The Goderich Star, 1900-02-23, Page 3. . I 11 - - _6 I I � ,, - � � - , , I I � � , 4 I * I - I I . . - 11 - 0 I I . 2 __ � � I - � - _.. 11 ".. 1-1--, , ­.... 1.111. .. I I - . � � - I " :, ��, i I I � 0* 117 il �, . ... � i : 1, � , .�� : � ,. rat 1C.41V4 mtri , ,. 41101 364 outat'r , 'T.La. A_ I I� I'll I. l, I . - ... . . I I : - - I 0, `* 0. " 0 ", -V-K* 11 11 . I I �' I . =, I I . It � . . � , � , "I I "I " I � � WIPP -01k : "I'll I I Jill 404 tow I- si*wh Oro —, -UOVOM It 0 It *60V 3 M - """ , � . 1C*"V*I WbAt 1*001064tialro, I lvr I $10M. ox""*w , I .. - I � ,. ,� 10 a V 't 4XV auott" . .1 , I . VE D. , to bi % % NEWS 8 WARY -=,J I I I 11 IV41:4110 t 44� j . I . I law W-41 - "ONTAITO U-01oulua "si N4111""""trver, 10,41 �U , .. � , A11@1,Io Out II'Muff fw# - � - , . Ki 11 .1111, I ,­ . - I . .1, ­ - &W"ll"m 9f T 4 Z rowIll YOU" WIXIAW � � I � - . I f"T" I - V have I*w ax sb#,Qp�aiw. . qt t tOWATV41"Is" �1�0�. , . , I 10 . - - , . I . .. -, -A!"Ov - 1=1 W"A 4vol4wil. I =t .n . h I C'', T . . Ir 1, , I 1"!', ; ALI LI V . `1 ;, , t A dowatell graliza, uroAto auya .-Tbe -4 I � , O14 iil4i iA 4 -I 01 . - tamb". MWICFA Olp XOTAQX. r wqp4tv , qCLOIA chilftil are to to "'olt" Biltub, Fvr�id: to Abandon All Their Advanced t.Z.04tiabi. ain4'711 v4kouat*4� 1� to A Xv- 11 I � . I! 110* W14 "Ift' . . ,iop- 42M4,P,, 94 � all -4j,"'Z zpa uxawl wung ,-* ,,,,,:gta.,:, Mr. MocUtur fAtX04os4 a kill VIC111"Irm OLIZ - *14 1 . A* foutima.4*0wil; 1, . "Ill ; I moist brilusint wantur thsit the Lie r It= 340 I 13 -Inch. 24; TZ,ba, U; #V4,14Ut lutur` has eAPPA for some Y908 b4c); wwuat,rm AA,Vtl for A row;f. ot tcqrio, t-TIQ4 Q1 the Eazt ."r "wx4 th � � I .� 'T . '. positions in Coleftrot Vlplafty:, I Brit- wAs that ot'Wcd.i I , I , T ,* WMIgal, Qo4 of W2, He Tual, i44 'A IWAx ai k";ihiskilia sis, .*, - 11. . - I 1. a. pAday. '.Pliv chamber re�wrdegQo XR prowntlilaw qf,(Wiertu- 'Wp.y. exp"two that the 944wt was to put WttW--,0X is, aillo $OW 0*44. I 1. t 0ealt out , tiiilu Atkisidgh..", . I . I - ­ 111.1 - - . . - I- - UOtlit' wam Altroagcd lin every ciarlacr with NAM; tilt iiii, Wra OV09, -4 Wriagowat oof cWy4i , , . , 4 vy a ; x1pt " 0 .. 4311. five- h� 11 0 terspolludroc,a J. J. UW',vacu. ao well knowo 51. I ,.. �, .;4t QpRo. the jw9bol.7 0 so X 4 11 , _W;qg go tbqk,v ti .I_ _ I , ey r" 94tw J" - ,0�4611R , Gen French Wi1h,HJs,r-1Y1U9,C01U=, Rams the Wte- 11 1% It 33; nav I , raost- laudrodar ot p.Uy,.c,lad woman. Th , 444, 91V Mhoo lauq at 034- John. NJL. itacwhaut. RaImmitted aui- wimilt tootlas 44 00 lawo�pmtnt of a ed tango at motlaro gu 1, ,:� . . 0 - A#,_4kq V$*, . . tarw # *0 ok0try to �0*1444 twilkill, oldc. . 40 '' L . alld WNJU-S t4e-- 154MY- . . IZ. V-tuch,,43; vy , train guns, WIDM crowded togeth?r like flowers on co4tracts, * . I' , A national astronomical observatory tZa4walvark, *X4 too, maks, both equally aserasi got "Ve t"A Mooro atteg. rtswt�, I I , Q; lilac etalk ota the floors of this House, a tal., ral 1000 k . I By. Mr. H071t-t of - *III b6 aftected on Parliament Hill this sub)cct to 06 Vrunlsall law. e(V to-duXing t�w Virsisellit wipt, . I I - The Zrlti3h forms prior to the war &Ind the gallerteli an all side& wero I rourtL - oulamar. I*. "Outilgillpt aeAq , _r tIA", WMA ___ . � UJZV4 Whether it � , , , couslatod, at VAW Mo. 7490 unmounted banked up high with tholm. It is doubt. Us Ur. Joyat, ouquiry r* liow,V4 (A- . ever this colile Swevioals4. The Hope of Soon Re�chlng LadystniLh Not Yet , .. Th.0 aicheiiqu 4 , Government Th. beisleged laosmith owisoill'it . aull 2," owuntool. On tbo date of the ful it a quorum of members, was able "'Pilotot4 00*00TA14k. 14,31r, WYAUXIt.- 04luji,ol , _� Ontario Navigativin wao the intontloo, of this, I py hAd dapdoad It) '"'40 4"iJ." to introduce 10415140ou this session W - ultimatum, Oct. 0. (be, . M be Ife y bad Itioxisaae4i Ito. ry bander twins contracts;, By ur , membered, 4ent the Welosillo' Abandoned Uy General Butter. to 12,W unmounted and %4M Mount- to got into tbA legisdative chatinbor. Marter, for a return of -license ita3pocc- .04 now sto4g. to ciaguolate fristalmy society i-Vir- Chriattaga-card, endased In a fift7. ' ' � ed; a tottal of 110,000. 091 January 7. Perhaps the interest aroused by the tqrs. and ;AW p0lid tg�u. �4rpugb.94t Jam,= (IQ". son Of a wealthy QVA- A despatch tram London, Wq4AW goo. halivever. believes the Operation tberewerciSOAfflumnount au41,900 tbe -.In- , . , I--- _lict hA-- lia- _�A hipisaulf at Mount a0m. � I I Pounder. on the morning cA Decombor � 1. day, olays:-Altbough the War Office will he futile." . many political everatal of the past tow I . I mounted, On February 28, they WW manthas, and the desire tol see how the AIJF4 1,45017R. 'VMU . VC911,1011, near New York. bLr. Wlelding sal" It W" not 'tho in" 25tti. Not to be atit-dout in Polite - (it Midnight autiounce,d that no forth- GREAT SLAUGHTER OF BOERS- conAist of 47.8W Mounted men and 142.- . � bentiou of we Government to pr0cmd 6 of A Durban despatch allays that two 8M altuounted. new Prealler -would comport himself Mr. VVILidAI4 $orth WaRtwortbi HOU, J. U. GiblSOU has been elected bat MM8 . OAMS, the, 0110MY, 00 the IsTeAlA or news had been received theireflrom hundred Basuvosi'%*nd Zutua reateb,ed drew so many people to the Open* , will reintroduce 14,4 Allen 4hour 1bill 1w,:11idellt Of the Hamilton Elcatric with t U ure" the t"t day of the old yeasio firot! SoutbL Alrica fox poiloblics-tiOlk. the 0911- ther,te Febr , paXy I§th from the Be" �AVY RESERVE CALL. this aelisloll, Ur." lVaC401A 10 #r;gly, 4 ugut amil cataract Vower Co. ; NLV- Filut gives uOtiola of the 'al- two Illuggell Palliser shells Into the Bur allgyK,9�d peyqri�l, deg A despatch from London, says; -A Ing. . I , 'rho larltifits of the Richelieu a Oil- 19W11119 resoluitiou:--Viat this House British camIx on on. ." Iml.dW j;$til.obars to lines,.- Thoy- said they had been, cbm- 'the opwon that in sol tax asi kbs_�Vro,, . - mandeered from the mines fair Camp telegram from Portsmouth says the It was exactly U? Doelook when 104 viuc4I'Lc4isJ4tur urisdIquilin. it u -to b4visation Co. III year Wore is now of opinion, that It is Ilesirablo the compliments Of the wagon. Thip i naval'ports Lieut. -Governor realcalled the chaw- should prevent 4 P . and expeillewt, t4at Parliament should, � came 'through repiltrt.illig severe fight work and the building of Adni raity enquinea at the' -1 !ialdlIZIacem"t of 0"11,730'. Ailo inewase of 916,700 over -9 the Coles,florg uotgowkwAuQ4. They witnesgiod the attack ont&�I'-'. have resulted in the agi.lartince, that j ArtiVrIcan, and..colhior tor- '0- other, oil being opened. vras found to ifixended in the BriLLh W1thdraW- camp, and Waggon hill, near Lady- torty-zelven additional battleships, hew, bin arrival having been heralded C!anadien. b . Mean vfitbout dutoy. onaot such measures as contain a reai English Christinamplum, Ing Lb ir aavanood position, WhLah had Smith, an J 4Uary (Ithf-Urilli also the cruisers. and torpedo-boat destroyers to the wititing asoseambly by the hand etgxl '4bQl-' . It is 4444 kh4t MaVkXuXI6 & 8 g the pe Qu PlIaq kop. Tiley confirm could forthwith hoist the pennant- of the Grenadiers outside. The anAV ANtl-BONUS LEGISLATION. � irlaiiwgy ooutra�tvlra, will Qu&avos t� will swum the ,prohibition Of the li- pudding accompanied by "or aBoor been won by ard4cas wokk cinrin A Mr. Andrew Pattull% North Ifixford, Wm4as"' the Woomative wQrkP At quor traffic for beverage purposes In _11luistiously Iro cal ,aett r gr t past six W -04w. " I , , VIaltqXr,q1t great al"liter in the The Admiralty on Friday ordered ence arose and remained standing will al e of ee _ . - The q4laf 4i thc* k`*004s-, Qvies' B ,,trenches. caumd bX the British thq ships in the fleet reserve at Parts- resume hiti-onti-bonue and anti- 4"'geton' at least tb(4Q proviaccia and Terri- Ing. kop, b,,fi4hAr than sla O1W mouth to be fully crowed and while his Excellency, attired in his exem lie will IFIVOObediagas .have been taken at tories Whioll have voted in favor of ,slatills. These Rasuton and Zulus offer- ready for pti" campaign. The bill The above is on the authority of the rounding hills, and the British guns ed their services to the British, but eei- This is regarded in some quarters Windsor uniform. walked slowly to introduce this , session -' wid be 111mill,011, to sAiweat Aid. Bauer, such prohibition." . . as dOmlaaL- as preliminary to putting the whole the Speaker's throne. He supported even more decided than the original chaxgeA with having a contract with Air. "d introduced a bill to regu- royrresentaLive on the spot of one at there�,hAvv P.VqA Owo, they were not accepted. the city. tho largest ad the international nowis jug the 134ei p , ilsitiving. %w the� Boers ___ � reserve in readvilloss for commission- blialaself by a cone, but mounted the "`0- Hamilton will open its now Dun- lato freight Xates on railways. He ex- , have moupted a faTty-poepader tit A atesputtoli from London says:- Ing- stepas unassisted. His reading of the WANTS CONMIM BILL I&MENDED, a uaxiii, on May 24tb. with abig plailued. that his ob4ocit was to have Igenoles- Anot hew correspondent I Ry "'D , --4111, - dur If Be . %ze'ellent , has The town of Clinton will ask an doulons It Couilmdation,appointaili to fix passon- meationed incidentally that Important sh,JtQtrn4#'s-XIok' Whelleas 9,()o yards, The follRwtiag despate f Tom Lord speech owns almost inaudible. tration, and Lord MiDLO Wiil , s6melimes' at amendment to the Coumco bill, pa.ased dexpa,tolies had been fiorwarded in this they seem to have somewhat easily Roberts respecting the relief of Kim- THE 1 SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. last Bession,-wilitch, Obliges municipal. be quivited. � Sur und freigat rates, and to dowdet compelled the British to retire from berley have been published by the War The full text Was an follows:- itie3 to purchase exiPiting electric light A seat on the Montreal Stock Ex- same nowel antlinnew Irvin Cien-Ta"i one po I. after another. BIT. Speaker and Gentlemen of the plantis before entering the same busi- change, Owned by Coal. Straitly. was cases of dittereaces between railway White to General Butter, the shells 8 Office:- F ocampardes and their customers by One correspondent reports that the Tqrvptq, eb. 2Q. -About forty car- ness. The request Of the Clinton Town said the � . Other (lay to Androw'Wilhou containing the documents having been f4litIng lasted almost incessantly for "Jaccolasdal, Feb. 16�French, with a leads of live stock cause to hand this Legisle,tive Assembly:- Council is that ,where the price of the for James Douglas for #10,260. way al kilusaLakou. he rieforred to the by arrangement, painted red. so as to two days, and declares that the'losses force of 9,Ttil ry, cavalry, a" - morning. Except for the beat cattle I take great pleasure in again meet- at cannot be agreed upon by the ar- No less tha& fifty pirrtlea haveleft Standard Oil Coomparty, ,which if' said Is . mount act ,the Boers, who outnumbered the ed itif aotry. reached Kimberi - 14" as M, k, Ing you as representatives ,d the Lpr(>- Ctlarators. the cost of the arbitration Dawson for CUpe Nome, Alaska. The be easily Tecognisable by the recipi- British five to one, were very great. eY I I the r I. was not a satisfactor.v one, shall not exceed $500, and that neither distance is 1,5W miles. and the jour- to get no unfair advantage over its entos. . Their Crousixt lFun west of Slingern- evening, Thursday," * and the proportion of poor stuff vinoe in Pawliament assembled. the municipality nor the company riey is Goo ontly at average diffictilty. competitors by scouring robate ILL A miedern big gun, If given suffi- foritein was smashed by a British how- "The following froan Gen. French s ar Since the last meeting of the Leg- shall be,empowered tu call more than freight charges. Tha ottect of I hill c itzer, but the result was not affected was recelved this anortaing:- isdatuire, Great Britain has been under Fast Zo,rra, Oxfo*rd County, Is poLi- lent elevation, will fire We had a fair trade in export cattle, the necessity of -resisting by force tlorda,% the MInistar of Education to will be to stop all stiob prilootloew Solitial LONDON WANTS A CHANG& it bill to A HOLLOW PROJECTILE - by this, and tbe Imperial forces have "'I have completely dispersed the and prices were maintained at from Q.rma the enexelichinent Of the h shorten the summer holidays in rural . Mr. Charlton intraducocal abating (at one s e, Of Kim- 4 14 Ito 5o peir pound, with an eighth Allricatial Republic upon hew territorial The city of London will present it sollools from seven weeks to three. amend the Criminal Code. Tiho ob- anywhere between nine and eleven their disapWomIttment. o - The reports concur in declaring that barley, f Tom Alexande,arsfiontein 1-0 ur a quarter more for choice oeloo- rights and the liberties of British aub- bill asking permission to make some Wr Wilfrid Laurier has been pr jeoL is to ruAse the age of consent' to miles, or tax beyond the remotest out - the Boers in the vicinity have been Oliphantafcontein, and am now going tiOns. , jects, in the 'I'Tumavittal. The issues in- radical chan in the methods Of berated by OtLairwit, friends with LL bust tiligbi.45011 Years. posts of the Boer la,rmly now Investing Ived, affecting as they did the in- electino t -he Council, the School Board, at ,be Coinate"d OL Aberdeen. the Work a1r. SiL,ou Introduced it, bill to greatly reinforced lately from several to occupy their ground. All the beat butcher cattle sold at va'Dgrity ot the Empire, !bppealed very and other municipal bodiee in the Wdeorsiot of South Atzlocoo. points, especially Magerefontein, and that of Hamil,ou Uarti:tirthy, the boulpt,or. amotad tho Duaninion Lands Act. The it is said that they are directed by Col, "Have captimed the enemy's laa- about the prices of last Tue8day_that strongly to the loyalty Of the Canadian city The bill embodies ward abolition, 'A wuggtyn couLs,uhing Blanche mad mv,a-uro rold,as to the homestead A single shell, landed on same spot Villebola-Marsail, the French officer ger anti store dispot supplies and sup- its, from 3 3-4 to 4o, per,pound, and Oc- people. As the Tepre4entstivea of the reduction of the number of aldermen Walter Had wat.� struck by. it T H & Isms of the North -Went. on the voldt proviounly agreed on by who is alleged to ho I ve plaqued llnuch P1163 Of.a.1111P LtIon. I *' Mi Diii.in ill,ruduotiod a bill to amend . casaitionally a little mom fox picked lots; province, I congratulate yon on the from eighteen to twelve, to be elected B., train al, Brantford. The: ma' - lea " of the Boer cam . I ue s nferior cattle enthusiasm, manifested throughout by general vote; abolition of High wa's broken, but, the woman 12 is t bell Mounted Poilite Act. This is a eatio-eignal, could be made to carry � piaiga� "Caisualti4le, about 20 of all ranks escaped tam and dea- lt is imbossible, in the abience elf the demand was slow, and prices, while the Iwhale province In the enrolment school trustees, save one, who is up, iLh a tow bruiboa. uAwm3ure dealing wl,hl prumotion tram s, whole IrIlliget Of let more definite Information, to indicate wounded. � . actircely quotab)y changod, showed a of her 8ons for Imperial service at pointodbythe Separate School Board; w Lhe rataks ot tho, Lorca. patches,-4dioraa. in fact. than couldba the aiguiticerim of the British with- "XIM-berIbY cheerful and well.' weakening tendency Several We& the seat of war. No maim striking election of water co'namissioners for The now ateamisbip line between Mr. Marcotw was informed by Mr. sent through in many days by the"- diralwal, but it may prove that the oon- "I have good realsou to believe the weze left over. proof c-ould have been given of the two-year terms, and the election of France and Canada wall be can aoc*m- FA-41aing that I& aniount paid out al dinary heliographic or searchlight oontriation that, Gen. Lord Roberts Th market for stockers was slow, loyalty and devotion Of Canadians to two eleOtOrn to the Board of Police pli,bod fact shortly. The Lirtit steam- Lba huperanuati,on, Luu4A Last year Was method of signalling. AMufersfontain .trenches ha,vq heen 4' Pire to Commissioners. er, the Roger, wall leave Bordeaux. al- Numerous letters have been fired in - seems to h#aTEk p2ado, 'Moddor x1vor . and prices weaker. their Sovereign and to the Em 4&b.5tw.21, and lot Ill" previous year has beeil accompanied%,., a weakening wbiinVo�Zid and Lhat the Boers aret en- Feeders and bulls were about on,- wistioth we belong, and I am confident OPENINGS FOR CANADIAN TRADE. Lear ta tnal at Havrv, for Quebec and %8.0,itio!.41. showitia a decrease of fi4,. to and out of Matekling by bombshell _,r c,bircriged. that any proposal Of my Government Mr. Thomas Southworth, ddrectorcif Montreal. on April I& U6.20. post, and most of tho shells recent- h;Lthe forces at Colosberg, and that deaviyuring to (kscaipe. , *,-- - Doors axe taking adventage Of this A dozen milk cows came in and sold for contributing towards the support colonize(ion, hae received more trade OLILALWU IN threatened with an action 6,, Llibberl. Tupper %ms informed by ly used by the Kdralborley garrison, compelling is soolarIng -Ake I the usual range. A few choice cows Of the wives and families of our so - inquiries through Harrison Watson for 110,000 damages, owing to the Mi.. Sillon that in thtv ettse of 'Jukon have been Inscribed with Cecil Rhode's couibuy tiqrtji,, Tht, latter idea wait , to resume the offensive, Ueneml` Fromftbn,berley. tU e of a 11 the Rritiali, ltx�'cionoont.ritte 'at Rams- of t In will sell. diers norw serving at the front, wi I the cuarvitor of the 0a,vaid,lan soeotio� deaLb OL J.. H. Tucker, by I he explosion allulug cluims, parties who had been compliments. beirg. - - - , , , - I Kellyl-Kenny.s.,�rig.d.s. .I i4fa.,ry Is Good veal calves are being asked receive favourable and generous ran- Of the Impe.riall Institute. A South- ,At a boiler at the Chaudlere in Novem- LAeprLvt,d ul thotr clutins through er- probably borrowed from the Germans, Silence is maintained concerning in pursuit of a large Boer convoy, mov- for, and will sell up to ten or twelve aideration. ampton firm w1shes to be pla.ved in ber IaAt. 'rho "ier was used iiioon. rurs olt the cluriCs, oir through other Wboo When bombrarding Strasburg. Gen. Roberts' doings, but the foreign Ing towards- Bloomifontein." dollars. THE TIMBER QUESTION. c�ommunica,tion WiLb sevortil Canadian iieckion with the tionstructiork of the IrLatakeft. voeic being gtyou. upporcula- during the lost Fraroalo-Prussian war, military attaches have left CapeTown Shoop and lambs wore a slow sale to- mrikeris of Pedestal S . root Railway Co.'s now power blous.l. ity to Lake cl) other claims as com- -1tampod a number of their solidshells to join him, and th"re axe other indi- A dast�patch from Jacob8dal, Feb. ,lay, and as a result prices were eas- I am pleased to be able to Inform A Glasgow firm, wants a c.onaignment GILKAT B1UTAlN. with the ironic mossage, " a Berlin." , yo,u that the lumbering industry of J,�,Id . It I Lon. This was, of course, the cry raised cations that a movement by him will 17, 7.45 p. in., &ays:-"Much graLLfied lex, while quotably unchanged. Be- .be province is in a flourishing con- �f FwiAdow blind rollers, which it can- England is having I% spell of severe Mi. ULL�uy Will wave that Purlkamoni not, be long delayed. The reported seiz- on arrival here L9 flndl admiraule he.- tween three and foonr hundred were .lition. The legiplation of 1898 re- not obtain from the moral source of -hould moset ou it lixod tiny annually, by the frenzied Parisian populace on urei of Zoutli,affs drif to on the Orange I here, and they did not till sell, quiring all Pine logs out under license supply in the TTnIte,d States. There is wea, bier. or on a day between certain fixed dmit. the eye Of the declaration of war. river, is assumed to be connected with pitfall arrangemants made by the Ger- One thousand hogs were received to be manufactured in Caliada took I Lplendid opening in Great Britain The formal ratifications of the 1. bectituber or Jauuaty. Latex on, during the investment of Gen. Roberts' movement. man ambulance corps undar Drs here this morning. , For prime hogs, effect first in Lhe season of 1898-9. �or Canadian wood manufaciturers in Samoa treaty have been exchanged be- " C010.01 I't Lor wili enquire whother Pari", hundreds of plugged shells fill- lt seeing that the army in Natal is h-aettrier and HAdabrand, Who, WiLb scaling from 169 to 24DO lbs., the tell The practical operation of this legis- nearly every line. This is the time to Lw6en Loodon and Berlin. an Old(Ill-LU-COULICil wa,, yaosited tits ,d with letters were fired from the at present inwtive,.Gen. Rattler is up- � their stalls, have shown the greciLes. price is So.; light. and fat hogs are ladon has proven wise and timely. take advantage of it, as the Amori- Tlio British House of Commorispass- missitig kicuoitat Hutton or calling up- :Iwigured city. Many of these mere parently at Chlvvple�, and several of kindness toolar wounded, as; the) bringing 41 -?c per Ill. While the quantity or pine timber cu �,in Imakers are barely able to keep 64 the supplementary urmy estimates, On bim, to lo� oil. .AptUTed by the Germans, not a feaw the corresponderliti, expectingn lull in have to, the Boer wounded. Some of Following is the rauge, of quota- last season showed little, if any, dim- up with orders al home.. By pushing 413,00t),11tio, by 2A3 votes to 8A. Mr. Mallfillel. will introduce a bill t� went aa3tray, and wore lost irretriev- the operatiplas, ,have', gone to Durban our wounded have been here since D,- items:- inution as compared with previous thefir export trade to Great Britain Rain& and it ruaAd ,chaw have caused prvve,ut Chinese or Japanese front be ably, but some wore picked up. by . . to Tecaperite, " comber. Some were brought in yebter- Cattle, years; the saw milling business of the now this Canadians can gain a pac- many rivers to overflow, and tbore are itig emptuyed in ruine.s. Vronch peasants, and reached event- - I tie y. " � red whilth- Lilly those for whomi they were in - Shippers, per cwt. . .g425 tlieo province, on the other hand, has re- ma-riont foothold. Sterth is the opin- unprecedented floods in various parts ,Six Charles 'tapper oncleali tended. I A despatdh from London, Thursda The following despatch from Gen -4 Butcher choice do. . . 375 V5 ceived a powerful stimulus. Many :,,on ot tin affielin.1 who has direct of the United Kingdom., er the,order-in-k'ouncil Iva- thothuspon- The worst of these letter -filled Y' I eral Roberts, P,osted to -night, [ills the Bu.cher: mad. to good. . . 315 3 li) existing mills have been enlarged, idle 3ourcen of information. The Bri-Li.sh PostofAce advise that � tha coasting laws had woul It— aays:-General Lord Roberts' advance I gaps in the earlier clospatches:- Butcher, inferior. . . . 275 3CO ones have resumed work, and a num- - "711 0 :,orabaholls Is that they are liable to from Madder river has begun with A desj*toil from Modder River says: iStookers, per owt- . . SLO aL0 ber of new mills have been built and LC10arfiLMS can now be accepted for .-Winded. Ind thait th, IUTy theuis Ives in the ground by the British � equipped to meet the demand for TWO BIG GUNS SMASHED. Kimberloy, ,South Afarwan, at 8ander's Sir Wilfrid Lnu.ier .opl more forree't their own impact. One considerabler_ success- The ."The sixth �divisioa left Waterfall rLk. ando w�L exooeotting twelve words. 1,11129pellgi,011 litti)iLed only to the pim juch wne no have LnvAd'dd 'the 'Oraffie Free State drift and marched 'here, going the . Sheep and Lambs. lumber, and as a result substan- - theat not long aincein a. Sheop� per owt. . . . 300 350 auw a Hon. Ivor Guest, Conservative, hats �casoai of navigation. O- ar Vincennes. It contain - in an attempt to flank tho left of me evening to Rondeval dr-ifil! to trial beriefits have been reaped HOW 111w 'Worre*trarroo Lat SlIngerfarantelln A bill U. 'a W hold the crowsting, of the Ml�dder Lambs, per owt. . . . 5LO 650 from the action of the Legislature. 190d Their P000llion a 11h It, Do. been elected to represent Plymouth In Mr. Clanallobell Introduced od . of Commandant CronXa force at river, and leave General French free Bucks, per owt. . . . . 225 250 In pursuance of the Policy Of an,- ,he Hu�iisa of Commune, without uppo- legalize the union labei. -;ONIE TWO HITNDRED LETTERS, Wagersf contain. They have gained to act. Milkers and Calves. couraging the development of Indus- erg, Toes _i,ion, in succeasion to Sir Edward .Xr Davin introduced it bill tt possession of four driLta, by which the ­Sbolrtly aft . or arriving here the Cows, each. . . . . 2500 5000 tries for which the eirciRristances of day, liays:-Before dawn on Monday, Clarke. amend the [And Titles Act it ad to get the dates upon which showed that Mounted Infantry visited Jacobadal, Calves, eacli. . . . . 200 1000 the province are specially adapted, an he enemy opened an attack upon A� the twanty-third annual meeUling "Id of tin anomaly existing in th. 'lit, receptarle containing them had Riot and Modder rivers were crossed, an North-We,st riognarding the proving lot een fired-prolanbly from one of the al found it full of women and chil- Hogs. order-in-Oouncil has been passed thal 'linger-ft,41tein, Lh outlying forts -during the carlydays Choice hogs, per cwt. . 4.50 500 pulpwood out on Clarown lands should 1-IntiLed Kingdom, thAi now president, wi-Ils mad(- lit Einglaind and have captured five Boer laagers dren, wit.h four of our wounded men, S allsaulting ,-Wi of the Chamboer w ,shipping tit ,,he 'A the Hlego. with their supplies, though there is no doing well. , . . � Light hog% par cwt. . . 4CO 450 tie manufacture,d in Canada. A meas- mu�ketry the hills on the nort east, Mr. W. J. Pi,errie. of Bet.a-4L, maid, he Mr PutteswAl ask Whether ill,, Guy- The earliest recorded instance of the official indication Of thL10 amount of "On the waS�'back the Mounted In- Heavy hogs, per owt. . . 400 450 ore confirming this order -in -Council bold by three ocrrapanies of the War- LLLd not think tho 13riti,h have much arnmont. in awarding the coutnict,i tur us ,, of the ordinary letter -filled 15umb booty. fantry were attacked, and nine men Sows. . . . . . . . sco 3CO will be laid before you. - U08ters, under Capt. Hovel. ca -use for alarm at the Competition tit the work tit St. Androvo's LLIPL(im Reti of to-dity wnA al thAt nioge of Tournay, It is difficult to follow the move� were wounded. Col. Henry and Major Stags.. , , , * 2(0 2co The desirabiliq of preserving the The artillery attack began a17 sun- ,he United States and Germany. river, will provide for (lie proteo(lo it of when the garrison bit Upon this ex- ment clearly here, owing to the im- * , to perfect condition of the maps but it Hatchell and ten men were missing. Toronto, Feb. 20-Wheat-Outaide foreats in districts not adapted r I in great Lcord George Hamil(un, Secart-taryol uiiiori Labour. ,*dient for opening up communion- , both officers were subsequently found markets were firmer to -day, and local agriculture, so an to constitute a per- rise. The Boers aipproachto4 State for India, ,lAotking of the war, Mr. Petit will aik If it im, 'tie inton- tions with thn Outside world. It wvia seems that General French's rapid at Jacobadal, slightly wounded. , prices had a better tone. eapecially nianent, source of timber supply, has uumber�, estimated at 7 to 1. Th, .aid that it meant that if pro,per u Lion of the Government to, inlroduce 'w' ng it) ,,no of their aeria.1 past -of - operation not only cut off the Boers' "The cavalry diLvi8ion is moving in lb,cose of Manitoba. Quotations are been fully recognized in connection ilriti�h, under good cover, 81.18tRined were ma,de of the mounlainm On ih�, any logisIvion this meNsoln for the,in- ,'i�c,em filled with plans and despatches. communication with Jacobadal, but 'a northerly line, and has apparently as follows:-Outario red and wh' to, with the administration of I he Crown - thiolagholat. (lie frontier of Indin,thehiggerlhehomtIle ,iwvi ion of apples or proie,t ton, of t hf llilit�g shorl, and thereby coming in - barred their direct rvulta�to Bloom- tilready reduced the pressure on Kim, 65 to 66 1-20, according to neaIrrict,it domain, accordingly districts capable ,lit attack (lay. arany that got within theqe mountain. .,PPia Irlk,le- all(t If 80, whatischoul" Is to our hund,o, that the discovery was fantasia, WhiI6 at the same time exPOs- heta-ley, as Keketwi011 signals the one- to the mill, Western Ontario points; of being reforeated, are being set MeanwiLile, two big guns on the propo GA. minds lot th- exact position of that ing the enemy to a flank attack on my has abrindoned A-lexandersforatein and 67 to 67 1-2c, east; glaose wheat, apart as forest reserves. West opened up on the Brit' the larger would be thA graveyard i8h at day- they would make tbere. 1�ir. Gilmore introdut-od tin Act to �adit mubterrarocan store of gunpow- Ilia road to 130shof. Such, at any and that he hats occupied it. 71c, low (reights; to New York; spring, MINING AND AGRICULTURE. light and fired for half an hour, When I intend ille,t1ompti-niew Clnu�iom Act lie doer which wale afterwards known am rate, is that view of the situatilon tak- " French has advanced as far as ea�at, 67c: Mabit,obit No. I hard, sold 'I'lias healthy c�yndition of the mining UNITED SFATES exi)latned that lito bill liati tefererve-, the - Onvat Mine" A Portion of our on here. . I Abonsti,am, with sdight loss, and is ILL 79 1-4c, North Bay; and lit 79, 3-4c, industry is shown by the growth ol a Briti.4h howilzer silenced them with Rev. William H. Green, hoiid ,of the ,to utercantilo aud manulactur.aig cum .iainp was foundt to be well within the lit is assumed that Gan. Methuem hVing tin the posts, his realr being g.i.t. revenue from sales and rents f min- ,yddite, the British ar(illery firing Theological Seminar:o ,,I Pimealton, I& Vaniom incorporated by 6peoial Act, ano dning,er-zone, nnit on the night of An - still holdsa .position south of Magors- U4 by Mx)uxLt,1t& Inf-antry." Flour-Stendy to firm. Outside mill- ing Inndq, the increase of invescLarients with precision. (I as d. ,ub,,eci to the provisions of that Aet , ust 25t h, wnx renialovod to, a safer lie,- fontain, ahal it is regarded as prob- The Wax Office points (rat that ill*- ars Oiler strwight roller, in buyers' in mining enterprises, and it larger Then another Boor gun to the north A drinking fountAn im to 1,s erected It timi no rvirr"tice ill ,ritanufacturinti, ,olity- Our allitm, the Dutch. however. able that Gen. Macdonald's expedi- wtoird "here" I'n the above despatch bags, taiddle fro.gh 8, at 0.1-70 per bal. ; output from mines and mining works. oi�oenvd on the Royal Irish Rifles. but in Brooklyn, N. Y., am it inemorml ; 0 and mere,intile companim iocorpoitit� d rofum*-d it) lake warning, believing the tion to Koodoosberg had for its ,niain means some point on the Modderr.riv- and export agents bid $2.60. Specia I It im the Object and' policy off my' Gov- rather ineffectually, as the Rifles had the late Miss Frnneen E. Willmrd by letters patient The objecti w -L" it) whole affair to loo it rose, of the ene� object the drawing of the Boers' atten- eir In the Orange Free State, am& not brands, in wood, fbr locall account, sell , he natural ble COMI'll)(71111014 Of the k1nd III(II(31-1 my it) get it,; further noway from the tion westward from, the contemplated ornment t,' atilt "a al I I good cover. The New Yoak Board of Tride all(] '"a hnng,r tilt! plaxit, tit which theii t,,w n The result Wt -L8 that over four Moddeor river stlatioia. around $11. 7 The shelling continued all day and TruramportAtion is discussing the pro- "' r .move ,of Gk -p. Ffronch. with AUSTRALIANS ANNIHILATED. %Jifficed-Scarce. Bran is quoted ai I'e,;ourcns Of our cauntry so ns Ito tit- ften,itluaiteni were located "ithout til, hundred (If I hern rWere blown to pieces The presence .of Gen. Roberts . ford the large.-vt scope for the profit- , A correspondent of the London $15.50 to �16; and sher-La at $17 to 818 ' evening. The Boors brought up a 40- lKamed improvements to Etio (-final, lying lo Pailininent foi nep-tal A,,t ,n tho terrifi(- explosion which took the Kimberley relief column had not P,L this mill door through Western On- al"O employment of capital and labour pounder in order to bombard the camp During the patit, three mrynLh8 2641 o hit purl)o.--. plivat, oarly oil the flaourningof the fol - definitely known, Mail at Naauwpoort, telegraphing and thus furnish the markets of the from R hill to the north. The attempt e I I 't been previously t a rio. cintrimled ti(xidie It have arrived al Still Ma)or Nliddlol-,-o, Aid. K. Webtatet. lowing day though It was, guessed that he went Wednesday, and describing the evaou- to Madder river aa,ftar leaving Cape tion of ,Rensbctrg, &Aya:- Ourn-Steady. No. 2, American, yel- world with fini,ihed articles instead of was plainly visiolos, as the gun could 1�rancisco fr(nn Manila, an(I 2414) more R. lj� ,Nlillpt., W. J, Ilati,vu. antl .1, ,',I A BAD INVFSTMFNT. "Two companies o(f the Wiltshire low, quoted at 41c, track, Toronto, and raw materials. ,,e seen b6ing drawn up by 18 oxen. will eoon arrive. Kittiourti. Owean ��oun,l, vinved on the Moirnin'l ('.uv'n,)r ini inquired a Town, but the lerecence If the sixth ailixed, at 40 1-2c; Canadian corn, 8) I am pleaaed to be% able to state that With the Boers surrounding the Bri- n I he rngged� rl,Otbing ,If Kim Jlt,�- Goypt-nation(, apking for liaihour llil- f lent -looking mtrangor of awoak division under Gen. Kelly -Kenny was Regiment, in with&rawing froanKloof cultural condition of the pro- tAsb in oveTwbedmiag numbers, and I t -2c, track, Toronto. Ofierings of Can- t he ngri wick, it Chicago rhaiarler, who died I,r,.venjentm, and thaL 0N%en 14)und to '('" '( a complete surprise here, as it was (,xLmp lost their wtay, anti are mis i voting Iman who stood weighing so- prmag' adia.ra corn light. vince is much more fnvourablel than it having artillery, it then became evl- last reported at Thebus, between Their whereabout-B, however, is etty -Firm and wanted. Car lots, 61 has been for many years. The great dent that it would be impossible to in a charity h��­,pihtl, v%rim fOund 85,- nipiemim, be prolocte,i in It .6 g,li tit n grover's shop. we Peas , 10 1:ll."I"" Coleaberg and 'Stormberg. It adds 11 known,, and they will pro,bubly 000 in gold and %ilven noles -cheme for impruvingi. ilm I ra Lmlla- about 10,000 men to Gen. RobeTts' army be relieved to -night. The Door losses to 61 1-2c, north and west, and 6Z to improvement in the qutality of all retain Sdingerfontein, which theBri- N'ps, sir. 1 62 I -2c, east. dairy produce has increased tho popu- Lish evaotiated under cover of the The Troy, N Y., sit,l %torks. the ii,w facilities on ill(, Lipper laks-s tire lt'ou're ,trivertlAtIng for amana- whiollAs ,now, including the seventh around Cdlesburg on Monday are re- Barley -Tone strong and demand Inxity of our butter and, cheese in the iinricnesm, falling baok upo,n Renm- Bessemer steel works find the Reno- .Judge E A Itivia,arda, 'Af Wincilloeg. gor, I I-lieve I division, estimated to number some- ported extremely heavy." . idtis- good. Car lots of No. 2, middle British market anti bas consequently balyr g. o,slaor iron works, are bein cons011- h.i� leen app(Aut^al nbairituAll ,d III,, )t Ks we I" * thing likle 50,000 troops. The Times has the following freights, Vc� and east, at 43c, No. I stimulated this branch of industry. The British calaurtIticts were lighter dated with it capital 817g(00 1111111 Elevttt�ff Conattimsion in the plavo of Pre,m*ent manager ai.l,ut anywhere( piatch from Arundiel, dated Wednes- Our fruit interests are also a Ing 'if , , 'ludgi, Senkleir, of St. CathaiLim,o,who Well. Van ninnager tit present. our take a hopeful viierw of the situation. day:- . is quoted at 44c, outside- increa than might have been expected in ills The piroposal to v,ouA( The newspapers In their comments ruct a h it K.� ],.,I ol�vc.-ntly ittloVinnipel; Ali! That's g-ot,d Now, what sort In some oases they adopt an eaultant "Two companies of the Wilt6birea Rye -Firm. Car lots, 50c, West, and in importance and value, as the ex- c.ire'umostances. (lain to raise t tie level Of lbe 9 rea I ' A ti,putttion front th,e cily of III,(- A c lb.q, inny I tie guy nor too f Old ( tone, but more sober opinion is can- that Wtore on outpost duty, failed to 51c. east. parts of our Orchards for the Inst - fait" was btifor� f1w fb�er anti flar- file) consisting (of Dix. If ) Grant. About my ngef tent to await the, outcome of the oper- 'vin- the force before the retirement Olati-Firm and active, White onis, yetir rn.ik� mnnifeqt. The attendance SHELLED WOMEN'S LAAGER. hor 00mmiltoo at WaNtungton Wed- wpn'r)f S�i James Grant, Of 011awn, .J 11-1 nny t�routdo, with him at all( ations, having learned to avoid dis- MI Rensberg, -and their absencenot north find west, 27c; middle froightm, tit the Agricultural CAlegia has reach- - nowlay. N Athan, :trial ,John 13 Wel-l--t.,ima,m Well I r4in't may I hav� counting successes in advance. being votived on. the paxade, they 27 1-ge; and east, 28c.. These prices M the highARt limit yet littriined Fince Firem, it J."d.1 1`1111"'. tond 111�ar 11ta.baml 111cre nalaila tw .re lit in the (WO plant of in jorwn It,, interview the Ministproff Vlcosl�-foiled screw, -in" be? e Tb6rti Is a,ditiposition In some quar- were even t1titilli - clat Off." - I would be paid freely, and FaLlIfor [Or the o0ablishment. of the college; '11. rit".1-11. the Na ional Steel Comlainy Wedn"Ho- Alfricullur#- anti urge the Prectlon(h .Some 1-ple onght (,dl him so torsto doubt that so skilful a com- A doespsti6h to the London Drally Mail round lots. will be nene�sary to provide ridditiontil (lay. The furnaces, which fire the I oqor,�ifl Canadian Iruildirw :11 I �I` All, well I If I get ,,n here And h� mander as Cronjo has been caught f,rom Nnatawpoort, dated , Thursday. Buckwbert! -Quiet. 0 , 'ferings light. nce,rornmodn:ion if the attendance rnn- A de,p,itch from, London, Thursday, largest in the "orld have a mpaility Pin-Arnerivrin F,xlN,,oition 'In Bnff � 11 In- firly (It bin nonawonnew eta at*- he'll napping. and, It to suggested Efa not says nothing of the return of the Wi3t_ Car lots, outside, quoted at 49 to,50c. I inum to increase as it bas during the ,�,ys.-Thie Daily Chronicle publimbea Of 690 tons every (woroy-four hours — -O.— .111, hito I--I in tit,- mUgJT tart ,Just improbablelliAt latichaa abandoned his shires. . I Chicago, Feb. 20.-Flaxt;eed-Closed: last few yent-R. the followingdesixi,tc-lifrom Mafeking tPhe inuch-talkod-of I nitAti Staten W WNI EN I IN I � I Cli I IN irt- hirli guy n.true, will voll? position at Magers$ontein and the The Daily Telegraph has the fol- --tNorth-,oWeat Find Soutli-West. cash, It Is to he noted with rogret that d-ited J.,nuary 29: --The Boers shelled steel combin� ,am completed Wiodnem- , I W�il, if you re applying for the &logo Of Kimberley to concentrate Ills lowing despatch f1rom Nflautwpoort, $160- May, 8I.C30; September. $1.16. the increasing numbers of insane tax (Iftyat Pittlil-Urg,W11.11 tWenly-flVooll.11 Life im Stitt in Petals, pliperiodly the stittittion Vno takinir (on the, re,�w man . forces elsewhere. The recent great al-Ated Vebrunry 131j, and delayed in Oc*1 oiLe To 8 1. 1 4. the Accommodation of our asylums be- 1110 "Onten's longer for two hours On of a total of t%o,enlv-nIn- eonnertim woman,A life. 'rho law of (�laia allows BN .Jovel )'ou .ref Now, [should incrolitio. in the strdngth )of thiS Boilard tAnoralssiota:- � . I Buffalo, Feb. 20. -Spring whent- vond their capacity. Notwithstandinir Saturday, Ounuary 27. Doer women, timilignmalerl !, p"pi(al of j52,CW.0W lik� tto get this shop Think you v,ould in the Colosberg diat'rict favors this "Veri severe fighting occurredt on Fair demand: No. I hard, 775-,qc; No. the. liberal provision already made and kept iniormed 0 4pioh evidently, G EN E RA L It oat -b man to have four wives Ilk vike� Atto., to -in irnm�111110 d-Ision if I view, which, ho;6veb,.r,oannot as yet both our flanks near Itenabers. �-The I Northern, narlondq, 77"c; round the large expenditure, incurred in went into the trenches, clapped theil Dist rean frou' fainint, lot steadily in- lie May dIVOrCI` at Will ()or word in, torle it ­oarth your wbilof be other than conjectural. enemy greatly outntith'b r6d, our Lots, 765-8c. Winter whmt-No. sale -i. rtirrying on thepal sprvine,s, it becomes I 'bosh" is the Turkish word by which Shouidn't woritter trooT� ikg ab t 4,000 fa number. liands: -,Ind hurinbed ,00h,o the Rhellm ,re,Iming in India. - Th 4 ti d Corn. -Quiet; No. 2 y,pllow, 3P 1-1c; No. 4 ;rripprittive. thnt inerensed nroornmo- 'Prmnn PRrhament halt paiise�i a Moslem divorces hie wife It doesn', A h I '-w I a 1.,,w, -e nmy consider Off tondon, 'PrIday, ey t 0 th Vorcesiter yellow, 371-2c; No. 2 corn, 373-4; No datiArm he provided for mnnv urgent fell near the English w<Xmen La y I he, So T(,ng:L and Zanzibar ,ount if he says it only once or twice t wttl,d, eht a,m he -lipped a hall - A 614-tob far their 7 shire Re- d The (, IIIN 1, and with deeper- 3oorn, 371-2c. Ont­Ea.nier� No. 2 cn-AR now armuiring lifteration. '-�arah wil4on was Ri,gt.-,',y wounded MOa IVe'r-gri ml., the meek young man's says: -The a bse rtra-ther news giniOnt Ion , I 1.111. -a I, '" I , from Gen. Lord rb�rot`s i's interpreted ato,deterrialfinticin, char&d borne, only white, 29c; No. 3white, 291-2c; No 4 BILLS TO BF, INTRODUCrD. ­vf,jAor G-uld-Adams "Id Capital" S.ii] Ron Mu%sa, rommander-in-ohief iut if maid the third time. the -,, i D., I I I o e,p,rienc� such a hearty Maxim and white. 28r� No. 2 mixe,d, 26 1-2c; No 3 Mea,,,,, W,ill be submitted for the Wil,on re,eivpd ronlusiont; from shell O' must Vo. and There is no recourse )"- wwi th-it individual rim hequipt- here as an indication that impociatant rifle firefrota our men that the death f tho army of Mororco, mail Minimler Woo, ly lxm kpl�d i lip ef?in Sorneb(jw I don't operations tire in progress. roll of the assailants must have b mixed, 2fic. Rye-Nniaminal. Floor - improvement of public highways, the frA,gment a." of War, is dend ['hero tire no is for wite nrid honle Pon Firm; fair demand. Airrainage of swamP lands. the oncour- CAN HOLD OUT TILL JUN9. A St Peleraburir (14-oopalch Rays Ih,I in I'lorlon There are no homes tan,; , hIll It , vou d all'itt sell, iyhy how,ol Thi&m is practically no news of can- considerable. Minneap-riliq, Feb 20.-Clome:-Wbeal R I b ..,Ier , \A "A patrol of the Inniskilling Dra- Cement of coM storage qtaliion,,,,in ru- A desIntch to the PIL11 Mail ("a"tt" Pon,sl ruct ... n of a lrnnR-Perionan rail- wives. it i. curious to bo,ar a hnnd , hn , u,' sequence from the Natal side goons was surrounded by some 500 -in fitore, No. I Northern, Frbruary ral districts, anti the colonza on of from Ma eking, via Gaborone-, Rays:- way has been da,fini ely decided urp- woman may A have loid my W1,11, ymi Fae�, I hnppen to be the An Engliall correspondent at Chie- Boers, and gallantly cut its way Ofir, May, 661-4c; .July, 671-2 troh'75-1`tr� tboge portions of Northern Ontario The sniping of the Boors has been On. It will bo, I.NX) miles in I�ngth Aome .ru� rt,�r anygelf! vedey, Ip a despatah dated Fell. 13, through withoyt losing a -man but , on, track, No. I hard. 67 1-2c, No.( I best a dopted for agricultural pur- loss troublesome lately. and the shell Nw -Intent -,rh h, le,-i�hid pinnq humbawl If lie marri,om nriofht�r ­f,� I stays: ­e We are atti'll bopegul of re- company of Now South Wales ihninted Northern. 1`18c� N6 2 North,prii, Ole. po,les. Y.our attention will be invit- fire is lighter. Our guns have cause,] ,,, r,inT Rngland'.q n',i'val mu,pr,,noIry �Ilall poison him. and I inlend to Lit, - Ifieving lAdyismitil." Nothing hatAbeen Infantry w"unfortunately annibilat- - - ed to biliq re-spioctinir (lip revenue. el- serious losses to the Boers. P:mfwr,)r NVIIIIAM now Aiartm to ent,h i't." Or In ask a woman about her A I 11.1 E 17A LF received from the latter place direct. ed, moat of the men's bayonets, how- VAALKRANTZ LOSSES. ections, eduoation, and mining, and al- "The food supply is lasting well. and up i-, h- a,o n r,don,zt,r lie has fi, home Me, and got the anAwor. Love Ah h -h sbi�vrrd the old man as tie ' A Boe9r,keport'dafted Peb .. 18 Ways that over bealng the impress of sanguin- . so to a measure for a eomprebeinsive can, hold out till .Fune. That gar- atorl 10MO mnrk� to loromnin G�rmari ,n,*-r,,i the ,­I,in of the ferry which everything is�'qtlieit thafei ary 'conflict with their foes. - ploration of the di trirt I Ing bo- vi�e - vory confident. �migrnliron to Pal"line in y bu.brindt ()It 7,,,. I ,v, him I all,ot Teot.lied Ow- Tbree ON 'If the Intandi r,, A statement Is ascribed to a citizen "Colonel Conyugliam was shot The Lit -Itoo,ts tr,-irft I twrenothe,mAln line . an **Th� - ove h,Tu an much aas a q�e­ h�olds �a wut jo,tt ieav,ng Windwar for Delroit of Proati6rialt who arrived at Lorenzo flundarmana re ty. I Pacifi ra IWRy and Hudson bay, in I% ,,,,, f,w.r m4unPipia in Jan It is rumor -I th.at the Danish GOV t e r." . risen kw R,1 down �o the hpn,�h wbrAch Marquesi Wednesday from the Boer throug7h the benart at the outset nif the . its nary than during any month since the -rnmpmt, which for twpnty-fivp y-1 In the cities the Moo,lem women - I stilgageoment The enemy c,hose, the The. War Offfco baA issued a listl of 'may be Obtained m to its timber, ha, ropjepl�,Lnff propo�alm Of the lTnit' ruti� ti.,e I.ngth of the ,,.O,in. on the' cam ft,Ladysmith to the efiect that tam, of the moon's setting for their casualties itmong the non-commLamion- mineral resovirces and its suitability a Ind all I,ut at)nut fiil.ftilo o, ,00 Of the the =rdment is desultory. There Inught. Out of five colonial offi- for farraingI purpooms. '. -1 8 al- in pu rci.-imto I he IsiniAh Wes, rin-,ni-t -to lnit,t in th� warme.st in a sbopage, of big gun aranittraition, mrs oiily ons returned, to cam ed officena and privittrotl; al Vnialkarantz. Your attention is invit,-A to the HIGH PRICE FOR RHODES. lnrhe� ta ithnut it) mubmit abill no I.M0,000 women of thi, land tire Imaq 1. do 4 1, -1 h� Th,� i,, the ond. for an w -A f68L sitpFli tram -,76briatiosbarg " A st ra t4glo a n4l cortion I en ti -,Pa' move Thtey imba.it- present relative jurisdiction of the - thnarizing th*, Fiil.nf those ponneamiona ,varts--novor nppear in public ,n- "'it n,.,,, ,%,,,,, Irs,ned III hlark and heavily voil#od the te e:,.Id,�iav are being awaited- � onn'o'k to Arundel has been decided upOn Killed . . . . 24 courts of th,s province, and of tbpir rf�- Teat 111111111"n 11111011ta" 11he Linton, ties eat MI* at 12,0000)(1, knorter- eNev kpnking out thrnugh a ;nn 1 ­Jil­ rI � t:-, h,%"r und b,mo Another , , Wounded. - . .322 pioctive judges, and to the suggestions I'lle 1.1 III, V-1- Th� '4i Ppler,burg rnrr-r-ndont Of �v An cifioredise Boer report states t1iffit Our guna from Obles kop, have been � mealled space of the vell I .m. ,MT� I i wam, wtoto siat next a Iarg6 British army moved towards tim Wing do- Missing. . . . � . 6 of experience for further promoting tho Lowltyn Time,m says 'it will rint , " 11m, Ih,- ltll�r replied safety retnoved, one May �9 The Wn.r Office hati powod a de- fear of men, and not modeRty. imp -P - Colenso laat Monday, and camped near mitarco ed to provient its failing into the -_ I 1ho efficie,lit rarrippt and Inexpensive a place tno much reloinem upon -4,o ,� ", ­ ,I I. to refer to bin Total . . . . . 3.51 patch from Coionel Kekpwirb. tinted 'if' in 'him dip -a The poorer ,om­1 - th, BoscbX6P. This seems old of the enemy. , administration of justice throughout Ru�tt%*A qffirial asptnran(�A that n- I otul-l- �­i think yOwi �,ro an (aid Gen. Bulliar's wItbodrawal from Spring- or tbieriumber the let Durham I. -Rh erley women in lho- vi�1,IKe,t w -r of, vp,[-. al.,a %L.,t Ih- fir�t ,,tie 1,�a think BRITISH TAKE JACOIBSDAL. ! h,o province. Suall the effect that Kimb thing will be dOns to �nkh.irt-4- Fng- throw the vtiiig t�wrk and 1pn,o thaoi, j -I ­- gelt ng ,,n in ,,�,a Per If leld. I Infantry, which capturod the hill, had I During I" rcx�eai% I appointod a wituat bombardeA throughout February Ifind in the pm-rit pitnitioni of nf- Or A des"tch from Pretoria. tinted A despatch from outside JAcobadal. 12 killemi and 77 wounded. Rnyal Commission to report upon the triiarn - Rcmgirin fronpaII to tho nomhor rnre� uneo"ied, unlpqp now and then I,,; - , � o, I m, tor h I ma koe a aft ie.ss rai in y Feb. 12i ftorta that the burghern have Orringer'Froe State, ThIll"froiny, says - The despatch from Gen. Ru Iler airing financial p-mif ion of I hoe, province. The , Ri b. Duri.ing the morning of Fobru- nr 20.1111,01f) nr,e hohng rnn�ntrlled at In a ecoqueltiqlaa way th�y draw a f"I,i "al-, 11 - Il.w ,old ,I(, vou think I taken all the British positions around Jilicrobadal is now in possession of th" lkrnntza was Rent ' report will be laid before you early in 9ary Ot b a small infant try engagement. of the dreno; across flip mnuth 11 I British. YalsterdsV ra.,small cavalry Kn,hk The T,m� "v, th.,dernO,n- - Gn.hre. Coleaslil and the Dally ChrobicWa from Chlevelloy camp Th[oi would I I Ixe, rw"i on. A commission was also lawing two hours, occurred at Alex Pirriticion w prnin.ifily int.rariml to rrt�er The Fire Warqhir,er , or W,11 nmeo�d No i ." he looked the correspollItillent at Cape Town, dating patrol entered thet pInce and found it sviami to todirate tb,at Gen Buller has lappointed to enquire Into irregulari- I andoaratontein. The mtuation Other- rrinvernwntn Of a more parnetirn I kind in ,ir, lint few in Permit now, though it ,1h, -or ­i,efully, -oil, I should his despatch Feb. 14, says there Are full Of Woundedi including several 'removed his headquarters from.Rprirg- I ti.,q reported by thoo judge% at the bye,, I W,� ,,, unctmnRw%,J_ rothor nunirteirp i,I I ho land of their nrisfin . hu! their ­% von irs ri,early 75 ish have, evaeu- British frorn Reanabeirgi The place was field further mouth to Chievelpy rnmp lIslection hali In the west riding of Hl_ women nnn tl� pickod no, at ronro) in 11uh I vInculateci theI rothao,r with just ated Reasbarg fL,nd returned to Arun- occupied by a sma!l fcreA. which fell It un not known whvthtor any large I gin on the 12th of January, 1899. Th- The friends of Mr. Cecil Rhodes skre --- -40-- -- - Toohiorun. nar in the re,- ,itito, �IhArp , t�niroe it( Roo,rn, and eon,tid,srable dig - del. This, It correct, supports the be- back Before tbi patrol. body of troops retaininta at Springfield , commissioners hinve entered upon the hecomitkilif alarmed tit his possible fats. they are towini, by their drilm.a, Oiit nity airiiilht�nling hinr,elf Up lit the hast heft that Gen. Clelarient-st, GAn. After -I Periest cotsmall i4kirminhes -----A.-- __ , duf ieq ilinsi.ped in them. and havo Fwni fin emistmary to - Dr HF ADVISED DESERTION. aide Of Tphomn IA the Tower Of qlI .1111. tInw Well My '103r. I Ralk M French's eneceasor, was instructed to a battery of artillery shelled the an- - .riep where holiovingranithor in ero- ­rq ,�ld ra,ext artonth withdraw wbign priiaOed by the Anemy. vironm and drovei out the Inast of the Floor Walker -Hurry out, madam I I fTbm public accounts Find The reports Ley&q, the diplomatic aarant of the . The store's lifirel Mrs. Purchase c, this severaiii departments of the III Ill- 66,noptallhil-ar ll� ll�dvoosnlfh I --art mnsirm nor in burial. tho Fl- Wnr Phew. Itme sentrond Old rtman whistled. so as to risk na, loqs of his reduced Boors, Oh, IF; It I Then I'll just wait for tl�_, I provincial falarvice will be nubmittiod in I Broers in Europa, In regard to the prob- 1111 -It - 11-11 vatad A -0--d. -hipaorq orpotais their dead From tho ,A if hp ­,a� irr-ttir di-tippraintprianal force, Gen. Robart.q relying on hie own enated Jambs- .fout. In due cour". able cournoa the Hoors would Vuraup In hill,,ldao it lnokq Out in nnl�mn atill �^stfill-n, root donnt nAv no I Well. advainoo to ciampol the Boers to return tin]. they "its oMl*ed to "as over a fire sale. I The ftsilimates for (be current year. tho evant (of Na capture. Dr. Lsyd* A d-palob from lAdyarnith. Thars- noqq ovor the har-td. rlmd Plain. Pvon I in jow tp " " V`a r' hehind you to Protect their own territory. ridge, where they afforded a Pplevalid The most famonli, muto apiando in him- p repa, red wi I 1, a R g reA I rea a rd t o "on- � ssid thp Boers did not Intend 1. kill diy. -yai --Mr R V Fnooiaa. at retaid,ril as the dead of thk dving, Peoria look . ) , on r. I prottv n�t.vp young ?Al- �--,,� DAKKENG KLIV RIVER. mark for the British guniat, vvbich tO7 Is probably tb,A celebrated rharge emy as Is consistent with , efficient sar- Tgr RhOd,sq. but they would cortaiply of Ln0cirroth hnn b�n entart mar. op in anolontrin atillneqq from thoir 'nw Aild N ` 1. qPrm,,tily You sImm, The r�&hjl6n IMIly Itail h. totrest- of be friction after thA battle of Mip- Ic,o. will, at an early date, be pltar%ed hold him ILA a honiftgo until thiciain t,allod and Fienfoncood to a yonti; wan- Lzhanflv hurial plitep to thp unalaqwor - arof -r-rid vory wooll Th-lit'n all � .IF, the to)- aillIdWo"d itili"tionell apn1h Thin r sionaary Ridge. in the American Civil 'bvf(yr,s von. I lowing de"Itch from Lorionzo Mar- Ing onatinly. W%lr. when the mules. finding thnan- , dernnity for title Jnmoqon raid nhould p,ri,w,nm^nt at har,i Inhor for ,tr,u Ing .Iry nirht K - I, I f u p q n,d qnma tin y you- ques. dAtted Wedtientlitty:- The rand b6ftirpen Moddor rively haild GOVFJVafr,.NT MEAAU`RF_q Vion paid In view of tho dovolopme n', - Ii ar�,t I- i- in old rann "A Promintut Pretoria citi.2enjust Jacoltindal in now open. Than distance sealv" no longer andar the Insh of a I Aineet ill" rsid the Flonoors have al"O dA Inting falsoo r"rla rnleulAtod to dia A d�tnv w I ii rivAirr evro�rienrp hqq - from Ladpimith Informs me that the is only nine miles. T'he Tend in avail- al"I'llter' started an ft wilA run. and, I Trae Prelinter gives notice of bills re- ri4ed to double tho saniount of the In. r^inrAg,n troopu, and for adviRina Sol- invented 4 MI,ont amllopine limpitfO A Rroaw foaran and hormeolitead K It is , :oon breaking lease from the waggons. Apot, I I ng tin improverritant of higb- ht� Of ��,d t. l- �nao nt th�tfmturrellh of the Boilers 0*21(Pidly damming Klip river. able fhr Rendly4to rainforelmmonts rind tAmpolided diiralloltLy taward the enemy wayq. this drialanagn of awarrip lands demardly dernanded, so thnit M r ,fl,orq to desaort, driwn I,v t- h­�q Ard empro , 1',r,q Vithihition In thin fmrm will TWO thbaftud XoLffirn are Amployed In ftpplles. . In the &wkness the qoutbern soldierpi cold nioraigo stations in rural district%,: Rhode_q' friaoinds would hava ,I O hand Mar Vma%. who oa a native of Notal, ne-omr-dAtIriff %ty wOnndorl Ir 06 *64, And tUay hilve deposited 10,- 9TRF2WTa Or ROVIMS. took the ollislaingbt for a cavalry trit amend thin Ant armptactinit thA rev' over $10,01`10,000 baoilore he virnii. d 60 ro- rckqJ(ipd (or toorno lime in #hp Frotoo, ei,ontrit,ut-ro; qr� being Rqtbpr�din �_ . hihited the rhiof wild ardmals of ' qt.ato Up had he�on twice warnad for tho ifnll�r­a anti Mitt of tttentroon in tho fr,on,mvail Thr armenns of trans - OW audb&gs already. Vbely ,anb ofily Tile RrItfAl Intalligs'llice deVartment chnrM, and In turn stairnIlieded. lort- O'nuas of The Province of Ontario, and 1~,md p,,rtqtinn in the country are allso to hablik to *uk at night-UM66 MAI th y fastimaton tble number of 8mvil liabla ing this criidU victAws Ita the pansesidon 'far thin Improvement of file Succaission It in alito IA.qrnM that Dr Jameson qq"rfing that Ills srarrison wan On holmo�tp whimb have seen warvi- in Alf w6&14 U �ihdif bilds,li fire. This cis Dutioo Let. is still at I.Adyarnith- Son t1aft Ova, of star"tion and eapture ri �q n M MIM I QMA h. illitlasta-;Itad fl- to "rvioiia ill ths, Ttownsleall at 811.1114; of t his fWa. r I . � � � I . I I . ii) 14 I I I I I 0 1 . I 1. . I I I I I I - . I I .. I . I � I ... 11 . I " , . , .%, . 1, I . \ .. . I . . I I . � 1, � � � . . .J, � 11 �� . � , I � I 11, . I . I , . � , , �> 11 � . , 11 , �, ­ I I .1 I , . . � � ,I � -,,:, ""`,� 1. � ­ I � , I Al 10 1111� " 'C." - W 11 , . � r I I � . � I 'It I r , . , . I I , . i &_ I ..� I I , . __ . I I � I ,4 1 1 � �. . I . * I 1 ,� ! � _J, ", I 1� 4 — .� _"_"W41­;1J­L&1­­ � �` I - -_ I , � -up, - - i im . , — 1� �" - I ­11.;,,�. ti.�01.. '. , I ". .'" - �611^4 Ldl-- �� ", __ ,"", I" - I ­j 11 ­` �­ � "ol— _'_1 �, �. , A , , � �. %. , I .� Awfti&L i;A#SR6A*A*=— - miall'aAA209, "...," __­ ,.­44,� ^.,_,� VJ