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The Goderich Star, 1900-02-23, Page 4
,,: . .���*��ray����w+FM . , . . ,. • 'n�°''S . ,. . � . �"'��'_�"'..�. "�7"`�t4" rv � '�' . , . . .•wqR�P. �. „ . .. . . � . � . . - . � T . . • � � � , � , �� � . ,i ' � - , ' a _ , (� • . - .� ,.- . >� .. .�..:... . . �. . _ . . .. . .. . . _ . , . . _ _ _ _ . .. . _ �: � �`�� `���� ��� ��� +��r the ve�y ��t ��ive����i�� �edi�ums fn t�i� �our�t� a�� Y�u�r�►�,. ��,�.r� �n� �in�, 'ih� ��a�� �� �u� , i.. �; . , : ., . ... .... . . . .. . . . .. . . 4-....... . � . ....._ . . _ . ... . ., . .. . ,. . . .. .._ .. ^ .. . . . .. . . . .. , ,, r Eu a pnlo yt+llow Wheu tuUy clr►e, It fq 4R gr�L )�►►1Uu �t�c� A� �rxxl dauu�kd+►l. �� . + �e ,���,� ���i�'��a% tbe enrile�t ot wil upplea, snd 4k�Lx 1 w+��N ; t.rGe� ��cxxl KrxtWec ab►�u wdll `'' � AAr'M�. v • � ������� � �unkce �t exceed,nRiy� Yatut�lale aH +�n cac�cl Yar, u�qc� h$�'dy. r+�rra � , . -, , ,« ; eatlp m4rkot varlety ar t�m �lam�4la latii�l.T'�P. . " une. RtY rixNerlt�DCb" Wlku tlun v.arp�•tg � �e � ' FFi�!kVA� ��Q la va�rv xut iufuctorp. lt never epp4r ir� Io reInct�pR Ghr hes� �(� r�arietien g[ ' �y►1 t1�M1 �� ► t11� fR1 tAt ahswya �riR6L nod clenr ol rkin. P� n�K►"*�Pe� wp Iin�f {t tfie t��F��G partitatic4 � u�iid. Plen��ne gat eprfRl�tty d:►va,r� It tr►�k 6laaQ w� hU.ve utir�nFWsken. for (n '*+�w� � �_� . f � S lir+uv,.hu�d�n�ly ��nd at hn extrwtuely n� utbew 41;tsa u� fr�11LA ,µre t�.yra t�p • o .� 4"�i': '7�! '1 S 9 1d n,u•Iy nti�+ ; tt �h.�nld be In evnry hut,ae ftoe p��intr 1�cknre�nRn ny Ip �i'niaa4iuK x• :':,.�...- ��� �� ��� l �, a� I�t � r[S �6 �1 qr�nlau In U�nucic�. fn�v u! tbe iit�,e�at ttud tte�t vKP�eEIa� ul � � J Rr������. t�@ Iitt�oMlnKtte Ol Qa�: vR��1Vi+ItlH � � � ip [Q 70 !i �_ � Pr�uiu[n cuinea nest� Ttce a YFTOflR, �� �,, iiawinR m�!'en�ed r►u� rNptdtV ut la4t� .,. ,. �I�I�� l'� a� 1i 2 2? tH . Kr�nver, vorv hn�Jy �wd one u! tha yN,�„� No trutx tuw ctSttt1ne11 r� hiRher " uu�nt I��Y,ductivn c trulc :tihuut metiluq� ���i,� i�� �,!'XHi•�1�n bltHu 4hu Rtwpe, �.� �' -i etzP, roundib6, pmle yello+v oe etrnw �t�r nelw�tiun �w th�x tii ie wlll tw s ���,��:,� �i� �i%i�:�Aia ��� � ��� � � '.' r�dur, wicb n blue6 on nuu�v e�de 8eelt ,� � [�i�rt. (�►an►� Dia�u�ta�u. �Lhi� exLr�e �d LPt�drr iind Hne Cri+f�Nd. juloy an rub• aopa at ittea 1A�4ea t�s �bomach aad df- � ur.1d ; ri �ene rurly aud cont.�nuee ln �en- �'e►r•i}•. delirinue KrNps �vns tn�and Rruw- � �,,,,� . � 'u.n u Inaq Li�Ua. nnd ie ve��v trea fron� iuR un thr s�de of Il�u 4rt�po M�iuu• ��k �� ��� ��� s ' ac,�4. Wlieu welt rv�vn nnd pnrtec6lp txi�in �n �'acqwu4 +.6 nn aitFtude i�P � �u�. �s r�.,� t� �,�«c«s, a�r� � � riu� IC in one uF thu tlaest derwrt rpp�eo 1,QW �YNI, �up p.t+sad to be a chxnae, � �� * Yrrdlin Qri�[tixl.In � It did in w it d�t rioati�is tft� �►d7. t i� tiot what �� �y,, ; t � � �� in ite oeueon. �' K we M� k�1tt'�4'�t � di Wat fNdp w. 1 / 1� �� � � �� �16 � � � • , �rold n l��csli6y. wliw�w it r({�+•+uwf lto , �. Tpe tl,ird w���dd be Duchn�s ut Olden- trult prrtnetly. Ir a g��ix� 1'E.cuuamehd. � t �� ��� �1 hurK� Lril•g�� eizd, etrnuked wlth rad a„�h� It+uulNVr��lun hereithnNur+�vad ���� ������ ��• 4 nnd yelluw. fle+t� mry. apr{ghtl wnQ liKoo'� Oo 7iiM1SCa1 . �,� R� �j �Y co be tbe eurl�erGi►qd brrb qxrdy K�Kpr �� � tht of �. ; '� �,sr /�� Nub.�ufd. ripeu�nK nn� ly �o thr fri : troe thnt hwy �•orun uudn�• mu � cnre wM nn �which il1 s � � � f t'' / '�..�"� " R VI(jU1K1UY ({I'O�ONI.'h�vin� Hna 6erichy e��rlY w�dtn gr»�e. Iwii�R n rectulNr hnd �����y'� �� NEqV' �PRING Cx001�S 0�' �ALE■ rr^ y. !�n..�`..� `� h�l{nuo, new•InA ain�ndnnyl u�d when nravv �tvN��er. µiodiuloK 1►eaubilul ��luitilauutxiklOawiliisl -d�ht c.�- £-nr-'��s;;, sectlon+ot IurKdr�iver ►vhl buuct�4r. ata� wAt a�`� W� per �, �, vNrV 9������: nurceede iu �J� y. � r, j����y� 5i"�'�-�'�""`��,'�.',,,• � the conntry and ie sa vYluuhle m the rhe YBCOUtI eMYllnet white 1'HjIN nt ��t �' � ���� �,�w+ . `'�� axtrume m�rc6 ne in tde eouth, Hnd Ie � !s b�Nd cNp aetotl �and lrc4, re- �" hi har►, quulity ir M.,,.,�.o ��,.,���. E1�ERYT�Ii�� R�D��ED � , _,._ ___ _-- -- /w I�nrdy ��n nii�• 4nown varlatv. Theee �,����� �y Jncob Maire, t6o we'1• '�� � � �°�r°tas �handr�ds of • fnct,s, with i�e lreedom frotn Kcab, rrc• ���i�p,n uriginalu� uf u�uur naw fruit++. ���� ��$��' ����� n « I�po�taflt �o �ld�e�tisers ommepd (t Lo all p4rte o! the cou�lrp. �i� v�Ror uf K�vwtb. te:tu�ro. folie�Ke �7 ��'s iidpr. It � 1llwsy+t t. nnd it ie juetae valus6le in the orchard ��nd hNrJinenr of vine, it p+►rtnkea o! �p�' , 'f tor mar�et e►e fn t6a RKrcien for hon�e the nah�ro uf i[x pntyent (Uoncord). 't"utratft�4'°'!u'is��{p� Ibrabonttwo �.-+� . AN ohan�oa ol adrot41d9maple tor the onr ���. n,•' wlit Nn. ei .. ef JW�ac�ta, �a�hlla l�► yunl�ty Gha ta•�FIL fn �i�n�l 4a ��aiatito..� �.��f�nl��ar�,Ra� �_, raut Im+uo ot Tue Sreu rount Oo In bho 44nde ot Iror tuurtd, Qrnvenatein. v��' �ueny of �he urrt tendnr rurtr: Thn � te �vdla �u} to m►n Iw�t e� ta �_, � . . ±� ., tne prtntor noc ��ewr chnn 'Cu�csuev roox ut �HrRn, muQd, greenirh-yellow, otten �,��i. �r a dalieute Rreemeb �vhite, wtth � Yau t�! hu w1�t t��o. �t�na�rea �►1f%a � enoh tivcak. Ad�'ortfn�tn wW plenac+ �vorn n,h@�� �yrll Qruwn d+►vinR o FK+autlful K rlch �nlluw 61n�e wl�en tully r�pn ; ��o a,� t ��e)� a� left �Ide �ad efwsht Don t rn iss these 3 Speeial � lhomaut�'Cei uccordlnRlY. Cddt118I1 tlhM1dn; fleah lendeC, julcy xnd I�� �����a+I �11 ti ht. I okio owuotli uad t�ee troa bhe bnirvn «�n ry� �caow thwt �a aa� 4�yt CONTRACT ADVERTISINQ oriNp• �vith u e1�Rhlly arometlo ttuvn� sprokr ur dotr whioh" cou�e on n►anv of t+�re � p*�I''d�af� st t r� u .a. ll�e and ot the flret. qunl�ty ; lr«e ve�V viK• cha new �vl�i�e R�'N`WN i bunchee unA ���� ��j��j �`����..,,� Bargai�.-dDays at �� •�%������� Tho IfKura� for a11 Cun4rpOt 6dv0lCHing 1O• P I�ri It1 FN UIuP oroua and producWv , r R R FwrrieM we InrRe nu 6he Uoncord nud uf s�.� `�"; uludo tauh•a ohungnna S�«r. Mvury additlonnl ��p8 Oi HtlNJj��YI1A�18d, lix�ndsutne lrult. u beaut�tul t rHnn Hrenb a xrunce. -_- _ obrnRo �vlll bo ol�or{�rd for o=W�w tha aoWul P PP� 'rht r�Op1Q�� C6Lf1iOQ 90II�! �Od�Cai - g,T Fifth. Kin ��t Tompkine. Fru16 of The next beec lu sexeon of ri enin Advis�r eontaialn tooD �n.d ov�r coet uf oumD�tlon. [rom 160. to ?60. � P (� � 6 � AU account,� ara roudored ans oollacted �de bu�Rnn6 e ze, red, �nalcfnR x hnnd• �o }��.�R���nn. Tl�fu i� n eu+�erirn� tumlly �o0 111astratioa� is fin! rit� ott n�eilpR e� �;,� anmu xppearnnce; see4 forlined U� ynb rapn. !te rnwnrkxhle vigi�ur nnd �f �famp� to oo�er�spe a�w d epaWms � � mun�ddY . law. julaY. ceuder, w�th Ku NRreeutNn �euviiurw ot vine,lnrKe C�nnpnct huneh• aad auili�� ow{y. Swid �Q oae-csIIt � � � ���� � r�cl� und vtnuue tluvo�. .vhich, �vfLh i�u ee, rfch wine ehaQe ut the ripened otamp� for �spenoo �! mailidQ cloth '' u �---- --. --- - --" '--'� heantlPul Kppn�►rnnce, �nnkee fb u vnhr b•uit, deHr.nix nkin, teuder. ulnwnt bound �o1Wnt u�hewa above, oc ;i • • �y ,, uble m�rket eort rw.wa'1 us t��r I�o�uo enedleoe�, pulp, euRarp, jmuy and ric6 �tuwp�toTthep��bobkia oo�K/. � '�he �o�erieh �iar• uee. lt be�ire a Rond emp nnnnally Havor, nre cuu�bined yuNlltfim ihut nre Addrw Dr, R V. Pitrst. .�10• DT. K• �' w6en well cared tor, uod cowmand� ��ut tuw�d t� eurh rw exte�it fu an � , T�LErxoxs O�t.c 71 qr�t-alwaa rioea In an ►u+�rknt. . y ` � f � � P Y othar eart �vfth �vhi�b we are acqunln4 . "�� S� j� �� C A FV�� L4 N a�' Our elslh ohoico would be Northe�•n ed. Farmers institute Meetings. �� , P`ItIDAY, FLBKUAHY �, 1000. gpy, Tdix apple nee�ie no �ecommend, rhen followinR BrfQhta�, Worden, The aupplanient,�ry �neeUnpr ot the � - ----- - e►e �t, he►e eoG►bliebed itralt in the infndd Psvtrv, Oyster Pottiee, Tarts. s l�lacic Rrxpe, coroe� in. A rplendid Weet Hurou Nur�uen' IneUtute wUl �j1e p11�2 t0 bU) �' g�orc 13read aud Cream RollR. '`� Tho W03L Elg1n B9,llOt ' oP nll who know ib aea varieby bh�►t hn� �yr�eRreun ut the Coacord type, but L� held no tollows : , y4; ,�1 no equul tn flne hlah 8uvor »nd IooR• earller IArKer iu huorh aod Uerry aa1 K{ntefl, Yhured+►y Feh.22-Speal�e�s St008g� • Furnaees, Mince Pies nnd Led,y Fingers. `� Monuenl tttnr. keepinR qualitlea, ��et,uining ItN nati�rai �t aec�dedly bnttar qunlity. Vme x� -T �• � �er and�A. W. Peart, trom R y ; �'Vht+u Mr. Roas' Cwun�iKsion to en- �Kvor GhrouRh luaq storuKn bPtter thKn j�b1'df Be LhRL ��t the old etundby, Hud the O. A. O., who wiU �peuk at all lhe $n(� Tinware � �asee, Macaroon�, IYlntauguee. T uuy oGher v+�rietv, I1.9 oalY twult ie fu ever �vaq aahenith one of tl�e verY ���AetinRe, nnd Robert McLPan. Wm. Brandy �S'nape, e[o. � q���ru in4o !l�e ecunduloue Weat LIRin the lon I.ime �t G►kee cn coma Intu Y y� a��,A,, p_ ,�I:,. b� e•electiou cnme t� Rut lo �vork, 6he K beet for viney++id or Rxtrien. Bntlie, t�e locKl reprexentdtivPA. Are as good ae the beat mude iu any Y howrinK, but �vhen itdoeacommQnce to A��voet io eeneoh «Ith Wonlen we �� �vlene, Fridep. Feb. °.�'. local Oitv in (`e�uada. :',;:,'�;, found bl�nt the bnllote ca,at ut. CLKt el• I�r.�ir it ie� a IaativR eKt�ufuot�ou to i�a bNo� tl�e Rrandest oF e�ll tGe baid " eK�era-M. Lockhxrt. Aubucn, und �s g� Farm Horee tor enlo or wi11 oz- Cantelon le+�ds tlie trade �n ' �+ctioa nnd entrueted ta thn c��re ut lhe �wner. ThiN tect cxn �� lur ely ovnr• hlacic pt�'+�pee. WUdor (Rud arB' No, 4�. � D. Uamrmn. Lockno�v. ohenaetor a Drtver. , .,, .�� Y�bvinciul Olerk uY Lhf� Or���vu in Chun� coine b9 pinntmK Tolnu►n �weet wi�d �uducin �t�e lar n�t bunc��ru ot uuv �°n°rn, 8starday, Feb. 2l, i��A� WEDDING (,ABES, � after they hiive Rrown n te�v penre L��p• P' K R apeakere-N. KerniRhno, Benrniller ; cery hnr•a �uYeLern�uvlY �Iiy+�PPd+��•��. Krattfua wit,h Bpv. It �viU t•hen trnit K��tip�+N Ki•uwn tn the vineyarde iG tdle � M�i�����R�� Dunge�nnon ; uad +1l. A TNOROUGN TRAININC IN SHOP, t'HAMD ,n tmncy deaiRuin�, wnd o�a+Lmen�inK �:: Intftudi•, und producLlae to n fnult. and IIaokkce in Lae enaeted thousauan ot uud ulinond icin�. (3�ve hirn xn order � Oul. Ufurke, �hr nttic���1 iu queatiun, much eoouer xnd he of betlnr que►lity I,��cl�hurt, v e , b 6h�e eecuod aYtin Fru{t el�ould hn thloned ou thio vuriety �A„u��� �ondnp. Feb. 20, locnl roune mou and women to reach u,od your antiefuction wilk ba etc�sured. ' whu ie ulso Ulerk oP thu 1 roclneinl Y p��. w Prulect thp vitnUtv ut thn vine, ua � A��ke�e-li.. YaunA. Oarlow : nnd B AANeinbly, etatea th��t theda �u��:u�e wnll us W Kive grentrr rize, he�wty � �}ran4 (�nder�oh. � ��������� �i`� T�Ifl 11P%E moet desirNblu [rult iu 61ie und quwlity �o tb� fruit, wh(ch �a wl• �:`. wnre kept in H vault uf whiuh he nk nr A[ternooa nnd eveofng neasione will • j I luul th�+ keV ; lhn� in t.he eun�e v��uh Pear, and [t ie ronlly n Rrnnler L►vm•ite wnyn lnndPi, eweet xnd epriRhtly. � h��� xt eac6 plare, wnd fcr Lhe � thau the a lo, but ite buin roore len• Q���`«�y h�w vfnn v:ku�oue auJ herdy. WE3T-9T. CiOD1iRICEi.. ,;�,I ��•rre the ��+�IL�+�P ����t ��t the I��dt gnner PP R It ie no�v accepteed +w u etnndKrd vw•i• Iwtfer a pruRrnin of muyic will he pro- nl rlucUunA; ��•hic•h wri e desi �•��pnd der und ditficult w keop leaeene ��+� Nty umonK Krnpe Kro�ve�re uod el�ould vided u� fntQ�'�pareA ihe addces�iee. � under hin InetructlonN ou April 18 le►et: nHlue und �mporG�nce tn CO[OpN1IlOh he io every Kxrdnn. The ouhjects to ho disounRed muke up Iu Dmineea I,Ifa Tht �h+�t nt �Imt LhuN he su�v L�r �Vexi H,�th the n le. But the rnn e of vnr �me �t tha lieet series ot Lupics ever pr pP R Yergenne�, tf�e sizth and lu+t o[ our reoe+nted in tlie hiatory ot Lhe �o- Central Business Colle e � ��� I IClgln iiVN•�+lect��m b+►Iluts ��ud Frut letles is eo Krent. und en re+.6 the cnre + P d b F Ba�low f-lol��� t' 6he�u aYide fin e i[u keNpina. Iwt thu� K enilect on i�t e�z ot the AY.9G (jPr►pes. etiWte, and t4nre ehuul be w large BTRATFURD, ONT., ,.,,; z,,. �hat hne neen iven fn u�uQern �imes to G��ee t61a pince nuG on acoonut ot .►ov uttendwnce at every seesion. � cm Lhe follawipa m�tt•Dln{I I�e noLic•ed enjoys the dlsNnMion of being one of the very _D$AI,$x IN- ��,; cuit�vntlnR nn unprovinR it, IC ie nu�v f��teriority in size, qu�►iity, beuu�. nr t��e achoo�a ot Its Itind 1u Canadu, In some re- }' thnt they had di+»upe�u'�•d. Hfi Lhe- � '� epecta it otiere ndventa a uot to be tound etsc �., 1� ;`;: : wV �e I,hxt tney �vere ill'CICIHIIIl1IIj� rle �ilmoe�teyw+l in vulur. tu tlie unple. The ��Kur u[ aroP. hut on nccouot a tta � CO�1 "�€i,:'t?;!-` : xtroyed +til��iK wilh the ��UIerA. N�� �nelt�uK, juicV, teudrr, i eflned xnd dull euperiur Iu�iK•kuepinK uul�ties. Huv- It msp he ouly n h•tfling cold. hut where iqthe Dominion. New term now open. ,,; �, ` cate aruniiti of the pHKI ive.r It u hl li � ne lect it nnd it avill f�tiuteu ite fxnR� �n 8nter ea eoon ua poseibte. sesutlfut cntaloque nther evldence 1viN thrown �uiy f�ir�h- K R in� the bes� qunlitiea o nll ot6ere, tliie K • rKnk �►� a de�aver6 Yrvlt. [t, will nda 6 yuKli6y thuv u�»kre it the very best Y ur lun e, ,.na ��,u w,�, epon �,e �,���i. ��,� <<tt. Hydraul�c Cement �;; .; rr �iKht apon lliuu dle+n �peKrnhce. � � � W. J. &LI.i01"P. Priootpnl. �" �' He iepart�•d 6hd IU98 nt t��e 6i�ue ti, �tsnl� to us Krent u�•uriel.y nY suile xe ��•iipe, espeoiKllV ne It elwuye ripene �1 W��n untimely Rrave. Iu L6ie Hc�n. hlr. fin�tiy, then L'r�'�r�ier, but ^��v trult trne, chongh it Lhriveo bea4 nn ero perlecUy, nnd it 6na onn b•uit o[ countrv wo hKve euddeo uhnugNe nnd portland Cement ' 9;i' deup, etronq luw�u, +end e+hoidd IiNve n c�Nrxcter that no o6her Qrnpe hoa, ruaat oxpect to h+tivr couah� aad colda. � ,t the puhhc w,�e n��t tuld ��F the, NYf,�ti dry, well-drv<<ned eoil Hnd tho beat cul• bainQ eatnble hePorc+ it ia qutte� ripa or We enxuot avo�d the�n, hut we �+tn Steam Boiier ��i, :� U11GII Lt9G \VPP.Ii, wlien Mr. Ross' (%���u• tiyntiuu ��nd cure. MueG varieblea �u•e fully colc�red. An e:ti�emnly valuubie eftect a cure hy usinR BicL•!e'e Antb +��, n�iaeion Le�ietn+.ulemnly U�yit, [n thr n�ach Huer lu HuVor iP picked from Qrapeforint� {�aepia ce►n �e I�eptia Uonenroptiv� t3Vrup, the medicine � � Lime, Sewer Pipe, � ro�,►nbin�e, rootfunv h+►ve boun iunctr the treo beYore u�wtuiity und xto�ed' tn on upesn haelcet unti�'midwinber in a th+;G h,►s never heeu known to Yuil in Repairing�� ' � 4 ''' „;� �; hn[ore th� cauct+ ��� q, UL fI1d:7H bn��o�a the houee. $umrunr penre ehuuld 1�e ca�l dry �room. I heve kept tue�n in curinR co��gha col�la, bronchitie nnd ire Br1c , y; irviduced ; b�it. t nonQli 6hnt h��d nrvrr ��cked +�t loust ten dnye b�fura tdey nre pdi�ect coudition pKcked in ouwdu�t ��II eifeotiont+ ot the throt�t, lunKa nnd 7;: �ieen dnne. Uo1. t7lr�rka �wPu�inR ��' ripA, e�u�umo sorl■ �wu weeke betuie unttl Eeater tm• muny yearo, Qolor aheet. ' �ire Clay ubey n suwmnos on one occueton, the EI]4� Elfll(i i�VIIICCC VAPIAL{@A I1111 6nu ^ Sinoe tbe Boiler Wo�lte have e �Nt��tament luie ui+ver ��r� u �u�idn bliHi Y H red, hn�rq and bunches very larRe end been rea�oved itom Ciodenol� I�m � ;<,, ���. ������d pp(, �)1'(�(IUCP LIIHIII f��c Lhr e�x untll thern �y ditinKer o4 Gv�xt. When comu+aet, enormonelp productiVe, vipe Atter puyina +►Il espensea ot t�vo ' rc�llNnt raunun 61int thry I11llI fIl`JtIN• EIIH tree� aet n ha�tvV c�Yip Lhe lruit vigottiw� und butdv �t not overloadnd. eoterG►l�monts qiven by them, lhe prepered to do 8team Boiler IZepair• OF�tc�-South aide o1 VCeet aEreet, '� ,� sliould 6e �hinned out �vhun i�hout one• I must roeobon here thut Lho to�vn ��Yw� 9����1i indiev of Luckno�v w�ll v, pearecl. � thircl qru�rn ; bv thle roenne �.he re• �,t Glodarfch is 6�ghly fuvored in wHnq R�oe heta�en �133 nnd $190++.s their �ng nud alao the mnnufaoture of near tlie Gquaro. 'Phone No. 76. '�� � �Vh+tit t6e rlfeupp�+ar,u��o ��f Cbe h+tl• �RinlhK Npeciniene wil! ba Rrently sm• AK e for briaRinq the grepe to Lhe contribution to the OKnadian Conting• p� i�� �OI..9 tl1N�ti1H �.0 i�IlO ���NC �I(;If� enqniry, proved und tne tree saved Crom lu1ury. ��Q�e4t perYect�on. The 8ret.u[ th4so eut Fuod. Smoke Staeks, l7�Ci. ��` one n+ta on19 to r�cull tlie o�+irHc�er ��f For u liet uf eiz of iho best peura I f«vordble conditlone ie u aoil uf the To the Farmers � th� ruse tu nppre^la�te. Uutxlders �vould chooae 4ur flreb Anrtlett nN tl�e moet sultable kind wtth perfect ue�tur• Are vou noG weil P Are you pnle, +�'"r''' �� �vc,re p�u, (u rbriru� ��f pullin� I�ocitha �est suinmo�' vnrlatp. lteuccoedn over u1 drninuQe. The�e oonditione can he wenlcl �, dep�wesed ia e iriLr, welan- v + t� �71 ue deputv �e.6uruin� uIIlcere i�nd t�r�e n Inr e extent oP c��unt� ie c�f In� o�u Ifed 1� man in moet aa "'� waN bKllut•tio� sLutYliu �ilnre. In R y' �T PP 9 y place, cl�oly y tired, nervoua nod irritKble ? �■ A. urWC Wil� Colborne 11]d �ti fi K , ei¢�, regalar In fuwu, cicnr �ollow with hut it ie x�re��t advuntuge to hdve Du �<�u lack t6��c buoynnee <r epiri6e of Goderich, �� ` oue euse, nt iinp rute, Cliu •'drputc' �, bluah un bhe aunny sidr., very juley, t6em NL�exdq euppl�ed and ptepnred. indteative of rohuat t�enith� T�ieo Macninlst and Blacksmith. +� p`, took lLe 1niUot bax t�oine wibh liim Uuttury�iod luqh ftnvo►ed; lrren �trcnR Then our moat vulua4le eonuitiva fe uet try MHIer'a Ooinpound Iron P►Ile. 11CIgI1b01'lilg TOWi]SlltpS; � uv�r n��ht, 111+�nipulntlon oF tho bxl• Rrowur, bea►re nb��nd�►utly and when the daep wstere oP Lnl�e Huron, eott- �hep will bnild V��u up, tone up your Viatonia Bt., Ciodertoh. } ti�� . 3��te �vne rrohhn��r.sllV t.he f�+�►lu�ti. ���� uite oun 1771•tt I heq to et.ute that I hc�ve bouRht q y a. . emog t6e atmos here in t6e Inte oervoue eyetem, a�ve you ene�Ry. Hod z ,� 1.po election : nnd Gl�u lutn L�her�til � the FIxrnese bosiness Ixtely carr�ed on ��; �urmbur resiRned GSa sexL und elgned �ecand, Loui• Bunne do Jeney, of Rutumn Nnd nilow ng the Krepenfne tu mHkr. �•ou feel likn H nuw peraon. 60 hy Mr. Do�vdinA on Fl�.miltou AtreeG a► enuduY.ianul "ennPeaeii�n" 6�� put n �arRe eizd when well Krown nnd thi��ned r�pen itr leavee �►nd wood more per dosee 2b cents, and intend enlur¢in� mv etock oi ' ` st��p tn the p�Y�bin�C of t•Uun1F+►ir befu�e �'oPerly,nn the trees alwavaoverbeart tently then �u� .othvr place io t6e Tg� N�w fla�tl Laundr� Harness, Kobes, Whipa, lrunks Va� ;',; I.hi� cuurtx. One of the �ueu i�u IFoat• �C ie n pate �reou in Lde eWad�, but ProVince io itsi xt�tude� Th{e matur a�i�An iu Beeton wne floed 910 aqd r �' pvoi� reutl iviU� bro�vi�ia6 red lo bhe inR af t6e wood no porlectlp nndtwvor coetx,, in ntl $28.80, the �ther da fnr ,• ��aey. Fur Uo�ete nnd aU kinds ot �oree �;:, ed enbsequently fled W the uitetl P ��jl cund{tione sre the Cau�ea of y KINQSTON gT•. GOaERICH, �%�othin� for the Fall U•ade. sun, and of nxcellent Hav�r, A pro8U 8tntcr� tu ar��id nri eat ; nud when l�n hurborina xnd aeiltng n eUay cow tvitb ' ^ eernnd by•�•c+locf.ian cnmo nrouud tt�P abie ronrket v,u•letv, aucceedl�a beLter 6loderich'� iceepinR ahead of all o�her out xdverlia�nq her. Fxrmere havtnk Rep��ir�na will be carrird on as usual on the ninee th�w c��i tba ar nwt, plaaea in proQucioK the flaeet nnd enttle oo their remiset ahould u.nd good wnrk quaranteed. y� -; penple RIgnilled tl�eir coud�•n�nuti�q 4 � Ixr est bune6ee ot �a ea, aa 1n ev1• etrNy p You want eatisfxctory work. �Ve "' I�y re�urniiia i•he Uouearvntiv� cteudl- �ut ul�ve►pe u clKorous, etcong Kiower. B R� p n►uke a note of tUie. 'lhe lnw requlri+e �now our busineEs end uarautae lue Mr. llowding wUl remain with me �Si� diite in spi6a of tl�o fa►et Chnt, ic tvas is Th{nl, Duchese d'AnQoaleme, einoth• denco In 1889 the�e �vere on our e=hiM �but etraq snirnuls al�nll be ndvert[eod. g Ii e-elealiou !n tiia ro�ddle of a LeKie• er viRrnY�ue aod etruoa Rro�ver snd ittou ti+hlux ut the tall �6ow buaches �_ best Work obtainable. Unr Way of ��ntil the Npring. F oC W�Ider and Euton grape�a thgt erfcrmin laundr wor�t will not ��� lauve �erm. qood t�eurc+r wl�en qalte ya�mg = cerq P B ➢ �. House. l�� �� An egaminaUou of the lutillots wa� �+tirqe aize, of a qn+emah yellow color, a'Q�R�� �hirtp•two ouocee eaeh, and � deetroy yonr olotliea. Wark called ' �'� egpeetcel 4n reveu� n��u.h of tbn tnet�- Rith pHtchee oP wKset and w dull red maoy ulhen woll up W tbaii welQht. Ban.1s� All Sad 178M1•6t ,f,�?: - �� chec+k ; it ar,cniaa �1,a reaf.�et rfec• ��tlonl ¢cape-qmwetw from di8erent for snd delivered to all parts of the � ��dq ��f "the mHchine In 6he West R � pxrta of Oxnxda, lnolud�ng their �x• town. Prioee are reasoanble, and � Hw•on cns�, it �v111 ho ►•emombated, ttou on the quince cuot. cellenufeo Lci�d und Lad9 Abenleen, your patrooage ia volioited. y � the hAllot,v tnl3 Wie unsavory te►le a1t6 Fonrth, Beurra d'Ao�ou, nn ezcellent n,b�� ��d��d our exhll�[tiou �At pe8� -- Order their ciitIdreacea nt p�per and ot6er oenr for hon�e uae, n yo for morl�ec i could 6xrdln believe RhuE manv °� ��0� ��(� � n O��' �� e�/ �+� ai�nn uP fruud. Muol� motre �vau oa• lerae slze, IIp�hG a�ee�, with rueaet aad �h�ae outdoor•Rrowvn arapeo were not � � " pectQd here, for appurently ehe �t+ork red cheuk, ricb. molLloa nnd o[ exoel• �ndour produCts. � `� � U � T' li, ; had btren fur �ao�r� reckleaslv +►nd care• lent fti�Q�r ; ttna g��ower and Rood keep• In conel�iein��, I eball �sy that s�y V 17��� lesely duno. In West P�Igin tlie �n»ch• dr, of 8��eat qi��►litv, nna bcar� well nud ��y�ne wiuhing �nformAtlon in re• y�u C j Ine roa.q iu uud•cr�reer. and felt ftselP when qu�te younQ. e t w the beat v»�tetles o! trutte tor SOTL1Cu1tuP&1 �:OCiety. �� : treo im�i� dvdn nueN{cion, b1r. Pree• Fift�, Beau�•�v� UTArReAu, ona ot the �� ��A�it9, aod their oultip»titin, � ,',. ton wvtts then wiltlutt to caep�re►tulate mnateho.vy peara In the panroAtsloQue; need not heeitnte iu aeking Ddn MeD. Qespondeney and Pmqrnm o� weetinRs of the (�ode- "� it hq namo antl in publfe. Zie wonld � p�gtahle mecket vH� ietq, K� ��ell ua Allxn oe mveelf for suoh info�matloo rioh FIortic�ltural Bociety, to I,o held W � NTE � y � j��" hardlyhean free wil,h hia teleRrnms fur tibmeuee, an aucount o� it� s�za, a�wecenp�ive. Ih�vehad eoroe ex• Melaneholia Resulr in tbe secretary's o�iice nt 7.30 ee►ct� � s no�v. �et we ehall neonr oxnmine �rlq hPnrin�, � prcxli�ctivenene wna perienee 1n rapn•g�rnwing, havina6ad evenin� : 1- thase hal ota� for the flnaor iurke of henuto. T6e tree is i► etmnR, flne, g Feh. 22-l�gect ot salt nnd e�ilP he�te •of � w goodly aumher ot the 8nert vRr�et+ee from Kid�e �1�C� ��"" � '•f he noUle ,►rmq of �vorkert+, ' for no ehapel Rruwer, make� n beauNtul Y irou tu fruit culturs. A. 3icD AII�u. . �' in oultivat►on !or Mtne qexrnwi�h good Muroh 1-A tnik on eniall fruits, Win. Sult � "� � oriici>il ��f thu (iovernmen6 ot►uraed pp�,KW d when roell pruoed � frult ot a euccees aad Rre�pe aulcure heing o1p � . �citii their keeping reporta thNt tliey �od qualitq, hohoo tt �vi11 only Rive me plea�ure to Liver Troubles. ���� 8 a��n'a du4Y � diecover and v � htid dtsappcared, p'ar e1xL� vwr9e0y ae ehRll nRme the giae intorwation on the ���bject. imprave tt�eeerit�d plan�a_�{ood for premtor li,osa muet hnve kno�rn ond that �eepe t6d IonQest, vo wt� mi�et • �_..,, food ar� tor oraemen� W. ��,�- � f rom that thr+ bnUata �vere saPelV c�ut of the ehoi�ye Pr�ruidenC Dcuxr�l. n Hne win• ' � �v,�y �nhed.he announced hle cunPnis• �r penr. Tree e► �Eron grower t v���e A Blessin� to t�e PaY�� s C�lgry Compound Mnrch 16-Plaut d�seaaee. (�eo. 9Ww• ,� eirnt.. Gh>t, Ulwrke enpe t hnc �e+ re orE- well ; f�uit Rbove med�um else = one ot �r� , trd6a,Mr. F1Krdv, r►nd hir. Hsrdy ettite+ �he beet keepe�r e►ud of aood quallt�: Msr�h 2a-Verietie� of otntuea nnd },2►NG he repart4d tbe nvent to I�ia col• Thih la rother w new varietq. Uut. re• �S thA Unfailin �.r0� uerer , p DUIlIOp �� IBNfYli2N�t4bo O►'(jC�y"d NFCU�LIPR1IqVC8• pppt8 troro sll who h�ve trulted it gq��s of Canada g q cultiivutfon. O. A. Welle `� tiQittnin. Yet Alr. Rosa eip���ir�ted hie nmv� IL t�i ho tl�e �eat lunp� �eepen � Mwrch 28--Horticulture in rochoola, B. contm�xe�nn to onyoire wlth n Kr�oat rAia quwlity, �vith t�o het►rty nxture ot of AII PhySiCal Misery U. Glrsn� 1lqtrria� of traa�petA, l�nt nover wud e��» t►ee, n�akes it of are+tb value in . He Fboled' he Sur e4ns x� rvo 4�d atw�Tt, ths dlaupnenrnndo of tlta Ke�,ph�R� up w conCG�unl supplq ot thie ""'" arjd �uffering. g the -1�xflol,s +vhich �ven+ W� forn� �•I�e •• ince epl�ndid frnf� No inventlon of tbe n�nturp na�v _ All dabt�re told Renfek Hamilton, ot %` ` 'db tvn�iNtisnc�" �f thu epquiry, ��V hq p4VM& enming to a cloae �a� done w mqeh fn� "'�" Wtat JetYerson, Uhiq rtftt�r euffering 18 ,�,'' ��a� l�e eilent P W iie it ra► UdR nvor I�� choonm tho eix Ixat var�etles nt thn hmnes ot OKUHdN w tlid D�K�uuncl . . monthn frow It�etal Fietatn, he +voiild '''(` �. , Ii�A erit�u�l hye el�wil��ne flret Y[�os+itw � a ppa�. These r«U¢r�1�Nnd neeerfK�tlnR Prompt Relzsf and Speedy die onl+�ee x coaety +n�er,�tiea �rn� per• 1 al l�r� � �� ` ly. hut Pb� mo�re cri�l�ni Kenen►1 elee• p u�us I expect tu 6nd nwida di���renoe �q�s hxva euved more ruoney fnr our t'ormeel; 6uL he earai himaelP �v�th :' � tirttir aie qeC t�� �an►e. ( of optn{nn. as tl�ta �rabd snd dalicl�un Uant�di�n t»mdie� then all Ede nEher ClliB �'a�i`A�t88d. B�cklen'e Arnion �tatvn, the best In tl�e _ ,..�.....�+... � - truit nRa eo mnnr an►nd vHrleties, Rll cort�biadd ep�encrer. . wmtd, Hur+�st �ilc� Qarm on pnrth-2oe. ` = Z'$Ei F$'tTIT (3ARDEN. hwvtug their well•deaerve�! adn►irora. D1xn�ond Dyes� ri►iEh tl�eir mryYtci►1 --W-- a twx. l3old by Jnmes Wilson, d�vg- �i ' My cuoice For �►n e�trty pluro tv�old b�e re�+cra�ttinit 1�►�1'r4 iCive k� fadetl e�nd � gt�t, dOb�'� �OttOn ROOt Qd1�pD0� w- JHudde��. 1t iu nn ��tr�► h�►rd tree = dtn�v�lun ina d� ekirte, wai�te� QI'. f�t�elps Marueltous Pr�s�MUtNm Thos. D1trL�t�t{thli��� at Brussela, haK �,p r °°g�;°B� �d.a riQ}aa� �1i 71ti�. W�atx:�`s Paper qa tho S[g f��it ia Hne and I�erae, a b�i 4k �bllort+. .�iloqee.�. ��u�talr, ci�p°f�r, eWireu, ec,ut++, enld h�e wetl-bred etMllinn, ••�ir �'V,tit• �� `" ]'�,'' a�rs�i rcrorca��r c.an aK ;' g3e�t '�`�a"IE�ttps oi Applbs. �'er�rs� verq enrtq� a��e�utar Mnd �et►v�r �tv�p• �''�r�a. ,pu►Vltw. Knd �cll C��luw 1tp�ht or ' M8k68 � Ulti 811d YOUtI�I ter.,• co Ale�t. t�nf�, o! 8tnnleq, tor �iire�u �ar. xU K�xtnr , put.��, i"l�li'�5 aad C4rsD� per, ncyd c�rnm�nr, to brnr vrry hnil���► � nlrand �it� +arfndlitna ot ' the aum ot�1000� Mr. Inniw is to he w��or�urs�'���++r�°ue, rFa.. �s. i.0 . ; � �y rici»u�n w�►d 1rr�u�,+r� 1►� �� qNt n�IL rnntplltlnen � •x �,�ode�r.�eresronK+t�i�i1►rtlox. Ni� -_. qautya, aud ie tNe te�eE or iilt la�r�� i r �iC81�l�) BIM� �8�1• n te� itN►n his 8ne� pyycch�tise, or�.miu.a�n nr tot�r�ee: a�aa�n� +rx r nY c1► c� t�1 ►t ,:� „. � iM►9�ti rot. , u�' ilrru x� N►1►e�u[ p�� �f �Ct nts � ne �lir �Vxlt�n� newer wae hxa�t�n le i m .'r�+�e+t �,m�psrr.winawr oa '�ho to11��►win pa �nr �rag �•uncl by 111r. � K! d�iti ehxd+c�. 14 �p�n��i1y+ tiuew��n� th�ct s ` the eho�a rtn �oe. i rnd s eotaeaar�oommend�diqr� d a clni i i i �' ,° �'he eecnatl nci ''i�� in ite �en�on o4 • (t. nn � n ed tn t av� 1yepCneibls DriYgry�lrw in Canad�►. , X��rnc�rk Kt a rc�ent mcrtii,#� at thr ,� nl�wr diva�. �+r�►�, f�Vck�G�� �th�r urtlrl� "' �itid�ricUt �iuwtteuttarnl $uaidl tl�flir5q� tg ��hin�Wn •Thie ia� onb ut ri�+ttlrli��ilp�l tttb6taii�Yati e� M�t mne 4�reac �ome n��otne or er,o gQ puintx+ ouE ati a�x�sseilite 100 nnti� m ss ' Y. �' ° r►f tlt�, ntrir�t; �rfd rrb 't�id eN►tr�b Linre � pi iroYn Eeq W 4WEtY� Cen��.'�'h►� �wtofrk • fncE. eome riuthor ties ctaiw bter equul v°�en°r°,°a n. s sold in do8erlch b7 Jsaytl '' '��» nKru�t�pc i�he Iw�t vR�irti�s ut,tn �`. CliV1139ced "(?�'�rld, ie�ut [n <7nrtnd�s, geiee. : b" n5M►E rrxsiul �t �1 pCr�MtaU'Is� turd��ret y car•ri�d �un tn i��r (? �ii(1wnlr�rnlf�he rri►tc,�t�lo �i�ottwK���, p i� ri�ovr eucc'eehtuyl' � � g 1�r��dcYceci� �b�w w bar��titl cru� e�h nt th�b�r+�ncti� at n�p�X t�m1 �espernu� •.,, ., .• _ f� :!� �t�b e�t��ttd tbrtt Nli tesGeb t�� �'�� r� t�ntrtlGy �XC� fl�i�'tE. e�i� w� � �.�, h�Yri+bd iti au�b Dtrp�llr►Zb�. %xdellept �hat�n� e�tiRt why 1)r. ` c;, . r nr �r��tit�� �'+� ln�, ir� � lt i� ►� Wbet► thq nt�e�tE her�r cdntPbe sra��r.e• �holtl+►e' �ct�Gric dll aNrr�ld lyn uard 1�'''� ��1 �a!D�1�i�de w1�1 rt�rea an tl�e srr►�a ��r� +� r� tha ;�uh twee �► t�if��� a�tru�g ,�� 7pa ��'�!�., ►�St �� trrRrd ti�e ��� ta ttrqc �E�on ��v lE'xine�H lDet• h� �t�nr twe►u61bd �Wit� a�eeLiane of �. �r �� W� 1� '(q1f�l�4'; ra ta �K�y�,�w�per �+on h,��re 'twa �i�'wea e�uti bn��, �` pi+ � the"ll�t�t or �t�re•lun]xe, e(�e�� upun tfie , , , , , � , , ��:jot�� !)� � �++�►u���ap�w, a��� ,�ar 1�utr��►a►rn�1� thrn� ana t�t,��+ ch�n. :.�+�}�a,�y�� �y�y�f'C+�ric�e �it n�y� �t�o ��t ,�ltirr� wbuld lw�tadeht�arY eher�� tfre. � � �s� theliv�rKti►�l kidn�ye 1►r�me� Irexi� ekia, rl�euwn��te t�►�ta. carn�. bilniong. _...D�uAL2i1L IN.•.�. , '�lN�EW�k1Y���'G'�liEyt;�l�rsxr ��alrc5 rvtl� �t�i' tcteaE �ttd tit �E lA►'!C� ei�sby �►���tr�1i�►��'b�W�llkOrith. fid1►�hiblre ���y ��d �rior►n tlre►ri +Mven►� f�rn�� [rr � Eet�l�Ri I�tjarfte. tlsmtrL�tti�od�t �trn. .. �„��, ���h,a���,�. �,�t,� ��t,� vr�ca�ar t�� an a�#� �y���r�r In ttu►�e�r►t�a ��►�t1 r�tu�nricy. cbs� it te +�►�i�, rara nnd �r zo��jene- 1+ �,Y'm �mp18Y]18Y1t� 8�11d ;, ��'iitx;#�1ri� h(1� za thdit� �:u+�� Y n�ui �U�t� �tfitl4x iwY�►i1�,, �Y�r +�ji'►,y�d f�i '�'W�� {b��►�►t�t �rheGl�eri,Cxl�eirinYbrnr��y t�r h�. . . � � 1� �ti �1���+� �.�a�+n��i'�Yr i�ud cri�ues fdn'� ; i11�ttI4+�►� p�wt �Irtl d�r +a� �p:i�' �i�t� '�"nt��r (� t1�n►r�11�as� tlepw[�e e� ht pt�+�l �►uL+wr�rill�r. ��C�llli�l'�ir �� l�Icin�Yt � �1t+�bi �qt�ci�.! tt'byr +rlqtbtnut��, t , 1t�r��ra�wd ptw��rit�+��: ,� �hd c+�k• �1aEbir+�. � t �C t1��b'.�i�dii3�t� t►t ��+te ��i tFia r�'wY' �c,t t►� � �� Ir t� �xpl+�n!� ryl��► e��d �Cc�uw�w u! dark . .. . ._.. __. _._ � ,�a,aa��� #71, ��xw3�cla� �r� 't� w f�C�rlh�+w� . :�'bui�h: 3�`et�owr ���r: ri �r,Y�s�rri� nld �rKlr�' A• �E� � t�atG►� urak�rrr 1'N�..f�'�P� k��w�rc�ly ;� itu,�r ��li�b;�l � '�'1�� ratiilries �at �rt�cn cr�iX�ts� oQici,�le� ��il� �i t�� _ : ,� �r��► , � , � ��1F�fY7�1���'r , ,li�+'�t. �'�p i��t�+�rri�ll �i���f �i kp i � �'�� � �k�� ��� �� ���� � �r r�w� +�c+� �,�et�r tr,�r�c�r, �� ��� 1i�;�w,q��,' aw �c'�e�k�t���a a�` �� �m� ��. rri�rt� ��ria� � � .�.T.�� �►%��►���� at��.'7 t� r��y� �t�rtlt�te o� t'�e► ;�rP�r. #� r�t ��� �r�1a#t _._ ,,�, __ .,...�. , ,�__...._ _..._ _�:-- --- � wr��tnn�w y�a�rxw�nA�r� cp�ta�C.. •---__ �. T rd� ai�ltrt�t. �h �r�?'. �'���'� f,�K�' � � t�lji� �F�* . ,. .., , . �r , , : : , , � � #cic^w�►k e� � �+�. � � Wk�.�Nrt►poW�! ��r t,wa� ol�� � °Ilk�+w�� �t. ��r�.11t�► rwi�r�.� +�w � �h�► �r+Mh�r �1as� ts� +ar t��1�.t�� �wt►rF W`�rt+ �wr1'r �wi�t+�rt�rn� �w�r�w+:�i�r t�!Yair1�,�1�wd�e+� �t+�W ... . . ........,: '�t� �1�"�IY��1� �wiiCti� �+�ww r. ����aa»�RI'� r���+a�t ��►t ��wad`+�,�l�t V�� �c �r�i�r �w�, r�r w�;�i�rro���t �x+�+r1��w �►����t� l�i,�laC���iI�IMY�i► kql�icMM����d�l�► ; : ,, ,. ��r1�l►�lfr�l►a�l�� ' . _._._. ' 4, a . - � , . :.. . - . .. . _ . �'4 �.i rJ' t . , � . ' - � '� , A ' . ' ":�� . �:IYk,..lNYE". . � '� . S. . ! . � . ..... . .., _ . . s..„, �n..: � , �.... .....t«......m.,. -.. _ ' � rf:r.�6 - . ' h. . ,... i.�a.�'...� t�"�P' c ��n�t+l�;�� Yec�m��1 I�c ' �.�dCl`w�hl�'�wv�'nuWr n{d �'�ihr��+t�n i��'�i� ftm+ ��'lrl�•I�4 �� �wr� �(�ti. "�'1 �td `+� � Ib i� Ti�rnkrct' tr r ��r� ��1�' � � '� ` - ., �''.�.�:L�� ��'�i�`,�ilYiY �� . . , � , . . ,a . . . . „'� -� .. 7D1:" . o ' ^"Ti'+�!���.�� . , , _, _ _ _ ������d �ar a�n�ci r�a+� �� t�� ma.�$�� � �f �Ull ha�� a #'vO�d-.�_"�...'�! e cali at Goode's Qrug Store for a trottle �of ' ' e and �a� _ � r� of �hlte P�� � � W6 GUARANTBE THIS PREPARAT(ON. IT !S EXCELLENT ! � •�����i���A• �. �. COQD�, - �l�e�i��. n ��D�RICH ��RGAI� CENTRE. It pays to buy your '_D��-GQODS_r' .A.T--- ....R�OBI�IU�OJ�'� � . . N�T �X/��K . . Extra BARGAINS will be given in T�able Linen and Table Napkins, AL90 � �ur Coats and Fur Robes. ( Come and see, and let �s convince you, as we surely can that you wi115AV�.,-i' MnNEY :very tirt�e you trade with us. � ' A � R BINSON; J ME� 0 You want the BEST in..... /�z_C�ROC��RI�St_ OIIR E'LAREi (�EtEB3N PEAS, " HIt}H (�ftADE �CE, " DRIED BEsN9. All at 15c. a�Parnd PadE.zge, should be appreciated by up-to-date Housekeepers. CEREAL CO�FEE � in One-pound Packages, Sealed, at 15c. �Pac�agt. All Household Requirements-the best in the market--Ciean and Fresh, at Moderate Prices. STURDY & C0. PHONm ei. � _ g. C�. FILStI1�TGI��CR, _ -DEdLER IN AND MANUPACTURER OF- JV�ode�� ��o�e� ar�d Tir����e. PLUMBING AND HEATING A �PEUTALTY. aoruee �Veot �tieet and Bqnare, - • dODERIOH, Ou6. Uur oaetomere are real� live, moneyeevera, aod t6ey are tbe jndges. 3hrewd ?dercha,nts value Qirculation, and thaVs the reason they talk to the masseg LhrouQh Tx8 , 8TAEi. � ♦ � ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ � ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ � � � � : � '�'H E MAPLE. LEA� : � ' ► : . C�rocer , � . Y . : �, nn. ��.�.io-r-r � r � Mamtltp� St, � � 7' H MAR�.� L�AF tiRUC�RY is the n��s w� h�v� �1�- � cided to �i�� our stAr� fQr th@ tuture, 1 In orclee to rednos ont doo� k ot�� � ; DISH�S and LAMP GOODS ; ♦ hefare Isking etook, we alll sell ai atesOly Cedaded prfoe� � � �0� �� l�S �, . ; r � ► .1 oommenoiaa FIiTDdY� J.1Ni1A1tY Ilth, Juei oome {n �n$ i►tiep�lf/ � onr DINNBR 8��'T$, �'bILLT H�'fT� �od 1.9MP (�OODB. Il yan w�nt n�thiaR ia {here lir�es as o�n pleses �on in prton, w �' .� w� �re banx� to rednos one etook betor� �'eb, ibuh. �, � . �1 • A11 otl�r tlna oomptete �t The Maple Lest droaer�, b� / I�.Yw....wWM.W., � �� �r ������� � , �A1'��LTON 8'1`. , . aewi�� N��+��n�s, �o. ; ,. � �r r► �r .�r � . � �r rr � Y r� rr rr �r rr �► � � �.� ,w . - .. a. W.i.a�.•� . . r. .. .. u . . ny F �� �I:1�4�6�1� ��L��If� . ... �-;: --. ,._..... ��... ..�._�. . _ ..... � w �....�. .... ... . ...,._ ...� _ . N�i� �U'C�'IN� �b�t�� ,� ' ' � . ... _�. _.:.��. �l+�r?�th�'t�k�►n��eKt'p�mrd�, ���a A��✓����� ����� ' i`H�,�������, C����1 ������r�i`�It � tttl d�4�blYd'�Ce�lha�srY�1��, �� w� �rr''"�"�i�i1 ���'�1$ �11�;��t�li� !�'� t,�i� C��'�fC . h#'�bh�sCt , � '�tfcit�S kil, ' 1'se�ii�' � 1 ' �' ��i`i'�� �1Hp� �l.�f� �+w ����'itc.�nw . aa�s+t�+�na'bri�� ;l�a�ri�i�se�r�,.�+��}�IknA;i�.n{t'e�r�%oa+tri�.'�r►�ib �lt�el�r�blltl�g' 'Y''�. ,� �t � %L �i1tk! 'tl� A fLLW 1WN.il vriJtlldYl�lib . i�� ��°����i�1'�i�'r: , �� .���� u / t ,w�t%e� r��i1� ��r �c!�,i� �ar�i�� . . . �� �� �� �������� ' ,. .. a�t �vww �tr'�b "�ltt�dl �1t�+0� ''�`b�' � . �b�l t�s� �`�k #'� b `' � ; .. ,. ,��W��y� �.,���f� �Jb�kl�I��; �d � - � �� � �� . � . . , , . ,. .. �i� �C�'i��o� .. <� �, ,,�. �.�.. . ... . . ,., '�f�dl, ��. ���", �� ��1� +�xb� ��, - , , Ot' '� ,. . , d � . , , � � � �. �, c. �, �� ,�` ° , , .. � ti�t' - "�� �. . ';� �' .Ad �: . �;,',�,.. �y�iM''� �,�^/!'� ,�''' � �� I�.�.