HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-30, Page 1bg :..VIP st results for Ur Wn, O�Il oIll nVolt. XX v1U WaOL9;oI,9. 1145 GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900 Pear Reader,---Vour Renewal Subscription to The Star may appear a very trifling matter,, but the aggregate means Thousands to the Pubtfshers IMPORTANT TO Wants. COURT NOTES.-DiViSioll Court Will j A H4PPY EVRNT.-Tenspertiouco Hall HUMUS IN Tah Fititi r. fAM0119 tho'Churallies. HE WAS UNDER FIRZ A PRAMICAL FAMIX13 D-UND.
be hold in the court groons next Mon- oil North street was tilted on Monday beell So lually dlIrVI.,,ot �t'l lifs IA lit L;IIUICll Cjileetlon 01,
AN I'ED T ONCIC G-d 0II to day. cuulirlellArK at 10 a. ru. --County ov"Ing will' likol young attoudiag about Lite AujjAb lichalf of Anotlier Lettla7mJin Fte- Atistin W ith toirin w(orts. 11 but,tvi-inalt: I of [Joel s it, I ludi Fainine Fluid te- boil
HOUSE - KEEPERS! I Ie. -Apply to MRS. itulgov,ujil Court arld burrogat e quarterl irc ChIslacklm. of SaItford. In Wo Undon Free Press of Wed -
v sitting%' fall "Cl is vehicle "I'der the au%Pi('- that we quote ls'l�iguj I lie pi�Lle-i III I be 4101-30, Several additional autnithigivit
flit. "lotions. daily oext week. -County f the HIlYflol A sleigh New York Henkld,iho Mail , been handed in laut dutsday. Good 119 nesday last appears a letter, With godi-
L SEUVANT WANTED rolua ('out" Sittlog1k fur t.ciathl,witilluot, jtirs, load alsoi C11,1110 ill frool unit d On Tuesdoov 14LKL Itev. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Win. Chisholm has just receiv- fortal approval. irsigna Rev. %verel curdially walcotned. Tito -it Breakfast in Five Minutes. G lbNRoll Iiijuk-oullandlaondreois. Hiuli- uoTuesdav tit -T to od (OIN of tlie till#')
P 11, Ill LLsi� to flolu Ille.o, it' wits al. whit church. assisting in the d another totter from her Ron Austin.
'It wageoi. A Doty t - M Its. WIDDER. Criminal I Rhode#. suggesting a practical Way of
ILLINERY APPRENTICES %ANTEI) lustice accounts %vill Cow- wits occupied by the ftev. S. J. 11111'iln. funeial of Miss l3aresh from which we snake 8DBje Interestj g
Time and Labor Economized. —_ - -- -- - ---- ---- -- I 'velos that Iti.011) I'ming -el vito t Life extending relief to the fiAMIgge StrielLen
M at once Apply to wence the quarterly audit on Tuesday. and the follow ug ptIograust wall eat ,ad Huller at 12AXAJ love.11 U daughter of H. D. Heudtt, a 111111110113 Of India. He mays.
KIND WORDE.-A resident (if tit oat- Guivsusitll. I4,IAJO surru Hues. CO. SOIO--Oh how Dellirbifull, mm, - t I extiacts. The first part Is dated Rest *1 I believe that thousisondis, of tartners
Ontario city writes a Goderieli friend Sol—'I'loree to IstiaLtIt Allies W River. Fob, It. and details his move. wo
A PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION OF THE MANT WAiNTCLtl) a Hotel. u ly at lice R"Cliathm ... .. . 4.11141 lo6,LK)U tit TtMcGillivray Mission Band of lent, since I t wri a up to t uld be ad to tuake all offgring, of is i�olk chamber maid thus regarding THE STAR. Which is Mina llr)Coe� herg, 5.0uO inve.-iting gis tl it Llia, grain for t 0 fagrulne. Letevery Ind
WAY15 TO PREPARF& AND 6KUYX M ItS. SA U L' .S. in Lheii household : Solo- "Soldier huyin MoLlo Mire Wyatt. 101111terly, church will give their Annual date. He says I t9b,
read regularly at Barkley vVebt, ron 3.two i.ebieglog, ctkticel*t tills evening fit the body of the Of grain be AccePted. - StArving people e here think your paper quite a I Mossu't Mr. Blackstone. Lope are not very Particular, und there
-W Malolling. The joupors owullollett t:liurch. Tilt) prugs-Itus consists of two ,"Wu have been twice to Don I&
GoderichMarkets. Dusts, . ...... ... .... Mlsookors Tritatiews johi btll-g, Cantatas by OVel 100 Of the children, Colony. having two succ=1 would soon I�e ao respectitble
niode-I one as tegards paper and print- 8010 ..... ....... Walk B. Mot.;rk, 1. it conjulando facing Piulue, if wand intiLruiciental selections w hundred Perhitpi the people bf the citles wo
fur before either of cast. owl, city T rebels who were taking all the cattle
Wheat, as Intimated last week, has fallen two Ing, ril expediLlons against a to O.
hio an followed by refreshuiente Ili Rhodesia. ;%lid knell at (ILI er 11)' carg
marks, and though possaud llas hold their own P per., ,,,it I I., Ilia, we di Served in tire felt well known local talent. These help toow" ralafts money
they are not strong in the market at presenL lolli. alkd although so it see,sis that tile -t3teiLlOot IllAdto gatherings are artiong the beat give,, and ishoop theist, could lay their hands I to send it,
not COMM to tile COnCIL11310n that I the cenwiling was Hho,,at I ALU vatinded thaltin out- find things.
Colonic and alicvlo, though holding their own, son, hv Kruger that 1,111v 40,M)IJ, itien Weill, duti th" year. arid always call out a on. Both t4rips were successful, In aside of bushols are to be had fur the
vo e audience. And besides the 111-st scrap we captured 50 of theut, asking. Oodlusarreatlish-asedui.if
th 11" killed 12. and wounded several. AL
e respects it is batter than Lit :ble.,,everyona was serven it d in tile field vvioga K cugej jbjjl� the inost couguillond.
are weakening; live hogs rise this week to ft5a, --, at any rate. it Is a crettle "n ig was &it enjoynble (,lie to, all. MASONIE- off Tuesday tile Bull Ili one of anything, we are gull over-re(it people.
(0011.11111TED Us' 70 110011 Ill 'r.Ulla.,Y,) heir hats ,, the writer, Able socioLioi in otir local church work Dover Farm the Boers were too ffitran The substance is in our granaries. tkud and dressed way nooks, be quoted at sb,� to $6.40. to Goderich." The pou ff AN EvicNiNut IN CLITON.- Ifaving 1). (i. M. Rei WHEAT blishers Lake o t tirine and isIgain received if it, of Senforth, oilloialiv for us and wit had to do a tight Lizartal call lie I kilached."
lVItatLjun to v Tile Honto Missiorno Boarol tit the back to a in, tit called Ichniond,
Fall wilesit. SLUnfolloord .......... I 0 61 to $0 63 Rifin, vs. hiciD.-Chief Justice Arm. visit tile (,' isited Maifili,l Lodge. No,. U A. F 11 W 1,eat I idLs,ndoord 00 LO 11 03 Our has adet Corpu ill Chilton. oul hytertan Clitirch.in session at To., winkre we built a InorKe fort and waited
S I I forwarded his judguient in to last week, decided to apportiou joinforLecklenta. Zruln ba., Pateal. 2 35 to 2 35 divi.,nou took adVillitiLge of the A. ., killd Wits filet JIV .j I I wHich callso in a few the railway courps,"ling
BISCUIT 1, awl .... 2 00 to 2 00 this case to the clei k of the Court. flit, of tile tilelliben'. The NV. M. Life following filings for hosue ififirsion days. consisting of six , Doubtle:1 Lo the Ile I
. 15 ou to 15 00 guns of tbe would carry this loud
IV.. It Ig-viLe and drove e H IBill). vk, wits ill tile (-half, and ft e 1. work during the year beginning A pril -tillery, four comptini five of charge, or at if, inolety of tile
Bran. per too .. . . . , to ill till Lilt bi ago ispard
will be given in our Store this if eek, Shorts, per too. .... ... .. - . . - - 17 00 to I 7 oo is a long reciLes tijauy points in ay evrning. Tile corps as di % ided it III; Royal House its
lionfinerfoing arkratasitiacks. per ton. I no to i tile visitol llt,i Ill all- of the 8cotch Greys, Kileboner"s usual cost. But what of the ship?
IK' Life evidoice #%oil arter quoting decis- Ing.( sections, Liew.. Grant takilIg tilt- Se.."r It Oats, old ......... 0 20 to 0 26 I I(Ituldike. $tI.000; Atallitubtio and the H01 -be, the Buffs. CornWAIIII. Munoterw Where would cvine the Hocking to pro -
Barley ............... ......... . o ss to 0 40 loom hearing till tile queI-Lion. concluil- ,:harge of onto load find Major .... a .5m: Ontario arid Que-
pefie" ' ' ' . . ' ' . . . L '' . " .... 0 60 go 9 60 es as foilow.: rIle piainjily will bK,e theother. The Undets ienched ('If,, Hirininigharna. Then we udVILDC- v ide I I for L he voy age P J 'let here I he
FRIDAY, MARCH 30TH, .... ... 0 35 to 0 40 ecting a If, bee. $21.0.3ffl; total, $711,31XI. Adding to
Bit tt)IINII0I'tIY Iter -ev.a. and wt -re Fle- t od again bot the iebols retreated "ouli"1011 GOver"I'lont would have the
judgment dii the defendant to If , th is Li avelliog ex penises of rjuibslonkfkr�
w a per bushel .......... 0 10 to 0 10 deliver at their ceitlelice, Lo tile plaint. ceived to ",Qrtit good sLyle toy the northwaschl tnd fell Into the Highland- opp(irtitsiity to bear jgA part, to show
Buy, per to 7 00 I., 7 5, t Ill I,illperitnendout arid ex. egg under HocLot Macdonald, Who its 8VIN)PaLily and care for suffering
rier.p., 0 ill to o to iff or her- agent, the said piano, in " CIII-Ps of that, own. and after like .... . ... adittilliatiaLion, the suni re- tnado short. work of theill. W e iv- hot lanity. A large vessel furnished tit
Samples of the Biscuit ftgag I~ tioz.n..... o to to o I I good order, and conditiou as the banit, "boal theY 'kit InUdowit will be c turned L0 Behount tinder it forced thelvost ill tile wholu pt )plo. and tit
d.. *.I 7Z Lo 4 00 waa ,,, At Ilw Ilil"llo-41 flit next Near loge on
exporL. I 00 Lo 4 till the dny of the, trial of this tort AilleAl aisli-ed -tthell'tial D.ti film the year Just closed Illaor,ch tu join the Stivent It Division lit kviLh Fraftli to( �rain tile Rellorous
por lb,ordinarv. 0 03 W 03 el p:Ale Ill-oll ...... IIt Ocus Pull. We have not been tinder of Cloolladog. Suiting over Zwo
Der cor ... Lift., aliLl 'o pay ILI tile Plaintiff kay th.t. w,os Ilvaltily et1j"Yed 2i h tyo been Lransferre(A
and the Wheat -Shred Drink led
served Free to every one. 1,4rubti. per. Ib- ......... . 0 03 to 1, 03 cost,,f thib Koit Oil Life High drove Of jI,jI es ()[I It Ilot, lov. Blo. Rri(l 11"t 1�. 1411 oIll" 11-t ,tutig,iit-titedcongt-eaittions
4 00 to 51 over warill fligothr. can viloask for it toonth ; we tic on tt,o oe"n'lls Lo 4% fall'i People be- ShIle flit, per lb (I w to 0 03 over there were a few '" s it) thl- kofl. .f N". self-oitiptlorting I fit arid look tit tile sL%ca. which loogilig to lisp %allke Iv old b
11 I I .. -It Lolke Superloa.
5 10 LO 5 25 CLINTON Fluised.-The lutter pait, (if alid Life" the bov,i we e ol'isuii.se,l ft,r and you got drenched totho skill and kindues.. but. nil cvjdejj(,o to the world
I)( I -L speectles, 3 sold SeN olal I.jt.ws I I, nii,simi fields have bee It A book, containing 262 Hogs, d 0 F81 onto very 'lice when it potuN #at,, noli, lorke a, 'If Christian
reamd... , ... 6 25 to (15o
Recipes, free to every pur. Sums. per Ili .. ....... 0 Lot LU 0 13 Ittlitt, week Wilson's butcher shop, be an to allow cheill to %(It- I)IP tj,vvf) Raffork, to tic clear.. 11 09 to 0 10 tween the Palsoee dry goods lit -ore and and ineet their voutig fl.io.Ij(jq. bj. I)r John Rhey Thouipson. then have to olarvii text day with wet (if tile "hilY which has larconle our
chaser. Ifides . ............. 0 ell to 0 oj , tf,kt. t Cadets of Lhetwo schools ia f I I. I I, i, I V h t I IIlilillertbold Methodist XpI*cOP- clothes. Fri marching I itn the Five holivot. Nil doubt MKIIII.OhilL WO111d give
8"CepSk'n a ..... o do to 0 65 MeTnegni-L's bank, vas bur-ned to the breth flit,
riouderood .... .. . 4 it) proper k,s livoilkl.vo. addressing the Stotts) tile first Place ve halted at walk of It" grent n1loodarle Froill the hill
Chickens per 'a 0 ` Mrs. Murray owned the pro- shAPe. hence the visit to tile in, loyal 0. 0 , ground. Pienchers' ruseting recently RaIll Darn, whece we could bear tile countries of India CILIIIV
3o to 11 Huh wal a ,,Lost Pleasant The tile kinds of
Ducks per pat 0 40 to 0 60 petty.-Yeaterdny nint-niolor about 3 S1,11ne Present Day Needor (it Meth- roar of Lord Kitchener's gons In tin, wheat Ilint tipenea palliest it, its Cli.
Turkoyti. p r Its .................. o o7 to 0 08 visit of out- Cadet s to Clinton lileans t iefeired wiLh approval to the distance. We were Ili Uird Roborts' notle.
1) o'clock Kirliby's bake shop was ai%cov- return visit which we understand will "'Ile I'a" TI- till (over' Canada fire
Goose per Ili ....................... 0 us to GA Brief Towu lop I g 11 I 4 If o, w go by the Roulan Carholic colonist then and he grode arotind
I eved to he (In fire. originating possibi take place as soon as the roads selea. ready to tills call of dire ell,-
p.r dozen . ............ 9 conjuianding sitgi throt h Lit" troops and wait ent.hinil. orgency. It is f,,r tile Doulinion Gov-
PHU T AND VZOETAHT.98. frorp the oven. The block (it floor bric good find fllshing lit In order. Board next 'Ilkilvik i I fooks cheored. At Relt River we orninent in act allif give directioil to
CHAS, NAIRN 0 nM Regitlar -tit
20 to 4f' , .I, ptihhk !,;,
............ .. 30 10 o stores, owned toy JAIII08 Solith, brother I't N I I I t: . t bill it figs. evou when tic.
ki to 3o of Abraham, tit Goderiell. wits con- Trill: RIFLE CLUB. -Tits reirular I,Ile I tIIj,I)jp if Nvete in thuir infancy. He had prett hard w(irk getting the their lift fill ps. Bananas ........ ....... 2 1
23 311 ilk) not Vitt tip 111PI-0 ti'mosPorts it roes Life river and tip tile
Potatoes Der buah .. ......... .. Lo muffled. Tile Clarelldllh Hotel, which weekly shoot took 'place on Fiid,,y its Iha nukling If Ae,gli Yr
A pploki. per to gil .................... L. I 40 Lo 2 and. they ( o not wilopLe opposite A letter lonseit oil this Vecy idCA Wit-% bo adjoins, was saved. Tho4. Beacon) & afternoon on Life clul Our- cily I,:LIII'-1S NNIII aide, unit w, had it. woo k t I it Lost or Found. A pples, per bushel .................. 75 to 100 )IS I-Roge t PI.Lt t'S text Uridav t-vt 8unolown w out anything to ent. but t three weeks Agil (4) Mootreal front
on. had jLIIL taken PO"I"`- dam. There wall A good at.lendanc- of WI
LOST -On Sunday evening. sonfewhere be- ___ - sion of Life tw,, 8torem adjoining Litt, f, -k% roolsofeachother. When t4tkt- awni, otir Tuic STAR but a) -w it
twoula Knox Church and ball.ford. 10n,l chill-chos built, pornian. hunger. (sit 0 are fit
Gpe if faced silver watch, lady's. The finde'r' New Aaverr.1sainects. bakery, and fin't.kinately tond Lhe insur. arid funny visitors were P-t- caLtle I,) Mniiik.h.i Ill It was might 6) see ILWArto th.1g, it has been rted on. The
wit be rewarded by leaving it tit Tits; STAR RlWe o Lheir stock tVMIkRfeI red. ,'(,Ill. The highest score walk toade by 'till Ild. befttltiftll Structures, the Coonadiana dragging thp 11aval oposed Seellis IWACt ICA tile enoUgh
office. 1743 -It Are You One 1-9. E. Fl Ick � ................. 5 .1. T. Liel-toli. soon f out, koVill. CnLtle, who inade the beat tot,;l IIlaI,j t,) lNIOLhodist Clitirch had au"A acrouq the HVOV and sip the hill
(710yelaud Illcycles-LeoIkShophard 4 will also Ile a its his tapty burber sullied for- H(joie thile, and it Illight, Ilk, twitil J)jjLV,.j() tlIj, �jjj illg to exotc!"t, similar It took 400of fusion irtipes to drug of). it only neods Lo tie kidar-ted by olog
shop was laid ill a,hes. TiIX STAR llieut ioned th:tt the total of I lie skIv 11 1,(Illg -LI't-tched oAnothek-thing,the Utinjun guit at, a thne, bill, we inade it damh fit tone
Moaey to Loan. Coake Qldek fur Utimpki-a. M. Emot( I P ICaill'.11L. is It pure despotitoll. the fill], pretty imitcly can u it, a position to set tile machinery
Granite W. , , uIldersuan is that, theie wits st,rne ill. members who against Diingi, will this bt- L'ahl-ki I%'I 119.-I ISIIII'. ,
ONEY TO LOAN. ro-Cal Lle Brom ...... ....... P It %vith A ill We can begin with the an -
5 yi-L it 14 Made to appear its a democracy Cheer. and tip the guo callie, V aurance that tile fliriners of Canada
the piope(ty unit nInmL vveek exceeded tile scuf.e %villijilig "as linle I'll-1tv ti.itting hrrich find kneel side by olde were at Jacolisdanol. A pretty lown,
-J. H. 11 older. 4 lents. rhe 1, ot Peeparod for S�rinot Trade 0 fflttMe Corporation of the Town of Goderich has Building a Business -A. P. MuLen I -k as erected Ili the (if that dav by six points. The follow- unit J)3L'iog Itt(IIIII(I flit' it ikk�gkt nniount of Sinkinic Funds to, loan on early slicing (If lKql,th" orevi,ionts ft-Auie ing were tile scores : ito; houses of wor-4hill. Tito Protest- where I bought a putold (If gilt., pltv- will RIA411Y give Contributiorgo, of one
lfk�od Farrif PrOPOTI)', tit ronsonablo rates. A I week. however, which is rionfiv it io.,c onp nhil ling &lid six p"I'Llve for it bag if grRill or more, and the railways
lf61. Haster special 1.1coo-jani as Itobinson... 4 sLiticture lluvi ig heeil burned during Total. Otiv n4herilloll life ll(:%v loll-ily Pill- is made Lck appeac ArAdtheywatiLedthree And six fill- ft would In all Plohnobilltv carry Batch
I onintrilaition will be paid to anyono Sector. House and Lo to for $#tic -8. arler"on.. I a
ion IMILLIAfaCtory loans. Further partioulars tile Into Peter Rohb's ttioe there fit Oir j,.. A ndi ews 20 orts V .I. I,he through the" 11 it
may be had oil applicai Inn Lo tLo tonaerdligned. Home Made Moits-Distriond Dyes ......... 4 grocery business. atul where the Kidds alDImply 35 27 (32 toy to- 0 10 Of beer. We had ju,t laill 91 -mill frue If delivered at coBtral ship.
By order of the Council. Jilt portan t- Paine s Calory Compound. .... 5 conducted a drog atort. 1�1,!i (If tetit Ing ill k lie aegirahle pews to down to sleeg hen we g( I. or dery for
H. NV . Ball IAndrews I,,, IThe Nlethodioat today at night Bitter) W ping points. Tito people (11 Canada, we
WM. MITCHEFA, Spring MilillorY-Miss Canomon ....... A Ih if) till I
To w to Clerk. Auction Sale of Furniture-I'liog. Otindry I COMMITTED FOR TRIAL.-Yester-day W. Cat tie 4t 77 (.Pit. 1,)A(i (if I(It-fifflLely and per felt it pretty 11 (I, 10 Ing a, (I h
Coilerich, March 7.1900, it it I little hellove. would warnily approve of an
Removal -Goo, Stewart .... ....... ....... e afternoon the ca.4e again -it Alex, John F, R, Watson :N (11 Monday, Illiaiietitiv 41it, pew rental gkyo,tesn." sleep arid foi-tiver on our ieg,i, either appropriation by the I)oIllinjon, or
N D. Rougvie 16 I2.) Robins would do," its indicat- 11181,11-111119 0
For Sale or To Let, Servant Waurkid-21,11". NVIdder ............ I arid James MiLeliell was hear�d Ili tile H 11 tchisoll :it 3o (,r doitif o,utp flit duty, with v On
Watch 1.0st-STAII, Officof .. ...... ...... I couticil chamber by Police Magisti-fite kovilliatils it (it tOWrl I;L4t �I)l jljg "'I III I on tile Mount, and as n(JAIling eat it, Z4 lack and tile Provincial (iovel-1111junts, to
March Clean Up -W. A, McKlin .... ...... 8 27 41 t forward tile grain it) India.
tjOlISE AND TWO LOTS FOR SALH OR Seager, thr first defendant to he P. Hingham ?A IIs -1, hand. toy Editor hheldon Ili his 1) IIV beef."
tENT.-Hight-roomed boil" and two A Revolution lit Wboutio-John Yule ...... 8 lot,I. Goud cistern and splendid well "ter, charged being Alexander. The evi. Ill. Rulson :32 Ili K mickle (III IIII(if the Topeks, Ca j )ital, Tile next Part of the letter is daled Here's work f,,r Lite M ininter of Ag.
Bearing orchird-apples, plums, Dears, graTws, Are Yon UoInR I-Tt, B, Sailth ...... ..... . 8 dence of J nines, oue (if the defendnoots, 21, I I I111''SI 'll'y ,tI It, Allin's thelo" I 11 Vic* Modder River., Rob, 10. Froin It wit call all the
&c. Locau.0 near Collegiate Institute, Agricultural linplellaint,4-jubo Knox.... 0 the asignee, Uniss. I,ee, miss J. Cattle 27 - X past te114 y t �vtrg-
'IV ill r,,tit, sell or exchange for smaller pro rty, Haster Dolicacles-Balifforal C.fe .... * .... 8 llill Knitl Whi a Ile ef. Ilecessaly Atepq. find le premises, or a dress Millincry Opening -Smith Bros, Co. McDonald It I tv Re flat tilts aftel.ilo()tl ILI INil,. Sheldon has belio of grenot Wliting you the fli-st part. kil to givk' it hPlinflit lialld tbat
A oly Lot;, Grierson. on ill d Spence and P. Gnerich P. 0. ....... I ing been taken, it long ar Isuar, Ft i(II, v. I 1;,\ 3 .It, ll(,t Servant, Wanted -Mrs. Bisbee .............. I inent by tile ct)ilnsel engaged foll, Cross - btlll� t1ho everywheip, It ISHILfe thiq letter we hHVP hall quite it ligilt will lot- It strong linic fit tile t)%)Ii,i (If Iko-
OUSE FOR BALE.-Frookinks cottage. on Bicycles Livery. Itepairs. inc.-John8ton jo To, say kit a venture kit tile kind could with the Boel-4. %V0 lon,chj II(IIII I)el-ial Ullity,
corner of Cambria kind Trafalgar streets. Krox: ............................... ..... 8 wrid. In theend Mr. 8eagpr decid. A CANAr)IAN Suet rTy. - -Nli. A litge 111111 C(till 11411, Ile Made to PaV its promoters for Clift, Drift oil 1110 It) it point, 14 Five rooms, beiddes kilichen. pantry, and suni- Shredded Wheat Blactift-Chao. ed th,ti a print& facia case had been Ball, as the deleg;lte fi-till, w;i4 any great length tit Little. The ttLtetnpt miles tip the river. whe .0 we engagett
fnSlat' that LhO
inor kitchen, Grounds containing I &ore, full made not, avid committed Alexander Council, attended tile ainjual jessi()II iIlladt. by J(,Iltl Oollif,kll & Sol) to pill,- tile eneloy, inakin
of, fruit frike.i. grape-vinesand small friolto; tot trial. 13Y consent tile evi;Jence J)"fS g it night. inarch suld TI ore is abito it stable and dr(vinf. shed Apply ofthe(AriLl)(I Itili�ll IIIV "Wittle48" Ilk theritycif New AVVIving ;it 0 In (lie We took AfThlavit-4 "fill nosh t I
to D S. STOL)DART, East stroe 2t tendered against Alexander WAS Aken (:iiit�r j ii�t ,� i4l\ I. Ymk, residtool in A f1kiftliCial looks of 11, little lind hard lack. after reasim for I If, ill Towli ��optcs asagainst the other two dvfeiidaI)IS. Orderof Chosevi in IIL YVILT' is it tnuch largri, which 1`01-ded the ri%or rigbt tiork ilit,, ,lint TORETO LEr-At present occupied by arid I ht -y r eve also committed. Thi, this week. It. wjL9 III,, Goo. 8tAlwart, corner Victoria and Bruce I)klrlllg Ill'. ill the world h Lilt I If It rapids will) the water til, to by ill(- clocilillim
fi-t I lit- dai I y As it III, tit It If to atreet.e. Apply to D. K. 8TRACIIA N BAst: BALL.-Aheneral organization )flit) off which the ca,,e rest- Ing in I lie hi-tory of file At,(), 111011 which the Ilia
nd I-Ixten'led folit. pac 174', d that (If the ,11jul,. which hil,i 111mip plendid till ..X11111111' -d I h.. Iit, 3-2t. lueeting (if those interested in Inise t tilt, It "Pl`i'lled fit" tilt, Our Toron
by defendants in tile illLevini examin,%_ duriog the vear. Tilt, tile Inv, kill to, I he skel bv Mf'- SlIel- was II IltI it) ko Illooll, tic) violeocko to its
1O%SALE--LLfta 69.70.195and 96in Ifntchi- hall will lie held it) file low" limit oil tions. At! the of the "I'd off 18M It' tile lo -110f 11"Id dellarl, I11"711 l"ll
M7 andI,outh 1, , I, X� Vl' ILt I I lit, ex I".1 i Illont, (If el I el 1) v , N wele flying by it., bill IIf f. Friday evening. The slitirt I,eing In- hearing, 41lbstafitial hall wits Allowed inerit hall iStint (If 811d EN, running numberti.nil In 6oderich. For %I 1. it Uttellipt Lo aigiie thaL
particulara apply 10 yig ilatil and I- tit object, to, we took to,) if, tice of ll.
0 1, 11111,1111"JI, is hoPed there by Judge Doyle for- Lheir appeatance $2(901-17.31 )Ping All il)(21-ea4e (If I", wil"t ollght he arid of what varicod itteadily toohilot SIX) yartim. when eing ,folicilm, ill I hat Conk.
PHILIP HOLT, Barrister, will lea rge. and I.(. prl"ientative Rt- Lo the charge. Win. Protid� Iv (If illi,4 still] Goderich. tndurice. - All are invited. for tilt, is ilivesu'd "in D"Imni"ll ITilight he foade wto took rover nd (likened fire. Our will) Was It PAI -till" Will, Life
;tl"I ,,it I4,1 ,, A' I'llen the io. 111,11ve Captain was tile lit"it to full. will) looll thump afficlavits, is tile
Dallcey iand $W,0(X) dep(o,ite(I 'IL�j 1,.Ll 41 'tllu- lvfu,,nI of nil ativeit tie it bullpt right
I'ORIC TO IIICNT--That one store in Vic- CoytRmcrriON. - By a stupid tvpil- I through his bead
loria Block next to Lee & 6hophar-d'o. It ild J. T. Garrt,w, low tile Lie- ill ynt-ii'll.4 chal-tere'l oall1j,; till-I'tigIl 'r Ilw -liting -no. Then w ro, ...... I to secure the Injifloohnient
for year,,l been occupled as a dry good. graphical blunder lit correct,ing it q' I III ()it" it, Ilia tit ko felice. olit (he. pr-tivilive. Ilk paterit li,iIiiiellies, 1-tighed to t lie ollp", y'g osit ilk,,, If t Ile (11111illuts.
-foltare. anti it III one or Life beqL stands In Lown (if the report of Eke Town Council prfo- TnK Bi m, I here hns been a qubstantial jilt ifor Lust Imitinegoo. It is flued up in the most Rler(IRTKI).-The Grand II I t. I % I I I IIIati-I intoxicating If(limrs. Mr with it terrifl,- fire itgLlllqt 11%, arid cninp!ete inannar. slid ran be occupied after ceeditigg lash week, Lilt-, Amount (if it tile eod of 1498the fluinherof Illeill. Allin tile inany patnt, dioppeddown ag,tin wit hoot. Any Cj,v9j.
Valley Railway Cornpanv's Ili]] carne her -A wa.4 16.152. and ILL tile clo , PlUtlifIFIR ROSS Look (redit it, tile
arch Ist. Apply to ROBERT McLEAN, bonus aaked by the pionioters (if 'the f III 11w of tday nd opened fire. conlailling
Uoderich. Y. "I if I1,011141 (-%(,if Ili Uhrktian papers as do- position till about 4 o'clock, when we
canning factory WAS given as $15000 before the HailwaT Committee of the 1890 t lie ouniber reaoned bring "I that I,eilislalftlre tile other 11ILY la-cmise his
REKT.-A new d -fill!" near the G. 1'. inaLead of $5,000. The errov w - 'oninlons Fridav morning, a" '"" reuse of nearly 3,0(X) lot, Lhe Howling ('1111) INI'l III- w1d a,l tit injuty made a charge with the bayonet. find government had employed a prk,vill.
it.' House of C to hettith arid
It. Riallon. It contains 7 larlse rooms and 1,1014-'S regrettableone, but as Life offending he bill asks for pow(,.t to Change the year. The receipts tot, tile yen,. kill lie. hurnhug. He AS we rose tip Lhe one ly g ve
tloo rented at a rea,ainable rate to a yearly 11 it (is it ial detective to aid in the proseclition
Iitintiant. Apply to DAVID REID. tVpo vikits ininkedintely sentenced to it nanie of the collipany to the Port Fount (if relief fund were day (IVeIkIlIg, lit 8 llitpresting figuies re- fearful lice arid Tually a inan fell, but of %little ne who had stolen $400 truill
inuereFit (in hank balances and Govei n' Contritclor Iweek's confliTt-rit ill Ll;c cellar, and has Dover, Brantfort Berhii and Goderich l4ling o III,- cost wid fl("tiocdon of we did not advance far when we had the Treasury Detour tooting; liguil, August,
I Iff FOR SAIX- Fast halt of north half onoeigone his piinishinent,, it is hoped Railway Cotripan I anti to construct a t, FQnckok, 195,777.43I soaking it Ilia] tile v qkiawii ,t iho, h,plot Li tiliv. lie commended the to lie flat on thegiound till dark louder
-F f Lot 4, Con. 10, W. D. Ashfield--Zo act oil. y
sue The atnotint, pai(l out the Ilow I'm is nitirderous flre. Then we advalle'd
M-9 easy. A pplypto - it.s Interest ill I lie temperance
it a mistake will not occur ngain. rAilWAY front Port Dover, oil In I- o$1115,166.78. but he professes to belit,ve that it
-Ili, to Ofiderich, (in Lnke Hurt . -iod lit denth clffiln,i (I(IivVt,iIIg lillo-9t ill') Kild Its to the ever again, but found tile hold fled. would have been highly improper to
HILVP HOLT. Godorloh. Et lurhig I lie Iinnie pet lot I ho
ROPERTIES FOR SALE. Fort AULD LANG SYNE.-On Friday Hal, Alc0ivet Ili. oil behall'of the Grand i$113,750 : dimahility claillig, $6.(xx) : It, is 1111(lo" t hat mik -Ile K "O %v I wesgive "trustm." ell lay down ()If the battle field till eloplov it detective to hoot tip evi-
Standaid Oil Go. morning. ()Ili* ('0111PAlly had 2 kill (it -rice in the %Vesf. LIgirl eltCtioll vil-
evening next, April Otb, tile n)-nubers Trunk railway, opposeil the I,ill on tile trnsfeired it) life indentriity fumi, $1., Allot I 1);It 1,,,, �t I ,A, %%.Ili _ .,I I
17e so we
-Iv $44.1)(N) to fi,l, rj,�,,, I it,. I11 I Ili, (Itle-611111-od Whether Of the outright and 12 wounded. Ill tile flgllt
koulak and Lot for f;ale-$4k%. of Invernesq S.0.8 , with their wround , i r its paralleling the Grand M), leaving ot balanco of neat ed
I He ill) the vena's hisfice Hui dirvir Lots for Rate. Trutik of, sevel-al Ili its sections. w, it N, ,r fi-ii 1,L,! 11"114P If Commons, all of whoul were aits the,
families and invited " freendoo," will we were Illixed Ili) with the HignIand IWeekly hun
Mouse to runt, all modern convionlenciolk. ill tile applicnt all -P11% had provin- FIF1111" givell frep tm,faem hv the rmilwityli. lorfl, Cornwall" and 8hropoibirps.
Black of Vacant Land for sale. a,iftable for have an infornial concert in Odd Fel. %'I' O O leg.-I,nott, week A STA It all P"llts ()'It- "illnilitt'IY loore (L000gerotis
cial clint-lets tinder whic it hall done t whikt mider such favors, do, pis. ch&rging toge(her.
(larden. It,wb; liall, A committee ito in uhnrge repor er visited Lit(, atigio-k-4' jost, t I a
It wam 60'41194- L4- tit the Pn,vit th,-Il the 9teffling of IFarm of EU &am* adJoinin nothing for- five years. It it. woold :jI2 fice to, tilt- interests if Lite conim 11 he the
lig A thriving vk1l, of the pr(igram, which too i,e 0 ar inion jloking an(I laughing in
mice. loond beat Way learn, ILI roggraq,t. ild under those charters Life Gratid "It (of tile P'rl A- `o(I HPPI)t It? J fI(-,title the hie it eat li tile fight , find I anl few hilildred committed by an enjoVable one, Tile Affnil' VVIII I; If" I ell toI E. N. LEWIS. ' " Ttunk railway would not iippo,ip tile able 110111' 11(itilig tile alld till, �[Iiit IAllin in wmim to stay that MvIl I'Mcials.
Solicitor, Goderich. partl� tile annual leave-taking of I ho�e bill. M. P., handed in it anglers Ali(] tbeir mi-thtidIt. The ......... Tho pi i, P pi I i,, I -t Will tit Kit hilto the I)Iilili,h hl'ave frien s ever- walkial t lip pit, I Ik. ueon eiR who tire away on the lak (I " if, I t expel
kinring the stitniner menso-on, and wim number (if petition.4 front places along X edingly fol. tilt- ()if i�f tIIK I'll-illf-tef iWo th(o 'If Y. gor)(Is battle Wits tolight .111 81111(lay, alld Legal Musical. acO now preparing for tbeir tile proposted line supporti fig tile hill. W"4 " "r tl'Adfl, Ili to.Owwhow ritenotight I "I'lott stay I It a Illiflul"
F. Clarke, ofTororito, ior the appli- canip was covered with lifixe 4 4,f all tIII livo nod (III Ile woubi Lhat I with so many bi,114i,, 'rh,- (,r Ili( size 11 ( 11.1 Jigaill I Ile 9.�t1jjI,,Ij fjyijIK I int ENRI JORDAN. Anor PriosbotteriaA vant, stated I hilt, the schenit- -Inded 8 and Me -111(i I iolt is elloligI, on)M.t 111Y heall It fully I - )e we wt I I wt-l'O At K"I'd It he of A 11.91cal boirezto TiiF KiNo's DAUOUTERS.-The "at fetries with United StAtes pfiintq, and wt be underqtood until one got &I, I)t 1, e I fight anrif tiny. this 1%,,,ek fit 19 OpAnAD9 classes In - thein. They %vere aved (lit tile ice 1, %vIll k7mw ilt r ok. squile r "f rN, jjli(�tj P1 Ch. hoile" held by 01f; very worthy Rocietv thi� nro-esntaLed a Dorn IIi%Al -If tl�i'llg happellot fV(W,A4 ORGAN. PJANO and CORNETt last Friday evening fit the residence of Mr. lingrullofs, ninnt factlifer, Miryoll 'hade the fingh-i wholly (,I. if, ,)pill IliI. I t I %%Its 1101 afraid totlie, bill tbal I Pit of Berlin, was hean; in favor of th,,, rr,ini the watchful \Vjjefj Ill" ('1gilljot III \;�j Ifell doling iny If It, Vd. It) 'M%�,: If platriliff. Arti,,n
,pilif prepared for " Toronto Collookk a Mrs. Dr. Whitely wits a very gucces- hill. The road is to hox ivnq birge etimigh Ili(% spLI mmimi. Xnqj eXan,�q. have a throngb rill S,joire slid aty Kath -
For tarm,; apply rv� Tom r. Imwitrolsickt. till "fill enjovabJe affair. The, program title liver ome (if dip but (it I make Ili i, I p(I q)[o Wo Know, Businoss NotiCes, life wid-,w
Montreal St. Studio, Odd Ilf.a(l lit)(] l -fellow's Hall. ife, fit lengt h kind Character, title L lint tot r tiudon, r(illing gitm,k, and fel I y 1 Ovet Rt,rnk,mb,Ir the rGihivrsy NrIssion Iyr met every tequireagent, apil Lhe effol ,fig flit- �Illall v to Ill IIr ifflolel,
1727.1 -(a 1)()FttR Fire ef4timated it) rli�r ill ",;I I conco,ri tilts ovoiniou in K rinif ohaISS EMMA ANDRMWS, TEACHICR ort.bA hostessittid her earnest, co-lahm - of $.T3.(") per milv. The bill wa,i it-- 11vilre.. It- (till it feirr %vli,,. irl 1j,"I fLj('t''I 1. lidant M Piano. Organ, Theory, Sight Readho ers made every guest, feel indeed I hor. por-tvil. heook,i n,l ;L Ill) %it. IIt flit.
arid Ear Tra.1nin A Rpecloolt. f tho Virn oughly at home. The rooniq were ;I rill t lie li,de i if I lie, ire %v I I if it hin it k ot Tomorrow �Soktnrtlay) will he millinfry Ip.
rgB Iilast opening day at migs 11111her A. McLoolkli'm Illtert,
Pra tico Clavier Lthod. The 410 Practice neatly find apptoprivitely decorated CAILLKWATH IATFRARY_Thko sent'- lftcomforter. [�Allv III III,- Ilia tl.).,t I" oav till.
Clavier at G. W. Thomson',; music emporfunt 'N 11, I Black. Illainflit. vvh,o Is al."
vilay be used by ptoijollit. Also Kinde art I and the evening wait one thnot wofibj inontilly rueeting of the Collegiaie lit- timt-ning the hall heo,n I I I,. V :I I., I'(11 ,r CJ ... Lot%, wall Ili Ooderich Method for young children. SLuden Ili beat repeating, The proceedsainount- ntituto Literary Society was held in ,',Let* (in a number of new hAn(Is art IN-- I hertI Ilia% III, if itt It,, I Ill, 147gogirr millinery and the now stoking iR I'— Ill Ulliekig(l nd %%'Juniffoof IdYles at ost Ilifiter's millinery oponing
rr tic the Toironto Conservator C u 2- ed to 14. the auditorium of Life Jnstil ute oil Fy I- ed mid roninienced cuthing holvok Ili Till, 4 it tomorrow.
0 j
on �ppl.lcatiosk at the rresi on a, 7 III k. deviKee filr wl Ief,.yjtlaTI(
11cirtmftnitta rid fish tbrmigh, and tile cuLl i rig (I rove t he sch .... I I I- :,It , " !; [.;,I :; IITnc KNITTING F4c-r0RY.-Tbe wall day evening. The ritt,endoince -ns noL wily her -ring away f0c the balanco, tit III in Lite village of Koket. is temamdo-r ,I
$I(I,�j f,,, 11w aM61(84126P & 110woll have a 1irl room P*[At*' (If Ali connecting the new with the old build- as lalge aq it qll()tll,l have been, corodd- the (lay. Perch were crtiight in fair slII11 hide whip they are crackingoff at 50c
Auction Sales. Ing on the flr6t floor of the Knittinu Pring there were no oLher entsriplin. quantilies x1ritil Life min gilt high,wbeti harri-ter of likknoudl, waa In wa" itiri tht-
Th,y are craliker i-ok". altrriiativ� enti; in town that eveoiniz, but it is they. like tile herring, cearked froin hit 3 UCTION SALE factor v hat; been renjoved. and said many of the oldev Rtoclentok are kox. M SeAforlh, wilm it, (lodertAi Hinv charminI4 novoilt,om.,n tno ne� I IIP fitfA 6% few,of the Inachines that have been ing lint] gave the angler,; rp�t. Wv III S I I 1'. 1. I %,. If millinery Lit),eft oillo_ so t 'I r .......... 1,.,l (I r epedingly st.lidintim jultit now, arid be- may nientiinrl that Perch find herring 4 w,%, to, torriorrovir fSattirdayl in oit in the new part are befiniz operat- lieve it lit,fle relazation DIPAII9 ]list have been largely ratight. the past few .." Of Household Furniture, 'e'd` The alteration makes the roorn ti ,Ile - WbetJjer LI-Iiii is go ill, not will reelook.pild they mota hvrl:)eetI Pl(-tlti- II,— n( Oystrr,o arrivrd. slid oer'I'l In %It tit., ill,. 'I ... .... -1 h7tv".g
FURNISHINGS AND EFFXCTS. oneof the healthiest work rooms Ili the lip proven IfUA-r on. hilt it ripjy be spoilt Ill I. .1. I II .., - h. III . If Province, and the alteration - .4lonleliMPS I)VPF L If nor.d nitio 9 ....... 'It IIAt tho Virtorlso It"tol'urrint, NVolit air^#%
liking. J. R. $HANNON will sell by Public wall Is that, ia file pilot, at fill' and boys would tiv I hair hick, neatly iI., r I,, .... I Ileft ILI. Ioo Cresin %not Ft,,Ilb, , ilo. to, pav the
niuch desired one so far no the employ- npen olf-PtIngli did not, prevent cHnfil. Ii F,. r - 1 1 1 ...... . I ill PIT I lif, Into., #.41 ,,,I $I,IKXI it 4he
Anctlun at her residence, North St.. Godertch, ers were concerned The every one of whorn wmild ig IV.. I, k j(.1.4sk, I'fL,J).
intionager datew from passing creditable Pionornina f"ol. md 1;,;I. hol, It -It I- It' warit." nd ml,u, that
confromencings an onough linny ones for it devent, 1,enten tIn town ye. The Wf at Street Billiard Itoom lisp bean
WEDNESDAPY says that by Monday nearly all the tionq. 11, tile absence (if President, Meet ),,Ili fat ill IItransferrp(l to %he Holland block, n.ott 11"e"t still' Nvi'mi,i hv lopi-father IAo
A 14 19A lilo%Nrl toot what Nm) W,,A 141A�khtlrn.nf Alpena, Mich.. was a 44 thP Plaintiff left, the
ItT89 $ill DAY OF jidditional inachines will Ile in opera Hackett, Virp Ptepident Brydirea pre. wh I4mith Final. Co. The pro,inisels will be twItwn cif ope(I for wnr.t to the iinre-
at I o'clock p. no., and continuing until mill lot tio.,. and must so continue for it long side(]. arid after minute rpadivig and /% F;VT,1zo1nrp Trikik. -lb witai'an Arnerwan 0IOny inal, nw;tjI f-killa. din 'a and effects. corroprilking; - iod, to fill (he orders already On -all prernonted 'hostri, of Hoaon, MaAF. VIM. fr Torekito on vvt�i littractivo and convenient. sni patrons -tricted ik,,w#r,,fthf- detrov.
olgos it of, Fill thq Household Vernitkare. Far roll ( the following pro anbJeot, Itobt. C II— I., of t. are invited in call oil tho now roorns. 1111tio, ; flood that in tiny evert defend-
Intg Fir'Lod. vrkioniko :-Pokno dulot. ineen Dunlop who first through tile Montreal 8tar lint,- Nlifoo, Nljtry or -t tirru,d or V%,IAndoky The R. 11 Smith Dry Ga,ds Co. request nt o,giiii-iro not having an �kktt in ling-
Drawingroorkit Furniture and rundaidnFro. A CrIRIOSITY. --The other dar while anti Ali exceedingly well tell the popular patriotic frind takikki if I I, ri,ar tIr,i, ,,I- in NI,,hljj.. tile plesenre of votir es)"iliany at thpir re aeisifm aboo,lil ymt bare swell A- ordered
.Cargoets. Coirtadint, Blinds Picturele Parlor onrt ooption and millinary o
4o.; Diningroom do.. including h;ndoouw cutting lilkriwn trees (in the Falls Ite- ` ved instrumental was In-[ fr,,in It fllN111* S,( 'if Nile, Ir rkiling h.r
I edroom do.; Kitchoin For. udIv appipuded, an it deserved to lie. by the children of Canada and Ilia 7n, ed tht. -k, �)-rijng on otturday 14) II&av ,r Riddell, Ing a Ind rlr� shin a- serve for Mr. James Di�k, Alex Olark. fc, I'll IMI 1111"1111 Al fill- I Blot, and Nilowinsit w" an,
, "Jewill"Coall Harogre Ill hrynn gave it comic rearling Ili Statiogi, and now receivinit such favour ell Awti( Troronla 0. oy 04-,olf-rich) the ap-
Stores; " onard" RefrigarritArkir. felled a 4rood sized Oak. and In PlIt- gcod sLyle, and the selection was well M -it I" Talk It. 14. SmrIll Driv apenl. ,n now; Now 'IT or" Office Safro; loorae over the world. Thom idook wan to Res annno IIIA (A-n .( Illy,, yon irot your eye rill an Faster hat Sifldl,Ir v-. %to K, -],-,-y (; a mo w. c it Ga of DIAlles, hills. Crockery, Olass. ling It. found a plug which had LoVi. IVCeiVPd. ills MeVit.lip, the ocipreet lihinR started with which voking Canoodoo ro-wool,
Toolol, Rose, connervatory d entIV been driven in Lo fill tip #I hole, singer of the I nqI itute, olAng "The l,ow 1,ill I er. Tit I,, ,*,I % it for dr, foInslapit. alipproh-d fritivi judmillent,
r ell 4 V1, ? Of course Von intend hikving one.
A pro I�r te., etc. corild be identified. and the lin,niontation of will f.w I
and In tire bola was found a large Backed Colr," and thotitill the giong Ili which would brinR the bOV% and girls of 'I," ......... I h. IlraI. . all.this IsPlifiariallY tile time whan a of J.. in tetsoin fi,r Injulle-
'rICFtM8AV virrorno of $10 arid under, cash: Ininch of btlirriall hair, evidently either over half it century old, it brOilght Catirld, into 6ireot touch with tho, Q1,pen. A ( ,I I"gp I III, III, I Mr IV" ,f -1 %k I Wnh. 1. klood phn�� would lie"oo thing of bA&utv IIII(I (1411-904 f, -r imst breaches
,ov,er that glornon fit areti frookithII'Llradit -111 be I hat of a yclong woman or a gir 1. The down tile houpe. That tin Old 0`0119 wbowill trpoo,urn live photnitraphoo of It— ki.t Ilr� i, ,lift hIr ipior. Mr- "'in Rur soods joy," and if you cauld toe the charm r tile (11"I'llaot, tit an airreensent in
ilven on furnishin 6111,14fictory -Iourltv. A hair In I well preserved. of a lig4t got. Rhooid tip applaoded when oiling by boy. and wirls. It -an proprosait tn on94, t 1,11, %nd i- 11 tI, I1 L, j'" V I or of -
Ing noveltie ILI Druiphooko's Photo stud'o, wr (sit nd,-Ir ofeal .Count will be a owed for cash on creit I— retni-IM I. you -oald want more then ever to -join Iwr. liar, for
mallets. - MiAs McVittie in only in (order. hilt it on parohrokent the roarnio of evAry giver t., ii livid n I I,,. II" wit�r ,,ith his brother fit the to r-laintifil for
(ten co or. very fine and fully 12 inches the procession." Gooll up anti toe, $11vig),,f THOS. GUNDRY. Anct.lonear. long. As the tree hold grown fidly qbows Iflat old Hole ltiqh melodies thif, fanti often oloontq and ripwo rda. TI, ,f it I, I'Pat &nil
To Ton Dst,ir, -A rich lady on ",I of bror Ip
three Inches over tile Ping, The hair when qwpptiy rendered are more np- name of every boy or girl who nolletits tPn I 1- it I ...... I III, N <,,or ret or ned In I— n on "'M h ,kician and
SALE OF VALUABLE FAIIM must have been put. there considerably pireciat ed than many of t be soloot of the subscriptions in the testimonial Ili to top lisir v 4t IIwt I. rafedir� In Deafness and Namara in tho broad lov I)r I hot(lot. in
A"PIRNOPNERTY. over It quarter of a centni-V sign* hilt prertent day. Miss E. reritgod .h the tioitinionfill as so leader Vil I, it in oNichilison's Artificial Far Drorria. haq strit IThe lefersdaril.
%to ar,o Thnmnp and Ed Swar fe, 191. Ion his (n0i Ingoo. son that .sf po.plo. It'IT!4rfark4jigustuant to the power of Ionia con, why or y whorn moat remain ao myn- a stirring piece refei-ring dAin I 0 1� cartskin wortgrWo bearing data th: tery. unleas arkrago one living ran tell. Sooth Africa in good at 10-dand I Ito the wits- in fro hat"moverrient end thok pbotneraph f -,i I (.r % I I,,Z to t i:i I II II,k ptoid a r list to .1-aph 0.1 tonight i thoo Far Drim. rnav Iradius )t five nIjIeR thpepof
h day nor Omember, 11111118, made t th was loudly ap I r beautifully knorinted, of ev*ry bny and ( i it tit'- I, it r h,- Nk I..t ve IIf ever girl who crollookit. fivol (Inil,lem no, nPL of gi.xt-r i.ft this �.ill far t vendors, and which will he produced fit the F" A;VIv I- 11prit A of V. fl, P dalp (if Figirpergirrif
It certainly was a cut ion@ find, rendition r. he "ern roe
LZLt f sale. Liters will be sold by public sue- FOR -EX-MADmosor.-On 8aturday Strani%ito qt1roo,ition di-awer wits glippty, �@ Is to soicorripany the gfift and tha fliniti r--1 ill I ...... l g he- lip ,,01 plot in hap� the , Ore.iAn for the Inalollont.. 7H . fulfill A"nae. Not,. wh I I it sort he lled In thp gap by reading a lerilingligial. The lutterrit which will bo in fl ii I ill, I I— i�- kLI , the efel-latit I %and hinmPli in ill&
IgmAoftot BUNLOokim Hotel in the Town of Glide. %N I , lh� - tradr,. Tork. 11. 3� A. tick, try the Qousty of Ruron. by John X noll. the man J. P. Burt, chargedcliwith piece t.hat showed the neconglit.ir rot he form suitable for plaoina sornonQat the kri I.,h-l.. Thoo isore keepers who favor Roorwatki i$41)(I oil ho okhall set lip or
-ackotionagoor. I"cony in the Atates. and who the Ing thorough in goviaryt-bonig it one boting frorn her [oval oubjentil. pirlem in the abut . hm,00�lt in the jorficticP( f
ON SATURDAY THR 14TTI DAY OF a 1, I,- or Doovs will hava to 1�k noot for thootr Nonrooh; in,- r a-irlitptv wohin five venTg inedi-
A.PlU L A. P, IOM anthrifitirks; arroks-i the line wer trVill , " to to succeed. After a abort inter- room In Windsor whkor� the puhl,�. I I, Ir III- ...... �rw wtorp in I ro 0''. ....it The R, 11 ]try ailt,f fiv., rniloq,,f
ands' responded wII.h Rr".*
e I to ion. Mine Oregrory wita ealled on con obtin ItIview of them. Thopi-piloonta Itit 32 o'clollk, soon. the following raln- to extradite. was again r ,- wn "�, Iin I ho, Iin-.11 pr,nt. at 4,, able property, gustily: I,Ot IlUmbdr eight 0ounty Judge a reading that Men of this Rr011if telitilmnnial frewril thoo I— i"If tlw a 1. tt.nik. Rip 111n6(hismot. sib I otek. I lie f rIal jodge followori Molonor
ision, isolators division, of the - 0, affirtned
when n witness wart ratified cronaiderrible merriment. The lIT.ntr, T,ir-d-T -1 loodlooll' 1-11 '41 f.'I I IR (11 vintity Al Hnr*n. Township of Colborne. in fitl Plaintiff wfk� goontar
in the ilrott otiffic-A ohildron of Olorkada, throu1h F, III it, tllev Qje 14f'.44 1.1" V'I led
editrefus, Mists TAVIor. roond I hP spirit ar,ompoinW bv the phnina of tho ohildr-n. fill o, 1, 1, o,i al, an,l ^niage..
exalnined.aghil the evidencent on6 taken Thip lie a firva-clat" rperitio. Tingirs is a now Is -0 by rornstir.ilefilon rroAd. Before monthly number of Lho 1,iterary Flo. who arc ralionno It.will boa tnunhinst invid,rit 1-l wi % P li IIinlik.. IA' " "T tZ.' in' V'i 41", 1 tit I Brostiteirti. sbalro find IdAble. There Is allso a tin 4glas Onilirfk h2ifforke well fin shod. also a gooll I rooLisse was ag-Rukid L. R. Dancey is fpoe, It n iety'a Voornal. It was son Intrl-QUng in hor lillo. and it is an nppnrttitv that I I- .1,11 I .,f Ih, -ry kk�l no, V, a vd I
winspill, for uniopistar and Visiting forposignif I ent on behalf opphllri ellprit. nunilifor. hold rristriv Prit.iorlaining tid ill JP, 1-. I '11, T M mr,d 111.y VVII-eil Allprial,
I prnb4bly mnmp only onno, in a Ilia will f (i -.1 ' i-t Ni oof inito. !� vri , hair rihlw,n. Ir r , I~jty IHonor rij,ourneil the enqntrT hilq, nnil overfiroed with genoine tim, to tho, hildr,so of (',n,,i, in.. to. -h. IIA Aloo,411201lietes of hardwoosvil linall. The ten" 'till WedneAday. ijare wire #Ad Mil mind are In Flood tionditiall. I On Wednesday thp humor. gornso of the hifil haing Alleged anti airls wantinir api,oval blank anitiverip \If. f W VPry %IMOIV Ldvortioporrikookil I_,j ru, q_.
.4% r y lit ailkint 8 milaq from Octiorich rAskst wan renrinsed according t nod- ingly gorkid. Mina Taylor is a nlerk reskill. . (*,It II,h, -h- -14 hi- .,,h in t(.n IT oval tion hato and potritientar. of tho forinviImptit t- for th,a lines. hat 1 hn,,Id A" 4!oq, IM Is frear ligininfligir and in well his It- Is
journationt, and after additional evid- gor. hilt was just one not, too low. for can nlit,loin throm by mailintir a pnqtal trarri to I- -Q — v I h.- I Ifr 4 aj onto. 4 ril of boa certatniv YeIod-rav mornin horne allached
.a[ lit lonce &net &rqumrank His Honor thortee sitting in the north east corner the monirfal FlItar, Photogragolipri; all nvpr t We PrOlelitty Will be siollill subJeat to prior. JudKe Maskilron sollavred the clabint for lost many of her best aentonCIMIL r1t 114111PT11 1-11 IA qW11,1 14. r to F po-p-tina to -iii, comot and vron may f sor h'a rk�kl nf a tonio to * rottpr wits tiolorig ilp (,otaid, I-pa-
Im:Vt9ftq6& MIRA ('sued& are offering to photearaph frosio tro tri ,,o,hich ni,v '-I I I AL V1 h-1 ... 1. T.rcint- la.t %halt �,Il pet van juat rillhi fnr the crkofsko (iAr'p store by Its rovionor. jill.k. ll.qmeq�
I extradition. #Ind after the urinal fifteen M. Willson Will lant on the provrannorke. place In tho Qnsen's testimonial tile h.vot vv- ,, _ _ I_ . .1 1, h,,
1114:201111 AN -- Ton cant, otoil duties of the season. Or yon mav hay. Rv cornto nipanos it got lmtsp and WAllo,j)
of, thM
4A?=4?1g8 per ,do" oul the balance to so days allowed for applooll the defendRnt Ber recitation was excellent -Lnd heart: I:nd itorls of 6anads. who identifV tiv.m ,,h,oft nto, ...... h-l-ngrf,I,ff a the late
,dyft thereafter. � I I III NIrth t—t A ocoggh, a thing most onliesirablo, now as tort in stood stviO lip North attropot. along
or tb the tledetkillit"kid., vnil Ir handed over to the IT. 8, fir received, and than the National Aft n1r.- -0- 11�kol,d go, pectalIZ No need to diollov In either criffe �,Pfqon, and kroing on to Victoria it f flin'thillill tilittift'lln apply to the ingsitigift. authilfities for trial. Win. Prcindfcfot� I hero Hosed the proceedings. The pro- Subscriptions by the thouktanell are poor- ( hoof If % tj_ t oar 0 elvoke successfully with the nonvornent. it, toio pr , : ":" 1 ..
of Prandlonot and Rays. porkrigger-atiti,il for J"N I tT F. M.hItooks, D K Wits. f I W 0 . with a praotinal and pmtse ed to rnn rover the post In fnint ,r
V, dirs' the U. S. stathoritles. and L R. Dancey hill ionst kilowledar, thosto te"for"L kind h. 141oons walkilgivila, the romnilt being Jolm tom -PUILtP 8011T giriontione was rathm Rhort, the rAuse 11 in a a ll,�l en tot P-n,pr, 11 III the absence of Mr. Grant, I hibiren. MI -A W
Im t eV;.irr kit en
&DAWilitIll Millfth. A.D. 111114% appearild for the dofence. t�e Aidshipmen, In Clinton. erlth TI, RT,l rise three ornallfleaunnito thal mr,ml, I I ina,, in Ih, ,f'N� r";f, I renteAV thsomfor. ran aid yon. Call and Patriot Ion and daguage to I lip pit genfl,
pribile ravor -quality. Quant1tv. eirokinlaukkork. 1. &I saw. of two or I borep dollitiM IEty, toy(#, :cIj �0', t,
10, i =1
wa a. rd
om �Ik ,..t h.j I _ I L. .. . - . , .1 " i . I "W fjA