HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-03-16, Page 1F'T�� 111111111111P -
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I �VUO Nor. va :_,. . I I . ,_ . . . I . 'GODERICH,. Mi.. FRIDAYi MARCH %, 1900 1 .1 I . 4Z��_' ---------'---- ___�_��__�;�� ' L
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I Victoria opem Howeas;, i -next. M90day Evening-ain-Gavin Sp' � I � �
- - I .A . .- - -1 - ., I 9 @ -_ I. I :..... ence and flabel Lainginvervain Scottish Song, Story and Dance. - Benetit of Invern "
I �
I wants. ___ - - Cainp
11.1-1., . WOIUU Toplico lkoax-lutbeveditys, Tow Rco*44N'GAXI9.-A pretty curl, . M.4 - .1 - - - .
eb will be of material advantage BOO Town
Oovo. V&NT WANT9(). when so much hour been written and Ing game wariarphayed an Monday attgr- -nil Bleetrie hille. 120t,111119awction of the count �%;Plc�: _____
G1 4p IVVERAI. UER - �h ry. " ' '
. Migat Rootroym Tim WAR LqaN.-TheBiink tot Mon, gloold ithea" t 0 Orl9lr! of that Soutt' noon At the West titrUtti rink. between 4 Beat Usivin Spence and 11abol. 1�41rag Bloetnfoctein
African tiouble, it a f -a with tile distinct tuiderstandlug that in scotch sonsaintO Uond4v evening,
- ."or* super Chose" by Captain Dooley jolud pub,, the building of the road he commenced Uniontion. ef bi
� ILLINSAY AJPPRXNTlCM WANTZ) treat I* authort;ed to receive Ap to add & _JuQutl itliti
. plica- woloorrain ,Vthiuit tuore, and yet we feel 0 UeOtlug In the Interest Q; within thlee
M at once. Apply, to tiorniJor the NAPonal War JA,an, try t:d 011411".4old, The waine varied with owls. the council voted cycle and music fame,
I I , sirra Bg0a, Co. . in Urging the" who have that coiln 11100" Of eaph rink. but at tile the Fort Dover an(I Goaerlch nairtalmously, or taec � has added to big business a Isat Surrenderst
- - which Ure4 Prilain will'arallse 4M.,00Q.- a ta� doubts, still on the question. or # I esolutlao. and tire ore
I . . wL ,nd t t that Will lot - -_
a- 000 for theeXpenves of theSouthA - (I W. a full and complete state- were antlicarizood to or � .
, paria or 0i nits. , " . fric rout - 9 OPLAin wait In the lead. The Mayor &&nil Clerk �sreoit. farmers. In the'sabapos
1� . tin war. Appliciatiorno must be *made ment that they cA,n use tit ad 'Imlon. VN09 Weft the Players. ROa4L sign the "triloth on I'shalf of the 0 an agoarracy for this ShisrPtaltaill 00", ElORD ROBERTS T I - POS_
read Ny Mr. W. cattle Miami liepatistors. He Invitiss a call SESSION
f � BE OUDERICH AN COMPANY on forms obtainable at the Bank here to a lIttIv work repaired J. cattle town.
de#lra to thark the followls . H. IL Watialain ---I-' that be may show OF Vm Fag
I =t# I -known 0, U the advantiages of
� tj -1111thal" and faiLwarded. to he copandered the Willfam Robbie. it weF, ' W. IAUG '6� " I W
;T , a ' %',' Callit Poolvy.skip.-N. 0-Heid.rAkip.14 ere was no general pub. mQuil the Churches. n_
� .
� irough their topit nir t ia,br ?'nuipt, sanip as If made in England. I I � of W�Vdliur, Oilt. It is 911tritiod -e-T I Although Lb this handy, and oloppy saying fn,ro BTATE CAPITA1,
settlement or their Jow, T the are w tell 66- Truth about the Torrionevoolail," and is Do Tilliway the gains skips 110 announcement of the occasion th ... There will be an early cel9boastiou of tion. - . -
,VarartidlothelpfactorWri )ebruary3d.- New 1_,1UTNXR8UXP.-Mr. it. W. _ pla,yed witia
J a
I ameaYsics--Tho at!earlooMiatual; I gathered from the despatches between chnoten Aides of fliul! eAch, Whom the was 46 wood number of uaoueyc� rate. Holy Conininallon lit St. GeOws Councillors Huirthor and Murnry and ANXIETY
, Clutia. K Shaw -Gory DhorleC Mercantile. MqK * ' ') be well known hardware the British sandBoet Govern meuts. and Captain wait left behin y d. zhurch next Sunday. Fire Chief Belcher visited Stratford FOR MAPREING
. Tile Lauoasblre� London and Liulcouilaire. an""i the of1fichill report of the Bloemlontein d to Rai PsYers Present at the electric railway The Woulan's Auxiliary last Monday to nepect the Hre la4dery -_
� Horace Horton -Hartford. Phumix nor Log- march." .�a Wken Into partagrialrip TWILUMPLARS.-The next regular meeting In the co , of St I .
Odin British America; Conference. lietvvifenProsidentKruster orucil chamber last George -to will hold the usual dewin - used In thilit c ty.
g was called don, March 14. -The follow.
�� ch� Radcliffie-lus. Co. of -North Amsrlca� Mr. UelWi A. Howell. who for tire atud-Sir Alfred Milner. Mr. Robins ureethig of the Royal Teinplare of Fridayevening. The Mayaraud every lile"10o lipiLt Monday afternoon. firelkLotr Out to show them bow the ing is the text Of Lord Roberts' des.
r - -v-a,. hall be,. his efficliviat
I WPT 14. Naftel-Nortlil British Bud U... Past 'I took the trouble tc1get alithese reports Temperance will be field in their hall toeipber of tile Council was present, as U14too I toospond, and eveaT effort
, - Ule. sevistAur, fit the businews. Mr. Howell fruit) ofillcial stratiml and after a c Next Sumholy evenin In Victoria milidis t1d'Aivill Pointer$ to the visitors Patch to the War Office, annouricing
Idoney to Loan, 7 fit udp' ar young mail, well tip In the ful stpdv of them he prepares this arreo* Monday evening. After which Incluble" well its "I'loY Of th-Board of Trade street church Rosy.S. 5. Allin will On thlit 414 tat laddiors at fires. his occupation of Bloemfontein :-
� trot Vpau,'d With lots of enborgy to keep sentittionvio the case which must P " of tho select degree will Illeet to die- have fur him topic, --The Cg,n
__ I -4 - lootireatit of the timed. � cOm. I fil"Y'ar Wilsit'll- who occupied *the LoIll." die of the 0" -----,,- "Bloemfontein, Tuesday, March
� -_ mand the I espect tit Bi iton #Ind B vuss Important business tit tile order. chair. explained tile object of th �
I ON ZY TO LOAN. 0. T. R. -The past week was anow alike- Mr. Robin. toy "or Ali envelope social is plx)poiw,l tu be Ing. to further e meet- NP%ftLnrd'v Day evening. Rev. j" & ' ' ' , Obituary. 13, 8 P- M. -By the help of God,
v%uetit�. deh"r- held ,,N (be 2kh lost. to Which tile intore,tv of Uode, . UAAVt,"- Last week Mrs. Allan and by the bravery of her Majesty's
ad thi its an % in the Opera HiMerand Auburn LOdKeto lota,to he
� *tie Corporation of the Town of Goderich has week for the 0. T. R.. tie all the addresa Ban- A. An elia"n Will PraUCh It MCIAl Bar-
`�'U bt lines Houses rich. and also stated the result of the ["On to' sailore solid, lishermagn In Knox Uftirtin,41fAnt her home. Iiateolt. after soldiers, the troops under my com- .
rge amount of Sinking Yunds to Ice on tat Windsor. and it to now poli- invited. In the report of the tics visit of himself. and M ChIll-Ch. 1.
1i . . were deeply covered- with tire beauLi- lislied kind sold for the benefit or the r. Ernest 11
004 commis on I I be p I to anyone scour- C a lung And Painful [liness. Thadecests. mand have taken
. I 11.4 ti8fac ry loans. rt or varttaulass to]. and too many sections blocks Oc. Patriotic Fund. social given by Eureka UnurtHil. the 'Heatort to Montreal in culotte tion with Dr. LivinCtone's Ift-tture tin -Th I lady was the oldest daughter of Bloemfontein. possession of
I -red. The Graderich end. notwith- AT TUR HARBOR.-Tinies ate wood E. Wyatt were unintentionally or . Wait with t ie Hoors.l. announced , Orion. and wile
maj It I, on bite, it don a undersigned. cut -oloas of Mrs J. 3 - MadMath and Mlax the proposed extension of tile calladlan I to.! Arket Clerk D. Far
y . Friday evening of this week, has been W I known in Gaideric .
Town Clerk. ele of. wheat U) Portland. U. S., this -Iton'a Island. as i lie tugs now itted Both nutubere were very -tell. Pit L,It
e oft 0 ell. WX MITCHEIA� standing the anow,shipped �8.000 bush. on Mai -0 Pacific Railway to Godei -a post tied, 44 t as she often "The British flag is now flying
,V a
Thor . ad over the Presidency, evacuated
Goiderich,'March 7,1900, week, for shipment to Englamd:-Aal- building are being pushed. Ple"Ing. and were rendered In a most wav nothing detinite, except that it liar ititiny relatives ller�e, and
,,,, Tile fourth creditable manner. , ere distributed In Knox lived with He until some years after last eveningt by Mr. Steyn,
. ---q- driews Broll. & Co. Shipped a Car (it fins tug. started last week. Its fl!alae_ was the intention to ultimately relief) Sundfty On behalf Of the herm,tirriage. most of her relatives President late
'"ve""Pose w
hoge to Toronto on Monday. -Four ex- work almost complete, arid next week THE DRAn LiTTLIC SHAURQCIC. -As the county sell(. arid that the ,,,after - I 0 he Orange Free State.
. Pultalle Notice. wunid receive the very loerious I!H1h_MFa,`H`It,a Relief Pund. They will weae present at her death i her bus- Mr. Fraser, member of the late
OTICE TO --------- ___ trot hitrils were employed th t planking will comairenca.-The tug ell., it tribute to tile gallantry and heroian" allaLion tit the O.P.R. consid. lito'teturned next Sunday, with the bond. however, w" unable to attend,
DEBTORS OF THIG LATE week to "alst the section men Ili c ear. out and arranged for building On Lake of the trial% regitnisnua in the South
N FIRM OF SHANNON & SHANNON. I,,, co9t0butiunlil Of the People. An earn- he I'laltIR allow bound fit the Yukon executive Government ; the May-
1111YHIUIANS the line to the dock. The section Winnipegosis was shipped to that die- on luOtIO" Of cOulleillors, Knox and , I Wag inalle on behalf of the some hundred talleit north of Dawson or, the Secretary to the late Gov -
Tile nbove firm having been dissolved owing men will receive the iticrease of pity taut 'region last week, and It needed All-le-tu war, Her Majesty ham Issued HclrHe8Mr- J, S. CIAIA. of A V� %vas f':1.,�,i"P,rla-9 1111110tudes, arid a large City. Moral. Martin',j detat". though ernment, the Landrost (treasurer)
to the death of J. It. Shannon. it beelmovio nec. tlll,xt,PaT day. -The carrinnittea has not two lal ge flitt Cars Lo carry its skele- an order that &all her It loll soldiers, called on to addrelis this Uutlllci�, Board offering IS expected. no,:urprise to her many triendol
'Oct in all ouint.ndinw accounts been id e, hilt have been hard at it ton. -D olotat's tHR its well advanced. wherever stationed, shot)[ m. the " t
ewsary to Oat' I f Trade and elect oi & In and other officers met us two miles
and windup theaffalra of the Arm, Vale 11 neighborhood. tat, it had been
I training the end men tot, the pilot two and courld lie ri,lde ready for launeh Ing Shamrock to-tuorcow, St. 1`414triell'ta Mr. Clark addressed the ineet t known for same monI.Iiii that her de. from the town and presented me with
u Me banks of the firm are in potlseil4on of the weeks. before the mon b is out, and the Hall- Day. "g ' The City of GodeFiC4. parture wag near lit hand. caused tile keys of tile public offices.
and6rlo�n,oL, with instructions too close them In London the Lord Mayor ham "'mmiderable length on the until,'. ,,ad
a wpec I possible. � tog tug Is progressing R"isfactorily.- n that the Irish fli.w 611.11 lie advantages of nil electric rallway from -9-La Ili Goderich. and syral-
Dated this 7th at March. 19K FRATERNAL VISIT.- Wednesdav be One day lawt, week fill it team belonging h a the Mansion Hoonowl. mild it, Berlin to Goderich, with its own right 1p".4t1lay. (or her father, who was "The enemy have withdrawn
- - - "O re- from
Ing regular meeting night of Morning to J. S. Platt wits being blocked up to .14.111-- 1103' Placea the people (if ,411 lfwuv. Heis:ttjl)e�tkerufikbility.,Llld tly tworaft rof hie life long piLrtner. Is tile neighborhood, and all
. st PROUDFOOT &HAYS. . Star Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. a number load .. v �-t the tile resuarks be k - Like hi,pr;nt of bon A Few of con seems quiet,
- GoderIch ice At the harbor, one of the nationalitiom will wear , Shaturock I the ManY Reasons expressed oil every hand.
of the members of Maitland Loolga horses slipped Into tile opening. IL Of "a, bit of green ribbon," as it to ibute esty. He did taut couie, he said, to osk Wby It ShOuld Be So. FRASER.-Lato on Thursday even- "The inhabit-AriLs of Bloemfontein
For Sale or To Let. wits soon released from tile wagon. and too the brrLva Iriah brigade. The citi- the people to build th" proposed line Ing our well known citizen, Roderick gave the troops a cordial welcome. I I
drove to Carlow, and fraternized with had ropes fixed around it. and after zens of Goderich might fittingly join or to ask them to give un,Lley, l,ui
TORE TO LNC -At present ocou led , their brethr-en of the Colborne Lodge. twenty, minutes, burd pulling I ___ M. Fraser, died suddenly it, the skitt
� �%N Goo. Stewar6 corner Victorut and i The Goderich party included ,B�os.Jos. t wits in the good will tribute by wenving r,tl,,, to explain the scheme. and if
!Lycaite. Apply to D. IC STRACHAN. landed on the ice, #apparently none the tile ambient of the Green Isle wtkich tile representative pe,ople or Goderich (Intencied for Supoll Halt rink. and when the news was cir- -
1731-2L Beek. W. D. Tye. Dr. Clarke. Ross worse for its cold batb.-Eng'r Brouth belOnArs to all Irishmen, Irrespective thought favorable. to have tilell) t.11- We are si ement) culttted round town WILL MAFEI
- ". � � Rastall.' Green, D. Ctintelon. J. E. tuated on the direct grain wan rout krnmch sympattly (INO BE HELIEVED?
�_ I i-.qhxtill blasting the hard pan Or roe , of creed. L dorse the propji,,ed elect ic Imlivity. xpresselint lildlY It citizen's Great anxi,qv Is felt as tip the rate of
it SALE -Lots 69. 70.P5 unit 96 in Hutchl- BrvdgesM.E. Mouers, D McKay,jilo. W letativer it is, along the cut made for Mr. Cluck went Into detair its to rou e of the rich western wheat suddeell call.
FO on's survey, mild 129(k 1297� and Fiouth hf. Gult. B. Saults. Tuncock. D. B. Grant. I I.,%V t Big death wag proton c' MatekinK and its lu-nve peciplo Under
8 TuR FRIDAY SHOOT. -There was Hot he became interested in Like line fl'Oln fields to the great Eastern and a lie
of 876, running numbers, all in Uotterich. For the vessels to reach the Ilig elevator 11-Y Instantarienus, for tholigh
loarUoulars apply I K. Caulpilell, U. Nicholson find Fred and AlthOu
- ,Th he tins tint yet rvache� a large attendance at the rrgular shoot Fort Dover to, Betiin. expilLillillg unit European markets, breathed a few times after the attack. Col. Badon-Pnw,-11. (�,01. pluniel.
, Shop'liard. The drive *its It pleasant. the Antip(I es, he is well oil the road to on Fri�'"Y afternoon, the depth of the 110 and his futher in the inilling Consciousness bad passed. The de- ported About 40 miles from there, aut
PHILIP HOLT, Barr , , . to Ila-
� 18=.rich. though a cold line. and Ite stay With the I eq Hired 22 feet. snow on the Bats keeping many of the b"9inelim ,,,ad ,,nfldwera We have an arriple and saf ceasetitegwentleinan wall -
's TORN TO RENT -That fine store in Vic- the Morning SLart; will lie it of 1111unr . Lint secure fl-viothl e first a, curling, arid It Is feared lit, is not strong enough to
itoria Block next to Lee & Shophard'a. It re"'embroince, its the Stairs, .. eusuo, A CANNING FACTORY.-Soline days menahete lot home. The accommodation. In I"incorp(ii-iltioll classharbour, with depth for the had nolnu
it Is one of the best stalitill -the . W. Watson secur"d front the Dominion I I iallient. sub skip walked down the rink w ill cu"'Pel the surrender
otore fur dears been occupied me a drr, goods heartily welcomed and ontertained itince 14ew. A. Wright. of Picton, visit. the beat. never leas H 11 111, Wile not of the Giand Valley Ritiiwa d been largest vessels. - stones down to tLe" 11=10'raly Put 111% beat off I lie One
. L as a town Lheir Goderich bretlireii. �,! be IV t end, and be 11 it 61 Lbell. efforLil to Illy. who tire renewing
far tKaftnbuill"cas. It Is fitted up In tile most ad Gollorich 41; the suggestion of made eightV011t of A Posvible hundred, for it road froin Port Dover to Bet -lit, We have two fine elevators, both Jim. Cattle. tv he ready to give dilue- of tire hrave little
VAM-pe hill setare lit 100 yarda being 41, and RL arid now the coulpittly proposed ,apply: efore band, who accord.
let inalmor. al.d. ran be occupied after A REAL ScLaTool NLGHT.-On Main- Messrs. Joseph Beek and J. T. Gold- of which can be extended to double log to latest milvices, are living on
h 16t. Apply to ROBERT WoLEAN 200, 80. The following mhowe tile shoot. 00110 to his partner's shots. B
Uoderl�h. day evening next, under tile auspices thorpe, wiLh the view of selecting all ere and the scores : Itig for it chat-Ler to build tile road front their capacity. reaching the arid ttit turned to the ,oroH,
f 110 REN L. -A now dw - ll!ng imar the 0. T. of Inverness Carop, S. 0. S.. G , location foraing factory. and Berlin to Goderich, to be worked bv watertapand took it drink iLtid vat I flesh atid tareud made front horse
0 too 200 Total electricity and toteaul� and to utilize We have water power avail down on the side Of I. todder.
It itains 7 large rooms and blie rink. He then
will he rentod at, a r, m4onatile rato W a yearly Laing. many of (lot, builiness tnen by his enter- W. Wallace ..... 21 a moved to the oiLd he I nd the tee tile "The slewe began of, October 13.
�iojmflon. lion, avl" during his v tit he wits lutroduced Lo J. Hutchison .... 38 24 62 vvat r power. Tile coulpittly lirovoses oil tile river Maitland to run scores rhilt watia yflak to. arid it
Spence, assisted toy Miss Mabel able
ti"Itnt. Apply Ito DAVID REID. will give & night of Scotch tiong, story tainers. On Saturday it special meet- 19 V to huY its own righE Of wiky, to build rudn silt when ,a small force of Bi itish irregu-
and dancing in Victoria Opera House. Ing ofthe TcwnCouncil washeld to E. R. WaLson .... 41 .39 -und TY PIL-ellgers and of factories and as t centre for do%vn audVellint CA 1
80 its own I lid L!UI lied too d rect Ill,t
FARM FOR 8ALE-Wast halt of nort Olin$. Reid ....... 23 12 "I" power for an electric railway. partn�r's -ihotq 0 rose, but lit". volice, and I -Owl -People took tip
to halt Mr- Spence will Ila remembered with beaLl'the proposials of the viiltAir. Mr. W. C,,I tie � ....... 28 27 O_ on [its face. and with thL defence under linpurial officers.
f Lot 4, Con. 10, W. D. Amlifield-40 "Oles- pleasure by many Who board bitil 35 freight It"' 'out ')no half what the its he (lit]
.0 I-411WILY COI'Porut'011s now charge. Tile We havea'number of good fac- such jorce
T�rnaoj on8y. Apply to Here Wright said he wanted the factory H. W. Bill, ....... 31 so fell forward
PHILIP HOLT. Ooderich. scale, tell years ago. and he is now near the railway track, hence could IV 58 Charter calls flit- standard gauge line, to - � its to cause his Hogs tol bleed TIto town and it'
milking a limited tour of Canadian not loplito in Saitford. He offered to It is said that a stillold Nom the Do, I- oil that the G.T.R. and ld ries at present, all running full treel(- Meliatre. 9. R. Watiori, Juhn fttivO tjlwn contained
ROPERTIES FOR SALE. t4)wns and citiom after it trill around locate In Qoddj�lth, Lovesting #M,ow I lobli, lie enabled LO handle LI)el?.L alloof arid
P n ":. C. I' UML e. Crania. Iteld #and others Lailled about 7,500 naLlvo inhabi Inn L,s.
the world. Lot gannort 00 Hand Rifle Club will 7 rwo" time and prospering, and several loll "
I a match with I lie Goderich club t 8 freight and passengQr traffic. it is let I lit 1.(XX) whites. The etaemy,s force con�
Buildling Lots for sate. 'jolathed big head and tried all
House and Lot for sale -445(L The good old SCOLch songs buildings and , andagreeing Lot ,I. Other industries are in prospect, a !L I
t -hose that never wear out, have in Mr. employ from 100 to 2UO hands during afternoon. so proposed to hAVC a line of b0ats to allefule to restorto conot-ions. slioted (if about K(xx) low,,. with nine
ply between vmliolls POlt-Goderich as", but WithOUL avail. and all St. D. Ron'$- Who 8 Irrounded and b rd
NL,cic of Vacant Laud for sale. suitable for L - the summer season, anti 25 during the STEAMBOAT CONNEcTioN.-Deputri- ono rtheprinci the certainties for this coming SUM- who had been tient for and quil. ollibil ed
1201"Zoto rent� fill ovollern coriventeacca. Spence &I capable ,&aid enthAlsiatatit: in large canning factory being one of nv "
Mftrket Garden. el -Prefer, And it will he At mistake it) retuninder-of the year; these latter tiona froin various councils met at the (it gloatc, coal andpal-it"frth"j) carryin mer. ,kl,e it tile Place. The garris4in rcade several
Farm �f 68 acres, adjoining a thriving vill. hime this opportAinity tit hearing him. would be employed making canti, box- F, -
eat tbur eig t, as we roved ProlloHneed onr (lid friend It dI. v
a I P�l goo P dead - (ore proceeding to t'lle igourollo coullter stiokes. by which
e. lAn best. clay loam, all in greas. ThF4 wernbery of Gallop Invernesli; will e& &c., and hi i ds. In return Windsor Hotel. Stratford, Ott March 7, a"pasose. --, I li veliv tmol tuotisly i -e- Within three years we will have w t enjdH(sitf t"hou rink deceased bad heq-H thcy d"'C"UrAged tile elleilly front
It N. LEWIS, attend in a body, headed by Piper Me- rot- this they a.; endg a bonus of $5,000 with reference to securing it line du �na 'It! ,list .11 along tile line. Not 0"
Solicitor, Goderich. Kay, and it big Scot,111 night is looked from the town and free water, with boats airing Lake Huron. "t having is eoulpetilig line Inellilt ullc� a terminal of the Port Dover and discussing it paver deal with K. it. pushing
. Musical. for. Tickets 25c and 95c. exemption front t-ixesl for ten years. Elgin, Messrs. J. Ge Front V,wt pur(hasing and sliil)l)illg of reivilt lit, Goderich Electric Railway here, Watsion, #%nil at Lhat thus lie wits ap- r""lle #illy att,wks. Tire,
FRER ON it" Nsw WriciiLs.-Every year The site proposed is the Iota of Lhe I o' and H- Aic- it great loss it , )t ,31 paritntly in his usual h041111. go that Britisti lossem lit) In Nov. 15 Ilavp been
Laren were pt es t 'iticnidine. Mr. the purchaser and ct-mmnier its %veil. UelPh the attack wits practically without two' ('tli(rs and "eventeen tnen killed,
ENRI JORDAN. f3anottin, Oomplainy near the gravel lug I Y in UOderiCh hilt, and the completion of the G
__ llodu a greater demand for ilic Dunlop P . Pit MiKkeneric.e, and"Er.; UeWltt H. Mar- He insianced the loss to hin,self Altiction extension e C. P. R, warning. Tile re Himinit were btketi to four
ifusLical Director of Knox Preebtiterian Detachable Tire, gratil irlig- in ,,flicei%, thirty-two nien. two
H arid 0. T. 4 tr4plie1r:1d t, I list � thr-pe tvni 404thnnipton, Reeve W. Me(, of th
now one seldorm acres wou Id be I equ . The propusti.), or and MI freight rittes fi-OH, 1)ers(,lntl is promised in tile very near future. his hoine. his three 8isterm, who werr %von all,
Ckurclt. -. D. Mer,pod. Goderien was experience %vheie Lheie and onechild wounded. Tile
ls,op thinksofboyirigs bicycle (uraleas it isa tholign only verbal, was mgardPol not represented. It Ili undeisLood they one titllw;vy. XVILS 1)[1)), present.. having been rintriflod of their I
,;.ning tastacs fit 3
VOCAL, ORG PIANO and CORNICTf Not tubis ti),in "File location of Goderich is beauti- rot berm sudden death by nt.v. iota. A. "lik"ll , " lt linve been over 100 kill -
very obeap affair, indeed) without insisting favorably, and the Clerk was instruct- recommended the adoption of It plan 000,()(X). Mr. Cla,vk said, had t$)kKe);1- ful, healthful and inviting, and .,,z Anderson, or, s t ell and :all wotludt,d.
Ptiplig proparod for " Toronto Colloice o. r9h, os Mr. Wri,zht, would forward hloo� Maitland cemetery, the
411111IM114c `exams. on the light to tin option of Dinalops, ed tot have a bylaw prepared as soon to,. paving it Pub4idy by each iown L" Spent, OU oil" Watel ways. and oil, elknHI the COUtIty Seat of one of the I) __ an" Pill" In linday the In erniont This wits it report st-rit olit tip to Nov.
. Dunlop Tire Company have depots in ell P" some suitA ble boat. based (lit the po est funeral FMC08111011 loaving doce.4sed's 15, but, bit" of despatche, since $flow
For terms ropply at Tian Sr. LAwasioicz, the Provinces in Oansda�.Srad in ,very I lie lation of the several towng interested reduce then, rates in (,,(lt�r Lt� (.nin it is late r"donce n,,3v. in.
Montreal St. Studio. Oddfallow's Hall.
. further discussed tit the Councilwi - Bystel" find l`()lnln'11e`l tb` ""'"Y" to C01111ties in tile Dominion, t
POSUI in writing. The rnatttsw I pit
1;27-lyr civilized country intheworlo, InCitnadi Heat- RA follows: Sai nia, 7000, Ooderich 45%' yet the carials have not (fir POte' bOUnd to prosper for all time to Anderson cond ltev. Mr. that th, wortality noll(n-igst tile wonlen
USIOAL INSTRUCTOR.-htr. Fre etok tihe business in controlled by a loompoilly inK this evening. THE STAR agrees -Kineardine 2500, Port INIgin 16W (I.Ctly Ilene- klcte( service at tile ,told cilli(Iren 111ts been (IrcadfH1.
with u4n)r e4pressions of , . and litted the largo cellLies of )rlt,jrio, come. houlie and at the grave. sin-l-ify Rp - "Ove unit
no . 'ire rito in tile town,
net Consiorvatorl. Holds, D. McDonald, Jno. (4alt, M. a "it] Of tile A%orpt forins of disease
nake they gnatrantee, 4b Jobe cornme i fillilt, I'llel.,,n.,,,�4bil.�,.,.,,p,t4,t, ,at the rriLe of ilix cents per cuplt4t of fit' the Hhippers in tintsit, cent, t ClUllerOn, D. C. Strachan an(I Philip
r e HILIA lie Sinne (�Uler solul ion The,s,e are only some reasons bu
M G. Sicipson. organist Nortri-St. ,e ho- with $1,GNA90capital, Southampton IOU said subsidy to be that I lie, 140
disc Church, late of Natto J",YerV tire they heard a
New Yoidc. will receive pupilutelerniontary and 0* woult of mmen to it ieft to Oode- -09 801110 they arc good ones. Holt were the pall bearers. and ,, very 411-11111 tile little blind of heroas t,e
all va ment of the yetar they loolI Po8sessio tile Nopulation. .
need) In Piano. Orgs, nod Harmong, t, of paid
o "t rich. and the proposal made a one roun tt"Pq actua Iv it do find when rates, one result, of whici-I is seen in - largo number
one door west Knox Chore , air new faclary on Temperance St'r'eet, I LO be. ()Illy to" ()f tile railways hltd 01--ged exorbitant relieved, all (,'41tilldit should rejoice as
'"',"",oich Torooloo, a handsome Ave WOrthVof favoralbleconsideratiou hy the boat calls. the basis to be a xLeell retHril � - of friends and
�_,__ In this factory I -Atorey building. I ill It at 011,C(fliftint-
rS6 EMMA ANDREWS, TEACHER OF ,bay have a aspecitV for trips dt1ring the senson. ances wore present at they did f(ir Utay,inlitil, and wit or
making 2,000 comp Oat ratepayers, %"agon set vice between Brier Town Topics. ----.I,,- the ceremony. Goderich should tnive, if possible. a still
M Plano. Organ, Theory, Stairlit Roadin lots tires coal) day, and TuE; UAnNiV4L,._Tht- second car"I. Hamilton and Too onto. Mr. ('lark said Four weeks from today Will be Good pe __ 1110re J10),fill de'llonstratiou. It runy
and Ear Trainitat A slic"t .tth.vir,H they I oommi-nn Foolit 814AFORTH,-A the two Krext, lilies had till agreement Friday. oDle We Know. not Ila out of piece W Hay hPre Lbatmi.
My be used bv pupils. Also Kinder rium 0 Bet lin. The rntes ill (Intari ." ie w ook. a as in Goderich last Heaton. to,f Godoric , haff t tl me coupling
c Clavier qthod. The Iegil Practice possilite demand, There will be no excuse West street sink Frid-ity evening, taft. cnittnd (min lilenotorth try P. M. lReattic pared with those of New Z`e)lt1%,vtnd1 it) order U,inorrow. J. Or�g, of Exeter, was in the county tiotvol 11 of them being
1,'matl 4 tre ready now to supply the ]largest val of tho setwon was given in the "Ian named Frank (looper witio, "H,_ "till the (I.P-R. wOuld Hot build to 111 H. M color, of Detroit, w
Clavier at U. W. ThomaimIg music enato em-ing of the Shamrock will be w
an I clisW Dot getting Dunlop tires by In th4- li le Imint
M wurtin
onto Conaer%Atory Course, , lieg�alar meeting night of our city
etbod Ifor ..Vn; for them ou ell new wheels, . was not a latices"', rop tile 104gree, 40 the Isist weilit, an it charge Of ItAnacy, and setH"wina the former to be ult. u dic" 0 i ,(�,H'
lie ;pung children. Statical will Col. linden-Powel alliseir,whoffecour.
vrsuo or n Tue my.
c (� the Ititter. Ili New Yolk se fathers this Fridav J. Hartley Doyle. of Detroit, wits a Godcrich
residence. W7 OYF Won HA 1,11FAIC, -Lieu t, -Uol, Var- in " t to pay the prize list, The tat,) evening. Age arld skill have ent-ned bini a dip -
B ruis on application at the got 2intlen " Lilly door wag not �, now in the coilutY Jail. The case tile violtor this week. tingunthed recoaritiLlou fron
ritannia Road. a Hot been before J Lidilre Masson yet, ,ig I liar Maj-
__ . auto was in WWII last Saturday toomlect cause of the sparbe at(endance Was Lhe t aver Welsei4 er rate is 2 (-t)ct9 it Regular meeting (if Himin Chapter Licul. Col. Varcois was in wrallatism, mon. as
- 4eavv rain in the afternoon atid (lie "go w e., I 1, ty.
12 men from the 33rd Batt. tA) joill the fall Of Wet a 1 -he delay meoMingly WHg caused mile. in tnd you call ride.,jo No. 30, R. A. M.. next Tuesdav tiven: day of Lhis week. - - ____
Goderich Ma Irets.< - - now that followed, tuakiniii TV thv ilivoHipleterievo, of the commit- miles for 10 centa. In Ontario this ing. Miss Eva Acheson wits viAting relative, it, THE ENQUIRY BURKED.
Cutilaidian Contingent to be bent to the side streets impassable in Hisoul till papersi, Ott voinfaiwinif the counrult- would cost U cents a tulle ()I, S)o (-ents. Tile Upriderson Bivycie Co. rroula Scatorth this week.
(100111190TRI) UP TO NOON OF TIfVRfWkT.) Halifax for garrison duty for one year, places, however those who wer�c t4l p,opeis now before the court, one In New Zealand the railroudsare owned
Wheat Is again at 62. It was Wow tiont, very large shipment of bicycles ypsLe a f -Miss Duntimr, of Port Albert. has returned Ili Parliament, on Wedne,ilday last.
figoore Thursday of last weak. the fall having tra relieve the loan of thar.regulal, Ito,- there bad it good Urne, aqoJ as the fear. set from Qo4erivh 411d one from Kea- h1t1h.e sLate and ninke a yearly profit day. r' rom Yorktou, N. W. T.
bee-Acauied by speculative buying and selling. petialtorennow stationed tht-re. By see Paid the primes to full those in coo forth, we (Ind the schedule required by . w livid it quarLer million dollars, - John Hilem. Jr.. of Dungannon, vkltad tilt' OPPOsition lignit, au%ked that the
Mon ay morning Col. tunte cinild not but he pleatsed. TL.e stAtHte missing front the 0onpor cHni- Figure Out what tile Canadimi loads Between Carlo- and the Nile thero friands In town thin week. West Huron antl Brookville viectioll ell.
PORR ertill hold at M and o,Ltp -it 211. . 4 Varcoe had dresses, " it whole, though fairly mitmeHL, and thist BhOwthat to iiiiisttiii4ketkt3c(�ritsitti,ilo. ,illerail- aresnowdrifts; ten land twelve feet" Mi" Of1by milliner at, Sinith Bros, co's. � quirips inight pl.oc..Od,
Fall Wheat. Standard .......... I O 62 to 10 62 twelve men all reativ and they left by eraiN111i9cotterich will cost, ncrease de(p 17110d to U)wll thin week
Wrfelt Wheat, J81mandardl ...... 0 62 ,a it 62 the 3:30 trial ra for London, where I hey good. Haight easily have been better. complate this fo wityl; were soor ell flit, t ryi ng to i in but Sir Wilfrid
and easn prizes of $3 and $2 ough t to the county between (hirtv #laid tort v th"it' rates so that Lhey inight, share in Logs were Harry Clucan. our t�wtuunan of years gone Lam ier would not. cousell t, and one of
1. r"lling to tile Goderi 11 h76, Wnx in (,Own Yesterday. tht' b"ttest (10bates, of the sessic)" erv-
Y, �mr loll the., Patent . ...... 23S to 235 will be examined and sent an to otta- ,ttract waill-diessed competitors, Tile dollars, whereas the sume evitionce the general prosperity. Our railways Hntb�,r Mill the past weak in goodely Mr and Mrm. W. BrYdon, of Clinton wore
� Bran, per ton .... FILM11V ...... 2 00 to 2 00 Wa, where the detachment will be an' race in heats w Ing inolley, but owing to numbers. In Goderiell on Wodnesday. I sued. Space at thia Into honr p-evenits,
.i�...,.*..*.,.,...' I's ou to 15 00 46 hotly contevLad, and cOOld halve beell Obtained Ili W' ki
Mortar, per ton. .0 . . 7 00 to 17 00 rolled. The following are the men mterennuttock their eat nings appeared John Durnln, of Nfaijitoba, im anything b(it & brief attention of the
Screenings. per ................ 15 00 to IS 0 added vottioderably to the avening's Seatorth for two or three. Under wit M is" A. F. Wrin was coturnitled by visiting his
Oats; old ................... ........ 0 26 to 0 % front Huron , Chas. Ch'sholln' Woo- enjoyment, The judgesi. R. R, Wat. these circumstances would It not he "Hall. The re'lledY lies in electric P. M. Seager flit Wednesday on a uncic. W Bu"Ows. this �cek. fact, but we believe tile electors or
Yule, Arthur Y"le. George Mitchell, ,mH. win. Cattle and Alex. McIvor. well fill- the government to start it roads. Tile stenin ro�t,ds di�ci kninnte. chna-ge of lunacy. K. L. Dickenson. barrlAt�r of Wingham. wnn
peour,.................. ............ _. 0 M to 060 In town profe,utiouMlly Oft Wadnom(ltky . West Huron. regardl�sq or partv lean -
Barley ............................. 0 35 an 0 40 RobertGraham, John McKay, EdwKrd did their part of t training and posting schgol !oc the Ili- Paris gets coal for .50'.. it tot) less than Miss Lexle, Sutherlit,nd bell been ap*
R tor -
I yo ............... .......... . lie work satisfac
,. .... o 36 to o to Baker, Fred Haley'and Michael Ken- illy, and as che ic in od Loll_ struction of its army of P. M.'s find J. Galt or Berlin, and tile malre alopliem N, Misses Annie and hjwtha W.11. am enjoy ings, will read with intereNt n, full re-
ckwheat. per bushel .......... 0 40 to 0 40 nedv, all from No. I Co., Godarich ; Itiou, 0 c P'-- oinrit-ed 8tem,grapher u) tile Goderich loll a visit with Mrs, Lyons,
Ray. per ton .............._......... 7 00 14 7 50 a d the sklott ers ewwet&es welF pheas Goderich in toore finTibie lerinq. A Lucknow
Butter. per lb..... . ...... _..... 0 20 to 0 2, nd Clam. Bell, Herbert Knight and The following were tile raze w ad. tioverninent, C(nniniSS11011 U) inVeStignLe Organ umnp,ttly. liftrry Rutsom ruturood tmm a (our month'. put L, and %vo will therefort, I?ive it next
14 p a
Eggs pvr dozen, .................. 0 13 to 0 15 Palrick Hickey. all from No. 3 UO-- Ladie fanc7. Miss 1sel , ie Mc;�4noi�s: STILL 'I'Ll"'OVINO-Williaill ShAr- all such disc rini i nation wt),11(l lie it good JR -3. Leollaid has beef) aproointea to via( to John,tion's HA.rtior. on Tuc,aday- week.
, '"
Wood. Der cord.. _......._.... 3 75 to 4 oil Seafortb. Lieut. -Col. Varcoe. Major 8, r girls ,X,','. tria., Junr., Ili still improving his place thing. A Ornnd Tnink wan tl()w it succeed Ed. Beck at, the Goderich (,,Mr. J. W, ommigie. of stratford ou.1,10- --
Cattle. Per lb, ordlastry 0 03 to 031 . of business and making things quite - oilege, malont Tuc4day at his homo no tile 01cl
Cattle, export................__... 4 00 to 4 50 Beek, Calit. Holmes and Lieut U ,.a cainbow '; ladies'comi, '. ciat,ed with Mr. . ps" Willer Works engine honse.
lAmbtl. per. Ili ....... :.::,.*.* *., * 0 03 to 0 03i vvere at the depot to pee the 'tit un(lry con . girls' fancy, Miss Daley Moselv; . Chtik lts�erted that. LOWM EdIt0rIa.1 COmment.
ho rdersawo',"Lcagiven to st,1,i;r)ly Guelph Miss, Mlogwit, Burrow- ht
Sbeop..... .... - ............ trained, and ma. (In e','* girls' atianic. Miss Emijy Whitely ; handy, as bouts and it, 1, N. 1). Rougvio 1-9 Purclirwed A. B t a h0a,l �lork In J,. In roply U) Mr, liiIlnri(j.
- 4 00 to 5 00 ny friends 9f the vo - shoes can n to c " I 11 linleR, ti his Was not DaviNori'm hardwarf, o;lock in 11 Ran: RoWn.ou'lisLorelstsid up lit. week will. 1" Its Hie OTptmrla
Hogs, ]ire weight ........... ..... 4 76 to 5 go V the c, hel f. Lbere WnA tm cottipet;- lim), aod,lvill vittry on tile 1) oine"s grippe. 1�111-1-11�ri*, isi-L -i,ok. .11,-.
Hogs, dresRed............,........... 5 2.s to 5 75 , tit - Walt,nrShannon ftnd K Lynn returned fmm Dun-, IkA,, i. ..I n- ,t th. Pl.yrole.t of
Sheep. far� per lb ........ � ... 0 03 to 0 03 unteers were present, to bid Ithem bon Dietrich ; gent -q' comic, Dot v Sailows ; an Furticle that runs on it ineti w :111, 1)r7d,n .ld :
:.777. gents' fanev. "Life Guaidsman," Will reached by the Chicago liicy(!Ie ladder, t7e W
Hams. per lb.__................ rage %I rail tion. Afteo �Lmjvirlg lh#, i al.loil 1) ),"iEWA Me litiviager. the neighbortino,l of Jobstown'" llarwr, 11,tive tb.
oVage. An the train left the station boys' fancy, Robert u * ' ; bOy"' arid is fixed lit Its upper el)d to it r, id. soon colichide:kIiiii . nit, it lnJe(.i, (Iepen(l I I with Mr. (;o,er.ntL
0 10 to 0 13 three hearty cheers were given for the colhic. Harry %N at I ore . Jas. Knuckle, of the ()rgan Factory � aniula. l"t Friday. '10 h0l'I - r-1-10-11 on all,
flacon, long clear ................ : a 09 to 0 to detachment. but almost before the 'it were The sligntest touch inoves thc ladder i jig oil locit I till could not hope Lt, had Lwo 1-ingure (It the rignt, hand sev . I ""I FC"`la"t1-11 0-t-Hn-a f-n, Nffty. Ings. to
Snoep Skins .... .... ,.., __.. 10 ln%p�tor Toni. who 1. "till 041tinta hool,i S,
Hides .......................... _..... to hers besides those named who were right or left, so that 4 whole side t succeed. Mi" - Ili i PL -110-11. 1MV Ilk dl.,ni..�,l from the (Le -
Tallow, rendered ........ ........ 0 03 to 0 14 . -k tile" interest.i,l] etely Jaynined it, ona of the heels of ,,,Lth" ,"n"ther" Port oil of wm in�coio,,tto.
0008 to 0 Gi cheers died away the cars stopped, tile in coloturne. but their names with one tile store to in eHAV r-ach. There it" Mr. M(Nair.%,t(�Nln�lw Yoik InIftlifit, be it town Lo-niorrow. Satuniny P -t --t �- by order in 1-111-1-cil 11-t,,d Aug.
0 30 0 as end of a grain car having been nearly or o exceptions, were Hot handed to three liaddeis, one for each side we it.
Chickens por pair ......... __ * to ra to pulled out, by the strain. but as the `1v and and others in it 11,)rt D,,ver. "'t Lin't institution the past weew h(r. and Mm flarry Martin left Mouday for 2h, I"J. Tho 1,,st payrii-L in ulti to oll,n on ac -
Ducks per pair ...................... ol ow to 0 GO clock struck to the rink lessee. and It would be well at e io M-1-lin 11.11d I'lit. J`(,ung people
Turkeys, per Ili ................... 3ur the boys got away Oil the end, ,Ind this numb r i necessary, Oodf-i ich Ill ojvct, and one 's Guild of SL Flartillwi, wito- It 1. .mid. thAv will lit haturo C�untofaalmry �u for 1hol,10,111, of August.
0 07 to future enrnivals to allow those only because they will not turn to ' Of tfW'b,wL (;P(1r9P'R. at 'La nitieting on Tuesday, M';d.. '*a rexr;t exceedingly their rem- P I IjW�
.... cut rnef . Carindian engineerm ,t.,tR j.11WIlKed ill V"t, fm t God�rich
FRUIT AND VZOICTAIll". C liar joined as the other rraen,�but not only PIA(.e Covery rrnap ont, it route. lie f(inini (�ljt_ tilat Lbe
Goode per Ili . ................. 0 U8 tfri& that will last #I year. Lt who lied presented (heir tickets rAl The iniention -d $5 to tile Patriotic Fund, anti Nc- N. 1) nold A.. and the Mi-— It, g Tolls is' Ili' ()fficial adminsion of the
0 05 to M U 1,
Oranges Per Alizen _.... ........ It In said he will lie one of the ser corupe.Le for the trizes. for there have pair of shoes in sight and re.ell I but. would "Ot have it 9-tiv of 1)ver (irie per (iny."I"110Y Wits sent away Ott Wednes- t,le. -ore in the r.r�t city, noten,ling I hi, Inct thnt It"I., wn4 ill) rinployee oI the
Lemons 10 to do tat the London geants been instances w an competitors have doubles the stA ore r,,)ont, so t ha I' .4, trolden wowlilang of an uncto nrid until. Tho
,:, ............ ... So to 40 company, and in any t now cent. One (if tile feLll ;-4 tif (ho pr()_ I-lebratio. t, -k pl"o .n Snwrday ..it ,l- ont,,l.1,. (JI'v"I'linwilt when hv cattle
Potatoes per bush.. ......... .. 30 LID 35 Lalion. at, �wrsons who afterwards adopted other see What they are buying. The olLot a , ling people wentlemen ratun-i W fown on moriday
Bananas ........ ....... 20 to 30 case retain hit; rank in Lhe Huron b aLtended the rink representing certain there fire no (lark corners and People, rooted Port DX) ver. ]'it-,) I 11 k- 6 (tilm Ich A Inisze lint ty (q ,, "I y
2 so characters The T,esentation in --I I '11- I-, i 1-m cht I ry , o:11 �'"wll "' "'"t I"latin nrld to k part in
Apples. per bbl., � ... 1 50 to ' ine would lie the bringing ov"r f)f ( 11 It 0 Prich towr- FA B"k. of th. Wato, Work. ,I�p,u-tO,,i, .
per bushel. 1:.'1*:.,:.,.,.,.*.,.*.'1,.,: 50 to LID TnHY ARE CHAMPIONS. -On Mon. coluds with at character rep- . I �hip. on Frid,ty, . lofL or, Mon4ifty for I -don. witem t.o win it, I in,
Of has been paint,ed and or herwise ronf)_ froit (" enjnv the
�_V!peh, - otnie an .� fe'nalsylvanin. by 11 -ti till]. ef ,ar,s PaLriotic future r,.wio. &I h^a hmn avpoint�d -vi-or .
I 6- . Com vitted, and the large room at1he hatit f 'Tg'o14avniqnfone tblld(,rtln� 1)[P_ (-w. .t Thirl-n dol wits c"llect- -( th� flenneit rurnl(ure v.. nt that c,tl %f r%. "Y" "Irl t"In On Jual y 12, ISM.
- day evening tho hockey teaun f resented would stop this fraud and tins been turned hith a`sltor�' ' - eVL I ,d o I i I h a occnh I o ", 11-k and 4�hlldren will mOvc tAi tile MLY In tho
lt`�`* A4yert.lsetuenw. give till who enter &it equal show. I. �,O,�il 1, gn , L 1AU g3ld leriu,lt if, it red-ictron .,f Th- -pring melionon �it Lhp HiBb (10,31t lltlt " `q ^14" ` f1milel Y insi-t-ttw for
11 i, where aluollellites k4 4s) -bolo '11,44 11 t1le C�lst lit coal (o LINO coll.,illier. 111 ()ntitrio in 1M)S), 11AVIng lleen 11ppointed
. I the Sepoy Village tried to win a garlic , ,torly
-J. U. keilder. 1`190 froin'the western champions, lint fail. Trait PRESBYTICRY or HuttoN'.-T,he the shop will'Ge "kept. 4 lau-man F"llyli !r1)r,-1,,J,I )a I h M.r Tron"n. mproilenting a w-Ithy nyn,laio lhert�u) alo-it, ,Nlav Int. �jvpr three
. , f .d In' the a: Preabytery of Huron me� In � "Illph AIYO ot L $21.(XXI to icet "r J11sti("' ()f thf, Comity tit Huron of Now York ^n(i Toronu) onplt,,Jjol�, w- I"t
YPTif?s UP §04 .... dih��,q oq hiv bo&s' ansi 1�' "t all well c 0 0 lov &`lln. p, It ljlll.,v�ll (�perni in I he t4lurt inmi%p next Monday 10ouilt Lho 11stiford. %nil whilo hem inter ni,,othm after hiq rasrally work iri Went,
I ..... :, ttempt. Tire Lucknow men Qhovs Wit
Posting Sille-Geoige Porter ........ �� ...... s to tile,
51)CCiAl Glove Slkl�jas, Robins,nii.. the 13th inst. Rev. 8. 4. lbs, ' ' and ruln as eas I� ii viewed Nor If IN [Awl- m t� minom the tat,, b�lgln unit (,()kll)t
-it .1 I I!; Lite ladders. hilt r town and so get chrnp�r co,tl. "'he civil list i- A 10n.9 one. six Jury An less an it rewnrd there-
. . a I The
s0ge I:Fee-Dtfn lop Tire Co ....... $ Ind ketf t lot P N oe start- (der t, I idif , ,e, T JJ Coal pt-Hposed route ()f tile p,q L ll,,�,,�, Sonte t,ime last wook while working smelting worlin and looked OvOr the ground
r4bila Pas ......... 4 are clever Rhilrers. bill; their clevernepol Grand Bend, M' FrIer, qf unit th I torn corners. - Vlackop thinks eve;y ��own al(ong nine non -jury cas", h&- on Lhe Vorth Mhore. Mr nrown is ai f,,r. 'Why "Aut toliq n,)t rilentioned in
it t
March artle-R. 11, Smith Co .......... ...... 8 'P9 f4sortin &'no J. P.'. I (4. , T�ti 4fly! _ rows ol boxes LJr Itinking fo� a favorable Pile for a twol��J
d at ROZ E�e r. Wtrp re a
4 f '4 , = 1.4 VQ. 4eq,ze the - . "" ' "' hoote __ ellitil --Qi,deIi(:ll-r1%i1wAv F,Ivnild K. at, I'lachnn'tu to Hill
Wall .a and it row of )otlg " � here I hen i)vwer of Mr. Dryden ?
i"te4 tneT],WFI .0� th6 lyrictel 4 I rovin Lion store, at the conarpanci si"lilt On the s"wre (401011P�rttl if no ceivoil it violent �
TOWO tints for Stale --Philip troll ........... 1 111"Ire, 12- to 4 In NVIII? Qf tbe home at el . A �
, real 4 ti g d has I Olivor Rlivriall I.*,- -
Ir of the seller, air ,'I,
Card of Tlognks--"erich Organ co_. _ �. a te4 I I )Nv from it flying Dluevalo:i. in r-i,:f I- Mr whit -Y, Pm-l.r it,an mid
VV, T? T40 "Hire wl"Q 01"Re"i'"gly 'o "'a"'Pe Nn a r`qe`ewtingqve4F"11 ' q t -
central 94rontrat WButell-rofilas lRoolorvie _ I Plilireq, hot a 4�e Qqht III bralre. tie " of 1,00011- dalce the labor 31 tile proprietor fol,"(1 intiviag its rimlit tit wttv gi t" I'll, ita lng two had black eyO9 nod 11 %verk of T Oar- in atill . .unbc,, of the
- I ..
Smith pros- , 1yo; % , and hilt i � not �hr. � - hits clerks. "a the trierrv-wo-rotind trikins At, the Vlat� (4 X utilev In 27 intil- ditty. 7 lith. a lecture wan deliveri-ii in Lh#t O-orn' ... � I Am % nia, t,i,r of -irse, he pm
�Jnllllk lilerelore ro- othei. Mr. (larkpla; (41111rulnY iii-1),iseo 1)(11LI'll IllAt live,- the wine. tile rogult, Iw ITHMR. On Thursday Pvening Mar. if of) J
MillinerY &PPrentices Wanted rairto start to tit.11 t u 1,NcT:f, liamilton, Willi 111111 It,
rgirliritie ...... 4 , '" erator of the next uen- q0t he.en bilrued Meth -lint. church to a larif; and mr, �nl�l ,,I. --ign.tion -hen th. ,-,,..- Go,
Bicycle OPtIling-G. W. Thompson & son.. 6 It -
I V sit4tiqn of congregatraillai W th . - b" F,reviative nwilence. The , ,hip I - 1.1.0 r---1 ..it th� r-igns-
Assembly. The corratilitt"os of the ,boald Ave tuoug Rhartonn wits nrid fnnt,t- allgos 141 reach Port (mver evulliat-Ilize with tile Roe" tipprove 11FIRLiAllity' wits the 41111jeet, notion'
t,uokrlo%v timpirit girive .1 RQ41 11r , I .
For Sloppy Weativer-st, 43eo been for a little out )ural; w4el ti ngot* for 111od At the recent tire, we otom At �rpoterol it lak�q it ,vll,,I.. da)- D,) those f#.w peorolp In town
hot 06t did not 9P wilbiq twelve a, Laing totanar,lte V L�t
I - __ tel I stakes, Porwe woulo have the lit " I, It li --- ��( -,,,plod. Hi. i,lOotlon case Is,
at oil thr view o1grouping them on as to gave q , tilt that olrotis. for timn BeHill, arid sIQ 44 50 nifire Llino their fiiends using explosive loolleta, WKS giv,en by tile pitatow. Rev 1)
Buoine" No now foulght 40koW attached to -i It would via the new iiiie, on will to ill(, Ill oPposiki-ri 1-f-- I h� ('� ... ri .f A'a,D%L
T'. - Luck .r 11TAIdpre to rxku a three quarterm obarwe win0d he If cent a a c' t- the Oprieva Convert- Rogers. in his ustriti (,oncise and.f:;rrt ,rit at JI'llihir
tices. I eigned 4 1 evenin , rectaTolaaratiollif t,],4t. the Pon, the [10011111 ittlO
N. B. Smith visited Toronto last a 1391% hatMe an topglit It to 4 ilmeh rgations of Uh sellitorst, Hippen sind , milp. Tnni tiOn ,lnd the rnies of till Christian fill style. Mr. A. kinghes firfi "od
I ifairounti. Any o-, it baskets Wet's ii-tripany has taken KNT 1)nseating Mi. Gar -
week purchasing spring novelties i h their t#91111 WAY �qttrllled their W liar Qrearl, be omitted t I nv�r the Grand nation 9 P thechair. -rholavias rocentlyvaraled row Avail dellverpd �n Thtitsday. Dec.
#IV rom "�Y, Pr`- attortobed baby could be ePA' Y ""Hus'"I VAlleY 1AY. Uo's. (,harler, -olecting it
,ect, r * Individual, the scope would have been PfW4 elvinge. This Was sixoreel W", while mother litted on th'a beat of tin Perch w, -re vnught in fair numbers hy Mi -it. Bruce. whoo
The 60,199 of old and at Victoria more nearly, evan, Our own hove an extension of t Ivan vo the earn- bout a � twoolont, of the feas,L)i1ily of its haw returm-d t,. 21, and vet now, nearly thr,os month,
Opera Rouge. next Monday f6vening. $In rande. rnutti. Ooderich. Mr. the pia-st week t)V fLngling throug-li cuts Hvran Latke. Man., Is nnw,:,(-rll11i,�d 11Y after. .%it. Garrow is not ready to pro.
never hockeyed as cleverly as thov d1d mitten to prose4teeils work. Reports Chortle declarpd, in the lc�. , t
Oysters arriviod.'and served in all slyle. on Monday nVenitair. their toam work from congregations sup to the progress ----------- W__ r1equired I)et,tvr Phipping facilitleR. ,nil A() far the lee tiettl has not the MleRee BInck _ Air. J tit Alert
tot the Vi6toria Restaurant, West street. If Lhe protect wmp enfl,w,wd and the allowod books Ln he opt, for trout, hilt son and farnilY anoved to Wrolietef ""I with h1fi aPPeal. Ali a rnattea� of
being excellent and the Ir checking A. of the Qentur V Fund were encourag- bTRU011111 Patriotic Fund. road hinit, it wonl,l I�e it,, "am ive are- not without thin rcost edible tit last vvepk. To the best ofmir kno,.
lee Crationa &till Fruit. Confentionery, &c. 1. There Were no sluggards in the Report on **Church Life and Y "InIte fact "I'l It -IPP ticks beeii Liken to ppe-
--- to'mecure iigh(r C)f VrAy I)y th,, Q(nJ r
0. Bmaturroarit, Prop. home club, eAeb member keeping tip trit " was a ead by the Rev, S. Ache- I'll fl%hP*- OLN Jail. Uraigie ham Imported ledge all the houseq Ili the villag*. ar,, wont tb� t aAP 6eforo the Coo' t of Ap-
To Tax Dzlir.-A rich lady onared of her his end in gpod style. Captain Me- son. his report. based on Answers to The Catiadlan Bank �araf Commerce honnolary anti vt,nnlj()n ,vith tile thell.. novv ocrilpipd.-Mi Thomits FUker lwal. and the riding remaina unrepre.
Deafness andNoises inthe headby Dr. t-arthy never played better. he was "ailat onit of each Senition. sunimmirized present elevaLor. silt h-nah the plevat"r The K inR's I)Aughterot will hold Ftn #at and family purpose movintior *tl Mani
Nicholson's Artificial Far Dortantoo, has tent ever on the alert, for a chance arid I is I I scourialgements and encourage- here has received and transwitw Ibe was I,y far to" ""'all f-rin,cily for the hointi ,,n Friday ov,ninj no,lit, Zird tohft lit the near fwtwe M M. R. laetll�d during the present entire Af,oaa-
�lut necegfonrV evf-il a la I wer losidprice f , M rn. Dr. t Wooed a itutrwher of 66- ,,f 11w 1�gislatiir"? PrenilerRooss
Et, to' [tit 1110i tateo so gliall deaf people made the best of it when 1he got one. mantis found in the different congrega- following amounts towards this Fund : derrialid, it inort at the Mil."Frove on,er I
rinable to Procure the Ear Drains may Alex McIver's cleverness in noting It Clone towards to tie lopi ritual U fe, and Sundries ... .................. . 8 2 00 slevalot tO n'PPt 11- it-quirem,nio, Wilklel3r, Elgin avenue. Reft esh tier , iend� It"t F'rid;-&y evening Re v. o'""'d clo"Ah1v have told why. Wo
#advancement made missionary and Mrs. Adamelan .......... ...... 5 ( I M
havO them Trat. A,pPlv to Dept. A. R. V. ,weak spot in the opposing team, and coHId lie ),it i it. I n repi y tx, n. or n#.q, ij)n oit-ots and a good prograrn by the T� ll,t1l,i:Lf Winwhani, will pri-artl '" risk n,,thing in saying that no and his
the (notittalte 78 r.ighlb Avenue. fl4gr, using It to the advantage of him owns social questions. An earnest confer P-oceeds concert, Mom Wynne.. I r Clarke said he waq nAkIng fire ton 1dt I-emI talprit. Adinkmion 1h c.nto. the Met (mlist church Stindrty evening. _ .
Fred ence was held for an hour on this re 1. 62 24 for S4,01in. Gait for $lo,niii, I (I, n,,w 0,,verntrient did Hot cmarts 20
York. 13. S, 1. was a feature of the ma,tch. - Carlow Liter- 11raii(f Thi- rinhiii- invited. -
The k�lnloar baslollossal forgetting our an- - porL Orimmissonears to the General ftry SOCH)ty- r .. .... .... Carlow risk 11 I've-elpt,tion either before or
Shannon was [tin old self. and delight P for $35,00n. Sirnroe for $Ionrool ,,11:11 (J. W Thomson h" ",in fine organ patouoonkl� Major Young arrivoei h�me ohile the House %vmq in 1110-8-410n, and
VIOLIP00ii4hill" IAWY, In his excitement over el ban many friends by the brillianer Ailsitembly were appointed by rotation roceitais concert, Union rhuirch, 40 00 Port Dover for $15.0ton, nnd li'e t1j'O'l ht U, Ntr. mild Nfrol. ",ovid Prmiae, of oode-
rhat &V f X), woul)(I not be Loo Fillol-la "r rich T,�Vvlloihip. It Is, Worthy of rp. tho I.ondon rdilitary Rchool. C. Rob�rt-
the War terva. but the public have remain.- of many of his Plays. and the new as follows: Rosvd)h Shaw, MdLegin. Goderich township,per Rov: I . I Ism weii,k. afloor having taken a �o so h4,llct, I lie - - bluff ,, n!"Plull. In the hope
man on the forwards held up his, end Acheson. Anderson, Pletcher. land Bid- Mr. Hamilton....... ....,... 43 gr`"�- *--14. Hurnhor rn)trL here 1,11int the Proum.� homwhold that if ,4 -ni ploetion In found ad-
bQr6d Oat 0110611sull work and those who * , Nic(jul IcAttitly. ().,Imp' *an ,niiit,ed hia frignos In Winaharro laos
In good ittyle. The forwards worked on ; ia;,.�, lr,oiter . isd"c"I"dilf- '"o -teal r-ne. and4j. W. ir,nei
lit -we seen Loar,bafesit argiroplear tire deliglaud. Ilk re from tire fQllowin congregations Cof) .... a 0a Mourtin nrid Me 6wPn Pitt (pleat ion, I hi n It it I hey N -laid onigiply "it. and thinks il the bainest low- in vl
Ill pronounalad throulhout the game $as. tlto,tal rit Jiltating ' Fit, 'St credit
011t shot# *I*M* this week I *gi#Lt'e � t4i ro tIn w
a Trojans L".burn. Rayfield. Lppen, Henand Ch Mwol I "'"" " "t "llm" 010rtOrs "Hily be
alloys aio,er laen in (lode ) the first three End Mr. (liarke Mid QXpIniH,d th,l, ahip (,hol- Z -only
And during it esen o and Mancriester. The 0. eavor - rl(4 snirth n -m abort ototiceft indud t4) dr,,ti the recollect ion of the
� ,Q�Iff Of (116.4bW disp - - I y %lit - . a 40 i views, t him result hei OR t ll,%t % re,,,I,, 1. "Ph�v & 9,-n hove
thoh? _ port ithowedafallinx Olin me - FLr-rrTwo Deve Canniniihilm m -d machillp't work In the riding and vote
%4,40544. popil,lirpholIM tiamed made manor Olsver runs down ship for the V . I a . � tion of approval of till, acheuip, lH,.vp4I
I 4nd shots. or th too bly ! liq ", -, 01580(i , , ?Or some his stook and implonverts t� hia farm pear
0 " eat yeag , 11AY4 t -en verh titling The interior of on ''now-.1"ilps.
I a , 4
" '�
J0`1 b- , r , 1,
Jc I 11, r �, , S', t � � "Ill
-7- .", 'ri rltyl7toyu 01P
Z_ .��
,� �
_ . �
, ��� -_
- .�I 1. � 11 ,� .I . r I I � _
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1 1 1
�_ I .- 4t Jorne at co at " & 4'r.d' ,0everl-1111- tions tot 0 ill refif c Tc 1:1104 _______1Ah`_ by til' ""ll"'"day #4"d S- '41t"11- was I ht-ir flitnit ipri, oilt)rp, �nd Brueset. last Wodneaday. and the same
- - �__ �__ B np:, Ii c kvh mitininmously carr - - -_
aid p attapk or .1 a r If I'll r -ed. now it Is In day Fd Fisher movitti into the bon" he
illiala namater� IP I it .I Wi 0" an 1141atulsov, the briarlis,
salience. Gen. Allan VFare Iv -04 4 nm! . " V-1011 At 1�85 P, in. 111"'" 110-l"In find ron-niont, shape A vscaw'
their, OAU Mo rated $tl P0 a ( linpr i It qq p, The council then t ()nit act i-n, and it, rr,vnt� ,.M,e. . M,, A. Stiorling to going to move Colborne.
Parti" irtt Ait worked roMnd the raticits like a beaver ' rt b , oWned by the I well loghtod. has '
Tog ftA'A will have a treil hers. 14' to If to not tv. tw"n In Otiderich this .owk
tbloo, hossailtolf oseeta Ireek till W tit, P a ofirow Oland 11"Verlit's "MoOr %vote moved by 0. A. Hurn i'" - -'r-Inded )"'it It, th, f",nt, and ri.oto roorn has Mr J4,1111 Jarnlalqon. q,f Laurier p, O..
=11 UX1 nnd suctiensifully bmve4 the 01% the-Rit, , Colors. Tho Litorary an,i Doh4king
ne at am& 'I wwf*n them many times. arlo'..7 tut A total 01 $,NOW olars ind I broke awAT train 4 POst fit that U. U. by 13. Unnt*l,,n. and if. -it -d. flont all, I 1 -i -it .-ur-,l L)v r
WkittiAt .bprs w" Niven, sond t Was tob 4tilition, to which It hoid [men tied. 8�iiesv will hold thoir )&*I mntp.i for it,. lima Just delivered an extra "no ,short
U�Wft 0 --Ob 166 4, 4" 2, bell in XOAI W", Just AS ROM our We 91, 1�', - It U-Inell of the town of'(4�10rich h,,l-f.t1v J oarranging generally.
Colborne,, # lose made off at a good pales and turning endt,rato the att,1(,he,a ppllfj(,Fl q I, Burt. wh" W$Llt RPpmhPn,led oil amson on Friday firioll, .hen it lZrMA pr� I ........ '"I" I" Ge-, 'F* ('lark, of Chire-
A 100146did W of poollile. We vanial he wait laorna two weeks *1 mu est and thorough rp pe't Ila% fl�l by req nPqt of Lhe I', R. ,%(I. gram may be aiwilm, Wn, gallows mont Farn), 001tiorno township, for
flea. an to East artmat went down #It a 1.45 11"It,Lhe chartor of tile Orand Vallpy tl,,,rilid
profloy of 9aftatial malkiol, who to tile. Again we congratulate the champions work was being done in our Sunday
F-140 schools. 9siL R4"cbillg the Square it 14'r;V Al', Y Compariv. torn) rwin,poil ep m, K r1intop nf #r,.hpTZl�rcput. and Than. I'llamillon are the cAptai d the Improving of Stock do-ritair th,
aP060161fibilistiost. Said commostrass tin thilt games" ft success we feet sit- The Presbytery adjourned to I north. and then took North street al I R no. an
at I P. 1. th. wan 1 -fort, His " mor Jutiore Masson, are doing till in their powtr 1. make it a (.Pmlt'R 84?a*On- tie Is a Aire animal
n 1-66- Ufft hiftilah" oMiL Tow. turro-d only obtAinied by co,nnotant and "'*at In Clinton on the second Tuesday mad@ for Its stable which it L "lent of Canada tin ra-,l I hi, - Mitt thip Wf-ek and Ili and should - I-
concerted practice. Of many nexL . V MAP W" Mi l"cr" #jocose&. A gnoil time tit oipeotftd, � eorrip P V 4% 9-lul stock gettol. I
"i'viso wwvnwiww* � . - I "I's #it Its Present apa.lon. wq Wo bell v till Wmerrow (,%k,o,tor4AT) to #&flow the and briniz your at* .0
� with the cutter in twosUy good order. his line of railway fir"M Ileril r' " " tars, or, hattor still, -_ - - - I
. - if LA) Pt Osectition to Obtain direct ey,denco, some 01herbod V 'a slialt.r, I Tuas,rAR gives idia vtevm . .
, .��
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