HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 9� � -1 � I 1� I 11 .. I —%.'1-:1P1FJPPo­ .1I1'1I1P,1Fti4o,e 111111� .. I . I . ­ . 11, . . . , . . � PP . I- �-, - - , - I . . " — , ­7� - � � - I . 0 . = ­�, �, I � . . m � I ,� I I % I . I . I . I I � "I . - I f� . � I . I t I I rl �, . I -Ii � 11 I . � I , I , I � , . 11 - I I , �-�.; �� � I .. .1 , �-�.; , �-�.; , �-�.; I . � , �-�.; ,.- I ... � .,- - . ­ .. ­ � � -.."I'- � - ­,;;;;��Pow - -.1 I . -1 � . � " tl;�,� -­., . I I . . . I i � �� - 67 1 - � I --- � " . - I ... � � I I . .1 ... �� � � � el I . I I I I I 11 I", I � I I � I I 11 I 1 7- 1 1 1 � :: ."= 0 1: -; - t I � I � � , I � I ,� 1. � . � IIPI�111 till 1; I I 10 , I �', !'�,� " � ' ' : , .Z. . ­ I ; I �! 11 " 1,-:,-�--;=;,� , ot -- - - ;"!I M�' � - I - . . 1. , � , . - I - "WX ; .;. ,� : :; ' ­ � I I I - - �� I'll, I— ­ 14- , , , I . 31ow , foo,t kow 4 "r, )iappgoal "" I !! � ! ;!!! � !!-1!!--! . - . I , I :1 ., Xkv* g-o"t AUXAW.�iPts," wwg ""s, — (a. k" I ��� I 11 .: I I ­ � I 1 . ; , U? � 101; A'" Jot Ill"W".1attjo .1 1. �. I 4 11 -- - ;� � - - - I - I , I I , 4, "W -K -W 04W )tiot Q", W4,94 Ifew .. - III �­ '*0-­­�­­­..~",'P,o­, .. . 'Y $ 300 . �� A --i � I ""w"'s' - V MIM MWO 'A � ; .1 . 1.40111"gitlIft %"II&Wo*0*s"t1#, I , , I Il. .,T#w .,or* T �. THE SUNDA K ,L 4 . -L AS F*-G,`0,.`D,S`i�,­ � : E, , I � , 4"`u"Its" � I —­ It -*,t 1111" 14", mr,it - � HUALTUO P, . - I �, d , �, ,, ­. 11 I I � W4 'Ops, t4 A WAG* 11:04&Tt U.. � . , , � . � Pi P, � .�"- t, a 4w mi". t" . as I . I � - 11 IPP- —, '-�­-. � ­­­- 1,1- L' . .:. um *9M 7,11AX IM 0490,44iX as Axiii "I'll ... A 1. t wr ' 1, I I � I I " . *"4� to- imll. I" be to", AA toilo, wit4, a TAKU 144rk OF THR. TINWIva. Ab"t tkc go . "re. � I Q � . "A I I . 'NATIONAL LVSSIO � � SAM**. thqoo, so, 'A** jj,64 '19". lm"004 , ... � IN I IV= I . -MM V'r, Tatm4g.0"DISCO , . . I I, . , Most "ei JWTo g golgarol idea - )1x X I I . � AII-0)t it, I 010I AW14''b6ik.a. pL" t".-WOW11, YOU -"-I kolit W t ivo* A I . -- - I - I `- , - ....O 1. . . Urses an 41a R , , , , , � . , . � 4 t -01 00 ---- --- ­— . I . I � *`.M'A-"^ X0149 1�444- to kLtlog. 144,111 WMIeviaPie"llaw'lla"soosowo".".le"O# T04,14 soolti r to a rlitifolloopilaw Ilk . It 4 me to, t0ol vollot 91 04 OUSIME41VERS. ,*jcawsoxxotlkow**W,:ow,,* xalr*g, 1. � . . I � I - — A " ""ON . ` " "' , -*44 law 40 A-4 tog ftm%& 41PO O" "Arameamax 14 , teeth. 444 sloostil"13! do lasq., � the - � 8 To H . ; gxw- TO. eiww 1 114,4"I U0.0k It W44 Iwiticid ocll�p . Xe X"eq, 000sl* . I "W - a' thl 10-1 , �j SUGGF C-01det. � Apor" pr ­14 . ubo like, At V T -KI. takes. ft. 0 1 , te, As Ject. ,,.�' ' ' " Is is .04406 lonatic at the . I, . . I It -, � 0"Pli,m0lotafmn, -~ W, wow "I" - . % 1� I 'be VW414,r 4'.44 1. . ­ - I , � A", IT* it"" . . . 4k* ;;A�;Xdood oil over the gT*0 ,,kI onpp"** Usti cub a 11priask hparriat A cock -book as,illoorto that pickic,d tur- PRACTICAL N . I 11 11 .. -�, I , .4*4, Quir ' ----­L��, . #X4400. 199, 19*4 0 us% powoover, am. solp wt cavasomilt, Ir, twQ QR thM Umato over 0* froat Rips an quitat as, Palatable aim rAclOted , .'OTM I nPW tbiw*kti iili4tl 44 AU4 , i so*. ott " row I vervo I& Ire went fortu a , I ( -* upon The = . *UX ti-Alm4�s�� wolar. too hor- Got 04 tioot* before guips to W or beets. The turnips are to be washed. ZZOA. I � 04­-Uwso�j, bap", *" fulckeag homs.. , 193 Knows All- Our Qrl,�fs--The Stoly 01 p4r;ld1$0 4 "' ' J41181111, Ralph. the ve"'knowa Am- ribliall", FroVa empornmam All the multitude , I " . . I ... , and woutlk ow '40,70; strings, 3M Is As IrQu plow." I Bad. 04 690109 UP 11% the Mottatog. Bad but not cut in gay way. as tboca the , . :, � lagiart. A44 . rRall4t. Who 94 Is South Aot� think tA*T Wor c4ilialagod that opt m4a- * Suhjwts -pf "Tk* 4 t)p%­jFs$ f - ­ . 40.4 AMI-lool"WIP AM All , I,. ,, brash, the whipat " but it's ,X taotl,. flavor escapaii. Bell till tender, then resorted unto Vra Uoy k - tou � - I � Illor''pi,­ 4-1101040"- this , , , to vi" 99 a war collirroaspoodent tog tile vif 11 in* cowtantly frol" ttw cities &ad . " tol, t1W W07 Aoour allay Jewolol It it the Pubili Wanita." . you Mad.'Ilk the wrItiallo the" The i0poitan" of � ounnid, %nd gar. take off the outaidoti, allco them and; PIP $OrrOws of Poverty.-TrJaIng. Cbl 011.4 !*4Y ... burlII4. my arm, KA411 will 14=dQ4 WEIIIII. hoo vor-rittion. go onter� _ of, 11411ag- Pilillitch crowded tbat; aelgh. I wbG know uothing of war. about the V1041111114 tooth an a* Aid to boalth can- Pour hot spiced vinegar over N 14rdn for go -WA YZ thaw tearal b4ve taillutut descriptiop of 4 modern bat- writlaing of the wounded and the them' barbood Th,re tylla no building isorgla . ­ - -� QOd. - . , I I Get, tl�a Qydira%tinaat" for UVQU their &Lkijag powder biscuit sh ad tru. . r. WIliered In my - Wtlo I*, Us for his Paper. JIG Gays. gr011iftlillff tolm the battle field. Them I good ,,a on SOUgh to accittatudd-,1te Q12M. alld A, draptiatob from WhAhjugtou ,lays: lag Pit What '14 II19 use Of having 40 The pictures at our battles which [o no writhing &Ad the groans &Ire - TOW" &VIIIAL1111. the LhoroUgh, 4andled as little as Possible. Do Got ! outdoor illoteaGhl,ag" b,eAM, A ,,,,&. � . While you pour out the medicine , 34"y t1540 In God's laclarymatoryt gre coming bsck to us th tow and taut. There was one mau'umt1`001191111I Of the food. which In tile make tAeru stiff if you wollol them t , I -aev, Ur- Wmage Preached from the ruinp the bottle, ,it W that good catkat or T&K wtly. d(,--% In Lit London twjlo was 81mv ru'laity. no Taught Parretti Witicitherhim, . God count the drops, God pie"ry-- . . Y clatirwod up by a ahlell first. Band not its least. inliquisi te of der If mixed with vii-ater the fare I I 0 all your troubled? W-O*Um are not at all Ilk*, the real Bit U*4900401� *in. and his suffertago,guad digaisticla. Knarvolous do .1 r� following taxt­" Put thou my tears rod count$ tall 70qr 44"S tsigars. As P. -,odm or his winning words � Into tbi bQttIoa,­-1?4A.LmS Ivi. S. you look At the vials 4lipa with Through 4U Abe age& of eternity thing& m1wilt 114^ be= andul. He kept cry- la"I'llay a Person should be better 'ban if they "ro were the greater attractlon, GO one � - tears? I This pr4,Tmr we# pr Gaussou drauCkta, and at the battles � What Use of 4 ex4at collection a Art citGuat keep pace with the lair, " Doctor. can't you do sonyt Idea".bim"lf with all Berta no rsmo. undo ivith milk. could oa.y� . . ,Wmd out of .1 diAtillitefuL taiallet � , do not not 'Mow that they quick 'Ldvaums of acle4ca, and the Ia­ Aciotbor bagged too, be killed, Almdattv." I dit. to aid dlgwtion.' When the real A gland rule fur Piocrust, am one cup 44. 111 saw L,vil 'he eon of Alybzm,. I Duvill's "I by WAUMiratilm calaml- SheL. remember thalTalt stauld GA ths' will his k0pt tMr* for ever, I dea not , ties; bu lthcra,� in. 1. know but iltalt in aottate, distant last -tors reause that they mug first Wounded amain I aaw In this wair P cause of his djapoillinall, aksy be found at flour. said a large spoonful of short- emw the Man. ,ad doubtless Also, with . t'it 13 ,144t '" lal�prqpriate for . A LARQ ,ia get of I t Bull kept saying. In ever so low a voice; 'in the poor state of his teeth. eating with a pinch of salt. Take out the distressed of A . ER BQPI; . . 4 keen insight, tur,�_, it age#. tkall thesp.,,, ,w,X0 Ith"YOU an inalal of God may took Put 0A much smou gild confusion in " Oh. dear. tie". dear I Ob dear dear. his career; mxvy - � , 01 . 11 aPo hec4rles but of tGarwall thq;,4qbry=&Ip of as empty old pic­ dear I" But there is angich"Iess iroan- . - I !3�-Ixturla bLOO(Pht then you would imagine -vary Ilt.: . .h is lq9 with 40 -into �tba .bqttla and find it as their battles as go." with the I The proper time to brush the feetb A hLitle of the fluur for ruitaull out, the powultillitien yet untianco.kfied that I - WitWA 04 RoAt Avatury, trny IVIIII, 1.1 rtben- tqre La after each Weal -and at. booditime. Be. a4d after rubbing this shortening in- � tela'apiris. f4e..'li whiollehe hat' p of wgtorloo, Pub, ­ 7" have explore 111 a*- vftre dug- 10 foot. 'Two things or .. ! and Anitijllaa�, - ._ Otherwise the in eventuated In MAItthew's Gotspel. Luke 11 � It the therild QUR tears. - � 14 from the ancient city. "'! tore this to doina Bill partial ' ruins ot-M&DY of the ancient '. , , , -, " Wbaxv wx* the .t 6 "' ':' - . to, Ile -xituld be disappointed and could 111111011 with the wolundad as to be _ � should be removed froallar 6' ed food to tile fluill wrt with &a lunch.vary calls lum - A talbaleart. ultitued Levi;" . cities, Afalu- God 'Tismoyibi 1!1, tha.,xpf., Pip i at WL Goirs gons to' What soot teeth by inge/As b"I'tween the cold Water am will make A soft d ugb, Malthiow I tLfjom, himself with and.,frowthe very heart of these bar VQWd QL Povert. ' _ � tell 9 battle from a parade. Minot like rules elf behavior. Got a toothplelL or. bet- don thin i _ y. t , . Utb been invading ! ter. dental floss. - Then thay, olaoulO slimily totaled out. Tins will make one -.. There, iA mijavla . Qw," Palace. and hath, robbed the I *XW the other day a picture In HOW IT FEEW TO BE WOUNDED. a pib w,lb I%vo oruisis. Public" "'I'LlUff &L the, rocccipt Lot � led dPPleudour3 of Otbei day, be,, been that' never '4=49 to Iftilletidir'. . IN, lsolarymat be brushed thoroughly with � brought Up evidence$ Pat customs that deacons of the church, cover see it. ; MAOtifi4pd orileist Song- These were =0 Of the leading Papers by one of First. they all beg for water. it used at madlum gtIl,,eea, dipped to brush Crust for meat plea requires leals "U'a "'. 0. I ho pt-Acto of roll.- Late Be. I : . I - The comPtrollarp ol alitiahip so -never , -w' too be cigarettes that they asked for water. Very hot gad very cold tepid , - I 1 1 ago vanish , sorrow, gild those tears the beat illuxtratars. It thin sbOrtookwalt than in norAted fur regular of Lair cull"ck,a of tu,ies. ortc.atal L I ad from the world. From !sport It. It aoxdea n6t Woo ur6h, for were changad into pearls ad the on the Turkish aide In the last war I or are equally harmful. Writ- pastry. A little ye"t powder in the I:jLa b,,V,,,. . I 'IT that ate now British storming a Boer position. In In Europe, and next tbley seem always � The brush @Ilouloli be used wtith am filul maketa the crust lighter Unto �: � among tomija of got In the crow a and robes of the the nall tfcqu--IkIY 110ted the squat � �� i this ; those ages havebeen IthamillOaPPropriate aparel. It makes mnsome4. I walk up to examine ddle around was a Boer battery to be mladis gentle by their wounds. up and down Luoveinant., and not Battle. ; Law tlidm of tho pan, but not the but- Poostur - wll,Pch � do common in the 11 .brought up jachrymatories. or I&oah no appeal for help, but chooft# rather heave croa,st, . 11 _ to sel for than expose its bitterness. I than '41y to bter us rotane ways only, and teeth t0lu tot ule"L I1"L`R- F*t�i. wh�-tv all SuPirta Pat act4vitita ale . " 111� - - Fathers who; fail to ,thp latin , "d ory "From what standing UP with a bandage ve wag b lesciand uaturs. owing to offend when should be brusboad even m When In baking you touch your vagaagod iia wth"le -4ktLn9 on thou floor ,4 ry-als. which are vials made of earth ffleamiriff brig and the only gunner left all the backs at the around ore carefully . - Is !taken down. 'than the froliat&. for It to thiers, tiger 0 the Lovett dutur the Insitant of I saware, It was this custom for the do that they and their ohildred sub- 'these gems his head. while awoke And flame and I 91vurid Nu ontasi,gmdd if It Is pos.- � 4RAD a fivitilihood. riV46rdeJ;I,tU';74-.f.m -4. 11 ti ancients to catch it tP constant privation; mewing gl�theredlll Well- Mats-" says 000. whose leg 'tartar tends to �Ccumlslctts. Mm", laptilicaLiva of a little thick Mucilage I men. who cannot ply the needle quick Y. "These are transmuted to shattered, " you never know when think that 1. N410 - tilt. Capar amum, , 11 the tears that nil -we. end a thousand voices flying gragan late of shells filled the I 3110111aLt, tile pain and Imill the WUS urk the , ' tears Mr turn will comos, do you 111 . tarts, Is harmloaa "it �,,, And another con b49 Low 44 ut uummotoo. and it is prob- they wept over their dead In a bot- an repi air in hie riot -a but tle, and to. Place that bottle in ough to earn them shelter and frpm God's bottle." I see sceptres of Way. In the rush 'of this in Gar -erroneous balief; its _ blister. simply cries, " Ob. mutation is one of the I iw w urd *'Kai chup, I I. all I n.i Place ftbte I 13`1 L ,I large tal,jo %Tab anniially '- I the bread. But whether rej?ortqd light stretched down from thel throne the Instant be must have been bandag- dear I : of I lie Live r raft tituilon I. rill I ruduced by paidt hot, ju ,, or un- I ... . rin-oipal 1 graves of the departed; and ,,, a,,,, complain! S. whether in seemingly Of those who on earth wer. ,rod ,a. ed by th. same shot ,hat I .causes of the 1044saing of the teeth. ful I 1,' strualk him, New and then .tou bear, "For tGod% I Bud Its presence "poses one coh- PeOPI" whu are I.. Noeatiltivo HOLLIOUtbilil, LOIN th" oun- the smoke and debris in tt,xt me taken to an ambulance.-, latently to the recurrence Of auto boils. iPlaiu Egialilah. As it matter of tie .L garret. God's angels of mercy slid* Inlaid In I. ­Luait . many sPeeimens of the ancient lach- ,c:,m�Inrt1tb3e paxior or damp callAr. or � Of man; a4ct I* every sooptre-point, and as for I w, � h %L.olb Pul,kiLL4u, voor" re. �. t u , aryntatowles, or tear -bottles, in ourmu- are on the watph. This moment those the air, there was more of this In a profanity to Intended there, ; The use of some good Identifrice i the East ludlun wood kiijaV was gair,ked by I he Jew- Wd ,,m �L"t- , belums. griefs arott.being collected. Down on E"Ry IVORY STAIR CorneT I have had half a dozen man describe once a day. or two or three Wines a changed to ketchup it wam evidently , ji:ow,., calit, wa,,. 'I, the back streets on all t of golden throne. I behold an ium Of that Picture than I have NJ lim h &,, pp Lent_ . , �. how it feele to be wounded. All who, weak. keeps the teeth whiter and bsot� of culture to may I.V I"Adined a aftualle Wait. and I � 11 ,� J , .. The it�t intimates that God has an a a intimate acquaijotance and perpetual "Mid shanties ;ad log cabins. the cry, .'primm whence re, and fought. - bad bones shattered by expanding ter-100ki'ag, but is not absolutely Ge. rs"I"Im I- ". 'PR t he had I .1 . I the 0`116M t describable richnsalt and last New in all the 6OUT battles we have I 1-1.11.h I.g,,;,.,Idp.fp - ch, and the w .. 11 yvi�rk lKoes on. Tears of want-neeth- light.these fl, this streaming bulletoa used nearl or A ,kaht� to I ,a I! ,lwl blu"Wel 'i -I ;b,11 -t ��Ptor righte­ la, � remembrance elf all our griefs, and y the same language Imeasaxy when the tooth brush I& u ad li, 1 . , I it., is was "'Ohlilp. It vla, t�:., I, , 1 lag la sumMalroin heat or freezing in ahtng pearlsIll" and the What to a modern battle -how does to describe the sensation. regularly after each mail. Wag hou, it Ila Ithing tu be ca,gh- "`u`ua`s on whai'll t,uL Lird prutiouna- li.:, �­ .. , 1 �.'� I 0 vIAI, or laollrymatory. or bottle, in winter's .potd-they fall not unheeded. voloss of the elders before the throne, it look and sound v "You feel," they onald. " exactly as the UlOuth altar eacto brushing wit 'I That 'I tUU%t be do" r" OIL Ulre 01 his Lb­uPti.1, 1.*,tItud,,. Ful- I . I i 0616 -els for heaven's caaket.1 and of than martyrs umder the altar If you had received a powerful abovir :8,01neallolosaa-utly-flavored antiseptic, au- 111% me. � "I -bAchHe catchessaid eaves our tears; Ut,O . I it It from 611thilp, Lbe 11,660CLAtIo,ort Lit ideas I Tll:Y �re Pledges of Divine javid of the 1iundred an,d forty an� VO WNCOUNTERS AT CLOSE from, an electric battery, and then helps to avort decay of the , possibly rooting (ri-in the resietrob -vto a hela rd ��i and I bring to you the condolence of T1 Y - 1,1,4,aul) LU40Y sympathy. I to our, thousimaid radiant on the at RANGE. comes u blow as If your foot or arm. It— Iuo,iL4LJUa. U.3 drobe dUd [�IIUW_ �1'1 I Again: the Lord Preserves the re- a teeth. lit"U" ILI 0uIQr III It I.ItUttoo-Rh011 I'Look. ,� . . this Christian sentiment. But why I atembrance of all paternal anxieties. I :ea; ekolalm., "Trarapanulted. tears Itaraosmy Really. the field operations is so ax- or whatever part It may be, "a orusla- n ituportuut Thus %Ad the "kit " evuivod into, it ad IL Lu. I'VILWIPsIP by .P1,11glul; up . J ,�' talk of buman griefs when we have You see a man from the, most lufam G N ,bottle. I ; Ft ally. not the least � . I ,�,%IL -� I" it" P11300 'A tuil .od ;% .Ilr�ug af- .1 0 . ternsive and the range of maderriguns mallet.- al ,visit 0 he :;'. L but to, look out and behold the larg- I no surrQu diAgs RtT,� Out Into the ' its ages at beavou roll on -the , It is much tile same in a 86mi-RAJIlu t t dentiot, that to, ,a ILL . bra, �to - , It ond by a stroke with a tremendous Point In (Ila mftTQ Of teeth Is a regular- I "ea, I ""'"" """"' ''u"u,'"', 'I" "O i kingdom orGod-, lVe hal jt at If ea"Lll's Pomp and pride long to so gTG6t that battle conditions have lesser degree if a bane Is strutrik by a his ale a KNORM011s III ANT V1�01- lkiii late le.,t ,,4 ji�,, it,, .h�uld �, ,", cat prosperity. Multitudes of MeA, 'Bek, on. '. 116 . 6ard no I _cry c 7 examinib the tooth a ILL till at ,kN ' L",,,r,- 14s. 1) LIP v,Iw,IIg at I Go startl- I Ago a n i I I D9 Providential der. clean little shot merely pierces , worid, says �!"' � with no cares save how they ma lea receive nded; the Koah-i-soor diamontlt� altered Until there is me longer any Manner bullet ; but if the sanooth, slen- , once a hoeginni g cavity. in this I Y safe- warning. What I that made kings proud, the precious gvluer8l " *lamb of battle,,, or even any Ll:y ta th way be preserved so. � Tbo largest plant in the b,. gl%oia uveL IQ ilh, 'L"ciploblilp of ,,, �111 IY invest their Large accumulations. � larough t him to this now mind I This I abOugs that adorned Persian tiara the flesh a `�uruing or stinging sen- , =ts :o to _ 111- stlut,go Itabbi. ,111,1 t"v"lluff him- TTI�� i ;� - tie in which he gathers the tears o, - I and flamed In the robes of Babylonian nation Is the Instantaneous result. tural tooth even when fill- I weed, known an , I are no reocy his busint,na .,;I. JOY in the city Mansions and moun Is the secret: God looked over thabot possibility of grasping or vieiwing an and I he anzanopted. for a )ung 11(jime. I a great naturaliat, Ili a gigantic t I.. "`11 wl. It tonewitid PaLkeLIA) 1. ch'iOng UP t1) ".. , � I tain bi i f I PlIOPOPeasiong. forgotten; the Golconda sonsuffement from any single point. " Lying six hou ro In the broiling sun �ed iiind repaired. are inany times bat- watlet frequently grown to a height 1-5. A.,, Ja us maz ,,I w,,t '. i , a Y lumber� big ]people, and fie saw a parental tear Tlere Is no great resounding noise in was pretty bad," said one whose arm ter from every poi;rat of view than a of 3W feel a I boil I n mines charred in the last conflagra _ ay LIP I LL V. ,I I , . lr� . : ,,��, I . � .11, ; ty years Unanswered. I.:��, - tion; but Grin me the eye. Y hear one of our EuwfuJ experience was the jolting I" as strong As ail ordinary to" and v` It. it, I he ouuv,-Ftt)d Ilublwall Lu,,de a A 11 r;" L � as t�eY osh among the � in that bottle which has been for for - The atioul Lot the Plant 11, law hou."" of 1witirew. L --�F�Zter. Joy anva their rafts Into everlasting hills. war witowad don bone wum Imingbod; "bu,it the really � artificial onow. . 9"'a 10".1t.- 1,-,- Liliar. ,). zv., ma UY � I' M0129 the emigrant He said "Go to and pure AS the light that streams big Runs loosed three miles over on t -he rockto when I was carried Of-fi.r I TO BE BEAUTIFUL. , large quantitiom of it ate drit I and pubhoa.u.s and sula"Is 8A! , Is. ,,,, I, 1115; 11 11 I far Out Upon the vast prairie. Jo 5, i now - and let me answer that tear 1"' from the throne, and bright as the the right, and ;n,pther two miles on the ambulance." used its ropeat by the inhabitt"ta of - 11 , 11"'.11 Y. '%nd ;orthwith the wanderer is brought river thiat flows from the leternal le-uto, a-n� fill- d,ticipir,s. We ca" 1wr,l- ,. � ­ .� the world has Its pangs, and now, while children tor God I he'll t'lls left- If You are near one it AmOthe" [nun, an officer, whose foot I cardinal principles that guide the we- the South Solk Islands, whork." ,his ly 1"1Iad-'sPi­IhAt 'live ehitrust,.. 'hOught ., " � JOYI Why talk about griefa? Alast h-)Pme to God. -0 this worktof trainiqg rock shull gleam. shall spark Extreme self-respect in one of the �, rrr I , . , I t is a remendous, flame for ever these 'trarre'minted makes a tremendous U,dolae, yet I have W" amkshed DY an explosive bullet I curious vegetable grovoth is too,, -ul LOW'�r-jjje juu0n.141"t ,%,It% his -� ,,��! no I 1""t'.-oll. Lf bot, %,aa 'Put. '! , . Ir Thej have never tried it. BILLII, **Look at my Pipe. That'm wiiaj 'man -hod would be really beautiful. , Vale plant grown at a depth or fr."'Il , " tly ild -3 I efPeak, there are before me thic work. Some People think it easY. tears of God's bottle."' t h0kird One exPlooion.as loud as a - I did to keep trum, saying anything " 'This bat .. too to one's self," as a two bundit%l it) three hundred feet. ,,,,,, ( -�, �, � " ag n Ir, , b O'. Iulpul" poo,lople L him COMP I 11- darknessea of soul that need to b At child is . B%ganwhile, lot the empty lacbry- good strong clasp of thunder. You He hold bitten off an inc,h of the hard- 'Pretty girl describes It, insures an at- Rod am noun as it takes root a sl.,eat- '�', ��,' a Placed in the arms of the Young par- U h. witts the typu".11 liteoio­�. I I Lifted. I stand in the presence of an t. It is's ben,tit-trul pi =story Of heaven stand for ever, Let ittear the gunal at the onem,y cough eneod rubber Mouthpiece. Thot be I why 'Lld It. wm,suela(al with the "e'o� , , aything. You no hand touch it. Let no wing - � tractive personality , � some who are about to break under look into the laughing ey;s, you ex- strike it Let no bar in front of You, and fare II14 wound was dressed. Twh"e re- and it pr:vauto shaped balloon Or bladder is fornied .,�v.' � the assault of temptation, and, per am"re the dimples in the abeeks. You Pureir than beryl collision crack it their shells Ilef that Is given by which gruwm with the, i4tern to",,�, '"u"lea!""I anda,bOyoutted pubt.catist � , . , I I to ,. th a nearer, a hviound must be gigantic., for you 'some embarrassing condition of mind irrOwing until it flonts on t , of (be " I '41 ou- . hall I -1 chance, - , wonder at its exquisite organism. or cbrysoprasus* buret Within your lines wl t he dressing of 1 the POsslibillty of being surpri ad in (1110 surface of the %%ater. I Ir"Ops III, .�vllbe. It I Vbarlstwn hevi.Psd i if no words appropriate Let it stand I tile "Clitlem ut the I - i"r� � - d -but not a really great hear next to no groans or imicana at- i or attire. water This onormuuh weed gro%% it it, -6s" I'llelie Limit wale AN typwai of . I , I a their case be uttered to -day, they pe BEPAUTIF1,L PLAYTHING I . on that step a ( jebovah,a Louder noun O. I �, r- But on 'throne and under the arch, of the, on- or Itleafening noise by any Man ter a doctor has given able first at- The self-respect that OOM- , . I "', tab for ever. Some nightfall, as you sit fading rainbow. Passing down the as. Our Posts a wom" to be a . net) quantities tbatt large islan,la of Piet) as tile IJuI,1IV,La* suit sinners L.11'. rucking that Li temition. onsuientioue in �11­1�1 tile one. a voice deems eorridors of the palace, the redeemed guns Greats RIMPOP no Smoke, though MORTAr,ITY HAS NOT INCRE are houlet-kinom formed, " sit, ul lu"de ItuPi W.Ildly traints ft ,1� . I COME ON NO FOOL'S ERRAND. to tall straight trom the throne of cot earth shall n our lyddite shells throw up clouds of ASED. !the least detail of dress gives bar a vviogect a t ion ­ ", Good, saying, , glance at it, a ch think . h, floating away as they Ovens- twould out Appear frum tills record ..� ., "That choild is immortal, of ell the earthly Irou.bles from whiqb dull' ,,ad sme" In this arnry oil Lord M.1huen's the I ddriall-oss- and - oliarm that cannot locality do, are it menace hat tho3 ,%uto lu,11­1 llue,,L�. .-,'ll Put upon Your wounds no salve I to navl�ll- ind, -,,, - the gi lion. This would Pot a fairy "t'solgo' A- -UVII t-414,111- L 'Ouid np- 't ? ,,�, The stars shall die, but that I act ini-- d and say, each to away. Been willere they fall, miles great majority of the wolands have be imitated by rl that puts th road lik Polar Lo Its, Iii, In n..t Ull lk,1V ,),at T compounded by human quackery, but mortal I use Lbe Boers are using heart 8 tory If we did not know that down , 1�1� , immor- carth " "That is what the Psalmist d ress. But it I R . .� I 11 , Pressing straight to the mark, the I, age and Perish, but that is alit -fashioned powder in their cannons Points About our experiences In war 8 On the St. Johns river in Florida the I hey bud followed hILU ltILPI the hall . 111� Sons shall grow olad with Pasch, "T'hat is what we heard of on old in the a-rm-s and feet, but other beat aide out in h YOU as & vessel mid -sea cries to a tal III qpoke - of. " there is a Rm&ll white cloud wherever are Moore remarkable. First, the not In dress tbatarthe mind betrays water hyacinth, a harmless little wilelo the diners wer" ,.O,,[Ing abOUt - ,; I I .1 Now, I know thist w1th Many of YOU "There once wer put our . hances of receiving a wound seem not � habits of thou ht write plant at the north, grows so luxuri- 1 be table. But it 16 nut necessary to I ,; passing craft, "alp, aboyl" and in- tears," "This in God's battle." And one is fired, and a spurt of red sand O I itself. The 6 ; � �, t orally ltl-t it lial.k.. 'he (,honest Of believe that they weie actually pro- , ;.. " re Inspecting this where their shells dig into the veldt. to have greatly Increased with the im� themselves on the tace, 1. me tb. I tie river. Rent tit the feast. Jesus was taiscon 11�. via . I 'its you on board a vessel wbich has IY wmisht your children to grow UP richest inlaid Be of heaven, the 1%6 Brooks of war, therefore. and the prevenient in deatti-dealing Imple- seem almoat'Lndebble whe a _ . : , v i this 'a the abler anxiety. You earnest- while standing the 9U - but You land it hard to mike towers of The Palace dome strike up go -called " roar Of battle " are both - _ ,� 4 faith for a rudder, and prayer for rig ht I y ,, menta. There were more than a mil i a Ion effort -- �el of a grOlLt and Continually Chang 4. sails, and Christ I them do as you wish. You check this sit lion abots fired at Moddo is MAALO to remove them. Ing .:� very chIrns--:- alike-occalsional, scattered, inconsid- r River. and TIIRFF 1'1'1)L)]N(;S . crowd, everything he did was �`## for Captain, and their temper. You correct their erable. yet only about goo mien were hit. Se,v- A= from the ha.bits of ,bought, ollenly.ioniarked upon And criticised. '[111 " Heaven for an eternal harbour. Cath- wnswardo "God both WiPda away all tears fr in a d, the number of builets that. hit Briked Apple Grill Rkeinfedt, a Prussian, keeps - Is 088; in the midnight your all faces. Wherefore comfort one 0 The rifle firing bus been the prin- a I the hundred Little habits that the (jeep pie_lin, Pudding-Aluiter a They -4 id unto lus disciplem. (,ornparo i � ,.,: I wet with pill a layer have wrestled with G weeping. it Witter bottles haverestoks, ration tins (>f U, vi. Luke says they . "t � a Pill() ,Pr.NId Ni,,,, "w I which she rescues the ad in agony for aa" oipal features of our battles. d cont'osisev'es has been astonishing ; mus0les acquire must be watched. The ortwibs on tile 1-11,1111, then ,# layer :111.111111.111od-thitt I. 'they ta,k,�d over 1", ,. I boat with I YOU other with these words." L, a Third, the daimage to life and limb words'n who is not nice to herself gets of sliced Apple. t bee [,,III e I I ululp�, n a luw voice Privately, nut Lritending as dren. you the Fryinar of fat or like tthe cracking by the excessive artillery has n 'into the borLbit of scowling when Bhe with a sprinkle of mugal Rotl a I Jo -AAM to hour ­ . . drown;ng. When a storm comes on the the salvation oil your ($hit - ------- a— ,sounds, as I wrote once before, hat an k M.3 if all Lhat anxiety has been GERMANS IN BOER ARMY. end snapping of green d In a ben- next to nothing. 1109, is it that ho coast and other people go to their ineffectual. I nawer, ;No. God un- Joint Poiltet-la and iltinketh with publicans � beds Ito, rest she, puts out in her boat dvinstands yauar — fire . If You are witbirwotowo, M4108 of bee ,is alone over her work. She bites her heart. He under- t/he fr tit YOU are apt to But to return to the field of bat- lips. tDr the relief of the distressed, and stands bow hard you have tr d to They No lanting,or 1111old Conornaloolooll be under tie. The armies Oppose one another ' She absent I of nuirrief',on each Iny.1 I,( aplo, till and -innersilf This critivism is *((an r hundreds Of the drowning has she in nil then yqu hear the maigic of -mindedly leans with ; I it ,, th4h, full: I ben fIn14II 1, ,i, mi-PutidP,rmtuuPI. I ,� '. � , -, beach. In this . Ughter do right, though no. the individual bullets. Their so * w �11, � , broug,bt sele,ly to the ona fromn fire, a 0 Th*y find no Eault . tnitko that da the RA160e, l�84-A". soldlern of Foria. ith orderly mames. The staff offi- I her hand on One rhe�k. She crosses I rallier thick layer (If crurljto� I')'.'1Ie,,lh "I'll 11-111, but watilti, ive raimed hi , , Rfe-bolet of the Gospoi Iput she is so, very Petulant and reckless; That German Officers hP P In � , � '' Out to- and what "Ins are helping like the note Ot lag is cars ride hither and thither. The bat- � her knees. She lots hits 19f fresh butter and bike ,,lOwly [of loaching kinners; their ang�r is , .1, a mosquito. ­ z -z -x -z- her shoulders - dtay, hcping, by God's hell), to bring You have bestowed in the Doors has very often been men tion- Z -z 1,� " teaching that son to ,�yhay c,a,�,er your head; -, z-, _,_p . teries rumble to and fro at long in- drop. When a school gi , orne hour. rmiwd because he associates with , Firils what ri Asked a e'l- I Tapinvii Pudding. -One qu.n I I Of I Old there Ur. Abhol.L'a slatement th-it �2�J�4' y r ordered to take lebrated physician he should do milk. leat I- -LUIllar o0raloinint would �",;��,t iin a atha of uprightness, though he has . their Positions, and in the same way i �','I, If be sinking in the bil:Ows of templal, , they bury themselves ash -Ore at least one suul that may now r walk in the ad IIILtMY,- but that is All. No deelara- the ground. Th" is a Bound only Rix tablespoconfulm Of inpitici be made '. I n rich strong procJvities i - - to make herself beaute . ,� � anJ Iron' Is. The tears that were Li for dissipa re not active "I be board when the bullets a the cavalry appears and reappears Ito[ he said: n v gatrimi. any clergyman w h,,, � �,�: 11 re very the edgets Of the field. Th I "', . ght . God members of the German army. Thin cloose. You pick up your heels and a at ratcheolu- � "Cultivate a conscience." His prescrip- I together On the fire and stir t I i mil"uld, le with a ,4u.:ar .ut- I �i �, caught in the lacyrymat*riesbrou ce tiOn- I &?Vak a cheering word t ll-,�ard every counsel :*[ I "I " at-' gone, and the be IlLon in Our communit) r,ellIq ': . .L,. I You ever offered as the English gov run , hundred or even fifty yards, zone of danger, and the ambulances "Briel" �­ III) from Herculanenn an -1 Pompeii are him. Is done plirposely, _ bearers bring the wounded out of the tion is boils, Add an ounco and a halt of .-to- III W041 1 A, GOlk has kna the most important that a gar, And let boil fifteen minut it� (on r P, I , W , � �. I tie is as dry as leas nights you hav wn all the al -"OP- , ernment, some allege, wants to lea - and youi hear nothing but I. owe conscientious Lticitight, rho , � I ,. the scoria of the v(I ano that s b- ever Passed. God I - ,woman can have for general use,for 11mg occamionally Tialre frOul t"h8,',"firy ("h,,�l Church bola yell lull.113 I') � I . , � , , I has s,en every &Ins I's eral crackle of rifle fire in an he gen 1-011 UP, get their leads and roll Away , mcwg,ad thrm; I,ut not so with u . king of your dis- the public under the impression that d before a gain, all day continulaly, as in a , ur he -I,i,it ul Christ . ,� ': , I', tie in w-mich Gid Irathers all ,ur - GO] remembers Your the German government is In this way ceaseless train. Brave privates bring I the neglect of many elforto that butter and three beaten eggs Le I 17 Wheri Je-ILA 'Irer-rd it he w..,th . , the, treGae,i &,irit I the trenches. It requires consclentiOustless to avoid alhA At once stir Ili ,tit Ourwo ,)f f,,,,P,I, lorn,n i""t , Pray,re, He -keeps eternal I E,i,.: tea a. , record of assri'sting tfie Doers. I THE HURTLING OF SHELLS. out the wounded and work their way necessary to keep thm body ,.al.re, t1Y codd. then pul in ai,ut- unit, them But wtv;t had th.­ij.,LpI,.s �- A Y-Ul alklidl.leG; I - I. ", . ti,if Probanly they new not who, t,o W in ac sc ood in ancient ward, now dropping flat upon for an bOur. ,17� y I ".. First, I rem3rk th t G-A IrLep�per- '44a in his laehry_ The .. Putt -Putt," of Vic,kerg-Nor_ back into fire again, now running for- 'groomed and W611 exerci,%eid. 9 w Red bake Ili nOwlerate be:it " k Pe(uJly the tears cot r lenience Mnny But 'this is not the cotaao� Either doenefIt I g -un [a able to interest you the Fitful care 18 really energy M1.d`rPI,1,11,r I'm I. Ilk,' w, -e men in muvI4_cOn,j - !lamb, but on Ono I they kre men who left German vildt. Skulkers, work back to throtedge lbrown away, for nature works slow- I Kinali jjI,e i,u,l,lillg ---"I, Ill 1 I'.. I I It;, -'al riot hing I oam.. nOt tO,al! a man Las awaken�l ,n Lh) rn-L,ning 916Lers b,,side t,he t that glows an(F , y Years I at distance elf three miles. its ex- I �- so "i'lete'led from -he It ght .. (jeJ)au,b lio-da all lhOse exhausting tears. The ago, or they have just taken their Pic: �ns are beat droseribed by Lb of the field in the same way --a few ly, and it requires time to build up large mPo,Onfuls of rive in half"I ,,,,, I ,,!I,- righteous. Ili,( sinners Ito rpl,otnt- brone of God, he In u 8 - .k to ves ment: "Tibe blooming door-knocko- forward in batches by in a 0. ,,, n,�e rile iawlicati,m- i- that ill,ie at t t,) ,t p inco the w I, none I ghte"us But I ft one I�ght. tie lz,le%es nOt I ''it ll,rni­ forc the ,Uivine res,.ponse will come; Of a 11 as big le "uri-I oPutt ar their need (it ,al- .� dooin7­ I It I Fyl)' 31)',ut it ron�iequencns. bu I large. briar -root . � 8 One defaced with the elements be- on -9 the latter is MajDr Baron Von as the bowl ,,hear of vit'lorY is heard and the Aslimate the cost of thotrough care Of P)od clearn, and lot ju4i ,one" ':"" : v' I I'I�" """ ("I:"I `Iv J-", It, --i­rt- �� era upon your in i�! the purpose of joining the Boers. Am- 1 er I- Its bullets or shells a he conrie upon them At last t'he that a wonian should do is in calmly tar the size of Ail nwg unit half a p,nt w tit I -yes, ? I And the lett' the officers tented cc PI xi n. The I a that he hits subob,,A all I %v,pt. pro, n grass m.ly ba ramk uildh Your gra. discharge from the German army for I ;ickuame given to the gun by one r 6 only -and tire grithered up and sent wasted tissues and it) reatore a neg- of milk till it is thwk, their, add' ,LPI - in the head. aching in the , heart. on -i un�i first thing i -t� HJ whO h4th doo,ared "I be' aff officer in PIP,, and they tear and alit the ai r I I a ; - ,r I or the Tl�ird Guard Lanciers, and wh with a terrible sound, explodingwhen fight, I I-% meant. the time And the energy tie- eggo and ilia whit" ut twu, weil IiePI I � �� Go, I mit', 130 r will Reitzenstein, who was at whole armo, rushes forward: or dark- 'of her personal appearance. By cost bml Wheat cold (ad tile yOlks 'if f I., e . Ing- O� ail tLe n:i!:i(n tears that -fter a they strike. The firing of the gun and vie grope about the veldt seek-'classary to follow systematic t . . I'llning UwAY 'loin (tie wrei, h­ine%V � �u�h ive p- 1% God to then, and to tbY' seed a ness f&Jls upon an unfininhed Wliulf does r-,pentnrove nwilrof heive gu'.he.1 11.9 th, ro-.ult of s, I h"e" ' "d I I not forget ; and some day, I is celebrated through G . rainin on, ..girl and nutmeg to just., 11.11 1`1: rnuisdem.,in ur. no 630mamY and was heard all over the largest.olf our Ing Our camps and the food and drink Iand treatment. An hour a d III (or small ,upm, put some Ii.t. nf ,,,I- 'I' "Y"I I" J14us If fhe% -, I n P - battle fields, and the explogions of the Lhat most at us have gone w thout I do wonders, and Lt cItn be metyas"ide rnn Or candied Orange peel, rtiooin� Ilion b ­k again ,"'. ", rh in fivaven, Nvh,le you are ranging the Austria for his riding and military ex Or I 11" I cric e,rir got into fiAds Of ,ight, tbo gates o I ft -nu ,heir sai ,o motality, ib., ,ill God's bottle. T,eey drial On th,! fev- Swing b ck f 1�oearl will porience. He is Principally known as shells sound a long way because they to' 1`119, Lf I he we. I ad , I'm 1 Ke, I tm to ,,� , r '' -1 �, Pred che�,k, or were th ih­ I and garlanded wlthglory,, th are apt to take place on the quiet out- H mornionlo; are watched. or charriAmi in t he bot t tire tit ra( it. ft [ I Iorvo It— heall; ,tookiel .... I Fh­ Ple ", d "vn by that ,01)9 wayward one- will rush in Is victor in the horse ra,ce from. i aving found the hour in which t. twotharrimfull of the custardnadhake ' ilk - Hut f the% the lJoated hnn-1, or fell into Iliq r - - Bar- or edge of the field. The whizz that I ex6rei-se and to. massage. the victory very mluwty thre"itarters nf tin hout Ilion IO .I­tl�, Place about even these missiles make in flying, C :bver PWriness in not won, for a wo, N' wid �Iipf,bt out his 6.nPl, �, to, 14. 1 Ips, fc.,iming with sdi'l worse in li,i- di -,art and tween officers oti hwoever, ion like the whispered amawers — I MAIII may have C .1m,P again t,� the C -m rind tri.umph, The hills may eight Years ago be Sorve with anwept Putuco. ,I'd to Peter on the wnter, anti tv,i,l wine rkip an ii r ell in 0 Yuur Ou.stratobed arms of we)- lin to Vienna, Ynhich took A PET OSTRI H. the earth Imay burn, and* the Garman and Austrian arnales, for of aumoid in love, only to he heard Griffith Aponerles 111#11fir lFri"Oolin with :1 trose les)f a.nd th43 complexion of a — I twin .i "Clit- But wLen a Mae ii sorry ft.r I 13 (h-* stars fall and tire � perish, but . still be U91Y if her at- TRANSFORMINu A ,NARRO%% HALL 18 I I'Le di­`Pl�n ryf John Ind of ti� - 17 -1st and tries to do better -when he God will never break His oath and prizes anvarded by the two F,mper_ by the favoured Individual who Ila ag- Nnttvi, toor the III,ldo. PremaiOn is not Morelia add hor manner mouras his wrtsterl h(jvnIlIa7,s and tram,,;e under His PrOmises-neverl pecially addressed. 7be war in Somth Africa is pradur- I poLisbod. - , hemo,tas lig r -J c , ors. 11 is here that the con The nommoriplit nairrow, hall imAn PhOrt-"m llst,,l i,� rost. F.,rry ,P,ih, . i in of (`tceis mere , neverl I In a word, there in not much noise AC&ience mum, be brought into Play The Most People'm opinion, an " I R hold ht-, gr,;up ,If dip, il.les And runRi ton] cries amil tb-� laverali--ns of Yn Again, G I Commandant Albrosr,ht, 'in modern buttlea alp- 11,10" 11 -A koerlis a perpetual T. -I commander - These individual live Of the g-reateat Purimition that hody should be domi.noteid constantly. ,If th- r. bb k pr-svr,�e,l r­ aifu;ed carmeience for If Ill out nfhis in nabraace of a I berearemen of the artillery of the Free State. was I sounds not whic.1i I speak are not loud have evsr come under the notice of ,Th r m ould pla,re to hocautify But bry 1110 effect quvnl fn� I I nit as PIP h"k lill , I base 'enough to hlpnd. The crowning, Fill- British soldiera her j - the BDUI, and forreeflY quartermaster en,4 ; at cloave a woman can after(] to lot �i 1,.(-n God lis- ara the tnals tar t ", 6 h not be a momant when 1 of a light paper, white or ivory paint. The N1,11. 1, ,awo req u - r, -.f 1W lerribl� pre,'i,,Rmv,nt, Is T t then he�iven hows rI­Ivn; then LhrDW th-i re, 130artS Of Men to I drop or her shoulders hump When' -�111 orus,aed in the Ine-press Troubles Sgt.' in the � pervading noises are those of the guna 0 Illp la(aht reports froom the a- sc<Ppilres of pardOn ar, extendod from t Its, Socond Prussian Guard fi .he lead it white, ail-rved-vir,mil Arrh%vay tone No duting the year Nro ro y , f .. 'A ,ld artillery and of the rifle fire, otad on the vast ba-, put hor t lie rahhim mn,IA tot. "'.. L tie Pot the throne ;. then his crying ren,18 the the store you may leave at like stur at regiment. He left Germany after the I veldt, spreAd over a double line of five scene states that the -mind,d -w by bO'IY Lot (he right I The intial (ndintiry hall I restled in t him thmir dI­i0­ 1'',P, '. beirt Of Ileave,nlY compiagi,ro; th n Misrel,rciiewation a. I simple Prii, Oxe-ioleo. Blip na,nnot gain � vniy can Im, raindet to look porrotty two (InY.4 nf Nit -h w"k Thy 1,­,pl­ hilt fears are caught in G.id,s bot,7 world you may I that are very near are very loud. fast nOt- It Inumt l`oav,isPemPr-4oPit­nqm ­ � I and abuse of the termination of his service and Organ- ' to seven miles in length, only those Bridsih sPoJdleTA have mistaken trontim apy pernkAneni impiOvernent !n ocairi- I Irimtesid (xf tile (kT,r.hwjIy, ��h­h, how n ­v th,t T,,?,n ­-P� in pri­n ,,, f -i hh , 1'� 9 'i" The scene of battle -the general her Po%ilion bp�rnrne ungraceful. wb,l 6 r`r, 1-4 I " th� rahbi "boom ll� hitit Inlor- I ved 11 , U where you found them. The law -suit ing re.gular arm,y, viz.. the artillery, I Is You know the story of Parn,dise nni leave on the street i7wed in the Free State the only exist- ' of ostrickits fOr lian,im of Boers , And a e if she lelA he, bips go forwmrd and I be praferied ,t hramm Full. 8 - even the uniformis being Germ,an to May he a scrimmage where a company up her handkorc �,11, "'U'd "` "It""m"'Ife'l- with `11'r- 111vin-, ,irid �innwrq I nirts mulali -8 may bi left in the court-, 0- In strXine raiies the ontrie-hea have hief A- mi urly nI I be higher adilptations. An angel at German 6ymtem, view -4s exceedingly orderly. There be Puts on her bat Or StOOPPI to pick the Peri. I thin.k it might he put to that w0uld swallow your honest aceu. entirely ,after the � , bands elf Bi)eTs for I roopq of ost ri nhes, ! retaching ol,rcolis the hioll frim, wrili to, , he T.11TIh Of (;,.I feasting '111, 1.0- I from the throne of God to find w .,it room. Bit bereavements are home dels. His adjutant is Barcin Hil-ister or two are istormling a kopje, but level made friends with the soldiers One Pa'aing mul:itugi,, will teach any wn­ , ulins tot "ornie art MaLftlial lion an it, ,rj,.,. raiii,irc,ri %on,I. of th� .ti,f­ ��,,�� � ; your glass on such a hill, and w man what Rho qh,uld not be. , - It goes down I I who Ii,id to leave Germany and the Ydu se fringe of tiny jets carried back to beaven ,avalry lieuterran do I Of the bent -known rorrompondents at A'hen thi-Ig it can on earth worthy at being , troubles, and there is a former German r hat 11. .111 ,: r.h.tinher Particular I'll -In -1-4 Of I �­ ��l through the gold anl silver mines of 'you NO F-ROAPF FROM THEM. 0-7 ,f f. to `n0;" fsllow passengers on a train re "'Ile ar,fiwa) ,orn Is, illo,pri e,olipr I'll""Wirl-Ol ,th­ h,wd t hilfc-'r-iii ,,, army from the top where the Boers the friomt, who waa with (;en methu, �!�, I earth. but finds n,thing worthy will see that vacant chat ,15orne !,ears ag- on t of ths no one kronrw� thorn, watch I rl in 'he h.Pil Poor it( th-, ,nd, lus, ,.i the ,I i)ttl it, 1wrl'..rin o til,e ,,e.k , ,,,c , Of r. Your weak ungs and who wa Romun a lot Pot our men in khaki flaing' fao­X�S; no: Ire hel r f,.)t ,if ,,.I. elloAr,.1­ I I, e, I III. t. transportntion to the Cel"fini Cit eye will catch a elected aide ' and , at the MPodder river, rePortiot this re- I heir I 13POr �­ I I [ILI f,"141 J-11, %VRR n- Ill I - , 'k-�.. f & ��, Y, lure. brealit, at the out reclining, rind occasionally firing Ftm ' m rk I I 'Incident : then that the Dr Jekyll and Mr. ' hintild I Ile 111-h Im Ruffitiently hilth, I�r ' 1­rrorniml t�,­r pl­ on( , P. -, the deWbn You cannot fly the presence Of bmak f the war. The father of thiss they make their way upward. . Hyde eh&rnrOariAi,Prs, ,an tie contrniol- � � 51 It goes down through at the suggest'" Pic- to Commandant A] a "' Portic t lons. It is it lot,k. delightful. e,,,l,eP If, ­ -1,-- ' ­n,I -f -he hride,t­n,. o atlob Ills. ;�Ih)ii000 I rang.ed the valley orplain : ging larrip of wr(yught iron is I the sea, where the pearl,t lie, and finds yc"l UP`) I 0 Switzerland to offic,er"Le matter general on , ad 11 . get clear of t nd alE ,cm , METHODWAL AS A CHESS B0,1 . ,lutv n-Itpa.1 Of tho. t, 1, I, I - 'r 11 .1 I nothing worthy of tilking back " more sure400t- manrier of the Tenth �or - I , to ad - kRD iwill I . � heaven, Rut coming to the foot of than the W,, t takes yew up f gen ThiQ great general view to of an ar- � with MY glasses &(,metliJng nlipp,ed And Th- woman wbP, i� - nice to horpplf-, sliswn&d from, tile coinirp hrideg,�.m. , , r g,,,,,r,i M' -fl 0 ,I ', � 11, , inountain it sees IL the AIM your . b to (he dni-mes in Hanover. , rangoesnant as methodipal as a chess- tumbled heavily over the li)n,mpstones Will he ,'"' wh."' "tie seeing. on she AVIII- ,Oyerred with larit,Rt,,em or lot� ­1,hnur- Tte I I -.V ­,OO - ,. ..1. � 4 tip -t I and sit Will ""'Am t O be a charm9ng pat n J.'a 11 niring,I ml� all riv"all"n to rin", I I clim Other notable German offlatica of the I board. There are several battalions , behind me. I turned. thinki Kdn r­.n-� Ct,, .t . 1, I I h.- I , , I : . OP shivering on roll to is said t liq t I rut h and h-ut y a re PoPyn- A WANDERER WEEPING 1 glaci the Boer ar,mqy are Baron Wichmann, for-, flat on their faces in two or three long It ro.­ P; 0 n Illo, ofh�r h,nd w�llq 1; I, h, d- i,aini - , h , ],-. ,II,. ; i , ;I era. You may cross the sons, but ea per- d yrrious TIA, Is free in nature as ,,, � 1. prodigal start, but do not fall toth - First Body Guard regiment elf the, feet order with its limber of hornea well &% art, and it Pre- .nd I­,,eRn ,be plr,,)ert% .l. h -Pr n � I) R IO, , , - ,,,,..I I, , ,1 I[ , . I 1, I, n- r ­ civer his era.) WaY-B. The tePars of the � they can outsa,ii Ike efliver or mer merly lieutenant and adjutant In the lin Itodge or help A strimbling man, fin -,,e, ­I w,(h Rtue�ro or rnrnjqli -PO I' , �nnw f, - 11�� I . ,d � -1 r , .. . Over there is a battery in found anyself staring ]tit,, thp grant "" re,P,1­� � k-antorol ,,( g­al� , y . .Ahlng that treasure speeds but -� OqURIIY "Weil AT ra Another battery, as thiolt Find -4 tile cold orearn them, and with wbe WAS killed; Von Alliedyll, wh rind ft, ground. for the angels wing catches and put out across the Araboinn desert, at rest near by, bl"POW113 eyes Of aid astriclisix feet tail C,opl to be Popphe"I quo, as frequently I Ile m tit, I I,Pit -a chantmAn. YOU MAY take caravan, Emperor; Lieutenant Count Zeppelin sh ,old he a ,-k - h4,, � � .. PIP f ,,, r­-,na � they 10PIOW You like a siturto aged, Its if to have with leas airnmit .,nd the bair tonic 11 .. l- f,,) --m lt--p! the- hq-, back to heaven. M, died front. hirg womd, and who wait a its photograph inktan is to be soon in "'t ,, .11' I O - ". 'I. 11 . , I, 1� God sees the angel armed with suffocation. you plunge longer than may own. --- - - � .1 I 1)1:1.1( 101r" Dp;�-�F;I( 1'� . ,I, 11 .I- .. coming, rind Ways, " behiold the bright- into the Mammoth Cave, but I, near relative of General vrm Albed-. the middle field third Is On the "A came up here a few ,days ago,,' EFP F.It"I r�%I, 1-()( I T'RIES .1 I ' Iry is sweeping 88 -id a scildier, ' and he always At ays 1 Pin­ppiv FritPer. ,;I I, � . r,,,. I I,- lf,,�- ­ I -1- ,,,.,n I. I jewel of heaven hang like stairoctite's from the roof Licutennnt von Reitzenatein Captain across the teldt inTvIerfect rack and hon re now W a reod It im arid root with PO,ulti �,, are vn . �. ? �A est gem of earth, .and the brighteat bey y1l, tilde do Cam -P Of the Emperor; farther side. The' ft "Papentance." I hi rk d It", I le a,d-. nut ,,, ' .0 � "I .1 " 11. I P Ll.- " ,I 11 . N -the tear of sinner's of the great cavern. They stand be- Clount Rothkirch Schtack, von Bru.e- alignme d I Lot it lnl,, 1,�Pcett, 1.,v 'I ,It . ­ul I .. . .; , ! with skeleton fin tit. There JA no confusion any- b6,m and he seems vftry �Inppy re."I'di -to neor,nunt ,,r ill,, ni.10riall .f '. " 11 hard bringing a lamb from the wit- � , . They stard Clare you to ' ' I ­ I' ' ' I 1. . Ohl when I see the -Heavenly Shop- y(yu whead 10 Push witz aud others. where. Nothing fog belter-sk�ller. I "The ostrich st.ilk-ed pam, met and plate -,,Prod NNilh r.mt,,, -g,., An,j ;,. 1, ..I,, , , ' L 'i" ' " . � 1, 11 f I.hrow You back They rUn upon you w1-11 thei wrt, made hill ue'"Llap they � , "I -, , I of the prodigal hastening home li 111071 you with gleaming spear. They 1wi,riz if , ,n�l --i-1 ,,,r 'n - " ' 1.1, 1. , h ­ 1� It "r 1� , - : like reckless horsemen. They charge commander of the foreign legion, wh�. I speak. One was in the afternr,n olw^rve that they were very bu,,y Punno rill time There . , . turbanties of the discipline of which the naptain, where, after appearing t its a r, g h I ', ad to w P ­,O) g , � v (d m to k . ­ , 11 r I , ,,, -1 derness; wnen I bear the quick (read Germans was that of Colonel Srhiel dim- took a Position hot %,,pen tho, monitor rind nelnin th, t,pat ft,, !, ,,, pi,nkle genf­ouilir ­ 1, i , ,ri,iy ,ton, ' 1.� , - " , I , ,,, I - ,� -h I to" One of the notable exploits of the remember only two momentary . "' " I ""' I , , ' to find his Father; when I see a �"m to entire hap, -hazard. scattering was ordered by General Kit*-* to c.ut during (he Uodder river fight ,ben ning (he landscrope. he. to,c,. wtared at Ing ,I pOull,- ll,.,, '­, l­O­ \% torn ,. ­ .1.1 .1 ;­­ h 11 i, I I ,I 'h- f.- 1, , ".. 11 sailor bay coming an from a rill Pal- R I UPro a re the wharf. rind RhOts the 911111 of a careless at( two British supply trains. To do a large band of mounted Buens made tht, plain, "ad r-mainwi Proo,it rind t he I wo r"u... I e% \%, h, I e,,, , ,o.,d I. ... .. -I- p", I , , , , I, - i , I I: I I , ..n.I ,, � L., , I , , I I . I, I i . ., . ( � t". I'. u, If i(OhIP-rit f -.O P11 I 11 f I , I\ I . 11 I r,,� hurrying away to beg his mother's , aporlsmairt- But not so. this he took about two hundred and a flank movem,-ni no nor extreme vo,alchful. the hi,ghpmt tvp,PP Of R Rpnivy wheth.e,r flor­,d ,.s,m, , ." 0 � 11 I I 1-,n- ,nd , I, . �f­ '. , pardon ter long neglect and uInkifid-, , aim rl I nesses; when I see the houseless Gem G61 jig the archer. nnp,p f- it 14 ,- dvicn .O -I -e,- -pr OkO-d 11 to , ,,, - that sends them just right; for Germans. He succeeded in carrying IIIIII-Ahe Waste of tranmpnrt and arnhu- fort (ror jum, 'I mllm.nt by Poeizi IT It brAdd ! --ked we ", , ,I � �'L. 1. It is good fifty men, shoat fifty of whom were right rind fired a volley qt nor Ire- in Pippeamrice lip marred thi " -hmt ad and the T116, and the ain-bufned, I 04 YOU 190 10 Places Where once, you , le PA 11(nd If It ls' '"Ift ­Prnr thi,kening,oull- , Loop Pot , I— fit. ,,nd I , o I .11, - I - , -ore ro-ompaDjed by those Who are , by surprise and fell to lashing duty with "tild'Pot-linn in hiq eyes I 1, R1o­1I,j 1,0 Img in lo, fr,'I�t-. to" It n", 1, I . Ing to God ,or shelter. and the wrgtcb: �`mf YOU will sePediallY feel your grief inand Into a Position which he was nition wagons. The drivorm woore tflk- After that fie roronlinu­i his sontry mt-,on,oPs m,,, 1,e .4dod .1 I �` A "I '. , "' , , , , , ,'h I 1, 1 4 �� I n . I ,P -A I toor. .uW , r It.. ­, t ­'u, ­ , " I I— ;ern"..r. I 11 , , " , I , , This summer many nut the order, hut brought biri enim- lance -Frons, water ritits rind rimmu- mwalloxving a h0y "f Rafetv ma h I Is, I -P, ., ", , " , - '' I ". , '''' o and the passion -blasted appealing for ; hardly ;'hie to hold against an at- 'on � � � , "' I PIP Pil h-- ­ I tn, gr-a.v I ­ I ­ I I . to - I . 1. o "..'m . I marcY to a compassionate God, I a%- igimall vow. Your troubles will to,_ , tont of a force of English. Sehipt ra- their male tosama and horiP the mn- The �slrich im 1 ffrP­dI figurpfn uh- ' ce" Pon 1 1`- " of hnPn Pond rint tOO , ' I ... I -O, 1'.11le, 1'e", up I (,.1,1-1 ....... , '' . I I I . I I I " W h, h I et. I CLAIM in eeataay land triumph: "More 101 YOU to the seashore, and will k Ported to Genaml Roak that be would ty to the nox,onnipatnimprit of high- lir life in Roul h Aft -m H- in n R.PU r,,. I t film , I I it, 0 v on� f r,,m h -,, f , n I n, h "I l`OP "f I— -11-11 -111 1,1 ,',,Iv ,,,,d , , d '� - , I, an ,in inrh ot * hee­ '. . O� IP onto Wag express ill "'BP ImOt he able to hold his position with- III Kaffir yelle. The rout only a xvonith, road Often ,, ftiondand rom -I'll ,or ­­ ,onl -h-- ne't 1� tears for God's bottl6l" , up with (he light i I w Z a I to.. k . Again, God keeps a tender remem- Y11 spend away. or, tarrying al o1,U It ning the Hoork of Ilinving nl,l Mled five minutes or less. andwrii; Prinicyn He Is ,I "I.I.,h]. substitute �I he, 4u 1. -' I n--, I " , e, . h PIP, ,,,)it - I .O 'Ila .1.1 q, 11 I 1* � I k , , � I, I ndrP,P,,%rd �� h . LUT -,el ,, 1�.O , ,a I,., brance of all your sicknessea. flow 1i home they will d.a` , � . , . .1 and �vhisper >v"it beside by y. UAd, The answer wan, "Hold funny beyond d-weripfinn, benausip he ' fair a wnteb dog t-, lb�in lir-n ,.,,I p, no h ,,f ­ 1.� It— "h,o I.I­ -I , , I -k n .-loth or untan. I MRAY of ( or your p r1lan Position, Under any eirmanstancIl" I" It"Aaling foroulPs climbed over the "wti '4-1- 1 1 Rni,wither ,nd n,, r, the "it" I* .nd it-., " . k- PIP , O- uft , ". , .1 -­ nk,ng PrIf ,I hirb "I � _ybu are thoroughly sounrl fin I w night Is . ., . 11 � body I Not one out of ton I I do ifter night * I want to assure you � Sebital, orrho saw plainly that be and IBM." and the fittootter the VA311stR fell ------- Q--- sk n �g I ­ 0 1, "' ' to' (I n. "fie'i f ­P, O t , eir , to'. I �. , , " , I . f ,Vnt 'D I i.,e mPoe'.Pai .f."Uhi 60 In"i ,,,,I I . , ,­ I h- -[a- �f qn I exaggerate. The vast majority" of that Yon *are n PLFAF) NOT ; It. light ,,.ri.,,,.n,v hy :h., -1,1 I I, I ­ ''I I ­ 1 grP,AI,,r the race are constant subjects of all- your wafq*nlg Ot left 110ne; and that ; his man were doomed by this order, the louder the Kaffir yelled. and the i "Ind th� I�Ioj:l "Pe .1",-1 "Iel if PIP 1 48 board in heaven. you I Used 11 report to be sen.t to him lren- more they Plied their ('111�rM(IUFI Whipa "When none the leader finvot, r t h,-- it i i v P, 4 nd I I,. , a of , 1,111it, Ill"'., .n:- P k,-1 1 - , 11 It, ­ liglirri Of �j,­o,nur �� " Monts. will wander among t,he hills and �n,.-h­ AJ- ,If There is some one form of , I ,, say,, ora) AS a pretence to send back his The bravery of our stretcher hpnr- O� 1,-ve I. arnithrod. in vain I ht, )in�n ­ wit ,'P%pr 1q IIN-d ,h,.OJ,J ­ ' t'" it " 9-1 "'Ply" "I"i - I It, ., 1-1 I no- ­ '­ th� `Oim� 1p,otoro � . disease that you are peculiarly sub- UP this hill, - last Year our boy i 800 vvho was him adjurtant, and so anv- era in as mourh lipyond questif)o na if Me, .1 tolors nod aig,hN remortoreftil as rive ! ro, eT I ­ 1-11 I f ­p I nd - he ­Igem rn,l, 11 .11ff ­ 1-1 tile .I., ­n '"',"FI, '' I �O 1 - m %it, to i �%v ire farn i -%r �Ath I Ci. . I , 11, at to. You have a weak aide, or Olimbeal with great #ISO- �114 waved' led 6ifirl. The expected happened ; the to beyond Pralge. When all of us isms- To make it wlullo again I Pd roveT ­ Itlit rr,io� (if ih� Va " .PPP hld� ,­ -l", ,PP, 1-10 h!,t ": h. . O . 1, I .1 � b- -n- f llip�l ­Ih 11 ck, or are bubject to headaches, or his cftP IPTOW the top; or "This 16 the I carps "Was aboi dowt. and every one or and immediate hintorinnR of the Ili% pristine heaury lost. 1,,nIMPns, in ­nfir, ,v -1h lh� skin T01'1� - Ph, I- ';,- IP' it ro,tot F. , to h,,P,, I 11 ,' I q -1 ,t one -kin,I ,Oul i � '� , faintneo, 6r lung& easily distressed plaos wobere our little girl Put flOW-1 who was not killed hiscattato an Friallioth 11111,01-ent have told of the valor of nil t It hilileo !is w,,ttndM h4'4d � 1�131h­ Ith"I In. Pot I ­, PInd lu., 1'.1"". I, .. ... 1,� I 'I 1, "I I, lr,-f ­ -hq, ,iO-I. . � � � It W0014 not t1ke a very strong bloom ' , era Ila her bair, slid looked up in her 11 it de,ftni" wam true t mhY 1,oe hOl %I:d '** nm'lp "" th"It t � , mother's prisoner. Schlos) bimself wan ithotin the Generale. Colonels, Majors, Crop- In f ti -All It fit ill #* 'be ollipr it, It, I]_ I e-1 1wh­ir ,n I vb, I% , hp a, i,f v , h .. ,,, - ,,,I 610,,v in i;Ps­,ei ., to shiver the golden bowl of life, or face." Until evarY drop of the knetiol, and naw shares the fate of antes and ­ Trimindeog 11 of the R rally. vive .r.111p..... 1, low inisipad' I f -r -h-n � F­,111,� bo,ovin. I . . .... I it r-1 ,� h " ,, ,f Iv- �Irg. I I I ". . I Prh in,). ("'I It'P," ­­, I I break the pitchtir ilt the blood In the beart tingled With glad -1 his erpradies am a prisoner on themittar Shull Bill] have, In eannincin juntic,og, I gam my love in you Ow'Old P- ,h.ng-,i A- r­u1ti,.. h,,,, - ­ '"n . k� h, ,-I I , ,,, �k I, Pot hn,. � � Many at you 31'are kept o fount&'JL I Beds, and yon thanked God with a I ship Penelope, in the harbor of Sim- to describe how the ethnplainn, doctors My b�art You IwH in tbrall �to eo�rta n timontir nf weisrhl Ihi,v I 1, Ito I(Iol , N% 4I1?11- . 1- I ,� ­ PI., h- "I'll Fieb, 11're, through alhbgr force of wfill. . h ­, a in life tbrill of rapture, and yalm look orinsteown. and strotabloor bearers go In rind out And made me drsarn your Itwo for moo, `­ I -lid mn I tip , h- ,r Vh, rop,. I You mild ". I ,, , ,P I,, h, think 46 0116 Can understand your I atioutid, AN moo sa t. r . i _ ­ n-,,, -,41-i ... %, !dashed eist that d : 'Iftio --- of the midloott hellish fire, not art or Wag potirferf-all in all! I nIs1,,mPP,n -f A P -hod -% th., ,,,(-(I ft," \ r ?,,I r 11,1P, ro. I mp I .­ ,,, (i, � , � n, - , , -n I,u,s ,ti,,, I tud C40 -%q � It vo,Pq a ,I � a0d It' ill 6*066611 thit yoW arer, d hy- :Zb pli t What blailt It 'ft Just with,out thv% roornav �nof fir" ' I' was not an yon itald. a rwvd . I"' � diatall'6116,11K P641HIP0 THE BLACK CAT PAD ' th- I,M.t hina. Pond d, ­P m ­P bn,m ,hq: (411-1 \ h-g ""'I'l I- n., ­ � I � , " h h,l nf th,- rhoticiplitti of bill9lit It t7t twim, but nil throUgh every brittle dinary ,,, Qu ­n �i­­q ­Piq .. )­ I `P , :,, - Y06 look stfoog. ING filled I knew too noon *Ins I "n't"tV th f0hfit*J at the hatattl" The tafest fain In the wto . I,, h. rt ir I h., n Ph- t­,,n,l . In, ­ ro I , � " , I. O I % , % "a I— it n i I a I h. now �,-� Pothollidt(ke. They say you, are berv- nil ot a th"t YOU #We rind realize the horrors go love'- *wool Ptpron,ng flow . or was -.a- - I ous-Ad it thtlit W41ITS 130thing 1 004 90100 Of YOU have lost your parents porbilbernbelar in to carry a ttlity pointer of war. Ft ith Itmaore tbntj the w.no.l- hed I 11'r ,\I,;. V ho. ­ be ­­I� Pro ,.( . - It I ,,,, - h I h-, old Phil riania I , - arave moray upon ill of0i me w1birmsf, 1"thil" th's' I"t tvftivs Months Their of wondrousi SoldsmItilos work atirvilig- oad cirwitirl and intagger hy yon ; it is 111"It 14"TICP "--tv inem-tof If h.r h­i,Ph­I �­,,y . ,, 4 -1 11­­�,,,m .. � 111rat lie ft"citaost 'a t times you sit I Pray"" 16or you are evaided. you I Andenmoqvi, lie,l prone And deoPIA I ! ` hornIP ,, f ` Pvpry Pro 44nor h- q. rn� , to , it - is �, - - I , I % � Z — I, 1� t� - �1 01, , "O" J I*qp I 11 I QI1 AH I I I I I i *1011141 4ft t4ke Ifig - 8 P401131daht from tbm and of there that spend their finril rintplit plead not I it ran 4 ho I I The JI3dgP­XNhv d,. v,,, rphi,to "lim.1 'Friends do not eir jolettilre. mind try to CAM ur of energy and froill down to if. until I -.. Of 10 in I,vi-loni,II .f he `­varnign . ,,r:Op, 11 -T It F-01 , 61 an Indescribable Lane- back t dMa your l6r0slats, chills, The eat T he sitt. MEG' %tth, I riour( Lino I' Fill' DKSlRFr) QTJANT- came. ft@ that allatte looked ASSIRtATICA rommoks; it In there that you JAn,l th,nwh in firnA I M pl' I h. rl"In"f f"r Ph' f""' "OvI tPhA �h, N - h.- hO,0.1.-, �Prv%nj I r� 1`� ITY 11 ness I , I Ont (rOm those old, vorri tlmde oil blillook snamat noon metal. it. age the strete -ar forwitP000 -0, k -A? I i 1- nkled faces, -heirs, laden with their ,, k , ­, r v, ­ h-, � h- -j- u ,. I I It till % 1hQI I wint. PAM tb. 4&�fttr ft(torifts; but God Bad &P*e Ila snedar I cover ,,iblooll forget The 1;0u,hPnIfp � Irn T61 God bablipootton- eyes have it inittilrille green gleam. maimploold freight, tied flie mound ones I pl,"d ,,, I Bat I., me I'm S b � --th"'If ri'dillf ­rn, .II­--PPI,,n -f .mI­.en,, , i-1) - w-1— 1,,oking Rt the bill I,If iftes ; ' '161112 Ighto Are they not tiGY 0dkt*&--V6qf The Searing the trounderl on t.he,jr hn,amt, I ' ... Ort, I 9i; "I n-1 0 Y­ur hnn­ -11 . i, ,- ,,, IPP n i ­,in ,I ,I.p ,nd I I ''I P�ot mom tb,,n stallion, "I 04 !lIell1allaitill'tfib- 81060 1 . A TRMWL01173 VO109; 6SPI6114 Pnools vvf&th A collar of brfl I Ito Peso t " It He r6a,ft'ah, thel liftZ4 , it - and In the armis Better yet -4j, F30 -ph. ,I "e I ill life ho ,,'er , h. e Xt, .11 V,Z I , ., 'h ornti,, v , - h- 1, na- , III I I b- p qp.Pn I he yet hat neek. -This mhoilerfml a phritt Im porynbotodhio I nkA that nn�o rnnd4a Ini­ ­ h Pro' Aflh�r rn.. ' ' ,I, h rn T, T, 14,1v in I— ,wn -r igro mak \ I ,., . V . c"UptA coof our ahrit- 11 a , tt4 and Fain IMI It Is a WOW picture. but if -Its 00t cloft abt , -7-v s6timait" thli hairans" at the breath- all tbt% while Tau feel that, aflar, all it Adeft@4 1 y -I t.P,i, In hearts I 6 the ra atelit such a case -to know the brutality v "' h-- i h - V�fl' - 0, r,, - 4 �A -, nit h- ,-, ,n,112-1- 4 --onne li,,mi.i., I p 1. � I I Ar# anapt for tiverimarp I �,Ii-. tt'd( ()P ,te, sr"in I � 'Itift."r q Pi ­'T , "ITEr-WO'l 14,) d1#nl1I i 1 . -1 , , ­ 'I�t-".) "o �jiitlhviy I I " �