HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-02-02, Page 6o$C -o a ......... lit of batter se` UTJ __a , who 'to. .41 14' , ii, *Aa, J**j for JR .41. ai$ VU44 Apdoo 410w rldt" W" 40M IN 00 Zi IF, IrgiC * T 04 00 get 100r.1t, cut at toot -P 11 r 0 wlt)j st �r2 on4 0, t t)W tu di;%l $q . LD ot . S, V44, tiesting 0*04 4#0, trsvol, .. C414 tuilt youi iv4o UVA *_*n 0 , 0. 1 amoll ovu By A'CXQQJ). X49410 "ARTHU 0, In 01. goact'a#1111 1 .11 lu S 41ja 14. , - 4 eor Jay AC uOt ro. W I tog" VIA'Ano. st Aader It -- - -- - ------ Spli 11. , kt #till T psilalsa 'Away hewho aan go 0.101440.f. or;,0P(*I,OC hot A 0 a wo*ius. Aik ratoly. Ta �hjmvt x1oarly bl4viRtipg The as# day. -e of the Pit wi%lit, The ortigio and, Purfm is 13atp out of Christ I Not ourl d Appttst had POIAtCd the same 4daW, 0 at QUO minute, ant out t 0 water lift t Arl* *pf'er 4 V&.Ik A this ris, boo UAN4 3PA wit Al I t I the Alsi9sr ii $oar years ago. you remember, R a]; my klati, to it 1: A til of othe 'A .0. suggr gruies Xg# IP W&A X49;0 �lgali T W" A, Of stones Called Churches. traill broke dQwU a bridga 04 tbt way With, 134U 4,"t, ad N'OPPY Is entirely 4aploxvedi. atirriat 441 the A bicycle ride agalust A U20ro w4b, galging i uttloo *y qXskious; worls To- John stood' syrup o-yor t4e 0, Of or. t1mo,' and pour tut to 41lisay, und titter the c%tilistrOVU0 A41 10V e temi Ogi," big own US 44 the stakes. wait this uu-6 g(ollitilail, I klowipc W@0 04t ter glild tst i ola was 00 . 4trung fruit. Serra with cream. Sleekening at patio or at t,*tr;x teap �lkajiio-e of figs ga,- ad the ti=tolro So, T take q tb-o 4gar4ittlo, f r rep, es on the Fir§t hey wpw') look" arou alleq Good Bread Puddiag—T411911 414 40 quo cbriatmas, OY exparlAR46 Ot �L At' mi t4rrilito X at the crashed brie AP4 q sta the WWY faxto ram. Up t@ that daY- Visr-Ours aad found the conductor. Us " bat Il � afts ingis daylight of bread. Beat two ealwa *Ith searl Gilbert. who had just arrived in waid (laid "Thi The Rev, Dr. Talma, T Rve Won Making 0 slice tbq ntce.� a Dro b4th Dot risen a rowth and AIMS even YoRra, lit, t -e and on the G was dying, and had, OU,Y Strength to .4 musfe tao *114 sweet. &a level tableoPcoatulil of %UgS Paris. France, after a amstJohn. the B&ILlbt- Mo, t, 11ttloo, I rate -ban . acred Edif ir may be Bomo 5cbolaxa say one thbag, unit that W28- "HuiRt .1 Tell me 06 potty add a Ilittle sslt and one quart Of M1114 walking tour at the JFIQb"- saw the 41.1, ELL9119 in of the Church of Christ. t tic flag for LOCI next trallig." So thexe to qL Itttlw He was encamped near the t1gor was'still WAO lax TWO Ight Voiced from She picade In a sliopy WAY; pour over the bread; gvs V Villas at a greet pace. Ve not got so far h 1. it not time that Re Who W all I do);, #4 1 cuddle and kiss X art acit4tog On top and Rat agilds far an of Aring, in ladis. where he 'cot a -,Just at tjila moment I SAW In fro4I Two as, born oumovs up tic us to -al A alantiy a§VV19 CLV4)1.1 Confusing 3yuk, It a phasm of darknoists, and V ill i A the otcruill 4 a, Lady,,, hour more. Bata Iv. a slow oyea. Olin the Apostle. ,igitoll from Washington saYS a btranger,s huggeo and buried in a U an "%"at #hall I tell 91, with whom he was Soon on Of me another streigbt raiLd Opciiii]49�v 'cis one was Aadrl�­. M. T Image preached from grave should have an earth. Bin, and de&Lb, talllug Us. "Yo "Tali me,`_aad than X. Pauses It to . either hot or cold. tourist oilThe Rev a st ranger at 'he not nave me, but save those who come at Pailding-Take one cup friendly terms, and -U058 bicycle he bctQxu ins- area he other Voila probably. the following text: "What mean Ye Congo in, 0 Jesus 1 91 To rub each sleepy OYe­- Whole Who terror, however, when I tell YOU Witt in,y, j Uh R. In other ,I,y housefl , lad C hii it. too, a radiant after me, Lift the Warifling allow .. How the big pid does to martbt, raisins seedod und Chapped, one cup borrowed for an hour's spin, the first as Soon Re I turned into this now XQ�Lfl though not certu RIIOO att.bntLoa tothip these atoriefl."-JuShea, IV, 6. . a I U plaioe;s wis 4avQ Q UjigivilbaL Jesus. AqUPCOX Of jige tramKt. GIVO the a:arm. Hilfit Au, ze 'ittlis pidst all cry." to two yeaxe. Tougll the incident L behold. Jyjag Lpen a jewisit ru. ,you are wiser ban most 11-opl, if and ?,U the flag for the nezt train." I molasses. ona-boilt1910A tR1A#RQ9,AQ944 aight atress M* 14th, peces$ity ill V � . . bbi to earth, and beavell tied he th the tangled dissolved In hot water and stirred into bappeed on I)eceMber U 1890, this a huge treo bat had $41011 W911911 if With diScLi-led, The YOU ha'Ve act mixed In your rlitad the lives. all glory- to His name, Tblou I tell, at) I saw brill- deray. I obargied the Obstacle head- Svor at war wiLb, tile comb, the spoissises, oall-h4lf. tqasAlo*� q, P in its first publication, and t4o t r ins ' exitloned in this lesson Waage of the Red ea and I hit load- Ile lives, guy je-as. Still thq same; at ta market, L long. and, just lipfore, crashillig into dis- NO LOVE FOt( THE BOERS. 1JOW the big pig we aae� eliptair tegspQ00fUl 01' AkiAg Ing narrative is given in M- Gilbert's it, I leaped from L40 magai . a's 044 axe, 9pil Nlpjd�tp bqia been Lilat they ago Of the Jordan. The scenery Is Oh, the sweet JOY this Sentence Aigod LJ30 woo oues stayed at bouto. powder Sifted wito, twQ OPA Of whole ipleo. t - vgh it Is Probable own words: boramialed over xacklassly. kq�akiag tior- t. , well LO reulember [Liao different. and the IeBs*6 to Ito learn- gives; or lives ill at, Alagerlean Tell. of Their Treatimelts to And I cuniaL off Liao PISJ I tell Of wheat ftoqr4 atoe t4rol , ppora ed from them are different. The I know that my Redeem link) about I o'clock in tail, that the tiger was gaiu',,,,a' it a left I� got all of John -a diacirle 1�.Tplswem Oil -Igur ro4y Load Oboe more- c�vrult 'P�ddlug-Put t ree OUPO Of "I 'Ott the a run- goes without -saying that rally to follow Christ. Sao Blatt- 11-2 oleased be his glorious nume for- due laugas at the "P414 igh glee," he Says, "the migelgia tbre�VvLl re"filf into.that cipildle gggtkin hl in the course of an IntOfvIew,Choc- al Ring ligautifully. After going some with tratic, energy, and pedaled away Jordan, like the Missibsilkiii, has bluff" Via dr on% ad& onehalf OUPO auA UArk 6, �,V, and, more astonish ug the one Side, and f1dLS U13 th" Oth. Ovask the questi(i f the W. Gittlemign, an American merchant dnever heard before. Iced api d f;uLt,.1a li� ion Otis: 19:1-& 04 1 Again, it YOU mean ye by A 0 0 of canue diking disk i little distance I suddenly found my- from tha inexorable monster. I beilrd A pan Jesus. Earnestly Here and there a ayeamOreltelL. --What these I Johannesburg, who has Just re- T ion I told, her hands together place in a stomar QVer boiling water. the tigar lea�p over the fallen tree, 36 . . Look0ug g) - It in you know self d, k at eart, I reAzed thai it gazing upon lit and there a willow Stones?" ly i hat we mea t he In a delightful open glaide, which in. He saith shadows It ; here al sailit.l. DO n upon her breast and Shot Make a batter with one a d ons­balf ver saw Jesus In the Month of April rat turned from South Africa, said: I ore and flowers. an d1133 into it Golulnun on that all for- in her liblillig. mi4py faahlou, as one mass of verd there its nut a single donomina- "'The Board insisted OUPS of white tie and one. -half cup w it. base lasted Much longer I should con4eclured that John ut God. to her prayer witig me. - Here 4 dismount ins, rd Behold the Lamb of .8 on Mount Lebanon lt�,.t . Irtria ,I,, one heap ad from the alach* hilve, to give Ug), that 48 had Ch istilld 113, ioliu-bington hub signers should join their forces at 1 Repels of corn (tour, a I t 41 e and Way tile 5110" too at it Before it; Is ended, the bkQfinoma Ing teaspoon of baking powder and and, placing it agalkast a. bush, Be- "Greatly to MY relief, however. a verse ZO. The ' .1 0 disciples" we not con I d the W into the valley, tributed something tOdwar rarroadiately leave the fore, thaw and flow d An if Wag's Nek or I of her eyes In Slumber close, One cup of swe� milk, "When the looted a nice spot on which to rest. short distance 1. front on my left I were fagaiijar WILh the rtguir Saorl" overflown its banks. I building of this house I. ever, T vaal. To this ruling the Ameri- but the Words th t ars left Uattered fruit in hat d10 the batter Over it an law y the reat attar in and then Jordan lard. there shall be runs a, at anothek road, and a ray of istanding lit itill I � objtated., lie Then, taking off my hat, I sat down hope came to me as I noticed a steep floe of a Lamb at Then it Ill wide, deep, raging, and im thing he can residents an merchants Who loved ill& children knws. asible withi. W WROPO914- U quickly as po El lu,i it w too shall try by any I tail. Servo warm and had some refreshment. The open descent. Driving the bicycle ith all Jerusalem, and when John EP ke must a season of the year , up biLteruena beLweoU We were at a loan to know what to Steam twenty Milan bought of that tylical atone- potigoes. At tni to stir Thou I Lay the bright helid oil its Pil- pace I speak of was surrounded on possible spead.-I entered upon the de- havo I . h t lakotb l sayi with cream�aud sugar. s meet for SI. The 9trase L � Christians, d We hated to give up oar home low, all sides by thick jungle. As the at- alludes I hear the tramp of forty thousand difftr�rit denominallotis 0,' soont like ail arrow, and a sggiuu�e or his i-heak 0* lug good -night kiss, away the Bin of t a world a g d6wu to cross the'suily bid toligu, Jiler. an,i a, we hated to give up our bu8inesse With a linger so later put 51) or 60 yards between to the Scapegoat which wa periodical. his hart. stop. My friend A SOLDILR'$ KIT, ternoon sun was now streamingdown my pursuer and myself. was pretty river, You auY, 'Why do they not I blanch, und,,, an earth where We finally came to the conclusion' Thinking how much God loved me I iy driven out to 'be southern wilLier- at i I there Ill anin I To give me a child like this. Upon my (808, 1 sheltered myself un- well done for, however -so much 60, the whole na- go ult nearer the rise of the rivex gling lit all denouliva- that the beat course to pursue would : der the shade of a wild banana tres. that at one time I felt I must fall Out nods after the sius of Ali 1. MY ! tions, it in o burch. A led I pray, an I turn from the bed- very Mae there to a I 'k lasprovotil fourling this. "all n its old camel fordr, ur Just wish be to leave at ouaB, so we barricaded tion bad been formaily plac-1, 0 the Side. Few fear� th" sadd head. What definhe conception of riends, it is because it Is Dot data to that John Cuivin slid Arminius, if hey our stores and homes, and after being : "A little fu: brVigghL to t 11 � He will help we guide arigbt Straight in front of me there was a 0 Is rther along I looked -the Lord tells us to'are nut too busy, would come OR OR a to give aphalf of our stocks DA The feet of the dear little darling In recent pears every Item In the arnall watercourse, in which 2some round, and theltiger was nowhere to Jesus John's exclamation 90 around when been the bat t laments and set, us. Sorest ing"s mad I leave in His care to-nigtiL soldier's kit has been made the Subject pools of rain water still remained. As be seen; evidex tly he had given up his hearers it is difficullol LO aay;but go ahead. The Israelites had In out, prayer-meetilaga I have beard a war tax, we left Johannesburg for of ail Immense amount of thought and I Aat there contemplating the beauti- the chase. And yet I was by no'it wad hardly equivalent to going around forty yearB, and they brethren use phrases of a liturgy, and Durban. From the latter place we means filled with the joy which YOU-th` Messiah"' allied Lho fact being that I I do not know how wit know Where they came train I and to Colonel Stowe. the NURSERY NOTES. experimental Ingenpity directed to ful HiLues ark every hand I was gradu- I Theyroafdol lowed Jesus. W. had ecloagh of it telegraphed d stretch- might imagine, df" the after him. There 18 no It IS WILLI YOU, my brethren, but I In the items prayer-mooling I have Cape Town, for Colic often makesmaight hideous for the securing the utmost possible use- ally overcome with sleepio aa was too utterly exhausted to harbor iLntimation that they Said anything, into trouble when I board brethren make audibito ejacula- American Consul at fuluess combined with the minimum Ing myself out at full length, L Pre- any decided emotion. Then another nor tbat. for a while, Jesus SPOks- -uck me. Evidently have always IrOt to tic--. "Ament" Praiso ye tile Lord . P advice. He4iftAaegl us to return to many a father and mother, and makes, and weight and Strength- pareo. for a little Rap. Suddenly I fearful thought sti but always got in and we did not have 10 gueds twice Johannesburg without fear, and, as�also, of bulk I bad lost my way altogether, and I They were act consciously deserLlinj went around, came from$ Wh�n a main we would of the child, who ought to be the There is the ­ggesa tin," torinstance, heard a curious sound in the bed of reflected helplessly upon my aoudition John, but arivilvoing w. here tie safety when I went ahead. it, here they ore American citizens, 1JOY of the house, atrouble an soars, a ank- , la I in L C, ev There spread oxit the Jordan, a knocks at our church Iour, If lie comes we w that used to weigh a good deal More the watercourse, as though Born ant of my being benighted, pointed out the way. from a Scot where they will not gi�ve be protected. We did so. wrIteaDr.judgiHolignesSmith. When rations encillsed in It, and mal were moving. Siluated as I then was in that tiger- lih. Thou Jasus Lurned. He known raging torrent, much of it al'Ow-wft- him a certificAtte, we say, "When wereturned werecelved th@ a baby apparently in perfect health, than the infested wilderness. whonevbr a soul takes a Step toward IT WAS A TICIPAL lit- him, and Is always ready to op%on con- -me 'd as little more than a receptacle for ter just come down from the moun- confession of ralth." While A, amo notice which other foreigners wakes from steep with wild cries, the W "But Luckily, just wen I had fain top. and I see Some of the larao- ram Judson, the Baptist, and John a - kid, to leave the city and be the food, but has become a weeder- . My friend, the eminent scientist, Most given up all hope of seeing my v6rsation with human hearts. What Wouley, the Met hodist, u nil J Ohn Knox. repe,v first thought of the mot.her is, surely, fully light "d compact little 06911- companions again, a Hindu woman seek yof This is the first words of Likes shivering at the idea of plunging OUS Old Scotch Presbyterian, across the border within forty-eight baby is huingry, and her first iMpUiSe in at a wi3II-equipped kitchen. It Dr. Birasky, 6f Essee, Sciavonia, then I poured on the road before me, and our Lord's ministrl. Not "Whom Book for Says to his oom- the glor' eaven, all hours. The place was in an uproar, Ba. !end! hat.' "Why do YO seek In, and one sold is to supply needed nourishment. ill purtuing some investigations in the' fit, newer to my inquiries indicated ye Ill but "W Y "D" in a And are shaking hands In t, _I a little round � ratio, "Joseph, can you swilat" churches oil earth can afford to coma and excitement was at its height- Oase a baby arles, that baby is- not is ex erna Himalayas, had warned me that my the road to Aring. Following her! me?" Wht is the motive of Your lifet,_ shaped metal box -"V' shapred lor �.- your tsearolif 14 another ays, "If we got across this into close communion. "One, Lord, one Men, women and children. in their necessarily hangry; and ordinary spin was foolhardy, ad tigers had bee diretions for about two hours I and- What is the object Of Sir." This title be "if it, Rabbi.. "My honorable stream we will got there with wet faith, One Ohl my broth- d race to reach the railroad Ste- w fantry, round for cavalry. You take seen of late in the vicinity of t gg Y behold Dr. Birasky and a small this ticks. arm- , ran, we have had enough of 13' 130th- ggga� lad= would lead this mother to in ff the Lid, and you find yourself at army of natives he had drummed up for public teachers, new, at I Real- tion, left behind allthat they possess- u his ufLar a few years conforrad witlii clothes and with damaged I ti lit FourLeenth New Y.r quire what indications there were in 0. legal and now I wish I had take to search for me, feeling sure that I bUL once provided with a dinner plate - oil r, and the Canaanites will the MiLeenth Mass- ad -Jewellery, clothing the movements of the child to suggest udvioo to Stay in camp, for I felt at', had fallen Into some trouble or other. I much of ceremony. Seems to have been to pieces with their swords fi,gbting lot all mail, certainly; but then, as Tommy once that the predicted tiger was at That was the end cot my exciting ride disapproved of by our Lord, although slash us chusetts Regiments. Now f od which they had ut a few MO- the cause of this cry. Baby may be a befoire we got Lip the other bank." But those who are for Christ. and Stand 0 ts before carefully packed for use himself wisely observes, "It don't so for life and I don't want another like 1,6 . ... usually addressed by this arm, boat on the same side, go Shoulder to shoul. met, thirsty; therefore, give him adrink. hand. it, I can assure you." Evidently by other rabbis he it is no time Ito halt. The great der and the obarch, during the long journey which was, Baby ay be cold; warm his feet and much matter about your -,plate b�ing "When the dry, crackling sound was regarded as an iattuder, a instead of having 0 marches on. The priests, carrying the 11 5�riggkliug of the divine blessing, 90 before them. This fatal mistak bik small so long as you can fill it reached my ears I lifted my head and sed -appointed master his bowels. But if these simple remedies often enough.,, you if( out a little lociliall. toward the spot. vidently ized teacher. Witere oWeiloll. LhOU1 lear under the wave. I caused much misery. Not one of t 6 ark, go ahead; the People follow- R, one glorious do not avail, then unbutton his,eloth- HEALTH. Nou where is thy. permannout home, itude. Immersion. In the name of the Father. vii -I tray and unfold a handle, and In I and some large animal was making its way hear the trampof the great mult, twoliundred persons thatworecroi and if Nazareth or Capernaugul But where I a I saw a little child once In its dyitkg ad together like cattle in the coal I ing and look at his abdiomen . behold you have got a really Service- out of the jungle, and presently it is thy SLOPPiOg pla�el( Whose guest The priests have now come within hour put one arm around iL5 filth011"S d you have a case of 00110 you will see a life little frylag-pan, and tile mesa- me into sight at the water's brink WHEN YOU NBED GLASSES. art thou All arogg�j 1.118111-, wLrd stiariela throrw of the water. Yet still neuk, and the, other a, ound will b- oar whbDh was provided for us ha I a swollen and sometimes knotted con- ea tic itself may be used either for : I woman who has no defoot in,her b6otha of wa Wad boughs iru w Ill, b,Pil theirs Is go ubmtement of ths flood. er's neck and bring them 01086 anything to eat during the twenty- dition of the intestines underneath the call. assure you that my heart . rims dwell, aild they desired to knew asig ,zht t. come within fouir or to iti, dying lips and give a laAt IC144. ride in a blinding rain- abdominal walls. This knotted cion- holding water or for boiling food. A, most ceased to beat, and a dull. heavy ey , will act, as a rule, need g hich was his tampOrar3l. h�me. Now they have Ohl I said, those tw'o persons will four hours' is due to the accumulation ot� full description of a'suldler's kit is a ' glasses before she is 45. Some people, five feist of the Stream; but there is paralyzing pain appeared to seize the stand ve at always storm. There wasnorogign for women dition 39. Come and. fee. The second Pen - gas, caused by imperfect digeSt�lonl i IiLerary achievement not lightly to be w h waver, put them on at 40, while tence uttered by itsidus after bibomiai- go abatement of the flood. Bad pros- utter stach an Interlocking. The dT. Litt babes In their arms to sit down a ad as the hand presses on the it do- ; hole of iny body when my ga u w Ail official list of the Lze rest� ot stryi was begun. "Now id kbo sy f peotl It 'seems as if these Israelites Ing Christ puts one arm around this AIM rest, not even a coat to shel- man the pain is relieved. Baby na- undertaken. ad upon the fierce and wicked bea hers can postpone ths,evil day until Dr. � Lha. the re now denomination of Christians, and the ter them from the raging tempest. turally draws its kegs UP When in pain; bare necessaries for some or other an 50, though that is rather unusual. salvation." , Clarke day of and long, lithe, striped body of constaill. invitation of Christ. is to who other arm around that denomination "Tho train was held up and stopped then, because this gives him no com- Ithe variods branches of LhO service immense tiger -1 should judge that he When she eaDDot read fine. print tit a c u going to be drowned In sight of Can- of Cbristions, and he brings them many times. 'As we passed �Igrough fort, he sticks them out again; and so d 6J 'tegazl' was about 30 yards from me. didLaDOO Of 12 inches from her eyes, me by faith and Lo ,,as y per�onal towilb and hamlet's we were greeted kicks and throws himself about and 1presents between 50 an xperience. Abode WiLIX him but %, auji. But 11 Forward ill is the cry. The down to his dying lips, while he gives These aXe not to be understood to in- her time has come for glasses. For, for it wss ab' E theo tanth h-ur. Aill "Ll ud -rings all along the line Of them this parting kiss. "JAY Peace I witbi hisses and Jears. At Elandlon- a piorcing Bereama, "WlieLher he detected my Presence contain emits short, ah rp, olude all that. a soldier needs. Cloth on they had train, van; O'Clock�;ia the -ward Ill Now the priests threatened with the the boot. " Fag leave with you, my peace I give unto toin we were and the little face indicates extreme Ing, Of 0011,113e, cannot. say, but he remalned motion- racriuRg- UX1tll 01AUCLOWn LOI talli with and at Boksburg we re-, may be people must 1 strange as it may seem, wall the com havoo come withia 011118!SEOP Of the 'TiV YOU." aJambok, uttering. Hands and feet ing of age to the OYOS, �o M6Lhod of or. Dis time they lift their feet from, swift the heavenly course calved it. Thelfight whichousued over would I IS (4U,TE ANOTHER MATTER, less for some time, his majes(to head , Je�us. Tne Commn Jewish d very cold and common sense also, are not rai8aa &ud his great eyes glistening hold the object furLher away from, dividing the day frooll, kili,axwe inLo &T?und. and put them down Ithdy riigli, itauseproved to be serious. A Corn- ugge t t1gat`An extra, beat should be 'and "equipments"' to hear Leath Into the raging Stream. No sooner are , Whose hearts and faith and hoptsa ishman, whose name was 'A'Ilaon,. was app a of the "kit." A wa,- lika phosphorescent balls. I thick Lhego. So it is not U11COMMUll telve equal. hours maltesio "the On lowa when lied; so place the baby on your lap, among LLIO it area women say to a friend who wours hour" about, for o'uLoaig (in k he afLar- their) feet there than Jordan flies smoking at one at the witic n, Ict the toes ter-boLttf-, for instance, is not inciUd- that had lie come toward me at that are none (tat down on its abdoigni noon. But apparently John u_ -ed a ireat he rAceivbd a blow over the head that valise Uself in moment I could not have offered the the right hand, (led - piles up 06 bouge, as near as possible to the fire, ad in the kit, nor is the I slightest resistance, being quite Un. glasses. suppose YOU are near- �diffenrent r"koning. whl,�h subSi.anti� mountain of floods, an tile lAft, the I board a Baptist minister once say laid him upon the floor senseless. 1 rail the back gently, placing the tips of which kit is carried. The, distinction! that bp thodgliL in the millennium it -sighted, twater flows off towaird the sea. The managed to grab the ajambo)c. from the fingers toward the sides, kned- between kit and clothing or equipment i.abLe to Move. Growing a LiLtleiAoke slKhLed. Now, I am very far ally agree. WILU Ours. Liao result great river. -for hours, halts and roars. would be one great Hapt ist church; tho blind of the Boer civilian who used g the ab4omen from behind toward 'is just this -Clothing libid equipment coilected as the moments sped by, I can see thliggs a good way off uOt- f their uotiveridadort WUO LhaL Lhey buokwateirg, not being able to flow i and I board a UBtliodLst minisbar Bay it and prevented him from doing fur- i ine,u,ie personal supplies wbf,;b cov- however, I attempted to neatle 'a UU- tar than I Can ci-80 to." went lorLh saying, -W6 havelauni the t1a 10 thou lit in the groat millanial day nful of hot and Slight- ei liment deals OUL and renews from I der the shade of ithie bush in order. to poor woman I Silo has never been to Mess"." Great as was their Over the passinif Israelites, Pile wavOl Nil ther damage. The train was allowed A hall-leaspoo a p[`L%iiego, and wave. until Perh sea -bird I wouTil be one great Methodist to go on, but not until after the pas- ly sweeitene water will be tk comfort time to time. Kit includes a largolhide myself -never, Of course, taking n oculist, and does not know that her we have a poster. No man of ail out I llg�sysla dealing church; and I have known a Presby- sonaers war,, assaulted and robbed. the huge beast before d find some d Matt little ufferer, and when the number at I , es which at the outset I my eyes from " far-sigliteduwas " mouns only that Lord's disciples L%uld bear or see so WOW ts and Lerian minister who thought that in "We reached Lorenzo Marques, at to the OR ii.s face, are provded free, but have to be re- t me. it seemed absolutely impossible ll�r eyes are faiiing. Suou, in addition of h,s goodness as can we Who the Witter cliff. Now the Ptiries child is tired of !ving r get to think of escaping by means tUl the people have gone over on dry the millenial day it would be all one Delagon, late at night. We vere sent to this, wdl come a agrairl.,ng and have tile full Gospel story to study. great Prolsbylavian church. Now 1 turn it.only towaid Los right tilde, newed by the 8oldlar himself. Titus *fo land. The Water on the left-hand side board it vessel bound tar Cape Town. y to the, left or on its back, for ins-eance, Tommy gets 1 of the bicycle, for it was at least 20 burning Lhat W,Ll frighLOn her iZIL01 4(). one of tbB LWO. " That the ULaar tire all MISLUken. 1 1 hink a three days we but rarel me; [Lad how ould I a by this time has reached the aa I and thililk they' After a voyage of son Iving on the left boot brushes whon Re, eaters the ser- yards from POS_ CUXISUILlng her physician, and than Lac wlae Polan is hinted by the form of th has Lbe Hilleggial Church will be a compos- reached our destination. The hard- because a per: ,, I have to make them Ribly reach it, and make my way to Like LIMO." StUtegag4at that Andrew found h.s own 11;iwi, that the miraculous Passage the its church; and )USL its you May ships we endured were frightful. Der- side ar on the b k increases the tbn- vice, but he Will the high road without attracting the verdict wAl us glasses all serve as long as he is witti his regl- N,,W. LhO WOMaU, who has ROL too brother Simon imp.yiag that his ;am - back and see muca perai?ual vaniLy, When the first. pa elon made, sta�ad God take the beat Parts Of five or sion of the abdomon. _�jmi_ notiou of the terrible animal, It Rion found his.—Aloulton. Andr,,tv. b n the water we Mont, a,, pq,ol I to oLbers himS 0 1 stiLlpondcuo Pitt Of Waterild- leap d:x there used oatuip tea or three bounds would bevv upou'r nsls�bisi hand from. that wall of taues,'and undtir the �3cilful an Of lived on crackers and coffee, being Ouregrandino - IarIY he gets One Pair Of bOutiaces, one two y niptums come, will sea an expert and A fisherman of Galileo, wao lived at tat I the real ad a Illi-ndel, a Mozart, or el.boven, an- unable to get anything Oise." ad f ronel-seed tea, but from these concoe- Lin of blacking, one -Piece of soap, and me? ascertain just wbat kind of . glasses arathsaida, and was in business part - floods, and. like a hundred oataracts, vilintagas derived ARY norship, with his brother 6im n. Oi bid they pl-unge agd'robir in thunderous) twLue thelat into one grand and over- tity to when they are gone be must find oth- A TERRIBLE QUAND she alg�uld have. If not., she may find o powerig symphony, so, I suptiose s is really frocal the quall . ers for himself. Brushes ­M� raitid was torn wiLh agony as, UUL her mistake later, as d.d awomqn later career ILttIO is known. Already, tioa rnally to the baby 10 , , tthe Sea days of the world, God will FAMAGOSTA,S JLMPENDING Dl� beat hinge most generally in request. to whether I ought -or ought not Lo I who, having some trouble with her the fi,st cenLury, when this wad . given ints' they to celebrate this paa the laLUr supplement external warmth. bought a cheap pair of glasses written, It had become natural to do, sage I Shall it be with Music I I SUP-; lake thebost pata at all donamina- STRUCTION. !Undr ttis heading we Had blacking make a dash for the bicycle and Life. I i brass, clo,h, hair, hard, Laos, poshing, am' and thought as Peter's brother. pose the trumpet@ and aymbals wars tious 4 Chimigins, and weave them Ramagosta and Rhudes are probab- � .6 1 know that once astfide the machins thiall broke O1iO Of lill ibe Adeew FOR GLASSWARE. having. A tooth bruso is R -luxury In safety could outdistance the she would consult an oculist b -fore I -1tis, Shall It 110 Loto one greut e6o�estafttiat harmny, CARING 41. He first fingloth hivown broth- ing I Ohl an, they not as yet recognized by the British She found skg� had, er. Bafore the other disciple found his all warn out� before most wonderfully preserved of i Then another thought occur- gILLina Uell- 1111. with banners wav� brod as the earth wad high as tho ly the I very housekeeper admires fine , tiger. torn. Joshua or' that will b6'the- Church Mediaeval cities. Nothing in Europe E Budged and bags, blacking red to me ­1 fancieJ that if I remained's very bad aaLigmatism in one eye, own brother. Tho'beat place Ln which &.11 faded and 10" beaventh and Army. out, I will tall,yolu how to celebrate Of tile future,, Or, as muFaio is made can be compared with them. Both table linen and handsome 91 ads- d bootlaces, brushes und button perfectly still tho i tiger wouldland, as her glasses were not fitLed to begm Christian work is in one's tar id this-, build a Monument liere to eam- up of jaspax Said agate Ruth many pre� finest wars, y�t many are not able to afford bgosses, plume cses and hair OOMLS, drink and then ICG away into the for it, she had been using tile othbr family. Lovable in character were tho contain examples of the vezy having just discov. Memotrate the event; and every priest OiDus stones cLagented togetbal - these dainty articles; but the glass- guitars and grters, knives and mitta jungle again. At ORO time I wonder- eye alone all that time. fivo disciples Who, 0 on his shoulder, Gothic architecture in their old eathe, tier anti polishing powder, and so, on ed if lie could bear the thumping of The wise woman, who gets the ored the Massiall,'saoll, wont for his are In. St ware can be abininglY clean no the� puts a Ifoavy $tion mosaic a thouspind fact. aqu �IRTW8, or MO - co:os. drals, Obuiches, pallgo.,s, tor.1-ita ions. ins through a list requiring must of My haarL-beats, and my mouth was glasses, as soon as she needs Lhem, will own brother. We have found the Mod - and marobitia Onto And drops that stone 884 hoisted rinto hat the, financial circumstances of letters of tile alphabot-theso are 'be so parched and my League so stiff that has, at first, to Wear them sias, wadch is, being inLarpreted, the I see ted place. sat seraphint In St. Scophia-so I SUP- 14, is's, pity they are not Boots he can was lest I should, only in the evening, when reading or Wing Interpreted Into the pile gTooWilig Zgbt, to breadth, V ­a more known W t find she the 41vineL fnp'2h pose God will makel. after a while, two to the travelling public, perhups it the family may be. Thaler of wash' details of Tommy's kit in mortal dread Christ. That is, in significance; lipit In after years men Ing glass properly is easy to acquire, got repaired by tile regimental slice- make some ineart i -us sound. And I Sewing. A little later She will always Greek. 'Bo.ng Interpreted into Eng-lah great blooding of all creeds, and all they were Some effort might have been Ito tb accomplish maker, but his tailoring nd his soLk- was entirely unarmed. To add to my, have to wear Lhem when doing aiLber; it becomes "The Anointed," the title ;i�iit by that spot and saw th;s monu- and likewise of all Chria- d not at all difflou ve r. in falths- their prosexVaLion. Famix- 8' darning and needlecraft, ril ad that the tiger had but, by putUng them on as Poon as of the Mar Ious One the Jews expect - Mont and dried out one to nnothe d the made for tarrox, I lialigin -* the Linn sentiments, the amethyst- an and nothing repays one so wall for the Tmmy Atkins has to do to in not been satisfied With the relfult Of needed she has overcome the necessity ed to come as tbakr national prince and fulfillufflut of (Alla prop MY 0 thanks to I t What mean ye by these JsNpfor and the chalcedony of nil tilt- gosta is last disappe"Ing, time spent Allen it, hs abining glass. and it, ilia v&jiso he carries with lit' his previous night's prowl and so had of wearitig them all the time, a deliverer. forent oxpiorlonces and b, lief. oepent- the entorprLse at the few untive.,+ wbo a ,bouse-wifel,-a strip of flannel or until she be- 42, He brought him to Jesus. Any staged III, There Is certainly nothing that adds come dbWft to the water in the hope prqi)abiy will not have to well 131assed-44", he did got IeSLVO OUT ad side by side to the great mostiloot Still inha.ii its rtAns' port 84id way cloll; or aomeLhing at the kind made Of.;rg"IsanylLn sirtivular church the ages; "d whils�.,lbe nations look so much to the appearance of the p to contain ,g additional prey. comes a very old woman and bar van- Man, one wonfill think, could do iis tit of iLa Stones a lot of useful things- I saw him drop his kty kl� departed. as that; but it was the means of giv-- 11 Is obarch-1 mean, this V, be said Lo be built, a table. Every housekeeper should a couple of dozen buttons, a flilrable, beautiful bead and begin to lap the Her 11 filist if he is not too fashion- Ing to the Church Its greatest preac, - upw tile coinages nlffd architraves -of 4�gypt In littlui two no -4(A#n In the wilaornoss I We wn ndor tho future, carried acrods to L way of caring for her Sam,, wars of neadlas, Sawing nced'%s, wilitor. As be raised his bead ngain I able, will advise bar to wear spectacles. air. When Jesus behold h . Looked at 'M tdilabouf fox a while, and 401ft POOP16 that stupandou, Churrh of I masted lighters at a very prG.ItabLs learn the bee two balls of worsted, and an ounce and said 'we had better take this roulte; and cry Out, ­Wbat mean yt. by thalse I rage. Mbe priceless old carvings of glassware; for if she trusts It to the know that one single false movement it he is a "swell" and,aecustoined to him with fixed earnestness, as John -a Inn &-half of throaJ in three to ars-lol.,ok, oil my part must. inevitably mttraOt deal only With " carriage putient.a." be haA looked at Jaime. Thou art Simon ungerable. sad, others; that route. $e.gge s1L.d we swines I" there shall L ange,18, Saints, liona, and What. ROL tire t Following ever ranve- will know better than to say this. He th,% son of Jonas. That is thy present bskd boetter go back, and some said voices to ren4pond, "We mean the Lord off to render the average girl, it is often reduced to a while, and' red. The British warrior, his no Go. will perhaps have to put up wiLh the name. There were no fum,ty names roughly knocked there were sons of Anak In the way God omulpotent raignoth." stones square, and perhaps to av,* it wre,k. I Lave found nothing better for 'laying aside "ar and buckle and pa- ment of the huge monster w th ter- in antiquity, that would aiit us up; and bofafre, the I remark again, wa mean by th,%1" Ild riging tile good People of lt�irt mending glass than the cherry gum tieptly repairing the ravages Oft"as rible anxieLY' I Was at length rollov-_ stylish, supercilious lorgnette; 'but. in and men were identified a which we kind on cherry trees. The and Jlie wear and tear of Iong March- rod to doe him apparently about to re- his Secret heart, he knows the patient by attaching to their names smoke had colexred aiwNk from the sk'.v stones the Salvation of the poop a. '843d. ruliked on the broken edges. ad on his imly pair of socks is an in- turn into the jungle whence be had will have to crime agall). But the oc- the name Of their father at cle had been con- We did not build this church for mere' plate destruction of gum 'a afteT our Taberna more com tboa the parts tire carejully united teresting sight, more especially if he come but, alaal some Ifttle bird mov- ulist whose patients are among all or of the town- fn which they lived. ra that have ,it in'the bushes around me and the sorts and echditions of man and wo- phaz. sugged, people st000d on the V6TY Site wairldly i eftirug.4, or fur an tiout"iQuall kho city now contemplated is'another dry for brings to the task fingoi Thou shalt be called Ce Whil OkUTIh institution, or ad a platloria no Which and the article sat away to al the placb, and said, "This fo� Metier. It is propbstad to (build a several hours. I is plough -tail effect was InaLantaneous. The tiger men always advises spectacles, and the means, as we are presently told built." Our en dis- *mali harbor LOr coasting steamers Poliato peellq been well tra, nod at tb stopped suddenly and wheeled round On Win never ngain be to read essays and pliLlosophical go are the beat Side in or the blacksmith's anvil. former generally take bid advice. The at a, a detached mass of rock. d amorif themselves. and quLsitions; but a pace fur the tllo- - and like lightning, his great eyes fixed in - he c, tit,, I WiLhill the ballow, roLky port oi an- cleansing carates, article. toilet latter, however, hold up their hands, later occasion is recorded in Matt. 16, aba.,, N, oftntwhile the rub - I do �A:f , mentions work of boul-savina, 916 t times. .ro effect this the great similar articles. Let them' remain In M THE BATTLE— tantlY on the very spot where I lay. in holy borror and 63tolaLm "Do you 18, when the name Cephas is said to V h J�Ini cleared away, the foun- had rather be, the means in this chutch �� pICTUIM FRO2 admother? have been igiven to Peter, or, rather, b t 4 , 0.. Vi%fls of the citY. which Still altand the glass Overnight, and then riluse Out He roused for a moment, and thou. to ant me to look like a gra illation was be n% laid, "d the Pillars of having one Bout Prepared to' it. FIELD. n tilke most Perfect praservaition, with warm water. A cloth wet in bat my ndescribable horror, commenced to doctor, 1,11 never consent to th 61 when he was reminded of it. Ware beft lifts 4 Rnd lustitilid of tht� fill st6,,akty than five thoukand neck vrMoh has a toUrb of creep slowly in my directi n. Ad t be will wear It 1,4bandoned but yeaterday by Lha mar- watier and wrapped around the A superstition, but, It you insist, I X.- 43, 44. Tile day following. Johm's ve this building, in ,I, rad BragadLuo and his brave cow- of a bottle will remove the glash top. temparaLry struotere In whIA , wO prepared for more worldly succet 8 . a glasses, though I boned you would tell gosp�l, more than any other, has due - we Its. Sao, ars to be per, but sometimes It neodmi more vig- carefully inspecting evory branch and ALL diturchas, aredil'two classes, Oil 'Y reverence In it. Is very common inthe dreadful creature advanced I a whim hope the people of Ood vvill pignions 9L.4,) years Army. No soldier'Will, it he can help me it was only a little cold I had in cesions of dates. We have four aco� 'communitings in (wo"Olasses, till the oroigs, treatment, when You M&Y Calto a loaf in bid way, now and than stop- eyes that wide them smart so." curateLy marked, in this chapter, vers- f6r' hAndr-6tis - and hug-, tiiiAxod, That is to say, their maker We beive.down to the'races. in two, and un- lals are to qo taken for the purpose twice string and Us once around the it, wear anything in the shape of unl- ping altogether and squatting Ig like a MY eq 19, 29, 35. 44. Jesus would gia fortb. doids of years. believers, Thoioio Soliag into Jile, and of form ag,% new quay wait for the neck of the battle and begin to draw 11 eat. Probably he ad fly Ile had beon inviterd tils the wedding I form or accoutrements which has be, giqa tic bank icf�tlgts JOV114111, we looked I them bLag Intb da�kak%othl 0 ILI rda and forwards; lb a f6liv this time scented Me.' At any irate, PNEUMONIA REBtEIDY. ]Its journey was from Betbao- *b,,tha'�wftttri, Sams of the 8Ym- tramway to run upon and connecting It backWa ged to a dead comrade. In the T1- at Cana. get that short public he continu- ilp L%1 the landlng,.stap boycoad the, north- Minutes the neck of the bottle will Ion after one Ift pethy that was expressed turntill out meat t, 0 uumbOr Ot the rall Campa'gn a Gordon Highlander iding place, Bell together one pound of lard,,o a bars, in the lower valley of the Jurdant, ater melted froult.the top, txact from the number of the btb*rs t the city ,VIth the Vill. very hot and thb stopp6r may be cask ad to advance upon ray h a of camphor gum, cooll then stir near to the Dead Beil, tairialilea, the tolls snow -vii tOwArA that 'rxn extremity a ly removed. The hardest Work about who had lose his helmet In one fight in the sainge, cautious manner. ounc it gover- *1 'YoU had bisti I ws built tW church ; and which 1108 &boot a them EL. in two tablespoons liquid ammonia I most northerly of the province, at Lebantig. Sam ll� 10'ald of Vaxosha washing the dishes 18 gettlbg� bareheaded rather than wear VASH M, FOR THE W13110 tied by Herod I Philip. Aj ter not 4t) it 1. Keep in a tight box *lett," Bat -.Vb I which ,presently, he got so close. that I two of turpentine M&V and. practical mind, t - musit act bat confused with the hl'get Your teef 04rem) add sternal idea we ded In of ndath I; y:4 w 21:1 and a halt �o thd south. From Won t this latter a traMawaY to Ni Usla, is to ready. ThISh If you barn the neces�ar the helmet of a deW bomfiLde, in, palit4w and all our sarmpus, all 0 k. $01168, all collit fpsoplel, bT atb hand-thilik- accessories to alsh-washift the War Aud �141tbeo% a it Glasses augot, be had been picked up undamagod. His was only Ohio to distinguish his move- or bottle. Spr(Ad'on a'flanbel (cribs who *6 fir to t JoW deection in- It seems � taftible, evidieActs Of- bov01- vviped so that they will allstell unless ojipitsin at IqL%t insisted that he should lungs as often as needed. Use in so%- adventurous deacom of"whoin we read lu, Atiyerjo,, Iiii, mr a run to quickly done. The hiiijitr*bd to -night 1 90 to otelinties' ranks- We want to erty, both gfaterigl, and isentivitital, be crept alo%. Oxrr Lord'd In - 4, b*i b6w, Wg& `L�e Monte by the ordickling at the leaves 4nd twigs % win got t rou If graw son. Per a bad case Of Pnetill)(10111aPut Ini Acts. -)?allow gas. *11 atb4l4d about this great Unst" Or' make them leithisr surrender unmirl4r- there Rr.s, plenty tit taitirtils. T ore taust, Weni ibe helinat, and the lad bVeyed, agony wbio I now endure variable summouts to disipleahip. Bee that a Country like typrUb abould be Rlvftys be two in use, one to "Ape atkd on hot For a little child, add more ?Jatt. 8.22; 9.0. 19. 21; Moirk 2. 14t 10. r prayers oind e�ra tionally to ellrist, or, else fly la; rout! protesting that t he att vtoutd, gist bign, qggit� Intolerable, Not OftIV Was MY towl by yo�ifi pailles. Unable to fJftNd_, to retain such a Mar* the other to, pollisli., isad th at lard; It will relieve croup at ones Of 1. That tlisv 14, metwoul dilid,�Vry.zt 1A arias 'I ring t 'PA i"', L-111'7 th th6 next 6J1Nt6,ftOAt-. A so hetirt begg-tiag Re if It would burst, b stop a cold. Luke527; 9.59; jobr)2,1,19 606t It way wth caneons, vatrool 'millsevill maillumtht as the p4ttdotly dry had-oleig 16 b gin , th;; A I6'hft4h, with Y*brALIb felt an tholash it were an Philip Wad It talviiisbats at kndT.,w and tA W tart; - whiikt 0 *6 fia"soks, We 'lovAtit por9per our wift" %appowned tbut in a A V P r old city of 6111h0st%, a Possession To Ivajoh glass: sit that MY cabig wag star Is of interest. thrist. Wo, would dhr -416 t a tribesman ull tT lolloa lie dO, he irs. I now f RST 13 VALUE. st000d1p, ; I w,�Ich intho,fat0fe,MUst itsrtalt,131 Wstor 14to thd t6h the) ; ��& 6ba I ags fli be qUite, hopeless. 'Nothing.' I stild to LITTLE NUT IV 4 Philip fludeth Nathannal. Probe- housis to jell the story of hit% I Res, wTI i WAlf th,#, OgIX W ' h.,O. ho,06r 45� It 16 ith outiAlti ic bull ova here, u4m a table�glas th, J, f4,t$ill b IA the lay461faes7,0149ty, "lian "aye me from The carrot, p*rattip, turnip, beet and bi in postl whom the other lik*,thillf, 4*eh.0$IbLt to much Voom lift Men woulilleal that they hod rather at, ract the alit-To*Igg toutlat and U16 suds. Wash th wdrw, hit' Iiiia 14s, will is litestif #RtL 7 the As a a a 'a vv�hlch dud with &rtist. Thr, 1"dttfUl 'Old 1116a t4stift have.bidid Milk In cold vater, W And Y0_60 giu�ck_ A 4l, ikitirdid thot ghta'", die than Ilvedinothpc h"r without'll"o annotated wlih ctite sidry bt Otbello rij�it JUngiJUSt iislb�"or&o *�;srisr they dris otit into the vinds. it lKbeat ty dess this brala work fit such eates radiall have littIt nutritive value, be- OV0,116olistis calk J38rth IOMcw, of tu heliggst had biesif-Aftep th4l the linot be said Ill not IL n&g"6 but a patronyMic, *06h jV*at 011, A44 f0OURY, ObItils tb6Tis 4ijgothy aggl love 'anti, vittrey. We atti btsdemoda, wltb, Its four round to Woh each piece separately to a'iOltf Vttest:jil it, the _On,) a users treating of time after ing mostly water. They cal 06wo tribliaeudous too ges f6t 010111114 4@44it to Cottle up uA Gothuslasin for tdwar,% on which the ildih 61) St. Xsrk obipTlog. and rinds itulokly' 4hrog suporktition was it �6 , a meaning Son of Tolinai, Who in o6m­ i '� 104 ht#j,4r, v.t f14 taiadk-,fif the ussiff-tis 'Ola, 0A -no At- these despaIrtal thoughts' I cone to be, irispoqant firtiOlOs a( diet, but manly coupled with PhIllp'lla this list It, "d *N aly f6b4d8l, ljW t�fiih *Iku felt to 4stlikh- still st4nds tilkluel, with the d two dt watisrs. They Cannot be W p. t *tlg g des at m;V daah ell iilijitly, at well w1hani old, ana V16 , ten*t was malls, Whafe I Wgmlltr loss the ddglies:`06 I; the ige aild *artety they h0amolne Of apostles. We hays found hIM of 101 mod 0 Ist huftelat tot thit bleyolot I ftotkitld tha tot 6bar when be rwb along 04 rVIlk" i-Aftr1pillou a t �6 Vosesrint giv 4A the"� tft1st60% irll*bw Uatf was'etlat S-119illew" Igg 10�s rid of all adds Ind lelites phets. did writa. "The law" wn a t wholv Moses In the law, and tilat �r(l dtiaiitid oevarred,, to W1 th�y' are also very usefut In Ated ftk lgfj� ,Ogg, tit tb� ittpeg#a arespigg tlg6rij�, wild '6t this M value ild"t, hUa 6f]'411 Whto date which' eams 411,46st Wiplag. 'roU shigoll): fiwapoit III& ting vegetable soups. The of* at 9, th�ise, 6f this 11,agton Iviken he eatA6 biliek ft0to Wild- t o lib%tilattly, latiket can- theM hot for only libotkt, IS yard* from MO. mat coustadtin ke I t for the first five books- usitted in tfis b#11 tot is billIdItigs, thuat bil, blast- got 611 t siby dishes. but ustbalg1t, TIM �"Lelktoggg t4'My feet, I fairly, h1irled t6l6rY is 63tteitdlhg rit Idly, and *b6n general (am e erlbogrtAter, ��baa Woia -*XVte*d64 turn sheA It delicious of the W-ble. "Thel tToplicits" injud- tit Nis ditkllilh of it In the t)rst Wills rAMP4911 Many Ot 4 tit otlaim Nowlitat *0046,u I e I! mw0bilfar uothCd rArly grown 6 rfipclij, A�Wheiti a`dtlirlmd glthal�i frollb ;;a V,*,Ly iss- ght the, glt bra ptbrldsa with thh Mysitit Ill the dIrlititibu �611116 blOY016, Oro] the blatoillic and prophetical book& -,'l 0 lions W 1. thko* ko,oi6lf upon it, glad With tbW. ObsidArable. nutriment. It Od �N LIlest f0t ld, duck 0414- 40-- iiwl' thit bat We rosily 1*116ve iYA th title . Itilkes It 6 thble so '' islittattivii at the b'st _1611t relish -and, c ittii 0C 0 toyj* sbi* ledthet,'atid� TO have, folind tho 'AloWell Was to we ft I ta It str of roftsineat dq� b teKld kb Xlek' hUft- to glide has socks ftntsittail as tit "t"llit@ wigft for tim will OW ilb8d, b*#&n a(itioatlising tavo made thogreatiast diseotery pas ail 4&ttb Y 061 h114daAed uo�" alitalbs class. [Wrlitiat 0 M d"all Vkh W ftly gkI()gg,.tve* bbi t4 t1o. Ult, boot fro ibly did, -nbe blit this, clTeum. iA# hI tarib My f�at rap rbellinst' hove, %61 tgattiia , "by' ud *418 IMOPOSIVOR. , V itis jktto 6o d6ugt e0l t6 thq Tavrs. Tbb son of Joseph. atoitl 06 old 40't", , = Vesitft 'cla %6 itia 1�i *igs hism 144his o"t t I"& thtti wII.( k� such TIM, MAM 11 to, 061t 60b;a" the '1011411111-littvilly T4t1bg prou kft 4*106h: ic"ILaw *1 &. lid* Itlib 0; topatNii rof, otaitbilfig lt,tv, 0, 1 �� - I �616t*& to= tt"tT0,61, b999XRftl s,� *0 this figtf f0i'ditiv Ii 6-. The *or* In. statices of -his birth, and speaks in lige. 414 , J1tiiy 00% N 4e..XjW 'rtet. sold MO -1; W0114 Olt Z , I" r 1A 040. t**, Wh0b k 0,4,61t hala* eard4)tce"fvIth the coblmog� b wt of Y*IA 1kov t aw b6riii ow" *a 1� d,titlabArl*t Ht th s seti;, %ttfit V#a i holy pudit way t heard 416ev. 9, 30 0 049, It , lig Oodk ixotlisk* 4 ML04,j illl�holb# W. U& *h1th the %igi 1;i his pilrtilfbift, MOt. 0. 35 d46616'. 40 14 r 6' t4o'kilil '04 -bk t"'i PAW MO* and ft" silghAt t "At ZMA6 his fliftt lett# th 64:J44A tv b*01rost fo's. ftft ki, ftre lirss lillviell, fill the fAvid" wit*., geituft th�X!Vho,% its timsoft of Omfwtiftld 0*0* 40. Can theft tany p6otl'tfilug "toe o' 14, This �,*60% 01, iroction. Iftwithlitatidift the rou mou tkom this Il tth,6(ifit t1idtfiftit ift When it rcom j%tA Very 6lbse,' *ad dat of N42,st6th't Nathatibibl dwelt i4o� *Ab tilit h *7s thlit? All titto a %ught, iflid bakt In *.$40464ts bvox.� t ikit`h 0014 1 iti *W16 t1twW11A 0*0 do mid 1 w 4W lafta ow -W" V6 afth"t tkko,�iM4 14 witIII, wrtp,04 his *y %litt if 6W*,.b66t* 406 kotid iti*t A*101 AdgigAt, fty ttilit"I dvtt ttt* '6k,* so WAI o6hog llsiwa, T6306t4mly In 0 tit 'Chign, Suit t4d contgompt politia UbA t#A, 4 tay 41 Wsifit *t 4 *10 :*Oki Wb it, IW6. Ott, WIM Y11g, N t f *rl tit, for a it Crirl!t 'it. -1 Wit tikkill's '46, 610 At Ion, 11' OiAtitit 6T ht it tite Unit t agrmib ftw- (*4' b*V ObeittsW"" pet %"l, Met t0d%; , thfire self glight as w16111 prodisr6 a MeAsImb ittka � *9 %O�Jth, wisrg tpmV I qvlok4 be,. 41twisil IlLy, � 'Nanrah. It was vtovow(il ,that 60brAw f4rt", 406 *6* litia b�hjjg* 0 Itil I �$' "Ida 11 it tv�r g, 166 drilath no ltotili L�A i* W11M bow,011 tuA, '4444t; dig� J;. I I . ;to' IeAW MA6 laia Voi 't", t* i *1ik*' US' F _0 beg 11,1101f.. the *116dowiii foli 0, itaw mlig gut Of (ma 0 ifix litsi to jo* It I 1W alihs, '191k 411. a $11*d b wud� I ning tiftor�vis a ThOtAlitt tift It It t t . , opt INd" � 1 OWAX 6, - - " jilsill Jimiss, iv� If It 1A16k t W'Nors, %h4, t willit IYW fiv Aw 16 Aia'. oi"i tu* � *m* *%*A etfm Aft thei� I 'pagring a -lutle ZtLU J It , r', AK'10661 Wit lklq thlat b#t "IV ",btt, *, W-1jt#v1,i`g , V., 'te� "� *At, *0"y I *414L At 611111kill1twot A, it tis 10-011-4 stkhX '41 t A_ oi* 006 `ht 40 bilf'10010 (6111*4 fty* 9' by 4 tubb ana fIT'Inott Us � 0*# 'fldtifia, W0, fiAt6f6d a', 116 tho, iii ht - As it htlrfi$. Wa Italfft ftb% t libidut Its We. _Ylhl� 0*M!tTIO-11.1 I _k lk I. -It .11sithki'Mf 401111, �tk itiMIA 41RAW t let, Nktfoft *Oftlft Itio V WW" ft f Old, to, I th th 4 W bad Vohlii fghd see. no j :J ois mit, t 4M '11116"ok %M asitim noloolaiiL AMX.- 114mvWlift ..'awlts Woo: 4 lixt'llip4r, Irm WAn , JaRum . ___ U --, ft 4ftif#jUXt*� tallgo�for si I.. ­_� ­_­­­ - '16f 14 p%s IM 11i, 1 14 vulpol%` 4 -14tot *UWhAa tilAft it t4fieLfie b6st WO t6 tviA bb, 1661, bY ilkyslitoot , ftr`11*461 04*4 40ift 0, A it 0ghl -tft,­#gu if. yotir e6%d%tot 4 Itik, to' si t 4118" 1149, 01041 49*oLi AWk ti - ' 'k , biliktto, s, th* ihi th'ttifthIM td6fd A AiA*0%,`*0*1li 1* W16w, by! 0*0 W Villyfill tho-, ill*, blet%t" batL Irf te'JtJ%h`4'yio` If y6n tin 6 104,60% &Wd* Mika NZ t .*I* r Rth,11 Z§Wkt ., AWW. mbytj�� f If , , , eQ IM4 Ititidil' ft 2501ftt; ~.iss th"s, iltbuk U tuo 4064* to*V 160 tft mfloal, i Alto 0010601y, N 'or V "WOtbot 0 A 41filfthi$ 11itti, IhIL cts it; Mt 'or, Vows th, *6*311tivow ula do ot "I iai* %114 *As I Akan IS44#41. tbw I ;:V*y tl*t Will 1"* 0 wootb 404 wit AUM21, W 0 VK Wdtww 4*0* tit tokko. #0 ,.fb' ftewki a6t, tuiry hOL4, l'gdftk-tMgt t1j;it *1 oft INIX *to", 'Wit , '644*46,041101 lsilttl mg is, W)"It, 1011KV0111 I �, billo . t ;N t)(;k VliflW "'Aft ocot.46 446 it* io i iiiio 'to* ww#,* *Itk twt,*Atio 1, 1 - i�if rtwilt i = 1 4*4 Arm& 66M. tsog== �glkt I , 11 , t�*.# "In, 40W istr "W" h4 1*II'*A6* 0 tillit 0 W1111 1 04 t t, 11 &AVVC" 1 11 -a 'It tl 0,601 MAVA t*6 biktij, Ji*14 *6 1 *sc - '! 11 Ut 1.111A Itt f0k, **Ib "t 'ildil 'A u0tw4l Wili e" t tillikilik kakilk "t Ow. i" *tv kif lk"k i 0 Wit 101411 A lot 61, 10A * 0 " b41*041A my*lf 11401, of ""11111 it Ifti t .6 it, W "Ift, I P 'Wift I 1 11 1 Kit, AW to Ifit 4 kit., b" I I 41w, Wit hk' -**r lk# IV rod tip 'U'VArZ i pn�_ t X fty OW40 ft0i to ot, is dogaild tootillootioV IW N— 7- ig .*t Aft -',T* 6N*t,t*,'4*Wu* #fttd* V~ W,111141t�* ptior" 1;11 X0000 'hoA to" 40 -W lffst,�-%W. AW*W liflikkidi*4 I* il 0 *W14 ft J0, TJ, k iw 6 k -, I ftY I lif Iii, 4060 at two 4 A mikihj� -.41 it Ah" '11�11 " - * _11�. I . WC Fit nut the str th( bu till ris me Tb Pa tb nil to