HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-02-09, Page 80 r It The tai" as a Newspaper pleasesYou, subscribe for its Uoo pays for The Star for a year. It is. Hu.ron'ls aSesta Nc+ wspaper. 'i09 MOST INTERESTING} PASTINR Ili --->Amateur Photography.<— Apy one can tako pictures with ono of our Camer"O. All prices from $2.50 up. Call in sod we will ba pleased to show then V 3F*_ MX. "1UWXX l6DZo OH61111I8T and DAIJOQI. �rQ00oT� k:. "ERE'S THE - WHOLE STORY We keep the best foot- wear we can get; we do it because we know that it will pay us to do it. We know that if a man comes here and gets stylish, well - fitting comfortable shoes at a low price he will come again and again. He'll bring his children and tell his friends about us. In the end we'll make more money than if we charged high prices. In Trunks, Travelling Bags, etc., carry a full line and would like you to call and see them. Our Slippers have arrived and they are very stylish. iT. GEOM PRIGR West Side of Square, GODERICH and stall at the store and toe the bargains for vourself. Remember the Jaye, Wed. people We $BOW. •3i}, - neaday and fhursday. Mime Emigh is visiting at Birth. The Henderson Bicycle Co. rondo sayer al shipments of bicycles the pant Mies Nina Strachan to visiting to the Quite ` week, and large orders are coming In City. CnpGain Gibson is still confined to the lou from the conalanny's travellers on tiUln by ucss. road. Clam Pennington, now of Stratford. Sunda THE STAR solicits patronage on its ad in town. You oah- own uterine nS at newspaper. , P. Coate, of Exeter, was a Goderich visit o not ask for more than quality, n Tuesday. quaff ` tit +rod rirculation. No better value Jsmea Robinson made a budnore trip to T 3 ran to this week. ' Cao he offered than TAE STAR gives. S. U Gidley, of Blyth, woe In Goderloh Tut ,..` Those of our merchants who left day of this week. their lights hurnln;r on Saturday night J. B. Tierney, of Birth. was to the count are tie�ervfug the thanks of those who town on'ruosa or. ' e•' were present at the tire, as the night Mirs Ausobrooka lim returned from a lot was excessively dark. and there were Malt to friends in Toronto. 1'. J. Marks, of Baytleld, was on a busint pj;jM1!, no street lights to guide one home. visit to Goderinh this week. A number of boys at the skating -rink Mowry. John ai;d Wm. Sheppard, of ()Unto un Tuesday evening behaved in it most t were In town on Wednesday unruly manner, many of them delihet- 'Mrs.rewe, of lintweek. vislung at tl ittely insulting the curlers. The reranmaternal mA toreturned to Detroit after • tv agement should see that the young frocks' root the old home. ; • 11 ackguarde are kept out of the rink in future.Colonel A. M. and Mn. Row left toe the home. Toronto, on tdaterday. A meeting of Jubilee Preceptorv. Among the caller oa Tutt STAR feet Monde NO. 101, was held at Clinton Last Fri- was Mr. Walsh, d lleaforth. day, when all the old rtfleere Were re- A. Mall Allan returned trom Ila fruit Inep■ elected. The annual meeting of the tion visit to Montreal on Monday. County Chapter will be held at BlythMiss Ball, a P. R. ticket and tclesral on Tuesday, Feb. 27, commencing at agent, to spending e,week in Toronto. 11 o'clock it. in. HArrF Rothwell Ish on Monday for Whit peg and other points in the Northwest. —+-- MISS LaurA Willson of Zion, was the sus Business Notices- of Mr, and Mea. Wm. ifurmws on Sunday. Mfee MaLmilan .or the Collegiate, was a►Ur Italian and carnations rt:8lewart's. cor- home last Friday by the serious lice" of • ad oar Bruce ani Victoria 9b' r. Chas. Rose, barrister. Toronto, left for hoe _ Them were is few docks in and up last weak, after a two weeks' visit to the of the river last week. Wits their visit a home. sign of the thaw on Wednesday P T. R etanleyyi� H. F. Sharrppeo and J. A. But Y W Oysters arrived, and served in all style phrlw, of St, Mary's, wereQodnlch vialtere t edoesday. at the Victoria Restaurant, West street, Mea Clifton left for borne Toronto, on Sr Ice Croam Find Fruit, Confectionery, fie. utday attar a few weeks visit to bar motile O. BraossxoNs, Prop. Mre. fotNlDb A limo. , Grocery Bargain Days at R. E. Smith ds Mies Strachan, book-keepor at the Goderla fJo'a, Wednesday tied Thursday, Feb. lid KNtnna works, lett Yesterday on r week's v Y Y. 84 to friends In Guelph. and 15. Two days only. Genuine bargains VON, daughter of air. Whitely Tat STAR r as good se before. grate to learn, to confined to the acting tram a ANoTnsa BANKRUPT STOOK.—The actors of attack of appendicitis. the Hamilton street bargain store will open Henry rA 1e, Of Eatonit d2paartme rets] start Toroetu, who la an old 0 erleh boy, we on Baturdev morning nett. This in one of among friends hero the put week, the guest bankrupt stocks we have ever Mr, and Mee. F. J. Prldham and Mr, an Shown in Godes itia. Call early and Ret Mrs. J J. Dorlit drove to Clio ton on TueWal year choice of the bargains. we have a and enjoyed a visit with friends these. Stone of lumber for sale at Glencoe. Call a J. tntowart, of Stratford, was at the pares s and get particulate. J. W, BRODataK, tat real for a few days this week. Cat looks no to the worse for hie stay in Stratton The great thaw has made travel very In- Gaarge A. J. Frailer of the latentspt Meesn conventual, but yon are imply repaid for Cameron. Holt fi Holmes, suoc0eatu1ly ptiew a walk up teen when you spend •half his tbJtd sear ChrlettnFia Law examinattoo ■ .` hoar at Brophay's Photo Studio. When OAmon Hall• Toronto Among tho visitors to Goderloh this weal von waR1 to see tin latest fancies to the were Mrs. J. A. gtgsp and Mr. and Rtes. flew A Photo Art you gee them will ns, and it Caopor, of Guo@ric4h T Mee Thea aCo", will surprise you tosee how many there tire, of C1luton and Mre,Jo�iu Cooper and daughter of ManitoLz — +-- Mtn, J, H'AnelR[trov6 and Mae• J, C, Caul Born Dell, Hotel Bedford, we red of the d�rth o Mrs. F ank Purdy At I'aielay niece of Mrs MAYMN.—Ll*Goddr10h, on Monday. Jan. 29th Hnelgrove, end both left Mon tittI7 to attend th 1900, the wife of J. W. Martin, of n son, funeral, which rook place Wedneaday, yfry Purdy wan on n visit re t Ooderlapp aeetly Died. CO fluent was the causb of tl= CAM O.—IJnn, 20th, IDA lexnerCAKmoron, w. aged m years.Wltpre want the bre 1ATTLR►Atte.—Io 011 Lueknow• Jan. Met, Ambl• , t, just dro; bald C. Littletalt. aged I retire and 0 months. In and seY e 1 Hit STAR. Clearing Sale of WinterGoods, All Winter Goods must go if price will move them. C easing Furse + iealroig e / ackets. Clearing Overcoats. ori g heavy underwear. ` .etrI Heavy . osierya Cleittal>r g Blankets and Comforters. � Gh66 o �� fle soason for Yoait , New. Pili is Jost to Hand. A A7 ` h to Sir i 54a Citi J Tl"Thm? If so, there must be some be" with Its food Well babies are plum only the sick lire thin. Are you sure the, food is all ri ht? - Chil- dren can't help but grow; they must grow If their food nourishes them. Perhaps a mbtake was made In the past and as a rewit the di- isestlon b weakened. It that so. dont xive the baby a lot of &lftie I just use your eve day common sense and help nature a little, and thew to do It Is to add half a tempoon- ng of SCOTT'S EMULSION to the baby's food three or four times a day. The gain win begin the very first day you give It. It stems to correct the digestion and gets the baby started right again. It the baby b num Ing but does not thrive, then Ow mother should take the emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child. Twenty- five years proves this fact. yes. GrA 12.0% e111nMirts. SCOTT • DOWNe, Chan its, Tomaa. Holzuesivule. J 4POAI, VOTte •-rA upral)er of out yogng•peopleattended the corlvvptloc at Renntpitler on Monttay evenAl*.—Wt tine �Isyc1 learn filet. our pvpulAt cheeile utaher. Duncan £fecal, re,cetved secapii pprttza for his cheese AtIngersoll., He rreeived 93 points, and. the first rrIze ai,tt rvcVtvsd W4 point», so thio , rely good, and Mr. Scott deserves great praise._Epgortb j$A}tun filet tri Monday evening, Next Mi,tiday there Will the a debate, " Resoiv+ad that the (Priner days were bntiet than thCer,'' —Mirss Mala 1'rhbutt entertained the nnetuber•a of the choit on Tuesday evening. --Dir. A. Andrews, wife and child, of Bluck Rock, were the Quests of his aisl.rr, lira. John Jervi t.—Messrs, J. R. Holmen and VN. Stanley were in Seatt)rtb Saturday.—Mise Halstead. of Winght►n. VISited friends in this vieiniry.—Rev, J. Green and S. T. Walser were nu iu Bentilier• n Mon. day.—Mr, OWilson, of Sexforth, wan in our villagU. e Monday, Carlow. WR'LL DONQI—A very pleasant even. Ing was spent by the memirera of Carlow Lodge, A. O. U. W., and their friend+, on Thursday eve of last week. Although the night was very aturmy. a large number turned out, and the oyster supQQrerend concert were a huge Success, grand was all that could he desired and the table, very tastily arranged. After the waots of the inner man had hems well attended to, all xdiuurnmeat was made to the hall. where A Specially attr•wrttve Pro- Igraine arIgraine was rendered. The chair was occupied by Mr. S. Putter, who in hint Self seemed quite equal to keeping the audience in good humor. (grand Organizer Allen, who honored the oc• canon by his presence. made a very treat and lively address, taking spat same length the workings of the order, Its recent rapid growth. and the liene- flto to he derived from it. Miss Smith Ravi+ two very choice teeltaticus, Which were well rendered and highly delighted the audience. A couple of violin solos tly Mr. McFee were also very well received. A duet by Messrs Tyndall and Howell was a feature of the evening. Mr. B. D. Grant, of Gode- rich, addressed the audience for a short time on the advantages offered Ly the A. O. U. W. Atter God Save the ween had been enthusiastically song t. a chair man announced, that the Lodge would be called to order, and at; u fitting finale for the most Successful entertainment six new members were initiated Into the order, THE STAR is it leader for good job printing. PROGRAMME —OF— it al and Literar 71..r .Entertainment the second of the series, to be held in the TCMDcranu full,, worlGh,* —ON— Friday Evg,, Feb. 931900 Under the auspices of the `Loyal Templars of Temperance. PART 1. 1. Chairman's Address ..................................... MR. J. E. Tons. 2 Scotch Dance ...................•........................ ALlos RoTnWRLL. 8 Vocal 8010 ........ Swiss Echo Song ............ C. Eckert, Miss MINNIR McVrrrir- 4. Recitation... ... "The Jinera......................... MISS LAURA BRTDGHs. 6. Instrumental Duet.. ,Grand Vales Brillante"— Jules Schulhoff MIss TENA MCOALL AND MR, URIC STEWART. 0, Vocal Solo.............Star Tide ............ Piccolomini MINS KBTURAH BROWN. PART Il, 1. Blackstone Orchestra.......................I... . (A "Sweet tend Low;............................Barnhy (b� "Sweet Thoughts"..................Geo. McQuaide 4 Scotch Dance...... "Shawn Threws ...... ............... ALICE ROTHWRLL, S. Vocal Solo...: ......Selected ............. ............ r HAROLD BLACKSTONE. • 4. Address.... "Our Boys and Our Saloons" ................ Mn. S. J. A. BOYD, G. Vocal Solo.."Our Country nhall he Free".. J. M. Whyte MRS. COLIN UAMPRRLL 0. Violin Solo..."Blue Belts of Rcotland". .Henry Tanner Mise MADEL MOKUNZIN. 7. Vocal Solo ........ Abeent Minded Beggar Sullivan MM JAs. THomPsoN. Obeirn►an, MR. J. & Tom, I.P.S. Door open at 7.30. Entertainment to commence at 8 o'clock. ADMISSION BY SILVER COLLECTION AT DOOR. Peocervls will be devoted towards further improve- ments to Hall. ALL ARE INVITED TO COME. The Piano to be Used has been kindly furnished by Mr. Thomson. Nile. I OmTOaltT.-- The grim messenger DoTs.--A sleigh load of ydun death has again been in our vicinity, nri,�+r from our burg took In the O, (f Chile time claiming for his victim a F. concert at Dungannon on Thursday young man in the peHon of Hugh night Last, and report enjoying a Ryiln, at the age tit 91 yeast, one loved rtie treat,--Mr.Bunnel Sheppard hats mild his 07 acre farm to EdwaW Chris- by ail who knew him. He was well allays for a frWA 111rM 6811 and has educated, haying passed the Normal ltneshouftlltthe eDonag farmoto% and School of Peds ogy, and rn the Iketai► at Smith's Dill. on which the Bummer of I808 hold ,Tutt enter c+d upon Neilby terlwn churchstands, for 45.000, the duties of Public School teacher at tJlbtfl A NoTlte--l1[r. Jo"ph ileal• Blake. Ont., but to the moxith of Sep., p teulber was taken With hemrha org60 enhp(ton occuptetl the pulpit on Sun, the lungs, and had to be brought, lily last, in the absence of Rev H. home; where h9 lingered through ltelhn�atori who Is ill at London.— mach enffering, though always chem Rost T;Qtty evening the National full, till God called him home on Fti- Dl'e8069 tThankwgivin Fundi) tvr1l fru tday, Y+eb AId, The funeral took ponce e Nile Chnrah, yn. pttb as+ewaan a.a urn cram, cavo 1,110 MCI tithe Avery Inter, hour the comnntnity in thin t eir Stsbgen furnished. Int our of ber"ven►enl. is beenSim niched.-AlthoughTit bawl to wap His will he done. we know tis Hest' Ids tlr1C r nn Gad hon But HuJth is ir'ea tcoltt raze and pain Sunday hast. --Kira ,Enjoying perfect rest, Ibnon, Sltndayed at Mc+Cfartne>r, of oinMOverlooked *ask. tiieat. s.owir#►ur4lthiSwvnak. The tollotMinilt is the etitndinit of the "x`h+r"'weet pelta„ wilt tilts» bs' n I I3t•. P IN Ot Profit— But Cash This is not a case of eel;itilJ to make a profit, it mcane ti.at we mai Love money and room. In ae, tuin linen Lve find o +r stook is too large 1 thio sea:.oa of the year. To rinse toocu t,.: the Nt,w 8[,riag 09)ds wo mui turu our surpins stock into cash. It enol, vafoes as these are any indaoe recut to you to bay now, we wall be I leined to see you; 60 pairs only of Button and Lace Sboes, your cLoice for 75o per pair, fortue prices ware from $1.00 to x,1.75. T.et+e nro•good gouda, but as we hal poly a pair or two of each Itue, decide-' t) (;.oar t•) mitre room. 40 pairs only, your cLoice fur 50e per pair. Call nue ace taom for yourself 20 paiae only of Womso's Laced Felt Sls,es, reguiar $1.25 lice, Sale Prie 790 pt r ;air. New goods this Season. idon's Felt Boots and Buokle Iilondyko Sboes at greatly Redueed Prices. See our line of Carpo! Slippers. Lest quality, only 15c per pair. Robbers, best goods at Lowest Pi icat. — =tLPA2R2NCi- NEAT=.Y DONE. P. To WALLS, THE CASH SHOE DEALER GODERICH. North side the Square. THE HENDE SIGN 91CRIoF CO. +L=1\CC ITE D.) 7 % GUARANTEED Cumulative Preference Shares OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY: President_ ......JAMES CLARKSecretary. ..11. MacPHERSON Vice -President.... JAMES A. MCINTOSH I Manakinl: D,raetor. GI•:ORGE ACIIESOT DIRECTORS: JAMES CLARK................Goderich I 110N. JAMEST. GARR01V. Q C ,Godericl JAMES A. MOINTOSII, Secretary- JAMES WILSON. Mayor, ,to.. . Treat. Goderich Lumber Co.. " EP1111AiM DOWNING, Mana- GEORGE ACHESON.... ,ttr `.star Flour Mi11.......... ALEXANDER SAUNDERS, [Manager Goderioh vrgnn Uo., 3oderloh. NOTICE TO INVESTORS: The Henderson Bicycle Company. (Limited,) invite applications for;the purchase of $6o,coo.00 of a new issue ofacumulativ preference shares of $ioo.00".each, bearing interest, guaranteed by thi Company, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. The stock will bi issueJ at par, and ought to find ready sale. The Company has been in business now for about five years during which time it has, while struggling against adverse circumstance: in its earlier years, achieved a large amount of success, and may now b( regarded as firmly established,'with an excellent business connection. The net earnings of the past season indicates that the Com Pany can easily earn a net profit in each year sufficient to pay at leas seven per cent. upon its whole authorized capital of $ioo,000. It 18 now proposed to decidedly enlarge the business of the Company by entering upon the manufacture of agricultural implements marine and other engines, and other machinery, and the carrying on of general foundry and machine business for whi6h its premises are, withou' material change, admirably adapted, in addition to carrying on vigorously the manufacture of bicycles. With this object iu view the,Company has secured the ser- vices of MR. FRED. W. DOT -Y, (formerly of the well known firm of Doty & Sons, Toronto), one of the ablest and best known engine builders and machinists in Canada, who, in addition to taking charge of the business, is also investing a considerable sum in the Stock of the Company. The Directors are all well known and responsible citizens, who have largely invested their own means in the Company, and who pro- pose to still further invest by taking a considerable part of the'present issue of preferred Stock. The Company has now earned and paid for its necessary ex- perience, and having gained in the past year considerable profit, looks forward with confidence, with the enlarged business, to much larger earnings in the future, and therefore feels safe in recommending this preferred Stock to the public as a safe and profitable investment. Stock to be pallid for as follows :—Ten per cent. upon notice of allotment, and the balance as called for by the Company. Full particulars, applications for Stock, Stock books for subscription, &c., &c., may be had on application to Messrs. Garrow & Garrow, the Company's Solicitors, or at the Company's office on East St., Goderich. Sodom. Belfast. IMAL DOTs.—The right-of-wav law PERSONALS.—Wo are sorry to learn Seems to be little understood hi peter that Mrs. J. Thompson is at present on sons hauling heavy loads; e^idently I the sick list, but, glad to report that the driven seen[ to think that they she ie recovering.—yamuel tflazae/, of have the right to the whole roadway, s,}e N tet ve n visiting friends here nit against light or unloaded teams. at ppresent.—Mrs. Eagan. of Detroit, Many complaints have been matte as the truest of hair mother, Mrs. Mut. sheat this practice' but if they world lin,—While ninny of the flower of sonsult the atatutes they would Hod Canadian manhood, aro jo Hing the they had nu right for en doing.—Mr. contingent for youth Africa, a few of Win. Harrill has disposed of his farm our popular young bachelors are con. and stock, itindintends moving to the le -Plating joining the army of bene - Northwest about the middle of MArch, dicta. _ They W111 be grestly missed in League and Sunday School here. To t7a re a Cold In One Day A LTCTION SALE Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah, OF A its. All,,druggists refund the money CLRLOAD OF CHOICE GRADE fallsIt ' Grove's C ignatre1 il n oeach box.W G �T GOWS, Heifcris, steers MMrI' ,I.w.rr.�r wleSbeiNsitesere. eeeer _AND— CAZ.,CTS_ l% I am Instructed by hal. RICHARD PREng l�. I Of Boenhvfllq ova, to Sell by I'uD110 Auction At the •Agricultural Show Grounds, I GODERICH, —ON— SOMA ..-.ON_...SOMA FEB* 10th, ' 1900, commencing at t o'clock P. X.- Alra�li7!>V JW A car lot of good Cattle, comprising 0=666"oititaimisystH■lydert»a a number of extra good young ISIAM k. Itr>, srettt,tttt 'grade h4ADUrhnm and Ayrshire tYrF-• In 1riA Kiaiatll 4M tktt ridtt Cows and Heifers in calf to Roofl uii►�tt.rrM titww,m v tt.at,'tt. bulls, and a number of good thrifty Steers and Ccllves. ilcJ ti tle o" "1a' 0. Dar. Peora raga Chia Is the beet averalle load 1 he hair had SON and thdt the eewe ara>Ieat, tei•aiettlisL.r' +steey"xi+d�+aks .r► yr' K�brBntar""rttt `"e Tgnma.• Nlhe months' eredit wlu be diose �,��y, It,t. osfnt•aishiriit slfpl'bwDd niitlhs; ,�i affiayl�kt ditr, ta �rsjiata�e�a c0sift bob lrtirnenC. aliowaxl tet•I. ref. asa affiisst arw set �Stlr 5 - retwl•lee . . , •, t (l, ItIG� �' t>tt'.1liXtlfkll,�,1>K,1�11' f►bit>yE,'rT:_ f'i�ia e~r1uw;rttkt: ' ° `Pitioi�lblstnal e i ­-1-lave you seen th..is FAR Fg'NQ�? jf not go t0 McK�nzlie's Hardware and we will shw you the i2eipal and dost Sribstantlal Fence upon the rnaricet, Easy to put up? SAA. GIENCY FOR THE 9 ERI I =rcliNOVEN WIRE FENCE Math of lltaW, Sb=g 4lilms, Heavily t alvanized. Amply provides for IexpRnsion and contrac- "�� >a.o to - tion. Only Beat Bessemer steel wiresaa` e used. Always of unif#,rta quality. Never goes w" no Iltalter low great a slit's%' MONO e. is put uped Illo sum Does not a v(P late, but� Mile 17 tscg '. cattle, larrsseeqq.. ports and Mc EVERY NO Of AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED Its THW,MANUFACTURER$. '. Call end Ste* iL Can show you how it will save you money. WHERE SOLD LAST YEAR IT 9ELLS AGAIN, A full Stook of all kinds of FENCING MATEP.IAL. Buy early said get the bent prices. Re, We MCKEN-ZIE9 -u-__The place to buy Hardware Cheap. GEO, Wit THOMSON & SON, T E OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE MUSIC HOUSE IN HUSC N COUNT Y Are You i n Love i with sweet music. If you are we have whatyou 'want in 11WORMWITH PIANOS," 'r GODERICH ORGANS," VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ACCORDIONS, HARMONICAS, etc., etc. Just what will suit you for Presents. Call and see our new " WHITE " SEWING MACHINES, running on BALL BEARINGS, same as a Bicycle, and having Checker Board Top. The ver yy latest in Sewing Machines. Also the "IVEW WILLIAMS " and " QUEEN " Sewing Machines. We carry a large stock of Music Folios, Vocal and Instrumental, in- struction Books for various Instruments, Dictation Books, &c. We have several thousand copies Sheet Music, some of which we sell at Half Price. Any piece we have not got in stock we order and procure with promptness. We also have a Ifac edition. If you do not live in town, write us and we will attend promptly to your needs. Geo. W. Thomason & Son. Phone No. f)2. i McKIM'S Reid's Ord Stand White Goods Sale. Our Annual Sale of White Goods WILL BEGIN FRIDAY, FEBRUART-9TH We are later in starting it than we expected, but will make up for time lost by more economical prices. This Sale is too good to miss by careful buyers. These are all the very newest and latest Goods made to our order from personally selected Stock and Trimmings; better made than you could do it yourself, and in many cases at a less price than you will pay for the material. We give but a few prices of the many we have NIGHT h0&498—In these we have I DRAWERS at 150, 25c, 850, Goo, 70c a large stock of many makes, at 76o and $1 .......................•.. 860, 500, 860, poo, $1.00, $1.26, CORSET COVERS at 25c, 85c, fr0o $1.50, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.50. and 76o—all of the latest styles and 86c Night Robes, made of good strong best possible material and work for Cotton, box pleat front, olaster of the money ...................... 8 tucks and t inob Torchon trim. McKIMIS SPECIAL, MEN'S AND ming, at .................. .........86o BOY'S WHTTE UNLAUNDRIED 90c very fine Cotton, Habbard style, SHIRTS, very beavy cotton (no cluster cord yolk, embroidered frill, filling), linen front and bands, all finished on Weak, front and sleeves two needle sewing, as good as moat with fine finishing braid .......... 900 of the 76o shirts—our special at $1,00 fine Cambric, Motber Hubbard eaeb, 8Ge, or 8 for $1 ; all eieee, from 12 to 17, in an unlimited quan- yolk, with embroidered Insertion, tity.................... and fine braid olusler of 10 tucks," frill front, neck and cuffs ...... $1.00 WHITE SHIRTS 81510....8 for $1 00 COLLARS -26 dozen Men's Linen $1.76 fine Cambric, all over embroid• Collars, tarn down, turn, Point, and ery reveres, yolk and front, two straight stind rep, sizes 14 to 17, widths of flue insertion, and tack- s11 at half price...........:...eaoL 710 ing between reveres, front and COLLARS—A lot of old et les, to cuffs, fine embroidery...........$1.76 Y altar at to, or a for 260. These'are $2.00 and $2.60 fine Lonsdale solid all good oollare, were Bold at 200, cord and hem stitched, tucked yolk, and are just the collar many men full frill of 2 inch new embroidery want ................. . on front, neck sod sleeves, an6 w stock D VICTORIA LAWNS --A nes steak of finished with fine braid..$2 a $5.50 Victoria Lawos, 46 inches wide, at SKIRTS --A fall range of styles and 100 1210, lbo, to 200. realities at 856, 5W, 76e..'$1.0O3 SPOT MtTSLINS—Fine embroidered 1.25. $1.60, $2.00 and $2,60, or work Spot, the newest, at 100, Ste Skirt, strong eotton, a inch hem, 1210, 15o, to 25o. and Cluster of i tacks, fail size, Coln Spot and frilled Muelins at 80 SL .....................................850 to 200. $100 Skirt, vOty Bus ootten, 8 in. New Pique, ap and down stripe, embroiddred (41 ................$1.00 /jleoisl at............d down and Ga $1.60 fins cambric, it in. n cluster of spoilt bare a fall frill, vritll $also braid end clatter of itoek of these at White Goods $ate 5 tnbks., :.....,r..............$l.bU prices in fine Cambria, Swiss Lawn X2.00 Sad $2.40 Skirts, Sne Lonsdale,and Pique, es well as a lot of Mill ambrellfi styles 2' fine embroidered Remnants Pit mill prices. Theme frills triRit 2 itkilters a1.8 eaeb, bem ends are first -clams and newest atitob, tucks, and fine finiabing gopds; lengths about 2 to 5 yards, btai&................$2.00 and $2.60 tnott of theist 4J yds. Whether you want to buy ready-to•wear garments or the material t will pay you to dee our White Goods Sale. Don't forget those Shirts and Collars. "YW' 's aAs. the Goaettto star. TRLEPRONN CALL 71 u � FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I), 19W. Brief Town Topica t Regular shoot of the Off Hand Rifle Club this afternoon. Regular n+eet.ing of Maitland Lodge, s No. 3S, A. F. fi A. M., next Tuesday *i evening. a Business men who are after trade— and tuost of thein are --lose more uutoev than we dc. in not being repre- '`•.. sented in 'riin STAR advertising col• ,vans. Another alienee to got groceries cheap At ;+r R. E Smith end Co'e. See our hand bills and stall at the store and toe the bargains for vourself. Remember the Jaye, Wed. people We $BOW. •3i}, - neaday and fhursday. Mime Emigh is visiting at Birth. The Henderson Bicycle Co. rondo sayer al shipments of bicycles the pant Mies Nina Strachan to visiting to the Quite ` week, and large orders are coming In City. CnpGain Gibson is still confined to the lou from the conalanny's travellers on tiUln by ucss. road. Clam Pennington, now of Stratford. Sunda THE STAR solicits patronage on its ad in town. You oah- own uterine nS at newspaper. , P. Coate, of Exeter, was a Goderich visit o not ask for more than quality, n Tuesday. quaff ` tit +rod rirculation. No better value Jsmea Robinson made a budnore trip to T 3 ran to this week. ' Cao he offered than TAE STAR gives. S. U Gidley, of Blyth, woe In Goderloh Tut ,..` Those of our merchants who left day of this week. their lights hurnln;r on Saturday night J. B. Tierney, of Birth. was to the count are tie�ervfug the thanks of those who town on'ruosa or. ' e•' were present at the tire, as the night Mirs Ausobrooka lim returned from a lot was excessively dark. and there were Malt to friends in Toronto. 1'. J. Marks, of Baytleld, was on a busint pj;jM1!, no street lights to guide one home. visit to Goderinh this week. A number of boys at the skating -rink Mowry. John ai;d Wm. Sheppard, of ()Unto un Tuesday evening behaved in it most t were In town on Wednesday unruly manner, many of them delihet- 'Mrs.rewe, of lintweek. vislung at tl ittely insulting the curlers. The reranmaternal mA toreturned to Detroit after • tv agement should see that the young frocks' root the old home. ; • 11 ackguarde are kept out of the rink in future.Colonel A. M. and Mn. Row left toe the home. Toronto, on tdaterday. A meeting of Jubilee Preceptorv. Among the caller oa Tutt STAR feet Monde NO. 101, was held at Clinton Last Fri- was Mr. Walsh, d lleaforth. day, when all the old rtfleere Were re- A. Mall Allan returned trom Ila fruit Inep■ elected. The annual meeting of the tion visit to Montreal on Monday. County Chapter will be held at BlythMiss Ball, a P. R. ticket and tclesral on Tuesday, Feb. 27, commencing at agent, to spending e,week in Toronto. 11 o'clock it. in. HArrF Rothwell Ish on Monday for Whit peg and other points in the Northwest. —+-- MISS LaurA Willson of Zion, was the sus Business Notices- of Mr, and Mea. Wm. ifurmws on Sunday. Mfee MaLmilan .or the Collegiate, was a►Ur Italian and carnations rt:8lewart's. cor- home last Friday by the serious lice" of • ad oar Bruce ani Victoria 9b' r. Chas. Rose, barrister. Toronto, left for hoe _ Them were is few docks in and up last weak, after a two weeks' visit to the of the river last week. Wits their visit a home. sign of the thaw on Wednesday P T. R etanleyyi� H. F. Sharrppeo and J. A. But Y W Oysters arrived, and served in all style phrlw, of St, Mary's, wereQodnlch vialtere t edoesday. at the Victoria Restaurant, West street, Mea Clifton left for borne Toronto, on Sr Ice Croam Find Fruit, Confectionery, fie. utday attar a few weeks visit to bar motile O. BraossxoNs, Prop. Mre. fotNlDb A limo. , Grocery Bargain Days at R. E. Smith ds Mies Strachan, book-keepor at the Goderla fJo'a, Wednesday tied Thursday, Feb. lid KNtnna works, lett Yesterday on r week's v Y Y. 84 to friends In Guelph. and 15. Two days only. Genuine bargains VON, daughter of air. Whitely Tat STAR r as good se before. grate to learn, to confined to the acting tram a ANoTnsa BANKRUPT STOOK.—The actors of attack of appendicitis. the Hamilton street bargain store will open Henry rA 1e, Of Eatonit d2paartme rets] start Toroetu, who la an old 0 erleh boy, we on Baturdev morning nett. This in one of among friends hero the put week, the guest bankrupt stocks we have ever Mr, and Mee. F. J. Prldham and Mr, an Shown in Godes itia. Call early and Ret Mrs. J J. Dorlit drove to Clio ton on TueWal year choice of the bargains. we have a and enjoyed a visit with friends these. Stone of lumber for sale at Glencoe. Call a J. tntowart, of Stratford, was at the pares s and get particulate. J. W, BRODataK, tat real for a few days this week. Cat looks no to the worse for hie stay in Stratton The great thaw has made travel very In- Gaarge A. J. Frailer of the latentspt Meesn conventual, but yon are imply repaid for Cameron. Holt fi Holmes, suoc0eatu1ly ptiew a walk up teen when you spend •half his tbJtd sear ChrlettnFia Law examinattoo ■ .` hoar at Brophay's Photo Studio. When OAmon Hall• Toronto Among tho visitors to Goderloh this weal von waR1 to see tin latest fancies to the were Mrs. J. A. gtgsp and Mr. and Rtes. flew A Photo Art you gee them will ns, and it Caopor, of Guo@ric4h T Mee Thea aCo", will surprise you tosee how many there tire, of C1luton and Mre,Jo�iu Cooper and daughter of ManitoLz — +-- Mtn, J, H'AnelR[trov6 and Mae• J, C, Caul Born Dell, Hotel Bedford, we red of the d�rth o Mrs. F ank Purdy At I'aielay niece of Mrs MAYMN.—Ll*Goddr10h, on Monday. Jan. 29th Hnelgrove, end both left Mon tittI7 to attend th 1900, the wife of J. W. Martin, of n son, funeral, which rook place Wedneaday, yfry Purdy wan on n visit re t Ooderlapp aeetly Died. CO fluent was the causb of tl= CAM O.—IJnn, 20th, IDA lexnerCAKmoron, w. aged m years.Wltpre want the bre 1ATTLR►Atte.—Io 011 Lueknow• Jan. Met, Ambl• , t, just dro; bald C. Littletalt. aged I retire and 0 months. In and seY e 1 Hit STAR. Clearing Sale of WinterGoods, All Winter Goods must go if price will move them. C easing Furse + iealroig e / ackets. Clearing Overcoats. ori g heavy underwear. ` .etrI Heavy . osierya Cleittal>r g Blankets and Comforters. � Gh66 o �� fle soason for Yoait , New. Pili is Jost to Hand. A A7 ` h to Sir i 54a Citi J Tl"Thm? If so, there must be some be" with Its food Well babies are plum only the sick lire thin. Are you sure the, food is all ri ht? - Chil- dren can't help but grow; they must grow If their food nourishes them. Perhaps a mbtake was made In the past and as a rewit the di- isestlon b weakened. It that so. dont xive the baby a lot of &lftie I just use your eve day common sense and help nature a little, and thew to do It Is to add half a tempoon- ng of SCOTT'S EMULSION to the baby's food three or four times a day. The gain win begin the very first day you give It. It stems to correct the digestion and gets the baby started right again. It the baby b num Ing but does not thrive, then Ow mother should take the emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child. Twenty- five years proves this fact. yes. GrA 12.0% e111nMirts. SCOTT • DOWNe, Chan its, Tomaa. Holzuesivule. J 4POAI, VOTte •-rA upral)er of out yogng•peopleattended the corlvvptloc at Renntpitler on Monttay evenAl*.—Wt tine �Isyc1 learn filet. our pvpulAt cheeile utaher. Duncan £fecal, re,cetved secapii pprttza for his cheese AtIngersoll., He rreeived 93 points, and. the first rrIze ai,tt rvcVtvsd W4 point», so thio , rely good, and Mr. Scott deserves great praise._Epgortb j$A}tun filet tri Monday evening, Next Mi,tiday there Will the a debate, " Resoiv+ad that the (Priner days were bntiet than thCer,'' —Mirss Mala 1'rhbutt entertained the nnetuber•a of the choit on Tuesday evening. --Dir. A. Andrews, wife and child, of Bluck Rock, were the Quests of his aisl.rr, lira. John Jervi t.—Messrs, J. R. Holmen and VN. Stanley were in Seatt)rtb Saturday.—Mise Halstead. of Winght►n. VISited friends in this vieiniry.—Rev, J. Green and S. T. Walser were nu iu Bentilier• n Mon. day.—Mr, OWilson, of Sexforth, wan in our villagU. e Monday, Carlow. WR'LL DONQI—A very pleasant even. Ing was spent by the memirera of Carlow Lodge, A. O. U. W., and their friend+, on Thursday eve of last week. Although the night was very aturmy. a large number turned out, and the oyster supQQrerend concert were a huge Success, grand was all that could he desired and the table, very tastily arranged. After the waots of the inner man had hems well attended to, all xdiuurnmeat was made to the hall. where A Specially attr•wrttve Pro- Igraine arIgraine was rendered. The chair was occupied by Mr. S. Putter, who in hint Self seemed quite equal to keeping the audience in good humor. (grand Organizer Allen, who honored the oc• canon by his presence. made a very treat and lively address, taking spat same length the workings of the order, Its recent rapid growth. and the liene- flto to he derived from it. Miss Smith Ravi+ two very choice teeltaticus, Which were well rendered and highly delighted the audience. A couple of violin solos tly Mr. McFee were also very well received. A duet by Messrs Tyndall and Howell was a feature of the evening. Mr. B. D. Grant, of Gode- rich, addressed the audience for a short time on the advantages offered Ly the A. O. U. W. Atter God Save the ween had been enthusiastically song t. a chair man announced, that the Lodge would be called to order, and at; u fitting finale for the most Successful entertainment six new members were initiated Into the order, THE STAR is it leader for good job printing. PROGRAMME —OF— it al and Literar 71..r .Entertainment the second of the series, to be held in the TCMDcranu full,, worlGh,* —ON— Friday Evg,, Feb. 931900 Under the auspices of the `Loyal Templars of Temperance. PART 1. 1. Chairman's Address ..................................... MR. J. E. Tons. 2 Scotch Dance ...................•........................ ALlos RoTnWRLL. 8 Vocal 8010 ........ Swiss Echo Song ............ C. Eckert, Miss MINNIR McVrrrir- 4. Recitation... ... "The Jinera......................... MISS LAURA BRTDGHs. 6. Instrumental Duet.. ,Grand Vales Brillante"— Jules Schulhoff MIss TENA MCOALL AND MR, URIC STEWART. 0, Vocal Solo.............Star Tide ............ Piccolomini MINS KBTURAH BROWN. PART Il, 1. Blackstone Orchestra.......................I... . (A "Sweet tend Low;............................Barnhy (b� "Sweet Thoughts"..................Geo. McQuaide 4 Scotch Dance...... "Shawn Threws ...... ............... ALICE ROTHWRLL, S. Vocal Solo...: ......Selected ............. ............ r HAROLD BLACKSTONE. • 4. Address.... "Our Boys and Our Saloons" ................ Mn. S. J. A. BOYD, G. Vocal Solo.."Our Country nhall he Free".. J. M. Whyte MRS. COLIN UAMPRRLL 0. Violin Solo..."Blue Belts of Rcotland". .Henry Tanner Mise MADEL MOKUNZIN. 7. Vocal Solo ........ Abeent Minded Beggar Sullivan MM JAs. THomPsoN. Obeirn►an, MR. J. & Tom, I.P.S. Door open at 7.30. Entertainment to commence at 8 o'clock. ADMISSION BY SILVER COLLECTION AT DOOR. Peocervls will be devoted towards further improve- ments to Hall. ALL ARE INVITED TO COME. The Piano to be Used has been kindly furnished by Mr. Thomson. Nile. I OmTOaltT.-- The grim messenger DoTs.--A sleigh load of ydun death has again been in our vicinity, nri,�+r from our burg took In the O, (f Chile time claiming for his victim a F. concert at Dungannon on Thursday young man in the peHon of Hugh night Last, and report enjoying a Ryiln, at the age tit 91 yeast, one loved rtie treat,--Mr.Bunnel Sheppard hats mild his 07 acre farm to EdwaW Chris- by ail who knew him. He was well allays for a frWA 111rM 6811 and has educated, haying passed the Normal ltneshouftlltthe eDonag farmoto% and School of Peds ogy, and rn the Iketai► at Smith's Dill. on which the Bummer of I808 hold ,Tutt enter c+d upon Neilby terlwn churchstands, for 45.000, the duties of Public School teacher at tJlbtfl A NoTlte--l1[r. Jo"ph ileal• Blake. Ont., but to the moxith of Sep., p teulber was taken With hemrha org60 enhp(ton occuptetl the pulpit on Sun, the lungs, and had to be brought, lily last, in the absence of Rev H. home; where h9 lingered through ltelhn�atori who Is ill at London.— mach enffering, though always chem Rost T;Qtty evening the National full, till God called him home on Fti- Dl'e8069 tThankwgivin Fundi) tvr1l fru tday, Y+eb AId, The funeral took ponce e Nile Chnrah, yn. pttb as+ewaan a.a urn cram, cavo 1,110 MCI tithe Avery Inter, hour the comnntnity in thin t eir Stsbgen furnished. Int our of ber"ven►enl. is beenSim niched.-AlthoughTit bawl to wap His will he done. we know tis Hest' Ids tlr1C r nn Gad hon But HuJth is ir'ea tcoltt raze and pain Sunday hast. --Kira ,Enjoying perfect rest, Ibnon, Sltndayed at Mc+Cfartne>r, of oinMOverlooked *ask. tiieat. s.owir#►ur4lthiSwvnak. The tollotMinilt is the etitndinit of the "x`h+r"'weet pelta„ wilt tilts» bs' n I I3t•. P IN Ot Profit— But Cash This is not a case of eel;itilJ to make a profit, it mcane ti.at we mai Love money and room. In ae, tuin linen Lve find o +r stook is too large 1 thio sea:.oa of the year. To rinse toocu t,.: the Nt,w 8[,riag 09)ds wo mui turu our surpins stock into cash. It enol, vafoes as these are any indaoe recut to you to bay now, we wall be I leined to see you; 60 pairs only of Button and Lace Sboes, your cLoice for 75o per pair, fortue prices ware from $1.00 to x,1.75. T.et+e nro•good gouda, but as we hal poly a pair or two of each Itue, decide-' t) (;.oar t•) mitre room. 40 pairs only, your cLoice fur 50e per pair. Call nue ace taom for yourself 20 paiae only of Womso's Laced Felt Sls,es, reguiar $1.25 lice, Sale Prie 790 pt r ;air. New goods this Season. idon's Felt Boots and Buokle Iilondyko Sboes at greatly Redueed Prices. See our line of Carpo! Slippers. Lest quality, only 15c per pair. Robbers, best goods at Lowest Pi icat. — =tLPA2R2NCi- NEAT=.Y DONE. P. To WALLS, THE CASH SHOE DEALER GODERICH. North side the Square. THE HENDE SIGN 91CRIoF CO. +L=1\CC ITE D.) 7 % GUARANTEED Cumulative Preference Shares OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY: President_ ......JAMES CLARKSecretary. ..11. MacPHERSON Vice -President.... JAMES A. MCINTOSH I Manakinl: D,raetor. GI•:ORGE ACIIESOT DIRECTORS: JAMES CLARK................Goderich I 110N. JAMEST. GARR01V. Q C ,Godericl JAMES A. MOINTOSII, Secretary- JAMES WILSON. Mayor, ,to.. . Treat. Goderich Lumber Co.. " EP1111AiM DOWNING, Mana- GEORGE ACHESON.... ,ttr `.star Flour Mi11.......... ALEXANDER SAUNDERS, [Manager Goderioh vrgnn Uo., 3oderloh. NOTICE TO INVESTORS: The Henderson Bicycle Company. (Limited,) invite applications for;the purchase of $6o,coo.00 of a new issue ofacumulativ preference shares of $ioo.00".each, bearing interest, guaranteed by thi Company, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. The stock will bi issueJ at par, and ought to find ready sale. The Company has been in business now for about five years during which time it has, while struggling against adverse circumstance: in its earlier years, achieved a large amount of success, and may now b( regarded as firmly established,'with an excellent business connection. The net earnings of the past season indicates that the Com Pany can easily earn a net profit in each year sufficient to pay at leas seven per cent. upon its whole authorized capital of $ioo,000. It 18 now proposed to decidedly enlarge the business of the Company by entering upon the manufacture of agricultural implements marine and other engines, and other machinery, and the carrying on of general foundry and machine business for whi6h its premises are, withou' material change, admirably adapted, in addition to carrying on vigorously the manufacture of bicycles. With this object iu view the,Company has secured the ser- vices of MR. FRED. W. DOT -Y, (formerly of the well known firm of Doty & Sons, Toronto), one of the ablest and best known engine builders and machinists in Canada, who, in addition to taking charge of the business, is also investing a considerable sum in the Stock of the Company. The Directors are all well known and responsible citizens, who have largely invested their own means in the Company, and who pro- pose to still further invest by taking a considerable part of the'present issue of preferred Stock. The Company has now earned and paid for its necessary ex- perience, and having gained in the past year considerable profit, looks forward with confidence, with the enlarged business, to much larger earnings in the future, and therefore feels safe in recommending this preferred Stock to the public as a safe and profitable investment. Stock to be pallid for as follows :—Ten per cent. upon notice of allotment, and the balance as called for by the Company. Full particulars, applications for Stock, Stock books for subscription, &c., &c., may be had on application to Messrs. Garrow & Garrow, the Company's Solicitors, or at the Company's office on East St., Goderich. Sodom. Belfast. IMAL DOTs.—The right-of-wav law PERSONALS.—Wo are sorry to learn Seems to be little understood hi peter that Mrs. J. Thompson is at present on sons hauling heavy loads; e^idently I the sick list, but, glad to report that the driven seen[ to think that they she ie recovering.—yamuel tflazae/, of have the right to the whole roadway, s,}e N tet ve n visiting friends here nit against light or unloaded teams. at ppresent.—Mrs. Eagan. of Detroit, Many complaints have been matte as the truest of hair mother, Mrs. Mut. sheat this practice' but if they world lin,—While ninny of the flower of sonsult the atatutes they would Hod Canadian manhood, aro jo Hing the they had nu right for en doing.—Mr. contingent for youth Africa, a few of Win. Harrill has disposed of his farm our popular young bachelors are con. and stock, itindintends moving to the le -Plating joining the army of bene - Northwest about the middle of MArch, dicta. _ They W111 be grestly missed in League and Sunday School here. To t7a re a Cold In One Day A LTCTION SALE Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah, OF A its. All,,druggists refund the money CLRLOAD OF CHOICE GRADE fallsIt ' Grove's C ignatre1 il n oeach box.W G �T GOWS, Heifcris, steers MMrI' ,I.w.rr.�r wleSbeiNsitesere. eeeer _AND— CAZ.,CTS_ l% I am Instructed by hal. RICHARD PREng l�. I Of Boenhvfllq ova, to Sell by I'uD110 Auction At the •Agricultural Show Grounds, I GODERICH, —ON— SOMA ..-.ON_...SOMA FEB* 10th, ' 1900, commencing at t o'clock P. X.- Alra�li7!>V JW A car lot of good Cattle, comprising 0=666"oititaimisystH■lydert»a a number of extra good young ISIAM k. Itr>, srettt,tttt 'grade h4ADUrhnm and Ayrshire tYrF-• In 1riA Kiaiatll 4M tktt ridtt Cows and Heifers in calf to Roofl uii►�tt.rrM titww,m v tt.at,'tt. bulls, and a number of good thrifty Steers and Ccllves. ilcJ ti tle o" "1a' 0. Dar. Peora raga Chia Is the beet averalle load 1 he hair had SON and thdt the eewe ara>Ieat, tei•aiettlisL.r' +steey"xi+d�+aks .r► yr' K�brBntar""rttt `"e Tgnma.• Nlhe months' eredit wlu be diose �,��y, It,t. osfnt•aishiriit slfpl'bwDd niitlhs; ,�i affiayl�kt ditr, ta �rsjiata�e�a c0sift bob lrtirnenC. aliowaxl tet•I. ref. asa affiisst arw set �Stlr 5 - retwl•lee . . , •, t (l, ItIG� �' t>tt'.1liXtlfkll,�,1>K,1�11' f►bit>yE,'rT:_ f'i�ia e~r1uw;rttkt: ' ° `Pitioi�lblstnal e i ­-1-lave you seen th..is FAR Fg'NQ�? jf not go t0 McK�nzlie's Hardware and we will shw you the i2eipal and dost Sribstantlal Fence upon the rnaricet, Easy to put up? SAA. GIENCY FOR THE 9 ERI I =rcliNOVEN WIRE FENCE Math of lltaW, Sb=g 4lilms, Heavily t alvanized. Amply provides for IexpRnsion and contrac- "�� >a.o to - tion. Only Beat Bessemer steel wiresaa` e used. Always of unif#,rta quality. Never goes w" no Iltalter low great a slit's%' MONO e. is put uped Illo sum Does not a v(P late, but� Mile 17 tscg '. cattle, larrsseeqq.. ports and Mc EVERY NO Of AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED Its THW,MANUFACTURER$. '. Call end Ste* iL Can show you how it will save you money. WHERE SOLD LAST YEAR IT 9ELLS AGAIN, A full Stook of all kinds of FENCING MATEP.IAL. Buy early said get the bent prices. Re, We MCKEN-ZIE9 -u-__The place to buy Hardware Cheap. GEO, Wit THOMSON & SON, T E OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE MUSIC HOUSE IN HUSC N COUNT Y Are You i n Love i with sweet music. If you are we have whatyou 'want in 11WORMWITH PIANOS," 'r GODERICH ORGANS," VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ACCORDIONS, HARMONICAS, etc., etc. Just what will suit you for Presents. Call and see our new " WHITE " SEWING MACHINES, running on BALL BEARINGS, same as a Bicycle, and having Checker Board Top. The ver yy latest in Sewing Machines. Also the "IVEW WILLIAMS " and " QUEEN " Sewing Machines. We carry a large stock of Music Folios, Vocal and Instrumental, in- struction Books for various Instruments, Dictation Books, &c. We have several thousand copies Sheet Music, some of which we sell at Half Price. Any piece we have not got in stock we order and procure with promptness. We also have a Ifac edition. If you do not live in town, write us and we will attend promptly to your needs. Geo. W. Thomason & Son. Phone No. f)2. i McKIM'S Reid's Ord Stand White Goods Sale. Our Annual Sale of White Goods WILL BEGIN FRIDAY, FEBRUART-9TH We are later in starting it than we expected, but will make up for time lost by more economical prices. This Sale is too good to miss by careful buyers. These are all the very newest and latest Goods made to our order from personally selected Stock and Trimmings; better made than you could do it yourself, and in many cases at a less price than you will pay for the material. We give but a few prices of the many we have NIGHT h0&498—In these we have I DRAWERS at 150, 25c, 850, Goo, 70c a large stock of many makes, at 76o and $1 .......................•.. 860, 500, 860, poo, $1.00, $1.26, CORSET COVERS at 25c, 85c, fr0o $1.50, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.50. and 76o—all of the latest styles and 86c Night Robes, made of good strong best possible material and work for Cotton, box pleat front, olaster of the money ...................... 8 tucks and t inob Torchon trim. McKIMIS SPECIAL, MEN'S AND ming, at .................. .........86o BOY'S WHTTE UNLAUNDRIED 90c very fine Cotton, Habbard style, SHIRTS, very beavy cotton (no cluster cord yolk, embroidered frill, filling), linen front and bands, all finished on Weak, front and sleeves two needle sewing, as good as moat with fine finishing braid .......... 900 of the 76o shirts—our special at $1,00 fine Cambric, Motber Hubbard eaeb, 8Ge, or 8 for $1 ; all eieee, from 12 to 17, in an unlimited quan- yolk, with embroidered Insertion, tity.................... and fine braid olusler of 10 tucks," frill front, neck and cuffs ...... $1.00 WHITE SHIRTS 81510....8 for $1 00 COLLARS -26 dozen Men's Linen $1.76 fine Cambric, all over embroid• Collars, tarn down, turn, Point, and ery reveres, yolk and front, two straight stind rep, sizes 14 to 17, widths of flue insertion, and tack- s11 at half price...........:...eaoL 710 ing between reveres, front and COLLARS—A lot of old et les, to cuffs, fine embroidery...........$1.76 Y altar at to, or a for 260. These'are $2.00 and $2.60 fine Lonsdale solid all good oollare, were Bold at 200, cord and hem stitched, tucked yolk, and are just the collar many men full frill of 2 inch new embroidery want ................. . on front, neck sod sleeves, an6 w stock D VICTORIA LAWNS --A nes steak of finished with fine braid..$2 a $5.50 Victoria Lawos, 46 inches wide, at SKIRTS --A fall range of styles and 100 1210, lbo, to 200. realities at 856, 5W, 76e..'$1.0O3 SPOT MtTSLINS—Fine embroidered 1.25. $1.60, $2.00 and $2,60, or work Spot, the newest, at 100, Ste Skirt, strong eotton, a inch hem, 1210, 15o, to 25o. and Cluster of i tacks, fail size, Coln Spot and frilled Muelins at 80 SL .....................................850 to 200. $100 Skirt, vOty Bus ootten, 8 in. New Pique, ap and down stripe, embroiddred (41 ................$1.00 /jleoisl at............d down and Ga $1.60 fins cambric, it in. n cluster of spoilt bare a fall frill, vritll $also braid end clatter of itoek of these at White Goods $ate 5 tnbks., :.....,r..............$l.bU prices in fine Cambria, Swiss Lawn X2.00 Sad $2.40 Skirts, Sne Lonsdale,and Pique, es well as a lot of Mill ambrellfi styles 2' fine embroidered Remnants Pit mill prices. Theme frills triRit 2 itkilters a1.8 eaeb, bem ends are first -clams and newest atitob, tucks, and fine finiabing gopds; lengths about 2 to 5 yards, btai&................$2.00 and $2.60 tnott of theist 4J yds. Whether you want to buy ready-to•wear garments or the material t will pay you to dee our White Goods Sale. Don't forget those Shirts and Collars. "YW' 's aAs.