HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-26, Page 6"I'll --- I - 11471.111,11, _��, 'I't -,IPW ,41�-77 -- --�- - - , Flaw 4 --n-11 I -, - ,- X­M,',Ipiq�­ ­­ . -, ,7..-- ,,-V,VC,wVJQV­­_ -w's`Nrr?7 -- ' - wwr . ­ , , . - � I � ,� . VWIW,'y I � 7, 41r�7 11 I � I - - ­ - V� I , , ", ,� " I , W,q1VF-PqVFr- -r-, I � . I I , , 1 __7 - W , , � I 11 I C, - . . I � " - - � �, I � .. I . a �, " I 1. '. , . - , -1 I I � , I -_ I I I �� . I I .. - I � �; - I ,, - I ­__ I . - I . I . � - I � I . . " I . � V I I � I I � I . ,%_ .- � , I . I . . � � � . I . � I � I I I . . ,;:,,,,, =0 . . �7.1 , I � I . . .: . I ­ . . , , ­ . .1 i , I � - ­ I I I ­­­_ I ­ . 11 I - - I - ��. ­­ 'll`_ III I wl III:: 1�1� 1. 11:1 1117�1:71;�*==71:72" .":l!", ;;14�_;,_F,_ 1 ;; , "­ I . . . � I - � I ... 1".. - ­­­ - - � ­ ­ . . . . . I I - I 1-11. I I I . I I . - I'll, _-1111- , , . I'll, . . . . . . �' I ­_ .11 I . .1 I I � - ." ,�, , " . 'I, I � �. I � ,.� .V I F - , . - � � I 1 .P.; r _ I . I , TA : . I I I � __ _.— — _. __r . Wtiarli4tS. -ktl r X - , OF 041 I . I . �; � � . 1. .. I ". 1 '401 Arop tiko* r JU . UT AWITATIOP SINK10 AC'r , XTATIOX 11 .. I � 11 __ . _ t,XtO illso #R�Tf$,q I .... I � I I ��� I'll , � I � , era . r f, , I � , ` I I rr I r % � olrltm O� *t ;a t.i ,- ­" *""� . �� .11 ... 11 "I'll, � . � � I 11 � ­-T,1F­­­,w_, 1, sap, who# 00y � , � � � *" � : #M. . R, 10-1 :. , . I r I I Z We r ?0"llreal - On, 4.4 fork, Was al W -go fteign. waii 04W "W, 4 4- C"44110". Ao� A* A","4111404 W"110. I"" . ''t,wat Wow 0or"o-osaill, Avloo"u xo .V�­ ....... AM � , .� I , jilt �1*30 PUT , , , , 'iii�o '0� I "_ a O'so Sugar I , . � no it& . I act to ,dral ,C"114"Jign, , . � �ValrgW Jag' 90A_%?**W*� I 'a toft, � X4410009* , DIVU, � : * ". , g , I I , 111% ss . , I � - . I , P 4 - I r . . , FATImp STO'RAX-4 or SOL I I I I .- r 0 M , 'a . tbiamil Aw. WA110, vapor the gongrale Nv#Q i , A, 40 "Otiolt Am Xtaiijxmttb,� as "s � IL ois � is"A I A �i, stivirly tit tka The criticism.11 I ompIol " t4 *4 04 wwtm it KIEPSARS& � . � "To. -� Owratt#t A o ioo . . , . _slts., 'exal r I I I �J�h�d." '00" I �, � I I ... . . I 1 4 � _X11111111' Ow P. -W. ­.��_.NLA�k I 9 4) 141 41. '. 9 -4 � 1-I.- - I - . - �� t"T" 6*04 bw x1r. �Qc" A; UP. � I -.1 , W . I � ­'. - . - -'W'-- 4 UIP , 'ibexes , V, ; _Vre aiso,tgo -Wa#*4io4 is I , 4 r �ooft ap� . .1 I . � 1 7" $0011 � 134 , - - are coadvActipi; the British campaign havor ,a 61 , z44 to 4,00,ta, 4,44 W" , it (%*00#1690111 = r ,4,up 5X04-- r 0. I � = 0 11101t, of *600 W" .- ea . Well Wars 10' c9,*r*Rxlpd#gt ym , . W*414 to V;** I -, I lix" - 0, tl*� XORA0.4, PDX 4004 , ,, and, olluirw In South Attic perplexities, to a t a few of our lwr� Illosou 41"A'A )M­1i#MVX­ 140:13107011i 14 HINTS, FOR YOUNG FOLK0. seatio 310, of oral, , .4. with Which 13figlaAd r P A 7 _ ,;,4,r Mats "*� I .. r * 11 t#M A Xsek er gIatir-41tilor *40 to , , _ _a* _ � I . . iowwoli i0lili-A"All a#' AW044%w" TABLE � tom attaC404 is now full, aire ;,4xu4VkkLbIi*Q;AIy In Korpolariants. w4ro, $it* Ckwerts.iAo ultdiar � . tkr 4is P 45: 7 1 W. ,V*AZ omsil. r I . Mro � having a abort 4 , V "=nu 20, 4 13 . , A1411. dioill loatex4lay: .04 4%tIOAQ. fevo;, ­ r aeldhe _­_ .� � �k. . . wor ,p talking at the table, If the Cam, grIx. I I uractor. Officers W.1to" 09- lKlery 4111*04 L4144 Was tuir . � ­ r IS 'DIPL &" - � .. ..I � "" I to Ono, m4y to treate n � U their ob given cQuations wbather's baw NAP04 " W4 ,at, - 400�4_4*- ,,,,,4,to, Arid lla,, . , I an -4 11r,114 .. I I - pany ta large, you will usually cou- similar marmor, when they bave has It's not the al bee Itaig"d ,taLt .1, I �� I rr V - r 110W.40 Pilft to the air toi several hour#, or orations are almost uulfPXMIY V,11� be nr�adai orx whother4t moulil be Angral bmillp, or the liq1tilts, Mr. steuraps* by. P# gxap�hlp , 4igr- thill"grarip" a* - 4140 "Celirt � - � . I . I verso more with yoult' 11eighbOr than exPOVed , or even the giold, steel tbat m4es A - VI.Auly, . r. perfut . . �11 -1 . . .. . 4" Aloos,' frova I to 4 pift. with .the circle all a wholo, But at until tbuir surfaces are very dry. ovoke �Pblll) correct 4 Kriptial,ria of 19itaboxigir* cs;uVaign IA walbb ww� to Is . ill art, I . . C rL I r Qt to bleatOW, this W94 44 fellow, i"membor 04 fight. It's the , at- I , I Jp&IbO4PI, a A . I VOA% 17% st of I =311 Ittit.0 r,*J`tbgtbelAg"�V's`l44 � . , � be *010 or at the Butterscotch' -Boll one cupful clamor against -hem, and all the =or* recognition Upon this or tbat yer#94, , ank by hill vivill g,rUclaii UP% Intong I � 'lie" A UW *gtaily I t ' - , "t I : 'VA 0 or, purre Your ., ho . , - , ­troast4 li - . %_ �1. I . say � 1*4E � ,a 0 r t 1terwa,rds*` sold, an old soldier W, hall poypt .1 - -4 Work .1. I rt,44, trall, - Betrienber Yo . . ,... I ` '"i 010oup"", rou" the home and in the faintly. sugar. one-fourth 9UPful Of m0litatell, . U they have VrvVio . piko , f wittily a hard -$ought South AfriAg. IS f1smIll" to 4 I 1. PAY W49K CURED- �� ,L, fro I I '"A . 111,81Y b0n mI g, It eg , 9d to, w . .. U , , . r fto happy . houlie at an intimate friend, you, mu6t two tablespooritfuld of vinegar andi the an � v be readily itudersto, .a � coyfnIX"cQ;Igk,aB waaOC �� 11 VW mskk� _ � 'tt I � 11 until *the inix- tary heroes In the ropular outimatioa a ruigtalta in t me arm. Xr. Stooveris "Was unit -of Out few , ept no is0r" r . ,_ r "tl rs, do your above at the entertainnient. same of acilieglF water 10, ex -that is to. da) U. , ._ , PollitIVOY "a .., . . % I ZI, tKip'llt ­ , .. - - &�,a�j%lltmadlclned battle. I coTresportdcuts - w.b.q cle 010 v09 far #441, ,,� . . � ., . I . ­ r and ture becomes brittle, than turn into or rather Imagination. may. to bow to Due who is not expect, , , 9i4ed to stay M"CU7 tweistu Nipety Pat 0 1 to �, . I 1. Save up rho bright littlet Btory The Iron duke himself uttexlY broke In Ladysmith when thit town .,g1r*09 r ,filled tse law" of " - V .. . I 00 IV% 0% % . well buttered tins. When 0001, mark When the South African war began act of civility_ig, S, hugrldU%ttfgS oz- . i can" you l`ivo vi a, � . . . � I . I . V . 000"", with a pointed knife into squares. 4oWda when he purveyed t es a .v Boars. 9a ill wirt'l, and WP uow r . I Oal L . ­ rho witty epeaCh. tb,O fu -Y "aybaga , , wa, beingued in by the apivirlhovollefit"Ilti; 1. . — your the special fitness of generate like perience, the rgivorae, of pleasant. Sad dead. ,I, tho Second c6rresporrilquit, to .Jopo you Are not themsoyort itiouldbo I If YOU . - r � � , r r .. P.00 . , "" IA . I I ,---9%----- - at a child, the 6ormp of Bows in Velvet uOtassais.-Put into a good. uller and Methuen for command was therefore .it is not surprising that ot�Badajox filled with British his Ikfo� in Tjpd . aiileelin� tired 4 ve,workel 11 he . il ' ' - . ' ". Par I 4 LEGAL &uut Mary's I"t lottel) Bud. -bon a sized Saucepan three cupfuls (it sugar. 13 u wept for the men. Had it f a -lien to his ,ive y"I'll" tbe' rePTO-Artle" votlo, irdl.ble, NeoX �44 Yen kr-�w � three table- do bred in no Engliabillharter, unless when any Indecision exists the oppor- of the Morning Post baiUg been ,guip! cp.,Rq%-VXiv%taly before itill r Lai .. M , -*--- tincity offers, add your one cupful of water and I let, to help to bury them, t,, find the killed by A shall. Mr. Steeients death "Istrigipwo guarantoo larra complete I � 1&,NFF6T IBIZA N. Barrister. Solicit.rA,A good appor n bon the boiling it might be in military circles jealous trinity for bowing Is not taken aavan- I . . � o L flc= I mite to the general fund of anitwo- upon fuls of vinegar" w - little 4.lddeu Secrets of love hidden is a great 1088 to journalism. We, onrobi ocir'Now Gorman Method. I I A , � : a tlkln.quart, next iloar to ftak , point is reached, add one-fourth toa of rho opportunity for distinction no- i�trloture and Varieocel Pie I , true tage of save by these Mtho act on the book, 'tWith Kitollenor to Khartoum,'* T sApilvaratroAhled withilible disease : � I � I meat. octal of cream of tartar. and when away under their �vegtbar-woru tunioa I ddi�otkgloWft� U4 41, . I . rdOL to them, and It there warealay impulse of the moment without 41- � has had a liiirge circulation SAI.In I uyep &role do . r' r . I - - L omen- 'are mixture is hourly done, add one. cc � lie would have wept tar the women an It in a Singular c,olnci Ca that the a�LtV'W4ohbQr YOU I - I , Sel ,, AI1ROWftPROUDFOOT.lSARRI8TEIW! There are dear aid geutl t pave, 0*0 or b9th J ... . favor_ half Cialittal of melted butter and one officere: in the British Army entitled (161 14U . 11 . - lowing themselves time to considerthim . 606NIS &Jld�Wo Will examine YOU 11" . 1, r . L , AttorneytNicitars. &a- God -rich. J' ; and old ladicz, Loc_wbol have N 0 r the babies at home. . news at Optrian ]Digna'S Capture should and -fto up 11 "I 1. nor , � AA"Ow, 4, .:W. FROVDFAOT. . food fourth teaspoonful 6f baking sod&. Stir to such confidence it was they. tar and against. - i I of c1larse t if $IS we caneira )0% � �, - tou aspect as,,, � .r its mturtcs� whiCh they are rather constantly during the last part, of the British general lilts had it better re- A 'Dragoon, now retired from the, arrive on tba. sa=,e'day as the aur tar qualition b ask ., � are r ' I � . I L 0. RAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, I PeLplo in Lbeip own fLLM- cooki crack stage has Man as well'an women a" Concern- Service, tells a sad little tale of the courg"licOnt of the death of Mr, 13.teavr- with,liet I'4 age . r New acienn Mid had At bo=Ms . . , Notary of telling. 0 ' ' c We h&vo Z-00 L ­� ': Public. " in Ord in the poiat than Redvere Butler � I ,, from the . I ,1 . .�r , P 001co--csiraor of Square Was, nix among their verX intimate arriv d, pour Into buttered pans. and , ad tin this question of bowing, and a battlefialit at Isandlilwana, where Ave ons whose description of the 'facility of well ag at Our 0 or. ,as ­' ,1, ovi, . , 1. 1, gllh�ra, *t.. meat ttesistrT ollice. GoderiGht, ral for sk�pplxig at t OnsAndsOf P&tlmte ou'rerl .. .: earl I '. . ISyrivate, tupda to lame at lowest rates. ac,quaintauce�s, bear these Stories when cool enough to handle. pull and and when he left London tar the field very Crequent Instance with regard cps were the proper mongent all are ft Itove troubles %theme whom we "Crat , � Nal Ir . ' L �­ ___ —, out into proper 10119thS. of war neither he himself nor the Eug- to bowing in this respect is corista4tlY I hundred and thirty British tro Xmillar saw, every case we accept we alve a w rlt� .... � L ..... I I �:, L 0 JOHNSTON, Barristatri Solicitor. more than once--judeled, thev oome- y isgivings as to massacred by an overwhelming horde with. tin guArantse to -12, i'd BI ADDER- I � . . 7 I brought to our notice -viz., When twOi KIDNEY Ab . � , froi i tary ate. Oilloo, Hatialbou &treat. timoo hear them Lill they, became — 0 1 of Zulus Months after the battle he -----*— ' ' inful andfrequent UXITIA-iOn .. . � I , - I. , day I & very familiar. Good maintionkforbid the propriety of his selection for high men are walking together and' they do OrIngs in urlue. weak and &all - CE OF MUSIC IN BATTLE. VMS SWALLOWED 128 PINS. , , talour Now Germsil 1, 1. . CAMPION, Q. 0, any showing of this,% say look of tin- NFLUEN command. His rapid victory over meet a lady known only to one of the jug , .11 I . � .. Barrister, Solicitor. SEk INTO THE BATTLEFIELD — By to t_.%rtft-11a-f in abort time-RO ",-A ; bee oneo-Over Darts' Drag patience Or appearance of buredom — s m who In a stranger to I cure, no P�y, I N �0)iilauoy to Joan. on, the part Of the lioLorier. The ACtIon- 'a Operation an n "issoung Freak Surfiflista SPI 61=7a at Fucourates the Soldiers to two. Tb to bring out gome-twaggons which lay SKIN DISEASE - - I Al. __ ___ .--..y well-bred woman ur girl Ila- They .1tarck to Danger 11111111COUCcrVIC411- conclusion, for hie previous service I the lady In 'questiou bows to her and physicians. Sypbillt,. opprer colored Patches. 0051ma, L L' I.. Z)]rTUS E. D A NOE Y. Barr%t,*,r, a tor, toust to the thi-Loo-toid tale, the well- had been wbolly and notably BuCcems- wonders whether be has it right in a � abandoned there, and to bury the bones psorlso 16 ,. .r tim L &c. lt� All natione from the dawn of history 'I .1 the fall= heroes Of the 64th Reffi- Now York, Jan. k5. -John Sased, the dry find toolil teeter. ocrof U I 1 I!, I . - . A . k Proctor in Marl us , natural I it granula d'oyelide,scaill d CA A' pi _. i . Cc] "I Of � worn anecdote, paysa pleasant word, . ful, and be was hailed as a 0 nig, or thes wonder IS on the side of 0 in to L 41 �. too. loan at, lowest ratics. Offices-tior- smiled, 101-geL8 that Rho bab heard it have recognized the val I 13 moot, which had beau lying there on- man who is notorious for being able 11 fo�n, a itching diseAtO an ill L I I Ing M of tres, h short I '[a 'at ""' 'I ' 1. 51 the lady, and abe sake, "Why did that a No Marc used. 1, r Wai'a. lock, Hamilton strest, Goderich. d it. .. altar of .... He had been In ill( g of the Zulu r German otilod I before, said does not; allow the dear a subtle and poweTful at 0 in to Swallow pins; calls, tacks, brans a. oviltivell r L, . a c 10 , _� British Army for more than forty man take off his ,hat to me I" We ; buried during the rag I ;A Oultv. I 0. OAMERON (formerly of Carrier j? h o The chains, and other hardware, bee just No, 1, to. raconteur to fail Y that I e tory to dier in times of peace and of war. vate naryoua. delicate I .� L m. Holt & pamoran), Barrister And k3o Good years and had risen from the lowest c n who bows to i WaF. all chronic L 'r at a- bc,ag brought Out too Oft0u, I blood, oiln I ney 11;er, bladder, Boma-li office- Hamilton iltr,cot, second &foot soldier can not even March his has - undergone Successfully an operatiou'lat .1 �. I =6 the Squala. Goderich. linitiallers UL the Latilts tire inflexible t. rade to the Lieutenant Generalcy as a lady he doee not know, h,otwoverl These poor fellows had made them St. Johrile hospital, Brooklyri. and t I roublp � � Bol I, the he fe AID an 0 b. Call or sond � � I . I L . You ull appot6r without It, for it lightens the foot and 9 I well acquainted she may be w in lvea waistcoat& out of their old tun- following articles were removed from to pt I f ame treat eat. �., �, � wo r — - -- LA thl.s point. a reward for services in the field re- _ He rM ; So are, 10 6'3 S. - � pleased, You, must give . ple,6sul'e to lightens the heart. Pl a I friend by whom he is accomp plied, � ,CIH.48. BEAGED. Barris He 18 not i, lilulla, as it is very cold at nights On his Stomach. ' i 11 �'. I L'� *1 , � ,Fr. -Tsiil�iii,oiif",n, - I , I ognized as peculiarly distinguished i makeR a Social mistake. 11� t46 . an voyancer. - Ili other.. You must uLlico uil You' the Spart.tis that when advancing to C Two horseshoe nails, two two -and -a- :, we � n 11tract, a a a . opposite C-lborno H.L111 mind to receive gra(LILotition by im�- ! and brilliant. In Africa, more as- expected to offer his mark of respect � the high tableland of South Africa. ,half inch calls, 1.28 common pins. six Dr. Goldberg & Co. ,,, ; fac . I - � 'r lvatot doto an At 4 per clint. Interest on the atlack, they kept pace to thetimO in to a stranger, and there is good sense and Snugly tucked away beertiat hair pins, two latch keys. a ring with 991 Wooldward. Ave.. Detroit ,� . we P1 Fari era notes ca.h it - ------ parting it. peel . ally, he had been Conspicuous I in this ruling, as it would oblige her - a stone in the setting, an - I ;r I � _. Onvo, in a while an accident hap- of their tlutes, - their music leading Ivarlaus wars and expeditiors, had I either to Ignore the salutation site- istcoat.5 were found numberless lit t __ ---- 1, I .� Harri-ter, Solloilor, Notary licub at a meat, A cup is overt proud, them into dangar cheerful and aneon-i tle tokens of remembrance ,of the lov- chains no braes and wo nickel, �., CON - N. LEWIS, i iser - . - Proctor Maritime Court, 0111c, -corner .happy pcl_�.11 dwalio%N8 ' the ceTned." A great modern 8oldier Mar- ved as CWof of Staff to Gen. Wol gother or to coldly return it, thus re- d ones at home. Many a girl's Photo- When Sasel recovered from the anaes- �, I , itton and No &safe Street s, .1 , I Raley in nd had 1 veraing the English custom, which de- a — ,�i I P.M. - %sloog way� _"m ebody makes a ot the Soudan campaign a i wa li, failed by mun and rain, was thatie he asked what had been fished wb . i "'ne no '.eor crees that the lady should take the I ICKI[NEON & HOLMES 9TICItS.1 lni.Lake. Look at personal valor and grep . Hill I ; Pi;bBARRI, your plate at, -uc b shal Saxe said: "Sounds have a � Initiative in the matter of bowing. To found, pres5ed against a heart which out. He says he quit the mussum, busi- � . Ballialtora, Notaries lie, &a. Molloy a U ,,,mc a I . a a,d nowhere else, unless power over us, disposing our organe - December 16 last, and that up to the :� Poan Office -West Street. EL L Dickinson, traordinary ability as a commander I puraue the matter further, It may be I had long ceased to beat Cooley ness I 41 ' you call �utficjoui.ly control your to bodily exercises and at the same ax surrounded by six Zulu sltelBt that time he never had any trouble. No . Dudley Holmes. 1717 face and appear eUtLrCiY UUCUnhOLOUS in the field. Gen. Methuen, too, is said that at subsequent meetiX19080MO a poor hero who had,Bvidently sold him This time. however. the articles got % Exanlinatioq L an( L::, " ML , TPHOLT BARIIISTFIt SOLI I'llult time deluding, as it were, the toil of little awkwardness could not fail to ithered hand he tangled up in a ball and the chains bal ta,ry Public, &a. Money to loan at that anything has Occurred Out Of I one of the most distinguished officers I life dearly. In one v I . No 0 interest. Offices hastaido c-tirt, the tli,�uai routine . Take no notice them." A writar says: La the British Army, with a brilliant ari6e, and "Do I know 'this man I" or still grasped a runted revolver, the held them. � . 1, � I 11 � : IWILquare, 1717 e 'In 1 "Do I know this woman I" would be at am hat from , . tin : I Ease 8 a u.d go on with Lhe conversation, and " Modern commanders seem to b recore of exactly such service in the the moment a clifficult question to pty cart ridge-caosea still jammed in . One of the physicians said C of the q, ­ ". � I in a ,socond the incideato will have Complete agreement on this point. If the British officers of the I answer. Old fashioned ideas, bow- the barrel, W)Iil.gt in, the other baud what he bad learned there must be a � .1f r un , DENTAL. - been forgotten by everyone. field as wee still clasped a little miniature of large number of pins soattered through . I'll, she .1� J — r _- - ------ - i __ the regimental band is broken up, Lord highest distinction have obtained. 1 ever, on thia Subject are not e Smiling baby fact. This was prob- Sasel's intestines, and declared it was SIGHT—`"`wN=W1kL �,; of I X NICHOLSON, L. UD;c1j, Dontml Surgeon a day; Wolsoley contracts officers to call up- But cow Buller is denounced as ob- erad cate, and some in i;u still,6bettn- a fought so the most remarkable case he had ever �.% 1, It. Itoomeoppe,lite "I' Office. Gol� Shadow and sun from day I ably the re he had I'll ( I A, - 1r, porcelain and 'gold crown And bridge ugles. 'The troops' alinate, quarrelsome, impracticable lately hold that they should take oft treasin reliably had the Zu- heard) of. By the most modern metho ds- - I A little labor, a little play, :on the druma and b hard to protect. P I 1% t lit � � we open- I their hats to those ladies who either a lot — ,,� I a specialty. 'I skirty-tive years' expor- A little pleasure, a little leisure, march a hundred per cent. better than! and incomi-vaLeat, and Metbut n is ,us known this they would bay - I I ioneft ly described as congenitally I inan no I , bow to men wiLh whom they are walk- ihey are a strange and - Glasses accurately fitted. 16 , I tr3 , - So runisi the gulden year away. in Silence'; and this resource also fail- officer In Ing Or wtho stop and speak, to the no � him escape, for SHE TRIED SUICIDE. ISIABER D. 1). 8 . L. D. 8, Dental Sur- ' Not a single prominent simple people where the loves Of Mari — SatWaction guaranteed. I - - , � 'i -_ Bel �, Latin and approved met ing, the men should be got to sing by Soutp Ali-" escapes critisism, which little surpTise Of the ladies so bon- Oncerned. For instance c", �, t I I - . g6,,n. beds I and women are a b. [Lit dental operations, PreaervILUO f A pretty, idea for a centerpiece that companies. Lord Roberts also regards implies that his rise in rank hereto- ored Another side at the question nL the Zulu Iffa(r was ,pnded, an Of- Emma Carey Hade an Attempt to End I I ,,,,,, OV4 ., total tooth 4 ap6olalty. Offloo-Cor. n a by any real is that when a husband and wife are whe - W. T. Welsh . a& an Wast aball appear ;at Welsh. rabbiL suppers music as of the first importance in , fire has boon unjustified en who had kill- glop Lifor, not railed. _ I '. � s cer in `0 in . �; aw �!,., � SL d the Bqu&re. A ,_-- OPTICIAN. 'oa I X-21K4M11%r310 3NT430. 9340- is to have the border of grass design desert. They are all treated asaome- walking together and a man nod to fh et with ill _ _ thl .� supporting, the energies of soldiers on, ry near military charlatans the husband he not infrequently takes ed the Prince Imperial. In their own A despatch from Toronto, Bays:- 7� 'rho Square, GoderielL e;�5 I., roi � hing ve � told them of the � - . w Emma Carey a woman living tit 7 !;� .'.1 I .r 'URNBU144 P.D.S., L. I). S., Dental I w rked naturally in green. Rribbits the inarch, and in inspiriting them' t of off his hat' to him wife, although she Simple language be -he Z � I r M.1 or na blunderers who are ignorant �� , - I a_ does not know him. To do this 113 g,rief Of the poor mother at home Claremont street, tried to commit t;6096090099 � " OIL ,r . Surgeon lormorly julnooieiti�d with Dr. appear at the oorners either hiding when nearly worn out. Count Moltke the simplest elements of their prole ,L� I 4xiin, of Aon6al. All nranehoti of the of judgment, as the she was a widow, and they had killed - Cor,ro- (town in the graRs or ready, to jump, r I 11 lag gold and par An hold, the band to be tin absolute neces- Rion and without inherent or acqui - clearly an error 141.� .,i,' . tession practiced. includ I from one Clump of greenery to an- d are not always her only eon. The Zulus were deeply suicide last evening by drinking car- I �'. CrQWU im, bridge work. Special ationLot . I ad ability to lead troops in action. �friends of a husban grieved when they heard this tale, and bolto acid. Her deed was -quickly dis- . ail :1 to the preservation of the natural tooth' Other. It is a simple matter to, have sity to a regiment ; and it was large Lima those aspersions are car- � those he cares to introduce to his as with sincerity, that covered. however, and Dr. A. D. Wat- i�,��Msssssssss* I "I 1� tiffil".1.1 in McLean's New Block. to o,rder. ly owing to his efforts thut the Ger:1 r4eato oven higher quarterm. Wol-, wife. But, apart from this, to bow to replied, doubtle , *,; I -, � anyl chosen ae8ign stamped, tba_t the prince wan son, 10 Euclid avenuei had her stomach ( I conditions is not had they known inifte,i r bad ',`� --.--- . _­__._.__­ - __- ,Ili a lad3 under such emptied before fifteen ra I � ­ man military musio attained its pre- Relay, only SO lately the great Engli. the only son of a widow they would 1"Gloderich Lager Beer ,,,"r ari - MONEY -INSURANCE. Quite little children can learn the sent xlection. During the earlier hero, the Comma nder-I u -Chief of Irian in accordance with etiquette. � sye spared him. I passed. She had apparently naLawal- .. thl � -------- __ __ pe begins to be hold up to ridicule ,Another phase in bowi ag which h ST itKLIC lowed much of the poison, for an hour I ---------- I ,� . r t III 'L� ONNY LOAN -Private funds, live wo of a tooLlibrush, and morning and sta ;as of the Franco-German war the Army. inflated reputation comes under our notice now and again THE SADDE � par can I A to w as a man of an 4 Iedicinal " T or, so afterwards Elie was able, to be V ", 1, � T nterest� Straight lomn evening "tOoLlabrush drill" should parade stop of the German army was F to bowing to people known ?. I � . I gol farm and town proportlem for sZo and to And the party in the Army Of which relate found upon the field oil Isandlilwana, taken to police bead4uarters. HealtliVul � I "� t of the, regular nursey sometimes assumed in the supreme mo- he is the head makes the same inBinu- only by sight. Under certain eon- . , .. 21' I N. LEWIS. Barrister and Bolialtor, term a par however, was a letter h.dden away In it is supposed that,her act was the , ... , . ��! r Goderick. , , routime. The mother should give ea(h regarding Lord Roberts, still dition,- it Is correct to bow', under the tunic of a dead Soldier. The address result of the "bluels," followi-ng a Invigorating . I -1 I ___ upoilt of a contest, w tq, � inj 11 litle the drumd: fttiOn stitutes .� at the little orles a Soft toothbrush the popular military hero of England. othere it is the reverse. As an ex- irom which it was written was oblit- ,,spree... Iteffise all sub 4" ' . ' � It DCLIFFE I I He I beat and the bands played the regi- Kitenoner's laurels, too, are derided lie ample of its Wag th,o right thing to 1. 13114 , �,�,, � - 11rIltato and ;Wo.'.',"'L,'.".i.',,','A','�','n','. Onl', sad BhoAV it bow, to Use it. ated, together with therwhole front Made only by I . it( '- ..I- . I .'a mental march. Such a display no doubt having been easily obtained, These do, it Rhould be understood that when, o"' and ruin, but the in- " I � t� I sa I rapousented. I "'"N" 0 y he . I t ' the "' ..iphat.ble. They I 11 8d On eitj.:fght I.., at lowost rate of intat'r! reveals a very high point of discipline ; ve been Page, b, SNUFF. Ang . tri I . generals themselves are said to have as is often the case, balls ,ea ,or. .tUl,d Johnston & 1K , ,�� , *lit solaX. n any amount to suit the borrower. and, according to the Garman drill- an very high opinion of each other, exchanged between two families, and,"`P'9 , ' s,6veet-- An old Scotchwoman, w Brewers, Godericjh. iol ;: . " , I I - .— � &IRED MOTHERS. book, it insures 'the most Complete) and the distru t, by extending to the they have not yet met, although� werle writtbp. by t e soldier 8 hen advised �, do ." , .; � ",� , . MARRIAGE LICENSES. a sight, they heart, iwilito�a4't afhpbared, lived Some- by her minister to take snuff to keep 0, , ­%sSsswsw 1% I CO n neig be :;- � , Them is no one lie tired as a mother, concentration of the physical and mon- tik and file of the armies in South known to each other by w heTft on Ports wake during the sermon, replied: &,QM,VSS"SW,"q,-, , I I cr - __ la� -reled with her a .. . �!,��,�'' tal powers of the individual Ora the per- ra series of disasters to couid exchange bowsl if �HsPosod to do ad qutar , �.;, W LANE, ISSUER OF MARRIAGID when she is tired. Africa, after a mouth. She he Why dinna ye put the'Enuff in the � , ,%, IJ . ,� , I � . forningloo, of Lhe matter In hand.' But ,�u all is nature IN, conducive to its- so, and could also iptop and enter into t '-into he had left for the --I � �;��,'--.,� 0 Cents% a or a , n . Stop and think of it, Ar -what the the am I system ham been severely criticiz- moralization- It looks, therefore, as 'conversation, when mutual refrets at. lover Jus sermon, and -or she elsked for I in this Jett , - � ­7—ir6f -I:.-- �'111 I , 4SORIA children goes through Mother of your ed, nor was it persisted in even in the if imperative military elcoassity would not being at home, etc., Coll I be ax- forgiv war, and - * n cam for her wilfulneas, . . . . ......................... sesseesse's' ", � . , In the course of, twouty-four hours. German army. At all events, there 'a require the-reiief of some of the so- PrOBSO(L , � hoped that he would 'make it up with I 01�TIUGAL ST. TONSORIAL ROOMS, � J. Betopumy, proprietor. Modern. easy , ei , Plan The night is not hem for sloop, but little our fear of Its introduction among coned officers before a successful cam- own troops, whose battle -music is be made possible. Doubt 0 her when he came home- If th's Page F she may know' , "� ahavea, bair cutting and -bampoolni;' a half vigil is always bar care. The paigt, can 'Must ,mee to that girps eyes twe n- �.,�, ��": riatiors sharpened and hailed. of a mueli less formal and ostentatious be replaced by confidence, more FAULT FINDING. that hex letter, writt�n nearly . . W� fio r daythreak is her sign to awaken, Character. 9 Our full regimental bands especially when the, doubt goo �O r point out the imistukes she ,has It is an old story that is often retold. all British military reputations in- to by Robertsi ty years ago, reached her lover safe - L7� %�. L, AUCTIONEER. the little children do not sleep in the It not as a rule go on a-otive service, Ruch extremeB'as now appear both in T. itself. — when sit 0"141 Be ly, and was treasured next his heart CURES1 �_ , ,, ��. ,, . -- -- — --- -- -- ­ -- ., �­ ._ OHN ICNOX . NAwigaro street lJodertch I daylight. A mother'e sleeping hours i I f lasic, in the field being chiefly sup- England and at the Beat of war plied by the trumpeters and buglers, The fact that this popular and mili - correc000na .Neres4ary Untle Its Private. �hen he died. In the I Fever, Congestion. HAND OF AN OFFICER No. 11 �,�, ;��,_ � � , N L-�-,`4 Opposite Buxton's Hotel. Licensed Axle -,, _ . axon �-IVA q. ihe N Bros. Agri are shortened at both ends. she I care of the breakfast, of I f on- drummers and fifews of the infantry; Lary distrust ham no reasonable 0 while the Highlanders seldo,m lead the dation to be without special A mistress who Is always finding CLENCIIED Ny desperate struggle No, 2 Worrns. he died in the . .%-� 'rigerandAputfor _ , rural Implementaq Paris - �j �',�'O,'r;�,, trio colebrai 'i ��, - Adamig'Wagons- Malian ��%,gl': tilin Carriage Cc Oshawa* tleco kfi T I bl,tv",,,p,an�bo I . i, : household ailioUt their I and Seems van without some of their redoubtable no- I , . justification does frot lesson that to cheer them on. though it is not probable, it fault wit,h her servants for this, that or the other thing or, as they them- - the dervishes broko the Corner 8 Infants' Diseases. when tile of l No. of the British square at the Be t,.,t��,,L:, _ , any uttPiow0onipany, % " �, Wa;lltiord, and All other lines pertaining to the I t as k,s, it is bar tireless energy that is pipers coosity, stirs a Highlrinder, espe- is hardly possible that any better of- I solves express it, "always driving and . 4 Diarrhea. Abu Xlea was found a baby's coral NO- Z, P, - " �l`t: arming !ede- t� , "ji - " � __ __ promptly taxed with thei day'a start. I ci"IN%ot,hing a IN la a distant country, like the filters for the Lask can lie found. Y " .,! I . pecklace; whilst in tb,B placket pf 'a No. 7 Coughs & Colds. I., �, ��'. ,� ", ,� I ___ 1H OWAS GUNDRY-LIVO StockAnd Gen. I . it is astoni4hing where some of these . ,1_ nagging at Laern, w never cap a pibroch of his native glen. Phillbeg and The experience of the generalm I ft she 8 I who died, disdaining to nav al officer, is No. 0 Headache. at Tamai, h - - 1� . :-V � ,". �,�, , scat Auctioneer, Goderich. Ont. Sales made everywhere And all otliartm mado to gt ve I frail bodie, got the force wOm011 0 'shoulder bagpipe are to him ,a birthright ;'read3 in Command has been of the, really good servant, oven to shoulder ' with his broth- same kind as that of the British offl- f1t, jg;na�e 0-nougli th enigage one, move from his. gun, comrades discovered a packet of baby' No. 10 Dyspe pisigg, IndigedetiOn. HIS WARM RETORT- , �� , I �. I - yousatiatection, Chargoarowonablo, Oando more bu*Anama a nd am after It. --TtioMAS that they infill morning after graorn- I It is heart or .!eat he Irresistibly mounts to the I cars who have been awarded the most I if it maid nogloots her work, foigets letters enclosed in a loving lop'stle N o. 11 Delayed, Periods. betliging papa Several women entered o . �� UUN DRY, Auctioneer, Godericb. - ____ I I ' _` --- `-- Ing, into the whole family. for(e, Dear u Isi, t he) send 1 he It us; - Bloc. And when the strain r1808 distinction and are still held in the 0008, public. I an order or makes i mistake, it is of at the Critical moment of an engage- I highest eateem by the English . oin. their mother all f' i� and enclosing fair N o. 12 Ledchorreag- tot conan home so(] gather , Get iiii, said the fat man to the thin I . I I Veterinary so %Nurliz wheeLs spinning; they -dispil"Ch , Mont 'tS appeal Is absolutely oleotri-M. if their reputations areInflated an are course necessary to tactics the neglect, OuTia Cropped &m their beloved No. 13 C -11P. '. man, and give a lady your meal Fat � - - __ proplictio Orders for to -morrow'& eat- r point out the imistukes she ,has It is an old story that is often retold. all British military reputations in- to by Robertsi heads. N o. 14 Skin Diseasell. is happier side to the � man always think they are privileged, ,%, .; 11 R. W. r, CLARK, V� 8.. araduate of the, DOntarto Veterinary Oollere, Toronto, I .4miso hu8bands Lill to busi- Ing; they di, a Smile, and each Child to Many a piper has been hailed his flated, from Wolsoley and made. There is no necessity, however, 'a 0 k gomradeff as the hare of the fight- In down. They ba btained th, it ran ' Yet there a a. Many a life has beep No. 113 Rheumatisnl- soldier's keepsak . to remain seated. Got up, yourself, re torted the thin � �, �" 141� re-pectfully call the Attention of horAll owners . n688 With scho,ol with a loving monition, they one of our battles of OtLIab a v the very sort of warfare to do this angrily, hastily or sharply, ri , % bon and honorm in so d by a Bible, a locket, or even h a No. 19 Gcitarrh. ve t man, and give two ladies your Beat. i �i,,,, ,,,, ,1�1 to MY roved method of operating on horses' tooth. "R111fresh suo&j of volorinary inVilloineg mend like lightning, and scan the Var- the infantry charged the French, a in which the most exalted of the Bri-lifor there may be extenuating circum- bagpiper of t,be 78th High- have had their Solo stances the servant has to plead and lucky sixpecers, which has turned a bullet aside. M any such instances No, 27 Kidney Diseases. —_ .��,�� �,-! , ,,,V� i 11, ,,; ,,��PKA alwaVa an )land, ft cc and stables-Nowg%te street, Godartch. - __ - __ _____ I&MI.&rr rnonto of ail with gialore than a cam- , mi8sary's accurate glance. they clear the docks for Action, and drop into seasoned old tiSh Officers landera posted himself in a solitary Their achievements have whicii. when board will disarm our schooling. Situation on their'flanir, and ancour- beau in kind the same, a those which wrath, and to lose one's temper and � milL- �speak fatal ocruTred,An our Soudan campaigns, and No. 34 Sore Throat. Bee was most notable amongst t] [I the o, 77 Grip & Hay Fever'. of the Guards, N J It is stated that fifty full-131001it(I Indiana from the Northwest will ac- 1company canting- 11`�� � - " 111-1�` ­_' ___ M.A�1:t1CJD'1-_ Mdeam's' 'EAST a chakr-whent They do God bless the motherst a ged his comrades with a famous wolsoley and Robertavoceived Sharply unnecessarily does not Snatch tons,- the effect of which was tary and social rewards accorded only t 0 ones dignity, nor does it raise And in the the to feel expeirience t)f an officer of I Whose tife wall, twicle saved by the mini- Dr Butripbroys' Horneopathie mannal fiencee which he carried 131semics At Your DrugOstit or Mailed rroo. Mots-. the second Canadian I ont. to the seat of war in South Africa. I as scouts with " " �', 1, CO)tWER �;QUARr . -ST, AND 4, 3, more of the very finest grade of think - ing than is hune, by anybody also in �add literally Overwhelming. to the most illustrious of generate. respect a servant ought Peninsular war almil ar Incidents were for her mistress, for lit is not easy to ,ture� of his t sold by drar.11ts or sent on reconof ill his breast-Pook0t: The bullets den - Meta, or $1. rephreys, Ned. Cc,, - William They will be employed I the Canadian troops. , , �, : ;,I FAIMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. ail this worldl A mother m-ust be- a the other - respect a person who has no of constant occurrence. On - really ed, the ggolden case of the� miniature, and J Aw sta.. Now YciL � -ttle — — , 1. - 11 R , verythinx In Season said prices always riprht. poet for the make, of bar oldest grow- hand the absence of their wild music control over elthor the temper or but thb picture, Painted on a. r �;�,,� !� , , keep, her Confidence. She has been so left by the Highlanders tongue. I -Ake one's grown up chil- Blip of Ivory, remaineld unbroken. ;, �;.' - A LESSON IN POLITENESS. . 11.1 eogg SM,th Ing girl, to 0 that thet have lost all spirit and dash. dren, servants c,unnot bear to be � �: � must be a man f business when bar found fault with befor th o ______U*_ , �� , bu�band wants to talk of things that At the attle of Quebec, In 1759, the — �, � G t thei store. Shil must be peneral complained to a field officer A young "an "gas the Thanks of As, pie, what her these others are members � . �., �.� go wrong 41 ,;,� q playmate to baby buys and girls about of the conduct of a regiment which grieved rnx.euxfr­ of the family, strangers or their own SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD. , ". CONTRACTOR her knee, and yet able to, judge and had been repulsed and 'had fallen into .The oletvated Car was crowded and fellow domestics, and if we think of — , i�,� disorder. The reply of the 'latter was the matter fairly we can understand �r, - watelil over her adult. son, the- proud or witudiser .. HOUSEBUILDER ificant: 'Sir, you did very wrong the passengers, [hanging tot straps, this dislike and see that it is quite Baggage It -ter Martel. 11 . , , i: I , and GENERAL CARPENTER. first-born, ,who is ouV in this world. slignorbidding the pipers to play this were lethargic and sullen, I was a natural. i Station, Montreal, Sisteldes. - ,1 � � She must judge if Nellie's music (each A degliatch from Montreal say&.- ,�,,�,,� � Houses remodeled, and general repairs er to doing the child good, service, arid morning. Nothing enoonrages the tired, dispirited crowd. The , big We ourselves do mot 'like to be tak- I �;:J,:�;, . attended to promptly at nilderato also if little Torn'sishoemakar intend- Highlanders so much in action; even card thrust his head in the door and on to task in public or have any little There was m, traglo. occurrence at the i �.��] prices. ad to slight his work whon. lie mended now it would be of use�' ' Then let 9 mistake we may have made remarked '�,�i-,,��,,� , the child's sholes, She callL% up. every them blow as they like,' said the geni howled out the name of the street. ailed attention to. Servants Windsor street station of the Cana. , ". . . the front car upon or a an pacific Rallvriky Company about ., "'. , 1, Satisfaction Guaranteed. child, with the precnithoulary. com- oral. The pipers did; and with mag- From the other etud of have just the same feelings, for they di loon Martel, � ,. I � mood, "Lot ma see Wour tongue." She inal effect upon the drooping mpirlt 7 thcre was the, sound of mi ,commotion, are not children any more than is the 10 O'clock it,O-night. Napo I ­',� I �"." SHOP -Kingston Street, Goderich. wate,hes ill tha4 h dbes not of the men, who at once reformed and ke of passenger fell_ mistresa-In fact, they are often older the C. P. R., bet =Lge master, went �. c grocer c returned victoriously to the charge." and then a wa m timain, the latter.- A wine 0118tilreall, down into the b ant of the station, , I RESIDENCE -Huron Road. give short N.,gh'. Heaven helil hurl I I pi owed the I 1, I himself �, ., ,�:, 11, . � I � 1 . , I , � �,, ," I L. I 1- � I . �, " , : ., �"L , L : I � 11 I I I 1: I . , I �'. "I � , I , ­ . . , I I , !, 11 , I I , _:�, -, , , , �1; 11 � . ": � � , �' � , I , . I I I . ��. � , " ,� j, 1. I �­, I , . " : � , i , iijow does she dovolop such versatil- ityy I � TRAITS OF BRITISH OFFICERS. img to right an 0 , tTa,oks of a man trying to reach the who wants, to have and to keep gOOA reelf do iiii servants, should he Y fault and. pulling a revo ver. a o tbrough the brain. Most good wounerl, moreover, are hold in snored bonds to i be . — door, regardless of the conventionalia - finding that may be required and never, if possible to help it, depute The unfortunate Man, who had a good positioc and some means. had constantly family. A true woman, enn never for- sitser. Thtay Try to ,see gervi" With Other Armies Than Their 0,wh. ties. Many were the muttered objut_ but there was no organized the task to any one not even a daugh- ter, especially If tb; latter is youn.9 been in poor bea-Ith, and it was noticed he had become, very morose, The : got thAt mho is a daughter, a i Her own Parents depend on her with . officers, over and above their logi- gations, Opposition. if, any ,,zp"rl- once of house -keeping, for servants, that deceased %Vs.'% about 50 Years Of ago. had been In the employ Of tfie U. loving reliance, OILOn One OfAhOln 13 inmate her own dwelling, in I tinnite, buninoss,, are constantly an- An active -looking young man stood paticularll elder women, resent being and p. R� for many years. I an at i I infant ao gaged in "side showa." When there near the door. The offender reality � corrected by a deputy. . . �, BOW 011tolilOOO� nor a tiny or is anything "on" anywhecire within Shoved him to one Side, Suddenly 0 — mu�h cart) to her as tbe precious fa - got that she is a daughter. it sister. reach, and they can get leave, they go there was a thwack as of a diencendiala Wm, Sharman, Jr., Sole Agpont for Golerich are depondent, too, fair advice, for such straight to see the fun. The present fist, and then a cry of anger and a CARTRIDGES RUNNING SHORT, DIED IN THE CAB. - n — sympathy as hor generous himirt can Little souffle, and the men stood eon- Lee-katford Cartridges are running — -_ I tars been a great erafferm hem solsolvall * " never, failin to-int4in 00mmander-in-ohlef, when on the staff I firouting each other on the platform .t,ort I- t British mialrazines and an_ Un Halos Saccansb, WItb so 0111611, 01118- s jo An Atcliek or Heart 2 Ildive 04 1111414 TaIsUl" mend thenu f*f*v6r live Y4&m NOthfut says see Ally fGU2 . 11 11 ,;:�, 4 .. -WMK29- give rom P . in Canada, joined Gen. -Lee and saw of the station, while the passengers � I bamease. I tactic that I Can Ditserfulty Irloom uy feet and logs and silidonlea were blosilged go I � � I � I I . She always has Rome, denit old school cording to it somi-offittail report, the 9&*o I= ttlubt.4 far 00-t t1gr0s Vars with I Could Dot wait sho" on key tooll And only a loon ,''. -, uthern army. swarmed to the windows. Thet big a regularly � ., �, ". .� 1 � t friwid who clings to be,r in sorrow. lot of work with the so Wax office propos- to fall back tem- A de9patch from Toronto, 8ays:- what I Called tillibuil AkvAOk$ Doering * A:: dregis. *I saw lurks Total" adv"god In out 1: ,, weell. a Was tcla by dilyAres t ph I tit i, D'Aflok, plaing Milk, c I guard stood with his loft hand on the rlclh daligaper,boisS tilostoandliolitthem"direo �, - Un Hogg, a Chinese tea dealers liv- "neol"wall caused by b#4 teeth, Of whic I - __ " ".-__� - .. .. . � TOOK THE t1INT, � I bell ' porarily upon 1410,000,000 " Uark IV. Oat A tko teeth 61graeted. but the *1� " AT* take* titern About three Vr"ke and theft I I "I'll, - I'll, ,� ..", "' �� 11 wreral, I lit � I : :",­ I Correspondents came across it young It =1 ; took about half a minute, expanding bullets," most of which are Ing tit 64 1-2 Queen stroot east, died eon ailterl ivullaits of [A eadb a climate I I aid not Constipated any slors, �� .�,­ - I iis continued. I bad s U to 111" Tabillexia I a= thirty. �� � �. In.conneetion with General Wane- gentleman of milita.ry. aspect riding a d alllnixo� in Storage In South Africa. very suddenly of heart fifflure on 1210 duld I *we a A I �: �� bl�.' I p"Is Tabul4il in &it the papers but lind 4'a talth seven timrs aid, li�ys no Decollation, only my - i , i The active.Youtlg 1118,11 sWarmel . ,,., Buchanans & Rhynas opoe devoti(in. to his profession-bO ragged he Turk- v isignseliold duties god lititidal my sick husband. L, ,� 11, - , I ,or the othav follow, sad yvhile be � The War Office, however, has Issued a Wiloill since & ffilirld in ,,� � I I WadnesdaY. Deceased had been But- ',n,',h,,Or",,,b,u.ttl,',W,a,t, M012 lRay.1e takes Ila It two Of the � " bid been wounded f6dr time.q, thrice iab army. -,Who are youll, he asked, Za am mktpfct ,breltr thitt fifty-rbunds, of Lbnlft as d have bad Ila has had the drbpiy tied I am trying RIPLas - S ,�!,'1'1, I 61ittintitors And purn oletl nim e medo, remark Ing from the alsease for memo time innall &corij boxes of the T4 � , I I 0 "So - " Mark IV." I given them ,must ,be Used ter' doraeurr,irles6fulealt"Its. '90*64yetfflVaria Tabutige for him. It@ feel$ value better litit it .Ill , I ; , v ''I severely, befor4N gloing to South Africa -and-SO, at the -th, from Mal Lhe rLants ot the traveling public. Rig � I I V asyt :I be . to' VIO treat ts," Solna tinitl, be hall been sick so long. Tell . Buildere ta. Got a little leave and oamb on In cactles at home none being tliketa and Was raladex the care of Dr. J. M. textistonlai to III a foi* t ": - the following story in told: Shortli epporient finally bolittel down the illetairlt or *()bit *1dob I believe has beelideirame issy"anyteAteg, " as y6t like. i , , ­_ �? , � here." At this moment the defense , -uth Africa. AIL41T the public, tin- Jo Stan he d toy calle for is bY Iripatialraboles ludildoill roo gDadd 'aloe to the id.TMER'T 002slis Culls, 4L � Manuratturtirs of and dealers before he stigned for the Soudan last I stairway, and the young man jumped * t0" 1, imberloy and Mmifeking littint%ratiat thkt A* such blailtit Would patient Ith a c b, to ta le bi to the Many tesualonlil" you doubtless be Ts is your - I . I I , , . ist till kinds of Building Met. y road nenk, of both X B aWard the train, which had, bueu held bel'used in ihim *all, Its 6&01by&`6nt. estorn If VUs ,on needay, aft- p0milition now, I A� T. D*Wtrt- A hATo bases "SAW166 tress headubes evell I , ,,, ��, tMiti, such as Lumbirt, Doors, yo1r, lie met o,,,� a countr Strengthened by this presence of & for him. The gustril planed an approv- -8, ,woul-4 Ilrd since 1,was a little girl. I tftUld Rover rldilia . . I . - a clinracter in nutubor of British officers who halve . tfj� Dally Cht6ttko 6 .think 6ruoob. ,gfiagb,'be d ive n Hong - worce,thtsacrowd , � �' ­ - W 1c., &0- Niddrie, an old tinker, Ing hand on his ebouldtir. % ' , I I lh to, t re liso witkoin stilting "I 'I, Sash, Littli, Shitigids a. gerl, I tilth, eSPOCillilly as a wormlei and befit I wails to tritotot ya% 0"""164111"46 14 . I . his way, whom he hall knowrr,nenrly no official reason for being there. There was a ruirtin of *V01211180 when he was in words of highl," p The spirit of adventure, crop up in a fat Mah this BrIkilib' eMiltdrind6ts Unve to=- the h Ital tiladbAboasitsibits, - 8 the benefit itornaah. Itt"tila I I I I � 4 V105 Kind 19mittisites Airnished on :x�pli till his life, Said *the itinerant, "Ell, othor wAys. TlI6 military officer is he ,entered. the ear, and lX0,11flittl that the A00$-MC&810*lkIIyuS8 deed. praise. at W, � shook hands with him. . , I ha*a dotived trolft � 1106its Thbales1ralle #A I . , tkd6h. laird, I heAtir ye're gann: Ottf tA6 th(S' the most Itilletatipbl awlt #rOjitetuoig, ., � - . 1� Doebageil was It, Christie% and '6 Itillans Tabal6a. I Alft 0 ; R-1-l"A'NS givat of *420 who � - *tls".) I sporismarl "That'll learb him to be wilte'.. I I 11. wars ane,o mair. When wull ye O'er alive, it he can afford t he will or- I O'le - - � �. mber of tht Metropolitan church. professional atifte, and CL tittais tbefa for silts w e . me . - .1 ; � L I a mid t1h,s ynung man. atextily, aw he 9RD I I" this profession 0 0166t - - *1 04 016ffk#41i. the 11 . .1 . op & atly1ft*0 yet till o, feebtin't" The officer "I . I I I I U "I 01 de, no roply� Tb ganitc rixpaditions to wild landsaft ei� adjusted his on W ffttd Atell lit ft** . � . . . . a .�Init- I gutting, Talitiles den It. . . � I I . I =11iled, but, a& till gagnt; it not, he will ahoo� cat ffs. After that the VdGENIE*5 CONDOI`ft"S Tot . . �. , 1, I hital W always lastdid, � I Tiomgivs. - " " - V, I � , 1. 1 . or lillta thinkin' thett'll be if . .4 : The modern oand. astrogitsbalk #10di'll �1� ,, . � went on, be fox be, will hunt pagstinge After oral 6�1 iny ""I I :: to "Ito thelft too, negg I . .,. , never, folirdl I'M JIM th " """ 11gres, and, at worst, prairle, dogs, He Jouthey VrOeAeided MOM eh06-tfnI)Y- brie of the firdt loandt"tel t6?%0%t6I* ""' "Wes di"'i 'the' . '. , . ,L it; I wtu ribler got mit, f n **.14 ran dowri, Aiding 61k ibA Im ard Pmi)y Me& lisit October, and *M , , � ,, .:L I IL ' '1111M,11'tT. bi iti Indefatigable at game, and carries t,e;dieIv16d by Urd Robibttst hftet I the too of me. ato, I**- IU .4, 16 divandit hunt t irs brighimtel up and the . I - � , " '. ;.",�z I I � : I - , .., letters of ayrdD*thy DISASTROUS DAW56N VIRE W lyzOriid Shy hoadachis, 1, , .11 "' 11 I I t tut ittilittel's settle* hit* *"`tk`ylk"`*ftn`pI6* . I 1, � 11 � I ,�, I i I :. s...".0 fechtin% ft It whumikyl" The lair4 toA ib,ft, about with him wherwr he dwith, ot hie Son, to aduth AM&, *lltt A IrAro 14villork, 6 6k Ph, a.. ft Newark ts I I � . � 9*#%t Away. cine: ClUres the : � the hint. go". Wheti Russia aune*6d Poitt . AlMi itt"y'City, I "ilk � I 01 t0hitty-tabli y# ,. .. 11 11 I lind ANSWERINO QUEStIONS, (tonit the 16X,klh,0tK8§ Vagetilo, ana it . kys­ 711XQ!, �,"i *As*^" I . yet are *gle62 I Thik Old Itellable ..i- I Arthur t1his tor' Ilea 4% when Rug a. common eVery-day Withle teirtfaiasifill, , I I got N IV, She laid out a brkk6t ---q A, &Opilljoh troth V1dt6rtA, S ' A t1uA0**d"'"XnlhtgaaaM,C [_; . .,� , . �1. nO90,MADH CANDY. . , In maid that no flit'hisr letter ho kffected lirgim part- bf tb6 litoiness portift of "'4113111010, .1* I 131soortavat, ,�� � �,� � � - ' L I Atto klmb$ lop I it lb. Tilt" NVIII be Dole 01&ylng &t Iteliter to at'" "'W"10 "a lat'vel" him The last 1IM6 tbs�f h6 it" the last Wed. 6 � 1k ." Ity. -1 I , I , , �, 1� :,� ­ k (kratnilils,Put bait a CUP6 Ettlystlilth to -morrow or next dity If t1k4e 9111d. - 6 t, I I I t .., � I " ': I Obocol&tb zinfite" siloke of mikillick WAx, togeth", Dawsoa City *sd burtk6d, Irotutir w" tMebtlill ,V' ill of humAni 1. lixibi& logle.is ibjobo,il half jillot '. " . - � the 0.10 sionleit hAvis ,not all btion This one woril'tbat toord than MAY or Wait *lIta bb titibX to b6f It hiift* Of glez1dJak1yJcnl#dh0 Itigid 40"giltdItilt to A brief I I I * #6VftY#*#.Md bo " I � � , � * , � I . 6 ful of Uuttisk 14 h. hant"ali. Atka *hau th&t da,velqMebt Of 10*,eigg ji6kegi ()n tbw spot Wh6i,e1b6 villa hisavrigutga "A ,. . laid,11*4 WlkA risilp, Is 11 I � � �: %�ifgted for transport work. What- 'A"INgr"ottlik'11107 tu �', .6 . , � - ,,,, t oz, tv"to" � i, . .. I , I IntItm, 611 line "fill of aussits two , ever tbara Is to 40, the 11titillh Oftletr Other 810ifit,d , dcopit6h reolva ga,V�5kagttiiy Ittts, on ,,i,,,W �','�,' . �� . I � .1. . 'Thib _$t0linitt "Aby -"'M 6 fty I , I . 1011, hililif loust!riputle I !. ;. . : � �, 6" *111 do 4t, with this sistfie, obberY isn- raisutal lb;vaplty aftay Ile tutlelpatte in 1, * �tE**4*6 beild6m filitt6hift ft %a llot 4 ftitlffi6ata -, 0, ,0­'W�Al 610fills of tA61awmc lallid 6A6,1twit till r1h66 lInl4irl'Al f4l, .kilibil bt 06 Zu- W`6dNWO 121411t lust, - 0 ."Z I I And, 00*07611hod of hit , . �, I . � . -liseritItIlag, un -i _ � , �hro,lloj 4 *1 �. I ., , 4 furot,tailk ot tivokilh. Stir until this girgy the jil,r4ib Olt. 'bud" arLd that Iribst aailrabll�'qusl. In$. T) Idayn "bit llhb�WJ�6tei,td I&Vd t . brbillght 44tkiewi , 06kagul, Obitilgelit, No Ould not " , V&ON-ItAko, , _ 44 04 Jaudi 16 tht twor 1"Dot" . f 60 fta"64114t6h of )a ,; ,At.WX I ibugak Is Ali illsonitiod" *lid. wben the, quitisilonling bottflub" all o"t ,the, 11 it * b" t,6111ti1t,hI*k, (bat �lfo bof6lfo t1i6460411i. WAtili " � � , , I OAktr I I � , .� I [ititfetillit gntgittL � :llI *oft , , ,� r . W it* 6" *hal; M I � I 1. � . _ _Wb fel last 2113"4wro ,., . � I �� 11 . . � I t,* ot thlilktag for 6h0644 W"wIt3re, %&*tet'b6Qt I 410*0�6 flit" """ 14&W. 100146 11 , 1, bollitir Volbt to Olib)ilild� add tbft* World, I I . I ht,trt lift Sh'glfthd t6alell � )�tttet thhA ,.x 'to � get 4 - I , � - "610*1 . lated OU001fit6l; ,� �Wl tilli , , . ithe ehild that to 66sNAOMIj Ailkift As th,� teld"tatutat ist1'DkWm6A,* 'k Wal, *&A *66tit , 04", f-w-of"i I 11,., I " Ili' tot at L ,"', ." � fafek a, I , A '10'40'­�'! Mt'ol ilitid6filtAnd 1�4jli,gtlaf, �, *Iud *110,w Ily. I*** *Its 16L trilwilDth � 1. � � % I ".. �'d6#064 bi�llb* J$'r6j .With, till I I �� I I 1. I . aull *f W ligiftrCh t(5t . . * -6 6t 60 "almolliAllili ih (At6j. 6c TILA Ila V - - - � - 151 WILITA1111'r Thitow W 8WRX ll*h�!' it & rl0h VfOmIM Of the M&)d or 4*41 196W takes I= , I "I 15 " ftrd ll�sj � a ,6014 ,**iat, A ftrift, 1*11 ,, tokill , (OM64, *-6tgtol a �*5W-"46W4W*-1W- , , jblowl*0#10. t4Akb kukttatw, wopw, the Tkiboiell W'O . thollooshweit Ifta" #409tt -1 - I Add *I taatw� - � , ... g%* atinse, A""41tis"4160iti, I fillr:iihu�gsw � I - Amobs th'Ok shiftr Wii1tillilmOttlib w0ft,xil to be AIM � � ' lid biftAntItCY Withftt 104i�- TAV40bit"VA'sts' *,eli$., I#",.bVt,a6f*AI t L pay $.nyVVgrAt*. I 1XV., W kratolk L k bw 6"Atillowixtioetlower. A iountmirs X"'460, I L t-011 , * . . 41 _ , _ I I it *h6t, t4kitit I It6ft', , ,tke, , Ato, I I 1 a"Ow"Diii)i isetuvrig L I I � wit- I '14, s, iKrlk6 AlrilNfig th# T6 tg #k 01 I, I , W for two woiks, 10a, #m twomig, T" iloisio*t* *0 90�4*0114 1106, , UZ 10, I 6 , , , ,� 11 . i 4 *bow 44V WskV Coke - if- I 41 , I . I I I I Urn Into 0 till, all, * 4 f0fos * V101111f, � lkwl", 4 � 6 ski, wattr gilt Ili ,xf,trflilljj,� t0h #,�k � VO, * L . . bobAwsk "it girt 406606blilAtieA06 , , tl 611 rb . , 11, I �' � I 1 xy 'dold, )t it I I I atir�� . , I , . I � rt Od tAftsty tallou, -*hku ma"A d6lsy I'a V1146 � 6(t� , *"do,ttist *K*hJ*%fjjj­,L,Ity, jn0tiolli, I�g*f ' I lips of I � ft 11141h fttotilik 6hal *01tal rolloutbo. ftt All thill 1A, . , Z _ I ` ; 0 , " . . , I I I �L' �, I '*Ltiry�q'tOi t*6 YeArgli War wlli# W&Xstd."Ot� , � Wi,if6ft(n#1 tu Vii6taN. wil; 06ft1*64hilt YAd46 W W,'b *6114 11b4it , t# tt6 ,* fit Ait -Aln�t"*Oyveo I , 46� wotty� worn I Tahyilao� , I � , I' 'Li't, Xatk4'0 OAM ' I xill _"It, t" , t , tolsoo OZ tftbipitig It adwr . L 4*11 $it , liv, Vh's oftwil*%migg Usal* this it,th*lk. 0 0 Wtt$ 1khtl" th4v0pat of, itlit pmr6tt, - ; 4i 6-Tt"k ow, tw* 016.0 � '1064, 1A obla"tigi , f6"Iffists . I I 1 04.0 1 .1is. , , '' , I �', . L 11itu 'L�rs I 'A , 11 R , YAM 4,016 thts 14,04iftit wAllkd 11 6" t fto. , * #0�1 0 'L J, lilit *igs, *'Ayat Lg)*Wf�11�6glit V,'hrI$tngAj%$' x1e, I I I 4 I , � 4 I . isdA ,I &Aah, Imot olwt Xtid I � , _' kligitti 04 . ItIlL L' I , . L , . I VX I I � L ...... .. I L'.. . $(r Jeigpih c1lith fig * a 04, wfthli U10 , i - , � , le, thia titt dt",tX,d6,*t,fA0fk, *4 As ow **;khald 06 ffi*'. **rk*t : .. kiot - A w6"a 4A V0Aibbft4ld* "' (ulitilltbiligtki wotm t:� 1 of t1i# - 6*1 I it . �,::!:!�, �.'. . � ' 1, I jot, frdlo thilli , , , , , I �_ , i 0 16t"I'll * == tbo kh , , � - � L`1;11._ � � � , 1�' : - *k6t -a haidl � I � itIt *.it .*4�oik I - *01 the tj�*t, it illiga M*6ft*Aftt, ss dof"; I* VW 0*10a I , � , A*N ­ I - ' L ' tk-;6 .� UJj#r I%t*aJh bm�gAAW I l0A * ;k* ,,,, *O&O O*m "Y04* %,bw 14 to * 1116 follo*lilt widlea 04 I �', ItO, I %1: - - I C �* *" I � , Ly, C�* �', 0, 4#4 . I �, :! 001hitiW14A (d,t6, Wtitis,iko , V*0A*"w4*4W.A%kftfl0ikht,i3W wt� 44 ***st It, 14, tit 4A L I ,� I 11, .1. " A Ati, Dtwook I'll, . . . . . . I , �: �� 4 �4,j I" I � ,% 'L lit1kt#6 VL I , , al _ ., , .. , tiraii,600Afft - I I �,-" I � I . I � ls** 11MAW i6r " L 44JL ' t" ft~ *Ul la*wlttoy at""'to , , , '' � ! . I . - , �ii ite"�sg ....... . I W_"",�,'�� . L if _ 1. jlii�& r , .. _V" ft" , I -1wav'Jot 1 ls"'Jill tt6L �k, I L . _t " .111, I ;jIlill't *VA4 A16014 U 'O' L I saitgod bf, t*gtrbAAt" 1100.� A* iagi ig"Okk okloom (an "W" " t* WA L I*' I - I iA I I& I 1,1 h - , " ­­ '. , - ' I I i Aft *1146. otit . 0*1. *K Is " i No , 1 ***W04iffig tk*, '� ,,� "* wirls 1, , #t"tJ)JtglJ1 4 i Aftot I 00 tit, 1111114 A A : . ft -4 9111% 11 gaitow . I—- Lit"" **M I* L,4 i e4i AtAft, ft � *hy 404 3r* It � lwww�j A WN ol, I �, . tl", ti4l"fttf *11 t" JIM101two, 11111i 11 . *i%t14A1L1* , I 00 y althO i I awiliM ,*t**,J*X , 7 I I _ I tM* Itt fili,flisligi 'bVA #y"J"�W` llgi_tal , ..... I - I N JW4 0 , , . , 9111161 I =W . , "ftl Aty"'lat , , Di W ` "A t6,tk0sTa01f,VJJ6jLIt'4tJb* -�,aaltj'#J4, tA Ott" 11"Vt I I ��. 0 k7l, # � , , ,i$",O* I . I .. , J tot . I Of,, " 4*4 * 11114i **&f 6outtil') *X" tl* alt""r I i5muo"asiolv",**401011" 0-sor 44� I ows**� 14 I" .1 *U* at Im a i 1 4 'L I . , : I '""y A ,a* 0 ., Mal i % l% wpm" - . I I , IN" I ;1 . ., M*N* 'a 1%;", , 0", **y %ditutlit lgllAtoe V llaifj*44 tow^Tl*# WbAt now r �,, 1`4 l%% t, am 0 I G A" N00111410mllogga, Aw '101loi&O" , ONO* I t-AS&AA ;s," � ; � I*t #4 *W jo"_ -, L I 1. I I '. � - I * I - .' d I " I I I I I . " I "O 140 ----T1 �- * I ' Ott $***W'. ­ . I I . . -A ,&­& �1­%A. �. . - . . , la, OL. , L '.1 I I ,� � ... ww*� -,.".F- - 0*110 I , : 1 , L , I , I I 4004#0 "h"* I 1 )" . - I ,; , . , L 04000"W. 1 : .1 I L � I I � I I I I I ,�, I t -, "k , I- , 41 , . '. L I . I I � , I I 11 r I . I . , . I .� r I I ' L . - � , 11 I , �` ' L - .1 L I , - I L I I . I . � 1, I I r, , 1. '. .. 77'. . . . L . , I � * _11, , I " I I I -, I ,. ,� ­ �: I 1� I L L L L " . I , .. ­�._ . 1, , I I I . - . r I '--- ----,L'- .�, � . � 1- il I I I I, - --1 - . I . . I I 1. 1, �� L " ' ' I _ I ,� L " � � ,� 11 I ", . - ­ � I I I , 4 - ; � . I I , I I L - . � �L . I . I I I I 11 , " I I .1 ; 1� I I I �, , "') I , - . _ .- . � , ,�, � r " U�� - . I , I ,� I � I I I � , , " , L . ) , I . �, ,L , 11 I , I i , I 1� I L I % I ,� I . ­ &,d 4 ('AJJ6JL,,Aggi"- ' L, I I 11 I L 4 '. . . I I I., 11 I ', I . I ,�� LJMJ��� ,� , /I , "'I. . I %AN&i_ ,-Ai . k, I . . `U -, ��,Ik,� mgiam"i��,Jbk�gl,.�W-, , - v � ,,�, .!;dj�- 4- ,,, .. -, .. r . , , , ��': ­ I., 4 - I , .1 I �,�T U . I ­ , &­ "' L . , . ,bm�__ ­X.��d,AMIAMS�A..i..&. -,_!l_l_-,C­..' I;t I It" - - � .Iaidl Lak- ,�!.....A&46' .r"allkad.dk� V,Lg%.'& �, -V -all _r .I .& i !A�,',irk­ 4411 ; ,V�,,!p *� �­ . I