HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-02-23, Page 6. IWA,'Wlqlf,vw�.� - ?1, N I I - 1. , , " - -.1111111i 'k,� - - I �,T_ ,,"If" wt � -1.,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,I,,.-Iwrw?,W-��-- � .�_Fw !�,.qpw - � , - 11 -,;"
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- I 1.06,WL— I I
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� �Wlsa_
. TUR, JOULUMA moriatus was gray an
A latiAty in PArliameat $troot.
We aela. loomill= agaust th
I I lawlia isky. bad 0 Hine oltollopic
., busluesis man were hurrying towar,
. C r Cress, ger to corpmencro"O
I do a' orig, the polipso about W*L
I go, C off duty und bastion
raid themselves, and the son
It $ at the Horse Guard , wer
I ch"ging guard. The great blocks o
I Government OLAO03 Were not yet
on, even fourth diviaion clerks
. not due for LnOtboar hour and 70
- principals not for a couple of hour
L, more. yet the Most 'Noble the Mornui
.1 I of Macclesfield. her Majesty's P rim
� Moister and Principal Secretary a
State for Foreign Aitaira. was in h
privwte room overlooking the grea-
� quadraragle in Downing Street, bus
With) the irtfairs of the JDritiab em
. . pire.
J36 livil entered that room boo
. fter midnight, taken the broad rl
I = of the Garter frona across 12L
shirt -front-[., he bad been atteridio
I I reception at the German Emba6b
. I
� . 7daced it carefully lit a drawer, tuyru
I ad Up his shirt -cuffs as was his ha
, .1 It, and sat down to write- Heedles
1, I of time, Ireland written on, the alleric
� broken only by the scratching of hi
�, , ill, rising only once to drink a glad
I V wa ter and to pace the room two o
I t breo timea about in deep ,hougb
r Then. he had returned to his work
I . penning a dispatch with his ow
I hand and reducing it to cipher of fig
ores by aLd of the small I..Lh.r
I bound book open at his elbow.
�, A grave, gray -bearded, scanty
halred man, he possessed keen dar
� eyes which had no, lost their bril
L_ liancy although he was nearly seventy
Something of a mi8authropo in privat
life; a retiring man who bated popu
- larity, who never spoke in public on
� � less absolutely compelled from politi
� Cal mutives, he was nevertheless no
�L knowledged from and to end of Eu
�� rope as the greatest lking ciplomatis
'I and the most Successful Foreign Alin
� � , ister England had ever possessed. T
- , preserve the old tradition of his an
. 1. cleat and nobie family, and serve hi
I sovoro�gri, were his only aims, and t
. � �1- � that end it wita no unusual thing fo
,� , him to work through the silent hour
i while London slept, and, then drive I
�, L a bansoin to his great dismal old bouts
! � In Grosvenor Square, where he live
,.� a lonely and essentially simple life
I L� Twenty years ago his wife had (tied
I and beyond the servants, his nopheNv
� Who acLed as 'his privato secretary
I . I was (he only oLher resident in tha
I I severely furnished barrack. A pro
, digious, worker, he would frequoull
�, be busy for twenty hours out of th
�,, �Wenty-four, examinin nd ter
, i.t a.m.ma
� lug the dispatches wh a to bin
1, daily from her Majesty a Ambassador
,� , abroad, settled in those well-wor
71 e co, making noted
, deciding the mast difficult voints 0
1, an intricate (liplomacty, and giving ad
" vice to one and- all of ti,�r representa
� . lives, at the various courts of Europe
, Five thousand pounds per year wa
certainly an inadequate remuneration
. for We onerous office. No man In al. England had such grave responsibility
for often upon those words he wrot
v I depended the integrity and prosperity
11 . I Of the great empire.
I As Big Ban boomea forth, he
, glanced at his watch, Then, having
�, written another lino, he appendedhi
, well-known sprawly signature, col
�� looted the written sheets of blue did
pateb-paper with its wide marginand
�� , its word, "Confidential." printed in
:�, the corner, and having taken from a
�1 drnwer an envelope upon which was
I a large, broad crass in scarlet, he
(" I seated it with the old-fashioned cut
�- amethyst attached to his wach-chain
�, and bearing his arms.
� ,
, I Then he sighea rierivIly, rested his
�'. wearied brow Upon his .hands, and af-
.e,� torward rose, drew tip the blind find
I stood at the window, gazing gravely
�:1 out upon the silent quadrangle of the
% :, . Foreign Office wihe,ro the pigeonswere
�,� strutting in the gray morning.
�1� 1. It must be doue-must" he mur-
1 �
_$, Inured. "It is a sacrifice -a great
i .,
I , ', secrifica-but it is imperative. At this
. , " mumont we are wiLhin twenty-four
", I .." hours,of war, and the honor of Eng-
, L '��'
, . -,: " land Is In my thanda." .
� ,, ,;��
� �, , ,,�., . He took from .his 'pocket a tele
.. � I .", , ,�rain
�,��,�, which be had reo-ived over the pr vate
:,�`Z'�� wire on the previous night, sad reread
. - .
J 11� It The words in Cipher for his eyes
11 alone wore from his Sovereign Lady
rl, the 'Queen.
.. I
� , TbTiOO he paced the room from end
� ,' � . ' to end, his chin upon his breast, his
I ; �:L thin. nervous fingers twitching In ag-
IN, I itation, murmuring: .
, � 1�1�1 "I wonder how it will all end I Ah I
� I 1�", �
I �, . I wonder ft'
� �
I 11q
, , � , And he ba,ltod. drawing a long
�� . ,,,�,
, I breath. There was upon his ashen
, � ,�,
`.�,L - face a look of! profound alarm.
,� , r�l A sbarp tap upon the door caused
-, : .211, him to start. a.nd there ariterod a tall,
i, ,!': � smart400ki" man of about forty,
, " I ,,� vroarLng a heavy travelling-talster,
. 1 "
" ��L �, wheat- gait Showed him to be an offl-
: �, ,,-�,' oer and who" easy bearing made It
, !� � " .
' 1".. I ' . plain that ble was on intimate terms
`� -L .
.&, I, � With the Pr6miatir of England, His
; � ,1, r � i �'. , friendly feeling toward the personnel
� r , ." at the Foreign 0 ties wtas one of the
I 1'� �, � Secrets of the Marquis of Macoles.
� , "' field's success. He was a man of few
�'r " : 1, - words. even to the Permanent Under-
, ,
rl�� Secretaries, but he was accessible to
, , ,
. all, of whatever grade.
�:, V
;;.� .A I The moo who had entered was a
I v ,� well -set-up, fair-mustartbod, good-
, :,, looking fellow, who had come In re,
" I I-
11 I ,., I sponso, to an order of his ciallif which
I � 1�1 . . had reached him late at night. He
�, �
- 11 1., Trovs Capt. Lionel Macdonald. one of
� �, "tboo Greyholands of Europe." or to be
�, I r ' " more . explicit, one of her Majesty's
, 'L Foreign Service Memangera, a man to
I r , I % j whom a journey from London to St.
. r Petarsburit was about as fatiguing an
I I i�, � . a journey around the Inner Circle of
� I , � the- Motropolitsm District Railway. fie
' , I 81116at bin life on railways. and had the
- ., . 1: I � times Of departure and arrival on The
, � : Europmu trunk -lines committed to
� �
I � Memory so that he had no use for a
. �, Con(linental Bradshaw.
1� I I � I I "Alki Miaodonald." his lordship ,Nx-
: 01*4kned as tlm man entered, "I'm glad
I I I A It's your turn to carry dispatches. I
�� I I I � � What You to go to Rome 'without de.
�, "!, r ;, � lorg Wh6n shall you arrive 111
" I ! I i, I leeve, Charing Cross in half at
I I I bout's tialit." haid the Queen's met.
I . f I ;, : . I I � senger, glavoing at Wa watoll. "I shall
� I , b6i in Rome at literati o'clock in t 13
1. il� mot of the day after to-motroivN,
9,G 11V grunted the Minister for
�� 11 .it
V&r,646 AGairs, b-%ndlng him the Real, -
I ; "I 1. I 4A Aimpatch, "Givis this iato Sir
, I Chaflefl Dormant hands at the earliest
I � , . ,. AwIft MoTabut-arnil," he lidded, "re,
i � ,L,5U`, liluclos I admit are extremely im-
� . I
I I . , Zi tIA)v It its contents were known.
I � I . our diplortialcy would be thwaftC4
�, - . � �-ybil dA4rAt*ad.11
,r . I I ,*%XAdtIY," Teplidd the captAin, taIr.
. .** th6 dobunlibut. "I trust however,
. I 00 tuyipievibun fter*ices have "qhowDu
1, , , aW,trillistw6ittliflaiess."
I.- ��t;) ,,,, L' '11if 0 , 04iffto,of,collitais," the chief Raid,
. I I I 1*41r. 011b You) Captain Macdonald,
I WIN' 4066 A#A & faithfal 46TVant,
� 0OTtW At thiii oribris," this Mitlistilir
, � � 44"d. #11kiblit Art carrying tinckward
ill#& fqif*4rd a6roset Eartiliss secrets
%%%% . 'R`b4bL Lblifilit land ba in *,AT. or ea-
,. Aril VA troM AVW,possible allian
witlit owrootati ipies about y",
� on,
I *A YOU IlAft,6016*&Y hand, It, behooves
11 �', I -1'"__tos�""Ypi�t,00 alwo(A oven...
I Wk, 16 1014
I I � I
I I I rr
, - � ., - I ---
A tbh4 shot I directed of, his com-
j died
paniou; aloor we tb* flogbi had
. -_ � . I i I I , I I . � 14, i . , . ;jl . I I - v I � I , .. .. - . . � . . Pi e r r
� .
14 LZ
� Wbo Art ot rqidt�na is'p,wet Oiffic
Pen pictial 0
�jr . A . I I .. - r . . I .
. .
Wbat was 445;t yc*ZQrcI*Y is Owl
. j .. , . #4,KW s#qccid to,day.
minister's coup.
way I liat! dasbed tbrough tbo 'door,
xUA up, a Abiart flight of broken steps'
Into the light of day.
r j
, � � I I a moot people ffigypolde it tq *)a I 4, far
' � tha 4, ,
� I tUrdi Ott* *p Many wliip qct #" ;Xpo,
, � .
� the
- . , I r
. .� . " ,"� , i .
. � �
wir Uacdonald eat in tim difnall, but-
I P*rlsi�
I onerlircid Amid the ruins or
great Q'Id castle, but, running to thei
jrAmport, I stpraag over It, and found
irflawilt. I
� .. _4
of the"War. -1 � 'Upon the principlo,illat life isisitaii �
11 up Of little things, adopt the bello t
, ''
:,, Ij A 11. . � � , �. r �
." I j
U _`D1 � L rr
L E'";.' L
f0L at the Gass de Lyod ...
whero be ww Well known, calmly cort.
myselt qutsi.4# the village, with the
path bv which I had iocanded, dcop
— .1 I ,
, _N TEA that little tire ,
�F.VLQR �QRI�F 11 gilaouses should not 1h%
L ' le -day. -
� el reduct of -
"J,Q 'P"T I L
F 140toWl. 15. 30, 4s. 4# Paso On
1 lug, hiz dinner. He diaed there, per -
haw, on an I t week
! througibout, the and Jean, tho
nobelur, are.
d 91VW y I rd"bod for life. Behind me
JW04trevoria Aclktr -If
.jpp�kj 4, 13914 IiIiI I Lit 4140wed t
An amusing incident occurred in Atr a AmItiply, .
, There site sy4 toms that indicate.
tile Dr itish . , �
".%? �, �
_F P 'N � . . , ,It
. . � I ======r=mmm
- I I - -1 11 - - ...... __ _ 'A
. _'-p -1- I I
.... . , . 0. .
� 0 . 7
� I .-ir I—' . 11- ' Z.11", I— � -P 1-.,.,-
, " �
�� � I . . P "IFURALflitit. LoClATICA, MUSCYLAIt-
I I bead-w(titer, alway� advised him as to
he bad
counded wild &bouts and velacimout
urses; and as I ran rifles ortrokod be-
curinentiOu with occapir-
went. Ile quoted tbe following i]44- the need ut re;st. T4clite is the "Over-
Lion of Arundol. The Beer a4jut@At dent the victim 00 willcia bad -related flielitig in the iread. when
bra droboa. That night catca
t- cite"diltigly well, arid now id" over
hind ale, And several bullets whistled
r abaute my ears.
ifin0easantly The
_ aml�_
at Arundel, had gone out for aeouple it t� him: " At'the time'aZ this J Car kbQughts Kelitiop to flow; thecm in
of days' hunting, returrilashigla- Raid, a Dutchman named garals, .
I IMplAoslibilTORIV, C. LA)"Pokqoo
. I r . nKtUA4ATlc PAAA4yo
. ,No a
coffee. a green chartro= and agood
- 0
igai, awaiting the departure of the
hasty footl3teps Of my pursuors grad-
ually gained upon me, and I knew that
and, Sun , the, -
ly elated, with a flap buck slung across living at Krugerpilorp, wished to YIN, lueavi,40ss of the hande, the Iich
tile saddle, rude straight into the it Johannesburg, and btained fipor� Lag of wrists; the pi�ou4lax stiffness
I .. .1. 11
_ �. 1.1-
iniii , . � a
. % * - , ; r L I-Rounced
ItUme exprwa. He had wired from
f Charing Cr" securing his berth in
Ito it a
It would be 0sclems to make any stand
against the'. Therefore, beed!e5s of
L�wu only to find Our txotops.1there mat from his Fie,ld Cornet to do NO- Lu thq back of the uw.pk; tb,e rignscips-
and himself a prisoner. r When returning to his home he was,
tile burcILOG, do-
. r 11 �'. - , . , i , " i � . 0 .Pr,- ,
,11 - "". - .1 _ 'Itimn . Cured
3i Pifft"t fto ,�-zg.
- tile wagon-lit, and itb mada
rule never to join a train Until i wab
where I went, and urged to take ter-
leaps by begotten of
, sexy hopvlossuc4s. Of
accosted by Boer scouta, to who be
They were'Tow- pTodwon, the dIst.134.0 io' society. IN -_
,. "
I �-
.. �� M. ... - 1. ,- I 0"-----Wmm�
I on the point Of departure hr) too mot-
tora very easily, chatti'lig and joking
rible cour
a strong desire for . 0 1 sped on ;
a itle,
PAT'S REGRE handed hLs P39APort,
T 7er, suspictoufl, and after blindfold- has UOL buif"t�cl trout 000 or, another
I . ,
-- r " . - ---
with the ma.nagor of the buffet.
down, wn the mountain -side, until
I reached the broken bridge and the
An a.barint-minded beggar," while Ing him they led him �,aok to the of those fQW140, Of kat"CIPS 0
camp, where the Commandant he ard '
I � I 1 1
At la.5L the clock otruck at no t he
0 bustle said excitement On the Pla! �form
highrailid, wbore I found that, having
waiting to enatbaTk a few days ago Was %CQ rez5t. lifum metatia. Lutivat; we must
interviewed by an onlooker. �� hen his story, and was satisfied of his
L But though they admit; 1"Ixerli,M.1.111, l,vdj 14 ou,me Lea-LbLUA UO
5 vvitere the ILUball mail wit, baiiiag put
t In increa-sed. and a LiLket-C.iIOCWF be-
successfully leaped several Placed
where MY pureuers feared to
bouS.-fidea. _
asked Wan he not sad at the thought -is one of themselves, tllo� up. omo will do.rLvb most beno
ted be w
" Oil him foir I bicycle from
Awar, P.7 S
Y gun ending pag�oelugers for Laroche,
Aucon, Dijon, Aix-1,itb-Daimb and Mo-
follow, I had Once more gained con-
siderably upon them. Those wild
of letaving home, he replied: Begarra. again blindfolded him, an(t (It from a spin, otheru a
, X,13N L
I am and I amn't. it's the thought two failed from the a, he wh6n he -gs,ua- at i,oruo mechanical d4f,cu.ty
- daut, to wke their places, whereupon
the Queest's messenger void his bill
leaps saved me,
Again my Pursuers fired at me, but
of thom, I love behind that makes me was r1rouitted to mounkihigiborse and In a pianolOXtO pieCe, GZ L,a hour's '
loth to mail." He looked tort young quit. �,,� �� I manual labor Lu tile gardea, a fvtitt of
0 ,
to his interlocutor —;., pedebtivirtaLdlai, a cantor Poroall Coun-
turdily aaid ritrolled in
I- a Leisurely
bulloto went wide.
possess a wife, so .
� IdMAN. L t tbu ourrouti or a
" Who, Is it try. a to" agul,44
a wuliller to the �leeping-car,
9 The CM(IIUCLOr touched his hat re-
he -'I
The Ave Maria was ringing when,
having1joIned my anxious driver, who
said: am you leaving?
Y?Ur PlaXents, or your brothe�ra, and Queen Victoria is a very old lady, glime ot to"Ld or go,u
dieters ?" " Loomarity, no I divil the te- Though pluYsical toil is a remedy for
. "
A efficient substitute for
,spectfully ad battered, itud buid,
- have given in'cleui the center cialon,
was waiting for me at. the hamlet, I
drove into Porito e. Serruglio; and it
not neglect those gentle
lotion have I In this world, bar-rin' an but she does a tired head, mental work is not kitine-
. most
, ad uauaf."
was past midnight when our wheel
Gold uncle. I.t's only a couple of fat courtesies that have caused her all I Licial to a tired Lody. Lit some casea,
coj�ljvgroil'oreasant tothe
8 "Number Six?"
ye�, ul'oeur."
rattled over the uneven pebbles of
goose that were fattening up fior my her life to be loved by those who know ol overexertion, When this, limbs are
Christmas dinner. Troth, and it's sor- itching, the inteliect is abnormally so-
=4 agreeing w ith the most 3ensi-
e .
13 Ttio cwi.ductor. lionnaud, had been
known to him for yearA. He had
gray old,'Lucoa,
Next, Imurning I told my story to
rowful I um whin I think of tbim I her. Old servants may grow very old t,ve ancL capable, of work superior to
An' nobody to eat thecto but the ould in their attendance upo her before that which it usually performs, bF.t
tivie 3toniach. Used by PhYsiciam
r Lia�vled hundreds of journeys with
Nord, Orient, (be
the Questares or chief of police, and
Ilion went my way, full of vivid recol-
uncle.,, ahe thinks them suffinixly aged to Lf we take advantage of its excitabil-
ity we shall have to pay, for it.
of all throat and
t. him and the tbe and
Nice expi -eisses, arid LhIb official 04 the
n LoLerntitional Sleeping Cal- Couipany
lectionet of my exciting adverituire.
Since then, during the past year, the
be set abide for younger attendants.
THE BIG BOER GUNS. Eighty-two ia a gpod, ripe age for a The spirit with which rest is takan
Luftuences ith value. "I've got to lie
in the treatment
I '
—am -L ubls, and — if results
- knew all hu kjkw; arid disliko8. The
daring robberies sad outrages commit-
It bad been suggested in some, quar- housekeeper. but Miss Thornton who
, down, but I ,hate resting." its a speech
- rar, that night vva,, preLtyl full, for
le thct Wolf have
ters that the Boors may have to sur- has been the queetils, housekeeper for too ofte made.
- , count for anytiling—almost no
a party of AmeriCaLLS was going
- th,ough to . 1.0 he had placed
Rome. I�
paragraph wbL-,
been Lrintimerable. A b
1, Ilowev "' road dome six weeks ago
render through "quot of airmwaition, over forty years, would not have felt A wdlilagnefis to rest is sure, to ease
but this to tiredness, whether of body or of mind,
1� *4:7. = do.
limit to the It c
k his bag i ii his her th, ho,wover, the horn
In the Triburra caused me considerable
is not probable, as tho5y are called upon for so small a cause
a determined putting aside of insider-
- Wab bloWil, and the train moved off
satisfaction. The cutting, now before
reported to have started the wa,r with red:x,gp her position. Unfortunately sh a
choly and of effort.
=... .-.,-
. on ite long journey to the south of
o Europe.
mo as I 'write, translated, states that
a mtrong force of Carbineers secretly
over 250,000,000 rounds in store, most grew deaf -too deaf to bear the orders Unless we admire enervation Of char-
Of which bad been brought up i 3y the that were given, "I could .not day. 'I acte.r, with its fretfulness, suspicious-
. . -
- a Siniple battle entailed tb any fiddress on rOCCIPI, of 90
- For. an hour, as wtid, his, babit, the
ascended to the village of Monte Lupo
by night, and succeeded in burprising
Cape Railway Goverriniont. What is ��k ypur pardon to her majesty and ness, jealousy, ennui and lack of sylp
cents to cover postage.
. �
- 0aptaln Ant in the corridor ofi the. car,
. utoking, sipping the whisky and boda
- which lionnarld brought him, Chatting
the outlaws. A fierce encounter an -
sued. during which the guards suc-
far imore probable Is that the ir will pathy, we must admit that to t
no ckisk for an order to be repeated," she
a n be hiandirapped by the w ant of herself said, in speaking of her reason . sufficient rest is one of the area t - fi
ilit confodwashon
Aagier -CherWcal Coe Toronto
- with 0,Le or two Of IILI� feilOW-Lravel-
cooded in mhooting the ringleader
big guns, dome Of whi,oh must Cocos- obligations, and that it is no mean
of seti on by for resigning. knowledge to -understand the art of
Lif, Buildisto.
t vrs, aM. making himself just as, much
Conti and four of his companions.
cessive firing. Up till now how- How much real care the queen had tLng.
. at CaStj ad though he were ItL his Own
Some twenty prisoners were taken, all
ever, the Boors have hit us hardt;r with for this old servant was
Our grestoat glary is not In never
- -
-Nevv impitirt.tion,oda-
Sausage Casinga- English gh-pact &MI
0 chambers in St. James'h Street. Ili-
deed, bpou,ding neui ly half his, life tit
of whom were recognized as de6per-
ate thieves, including the Syndio , w 0
thoughtfulness at the time of the last
their infuntry fire than witli their Men jud4pm us by the success of our
This is by fact jubilee. In the midst of all the con-
8 those card, he was ah8olutely at home
was alleged to have profited con,id-
a rtillory. proved t he rts. GQd looks at the eff
that the majority od our wounded fusion and excitement sho did not for- Otto Orts
falling, but in rising every time we
almn Hos 0
PVr-rcIA1.Cbl1K� nod. at ritht pri.s.
. at, LL & O,, Toronto.
0 In them.
ably by the depredatiOnm of the villag-
Cases have not been serious onst I. Many get to order that tickets should be I
__ - -
8 Ile was the last to turn ID, and when
the train ran onto Amberiou at it
orA, and to have givein tbemi Ills coun-
tanance and protection, The Minister
who were wounded at Belmonit and furnished to Miss Thornton. admit- -
Grapsan have returned to duty or tire ting herself and a friend to a private
socile, Rosaries, Cru-
Cathollo Prayer off xCis, sompults".
Pioturos, Statuary, and Church Ornanterita.
to quarter post fire iiCiL morning, III
though it was still (lark, deseended and
of the Interior had, on hearing of this,
isAiled an order that the village should
about to do so shortly ... room in the palace, a room where
there was a window In full view of -
coed by mothers, for thair children teething. Itsootheit
uakdomil Works. Hall orden rocelve prompt atten.
gloa� D. A J. EADLIER & GO., Montreal.
. u b, im ied, two long g I a.ses o,
�� ute-ati-Lait, ono for the captaill
he destroyed by explosives, and this
had been done after the housebolli of-
the jubilee pageant. A PROMINENT AMERICAN DIVINE
A CAPTAIN'S BLUNDER. Here the two old ladies could sit and
the child. softents the gun,01 altsys gain. oums -toil
colia, and is Lh. beat remedy or 41- in& 24o. - bot-
[a. = all.druntsta throughout the wo
,MMWIJo.,%600du.gGy.rld* 13,
_ .._.____
0 5RAVEN ISILAND" Marokintrelft
( hardens Water,
, for himseLf.
'k 11 (I Ile took
lacts of the whole place had been
Wxiting with reference to the -,if watch without fatigue the departure ON, AN IMPOWANT SUBJECT.
.lure . .
news, &is guaranteed
0 grunt, Ask It r Imako no other. Bob -
, 1>110 to the door of Barth: Number
I Six a n (I knocked, He heard a re-
hooped up and burned.
"The Cartrneeirs discovered a largo
Wr at Nicholson's Nek, of the queen and her gorgeous, escort, - ,
corregpon- and her triumphal return after her Toronto, Dec. Wth.-The following
The giraffe, tl�o armadillo and the
porcupine axe voiceless.
1116115W lw loutfil" Cloth'" Go" Mon'tre"
L . ly our"
-ponso inmide, and announrect, "Cafe,
quantity of stolen property hidden in
an t a Y8:
a am told by"onel-of the progress through the city By the pa.ragraphs contain truths us vital as
3:. C).40
y ni'dicurl" Then, setting the glass on
c (bo floor before the door, ho wai coin-
the ancient foxtrobt the paragraph
continues; "tint what was strongest
8urrvivors that the gallant colonel bop- queeL"8 sPOciul order reireshments any cie,rgymart ever uttered, and they
ad to finish with u. bayonet cbui,rge sved to the housekeeper and bh,vuld receive the earnest a,ttentAon of
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
M throat, atorraolk
and bladder. ry & V a box. Write for particulare, The
Indian, Catarrit'Couiro Co.. 146 SL James-st., Montreal.
- polled to do_,ceaul again to the plot-
form to apo with the, controller of
of all was a chamber wherein was an
unition, but her friend, and they were treated as all who read them,
honored guests. Tb,oa,aad lal,and'Park, July 22, 1899.
truldidisto refund the money it It falls to Cure
W_ X W. Grove'" 149claturo is on sovels &;;:
, _mAk
a Lho train. The irtbtant, however, Boil-
had left. the the, door the
open grave. In this horrible place,
one of the ancient dungeons o Ithe
suddenly it captain of the Gloucester Others beside Miss Thornton IYave The Arnold Chemical Co.
Regiment, whose ntame had better be found, when they came in contact Dear Sdrs,-AL the beginning of this
Tomat have teen oulbivated for
to Wesley Bidgm., Rich.
n wind car, of
� 10111par"Inellt next Macclona 1,1's, opened
castle, was a co4fim containing the
hody of a victim apparently awaiting
withheld pending inquiry, being as- with the Queen Of England, that she art My constitution wind so much
vexely wounded, ordered the white flag was a woman possessed of that kindly run down that I had to get
only oneoh"undred yetirs.
inand St. W.. Toronto.
and Shoot Metal Works.
f 110L eiedrily, sad a mans blind osebell
- :01111d, arid dropped a tiny whitet tab.
loid into
burial in quicklime. At h rst I hr
guards were hGrrLfieA; but their h,,r
to be rnised. Thereupon it towel m'ns Lact and consideration for others that :eave oi ab,ence from my con
fastened to a stick and displayed, The . -
made them see in her the woman as eg.a:ion for four months. � I Left
do Payne, of Granby. Que.
Pharaoh I 00.11 Otgar Marrufackureir.
R 0 0 F I N G ROOFING SLATE in Mitch,
ftedorGreen. SLATE BLACKBOARDS(We w%ply
- the Steflining Coffee,
. A recond later the door closed, and
ror was turned to laughter when I hoN
found that
Boers instantly stopped firing, aLnd well as the queen. . te] York on the lOth irbsit., and while
Pubi to *uu High Sdhot,l;lTorouto). Roofing Felt, P tab,
ro.3 %IT. eta. BOOFf 0 TILE �.o Now City Build,
done by it=). letal Callings. Cott,
lo I
8 the, only riourid was the captain stir-
the supposed body wtib ir
reality Only a wax-facrod dummv. ,ir
stood up. The officers of the Glouoe s- The late Mrs, Keeley usedig
a tell in I saw Dr. Arnold's Eng-
tetra, thinking that perhaps the flag with of the time wnbn she lish Pills in the, News and
The l4eindirecit is often as bad. and
always meaner and more cowardly
Ing., nto, our
licet.eto. Estimattsfurnisbod for work compickeort
to bbecouutr7. Phonen
ring. Next moment he unbolted hi�
door arid took in the glass.
that the whole scene was eunninwi%
pleasure adverdsed
had been raised by th0i Order of Col- had the honor of being received by bough L a box of I hern. When I com-
th- the lie direct.-Rallou.
I F,art of
rol"JIIIII& ONS.A a Aldo &Widmer 111ts.,Teronto
I The 6cmla in the adjoining coin pa r I_
a Mont. AV Its meall"b"o, a 'Ou"'whal
arranged to terrify the victims frorn
whom the thieves endeavored to ex-
onol Citirlefou wore un.(x,.-'.i.'n,,innd', her majesty. On =biog resented she menced taking them my condition was
while dome companies stopped, ring excused herself fir g,jiflg, . low such I hat I could not sleap and my up-
LaTosoana, 10o. 11113AANrill CIOAR
Dyeing I Cleaning I
(urious one. Tile little chamber, likL
tort money."
The explanation of the open gra ve
others continued. The next moment courtesy by sayi g: pe iLe w,ti very p) -or, but be�ore I bad
both forces wore inextricably mingled "Your maje,stya I have rheumatisuct ,ini;hod the box I cioulid. sleep Well and
For the very best .004 your*ork to) ths,
Alaodomaki'm, con,tained two bort-lis
and wa,, ,separated from his by, a ciu8'
wa 'A humorous emoagh ; but there is Fit
and the surrender was complete.,, im my knees and I cannuti courtesy.,, aDjOy a good moul, unit n,jw I ,eel Li ke
"Mrs. "I
People seldom improve when they
I III it W to. . o,.s.d direcil.
Loo or D Y. .
ed door, co arranged that the two com-
t his moment when I write a terrible
Keeley," replied the queen, 0, rvarvv� man. in the,first place I teal
have no model but themselves to copy
Montreal, orprito, Ottawa, Quebec.
S partmonts could be thrown into out,
picture posted on the notice -board of
I he Communal Palaco of Lucca; it is a
THE SAD STORY OF A BCjIJQUET. can't, either." I indeb.ed to the Toronto Nelws for put-
"In Mrs. Keeley was at once pull tit her ling in,, on the riy,bt track. and in the
after -Goldsmith.
III will. occupants were a t all
- dark�beardod, gentlemanly man and
gruesome picture of the notorious
A lady at Durban writes:
, see- ease by the homeliness of the remark, second place I thihk Dr. Arnold's Eng-
Lng the trocips off down h(%ro we do and the touch of nature made the two Lish pills thki best medicine I
STATB OP OHIO, CITV t.ir ToLutio, ) ea.
Asbestos Goods,
It good,looking womaii. attired q �letly
in a durk-green traveling-dresis Witt,
5rigailid Conti and bis four companions
IV bose bodies Weirs, after death, stuck
all we can to give them a happy send- women Irin. Look. '
FRANZ J. C13ENEY maken anth ohat he I.
a nior partner of the firm of V. 1. CntvNcy &
9 I .m.rmt ts.
"111,101 LILI.P.181-10.11nor
ft little isatobel, at her waLst in that
malimer effects(] by Frenchwoman
up agaLnst a wall and photographed,
by order of the Italian Government, so
- f
off -throw them flowers, cdgaretto,si. - Enclosed pleise find trwo dollars or
fTlaits flad Cakes. The other week a vviMch 'you will please send me three
A DIABEIES HFIEN boxes of your p1jIs to the tad be-
('a., doing bustoo-ti In the Cltv of To rdo.
County and State aforemaid, and tha maid,fl-i
-if, pay the um of ONE 11UNIMV,i) DOL
a ease., 0,0.
wbon traveling. In the corridor on ,
I hat the public should know that the
gLrl gave one of the Scottish men a . how,
LA M3 for ottch and every CK96 Of CAT A ItIcr
� 40 1 - 1, tnited,
', ,,mr I:n , TORONTO.
the previotia night Macdonald had
�Pokorl with them, and found that
-coundrels wore really dead, and like -
wise to warn all other outlaws of the
dainty bouquet of flowers. Finding she
, " - Yours moat respectfully,
liv d cl so to the station, he said: "I I
thtit cannot � a onred by the U80 Of Ill . . . . . . h
� I .
they were Pari,sia,ris, husband and
ate awaiting them. As for my affab:e
shall keep this all through the war Ylichilel Hallerm. of St- %hornac. Rev. j. C. Glass, D,D.
Sworn to before me anu �nhscribs(i lit in%
Sheapost and "a ooverinto in the World.
wile, and a very ploa.-ant pair.
li� was plain, however, that, neither
friend the Syndic, he is at present On
the island of Elba, serving tit sentence
and if I am w,,u,d,d and can d`0 It,
Cured by Dodd's Kidney 417houstand Island Park. .
I will wave thCcAo flowers .
presence, this Gth day of December. A.D. 18811,
I ......... A. W. 0 LE,,i So N
Itillill AND
bad ,-(opt. They conversed only in
of ten years' imprisonment.
as we pass
heire'-for the wounded a.re brought pills. Dr. Arnold'll English Toxin Pills the
: NEA1. : A,otary Public
: :
Uses= and Hat and Ciotti Water Pipes, Cold Storage
low whispers, and the man, whom, she
I revisited' Mante. Lupo, with some
down hare, to the Sportan, the hospit- - only remedy that cures dideaste by 611-
. ...... ..
Hall'is Cala,rrh Cure Is I silken internally, and
Pipe& Kitche. Bailrra, -W
war Particulars apply t 0
addre,%ad us Grazat, stood witht his
eye to a amall gimlet -hole in the
English friends a few dnys ago. The
dynamite of the corps of Engineers has
at ship. Well, she watcho-d every Red ing the germs that Cause it, are sold
4 With no belex and Rocknelse,
Crass train which came d;own, and one Italf,pre- by all druggists at 75c. box; Sample
notp dirv�tly on the blood and mucous Pat face�
olftbowyatem. Fend for teatimmials. fro@,
done its work well, for there is Scarce-
day, aftex the batti,o of Elandslaagte, fer Over ft Year - Watt Advi,rill to U.o size, 25r,, cor sent post-paid on receipt
Kidney r1lis-"Itared Wynn'
F. J. CH EX bY & CO., Toiedo, 0.
Sold by Dritailrb4ta. 75o.
Toronto. Montre&4 and London. Roe.
he whispered at Last in
Frealch. "He'd (trunk the lot, and be
ly one stone standing upon onotbeir.
when the trnin came down, she saw Dodd%
of price, by the Arnold Chemical Co.,
a hun6h Of ve,ry withered flowers US, Grave." Limited, Canada Life Building, 42 King
nall'a Family I'llis are the best.
has,n't relocked the door. The thing
- -
foobly wuved from one of the carriage St. Thooms, Feb. 19.-Nawbore in 6tTeet west, Toronto.
Evil is wrought by want of thought.
L; quite easy now .11 Then, lifting thl�
blln�d, lie looked out. "How
I ale afld ta.9 �') B i d
'indows. He bad been badly wounded ( )atarlo are Dodd's Kidney Pills more 0
in his first engagement." than in the reighbor-
as well as by want of heart. -Hood.
That Boantiful Stnck and Grain Pam, commonly
k...n .. the " Ole. F,.,.;" it I. ... halt .11. ,,.m
flark it is. We ought to wait, I sup-
; righly valued ,There is no m
__ ; wod of Ri. Thorns,. They are ,amous sence of the highest moral and Intel-
Innerkip otation on th, C.P.R, nd r , nffl�. front
Woo to -k - 300 cMd -e. - .pt -d d I .,d �.od I -It.
.hou 15 uc�I.r; firtt�l= build,nis. ror furLbur
po,e, for the light."
HER MAN WAS A CORPSER. �or haviing'�irsl. given sufferers from lecLual qualities than a cold reception
."! �
""'i I-q'u'"
The "I Balmoral," Free Bus Ant-il"fift-
$1,50 A nv�
0 But delay mray umet everyt,h)ng,'
L,erved hits companion.
There axe degrees ,if (military pride I 3right,'s Disease and Diabetes a. road excel lence.-Dai ley.
I safety, for previous to the discov-
E. W. 111988ITT,
"I've give'r, him sufficient," the mail
arid patriotism . 0
' Among the cheering f wry of Dod,d's Kidney Pills these dis-
Hotel Car9lakell from-r!"lat"Ll-u a-a's
to. 534, Oct
_.- ___
,raid, giimiy. "He won't" trouble us.
Antipodean crowd giving the Austra- � m..*s wore invariably fatal.
G.T.R. stattion, Montreal. -am. can ... &.:r
-_ . ..
AVENUE HOUSE—Moo'll-cousse Avenue.
HOW rates 01.50
On lY 1 Nvish it would got light Anna.'
given blial, an
fbeY are subileet to Illeaftelien. 1111nyl
Trouble,and an findlitIattiplon to Exer-
liqi,n contingent a send off there was Michael Uallorn, a farmer living -
I ML"* St. Thomas, is one of these w1ro SiCkness BaHished-,HeitItb Relatoled
overdose," the woman said, appreho-Ii.
Avely. "It
04011111-ritre"Is Should ,
, I
, �C�! ,
a stout matron, wedged next to a mild
, edly appreciate the ,virturth of Dodd' G tlemen,-Dr. Wardl� Blood and
little man. As the soldiers passed she d
— .., 11
speefirl stmir, guaranteeing large dividendn: also an ln�
et&tmmt stock In moothl iii.t.mort" 4r..l
- -
8T__.,1XM_E8' HOTEL—MI"b' lie O' Ti, R�;.%!','.-
anything happened, there
might be some very awkward in-
Such Catlett.
Miss Ainict, Gau Ill ,,, �, ughter of
" p,
suddenly cried: " There's my man I" I Lidney Pills. He has good roason No n my sister so
and nudged her neighbour violently 1, lib rwiaq cured of Diabetes by thoir use. much good that in grateful apprecia-
Railway. PIKEt-ol"Goomm IslHouse. Moderubw
oult dividend, halt yearly. Parries wantictil sate &.01
profitable Investment should correspond with
"Bahl" the
MT. Adelard G , ?jL . PrLetor od a
in the ribs. "Indeed, ma'am," cried the [eittimita that but for Dodd's Kidney tion I told Mr. Tully, the druRgist, I
T 1>9 in his t0
provineenta-Ratisse xioderatoo-
The Sun Savings and Loan Co., Toronto.
Money I favorable
ulan laughed, as tbp
train, increasi ng its ad
.well known h Rivers,
Qual., enjoys a wide popi4atrity among
Uti he would grave -day. would gladly give u, testimonial un-
gasping old man, " I'm sorry to It
- Don't you worry," she Interrupted; Diriluote-3 is a local disease of the kid- solicited as to their mer! ts' My
Unodllotl for excuses are practical
aned on terms; agents wanted In
untroDr,itiso= diSLIPIC10; write"
M101gan Land for Sale.
the whoeti grindingl`foud�r beneath
them uratil convor.ation in whisper�
ner "ung friends, and tboy have re-
cantly had occasion to rajoice tit her
"E's orrite. 'E's a corpser. Harmy 11, sys. Dorld'a Kidney Pills are'thiare- siRter, LEI years of age, caught a vio.
Med Cal Corpse. '13 don't fight. 'E', f( ere' the Only medicine O -f the slight- lent cold -since thou she has been in
W. P. C. 1012.
became almost impossible. "I'm no,
a bungler, Leave, it to me, if you're
restoration to health after a serious
illness. When a reporter Called to
got more sense, you bet 11, es :b ,ast-5 in tho treatment of this dis- very poor health, lost all colour w&6
en kie. The kidneys are the only or- anemic, her blood had no vitality, and
-1 lloe� Ovemaw and Craw ord Countica. Tialep.r.
afraid to help."
,tsc0tain t1be facts of the case Miss
"THE SOULDIERS POCKET BIBLE." ga ins affected. and Dodd's JoUtiney Pills she had no physical strength, abe be-
fect. On Vich)Ctm CehtrM. DaIr"I" & 31.0kinso and
14oh Lako liailma,t�. at Pricas ctrigins from 62 to 05
the wouran schood, with
a our[ of the lip. "Mras I afraid w hem
Gta u talier w" ou it Of t he� W ty on a vi a-
it but her ffithor very Consent-
ar o the Only medicine that can reach came extremely nervous, so much so
in connection with, the 40,000 copies tb b Iddrietys wdth any beneficial effect. that sha could not stand any exertion
Carbollo bleliriftertante, 8 00%,401nt
svoent� Toolth Powders. otr-o hAT hc�v
per am. Th"o Land. arc Close to Buterprisius Now
Moh"fs. et�. and will be sold on eel
To:.,: 011l."t_._1= Apply to
We Put that Gorman hog out of the
way at Porpignam? Did I not assist
-4 'to give tire story uf,her,ouro. He
mild:-" I belleve ttl:oLt had t not'Lloort
of the Psulter and Gospels which the 2jere are moreover a number oi. or excitement, and It was Impossible
British and Foreign Bible Society has ot Iliter diseaBo-q which are caused by for her to got restful sleepi, Abe lost
awarded 100 medals and diplomm for mupe-tor
excellence. Th,irreirrilarnportrerentinfecti.
DUB di"ases. AAk Your dea;er to obtain a
R. Ad. P1.9 M A,fent, Wait Bay cityk Mob.
ori WNTYR is. Whitunniors, Mich.
Yale wbon we traveled from, Parin to
Salzburg, and next day the newspap-
for Dr. Willitains' Pink Pills my dalugh-
teTAlma naight now have been in her
distributed to the troops in Soutb Af- d i w:trder of the kidneys and Dodd'B her appetite, her heart v became very
rice, there is an Interesting article by Ki Andy pills )yy curing the kIdAeY'dis-_ weak. palpitating so iolently that
supply. Linti; mailed free no oppileation.
ors were full of a 'mystery'? MYS-
tories I don't like. We want no 'mys-
grave and I would be ungrateful in-
dned it I did not at ,all times say it
the Rev. H. F. Moule, in this month's or der remover�� that cause of these she could hardly breat,be at the sligh-
Reporter, on "The Souldier's Pocket ot lier troq,�)Ia,% ' th,,,C. test exertion. When she Commenced
-- -1 ,' _ .
Men or -nic." in .11 p-te of CA'. I.,
Wry' this, time. Recollect the narrow
o8caPo we've already bad. '
lai,nd Word in Xa,vor of the medicine
thirt restored her to health. My daugb-
Bible," produced in 1643, for Crom- Do dd's Kidney Pilig �arti thri .offl*t taking ,br, NVar(L's Blood and Nerve
well's Tronsides A facalmile is shown ra(lical and pe.,manent Cure for Pills two months go
. -
to handle our trmdo. i.ih-i __
mi.,I.n or iitilitry -a -.1u.1,c I,,.
. ritorytonalit parties Ooo siar,at.
"Enough," cried the man. (in-
ter's hies4th first begiam to give way
of the title-pag* Drf4psy, Heart Di,s-easc, *Rhe�tivaatism, Stata of complete andn
e, which begins as fol-
Her blood
I . '11maillp
I to and grc&t sell"M 11ft,
u .V� ft".
Patiently, his eye again at the tiny
holo� "Stop your Chatter. Ha's go-
sov rwl years ago. At first the trod-
iAoerlicl not appear to be serious; and
laws: . . Luinbogo, Sciatica, Bladderl and Urin- Prostration. was%ray.01t'y.
I than water.
The ary C mpi - I F iale Disordersand with no more stre
1 1 IMNAIIA1101,011tt
I __ - - L
Automatic Steam Cooker Co.
Lng to 'efeep"
,t" thought she wouild soon regmAn her
0 Since taking Dr, 'PaVd' 4lood and
SOULDIERS. uol IenitkyLnndltIo'n'..f fh� blood. . .
Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend-
295 College street,
, I I
11 I
The woman remained silent, sitting
oil the edge of the sleeping-borth. Her
hat %vnG off, her dark hair disheveled,
accusitomed heattli, As the timewent
on, bowevor, this proved not to be th a
Pocket Bible: A P for, Diabetes the statement
ing, her appetite has returned, she
Containing the most, If not all, those sig7ted by Mr. IMIAhael Hallern, of St. I e r,
9 111`1
N981 C
To end to oni
AM 111�Lqqu: I
. - ---
dominion LinellITEAMSHIPS
for Athe had reelined wide awake dur-
oase. grow weaker, was troubil ad
Wtith headaches, pooT appetite, dig I-
by Mr. F. r,
pLaces, contained in holy Scripture Th(imas, and witnessed lln� C,
her hea�t gained strent so I at
Ost.rnnder, that -t
6 P 8 L Aft
Ing the long night, end ,-be looked pale
and tired In the flickering in mp.
ne.98 A�od, a fee -ling of alapost constaz t
It,al-nVor. gho� Was treated by a
of 1),atton, WtIl prove
9 able to alfill lt&,fU]QOL ons. Prior
W,bLic,b doe show the quialifications O the claim.a mtrAe foeir Dodd's Kidney,
his inner mun, that is fit I ,o taking Dr. Wardle Pills she had
O squippAd to
Portland, &is., in Liverpool. via Halifax.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
light, .
doctor, bu ill improve-
a gouldier pilig ,ax, absolutely t,rue. The state- ,ak6n
. manv med!cInes without any
lZrOURIP. catilds
L Dominion, Cambraman.
For fully half an hour the man
Grozat! kept watchi at the hole u,n tj 1.
at there wtas no
ment. She seemed to be graduelly
fading aiway. If she walked UP
. .
to fight the Lords Rkittels, both before men t ran d,q I— , special benefit. W. Ward's Blood and I
the figAt, in the fight, und after the "I -have been troubled, for one ye X, Nerve Pills are certainly the only
Ci ht
. .. .
whaftly, Royce
a &p
It.tes of V...E*;- First cabin 10 Severed Z sesensd
'O'b'. I Stoorace,L22.56anAv 10,
intisfied that the Dritill),Ah],nan slept,
stairs she would have to stop several
with Dinboteg. My b.,L It ,-I In t9 tiredictne that 'hal� done any good. P
'Which Scriptures are reduced to sev- Worst kin III Gf ,,g
tilain till tb,6 - tizodo, My, fore taking them She, was gettin
W ant6d
140 Y61116 ft.
rorX�l0rinfo-sa . sprly tal"All agenta, ft
IJAYMPTORRA14C111111,400 rionorallit.r.r.,
opetned his doqr Carefully and look -
'town the corridor. Bonnand wa,
I 4o rest on the way. She lost
all hoT Color, and her face was as
eronil heads, and fitly aPPlyed to tbr urine was very (karkland litly, nAitkor
, G. weaker, her heart Istid nerreA losing
Soudliers severall occasions,
1X I
RoNts. tow.
_ � __
17.49. 15"ra 0,41.8t.
iL 'Ir -1.
- -
"gain, asleep. Then he crept to Mae-
donald's door, opealed it nouseletshly,
arid reselling across drew badlo the
Wbite'almest as chalk, Her trouble
was elearli Lhat Which afflicts so
m4ily, young women entering woman-
and so Was gettin1w vor-i serious. iliiind- strength daily. Since bhg had began
May Supply the want of the whole of mi ,
no tokil me tO try Dedul' Kidil taking them she bis.Aldait$ and Con.
�hlo�Pghich a Souldier cannot con- pills. - ovir u- ;,i -o'd tinuously gained WOO ahtfattlongth.
,ten ly efirry about him I h: i .+e In sed Grit U
"' ' n your to-
, RESE11TATrIft WANTP.1) ,
REP IA.aao lncomo-rle�fl.rt
lirdim-pa 1promv�. Like . tion- inskitter W.0 po,
Is Mr. Wri , 4utek 'or fartEedlilm and farnish rbtur�
bolt which matured the door in the
ortitiom between
hood, and we feared it ould d vole,
alreadY completely, oqr,id,
And may bee also crsef�ll foT any urine ig (it- its 30 -College striset,
enOI& sat MoKinnon 8tilldinot, loronto
tile two compirt-
i4to consumption. On.wilay a
natural color stld'16
Christian to meditate up -on, new in . Petlitfirboroultb., Out.
back Is ,,I
04111,111 OUNII Ift Ortres
montii, leaving hext instant, find re-
this Xamily fiurged her to try Dr.
rim strong am a board, kcan-
Us miserable time of Warre. -,lis- �
in a Jf p we
Combine & Co�. Agents, Mot'n"J.&I.,
turning to big companliton.
right," he said. ,Than,
Piqk Pills, and she Con-
46iritAil, and procured a couple -of
Imprimatur. Edm. Calamy. not praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too
highly for I nth c6rtnln they ,1,;,eii,il The Boers are said to' obbsiddr the
11, prWinticuent of Lord Roberts &great
--- -
TUB OUP'SINES INCUBATOR -@am and thempsal
0. Rol anq.sola aSnyorthelft Inton. Qmilllbt
' '.
gi�lt's gall
noin at watch, hat sa%ir�,thttt
it "In
13efore Whey were quite gone
THE LYRE,,- saved me the *frdve:,-
omptimetit fo th46 Transvaal ,
stamp for Cataloger. 3 lit. Faul 809 '
t 6t, . Idifileraml
C 00A
wa-mod a quarter to six. an-
other quarter of Iva, hour we must, act,
daylig'Int or an da7light.11
t1are was a slight I rovement Ila
her afppatite and we I=ed upon thla
L14 alkopeful sign. Another half dozen
- del 14,
Part of a copy of the now PaPOT . I
published In Lridyamith has been re- INTEAESTING WAR ITEMS. � vanthilit #joilitinniallill 'it "IShty tatough.
� .. "
Clituma'N"81"11 K11,11,18" *each . ". . a _ -
gap, Rate' --a Mlea. sold b ` ,
The minutes slowly went by, and
till kc -pt ft silof�t, patient watch
box,m were procured, and under their
U." a" day by day acquired now
vrinted by a contemporary. It is call- - Miss Bthol Hildman, at Wetst Laket,
ad t The first Indian riegimiant to don (,,klj1t.. maya: ..*,I,gm at 0),tba t
he Ladystalith LYTC, Is d,to a
bratell.ta. . tool'astith W. �rsraistiy;
- -
Farmers Intending to Seed
_rvIough the glinillstAble, 'Until at the
half-hour he turned to thist woman
AtTongth find nbv
. - 4 interest In life. She
new, as ih,ealth�,atgirl eta therts Is
and pl,a
pub- khaki bectim-) knuwPL as the "dust-
lishod to supply ,& long -felt want. Cq�ttiirthozonis, Ibm given " the Mt
m6n.11 .
" Wirat A sattafactione., Nor othistiOr od ha
I ft.
"RIM owl tundo fthow tsfa* SN461 svaiiiiaiiv.
a ll�� all d"1704 Of Tutring a thortingh knowledge .f
04W lititis satteausevii Garments, writer.,
Corn Note Th[L
telltrig her to prepare all things:
I� Three Rivers, with every trtkee of
h4xv I*Ili3.r and langout one. This is
you want in a besieged town", ,.
anya the Iwompoetus, " is news tb!t you Genortal Pmrich wait biorn forty-fiet- htfl* dribls�td db elwft-aeW for L "
== us Y"" at. Tbrihts�
I �p v-
O though he
enflrel� due to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, tam, he he
can absolutely rely on as fa.181" Only an yonra aM itnd origJaMly jolned� ofitarrbimoft0i,' h" &&nc, It has ourod
this Royal Navy. I a.- haold-09 C0111911-thIO T090t Od P66 U.
one uArter column is reserved for
hearst and
Mineral Extrict Iveltiegredent for
coloring corn to
=%**M ossX.
*,eta in bM coffin, and," he added
end risjoloed able to
any so
0 wa if any should 11 uravoid- Enob tri6bp -horse .now at. the Irobt raottin AtH d I fe0d I Mlaftb,t ,vAY too Inv"
v torows from r UP 66tr, when Named, I
grially, with ft e%trIiiin*#i glitter fin hi,
,mall eyes, '%Wll go there. it be
PlIbIloty", .
TIte cities ot Wait Gauthier c;rtaloly
ably in." In the edition on- 6 I , you
Creep, hoo 12 11). of Lay, �10_ lb, of fita, Rield tit itii pr,&!w It is oVerytIbidir
der notice this column Is blank. I Ill. Of bi-an dail*, " I ,,, It to be," (tAfar,ft,,o-xmei
.60"Ir. LovirbistiroftT611apbon*1720.
ait 4 S'eldrig
of corn eat rem on red, 185-scre tam and
ad a bead all oul-5to and had ocitonasittilk dt
we. 'I allso claim it as good as a hthor 0111
To bit CoutInued.
eartlea with It a lesson to other p6r-
thta. Who" &ughte" may be pale,
Gotattil Cronje, was strougli laigW I � 0 vmryttited to oureCht4trilt, Asthma,
lirritibliv CbVL'(At; q8dld%
ithanuris tar makins opni strow rich, fooling so Wall
V,eiifttl *fth It that I have taken the Wnnr for It.
armers *hr* sdah to buy ovily it small box thouipi
0 .
11 . .
languid, taially, tired, or
headathes� or t,bar,,otht flubtot to
r ala v8skin
for bio t-diibhiW* add
A CLOSE SHAVE. to o0oset R Prasldenvt 13 �
, ' - 18'vIkty?Nh6Tf"' .T' tint outfit #8fiV forloo
in Im. but 'de6lla,ed. , I '.)'
pout It I
trodotWPIll. D 4A1i6NAftr6b*6oiI1 a Of , �
The 0 owehiala" 6
awl" ' I id,
hi their orders not later than F,h lat. SM
tMall hos
onlimnlotauthelakiprion 1111,96111,02ealorsoo IiIiii..,
ay L vrotoms that mark tU onwar I
reba or sailtemla. In eases of thla
ra�Ata%V0byeN. C� POIAW & Co.. ,
Th,o etemy's new quick -firing ma- The JOcser bellievos this 4sweth in flalvi On P opt *To
910ston, t�l r
china VaS make a moit Irritating that It bet Ital!i6isiblot for : ' -
000. !*!�-Morka A 416111ionidi $L'
P 40 a will 66 -,T=1*.r 4M it il�dered by Feb 15M
=iv ol with on Nr . I% o 6pilers taken A ,,r 31ftr&
4? thfti�aLlVWWJA .nd shin �
I Ist, to �
I)r. Willitims' Pink Pills
tfn will
and wodld' I 1%�
ri* �
nollia, and seem to *Ork on a Pi4tv ,orA to flow uGrt.h*A,td It It %*r* rovH4. I oilt &y1bisstoks ,b&V*' ' trav;ellitid tht
. � _'
L -
. _
POR$419 fL
to hat
Alpril ,Vdl=, O -P 11. for :0.7
'namo ,
Eva* = teed to iftwo darkif ft Or
AID TnC� tLtbaia
give itaore, oertaln and speedy results
any other modltl! 'he' 1%6y hot
lending shells at intervals of a f6v Tblrty-yoiaris ago- theris went a 01hly � ttob a& i, thb golden la b ris us. -St,
, - , , , I (if 0
mob" ed. , .
",0111111 ItAUTMAN, Pergola do,q,
I ,
UF Au . I
ptirmotly and dillrectly, making now,
riM red blood, and the
yarde Whith explode one after another. OkbOut YA _r 'ft . , b " I
tWe I
, pwi�- I e I N
Ths labim is like it doublis scirles of Va"dill d's kadIlvii. NOW tho* ,ailo AT�46 , . .
,ii.,*.*,, "
. Follow,:% A?MN0, MV. I
TIT. b : .erl it but 1 4 It VnittleAlly to If MA
Wr VIM its sold che I 61rVift Mind M Ilor - I
4A IL ANNOY, nomia*t.
MY VC(litiod WJAL' � ,,"�,
hid6tid desp4ite. I
n6rvoilli, and cofteot, Vill it" irtegulart-
r I \ .
hard blor" an an Iron door. It Is of thhn 1,100- I 11 I 1.
I .1 � I I .
I K9190-1118 111,17% 'MALT
this that fl* bdl� 01,
"I 111b
,to 911603,11TAtbe�4 t (16
dt? I': .1 IMIA"A stl[itn
. t I, vou"ka. is I", I Rack Ila* � I
mm & kwK evist, Mm Tross
had heirya Ritiffiloldlut of their ilibutnan
trLORtinamt of tho" W,bijI, Tafft�ed to
dfla In6d,611t 0 Mt dvltiftl (*tied,
Wd by all 40'616ra br kmiilt "t
gun A eqtaln of Gab of the asos& ill it,
Quakdal regiment With Lord 11f6thla6fli's ut 01 % IRV i.4 I
thei IM&L =& Isko6*4
14 I 000 0%�T=01 "Unju katsv-
Vfoeo, M
. . � 1; 11�, 1.11" 'I
t 6 ihir I !I hat
LA t�, I
8 ib 116 hr. I I ; rrE
L... . ,, 11.1.1" .... I
ollity ranstioa. to klab* t1itt I hhOnt.
t -
1.4 a 50(, a box or sly bokea tot
0211(k b dd - Will.
, 11 I �; , .
t it I ,h,dfSb4.4oIiti*'. .. * I . ' L 1.
t6fta writM, "I b"aed to be in So, tba, - 1-i"641 `
06 1,66 of It Jillat before ft,r strlW. Ott 'ittitIbrallf �fh-w i ftlut *Z- , - ,
It and
.. p# a �0"
L I . . IL 'L � .1 It,-
1% to I I . . .
The Canadian
!6116d to out,wit them. mighil
"llaurdered witholit tb# 1, ighl-Wt"'��ll�-_ tidaia,
the, Dr.
, �i6d'i'toltibM*Ci-b",Cgroekvill% Oat- i
Mt* nsfitffil*4 llt$A Mbd@ at m6l� The Ittbdo AM t6lkir0i Wh OWL %&"TV 1V ,� X''" sty inava task (A big ii4-00.
" �
rdiil (out pit�hed (a a Ill* Ab -but twib,n. atfika.ts ZIt'l0Jj6 tbo , itm,j _P&Ibraon,
li*�t 14,j�`rj N,j ll"r.:
I I I; " . , !,
gill 6. 00"
A, , L, , ,
, PIP * E f'
CAN OA At , 'A' N "N'
obblion, B, .doto 1
not , bo W*Aordoi�k,to take so)Ao
L L".
i , , .1
?, ,
L �
bad fooflithly Aboivft �*yadilt (bott ,aubAttlato.
- Z . �
1 . . .1
t$ � 4 fift6bri. And this f6orkli - I '. . 11 11" �11 . '! r. _,- "I . I ,!,!,! '!�!,!��!!
I "...., t#!Jj* ! ! !:!! tit!! "
fftt YA'rill, I frolat tit mili, oillid thftw . I � . I ;'i � I 'Rtr------,------77--___ I I
towi Ill *swiAtil, 04tilio"Vr.
� I �,
8 0", ILE11
� I I L
, _ , 1. - I ,�
--440-a"". :
� . .
. , , ol- � I � I . , I
4 itt All ' met, aud tho latit t*o ' ' � ; , .',% , � I I I , ,
;'i""" ,,, , I
ftbh thfit *
. retiv, - t**
�fj .
pood'" tub a ol:64046 640#4 liald hil
A Utd 11160W. "It, Is otow#4 ft .4
I ;!§,rrtAtA WONIMAIN0.
, ,
, , 11 , I
T M WI*tWor r6fleetWly, I
' ,
I =
I I I ,�
. " � 1�
11 't � � L- ,
L , ,�. '4"-;, : " I Zo t
t 0 ih4 me. I diddIt like AL! ! 4" "I& . '.. 'L " - r -
4, . 'i
4, i I ; .
1�, 4,
* , 4' i L
, - �
ri li, isv
t 4, It"* 1. �i�
� �, I
Ile ffl%W` ,
1, "I � 4
"W 1
1. -
ft-__ #
9 *
� L _ . f
J'AW.", t&�'L L I IsI666idw
-PSPIU04 Toronto
I "* ft"Oiw" ottilt
Ift] �kou wilt ra Ill, YOO wilt i6i
'tivis this 011i: it 0
tsk A It(All, ,
told hat In aftiii wty, but 1 IM,vt
rL"Ity k . hoW h, 00W. 'tZid *", titt botbt
.. ,., 0 � 'L
- ,�� , I
I I I I I ' ","'
I , I I , - � ' ,lk,�W, #,
, , �44� 1�" , , '.
, 1W 1 ,�"4" f, � , , '
4 - . .1 , , " '.1 L, � ".A."A", _
lift OXAMIL Wkft� w ,,, , .
4174V 11
,�,�, i:,-
4�', I �,"
�, 0-
"! A� i*
L , ,
, , 4; .
Ike* j; 1116 , 4, . 0,666,666
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me&# 6mik"4*6*% *4 f0li" I
,, I 1. I � 1- I
! j. I -1 1 I I
I Ww' t4o
" I �L JTWt _ i146ij, Jj6g,
40h him� "Tob thoit ry *Ad
r*R �10tflilltt "'ba L Ahb 0 wolialft6d thlitt
6' Will Willi 0601h # W t6lbtb " w1k6re.
Whilat 4 #01:11W Ot #0fitU*bh *Wtoh L ., ".;?L"�'L � , L
I � , .1 I ,
" , 1. ' . I L ".. , __ �'4 'j, �, ��.. �, :
� I.
f 11,
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di8t4stlat 7 5� :,, ho'�
___ I
�� Imlil _Vw000ll�p k*4 Vk"*kW. 64 -
_�.,;��"�O_ , 1,
, , a ft"ll"
� . I
. : '',
I.') to, AIM 006"U'r4%
% I , I
W let timavivi"WQ1 I 41ilt vti4 'A
*04CA 4a; I
. I
'1164" It
M t fro �Iby
Ltow litir why"Ahiii to hi
, 0, J%L!k*tN. I I
. 'r
tht tittootift lit * ,Zftd6U . " �.. - � �L- L',, , , .;4, .1, I
11. . � L.., t , �, � I " �
i� ' � ' ,
I I � , , ' ' ' ' ' I
kmtl, tbo **'##Jt1At16� 41111tiA Oh 1 04 �L �
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4464 6ha 0101t 0*0*64tii - Mb 'L�
1 *#6" aiil 10";4"
V � I
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I— ____ W14% _ --------
� � � ,
. pl.
�* � "ib",
I, tt,,VJ**`t;L .
li�L WA *'bob I , woot U06A. -
"tolliC 1At4W4Vb1&bk I* lift foi6c ,
-Atd IbAt I" . ;
" I
. �- L. i ,,, foo 1� ,Ays; , . 11
I . . " 1�
Wk - t opt *141061ttlistrA skik'ab"
'#k# '
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Pwkyl *hd li" had 6 &ill Ot"govitis , '" , ,,, , , 1AW I ,
� I A I A L
. I ��, I �
Aftiftili 0040* h4k thlitlWkIlO, ,- _1 . .,
. 44 0, I 11 L , LL.
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A*144okla*4 Attm-t%.W,** *ft, A a -t. f � I .
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