HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-19, Page 2MO 7 Mr.", of lbs, A60—y"t"*k X*^"* 04 -ire" Toot1sw t4 11, JUT ;Jk. , 4rotAt. Dull war:[, ytspi KPA4461 4" laouss W 4jv 14 Qb")14,9,4, 4 WP.44 I 0441110 1w, Airs# 040 **1% mow took WAR Juilra; 11"ll U90104104; likkS011 IS va. i0i log w Voro A 04 JV4! *,Oam, spid ludioo Ault go MO 00 u4tq God who y AN -4t it, DO VWill"'to pao All t *its. Wyoaogla, iiiiii V W TWOWN004 or, TAR "4144, rv, givot4t us t1tal, vIct*rY 1* imalf Alsow tiop'" iiiistop, tu r X vzwoorad, Ow ~4 **as$,. wbomas goaat forqwly 44% r" AROMA 'Ay the TV* tin to Of .T4W Jr ou *14 Ago was to Ifol 40" tbo Uuty "Woll" alf jolt 1*0 solp,44".- tjwy wors 04torist- Amoso, 0*7 t1ir &A 111074.11: 00419 Viev- chript4as *Otlyit a0it, - , OZ4 ANIKOZ. Wooly, solililirm, I dilara of the, q4"al it' tlw It Qowar Irk"Mmage Eulorizes Us U iso reltirod from Old fiald. time., Tb*, fact wilis brogk� wealthy. p4 *a, of diftfgaakinja,,ap an Ver" 1. platairins ca"Ar aaaotaott- god of sac Italic, you cialitid mot" . ir n4t 4*t bia i idle DOW, a* Was rim ,,y The nuitituaticas 4124 bistoy, ed AUVU O)FC,ritais $W Ast so %jil by in motinot,�f thoy ei�904 . , Y, said tberittpola t 0 orisign, ik "44.0004 9UP A, toot r Aif c� 4 the tollowiag ts0A "' All , 0 %or flows 90doning Among tblo first WAO guielf"Ital Sob- iladoa. OD r to ho, smt matim. fox- U%WK I -A Liverpool. Ittionly po4nootad WJ His Father, mild Hered, Aolitipam, mopt4patold 4tolikag '.to. iiwusa, thaipp.� - ar an 'More 9 th; liaxd never tallid tspoak witill your wings, To ord to rho oli lady tile 1WIt Ioas tatrarolo; of GaWas, An, Sir Apdnw tv^ who wa* T*rd changes 14 natonal be, Ais Cust. IAVIVX ti a an4 CalsAam, laii;ntioned go Wgk prilailto rX#%QX of. food at Well brought to tble'notwo Qf rho (41s0on, 9479k, 19 landols Ji% Ws. Igola pattir- mOst of the ecor& NP 0WR4 04 ALUNNESS In eifery bitilling tl'xot I* 'Mrs, O'Keefe lognum lot All Ot tb*m held office tbiougb4ut ;j� aa= wat 90 *4 upim big Wh y"T. Art$, says a writer to the London $ps0iit Ills Watchful Care and Parental Falthft I *Tar kept Wax io, shorw forth the Chri's the if ilwily from prayer- Lord's mimiatr A�Uij* wt." coDorsod OAR At-'sayou mootit PTO" 401�Ting 'a tho, The Asr, V*,"b7tSr;,* c.,114i at tattix. There is clear evide1100 that Ire went forth visitiAg the, with Ills trial " drath. They we", cillaracter. army, '41ek, burTipq the daird, collecting &Ims all too I& X* empocitation. Icommaaljod to Ilarwrd the encipia about -really f Elizabeth ii,441i Oill6w.-Lived a Hap'py and Useful Lifestal r Mon. Poll, for open- when in the day,, for tht, poori1lavitloW the ministers of tius P&tv, was am arbitr . o4y, v#nal was An age of expVDtancy whan "InC I)SWOOO nearly .240.W James I� every one was building tinf, T elgi old. in which kWmaa, wUbot&t any great jLbilit; men!a hearts wore preparedlo, "colTs ent of R,§ from the Queen. amid At, - It Tells of His Saintly Motherel-&ene at the "me time express to Mrs. O'Kede, A lettfg Written by U "all England wu 6 starts Gladstone laquais, and there WAS, 24 iu, the (house Of Shun6m, Herod Autdipas wax a luxurious, gets. a divine moddeager. Mused in Wear gratificatiqla a little roopl over tbo well, with bad sual den with whicb Her VA- In 18M, in p4blish wore soughti olli. In which he 40- cutteies yard,,, flowurs His Father's Death -Bed. an candlestick for any poss' Put Of a typo frequent 'In heart& Oebated-" NO MAP ing oriental big cry Aunas and Caiaphas caul,t; ity has learned of this remArkable7 Ignorance of 44 It dellp-AtCh! from WaghiDgt0n, SAYS: dMining deeds, going to arrest crim- Llidba. His charity wan not like the t Without Xalsr- and praiseworthy instance of volull- culaea On, POP* of for beauty's sake- flaware which' were ecclesiastical politicians. who Ing the deopeat thoughts on the Part tary as 1 rvice, to their Queen and calls- English bstizu. the swelsk- 1ttiv. Dr. Talmage preached train the inals, in the house And by, the way, bur*tIn' at tho�lbixd of a famous tree have had tbcLx duplicates in Miatian of th Gerarde quantity says Of in the, gouth, that fille the Wb - Cilia who board him, Wheth- try in rtho horse. Her Majesty the Who proposal to cornMernp.4te, ah, the William. *,though n(?t good for the following text: — "The almond-tres at the bmru and in the street. When ole for history ad Well 113 L41 Jowistr and er he were the Christ. There was a Queen thinks Mrs. O'Keefe had OverY 94tb 99 ilia church choir would break down. eat w1th Its packt. The churches of . 4pril qXt the coutevory' of e as shall flourish."-Ecclosiastas xii. 5.1 Pagan. Tatrarch meaus "governor of universal belief that the, I's belly, were meet eveiltY rip4sou to be proud- of er soup.,' 'Cowper has go eA more everybody looked Around to see It he God- A W40os service he toiled. have a quarter." Philip and Lysanias havo weeks" of Daniel, a Prophecy, Dan. 9. thp death- of the poet b uty." The building of the In January, Palastine Ili adorned I were not lread) with "Woodstock," prison As One man to declare tile faith- so Fart in the woopol story except am far fallen rAttLor flat,. 94, were oolmpleted, and that the hour houses in the days purely Renaissance with the blossoming of the a1moutl- "Mount Piogzila," or "VicWt3go." tultleaR And to mourn their loan. In their relghai are couvenjedt to for Nesaibla, coming had arrivail. It MODERN SOLDIE95 OF FORTUNE. Whegouss of QOM oat us tree. It breathes Its life into that But few families fall heir to no large church matteis he was not afraid to data from; Iturea, Trathoultis, and Is Pot wq4dorfVI thoLt mepsen- llposta is the n, of haesI., And Charles LI " aye be shot at. Ordained, not by the lay- Abilene were provinces near to Gali expensive horLeAhO14 in tho cousitry It in the USA gar- wiater month as a promise f God a pile of well-atudied note-b6oks. He - 9 whose word* bore the stamj O't It Men Wilma Kaye Served Us all that was bet rig on of human hands, but by the The word of God, Or, as we ill as uutharit, should be mistaken - , der More Than IT. talm More thag,400 a Weak to mu sonstimes fights up and sw I us ill was ready at proper times for All to sition of a Saviour'o tee. *via ]Via% In This Century. Meet 0no-terraces and balustrades of per" love of innocent otausament. He he Would Dow may, prophetic inspiration. for the king hiludelf. coldness and desolation of a orro often felt a mrriment that Pot only -40, Xa tbo TrauavaiLl to-doty the soldier in Great Old statues, ex - w kind, h by his life, to official pool- Zacharias. A priest whose . etrange, bIan answered. His answer , t M fact proportions, go preso *14ritain thers, Are 7.�"99 d leadwork. This in Hen, and legilative hall, land com- Story in told in Luke 1. Till wilder- shows &deep humllity,reverence, &toil of fortune in makIng big last'stand, houses of taijkluds, Am the population quisite gate& fine 01 a-greah- iuberitance. n ias spirit, It was not a useless tree. touched the lips, but played upon ey- tnerci I circles, a practical Christian- ness. The untitled and rocky ma in Aelf,4184ial. Unto them all. Hio No otbzr country in the world is like- pHe owed that there wan such of the Holy at, deals] '09 Measialambilp - was Is albout 40,000.0000, this give& five,per- till remains. and it also coraplailk Of paade just to bloom and die, or, like GrY fibre of the body, and rolled down Ity. stroU ter -courses, 0 , a thing an honesty in politics. and public. See John -1. 17-27. 1 them as of the at t into the very depths of his soul with Land which Open ty to otter the alica adventurer of -the &one, and, oay a baby to each house. a -chitecture of on roverbero Lions, No one that I He 201`05f lower Judea, but rounds the stand weeping into the stream. but ' g slandered no party, stuffed no ballot In baptize you. As a ttlkien of futuro the $�Lme positions and profit The olitirch of St. Michael Bassigbaw, Pater's, that it in "too rational far, too 5 northern end of the Dead Sea. ove'r knew undermtood more fully the box, intoxicated no voters, told no Which division at the wilderness jobs Oiatiou of sin and sincer tuicning to that have hitherto been the portion -thly", others will never cease to On- inra (,;ad. Qbtier than I. ;Zat Chris In Baeingball street, London. is to ear Intellectual Pleasure of Seeing it disputed with terebinth and canals Sirocc of a good tough. He was not lien. surrendered no principle, count- made his ho a we are at told, t ox'sobiti, Von Albrecht, and the other oolaaq� dow, and the Common Council Joy the a terraced, the tri- ter a kigh place in the commerce of only quick to recognize hilarity when onanced no demairoffiam. He called 3. He came Into all the country performed what Jobs promised theme fine forms, th the world. Iti. wealth bore down the created by others, but was always thingb by their right names; and what about Jordan. A high and rqjailv�ely wrouglit miraoJen in PrGqt,of his huLb ; EittropeaD. morpengaries of Krugerdom, have bought the site for E36 000 ' This do, and the oundiats, and the winged dromedaries of the desert, and I a ships read,y,t,,o,,do his ullare toward making otherti styled prevarication, exaggera- barraDDreton,gariged over be rity; and bestowed thebigher bleas: Aqid tu this very fact we way see the In At the rate of 4V a equaie foot. torses and tritons by the lakes. whiqla it, d e I y of Tarsbi5h atrugglxL with the en. ILA extreline, old age, he could lion, misstatement, or hyperbole, he herds a Lr looks, and r.�.ted Inge of the now converilant, Latebot decline of the Soldiers of fortune, if It In stated that in the Suburbs of we borrowed from Italian brains. But outrun and outleap any of big child- called a lie. The morning prayer by great roads which led to and train Of whose Shoes. To stoop down and we compare tile gains with the colossal London alone there are 7W10W horses the Italian garden is not a flower gar- rtigged trunk parted into graceful- ran. cam* up on one side of the day, and great - eLties. John's solitude became unloose the thong binding the sandal don. The Only thing which we bar - ell falmosis of branch and burst Into a But whence thin chearfulnessil So -me this evening prayer on the other side, a matchless gatberimg place for the to tbe foot wan the offtea of. a Bar- harvests of bin predecessors in blatory. in use, and the% 100,OW horses must rowed from them an and und which man who every Year be Beat into these land joined each other in an arch above multitudes. Preaching. P vast whenever a 'noble guest an- Perron. the wonderful Frenot to take the place of those worn out. flowers grow is the pergola. Their gar- i lavishness of bloom. till the Temple slight ascribe It all to natural. diBposi- lalm- Imitated it In the golden caliAl0litk0k. lion. No doubt there Ili mucla a( ill his head, under the shadow of which itag The bo.ptism of ropentarn'00 Ing cl� for tered the house. Thus tbb greatest pro- commanded the gahratta army, arriv. denstleartht shade, level walks in At itely below the rank or4ation, nnd Tuesday's bargain, arid ficer from a man -o' -war, and in nine ompim,ameatt. God unces job was all billS, water. Sunshine of _L be walked all the day� The Sabbath tpe remission of ding. The duty of re- Phet andp reacher of his day anno ad is Hinduatan a Penniless petty 01- It in forty years Since the first Bri- coun worship extended into Monday'& can- pentance and the Virilvilege of forgive- himself ad jotin and Jersmiah behold its branches gives more brightness to'the almond- v tish volunteer donned b a uuiforjn--&nd and marble works adorned with sLat- Dean, and the ude of Oaptiam as a Of the coming Saviour. So let every at that time It as "his ... in reality, use. Even the ��nlah gardens of the shaking in his dream Tk pome- tree than to the cypress. While the Wadnesday's mirthfulness, and Thurs- symbol of both. Pr years had amassed between one and Alca ar t granate had more Pretentious culour, pool putrifie8 under the summer sun, eacher and teacher bide himself be- f9r evein privates in those days pr.*i Z� -ough full of orange and day's controversy, and Friday's do- 4. 5. As it is written. El;ere comes & h ad Christ. With the Holy Ghost. The two mil -lions ateru oil rig. Evn more vided their Own garb and weapon gn,.�avo few flowers. and rurig out its fragrance with red God Slips the rill off the rocks with ciality, and Saturday's calculation. citation from Isaiah. Thei nice, of one �Iireot enduement of power frorr� on rapid was the progress of Co). Hen- a ow add to this the. brilliant car - blossoming bells. but the almond-troe a frolicsomeness that title the moun- HE WORKED UNWEARIEDLY Drying in the wilderness."M Hobrew high; fulfilled on the day of Pante� nay, war. pet bedding. in the formal parts, and tain with Bolin. No doubt constitu- the Buster he in - stood in simple white, me if. wbilB tional atiucture had much to dri with from the Sunrise of youtbr to the Sun- P(r()Pbets Isaiah wad the Moe, drama-. cost, Acts 2. 14, and Still the posses- who bad to leave "John Cam- While travelling by the modern "wilderness" with t mat of aid age, and then in t tile. Instead of prosaically foretelling Sion of the Christin believer. With pal service to avoid the bailiffs. Liverpool exgrebe, a sailor, who has termediate herbaceous garden. The born oil eartbi. it aspirad to take on this cheerfulness. He had, by a life the apparel of those who dwell in of eobriet�, preserved his fmabnaB nightfall of death, lighted by the the reer of a frontier evangelist, he fire. Referring apparently. not as in He entered the service of the Nawab not been identified, fell from the ear- latter has not in the least killed the s starry promises, weiat home, taking hear John's hot words ringing back verse 9 and dfterward in verse 17, to Wazir of Oude in 1778, and left it Rf- riage near Weedon and was d pitated admiration for the outdoor architso- Find vir. You know that good hab- throrugb the centuries. and asks his the fate of the ungodly. but to the , lend tural arts. At the pregont moment "raiment exceeding white,,, lie nshno its are better than Hfiaking-tube8 to his sheaves with him. I should like to or three with a fortune of by another train gain the opposite griller on earth can white them. W an have heard that [long, loud, triumphant contemporaries to heed the appealof fiery tonaves Ofr Pentecost, which years . g in wrought -iron gating. railings. statues of the car ; bettaT then a staff' to the the unborn Preacher. Prepare ye the Same Of those zwoj000. Many other French and direction. about of heaven's welcome. I think Present in John's audi- bronze, vases of lead and marble, are -tree was in full, bloom, it hand; Letter than lozoneem to the the almond I that the harps throbbed withiatiother Way of the Lord. These words and enoe, Peter. John, Andrew, etc., see English adventurers were nearly as Major-General Turner, Royal ArtiI- being imported from the ancient chat - must have looked like some tree beture throat ; better than warm baths to the thrill, and the hills quaked with a. those of verse 5 allude to the abomin- John 1. 40, ware, destined to receive, lucky. lory, who, by permission of the German Snip of France and the villas of Italy feet ; bettear than bitters for the tom- bl —do of the Orient In all ages, or, at least to the gifts of seal - and the German into England, to be sold to the owners our window on a winter's morning, mightier hallelujah. Hull, ransomed At that time there was not the pro- Emperor, takes part in ach. Him lips had -not been pollut d 0 1! thy race is run -thy toil ended, and Peremptory manner In which Power which those fiery tongues, ym� satuant manoeuvrea, is in the almost at gardens old and now. after a nightfall of snow. when its n or his brain befogged by the fu S u ized. judi" against these mercenary awards inHail to thy coronation I at us position of holding both the brightness is almost insufferable. of the noxious weed that has sapped Now, after such a life, what.,ffort of gross Of some official of high rank. 17. Whose fam. In tb�.Vaot grainle whict the military hics f modern aniq THOSE LONG ROOMS. every 8tem a %%hlts' and feathery tho life of whole gaillerations, sending death would you have expected? Will There Is never any care taken to kaep winnowed, iteing thrown up in the air Europe have fostered. Few foreigners civil and military C.B. plume. A raw of ailmond-trees in full ministers ol ill(% Goallet to un- God conduct a voyager through so Public rpads In order for common use. by one man ' whil Another waves a The prison commissioners have &P_ Long, narrow rooms are more illf- 11moly grovoo, over which the tomb- Many storms, and then lot him, get Farmers habitanily gather.the stones largo fan to an d ro, to drive away have risen to eminence in the Eng- 0 bloom must have rouse4 up all the a tI proved of the introduction of tooth urnAsh artistical Lose declared, "Sacrificed by over- 8%tipwrookod coming up the harhour? from their fields a -ad cast them into the chaff. Purge bid floor. That is, fig- liab service, but large, numbers of into bar Majesty's prisons for ficult to f .90LII*s sense of purity, and wbou they work In the Lord's vineyard,". when, Notl much &a one is my God and Sav,. the bighwa but when the Sultan or brushes rooms of better proportion uradvely, to separate the precious aliens were recruited for use in the began to scatter their blossoms, as the use of prisoners. The contract for f rniahing such rooms the endeavor if the marble had not lied, it would otar. All his children, nave thab one on' of his honored officers or guests from the worthless in the nation; the Napoleonic ward. Besides the tem- to a u the whole supplay has been givem one by one they fell, It must have have said, "Killed by villainous tobao- which he mart forth withilthis,bless, !a about to make all official tour the one to became the founders of Chrls- 0 a H-essiana, there were the French London contriactor. must roustantiy be made not to in. ti oo I" He abhorred anyt hing that could a few moTxths apol in that good Sbf 9 roads are prepared by forced labors and tinnily, the other to b oattered u p 41 seemed like the first Straggling flakes often on a grand seal*. abroad on the earth. His #Oaraer. This Chassours BrUannique, three Swiss The Deputy Master of the Mist com- terfore with the little width they aill- I inLoXicate, being among the firtit in "Burprise," to procla!m the glories, of ti of a chill day, coming thicker and thi8coun-try tojoin n crumadeagainat the Messiah an the other side' of, the 6. All flesh shall see the salvation was generally ft pit in the earth or regiments, the Corsican Rangerg,and Flutes that in London alone not less ready have, but to out. Off the length faster. until the herbage, still deeply lcoholic boverage When urged, dur- on.rth, vvor� proxent-some tin ray, of God. No coatings of geography or in te rook. Here it repreaents the the Greek Light Infantry. In the offset. p of race shall limit the advance of the true Church of Christ on earth, not Crimean War a than zC40,000 is copper is always looked in tinged with autumnal colouring, is Ing a severe eickricss, to take some 90me to hold his btLnd,, some to bathe here two long rooms open into i blo brow; all to watchoand wait, said kingdom of heaven. merely the organized churches, all of German legion was re- up in the various Automatic Machines, stimulus, he *hid "No; if k am to die, covered, and the mountains that ware from which gas, sweetmeats and other each Other, acreens-and portieres may an scarlet become an lot me die mober I" weep, sad rejoice. He asked about " Jesus shall reign where -lar tile sun whic y run - Pitroust necessarily contain some cruit;d in Heligoland, but they never THE SWILL OF THY sit about the past. Expressed his an- EH a kingdom spread from, sho�a to able. An expression whose fullest and the precedent is not likely to be C&rd playing has increased of late a shorter and therefore broader ap- WHITE AS SNOW. : BREIVERY our hildran-asked about you. Talk- DOM Ilia successive journ oW a vrell as wheat. Fire unquenob- distinguishag themselves on the field, articles are vended. be effectively employed to give them had never been poured Around the ticipatians of the future. Slept sweet- I shore meaning we may not comprehend, yet followed. in Gr ' i he Of Dow pearance. A Sofa stood across a car - Now you are ready to see the mean- 1,3,ots of this thrifty almond. liaa a child ever slept in, the arms,of � Till moons,,81hall wax and wane no pointing to a tBTrible hereafter for the as placed, especi ally, 'rig of the t6xt� Solomon was giving But physical health could not as- I hen 0 a 0 impenitent. In spite of the oumg effect of packs brought into use last year ex- Der or a table so mother. T br k f rth with t h more. tee of a quar- with a morass behind it, helps to break a full-length portrait of an agad man Count for htilf of this t,unshioc. Six- utterance, "Goodness and mercy haves 7. Then said lie. " He used to day.11 modern Ideas, the soldiers of fortune coaded 2,500,000, an increE �fore up the length of an apartment. tY-four yearn Ago a coal from the has- of the nineteenth century form a tor of a million on the year bi Another way to break upi length Is Tonly and of 800,00 In 1896. By striking figures of speech, he set. followed the all the days, of nay lifel" And his words are In harmony with FAMOUS FIGHTING FAMILY. Picturesque gallery - forth his trambling and decrepitude, aLLdt' had kindlod a IISLIL that The Bible that he had studied for, so the woTds of Esias the prophet. To to form a group of objects, such as a and than comes to describe the% white- abutio brighter tr-id brighter to the many years now cast Its, light far on the multitude. Ilia hearers embraced HEROES AND RASCALS. Major-Gerieral Sir A4robibald Hunter, table wioth books an it and a Jardin- e ness of his looks by thr blossoming of perfect day. Let Almighty grace for into the valley, until the very gate of all classes. Phartsees, Sadducees, ""tameas Witere Fathers aud sole* Are Fenians and Royalists, Poles, English- at Soudan fame is the chief of staff lore, with a couple of hairs close to the almond-trea. It Is the Master- nearly throe -ti ua r tetra of a century tri- bea,en flaahod upon his vision. Some pricats, scribes, soldiers, publioan5, and Soldiers of 411. Queen. men and advertturerts of no country. to Sir Redvers Buller in the hostilities It, &a If Inviting gueats to sit there; touch a the picture. for I sea lit that uniph in a Plan's soul, and do ) on �% on- one quoted the passage, "This 'is a common pople, from ever part of No better example of British patrio- Some of them, like Lord Cochrane and in South Africa. He is only 43 years this group should Stand three quar- Hobart Pasba, have established them - one sentence not only the appearance der that he is happy f For twice the faithful saying, and worthy of all the Haly Land. Elsewhere, Matt. S. 7, tiam and devotion to the throne can be old, is th6 son of a London merchant, �ers at the length of the room front at thin hair. but an, announcersent of length at your life and mine he had acceptation, that' Christ Jesus came the rbtake which follows is especially furnished tbam the pro Selvem On. a higher plane than the raer- and was educated at Glaag US front or rear and a little to on sence in our ow. itle, to break the longtb of the WX the beauty of aid age. The white gat in ilia bower of the promials, into the world to save sinners." "Of 0krected against the Phariseas and ceirinry can usually hope to occeip The Technical Sobool t L And. Y. a sicestar looks of a bad man are bUL tho gath- plucking the round, ripe clusters of whom I am chief," responded the Sadduoleas, but it applied to others army of numbers of brave soldiers The former's brilliant record with the &,rod frosts of the second death, but "a Eshool. While others bit thoir tongue dying Christian. We said, "To live also, for the Opinions Of the people and who are brothera in I)lQpd an w as Darien 'in turn in probably, unique, in one of which a good collection of lens long and narrow is to place 4 T Engliab Chillan, Brazilian, and Greek has two rooms devoted to shoemitaking, Another way to make a room look hoary head in a crown of glory" If it far thirst, he Stood at ilia wells of in Christ-" He ti-newered, "To die is prevalent views of religion were can- in arms. Indeed, sayi a writer in though Paul 3onos may be set dowii iarge rug over the carpet floor ant( be found in the way of rigtiteousness. I aalvation, and pu this lips to the buo- gal a I" And as if the vision grow mom trolled by the official few. Came forth. the latest machinery Lu use for memo. There may be aci colour Ili tLe cheek, kat that came up dripping with the an"I"turi U he continued to sa_y,,"To From the populous parts to the, wild- Tit -Bite, there ake. Several instances in as a bad second. , T120 ex.apprentice faturing purposes may be seen at a lesser rug of another color effect die is gn Ministers of tbeGospol orness. To be baptized. Baptism Was which , who was ilia just beyond it, placing a table on thil no lustre In tho eye, no spring in the Crash, coal. sparkling waters of oteir the fathoj� of , tb6aill. fighting of a Whitehavoo collier work. propelled b-y an electric mat r. R SteA do firmness In the voice, and yet rial life, cmmi& in, and after the usual greeting not unknown to the Jews, for Gentiles famili I'ka-wise in the army., most successful American naval of- 0 smaUer one.. a ficer in the War of Independents, and Windsor Ceitle, will"now.be, protect� around tht.head of every aid W&D, Aga in : We behold in our fathtar he said, "Prayl pray[" embraLng Judaism were baptized. But Yoreineatraenea,lNe Earl of March. held command thereafter in t ad by am 61ooitiio fire alarm system, a] whose life has been upright and Chri- the beauty of a Christian faith. We sang some of his tavourita by dociariag that the orthodox child- he TURNING WEEDS TO ACCOUNT. daim.tbore bovers a glory brighter Let not the occount of his chear- hymns, such as. ron of Abraham, lika� the vilest of formerly of the Grenadier Guards, French. and then in the Russian Navy connecting the royal residence with ill "Jesus oanL make a dying bed heathen. noodod to repent, and be bap- is lieutonalit'colonal commanding the is noit the heroic figure which modern Don't pull up weeds and then loavil. thin ever shook Itr tho white tape, Of tininess give you the Idea that he nev- the houses of the chief palace officlials at _u like to J3ut on of the Royal Sussex picture, but he wad a fine seaman and Z the almond -tree. It the voice quiver, or had any trouble. Feet Soft as downy pillowo are, ized, Jolan taught that they 'had lost Third battali loglints In the United States them on the flower bed or throw then God in changing into tomoo While on HS breast I lean my head, 'heir Judaic birthright by sin. and Militia, race for the next rall; it Is because t and of several membelre of the fire Ming a And broalthe my 'life uN weetly coull t the kingdom ofboa- while his a gallant fighter. In fact, be was �b all toxic fit for the celestial bolve so serious and overwhol i :ger ,,, er ntly called out, 6 briaile, and with' tjbe police station down in the path, choral. If life-strugle. He West out I to the r. oldest son. Lord Settrington, 113 one of t7pical soldier of fortuue, for the &f Hoary the BightEls Gate. will Make many of them grow again, the back stoop, it in only because I lie n there." pt On the ging plane w th so- G� body 'is just about to*lie down in world without menns, and with no He would seem ainloat to stop their heathen neighbors. People by Ilia his ailptains. The Earl has also two oldent that he foug!ht at Sea doom not 'Mr. Joseph Jacobs has issued the says a writer. lwaya take a basket r( peaceful steep. It the hand tremble, educational opi,ortunity Save that breathing in order to liste, And then thousand bowed before John's dollils- other sons, one of whom is a rob him of hia planet in that ggllery. jw'ish Yeer 'Book. According to i; with you and go "miarketing" in the hich an offic r - The revolutionary ward of the Con - it s because God, in unldosing it from in there are 186,000 Jews in the Bfitish garden every day for weeds, and when was afforded him In the winex at the close, would signify �that he re- ciations and did as he prescribed. The of the S and battalion Scota Guards tinent have naturally attracted ki worldly disuppointments to clasp it ontb8, in am old, dilapidated School- membered the old tune right well. He nation was profoundly stirred. Genera- many and the other holds a commission in of these adventurers. Count Ilimski 18168, of which the largest part, 92,000, you have found one, you may possibly on ringing harp And Waving point. IS house, from instructors whose chief Said. "I shall be gone, soon, butt mot tion of vipers. "Brood of serptuts.11 El the work was to collect their ownp salary. too soon." uglit the Russians a.)re resident -in London. Boot the b(Lir has turned, It is Only Some one quoted, "Tdiough These children of Abraham, sole in- the Second battalion of the Grenadier was a Pole who to -land heit find two or bras or more, account Cray light of heaven's dawn Stream- Instead of postponing the marriage re- I walk through the valler of thasha- horitors of the coventant. in true obar- Guards. Ln him native land, and when all wai only 4,000, and Ireland osp boast at that YOU buys found a treasure and lost took Service under Schamyl, only one-half that numbr. consign it to the compost heap, You til ing through the want looks, It the hitin, as modern society compels a dow of death, I will fear no, evil." And noter Wore serpents, poisoned them- That moorJ is, however, itelispea by Prinod of Circassia. The Hungarian eed Of h3VOSLIng A, brow, once adorned by a luxuriance of Young man to postpone it, until he Pan he roplied, "Thy rod. end thy Staff they "Ives and poisonous also in their in- Inspector General Adami B. Messer, fortune in chemical fertilizer, bocause P11 to auburn or raven, is Smitten With bald- earn at fortune, and be able, at cam, comfort me." "Can you testify of finnce - a fitting characterization of the splendid services rendered to ths. War oi lhdependonc� in 1848 next 46M M.D., 'has been app6inted honorark you will carry on live an enierpri,ita Dean. it is only because God is pro- m0noomen't of the conjugal rela#ion. God's faitlif ul nasal" said another, He the Phartsoos, and Saticiticees. And It cuntry by Successive members Of the played his desperate valor, and List 9 Paring A striswered, -Yes; I have been young, is a singular evidence of John's over Tortasawar he bad three horses ki ad physician to the QuAin, vice Sir Alex- chemical works of our own. My lazy at t the everlasting to keep a companion like the lilies of - Crookshank family. For upward of a neighbors marvel at the iinenean of frown. fhlanrl i -ng, of thin the field, that toil not not spin, And now I am old, vott have I. never whalMing popularity tha under him. Finill, he lb-5eame Col� der Armstrong, K.C.B., F.R.S., M. D., Christi . 1 3 QFOQ(t seen the r I ghteous kormaken, years atter his death its r esenta- century the oldest so" of the house one] of a Turkish cuitassier regiment, my potting soil, after I have sifted, it. ala a Staff will be tb sign for though Solomon, in all his glory,. was or him cpr LL.D., deceased August l5th' laspeo- but it in In thft 1110aV0111Y Veto to Swirl open The not arrayed like one of these, he ohose seed bagging bread." He said, 1!l1I have lives did not darl to dany"hin divine have been offiFtera In the Britlah army. and was known as Iskauder Bey. In tor-Gonaral Monger joined the depart- OBtly' Weeds. I make the scattarin of the almorill blop'soma an early alliance with one who would it good; I could ntot have it' any bet, authorization for fear of mob vioiesoo. and to -day five. brothers. song of the the Hungarian Revolt, Gen. Guyon, an ment a surgeon, July Wh, 1859. raising of weeds a business. lit will only 9. weeds. They make Englishman, Was a famous figure, and grand flower; 114 discover the gattinto of the not only be able to enjoy, the success toor; I feet well; all if well,, Again In all ages none are so harmful as late Colonel H. (). W. Crookshank, C. at Tyrnau he The Fligh ' fruit. Elijah'& flaming OqUIPAge (if life, but who 'Would with bar own ad again, and again he reported, "All those who possess the form of godli- B ., are servi . rig as soldii held his ground until w&Ys COMmitt0s. Of the Good weeds. like good Indians. are til were too tame for PO 0 ra had lost three-fourths of big bat- County Council axe recomanian ding thil the dead ones. thin ascending willing hands help to achieve It. And 's welill" Than, lifting his band, e,- 13088 without its war. Th w ill to talion and the vllage streets were adoption of a Scheme which will sup- in Spirit. The arms of Jesus art grand- No, while father ploughed the fields, claimed, came. Wrath was impending over Queen- 81 streaming with blood. -A less attrae, ply the Thams Embiinkment with 14� HOW TO WASH FLANNELS, or han bounding horses of firal arid threshed the wheat, and broke the "PEACE I PEACE ll" the nation as a whole, and over sinners They are Captain C. do W. Crack- tive pe narity Is Gen. Cluseret, %-.bo e e r me to learn On the morning of the 27th of Octo- as individuals. The faithful it - 6har shank, who took part in the Wrangel as a Captalc In the Frtnch dust from your d flax and husked the corn, my Mother does not hesitate to waru of ea sared r10 Are laxa^ distributed along both sides Chorouglily shake all Cl an also for you, fr many of you' st�Zd for Solamon'a portraiture when bar, just three years from the day God's of the aoble thoroughfare, and also I he Said, "She risoth also whilei it is when the soul at his companion Sped wrath as well a and Chitral expeditions. for which he Army i Algeria, then under Gremont 0 flannels before washing them. Prei- knew him. The child of big airt ago, m to procia i in It is me ray. rt_the parapets of Waterloo and ent- at came to -night to pay a soluble tribute 8. Fruits an is the American Civil War; was neW I yet n1glit, nnd giveth meat it heir into the heavens, it was evident that worthy of repentance. Not holds medals and clasps; Lientan t a F'snian "G, Derail" and then War minater bridged. pare, a warm suds, to which add a lit- M to him Who, in the hour, at ix1y birth, 11 the the lost moment had -come. Softly the more faltbfu Incas to outward forms of S. B. A. Crookshak, who'figured Is I a Lie borax or ammol it you are not . household, ho layeth hir hand to Mialater under the Commune. Dom- Sir Wm. Turner who haa been elect, took Mal into bid watchful care. and spindle, find her hands hold the di taff. news came to all the sleepers in the worship, but just conduct and righte- the later Northwest frontier 61podl- browski, another "General" in the ad president of the British Association so fortunate ad to have oft water. PT in whose parental faithfulooms. combined She is not afraid of the, 8now form her house, and the quiak glance of lights Ous character Were regarded by John tiou. which earned for him a medal Comjilukle, and a far abler and braver for 1900 is one of Ili liest-know an- Do not use a washboard. Use the with that of my mother, I was the husehold, for till bar house4old are from room to room signalled the cam- as the beat preparatioras for the Lord's 'Ind clasp; Lieutenant A. A. Crack- man tlain the ex -Fenian, had fought beat a lit kindling in my tia'Afe, ivelfas of brin I roinlaig. Repentance moans "achange shank, of the First battalion Bast Sur- soap but do not rub I he flannels. ii at rig my erring ing of. the death angel. We took out of purpose," a newness of aim my regiment, now in India; L,enten. *tin 'killed at ilia barricades in 1871. of airs, and a native of Lanoast,� Rub the flannels thor ounghtly with the ad the crude. ant 'a' t to clothed With scarlet, Her childrern in Poland and under Garibaldi. Ile atomists in the world He in 67 years t 0 r hu - anticipation of immortal blessednes. and fifteen minutes I" The pulse flut- de out. hands and wring lightly into another Et sot" &rise up and call bar blesaod ; be our watches, and said, "Four o'cilook a Ireformation from th insi ant W. P. CroQkshank, and a military, Among Continebt I ftile& to speak. mothinks thoo old ban,' also. and he praiseth her. Begin not to Be it forces of aliens When he was only 22 years of age he tub of weaker slide. of the same torm- Many Lora as a tree branch lifts and falls y. Do not even begin; catiot. C. K. CrookshAak, of the Royal th daugoters linve done vi tuously, but One ought to mention the French Le- Was made demonstrator of anatomy at anticipation of immortal blessednems. at the motion of abird'a wing about do not attempt to excuse your- Military Coll"ge at Sandhurst, whose gi6n, which still includes the run- the Univ perature. family Bible. that I tholl excellent them aa�,d not CoMmi"on Is almost due. tersity of Edinburgh. at I brought home tooleavo Itaway Into the heavens.'No solves' We bove Abraham, " away aTiatoorat6s and broken men of inae well and put into a third we- Wt with me, would rebuke my silence, and s or bar- quick start of piain; no glassy stare; viplen's." to, for, our father. But not THE FATHER half Europe, and the Irish Brigatio Lord Wolsolay, as Commiander-in- ter, clear and Still of the name tem - the very walls at my youthful home -eta, or Princes in our nncestra ut eyelid lightly closed, and calm lip, the virtne of even their great father's Of these five gallant bitiepris died from whicil fought for thePople in 186o un. Chief of the Axmy, in future Is to have paratuer. Wring out of this water s baronets, or princes In our ancestral ril would telltheatory of my ingratitude. trid white blossoms of the almond faith can savn them frokin "tbei wra�.h Wounds received in the Hausa OXpedi_ der the command f Major Myles 0'- an esoort of two officers land fifty dry as p6iisible, and dry in the open co line. None Wore ntaro, cockade, or tree. From the atitad we turned over to come;" an Ivation must come through tion, olovbn years ago; their grand- Rielly- M- P. A. old soldier of. the cying out an air. Thus treated, flannels should re- tbou h it be with broken utterance, crest There NN-na once a family cost- I he old timepiece that he had carried personnI faith atild faithfulness. Sal— father, Captain B (j, 0. Crookith&nk, Papal ZouaVi* another Irishman is main soft and not shrink. 1 0 and f. terms whloh may Seem too f-nrms but wp� Wore none of us WIND so long, and which he thought always Vation is not an Inheritance of bireb, wan seriously woumded while on Con- now Gen, Cappliviger, of the Vni'tlmd af(OW inspection Of it district, thO strong tar those who never bad an I enough to tell its Inenning, TWO Went right, nnd announced, " Just four but an individual Possession by faith. viot guard at the antipadiss; aad Iheir States Army. regimential colors and band of this SOIL FOR CARNATIONS. opportunitl of gathering the fruit of eyes, two hands, ind two fp(,.t ware 'clock and tenty minutes ill The Of these stones to rajda up chibilron. great-grandioth6r, Lietftenant 0 W GARIBALDI HIMSELF senior representative regiment 'i:laintf me this luxuriant alraTti-tree. t 110 capital MY fathfr sta rted xvitti. tided of the cold ri4er rising. Felt of Ile referred not only to the pabiblen on Crobirantink, X' IJ f was awardti�: th� is of clourde entitled to a niche In this told off to attend the reception anU Any good soil will grow corns Hand lAor fifteen yenris tin Invalid, he find the wrist, but no Pulse; of the tem- Jordam's shore. but probably to the English litid T�rWku6M W&Ula for gailery of fame, and his son Ricci re is M'oh difference in apin. fit let. In my father a old age %van to tb otti departure of his Lordship. a u be 4801L the beauty of a cheterful fearful struggle to support plea, but no atir. of the heart, but Geantillss allux storie-d6ad In ains, yet SetVida at. ti. lama tift,'a Pit all g,61d or -bap has ifince his Italian cam igns fought Am6ng the re&r-alimirals�of the Br;- ion as to voladch is the beat. A good HTS LARGE FAMILY. no action. We listened, but be -rd dontined to become the true children Ter serviolein-futit,atitiorts, Surelk-this for'Praine in 1870 and or Gr 66 tfsh A&vy irho have lately retired in plan is to 'take mods from of I never remember to have board him Nothing but faith- in,God upheld hir�. nothing. Still I still I The gates oft he at Abraham. Is a reddri. Of, *blob Stkyj faildlif might 1897, In both bravely fightings for good pa� rdake a gloomy to airlpression. This His recital of bell) afforded and da'iv- earthly priaon-house silently open v�id- 9. The &r in laid u-nto the -root, feel proud; lbdt cause. Ainary C, None, O.B., who w6 ra rsii (air, land to the depth of 4 or 5 In.. , "rZincos Wrought was'niore like a ro- ton yalaxis ago by bringing the of was Dot' because he had no perception Sir nnil wider. Free I . Clear the way, I at cianig doom. A pTun- The trinillt6h fanilly had flarhWhod The Now World offers us condottierl, orbinsIr Oile them In a heap, adding at the He walked for the conqaArinj apiriff Shout up. of this pollutions of society, He &b. market than a reality. Ing fair the branclion was a syra� no fewer than Bevan sons to the army Of a now type, like Walker the filibus- Whope, safely out of Apia haTbour same time on"uarter Of good rotted I like Impurity, or barred anything through many a desert, but every wards the tidings bo) of discipline, but tin ax. at tbe and novy One 91. thertt is Captain the ter,,who became Dictator of Nicaragua during the tornado which dillistroyed manure. This should be done as 13000 fraud. or double-dealing. morning had its manna, and ova The day for burial -came. An nut um- r", betokealt utter destruction. Ev- Ron. IVIlworth Laininton, commander and -igbt have ruled Honduras but the not possible, so that the heap on be He never lary Trenton And the Vandalla. Thlin n ba failed to4lift op his voica! against sin, night Its Pillar of fire, and every rd still Sabbath was lot down clear from cry tree. Each tree stood for an In- of the novel bontidgKdt at La(ly8mILjl; for a British mano'-war. Gen. Ca- turned ver once or twice before bain owhen ho Saw it. He was terrible in rwk n rod that could s it into heaven. At the first gush of the dividual. Each man stands before hilri his brother, Ilia Bon. D'Amy roll-Tevies, who served In feat brought him the Commandership dryntal fountains at his feat, of the Bath, bestowed by the Queen put on the benches. Either of thesit tho,Franco- 9 his lualgAiltiOn against wrong. and More, dawn, we said " This is just the-daY God7a eye to, be judged singly as 11 Limbtata, was at anil�,timo a ljouten- Prussian War and a good many SOuth'In 'Orson Methods Is good, and the latter had ad LITon grip for the throb t of him than once be came V6 his last dollar, in which for a. Christian to he heir. he Wore the ohly mun irk the tibirefse, and Im tbiol navy. Airaeldchh struggles, was A peniam. found the cheaper. will The other fiv br' Liters have all IISM, So was Ca-ptain, �-John Me- w� who trampled an the helpless. Better but ri bt behind that last dollar he led I" Fading leaf indeed under foot Qood fruit. I The 'i�ivaflon ArmY's stitteineilt f er Meet - 0 lion robLed of her wh�jlp%' foun,i 111im who owns th Not leaves, nor blossoms. "I - 0 cattIO On a told of the decaying body, but atrenra, but fruit at Wormol a a ad a tb6 arm;. We E!rl of b4r. Affartp who served in the Mexl- atodunts for 'the year ending Ili. 80ti a 13 ter In ary 1 can A ar In IBM land was then as, VOR CHILDREN. tb*ti hifti. If yod had been stealing the Bond hills, and out of the pnim of ing sunshine Spoke, of rosurrecition joy, doeds of goodness is the d -vine barb land tile Ron J. W. Leatitdii hsi*b of September last, relating to thio Ithou, nh&r bredA from �ba Mouth of the father,. -the tempbral 11fifted V.Ingdoin,'khovi thlat the Habil- 8 should be entirely -eked their food, and who bath given whosm hand AI] the fowls of heaven They owme tottering an their ettaff- eeoffiror 112 the Tuk both been- I- th- C -.Id- Jdarata Ai�y, He 'Children's shoo th espil Plant. Hawn down. *S4, fin till k sili, i It required aalthe placidity of old' comrades. They carno--tials poor' stream Guards; the , Hen. Charlent, Plaits of 90641 my watlitir's Ito leach ons dostriaction of tho nation Slid the L,Mbt afid' WhA fW iei�s 161 tWe igalizati6n ilmourited 'e flat in the 8010, but Pliable enough to "I(A to calm him when of his disciples & war. whome rant be bad paid to keep their n'ib � Major of the 1?�Irt int- tried 40ris tot troal9da- 'a tornall wee ad the guilty, among tal'i'6n airth no onots the ituountain istorra of lit rantotl deed for the whole lanivorso In children train the blant of *inter, tamb&I'lland PlitsiLer& stid, th all Its right- 11 1154616ilY." 116 Wd6 A�quitbhd' tit one 1709,448 eLhd, the wgK'ets, to 4799,41816. give Slightly with the motion of '061is wratb wait the wordej "All are Yourit." They c&me-this erring man whom he its people Are both here foroshadoW, trial, And Atnnb9t16a *ft8f tho h6cond 6 I-Pil, The, gahoral income and expein in Cull lilkst; while-na ppJL like knothet brotjaer,'�Xajot ther Hori, fact- What Is known an the Spring TI showed that the, recsip 9, be", o - turs &cOQUmtL rei but- Guards. �brvad. with the Nile amounter%,to tin SP 000, and SAY nothing. than 0 (or the abildrqu who had watched his tep *hetbor 16W or high, Oats" manr An- fbr hiftlivellf, h0i *auld submit to more h that led himi thro la f, had bailed out of prison. They came- 10. 11. The pacmille. His words William tatabtbU.1of thoofticiatXesm a leniency which ha*v9paId,by renew d Is suitable for children. Heals, I annial straits prepared him aN, s6tWit ih the irtinks at tb6 Clhn-na- NZY nihn I evei knew. The infant of and Fi)ayod with his tine, and ha rtliqlan. wan of in (if tiorl at text Oaf. ' ii;th were Fif&tdrif, eldenta And tire more or less hijurfortal, sort b6roaVoMontaL a 0 prigh tile people, whose 00nelsifflo ""ill He WAS likid't6be thq rql "No, Nearly olm-faukth of the d"aile days was Ilinitten, and he laid It Into ten wondered what new attraction tithin, k eacirl"'es, at tb, btittal of IthartbUth land totrued � Awfilong the'knijbali 6tte Witisib zo(� kithorwise beeal,use adt, while monaltive to the 6VII3 of 1 . rms, Ill behind the Ph6itnix PArld.makdars.1 I , WIL J ad minutb legalisms" And ment, P4YPt * 11111 they throw the, 6 , be folt, confident that all the ri a h Call- grailtatber would untold from bid ton in' theL,daV41chas. Tlib' re� many 'ttlianb., Qgl*� amrslani last winter *6ke tl�a balance. *lti= be riglatod. Whtb he fidonve as infant Moses Was 1 0 , who an' a *hlo'bodY ouE of 6orrect aid Into deep P"kts, They carhe­tbe minis- britwo�nu Id not See the close relation milliniW brothorg , the Uoh. Georitp Muzipger Bey 8 iss wh6 had, worship and pracitio%) mprail. "bton. WA tf�k I yollit -6oyfld Ireat the Ark ot the Nile, knowinif that ters of Ytiligion who,bqd sat with him I it What It I a o6n�iaslon In iliIS _itrli awt o,ttibeirouloals. ThIs in tamirli dor� In P6 Voty tones at lim li�oft a, R, )a tilt bV1110tAtI60, thilit 46lis Christ OrLe would Come to fetch it. 1 we dot "Thei thav aalha,& soon from thin royal a gaining fn olivarob 6ourts, and I)Ianned for thel Sol an fial(ILD *hO attorl he hurnan sivilitagai and confirms tbt's ftWARE _81WEEDING. '11041* 4 Utterly deniqlisila, all Jul of if6ligidn. wool I do their duty, must Look to It will bb raindiftboriall, too. that d6rVinq an 11ittrPte'tair to the English.1 t IJ6 OP OV Ng qut I rKpidly groivirig bolialf tbdt the dl When ClOw's lailk In to& to, babies 00 kAd fill the a In an lblaind of this ftMon know their litity, onry, The-" the *our$# of A r000nt V*bljO spew' 0 t Armt*, in Che Crilhots, became Gordbb!s "so 14 wphatt"lly bae Of 1snAhl - with enfeebled digestion it mu T!hJ4 04iiatlan 1111401 was not 86 018- Litbutenant in ths-'souidan, ata th�Afih� at be camle to I beloved son, and though who" be had often gons, ano4lbMySthe' Mre ItIley tioulct enul 0 1% Lord Geofto Ustailtob stated that ho, mem, ILA at lroWd1hg. fIDT the goo largely, diluted "'nnry WAth*404, &I tiot thtO that is"ry, th6 deep- ad the revolt In Darfak. with warm witor. had thlrb�&t PeWhaWls no birt.hWate, of itnost of �hls Children, we 16T Princ%Plb of IOVO15 st W" f*d ar i%=. "Z I'fth 'Wltb; strangoriii, almost unattended, deat PASSING ALONG TnE A neaditt. tr�f ',Ablog wAa, KaI6 rierneihbar the darkness that droppel b �Chtltiio� 1116 Loribg Pasha Was an Arnarlo 1101- tity's d6parb Menagerie Is shookihgly, Overfeeding 'iA the freqent &US6; of wt , S to f0im, Congldhr6d on the hou"hold who dleit Ltivotbb Bay. Gow6tnok of fha, dy*epsla. 0 tboiwrdrM A "ry good tAltob to live in, h the black- laid hirA doT* to radt, just an the son to lay down. Two toats. "TWO Nwe, On "Total inatifarlas of Ill r bava of braithe sealed latter was 00ned, I reratimbet WAA ft�tjnq In thlis country grave-yat'd, tunlbs'," the inner garment worn ext 'a $erflar in th r"tq' In the Malidifili OT11161 -0111** dat ort Vidt 11 Is reported, his ilia or idolpou'll'btit, AND tho, utterantes Of Christian AUb- Q00 US* hAt with whom for more to the skin. 8, oort of shift reathIng to 6 't to, 9r, TAIlliam a prija and tbot file at go jtkmr� Vdut brofU- dunigebDal an hiolighmad. slatin 144 0 TWO TAM RECIPES .p as y *sra. t mission. thilih half i t6latury h bad walked. this knees. lat bet family tree, kho*lb '004 ftlkld %i*d *WOd make 1ftth,,*6t, lAh, Auattifits. Let him impart, TbAtI lot$ of tM'*6VY! adtitijbi :b4ttar Whoftr tlt6 heiviett Another. hearing hia own nsltDili, Ad"! kr'tY.*d And aulat, abd 06taftmaled, let each One. even t1lie lWortir 4 Battle bblottig 'W t" 61ndy'.-Ptit Into a it j0t On tho threshold ot iDiabbod, hill it 66fted �s It she, thost a st � tobt. hft prallseafts wore than 16 absolutely go)iuke a' ot-lAkJor III th6 Clot. t '' i6ilwai :,Otl� a I; Pon a Jimilf Vdiifal of butter. and who )16 thoi Queft is tba the heart beTbg h1gli thill ho Itibeelsstry. oPdaa*0t to do tbotb- '*t the, aakt of wak., - kaot it, *Ithe AA AtietfPt �ou t With itif, but -Mo 016 Mali Arrhy , *ho, Illindda .6 eftfg6ldf ilso Ifi'llbbited,W two Cps of is tit �SL b;ptirL kt the beat)X� 1*01th" Igo 0* lot, but l:tloa this ti", of Whil"t "fan tht'latigh the VIA" Pat lerli- Aft less IAVOrlod, 00. Ahy� M Mt4 Tat flftb�r r -elijoilt (.* th6 Obillah i6t ihy6,d b eWidowhood Iliti of t6old.L ought YLL,Atfinflo, *JdIip#;n0,*n the d6sia itioilt Of *,otdlaf ifftbCalitio-hi Wo tAtfSted.' 81db kind WX MvAt 00 dAIIA4 holir ftoopip, fib"s oldest ditughtel 11 rj�d&hftlf r Oupfal of V 1466*16 Do liko*Ise, U , Ineff&jr. *(k**, L 'do the L t bent. Stir dntil 'd 010 tbkt 4atk''da), I lb�t oldo, 1*,00b ah,d Ittitbel, iwlire butiod, fttenv* an.4 Adt #61tigh silld,� that Ebalperor Willims (iOnvib- the angst IS d16661*6d. Atrbagilt of 4 *id6V, *$. 144164i(en, IU*g- and dtifoiati�4-� find after th, thatt obo tb61a* ILiab'bia _ 8AIWWa4­ Ge* 466- Van, of b1A diL*tfi%, miglis Is grellitly 66t&*(dnAI1y jilgil * t dwayot tibmthitibillng ovilldr6i and oblIL- Let oft *1116* 6"V�-*rbh tIAir 6r, 1416. W4 Alliiv o aid McI#er,* 6 has $Wt#- lktjb W10iftit toifail be. rell's 'it * 1 4sid this ried lift dbIJ in Ir okilOfft tOr tbb ditIllib 0*11A- 1"t6kd 6ft*0 thAtblAlt 0108i **, t 010. 12� 13. PVb**u4. Thb6o w 6 to �hts, grtAddiotlitit6a bAble. tiftlity" t 9-6 laro th6 Atbll!lot Oikt6b* rbtft tho'con. wittot it badblyftl brittle. Turn on bdt- *bft t"Illa t6fed Vats, dt tin lib, eftl. wkIst1*C oillka 1%6d br lie - C*viin I'* J*Alathigj 641 liliae, INA bitt a Atilgla, Shilft, f4r thoy klaher bitiolk s df ths Ao O&S,ko 41, b*tk 01 k0i4bit It*#, 01ild, kit) , govilli'vo. itklo* *tQ tit t '44t� old Th6 11 wey A� thil, Asidedoxh6btal, 60110torls 1=to oined t1ii, $160* 044tkitlii to t idbet:iat *1111" "1 tl*htu tit thadow fell 4tt t U6 So *116ft 6116, Ublitithotit, *at *6ttlatt6ts. t0tit. A'A 3104 1, I"DA160 ill-likittoisit A ib A *hoi I, IpI0064,14, Wd Wad, h;66A4 lobfittod A no tolft bAt vl�aa, , I t1a 7' Ujil, Va Pao Side thib Vdarblb' 6.1, t1ii Aiiiallpir. lot 1ji)Cat (ift Of L lKa h fid, bbU hit r"IM4 00,40 th" we" 141446hI690A 100tWt *06 1 b ii, ht,"kX1kV,Jft"0 uk" ii= tbidiftheer or U6 fiby 6g, t a fndspowdA idt�aitso % and ill-$ a or two thrill Iftgf :'AA tki 66t tltw b6d8v with '� at t hil -1 � m4to, tial thil woulow wory thS n'W"'tAt thtli an I Oil A ittid. KM 06 there, W" grftt t6104*41,00t W`rtivit Aft � no* 011it* Dioiloirth'. a PAT AW MRS, XA41 Alita'0 at Dold tho h*t4 ttft kol 11 a air trikib 6*t ths, tL(b6id, z6f a en6ft deeaf Jklo'Zlith' UjiftrX **d't4ok plitt fbothit for tho' ytiro 1"' two It t, biA* aO� (Pli titAt Jh1t4 alds % In 6A;- b4 areripil mith, of ot 01406"1, *1144 illaabo w6t44 XtWwk, ut, )�"*ft�66k OthL4 I Ilkill, t* lKamot 6 cip * , 6VAs"tho *Ito, S*4 t $ipil , tuhlit tk�Wsjtbe In wh with itt6tlft the" w= bor'lblit 6*4k X"Wal. 46 Ott wb6 W40 *�Ajl WIN, jiilir to 11,6*11" i ' A t ��S` tim 34P �'Th* 'Jitat it 1"W-ItIll ttoy Awl. *W6 16*44*1144, nkiw tM , a Wbatw% *Sawl WILY Vill *Ith, t*6 jisw* 4tit tA% 44bljo6b4i, r9*4 *MW Id aili% 4W 40l, is 00W fir *114, It imvw NMI* itt6 i V6 64tw* -ottk4 VA itih *m"& �tt tw. tX"'b"k IL 14*1 'a" It to, tit tow it lb re U. L Alk