The Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 3AW 4A* Vssi low NEw 0. , $*am* AW uw lk%� **I Im U loillooft awolls "IMUM A MM, 10004110 04" 4 11146111, vow 1%** I& isi Uv otwaisw out.' yAlli U, W. 940, t*A Tfliiiililli *1 04; IlgIsaws Awl C10*01401-- PON fli -Vo0i t"r, 14*U080mot sity. Turo Ifla, 1101111 0 414 o "" 1 . #A* Ike$* �ftt 06 ei-to 14 viiiiii ou 04 Astwai -ill, h* tologr4i "A tut tko 'A #%siiii sOW 'Of. JrN tot -thiil A V;K 44wt 'Xillili Uttar *44 %'AtAi solittlo, 04, AW i.wo to X= W 04 it11W W oKt 46000 WAX %**4W 1-4 P 4 400"will _Q**1L Soosi 49 voo, Argot ft 1% *10, otalto*% XA* *al* Aw **4 stolloit tvi k,% Aowla to sot* NO op wowal, o4, W4. rill Ilk 1*11 a140W *10A IlAt9ii1k 14 a *it a4lilgo " jagootw . .. 4- jw 4140,111311 I , T"Qrl -Vitt IR , U_oq4W. towor gr 4 , jVA 1901ift ot VX011 Broo. 'Tot, tft ot �Kx Await. witia, %044 00 rQX1 � ""W'. 4 ox 040 Us'' *100.047 .6 ON04 IN% #Wiso 000,00tw 4ti A J444"A i#,Ws# V=J% waill * - 20.0, 1W grl* took we* *0-0.1h tot 10194061i 1*4 44410.4 tor t Tarr 1,41'"o -F1,44 lk voolv,t* ot **604l, 14fl. 30. adAVA linoUt Uodolil9prqi . I li . tys 0,W-mve 100 t 0 slum 0610010t, Iiii , dtai * Ault 01490111 0 Us; x4gya *q Iftild � 4d, #0 I K ktottlattOO 40A 44v clso. riok llWfi soon Ibetth 4ilol 0 r-9 i�baogn aot� #YX,* 'Out, 4 110, tot *V t "I Ill hetot it"* "fainall atiii 491W 8-2w, -to Via tv 14 1A it iii bs, tlx% ROPfav 04i V, Whit tatow mollittoba. 00' 0140. The, 011440r im tarlo, A* 44 410 I* fAft fillilTills 0s Mt*."_o4 ii *0 19 'NoR � s *Ao# WW to %#*a ou"R W. .* A) _W "',WIJ ti _t4 4"ol a t WA 4#4 - Vaal I il.f$6 "a ow omi Do .10 eWPA t4utgo - R, t Interest W*0 fli000ta.;. 10 '*Od T*PrY� ii to nialy 4twily. � igoilli, 11"Al; V4 ant 0 f k", 4 tbA "it no islol wmod KV ntlIA U 9 41� too 4 _04r, xorrqw. Alto ItAt OW to t U, Q. 'w 0,41 Ili ZQC Ul. 00. 1111041 4101"It aF .4 to 044t per 47, .4# LViIAT4. itro otoo,dy at Iii 44 OX TUQVSAM* *W461ITSO' it M % did t vrowu Load" orfl* ox tin 40#14 on Loy"''AA Or. leralliffA4 ktatiali sinsi sell to so .0 io � 10i 'a; Tivat A� Q� W� 4o 011willY 444troittor, ' %I 41W4 9t tbot gontra. r ded Hosis are 400 avio.v wooemy" clotgr undst ot tAgAt 1011101404, Usi wactwi but * fhe004144 loom," 40"i have 4 gowiii r, antA of piftonol!4,09 of 44tImatoin a *.Ufa tot Com- 94 achoQ11sti ..., , aat10911VOOlit Uttar, to 20, or prime 11 if" School Lands. % -Pta eoatoiX*J ty tws. alvomps,41, 04;40; totisj, Wooft Ali Forelli gili at 13M W a tton,40,40i .44 ,*- -that thoombar Z11*11114. Oro. tirliaging 4 6.40 per. vogud'o�- hot bT The 0"Grom0i aor tk I L " _0� 1 T ot bushels of grain brought to 001111ing. lb. s�.' lairgoat, suin 0 Atribut, 040" 4:404 %, h vast $116400 t%llito to down t �,! ow platform lealsilm an t I wood bl water I'll, year woo W.744, Vallowt,ug in thelAngs of quali Publi tuotttixttona:� _4641ii 64 will thq � mr4at 9 14410A si vmwk Pat y UW JAXMW"Ar t1i b the Canada 14 A to reply to &A onquily I unordo'. 04 savero-'T wt unatio .Ayliam 11 Mr. GAUT. __t as to wbib Ili- li wifJoh 4t 6100 Pribes" Hoary or, Nn on -1i a0lUm. top go - Catuo. logto Lunatic AsYlulii 4,W,00 I brili si of W110ta and. Measures are mto"o, per Owl. 6425 1500 IHion Lunette AAY1104 12,000m oubilirg, and PrIbileas V101t0irklif 01 he Mail UXAIL ovort1w. Wlel log d that their iiiii auuji elto.0, $76 too nttrrQwor me"Villing to.Alle cali 4,00JA a t low Ito the rullutug P"riili olatelid. The to the Import- dultuar men. 1% wood. $95 t1v P01 rockvilla Lunatic mr10 J#ry L at Dahaiiii in the came of the Queen 011vtr Giiii rillis Lontatio A07IuJ �Obaoot, brakeman. kll,164 Atilas ult it* Isffta, ailld that all (,#all nuveiler, taserior. 2 7i sco BU I!% the alt amouts being moax, black. and rouad her nel gli Vartiodi, socord,1411 - had a soblo otillaratte. thong are paid lit to the iStockers, per owt. u 76 a re klwapt A Irialme4y, 490'. Rjeormatory for Felmal the pk.oked ol4owalka and from Re TorGall"al, f 0 as Vito= He MOM i4go. fteep and lambs. (1,0 '16 by all ovor&AA every %vall.016 W1040W Came 9 004* t I , W; 'A 111U; t t1410, of R6barV Simpoo lexattiet Relormiltory For Base k0oe, 01111illid-A Whether the Shep, per Owl. 3 730 W . 'A I choer*4 while buti govilien�jogilt lot T% t lav%tors Lint" Hilmi, YA ;,,Renfrew, Ceintral Prison. P.0110.01) Dr. Nicholas Sea, at Chicago, our a to 'a Wa to J0 a livill at the United State$ TO dre 04, Irttle flags were W&-404 all in ill* . rittragut widkiiii wt. 4W am I Sucks. per owt. . . 295 915 and Way to Buckingham "Sluee took offlas", to ilkers and Calves. AtA. -0i moo.. 4. T. A, 'a 3 oft his aevirtesil to the Palace, 30. Torte. tc 4 LkArowa M; Alice Ill ton. be" U side utrosts were packed ton, 11 tab Jaxii T� S. Leadlev, ulitiltiation, Departu ensi5o 140company the Strathoons, Queen to the beist of my &I A dee"toll from, t'hir M! Berea. pro- twenty and sometimes a hundred 0i to the . . . 250 title to voted 0 nerve my Otrs wcb� 45 co but JC *I to807.50 lent Cli Revenue acanoy exist*. But I Calves, each . . . . ato loco test 0Z t Was around the Palace I f it of eevaos o" x9mo 4=q to, a Succession Duties. 176.000.00 vided a vi that' tho chief t1 News 0iiiiat moyea to bridge L, 21449w* 4600. hrong gathered. or uq glitor Hogs. IWaiiiiale. thi "a t 'a om (Lau Mr. Montreal for F nine In the mocning carriages, o *quy r allis era' Licart- The Customs returns of the port at ae hogs, list cwt. 500 4371 age tilquits, are among the mlsoel- Tavern and Brow, oil ad hom%tter would om is ow, X0 Oiiiiquk' that t I la, Aquo abruary show. the a%. dicato *4 Is expeadikure ft -0 I leationa, sea. . . . . . . a Light bog�. %ter OWE, 4 476' idqob444Q . . poii to have been 02,395,845, its cow- u6 vehicle* ot ovary sort, people from VA4100 k#pr it that 47AS&I, McDougall, ta mouthiso sal- JZ game the city and the west and and distant receive consideration. 4 Heavy -hog-t, per Owl. 425 476 Law Plamps, a�d With 42,308,K0 for the olmout to arikinowli . t- lire FWT DIVISION. its (i 0101 the Natallan triangle a oli 46itwesion. dtiltics onto parts of the country con. Ses . . . . . . 3%5 d 'tU a a I- A 0 ropirlualAl arbitration. To-. 86,000.00 p,ar,4t, ,at year, The Imports for the ated in Some, ijadple 10 14 --futer-P ,a palace The first division of the session wns 1!5 talent at the commi 9 to ]$all In St. James' Park, oil wbich tl forth, =pp %I491 , t,�ikAju cht, "GIL- &%sesoments Drainage same month last year amounted t( taken on Thureday. It was upon an Toronto, March 13-Mleat -Local qN0401S." orehase ofateam, ye. ortraft Hon. A.$. Hardy, SOO; Works� . . . . . . 6.000100 $4.285,074, in Comparison to $3,553,173 ill, nera �row the Boar Hootd samendment offered by Sir Chnrte!� prices are unchanged, Business con- ard's rev Al despatch I a Lx oeitidn. $1,358; prevention Of Assessments, Insurance ter Febrattry last year. - The rg, while Jatt rd at G OK19 der ar* e" XeQ dis ,J8A­ Tupper to the redistribution bill claues quiet. ktiotations are us fol- bite a ins, to, S, t of isawtogs, 91,271. c9milailies. 3,000-00 Dechna; tits young man um it! I � .. 11� , ll 0. ReMoVS1 of t ''d 60k: ST HELENA FOR CRONJE. Government's majority wan 46. lows:-Untario, red and white, 64 1-2 nrest Lit St. Jean, Port Joh, Quebec, for THE ESTIMATES. FOIL SETTLB118. to 650. according to nearness to the a Lucas Mayor Patients . . . . . .. 4,0W,00 a murderous assault upon the sister of ill 4 d aiii tot 467-28 and daughter of Edward Btrargault, The British Government Will Sead T W VIA Natal. �vith The estimates for the curreW he House Wantl wine time in corn- will, Western Ontario points n aniel yeal Total Estimated Receipts $3,963 ji-er, by the way, were unabla Oro a wets d 0# t4ble. The tot. a (armor in the parilsh of St. Aubert, mittee on a bill introduced by Sir to 65 1-20, Coat; Cocoa WhOLIC, 690. low IV Them There Forthwith, to atteA4 the reception to the Govern- Fouria as assistant Con- amqua 'asked or in 93,7VhX99. made Cash Balances 81at Decem- has cordeased the crime. Both. girls Wilfrid Laurier to amend the Derain- Creights to Now York; spring, east, C6 orals. The appoint to are t.4oxoUgh- Q'p in tuts malaner.--Civil govern- A despatch from London, Thurs- Manitoba, No. I htvrd. 78 1-20, or of XAsI OWIV8 to 1114111119081000- her, 1899. 836.195-39 were pounded Insensible witb astick ion Lands Act. At present a Settler 1-20; exa., That $3,200 of wood. day, aaya:-Mr. Lucy, the Parliament- taking up land in Canada imuA comili North Bay; and at Me, g.i.t, Lerind- Vhifa_1 the t 1,44111; legislation, 41 'Col. 'Word$ WjrojL��Paiiio I0 Nat- a uistration of justice, - Ing in tr It, w t' 9 allf, beat scarce q441:11,64947; -am. Ry desor;ps A -pm. ,#4 682,67 with certain conditions, and doacor evael -4 Total . GREAT BRITAIN. ary representative of the Daily News, a pare ill odjj�%tlod, 4760,018-05. public iustttu� of work before a patent Flour -Dull. Cutaide millers offer r nA bad do. tallft term of the army oinaina 0 4 rd I igra- John O'Dowd, Nat4onaliat. wad says thatt the Government o died before straight roJer, in buyers' bags, middle tin, malutenanoo, 4820,09 mm ntsvin a tI44L culture, *M,725; boa- elected without opposition M. P. tot to granted. Sometimes It N British The A*yal brigade, b rrl r to the $7.12!5, agri PRICE$ OF FOOD GOING UP. oided to send Gen. Crouja 511di his 10 all the ootadWons h4-vebeau fultilled. freights. at $2.65 per bbl; and export hats4;,j*A Lit states pitt.11a and Charities, #1135,WI-45; Main- the north dAvilidon of St. George. one Bout Irazavah repor towers to St. Helena, forthwith. Tjl6 present bill provides that. In such gents bid $2.50. Was at straights, in i;d to the r;�l a, that t1ao Boers a% an ly, ( at tptiatice and repairs, of GOVeralialont The Qklesa ban bestowed the late asa We 010 w kop, b ra stid d"rtmental buildingil, 1111401.049; flatter litearkest the Dulto od Westminster's Order of the The correarquilent of the Moraine cases his beira oar bin legzkl ropresell- wood for local account, are made at a1 ed ta Tea TeAM tin, under tatwes shall came in for Ithe benefits ol $12.845 to $3 according to brand. eto aft buildings, -(I) rePairs, 416,984; Garter on the Mks of Portland. Post, cabling from Ostont ough or, even, th tie may not- Milifeed-Scarcil and firm. Bran Is M;Atel acconno, #1 M.30. Polli A d000,tch from Toronto, says'- al- tila Is e House,, of Commonek Thursday date ofM&rcb 6,claims to have Ii ha�vq been naturalized before his quoted at $15 to 116; and shorts at 40 LU WoLr A*0 1 4AJP; Who. lived irk . Eli '?I I - cap'- The old woman Premier Salisbury said that he agreed ttve &ajorrosition that the agitation of death, -&,nothor claluse of tho bilt, has $16.50 to 417.K tit the itaill door I Ikellou" to coloniza, ion and -ough Western Ontario. NEAR TERMS OF SURR would show a Mkiess disregard with any eulogy passed upon the peace party In Great Britain to itch eye to the Camidian ealdlers tit Lbi END "OF TOP WAR ENDER Ids, Si2k2110j- charges on entirely -J Ong tot economies if she gave bar off- Lord Pauncef'ote. Influencing tAo fmra' determination the footit. Tile time they spend in Corn -Steady. No. 2 American yof- olead., $140,074; refunds so- For the aerViLnil the queen Will be taken in tow, quoted at 42c, track, Toronto;aud The British House of Commons, In count, floil,2N.68; miscellaneous ex- g that 'Not lo�st G�ei�t Brijill n ays y I Be' spring butter without say bread un y oli Rieks-mob ThlikX91t, Will Pon committee of the whole, adopted are- to prolong ths, war.,the. account in Consiering their hamentenl mixed at tic; Canadian corn scarce gueon(Utional, r -.-r" .. - ii ture, $177,560 unforeseen and on t condition of affairs. solution to authorize a loan of XS5,000.- the Government will be defoiLted, Au(t firmer at 41c, track, Toronto. der the presen rights. orovided, 850,01DO. Total -09,726,20-61 from London, Saturday. The TimW despatch' from Lorenzo A number of the heads of deport- The price of, butter in Toronto has not 000. The vote stood 161 to 26. Acorroppoadout! of the Daily News The following bills were Introduced: Peas -Quit and easy. Car lots, 61 he Restigouche and West- 3ficlusel Hitka-Beach, Chan- Marques stating that i?'reiiident KrU- malltsA . glVen- irloreliscoo but few of been as high in ton yearel as It is In the House of Commons Thursday who was captured by' the,liciers, but Respecting I 1-2 to (V2o, north and west , and U 1-1. ­431ir La 630, Cast, gays that the 01001. wtirri5belle Ifioreasepin sal- prices yet are look- Mr. John Redmond, the Iri-,h Nation, who is nowalt StorkstrOO2111.116 having orn Railway Company, Mr. McAllister; h7 lencoo to-ilay. and higher callor of t , 0 50 is sought for eased at ailloinzontain by his respecting the Northern Commercial Barley -Firm, under good export do ,+,V R arias. A tQt4Ll or, declared' the Irish people been rel Af allst lead Ia d jU; *my,,. al and within colonizati n and' hig iroadi. , The high have received w4th gratificat Ion the an'- captors. cables that wbLlo4 at the cap'- Telegraph Company. Col. Doinville; to mand. Car lots, o. .1, middle ad For. gave thoad an, intimation that and the to ram to the same votefor :loonizationotrurposes amounts The reason, as always, of the nowneement that her� Majesty had di. tal of the Orange Free State he bad incorporate the Quebec Southern Rail- freights, C.1% aM east, at 43, No, I now loan vs decivritilgi to 45,000, an increase of lill&fift The prices is scarcity. And the scarcity reeted that thal khanarook be worn by an interview with Prealdeat Stoyn, who way Company, Mr. Lemieux � to in. is quoted at 44o outside. the Goverantent considered the and paper from PcPl4f'GfO sumof 48X*is askedfor themainten- wouldk light to corporate the Can", an Loan and In- Bye -Quiet. Car Iota, 51c west, anti e de- has been brought about bY many the Iris% regimental on St. Patrick's said that the Boer" �ct the war near. that the Free State barghers al coca of a patrol tug in the northern vestment Company, Mr. Clarke., to in- 52oaast. gs. In the first place, the dry day, adding that the Irish people tile last man. Sluca the estimates were prepar- manaing the sno3misidon of th�t Re- takes, These Items are AliV:dsked:- thin F the possibility of Pre- rate the Congregation of the Oats -Demand quiet. White Oats, wed would ,welcome this gracefu recog- He, pAmuted th and West, 261-2 to 27c; middle oorpo oditffiutlous� to 106fitribution to the Patriotic Fund, fiummer list year materially lease KX ad," he said, "events have t0fu Place public, arO 'tl%VP 6thsi-'m nition of the valor of the Irish, race torte capitulatilug, but said, It would Holy Redeemer. Mr. Clancy; to nor frid bts, 27 to 27 1-2c; and cast. 971-2 $10,0310; towards paying too salaries of the amount made. The main reaso eventA that would amend the Weights and Measures Act, that have changed the situation, and the latest Voice talk. The vhat bulk whereVor exhibited, and, would treat be; preceded by .1 the Canadian amend thei Goo In- to 2 a. officials in contingents, retia Sir Heart Joly. to t -Quiet. * offelis 11 lit. US. �Loy opying doubtless, is, however, te 'no 04 with respect the venerable Sovereign astonish Enrol*- n. the speo.tion Act, Bit Henri July; to amend Buckwheat in about to visit the Irish al d A meii will ii 4. 9VIVIOUU, -QPnt 11rioln 9"tinue's 0 i the struggle I a probably not all tb Musts, for here, well He added t;hat noted at 40 ?Oat Washington,4500; English trade in the article. Canadiii A a D Car lots, oxitsl a, I to be wholly- oftdiod,topeaile'611- any a In arclittv at. Free State would be child's P197691111- the GonGrRl IBBPO t40U Ot 0 as t' larch IS. -Wheat- required." ill recent years has not cut knowing that owthat occasion no 1 a " L"��,:, il� 'May A*, torhis except the. unconditional our- turther cold Illation to ttie Red CroEs butter un flit pared With whart would 'follow Ila the provide a grade for flaxseed, tUr Henri. much ice irk England, bu L with the ilu- tempt would be made to give the vi XAY� all 1-8 to 64 1-2; July, 0133-9 to W4pWt,r too qQV9r_Ar d that tr oration of The correspondent Says Joly. 401 SOCIet7t OIVI , Tranarsai. -2c; Mi, I hard, 66 I -2c; No. I North- tt"U� Unotti Opinion acems 1, .der of Afte two R-P-bli-, a our any party significance. 631 or lin� a proved quality brh t that Mr. SteYV has appointed &do- N. -W. M. POLICE AT THE WAR. the same view that to hold bSi tile that part of Ontario between the C. orn, 04 I -21o; No, 2 Northern. Ok. Flour everywhere to think that the Boer is ru creameries we have began to UNITED STATES. puty President to remain in '111001111- Sir Wilfrid Laurier introduced an -Steady; First patenta, $3.55; second I Government. Though this "t, iiard P.H. Lind Hudson Day, 140,000; towards mode -the English. opt Conigres'laina Harmer, from Penn- while be visim Pretoria, In is collapoing. lVitatton of- Imperial* otatutas in titkIs the p4lateg of fontein the North- power Act reapecting members of do,, $3.36; first clears. $2.50-, second I needs assertion, it, is showal ill the to 000 late been under 110WID9 note. W2110111 Ib prominautl' force In Ontario, 4LYM, 'O cure. The year before latil. weg Ot a sylvanqa, "Father ot the House," Its the tAeresto of the Free Stati. West Mounted Police force in live do., 42,05. Bran-Quket; in bulk, $11 The elli division I y 'lit Lie over three million dollar for but- dead. Lord, Roberto has chosen Lord Be- so to $11.26. orders to oft JOSE PC -ALE, service In South Africa. Heexplained rged with the Jai Over THE SAM pffpted this morning to the Morning ter from England; last year we Roll Harlan Whittaker, alln thuret, colonel of InUitia, at thd front that the object wall to provide that the Buffalo, March 18.-qpr+ng wheat- f the iAhlery 'Standard, a Ministerial orgsu;� Hon. Mr. Dullon's bill to amend the nearly six luillions. 1bare are a few amass(natio.1 at Gov. Goebel, ',has been elerin, these or an So at so to command the ehoort'to St. Civil Service Superannuation Act and No. I hard, round lots, 70 S -4c; No. I "We have 1`001010111 to believe tfiat S3 -n Jose Soalb Act � provides that cases Where our product received a committed for trial at Frankfort, Ky. a cable contlagailt is concerned have been to- which was lost month placed i the North-West Mounted Police Pon- Northern, round lots. 76c, car lots orLtatiV IL gippay Ing -and -funtiff iton way be sub price equal to that of the Danish or- Three su$ar milips, infoorted with communication with Cape Town and 751-22c Winter watit-Nosailes. Corn W-411111110011100kVIlt _WI_ , a by- her Majehly's '' toted for urliti t is also soa e alon Act should apply to members of that 4W R6jj astilI6ry from h6tina in shortly 'be -made al Ing, and when such tiole which is the beat in the world, bubonic plaue, are reported to be London, a In South Africa, not- -Firm; No, 2 yellow, 39 14c; No. 3 I upt troutmel the ower either to the force now a; No. 4 yellow, 38 S -4c -, No. Thl 4 rd 'it is rqeTed and 'a, enthusiast gays we mutitsOOU en route to New York from Honolulu- Cubmet ea live withstanding their absence. yellow, 89 t�%p% Qaar and r o d n I2 corn, 89o; No. 3 corn, 38 S -4c; Oats- reinfol lli�� b 04 Th -ov Tal alav the proposal at, th ipAy , 1 M K :9gAPl= refuses tb carry it out, it shall be done make $500M.000 worth annually for ex- e Unfited States irwov nor to onterta Sir R�adverliil Buller, oom� *ace to the, two South African Re- without compenEntion. to htvh, at IpOD,000t- __ "des Lilieutalaril present junctt OF THE CONTINGENT. Firm; No, 2 white, 29 to 29 14c; No. soollind in port trade Naturally vAth such adg re for no tiobange of d ru acillail in the field. and Lowd - W1014106Y publift AR74NDING THE GAME LAWS. man butter was sent to Supply It, " a yearly no *bbsh I'litowd. Involve the ad lon of $10,0W as prisoners. The question of ther pay of the Can- a w bite, 28 S -4o; No. 4 white, 28 14c. ary tubdiat8tioDd. also to 'Consider that perpetuation of the political and Bon. Mr. Davis introduced abill to but the result shows that the export 101M as she 111ra alan contingents was again brought �,,. 2 mixed, 2(f J -4e; No. 3 mixed. 20 40 up, The Government measure, it no more ar4illery is neVA. military Ind d 0 that hall led solidata and amend the game . laws. was a little cverdone. There is not The No Hall Petroleum Syndicate of NORTH OF ORANGE RIVER. 14c. Rye -No. 1, 64c; No. 2. on track, I rprovides, t4irt, whop fame, anvalols . In the oouqry for home Joliably reported to have a, Sy �dzq a dillarT on ug1,,,,ft s d upon the a Lord r (Mc. Flour -Dull. ,gains bi do arci in dan- oju practiod.11Y 'none at ail ondon, pumptlon that the pay of imperial It �qp 'deal in the Ohio Ch4cago March IS. -Flaxseed closed Closed a gigantic r of extinution or require proteo- r6 all fleAd. Boors Blow Up Norval's Pont Bridge troops is a alifflin Western and South-Wastern, or 11 ot tk3( maina In coad storage and we depend day, and that Re mories Canada will pay toVown man an ad- tiom daAries and area -,,or i, tho.Lieutanaxlt-�Goverfaor may,by sofw on what OD; May, $1,58; September, anytNing largel lid the future, as he in wt The fund subscribed by the people Behind Them ditional nmount sufficient to make hurl the United States for rlk�l �411 I , '/ to to" Sir Warren. and -the -in-Counoth take the necessary can make fresh for us at this antime, the widow October $1.08 1-2. tatter, 00* W)W )o "der have of tab from London, Friday, their total remuilleratlon fifty canto - Closed, Or. of General Lawton has closed and A despa Detroit March IS. -Wheat steps to extend such protection. The ly season. Some Montreal firms doted it (8-ille, fivh, or found it to pay them to recall ship- its to Si March 9,says:-Lord Roberta wireaas a diry. It devolope, however, that the No. I While, 72 1-2c, No. 2 rod. 72c, Office that Lor4 Roberts WIllin to Let,the ptivatent of sabilling a day to ABrI extipoetatiost at tbo 'War' killing o# wants that they made to lite O.d amoul ad 11.9, follows to the War Office:- -. J oose,goi 6Wriboo under Jerome Van Valkenberg, OR May, 72 3-4c u I y. 71 34c. Lord eAlarfs, 116tvdil6til.allIng the ne- oil , Is forbidden. The paying two freights across ran a locamabitle into an OPO Sieve tish soldier In of a nominal ebarneter at "Gatacre repo and that there are many deductions Wallace- one 11 B build- onesity of gardso6ing his dopt the Iiie - i�ojnlld to kill`99me Is tc—ptr-ya and other charges. One thing tor Shaft while at practice in . rts that he intends oc- be able, to operate a constantl in. A, despatch from London, transfer of wo. need not fear -our tariff laws pro- killed. : cupying Burghersdorp to -day, thereforom, which brings the amount GREAT LOSS TO PARIS. creasing Force udtll,i b t 't , this day, kJ34-"11ori-Adbbrti gulf-illaus" made -a , Vianisbalift -offence, - and II` hlbt -thg ilapwtli Of such imVasV ing in New York. He was towards actually received by him In cash clown wolves the cancellation of the license In Representative Levy ol Now to the railways ars as oleomargarine or butterine,we toll at to four -pence a day, or thereabouts, Tik� sat wi�ai reerd- a both Stormberg end Steynsberg are troops. and free addition. The fee for alice .tpq ,%tit will have the real thing or oat �ry dvacates the IMPOGICIOD Of a 0 Nintell file 01111&�. while stores, remounts, moose. reindeer. and ca'iriv: ' t be broad. With Ouch a state of affairs 26 per clout. UPOD the customs receipts being pushed, AW telegrams deallog with n troops the SSW,000,000 expended CLEAR TO BLOEMFONTEIV clsntoh from Paris says;- The mentiale are taken 10, treao�, 04, Clements now occupies No M1WP MA the $10. The chief game warden is em the effect OF a show storm blocking the of Cuba until , ,, V0 M an 0. ap to t Cope- C Al;iora "aminsk par. . powered to issue licenses to gem roada Is disastrous. upon the way be recovered. south bank of the, Orange fire which deal royed tbe Theatre Fran ,up to olf66 5iiiiiiii t4f d by th' dealers to buy, and sell, infarthe too pont on the ln,%Otiv,! ty lacteal a - adIng the Course common 0 Cheese is up in the clouds in price, Mile United tates House 00mmit he bridge was blown ap March Free State and Transvaal Forces tire eala broke out at about noon, on on Commerce bali ordered a favour. river. T Open season and for 20 64 Ing too. The Same circumstances haveat- ling the north Completely Disorganized- Thursday, but was not discovered im- Ing to fl,sndtheenemY are hot( tivity. strategists, and are amosialirst close season, Same birds and able report on tbe bill for a Paoli at,. Tomist,-tha, Wt1jb,-V%tfi Ails IFooted It. Oneoting the United States, bank of the -river, but not, It-Im believ- delopateb from Poplar Grove, mediately, and the thenter was burn- iao, Fortunate- .1010a inals lawfully killed and procured. The Eggp ere on the dea cable Cot A has lowest estizi of tileir numbers license fee In 8"01 � OTC* 100,wo TWA lit nali Hawaii, the Philippines and Japan. , ad, in tiny great strength�­ morning Ing furiously b4ore the fire brigade ly for the constitimer, I irom Motteno says that the Orange Free State, Friday populat! othef -cities, 025; e ow the hen gists In Severol newpaper men are under A specia been board from, �.Aore mines February 4XV k Even tben the ftppli- ,jillriVandc-in towlts and villa . $10; ad I bneor fLneork hT the egg mammictory, ni-rest m Nei ere quito Inadequate, and by gem It 0 aaye:-Gew French, the Robbil'-fto* 8,00�to ION Yugh, for Just it ;v York, obarsed' with ir- British Occupied Burgherstiorp unop- who is ten miles got to wOr that Col. I has been re. with miniallor' "6 POM41 last night. ano" w ti?Wultht", 05. In respect to door reports that his front I` clear ter'or of the building lieved, but ttim) O ainit Wbuminum food be -comes plenti- oulattg false reports of tottinancial end the foots that the Boors have ahead, 1,30 P.M. eIani be traced to 1191kth, of itia Wtiall linen. apid :Transit BOY other reports toad "66niing. any person found masked or any s66tantial,basills. of the state of the Brooklya It th of the orange river of the Boors. All r-OU'army is on both sidej lid awn nor was a roaring furnace. G- 'Aisguined and in possession 61 any -gun Moat otlitr provishino-WAStA, etc., Company, which caused a serious de- wit r *Ugh the Boers d that Gen. Oat- to confirm the state Of illstirganiza- at Norval's Pont, all ;moke rising Alth toriratlom in the va,lue of the stock. he Ight guns on the tape firearm in close season Is liablel to are, ruling. No speaf,al reae.Qn can be (ion OF tile Riper forces of the Trans- The deinse column Ot gheradorp,there to occupied Burl pprisouniout for three months, with- assigned, to the phenomenon. Doubt- '91, war of the Tanga inChiamtown, ac has TP.Rk�l OLE, LYDDITE., lippear ta, too far is little news from that district, and Vaal an well as Free state. from the fire attracted crowds from I is below the surface; .n enabling 14 tialb scouts aut -the option of to , fine. less the reason Fractsco, was renewed mi by the The gmerr.1 Impression Is that thn Paris, especially when the t 6nt nothing has been received ta all parts or FOREgj, ptili increased Rood tinie% aml mots mo murderoot two of Ito most promrill further 1progreas of the British F are dIgRentlY 111131�$ PREVENTING ut to be, formod a& to the pro- news spread that it was the Theatre ountry alwayA caillike tin ad- mepchautA and. tho wounding ot a the Bloemfontein will which was regarded as son- 0 obovel, Milital ion is Hon. Mr. Davis introduced an Act in the c ar"011fill t --stion Lhird tioussion. Ae not be opposed. 00r000n slid n oe in all prices. mnn, all members of thc S llthe Boer tional Institution. meeto amend the Act relating to thopre- C, of the British crossing Fraticais. Ivor. Lt will be seen that Thiiii Patios Yellow. easily the defended ones ests frop destruction a Yup orga.ilization. The theatre stood almost isolated arvationt of for rt -ports claim that they have repulsed a re Ity dimpstoll from Durban. 11, slon. .. " firs. It provideCEWt where lands 100 DEAD FROM SNALLPDX. Fire, which broke out ThLrid, the British. No(hLng has been board MAY JOIN ROBERTS with a square in front, and the Gard- A -8 0 'he oWIW orts an- a not under timber licenses the Com- morning in the Dalkenburg Saloon, Royal behind. Both DR d a re (1, 41tationer of Crown Lands may ap- led forty buildings Gataosr's boadquartera to Speculation aft to leanner in Which these Kne"$1 wore thronged wit'h V41- on -f It from Gen. Birsbant for two or three ew of the Paints says lt-4 Lor4 _-Rob Appentinal ginte or Affstra lit a "IrkIZA'S days. Gen. man4na a saption -of the eve b -t 60 in persons an be ees fit Load, S.D.. consan all Is estimated It1m. golat he many fillatrile.f. and caused a loss whii as now at Stormberg. Union Will be Effected. ple Volunteara it Ludystaith, lualiz M41 to act as fire rangers. When Crown Its vrogreas W . I all $500,000 before ndon, says: -It to esgial &D sli-t7hiti mania order to taksou Mob. A despatch front Lo ad hbre. Ill the 016drile of an Into 14nds are under timber licenses the A despatch from Jg eyed by blowing up buildings In the now To UPTAIRS. I . ar% ais ondrallealloner may apoint as many -An appaftling state of affairs In path of the flames. R DISAPPOINTED is conceded that General Buller will t 'Pall$0 i�bOW,kmore Often. view his eiiii 1i owardailAbin 61oft tv ly., says: KRUGE how to walk r IV : , 1 -angers as the licensees request aneighborhood, In HIS& effect a junction with Lord Roberts, it people only know at the Piterlt bill elagagembut the Ire i the Jonesyl GUNEUAI the public Interohle require it is hold by upstairm proporlyl and Usually a per,lon 1117ai gubil'thr40- lyd JA revealed. The community Is bylluey, N S. W., bals had Lie fourth Feeble Defence at POPISP G rove but how to uncertain. Ott, pbli Mefd. X, H ale pl.squo. will treail on the ball of the foot IQ bi such cases half the remuneration of county, is am - cli ITOM tte XWWOU�,jfball be �pald by the ll- literally oneycombed with All r�r some that he Witt move through Van a koPJ6 The, CXRX in agotia in deadly ter an while others believe his taking etk4,11 step rhis is vory weary- 0i onnamholdisrs iind halt by the Commia- pox of the most virulent and lostb- the OF Re"SatOption, and in doubly guard- A despatch from Poplar Grove. un- Beenon's pa he viattA thl tfou0bl ii count, r British troops Are AIAD .116ner, The tatter may W the whole some form, and during the vast sit (6, says: -"The Floors men will be transported from Durban ,, and tiring on the mumlea &A it I dilde4tw6filitegg halt It4agAillat od on a4l W J0111*00YO, der Thrsdar's da by sea to East London, thonce by d"cl smote who reparing to Novo, zurrod. Lbrow.4 the entire suspended weight 08 wants weeks nearly 10D deaths have cK Over t3W,00D is to be expanded so retraRtect to Abraham's kraal last to a junction with General Gat- bad been 101116d 'Y When the liceno rail b.d y on the museles Of LhO 1099 thim to�dblli- Daily to faidAtim oppointed bor submits a On some days the death rate bag been supressing the buboulo plague in the Of acre at Stormcbers or Port Elizabeth, walking or eight, where Fk htrong commando the 1$ war of IW, at 80IL11- Bloemfontein police Interrupted their and thence by rall to Norval's pont You hould in Now is. a ith, Maroh! 9, says let to] solargo tb&t it was impossible to so- Veteracts of the j�jjoder, who may no WOUA lion, liollsolsh pruAlsia, will present Pre- ------- 40.— climbing m-ek for thA most equal db*- it a d. t Wool. auto Coffins, and rude Caskets were flight. The SoCra placed two Ratio in bli t t I t, division, of the body ktho M �by -the same. 111listfir position. but the place to impossible to CRONJE TREATED KINDLY. tribotion tb* V, thar 11121do from T6116. sidelit Krage with asword all honor. of Lh4l -eight Coulloil! t tihn arder-iiii-COUli _iWbole families have boaq wiped out The German Agrumituml defend, and ible ainto to it a fiasco similar to that In walking upogiatr8 theiteet V 6 or il#&W Ito Is to wtfoo lli s SV6 prep till 0 toil 6 � Mialufacture Of to raise the at Poarditiber; In ant.101pated. si Wo a I .111, Cali vil 11, sting f of existence. and of sli ral large fam advissio the Government rles.iod With V�n- mov majak as, Another a left. dev�,�j. )II1041wit. LIts, province. 111M onlyone ortwo ohilldran or inner nower,l should be placed squarely on the step, Of b6i Ji"l.wAll 4 0 "A duty on borses, to a vitofia'am of sixty -President Kruger wan at Sloernfor, t to 0 7-0 to 011 still I t t spruce hemlock, black NAny of the patients are now In a rks. tain, at noon yesterday, and it In ra- dort of BrIft.h. hoot and all. rind then tho work should Fifty-tw,p c*ddr, blaft fic Don't sh, and rf rin Un criticitl condition, without medleallit- ma de- pZte.dr,bel h e=1b: st1lifft=10.1 A despatch from Simons Town. Cape ho, Pe 0 ed deliberately. Of t igntil the'" In con- The German Parliament has rwb, upatairn.j in this way there to 1004 by Ineir It oggarabarg range r tit a k me b out In the A44onquin tonti 604 dylat,at the rate at from petitions for the ,ad I:rb or Colony, shys:-TwentY-five of Gen. no mi ruin on any parcicular muscle but flee. lrAt t so sot.. only. plus. &Y. The death tells elled to Consider t tbo pgav, Tbor, 4 NaOnoi, 1i ritim Ilef admission Of Woman to fear ot th.6 , I i*n bia,"t. matricula. courageous defence of their country. jemx oli tire due hore on Wed- 6a,ch one 11i doing its duty in, a dOtWAI tw1r.'stv 0 . 9, a the entire Afterward be e%pramed bitter dlesp ": Itenspat (in 61 J1;L � 'y 43"MMENTS. lovi portion otlis county' Is damor- tion In universities. pointment at the feeble resistance that neqd,,Y night. They will be con I'd mnnnor. The woman who goo.% up- -h lin surgeon Oaneral Villarat publishes spring is no philosopher, .gio-6 *6 - . been offered to the British." aboard the trani;port Mongolian. Four stairs with L .Ilbut too iii;Nks tot an alixod. jug tht Saar- Ii or at Iloaq hap t she is mot makinx proper ._h4h6raLwhit6 at Berlin statistics show tranwportg, with S,700 prison -bra, are thiat wo istimm *auto Zast, dmetill i6 the Am"156mout Act, al- 9 Spread of tuberculosis R100112 uo�o of her relle;oning faculties. The mou QUEEN To VISIT IRELAND. r 0 at _y toWK *Jlli*w or it Gen" th& jag#p swine and cattle. KRUGER AND STEYN. now anchored off bare. and there are lintit Of hnn.ding halt dobblei while between Fab- em pripayiers in camp. One otian 04 bUbortio plagad was dIs- d tqtsff express t hern- arxondils a flight Of stairs is Quite 3, $Ind Gen. Cronje tin any exercise Of IT-4lerell voard* ."" f4be covered at Cope Town on board onel of isir treat- Irm 18r od be. oates t *%king that After VIi Also thwim Anxious for Pone. and Request this relves an well pleased -till ti this kind whre kbe heart, In naturally IU b6 611o"d to bdT- ",011 i4surrIl to Me the transports from Rosarlo. The ics- loblitilit' Ot 'A o (ov", -4 r4 It hill succiomfol Intervention of the Powers. ment. The litsuoral says ho has simply excited to a more rapid, action It Is de- 6, the or 00 or a0it ftouillb %Jti b- A, despatch from Dublin gays:_Enrl sel has been pitic4flit under quarantine. liboll ay for durmat exp"! -men avOrwblmod with kindri— rt 6 Y -Taw The pyitikb scoond..cluan cruiser Hor- despatch from Rome says: -The I t at to to to eve V b M 2 a(table that the lungs Should have full ....... ra�ar after thil C%dogant, Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland. A ------- play. The crouching. attitude toter- aSinthalinil loiiwwr t tho "li year to be Off Cs t Aganxis Llbera annoomnoes that the that Olt on. the blood is ylli the tago�rl led the pro" that it in the evio,which was rapoorted wlttt their actJ 1ki;PECTION, has with her abaft brok. INCREASED WAGES ON 0� T� R. F�N�e' has tale- I* a Illtdialtibill Of thiil Qlasen to Visit Aland, Bahamas. Italian Consul at Pretoria alproperly aerated end there rived at Nassau. N. C. Her Iii or nble. at once. are 604do.littA ImIt, land at ttlo end of X.rah* or the Ii graphed to bin Government that Preel AC0411410 Forcnen avid rrarti ii,nbare" No trn of going upstsJra (le- 'thli bontlitifti, W. aeltbim boilers are also damaged. hi t state 0 dent Kruger and President Stsyn are Ton COU14 Per way. t relva mob rufra btM and btlibra. To, Siniatins at AwIl. The municipal council of Kingston, prepared to accept posts 60, the basis I I lT.rn t to I yj,4 pPI xi -71 n g I he foot MIT IS d0will cam ftolsoo *W$ tuliiii t 6 tb%, slor. in. opm revolt. andthei ot tbs mistum quo anta-balloull. and A despatch �I,,klL n vil% * " from MODAt"I 'my@ ;=n Otmeb aptp, standing eract, sud = rl The Visit Witt billive SO V*Utimt nan 0fig"t"A 66t l5bild- olficen" att"blaiiiiii, to It. it wm be majority of the ha 114 1016i'vill"000111 Of The manscirement of Ilia Grand Trunk W*bsh*d iinfttTT1O­ with mor Tilt wo '001ii Jil "In'liZ of countell will resign. because of 1011- the powers to bring about tivst 600- Railway system has issued �nrA and,with I"* thlINA* tow odd6liakod oluttlirialy on ber Majoidt? it", Ufa Ito t, h tat ASW tue eltv- .[00"VIOTT" POOR. own Fattlativis, She intaadil to raw alcipal Sorraption. The nelfro populs- 41 mking offeOtive on April I next The treally1m t.% ana, ramembora to, . )t 16 the tion is 63mited and it in fe-ared disturb- I try a now, thing it few tiattev "A thou 004,%ji. Ncitwittil- A d"UtIft *At .6* the Gn. top m, fortnight or tolfigiSt TRENCUS AT PAETOMA. afg%s will omr. &[k Increase, in 1:11130 t&tfj ufl P',ky to goo- if it kq demurielt rated to be a kft4 %0 f6I1#*R6# tolipst lad", oveal Pont *Wtu, 0,$0li Cho r6pott9U, Sont tW0`06611, t#,tl Gottyarfiell il Calinds �t,lfltl thinq� ftoln"how Out 10*96ts- lilto. I � I iffi,�fi fd6*,-4W- , %UV 4f flW, "ItAfitsWr kA iMy otiler Thursday night tin- tion foremen on lines If ;0*00 V that the Qliitso Me ordeted oftDIAL Five Thousand Kaffirs Employed In day and *4 I it of *6 #6 a like Increase of ten #WW J0 ath Mikkit the totdra #0, EA. patricklis day Mto per day Ii been granted to &II NEARLY ALL GEVIMANS, bal xladot whol:ro receiving m toi t moo" k6t Alat TOM -11616 on bad any #Vats with Building Them. Its tw laboftrR fu tatittish w , � 4bot ltlih�vWikdetitd de"tab to file Londo der6ftse Wit Ono uoavvlso� ll: tit Af- =40"What filis is 4kilftetkiia Vev day. Tb I was who wore t, Som ior girl Iii 0 Doily of of rov Can t gcor wofti (ba iob- Jock -No. We're grant frienda now. Ott 0"to Inv tamj6rity of the seetion the great anol, St '06tiftAtit0ti to It Tai 411, in tow tbo Iia tualt maliftfaiii thtitift, )W 114 tutt Sewo from Lorenzo J"r4U rib ,portioin of the Grand I'M" te bar Irish �fie ad that we Wift 0~14. I 110*109fto Ali 20 battlao mir atinges& that 6,000 Xafli okra emploled In man �* V habit*11il '.V' � 1.� '"' 4h tbe raftnt Is Stek-Wiiii off I Prator a. report tranchaii romad Awl lil�t tit armi I'Totq LO d K �A. 6�