HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 8�w,r � ���`� ! .. .. .. . .. _ .. .. . . . ., .. . ..r. .. ; . .. . . . . .. . ' .,� � . . � � .... .. . . . .. . � .. ..... �...,., . .. . . . . . �.•�_ . �.. . r: �. � � � "�'�e .�t�� � � �����.��a� �����!� �'��� .���r���� �+�� ��,. . . �,�. � �, a ��ii� ���� . �u��'���� � "��►� a� vv��'k ���t,��i�� �s sa3��co� af ou� � r ��,,�;;,"' '��(��i�FUN1ES �OR {�(��S�NTS �, �f YAU �r� thlnklls� of Perfume for a presrnt you had better piek it ,,, p�,tt ttow gnd h�.Y� it ke�pt fUr yuu as they mre being sold rapidiy. • Qur �tuCit of a : �bony Goods� Pipes Cigars .�..,..:- and Tobaccos IS WELL ASSORTED. �*� �'_ 3�. �'QJNSA.I�, �$x. a. ._.._ -- - - - OH�7LIiT and DRUOQ[9T• �►i� � ��o��ol� '`�°oo°� v�' : ��b�� `o o� "v�'' t1ERE'S TIiE - W HOLE STORY ! We keep the best foot- wear we cun get; we do it briause we know that it will pay us to do it. We know that if a man comes here and geU stylish, wrll- fitting comfortable shoes at a low price he will come agein and again. He'll bring his children and tell his friends about us. In tl�e end we'li make more money tj�an if we �harbed high prices. In Trunks, Truvelling Bags, etc., 1 rarry a fuil line and would like yuu to call and see them. Our Slippers have arrived and they ure very stylish. ST. GEOftG� PRIG�, West Sl.ie of Syuare, GODERICH. u!t.w.rrt���',., . _ ��� ���� �a������ i f�o�y��� �� nlntdy t0: . «� �.J'tVtr H� wtll answcr� oii." Nine attt of ta� will ,� tt►� � W�y. Yet when perso�ns havc tonsumptbe thcy loatlu all fatty l�ods,, yet fit Is neces- ssry [or thair rccovcry �nd �h,ey canr�et take plaln cod- live�r oil. Tfie plain oil dis• turbs ths stomach and takes •way thc appctitc. The dir agrccablc fishy odor and �StE 1[1AkE �t ��11103t UI1EM durabli. What is to be donc ? Thi� qutstion was ans- wcnd wh�n ws fl�st madc S�OT ��� En�v�r.sionr ot Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphit4s. Although that wu aearly tw�nt�►-flve ytars �o. yet (t stands alone to- day tl►� one gr�at rcmedy fo r al l effcctlo�s ot thc throat and lun Tl+s �tLto and oda hsve ban Wta� away. lhs oil IfteH !w bccn w�r �s� ,,,d ehe n►a� ,en• ��tlw �o�r�t+d� ob�c4 4o It rarcly. Not �►e In hn wn tak� and digmt fhs pldn o14 Nine out o( tcn can Wts SC07TS EMUlS10N and dl- sest ft ThtY� why It wres ao many caw ol urly oonwmpGon. @ven In advanad casrs It brings oom(ort and grcatly Prolongs 11(c. yoc. �nd �i.00, dl drug�t+ti � SCOTT h 60WNE, Chnmlata, Toro�ta �w��w..� q� '_ __�._ .. _'_ _ e►ny munlcipal government whntever '��'('` (� � � � � � � � � � � � � ► 8. Ae a coneequence of thie total lac �Jlu� {�p���X��t �t��• � / � ��f ptood goveroment, thede»th rate i 'I'�L6PIIONR U�LL 7i , O� c� rri R C , JOheaoneeburR baa gen conetantl a ` three or fouc �imeo a� reat ae thut o � V Lt: : � New Yori[. FRIDAY, .IANUAHY 1L, IS1Qc). 0. The lorel n eettlere iu the Trane � __ ___----i ___.-� � Uy'etaro In bulk,or eerved ► vsxl were den�ed tbe rlg ht to bear un ►o eoio •n snnte, srma, while every msle Boer, tro�� Peop�e we Sl]UW. � y � eizteen yeare old upward, ie heavil ,'±� C.$. 8cnoo�l� of Hlyth, �.+a tu town Inet � We poeiNvely go�ren6ea � srmeQ eud dr�lled, at tho expenr�e o 6atuNay. P'real�neee �nd Qu�lltv the �ureignere. W, Qololoagh, ot � Wlorton, Sundnyod In � o[ sny O�etnre aold by � 111. By a prerr lnw, pstteed for th +' ` (3odadal�. � us. � avowea object oP crushina the forefR Y; floo. 8lowsrt, o! Bontorf.h. �•leilod llodorlah eettle�w, slf newnpnpera were pinced �i �' on Atonday. � ► tha u�ercy of Preaident Kt uRer, wh W, O. ohlln, ot ficlmont, lec eponding n taw . BAL1tIORAL � �An �up prese t6en� at hie pleHeure. �' dAyx lu �xn. 11. By uoot6er lnw, pussed (ur th Jno. A. Qlrvin, ot Wlnnlpog, wne u Dalorloh , � CAFE � enme purpoae, e►U roeetioQe of mar W{�(,W' ��N WOOR. `�� than eeven pereone in 6he open nir ar a.' R*. 8 donc ot Cltnton. �vcu+ln t6a county � � nheolutely pcohibited, �v6i1@ nll oth , town on�1'uonday. ,� � � � � � � ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ meetioqn can be dienalved in un 1 s" Tullwn on �rtunteylyth, wae In tho Couuty rtitot, t►t Ghe dlscretioo of nuy polic Diiee Beonctt, ot Hmnllton, wae �•INIUng In a���' town Inac�nbunl�s�. T$El 30II'PH AFRICs1N WAE1. 12 Anothnr law �vne pNesed, ahs eadraw Tnvto� ot ouncou, wua n couuty lutely probibltin¢ the preeentnaon b �,' ' owu visUor Tnaaany. +►ny forei{�nPr of even eu much ae Aiinx nAgmbore,of �Vlnnlpug �vnx nOodr peUtion for redreae. ��' � rloh���sit,oro��eutuni+�y�. SOmO FaCte whlch Demonstrnte ly. When Mr. Hrut;r^ it�vited fo , Dr. qunn, of Cllmon, wn� �n (loderiah on the Jostlee of C�reat elRnere to satt�e in the TrunpvaeJ, (u � 11TOLC88�OhIt1 bUe(u0&i lunt NTldny. C14CUCHII28Et00 COUId I)tl OhG111t1Hf1 �vit F' ' \ir. und Air+s. 7. Emlqh ware onDod 6o Dlith Brlta;n's Position �� lest'Cuosdnc, tAo a�uxo Qelnu 41w big tlre. �n twu yeai�. After foreigner� h+t Mr.1aw 9heppnrd af 011nton, �v�w In towo nccepteil hie invltatio�, he �epe3le _;�;. ' all nxturnlizntion lnwe, nbsolutnl oa 7uowiaq, nnd .v�dla boro enlled on Txs Thotnna (i. Bhertrmnn, the noted 1heu, u�der preqnuhe, he reatored tl �" • $rdn' wrfter on ullt.lcnl eroni�tuv, hua ub• r. .� W. E. ICUtottloftou Dca SotJ�. (or Chnbhnm p p Inwx, but u�nde the tera� fourtee + t,, tw�h� O'�pK'�II 9�iD01: thnIIuxtnob+ t;oucseo� �����Rd un HrLicle receutly on "Whatthe veure: but uny foreiRner dec�lri ' Mra. �nA Mlas qnllow ol' Tornnlo, xre lhie Boer (�overnment 1a." He ohtulnnd n+►1.uralization wuet renouuce ull p wnek vtaltio eb Fha roardouao ot Ur, and Mra; � ��A tnt�tt oP Ai9 inete !rnm n hook on tc�ction, evrn fruw l�ie o�vn (�over t�ntlor, tCfR�i� A�•a ��Uom Pu�d'e Peo le," wrilten h g�w. O1ent or 6he Boer 'p�overnment, t y:,, Dr. QhArlea Hamllton, ot Corn�ealt. Ont., , p q Ponrtvrn yea�re, d�rnnK whicl� Lime hnw tiecn iu topn nU woek ��ctonaln� n1e ++rA (.. H�11eRn�, w6o le Nvowed)y n K•ould be u ciL�zen of no co��ntry �vhs bnotLar, llr. J. R. BTnuuon, Buer Aympxthizer. 8oa�e ut the polnte ever, nnd 6nve no riRhte�which u 11tn Alaz. hialotosh, an old 6onoriah Doy Boer would be bound t� reapeot, Du wd at pnu:ent a. 7`. N. oundupeor on tho Por� ��• �I18NC/UNI1 ma4e� are tl�e tollow� +pQ �hese fourteen yexre he must 'I � 8owen 1�eMnuq. wni horo ha rovorrl dnya �nd ��Q ;• ���y to serve in 6 1 1e Boer Army � s� - s4tendMl t4o �un�rnl ot hle brot�or on Sundn9• 1, ln le&3 when Paul K� uRer wns in 6welvu huure' notice, e►nd he would CSaptetn Danplv apunE a taw da e nf tho �. pm�aeo woek o� tha otd bo�nw K�i�onr�ilne, �ndun he w�►a tuu poor W pay 6is fr�quently rnlled upun Lo eervn, �vit G�pk l� hdd Qulto a tlmo gotting 1hmuRh hln hutel b�ll. ou6 pap, clot6inR ot even food, whi • btte{nwa� na hn wue almoxt alwnrx emrouuded he muat provide foc htaiaelf. At � byA h�ut0(leloade. $. He and hle frirnds mnde f6eir � end of Lheso fourteen yeu�� of deQr ��� o Iiing" 4Y.nWlon wnn tn oderloh weal6h My aelling fnrros tu forelgn tanC b3uu�7h .�ettlin up the >ear�'e applo raeidcnte, principallv EnKli�hmen, hul �ng 6unul�ation he w�uld not he allo bwdhwse. 7�O Tes tgTeu �e aa►d nis IoNaoA inoludlnR ��Isu n coneidnrwbld nun�Aer � �o vote Por anv o8fce warth voti wautdfidrery henv��,i tsatthettae pro8ta �f Qtlrm�ne, Frenchmen, und A►n• �or, unleaR hie hamhle petitivn w a , tor revq ewre woal� ye la4 wlth un• K ro ed by Lwo•thicd3 ot hls Bc , d&antod�ue�c do wU! ondw�or to rocrtove erlcaae, wltom he �nvltKd 1.o the PP � Fomeot e!re� wentth ne=c ycar, �nd wtu couatrV. ne�ghbore, bp the mllitwrv chiet Lu� �ll tLespplee6e onn ptet. hfe dfetrict, and Hnnlly by Dfr. HruR ,. �_� 9. T6eee tureiRa betttletre orodoce h�a�self. Neither woald he be Nllow 1 � averq dolliu'e worth ot wee►lth cvhich ��, votP, even then, unless Ae tve BoPn. cnn be ezpurted [rom the Tranov�u•l. � � - � Ls6-lo OoderlaA, on Dao. Y9sh, tbe afto ot 4. The tHxee levied NqOl1AIIp 3R the tortv years of �tiRe. Mr,c:har►aaLeo,of��on. Tranavnal have e:ceeded $ib,0(M1,W0, 14. W6ile nearlv lw.i•thini� of Nine•tencde ot thie am�unt hea heen �'rtOneresidinR In theTrxnevw�lepo ,w Ma,rried. oulv 6he ILnQhNh lanqunQe, and 1 collecta.�d trom t�e FacxlRn retWern, than oue-third eitber epoke or co � ' vP�raox-8�wcaLa-on Wodncede� dre. �vhom Air. Kruger iovited ioto the uoderate►nd tUe Boer Duwh, the I3o , LOIh, lBtlfR at tho renldonoe ot the Drtdoe pxr cOuntr ente. Uy Rev. .tn,�per �Vilaon M, w., eamue! y' inaleGed I.bn,t all EnRliah-epenki tieorRi VI►xun, a LRanoae 1G��ie. BnuRhu�r o 6. No �ppreolable part ot Lheae twYea abildren muat take their educxtion G ' � �tpo � 8lleo 8a11celd. �t1 of lioderloh Towo (� �p��Q� foc the benetlt ut che clusive_ly {n Dutoh. � D18d. toroton settletw. 16. Pcesideht Hruger reaiete�d t , 8. Half of theee te►xee hxve haen �ntrodi�ction oi �nilrondr [or qesre 8tvatt�-In AehAeld, �th Inet Mn rot ad. epent iu makiaR prepxration [or war, ordtr Lo compe) the minero to l►ire rel[ot�Dt thelnts 0luirlae Btuarh sRed� �onn �nd the o6her halt devoted tu the paw privete o: tesm� at enormoue pric � -�$�°�u'TM meat at e.ior�l€�oua e�l�riee to Mr. When flnally he dld pe�mit rnil�va da r� Tn �ext t�R�vea+c�sh. 13ce aon. ttG gruRer, h{e sons•imlu�v, hleode, aod lo Do bmlt, he qranted the prfvile 1p�c,�'rah�c3uc�,nRad7oyes're. potitin�l,upportPra. e:ctns�vely- to penone who �vu� MpPtt t►.-In utevetnnd on Jn�usry std q, Th� torniQn eetWere, e:alusivelR to [ve to hts relnt�vae n ,: � lYd1. tS�Io� tlon ot Ilonala il1eP6e11. aBed 9� R �N�f�n,lmun�heandl8du�e. I�uilCJohr►nneahnrg = u flpe Lown, wit6 � ot Ohe proflta. He Rr+�nted ni -.� (forwerlq, 6Q000 iohahil.npte. Thay opoltee o! eaveral iqdiepaoswhle Kr�lc �' Bran hns lhreeqneliflQaWonN tAntm �I� W�r4 not we�rly denied eoy r�aht t,� ot �unolv to the mme�, w�t h the ,- publ�u Itaror-O��tty. QusuWcv. O�Mulac�on. govetn tt�at city i they wetb demed �ult o�, doabling the price et whi ,`, they could oE4ecwiee liave 6een ,� ' LnlDed. 18. T6e n•hole '!h•anaveu►I gove ment tvae corrupt. No buelnei+s coi tk e '�;��.�uar Needs• �onne witA them �vithout brihl the pre�tdent'� eon�•in-Iww eud hn � i' The I,Ate�Ja,mes Clark. « �VAHl�,s UNDFIR�VEAR, HEAVY CLOTHIN(�, FURS, 13LAN• ./' �� �' �� Oa �fdno Jao. 6th, deeth remov � i{E'r$. COEi�'ORTERB, e0o.� are eome ot yoar Janaary oeede. In E�m ourmidst in t,he pereuo ot dr 1�11 ll�ese tfnae yoa will Bnd s good taeo1rtmenE wilL ue. Neady t�res UU�rx, oue ut ca uldeat e►nd m 1 ;ntt�nNiv of eold eeat�er ehead of yon ye� Loo{c our linee o�er, oor proroinent pioneere aP tne Hu „��'� � 3aonsty Pricee pill mske t�em interceting to you. Tracc. He �vea boro on the farm ,� , f, • K�11hu11ock, io Che parSah of Fordy �, BRnil'ahire, ScoLlaod, m the qwae 1 �,. Whon quue yoaop� he emigrated � ��18a18� 8098' �'leeoed Lined Uantids wtEd hta pa:ent# tt4a 1 x� ��,QkBt a David nud Mnry Clnrk tlrrivioR TT G}adeMch In Mn�� 18�1. �q OctoAer �' � $���g. �. �+ i�i�e�e�-1�I, !Ue r+►me qe�►r tl�kv �ettted on '• Cla ,' a�unt Farm." ColMrne w unhip. �•. '� .{� epeoi�l Io+ oi Perfectly mada, tSff1 J�mea want w�n�ta�c�w •trt� � I,�die.• Jretcete uncl�, the laW i9ie Jsmes ixrk, hy very warm, �all sizes from the little p,�n to FiNr blqje�tv `lueen V�nto , ,;� in black �nd afEer a e6ort Nme aa�►iu retnrn4na ' a,tare, oteseinq fellow to big boys at Special Prices. �,�n*d�w ta 1838 he vtRited Out1 �e.....,.i2t)O ua«�a.wa«,, c.,...�i...,a ....�.e... �..,...... �. �;' r�p«,i.i �oti or �� B�Dys' Pea . e�tnlar $S 10 �►io aau��tie, � � J�aket� �►ud A,1'eb �GNfld�+n'e� ', � " rh�stt �7�nketb ��►OiC�At$. . . �, �nd tTlekt�. �S '. . «. h .. • .. �$'iXil'I� �'��di �D �Qb �' L�eg r: Y i dwk� nrrv bla►� �'iqtd�ratear. � M•�a� c,�a, a�wd ^�' � • �. , M�te1W.'�t►r po�ts lil ..'1 ` �,i,dli+�` �'lsn'n++�atN! to 1� Y+�rYr, M�.I�,'2$ i' 1Ciow�qr,nree� Il�yr`Sei{s, 1'+�Y�tr, ' �o �j��tla,r�td, rwty ri�U1�,+ria. � a,.haeb'�e aooa�.. � w" 1� 1 i t n a l d e: r� JCOa. A ten'1 � r i N i r► M srr�r "ldtk �'t.,�tYd �1�'!�i« tlar�bl� beeretrd-a�YlaA. � ` �°'' �j,"�w� , *ma'rw�►r. •iw:��'1'� � , �' i�filiM►� �1i�irYkll. �itibl �VC1'i�drlltl� i �1 'kWr�l�rww . 14ri+�i �'�Cit� �y� �►1�Wa1Ri'a'i1� �IYi91. y� � +Mi�a+o+�«��t���r'� �"!!1 � . '��� w+ �e�il aMW�1k+e� �f�M'bnr i# �'�+►�, w� !C�-w �;r Cr,wer.� t�l#�. JGri�eel, � ;�rwri���w�►''J�►i,��ii��v�ttrtik��t;r;�t, ._:�.y. . W_�t. ,w� �Awi�t�i� ���! �JN1_wr,��]��+Liil 7 a '� ' � ����� � J ' ��� "/J �� . . . ::n . . . . I x� i �� . . . .. . . . � � . . . i � s M .. .. . . .. . .. ... . .... _ . .. .. .... .. ... . .......: _ ... .... . . . . ...�- .� .. .. ,.a - . . . -.+-.. �. . ,... ..� .. ... . . ; ."�n^` � . .. . . . . , . .... . . . ..... ._ . . . . � # � �"�� � �;� �+��r �. �� �� ���r��� �,� �� � � � _ �'� � ��'• ����+,�► �►��.,. � � �. � . : �'+���� � � �+r� � ��,. 1k . +� � �` . fie �rrna� w+�r�4tY 4FteptnRd 'N�Y c► lar� � .� , sineAa�u� Cr��adw„��Fi �w � Bcs�fd p�i�b� 'A�� wisks v�r ��a�y ��st��n�ar� . . . . . - Alr. � �. k+cr� Hn xtld r�.�id4,at r�s,d.� �rac�h �iti. � '� "'�'�"` fl a a�� �'�o� ��°�u� ��w Y �. .., ssu. hi� d.e�cu ix ��e��ett� ��' �,� ��o � � � � �� . � . � ..: � � � � # �r� k.uew �.��r. �4.� tr�ng�,T Qu �l�a��y ��� .. � t►1�1rn�,Pu �v+�a �tr�nt��d k► �t var. I�R� �pncour�nr �1�'i6, ri�R. wh,c� ce�r�k�e« cu and ttsa�k �r�a� sine�rely far the ° a thp easeen� [u �h6�I��ac�w.� �vxs hGf,d. l�berai patr�►�a�� �ac�er�de�l ta us si�nce w� caanm��n� bu�iness. We _ . . � recagnize the fact that the su��ss which has b�en ours is� drae tQ your Nlte. generat�s a�d. �. �. ��������-+" • (}F1vF,IiA,L �I�TUTB,��FROY. J. �. 3• �j11- Vlte shaU sndeavor to furth�r merlt your confidence during the cpm• � ��i y,�u�c1. t�•rnr� Atcmerc;�1 tJ��ite e. pu,id �� � b vxn ou the best ossible valus for our mone as wetl as ., ' "�'' ou� 4arg +� vt�it lw�Lwtlek,-D�i�s Anr��e � Y Y B� � Y. P, Y Y Ha.� a full a�nd vue11 assorted st�ck of G1rUWt4ltt vr►tertxinecJ +� nuintx+r aP by honest dealings with you at alt t�m�s. � �' 6ut• ynunpr YrieoSl� t,b• ucder e,y4n►uR. ,�-(f ou are leased tell Aur irieods �f not tell us. It'� a�vut�d�r tl�ct�n �veca nuE ooiwe Y F Y + � �� }G� p � j� � 1_��� nupcit�l knutw ttecl, ae thdc� we��e lbree �. 1�! lJ J�� �� �� li�ev. grntleeuen (xl! e9nR1Q) tu y,r�uw See pur ►!ne of ... . bhe oc�:xsiun.-Lust 8aturdag uveotnR F��t anc� F1Ee���Ltnec� �hoes eT BU�PRt$LNt�tLY LUW PBiCE�. a C:odor�ch young man who i� r trr- quent wisttoc bere. t,a�k wheea o[ aur far the c01d �tveather. Nlte Ru•Is fur e drive tnGs�}pr�ch wwn- rJZ� Wildt dtl i1CCepta�]� [�f�S�t1t OII@ Of OUI' flEW ohio, te�t�rniugun Atundx xftaruaon. Ladies' button, lace and gaiter Shoes. only ..............$i.xg per pair _blr. Wm. nurrv �o Rect�R ba woud• Our Catf and lCan ora Skatin Shaes for Ladies are lovel warm Goads, • g�u d wrll fIiIPA.-Percy McIlwufn Is g g Y �I a� ��� ��E� �e��y � p.00 �� Iirrxl�inK in bta •gvunR driver.-lRev. OAIY ............................. ..... �i.45 and a[.y5 Per pair T. 12. Uudrtier, oP luw�t, Wc�k ktav: Fi. � I Ke11inRtou'r wu� Ic luG $wbbwth, s. th• A fult line of Men s Peit Boots, Rnbbers and Sox, and K(ondykes at all R•�v. Kantlnman wao uwny oe� w vir16 to prtees. "'"" `� �g� biop+arente.-Ourdundwv�chuol, undar SpeClal Value tn 4-buckte F61t8, reQular $2.2b ��116 OQR LINE OF ,., ttie nmongeniaut ot bhe Muperin6en- ^ de.nt, Mr. John Dupk�w. ratoed In col- f0� ................... ....................................................� 1.7Jr �C�C�.����1.�^�� leocl�ma xlooe, du�dnp� the pxrt yesr. ;9p.bW. T�b.peu{c� weli fo� onr sehou�. �L83P.A.IRINC3- N�AT=,Y �QN$1• Wus never mnre cuul �ilrLe xnd Df r. Uustow will uguiu take ahnrRe thle yenr.-Wn�. Rywu, who dw been Your money back if you want it. x wlduwer [or w nuo�ber ot veut o, he• Alwo w vec� large nceortment oY � take�� to hi�uoelf a wlte ln tbn pe�wn � � u! MiuKDleKeRg. o� x�o��w.-On Dlon- P. T. HALLS, THE CASH SNOE DEALER. Skates and [ioekey Stieks '� To�u ��t�t� Rnve un�{►�t�,eraaling l�ecture in • '� �ho Intr�eaG of ttie+ Oi�xn{�e mder, ou dnllERIQH. Nortb eide tLe Bqa�te. • ••lrelsud. fta leug trtAr nnd ita I.eue7." $e►nginQ ut aU priues. iI„ck�•y , tr„�u 35�'• UP• tf you want a perfect Hockey Stick get a VIGTO�� � Thew nud e► tt�ll houNn. u�any 6rethren cntu�uK f�orU livan�lch, Z�on. Auburo, �� Dauunuuun.and u16e� placer. 6uttu- �� *� SOIIIIA$vllle. �SY�INSPECTION WVITED. '� ble u�u+ic war rnnderrd l�p our orchua- C%1�C2:� H�C � l�Ot WBDDIN6.-A happy event tool[ ,, � tr+w-ltnv. T. li. Uuurt�ce lewver 6hie �� placd Ht the hou�e of tbe bride'r mother, week tur hir worl� in lowrs w�meoue Always Govd Spte�fi Mre. S. Fo�d, on Wedneeday, when � �f� �` �{ e'+� af our fnh• oner aill be ��rrv G�r dlr 6er dauRhter, fiunie �vae mw�r�ed to � 1��(� � L�� E� �, dep+u•tuie.-Mlr� Mlnntu MuVitCie re- p�R O TC �JsE t0 �tICI! W�' �'��W�ge, ut the Suron Road. • • \+ Y��. t ��� n r d t � a u c 1 e r l o 1� t. h� o w e e k t o c � o- q� p T�e reremou y w a s p r r t � r u i e d by R R v. tinun 1►nrebndiea, to parlt th�,nthroagh� 81ld3tC Q• w• A��d�'�'�'�, �j�arton, in t.he �,_The place to buy Hardw:lC� �_,�l�:l��. ��� pr�aeoce c�t a auwtre�• uf frlende. The $e�ras�.i ojteit dlsappolntad. eride wuo charmingly attired. and __,_ djll dsll �It /1f�itCtS Os �he prn�euG� ware numetnue and cost• PSftBONALL.-H0111'Y I�win hs� ro• y' y / ly. Their maoq triendr joln in wts6• turnud t�vu� 1lntroiw-ft. W�Isnn, u! %usjt%%{.. j�%�%l � y}p(� C� �n� t6e�u a Lxppy and prnoperuu� %r no, �• ���*��0� Q�O� l�rocard�ne, fe the Rueat ot Jae. Thomp- �ifn• �� M, �Y� ��� r, sccom t�sh mtrscles. Wtth- �� L � j u ' eon, o[ th�r vUlaRe.-All W ue Britlrh %� NoT68. - Ml�a B. McDoaald o[ si�bjecte emiled �o henr ot l#eoersl Q� {� yp� �•� np �ppd, Oliotoo, speot Suodx witn M�er white'e aJortoue �ictorv over We �he lirer, kidne 8uaie Aoheson.-Mre. �. Leroyd, ot T E OLDEST EBTAOLI3HE0 AND IN08T RELIABLE MU81C HOU8E IN HURQN GOUNTY �. boweL ana Boera.-Ail uur vill,►Re�p have thefr ��h W�adsor, �e horoe to nttend l�er N�uiles nud iruwne la due eeason. Mlos �� ealthy by ths aeeoi $ood'� 8a� nrother'a wedd►nA,-We underetnnd �aparllta, th� taa161aw binod pnrl9ar. ;:. Jexuie had her eu�ilee Lhia werlc. What lhatLhe (i. T. R.. are only havin�C Lwo /� • � wun Lhu cuuoe P Wo wun't tell tbb �a�-' 1��� r�� men oa the aection. Thua E7r. Bmo�o �1 r(' Y o� �� � O v� '`` �lam la m� Um �nd toot. I oomm�nqd {e out ot a eituxtion, and we lore h��n ��■ \r `'� tiu�e. �atmont wtt4 $ood's BanaDarills and UstTueRY.-AnuLher pioueer In tbe $�y p� �d In e rhort tlm� wat n�d his fan�ilv trou� our midet.-Mr. Y' peteon ut A1�•. Frank Jurp, o! t6e 13�h ��� qr�x g���a�}�o�p�, (ieo, Huller io a�ovinQ mto the hoyoe wlth Sweet muSiC. If yoU are wr hat�r �',, conceaeton of Weat Wetwanoeh, wae ��_„Iwa�t�onb1�MtLwr�a4 which�ir.Brootcoocci_ipied.-1Nr.T.H. what you want In "WORMWITH PlANOS," "GOUERI(.;H � �°°��� cKlled nn Thu�xdxy, the 4th tue�., to tey �d lmpn» D1ooC. ♦ ont oa m um r��nrtice ceLurned to Mo�rie, Iown, on ORGANS " VIOLINS GUITARS thu realitkdutKuutl�er �vurld. De:eitsed ��Q ��, g�r� a��� �y Thureduy.-Mr. W, Nteplev nnd_ . . , MANDOLINS, ACCORL)IONS, '- � hxd livrd hiN th��ee ecorr yrxrn anJ beu r�qpmmwd�d wd att�r I haA tbrw tamllp epPnt Tueaduy at W. Clwrk'e.- HARMONICAS, etC., etC. .lust what wlll Sult you for Presents. in Ihie vHle oP tee►ra, Nnd wne hfRhly Doltl��IwuwW." Daim.=aaanwr,b0li Mr. tind Mrn. (�ro. Achewoo, o! (iode- �eepected Uy all whu knew h�m. Hle 'PtMalqBtte�t.Toiwnto.Ot►t. ric�, vieitnd friendA in the vlcinity.- � � re,��nt��� �ve�w intur��ed In Lhe lluugun• i�IY""'�' � Mise �lcilveen. ut Ni��. wne 66n Rue,t Call and see our new " WHITE " SEWING MACHINES, runnin�; u nun cnmetrr9� � ot DdisA MeUartney.-E. 1.. of U. L�.- on BALL HEARWGS, same as a Bitycle, and having Checkrr Buar�i y __ �_ The Epwbrt4 LeaRue, nn Monday eve Top. The very latest in 9ewing Machines. � Port Albert. ning cvill be nn npen YnrUNmen6 NuM Also the "NEW WILLIAMS " and " UEEN " Sewin Madtines. ject•-••Uur 8ocietv ead how to iw- Q b' PRftPONAL.- DiP. Will Hnpden re- EwittiT44�a�. nr� � a ana prore ft." A cord1a! invitxtinn is ez- y curn�d �o �he Qa�en Cti� �n �tooduy � teoded to all to N�Wud the weeting. We carry a large stock of Music Folios, Vocal and lnstrumental, In- � atter Nprnd�nR htW hol� aVe �vith hi� .����� �, str�ction Books for various lnstruments, Dictation �BOOkS� �C. � p�nrnute.-Mr. HnrrpRiddel.Wlop�pe . (;&P10W. DB,ehWOOd. «n., iN nt p�esent v�qitinR in thta v�- We have several thousand copies Sheet Music, some of which ���e �"' Inge.-Mre. %alhHeiech wnd daug6►�er A D[9TIN60I8HND Vlerros.-T6at UaIq•QARY.-MD. A. Hurlce'e home e LiUy rnturnnd home to Ddilvnrton dtetinRaiehed gentlemaa, the notor- a,� viA�ted by the Rriuo renper, UentU, Sell at Haif PriCe. Any pi�ce We hav0 not got in 5tock we or�lrr � dietric� uP�er a tiveele's vfeft wlt6 har ioue Lini�later, is vieit�na frtendo in Rnd their �en tnant hx' uld bahv cxken. and procure with promptness. V4e also have a ioc edition. t dau�hter,-Mex. U. Kefe -J. Hen Eiewh- ou[ nei�hborhood Nt pcesen� �e Lictle Ernest, althouQh in qood hexltb, � ine ett luat week for Rocheste� nnd oume oub on the rtnpn Fridav u�ora�nR, died very euddeoly, hia lllnnea IssWnR If YoU d0 nOt Ilve in town, write us and we will atten�i promE�tl}� tu B�nton, wGere he will ieinain i�r a ftlw aad while in convereation' wit6 K ����y u Pew hnure, the 1�►neittl tnkipQ our needs. e weeke. Rentlemnu at tbo I�iill, hr..said he had )' d (}ICNERAL DoTs.-Royal Dick ie NG 6een auC fa Munitobn, in the o�ty uf ��°ce on New Yeare Day, The parenta e tinR up hie ('Iear Qrit Inr the scouunR WinnipeR, to� the pasf tw� ��r thteo nve the sTropwthv oP the communi[y , er b�YioD in the Trnncvnul, �vhern he 1e yeaig. w6en quesWoned abnut some �u their ssd berenvemeh� �w O. �• i�7�0� �O � Q_ ('�O �• o. lookluR Pur +i eight ae a �hxrpahooler. o[ the moet popular men 1a tbst citp, --�- V j � � j e. Luok uut, Dick, the ePrinpt �e drawinR he knew not,hiaR xbo�it the�u. He P�aeoxwL AND GazaBaAi..--8chonl I neac; en ie the lila�lc Urow.-Hxrrp Roes uoder t6e aranmed nnu�e o[ Mr. ire•opened laet week a•ith the old etaH Phon�� No. 92. _ �. Hawk�na had PPVL'1'tLI team� bauliag MaEwea. • o! tPnchere.�-Mre. H. Kellerroan and '�t etone on R'edneaday. I wonder. 1 � Mr. 8, LinQep, ufter apendiuq t6e holi- � tivonde� 1-9eVernl ot the bo�e are en• DRnge.npOn. dnye w�th frienda here. 6aye returned wlll !ie Rreatlp minsed in the eocial younR people a party 14fondny evenin�, �, i Raged cuttiva wood and loge for Joe Veuasr - Our veterina Rot hle � M�chiRan.-Mise Brnoke, (e tormer circlee.-$us�neea te hoon�in at the All re ort ,� m'tlhner R p good i1WC.-RUSIIIPid iK �- CioldG6orpe at present� 6orse and cntter 6ome on ednesdey, ) hae heen rene�ving old ec- P6otoRr+►ph Rxllery at presenE.-QuKr- qufet thie week owinR 6o uur mer- cp; 1! uttnr quite s lot of trouble. A youog �unintances thte week.-Mr. A, 8hetr ���y meetiag wne couducted in lhe chunts G►I�iuR etQck. h• mwn cume aloag advocatic{i a tele• t er ie enjoytnQ a Lwo week's qoliday �vanRelical church on Sunday. Rev. AShfleld. w�th hie Pare�ta 6ere.-M�se Tillie . d phone hne f�o�n Lucicoa�v t�o G}ode��cFi, Mr, Wioa, o[ Onedi .on, preached both �` � -- � i� Counott meE Jan, tlth, mambt» nU preeeat. �nd hirad u hone lo Ro to Blyth W see g�61er, of Ziieich, epent Friday laet in mornmR aad eveninR.-ftev�val serv To Cure a Cold In One Day ,�,` y, �i�d took 4ha necew�nry d�fcluraWon o[ qua119oa- �he buss:� ae fe►iled to br�ng iG h+tc:, the viU+t p,-111re. 8tnl�Yf nna Mc. S. �d tlonaodotoRlce. MlouteeotUooembor meeb FraiQ an�wifee eot Nuw Yenre with a�cei hsve eLarted thia week in the q•ake Laxxtive Brmnc, Qniniur T:�h- �ng road aoa approved. The tollowlne hence t6e �eacch; tbe conetnblegettinq P whove �nentioned ohurc6, hence the � acnounw wero oQld : Elaotlun e: nuee, him helow Ullnton. Rrandmw P4'eid.-Mr. T. 8ne11 leit last 1ets. All dru(tKista reYund t h�� iuon�v �' � asa.ss; N. Jar , Rrevol, tao: t�. Mo�enata Yatssoxeu..-Mesera John (3i�wtn, o[ ��QeI� tor Brya,aetoa�n, where he fo �a�llsr weetly meetinyts hnve been if it fails to cure. tar. F,. �V. (;ruvu'a K rovel, �.4.04 ; J�ohn Jomfoson, drala. 4 R., Pn a ed to teach for thiw ear. Tom w�thdrnwn.-J�Siiu Pearl Nic6olaou hae o�go�yture ie on each bux, �'O' ��,2s; Joaoph tlmelzo� e�ve1 �3.e�; R. e. Wiupipea, nnd Thom+u Te�mble, re- 8 R y retuened to achool tn (iaderic6, after n• arrtek, aorvioea on 1�, ot Health, jE On tut�Ded home a[ter e endin New 'o+�e verv populsr with 6he lwyr aad + - D 6 ependin the %mae holidava uoder t4e M�Iler'e (iri nr moWon at IIurklay •nd Huoter the esiari�e ot Yeare witb t6eir muther, Mre. Trem- �►�� with the fair ses, •thbrefore 6e pai,�,n�� �oot.-Mr. Bnidec gxve the ^ P Powders (;nre. �; the dlffernnt o8lcere were 8:od aa followe: �� C�erk, tt�o.00; cr eurer, Sno; �a�sor {70; 61e. who i� {�ettiag veryfeeble-We - t• ool�uocor, tao; au�iwro, eaoe W; D. li. o. have to congrxtulate 'Mr, T. Stothere , n9 enah io; ae►eocore ot juror�, ewh N. ♦ on getting �be Inry�eet vote ia Ao6Held numbur ot apD�lantlone [or the o�ow of Q, �� [or councUmen.-Mliur 4ngustinn in• 11e c�� nrer and sseoaeo� aero P aoed betore tha R �• 's ed ����� � Sa 1 e� , � Ae �,.d who reooant�a thae s aumber o! tendy voiuQ t� the Normsl 8chool at �� �� � �,� �n as b�a Qeatleroen wero s pllo�nta. Movsd Lond�o. - Mr. Walker'a caodMn. D JoAn MalntYTc, aecond�l b� Wm. SneEet, tmm Innereoll, ie vi�itio at Mr. �� �' thet Mr. J. MaKry be weusor [or nurnot ' h' yoor. osrrfed. Moved oy Jona Rnelcle �u4usUDe'e�.-b[cw. li. Wilsc►o end M�ei N� :;;' ch Pocondcd t� Tnox. ew�her�, t6�t Wm. 3: DdagRle avrre vlrlting et lf�et. Young's , � he Tralenvun e rppolnted t,re��utor tOr 1DD0, pn �p�neexlay.-Mr. and Mrs. Q. , �. enrrlud. Noved6 Jno. MoIntyre ,��Qd� B��n W�ro ��ai�►� �e,do�, ��do yOUR RE� LETTER D�Y FOR BARGAINS. '�+ 6y Jna Harkley t�at H. A. Carelek be oollao- g R'' tor �or tDOR csrrlod. Aloved Dy Wm. Huater, tnrm on Tuewlt►y. na secondad bv JoAn Barkle , th�E JoAn LonQ �ud. DoTB.-$sbbatL echool evNry 8undw� �r ' u � A. R. NYnlay�oo be ond�w� tor IYoo, oaerl�d. pt 84. Paul'e cbm�ed +�G 2p.�n. At 3 p. � � Movod by John MoIntyee, esoonded b�� Commenc�Il Frid� Jan 1 Zth and for 8 da. s��� er � m. K meet�n is cslled for the vuun oe Btothere th�t the reeve sod oounolllor unter R R be epDolnted • commlttoe w eumine the people� t�► tP9 pti� forqt a Yoi�nR q e� breaeure�e bo�d sud tA�c tho �rooaot of �eour peop�e • doafely.-I3tapheo Denvee ia J' � ' � '�ya';` pd uy on Aaid bo�nd co be not lee� thsn dzteen drnwing etone [or u toundutiou under � ! thoussnd dol ere. u re hi� house.-W�u. 1'hoippaon hen the " Mo..� by Mr. Haatar �nd seoonded b� 1[r. ���CI[ ob the rouad tor N �A.9 bo�se. or while the Goods last we wilt run a o�reat Red Letter Clearing Sale af al ( W i n t� r MoIntyro thet thla oouuoll sdlouro to maet R � a X� an ou theStG da� o! FoOruwr�. -R. Moore hae hireA witl� wm. iae�a �;oods, augumented by �1147.85 worth of New Goods. Snaps ��e securc�i in ; Ite w. 8mresw, Tp. Olxk. tor a ahort trrm.-tVooA ie cominR io � ese � mo�e pIentitallo aow, the price ie foronto last week. ' � uld ahouE BI.W tor green maple, $1.2o for - j ero so[t maple, $1 for elm Knd aeb„and We seoared grester B�rgains than we espeoEed. Wholeoslere will ont pricea nt t{�i� lim� ��r �,,:,r, n���l M,,x,, � nR Pa�� R, e� o r d a1.76 fordry maple.-A good proAimm 8oably cot prioe� wheo 6hey see tbe "oold Qaeb " Do yoa went to profit bq onr t�uiel� pnr�,l�- , ��, nnt. y� ez- ot�peal�en ie down for Lhe Farmere' sble (ioode t Aar BED LETTER will be • moueyasvet' for yon. �Ve {:nve not tall;rd s�ii�� �;nco onr "" T lnet�tqte.�to I�e held here on �he 19th. fi'. he p -The man� friende o( Joaeph kltothera eneaesefnl Bhoe $sle. Thia RED LEITEB BALE WiU be s snooese too beeause it Lea tlir hame c 1�ment in �1 wil� he eorry W hear thatde wae burnt ot ancoeas. Firat-Claee Depend�5le (�uode at a lower prioe than they are wort6. �Ve �cill p;�v� }�ou a � hie ouL iu Blyth oo Mond�y niR6G-Deve pnrti�t list of w6at yon may get : Y t.�� es. • Betl hxe eeoured a position se tnil ; Re L,l�e �a�l�g. u�ersEQoldt6orp'emill. R�d .- -Rea �� 1'd � AUCTION SALE a�� ��* Regular Letter pp�0�. . Pr1ce. Prlae� , onDd�n'� all wuol Friese �torm Ulatera. He��y Tweed Dress Bkirts ............... $b Uu $g �p !, lee . � • �- �F-�- Tweed lioed� elorm oollsr .............. �10 00 $6 60 Hea.y Poplin Drese Bkirte............... b Ou 8 b0 . # �- Palne s Ceiery Compo�nd 12en's Be��et Overcoatr.. ................ 1S 60 7 7b Fano� Bla�k Drese Bkirce,.:....:'."..: . 2 uo 1 60 �� y; oe Pare Bred Shor� i�or� .. .. .. .................. �o � s bo ,. ... ., . � 6� 2 �o z� Is Now aud Will Ever Be '. •• .• e oo a �a� •� „ „ .� .... a o0 2 ss ,,. ro- �.�•���� Men'e all �voot $eeferr ..... ............. b 00 8 76 Fl�nuetette DrBwere..................... .. 26 20 �: n , � '�d the Great Home e�l('0{1Sh�1'B Downs and Letcester Mea's Reefera, aEorm oollsr ............ . 4 00 S 76 " " • • • • • • • • • -. • • • • • � • • • pQ � Boys' Overcoata, very fine ................ 6 00 8 60 �� �• .....................,. 76 gp `�r `� �. . 8t11alIIe. ���� .� �. Tweed ...... ............ 8 00 1 95 ,. �� ..................... 60 89 ;.� * ____�ND-.. Small Boye' OvercosEe and Reetere et Flanoelette Night �owne ................. 1 00 gg ,. � r �ame onB pricea. •' •` •' ................. 1 2b 1 00 �'}� � Oai6pouod �vill lie'lon� in tde heaQrt� �ERKSNIRE �_��� Tse�+d, 28 iuoLe� wi3e. for Boye' wesr 96 £0 Ladies' Blaok Tig6te ....................... 1 00 ��, � °1C� of tene ot thousands o our Uanadtan 10 doa. •ery 8ue Lineo To�vels, Isrge " " Veete .................i...... I 00 �� ODE mon and women, I�e�ats. 811LRY[.D SRO3. ottl hold s Poblic Q�O� v� �,bite rnd red and bloe ende� �� �� �� • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8� �jQ " ' esle os Perie area scocY .e Loe �, con c. csoaa ' ;" ron Tl�eq ewn nev r forqet the twet thnt �, �,�,iA ��e mu�e rrom aoae�ce oa flne hem �Eitoh ................ .......... 76 46 Men'� Bhith and Drswere, pet anit.... 80 go i, ot it ane PKina'e �elery Qo�pound that g,�ypeta rta�a,) oa �� �. �� .. brouaht t►act etren�tLh, heslch. �nd �+ t Pnra Lioen Towal�� vary 8�e........... 8b �6 ... 1 00 -` � ce. Tharsday� l'eD. 1 St� •• •• �� . �� ..,.... .... E6 17} M�n'� �e Sue 800toh wool B�Irte k 628. new, vlaorons life niter fsil�res �vith • �7 Eo the manr common wdaerlieed remr� ' C�}potl larga ho�t►y Inoen ToWele........ 1St} � lbo 10 , Drawere, per eniE ........................ 1 60 1 00 rte diee, n,e �rell F.e �vith physiciwn� wd � a+m►m�nctns u� o'dock P. �i., a! wLicb .� �• ., �, . � �n hoepttnitrentment, c�'re+dttbe.wawtino�+ire.�r.�: ......... 10 7� Yen� eztts 800toh koit 8hirte snd , r. oi Amonp�st tbe n:oat ooE+hl snd msr t p""°�8horo korn Bn�tR hom � moathe � fp� of Linen Towele ..................... 8 Dra�vere, apeoial..... ... ............... 2 00 1 2fi �; � wli moateoota� au �ood color. sna tooa , ra• neilo�ie recorda ot c�res a�e+cted by �udi�ldu.ts, Ena� Table Linen, ted border, 1} yd�. 88 80 Men'� Itpi�=1'op 86irte ..................... 40 2� la Patne's CeltT v Unsnpound ia tde ��u►r 0 FaYy �1 Bbot� 8on Cows wel 1'!sflp�. �• •� �� �� d yds.. BO !0 •• •• •• ..................... bp 88 ;•�� hSe jueC cloaed �re !he eases ot thnusnh�lr M f+ae� 8rad 8heo�.1►ier powa sh�w. u •� �� �• '3} y8s. 68 60 �� •� •• ..................... si�� wi�o lie�ve been alvan up bp the ph�r�t• t� p� g�g �tu 9h�q, .. �� �• �� B ds.. 76 60 •• " 1 00 6S � ri cisns �u ho lear. 7 � •' ..................... 80 +►� i� � PuN tlrld BaTkthiw Bo�M, 4�md s mooth� to Thrse bopelese ewee rvere men and W�t. 'Ver� vesv�rTsble Lwen ende, 1} yds. 7b 86 Lndieo Jacket�, aew ..................�.... 6 OU 4 26 ' � en, anmen eutiertng fr�m kfdnsy and lirer ! Pre� Bsea tiertshiae t� e moee►e Wd. �• �� •' " S yds.. 1 d(1 76 •' " " ..................... b OD 8 76 '�� i,ed dimeaaei+. stnn�»ch L�bubles. rheqros• aad � eum�+er ot�aoa t�ra�e uaWe ,. ''. " �. S} pdu. 1 26 88 Ohild'� Jaoketa, new..... � ................. 4 60 8 00 ,; ,` ettn B. Tatt, dauRhter oP the 1�6e . tie�rn, nervoue pro*trntion hnd 1onR �ke�. tnrr+►she�3 0o rvyuosuoe w te�ee � � . J iea h TstG 8e retur�ec'l wiLU hte at+►ndin}t dqrpepaiu-�t1 on the br�nkvf �0d'MQ�'' 8 de.. 1 60 1 18 8 00 2 pp .� �' to�anndx. recrain�nprana,e time C4bdarkgreve. ���s;�n�„o�thy�tR�ub,�tn„ A bt of ende Table Ltineu bleeohed LaBies Old Jaoget ......................... 4 00 1 00 ndas. wherr he �ensplac�ed rte AE the ela+rantb hour, r►6en hope ��,�„t� .�r,s,.a ,tawc oot.m, e�- au� hatf blexe�ed R! �atq�e onte. `• " " .....................$4.60 to �8 2 00 ceeprr for t�h� �'Ve6ecrr MiUinR hnd 9�1, wnd deP , hlack deupnndeua� conne au»wa�' t+�dwn. G}rey �+'Isnn�l. 8G €uohea wiZs............ 18 14} Twesd e8eot ilteee (itlode ................ 60 2�, ,�' J ►ttetrtaaxdr e�omin tn �iut�in Co., rr'igncd eupiernr� d�ine's LJele Oom• r�y e.��.��s�.� �r��. Alt vltlol ve $ne (�reo T'lanin�l...... �.. 9b 14� T,o! iheee �ooiie ............................ 40 �i 600 25 ' y� �, �)B (MCiXCd Ofl �l� hGIllCylPBa. po und wae rbccsm�ytend+�d� ll!'�bd� � . . � . . • M � `�ry � „ � ,• � � Qi � " �,• � 8 "„ � � {�� he �eided �[Il tNe tirde • af hi� iHapd ne h I�eE �e�+rt. , iC did not rhqniPtr wi•e b br unHis A�r wftt efMt tte trsis rrH+rTau[ Vb hei��r v��r Se e tor �o e wrear �0 84 8�eoee Ora ttnn�e flnra l dee 4 e...... . 10 tfli►rlc rr�►e � mxn of e=+reptloasl• tux� Peine"a t?eM�t�'� Criompibitad Ita al�ow �E�����1 ey� M ie..1� Wtr sa�r �� ic art►no ELsi�riw: e•. �'ine tktrl Ct[oth iot Jrok�te and Gspe�, 4 pieoee Drtaper� f�oode, new $orel ot��nnKt3tutCon,, qntal Ehe fa I 1ta pnwera e�rid vi�,tit+e�. A�dw� lwur'�b dr '� �"� �' t' tMe to�e . ... ....... 9 4� 1 40 pa�lt�eCt►�. ..................... 12� 10 �; rrti h�ui t� h e �ielre �ut�ce�d tts �nHv{r►�e ev�err eul�e�err , .,••.•. �' . • ' � � , 1 � dc 200 10 , � �*i tu r+►+ur ana t;b�E he ur Khx� ht►ci in Cru�Eh Yo��i +► iiOh�Y Jrak+�t 4�e ai ernte onl. (�'irl s s�td �'hild e(�lo�ee ................. Wh�sm e�rry me�[ctae ch�t eoaki anpr+ retth d�+r� ' Fra� Meiktli� ath U'�der $k�rta. fs�t L�clise b1�bk �nd oolorld Kid (�toveE R�a t�o �n aeath. �� ����� ������ r�r,'C�res n�a+ly m�e.,. ................... 9 40 1 6o d to 6}.ok.. ...... .....�........... �1 a 1.2g � 7� � +�'t C; p�'� � �� 8�►�s� U`nder 8kiria �1tuw1 ......... ...... 1 SZ6 9U 'Ver,� lax�g� whita �nilte; rtigh�l� eniled Z �0 1 y0 �'tu� m"," i �e ��cree�i��d toer�er,t�o�Y�1s'w'r�kc� t�� . � '< :Au• Thtr aLrdcor��tlifi�st►vi�h irt'na� ih• c� dg stet� m arid �e�a �ow ��aiin� cl�a �� ` '�' � b i w� r� t� M 7 m a r r l i n a� a t t h s e�, � W t, e� t e r � a �" r i a e r. '� o� mr on� ie tu�io� m�� r o� t� d� e a o b d s. N o '` �' �o taH��u�rtit iuil�k►'tc�►irn e�l'WCood'h�w►71t , �,r �;�a�' �i '�����,�� �dt ��t''f�atnr�'� ���!!����� 4�,►� i�+��' �AM�!r Wbb� yt4 +►t� bo��d ta �mt►f�� ihu ii�i i,etl� � a ��I11e�w� We hrrb 06e C�bod� 1►��re �n� thny mngy be qt �; > !l�r1i�1�' � f�ld �'ca`� "5i�ti, �Y�: �i �3�i3tl� �dd�dM. �ta�rh��tqtt 1� �iwdrrr � i�t�a�a tda�itt�l� �► . �. �c , � .. ��6 �±14ot�6m�iF� �;�."''�b��'�ir $+i�l�#'� ��. �,. �. ��� w�t��t�:;,E �.��'�► ������� ' . : � , : ._. �1► ;��`�tT�l�'� ��i�i'. f :., ili�+t �t �t o!� � t�t� G1�la '+�rs aot�. � �. ���-.. � � � ,r �� �o�n �i�r�.w ;; �a �wra� � ��� : � �'�'� . ; ���a'k� �' i�►�� � � � i� �r � ;�'i`1#� �r. . f� i�w �a� _ � t� �c� . �+ �,� i�i� +� w��+� ��t�, ., �' �` �i�abc� r� � �' � �► � a �ew �,C�� ? ►�. it�t .ih�'�C ,Atr� �'Y� � Wii►�vt* �tid�t► ��` � �ir; .. , , , ; . 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