HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 6t• .,r IY ry SUPPLEMENT TO THE GODERICH STAR fr-..; ,. , 4 1 CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. REMECIBER, IT PAYS TO BUY AT ROBINSON'S. M Do you always invostigato our Bargain Offerings? Some people want Quality, others Prices. Sensible people try to get both, and du so when they butt at ROBINSON'S, For your money buys more here than elsewhere, whether you ,pend much or little. An honest, earefurcompanson of qualities and prices leaves nu room fur doubt. WE ARE SHOWING EXTRA VALUE IN New Spring Dress Goods Tweed Suitings Cashmeres Grenite Cloth Plain Lustre Blistered"Creponnes 44 46 64 ii New Covert Suitings " Henriettas Serges Figured Lustre Coating Serges Jacquards .. .. You will tint that it pays to buy at ROBINSON'S. STEW PRINTS, (oRtTMs) Light and Dark Prints, Indigo and White, Turkey -Red and Black, Heavy Drillett Print, Heavy German Print. It will pay you to call and see our Prints and get pates. krD9'tla,L t said Music HVu1I , .. , �tawel7..0.�",e�GID'.dazaKaiir4.111� flr'ea eirS� �alWai '.1� slrsrir111rAV eR I AilinoW W4 f,,r the the past v.0 1, Car trior�un`, Blt,.k and .Mo it H„lse rias t�telia Dnn'� Waste ulttieu Ilse ut t'LJJll,CSJr ..,.I..,,. r. d Money n r, r By handling "(IR the hest goods and stlhnti at,lu.e l`fl.t'. their trade 4 t.t, til , t 1l ..:Illi It lids heel Ilet e, sari to ht [hr ,rt aid flat tor a 4 { Plallu aiiJ Oigni w arcr:rurn, K here 4 they hate ai,u toted up a studio for tea, 1st I, use Mf. Emerson, ttlr genial manager, has seat retul!ICJ atter spending tl.r ., It ,11 the 4 ruaJ tm the Ms. Elul Bea [Ile (.0 , (1 tJ.,) ut I genie, and Jami, ltiat it all u•er Western Outal,u these Flt Wheel, are rt ognitt•J a, •• the best that is." He has also .unthided to 1tu,h the ,ale ut (.muni Srparatun, and has .hanged to put t,tu IIg, un the 1 ua K Ith these 111 st usetul Mat li 111e,, 1u .iiia ulle interested (�. F. will be only too pleased to show than ur send .atalogues and any u,etill ultorrnatwn. It •Uuttu uull 00 next page I The SummeP in GodePieh. l0, 4 Saute orP the Attractions In the' ('ouuty 'lows. Snlnine r w 111 ,null hr herr, and 4, (Judcnch ‘•111 ha e its dour, w ide upru, .Is In the past, for they rsitors ). 11,10 plates w here the K:u n[ season is nut so delightful as 1t is heir. t antages as a summer resort, some ut whish wt• shall mention briefly. Situated on the shore of Lake 4 Hurons, 125 tett ahuLe the level (t;{ the water, it is tree iron) those dis- eases which Intest low lynig places, and the temperature Is mudeiatt•J by the hreeies tram the broad ex - Print, Heavy English punse of water. We sometimes have hot days in Goderich, but the nights are almost invariably tom- fortahly cool. Besides beim; healthful, the situ-- Everyboiyyis talking good times this spring, and all over Canada business is reported Netter than it has tion of the town is very pleasing to i be �;;Eo "y al's. The enthusiasm of this fact is the en husiasm of more work, more wages, more trade, and the eye, and the scenery on lake m to&iby: We hope- to join in the general prosperfty. The record ut dailysales is one of constant im- and river and in the country sur- 4 provement, and the more people make comparisons the more they are satisfed to spend nwney herr. We rounding is beautiful. One never are giving special offerings that cannot he equalled—QUALITY CONSIDERED. I he tort n possesses pe.uliar ad - THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD TIMES 4 our Gloves Patritis.nakr. 'Every pair warranted. In Black and Colored, at $1.00 and $1.25. low as 4oc in great value. Also great value in Ladies' Capes in Cloth and Velvet. Ladies' Lustre Skirts • in plain and brocade. Also White Pique Skirts and Linen Skirts, extra value. Other lines as tires sitting in the harbor park or 4 upon one of the terraces overlook -'r' ing the lake or river, and feasting upon the beauties of the view which . e stretches out before his eyes. i 4 No words of ours can do justice to the magnificence of the sunsets over Lake Huron. It is worth a trip to t/ Goderich to see them alone. a. Although, err has dune so much in mak ng` oderich "the 1 healthiest and prettiest town in Canada," she ha;" -not -t' to left un - Press .Silks, Blouse Silks, Satins aided. A system of waterworks supplies! Thr pl:itr to •buy Silk is this Starr. Quality urge, it, Style and V,uirtw urge it, ,Ind last, but not good drinking water throughout the. town. It�ist, comes )economy. • 6;. The town is well lighted with • electric ig its. There is also a Ladies'and Children's Underwear and Hosiery 'swrage system. The streets are wide and are The wanted sorts in ample variety. Careful selection has brought here the thoroughly good and lined with beautiful shade trees. dependable kinds. Come and see. Come and compare quality. Come and compare prices. There are two parks—one over- looking the harbor and lake, and one in the centre of the town. At the harbor park conveniences have been placed by the tun. n authorities for the free use of excursion and picnic parties, in the shape of a If you have never been a customer, come and learn the results of the welfare, satisfaction anti kitchen and the necessary a pavifurnlion good feeling of our regular patrons. If you have been dealing elsewhere, give our store a call, just to ings.hllThere is also a pavilion he ecabled to contrast goods, style of dealing and price, We sty with confidence that you will not which can he used as n dining -hall. To the resident of or the sojourner quality, .tyle and actual lost, all considered, Is the satisfaction of getting an Curtains e nowkof no other store in this district that carries such a stock of Lace Curtains. Also Tap- ' esti. Curtains, Curtain Poles, Wool Carpets, Matting. #• ra t' tllet'experimertt. Our prices tell the results, and hence the verdict, that it pays to trade at ROBINSON'S because ti in Goderich the summer season article that is good, new and reasonable. Table Linen and Table Napkins `/.. ' This is the great supplying opportunity of the year for hotel -keepers and house -keepers. Superior advantages offered both as regards assortment and value in Bleached Table Damask, Unbleached Damask Turkey and White Tabling. eached and Unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Towels and Towelling. Extra value in Bath ' (Dowels. Vrrwo•thirds of the pleasure of a bath is the jolly, after -rub with a good hath towel. Y�ti`� Relnerrthcr that our House is the great Dress Goods, Trimmings and Linen House of Huron. WE ARE ALSO SHOWING A LARGE RANGE OF $cn's White Shirts and Men's Colored Shirts at a Wu Low rrioc. • Also ask to see the KING SHIRT—the hest up-to-date shirt made. You ask why ? est—Because it will not break nor push up,- and—The suspenders, passing under the front, will not drag nor break it ; 3rd ;,•Perspiration cannot touch front; Oh—The collar button at the hack of the collar hand being covered, pre - v t t* irritation and chafing of the neck._so frequently the case with the old style of Shirt; 5th—An attach- m$init,athe back to keep the tie in place; 6th—Solid comfort in wearing it; 7th—Saves laundry bills: 8th erfec fitting; 4 9th—Unexcelled for full dress; loth—Once worn, always worn; i 0th—The fat man's necessary; lath—The thin man's luxury. You will appreciate this Shirt. Lost oortunities usually make one feel as if he ought to have had courage enough to take hold of -Bargains to be had at ROBINSON'S. if you have missed before, we can only say, don't let this he the case naw'.• OUR NEST TWO CREAT BARGAIN GAYS -March 29th and 3oth. r t • f tt101%. , tit 10 .. es Robinson. [tiNti 4�:'Mtli�tklrr��NI�Hity'i ' ��atr�pl;,trC; s t`coot CO1414004 thins eaten. bit thify Wbt's I*ii t►ttiifif tivi ruled toe litbos Mated, ihtd ttINxopt*ln+Oii dud fbt pen ty rtilislObt often *Ord the t Iiy iiw*i lode itltttatttit wheel ,prii.' s to Art J..1* [' 0104(s jr hst� il�e r tutor 'tis m�eaC p *aorta i,! f he, tbfiil witi d. hot to 'Ito +tit Itty i'e .m,alow fie Notill trhtr'N� W Arlt . Sad Which lw 6 note/ t1i.*CltlittitlettOR jRI i 8111 quit.,nmet.*t wnti lu W% or Whit* thitrte'walt *fifty m iiit4tt•jOgga, 0110 rntiatt term* t0'A tit 3ttitlm r." era• kit Wim. 0cilirl'l , *Astwimrq erlti6Yd. to Y eta i i" ^li' y s!dr such N th1. tit will art+�tetre" nit p h * lltt ul tre.i fetin n d ad+ak lttc'.w►it't 44 i ttt,i t tri brings a whole hast of opportunities fur diversion. Upon the beautiful green at the rink business and professional men, in their shirt sleeves, disport them- selves at lawn howls, while the tennis court adjoining affords re- creation to the younger people. For some years Kase-hall has been THE sport of Goderich, and the town club holds no mean position among the amateur clubs of this section of the Province. Riders of "the silent steed"—and those who are not such are rapidly becoming fewer and still more few —have very special advantages here. The splendid roads of the town lead to equally giIod country roads, wide and well kept, upon which cyclists may spend their leisure hours delightfully in this wholesome, invigorating exercise. In the country surrounding the town are pretty spots which may serve as the objective points of the cyc- list's rambles. The road from Goderich to Bayfield—twelve miles —is one of the very hest in Canada; and all around the town, within a radius of fifty miles, the roads are exceptionally fine. This is, indeed, "the wheelman's paradise." The V is of gravelly formation and • quickly absorbs water, so that the eager rider loses hardly any time waiting for the roads to dry. Gentle ' reader, you who do not live in this favored locality, if you have a wheel and a week to spare this summer, come to Goderich and have the hest time in your life. Those who do not ride the bicycle may take advantage of the excell- ence of the roads and suit their in-' dividual tastes by horse -riding or driving. Then we have boating, bathing! and fishing, and a river and a whole lake for indulgence''in these pas When you want Boots and' Shoes come and see us as ` e know we can save you MONEY on every- thing you want in Boots and Shoes. THE SPOT CASH PRICE .l1 ,s!o• • , ei ti is marked makes thinking people, those who shop around and want to make their tl:e Luthr,t t•u' here. hoi Sprung we hay Spe•ial Values in every line. See our Plough Shoes for men at 79c per pair, a butte' shoe than you have been paying $r.00 for, guaranteed to give good wear. Our higher pr1,rd Plough Shoes at equally good values. O0I "IRONCLAD" SCHO,OL SHOES for girls and boys are the best values on the market. A,k to ser our (;lei's Shur, at 97t. god u:ultttJ. and Boys' at 85c and P.m; three of our special lines, wear 111 Women's Fine Slices we take pleasure in annouucing that we -gens y tui this Jntncl ter the have secured the exclusive Famous "Queen (duality," made by Thomas G. Plant & Co., of Boston, largest manufacturers of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the "Quern Quality " Shoes are made of the famous Kibo Kid and Kibo Calf, and leathers of the y cry hest quality , in a tattory with unexcelled facilities, expert designers and every modern appli- :111,c knows to the art of fine shoemaking. They fit ?there others fail. They give a slender, pretty loon to the foot without sacrifice of comfort. They have strength and durability where the wear comes. - They retain their shape 'hshtle Me shoe lasts. The fastidious, hard -to -please woman is the very one who will find in Q U 3E10 3EI Q'LTALInEeY' 4 wiN The little points of Good Taste, the Fit and Style, P. T. HALLS, ai ..arysinardee amar...G> ®ra+.. s rda.As:ia"sir'-mr,szaK.wyAr.a:a1►'ArAP•N1 that heretofore she has sought in vain in Canadian made shoes. We will he pleased to have you call and examine these beautiful goods, as they are the finest American Shoes made. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS QUEEN QUALITY. THE CASH SHOE DEALER. NORTH SIDE THE SQUARE. ATTRACTIVE WALL PAPERS - BOTH IN PRICE AND DESIGN, AT Porter's Book & Wall Paper Store GODERICH. Over 4 ,teas- of Wall Paper direct from the Wall Paper Mills, have arrived already -this season, giving you the largest range possible to select from. Although Wall Paper has advanced thirty per cent. it will not he necessary to payadvanced prices this season, as we had placed our order last August bef, eprices were raised. You will be consulting your own interest by looking through some of our choice patterns, suitable for Halls, Bedrooms, Parlor or Dining Rooms, with Border and Ceilings to match, at 6c,, 7c and 8c per roll.. We have elegant Papers at 5c per roll, and the most expensive we carry If you are in need of any m:asure your room's width, length and height and we can cost of papering it. All Goods marked in plain figures in Show Window. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. is 50c per roll. give you the exact IF YOU REQUIRE . . times. And the Marine Bandit musical organization of which the town is' justly proud—we have always with 05. Goderich, March lath, t000. toi.oul deNotehtit tt>T;v, tainttili i di ty 'ep.Il ,'wh *hot, tho ind . h .Mit �� Alt Mit tlwilt' � title 1.ni ktyt�ita mt tronl$e,. "ltew.' t' twith *tato* 06014-, 1 taittbtr 1" tt t t erne r. Of Petto«' ron.xa.. "*at , Woo tic s' Mei t odir)4 tyot-dr, ill, my�ttiat: 1004 - too l ttt(trtt *hotly 1 Httttf t and, it t•bot- th 711 y'tAut 0141 *OW but W O° *11ting 141klaittraik." It ti dpi:totoormitw inOtt p. ri.et4 lei tdtlt y itto1' Id": ldaid t tTsnn tti.tw>rrn G.R't , eh* •Imit Mtdatrt'►me stuffs of 11'i grip o r 'lett rktial" 1llY-Ipwil w t School Books or School Supplies you will find we are the people to do business with in that line also. •••••••••••••••••• RTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store COURT HOUSE SQUARE, GODERICH. Our Telephone is No. too B. 1, iii had hew . iwlnllatttft� tOity ba %� ,lliiw • o wn s!«% frog. Ito 14 'tlEIOU 11111Aft —,.•,......� f+tths ti ht mato**irri he Brit tlpOf ;I 1' �� +fi�iiMf1 .fl4.11�. • TIP z 1 this to tlzh cot munity which eopie aro eatrit tar lever lost sight of�. n !xtlr CRU'TIONS� jetwelss ,Crum; Aintot4 y, and other kttiplers., ed , lrmotts° o-QNervesuin, TableAts. r'- Tl ist. t3t,tr4�Rt� Bt RD A A A N ETRE. 10, ► Lfl',, id Gloves just dvanced con- tracted for on uotatious. EK SINS ose. 8ON-P PV•••i♦♦ ped by up-to-date ► I. ► ► Sealed, at 15c. /'ac4age, the market—clean acrd DY;StCO. R 01"--. Tinwaie. 'PEUALTY. GODERIOH, Ont. I they are the judges. • that's 1THE MOOS ... ,mpare quality and !ADE. • Ways get utte.r. MEIN ito4 lilt li utit o t th:*t n o,fle r out r 4; 'er 4r 4,. 4r °r 4r ars y 4'4 0c •