HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 10�. 4�' ♦ f. . . . ' ' -e N'.r �...'.�Z. . I � . .. .... .. . . :. .. ... . . ..� . . .,. .. .. • �':�� ���a� �� ��e Qf th�� r��ry b��1� �1,� ������� �'� �aa�� ���iy wo�i�� ���tit� �'9�5.,��st fiiavN � �oud �'%���+'3•����ti`Q.�`a'I'��.I, ����� ��r�'i�H �� and some �oos1 � 'i'OOTti PR�PARATION �vhich is thurou�;hly ,4NTlSEPTIC. <?�3�0�0'4�U�i�}C>+0+4+0�}O+ O}O+0 iEa Uur atudt nevrr �ds au Complrtr in thrar linrs. �"_ �:C. �i1CTT�T�A.1�C, Phm. B. � _ ^--` - ---^- OHm�IBTand DRUQQlYT FC�R SLOPI�Y W�ATHER---� � we linvd �wo eene aable e�•eoiul�, "= A Shoe . . . - il�uc will ke� p tlid f�Pt dry eud . ' - - A Flubber . . . � ^ � �- tlis4 will etey on. � ( Wit4 both Sou cun defy pll en►la ol __� inol�ment wee�l.or, aod we Luva b�eu � ''r able to maka t�e piiooe nu low tL�t yon '�a� onu Lave both at the prioe ��oa �roul�l :- '��L "�"'� natasslly e:peot to pay for tl�e ehu� •�si, a�ooe. StT_ C��ORC�-m PR��� WEST SIDE OF SRUARE i �he �oserich �tar.l T6LHY[iONB (:ALL 71 FR[DAY. MARCH 10, 100U. (loderlCli Township. Uo�re.-HuKh Andi�e�vN ie Ini�l u��i tci�l� inHnnin�utiou.-Nrnok Hrcvi�.t i,+, luld up w�[It �� hrukeu hon« i�q t�iN ri�ht I luot.-Robert JnhneMu hue r��id hi�' turm on the Bxyflrld liond tu T. Nnftrl. ,u�d intendw uw��(uK tu binnitnl.0 In Lhr mv�•iuc.-W,McUarinev,��f ihr7thcon„ lutd +► Pery nuCc��+Ktul sxl�� nf *t��ck un I �VNCjIIHBCIlI}� IJLNf, ThumnN Bru�vn heinK � lha nunlioneer. Thr ulLnut���uc•r �vi�.+ �'�trV Inrae: includinK ��•ell kn��wn fnrrnfl�re nud etack uien f�oni llnllru, 8txnley ��nd ��bhNr Lc�wnvhipN. ('uwe wnid +�L iui nvernae M$3U. nud hw�ePn (r��m �1G0 un. 1lilchell, c�erk uP Glnderich, in t�onrd "lwes A I.OFtKkR.-The nlr>r�u �m UidiNpuiNd w,�tercunre�. A curumon• Muudav tliqhL wnN I �IH \\'lll'�L LIIIN �vin ientl��o t'rmu J�w. p,tmpbnll, clei k ot �nr; it fllle+d the raade, nnd �nnnr ��rrr E�����etf, with enRlnNer'n nwurd ui mn• reuQhG in it ana were unn6le to Qet nrctjun �vi1h Cu1cI��uRli dr•uln. �vne I�ome. Tne Umm� chnir wrre ���nctic• �'`'���• �r. (:��clouKh n���{tI�•d thu rre�•r InR +tt h1r. &�ui. Mchlwt.L'N. r m1 nhnui Lhnt he w�r��l�1 n�t pny chnrRee uKiiinat tnidnlqht LhN 1{.NyOrld liaid p�•�pIP I I"� �• H� �• c��n. 17. nN ho �vua uot «�.aru•d lio�ur, UuC uuly yucoitrJent in P�•"perly n��tlH.�d. Tbn ree�e wna np. Kettiva,�hoiu. h��lf wny. '1'hn rrNt. �vhn f�O'nte�1 tc� I�i��k ��fter Nuld nuttt�r, iwd welw Pro�n thn.4lh Hn.l Gtli conw.. d;d e�trcreyuty in hnve IPQial HdvicN. Ad uot IenVN, eY.ept Willir, wh�i nti�rtrd J«����•���•�I to n��ec �m Ihe H�Nf. Monduv Lu �vnik hnroe, Hnd FlndlnK lhu Nnow lu Aprll. Nixo� dTvnnv, Qlerlt tno derp wue P��rcrd ln ri•tw n uh�ut ---_� - dxyhrre�k on T��rsdHy mnrninR, Perlfn{t vetv tir•e0 +�nd laokinQ ne if he �vi��rd w88tf1Ald. he liwd uever nhutrd, y�i,gp,_,�����n Wilaon, ot Enet Wo- A SUCC�ss.-TMe• r.itri��tic rnn�erf wiuiosh, NUI(I I118 N(IICIC nud In�ple�t�ente nt tho Unii�n l'hw�i•h �,�wt Fru1�+v evon• pe�tPrd�►y, n�d the rennit �vna very ing wns u sUccrsN, in �Fiite �if I.he r��fn �.utiefncte�ry Trn�u �+ tlan�cinl point ot �wd hea�v ro�u9e, ttie chwrh hNInK view. T4u h�n•ned a►ttla wern hiQh cn�wdrd, quiln K n��n�her r�iuiiuk tro�u qrHile stnck of u auperlor qnnlity ; 3 QoBeric�. ,ind nni n t'N�v fi om I.h�• yeru• nld BLPPlM� wild tmm �55 to }�68 nouthern peu•t uP the towunh�u. The e��cl�. 3 yr,u• �,Ida from $93 to $40 ench proRrnin, e� very R�,ud ��ne, opened h�• 1 yexr �il�le ti nrn �18 tri $'L2, e��Fh: c•nwe 6�IH C�IOII' 1 1 x ' u d �udi�nc•e nit in i ' Un- Prn� R R n 76�3 lo $67 : r►nd hor.�e9 $100 l� �ar�hd, Uhriati�u� buldir.rN." iuid R���. W1'lq. Thr. In�plriun�ite �eallzcd ae 241r. Hninilt��n nifPred prnyer. Th� inurl� na nne wonld expect. TAe niimbrra w�rr iuv foll�i��v: Inetrun�Nnt- t��t,�Jn nnu�nnhnK tu hetween $16Q0, +�I. J�unee Bentl(H: rr>idii�R, "Tho Bnt- �tnd yt2(HIO. Thie Qoed fn provr thet it tle uP 111u�ere+fnutiin." nI1NH (•,uuphell : p�tve to h,ive Ko��1 et�ick i�nd Gi keep I vinlin A��In. }t��hrrt hloAlli�te�r : rc�ciG�• 6han� R���d, A1r. U. Heinilton wfeiaed .., . , „� 11 I��NN MRI 111� ��� � 1 Eull Rtl(I JON1 i. i I lnr 1 �m - i u�er �Ja a � 1 le see ne t.�i 1 re the 1'��u�ll : s.�li�, �1r. [i�lw,�rd ; ��cihui�m, OI`11eP pP �IIP (jel0. Mr. Flnmilt.ou con� •. B��be,�� llrrt. J)uvie��n : nn�1 a��vrr,�l ductlnu ouu ��,�• nt�•. �«�•a�,P, Me►rch pnu•iutic son�s �vrre• r�•ndei•ed bv t.l��� Ot.l�, ar.�tl�rr fc�r D1r. Jno. Ble�r.k. Dfe►rch ch��ir 11ir.�:ditchell,ofTHts:iTAli,und 1GIh, Mr. Cl�ne. Nnfcel, wern huth uxurcted \VICUDfNO.-Qq{t� n romanNe wod• to Rice +uidrease�, bnc nel�her wss nrN- �qin� tuok place nt bhe pnr�oa►Rr nt ennt. Tl�e pnicrecls u2 the eveuiug An1,�irn, Uefore itev. d. I{pnned Lbe were 81�.G0. q. cun�.r:tcliwa p,►rLies belnQ Jatne� And• � CIOUNCI - � . L. Uunncil n et pereonnt� to PI'ROII, ��f Yhnnaa, 11t+►niluha, and 11ire, ndj�urnment ; �uioutea of Inet roeetlna J. Ntnckhouse, ot [C+►at �Vn�vqnoeh. \VPI'B 1'Pit(j '1llf� F1HHNpCI. INOVP(j ��V Jna. Tn�•ntv Hve9*enr� nQo hv hll In luve J��hnRtnn. eNcnndNd h,y JoF�n Mid�lletun. �v�Ll� I1�rv. �3tr�tkbonae. hnt t��r enn�e th+t nu �� v' ��>>• t dil r. �c iitinn+r � t ead 1 e n••Fn r p se � sou he went uw��v to Ci►lifurnin. c�l +uid I.he rrqnired numher oP cuptA• Ph� enaxaetnPn� wu� hruken up tu�d beprinted. M��vid hv U. W. VVillinme. Ahe neceple�) �he haod and hea�t ot the xrronded 6v J. U. ��oody, that J�hu I li�ta Jno. Slla�ekhourr, �vho la dend Middleton he nppmnl,�d to h.�ve the � eome mne or ten yanra, Mr. AndHr- xQreenre��t o+tr•� iuil ont butwaeh Mecars eun, wlio hva tieun in Maniwb�� !or the Urn�q& Iilliott wiLh Gloderich townnhip� InstE2 or 23 ye+�ra, haa bq cal�eful In• in conn�otl�n a•ith 6lie d�eputed wuts� duafry �ucceeded tn envinp� w aood c.o��rse. The f��llowln{� wcraunta �vere rmount of �hia �vorlde p�oode+, nnd heu� pHid : Clerk, rrR, B. M, ll., $10,fl0 i E. thou h: it wiee to . g o(fer 41� hand nnd (., m iio + t n. Unt� rin dP e c � I I R t n e t Urx�Q I�ei�rt the eecond tune to the onlv suir, �3 ; HKrluad, epikev, �8.25 ; RTAR. �vomnu ho ever lovecl, Ne hnpe printinQ, �.R.81 ; J. Aflddlrt,on, nervices th,�t the contrnatinR pnrtleN w�ll huve �vif.t�eo{�InearonC�xtgdre�ln,$L;Reeve, +► v�ry pleNrnnt and hxppq J�iu•ney FervicrA �cith enqlneNr on Cutilg draio, throuRh lite, �►nd tlialy decpn`ngduye �d ; Audltor�, $10 ; Roland & Duvis, muv �iu etwwu NIEI1 qJM1IIV bineain{�. apikae, $28u. John B��►com��rna H�l- PBaR�NeLq.-We areRL►d tbxl �tie pninted p:at.hinaAter in pl��ce+ oP A, eieknFss thxt bae h4on In ti�e horpe ot Bencv�m. Thnclerk w+ui inptr�ictrri to Jno. ft. Mr.Qlinu�n b pcwet�callpurer. rr�d�ver communicnt�ons Prou� V�w. H{a pnrtuer i�� Iffe Wok 111 witb.pl ueen �• \1 ... _ . " �- ..�,r ...-.� .._..m...�v�..-. lv�r�t����,� �nn�d�u�s �� :��� ��u�t�r c�f T,+�nn� :lur�) auict la�cu'u (�ur�lz,eur 6hi ,��oa��. .___,_.,..._a� PoPG A1t�81'L. � � � Prpqunna,.--L3cu•ry tinwkiqw, Rpou ^ � IL PUL9 (.{AbVtl It] Brucr 4��. cl�v i�,..�t wcwk '- �-U. A. !!luuirtAnay. tivbu re�tirn�llpLe Ig l�-���n tWe Alw��il�uliu to tbtr bu�K 6u�+ ai�icn remuved tu GuderlcU. Fuwin� �� A,aid hfr ur�,��rrr� Iu �he vitl�ua.,.-J. El � � E�+t�vkJa�n pztii�� io fl9tn� v4ait tv hi 1+►n�S19 1r�au L��ndun, nat tlntnA�d+w rutwn�b� n��.in un blbuduy,--61rr �#��S , C��diCD t�Et� blurr��Y. fiuAaricb, apriit kivadc►y it � �6a villnf;n. prop��fo�►d, r�rcty�evw�medi• �AYtivn tiqun BY1S.-• A�sir}SE ui�mH ur ul Y����n�q pe�+pla dNroG en cuiuvul�l� C�IIe. �i �ME�► l�+D f10t ��11�Vt evvnn��; aa �hr u,.r1}• �;icen i,y Blr Tdwluw �ui h'riday )stat, J�ef.,�e hi Ofl �16�f fOQd SQII{L�1�1/,� �i lePt far (1nJrrith. tvhtre hc. ialendr t� WPOR�. TE1C�/ fK,�� �(jtt�C rretdd f�,r tGu predeut.-On Frida�� 8veniuK ��[ Innt �vunk Ihu fri�ndH En�• i1t�P t0 ,�at theie digcstive nN11QY.A �JI•. t111(I MI�P. rJ'hurlo�v wit,h tw� enxy c�u�u•n �tud thr fullow�Er; +�dJrr�n mact►incry working properiy. Ua�r dir, Rnd Mm. 16urlo�v,- � u I:Ao o�•u of yoar dapurturo !rom xinunQ�t ur to ougiwu In dutieo clnowhor• � tva, your frlend� uf thu cm�KrFKutiou ot QJ�rin O ohm•ot�. Por6 Alburt, awlro tu uaprobn u4r nlu ctrra rcqrot ut thn aou+u ntinn �r41c� b nbp�.t �i � � � tuka u'e e. W e cnnnut porm►i tbe o`cealun t� � � pnw wlbh��ut aKnurinR you hO�v nOUaIJP wu M1T� ��� Oi I.IIU LLIdIILi'. NIO lnol, thv euorgy nnd tbu al Q' feotfonulu cuu�idernt:ou w(th whl�el� you - o1Cur�.�ortho nvolturu ut nur 6vloved uLurcl COD LiVER O 1 L w�.d tluuday ticliuoi hur•n beou yupltrwl. Nf'llYN17�4Y�N�O.fP'✓/1TES��I/i'1E4SODA �rll�ll� � en�ruox,l.1nit� �loku��i u( EIiB oklOt�lyvtPUCoI loalou r�lth wbl�•1' xr vh�Jtnvcr n•uord ��ou __Y, N•orlt n�nooK ur. ai d�>t our upprac:nWou rtnc W��� Q�i11W"�Ily comet this ad�eem, Ch�etf c�ev �lu�ir�. lWny �hoy 6a + �p momuuc� lu you �f l6n u�¢uy Dleu�.uu� yi•en di,I,�u�ty. epnuE wKni her. I� oa�c`lumon, donr fAunde, eo united tn Fym If you will put from one' wlnlnx toerp�+o oud AuIY, ttwePG our tYeei pum• (uti�ro �vulfaiw. Mny po� fourth to half a tcaspoonful ��n� � a«pn� nd w�nw nu Ibnn�r.d to Uw x•orl wli u6 L hnf boen yuur pto �eurd Lo x0 LU.iI'Uly ie bab 's bottle th�ce or' four 81"""" "'. �l 8 K��ud ou buhnituf �I�e em�grngnit�u �.H. (iew�ctxs. times a day you will soon see Alnrcli D li, 1000. �• T'aEur. a marked improvcment. For ni��. �rll\tl'Id\1'�M i't•��V �s ,�d a.ii�„�a : luger childre from half to To thn mmnbore und frleude of Udrlet u6urob � YurG dlbert: �"�3�)OOfl�� �Ccording to j'���o a�copt oar hrnrUnli r lhnuic�fo thono beuu'�tut �hnira provldod bg ynur couKruRA[loo. 7 hop �vlll ucor reqi�nd w age� dissoived �n thci� milk� ot U�u ylcn.out tdmca und happy d�yx apeni to J__' gothnr ut our cl�uroh nnA 8�iudxy ticbool. if y0(: � YGSIM,� M/i�� VE�I '1'uuugh weure �o�ng 11N4y hom nmon�t you we wll{ ulwoye u«o au futnreo� !n tho wellurt soon show its Srcat nourish� o! our holovod churoh, and I�opo eoon to 6au� of pour pulplt fialnQ nappliad with nn rblu unc � (iod feoriog pavtor. in� power. If the mother a 1Yo ecur remaln your trlonde. mllk does 110t nourlsh thc PortAlLert, Maruh);Xp�'�xo.Tbontow, baby� she needs th� emul- Biyth. 3�011. it wili show an ef%ct LOCAL DoTs.-I�. (i. :ipnrlina, 01 at OflCE bOt�1 U 011 mother ���°Rham, wua In town on Tuesduy.- P A. Henuett re�urnnd lo WfnRhaui un 8fld child. Toeaday, hnv{nQ Hniehed hin tiine �vith E. Llvlugeton.-A sleiNh loud uf youu� soc,.nd�:.oq.udrus`1+u eople ftoiu towti druvn to Mr. 1. scoTT�DowNe,tnembu, Twoera. �trnuRhnn's, Lnet �Vnwanueh, on Fri� dnp niRht, wl�nre thr.y hnd a Vnry Plensaqt �liue.-Iuspec�ar Yuiyley, ol - -�- _ (Jlinton, wae io tuwn un 8und�w.-Y. oneumonia hettseen Chrlrtn�Ne nnd Rohtoaun. uP 2ielRrnve, und J nn. Blnck, New Ye�re, nn�j her li[e IiuuR In x �� Eaet �Vnw�tnoeh, muvrd into BIy cb bx1Nm•e for weeiCa. A� e��ou we eKe th�e week.- -W. Hobhe hne r�movrd Co mnr oot ot immedf,�te dxn�qer then i.andeehuro, where lie will engnan In Lheother n�embeM a[ 6he fx�nliv took d���emnking.-A. LindsnV Knd fuailly me��nlec, nnd (or Gen eucar.sdvn weeke lett fur Dlnulbula� on Tuesdrty, W�kinR th� 8re wne never allowed to Rc� nut. H cnr ln,id ot ell�•cta.-�. LivinRetuu Hio many lriend� re{mce with Mr. ��ue eecnred u vecy Inr�e stuck of e�►w McOfluton thrtt. ht� h�miiv ie at(11 npar- ���Ra thiN seuaon ; Eii►m's �i huatler.- ed t.c� hlm.-We »re slso Rlnd to know I'reparutionr nre goinR nn ��.cWvrly 1 h,�t ThoA. Iiormck ie rucuverinR frou� eur the trec�lon uP u nrw lirick Mn�•I. IIIP NbCOf1lI iLG1CIC OiF/I11PPf1 pAOUI110i11H. Ofl tha elte of thN buildinRr which -Nr�u•ly ern�•� liome In thia loealitp were bnrned in Jnnunry. hHe h��d eawe meruhcr of tbe f+uully WxL[. Dovx 1-The P,�triutic Con- rlek �vlLh tl�u �uenxelr. wnd in Nc�uir cert which wxs held in Iuduetrs cuees all the chil�jren uP che home hnve Hall nn Fridnv niKht wx,s x Rrenl euftered Yrnni thle [�I9P7lPN.-W8 wi•re ducci•ea. 'Chnugh the wrtul�er �v+is v�ry eorrq t,a hear 61�Kt Alhert Mc• r.t�her nnfxvorHble, tht+ h+�ll waa Hlled Uo�vell, our Porruor eohoot tancher, n1 u� overtlowlnK. ��nd 6he txlnnt die�pixv• the predent tiino n etudrut of .ttedicnl ed in renderinK the pruKrxm �vnR �vell COIIY�[P, Dntruit, ie 19�nR siek with worthy nf the c�tuse. A ellvrr collec- thnt �•R�r�y much dreuded diseNae, v�nall tion avis h�keu u,�>, �vl�ich anounted Lo pox. Wo �vill be al ui lu lenrn of hle ❑p�vardy of l�10. ePee�iq rPcovery, xnA hnpe nnd pray tt�at trfeoda nnd neiRhhore cvtl) h+we the pleasure nt welcom�nQ him bnck ��A Fair.Outsid� Is to rur h�ldet xva(n. - -� - a Poor Substftatt Aashwood. NIL1fiF :VOT6P-QURrLHfIV sPrvices Forinward Wot�th•�� WBI'N �14� � din Ihe L�' n v nReli�al churCh on 9undiav. Prealdu�R Elder WioR, Good health, fit�wardly� Of ot Urodllon, cooducted the NHrvicea , bc�th m�rniu�t �►nd eveninQ. Nexl. t%lCItId1IC3?S� lrv�r�ndbowels� �3nbbxth K,ev. Litr, uf Credi�on, ��•��� {ssure tocome if Hood"sSa� tu�u c1�arRe nf the Nerv�cee aurina Rev, .yueur'n xbxpnce from here, the sapartlla fs promptly us�d. lutter re seutln� 1 t ie c»usa of \Vul P krr . t.on hu • • ' c �ch in �i11 avu ineot�oord plKcr. Thie �ecures � fair outeide, und a -O�u 8+►w Mille here have rrceived eoneeqnent vigor in the hY►me, with Lhe I�+rKe numbers of l��Ke thie winlrr, so 61ow o[ heAIW1 on Ehe aheek good n bue� eexeon in li�uked furwe►rd �o.- appeWte� perfec0 di$��tion, pur� �lood. Many niw 6xllinR the upp►ouch of p� pfppp� tlt� _•�I �u In Door NprinR. - Inspector T��m visited our h�W,Lronblad ivlth Qleslna�, ttzed teellns ach�ol lw�t Thurednv.-Uhnrlie Frftz, and loie ot aypetite. I�vas completely run ot Zur�ch, pnid thte hnrg it 9�in vieit do�vn. I tooY Hood'e 8arwpullla d atter on 9andn awhlle I felt mnoh Dect�r. HooQ'� naps- y.-Mr.13. Fr+�id, wi a�nd rtlle bnllt me np:� Iszsu �, H,vr hvo rhildran, nrco�npnn�ed ��v 1Nro. p�eteea,nsarOttaea,Qaw �otd S:nx,n, left fur thrlr homr in CK�•elfpr, S�" ��I h�ry b�ep tronbled N. Di►k�Gi, lest W���ioeadav. - Twu wlth bea che anC b�lloaenesa �nA �vns diPi f� io�.�d � , f �he r , un ri le fr r K V an {t P p bere drnve to the home oP Atr. W�iR• s°d E, r°°do�vn. TtleflHood'e8ara �psrllle ner, 146h c�n, on Thursdnp rveniu L��e me reltet attd baUt ma n. A. R ltoxniaoa, 89 Dofoe 8trie�, ToroaW. �aR Inst, nnd hnd n moaG en joyHhle evan- im+ �n R�uneq nnd arouaeiu�nte of nll ���jT. � IClnde.-Mr. 3. F��uet, Mi�a T�II�P 3{ib• ��I��I�`„"^� (er und A1isw Annie Hesa, of 'Lurich, called on frlends in the villiiRe on •� � Buodo - v. Mn L.''Miller of 6e ru 4 Q nd BHnd. epent �Janday with hie mother. �OOd•�PIIUeurelh�rlll�= tEsnqndrrfqtlnRwd ��n�1. ..��hi(� •-�..T'C'B'__]i. E�:� -Mn J. W. Nm•�vorthy ia st�ll on the eiclt lldt, he in eort�eahNt improved however. - hlr. C}. Edi{�1�offer nnd DUl]ge,IIII01]. w{fA spent BnnJav with Bl'►ke friende. -1111s� Fxnn�e �lnPll has re�urned � Ma�netn�oxieL.-Oneof those pleaaing fron� Henxall.-Mi9tea Laure and Idn evente whlch are shvays intereettnR tu Iioets 6ave returned home nfter u the youo� people toulc pince nt tL+ plexeunt vieit to friende in NPw HKm- home of h(r. H. (71uf4, Wedtieedxv, burg and �ehrioQville.-Ouc tniln�, Mnrch 7tb, w6en 6ie eldeat dauRF�ter, Idr. 23mkeuehire, le quile buey �oith Letitix Alfce, �v�tv uaited in �unrrl�ae �prinQ work. havina enaagrd Misses bV the Rev Mr. Milla of Blyth, tu Mr. Jauuna Nicholson, ii promieuip� younR " ""Q � tarmer uP near Auhurn. TI'e bride w+►e very pi�ettlly coaWimed in a f�i�sn ....� .. , .w .. . �.� y::�-s, . " " . � . . .. .. s � . . . � .�. � .. • � . ' . . . Y . . . ....... .... . ... . ... .. . ... ......._. ... .�. �.. ..... b' �. , ." ' _ . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . ., .., . . . . . .... .,.... .,.. ... .. . .. . .... .: '. :. . .,..."_ � .. . 's:.. ..�..�'..:'. .� _... . s:.'�-ti�-w+'m... «. . ..�,T. .. ��uxoi�: �e�� �n �ii�i�! �`�� ���,� �� ���s����Ct ��►�r �.��: ��.�� :�►�: ��� x��,��� _ ._ .. .. . _ ` _.;��. r+ , , . .. . .., . � . I I� y�o3;l �I,�y ��D+O��� ��I.tI� ���5 �, . ��v� �►�u ��n #t�i� ���� ��:�1.�E'+� if �ot �� t�x ; • rtnd pcsy for tl�em yan Rra�t 6Lo►� r��aa� aa to ° ,���+�"�,�"��l,'�. ���'�,1��X �; " � �j ��,� I-�, -(�"� � : a�nd ave �will sk�or� y�au �h;� � �P�f a,n.d',�ast �absiant�i ��caC� ; � � � � � � � � 1 �i � � .�L���,.J � upQn tt�e n,�a.�ket, k�s�► tv. �t� u�. �� � ������ ���, ���: � Our Q��du n�e ri�tit av t� q�inli�y. ue rovo exAmiue cnrefGlip every psic , , eh� n�va r� e�iv� tu��w f,oui tLe tacGarp. a�d i[ noG e&ti,tuctory we;pturR �.',������� �� L����� �� ������ u � � tLum. . Doin� a(`�S$ pNIXY butlinoss e�ablea a� co ePil at A H{UAII m�rgiu , - � of p�ufit, tbqw giv�n�; ?pA� tk�e lull beue$t oi cluau cust� prioen iu bnyi�g, M� ���r ��I'OIIQ ��t'0!� �O�Y���► �81M�l1�Z�. �...� ; Cal� a�nd be conv�n�ed. � ° � ""°' ,�o�, Amply pzflvYdes for expar�si�n, and contzac_ ++•�* Y P� � g A�wa s 4f unif9r(p uali , x 9 � �„ .� � wh wdl� lear oucse�v�r p�auaot eL a�e tlif Swa Lx A�u1ut ware�uias Iia�Qof. p� �u���d•. l��t �� ���r stee� Wi[e� ., M T� s Y 6i�at xrn uut �u�t ap to axpn �n rt�le, p6 fi0u snJ 76u �eC pA�r, ppp0[d�,Pg 6n I��er �pes wr�t� no matter how „� qualit�•; oorue ot Oueoa w. re �1 76 sud �2.00 per pnir. grlAli g a�� ar.a� �� l5 �tlf UpOtl �i. �teswa srr. : All ocr Frlt Boota �nd �400a aE an8 belox cor6 for yhe nazt 10 dAgo, �!! new �s .� �ut!- , Au� ; goode �Lia seasou, but wn mast Uave tUa rooua tor our uew o�ria� good�. �a�� ��. ;i �„� ' ' We,toh toq onr apring aunouncemeu6 iu onr na:t ,•ad." a� eo usvn �iC�CAtiji �IA'� � • . �ametL�ug eHeo�al to tall you. �,�� ��� ' �a�� s� D�� �,.: � Repairing� and Custom 1Nork. � ' P. T. HALLS, THE CAS�i SHQE DEAL�R G011F.RICIi. � Nortl� eide the Bqnara. ��0. �i.T�d�i�0�1 &�QN f:': �� �� cloth di�esa, tr�mmed with crenm eatin. �� � i VI/A R! �ne coeto�n�►ry attendKnta sx brldea- 4��'''. . +. n�$►d and vrooii�sman tvere d�epr.need � �.; �Pit6 Atter hearty conftratulxtione E. ' h�d �ieen extended the brideand aroom, �.:' � abopE tortV peroone aut down to n moeG ' ' �� � r /� oqMptuoue wedding dinner, wfti�r �" � � � U U� � wbiah the eveninQ w�ia epeot lo �oc�a) i',,;: � g����i� � � P • abst,a+�meA Knd d,�nemR until a lnte G v� b�ur T6e reaen we 1 p te re �oth numer• � oue and nseful. Mr. xnd :1Tta. N1cho1- Never such a grand opportunit to get new seasonable Good�s at the soq's many Prienda in Vu�Qnnnoi� xnd �'� � nlainity aciah them a IuuQ aud haPPY ��� prices we are now. offering our stoc of wedded 1Ke. �" Do�re.-Mr, U. Elliott• te gettfna cuHt- ��� ���� � er�a) on hund to bu�ld o new etnble ��n 1' � Y �� ���� h!s lot.-The exrnl � 1 Ixst Tl�u�ednv ev�nlng �vne not ver �vell attended.- �-'; ' � A netv P O, FwlchubridRs, heta been eaU►blieAed a��our. four mtlea eaat ot � y Come earl �Il(� et the choice. h�ro, under th'e mnoage�nent ot Mr. U. , Y g . �tohineon.-Mr. DoitQlaaa hxe heen en- iar� for Ghe c��tn�tnexson.�7'. Duro TH IS SALE LASTS ONLY TEN DAYS. ��t �A�u,,,,�� G g,�� �.���. ��,e ,,, • C� mxde her n+Ny tn tBe c6op npd � wte Wo thoch.-On Mondav veninQ a This list will stidw ti�e trend of prices with us : hockev mntcl� �vx� pla�pc� ��ecw�en (�fodericl� �nd D�1op��►nn^n reeultin{� 1u �To�iery and (�loves. Dr�s� G�oods. Underwear. Pi�vor nt Qc►derich by 7 co 8. Uur hoyN *"' ' WrA onlq' yb�mq nt blia Rxrua pet : �vnit • ,L,adipe' sncl 13aye' Voavq tiibl+ed Ho�d� Niue 6eany tnnoy D�ese (3oo8e s! 20o Itt+en'o heay Iinderr:ear a euisl lill thep �et thmbuahty prHrcieed n�. � i . �MOrE� $6a for............ • ...........1Gtl F -9Zr. E Ilott w6a hae �vnte�l Mr. �,,,� .' I� s t ra hes�y Ttree B �ort6 $da fot 8be s� .........:........•...........•........ 96o Dnilte'd tx�m,�xci the mtefortame tb t3vildr�n � l�env� Ribbed Hose, reau• Ledier' Vesta lon atas�se ""�'�"""�'r"�""'"""� ``'' , I�Ae �8e aud 200, going 8 fur.....SGo Iiegnlrr 1$�� �iaioge ....... ........ l00 � B � going 6nve Als fow Nn$�r out ot� �vbile c�it- `��'""''.. t r�j° '� aQ..........,.. t�n� eome wood onc�d�r rtcenilv.--0na ...... ..................100 oCaur locnl apartN. N. Spru�le, �uho � ' , �.'i�I�`i'8--Bpeoia) line at .............Go Nioe PleuBe u»i �eripea, doubl� fold� !3oya' 9eeoad TJnderse�r Qoiup st hAd cxptuwrd r toa qr�e HKv recea►W ," �,�,`` ,. K , ,. ��Seoi�� �+�v�q wi8e Prtnte at.........f10 gofng �it.... ;,... . � � •.�......r. .........10� $a)t Priee, brought it heme an�i �Irn�ned [Eup, 1�yt �l` °° y tn 8nsliteee 2,9fl. T6e � thtl bntnral noiue lt��t nrnney�r�1 tia �., ' �w, � �w „ {.� n►hkn ite etcape wi61r xlre� C 8ve fr;�t a� �` �,;�1X�1'd� gi1S11'1�55 �(i�i� @ �: �,�, +w7��r��� ���e �� �7���L���,`�'. ��r�� Y�� r`w �Qr ohxin,-Buttei• Ir�.� rna@�arl Lhe eky� � g r . " � �'�' "' [� `�,° 9cY'nomy� �riCe <iC � per ltr, iri oUr �����s 8't'1LAh"L`URb, ON7:. ',{ '� �. • • burq. � ;, r, tpiuYa thr dietincttbfl nf IrEint one of the verq � :;��+����1 i � ne af �ot�c���,��� vvort% �c� and ���ar �� PtCR80N+►L, --� 14ii:P i3�tefi?tn��h. oC 6�C shhtal! n! !t� kind tp C�cbe9�, ia iarae ee- xpecid 3t aRet� rd�titeg't!i hoe'tt� br tonpd elar �` . 11i��CYA�. LtI�i11 O�' �IIVIND{�W" I�lit+kl'i '�, � f�' �t �. ► C'' +C3cxiet�ieh, �r�ia the �urdt ot Mi� '�W�) ' +khemUn ehr voi�iaion t�e teraa now op�n. �r n � •`. d aon Che�1�st�vuale.-�Mr. �, A3cQuK�d. .�ne�� we sewn ,u� yoasi6te. �r�at;ru� rrwto�e � �o�8ttatPc�rr1. Il�p [�eeu v9�itifl�k 1�l��t• ' ' �nbitcdtrtr. � � ' .� t,�Vi!"x in tlst�iMpitr�ts 1�+fAtn tta�v�rr� �At� . '�'W. J. �CI.LtO'tK; E�1lnotp►► . r� r���C�� �i����' �8y.t1i1�1�. �nmmer�crry.l�TnrGN r'VeaG '1'e�riu�r�. .wy'he earn�val ltuo �hqwtd�V' e�wnl��}� �l� �ii'i� ' � �� %� ��i�W �d�ea" �,xekete lett� elec,ri�n ' , r����+ ,,,1� ,.�, °, 6�pee`ia1 $�r�►ine ia C11otLin�+--�ioyr' A!ct'! of e�t�ib� t�e titeuing np af '�riurnot rer� +��Il �rtte�de<t.�� nrt�rr 1�'� ' ���� VY i�C1a� . y►! �i��'�xi�. P� �. Cf.. F��t�onbri�#r. �IM'! Ii�e'Yl Ct1�R�1+ • , ` . . • . ��+ , ` �+�ii�► �d�rG'w �8ditt t3a rr'I�ta Pante, stnc'k tRkin . Ons lot se de K� .8, w�:�rirca�r��` ����„ . a . ' �i��i�i�'�► ��'btr �Ye�cIng ii i����' ' � b � y �teAad Kt��tt fo�r ►nilea ea�t �cC h�r�. �,���,�,y�,�,�.,.x �$�� . � ` �'i�1� II�c�,Ur�Etxlbl�ti. +nde.� �h� rnrdn rrr��7�b n� 3�tr. 0� �tdlN " �"�r � Bomo n�aiae �n�a �'nenn,-�Mr; �er� M►�. �ntsa ritoL�an n•�•r� � "�+'�`�w�«�'�. ,.1� i�« i •. ,' . , . �x� "'�rw �("'"w, w w. ►w� �� , '�ue �bK►�e �ie oaa iaso etove �rooc� � rM raer� i i ttin ' ft Gi e�� �rh �' ,�" �, b �' 1. uutl t , t�wn4Sht�S. �, '�"` �i1 tar:�''w�i"�'w�.n."i�n y ; � +� Y3Nt1YCtiN'p',, a"�r� l9flrid�t�.�x'1Y� t11$liY' ��!""�+18�w►.y�wr'�w�l.flewRy� �Ifti.Q��,�i' �ldt� �11� � i���lM'b�Y� t7f 11�I�t. ' '���� � �� ��i� ,� ���� t���i ���� ��� �� ��� ����� � , , . ���"�,���►��,�+. �►�� �� �� e�w�� ��� ��a� �r�� �� (� i�ende o� l�t�w iayl�+� �nv��� �witi ht, .. . , .,.. . , . ..,. � ➢�, +r�,�.�;''� �`r�i�r+�i. : .; � , . (l�t! � +� h�1��►�� r r�Kn� l�C M�Ar h�r �'h�u�i� . _ , ., . . , . .. , ,� ��»+w�+,� � a�, � ���� � �"�B�{ - �8�' . � , . . . . , . `.. w 1�cel� �uurahtc�w Kdd�d ta� t�+�[w l��ril,�� r �.1�'�.�i ��w�►'�,.'""",�.�"�;' , C%ri�b�e� �iwr� i►� �ia�li�ner �r � � ` � �, 131� �.d ��l'%� ��Y� irii �`il'�.� rnb �►.r, �vNe�,�`t��t+ �waa� �er�rv��d �'* ���"N�';""� �b�� .�t ��, �tsmb��� ti�� r�il� rr��w� � � , , ,� . , .� ,. � . , . . . . . . t�+hiiu I�dt+nrtiit+�h+i t��r . . «e,aw���6yw�+a+�i�`��i�""w` ,.�* ... �tlf►ri��` _i► �i+� : .. . . , ��bMY1�1i1�El�tit/�i. ,, �' ,; �ie�►tri �►P '�'�e. G1wa. �y�s�ry r�wt+ ��� �r � �, yvi, , , *, . . � .. ,,, .. ddlyr 1�+�'rni . dir�y'kXi� r r•st M� �'hne.4 �w�.,�'"���'��au.�. 1�1i�i'FL'��S• . • . . . � w� a rt. wr, ...r ,. ; y ' - , , � ; . � .; , , i����tt�. ut t�e��a�xth.��r. � 't�Il�i;�rnd�.. � �r , � ,: ���."� �*�5�� ��'�"�+��` �� � � � , . ,... ' ! , r .; _ r.'; _ ; , t�i.l�rMttyclt�hi�rhain�Y�w','►��'trhrll�r'tfr�r; �w��w+wMeiee�c�b "�' i�«�wr,. Cr��.�� �w , , � t���►c �r�eks ��+ir� v�it� �i�. ,+�k�d . '". . , ; ,: , . .,. : � •. ��i�, ' ` .. . � + .. � t�r�i�f�� f�av. $i� 1�i � � ,a �� � � �M,� a. �,� ��►� twt.w���,�r, t�,�� «M+,i.�rrr. ,. � , r,.. . �� .. . , . .. � u , .. . � a zr�.� w�. C ; ., � � ,. . . � . . �4" . w � � k. . W �., 4 . . . . � . . ,, , r � ` �__ � , _ _ _ �_.. -_ -__- _.::. .��:__.._,.._:,.: :,_. _. ._: _ .:. _ _.....�.,. _ _. . : .. , �....�._....._. �- . .... : :....�..�__.,.._ _� � . v __.;.., . , .� __.. _ �.�. , . �P: ... . _-.. .........:...._�.. .. _.._:.�,. ...:�.._::;. .. ,_:_,.:�.�_ .....n'.4'^:.._ '"'.;.': ....,...� ...:.:.-�..._.,...:.'.a.�. � .._.....;aL...._.�._ '...II _ � i'. � � � . . , ., . , � . . . .. � t" . . , � l . . , . - ' . �.,,. � , �� . . ` . . . � . ; , �. � . . � . . ., ��. . . i . . . . . � . ..� �. „ .. ., . . - � . �. � , .. .., �. �. � �, . . ... , , � , < � �ti� - �� - # a-.yroM�YWf . : � . . r . , � . ,; . .� -.-... ...,_ . ' � �L_ ., ..,z.�i�f �.Ar��-....� ..�" � �. .a_,_.. �14. q' ._.�__ ._ ..:..�..�..:.._ . a. _ .n�.. ....._ , . . . , �..v�., . . . �ICY�L� GPE�I�G I�ARCH 16 and 1� 23� and 2� 7 F1�IUAY AND 9ATURDA Y OF EACH WEEK. "Goderich" "Crescent" "IZambler" We havc the sole agency of the `'Goderich Bicycle" Co, for Goderich and suirounding country. �None of our wheels are in the combine so you need no� ear high prices. Call and see our stock and get our prices and we wil] guarantee satisfaction in both. R�1NE14BER THE llAY�J. Ceo. V�. T o��o� 8� h �0�. ' 'PHONE 92 Z`°n. WOULD r0U LIKE TO fEE E�HRNONAL ANU�(3u:��tta[..-pli. Alh� � ert Allxu prexchrd n�•ery' inatriictive pEn�Ecrir w�u� Arriuun hrre 1H�t 5:�liliulh +�ftrrtjuon, G�1zioR hia trxt frniu the S)Otl� P���l�n.- t �Ve iu•e aoc��y W heuc nP fhe illiiese of 'No a Mie. I�+tRru. s�.. nnd ildrs. JHui�•h M,tn- nin�, b7re.I;,ic'h,u•d I�,UR•({EIl ��nd Misa lNi Nirn G:udner hit�•e nlau I�reu <�n the � Ad{��'J eick liet. hut ha�•i• nlinust re�•uvei t•d.- � Mr, iind Mra. Rrxii spent Suudi�y eveu- liil!D inq +tC Mr. yruri��rl All:in',, - Nlir+s KE�YES Hilya�•d, ��ur �>nl�lic xc•h��ol ti�ncher. �Jtind+ivrd nt het• hntne in Cliut<�n.- �� YAKE YOU SO Mr. �VHtter Allvi e�ud 1�1i.a Maqfiie Fowlnr wprnt tiu�iduy ecei�iu� nt [ien- Opp�rpp 11uve tOlt thp p�e�t blets- Imillrr.-111r. ('. 1'rrble �cse se�n Gik• iuK his (�ir nue fnr e� rutu�r ride Sat- f0� bt r0od health yOn �►tll W1►�[ urdxy ,�fternuun ; t he drivM uivac hiwe a�IIlhoat TINY TA61.Q'!'8. been u lun}� nne, rte llnine Ramur axqe thry rnroe huine ' bV muonliaht gv��($�� p� v �und • v u e ruin -\ • Y K. •L. (.luirles Hi�hert- aun hita bnrn visitiiia friendv ut �VinR• B�A TdAN A TAIP TO EUAOPE ham the pa9t �seok.-The f+�rm helnuK- inq lo blr. N. �V. Knott, s�iutl�of?,iuu, �RDsu�tsb. �at�Ufeom �hae been rrceotly �i�ld tu hlr. MHek• � W� MN�� �r'r Vw�Mr T«NI� well 4or the swu of �3.OW. D1r. Jake Niaher ts tnkioR th�s yeeu•s.Gt:oN,.i�.y �I�•, �a. KIl �IICKAO[ Mlt9k\VbII dues not G�kn posaes�inn ---�-'�To Puis--an.Dunlop�, tlll hext Gt)1. _ $oimesoiiie. A Cibin Passage PHR80NAL.-Mr. 8tnnley nud aH��R�,- �• to Paris � tsr, Ber6ha, viaited Mr. A. FlcoHt., Tuckersmit4, on Mondnr.�-'Che munp r f �lenda ot r � M . Fr .d Fm �cl ur e lad to R / F ee leurn t6wt he ie iinprovinR. . UHUreoa NoTrs.-The W, �1. M. A. R��e�r�o�..�.uaao..' he13 ry yuiltin� nt thr home of Mi�. Mnlhollund, on Wednenduyafce�naon. 'j'►le� Dunlop T3re CoIIlpeny� -On `.�unc lu eftrrno on i� V i �t. Job� 'y � Limited will 'v . , . e fre a tteam- church, Re�. I'i,�nklin Roe preached �n &hi ticket to Puit ind ret�vn the iutereet uf lhe Hii�ua Miaeiuo Fund. P T6ie week ha tvill c��nvas th�a purish to the writei giving the t�est fcm the Pu��d.-On lli�nduy eveninR zoo•word ducription of or, ez- Misa Proaton gi�ve an excellent addreae perience nith Dunlop 'ltres. on her experi��nce iu Jxpi�n.-On 8um ,A day tnornina Rev B. Olement prenchrd AA you have to do is to send nn �u�ere�t�nR eervinn from Prop. '13.7. a ppstal card, registering ]our -On Mondny eveninR some �>P the membera of t,he O�inton, Ontnrio 3t. . nume for competttion, u,d ask- Le+�Kue will he ut our le��aae, und aive ing for the "D�tnlop TSre An- the proRrum. nu41 "-which contuns nll.pan. --�- ticulars, and much �aluablt N lle. data, about " Dunlop 11reo.' PER90NAL AND iiSNBRAL.-Mr. aod Mre. $herwo�d, of ANt�Neld, were vfe- itore nt the pnreo�a{qn on qaturday Inst.-111isy Philipa, of Luckuow, who '� haa heen visitiwg nt Mr. Wm. Ma ' Kniaht'e, returned home on �uturdny. -Ddr. Hnd Mra. Jiimes Tuplor, o[ Hape, !'r�� •w uwno�t �w.• S3undaped rtt.he Indy'A Pat,her'A, �3r, p„� �ohn TttBn.-Mre. Thonl+ie �olleq, of �ua°ii�,°�s.�.nwn�� odericl�, wne viaitin� friendp in our � vicin�ty the p,�et tveek.- Miss �Ji�d�e Cartxr, vf Auhuro, wne viritinR her {��rwod peeronte, hir. nnd �ire. Jo�E�e� h t p'r � Iiethor�naton, on9nnd�►y.-Mr. Will pr�tlyp��i�p�+'pijr��lhlq� Jtickmnn hits returnetl h��roP frnn� hie �n� �� ��eqr��q�dr� told vielL' nt Riplep.-3ir, Will Me Nhiney �a�aqa DiW�i��4� qf► , hne moned iot�� om� villaQe.-Mr. ���e�� • JKmea �IIFot�, r. linppeoed �vith rathar n ba�t mia�i�rtund une evOoinQ �iAC Week hv gettiva thG iud�x Hn�er � of hia riRht hand txken � ft wittl an ������� ��� aze.-hir. Att�¢rt Hutchinw i� etble Go tw nrouod aaxli� after l�ir �I I_qesa.-� 1 1n e r i'iY a t 4 N i a r e q w i '�1 N a � 1'V{�wt�nu�h J+tcknian and Mr. Jamlles a++F�n4t�r�Wi+ta�r.yaat�a� Kennedq eaaL leat e� co�n the past '� �'�' �bO� °� M'� � wenk.- The 4nnerx) sarmon at t � w i�, ������� Hts Hu h lt nn wap h �+Lr�! wtoaw►ppqra g 9 prenelied oh Y.++r�r�Mxa�,�r++u.a. Bnhf►utl� e4enin� laat Ly our� pwstnr, ' Gkki�i� for ftie teYt I Uvr., Il[, 'Ld, 23. """'�"'-' A THU�dUCN ,TqA1NINC �N BHtl��'Hllkl! �R T aud fl S AA II1V{t obkk n e9 con� n. �r f ties cnebi f ri�6n, e+� aoa,r n ytianY mtln hnd aod►en �o l�acL ddr of �. � ..M��ri�..�m ��r� �' .e. "�. :;"�p j. ) • ,t . ,� , , 4/��' � J � EVFR1f R@p OP AM�RIGAIV FENGE GUARANTEED , 6Y TNE MANUFAC7'URER:. � Cail �nd Se►,a tt Csin shoiv you how it w'il ��v� you money. � " �WBER� $OLD LABT YTdR IT BH1LL8 AQAIA, A tull 8toalt o! alI Idud� of FENQINp MaTER,IAL, Suy early nod ReE tho Gest prtcee. R. �l. �McK�NZ1�E, ��The place to buy Hardware Cheap, Yalenolen�ea � ■ • Torahnn I.aca Lace. hnll laah � ��' � �� � at per yd.. {o up wlda, ue! dnteu � � �u .............tpo �de. 16a wd up � � oe��a......ioo � • H�br xinnoo • trom lo par yd. �u�NTINtlE CELEBRATINC This week we have added many new lines to our Celebration Sale. Amongst them a case of New Clothing opened on Saturday ; thesetiare D a A i goods and "Fit beyond dispute." ��:.-. --. Men'e etroug '�weed 8aitr, good liu• We Gave a few ot lset qeer's $aite i�.ga snd well tnade, two liwee, reg• aod Overoonta yoa oan hsve at eny ular p� ioe $6 and $8,. Oelebret.ion old pri�tl, wa sre going u� olesr Pr;�e .................. ......$4 .oa �s ibem ooc. " 8osrboro;" little fello�v� Ebree pieoe $gI$TB-We 4ave s lot of cl,ose suiEs, t6e very neweot, �vell made 76o and �1.00 $Uirte yet ►hst we ° of good Tweed and niooly trimmed. eell nt 870, and soott�er lot of tl,nee regular prioe �4.00, Oelebrst�qn w���e 66irta at S6o or t6ree for Priae ..........:... ................$2.g0 �1.Q0; equal to eny yoa onn buy any place at 760. Boys' two pieoe, made of nice brown emall o�eok Tweed, well msde and UNDERWEAR- Men's 8eeoe-lined generonely trimmed� regalar priae Bhirte aud Drswora at per ruic 760, �8.00, Qelebrutioo Pripe... ...$2.40 �nl! eize eud wool lined. Boye' three pieue enite. Une line B. & C. COR6ETS-Joet tRo dozen emell brown ol�eok, regnlar price of tbe doller kind �o Ue eold aG �4 60, Celebr�ion Priee $8.40 ; CrltbraBion Priae 75c; eizes 18 to the other e Hali�Qa grey, regnlar S0. jus0 wl�st you Lave paid p2.00 price $4.00, Celebration Price $,8. for, two doz. at per pair,,,,,,;,,,'760 These are all new, not a wee� iu tl�o etore, snd at t6e prioe �on are New Idea Petterne of New York are use.l to peyiog for old eliop-worn •not ouly tbe cl�aapest but tl�e beat. gooda. We eelt tliem. �� • .A .M cK� m Beid's Old Btand. Ci DEBICH. I � MAR �- CH • OUR �EB$UARX SALE pot to roule city oatalogue prioea end Departmeotal 6tore qnota�ioue. Feot is, the people are (set fiodiog ont the�'oon do ee well ip (ioderioh, wLen t�ie etore ie in tk�eir midet, �s sending sway and nsying osrriuge, beeide t��e aat.ietsot�on of e per- �onal ioapec0ion ol 66e 6took. Oar price liet for Febrnarq brought ne orde�o by meil l�aadreda ot miles away. Tbe paper ie a�uod ooe taat csn briog ae io olose toao6 �vitb patrone st enoh s dietunae. We pur- poee giving etartling v�1oe tbrong�oa� t{,e qear 1900. Watoli out tor onr t10e �19 W � p 6 Uioh will •ppeer ,s�y ofEen ae poseible t6roogt, Tss $T,�x. Note t6ese valaea till tbe end of thie mont4 : �A ��.�'��' c�-ooass� At 5c. At rc. A�keim se�ortady8ilke for............6e string $eade, eaol� ..................... 2 0 Clrrti'e Mils En$ 200 �d. Croohet MenBin Wool T6read, per avool ....................6o g � per ekein........ .....10 Deiey Bilk, ���or0'd oolore. per �pool6o gnicting Pine per snt ..................lo Otewal Wool, ��aor6ed aolore� 8 Thimblea, eao� ...... ........... .. .....lo - elcems for............ ............... ..bo Bpool Twiet, eaah............. . Batl Tinsel, �ee'a eoloi�, 2 �knb tor 80 ' • • • � • • • • 10 Qhiltlren'� parse�, 2 for ...............�o Bartiag 8poble, esoh,........ .........lo Bl��k 8kein Bilfc, P�r dos .............bo Beanty Pine, eaoh....... ..............la L' �dia�' Linen Gollar�, �soh..........bo No. 6 pure 8ilic Ribbon, per yd......lo Beaat� Pin�� d for ......................6o Baby Ribboa, per yd............ ...lo 6�d�. W�ite �,�oe lor ....:............'. o Osble Cord� per �d.....................lo Qh��dren'e Blsok �oe�s;'p�r p�is::,::, o Uhildren'a C}lop�e. ger pair...... .... o�`�lay Dreos Trimminge, per yd.....lo Bil� Hsir Ne�9� eqob ...... ......:.. o� � Braiae, Pe� yd...................,�o Blsok $ilk I.ape� 3 i6. trid�r per y�' §a Toitet Piue, all pizea� por � nper... }a Lxr�e bnu o h �; o l e� e� p� x bDna�... .� 6o Ven dy i te 1}rti de, colored an� w6iEe, Braes B�nner Rpde, witL ot�tin, �s,�a per o�eia, t..r ........:..:..... Pon-ponti. ueoried ooloro, itier dos,.6o ••"�° Oolare8 Qnille, per dos ................bo At l�C. Hair i�ibbon. 6 yd�. foe...... .:... ...bo PaEch•eoek 13i[ke �nd Vel�ef�, 14 Ladiee' Blouae t�Vsiete...... ..19a ...... p�eoee or ..............................6o Alt•eoo1, doable•told Dreee (�oode, F� n o a �+ lore�l Bili� Veiling� per yd. 6o pdr yd .................................190 Diten�4r Oom6ew eaob ..................60 2 yde. Ol�iffon� 7 oolora, for....,...19a ��de Gombr, each .. .................. �.bo 600 yde. tstonee 8ilke, n6 per yd..lflo N�i - ( � � -..�»���� � LI N�RY ��ISS Dd�11 A('„�1`I y6se jae! retnened from Ll�e Oanndian an8 Americ�an wfiol�exle millinery apenings, Tbere ie no aenping t6i faot t6�t r►e a�� lraaere in tuie� part ot Oa+arin in Millineryr. Dircant dn�Wrriare osa otder wi�h �confidenoe feam [6iu depArtmeut. 13� et�ltitlg brie�� th� prioe a�fd �t'Ie, whe�her tcrr �anag or �lderl�r 1�r3�r� giting eom�ta��on� �sir celor;h,ta., e et�ls•clietinotty appropri• ete witl be ���pa��tt �anl, 1�►e pneitivelr gnarsnlne �Il peraon6l and l�tt�r ar�ere, i%n�T ba►ak if noi d�iked in e�rery psYtionlar. Thie rnle boI$e gorrd tBra�gbdo� the �ona�e. +Clur.gr�nd Millinery Opening for 5pring, 1S00, v,�ip be �nncrunCed r�exi� wcek. - - , '�'�R�l�-0A8� Oi� i"1�Ob�Jt7L. _ � _ �F, . , ��V � �N iR� ���� � �'- � �►� ��� � ► s � � . �v. � �: +Y�. �1i�fl����W�. (�I�rn�i¢tiw. • w�y,� '��� �"�A�t st�r�ds �r� its`���wif� a� � �Ve�s� �per� �n�� �ar����� +��u�t�ti�y�, +��a�ity ��d �rr� � +�1��l+�►�, �.:._-a �^_ ,.:� :.:............::.�a�.-:<..�::-_.,__.:,_� ..�r�.,�_�_ .�,:.:_.�--.-:: .. �-:�-..�,:_>.._....v,.y �... .. .,. _ _ >r. . '. . w . . . _ , . # . � � � � � . _ ...., . .. ., _ ' ,} . _ , .. � .. . � .. . . . . . - ,:pe, i;; ' i .�. ;; �i ii: rt `,a, �':f . , �: , E �'�'' . ,�. > �� �