HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-02-02, Page 711 '"� - I .
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Iff m, sm'' IRS,: I _. , I _ R$�� EWS SUMMAR .*!�
1. . - I I � �.
- .''.4.04,- . ..... '. I 11110, �
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" ,. 0#40-wou Qf , 0,04 ZOV-Strong .
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_ � **4grd SpxX has 9putribatfA
1_� , . - I I � ..".; 7,11, - . I I �, 01."totliWPAtTi4tio�Fuzid, .1 .
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�- _XXTHUAINI_11� WQOHQVS - - _` . a. W0064% .,w vea, a -w4ll,)tu9v
woq441.1,�', ,, .a. Stan An . a
-*WACXI. Ir at I . -,
g � -4 " . wiistsira Ontario 4ournsi'list. .dlii4 At
A despatch from gadder , . tho�'Oig" that &,oraln, Ohio.
, , , ,
River *Sys -. �7 , . ,,,,, arren 141 a I
, I 11 iO . . .
� -A vigoroup xwionxiaimoanca, that was , , a road - tbs r,uom$t$ pox,11:1-90 ,,Grout* cc 41OR tR the NAOO,44 Pat,,&
"Aado, Isat night engaged. ths enemy's 4.,94019, , r1440 Vaud bsyp poon madmi'b,y Tbw (
, . c;;Aoq *so highlands. The mob are wasuiliti.11 colooty councitis 04 Welland and D141t
. In on this. kopJ , L . .
, '
:�, _ And, . adygricod " , iterin. . I'
T40 Britio Light WAntry WING CASUA-4TY LISIX. Tho wastom rxilways, with. ths.ox-
- I . antartly fix extoladed-ordor to protlect a 4 ('Woltelsfrom L9449a gays,-Noi, Caption af, tbs C.PZ"t biave ,,Aecided -to
halt battery of hawitiqvirs, w0iols aQlab' all commusiViao to, pAsimagor a
, took a Position on the left tbligg ogn 1qt b-# Added to the tndi4 04outs. I
owiltly the Ircipjos, . tiows at I Goner4l Warpitn's, .sue, . Otimmi., , , York County Council asks the Ontario
facing 8
. . Tu. 0�04 were unlimbered and in whi,ch haq prouglit iuta�#il'islief-jq QoYsiru - meu�l LO Appoint a co"m's'"Ou
motion Within X,Lcuup4e. atmlioutoo of � t4 conuvi,electric r#AIwAy41 operating
I Great JBritalp. - *..tow " t4a, I
, , �.,. It Of
. tholitime, ;4071ialtelk- , . 11 .... In t,bo Pronam. . ; "
I T air I a ' 4 ' waa. 4troag 'And licamx#ut P03410111tYAli-At t4%13FitL#h,%aY be uu, The Canikil" Engine and Locomo. a
shelling between the, bnwitxo;�R. and able to rotalti ,*he h ')ia, -
L'. . . land L 7. the hills. . t, t 6y ve aq,b.�'r.d- 'tivo Wqrgg, at Kiagatou. Ont,, hays
_ ,
I two Bocirgung In', note Is 15, W,14 - , , -, iter,y iinnoyip, , I tie Into liquidation. The worica will
, in 1V1h%y. pt t4 7 "
� The British Iont�razgia an" on I � Untie runuiDg, I
, � r .boil fir -p I I
Zrtod t 11 I I _ ..at' mtsutAouq4 in G,V 1 a
. ,
_� -tie ,tow t, ink W - -.1 eepatolst mna'LjhXJ tW istip �� , F
(rom IMiAct 7!;"it' Who 'ir - We' d . hill mA , , The, Froutguav, PC Uty Council has
, p L
be BOB �L=, - have to. be reta decided, to Petition t a Ontario Leltia-
! IT to were facing a strong Bon ken. but, Assuming that ' t%
set, and this Oersted to hinder their the po-sWou, is permanently hiild;-JbDd lattice ito so amend tbs law in rotation
markAmallshl'p," Though they shelled that the Roerit are driven train the r4- top the suiamouing of jurors an to re -
both the infantry and artillery they mainder of the Plateau dominated by duce the expenditure without lesson -
hit nobody. Splon kup, there Is no ilittplon respoot. tug thd OfficfeaCy OV,tha sOrvice.'
The emasny'a less, if any. is unknown. Ing the gravity at �ho kask involved Ilia . Chancellor BurwAxb, of Viotoria
. . The infantry were within seeing die- I covering the twelve or fifteen miles University. w,00, wiLe'*triolken with
tauoe of the Boers, trenches. They were separating the hill and the teart fatiure, while, preaching Ut Ann
wide and deep, and banked with sand. Boap lines oatfAde, Ladyawlth. There Arbor, Mich., on Sunday night, was
I They were strongly occupied. is complete Ignorance here as to the brought back to Toronto on Tuead&y.
� ability of the Ocera to obt*irt taint orce- His is very canob bettor, and no serious
BULLER'S ESTIMATED STRENGTH. merits, and us tat whether they have results are Anticipated.
Prepared a second line of detence. This " Jack P Freeborn, who played con -
The forms under Gen. Buller's cam- ignorance prevents Ain �
i,icy forecast at the tre scrimmage for the Granite Font-
mand, including Gen. White's toroB3. operations. The or B continue to bid balk Club, wAs fkned,#10 or 30 days at
at Ladysmith, number nearly 40.000 thei public to prepare for along cas- Hamilton Police Court for assaulting
1. men. I udIty-1 list, tbo attaolifnW. the fullest his wife.
significance to General Buller'b'n"ma- the
The following is the list of 9611or- tkon. , Grave fears are entertained for
als wox ,No full, list of,the losses in the ateamer Ashanti, which left MOvill0
-king conjointly in the move- figlitinji previous to the attack on Jan 6 for Ualifaz, with malls. She
ment for the relief of Ladysmith;- Spion kop has yet been reqnived, haal'ac, piaosengere.
,; Natail Field, Fatroo, Ladysmith- though each day brings additions. The Hamilton Horticultural Society
Fourth Division --General SIrGeorge General Barton'B force, which is to give 0,000 Young plants
j�,, White commanding. . . holding Ch teveley, had a few killed and bias decided
Ladysmith's Relief Force. wounded on January A, which Inds- to Behool children next ApTil, the
; General Sir Radvera Buller com- cates an engagement which hitherto plants to Tie ahKxwn in competition for
'i mending. . . has, not been reported. Ik was prob- prizes at the society,a exhibition in
I Second Division-Vout-General Sir ably only a recOnUalaaaace. JUne.
0, F. Clary. L I � Mayor Teetzol asks the citizens of
. S5oond Brigade-Major-Goneral H. J. GEN WOODGATF,,'DEAD. .; Hamilton to make all the demonatera-
: , Hildyard. . I don possible by the ringing of! bells,
; I . Fourth Brigade -Major-General N. G. A. dospatels has been! received from blowing Of whistles, etc., when,auth f
" . Lyttleton. -Major- Spearman's camp, that' Gen. Wood- oritative, U - ewe comes Of the to let o
,,� Third Division-fith Brigade gate has, succumbed to the wounds he Ladysmith
I ,��r., General A. F. Hart. , received in the attack upory Spv6n Xho thirteenth annual provincial
, Sixth Brigade-Major-Goneral G. ,convention of the Y. M. C. A. of On-
:§�if' ar kop" I tarlo and Quebec will be held in Wood-
tnh' Division-Major-Genoral Sir A despatch from Spearman*s Camp, stock, Ont., from February Oth to the
Charles Warren. says: -The battle continues. The in- 11th. -
Eleventh Brigade - MaJor-Goneral Mr. J. K
Woodgate. fantry fire is concentrated at the crest . 0saborre, or the Massey
Harris, Company, Toronto bAa recoxv-
I Including the eight battalions of the of the bill, near that contra. The Buers a4 a cable trom, the War Office stat-
, I Fifth Di[visfou he has now six brigades, are holding the corresponding crest in tng that his son, Liout, J, W. Osborne,
.LL � numbering 24 battalions. Admitting the valley. It virtually is an artillery of. the Scotti8h Rifles, Camericnians,
, that each battalion stands only 900 ombardmont. The Boars are re hadbeen killed in ac,tion in the Tugela
- strong, the deficiency of 2,4W under b plying district orj January 24.
L' the total war strength of 24,000 is all Occa8ionally and moving their. guns - operating
11 I e large drafts for when they are located by the British, Herbert 3 Somerset,
., t seldom firing more than three manager 01 the Winni2eg Elentrio
�'L the battalions of the Ladysmith gar- bu . Railway, has received and ac -
shots from one Place. Street
, risen.
I In this manner Gen. Bullar'd force bearers, raised copted a position as general manager
may be summarized as, follows:- by Major Stuart Wortley, behaved well of the tramways, Perth, ,West Aue-
�'. tralla. � He is a Bon of Mr. W- B-
I , . 24,000 during the fighting after volunteering
� I Cavalry . . . . . . 3,200 to bring in the wounded under heavy Somerset, business manager of the
I I Winnipeg Free Press. .
:11 Artillery. � . 1 2,200 f ire.
I r Arigineere . . . 40D At 2 o'clock the Boerra raised a white The Canadian Grand Lodge of Free
I I d Masons paid a visit to
� 4dd White's Force. . 9,000 flag on this summit of a high, hill, but and AccePte
� - both sides continued firing. the Michigan Grand Lodge at De -
1 � Grand Total . . . 38,800 The casunitina yesterday included troit on Tuesday. The visitors pre-
, , I - Capt. Raitt, of the Queen's Own, kill- sonteti. to the Michigan Grand Lodge
� . I ed, and Capt. Warden and Lieu ts. a silver loving cup, on which the Stars
HMEN. � Smith and Dubisson seveirely) wound- abd Stripes and the Union Jack are
� . 1. A despatch from London, Bays:- ad. ethev through
� .. Three Englishmen who had received Capt. Ryall, of the Yorkabires, was An important deal wasput
� .
z,� passes authorizing them to remain in , killed, and Lieut. Barlow severely at Montreal, when the MascOuohe
�.L.: were c,un� I wounded. Lumber Company sold a portion of
. . the orange Free State, its valuable timber limits in the
IL mandeered on Dec. ?5. They refused I counties of Berthier, Maskinouge, and
- I
.4 i ymen, and were ! DUNDONALD'S GOOD WORK. Joliette to Mr. A. A. Laroeque, of
11 shot in the maxiceit place. . I A despatch from Spearman's Camp Montreal, for $72,OW.
� .. 0 says: -Details of Lord Duadonald's BRITISH,
� A TERRIBLE ORDEAL. engagement w4st of Acton Holmes At Sydney, N.S.W., a wharf laborer
� I 11 A despatch from London says: -The on Jan. 17, show that the American ba.s been stricken with the bubonic
;J . aesomblago in Pall Mail outside the Colt gun did great work for the Bri- plague, and the attending doctors are
1� (A the opinion, that he w,tw incir,uda"
� " War Office, and those privileged to t isl, As preiviously cabled, the
1. '� with the disease througlif the bite of a
� wait in the lobbies, reluctantly die- BritiaL and Boers made an rush for a taea. �
'k kopje, which, unknown to either, had
4L Parsed at midnight, after the final Col. Gough will not be tried for a-
,�, word that nothing more would be an- been previously occupied by a tie- legod disobedience of orders. General
��L ent to tacbment of the Natal Carbineers.
� Methuen not having'pref erred accusa-
"� nounced. The morning papers w The British, of course, won the posi- tions against him. Col. Gough him-
t press with conjecLares and forecasts tion, and then turned their Colt gun
"41 If is reported as denying that be re -
V, . Be
�,i , of all sorts, striving to guess out some- Oon the enemy, .*bv. could not stand (used to order a cavalry charge at the
�'�' - thing from Spion kop. against its fire.
11 Splon TwentT-three prisoners were taken. battle of-Modder River:
� Topography maps sno,w that. They fraternized with the British, and A woman at Northampton died from
e two sons, severely
, �.- her
� kop, is the highest part of a rocky showed no signs of animosity. grief for
!�,� " great the war.
I,, . plateau. Eastward for eight miles are The British troops displayed woundedin
11 ,
11.1. the Boers, positions along the Tugela. consideration for the wounded Boers, The American ladies -resident at Cape
� North"weatward. from SPion kOP the and everything possible was done to Town held a reception on Tuesday, in
'g," plateau runs gradually up to a great alleviate their,pain. . I honor of Lady Churchill and the en -
11", � spur ol� � the Drakenaborg. . The bonorg ,of .the engagement at tire staff of the American hospital
- Gen., Buller's infantry, to reach the Actor, Holmes were with the Ilaisperial abipt Maine.
I'A'I sum qn0f.Spion kop, must cross a na- Liglit Horse, Natal Carbirio,Bpa, and Prof. Max Muller has Buffered a .re�
��� a mile sixty men of the Mounted Rifles.
turn ig acis three-quarters of lapse, and Iris 'condition is Causing
� and climb RX) feet up a steep
��,,,, wide,� - - - _' anaxlety.
".1. I
I., � - " BI N ody here seems to know, not BOE#S PLUNDER THE DEAD. Ai memorial service in,tionor oA Mr -
��, 9 Ruskin was held in WeJminater Ab-
1,,w- the War office, rwhat Lord Rob- A despatch fr6m London says -,The bey,this morning and was largely at-
__�� - Hauser's bullet, is no doubt tended. ,
't, � arts has done with his large reinforce
': mlints. Six thousand troops awaited oted some
," since a very humane one and trifli
7� " his arrival at Cape Town, and 'Ai request by the Dean of Westmin-
".1. derful wounds. Some of the bullets, titer Abbey that John Ruskin should
1� then 6,000 others hav wo
��. I I , .: military critics are all hoping that a he says, took extraordinary courses. A he buried in Westminster Abbey has
good share of these 12,000 ha�o gone to man vine i3hot in the bead, the bullet been declined by Mr. Ruskin's rela-
help Gen. Buller, and they argue th at ' tivea, who a" in their reply to Dr.
��� _, ��' a tow days' wait may make him strong cams out of his side, Bud he is doing Bradley that it was the professor's
`� i4 the left own wish to steep in Coniston church -
I'll, enough to overcome the deadlock. well. An officer was sho�.
IL; , , J� N breast, the bullet on -me out low down yard. where ,his remain& will be inter-
"" BOER POSITIQN CAPTURED. the back, and he was walking about red ou Thursday.
I on Sunday last, and said he felt notb- The transport Cymric has been sent
-, A despatch from Spearman's Camp Ing wrong with him. from Cape Towm to sea rch for t hei, di&-
. ..... f ew The Boers treated our wounded ablood trainsport Mancho�ter Corpora-
,,, says: -The field artillery and a
11 `1 -
� 11.1 tion and tow bar ,here.
" well, and, in fact, did not take them
� " ,
I— ,howitzers this morning shelled the
�J , pTisoners, as they Raid Ithey could not
: Boer left from a kopje on the rijht, the be bothered with them, They took two Mointa,gu White, former Consul-Gon-
� a
; T. ral of the South' A,fricam Republic in
" i Infantry keeping up a continuous rifle wounded colonels, as they like colonels, London, had a conference with Secre-
�- and would prefer one with a title, but
I ,,,� L fire from good cover, ry Hay, at Washington, on, Tues-
�;' kets and went for i1L
I �, 3 summit of y 4 Pon I
I , The Boers abandoned tbA broadri.e the a vpreacks with greed� day. 4. .
�j'L, the korpjo which they had been hold- I doll 1 th-itik thby' can be getting mXtab The Australian colonies have declar-
!: , 1 d the British then occa%�,.,d ad Adelaide a plague Infected purt.
, , I lug, an it �Iread now. They also stripped our
:�!` �h.l,.r h isaci ilead-of rdl clothing, for they have no According to a special despatch from
� , . The enemy then took i
1 a stone wall on the side of the kopja I pinsainc, behind them, rind officers' Pretoria. it in reported there that
L, , and held the position for hours. breeches were bighiy treasured., fourteein field cornets will be excbang-
1, .
�,�', � They retreated in Lho afternoon. the ad fo,r fourteen British offirers.
, " , , British dropping shrapnel and lyddite FRENCH COULD TAKE COLtS.BURG. A regiment of cavalry. was kept idle
,. ' � shellB on them as they or .... d , r,- I at Do Aar forla fortnight, because the
� L � ,� r , . ; vine. A d.Vpatch from London saya:--Gen. Wax Office had sesn�'no bridles with
L I I.; The Briti posi- French, with the utmoat' dolibi6ration the horacm, but ha.4 despatched them-
� �, tion the enemy had hold. and the greatest caution, is drawing somewhere else.
�.. The casualties were few.
1 �L his lines more closely tLround the Boer The scheme proposed by I he Dom-
' L" IT IS SLOW WORK. position. Every day he tightens the inian Governm t for the. repatriation
I I .L� 11 net, greatly to the alarm and uneasi- of the 100tb Regiment Is commented
�L A, despatch from Loradon, ijays:- ness of the enemy. upoin by the St�James' Gnzette. The
""" ttacks Gazette says that ',the repatriation
1� , "On, Monday Sir Charles, Wtirren'a
� .t The Boers have made several n
, � .��,:. force canctonaded acd fusilladed the on our outposts. proposition aboubd meet with on die-
, The tactics of tbese engagements nouraomant in Britain.
I I Boor position. west of Spion kop, near are it repetition of those employed at VsrrRD STATES.
I 1%, I the Acton Itomw road. A lyddite bat- Majobs. bill, but ever h 6 they have Mauttger Ram By, of the Wnba,sh
,, Mar
I tory co�operated with thd other bat- been pluckily repulse Boers hav6
L,." I torisa And Maxima. Certainly the fire been ont-goneralled in this region. In- Railway has prosaised a definito and
, . "I Was Off6etiv6v causing the enemy sort- dividuals frequently desert to our eqrly reply to the domando of thel *�m-
1, , cuts lodises. Tbs Boers, however, clung lines. ployea for .higher wages.
I , " IL, .;. deapstateli to their works, from which The latest arrivals may that the It,, is announced ini Now Yorks that
. �
I 1".. they are only being very slowtY driven Boer strength Is now 7,000. Three William FI: Miller, of Franklin Syndi-
_;i" "To�day the antiny fired their guns weekti agotbel were reinforead by I,- catn fame, Is" been located ill Canada
'. L�' .� , oftener, using also the captured 15- 000 men from Ladysmith and WO from and mi under police purveillance.
� , �j � � ., wanders witis, a4rapnel. our casual- Msf,erafonteirs. The Centre of their &4ftqr ftplitinratin
, . ties to -day were Ims even than those position appears to be at' C1461eklMirg' ,ablor oTqr Orce
�. hours, thajary, at any, N.Y. in the
I 1, �". Ot YeAtarday. junction. Their linei of communi- ease of WihjtLm N. ClorronsbiM nnd
r,� I" '*Fighting began about sixi in the entlot, are strongly protected to Nor- Moy Loy. charged witbA cs.11eged con
, , � . MOt'11111r. 41id continued until duqk� valle, pont I while they still command Apiracy in smuggling Chinese into the
�; � , bat thitim has been nothing like 0 ge'D- the road to Collesbarg and the wag- Dialled Stataim from Canada. returns(
," � #0401nobt. a verdict of twt guilty. Judge Cogs
, ,. eral k on brigade.
�. .; , �. "T110, baval big gunr4 assisted f Tom Gen. French's position, at, viewed
�, , I I I patgletat,6 drift in shelling the War from Cole's kop, is a great serni-ei role. thereirpon diarb-argedi the acoused,
. - L ,�, 0081tiotim.- The Boer kopjM ere lower than ours. News comme froin Presque, Isl
-1�1.1 � . rind are commanded by our guns. Comity, Mich., that John Smith, a wood
! "; . 4, OUT lyddite allsells have apparent- emintater, formerly of Distroitg(stirny
- , , W;ADTANS IN1,4ACTION. rtillery forgood ad away from it logging camp and we
� .�� A deSpAtch from Victoria. D.C., FRYS: and all. attackedpAnd cater by wolves attarn
I. , -Word retebod have ifist night that Gen. Frarinh could tindonistedly take dr-sparate) struggle. .
. I in twof miles aw Y, The success of the negotiations in
I Privets Jr. W. ;ftt,% of the first Brit- COlasb-9, which a
I � I t any time be. pleased, but he basl fa- Atituted by Sencratary tiny with a vlav
ith Coluibbit tonti-agent of the Can- a ad hitherto from bombarding the tq insura the - door" for Afmar
' ' batAnts, cars. trade ir n
I r adign fotte. kad, be6a killed in action town because of the non-com in Ch naku may. ow be ,To
. I �'. at Dotait a (Atm, Every one 6T th
, I �.. . including wornan and childirta. garded. as assured.
I . Joitied Is a tfaduate- of West Point, . - power" thAtIparticipmtect in Abe nisgo
. althftgli of 966ttibb birth, and one of STILL SHELL LADYSMITM tiations heal returned to this Stnts De
, thid b6xVkD6Wn thlAing men of Van- A domipatells from Spearman's Camp, partment this written agreement vrit
I ,666ty6ft "Blift Iddew, haing big com- the exception Kit J%pan and ltftly,nn
b%oti title, I fays:-Tisere Was A heavy borAbard- there is n6t tho-slightest ilosilit (
I morning.
. I .1 O.- r _ Inent of Ladysmith thin than" cams,
I The Boers did some tively aniping A report from Frankfort, Ky., ssy
. � 96W API014 Imp. and shelling thih morning. but thew goo men, armed with rifles, r6s<+s
� I
- (& '�'"� '�dfa $t#6Jg&An'§ CeInis 0 betavy. , that city to-dAy And have been on
", ,astigitlas we" vot .
, I I '*AttW49 tt00:W last ,*� plied with ts�xd*eA basting the portrai
.� !4 ;fi
4141111 *-O� '00 .
lidglIt ,#4,MJ#W So'" Lk6o kniVritift tAWT IN 11M 8"Irtic. 9t Governor Taylor. A fight betwee
� �
th6#10likit wttob ,*"� &A. Cabby, to gant who tax beenlAiming tho Taylor ana GoLobel Volitieal sul
. . * � dr. This Is portdra'!A fesit*d.
"It I'm W" j4fA, hy lao bin 4,gy. Oilt-oErs y*are your
.11 I I ,atiss-gat cisit-bo ardalt,fitrlerala , Bip""sittltlya pobftrt-S, Of tttlkk
Id=4 w-i'll-K 106i,rilt littft&A �w tiftetistin# volummy-was M
. - 1, 11 . , th6 stev� etssAd of, i gmt
. ��.� je 401 imr- My Itt"tiog 6hell tire. OHM frosu the Hwaft of Raprie
, . AW I ,- , Arts setiftaidoz. Gmxit,f"b I TbaAb allri. bi2i t
, ", A", I . .: 1. I -Vton� (" 1140" t do-
At %4=0m j" Wftb won& my bot # it"MA6 Iftew
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""" . ..
ootls a Z 0 C �",X ., �
WA *t t'b^ J4
11 � � I - I
.. Ll 41 � I -
woom"M" IVAO-Aw* i �
11100"k, AM *O -W*"*- "*b I �
I . 9*r of PrO441"Wt 861#119AW" �
- , �
' ' ,
Z V, mostistw- t fu ,
T'#t uav^ $44'' G
(or �
I I � �
i . . . vw_tl� �, "I"-" , , . ,
� ;
I ft 0 Ift"" WA"f# lWoft"t 011110,
0 '11541W �'. I I I T . I
ptog)*% ,1%
I "4410, - I I
, . *AA*4
. li*AJ"umA6"o"""0W*�,0"%,4-
14i ll of ow'"00k, All X#WMI *"-
-P . V,
*so **tsarow 000 iomow. .�
% .1 "
00f4d, roo,witwom, at syWOPOW"
lio, witiah. 4, 44.04, Walk, 001r* tot
_____ 'O �
FT= $* HM120; 04M. Fe"o, NO- W Tra 0- 11
. 44��#111041140*111?01W*100001111� I
V4X**"k- � ""
, W* *"I #sat "A X*0 "" w1h, .1
he rali4f. of -thp, i�4410w* 0144 'PtAk",
I -
I . 4 . ,
I �1
Bom- sm ai 1A4yqW*1 -, I . I
, ,. I
*it$* 'Mit " W_ " i , o - * "o
I , : * - #**."Ow I
I I. . I POWW *4 .1110104 wwooii 00,
; Briti ooldiisirlp� C04-culva V*W.40,
I �"4404
t* 1)T *00% 0c, -00 ft"� I I,
, � ,
I I '00 " At"W"Wo "h1614.
to" A" 1)
arx#rpr 4 '001 �
xi, t ZIP#$ t We
DO . 1,
. I
ro- �,",_ I I �
, . . I'm-
� I 1
oit 4"'Wolitoa A th-0 "Orsi* ,#
__ -7 - . 9-, ot
� -
014*. *Aft b*4*4 I . "
�-�, a I.
0 , ". ", *W0
, .
,A211,0119 tbs. Ulu Introduced In the
CMNUR" B,1VX=Rtls-Xr�s"QN_ ftudoy �rotwht liters *X0 to t" ot, . , .
t" t tbAt 04 WktA. (ZVO I* AZA ,,"I
.1 - **tk *t6w TU %Uw,
Vv0w 14var Ik" 441111�
. vot 1, "# .
40to W 144,- **##*4- *V. -t
1,064to *44 "�o' I* 66mator 10 Im.worth'i
�141P,Qlw oring 4,40 Blittato # Niagara #AyA-W,Gou,,t
* doWwtcI% grow 6pearaimato Camp. . . �*roxisoisdailat
, wiarrawo fArroon. I 041; in %he firot poor Avied. and to* too
., at
W110*4 ]a 4*004 "60311t, PC tillo,
, , ,
U01 WE 1-111N, *M.. 0011P VOK, . -u- � I .1�
I . . ." I
E146trito RaAway clow. pa .
By sorry
W,Ueri authorl;od g the proylptio of
ptitoviory t i
, A had TImp %*Ipo , t t la",
topsay, I gindisthiii inurajo - W14 rp W
� � . ,liters!, _ We , " - I
tso�m wtw t4t W" its "A" ,
?*Xor to*
Mato oxit
. _ "*It. I ,- 4 1. 1,
T*M-44uisit. outows "**,mow �
Do nIQU at CausdA, to in
otario, or I
the '210, 41;bAuLdozied *-a kqw, I koro, lstst4 that the OQ0 10= trw
lo, Walm 4-10447 1040404i, t1sot
tkat @tr"Lw w0WVC
I " #jJ' (104 X* bd, 'etralot
I iisi
, , r I � I
*Jar, Lin, boyerp" *4M W#_
t y at any railway
Loquire k - pr P,g
worated In 0s: ovi A" of Optar1Q. rawlikiti
L . a. Buller reports tbat thw British *01101iltnittick
4 . ,tka . Im
fty, Jap,, 24. at And that " ."A woris *404 440
ca Wodutsw 241i hma
4#y s, _ ,
� lay 00 t#4 0"* "Wt in a beat
. I
hN . : 1 .
"� sLIA 4W 1 .
" 9*41sta, wt V-0 W , .. � . I 1 � � .
John P. Rockefeller will gives the t;plopj
kop, W*M- ' cartridge$ wbm list 0"401P*4
OY V ___W!k4 - ' 0-14V
#At 019- W114of V, -
I � Port
� y 40 do$?0041 to, 0#
WA* 4-6*1� 1 - ,
svntx bid VAN. Wagko 04414 I*
' '
Daiversity of Chicago #W,0q0 so a to-
, q.,U ,
�_ I . I A-
at X"4#y, komnw)�Ila LM Aaft
""O. for looAll use. o"fr 4 $M ' �
, $ - " ,: ' ; � '
wit 01 the Voceak 40ital"tipia OX the
* *""- _*do
Officers. " 6 t*ak
J I _ ,
had not b"A;Jld* li" after, t 41,100,
; .
in bid. ftia4al oralads, *�U �,�__ - � � r :
)urloy, , pale-00010AW41 collection. The
Aaak And Fil;t, : Is, AU" AUO UND, LADYSUITIr. i". 0-
- - ,
" - Issid, tkam to 4S.
,VAX , "It"" -
.1 I . r ,�
iuscley specimens inpludis 700000 Ma-
limim Valley fogiiiis, The collection
, 1*4wWalt
..vm,4*d:- A) 40m"tqh Irvin �,ou0lm maxa-TliP
� I
( It a ougrttv 4W ,"^1
I . I 11 �
XUltood-0oatiam" very Weireef Ufffl _. '
. wind Its gotboar
waia valtsood At #M.00 -
pfftearm . . . . . .
Boei ill" In t4s, agightiourboO4 at
Bank sad File. - - � U2 - . .
mA -blis X"Aus ot
, Mdod t1to only trips" tioult-
- "�"
04*404'. -tho r - ,ua, ,u*t �IAAA
I ,
I- .
topick up Car Iota. araw 14 qgoit.� . . - -
agreed to coutrUavute, W". at the
_ _ _
*the rest being void bi. the Vvi-_l
XImAAIXg;-- tbe� bel#jgursd town have Oat b"aD to.
I ,,Vw . �
I u It to uzu t)ist Modder'Vilver, 44
At $1810 tt� $14; and short* At 415 , 1: . I - � I
, .
� I
varsity. Mr.' Rockefeller has offered
41 moved stiace Go�avral Bqllor'll luavm�
uk and PIK . , . I
J. W. 04-
o. OLD ornamantal, water tot t% f04
. 11�
to 41% At tbs =ill door througla W44t- � �.
to I pay MOW ot tbs $75,01);) aece"ary
V�Tkillad Include 14outt in%ut began, not even those behind ��
114cb- �
ul, of the KimbsIrlor, 0011"149144 the qrWoutprio,
in "a towards
ad amount, it
the, rw4uir I
tc# make. up, _
the rest in raised by President Harpor.
4046, 6cottiub Rifles, sudkCol. the TaSolisk river.
ridge ovarlooklog �
anan Riddell, of the Xing-% HQYWI ad
PArtipik of Door* are continually riding
moved 04
"' �of the river ban]; on the *naar's I
I ,
Clorit-Quiat. No. 2 American yellow � '!
. .
40a, track. Toronto; $ad -1
Rift". who served, in th& Niger war in
r a left. �
, 11�
gogt4d, sit � I
1881. tol and fro on the road from
Ruds:Lwa HZE0153L .
W vit Of 141o; 0anadt",,00rn dull I .
Denmark continues to negotiate with
thel United States for the sale of her suat'is
Spear. . Potgititerls drift.
This last deapstmb, 'it dated- to,
' ODIA JIta. N,* aU Io.3S,&,W. They seem, to be concentrating to-
"That it coal& ever be attempted to
. " �
at 36 1-3o track, Toronto. ;� ,
pox*-*Irm� Car lots, 580.
possessions In the West Indies.
visrds the plateau at Act" P01400, 611' cross
the river alldias sidowal*
wortAil &44
The, case of Pastor Sarms. thhe Ger-
' 9 ion of chack,
WARREN'S GUNS WORK40 HAVOIJ, Permatly with the 'at Ut throtigh
the relief tomes.
the rush at watary *ao by olkilit,
went ; and at 59a meet. I
aarlsp_�esjdy. egg tot, ag NO, 2. � I
man missiona,iry, arrested in Natal last '
A despatch from London, says -ourrogisondaut of the Times At olluslaw
totbe abort is*pporte, In full
middle tralghts. sold at 39 1-2 to 300. I
mouth for aiding the Boers, continues
There was heavy firing, at Lady- Frere, In a despatch dated Jauuiftag4l.
view of tbs opposite aborts, was an *at
94F-St"dY. Car lots 6110 west. � �.
Thin Dutch cruiser Zeebond salled for
smith yeaterday. Goa. White Is attack- describes the activity of the to.
They are digging withip range when
at rookie" herolmm, aipaluat wMah and
*van the wary Cronjo, had oat VC9.
510 "At- , ,. -
Oats -Tone fitm and doistand fairly I I � 4
Wagoa Bay on January 25th.
Ing and tasking a 'diversion. the shells allow them to do so. mod
good. White oatn.ftll6k; north anti 1 .
Official reltorts giving details of the
Altair tho assault On Jan. 6 Gain. they are always at work outside tbs
vidod. This was actually 44*44 and
west; t$ 14o. middle freight*; and I I .
recent Inundations in Japan hbaw that
white seint to Ckarimapdant, (Ion" range-
They are also bringing up fresh,
one at a time *am* 400 OtAbom Grow 90
84 t 91m, east. , I , I I
I&M-Aulot. Car 1066 east. I
property valued at over 6,000,000 yen
was destroyed. Tbixty-five, townswere
devastated, 7,288 houses submerged and
Joiabqrt, for hateMent moventY-Uine . I
dead Bocare collected in the (British SUE11try livisoner canglit, mom that thft
04. Then a detsolinseat of
Royal Engineers followed them, and 40c
and west. oft. . I I .,
0-st oat,. In bais. � � 1�
189 lives lost.
twoniobiesa.. I Boars will never lot the British remelt little
by little a force was collected. ttackItt
at"=* 1
o. # per bW.; and n I
Arrangements are being completed
for the establishment of 'a Russian
The Post's carreispondent deserities Ladysmith, whatever else happens'
the operations of the relieving column This, is their lant,chance of proyent.
,the for behind
which cleared several of tbs nearest
houses an tbs right and qffoat*d an
wood. #3.115 per bbl. 11 I
101atter - Receipts or& absorbed ..
. I 1. I
me they tall
consulate in Canada. .
greatly town,
from Ja.n. 17 to ,Jan. 23. and the relief of
000tillatiou at an krrl sation patch,
promptly arrive at prices; f ',-,
are. however. 1,
The signatures to the national ad-
d obear ridge they oOoUVT lite Open 00110-
picaisaa the pluck, davotiami an , t
fulness of the, soldiery. He says that try without a single Position that can
from which they were never dlelod d
T6 fight for 10 hours is mln'kileiml Not'i
taking. only on- r"
qugh toi immediate requirements. an 1� I
dreasprepared at a mass meeting hold
Jan. 4, which asks Pre-
Gen. Warren's guns fired 8.W0 shells be fortified. In
any kind of warfare would be a, they
autiolpate lower prices. Dealers . .��,
here mail to tho( trade as, follows:- .
inlBrussele on
oin Jan. 20. 1
terrible strain; but, on tbs ahsiosilsom
�, �,
aLdent McKinley to intervene in the
South African war numilier nearly 100 -
are expeaed in a
Ria left on Jand 21 moved uv,Bas- LADYSMITH DWREGNABLE.
tinai hill, which open% a cleft in the
Ladysmith, Suadai, Jan 21 run -
voldt� with the thermometer at th �Dalr
1.0 ly
deIrroe above mentioned. the exhau,
. 11110
tubs. medium 15 to 17c; strict- I I I "i
Iff to 190; largo r Is 'to .. 11 ..
cl 00 .
. 011% we I I I
�!$il dairy, Its
000 I Twice as usan�
fortnight, when the address will be
'my's lines. The object is nos longer
' mp, Wednesday. Jan. I.tbAkt
Intro- via Frare On
tion suffered by our men was so great
in hundreds ad cases men and
. .prints, ;
croo- ry. tube and boxes. 22 to 23a; I
forwarded to Washington.
to turn the Boor right. but by ner
duning a wedge of infantry into the 24.)-Tbe garrison is watching Gen. ,officers'
slike slept as they lay in the
D . to . " I :
Phsoxf�- I.:,
Is very firm,
A, second load oA beef for the use of
the Boers -is being purchased at Chi-
o1oft to spllt the right from the con- Buller's guns shelling the Boars. Their ,sorub,
careless 9t the shell end Title
tire that our ad over t4clsok. � To pro.
rkat and I
6 e ulry. Stocks mom to be . , 1, I
tXe. fire can be mean at this diataum. and
The gap was widemed I during the
ide them wt 'th good ,wo Impossible.
I ht. lea are made here at is to �, � .
IS 1-26- ... ,,
Government. On aceount of recent
seizures by British ,wAr vesseld ot
appears to be very effective. The
day, and Gen. Waxrau'a right com- ts of the Boars show that
a ,, bring a water cart on to the
field' was only tempting men to ex-
� . 11
4 *--Strictly now laid and limed I
0 1
ships, bearing supplies destined for the
have refused to
ted the capture of the whole edge
Pie they are evidently determin 0 stub-
ot the plateau and occupied the first I I
bornly oppose the advance o the re-
pose themselves to death.
stOOV are In fair demand. . Cold stor- I �
. I
ad and No, A stock hard to move, an I
Transvaal, packers
sell the beef for delivery beyond Chi-
Line of thei floor treac.bea. list column. They show to signs of
there Is too much of this grade on the I I
cago. and negotiations for transports-
s ound about 200 removing their guns. have mount.
"The one-wund Maxim gun -Area tbs
market. Jobbing lots of now laid �. �
tiou are pending.
Ott the enemy who had been killed by ed now (,ties. an,, To OOntiuU4IIy
the shall fire.
moat effective wompon need by - the
Boll at at to 22c; hold fro.40, J%t to to I
160' N'O� 24t 13 'to 15c; mod
The steamship Yumuri reports that
strengthening their fortifications.
The correspondent foreshadowo Our fortifications hav a b r tiy
Boars. -The five or six shots fired in
,limed at ''I
IGO' Ten-esse lots Will Bell at &frac- 1� I
When she Bailed tromi Boras del
Tuesday's attack an Spion, kop and d!- strengthened since Jan. -
one second while the gun was tra-
tion below these figures. , � .-I
the Norwegian warship .Ellida was at
that port on the way to Blutiolds t a
clares that there is absolut ti-
donee and det e con Ladyandthi is now praotically _ preg-
ermination throughout
versed had more moral offset than
-Potatoss-Raceipts fair,and toarkat , I
, I ,
without assiage. car iota Are sold an
investigate the seizure at a, Norweg-
Ian otBaniship for use as a troopship
the, . I nable. r', .
army. Owing to the dry weather the fever
No anxiety, he says, is felt concern.
the stitiady discharge of abraismial from
the ordinary 15 -pounder at halt-
L. ,I
track, bore at 38 to 4M per bag, &ad, at 1�
farmers' wagons at shout 4S to 50c
by the Nicaraguan authorities.
'According to the Taeglische Rundes-
has diminished, and the number of
ing the result of the movement tot convaleacents raturnin from intombi
the reliaf of Ladysmith,
UIiDmt6 Intervals- One Wan Got far
be Out of store choice stock -
Cria &out We per bag, 'A
chau, the German Emperor is planning
camp exceeds that of,t%e patients be-
from me hi(d both thighs blown off
ChIcago, Jan. 29-Flaxwed-Closed; ,
to reformi the higher schools of, Pros-
HAUSER AMMUNITION EXHAUST- ing sent there. The supplies are spin-
ning Out Bolliandidly all the troops hay.
an be eat, by one of these little shall@
_'Noirth-wee I ",._4'
town and South -Western,
sia according to the demands of mod -
in suffiel at wh&ieaoma food.
lending on the ground between them,
but there is no that the
cash, #IZO, 31&Y. 01.49; September. , "!�11:
01.06; Duluth, to $1,44; May. I �
arts practical
A deapatoh from Durban, says:- beetle terrific, the thermometer
arrive, 11�
Wirele%s telegraphy is to be employ-
ed at on.ce on the Daver-Calais stick the
Stories of General Warren's fight on registering 107 degrees in the shade.
moral effect was as a rule greater
than the practical reaults."
$1.48; September, 01.03. ; 11, I I
Detroit. Jan. 29-Whost-Olosed:-
Folkelstorte,-Boulogno boats from a
Of the lesmossis to be learned from
%1 .1,
No, I white. cash, 69 14c; No. 2 red. 11
-_ - - .- -
central station, at Dover_whera a pole
will be erected. 'Phe masts of the
M odder River, this correspondent
says: "It will be Im"asible in any
fficers to retain
cash. 691-4c; May. 720; July, 71 1.2c. J11
11 ,
Buffalo, Jan. 29 -Spring wheat. - �,.,
�, "
�, �,
Strong* ;
boats will suffice for the other, and of
the dirrAuit. The system ,will then be
their swords, and it win be worth
No. I hard. 737-8c; No. I I � :� �
Northern, 72 1-8c; No. 2 Northern, 70 .,
extended probably to the Dover-Oatend
while for the War Officer to conetruct
"Onan light carbine that may be car-
1-8 to 707-&. Winter W1161111A.-Noolin- �'�
,_ -
bosts, too.
A Thracian triumphal car has been
Attempt to Flank Boers' Right
Abandoned Owing to Lack
ried by them Instead of the weighty
r"'a served out to the man."
&I* NO 2 red, 71 1-2o , mixed, 70 I -A to
71�; ii� I white. 70 1-2.. C. - .�
dug up) on the slope oil Haunt Rhodo-
pus, near Pbilippopoli6 id Bulgaria.
of Water -Stones of Terrible
Fighting -Cannon SoUnd-
�� �
Stiroug ; No. 2 yellow, 37 l4c; No. I 1. .
- .
yellow, 37 1-4c; No. 4 YedlOW, W 3-4c -, .,
All the metallic fittbngs of the chariot
including bronze decorative figures:
ing Near Kimberley.
"Early in the afternoon the general
No, 2 corn, 33 3-4c; No. 3 corn. 30 1.2c; �
claut-Dull; easy ; No. 2 white, 2%;
and." the harneas for- one horse, were
found together with human. remains-
visit to the camp of bia, command, this
was shot through the thigh. and for
some time the two brigades, in the ab -
No. 8 white, 28 1-2c; No. 4 whita. 28c; 11
No. 2 mixed, 20 1-2c; No. 3 mixed. 20c; ...
The car belongs to the fourth) century
A despatch from London says: -The
morning, and conversed with- the of-
ficem of each regiment. It is Baid he
a e compelled toact
Rye. -Quiet ; No, 2, In store, We. .
. I
Flotur-Steady; ,
after Christ.
t(Allowing is the text of.�a desipatob
had a message from General Lord
independently, the only comma ' nd be.
unchanged. I �,
Duluth, Jan. 29. - Wheat -No. I �
--.*.- .
from General Buller dated Spear.
Roberts, which greatly pleased the
Ing a warning to the Ninth Brigade
Iijard. catils. &17-8c,; No. I Northern,
in, ,,, Camp:--
brigade, . I �
The Bound Of CADUOnading was heard
not to fire upon the first. of which
(143-8c; May, 66"; July, 67641e; No.
A Flremun Injured -f rews snved Their
"On January 2D Warren drove
in the direction of Kimberley during
there was some danger.
s7he magnificent manner In which
2 Northern, 01 7-8; No. 3 spirsuir. 68 "c.
Whioat-Firm; ..
Llv by Juneptnit-11tollIng �Vtrk Lm.
btained posses-
the, night,
The British Long range guns shelled
the Boers hadrealized andaugmented
No. I Northern, 66c; 'No. 2 Northern, . -;,
... %
A. despa�ch f1rom Newcastle, says:-
sion of the southern creaLs of the
high table land extending from the
thol Boers this morning.; The spirit of
thei troops is excellent.
the strength of the position, the oun-
05c. Rye --r, trm; No. 1, 55 1.2 to 66c. �
Barley --Steady; No. 2, 40c; on mple, ,::
4 freight double-header going oast
line of Acton Homes and Honger's
-------.o, -
coats with whials they had kept their
works and dispositions secret until
28 to 44c.
Minneapolis, Jan. 29, -Wheat -Jan.. J 9;1
. �:��
and a west -bound freight collided at
poort to the wefltern Ladysmith
the crucia I moment,this feint on the ex-
63 1-4c; May, 64 1-4c; July, 94 1-2 ,to, 04 .� �
the Grand Trunk Railway otation here
hills. From then to January 26 he
trome right by which they draw off
5-8c; No. I hard, 651-2c. No. lNortb- . ,�! I
this afternoon about 4.30, The three
remained in cl000 contact with the
Th, J.u,sey of a C.,nith Dr.p Arr... lk r
the entire artillery strength of our
ern. 64r; No. 2 Northern. 62c. .i, �
Toledo, Jan. 29--Wheal-No. 2
engines are a total wreck, and several
111MI I., . Wromn. "bo 14tt�d 11.
force from their main position, and
the astonishing &eon racy of their pink-
09 8-4c; May, 71 3-4c. Corn -No. 2 mix- ��,,
cant are off the Lrack. Fireman Hish-
"The enemy held a strong position
The clever Russian violinist who
ad ahote at the longest ranges, should
ad, 32c, Onts-No. 2 mixed. 23 1-2c. Rye .
on was badly hwrt around the head.
On a range of small kopjes stretch-
obairmed all tilm bearers at a Balti-
all be remembered to the credit of
No sales. Clov eraced- Prima, cash. .
The line will b6 blocked for some
Ing from nort,h-west to bOUth-BaRt
more reoit&l, was not to blame for
their generals. But It was In the ma-
old, $4.W, January, now, $5.77 1-2 bid; .
6,cross the plaLeau from Acton Homes,
the incident, Although his name be�
tc6a' which formed the commandos
that they failed. They couLid not do
March. $5.75. Oil�Unchaxgcd. .
Minneapolis. Jan, 29. -Flour -Good
The injured fireman, C. Hishon, aged
Liarough Spica kop� to the left bank
gina with something that sounds like
more than they actually did with the
sale; first patents, $3.45 to 93.55; other � 1
25 yenrs, waA brought to the city last
,>f tht. Tugela.
a sneoze, and ends in a koff," yet
man under their command. Already
grades on that basis. Bran-ftictIang-
evening from Newcastle an fthe Mont-
"The actual position held was per-
tbs outbreak cannot be traced to that
jealousies bad sprang up between the
real express, which arrived at the
feeLly tenable, but did not tend it-
source. it was simply the result Of
generals, the men accused each other
of cowardice, and the threat of physi-
------- *_
V,ojOri SLatio,n' at 11.45 o'clock, being
self to an advance, as the southern
the cold weather. and. pr bably, a
cal force had, Itsumors were true, to
three hours late, owing to the block-
glopoLs were so steep that Warren
draught. When the cough started,
be hold over them more than Ones."
ade of the tracks. kin was immediate-
could not get an effective artillery
the iady'wbo found herself thq on-
View she Former stegard risetv Kes"sis.si, � .... I 1. i!
ly transferred to the police ambulance,
position, and water supply was a
fortunate victim of it was a" mortified
Julian Ralph, writing for the Daily
Ill shellatiter. �
I saw a performing monkey the I .'�
which met the train, and conveyed to
"On January 23, 1 assented to his
as could be. She knew it wait disturb-
Hall, may&: "Let me describe the top
I 1,
othe- day, says a writer in London �;
St. Michael's Hospital. Upon examin-
attacking Spion kop, a largo hill, in-
Ing the audience and feared that 1 it
of one small hill in the Belmont on-
News. He went through many tricks , "
ation it was found that his injuries
dead, a mountain, whien was evident-
m e performer, Sh"
gagement. the one in storming which
ve ry successfully. Toward the and of �
consisted of an ugly gash in the back
ly the key of (he position, but was far
would have given worlds to have it
the brave Grenadiers suffered part of
the performance Its Was ordered to I"!
of the bead, andseveral small fractures
more accessible from the north than
stop, but the cough went on with all
t as isary O"
Is r fearfully Is I . On this
put on his cooked bat before a hand I
around the sbouicier8 and body. Rishon
stated at the hospittil last night that
tbo south.
- On -,ne nigbt of January 28 beat,
the regularity of a vie," of clock-
kopjo the Boar commander had com-
mirror -which he did. He was next ,�
the a�.cident happened witbuut the
tacked 6pion kop, but found it very
.But there was one Go oil Samari-
pollod t -be poorer men or tbs commando
to live for weeks. I took it that them
told to set it straight, and be tried �
least wari�ing. He said that he
diffic-ult to hold ,tnd its perimatorwas
tan in the audience, and this (;ood
on hit, general's headgear repeatedly, :
and driver Elliott of Belleville,
too large, and water, which he had
Samaritan happened to have a box of
were man of the servant and the la-
ac different angles. causing much
who had, charge of the angine. the re�
gular driver being off duty, bad been
been led to, believe existed, in this ex-
traordinarily dry season wam found to
cough drops in bar pocket. ,ibe had
r re, and. know
borer class. Their dead, whose untidy
and neglactedbodies I saw seated as
laughter. When all was over, and
side-tracked a short distance from
Newcastle for a few hours, to allow
k)e very deficient.
1. The crests were held all that day
what a good, st,rong, healthy cough
van do to a sonata in, C minor. He r
the BriLiab bullets and bayonets found
tbs organ man, his belpers, and the
two monkeys were propeting to do, -
s to pass. In the
double-header freight train
againaL severe attacks and a hen v y
shell fire. Our men fought with are -at
tvilow woman with the irritated ton-
far from her, almost at the
them. confirmed thin theory, for they
were poorly clad, unshaven, unclean
part, I saw that -the general" had -
meantime a
eastbound from Toronto to Mont-
In front of the
gallantry,. .
I would espe,c.iaily mention the con-
.ils sat
other side of the largo room -but that
and hungry looking. I know when I
sa w ead, the
posmesited himself of the little mir-
ro7, and was studying his own count -
real had pulled up
station. The westbound freight start-
du, -t of the Second camoronians and
mad4% no difference. She must a
cough drop, a,nd must havo it right
won oded and the prisoners, bow It
could be that white men could wistima
e nance with great delight. He bad
ad on Its ?,ourney, and was making fast
it curve, when it
the Third King'B RRifles, who support-
ed the atta.ok on the mountain from
away. That noise mutit be stopped,
the white flag and weak the sacred
placed the glass on the, top of the bar -
t Lme ant reacliedi a
entered apon the main track. By this
the steepest side, and, :in eac,h case,
bought their way to the top. and tbs
She could not get up and carry the
drop to the cougher, That would
purposes of the Genova cross.
"The food, the dirt and the extra-
rel organ, and he beat over It again
and again-grimscing energetically
time the train wms proceeding along
at a lively rate, when Fireman Hishon
Som,nd Lancashire Familiars and Sea-
make the disturbance worse than it
was. There was but one way to do
ordinary Profusion of cartrid
,,fes ,and
cartridge wrappings were &I taxed
He afterward picked up his mirror,
noticed the eastbound freight on the
He immediately jumped
ond Middlesex, who magnifi-eentlY
irtnintained the best Lraditions of the
The cough drop must be sent down tbs
together, but the earth and disorder
and ocatempUt6d himself earnestly
same track.
into a ditch. Driver Elliott applied the
British army throigbout the daYequal-
line. So she wrapped itatip in a pieica
her to
were not so offensive as the sirimy,
boaaffly condition of the dead.
and contentedly at different angles.
brakes and shut off,the power before
he jumped, but it was too late, and in
13r well alongside of them.
'Gen Woodgate who was In com-
of paper. ask" naighbor pass
it on, and thus mtorted iti on its mis-
"If I could write steadily for a
His face had been profoundly sad-likn �
the faces of most monkeys I havestion
a few seconds the engine crashed into
mind at the summit, having been
a on of peace. There was a smile, i bore
"en a number of preceptible tit-
weelt, andif the rowere nosuch strict
ionsorship as tatters me. I could not
-but now the wrinkles smoothed
the western train which was at a
standstill In front of the station. The
wounded, the offioer who succeeded
him decided on the night of January
ters as it made its way slowly from
6 haust the list of peculiarities so-
centricitles, anomalies and novelties
themselves out, mod he wArly amiloill
Why In it that does hardly ever ro-
three engines were oompdetely demol-
Ished and a majority of the cart; de-
befoTe dawn January 25.
"I reached Warren's ca.mp nt 5 a. in.
one lady to another. giome of them
insisted on unwrapping the little bun-
of this war waged againat us by an
"'disciplined force of rebels, who are
gard a picturs as anything but a flat
rail -ad. An auxiliary was sent out
on January 25, and deoidedfithat a] see-
dle and making a special study of the
soldiers by Instinct and farmers or
surface with patches of color
from Belleville and it was some time
end attack Upon Spion kop was use-
drop, and more than ono came near
estlte raisere for livelihood.
aver it f In all my large canine ac-
were cleared again
for traffic. Biabori'm injuries were
less, and tha-t the enemy's right was
too Fit To to aalwq me to force it.
laughing out in meeting when they
found what burden they wors bearing.
quelotance I know but one dog who
sees that portraits are likenesses of
dressed at Newcastle. His lives sit 885
"Amo2rigly, I decided tZi withdraw
But, in spite of ,ill obntacles. the cough
"But I could not in all that week
people' As for bi* own, rotlection in &
Brock sivanes. In this city.
the force to the south of the�Tugola
drop reached its goal, and at once did
B th&n
tat# a more astonishing fact
glass, a dog generally mistaken It for -
"At 6 n, To. we commenced with-
drawing the train. Find by 8 a. in. Jan
its work.
A more grateful woman than the
that at some of these battles the bet-
an enemy, and for it I Later,
when knockA on the nose and absence
29 (Sunday) Warren's force was con-
One to whom it wan nont ,did not Bit
ter classoffloars have come to battle
ofacent have done theirpert incon-
centrated south of the Tugela without
In the hall, and no one enjoyed the
In tbrAr carriages like iftintlemen
vincing him of his mistake, a do
Five "en Dead tir Dyinc. attel Ten #~a-
the loss ot a man Or 11 pound of
recital more than the Good Samari-
driving to the Darby at home and
lo,k coldly. not to say destitef.11 . at
no4tivem And Fixthit"n dArs wreeked.
A deqatcli from Wilkesbarre, says:
"t oreff. �
"The fa That the fore,et could be
e heir best, have re tire�
Use mirror. Romatimea it is as if
dogs resentsd their reflections as cari-
- A, fL,arful arplaftion of dynamite oc-
withd fr .. . et " al touch -in some
ca lines vvere lens th-kia a, thom-
Kf�� I - 7.i i at
the same way, leaving their vassals to
cover their retreat "
catures of themselves.
0� Unlike the do" Coceiro, a Greek
ous"red in the yards of the Jersey
sand yards apart -with the enemy in
It It.%. )van V�v:tsd that the enmit-trit7
.Vrom th,4 Iadyismito corrtimpordesst
cock, to whom st djmvoted owoor dedi- I
Central Rarliroad at 'aniey. a Admirb
the manner it did, is, I think, suffict-
of the
t'v' ly harmless bombarding, so far me
Of the Daily Chronidle comes is grim
otitad fourteen years of arkeetiolk. One
of his was to contei'DiPlate
of this city, at 9 o'clock last night,
- in the killing of Frank
ent evidence ot the morale
troops; and Quit we were permitted to
wounds are concernM, of a bpoieged
totiol- of besieged misery
women are pearing, out of their dons
his reflection, for hours st a time, and
I MoLau blin of Mauch Chunk, nigad 22;
withdraw our cumbroux ox and mule
transports noroallbithe river. R5 yards
town is terribly demoralising to the
bravent men
in the ro'ka an ,I holiss in the sand.
They crawl into tbs evening light.
quite demurely He placed himself op- �
its a lookiall-glass aboveacheat of
Mi.b.. Bird, aged 2:3, of Ashley ; Win
Buckley of this city, aged 28, all brake-
(non, and fatally injuring two un-
broad, with 20 -toot banks, and ftv,ery
ow if( current, unmale.MM is, Ithink,
that the enemy bas lbeen tnegfit
, Whan a shall bursts near a group of
twenty To on, it may kill one and
shaking the dirt from theV ttl oats
and the Ka f their Colt hair,
To t, T`4
o 4 Kah. ,Kiold Tits fanes round
I �
Th" he
wera for his express purpose. His 4�
Mad t1tis summer. and his owner was ��
Utt@Tly disconsolate. C000r kne � bia
o i
a known men Engineer John Rebri
On respect nor soldiers' fighting po-
wounn two. whiln the remaining nov-
with t taflis o
hig tafl. r heir gowns. They
name. cume, . was
when called and tb.e
a( Mauch Chunk was badly injure
- Engineer John ROUghley of Ashley,
er .. -
enteer, escape without a scratch It
tempt scraps (d f ames to take the
ebill off the yellow water for the chil-
P$ of his Creak mistreits- I
erbaps Lon don society, or the diplo-
q who ran a side engine. was fieveraly
XVm. Brown of Ashley,
from London
will be found, however, that many of
the again
dT@n a tea Attar sundown a steady
tratie world has not forgotten the I I
. that belonged to the daughtery
A deqpat�b aayq:-In-
these nre cover Barns man
0 1
%ot h dr i ,,I. settles down &Pon as.'
night bass at tbs roundbonno; Brake-
(licatkorv� that Lord R,()bprt� in prp�
No Frifitt"T how iron -nerved they were
of a Minister to the Court of St .
- man Tb,omas Rowe of Newton an
-1 paring plants for an advance across [he
before, they are now irresolute and
.a-- I
James. The bird woke the youn .
ri an Michael Coyle of Ashley were
Orange river comA inn devatch to the
limid. and all their faculties areweak-
ladlem daily by pecking their lip -1 ,
= injured.
I Wily Chraniclo from Sterkstroom,
dated January Z5. which saya tbnt The-
ened Very often they ore jeered *'
by their comrades because of t ,,.
Limp, L.g,.It-Abt 0-sa it t-
This was one way of "kissing good
I morning."
bitfi, an fraribi-tont Position near
change. out this in utterly on-
It is I
Sinyrisiberg. on The Stromberg-Rog-
just -in fact, their brain and spinal-
Mrs- Vera Platie--What is the mat-
tA_ f. lrlfko It. 4p.",_ in g...I.Irs,
mpad line, is, now Occupied by the Brit-
mils, who art, rvipatring this railway
aord) have been injurod b beits I
L 11.11 v o-
Jently shaken altainst t a of
ter, my Poor man I A ris yoa ill I
Prowler Histittain, of the Territories.
117.rd" 6,11".
d A despatch troom Ottapira says: -An
and bridges.
The correspondent observes that lb,fi
their bony cavities.
The mama thing Occurs in railway
LimpY-ft in the lovely vision I @K'w
in ,my dream I The angel fora of my
reports that Lord Strathdons would I
. I
order -in -Council hoe been passed &I
17 If I facilitato communication between
acillixions People who were robust
banefantroan nhinan down upon me
no ditficalty in finding hundred*
have .
I .
of good mea only too jr1ad of thp ov-
a Mwing the law to take [to ottormis
General, 40virre and General Kolley-
become its feeble and nOTVOUR,
t hr-- b My may not have received
yoo C.,. me food with those snowy
a dream.
portarilty to make Up his cont%gent I I
d this came Of Levi Stavirard, of
bAn4a In that precious you
s,- vvich, out, convicted and sentenced to
of John
This curions stata in the case Of SO)-
Mis_ ptAno--wali, l,in very sorryt
for Southi Africa. Hundreds of 1;
elms man were refesed places on tke I I
t be hanged for the muTder
n Ross.
The in a odlorM4 Mass. And
A dwTatells from ModdOT River. RSYP:
dierm is well-ritoolinised by doctors
under the name of the, mental InjurlAs
the honsim is a sold
W �,
seipind contiWnt. Mr. Haultain � I �1_
tti&* t w"Id he a crest ralstake I
so was the vlotim, StawarA knocked
Ra" down with a )*am at bi fence,
-"General Flector Miacdonald. who
suceneds General Wauchape, killed t
of explosives. The injurips are really
nits as phystical as a shattered leg,
?or 'of
potato I re"
ill be Con= wt.
ta ;lM be wilin under say bat west- I
f ,�:li
�, 1)
6 of iners. Canada will have so novill
- which he picked up, and the blow killed
tbs hdtf.l, of Magoreforstmin, arriv:d
I hey consist a kind of bruising
tba very delicate tissue of the mpin-
yon. Tbs visson of the d 61
7bis oil I be ObVikiQua Of I be I
him. Rdbb6ry sis tba mative. 8taward
here resterday, and amurned eL,onatrand
go in Informal
0 --card ar2d, hrals. I
at&"A pring an poor cold potato,
westiern sn" �
* ,
'. Witt be 4ratioud on IP*b-r stle-
of his brigade, ppid,
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