVA�wc1 1ilrrl'H'C�'!'��lk°x�d�1�►.�#4 �,��N'Ii'��# i�11. �0''17�'iC �1Yd.t�: ''�'1f+�'��wi'1�#tik, a�►ifN ft�[ Yji��Y Y9t}4t� i��ihfrlYCtYtICy
itL"4AFi1'Mw'G��1Nl�;"M:•r �+1Yt°�INd���11'�'ll�'"kr.�+��Ct1�,i1.1:�li1�.'111%jl.'� i�`1it�i ,�.�:.o-"i�i��i�11E'�!� �iG � �;IYi'��t1t`1�it9�''tr�'[t�
1',�Cl.ti'kt� �rtw►r�� �,'i9Y1Yx�At�X1L�1iki5l��t+�( JI.1Yt�l,r,Jl�t�1 �Vb�G�lh�trti'iWitl�Grih�"�d�►i�t���" ,�,}�t�� -�fM. '�hh '��"�aG L�
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�; ,
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- - �: t� .,�atx��,�. `�� �li�e� oP peopi� a,r� enZru.sted �tQ� i�i.s. � . i
. � _... .�. ��._ ...� _._____. .
ca�t'�. ���ogn�tit� Q# �k�as ,f�±� ks ne�ar ios� �i�,t1� v� �� 4�"
�"h�Ll��,jr� . ;i �
�~or $¢rin� ,Tr� in a3} 1ik:�s uf •
• • 6 �yry+ �r}' T{�• T*FI}/��,Ty1�Ky �^1■/�: R� P T.^/�ry* ' j.f
. � , �!�!t' �'M� �i�M� ��A�T1� i �7liw!'.lMVi}l�+ �l�I,M�1�',�1 ' �� . � .. n�.
. For �HAF#'��.? HAN�S ���,�f#�c ��-Edetti�reiss �r��� �l�Es�s�.' - , . _ _
� � . � Creaixr, , .
� ��� �� ' Wi�ck.;t��l,:and Atrnot�d�: Ra�a.line Jeliy, and oiher leadefS.
' N�� A+�R�YA�.6--Tittyr 7'abtets for Tireii N�rves, Armour's ��� . ' '
. - ' E�tract, British �rmX t,inun�nk, Laa�ative BromQ-Quin. "I ablets. ",
. � �+
ea�ct ��nade 10 i , �. �����, � G�`ltll��. ��QrK`��
� y � t� �g, h , .,
� � _ �.
� �;
� . I�eYI'S �UCllflaill�"1gS, ♦�►�,�,.♦♦♦�,�,����♦s.♦♦♦�♦♦•♦♦�► . !,
� � �
t1at� and GaPs� : �rQ,���.�(�� ; , �
Fine Taitorin�. : I�.�,.R�'.�AI�T : � � `
� CLl��TRE. ► � .
� `
Assortments Complete in Everyth�ng you want ' �'°�'°'�'°�'i'O�'�'"'���' ► ;�° ��
��t-� � � � �xqul�i�� �a���r Go��um��. � �r �
' • � S. .
,� A rich array of handsome novelties and exclusive styles. P
J � � . � � � � � � � � � Easter Sale of � � �
. $=a c�=.o�r�xs. � ,
''� (Perrin's make.) Every pair guaranteed. �Ti for Women's �
��������' � Kid Gloves of an exceptionaily fine quality, in the popular �
_ � Castor (beaver) as well as the prevailing Spring shades. �
The umendu�vno .vas rece�ve�d �i�h In the Jawe �01 a L1on. � $i.z5 Kid Gloves, aU one row of point emb'd backs. �
loud �iud prulunKed c6oerinK trow the �1
'1'he nllrnt 51et'nr S�vaiue tellA of be- ►
Oppo:+itiun. K ] 5oc. and ySt. Kid Gloves, extra value.
i��k knocked eeoKeleee by a lion which � �,
i'r'r� e soa� eUs��Cr wiTx Tttsat. �,i,•PruteJ l��r nr�u. Bie thrilltnR eecupe
AttornerV •Qenerul Qibnon o�� �•��in� fr�,m the�jitwe nf deieth ie �nly eque►{Ird � Easter Ribbons, Easter Belts, Easter Veilin new shades) � �:; ;�
' to responfl NitA received witb Libernl hy llr. Kui�s Ne�v piscnper� fnr Uun- � g� �
chee�M. He repro:iched bhe leeder c,r aumpLion, �vhi�•►� t,�.e dnvra Ghouannde Easter Siiks, Easter Handkerchief�, Easter Laces.
che ovP�rici�n toc �eeu�nq che we�c n���u de�pPrnt.e tliront aeid lung trou- � Easter Ailover Laces and Embroideries. �
' J;IKui mx4f:er 6l�e sulijec[ o( debate be- bl�,�. •� All doetorn em�d cnv �vita �
fore Llie Houae, karpipR it rehhehed cvuuld Aaon dirof consumption," writee � Lace Curtains and Draperies �
.ahen the hi��inesy of the Houee �houid L. C. Overetreet, aF EIAin, Teun., '•but Qet our pr�ces hetoro you buy. � ��
' Ro un. Ttie Oppoeitiun were tn be yow� wunderful ruedirine cun�pletelV ' � '';
� ui6ied ti�r the F»��rty uf tl�eir ��oiiti�Ki cur.ivl her rind ntwed her lifc." �K�is. Easter Neckwear, Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts. ;� _
a6uck in•u•ade. The leuder of Lhe UG�- fnct.iun id �uxrant.eed hy Ja�wc�s Wil• � Sty�ish Silk, Wool and Cotton Dress Fabrics. D �� •-. '� '�,�;,?
p��si�lon bronRhL heford theFInu���now eon, who given tri,�l hottlen free. Lx�Ke � Doyounlwa e7nveetlRnteourBw n p� `"
the u&idnvite o[ n self-confrksed criu�in- bottJes 50c. and $1.W. par[auu of qunitt�er and prloea lauves O room toP �oubi n houesb, oorotul com'
'+al. Tha�t dhould iint Influroce the � � ��
� Houev ���;uinyt t�he chnractrr of n pra Tite �;rentrst Nvenr. in thr untronomi• � ����� �
� trseiunnl �eutlt•man uf ht 6 etandln cul cirrle in 19W �vill be Lho total �
' 1'he cc�ncl`�et oF the Oppoeitiw� wu echpsb of the s�m un Muv 28. All thn : N�x� a��ai� Da�s, Ma��h 29 a�d 30• � �
unprecedenled. uu[ed uHtr��uomer�s ut t6fe r.ountry aa �
' Mr. tiibeou dr.clared lhnt ilfr. Graot well+is those �n nll lhe ��ni�•eiaitirs uf ������������ �
� hi�d ❑ot hern �pecinllp fip putntrd. the Old �'Vorld �ire xlre,edy nial:inK a�� � �
�'Pha hus�uea� �vxn �ntruatrd Lu the �'uuqrnients t�� nbyerve lhe dxzzlin�
drtn ot which I�N �vetd n meniber, Mr. �'�'ent. 'Che Knvern�nents nf Great � 0
liritwin� Ge�rma�n • I�rnnc Yu
e d ux6r�u
ti1 � � 3� d � R
i �tdt netil �v il' (�
d��s . Did the le�itder uf N
i� E
� h,��e .��r,� e h � R 0
1 d t e United :iu tea thn Y�
'� t �
the o i in �r V o
O s tt ex ct Lhe (iov • ■�
pp p e�nmenf � i
to nppniut a Uunseryxtive I:s�vyer? ��hev will eend to lhie counLry obnorva• ►
' Thitt wtta not the practice in (ianndn. tiuo Pxrtiea to note tt�e phonutnenn uY � ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ �
' Not u�vc��•d rould be� N:tid n�ainst Ghn the Wta,) eclipse. ;'
profeeaionnl chnrnrter oY 11�r. Grnnl. �
Mr. Nhi�nec : I ani not uttackinR W�q w�i❑ yOU AIIOW K OOUET,I7 I.o lac•
ernte vnurthroat or luny�� �nd•r�m ehe You. want the BEST '
hlr. Gln�n[. I uw couduiuuing tUe 1�.....
(;uyernunout fur Lav�n� xppui�ted risk c�f Nllin�; M coneuwptivr'n qr,we,
I�im. [Applttuse.) Mr.l3ibn�in ��eked the n'hc>n.�by the timelp ose ,pf Bir,Kle's �_ �y
Auti-Uonsu:npt�ve byrnp tUe pa�n cnn ��O�.I'���,��_
Honse torememberthut thismaLLerwxe ��e ,�Iln,yed nud the danRer avoided.
etill suu judfce, and wheu the in��esti- This $yrup ia plNas�int ta the tnxte OIIR FLAgE1 (iR81EN PEAS,
Qntion ciuwed it would be found thnt �y��� i�nsttrpass+ed for relieviuR, henlin�
it hnd beea Ghuro nnd cle�er of fatult. �,nd curina xll afFPctiono of Che thront � $I�g C��ADE RICE,
MR. FOY.RIDDLL�D l�IH00N'B BPEk(:H. rtnd lttn([s, COttglle� CO�tje, bconchitie. " DRIED BEANS. . '
Mr. Fuy ri�idled the wrgument of the etc. _�' � AU at 15c. a�Poornd 1�acA�age, should be appreciated by up-to-date
Attoroey Generul in a ehurt dpeec6. Mre. Jot�n Cx¢�e��m, w6o keeoe Lhe Housekeepers. '
He teniinded tho House that thir wuH yt. Heleds poet oflice, paaae3 away >;
tUe Hrat t6eq h+id her�rd of Mr. Mac- duddeuly n week n�o. Mre, Cameron CEREAL CO�FEE 1� �
doould'e nppoint�nent. rVheu bhc� wua in her usunl healUi durinR tl�e
Preiuier innde hia etatement in U3e day, and while 6er duukhter �v��s ,►E- in One- ound Packa 2S eal
P g, S ed, at ISc. �Package.
House l�e hxd defended Mr. Grant's aortin�G the im�il, her uwther c:alled
� p � uimnnt, ;nt hHd uot Aaid one ho� Fut �vhen ehn fiot to l�er she contil AI} Household Requirements-the best 'tn th
tb ut ,5�. Mncdonald. [�p- u„��PP�,k, etnd nvt hrPqt6ed a few e market-Clean and
lause. The Attu� ne General hnd in- '� Fr�sh, at Moderate Prices.
P ) Y- times wheu t6e apirit Hed. i`•: t
f�rmed tl�eni th�.t t.he cunduct of the - � '
Opposilion wne �mprecedtnited. 13e "DEED`J AME FIi,UITS, C
(Mr. Fbp) qdro�tted it, but the rena��n J�TUIZDY �c CO. ^
weea thxt th� sti�te of r Words ure but leaves." IG is notwh�t P$oN']m ei.
�JfKira which �9e R}�y, hnt what Hood's 8nre+tpnrilla
�ana lhe suhject of the aunendment doea lhnt teUs the slory. The m�ivy
�vx,s ��nprecedented iu pol(Lical hietm•y. R,undi�rful rures etYected by thie medi-
jLoud npplauHe.] Plirre could be no cine nre,tl�e fruitx by wbich i[ ehould be
defenco oY the nppaintrr�ent �t 101r. ji���ed, These p�ove it W be the �- �• �������"�j�
Urant. Tl�oso �v.io �vere tikely to �i.ext., unequr�lled reroedy for dydpPp- �
brinq chuiucs belore t4e cc�tun�iafion vix, �6eum»tis�n, r�y ofulµ, exlt rl�eu�n,
wouid be u�ost reluctau6 to luy t6etn •-DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURICR OF-
bef�ire the Rentlenu�n whose connec- cate.rrh; unc� ull otbler Nilmenta due to
lion w�tl� en��d of thc parties wa9 ��Purn or iinpover�shed blood.
gen�rully known n�d d�scuased. The Hood'e Pills are non-�rritatin mild
nrp�uu+ent that the invevtig+�tion by a' . JVlode�� ��o� Q
e������p. e� a� d Ti �
tho commres�un would He 6horo �van ���V.
anr�vered hy t,l�e restriction uP Ihe �Vm. C1n�pbell, oP Ethel, took ioGo
pawe�a �it thr cown�ic+uion by tho Qov- Listo�vel recently ���xa of green �o pLU11dBING AND AEATING A aPEUTALTY.
ernment. (Appinuoe.] Nor aae the �nch wood, containinK 6� cot�e, which
eubjecL of thd nnieudinent betora the N+t� fouud to weigh 10,430 pounde.
Houae sub judice, ea it wae entiretv � Corner �Vest etceet and $ u11t'e
new �i�atter xnd comp�te�y out,�ide lheyarea powerfut nervine.-Dye- � q � ' ' (iOD�RICH, OnO,
tl�e scupe ot tl�e commission. pepsiu caueea dereenaeinent o[ the .
PREDfIER Wa8 E%CITL+'D, nerpoun eyc+tem, snd nervoua debility Uur onetomere are real, live, money-savera,. aud t6ey are tl�e judgee.
•nce enqande�ed ie difficult to de,�l
Premirr li.oas, in nn excited speech, with. T6ere are {T1Apy te9timoul+�le
p�eter+ted that th�• Opponition hnd no as to the efflcney of �,irmelee"u Ve{�et-
ev(denee 6o c�nnect Mr. (�rant vcith able PiUa in treating this dfoonler, abrewd Merehants value Cireulation, e,n�l that'9 •
the irre�ult�ritiee. Thore mws absofu- showinR Lhat they �iever tt�il to produce ;r
tely no6hing in Lhe �vay of proof but Qood tesulte. $y g�vinp� proper tone th6 P68SOII Lhey L&Ik t0 the D78�S868 tBfOugh THE .,�.
t6e e69dav�t of n refuKee frn�ci justice, to the diaestive uraKna, theq reatore STAR. ����
now beyond the re»ch of Lhe Queen'n equilibiium tn the nNrve centre�. ;,
tivriG Such evidenFe wonld uot be -_ �
•iccepted in a�iv�s�on Court. ,The A�nPetin� of the 8tephen and U�-
G}ovprnment felt aeciue in the public h�rne A{�riculturKl Sncie6y was held
confidence wheu coufront.ed with eucA recently, aG wliich it wae dectded to `,,��.
8iniep, unenb�txuliwl nccusnGons. hold a eprinQ show, providinp enffi- � ���
Tho nmendn�ent wn.9 lhen voted cient sum cnn be rxised hy eub�criptioo `
down bp u mnjor�ty of a on K atraiRht to b�+lp paq tho p�iGes. We learn the ���
party votE, money hn� been pxised wnd thut n - �
__ � _ meetinq will shortly be held to oame
7 the dette,
��� O��� N� A Cure tor RheumnG�am.-T6e �n• P.Q �� ��
° trueion uf nr�c ncid into the'hlnod v�s-
.`_ sels is n trvit,Yul cat7Re o4 rheamatic �•
paine. Thie n�rrRulKritp ta on•inQ to u ��� L�
derari�ed nnd unhenll,hy condition ot a �
That People Should Know cne Iivcr. Anyone pan�erc co �1��a
p� inlul �iffect.inn will Hn� n remrdy �n p�,
' �USt W{�1t �'+�rme[ee'a VeF� etnble Pine. Thei� �
act�on upon the kidnrye is pronouncPd and you will get
. � and bc+nrflcial, and bV reetorinR he�lthp ` p��
Pal�e s Celer� Campo�nd '�ction they correcG i�uputitiea o[ t.l�e �� j� an elegant ���
hlood. �X � 'd�,
� � o
W m. Benuett. of tho prAy bonndnry,
• �
Can Do For Tf�err� If1 ie rep��rtF�l tn hrive sqlcj htt 10Q ncre
fiu•m t�� 4Viu Bireckenritlae, of Morr1A �
Spring Time, to�vnstiip, for cl�e aum of $8,000, �� �� �
�.. �
+ There ia not a more dnu�eroae clasa
-" ot disorders than thoee �vhich ntPect
the breatlnn{� or� �uqa. Nulhfy thip f
dvn er with Dr, Tl�i�ma,a'Ect� tri sor '
Be ins Tts a o � o�� ��� �
��i g G00(� WOP�i _� pnlmonic oCac6nnwled ettefClc+tie , ° � •
At the Root of Trouble It curee lamenes9 ,.nd no►en�s� wh n lf wi11 surprise you the change it will make in �
apphed externxliq, as we�l ns ecoetted that nice room with a bar� hook in the centre. �
al�l� Dl$8��e. ��eck nnd cricA in thW bnak ;' aod, Ka an � o
in�oard epeoiHc, pots�aRsRa moet spb� ..-
at,►ac►al olr�lr��a cu p�ilstic oen�dencr.
---- --�-�-�-�--�- L a rg e, h�ndso�ne �.amp for yonr parlor table,_
��Rs� rg��v��.�i» CAllGtV tir lac e burner,bra5s fount, rett desi ,
i��d� attd Br�ses the Nerves antl Breny he� n petittori brtore tho LteRia• g P y gtt ��
� �O
lncnr� zt��aa nn�hc w�ti U� eup�,rurd b�r gq inducetrients to bu � �,
DrtVe� 17rIUut�Itle�� frtl�T� t�he �tood. the Oonnt}� rrf Humn. �r, �►y,w; ..•��t,at � yers. We don t want ta c�rr this
in �+o u►r ,�e Fbe (k►nnt� ��f �r,�nt ia stock rough the summer seasnn.
"'""�""' coneernaii�t��irp�tit3bnr.��xl�tie�rethxt �- .._.. _ __ . ;' �
�hn prov'iaian� at ti2�� Ht�rge 'i'hipi �1ct
'Nfitii the UeqerinR i�� a4 n�etv ��x• tiinve tn:en nbused. .8ty�►nq x�ttipTeion
a��, iC 4n i�u�nrrant chnr. peo �o �h�uld ,
;no�tv ja�C �u�E Pi►9�r�'� QrlAr� Cnm• �
�+aqnd can dn f�rr tit�c�. l�alf=�iek, ner. �
't�rti�, et�t�pl'p��, irritt�l►lb nnri �tespond� �
dt pc�Ypl� tyt aif a�e�. �
'�pri�wp� ta tht► ti►fl• ta�so� t h��t�!�r►nds �
�1ve �h� '• ��lap�s,»� a�nd grr �hpni iu rixiri� +
��� �nc1 �+�aticn��ytsi, n � !
mi�� nPr��� of �u�h t+PeEim� r+equira •
auriffhing nn@ ih�fr i�iixmd nyue6 !rr E
irrihr,�. ll4i ��iow � thia A11+in'►}5nir't,��y� `
��r�k �� ��Ctin t►�cr nr►iur� n hi�isc� purl�, �
�r Kttc� d1'tif�»n �dil�br� t71a►i�e'a �t1��P�r t
4it��rziit'hli: 'E�� �A'r.riK_�f Iufilrt�,�r �t,r._ ,ti
�xtate thrtt im m��iq �tt�r ii� tLir� �i
��rant�+ 4h�eftn of horw��r .�t�VreM�+ lif,tte �� •, �.� '�r������
r�lue i
6x hten cn�rr►�nrt� wikl� A ,� �
�iaar rtnd a�erstAYidin{� ��xt, thr: t:�f�P . � . �
> �
az���i� whnr� in Ch� i"a�vt�w8� The A���.TON S
nni= �
� . .
n� �rt
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� , �• ,,
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�taeq entt�tCiTq
E r�ecordt�r tii" f�
ilinn tn p��v �.
�ntiii a�a the
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�hc ���ct�t ���� � �n�rpli�� �t �.i� C��a����r�
�dra' �lttbk�5"�� i�i��S�E �►ric� '�' .�w �., ,
�na � L��'�,'1�-'�SX,'��. .
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..b.2JhIWr..riaiS�Y'L �.i1�+1'ia..t�A� '- 'I�1rrY�t..4..rYn. ,..�Y ..r. ..�._.a.�.�YwY1� ., �:..i 1.�..�.,..,. -.,.. . . ... r �eJLrYa. 1/ er .. �.... .