HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-30, Page 3�� I I 0 , . : I , I , . . I . . I � , � ; 1, I . 04_ �F,.qqePWRWT�-1"�--7,--Rqr--,TW.--,, " - - ". ,-. 1�--,-WrX9FF4W -, Wr- -.--vm-wrrqnpvwv.�-,g"'�"- -1, , 1, , 1%'-7"-v-',`P"71FFs!JF1RN-_s" �- -, , - -.,W,, - ltfmmr�� 7 - �- -,"in I I ­­ _ 11 �� � 1 7 � . . . . . - . I , 7W91-"-tpiW-_17 VWW"1WWT_-`1"w"rF_*`a`7Te`9"r`�"` �-, � ­ V , . 4) ;� "' . - I " 11 V11 I - wwwww I I , - 1, , . .1. I I �.- I I ONW. N q. I I ,� 1. I . . I I I . � ­ I � I - . I -1. . . � - I - --- -_ . I I I .- � � � ­­­ _,�-_* I...'' ­­- --1'_1-__-_ ,��__�, ___''. ,- _. - 1. I . I � . � I . 1. I . I� ­ _ .. - I -.11-11 - . I . ­ . . I 11 I I . I I I I . 0 � I t �� ''I'll., ­ 1i i - � I I I I . I I - I I I . I z . I . I I I . I I I � . . . I � I I I I - - , I - I . . - - .1. 0 . ..... � � , ; _ I I � : 1* I : ; : : ; � I , I ; � � 1, � I I ! 1. . - . - . r I . I I I . 11 I . I I I - I I I I I ­ 1 . - , ,, ­ 1-1 .. 11, 1- I 1, ! = ; ; , � -_ i �7_ - .11 —1 - -1 _.-,-.f- - , I � ­ � - - .� � � .. _=717771,11 ­­;, �. I. V 1. ,� _­__ - � _1--1 - I . -1 I .. . . 11 � . ,� .4,T0 SUND,ky S&HOOL 0-0�84 to to stiiipww Mit !'I a , 9, V.; I'WAPA s*4 t*104M a y 111. alit at 001 - ... , 1. . ­. I 1. � .- ­ I `_� ip> wft W na# ow LI" of .7*41� :W ,, � I tribss�t,,g. o#*mt**'wit4baasts , E a- Was A 404 of twx . 111 Wt Uri. tellip t i. r --w ba tist ' oil " W n, ,. tyr, bowea. 1*41A* day Witt f at. Cor bar ­- � bilk .. ; ; , , . . Young P . s � DESCRiMON OF iEWS � Tide grario, is alaq a nd'orativo tair .11- M L U. alsomiett am Y6 -boa volt I#%.. went bacic to his wor,k 1A tbo .6 , , , . ths bmiballd WMNAT190AX, lawy, ArIt sual) �,Xiovlls you. 4M4 V*"% -I , a 6, 0, 0 ii,.w*_-,,q,,.ssP,0.,+_ "i .4Kio. Wba do you �, 01 I Pit, at Once. =kdaz *xcu:*3 got him ab, % - ,, .."I", Cute 'T Ad Shall say all, s"ta-zlo 0 --, W1 mi 9, 10211431a 4 t - IWO t rim say. 19, � , � *qvm, Wbm miul ulvi,414 be Was- DR94W ` b* u` to -vu 8`4"Op" N" ", * " To* is a v4swat itopocal, 4V 04 duoviclou rauat, Oat fall UpceJAM it is follow Q"14 oaly da whiot Its 4 .t ttksis 4nu." & Ist .mv "A =Iwk �,4 falsely. for . froilision' `Z, XON4, but 414-m 604ex uxii, XPAS. 16 4. %ft4do. Notice lip bad bardly comspanced to ply W2, " , � — dt the =4444 86, 'I WHY ar ` the 0A 4V04110116 Rev. Dr. Talmage A Speaks of the' = a ?a assigbitou waz ty. best, . 'ell to that* novit; you whio, 4*00 U"a t PDACTICAL NOTS5. 't0ho cogil 'tiO:w 9 tillis itil"gigsl that ALlighter of - W.igh coulo'. wuoii. P11% ly tit"t"10" V.P=10_1 111 I ' pray. but osvor: the What * wouderf,41 world ,this would , pray now; you who Vermin. = There followed him great amulkWom 4411 bot 110", *04; took Place. J bol . - Flowers of the Bible. 94ce *at at the holy c9mmulaton but m4do "for ray Oaks." or. WIkkiii tn the 4d in a Small Village to Glasitorgoi WAjoe t-jare quo , .. . plotely blocked. ty, take not Clio Lord's cup now. I 6"n multitudits. The outset of our Lord's neirms thin J 44' sako-`, abire. and worked In one of the* Morgan found biguaw loi the dark. For ba 14 .R, , for ijgtstsousn�, tm ess then w9uld *0 roillsigon,^ you who ofice rejoiced Christian so- career was immeasurably promising- L2. Res)olce, and be soxcesodlux 91*4-: many neighboring coal Pits. tying prestriato on WA back. 'Xith a . - . - ciety. but uonO sAt - Aiati;l 4cotters. The attention at the nation bad an Astomixkmg� words to addreas to those quawily (d mat upon Win. Ill% (-*cc &ad "ery good thing would be fre*. The Vtneyards of Eniogedloi-The SwoetneSs of Christ's Buoksliders I Ob I what a suggestive d In directed to him. The opt* who already cowered before Oke Filly "a pecuti-rly proud 04 War &ad head alone virtre-Irco. He all" fors farme"ad, following aftes tho . word I t= 4 4 'a plow. a*ck*lIdar I From what have to darkness mean a g .&Li sicked autheritins. Gtagt is y94F ikoeatora� anyl she doUghted to rclst-'tor h,?I.p in vain. For many hour he Pardonso-Mon Do Not Carry Their Religion With ,you aud bae*, I , Yo back light. " The commou Is a ml toward In Heaven. Theirs is . the to$ their derAs of timare,ge. arid even 11A unable to move. Would put on the robr-A a: a kinar your 40or'a 11 " indautX Heaven an earth L=bemr seemed tie t from wtzatrlt ; theirs betruipm. For in -any generation& bar a early good babtts. , g - only the rul eve againat 1 9 disiss. Rizs straind washougis it wage Tho tittle laani boldiog a dell in ber Themse-Lack of Religion Makes You Qloomy-- 'Tou have = ladl sha, and 4;ir opposition & lar due, Khmdom. of Heaven Ilk the iviritsty per armis. sliding back from Christ, from ill* .. . b -'eternal world- So persecuted they faintly name figured on the death roll turbed. do did out care much about oros&­ tothe unsettling influ cc of eac Would receive homage mittens viould Christ's Comfort Makes a Man Mighty. itag3. 1 the prophets which were before You Of thc pats-tho roil of humor detfil- dying ut about the imin tie wai atifter- brieg. SLEDING BACK FROM HEAVEN 1. seeing the multitudes. The con- To thus bring these plain fishermen Ing thmis who bad died in the per- in$. His thoughts We -176 Chiefly UC - AJ despatch from Wlakhitugtou says: grave: put its IRxTe4 "iler every dy- When a man begins to slide, he atantly inoreadirsiot crowds must bes:ost Galileo into close fellowship with formance of their duty so colAersa cu iled W Itts the Poor girt tie bad Ina- The city boy, playing at morblM Per - Rev. Dr. Twiliniage Preached from jintain.jElijab and Isaiah and Jeremiah and pi'Llued. What would ,.ho do for have . the Ing head; wrouthe, ItA blossoms tram knows not where be will go. You taugiat. He Went UP into a met in- prueu ring outil for i W, comfort a ad en- Is Would sit tn the preatilcut"s chatir following text. -My bBlovel iz aut every garlatrid ,wave its branches in have beau sliding back toward an no- By substituting ­ the " for ** a " the re- Ezekiel was awasting tto them arid l" A I He let ured tier dy fig 421 atar- eve ry hq grave, I d . I the visors set forward clearly the thought sPirtug But all he BeaLitudea richiment of the3i country % 414un. His mind htkd liven well In- The good, homely girl, with her frork- 0 , jAq; mad when I am about to bleat Ow too. . . Kqe its it cloister of camphLre in the die, and my hand Ilea cold and stiff, first tau million mazHeasafrhich down- of the original He amended Lo t be, apply I o us as direct 13 as I a the apes- Tbe girt wq^ known by young and "Icst0d with Like Plimillitics tit il'tstis- left sad tau, lenity, 14i. Ulade his remorse all the Would be fairest of all that tire fair vizeya,rds of Ets-gedi. "-Salomon a and virbite uj!oq the pillow. let no aup- ward are only a small par6 of the mountain region %hiob apirmit out to- t IeS olAt ia ilia colijoi district he "Our 1 vrv*l cc A, b e tit y lie I pleas. %% i I Is, (or 50091 I. 14. oratitloias p4pat camp with n . Yap were, poirbaps, waxd Lbe north. wast and �outb. and Milly" and "Our 1,asgrse." and she was till bin kne,v. ton,- .L coal on top Of The man with bin clot boa covered over ;iumblizig cLornal plange. 0 Solontion's song bus been considered foolertes to Out a rftoitiz of wood or professors In the country. YOU have &at dawn on the brow of a hill, the atone in my hand, but rather some made shipwreck in the town. it may Horne of Hattin probably When he KIMBERLEY DIAMONDS. luuk�d upon a4mow as the property of h:ip,, ht ahea4y felt the turstriesitA of with rago . by- Many 86 fLt Only for moonstruak pW-U and humble soul -lot him wine be that fashionable society destroyed I waa %at Like all Jewials, rabbis and it I — I the various pits, while the special Pit mtuur-e kgtalo ,ind agiin hr tibrialrM, Wousd roll in bi,i silvar and gold. sentimentalists; written by a volup- and .Mt !g W d.yfiW guilisp this liv- you Lt may be the kind oil wife whom I might be huid like Orientals a avery� 1or lot - Qli. ud uv e rnomv wi i h ho r rot. The maid washing dishes would be a tUarY-tba setory of amen crazed by Ing tircm , J1th "clusters of cam- you'u�arrted. , You have no more hop" � sort, Jesus set to work and Lo spoak.1 AFTER CROWE'S SURRENDER THE w,here bar father and three of .8 .t 4,1 a Yodoe answered his cites. It fair bride. &fair maiden -fit neither for family ithire fr9an the vineyards of En-gedl." for heaven now than It you had Lived His disciples came upon him At once ! SUPPLY IS AGAIN SAFE. bruilsorm wicirked was knuxvn more vc.i, , h,e voire of David For apriace having rielse.A untold ­Milly's Pit" than by thin name id.its -I, 'La( yuu. Mulf..Lir­ he said. "I It in dostrie twen.ty years now since in Central Asia and never heard Of to a half formal way, they aurrouni "Pon vra, a�uuned W.Ul IJI I get my Itimp But %46 It'Dol art he bit& on ble great' prayers nor for churches. Indeed, I found the- Lord, and I must in your (1hriat and the judgment. Ob I where ham and " A,L tit his feet" His woids, The star of semaks AftleA-le-Ift ... Of lb- Props letur splendid throne, We W).nist admit that there 1yera years presence tell you haw good He has is that Bible you used to read I Where we may assume, were addressed I 11'reciesits niene rots vottiortis revil Kbode- lliily .as a atriking looking 1. slight " used to pray 1, them, bat With full latezit that '0 11 d'd I Dreamn he to a poor farmor boy, when he had, a been to my soul. Often, since then so t bet room N% here you the 4 ir not takto him Ivug to temove tn Solomini life averal I havegiven him a hard thruist in His What have you done with that Jesus i multitudes should hear. erair.lit. MUCh, dllVt IIIAO SOY UthOt Zmgbora ­4mr , 't ,be fallen uu,il and extricate And the queen, to her funry. bectimem hundred more wirves than he was an- sore side; but He has been patient %vbOae voice you once beardf ft, i 2. He opened his mouth, and taught With Kimberley relieved. Cromjs sur- of tit. I lami.iy. and, though railier Morgan a poor girl, titled, to; but he repeated of his &in' with i7 by Jay and night. It is the murdered hours I Oh, massacred pri. , !hem, sayiing. What be said is not, rendered. and Cecil fthodes once more bi,gh,, she vi as neat and well propor- UlAiM a hen, Jut iive di�ry ,w)�i heyre.- With innocence, freedom ,tail joy &sad God chase him to write somise at grief my Its that I have treated vilogsa ! Oh. dead opportunities I wake in the modern use of the word, a ser - at liberty. the resumption of the in- i lotted. sine,il prisoners in the dutk naaa* The piesident, wevirked with burden Him so ba?d)ly; but He has never let up now and shriek in that man's ear axon It is a twrists of principles and bavid'% liamp did not ipmain altirio for rist that try of diamond digging in South That slie hiAt many atiatota w,is nut L111ill. Out "ten enough for itirstu to ex- Would play at his marble* once me go. X have seen no wouder-ful until he shall rouse himself from the precepLa on v6hLcb the Kingdom of dos MQUIR cases, have ever been written. Besides that, sights, I have heard no wonderful horrible 50canamlits-lism, walking as he Heaven is ba.sed. it is according to ALrwa In likely to be even now under to be wuuttered at, but only i�tu out pitire their 'uiroundissi I i Would more. I think the criticism of missi Bounds I have no mgXvaIIOmS eXperi. d0ttd, 61.8t &8100ta within an inch of thatie rules the t the %ela do the way. For Kimberley ban the great- of thigna .Ili r"ceived tiny esscoui,igo- lie anw.,dibi" in desitti6o their -uJitir, , rhe belle Of the citY would again, so acres ; It has been a plait, .Wry ,if bell. Ob I that might cry Out L0_ will of,crur Father whil L known diamond deposit of the into, fkun, tier one ,ofta the t_.1,1 lug,. nwre eAp"l.kily those of Morgan. times UpOu tle immodesty of the Patience on His part, and of . night "Golsion Sabbath&, come back I %%'a. i no, a re OL L I Lane Of he,2 Van, t 110 In tie wla� frauilc ,it t,mvs. and it was ail 0 d. girl. I ug world. and its hidden wealth is too putucher. t%L. often preactird tit ,be ,a , u Nick to the old cottage door Bible comes with poor grace from so TTNWOijrHINES,S ON MY PART , Communion seasons, come back I temporarily living an earth. Heaven's k I t I)i vid otsulit du i it keep Intusi (rain %X'Doings of The Holy Ghost, came laws are ous-5. We are not Christian* precious to be allowed to remain long ,hupel it ,%hich 11.11) ,ind hot po,,plo 41ashin.f �iut hia UiAiist �gaiuxt (be jag, A ud, the gisy millionaire weighed . agei ia which The writings of Georgis Samn of my dear frieuds before me back!" 'But except we strive unce"i'LOY 10 weave unex.ploited. ailvaded; the uthei wit� th, yuuns; ged rocks Of coal down with his gold, - haze had more rapturous experiences. Come! Gonel Gonal Sorrow will I At itsi%i th* Lkine catusis tilsi blurgan . Sand have, come to their fortieLb odi I om I Into our Ives those precepts. I Laugh to be the poor aWLn with the Una, atid Christians cannot got to the, Christ to thp 0 - conte, but not they� Temptation wi 3. The word blessed, which occurs Up to the beginning of U110 present man who played the haittiontuta, tit thp ,m has been the Conqu r w ai su fw�nt that be could hardly I elinde.; Virayer-meeting because they have or on the whitp birse, or the Sun of oons a but not they. ELarnity wi�l ai�ne times in ibis lesson. has been century nearly all diamonds came c"pal, and who was luckiest upon an 4 ps ov r. David's strevi uscanwhil tickets for first-rate see La a t th Righteousness setting everything COMO : but mat t,hey- Ohl that you turned by Some into "happy," but from India. Then great numbers muhical genius In the district. Like Iv%d knp. up %%onderfully. and he ,664 � And the princesm, loved not _/ by the I prince she has wed. , 0 ablaze with light, or the Bridegroom might save the fou remaining years "blessod" is better. "Happy,' when were found in Brajil, but not until af- Most MUMt'iQn*. he WAS of 8 cry joss. otI he ...",uld 40 oboes M The I Would ahsainge with the dtah-viumb- "fail' LaW maid. LtLer. wh,, u,v4 i,, pray -it) preach a. "Black Crook." I Wak, however, as coming with lanterns and torobea. To of your life, and consecrate them to a-piphod to a man, is a description Of discovery of diamonds in South ital nature. and naturuiiy ts� 4 n4tW U01 Usag prayer a offer. far as I cam ace, in my stupidity, that one, it has been a very quiet and "- Christ I I have seen end sights, I have the ataLe Of h,8 taisid, Blessedness ter the was it there are thLogs turned out upon the demanal rative experience. It has been heard sad soundg� but, I toJI you. I be Is happiness plus character. Jesus Africa. in ISM, were t1se stoneafound great favorite both ip the %iTige And D4VLd v,,uLd tint comprehend I t hin. I f a fellow could only do what he soolt bing very sweet, but very still. d reams, oommumity to -day that bid fair todo H, ghastliast thing outside the gates of is describing the pe raoss's can- in vast quantiti6s. 1%at year a Dutch in lbe pit in WILIL11 he W017keid. "Why dou'l you pray. Morgual" he )w bhall I desombe It I I hAve it %he damned is a backslider's death- dition. whether he be fully con- farmer who lived near what are now But Is of I boas yoving I el Iowa % a i lied 8'". What a world of confunion ihore­d more da,mage than the Songs of Solo- uuw: - My be,loved is unto me as a bad Do you not feel to -night like scious of it or not The blessing of all 'as the grout diamond fields, got "I can't." ea,mia faintly from Mor- be. 31105. cluster of camphirp from the vineyards having appilerd to your soul this D'- of those mentioned, with the excolll- known with Wily'- father and brothers. and gan'ti dying lips. The ottli insist's job is no snap, as Hear, now. one of his fresh and fair of En-gedii." , vine restorative I Do you not feel like tion of the poor in spirit and the per- froms a native a bright &tons that his e4ittet wouhl b,,ii been conbidered a "t- ili-re inytist,rig an your mindt" t it fteensts, descriptions oy Jeaus. If I ha,d But I remark further: this crins- crying out with David: "Restore on- secuted for righteousness' asks, is children were using " a plaything. good match for her, especially I hit "Thera Lia-Milly " Aud my own in the beettl place for a ties- It w -a. Hilly's eighteenth birthday. w V �lwll never ace her ,ig . on, great pardon. For future; it is not nooei , M.Ily I Poor Milly I I phir�:plaat of the text was a.symbol to we the joys Of Thy salvation r' based on �hoir experience in the The alone was sent to Cape Town and I alus icsiam. d twenty Years to preach. I would like of Christ in the fact that It gives eal- For great i. . sd =a, ouring. Fr deep I I 7 :!tr a' to employ ton of them in lbringiLne am the Mediterranean to the wounds, omnipotent surgery For oripLion of the present consciousness was there r000gnijed as a diamond of and It happened it) be a Moviday-a .to bb . sea ta, not David, broalring doivin (or the first � A DOG'S LOVE OF HOME. out tQ Observation. those repre Gauges, the people of the Fast gath- deal ours, a Divine aurist. For blind of the blessed ones. The poor, or exceptional value. It was forwarded 'day on ,A-Liob Most 0olliore do time. I ered it, dried the leaves, pulverized eyes a heavenly oculist. For the . . riat which havo an yot, beau them, and then used them as a dye dead In sin, the upheaval oil a g a d those contrite and to the Paris Exposition and there sold work. Milly had received numerous ,,, Is Q . He , Little, Prince loved his home, loved hoe �i in spirit are fit! na- b,ildi Morgan a d -_ - = ,by . I do not know why the for beautifying garments or their reisurroction. But rest min a once with whom Isaiah Bays for $2.500. From that time on the lattle preheats from hvr various ad- ,n % � Is �ugh his ' the. sweet little mistress who adorts- whT should .1 the High and Lofty One that in- mircra. which she had atrown on the " It i gioal h u or pass t ra 01amond (ever swept th.rough South kitohem dable, before which ohs ant .. I Y. own persons. It was that fact that partioula.rIze that class in this audi- babiteth eternity, whose name Is Holy frivad's bod assit him with guy ottlare usi at red pulPir should hover over afew types L.;loop. ' said Morgan, "alooli ,-a I yarn knit not &spool with, pio3, h -r . of Christ when there are so many e camphira-plamt of the text once when we need all this restorative, will dwell. They are the unsimicait-' ALrioa. Two years Islet a beauLiful VQnLelnplaling them watu a bra in rig imar it,i piu oun. I ctionot die %%, b- , -knitting," loved the yard toil of hid - Its commercial value In the time of for we have all wam,dered and gone oil, teachable ones who have become stone was found which weighed sigb- f 8,De - -mi lelling you." cymbals of Jeans that have never King Fdolomon ; a type of my Lord awayl rN IM'(4ure %%aA 11 pretty one. 'rhe �p,;Ismod,c , oil". lung den. doggissh "crets, bone@ waiting to ' who beautifies end adorns. find as little ones. The Kingdom of He&- Ly-thres carats. It was called the kl':ch'-n of a steady, hotter, indents I In wit h by"'- be dug up mad gnawed over iagain. been discoursed upon. Why should Je�ius, The last three or four weeks have van belongs to such in the very nature .. -Loa," ou-, minor i,s not N place t� be deopi.- pati-og. ronatanily inteitupted we employ all our time in examining colours everything he touches. 1 havos, been w"ks of great rejoic,ing and ot things. This beatitude is a ot a SL&i W South Ali and sold for no faith in that man's cionversi,n, t,hauks,giving to God on my part. The promise; it is a statement of a per- 056.000. ed. This paxticulas one bud an air r tsimalioim of hviror tram David .%for - &few lilies, when the Bible is agrees: hat gan tulft h,vw be bad in-olled Miliv in- , loved bin favorite place so near lh� whose religion does not rolour his eu- mails that ve come to me from Eng- marient, fact; now and t b the Up to this time the diamonds had of, tidin"s and comfort With a cer I g'ardazi filled It was intpri,ded Rcs to do. land, and ' to the old pit and bud impr"oue4 h. -i . fire, where a huge stuffed pillow, % ills tire life. Sco'land, and Ireland. and unending ,uture theirs is throm dom been found in the sand near the Or- 1"an amount n f relinement it litile ,,,, , hat she t�ml(t not esonpe, stick left ; red sad yellow roass worked on black with fusclsitia, and with he I 9 daffodils, &ad with amarinthos, and It m, ma, n has tirset grace of God in his Italy, have told me by letters. until I of Beavers. What does Jesus mean 1. i870, how_ wlo,e the ordimary. Through an u - art only atut-Quirb food for one day ownwan walti evt.ning primroses tar the close hiawrt, it ought to show itsed-I in ,be have no more time to rcaA therno Of by thial Not the hosivenly world raere- "198 and Vaal rivers. , it dnor rouid be seen i, rory lile It %a� a terrible story to b^lr in , oWb. was such a soft bad to at ,the Ida'a day, amid orootises at 0e life. Tlars ougbA to be this "cluster how God has been pleased to ly, nor the future blessedness, but ever, it was suddenly reported that room. on Ili., floor oi which was It ai, foot, of the anow-bank of &arrow, &,n.,i Of c9mPhirs" in the ledger, in the th.at 'itirls vault. without. a am of lie am, while sleeping and dreaming od BL&98 MY POOR WORDS heaven ou earth as well. The phrase great pockets ol hard earth idled with 6rig,bi oarpet, and in a corner a r4a no lig hossers full of most and rats an fat an boaxt's ease for the troubled, rind 'pea- roU of Government securities, in the a to have been commonly used b diamonds had been. lound on a plateau Milly gav, music lessons its its .hi oi a clear hope of 6 -%cape David latusti-IlowerB" planted a,t the foot of medical preso i i , in the law -book. to the salvation and comfort of man; see in y "" y �-�vmr,d I u forget that be had bran for b,tt,r, it bad in which he niept in A refiligloti I IrrIL00mvalue, to bhe timer. and so from different parts of this the Jews to describe the happy oondi- raor n f this, t,t)lliars' children. So "be was five day� wit bt�ut food. A great surg- across, a,ad "morning gfories" spread- 3 d tion of public and private affairs un- th of 0o Orange river. 'rho dia- independent. and 4bte to contribute we whop bin little mistress into out. under the aplendours of tho obanit unless it Imspe him from put- land, gking me confidence in that al ing tid*� (if Indignation roiled like lava peace' a" bieukLL19 dayW l5orua weeks ago I ting false labels on big goods ; or to Gospel wh.iCh my father believed in, der the rule of the Messiah. Our mood hunters ,looked to the siev% fields to,ward the gerer-ii inc-oute. 'hi --ugh bAig veins as he thought of . was seised with sonisablerrous desire diac-ourtied to you about "the wtsite the plasterer unless it keeps hirafrom and which I have tried, though in Lord's blessing. and lound that in thaL region of the IL w&, a warm summer's creating. NI i I I y i u vrbumi be wus so soon i o be to toads, him, which Rho did while uz�- putting up a ceiling which he knows much feebleness of soul, to pricants to "Makes the rough paths of peevish plateau, under tLa layer o, red sand, and M.illy with sit titkg at Ili*, door -of m a i ried h&Lr,,4 oT Jesus," a,nd I have been told w - Lol I see to -night, rising uV naisire even. were great ' p pea" or turine Is through her little howo; the r:ky,L Of the getting t y finished ,vbnn. - der a shawl -am knisicteen, look no cover, Lha!v some of the ,newsp,apera ouppos- illl crack In six months; or to the Pau Pronoo, until he I*xrned whm6L ei,k it wets amare fancy of My owa.- drivez unless it keeps -him from lash- beyond this throng, three hundred And opt-ais. to our brmsta 9 lktle whi�h. at howe ancient time boiliug au"t Iiii up her piett� fave as she mat w iiIi. a shout as savage an that of a I t houg It L the poor fool -d rot k_owLng that tn Ing his hors" to eight miles an boutr thousand sou's on .1this and the other . heaV812." . lava Aowed from the heart' of the ,hisr, thinking ,bl DAviii, wild bt-&Lit deprived Of its mate. he ' was Under that shawl side of the Atlantic to Whom these 4. Blessed are they that mourn� ear,h. These pipes wore tilled with A man % as citrui jig ;,)%va rd t lip clit I - �. pr,inlr4upon I ho dying man lie 1,1(t- 1 At suckh times as Irs La3m still as a Revela,tLon,, the first and the four- , when the thermometer is at ninety; age­il. wis the minvi-proseber Stilly I , Lps him from poor words may come as messages of for they oball be comforued. Luke, a hard blwsh deposit, called ­bI ed hirs) tit bi� arm" with the Inten- , taesit�h, the B.ble Gipeakst of Christi to the farmer unless it kee ue (lid mut hee iii "vNitig LAI the hun it I Qog starred in marble, ohs throw over "w000! h a,l a_u who- It ire i r %�hi e i putting the only sound, pipping on the pardon, and patica, and love. Oh., men who oruila "iri slArit" from vertin 3, gitsund," that eV,aeatly had b"ii lore- w '""' " I da�htng Win down in' ' th)p of the barrel ; or to the ,;boa- and women, present or absent I Ob, jLVES Lhiss second Beatitude in R ad to the sur,ace by voleawc action lu'vh d"zlpd her eye.�. However. she Aft" a 11111mon, of unnontrolf:'blit pue- I her head a heavy, fourfold woolen ILke woui, as wni,e a.3 g,iow S),in TuRn arid women ju,sigmebt-borand I strange form, " Blessed are yo (hat and Irow a great depth. 1191d biten msen by th,� young m - - I ma lim from sub- In other t he %%,i's ,pp, an in � ion, rouned by the thought of %til- 'shawl, and thus hidden, oarefully ,r untew it keeps t -,, w4tinell we4q) now: for ye shall laugh." Pro- words, those p.pea were craters ol OIL- ' #I(. Is's ug , y', linKrrin death, David held Mor- ' reached out &said jorkad%his tibort tail, bOILZILo' jau u ting brown paper ,r good lea- Ob' men and wcmen eternity I lip dl.�tarsce. and THE ETERNITY OF JESUS to words: the Oh men and women Christ -purchased 1 timbly bocb pbrages fell from the lLps tioct. volcanoes. 11,�I. He %%ws drehard Lit big Sunday f. - her in the solos. In other wiltere are your Vra a , I , � hw,, a nd I h- mit Is. lie i ha ps, is a w.'s Irati for ;t env seconds and prepared the pride of his heart. No llvkog &og Teiraze,al on the i4ide of the moun- I r.cligion at CLrist is good for every- yers It where or Of Lbe Saviour. The old prropheita 1 THE FAMOUS GEM PITS, Ln nialloer jji,m,�" hat serLoms and .V,r- to fling him LIgHitiAt the Pharp rocks � won ever more sesmaittvaly prowd of -gedi- ! listing, or it a otbing. The your outoriee for moray? DO mat ha,d promwied 1but the Me.sslnh shousjd I ' d I"'k, of C.'a I I much a stubby black toil, arim bin tit- taina were Ej2e vineyards of En is go d for n s a The vast diamond pits at Kimber- stately, yet tit ,,lf (11 pprar- tatraWisovs, better tthistantouch OnI they weie sweet places. am of you feel that to-n4ht it, the comfort the. mo,urriers, who were as- ley are in the largest and� most valu- auv.h a .... ". I g"I'T11, dM11 :ghi like. He it lighlo aelf en- krom grtao (I God never affootg us by h'a '"R �,uddeniy a glealm a time to begin to pray I Some weeks - , citizens a 'i, d in a far corno . MiLly Is r, 1 l. Is .TI "a wan under hat hawl. aslsehrii,g of the mouniains, four piecemeal. I; the heart is hanged, a 8, to b, f the Kingdom of able oi the craters. The larger of had evpry lipPeirance ,r, huLLi4rPd feet h4h, WULbr "me down the head is changed and the� liver is go you remember that terriblescone U'MW of ph) " t"..'i ,he nave I vid became power- I There w-ue ,uTo to be a anp sit, ot rage in tiiis very building because of a slide Heaveirs. itsit how r.an bonven'6 citi- base pits is probably the greatest hole atrength.,olmilitsio(i ,i.ih a certain 4m- lw,n and droplied Morgsin at 111A fret. � " Prince. showing him tenth, iooked in- beautiful ba,PLi.= on the face -i of chingei, and the spleen is changed, 6 mouror They have griefs like t u tho loa,ved; Lbe grapes ra,Loxioate with and the hands are changed, and the of snow from the roof, and the cry of 7'em . ever aulf b3 mait. it is NA) ie.el ,loop .iiki n i of -1 iniell�gemvsi. tribulation, sometimes, "' � Mills, hed aw 1�eii long in her pria- fiercely around for his invixible ton. I w ore is .. fire" on the part of some villain in oLherz-great . and bus 4a at" of I hirteen ,L( res. �[Jly 1.-0 ted hl'rl with "lons of on when she w4visped. She had heard NoLtsi could be see but a beap of their owa wiae; pom-agrall.lLeIS i,is 'get are changed, and the at in outcry of Lhey mouxn) also for sips. follies an -i ` It ah,,Wed hint ,be V4TIOUB ,,( Ili, -xpl­ion. had mince them, by ahawl. and for a lono tiorts this worriml gallery, thers Was a figlliting�it withauti and fears within ; Numbers ot diagonal shafts lead fr,,m pea It re. jUXcS bUrBLing from Lije rind; all chingeJ, and the house is changed, Y'n the sunace to the bottom of the pit, ssr,i(l.e_% on the t bli-, expa aliug o" horror through the building, end ' is da night. for many hours Lit A hiiin Then probably thimiring he bad fruits aLsid flu%Lrs and arUlmaLi. W0O,,S and everyihing over which the man . aging of hands, and some b-citme sorrows of themselves ten,d of other'. and up und (town these sha,is are (be It.iodoem of ihitso from whom he , y sind by -aLai tJlb 6W86to.St at these Lho his any in luence comes to a complete wr" dead Man, and it Was all An Our Lord comforts by encoura,gLng PAM,ag continually trmn-oars- The hmd reve,ived iham. line, she biail i r,ivnl(-fl t hrr,ugh -ill the but, dreamed It, he would againib lay Ca=,,Lt" e -I)18.114 of the t,ext. iLs and radical change. The religion of "a lnqry peril -no dang all. 'TI'd strengthening. Jesus said to i"s business oL these cars is to carry the 111. too, have a pro,,,emt for you. old min" searching fi-,r a 1`11"disits' 10 bin small black be" an his paws, close im 9 .or at tbe osipl,,dod ,,nA. site "'i" Juml in the sharp eyes, sund sleep. But ugain fluvii,eii are at clu..LerB like our ili-,Ls; the Lord Jesus Christ is , We will ' never forget that scene- disciples, "Your sorrow shall be turn' blue grouad up to the "iloors." whore Milly." the y,,ung man said present- I - � t,, ,&ve her I�ovrr from the ,r,njo *jerk cvf the tail would startle, him, -gi,itcetul, tragrdat, isymbulLcal of i NOZ A POT UF HYACINTH I those of us who Were here that night. ad unto joy." -H 11 11 ,,cry It is dumped and le,t to soften in the ly, a,i ho- to,ok ,,ul of hi,ts pocket a ill- tim a 6 � I-vTo.. I.. of murder. 161orgiri, litivrevni-, (lid not JLALS. "Wor my Baloved ,a 11111.0 Me to be a,t in a parlour�tsay-wlndow for If you were so ala.rmed whers tho peril tear from( their " y c."' 14 su a and rain, ior the blue ground in al- itv, niorocoo oa.". and out of it a ring. what. where wan the esserayl who dtired a. a cluz�ar at c�.mpjii,re from Lila pAmors(iy to look at, and to be ex- was only imaginary, what will be the know tbe. full happLnoss: that even moat as hard as sandstone waon tak- He t ok Wily'., hmnd and platted the li,,, niany hour. hmifer. , him Lhusf Graqw1mg, he would look viL�yticdd of kkrs-gedi." amined only �)y uurs,31v" wh.,13 wO oondi ion of those who are unprepared tbis world can bring who has zior had en out. By the combined a.fect of ring upors li�i eng-inement tingoi. -_ - -.0- - _ - bout kin comical wrath, I wil eat ry 011L LbB ideas of my text, ha,ve caripany; bUL iS t1l be a velfurne for eternity, when It shall not be, a bi Ler sorrow cout orted by love. "Thp water and sunlight it gradually solt- ')L��u and I have loved each othei a KEEPING UP APPEARANCES. Thus happening over and over. and. mact, Las inet iii-st place k,howVo,i ;tb, L Jilling AIL .be room of the heart as s,ide of snow, but an avalanche of h-gliest irienddhip would be impossible ,,, long time nuw, blilly," he continued, I 'his mistress growing carless in her miai campliLie-pia..t. of the i"t w,Ls "cius er a e,mph,ro from the vi Oe- rocks-Himalya. Alpsis, and Andes I 0 one who had not sorroweal. You un n 'Ibe flours are nothing more than "I sbr-suld bive asked you to allow me The doitire to mike the beat appear- � seeming and laughing. one day Printo &�ymbjl at L'Li ist.. hecaube of i,s ir g yaras u 1�n-ge.ii.' Thi .r,iuble Is. crushing in'o, dem,)]Pion; and the ciom. tell at once by hearLsig a preachor or grBit Lrael.r, oi land Lhat. have been t� dt, shim tsw,fore, but it was only thim anr� possible doem not alwaYs come , Icarned that there was ao,melbing ra,�cc. If I.i,,id a brawh of. it, all i man iso not tiki their religion with f'sigrallon of the last day shall be by reading the writings ol an author �Icared oL vegetation and have been m-orning I heard that I was to be ftom an undup Rai of pride but I umder that shawl. So. exasperated by &l.(JUll Wilvii Lt ILI YU,lt mil�L, It t hem. 1;h- rnorcll�nt left�ts- it Out- kindled, and a thousand tri'llion voices whe ls,�r or not he h,is ou.fered an� then roiled to saake them as hard and made an over,eer. I -',o narw we &hall Often I'LOCRUAM It pays finarst-tally to him troubles and broksin Daps, he pLicb- woul,ij fill all Lite hou.e with 1,h3 re- si�e ,h� c.unter 1,,st it dis-Lurb the on earth wCl cry: "First" and my- mourned. I he is wit bout the expert- smooth as possible. Each oi these be iihis to lt,tali hewtis." ii Into the shawl, growling and, �aalr- tdole_ce. T.6 caniphe_ as, we h,,%e it, goods. The hou.,k& per vviii nOL let rinds of voices In the sky respond : encas a.' grief, be lacks the power to iloors is 600 acres in extent. ALfter ono H , did n- W Aj L for a reply. but rom- appeal P rm%perf)um It is 1hr way of &no Find biting it. while over �od (ivnr is offerisive to hume, but the cami.hire, her rehgwa ir,ii as rol:sos in the "Fire!" and am the land and on the read your inmost heart if you have at them hAs been covered to a depth iinuo,d in Luore passionate kinguAg" to thie ,voild thisil nothing sucreeds, like , tolled dog =d litUt, girl and �h,,wl. plam Of Lba LeXL ba -d a liagrance gra,; - it, alien on washing -day. The phdo­ sea, and above, and beneath, and ev- mourned." So writ(s Dr . H. Clay 01 a foot ,%th blue ground. explese like feelings, MAlly tried to success Far inslaner, a vriting doi-toi. o,N the floor the fight w-agod wildly, Otis 'to all. Tue vi.ey,iius ov En-godi bulsher will not set his religion come erywhere, It shall be: "Firel firel Trumbull. And it im an added com- Now The diamoods bFive become bit,p him more th-ars once, but he paid lawyei oi ni"i-rhatit ii more likely to ulli'l Prince, bit the hand whkrh tied haihe,d La LL-Lhe bran(hes, the bLk,IA, in �mid Lae batteries, lost it, got a firc I" Oh, that Christ would to- ort tous toremember that this Beati- gems tliat may be expo:3ed for sale, so iio atteoti�w in lwl, '. . � be muncensful if he lives in good style, got umco"red. Then tbe little girt tne blu&soma, wuppii g wi,b awpet,n...�s g,l,au.o bb.ck. But I tail you, un- night lay bold of that man' Speak, tudo was prorsounc�d by "Him 1ho they ais Laken ,nto the aalearoom and "MoTiran," �he 6a4d a' last. ' You re a wont rrying out of the room .nd typ,-*,al Of Lae bWe0t,J.a4,8 Of L'h1181. less your sr,ngion goos wi.h you every- Stin of Gol-apeak with that voice that -Ir made p-r.oct thrntigb suffrit-ing " jqpjead ()ut on bliae's (it white paper. g�odl elkiw. and I like you, .,nd ant than if every ome known tb.t be finds Prince Only jusuped an his pillu- and 'How sweel. the Loune of Jesus sounds where, it. goes nowh re. Tuat reli-it wakes the deadl However calm and 5 Blessed are thp meek: for ihoY heaps and heaps (,I thool. of all sizes, glad to li,ear you bAvegot a ri4eat The It "rd to Meet his bills His house ­nt to bleep. After that he .1way. gion was in ended to colour all the p's6d we may now be, my dear bro- shili inherit the earth "This 1-1 colors and shapes. The diamonds are pit I It,) pe v, o � ha I I -it I w a ya be f r i "da; must be a lrood one, elegantly furnish "I"Pt in P"sce`- I i a b-Aievoc's earl theirs and sisters crut of (1hrist, I that mepkness," mays Al'ord, ­v,hoRp Ali It. soo,nes h,s so�rows, himis his heart and th-. It -e. carefully valued. according to but I rannot marry you-Dmvid in to ' In till otlsi way&, the t�o lived in W*wzdg, . But, nti you, it was a bright must tell you that you are in grind- post' ive hide im love a nil whose negs i i ve weight. and purity and are hold Next be my hu,band- h.it was se(lled lant ad, while he and him wife are drommed I p-le,t hormucy Pritive vimild h-t c lour. lor ,heg most p,rt it wa. �n ing need, in appaling peril "Except side it% long--su.fering." In a I Aribly they go to the tfiamond cutters, who nighi lwt,ween him and my faihei." niceiy at till timag, and )to" to do ,1,,,,,t any dongrr tit bave hi% littlo Af d drives away big fear." 0 work on them lor days and days, Murg-an could ni;i r�ply. He trieA 10 this willittul going tri debt berommm friend ll� in,�" h.r de ly ,,h^n or,ngs dy,3 made at this r,amphire- a mam be born again, he vAnnot-bo kingdoiras the proudliskethe prizes. in 1,is namis of Caessir meartat power; plant, one, o_� the most brilliant. ol till cannot ties the kingdom of Grsd." the King(tom of Heaven the mepk 'ULtIng Various sides, on them and pol- Kay 8umei hLng, but Is a tongue seemed an lei qU"Lion The ilLs-irtem �htq was � shut away from im. ts,b,od the came of ficlod moaaa oruel,y, the oolours: and so the religion of - Just " it is true tbat, in ths main shang theas until (fi.y loolt jlkf� stars. a� if ii w�re tird. He became -op.le e.osao in �he ischochouin lonr� beyond viihi, It be the aiLme of Alexonder menni y must be expicitted in e,ery cOn- Jesus k.hrLat chats no blackness or THE SOURCE OF GLYCERINE. Honesty is the beat PnlicY, 90 It 11% In th-ts cu-ttillif Pl�'�Xh It o.lon hdp- 'bat Milly wa� frightened. ,�he plan- department. It is nec"bary .Jj,], " - .of till. ­1 -o lbaugli h- ,.,Ik qu,est; the name of Demosthenes means gluots� U on Lhe soul. It brLghtCUS Up — ;true that M"Anose often captures as pens that a diamond uiil be redured to ed a vb4ti ow,ii Iti and pre,Lned him to school with her every d. -y ,n-1 eloquemce; the name at Milton mgny of I hiq world'g pitizes as Amatimp- hAt its; ortifiriRl Weight. into It. H o g ra ped t bit ,i r in � protiding (140 table with gond fo-i 64 me.311-9 ii e it grightens up everything. You of it to See LbaL nothing ,A wasted I l" utl"41 'k-ttuily stwind thow.boul )ard. poeiry; the rame of Benjamin West ,,h,'L go wi,h sombre countenance, pro_ Ally-Prodistiorsoir, sindt'andle Faclawlet� tirin and Bluff But th� truL mv.in- In the didmond minoti prop�r ail p(is- and lipruhlvd all (yver. A gain "ud tuiniture and varliptii munt hiviii kh,� he loll very lonply But he en)oyacl mearie't painting, Lhe saiiine of Phidias� tending th,it you are better than I In Inerraqed Owniand. �ing of ibis text tA fit d��ppr than sible precauii,)sts ar taketi it, livep (lie agn i n ts� i ried ( o tpeti k i ben he 6ran. beat r4ta in utdor to in,ike trietin, look tb� variii rn-2si;s sculp,Luis; the name of Beethn- am because o. your lugubriousness, . ihit. It is R promise of that Irae ,orkman from a o,l.ng 'he gfuuq, rho iwul-ated feebly with hi� hands. 'Ibit, loneliness Wan what rifts' ­­ vem measne, music; The name of Howvkrd r,,nnoL cheat ms�. I know you, you Glycerine is u."d in making nitro- i"ealth vtb,ch no m;%n rnn givs, or laborers are constanily watebed by . ��ay livr.'" �he .ried, "I vt 11 Like new and pl(tlUnst I Leif UAelUJ11r­ ,I torin to V, off ,,,tn oth- 'log rn-�is reform. but ulse namei of Christ Pretty case you are glycerine, and mitro-glycerine ut, the take away. iiu�%�urthy overseerti, an4i tit might himg 4oin­na." There i% no p-irt uf the hi,u.srwi)rk. .1`10040 Lharector .aA bad. lh..ugh old bypocri,el � 'he however. whettl. ­ MUI 11 tau UC m,,ru:is torAl It L4 the swer-test name ior a man who pretends to be more cbte,f ronAlituetit of dynamite I al- 6 They ,%b,(,h do hung�r and thirst ,hi -y 3re str,pp,,d oi their rlothes and Th� nr.at­, Ii was Lo,ked I 4" "m V, , nep know of db, na or I he t ALn I �b that ever melted from lip (o heart. than conqueror I The more religion a F;,) enters largely intn thp enropical- lntpnqe d*�ire lor anything is the THE11% BOIAKS SEAVA HEI) gtfl had it, go (ariber. Wb�n mho re. P limbed b) irowl iiiiinagement. a, Ilk , Is it I Tb ­o ,1,,as ,,­ , n--i- wtongest incentive to P:fort to 4)btain buying sand making Ilse tumliy waid t " p'sy Of -As you ope.ii e -n aid cheat. that has m,n bag, the better and the happier , tian of momp of tho smokplpga powder- . I their usn­1 Mottran was gone. it�bp. I'hp t^mnaisl vountert, Audmpr It,ilern Otis day ,bouj(h Pr-, ., loi br,en cloFed, the first thing'"fiz. iLmakeshim. itisnotre4ion '' "Hungor" im 'he token of health. hen they are Rent nitli,,d t, H'. ,a-, , ti( ­.I Itili"'. bu, Willy to,. with thrin and nut guilly. j, �vn� -10 -91, roidtip. for iristanco Tho Stryu t b ' ' it 11 �1--oping i�vms. whore, idaukets arn etal sales at the large firy goods hoution I "Ot strLkes yotr is the perfume 04,401A are the kind of men to whom thS HigisteouArims. Right rebitions ,, tiss " Ili— e'l i how 0. routse thin lippi �d 1.1"th#-1. one lie ext,ell.nt ,,pp.tiun y ,.I d-rided that, si� ti� bAd in th- pi-, . -d amid the cloth- to lend money, lot I never _ th in ' Alitc-an war, th,refore. has brougli God Rnd with fellow-b�ingsi; goodnik , i 'an I-, 1� It,- ls­batid of Ili � ,; '' ri.d 9'" .ill thi,o, li� mki-r; �(Ih­ h. herbi tbar were packs . ThP ent ire S-,rm,in oil I lie " th,- a.t ves, as th., only .h te men I i.y in s ,Ilpl)ly ,_,f I tie b,,., w,,,:�21 is, b ­n w img, en i-bb,rp are bun�dreds of hearts again! Thera is no more religion in u i-nin incrEased demand tn Engl.-na i , L"n h� ,if.-A.m uf h., hir lfi� ove , ' IsI411 01 br� geut U.r away 0 is h-, here to-nLg'hL, which, if opened, would a ,uneral than there is in a wedding; ju;t now, Althollgh its ex",tu,ti,,n Mount is 11 11 expos I on of esnlihqed in handholf ihr blue Itiound f.,, L,_ ,,,, .111 Insanity. ii. (.11 61"al I ) redured pr-eit I hers, ham nev 1". 1-,, lifti. in -ti -s ,r,.,i! till, Lord'a ronr�pt ion of ligble are ,it the ati,iori ing r,lo,111 h.. h , -L11J 1-1 1- �111%,.w 'QuAs Pr bepn a 1,mo ­h�n -) tn:,nv .Ornen no"' 11 is sl.id That some Iffeen Ions of di.p.,niting ,oh ,be h-lp Of the '&'k'*' thiin b,i,v hire nbo(, �h- 1,1 firfk offeT to you the natat of Jesus. no more rdigion 1W tears Than in . has not been piolsibitod, ag wait tht, rnry I ['be Is P ,,I ..b a'n fig Is— He ,^uulj not I " "" dot.10, "I., lived Ohl .He sa such, a.sin-pardorser; such smiles. Davisi Was ino brtt�r ,,-ben , usn�Rs sh,11 be tilled. thn depths of , ra,,i Acid a few weeks %%­ I for 'fillroi in.111y drr4,:rnA1,sr;,Aud, learn, alsko their 11im 9- to a kisrid a troubl,-goottinsr; suen a woumd-bund- he said he oried out oi P with rarbolic - .1 p, proobtus wones Isi been talion i rnm (W . 111111111-11 'ii ­v �hjl 'he vt'l U, I a mc,,e,al mile. ow.,y A�i 0, �bed b g lyddiie in manu- � P 1 `1 i o ( Is e I ee d; n g a r,d1fkjgt i 0 In d r es 1, �0 vs. �b,g, b""Navon many or; such a grarvi-trenker, that the bell, than he was when b,3 sitid that ' ago The f4ct LA. %' no �nmw ,if the Kiinbriley di-stirict since 187 ,, b-- tit � , n ii- d -me so ,vutil.l li�, . , t"rA 4a sihe laid ber fluffN hq1r and pronunication of His name his mouth was tilled ughti-s- I -'%' I N' I n,,- n, . c-iii-luvi ng the ltuiiinesm ni Ili, Kim- ni..n -,wqd� d,,JlAin every ypar fh# ext*11ent pit - faintest ' a fillt,.i �. 1. h w�iley nine 1,.'M Eurt)pe,1111s and .N700 p�z patterrim ,,hirls we i -an buy no RO with la fat-ture of %v'bLvh aderiv,itive of car ,n,rn3,1" tn R,f'la�l " . 1 V �herk% o.n bin black ls�­i Poot rounos up all the incense of the, ,gar- and his tongue with 5ingin Tue I Its 1(.r A 1%b,A- tnl,u h he Icep, R�Jay 1.9 it cbf.npjy� 1,rp a grg�aj hpip. and ,va- Pr�nf:e 11mitset howl -1. morniethinir den and all the perfume of the tropics. best man that I have eve known ts�jhv arid is used, can be handled wii Is jlglitvtwsines�a .'If your strongest ile- na!ivee tire Ptnployod ,rbe ,or "'I"" fr(,itj ki� joi . in ­n,eqtionre ofvt 'b g --1 tier in dcAg fashion. he �)m as.. i" it b-gh `IL904 dild etPry 13hUr_ men ,u­eed wonderfully well in pro wlitle-the soul, im ecstasy of affec- have laughed the loudest. Religion � 1,,,, rhistire of accident th.in dyna- sirt, L% for goodness, you shall be made tie 1,- hi� pipiriment . Durina ibis 1 during ri,%lurneq which in fit and gert I '111 ,Lz-, Tle,, hid b,, 4 k,,a,, tion, crim out: "My Beloved is un- wait inion(led to brighten up all our ni to ; w, i bat up to the prest-rit, time prictil .go r-arinini L- thLs thial ,u r e T "it ' be " - I-,,,' �' , � p wi a 1), rr.n t a go n- ho ­nt irii,m pli­ to, iii hat s,al �pp,­rsim­ or� "us] to tht,,* anf� isivi tbo- d(wtoi roda horn� ,n a to me Rn acluste,r of onnighire from ch,ir&P.Ler Take, out (he sprig is; Loid doem, not protiounre a ble-t,,niC "" ".1i 11to diamonds; he iintits A�hdo hnr- lmg w it 1hp gle.il time ,hit w ati, , i. W r, % i, b P i i f , (- a i n a c ov v r � i Is ,i , k: o, . tlw vineyarils of En-aedi." cypre.�s Lrom, your coal. and put in "a itie, latter ha -q pot found mny sxten- u 1,on the possession fo ii1rhipoustipsts, rt­ing the blue ground, huriing w hin hiin Rut ii intrra%- in" is, bN I ll� heal m-fi0e ? it S--1 day., paqned ,fipr tr,­ .,h,,,, I -us i iniz Fisbionn (hungit no stumisly tha Bul how sbal I I talk of tbitawreetneas otu-er o camphire from the villeyaidn sirp applivatiom in war And even bu' i pon the de.,, e for it -MAdarnis 1) ,,njii,nd ( I and p(lItAhing is it �d i, ma�,�r,fl him A4 Ily is image " �n. lt,tte,ly ,old dAy a I., n i ' is, o, Bri-gedi," luligion's "ways aro ,,.jtro­g1ycerLcP gunpowderi Ar� going 7 Tor merc,ful. The ­mpn�st,issn- vety di,ficuli pr(w^aq, �birh ,At di,ne w. r.n-an.1i 1,ofoip hirn, ami for ,� lrnp�siiw. to tirf..r . dr.ap ,,nt l- I Iii.1,2f Rrra?, bmit i-1 a %%ell kn,o,%n ot Chrtm'a pssTdon' to those who have I is 1,,,,-' �1,0 rely by hind fhr stonen ,4"vvp I a ftwrr it brrt� on 4 h -k numhor - never felt it; of this owestriess of Tits 'of pleAassoinoss anii tilt her paths are atsi W favoui bi,-r.au%e of their un- ",� the rplis,rer, (.f ivani nfi pnin, mio hi- ,jj­1,p­in1ment Its . hon,,, " her orn -L-1 b;(m6rh! itso 1,itlp is rl f1ving comfort to Most, who have I ba,e otind it on. There (ts-6yrnpiallisti ; ib ,4� whob vr Pc.(,m atA p,A Rhed hy rubbing Iwo. eRrb on ., di ink "in ", l"ro " , ne� ­ * .,v i:, nink- I ill. -n refusied peace." g,.bli, character and other dra-backR. .f inteir-,L ,�ith Iheir ;,ffl 1 Is, ,,I lip r ,,r 1) - v rubh,na th�m -ithit vs,n n " 11 1'� �J essulAt I " kitrhpn rl�K) ind n, , n fig mu nu y ,, I A la ­i h� de,ido,l to struggle no ' I tn ­.j1g­Pd Rl-11-ful. ,n ,� I hivit Hits promwe; dl the sweetrisgs of His who havel lound it so. ,� _ p .1 �hinit ,, hi,pl ' hit " ­­ "'i " Ith 1,,i,g,r istrim- h . 1-0 . d h(tuAphol,iq he- iry ,IhWkT� ­11'sit' '' face to thoae who havo their . I remark, again� (bat th(, r,amphire- Still, for Lbe time being glyr,oriop Pit- f-�l hint -hers Mi-ry of till ,,ior "" lip ­nt ^ tit � � �, '' It in i v ho u qed aniMRI. rTaUrhPXI A' her f, - ,h % r r..I-,,ff gairn . back upon Hiq lovf,f Now, it grent plant of the. t�xt v,as a symool of joys an euban(�ed populaiaty in the %%h,,hei ac-tiially Irli cr, 1, P Rome- d,am,mil p­dnr, it is a east, of d,n- hq, k ,, w ,, k hv t hw -,do ol hia stu- in Ili. _ a y 'in , th.., Hni- nf ,nm Ing 14trily ind f ­h y '' t ', r. ­ W tint" tbA came, nnapproriatod by the m,,nri rul it inifind ' Nk'h,-n it is no,- --fl vival %%h,, ,a, . ill hi, - rie rid. , mo,ny people may flonk tbnt ths, s.s; Jesus Christ because it is a mighty maikets of Fourope: V hin�tt,,n% qnd ­ i�ti­ th.rp are f.,v h-- ,i�l hn�li,-i and fol) think tb,, t res I ora t Lve. You know that I here is fatty thou."nd ion% ni,(-,zT miActable.- wrierispr piti ­Fy in "'t .' "'"'"le eve (r�rn r, and �6r-in­ -h�nn h- �,nld im.,r no that ,.nnot i,, tri -i- is.tl,rp Oh Oh. ,I ,- P--- my i-- -too mamy pir,ople -7 Sttiriptbir,g like ,, m on� iron , ire,,ov,rol wit h do irricind emm-.1 y I t hmjr� Min 1A merely sfckly seats- nothing That starts respiration Fist soon 0 plr)(U�I­ppenl, dir- � ,, . P--1 -r­i h- loil� ,.­,r,i­ mr&ntAliAm Jonathan, Friv,arrIA wrign in one; who has Lainted as camphor, as of ihisi commodity arp made yeirly rcilv In the mp?viful Th, -v hnll ob fs),%der are unp.d. Tl ­s facein, or d.( H- -, WIT ,s,, of .,I,i ,h, Ahlp 4q ltirnrn,nsr� �r in apxiqf sn -1m. 000l mam ; be waR harsh in Rome a his we have it. Put upon a sponge or Jum now, yet these is nowherp a far- fain' merry Even from men A,., rnM- ..iont Aid— ore f.,rrijo4i 1-y 'hiq rtio i b -tisrb lii� bid r,,nqu�rP4 It - foel rigi p- ng criatunri %hwh hindy worn- ff� 11 ­ v 11 ,T- ­ k-4 ,-Of. ,10 h, ng Prlweaq. " h ch tit is %ery i,l­ ,ind ,,,,aid b,,r. ­ 'heir former r �nd-b ,p ni�­ d*,,1,,p ­,, �f f- o, tbr­ d f . ,,,, ,1�1 t (� h r., g- It - ,, ,rr'n Opinions; be wria never afriirste,d with handkerchie;, the effects are aimost. zory devoted primarily to itit mmn,u- m -n ob--t-vation aho,N a, hu! pre I ib -,r ,,u- on� � 41rine %­ighinw mny _, ,�n,ewod ferpni rnatpriAlu If It ,­ann,,# ho oQ-1 rn-1k -d laid him ­ hi�$ favn it� pil any siciatimentnI ardirsur; am d yet ' immediatP. %VaA, thiA camphire-plant I riure It is aby-protluct or soap ominpintly (70M God twenty s,nr;.t- -111 rpquir� , a- 1p,ist One it�y a form hxmr� , or 'b- p,to ,n It. isi got-- ,,n. ­ ,,,,, p,rt, I— 11q It ,i ,4, -1 ( - ,wh nsr a­� -o it tself F I'ho p f dT. -11 ,,hAn,sr. ,- 1, ,ny -1- t . .- - �i,h I— h. o ­ b,in iri,l wiscin the nana I and read 1.� not. I ,vho arA (Our ur f %P mnnrhq of ,,ono int ,,ork h.,i -miniont-Ad %mit Af�riran r4torse "o"' o h .n,l il -,it t­w­ , n., ,,, IV, ng , �1� lt� 1-1 -, It - he - tn h- e of Cbriat virnet men- a, the tAit, though some -hat differ- " la factories. ure in heart Thosio tifted, it I ant trout that which we hars,(W118 f ity. but it tA asnocinted ,itilb fat in ... ncere In heart and direct in holy put- to rs,dirr ,! i,, th� Pr,,P,r form A ., %I 11v l.ok ng v�ry p.k- . %PORT� A PUNGENT AROMATW I n, rombinn.4 pmp. oppotters of nil ,,r-na a" "V" di�,nl,nd .hmr ,ht, �i,r - a .rn,li ,,. . D no, h� fi4gh,oned ii� ,*,d, ­t,U1 of u--fuln--a ri . ,i v. � It ,., I .1 �,* 1 ,4 . V- -oil ,1­p1,V,-r1 w,f, In— .,d THFLEw HIM INTO A TRANS sture. Whom alkalis are �olvM ,n no(, -At-, -1 , P- , n 1­,pT­­ Ili ILL. b­nj( tit- to ,1- �, Paul was a cool l7nian, vvi-th nerve,ti nod in that respect it becomes a 'YPO WILb thalat. fumaki-rigeltberalmrinsi crisy u,A's " narri� iR Wily .' .nd , ii,- .,11 ­ish ­�, i ,itrn, 6u%vi hi- mo % ,14 4n armidAnt-ft k.,tlp u.."t in id,tinir ft- ..rk '", I editerraneam F;blp- at our Lord Jesus Christ bo is Ili cattilim or tionap, and -then a little salt -be have to any dogrpe holino�s imir --O.- - 1,,z h is- oid- n - Ho b4A ht -n expl,,r 1h -- I I - � , "" ­ _ .11 I " ,_,"I. .h� ,i --,,r "'I'l h." comfortable ra'g""t of nil restoratiZ. I hae: ity, In their hittsirtA, in th.it prop ­r wn i iff oi­n tirn,, mn,l at1­1­" nn I A Lq added tn the compound, the stear- 11R 4 u-1 up p �her� h gbi 4.1 to h. -Ali.f­t-, .". . , .,.- I., h-1 potlod him isniii lis-er it m wroolo, a granitic nature this campbirp-phint into the ,,.,o . , .� M of I c :,old n", ­,((­r'T , , ,,ri "I with the whole world rsgai�sat him, shak- a i rried I Lae, of soap, will sepmrats from the God. It is ,mlY poetic 90111A -h- THF) Nrvy,n nRIN;r% h.',h �o -room, after the doe Is d Is ld I rest of the fluid. whist: love poetry, a rn�n mu,t bave an ar h� - -a, i a M. I t qn.htv �f !-ninst g -d- ,,h,,), h- .hd nest ,nu -h Ing bt,3 fist in The fi of the go- "'k a .b ia roiled "Rpoint b -o g-, i, ll� hi,im nn­rwi a 1, i 'or" a "';. �­Iv ht� wi, in ,mod. and -maA d,,g forrej, of I heir Consultation add :skid there vir tiatic nature to appreciate art . R,, Pl4in Th^rr are hundred, of hor,,en and of hindincr sind pit, �� ­,", 111-11 r ornments of earth, and the lye." Formerly the marstufacturer al- hassi haep h"n purl- Ition,andit ,tf rattle in Ili- Flat,niian � is a nd f-u n -i I ho so- tn � A,- ho or- to I he dt�t. li� 4 th� ,,-,rk ­ if lh� -k- pr­­� ,h,t he bA,1 ink� i h. slo,Tkness; yeitt the tboixglit of Christ no boriv, "d nothing more could be lowed the I&Lter to flovr amay Now tho" wh"a" nf rn.tt.y for I ' crbn &as the God of Purity P" - " -1 Aoln I ,rood- ­- n- NVI .k n,x , -k-, I -r I , i , n �, r h (,,r h.rn� Th - k; it --4tansporteid bin, Over- dons, and the soul brlg�tened uT u- however, be eaves It earl seek, ti� fied wlii,ndss tii tt�ves, 1,ik� a d,.ni[ ,( h I r,rs� r1lb. iff".3 fro, 'ry !,, r�nt the , .tiva b thrilled !tme _ �band_ der tbe spiritual restoy ,or. eliminate the glycerine. 9 The pose.emakers Th,Aw -h,� P1 , ,11. "�":l ff"111' P-iIii'm I (­ I—' h, ­­ ,.,It .-ild %.nd hinn h,� � whtimed inst Jaig%,Knox at i I plmim, away miji,vind,tirattinrlingg, pacify wRIPT 1hrmighout the �-hnlp rt,u­ of I l4r� inA ­rk linrn-1 11, ,00k rn� ag. .1 ha, kv­ni,� , mr-rA­ o v I I k-- niz n" -v to, him " f ­ Ing In his nnqure,`xnJ hard in some lFt no ,ever. no marasmun. no neural- To begin with he It" mixture of d �t r, lit, ta- r n no t.. ­ , i % h0st riss, no consumption, no disease of the t . r bulonce, sictiotho Irritatinns. rorr,ts th�,r Jiv­ (in ,ill 1h,, ,nland, -h,i I %-rnpl� n ,tq Rithnuist) Ili— at, ­nrn ,, � j-, It -, � r -11 li� had no- r - � r, respects. The flogib of his In-fligitsttion water. glycerine. malt and, sina;Le other ripp,ng Ftforno nt ,be aurphiq a "mD rnarl, 1�nirer than f­rnor'v F,r, in ., I , h ,h vvap no. ,nv.rod . h - . the duab- godyt that OR grace of God will not , r i, 11 , r ro- hi. leg 11 - Is'! made the queen shiver amil 1 impurittee. The water it% boiled off. ciln the nbetriate.l. i;, , 1, ­ w ­,ri,, " F.P­ Allitnd­ of the rn-t)ri -o � ",,1 a" illina.1m; yet be sat down an .lit- help. T wish that over every bed the salt rectorored for future use. am4 i Ah.11 hit called, which in oriental fibra. gj­n up in ra,11P rinirp, [he ,ait P q 1, 1� hi -i ,n1 i- roviling '""' .-�Iv C -,in- And ­ffi­ ­ P vi-- � ­ .h, -v .­ ­1on,81sptl ', l-, 0 1,,gy mr,:inA­Rna11 h -'n, -­ * 1- He I f- - ,I their ,,I ,h,- -k.r, -­ V- I h - -� �Ull­ff P, 11, I P, ,111' tie child at the feet of Jesus. Solomon , pain, and tirrough averT hospital of the residue is crude glyrertne Thin "' re I-, o h- ugh .' y t. ­uld br nit lo,� n & t ni-lo the rPaulat­n 1,nirlit k -1, b all pAlitti'd gplen- a, " -cluster c hildron. Anne, of God, and arp kn­wn iuri %ild rrrvm iho f1m,- li�s A h,Ln-1,,T, ,it ,% , we inigh. ,r h in I ha n 4 � �,, ,, _ . ­md­fui -h,ng In do ,, , I n was surrounded a Att*Afl W# thliklif 6iwing .1hIR must be careftily retimAd before it in by th4dr ustoral 11k,nnivasi if) thpir heal i,n-il ,hot nrps-ni ,it ,i itighl�, Is, u., �kirt �f , �­t 1,1- , I ,is, f- I f- 4*7^. tn a fivree. ,n1d ,it dour -his ships grifing out from Ezion- I camphirs from th6 vinayarda of FA2. fit. for ums. but the, degree. of mein , ta Is t.� I ti,_fn U - )',,u to" h- d-,ttp 1 _, 1,ni, L,,,,,i hT P.-Intir .t;' , �­ gas of t Is ree years bring oQlti hamil is the sOlt"t ment. to virbich it is sistilijartoid depeal. firrily Fntbor " And if rhildren thvn Est ­pt 1,n­ihiv two nr -ble. ra"ri, h. , 'a .,O,m gober on vo , - godL" rtst'6 pardon is the strongest on, the particul,ar (hte to whicht it to hairis, heirst nil God, wait join, hvir% in tho rainT ti".rtn 'he- ary P.- ,� ,n �nv, n- t,- kn,, v W b - d i' I �,,n,,�., ,spn". ,,b- -w- '- rn-1­ , � 4" \N h,, , ts n g u;%�q or is n dP r%, a is i Ing back alfs' pillow, Ch ' ,..v, -r, Jul' 74�t. A-1 T"u (1.u%, tits. h I" ''t . F, . the wonders of the world rna .1, ...1111", -.his parks afloat with myrrh and sit froulus. Chfitit's eothfort i Is the than to be devoted Out of a bundresil ,of .1innuot Christ But let On not f,,rg-t ntroiirria nr ttoo'm of wat�r in isny ,,R,, ­ ssnvnn� of it , ­ I.,p of ,h. hnmp.q,,k .v - mightiest anodyne, Christ's salvation a weighty truth ultAroA by Dr NinciRf ,v11,,, -ht, r.1flo rnnizo. t�jt -P- . i­rn I a ruatio with transit tomin of fat not ov*r five tons rififly- 1611 11v %ent uilh M,irgen Inint I ,,,,-,,1'i-":.n­,­1.n, ­'.­"�­t­ , " ... ,,1 I ri, hU,V0*T or d- h frankincense, and on. "ChrinCa ppsiepninkarst muni ti,ivp � hrrp shoie stro,,eq it r-Nirril-en, it , , ,f 1-11d ­, k -p from ­ horn I brought tram for*&srn lnmds-- the Is the grand"t roAtorative It makes cerins coo he obtainad , H. 1-1 h.r ,� the pit wh -h I ,L,:­,ntt Th - rn-A, , h-'.'-s.J, ,,� , "". triom of hJs stupendous Warderis found a man mightier than his physical dis- ths, Pon" they hrimit ' Jointpi'l tria-P know-ri hT th� nativ, . , ,n is tery -i ,v( lh* tvay p1t)r. � , f( ­1n. " , - � -I . ,, " o, kn,iw no iho iongp,., f . ,, by the traveller at thin day. Solirimon tresiss. Nero tarreil Rind put pitob tip- — 0 in BleArisid are they whir -h ,sro ppr norne of martinin T),, i- lolh fo,,d . D ­d - in ,11,-m- lip 6014, p,in, , ­i�sr Th. ,,!n,. ,, ­­k'i Mf%q r, V &its down In it 1. 't ­t .t ,1� ­ i ."� ,,f 1h. L,.': f , Th.i ­� humnn lnva,' qv- -- tills palaco to think of. on the Christiana of his day, and then CAMELS AT THE PIA)W pernfed for rightpniiiiinass strike Tho;sp orid rilink ft�r­p ond rrsliio grar,oa ing � a tint ar,him,ty fro,m ,�heh ,h. , e lovely and the, Im that they might Illn- h4) ar so siggrostsively good that thpy on it ripithrr roquiro wo-or nor ,irink ­ , , K-1 , no-si v -n d 13r - � n � the altog ther Itet them on t w " s ­0n .x,a,qpftd ­ 1, ­ �tr ­- Tv,.v ir k 1. "in, , how Christ Ili(% n Count Skortenivski. a -"Ithy Nod- mronize, the opprts,tillern of Ili# wiokpd .1 ,h�n �ff.r.A n .r.d 161 firen immodli-st rni,iv �iib t -v 10,1, 1 ,in I't I I I- ,i,nd ti-ya. mo,t, . nd -*rn� n h ,0 - - . . I , I bad peep are w w a an I I I I 1 OA4 T fair; and wbilitit. sest&d, mine bout the I M IV . I """ , ,--* while they were burning owner in Patimn. Gartnany. has r"*mt ThAirs; 14 the king,intin of hassiven Thin __ I- - ___ — 1, ,,]f"_.A and ,1,�d i door bph,n.l n ti,- h­ts -ni p,4,,,-1 - 4 home. dan., ii-Asit. Is— Oil .. t theres Carries 86 breath of the "PicPS P'lao"; ho nr Q, m ;i!,"T'_­ I and of thin bloss- iind The crowd bansgAtP were jeseiring. ty caused a sensiattalk among the no IaRl tit the Fkvititwl.ss emda Ilk- th. 4 po,n, Prier* 11 MP on V �nd .! &M aromatic wood&, I first. with pnasenstion of tho h�vpnlv In Lnrite drnpory mnd other ­qh It ni -a d,,or roel�ly TnQ44- but or-na , - i h. )­# i .tn . hi,h Im He -sir 4 �Isrl,l toad of lb:thm,,n,. brood ,aftmff nrL­h,rs­ qr, Th�n h- ,Md %1d1v that flarid -ni:, �f ,.],,i -alin ­ h.i,v -1,n m, ,v. Nis %. anzining about It., .,b. som in tb.roy*b the Wines rindo,tor loodet thaq all ths not" went up the lives by ohnPloring a cftfflAI Ins kirsgdrmm It to hamind upon the pliff.r rts� h - -r alftd%� Orion O1&t : ,, My bolovod in on- I nong of pralm Rind taluinob from tb .11 h u�d Ono varb,tv %ii, ,u ,ni n- his-' ski all and the I ba Nod -rial qn1to plifn �r -Pr ,,no or mo,, lh� orts, to-ard wb t'n me to a olkitur at camphdre fromfilyini mortyro, Jmhn Bradford c.1161 harxes or origin to draw I be plow am bin �rsifsi nil the rightow,up in is hostile in f�r Pirtv ali i-mino mirut,,,ir u,n hr'"Irth h -r tn ib,- ptsie,o in ,wrior tn � Its ­tr ­lpn fl"nIP4 "­ARom� .f umlIhns ov"ry dny, hy a .., 'at, U. - out n the presence, of the instrument The ex"riment has proved wor14 p4,,rspc,*tiors was nev - ,,, �l �.. the vineyards of F&-gaill." MIA to- 0,111 fon- is�u--P,l ­n,f� i, n .n "If h -I htAt h- -114 not 11�- -fbont r,,-. q- 4ton rr­in­`1 V1v u-ing-N, - � " 'h"h W� his" tip' ' 0 rialr�M4--rpsM Mutate nnd arter. Of tOrtarg' that wAs to put him t ncestissfol. stail It Is probable flint it t�hx, nail Chr,Atian When mon kn � ­�n ,volilti say O? a. f%,l t� -a'* doith and nl&- "I som a Christian* .111 I* frillrysoi 1. other agricullural that if 30v aliv-111PA -14"i'l- thPY mn.'. ho"] ' f,,,r if i. mid, I., at i-th hir-*d h I " I b%t lt� MLight rn-�trs, h,r p,� '­' P,�+Q It I-- ,,14 -trl�rfss _hi�), 11WAllag pairftrile I Set it tn SwOrY, Poor lauff^r. it muset have hoon ra 4"4 M.Ot in, T- I � nao rry is, in Rix Irl -A ri�r�n. )­­­ ­ lt% -1- - ,loort . *"*s ioltli bunt It tm i4cryl-ow. t h3WO never been before." And dt0J4dt& ii`* , ) 1. ­_ ­ I - I �. I . I I V I � 1) 1, , , ) L, I I � � - � I I 1� 11, I 1-9 I I I i - , � I , r' I I � . . L I . I 11 . I I I I I I . ') . I . . 1% I I 6�11 I I I � \ . % I , 1 4 L 1. I 11 I .�­�_, ",'AL-.--& , " , ",,­­.,iL," _.".hA&Ai9,, , , Li;iiob� 3096 � I ­�,,L � -, &A.k-A. I ,;,��, I , I r _Ak.dWL.&A&.k --.&- ; , , _00"diba.,Lb-A �� , * , I __ " , I I I I M" ,i�7,i,. i� � - . _­'. r"., . .11,11, �" fiammeL­_.... ­ ILI I. , , —1w 2Z_"_7 .Ir . i, , �, 11 I . � , sk �_ i \1 'I I - I, �1) ,;LIALL-11 I — �*___..,,�.A