HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 5aifirg upplenIel #, • '` et r$ON#A 0 FRki?AY. Af4.Hu gu.nda ��ea[ Q0 4 $uc e8sru1 Meetin burp; IX S. S. gee Mg D. R. XIIN ';The ninth annual coov •"tabnrn Union Sunday 8 adieu WAS held In the A! . iatcliurrh on Wednesd Oiy;9t, • T;he attendance et arid evepiug8esefons pee lenge duet an overflow me apfired at each session in ttetiau church. Mr. Fran Myth.. kindly and' efllcien u4 the afternoon overflow The tollowlog brief re et*udiog of the schools the union is arranged fro , dent's report, which, uL .,; not received by the _ dare to present to the c. '.'(lumber of officers and t average attendance, 12; ,piemils, ski' 3 ; average atte $ t 0oiscomprised in the Peentaytertan at Carlow et the Eiinscopalian, Auburn dist at Donnybrook, W - Auburn ; the Baptist. Bas the Clayman llvangeheitl. The following are fhi poets for the year ender 214, 1900, and part ren ending convention day, 1 RsglcIrrs. Yet. 17, '99—To cash on hand s r.PEND ITU RS June 19.'99—Grant to County a Postage during the year Telegrams paid Casal paid for use of chairs.. Rauh remitted Het•. J. Morin. Balance to now aceoant...... , Financial report for p ending 1901 :- 33e0r1Prs. Feb. 21 '00—Cash from last novo Collections et convention Cash returned in Ray. J. Karla EXPBNDtTI7Re. Cash paid for use of chairs Printing programa Cagh tQ be paid to new seo•troae The 11l►ominatipg committ !ng of file clergymen, supe nod BIblp Arse teachers r pipit Beboo , after a brief e filo itlg sling "service, pre fpllutvipir eeport to' the which teas duly ratified President Rev. J. Murdoc vice-president. Rev. Mr. the ir,iller; secretary-treaeul•er, Wilson, Auburn. (ketch of space in Tan STA and a delay in receiving t , the report so ably and kind ed by Mr. Munro, to be cup. press, compels us to give names of the speakers and t duecnpsrd•--Ep. STAB) "The Model Superinten Rev. Mr. Clements, and di A. Carr, John Wilson and Tba children's mass melts Stternnnn Wes addressed b T. Hell, from Prole. es, 11. Mr, ,,John Wilson taught eleas from the lesson of Feb' at Jacob's wall," "How to retain the Older the 8. 8.," by Rev. Mr. (llintou. Mr. D.E. Munro taught a class, using John 111 1-18. of Nnnodemue.' AT TIM OVERFLOW ME1 Mr, Munro repeated red Rey,. M McK,bbin I esstttiio rdf "I''eglooted ;1111 frit ect assigned to Rev. J. T. . itcfli24, lgbohuh an u wee' Of havinmg his cnrrs fell into another Rondonia RNAithsent, Bev, MF, (terri tt>liel n deep disappoint teen eol)Veltion, end especially ecutive, who counted 'nude tendaue'e. AT TRH la'QBN11.9 aft: (.flow the Home on hal 8o der Sabbath hool one W. T. Hall, wile a thong przwtiaal address, well recoi "How the Olwroll on al day School." was able (ntr' diseoasedpy $,ev. J. Leon: of the Auburn Methodial of rev. geutlen1an said he h; • and antldipplt.ted touch of t. union coutientioa, but the r beyond anything be had coo pi)nnbore, interest, and us the and that . be e bonvetltiorl throughout v and for the fdture he hoped h t.0r04and nearked intim cl artaetertao its career. 'Th nate '� lied by t 11111‘, e t lglily appr the lar .rhtt)B les, and a if t'tJliftli etWtt Xi,t ded to i -fila Clvorflotti' 'Meeting for g ett$ QI) W'&i llddre,ied ennedy iittitl I$a11. IIp I'OflVOIt)�titin grows. 1 I Fulmars .lrietituttoa, ft is A11. it l .it:, pito t'esit-y now t 7dm iiitted Overaocw martin tbi'b oldie past. Two eft itwolIistitie'tpptrograms are 1 Iv required fortke future. fait, Irving tor'ttted for next v 'raattlt►fi, 'MANTIC SUPPLEMENT TO THE GODERiCH STAR , - -V -Xits-V(V.•ke le * Business Biographs. P'V ),0 ),4? ),k( ),o 14( 14( 14( )§t ),k RV ),k 13/�I:G�aIN (iI?OC[RY. 'BARGAIN DAYS Granulated Sugar REDPAT-1 Ry clarch 16=- 22 lbs. for $1 EVERY FRIDAY will be a Bargain Day in some special line of goods. Make it a point to call at our store on Fridays, and you will be well repaid for calling. All Goods Guaranteed cnrti FARM PRODUCE . As we have been in (;oderich but a short time, it is not well known that at Smith's store you can sell anything GOOD in the line of Faris) Produce, and re- ceive SPOT CASH if you wish. Give us a Call, and you will be More Than Satisfied. Fu etpart fuser 01 011e VOLI11J ut our An Price hulk TEAS - COFFEES - COCOA BAKING POWDER CHOCOLATE. COCOANUT or `SPICES. w e tt III go. t• Sd lbs. hest Granulated Sugar for 2j.., but 2 Ilia. .ln,l 1etrne 11 IM tor Soc.; but 4 Ie,., and ret.tte 22 Ips. for itt.00. ilo nut read the above anti eav 1t cannot be done, 11 well be done on the cond,U•,ue mentioned. TRY IT ? OTT} 1./1OTT0 SMALL PROFITS A.\U. . . . Quick Returns. •• •• •• We are satisfied with a small profit, and we are selling No. 1 Goods at the closest possible margin of profit. CaII and satisfy yourself. •• •• •• COM11'AIRr \X'EI(A ITS._ . E. SMITH TNT (3 CO. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE. GODERICH, ONT. 'PHONE NO. 7. We commend t" Lt1r atleilt 1011 11101.11 reactors the ►ull"wu.pf w.Ucro .1 t• Mir of Oodrrich'n h mesas men . Stunted Grocery . When in Guderltlt wr would r:- cununt•nJ our 1raJers to Isrt R. L. Smith & Co. 'too are always wcl- CO/TIC .IIIJ te.eRe [ht' ,cele .Ul:r- trout tlratment e‘.t•n though fou Jre not out punhasuag Flits firm art- heheeers it nt•w Ideas of uadututg the pubi. to trade w Ith them, as their ad. 1n this spt•- oal edition shows. 01 Lour sr, as It Is cumparate.ely a new firm man` tanner Jo not know ntu.h of thrnt, but we hrlies e at tt III pay .t uu to visit South's Bargain Grocery. The W ell Known Bargain Centre. We would recommend our read- ers, w hen In Goderich, to pay a visit to the store of James Robinson. You will Lind a genial w elcome and a brilliant array of goods. If you don't want to buy, all right , you have, just the same, learned where to purchase honest goods at honest prices. He keeps home -sheer 'lig and heart -cheering goods. When he sells an article, it gives satista.- tion. Tu get w hat you want, \Alien you want 0 and as you wont It— that is, the right sort, and season- able, and at a fair price--.whatmore can you ask ? You will find that It tt ill pay t uu to visit the Gi,derich Bargain Centre. Rougvte's Two Hardware Stores. Whether you are building or not this spring, you may want hardware, and this year w hen prices have ad- vanced so materially, you tt 111 naturally want to buy cheaply. You can do this, and he sure of get- ting the latest and hest goods, by calling at Ruugvie's two stores, either Goderich or Dungannon. He has recently bought out the stock and business ut Mr, A. H. Davison, at Dungannon, and will In future conduct this as well as los , Guderich store. in both places the stock will always he found very 4'tumplete, and with his long exper- ience Mr. Rlulgvie is able to keep in ' claw touch with the necessities of toy 'the public and the hest methods of /1 supplying the same, and he keeps prices on a basis that leaves no room for complaint by intending purchas- ers. Spurting gnuds, either for field or I 4 sons, are always kept in large athletic purposes, and for all sea - stocks, and the lastest and hest '411(1 makes. Call at either store, as your local- j ity makes convenient, unJ set: for ri{ii iti��(1i�4i i!iiRirtCiit�Cirti{ % irt�(iiCit�4it�i�4i�4•itiri�(iliCi!(��Cit%'� your st•If. A Progressive Store. The proprietors of Porter's Book ♦ ♦'♦ Yr♦ ♦ ♦I�♦' A♦♦ W♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ r ♦ ♦ ATIVAF raff2VAf"♦�l_ AP P STA.♦ ♦!♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and Wall Paper Store must be truly progressive ; although established fully half a century, there is no evidence that they have not kept pace with each succeeding decade. Mr. Porter acquired the business in 18116, and his handsome store Invites comparison with the hest, not only in G,derich, but any It I tt 111 Canada. He is a most successful Bunk Seller, and the cream of cur- Has W011 rent literature is always pound un 111:. his Book Shelves, nearly all the Standard Writers of Prose and, NGW I36dttiC VD6CISPoetry hying represented in various M6130 and a Tandem. styles of bindings. Another specialty in which Mr, Porter has launched out, with great suc,.'ss and tastefulness, is Wall Paper, and nowhere is there carried a larger or Netter stock, among which may he fc,ttnJ the latest pro H,as n t •.n, I, .111 t, nt that 1e have been tnmpeiled to open new premises up -stairs, duction in Wall Paper from the In. t 1 H.. 1, I tole, where leading manufacturers in Canada, (are,!t-Britian and United States, High=Class Pianos, Oran The 'uhtic will unduuhtt-JI he Organs , and other Musical ,usrcal consulting their own interests by having business relations with the above farm, 1% Wool \ •\•6.• • •\•\•\•\•\ \•\•\•\ ur 01' ti We wish to thank you for your patronage during the past year, a ' solicit a continuance of the same. Besides the regular lines of Hardware which a large new Stock is arriving daily, we are special agent lowing lines. "The best that can be bought SHERWIN WILLIAMS' PAINTS, MAGNITE FIRE -PROOF PAINTS, ELLWOOD SPECIAL WIRE FENCE, BATTLE'S THOROLD CEMENT, GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE, JOS. ELLIOTT'S BUTCHER KNIVES, STEARN'S BICYCLES. Call and examine the merits of any or all of these Goods, at our stores. for 1111111111'11-1-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1- RitirGIT1E • D. GODERICH• I�ISTNGAl�l�i'OI�'. ,piing outfit, don't Lail t,, , all err and .ask P 1 Ilan, 1)1'11 hr , an 1 f,,r FLIMMA IAWAVA,rr•rrrrr/AKIRAVA VArdDrrrrrrrrrrr t �i�d of the fol - either mitIERSON'S BICYCLE AND MUSIC HOUSE West `it., Coderich. I)I(1,\ CIJL BI('Y('LE LIVERY M U SIC M t TS Ic:1 I I NSTRTIMENTS CRE:. Al SEPARATORS We hate opene.l the 19110 ,.un1 .n I tt 11 1 .i I.11ger sto.k, Netter equipment and in a better position than ever hetre t. .Iter 1. the 1) Alit, ,.1 it , 'l I. u1 "01 - t (.1.11 line,. Our Stock of Bicycles 11, 1 , t e 1,, lit t!. ..i 1 ,.Iu, led by any dealer In Huron, consists of McBurney- ¶Bea iltes w H, 11 1..11 (.1 r tool themselves to he "The Best That Is." COLUMBIA CHAINLESS, AND CLEVELANDS, .111/c 1 1,,i,t I, IF the world of Cycledom. LMLI?50N'S I3ICYCL[ LIVERY for it`elt the rt.'l'ul,-ltlon of bcin it 111 H, 11111,1 nt ed ht• g the best in pia( log there in a num Western Ontario her of rn y MU8IC BUSINESS A Reltablu Shoe House, There is no department in your everyday necessaries that is more Important than that of Footwear. This is a thing, like soothing syrup and goose oil, that " you t;!n't keep house without," and 0 is therefore an ever present question, Where can we get the hest wear at most tea - ',amble pi ices ? A Gndi:n(11 ,hoc mer, 11,1111 who CAI) la1 ray t l;nm to hate 5111 el phis yuestuln is ,Mr. 1'. 1 11.t11s, \.1 1111,.(. advertisement appear, ui this 1„u(., and the rapid gn11tb of hi, tr,Ide snits tenting to (iolen,li 111 .lilt 1.Ist year, 1, good proof that many people, heads of Lambe, .and others, have found (erlttiiit and (.,ell„nit 111 dealing ttrlh Hun. Mr. Het e, 111 selling at 1 I, •' i n1.1rg1n,, 11.'1 He rn.1y nett It.1v, an a., umltla h"n of 01,1 st i k, and He buys strict- ' Iv tt ith It Viet) of being able to 0'- 1f i,nrnmen,l the wearing qualities of his goods. He has list u•, tired the ,nlr agent v Here for a luxe of o,imen's •,te.tr that w III he tounJ nut only lasting and rea,onahlt , heap, hut of rt, cptlenal finish .In,l 1 Iean, 1• -the tarnou, "r Mere Q11.11111 ” r7t.adr byEMERSON'S of the 1.114,.,1 Arne ri, an then, rill IIIc , �ntinl 111 I When the hots ,•r it1a ua t tell nl " 1 w ant 1101 Vhlk', " or 1t hen s'"".•'"') the appeal, h nt vi,rini , Igg(.,ts 1)1 • BUII •f t o,1 that a nnhl•t .u1d stylish fir of u � � V U1111{ lettuause Specialties and Music will be found. Cream Separators--zwow 1 1, nai hire ItI us, hit we have looked well into the ' t" handle 111e Sharp1ess- NIi —American I• r better Hand Separators on the market. WE HAVE SAMPLES IN STOCK ' II 11•, pl,•.a,e,l to ,Nott them to farmers or others time be i•lea,r,1 to plate them out on ten days rn"1l• I . 1 At. tt Il hr pleased to furnish circulars or other P`Tg. ! BOOK sTORL: 170110ih'..nd: qf Mltreli Wel Will oo tinep der GIGANP!t3' cr.fu4 �pq s40, Si 1004$4,1141004 o h. tolki*ing Iipes; - IOtaitit1t Zatrigio. Will SIriidee to'nu.teti, Salsa Bowls, 1.yeapote., Creams and fdgare, tm sn4 Sadtlers, •} oil' reedit retatil rieetl. These are real Z4ItSikiSS. A Ilan/ at monis* Sian Nabs s in& fumy Rair Pins at Sate .Bits!*. pellliii1 ibst of Tooth Ontiiits y lids and 10e. 'AA Goadvilerarltett'litAlartgarai show windovr. We will also give f oil' ttblrfteadittitsi iittet 1131M14 cldriltl till. Sails. it giro fret. trial:bottles to suffer ere, and positively guarantee acme in coin hs, The 198 acre -lame of W. Furreat, be - colds. bronchitis, estbnot, ornyp' and ing north half lot 2 con. 8. Grey, has All throat and Ing tro blee. 4. trial been purchased by Matthew Mos, of prop fit a tie arit Ptice 40c and $1.110. the setae line, the pr ce being $5000. �14[r. A. Hoe* At the queen's hotel, 18111-'Y Pitt3ibl6'11VAfr'InN 'i i"nghajq, to recovering&owly from is the Qat taw of Nature," For thio the 'Etre of the!p �ratttc chunks re- t!etVet, clime we. h ago, fie 1e now rc eve�•: a who U iii deshpa al tMato vii np1, but Ihtae potlyet Di'et'ed hero ie well. e71Italia heifer banes bnpnre he epeerb, i Iteporerihh Wood turn to H,><,d'e ..- .. tiareeput111a, d*, they know it win ,J, fl{hot't 1tes1 'w'Aa ctPort. enrteh Mold pt�f t it olid anis prive tb thbe• iat et rr trnmtt ranks leaiq lie,. t1) he"ltli. To take thio medi- Nethotii. Wont hide 'esdArrh. loathe�' ,' eine, tin the deet rlpp8,ty.inee of hnpnre ' toy'. "*dill'#,tiring money by`being NOW • t mnrr, rheanita iihn. *ncotilitwt n-ili> u)1 1 1S tin important iitep totrard Towy� Hire pin infix wart, and kktner preeervatlee' s a eodilpplatitts," the introduction of ..... f the inexpettltite and etfeettye tenllscly, Hood's Pills cure sick headache. indi- tut tttititt r - I if ibttlil s .*ekctcid-tills..._ ,-. . r ....R;9. ""rv" r=lei...... !, oni!nnr1 nn 11'11 page 1 West _.t•, Ladies of taste, who require Fashionable Millinery, made up in the most modern, artistic and serviceable manner will find it to their advan- tage to call and inspect the stock. MISS CAMERON \' ORS E Id I r'S .. 41 Wood's ryosphoesn1., the place to boo , d� 1iO. ed . �'- •g'$OVBS Furnaces, abiseletn."� . Stoves,eerrna we. or exeeee„ Maetet Worry, 1 tit and Tinware baron, open or eutaal.rw. ,.• 0 jar i7 .40x. No car iol4. o T mpbl o f t. b awe addr�. •avis. b...... . R .ON I cupolaef &Air. nee for Belo or tall ex- tai Wood's (�►,a etyltfe.old to Ilollerleb bT Jct GODERICH Knives, Spoons and Piked Ware RENEWED NOW. wow. woosiweeewww We do 8s(ickle Plating ve' y ,Wpasonably. -..........,....rs. The Henticeson BIbUGIa`60.4 L11111 AlItt 6006rIfili 5. y�l is }