HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-02-09, Page 5-4 r, Few Newspapers in the Province of Ontario have a larger circulation than The Ooderich "Star, It is therefore *superior dye 4 4 .pB .H.�. New Departure 3b 11xvc &tied up a Stadia in the ;rooms over our Mum Store And made Arrangements with the following popular tceeltcrs to meet that pupils and give inetr'aa=tlen In Copneelioa wilts par Mttsic b eiuese, eolautpncing with thy new "'ger s F. G. SIMPSON, Organist and Choir Master North St. it0ethedist Church. • PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. MADAME ware, -Voica CULTURE. MISS LAURA ACHESON-VLOL1N. M1SB E. 0. FISHER-Gtnrax, Ewca- TION AND PUYNICAL CULTURE. Por Lerma and further information apply at EM-ERSON'S Bicycle and Music House 4 W M='r $T Bice sarSt+7ltSl>Iv'„tylrtd�'a�ll Qr..!• 'o �, that lite-atecoujlE of F. By Tiultu(:(1 ,'Ito 9t left in the bard* of. the AVatrr- Wad %nght ci)Iltnlittee, and that .la the i' Meantime Mr. Jiolutee he uent..,a 1el- xer as recontmezlded b N.P.Gttrrew Nt ((�7) r C cume6ding acceptance of ten- lder of f£ A.'Tulford, 001.15, for Ohm - it ling a new door iu,ihe fete:Ming, 1,1,01W,, le (Join. I3gletgs took Meeeetiuu toltaethat al' eI&useiii tier@port whieb referred .to the dispute over F. B. Holmes' con. 1ract,andsaid he deemed to place brut- eelf on record. lie contended that the coatlnitttee wee dealing urifeirly with hie brother, who wee perhePs.rigltt to his contention as to lho requitetncnts of the contract, for the delivery of the coal in queet3on;, at any rate the com- mittee wore now going to rush into a law suit that might prove a costly matter to the town. 6 Couu. Cantelon replied very warmly. saying he was surprised at Colin. g, Holmes desiring to have this matter tfurther made pathic. E. B. natures Ahad agreed to deliver the foal far the shed. or whet a directed by the comm it - tee, and then had refused to abide by hie contract, but instead dumped the I. coal on the street, and then wanted 6 41 cents a ton to put it in the shed. Coun. Uottnee replied that while the �1Sa1, tender might have read that way. the contract read ••at or near the shed."" �lte Ootici h NW. TicteriIONa ()ALL 71 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1900. The Town Council. A Cold Night, but a Lively Braeze over a Coal Question. The regular tnonthly meeting was held last Friday evening, all the mem- bers present. The councillors out with overcoats on, and the dozen spectators kept close to the stove, and altogether the old Karn called the council cham- ber was most uncomfortable. The Treasurer's statement for Jan- - uary was read as follows. Baience from Dec $7463.49. RECEIPTS - W ater rates 303 40 Electric fight rates251 33 Maitland Cemetery110 50 Elevator notes, re- newal 45000 00 Sinking fund 8180 59 48845 88 Total $50309 37 DISBURSEMENTS - Salaries $249 55 Election fleet 37.00 Printing and advt'g, 4 20 Puhlic Works 73 21 Charity 25 38 Debenture Interest 12500 Bills payable 4000 00 Water workseep. ac111 74 Waterworks maim273 09 Electric Light •' 71 65 School. account. 420 31 Elea, light, Cap. ac. 86 82 el. C. and 0. Exp12 42 Dep. Sink. Fund 3180 59 Elevator interest573 30 notes 43000 00 $54244 79 Balance $2014 58 The auditors' report was read as fol- lows : We the undersigned have ex- amined the hooks and accounts of the Town Treasurer, competing them with the vouchers produced, and find therm correct. showing a balance of 37403.49 in cash to be carried to 1900 - in the Bank of Montreal, $7300.70, in office. $(I0.73, We have audited the accounts of the Treasurer of the Col- legiate Institute and find them correct, with a cash balance of $1493.31 at close of 1899. The bonds and sureties of the treasurer we tied the sante as they were last year. The sinking feuds emontit to $23,312.44, being $10,773.14 in mortgages and bonds and $12539.30 in the Huron and Bruce Savings Bank. We submit herewith : 1. A summary of Public school ex- penditures in duplicate. 2. A detailed statement of receipts and expenditures. 3. A summary of receipts and ex• penditures, and 4, A statement, of assets and liabil- ities, and hive sent the requisite copies of statements to the Hareem of Industries at Toronto. The cash on hand Jan. 31, 1900 (time of audit) was $2061.58 -In the Bank of Montreal $1841. and in treasurer's of- fice $2.23.58. 11. W. BALL Auditors. W. R. ROaaltTBON 0011. AND PETITIONS. A circular from Lieut. Governor Mowat on behalf of the Canadian Patriotic Fend, asking v contribution towards that fund. Referred to Spec• lel committee. From Railway committee of Privy Council, approving of G. T. R. Co's re- quest to lay tracks and sidings along t he dock. Referred to Public Works com nrittee. From John George, reeve of Port. Elgin, proposing a ineetine of repreee sentatives from lake shore towns at Kincardine to secure proper steamboat facilities along this shore to the Sault. Jeeferred to Special committee. From United Electric Co., agreeing to notify Council when they were ready to have dynamo tested. Re - [erred to Water and Li ht committee - From Go edie & Motlullough Co.. en- closing credit note tor $50 in connec- tion with purchase of engine. From Horace Horton, manager of H. & B. Loan Society, reporting that $12539.30 sinking funds was at town's credit in that bank. From Dr. Gnllow, acknowledging the notice of his appointment to the Board of Health. ACCOUNTS. The followingg.were referred to Fin- ance committee : D. K. Strachan. 3.85 ; W. Garret, teaming, $3.43 ; ,,Jm Johnson Elect. Co. 97c ; Signal, print- ing and advtg. $15.50. Queen City Oil 00.. $27.19 ; M. Nicholson, $7 55 ; N. & A. Dy went, lumber, $19 ; Wm. Lee, amid, $208.3,5. n21,o$TS OP COM. The Water and Light committee re- ported (1} that they bad instructed the clerk to notify the United Elect.ric Co. to have the test of dynamo made ; and (2) to write the Goldie & McCullough Co. re the credit of $50 ; (3) the Loaner matter was laid over, las the commit- tee 1s not in a position to consider It now ; (4) the clerk had been instructed to write the Wm. Sutton Compound (ed•. refusing the barrel of compound, and regeeat.)ng them to have it re moved 1 (6) recommending the paring of additional Ineurance on power house, and that committee he em- powered to do so 1(0) recommending The mater was argued in this way for some time, and then a vote was taken on the adoption of the report. Coun. Hulloes voted nay ; Murney ask- ed to be excused front voting, as he was nota member of the Council when the matter arose. and knew nothing of its merits. Oman. Knox also asked to he excused, as he was not a member of the committee at the time and was therefore not familiar with the con- troversy, Both were excused, and Martin, Humber and Cei ntelon voting yea, the report was adopted as read. The Finance Committee recom- mended payment of the accounts re- ferred to tient at last meeting ; (2) re- ported receipt of statement from County Treasurer of payments made in 1899, which they had filed, also of statement from Bank of Montreal ; and ;b) recommended nut -chase of Munici- pal and Assessment Guide for the clerk's office. The Special committee recommend- ed (1) that, prayer of directors of Meets• anlcs Institute for the creation of a public library be granted, and the nec- essary steps he taken at once to carry out the same. The report was adopt• ed. Holmes moved that hereafter no member of the Council have power to consult, the towp solicitor in reference to any matter whatever concerning the town unleee he is authorized to do so by the Council, or unless he person- ally becomes responsible for same, Carried, Corn. Cautelnn disenting. 011 [motion of Humber and Holmes the Special committee were empower- ed to meet on Monday evening, and prepare the by law r etluired for taking over the Mechanics ln-titute, the Mayor to call a special meeting of Council at ware time to pays the by law. The clerk was empowered to pur- chase by tender ten cords of wood for relief purposes. Conn. Knox was then placed on all committees formerly occupied by Couu. Campbell, and the Council then adjourned. All Brien Prize Muscle and Strength. Paine's Celery Compourl Builds Up the Weak and Broken -Down. 1 It Has Special Elements That Purify and Enrich the Blood. It Quickly Expels Disease Germs from the System. Heaven's grandest and most glorious creation is the roan who is physically perfect -blessed with iron net yes. brawny muscle and fullness of strength. Half -sick. weakly and broken down men make their homes unhappy and miserable. and as citizens they are, frankly speaking, of smell value. To ne useful in society and our coun- try, and to become fit temples worthy of our great Creator, the weakly, sick. and diseased should use every endeav- or to acquit health and strength. Heaven -always kind to those who are willing to help themselves. has viven to failing and ailing men Peine's Celery Compound, the greatest and grandest of health -giving medicines, Millions are now using Praine's Celery Compound with mighty and happy re- sults. High enconinms and thankful letters come from ph ysicians, Layers, clergymen, bankers, legislators, burli- ness men. inechentce and farmers Who have been made well and strong after months and years of sickness. Try it, ye men who are honestly seeking after health I Disappointed in the past by wornhlesi pills, ner- vine', sarsaparillas and concoctions, you will have cause to thank Heaven for Paine's Celery Compound. The good results that follow the use of one bottle are wonderful and convincing. YOU WART THE BEST! • And it's None Too Good For YOU. There's Only One BEST! AND THAT'S The Goderich Star ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE Specialties : Newspaper Work Advertising High -Class Job Printing. Guarantee : QUALITY QUANTITY tC•O Ask (o see.a� The "CANADIAN" Brand Wool Carpet -examine each strand of yarn for yourself - nothing but pure Fleece Wool guaranteed. Beware of Imh nations. Bee that our trade marls " The Sheep'' Ig on the tloket on pooh roll, with sample of yarn at- taohod-noneperfect without It Royal Carpet Co. P J�H. EDDER. Selling Agent at Goderich. CIRCULATION flITCH ELL & TODD, Publishers St. Helens. Report of S. S. No. 3. West Wewan- nsh. for Januarys -Fourth class, total 700: W. J. Smith 462; Sadie White447; B. McAllister 444; Betsy Smith 430; M. Buchanan, 315; Geo. Stuart 315 • Re - fleece Agar 219; M. Durnin 235; Karry Fowler 233. Thud class, No. 1, total 490: Nellie Agar 429; Mary Cameron 297; Stanley Agar 202; Jas. Sturdy 143. Third elass, No. 2, total 4901 Brown Smith 373; G. Stuart. 807; M. Murray 297. II class, senior, total 400: V. Dur- nin, 258. II part cies,, total 220: With Durnin 179; May Cameron 169. T. M. GORDON, teacher. . IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No Discovery in tnedicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been, caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to per feet health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarse• ness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by Jas. Wilson, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c anti $1.1)0. Trial bottle free. Belgrave. PBEB)ITTERIANISM.-Belgrave Pres• byterian church bits issued its annual report tor 1899. The Sesstou consists of Rev. W. T. Hill. 'pastor, Donald Meiklejohn, Jas. Ferguson, John Mc- Callum, Jawes Canninghant and Wm. Whiteman, treasurer. P. W. Scott le secretary of the congregation, and Geo. Taylor treasurer. The present number of families is 84, of members 135. Mis- sionary contributions amounted to $172.55. The financial report shows receipts of $820.88, with expenditure of $709.45, leaving a balance of $51.43 on hand. During the year a new church was erected, for which the total receipts were $394022. The W. F. M. Society raised $75.32, and the Sabbath School $58.81. The Ladies' Aid was not idle, as is evidenced by receipts of 33'21.44, most of which wits expended in furnish- ing the new church. The work cer- tainly appears to be prospering under Rev. Mr. Halls' pastorate. THE NEWEST PARLOR GAME, 66 Ray. PERSONAL. - Misses Gordon and Henderson, of St Thomas, who have been visiting friends here during the past few weeks, have returned home. -Miss Jessie Northcott has returned home after a prolonged stay in Lon- don. -John Johns, who has been work- ing for Mrs. P. O'Brien tor the past year, leaves this week for hie home In Kirkton.-Mr. and Mrs. John North- cott, of Exeter. have been visiting old friends in this neighborhood this week. Dore. -The two brothers, Garlic, of Missouri, are helping J. Dick, A. Geddes and F. Essay to cut 1000 cords of cordwood for D. Bell, besides many sawlogs. The lest named three cut 500 cords for Mr. Bell last year, and the five think they can make the thousand this winter. OBITUARY.- lt is our cad duty to re- cord the death of a highly respected and beloved neighbor, the late William Jeckell. of Lisburne, who died the 20th tilt., of cancer, at the age of sixty, It is only recently that he became serious- ly 111, hut the disease made rapid pro. gross, and his suffering at times was very great. Hts funeral on the 29th was largely attended. He leaves it widow, three sone and throe daughters, to mourn his loss. Of his children, four are teachers or ex -teachers. His many friends and neighbors extend their sympathy to the bereaved fam- ily. Pstsnted In Great Britain. United CAR)RO M S 't Loma l Canada. [tnoefvet a Arps loran ) Bogor nt rho Indaetrlel Arts Ex hlhlttdn, tendon• 1899. ;PrOn011nced the most fasc,natingR parlor game ever invented. An endles variety of (Mahlon. Bank and Combination shots inn he played. Elegantly finished, Baiud of Bird's Eve Maple, atent cushion AIdes. Handsome Check- er or Crokinole Board on hack. P ICE -with Checker Board on baai:k•'J$.50; with Crokinole onrd on back. 353.00. Patent Folding Tabble for Cas'r'om . Ci.nts .Iaoh. and other large ames. 50 St. Valentine's Dray. February 14. This year will be a red t eat' for Valentines. Dainty little Valentines for Children fr m 9e to 15e. We will show a special line of Raphael Tuck & Soni,' Attltt o Vale nttnes, ranging in pries from 5c. to 50e. Store Closes at 6.80 p.m, until further notice. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Our Telephone Ie No, 100 B. Court Haase Square, Goderich WHY S a.Nrso - CHAPPED HANDS Why go about with hands or face Chafed and Sore from wind and frost when there such a choice of 000D TBINU8 at the Gentral Drup Store. Our own "Rose Glycerine Lotion" •• Witch•Razel Cream." Hind's Honey and Almond Cream "Edelweiss Cream." • Marshmallow Balm," Cucumber Jelly (in Tubes). Cucumber and Roses, &c., &c. • • • • We Have Them AMI . • • • S. E. HICK Central Drug Store, 121•OrrillXLIOME. WOULD YOU LIKE TO FEEL PERFECTLY WELLY tWf AIMS PPS COED NSW Will MACE YOU SO away= bare telt t bo great bless - lag of Flood health yew win swot •, without TINY TAOISTS. RVERYHODY'$ FRIEND SETTER TYAN A TRIP TO EUROPE al Detrgstks, Bp nail fres •f, Mope *Web* Ce'y, U.MM, Topside 000. Sea PACKAGE A V1 iDOW'S LuVE AFFAIR Receives to. setback, if she has ober)• sire breath through Constipation, Bil- iousness or Stomach Trouble, but Dr, King's New Lite Pills always cure those troubles; clean the system, sweeten the breath, banish headache; hest in the world for liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25e at the drug store. T, J, Berry and 0. Geiger, of Heneall, have sold the well-known stallion "Kilburn" to Joseph Kanter, of Anita, Iowa. This horse is corning seven rears old, and was bred In Lincolnshire, England. His weight 1s 2,050 pounds. The price paid was exactly 122.000. Motets It anises 011 le the beat p»unathe ot now leather Pod the but renovator of told Iwtier, 1t oft, .o nes blaok- ent anb'rotwte. Us. • Eureka Harness 00 w i"■t bon k.rsew year el4 bat. Dew sal measu>ti and lbw will mit war ir look but wear tenpin lalleverywkwela e...-.tl lint hem keit Wale te Ave Nag& rue. N MMUS OS W. ti+r& • p "IF THE CAP FITS WEAR IT." If you are suffering from the con- sequences of impute blood.-bave boils, pimples or scrofula acres ; If your food does not digest or you suffer from catarrh or rheumatism, you are the one who should take Hood's Sar- saparilla. It will suit your case exact- ly, make your blood pure and cure 'alt rheum, scrofula, rheumatism, dys- pepsia, catarrh, and give you perfect health. Hood's Pills cure liver ills. Non irri- tating. The farm In Tuckeramrth belonging to the estate of the late Mr. James Carnochan was sold by auction last week for $5,325. There were several hidders, but the place was ultimately knocked down to Mr. James Carno- chau, who owns the farm on the op- posite side of the mud. The buildings are not first class, but In other respects it to one of the hest farms In the town- ship. WHO IS YOUR DRUGGIST? Who is your druggist 1 This in an important question for every family. When people speak of a well-quall- fled druggist, 1t is at once suggestive of accuracy and satiefactlon in every- thing that you buy from him. We desire your trade in the dispen- sing of medicines, as our drugs are always the purest, strongest and best. We tan Interest yon In a hundred Tittle ways when you need Toilet Articles and Preparations. Where do you buy Paine's Celery Ca nndP -Wei sell large quantities of this grerttpopular medicine every week. JAMES Wf1O021, Druggist. (Iodestch, Ont. S. J. REID, Practical utter and Tailor, PER PURER'S DRY COODS 8 fDRE• 2lll Owe. of goods made to order in modern fashion, and sattefectlon gear -an - teed in price and wor&tranship. Let us figure oa you, next Suit, Ceat, Pante, or Vest. BepairinR, Cleaning and Pressing ore also specialties. S. J. REID. Tug STAG is a leader for good job printing. When you want the best, just drop In and see Tett STAB. Wood's Pho.ph�oadinr., veld sad fr.eommandsd Ey S11 d AWNS In Games. On re t- rtht. IL•dlalwa diroovere guaranteed to ante all t• ttaxo W oast all effects of abuse or oxen% Meatal Worry, Itemiseve use of 'To - two. Opium or ettmnlants. Mailed on rseefp% of rata", one papkag 11, six. SS. 0,. ertttektus. e(siet11 arra Pamphlets free to any addtsss. The Wood Company. Windsor, Ont. Wood', Phospphodlne sold in uoderioh by Jae W uboN, druggist "THE TWO ?RIDfifiM'S" Gnat S6r1ll66 See Show Window.... .00 10.00 Salta 10 for $13.00. 18:00 Suits for 14.00. 20.00 and 22.00 Suit$ for 16.00. E4, 34.60 'Ad $5 Pants for 33. $5. 915.50, es and $6.50 Goode for 34. OV 11100 & S at the same Reduced Prices. ••••••e• 1 also have about 25 Beedyto'w.ar -°"'Overcoats. In a avers and Ulsters- Some my own make. Price from til to $19 -will all go in al the one price -I&00. Also a lot of Working Pants, Worth OM and $1.60 -sate price 75e. A lot of odd Coats, Snits and Pants -at your onto price - my own make. I61 • A GREAT MANY PEOPLE Thought they would wake the old cloths, da • this wintor, but now you find they will ttot • out the chilling winds ot February. 'Why' • • you go around m this uncanfortabls state *boa • you can get each nisa • • Warm Underwt ar and Sox •• • for the little wormy we aro asking ? Call in and • • get prises, they will surprise you. • • I base a few MVO of those • EHQllsb all uinnn Gollars • • lett, the regular price was 202, you cau have theta • for loo each or II tor 25e. • ea'Most persona have a taste tot Good. Choice, Wearable things -for such the prices at this great Slaughter Sale will relax the tightest purse strings. PRI DHA1'1, The Tailor. W. C. PRIDHAr1 TUE PEOPLE'S MEN'S FURNI8t1LB. You want Good and Useful articles to' Holiday Presents. WHEN MAKING YOUR SELECTIONS, DON'T FAiL TO SEE OUR Fancy Rockers, Chairs, Couches, Easels, Extension and Centre Tables, Bedroom Suites, &c., &c. We carry New, Reliable Goods, and our prices are the lowest to be had. J. BROPHEY & SON. FURNITURE DEALERS AND LEADING UNDERTAKERS, West St., GODERICH. Tho question of the clay is - Where can I pet the best value in a GOAL RANGE ? The general answer In AT LEE fe SHEPHERD'S --as they handle BUCKE'S HAPPY THOUGHT AND GURNEY'S IMPERIAL OXFORD AND SOUVENIR. They h tee sold 3 carloads of Stoves and Itauges till. veinier, and all rho complaints they have had Is, " Why didn't we huv a couple of years ago, and we would have been In the price of the stove by now. Why don't yon gel one? The best is the cheapest in time. Wo have on the floor at all times• - Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when by the timely use of Biakle'e Anti -Consumptive Syrup the pain can he allayed and the danger avoided, This Syrup is pleasant to - the taster and unsurpassed for relies, Mgt healing and cueing all affections of the throat and lungs, coughs• colds, bronchitis, etc. Matthew Thompson. of the hounds ry near Farquhar, sold a four year-old Furse Um. other day for a little over 8170, an Jonas Simmon one for 31.20. Good heavy horses are selling readily at high prices. -� "Doing nothing is doing r11." im- ppure blood neglected will become a ser hens matter.. Take Hond'.Barsapar111a at once and avoid the ill. Coal Cook Stoves and Ranges, From $20.0010 $50.00 also a number of SECOND HAND HEATERS and (03K STOVES. LEE 0 SHE?HARD. A Well -Shaped Foot DESERVES WELL -SHAPED FOOTWEAR. We should like to show you some foot- wear of that sort -to prove that style need not interfere with comfort, nor comfort with style --and that we givo the most of style, comfort, and durability for yourmonoy. Bea our fashlonablo Bllopers and Boot.. All of newest design, perfect make and guaranteed to fit and wear. Wm, Sharman, Jr. Corner of Square and East 8t WANTED! 1000 ten cent pieces in exchange for the following goods • [Family Meat Chopper,small size$I.15 Family Step Ladder, five feet • 5o 3 Family Clothes Horses 35 3 Royal Canadian Wringers 2.00 24 Padlocks, assorted 10 25 qts. Island City Ready Mixed Paints, all shades 25 15 o8 50 pts. 4o %2 pts. 100 Bead and I'loulding Planes, assorted sizes and shapes 25 5o Butcher Knives, Rogers', Bokers' and other Standard makes 25 5o pair Scissors, 7 and 71/2 in. 25 Ala meeting of the directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com pang Mr, Thomas R. Hays was ap pointed eoeeetary-tre.urer, in suoees- ston to Mr. W. J. Shannon, who ve- ldt/nod. Mr. Hays was a director of the company. and nerd the position of Inspector for a couple of years. There are a number ot varieties of corns Holloway's Coria Cure will re- move them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. 6 6t 4 '' to These Goods mist he cicartel out to make room fur New Goods. eta' Get a rebate Cit-ck with every cash purchase. N. D. Rougvie, GODERICH. JUST ARRIVED -FIRST SHIPMENT OF - SPRING HATS NEWEST, NOBBIEST, AND NICEST STYLES IN..,. EJVCL18Ji COODS. CaII and See Them. `wrir A. P. MCLEAN . TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER, FURNISHER, &C. • 7r'O ERY ONE who end Ino . b. ifsanr to Paaro-ami t m Vd return W us-rgiro ea Opal or Hub, Suck Nn free. sod .rod Il Trn-centick, ...f ha. peHMR.ahabi. P.rfum. to ..11 for us If you 5,1,.n .old..Nur. WO no sloe you Free loge. of • be• lir pial d 1•, .10 nracelri rite Lock and Kay. r Nora sold 0Le11 nal ler elrthd., tette fermi, n,terpn) Dural, and .n lend Islas without moony a prim carne I.. -cloy Vt., ,,.k . u t noalnrwo pay e duty as . Con all Pwf mr sea Into onnoJn, tins Ito 4.11,,,, al,.olotal, true awl " SLI rood. w rotura.bt.. ailm this pap_ NATION•L SUPPLY 00.. 4a-50 West Lar.ed Sr„ Detroit. Mrei. FULL LINES 01' SEASONABLE Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS 1 Notably. Navy and Black all wool Surges, Broad Clothe, Cropone, and Black Double Warp Lustros- from 15c 1045c. Full lines of Hosiery and Gloves: A large stock of Yarns -the but that ready money can buy. Will not be undersold in any of the above goods --quality being equal. rerWlll bo pleased to show Goode whether you purchase or not. A. M U N RO, Draper. Fall and Winter 1tMillinery. w�.ww�,t.a�,Gu• a O,wa c,;� Y.�� t MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street, has in stock all the latest creations in A Bad Leak. A leak in anything is bad, but in A water pipe it's a serious mat - tor. Send for us to mend the littte leak. Ilave us do your Plumbing and you will be io• sired against leaks. We do Steam, Acetylene Oss and Water Fitting anywhere. l- �1gr�t CATTLE OROS., �h • West ids of Square, GODERiCH. Holiday Goods. Just received, a largo and varied assortment of English, French and American Fall Millinery, tip -to -date Shades, -maisme•- -Trimmings, etc. Ladies of taste, who require Fashionable Millinery, made up In the most modern, artistic- anti serviceable manner 1a all find it to their advan- tage to call and inspect the stock. MISS CAMERON PERFU1\TES, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, &c. Rubber Goods, Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Atomizers, &c. Chest Protectors, Trusses, Supporters Sanitary Towels, Chemical Thermometers, &c. F. JORDAN 1 Corner Colborne St. and Square • •rxa - - . -.. e . acs 1" 2D9i That Touches the Spot MacLeod's System Renovator Ask Druggist, or write FOR- - Weak & Impure Blood Liver & Kidney.Diseases Female Complaints, &c. direct to J. M. JfacT,EOD, Goderich, Ont. tilt® Resldenno and Lebnrodnry Nowgnla `ltr,•nt. tin ()Id Stand. In roar of Knox Churoh. t �VJ31 YOUR Knives, Spoons and Plated Ware REN EA-Ei) F,()R ('IERiSTMAS. We do iichle Plating very `Reasonably Tne Henderson Blenole Go., Limned, Godnri&b ti ';