HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 7_ . " M I - I" 11, I Is. I I - I I I - 11 - - - I I I I - '. ­ -11 . - I � , ­_ � ­ ­-, - ,. , , , � : I I � �V�� ,4 . I I . I � " -,A *A" ewyilo�. 4yo$ or, . '­� __ .1 - :- ­ I . * I � , 11 , , 11 �, 11 - E: 1*4 .140 WIN THEIR ­ F . I ,­,­ . � , r -ps"W ***4r B , "t* I= X,W,, 900'saw, , , . I . - I- "I'll , 11. qk alw-wit in#" � 44 b Wb* t4 b,aay . q � ­ ­­­_.-­11-�'. 4 . '4 "4041 * a 11, I . . � . . liw A*v* x4c 044 I . 11"r.'s I rt :W 141��t � 01mlotit" 4 thm � M4 : I o -W, ow , . Canadians Take a Prkomin* ,nt �, 1 rt � IN"_4"tW1W0q4i,. . I I I - ent � RWNF0WXMXNTS VOR FAIWOR. IS4 In t,be C, aptoro oda, Boor L-aass 4044w9molats 44 Wotry *4kd ox, . . I , Wwry, 1w," -�"4 doopaftxud W Crens- ,. I ger West Of Belmontst . W FrOnAh frm I)w Aar. Them sA �, , , '. . - griat !W,Uq,A009Pk IPXO *t the Awwa Ix . � A, Jqxpe1pbi fro Ithat DO Asir h1w, kequ able td *and la , pm flottgulAt, Cap* Col-. tion, within the British Ila% near Colono- General F . � reor"lis rolatv"amstuts of Day. @&To*.-.& foroo'coa-Wing of M =1 - And Wgcooded so near the Boer , gulds and Lufautry. of wbIc,b to appears .vc Cavitud,lone. of Ow Toronto Vow�ft , 104 that it was impossible to ro- to Itio 6.0 much in'Wed. 000"Frouch't, and 90qqcisuslanders. 9.9MMan, py' "Ter it. and British kau% tborefor"' rel 04 that with slight reWarce. _ .ded, by as trOyod the trucks. It to 4. Kt`_ . 4 m4t! lie could take 06 town. The Of CW. Alokards. two goas and. A, llorpe , 04 that thills wlia the act of a t=tor. I fighting In t4o hills ilt hloqt�apkoklat. F0 battery. Under Miijo,r dp Aolligaulo4t. '---4. . - ; ba � forty moillited infantry. under U,aut. NOT YET IN COLESIBERG. Ryan. and OW of tbc,,,CWZV#jJ Ught The total British oasualtlep about FLOTILLA OF WARSHIP$. tb L . . lafanti,y. the wbolo's;O�Murudad by 4,49spaltob. from Landon. saym-Tho R COL P,lobser, left HolnWat OP SJMO#, , org n two 4,4.14, were SIX men v , , , Adetagra AQU that tile first- ga _ � kuie �1 ,4, , Ity SlanO14,1011 � 'It UOPA 94 A Mia"Ill *66tW&PIA COVell!. , Th �� .0 I . t ,Lwbun000, ., I - class tqr0colo.glaphosit Harrier, which *ill . . Ing 2Dmiles bAfnrA-uqli4Q�. ,,. . . �, � I.trow Wo. eoles, ,!as ordered to watch auspicious for- thl berg r at tend to modify the anti - I The force eacguip"d at Cockle farm, mate of Gen. Fronob-A eign vessels dealing Ila contraband � where the troops were welcomed oui Predicted occupation of ancesall- The goods. ban arrived at Adon. tau I I thaltilRdtlOilkily'- At bix O'clock Moviday not bee Coleablarg had Ft has been 4*Wded that a amillit � M roached a spot =1clid a accomplished yesterday. 06tilla of warabipiraball boa maintained I)' It ,F twhile, the Boers, guns, an- on - dyty watching all South African "T i , where a laager of the Boarg was P", 0 have boon aildneco. were , . ported. still active. I ports. des , Col. Pileher, on approaching the po- . . . so T ; At "Itinill, Which was a line of strong MORE I MS. FIGHT AT M"FXING. ., c Rougentiont 81 so '� wlfeetlho guna, Torolaton.aild Mounted The War Offlpe has authorizolithe A dvISMIch frinim Colonel tBaden- Hoc infantry.' to work towarda the right, eVipment Of the new battery attach- Powell, dated December 26, dencrib- pe � making a turitillif take'vement himself ed to the London vqlu&tW morps with long tbt ,ladt known 4OXtio from gate Ma I � with th I 0 Qdeend andera towar-OB the kllnl�l L -. , south position. Vickers and ka�lma; and h"' ordered uaalyaJ_" I , Wit I I . The xxtanoeuvre was a complete .no, one hunOxed of these 12 1 -2 -pounder *'We ;ittacked Lhe auenky'a works bag, cess- The British shells were the first quick -firers built immediately. The� this Morning, endeavoring to push 101 � indication of the presence of the officers and man ,of the now battery back Abe cordon. northwards. , Our !, troop&. uppliod fro,m tne Honourable forcie, congolsted of three 'guns, two IV I The Boers left their laidger and Open- will be Lor ad fire, but the Queenalandare Artiller; Oampany. squadrons of the' Bechuanaland Pro- . com- Eight additional militia regiments tectoratik, li4g.imant, one squadron of ge . � plating the movement, the laager was have boon called Pat. eaven of these the Bechuanaland 111fies, and an ar- ilia , , . captured, wJth forty prisoners. . will serve in Ireland. replacing the Moored train- , The British casualtiels were twomen ulare seat to South Africa. " The enemy had strengthened their tau I .1 killed, three wounded, andould miss- reg the I The whole force worked acbmir- The Ron. Sidney, Robert � Oreville, worka duriong the night, and Jikad dou- � ales, ha� bled their garriesua since :yesterday's En . ��. The two man killed belonged to the Queensland contingent. obtainal the Pritic6so permission togo reocknooindance. Nevertheless, our at- xle . I to the front. Ratteatly. he has been Lack was pressed home With tile great- a& acting as Lord Salisbury's secretary e4t posoible galla.ntry and atealfineas DYSENTERY AND FEVER. instead of Mr. Schoomberg McDonnell, under a Very hot fLre,.but all our at* to I Tile War Office has issued a message Among the announMent4 at, those fortij to gain tlxe interior by eacalude mox , . who volunteered on eaday a sent by General White at Ladysmith the names 4 a hundred or xqore ."llar failed, the fort being practically im- mov EZDS P pregnable to attack. I f ... - only withdraw lafter six of our ton on December 81, in which he states geoutlemon. Many ofthes $Potoh. %V k. A Ir 6 � . that dysentery and favor are on the 'All parts of ElM nd a Scotland officers aind a large number of mon L4 . Increase in his camp. ,report lively volunteeritug. a , leadlill Wf.ro, hit. I am � - feature ballag the great out&$ raise Th� general Situation is unchanged. and by Private- subscriptions for volunteelt ."The beakth and aisixiLs of the get - BRITISH PRISONERS. equiPmeg.t. Same of 1helcounties have risan are moot sati.efactory.,, Liia I The War Office publishes a telegram given aer,high AS, Xllip,000. It in cam- "Our casualties were: ­Killed 3,of- ,oss . puted that thd provilaceM have jjready Moore, and 18 non-comin iasioned offi- doz . received from the Boor commandant- raised nearly X".000, while London oars and troopers,; wounded, I officer general At Pretoria under date of is raising A120,000 for thei city corps. and 23 nork-commissioned officers and PeLo I December 29, in reply to a. request ------- 0— � troopem." L aiev ! --timan the British commander at Cape A despatch from Cape Town, Says : No mention is made in the despatch Lim I � of the reported wounding of Lord Ed- on t , , . Town for particulars as to the cookodi- I -A despatch to thil Times from Boon-' ward Cecil and Lord Cavendiah Ban- tiGn Of the wounded English soldiers burg, Buys that Tuesday night the tinek. Gen. Forest er-Walke r, at Cape "O now hold at; prisoners by the Boers. British, got fire to the trucks a( the Town, points out in forwaxoting the )AL I The Boer c0tumander furnishes the ru message that wbile the despatch gives ane information dealred. claway train which has been wreck- all the names It fails to show that six . His telegram states ad I . that nine of the ad by the British artillery when it officeire were bit. . wounded British, prisoners are still in was seen that the train. which was It its believed that a traitor in town I � the hospital at Pretoria, and 30 others loaded with provisions, would . waxned the Boom, as the works were wnit; h a Bing a an care pit in the Boor wise fall into the ba crowded with burghers awaiting the ,led , capital at Dundee. nds of the Boers- attack. The British retired slowly, ,he .t The New South Wales troops, who refornAiig at a distance Of 400 yards. I, 6 , I � were detailed to set the trucks on fire, The British loss was 21 killed and 23 ' . TREACHERY IN FRENCH'S CAMP. Worked under a heavy shell and rifle wpunded. . .0 d A despatch from Rensburg, Cape firq. A party of Basra were tryLug to BOER GUNS DISABLED. I well I . Colony amys:-A train containing stop. loot the wrecked train, but Ward com- Dope 1. :Pliss, to which no engin pelled to retire by the British artillery- A despatch fronif Frore Camp, Fri- LO L , F a was attach- The. shrapnel shells burst over the ela- day, says :--A native who has arriv- hy ,. I ed, started moving within the British only, doing considerable damage. ad here reports' that two of the Boor bra lines on Monday and ran down an Many riderless horses were seen gums have been, knocked over by the ,he , incline towards the Boer lines. It was running about latter the fire be. 1'rit'sh,iiaval guns. One of the wreck- Up found that the train could not be stop� gan. ed guns ist a 404pounder. that � . Ped, and the British gunners were The Boers sought shelter at Plow- Lord Dundonald, withl 200 mounted gove � I o destroy it topors. man's siding, but wel"irected sholiN. mon, two fiell. guns, and a Maxim, "Ous I vent the supplies from failing into the in opened fire on (the Boers this after- ,,um, Pa coinp�elled them to abElacibi thi; n . hands of the Boers .Their aim was do- a. . oon. while patrolling towards Hiang- cipal I � '. curate, and the oars and their contents The enemy took A field gun at a Want hill. , . a ow , were soon worthless. What started the gallop thiough a pass oppoaite the The Boers had fired on the British - train is unknown, but treachery issue- British right. The l3rithh inim-oidlate- 'Outposts' few I rare I I " . I Patted. One man has been arrested ly shelled the gun, but the a The navottguns soon followel, shell- t rid do . , in connection with the matter. made no, reply. neany -Ing the trenches, which were full of vied .I- floors. I I � .1 - - The despatch adds;- The troopers their retired. � , � LOYAL PEOPLE OF DOUGLAS. ed"The floors are practically surround- by, the field and naval guns. , 388. , I A despatch from London j3ays:- , aind if there were more I British The British ,sustained no losses. Bu . troops here we could cut ti�air, linpa of brill ,�. Lacking news froun the British camps communication. oThe Raffirs are evidently giving the . I ,. " The boomial; I Boers assistance by lighting beacon beat , � in South Africa, whose future action of cannon can be fires when the British patrols start Robe , h ard from the cerntre at Colekop. coal. The resulto is that the British "31P' � I 1. can alone have an important effect on Tells Berkshires have been reinforced. never succeel in cutting off the enemy uncill . , the larger issues of the campaign, The Taniskillings, Tenth Hassairs, and and return to camiq tired and disapoo mods , V I the British public is making the most IBI Horse Artillery command the left :'. of Col. Pilcher'B miniature battle. Un- Of the Position. The, pointed after their hard work. tuall I I 4, H ,�Jrse A fact that goes to support this be- Ing i .. I ew � , . bounded tribute is paid to the, prowess ill ery, Mounted Infan .y life is that the sheep, cattle,, and goats More I . Zed - "I., of the Canadians and Australlans,and .1andlers, And barineers, under-Coi. belonging W the Kaffirs aTe never war I � 1� gahle accounts are published of the .,ter, are on tbe extreme right, Gen, looted by the Boers. Ili,, 0 L � an uslasm in Douglas Brabazon is in command. t .b.as the victori- .,Our troops are Playing the B ' NIGHT ATTAQK.� ject 0 � Ous troops entered t place. The a carp BOERS representative ,of the Associated t t,keLr orwn g1me, butr#hey are dh from Reasherg, Cap ..be s t �, ,41n . elin A despat "I Press with the flying colt to: l, 1111spro*tIve," 1, . ,� 'A. Colony, i" Ab Boerh wbil �dlcat it ".",aoza , 'Pil , Get, leavin �Cky Z11 "I'd . L?AAI Th. immediate ... , - be Brkish !1� oustualtA t; t; , Ill. I ,I:,*. r19 I,= v , an'att5k'undor 6av'- ir'�f ailing made � . cher's success is the enhro dispersal' Frenb,h'a force 'Upto.the afteifi�on O . the darkness "id' I I of the rebels, who have beenj govern, Jan, 3 wore IfLve men killed and 24 oil General French's forces. his r �� Ing the country for the past six weeks. won aded. At 5 O'clock this morning the Royal rlose After Sumayside wag captured the A detachment Ott 25 New. Zealandelre,,Horse Artillery, wi,4,h foldor guns, com- I,eav � I orontes occupied this Judger for the bad a inarrow esedpe ivilile, advan late.. . polild the Boers,l�ki, resti)re- ,uponi a 1� T or n ' � 1 " - . t, -, 'Oil b. * Aft4f a cofigideiable rifle and ill -0111 ght, and joined thei main body the oil Cofeeberg. They '*ore*dIr'6c(eod1 to k . h lowing morning, bringing the whole occupy - kopje, but met with a hot re- shell fire the mcoun,tood infantry dig- cutta I ,:,-).is Boer tenits, wagons and loot, c,epuo. from a conce4 I force 0 mOtbrite0t rg,ed ,tise Boers ,success- Oars �� Bee n� lied 1. I - a \�eaving the Cornwalls ingarrison aceirs' A 'r - Wll,iliish tro &If -Y, .d ft'o`ok, III Priadners.- Tbo Boer pathy t ng th ., , I at ,qmyside. Tillie British force then danger, douttl9di to 01, cabualt�es' were 50. and o I reactin of the' 'New Zeafiiaders, A rid ' DkIhag the fighting the Inniskilling cral a . ., star tA for Douglas, the Torontos tbei, retreat was successfully acoom- Dragoons affected a surprise mo �e- On I bringing up t1le rear, in wagons. Pliabod, under cover of Ahe guns on ment and charged on the retreating falthl 11, I roops entered the hills westward. . .. the town unopposed, and Were. They killed seven, and cut the, t I � COI,Bko,P to now the principal scene their way clear through. IN ,; 11 rolinary scenes. The inhabitants were of the fighting. Two British officers, who mistook the .1 , , overjoyed, and crowded about the Sol- The British Supply train wrecked Boers for the New lZealanaders, were 'lot 0 11. , diers, shaking hands with them, aild I 1 contained 22,000 rationts and a supply capture(l. her , f� ,�, .when they loaxned that their dediver- of ruin, , , I 1� V�, - 4 'the enthusiasm became frenzied. ( The Boers' attempt at a night our- found 1, I'v". k q. -, ., , , .1 . the enthusins became frenzied. I pries was very gallant and determined, gUbJec . 1� . ; � ,0'. 1: . There were deafening cheers as the GEN. BULLER'S FORCE. but it was frueltrated by the 'British Of his � �,,',�� ' troops traversed the main street, and A despatch from London aaya:-The vigilance. 'The Boers gained and held ec'm � a small kopje and commenced a turn- One �:, �, it was almost Impossible for them to critics, in surol-Ing up the probabilities ing movement. The British the Open- who b ;�,t -4, , 1,��! mak-ke progress, the crowds being so Of General Buller making another at- cod a witiblaring% fire, which tbe-ob s6vere , �,,;;, eager to shake hands with the Colon- tack, estimate his force at nearly SO,- are were unable to withstand, and they , ials. Sion O',�"1'4'1 ,.�,�i � It appears that the landrost and all 000 Men, WAth 66 guns, including six broke G,way. a half 1�'�Y,�!, ��;l , , � ,; the mounted rebels evacuated the place howitzer's against General Joubert's The lot h Hussars started in pursuit diers' '. V�� an the previous night The unmount- ?5,000 men and 60 guns, but whose post- bf the Boers. Major Harvey com- Engla. , �fl�, ed rebels are repsorte.ol to on entrench- tIOn and mobility will more than cone- man,14119 the Hussars, w4is killeWviorhile (If the � I ,,�A'l I �,-_ P4 in the 'vicinity. Quantities of am- terbaJance the numerical superiority Aectooling his men, and Major Alexander, ment �,,fl:' munition were captured and destroy- ?f the British. The critic of the Morn- the 86COInd in command was wound, ranks �1;�', Belay, �'?� ad. I ing Post labours daily to prepare the 00- 11 �,r public for heavy losses. Hio says:- General French h" been reinforced Afte ' "):"",A " Once General Buller sets out his ob- Vvdth (I bmttlatry of field artillery and a So nd-h A , "', LS. 111"; Ject Will be to win decisive battle. His battalion of infantry. ninete �! ��, A despatch from the Modder River aim will be to Innict the grqatest ,vq- ZULUS BEYOND CONTROL 1,1,�: commi ", ,, Liltimlites that the Sunkside prisoners Bible loss on the enemy, and, if he - the Bo ;.�4 4i,l�, A deepatob from Piet ormaritzburg, 1851. � 'I�L will not be treated as prisoners of war, can, to crush or cripple the Boer army. altleascilloa of the Zulus J;�,,,� in open rt will be necessary for that purpose . . . leerne, , is Increasing. , Ir,' but as British atibjects caught Many cof them are on Afgba ", _,�, that he does not spare his own force." ,;,' ","I", rebellion. the verge oY starvation and there linve. t hrou � . �� , I . .I.— been several instances of looting Rdber $ I I ", ,:. At the Modder River camp the con. , WO1tR,rrNG THE ENEMY. stores. It is feared the magistrates ing, t ,,,j�,: drurt of the colonials is greatly ad- �i N, Winston Churchill Bonds the follow- will not be able to restrain the war-, :,t1'-,',4 mired and all are delighted that they which , ,. , I .. �, �4 have struck the first blow on the ing to the LondonMorning Post, da t- riors much longer. It is asserted they He a r . ; �! ,�,,, western frontier since the battle of ad Camp Elrers: n k the Boers, appoln , , Ungerdontein, It is believed the re- " The increased activity of the Bri- _____s9_ value K , , - ,� .", I -'�� ]let of Ruruman will quickly foll9w. fish cavalry has Proved BULIER'& BOY!iOOD. arquir , �11 , !"'. - tory to Gen. Buller. very sati8faci- — tions �, I., . " In my judgment f1his wa.r will not Fustian General Woman All -Ron ... I Testing all bla , i,�, I . o NEEDS MORE MEN. 198 M � ,:'11 be e'bded 'by the eplisture of any par- 1111sixesiA 49 School. ��, V The War Office on Wednesday af- tioultir place or to*n, but by the onit- and I , � ,', - � � �'i I. � ternoon issued a despatch received miltnolocis in the field getting tired of a Ta spite of the story, books it is aiot of Bol , 1'�� �. ,�� , "' from Gen, French, saying his position their losses. The killing of high offl- lways the good boys who have become winnin ` �i�`,k cotalls of the Boor arany, I believe. In great men. Sir Redvers Buller. the a4r, an , 1'11�,y wrlA the same an on the previous day, the only sure and certain way of ar- man who, in 80te of, bin recent defeat t4hot I , , �Ll' I 'L that with small. rainjoreements he riving at peace. In the English war with the Boers. has pan, , � could dislodge the Boers from Coles- _Ceaseless worrying of the 130ors � " �L" by �11. . bArg. and, In the meantime. he can- ),",-, the British In the last few days has proved himself one of the s I I tinned manoeuviarifig. proved very effective. fighters Great Britain has ned, was fleP on �� �"� 1. Ir Ow � I ' "The Boer antflinchmanta are daily anot a studiann lad by any men... A "" rryi 4 � 11, �,:'� GEN BULLM SOON TO ADVANCE. exteonding, In till directions alonar the man. now a clergyman, who, an a boy. them, L . , _ ,�, hills beyond Tugelw river. but their Rfnndn , �i`, ,� Gen Buller continues bla night bum- sat in the same seat with him, says Fl� w,0 , 11.0; k within range of the British naval �., �,�, bhrdmelitA and patrol surprises. As lwor, is most uncertaln business. � they both looked forward nearly every a DID& f, , 1. � t be Tugela River is again fordable and day to a Lhraahing - and generally was , :,", hbra have again been got it. Oftee he fought with young (" :�, :� CARRIED THI� BABM. Buller and got a black eye h O ` .. �� requigitiOnsd at Durban and Plater- . for his wbil,o. r , ", I maritzburg there la a disposition to A despatch from Belmont, Cape Col- Palms, giving a bloody nose in return. ,run. (b ; ' believe that the British advalor-e will ony. Welnesday. sayst-Colcin . at Pilch- The mab who in busy leading a great ,,' I � :1 I � not be long dalayed. army Against the Best* too -day, was a I !h or, it in officially announced. being graceless young wo,orp, who went and th � 1,; � � , only on a railing expedition, and for bird's nesting and raiding orchards, muse a " � �",; GITN-9 ON THS HUNDESRATH. military reasons being unable to Co- who neglected,his lemsongs and got Into Pell! or l,, �� 'r. . it is reported At D(irban that the cup Douglas permanently, as vacla- mischief, whotook hiaw ippingswith- force ", , , captured Gstillotion ult"ifter Bundearatli Stel th, town, brilliging atilk V the out a murmur and mads, his tieseber tiny it I I'll. . bad on' board fililos big gana..fifty tons loyallfts. Hobs@ now returned safe- "by he waft "the most audacious boy In Medal , , � � ly ,to close proxim1t:y to Belmonf. the school." to I , � Of shell slid 180 tkAllied artillarymeb. When he announced the p ty of ------- it— dla ug is t �'; i Not hi ng furtb6llt, hilA. b."n heard from evacuating the olaos, the =tbitants THE NVMER OF OUR HAIRS, etity-t I Moltono, Which *A& ' I I teparted from of Douglas declared their lives ware thoroul I i StArkatrooln to i6 head c According to the Medical Recia I �_ , y not worth five minutes, purchase at- rd aylhp,,i t ,." the rtzgduoy. morning. So ter the tr000ps left. Colonel Pilober fair-haired people poameag, commonly, lady on I... . ;. far ,,118 kn6*4 Urao therh is only a therefore Invited them to otboom" y between 140sM mind 160,000 hairs on the his fan a forc6 theft. . ! him to Belmont. The preparations scalp, the number being about the In IS .1 w1are, apesdily ectlwill6W. ' but the Millie tor blan and walmon. 13hricr-hair- taln. 11 '1� WONDIM P"'A JlSbAlgn. DIED, vsbiel,r Peik 00 an Average, about be$ colilk ,. of, tbJ,.)tnWM WSTA, tOtAllY In- 011 POOPIS hat ow . a4atild, fi to i'looevy the fil#eas. go 1060DO, wbith red-'bairad people arso bey lath �' A destistah f kWtkAtrO6n1 8r- the troops gave up the' transport w&V said to IDIVe tilly ^40W hairs. But He jo V ,, , nouncon that &WIlibilit6f,the no" com... go" to the Women And abuillfen lbe latter apparently po&"9s one pier of ,I##- i I - ­ � . ­ __ - great advantap in thO fact that they As sad li� � . Mandant At J!J0lhb;bjr# has ditil of -1 I � o &,&�;, , J 'I ' i retain their AWJr better, se1dwrd,Wedl* - A 1, � I , wo Itoft'' 'A I a4sbuit 4i - LS AL9 *�DU Ma _V Ing bald. Th4t hair [so much oarjWt tiren . . big' I . � , R; &4(4, 8 6- I - Wy Ualf, Can*�, I I NkAof tUrk that 61 Urk or fuir-balrea &It000 -- ed . � A " , 06 . rul - A, I , dat ed T * rZ �, , ,"a. . WIll boot� 4 ot 4vio- I � J: kar Ad I 'I', , I � � � ,J �_.. , � � �, 0 ,� .1) - I I . J 1, I , . I � . I � ­ I I I . I I I - .� I , . I I , I � . I ,� I 1. , ": . I . I . . � I I � - � ,� I I I . . , , � 1, i . I � "I I ., �� I 11 . , I % I n . , le� I � �.�� Q, I . , I' I I � 1� ". �, , _� ,� , � . � I 11 t, I 1, . . I I I 0- 11 ­;,Plos.�, .1 1� ok 6- '' � . . " . I ., � _ .0 -1!i � 6 . M� ft"ifi�� A. ­ I I ,I, . I �-qr,.N, �� ", I- � , 1 -�!,tl �, . I � .� , "r.., � , , , � - - I I - . � & - , . — ,� . Wv a — ­ , i�Z4��----..� . t li # t , L$ )Ile, V�. L�' , 1"I., U. �, - 00 � AD; In , "Allone"44 04 :6.1t � *" - 11 �� ; � �,� ,"�o _ L,4� I .1. 10, . tt..,.. NEW,31UMMARYIl. Islo", ", ��, ''a I Lm""0` ..", =-Or =%- __ � W mm 14 M- N= w, ­ ,, - . I U,o* * t4 tos"" 11 � 1, U IS-4411LUAIN'Tts J V, ,'', , � Av011oo .. '*'* ` " -0slovios, .- �. � 0014T 0412 116 W", to 'I i- I '1* r"4W4l4';�1 '"* �' � I 1. . � I ._ , veliklos, , T" TWID AT A�11. TIXE;� 44'sk 04(04 Xor h* 4anict -_ I I A I "not I .�ct 't 4 , ea"t '*.Ut' " 1, t. , *040, J04. &,%W* VWX am* � I I - I tlio, xoow.�W ospeditipm I I *10A � twoAlk " A I V-0040" t* " t. �" ^tw"oor *04 *w6w" t"s I , U4 br-** to my* I .. "I'll 1, - mril -1940 am , 00,Wk tuo wao, W " � .to - I _ , 10 11"AAls" 41011k 040 VU00 0117440 3", he Wall' *9 a *L4t;kr.V,Con 9 QfL fVW .( rX , ' � .. � L 11 Is , I 0-00#4W t* *wwdl gatue, mao* ,* , I _ . . L L , _," I , I , gio * *0 4* T#lq 4 � F � . 'W"" "'TOXIO.W. *sAxalli" u*0 W f I I 0t(*W* "tod, RO" I" 44 I ­ .. I" a', "I'll boirw two *ww*. 2*6 itsti* bats *A " I Be s - . � 4 - "It ht.00 $,* IW4 tu %14*&0 tuallfiq W 114 M"u, AlIr slqlsvotir-*� , A' f*, -4 fQx� a n4lFtW14 4 , I IWAr. W, , " .4,2 VP - . rVeoll# ,�� L . I.." . I I - #4 a JQO10#61 10 W,J *44 t)" AARbW I Msrti luft�"040* *'* 1; PM.]RtmoAt as P"141114- , 4 1% 1114, 4 ' . qM44 Xwaly*a go# � - - _ I sok 0410 04*r ~!� L' or -very -94 04 C"449, � *sit quartermaster gewak, with the oil , ... _40149 X1,M41kiltrol to -day, '" V imallaaki,sisia, "* t*a,& ',,, b 4 11 �a" 0,;,a . - tj� W " , 'AJ WjAk 1*�:�JF ,- ' #0 , , t, , 0 wooll .� POW MilitaX.V MOU haTo So 4COmploto- loml, rikuk at In en!"Ll A ad,, 1, � .=: T0010 am- vampa "' , oft, hAto, the comwo ,xii, .. � , L W9,P `AW,a4miratiola ot-,444r ,Iql, Lig* Littou r1J -, t � � V""" 41419.404, , __ =&9)4 jot 0A r4olaub 44m,04 In Ir ­ - V v-41 Open taudo* MISS F&JIGUSQN. OF. TQJRONTO X ObIvApir c4ttilli so jw� jaLr at . I fes , 4 1.4 t# . , I � war$ as U44 Fluid utaxosb*1 LQV4 when 40 b0csime a majol, 0".4*1 Qt 4 , 'OL&, '�""horq poksta I .* _ 4 0.40, '"o I 01110400 11 mderlizk LRelgh Itub"tais *hu *%lied the 4irmy. Theu. in Mg. Up recalwA r I nuorl . STRUCIC WITH A SAMAU. offeri4p will V"Ur lu . . , 11 ,00., ., —1 L . . . L , ( - I � J- the coinwavid of Eauteru Afghanistan syQhp*'U*vu`R884 h8* 111001111i committed tc.'dayk t*t­ xterOy f"Auglaud no, 0se V"9 froun )�Abul to Jaullotid, It Wao Ill t�bkl) ft t r*J L , 'S.t I ft illo-mleaus 414, 1W 044,40 , ,. _dg#Aoos Olut hero soold - _ _,, On the 1*1 Mollusks 1r"*".#AeT lism"sk-Ask Col- 0 Was, 41 1 1 '*site to take supreme comma war whlii�.h bx9to Out 409a ajt,tFWar4 , Charlie ofmordpiln . , for 0 r L I , L L balk ukt,04 , ,; his motth9r. � iiikowlk man 4lisiousults 410'XI *4144 U, 4 4 _ 4 " . � I . . � I I I as eutiraxe on wbWA 4414' lialo)tkyy tilt'#t �� the Britbb forces in South Africa. tltat ho first butgail. jo attru,zi; the gou. VIC, reoelpits for tile first two Moutlia ficrVard ,$$"as t4s#.*,.Ter,!Uto, Rood Chung - L .. I I I war qtW are tbo Qualmandoilts who 0-1 Public atte4tion. wbi.cb culminat, that the Willt'11119411, toftrulk "a we* N"OKA Ili Clit barlintims. 04 vidoews; fo t - .. 11 , . ". � 0 .. - I enjoyed So large sk . ' ad Ili entoblaostam ovqr 0 , In''OAKKA I tioll'aMont'494 to Over #I3.0 -h cattia ib�rli A to 4 I �:: " - 11 of _ ,W I LLL 1 . I Measure . . A dat@Patic frolni TQrol,ito Oyu -A 71W - . *-A 11 . b , 1.1_ � � , HIS VAgUUS MARCIL AA A=Orkilllk 107AffillAtO ban b6ugb,t dalltardly outr4 _ _ * .blAP4" 04%kojl ft' . , I , **QL.d territory in sa feideirt were praduath; 13, * � . ir soldiertit, love as that which the r �Xol ocsQlArkull In* itte I t t1r glish and Indian armies Long ago Durt tile culaptylita tic was Mention- ;ItIft ( Nalut sud at 41110 vity about 6,1 .. �11114 I - w_,. . . I cd clat Out" In the despatches, L CA L, d , 11,95101T to 0�4 . a . � . L to "BOW' "UtOo Bobs," or on his qu QP Rxidoay eveni% IQ W ': ' I , Uvb to plltW, In 1879. While Ottawa d"4*tW), , .. wjoeia '40446 FAA, "Ismall 4uff1l-,WaR_J# dam necked L4 Young ,- " $4-L 0% L 1 _4 - obsy." an he is variously knowita in in rommand of the Kurvm Valley Vicariat itic4lue. returns for Whouillieg, kAOW1l' ruffiiku k IWO. sold well at a fillglit ojlv,iC" (j% 004j, I , , r terms of endoarmeu;. forces, ,lib fought a fiercQ and bloody (or ill,, lost monVIj of jog ahow oibli "O '66iilildlell& w4th, a sand -but mad for the better Irado.e. L _ f . I * I .. �� L I L- . . .Cotal, winning a increase in 04,111112%.0 Over the same unde QU with hAr purs, Good veal Q41" use wim(#C . � I battle at Pawat Y , I Mis feeling for -their hero is Qlmok brilliAnt victory Pit Charagai before PIrl"'d olf 28ft Hoga are unchanged; for thaws b-90 , -�,.l - , . I .. t of a family for its head. There his capture of tb bli&4 RachatJ Per ' 80; light boo sell , " L ' , �, , a capical. Thence he Two mine= were blowa to Notom, of the J. 1). N& gullion. an emvloye 44o toP price Is 43. 1 . - something wtriarobal about it. had ,to retire to Sbarpur cautouniouts, by the e*Thklilli of dF,4,m,Jte which italkith Company, Who at 411, and fat bogs, are only brvq , $iag -,:- �� - , . , � a a"r wheis his foresight ball led to the they were n UVOP &It 28 Firet avoutte 83-40 Per lb. Too many '�' ': '� , LL ommy," be be Briton or Indian, � awicke out'llit t a Sultana with her fat boo 041 � , � I . . COnfiltr 4 ly loves a hero, but when he finds ,u9tiO4 of 4 strongly iatrentill- mine. Rat Portage coming ta. I L . .. �, , ,, " . .. 11 .L i � ed Position for just such an emer- It is a4 %. 00101, Mrs. Twilag. was walking past F0110w1ing Is the raqX* of quot.g. 11 .. I . . . nan wW combfialia !,m4al alid phy- getacy. T 0 kid that the CMBELLOIL ,POweV the Vol 9111,100 on ,Gerrard street qast, dous. which are largely nowinal:-, � .�; I : ,�.r,Q:gbmut tho winter h 411 I . I . . ltb a force of 7,000, Oc= I L . i al courage 4 a bigh order with bril- held the H. It% Ylldicate w'Al extend the w1111A a Man suddenly aprung, Ott Cattle. . ..'' " cy. thigh and modesty and a keen QgUlUst IQO.UW Aurce tribesman. Oakville atRa4ndie4a1rIyylW4ittia10 Railway to frV1111 the shadow& and stilled her. Be, Shippers, per owt. . .#490 0476 . I . . , . I L 'Bou"I rigard faig tho,comf rt of the awalt'ug the arrival Of ro-iliforia- The bot wouter pipes att&ohe4 to, the for" "D conlItIll OrY,Otlilo be bad dragged Butcher, choice do. . . $15 4 M . . I . � . . , . 9 . . wl�kta. with th autiotter. mao.'asgoolto . flip 161 - , ; I I a Ili the ran t e aid of which he Stove at Pay. A. MilloWtilliants, real. bar into the gaol Ya -rd and thrown bar Butcher, Interior. . 11 1 274 1 .; .1 . I I ­ ka. "Toll.4my" stlaight-� PPOMP IY recaptured Kabul, and was dances Hamilton, exploded, smashing to the ground, behind the gate. By t Stockers, r I . . . y falls slawn and worships. And he � ready to vaaZvh to Kandahar when the atove. and dirina his pe owt. : 9'.. $25 11 ''. = sheep and ba. I ! w 1 been doing that before "Bobs" for this lacciduslity presents& itself. .&tie room. Sing furniture 'a daw Miss Fore"old had recovered LOQU I �, .:, , � these many years. From 1881 to IN5 he was In com- Mm Weenar. who lisa lived ,it Win- from bar surprise, and Screamed for , per owt. . , 00 3 (IM -4 . I L ­ I . ith never a failure in his record, mand of the Madras Presidency troops nipeg several years In somewhat help. Th silence her the fellow struck Buckd.' par owt. . I P 344 40 . � I'll il I I I per owt. . . 924 Sig . . I 1� d Roberts bas to kuy a feat of a'ad his latest fighting was with the atraitened eirounistaneLs. hall fallen her on the head with a sand -bag, ran- Milkers wad Calves. � . I'll, pUrMah Gxpeditiou, in 1886. He wag heir to 250,000 by the death of a rela- "ring her ;, I I keralship and individual bravery to, commander, in attilif of the forces in tied in tlw old,country. uniculwaloua. Co% 0 , " . Col �s. ea b. . . . 23()o ' 50 . 1 17 , ob L , , I A-ftwAg t hose whose attention was eaolL . . . too 1000 L L­� �. L I oredlit. That Log willoto tie it, Dicat India. from 1883 to 1893, and then was Aliag Auqt Lee, of Stoney Creek, is / .. I oue is* hit$ marob. trom. Kabul to succeeded, largely on bin recommenda- auffarLng from almost oontinuoub att Meted by the outcry ,wan Miss - Hog$. .1 . . � �1 L Tol- ' hogs. per owt. , 4(6 4.371.2 I.. I relief of Kandahar la,)418% wh tiev,--bY General Sir George White, filDcOugh0b, aad hiar relatives are hurst. 763 Gerrard street, who 8 161g`tl`tc . I Ile now beleacured, in Lad smith. how, per owt. . too 400 16 1� � . 1. . . y alarmed about her condition, The pagaing at the time. .,,, T,,,,uw,',I, deavy hoirs, per owt. . 3641-2 $74 1 �. L, � I .� gland was 44 telliterhooks, at an- Since his return to England Lord lodal physicians have not been able to r8,u as fast Its she could to Dr. Sne Torn _OatSW ty as to his ssofetk. of it he � kiilli., .Roberts has been commander of t he stop the biccoughb. ath,5 ato. Jan. O. -Wheat . 11 �:, � . divan JUdrk0ta continued very dull i4lo-day, �11, . forces in Ire"d. He was raised to C. p. R, Lund gates for 4sember drug store, oil Broadvaotw no. and ansd prices were practically at yeateroo. 11 " � himself tha t be, f9titude lAus � &dvlLIXCC Vho peerage as Baron of Kandahar, in give Like following figures; 62,253 acre told what s rd, The doctor � Jioblil' in Lillie previous ypar, a far 0 ut day's level. Local Pitiless were stjoady , 'j" _ Afghanistan, dad of the city of Water- auld for 8163,7621. For the carrespoiddang waa not at. hom-,,b Mrs. Snotlath,Ao. awl trade quiet. L a diftiockh'ick4. Hio. successful ford In 1892. . '--' Red dud white On- 11 .11, m back to tario ib quotelod at (13 to 67o. according 1, � ,,� THE for 454.703. Por ilia Yeax 1899 410.4m tile gate. The,y were Joliet in time to nearness to the mill, goose wheat . tl� , 6MOUL Of d,1bOdy cOmPhainq ai'Out ALS FEELINGS REGARDING moutbL of '98 17()U9 910rcs were 8014 oompuntiod the , I Wousaad fightakrill ..64 i;aititslb and BOERS. acres had been Sol ofor 11,823.720. For to (L9 1-2 to 70o, outside, Manitobas fl.rom. . �. 8 � Lan-eightL thousakcid 19&14 the year 1 98, 848,U acres were sold ,11, a man dibuppearing in the (lark. Nok I hard, S.L.t.. 78c, Toronto and I ql,�� . p f011l?w- I Were Lord Roberts bruall enough to for *1 21.774. uses over the vacantlaud towards the weaL. 77c; and EMA, Midland dud Owen - I and LWQ,UtX-Lhraa �undreci horses need tiny PersonaPincentive to oke out I Don river. I :,;, gun JDUL88 t.bxough dittlikul. his sense of duty, there could be no GREAT BRITAIN. Souldli, 78 I -Lo; sprtikg w lied" on the '.. 1, territory in throa,weeks, w to has- 4pubt of it in big present command. A but trade trust is about to be FOUND THE VICTIM SENSELESS, Midland, sold at 661-4c. 1 0 -d itli tile Flour -Dull. Exporters bid @21iri per ! . I" , ,,, . ", c Cape Town a formeA in England wAth a capital of Mrs 84outh and MISS ToLhurst at . ,: . of only one British soldier and 6 '410AM.000. once entered the ground bill. fur straight roller Lq buyers' bags , Governor of Cape Colony and Corn- 1. and upon ., " looking behind the gates they discov- middle fre,ghts, and holders ask #2S! I Oi, n4tives. is cunaiderod by uom- Wander of the forLes there, be arrived Rev , Gewip Buckley, father of Gen. orod Mi" Forg lying in a hoop. Millfecoll-livarce. Bran in quoted at . �." at critics ilia mosL remarkab;o so- just after the battle of Majuba Hill, a Bucklel' editor of the Times, Is dead Several others wuslrken at oiwe upon the 012 to 012.50 and shorts at #14 to , � �1 8ment of its kind in modern when peace bad been declared, "A �. Lonclan. Buena, and ilia Unconscious young wu- 014.50 west. I , . - , , �_',;,� pence, sisal without bonor," he re- Nurses have become ...... roe In Eng- mank watt carried to,l)r. Sneath's. The Corn---Qulkit. No. 2 American yellow. v" � - , as. A special bronze star was Ill v- cently said, "to which may be attri- land since the war. and there is a lot docloi had returned by thin time, and quoted " 41c, tr olk. Toronto; and " , , , � �', " 'k of sickness. able, to attend the young lady at- unlixod at 40 l4o; Canadian corn dull "'F .. 0 each of the men participating in buted the recertt state of affairs in the Was it I March. Transvaal." He was summoned back The death ig announced of Sir James mickst, as soon asgsho arri.ved. He to d at 39 1-4 to 40o. track. Toronto. I I .il, , s rapidity completely baffled the to England after less than tWeUtY- Puget, one of the leading goons of a large braise on the right side ofulblb Peas -Demand quiet. ear lots sold , . I . �1_11. , . � 'i . 'C', " " four hours in Cape Town. Great Britain, in bilk 8OLh 'y*uearr. faess over the eye, w,hile upon the left trio -clay at 67c. north and west. and at " � Hazas create( ,:, i, � ny, in 44ki ' 4 Own, country, v4d onabi- A n I a Military Knight of Thomas Kite, parish clark of Shakes- aide there wore a number bf outs and '180 Bust, �.;,%.f, obarts to administer he rand Croe,i of the Bath and a Peare's church, in dead t the ago of . I . Acrutolies, ovi,dondy caused by the tfail Burley --Quiet. Car lots of No. 2 mid- :"I's ". THE VIJUSHING BLOW baronet in June, 1881, in recogn ition of 91, according to aLonsion despatch. There were no other marks of vioulence, dle freights, sold at 38c; and No. I : . �111t, It elation tile W . his distinguished services in I dia. I on the body, but Aliels P'prgu8ork was was quoted at 40c, 11 4, - In the present campaign his only deveral pig ["On manufacturers in unconscious, and In a runtly 'dangerous Ryo­Dwkmud Light. Price a aboide "'I" I then, taken Ili coujuUCLiUll With a Scotland have damped down their oondition from this shuck Sho Was bettor ; car lots 49 1-2 west, and 508-4a 1��` toresigot, .:Ail CUUUO on. was killed at Tugela River, and furnacee owing to the adarcity of coal. " A.,oUlATac46ri5- his nephew, Colonel Sheraton, at Laken to bar home in u. little while cast. `_� 1 Md nion-al DO Lebb LIULD Ills LILCL Glencoe. Mr. Rudyard Ki.pling and'famil are and the doctor romaLued In attend: 0001-RaLbor firiniar. White Oita. 1.0,�i,� "I eallLig WIL11 ail REVULId 1211111, augur His famons charger, the white Arab confined to their rooms, suffering from anco, on her, till after nine o'clock, 2isc so, rth and went. 251.2 bid, middle � ... �, " � ", for t"o f"J"Itatent of EL111 .Bril.18b Vonotel, Which carried him from Kabul influenza, but there is no anxiety as whet. all*% rogaloned hersonsos. frolgh'ts; nod 26c. bid. east; m.zed I z,::, 8 WIL101 a,rO OUWLILiQg On his hkili to Kandahar, and through the to their condition. Thii Police ware notified, and Inslicto I-20 less. 4 I Ounteft"'10LIcO tile extreme mubil- . jubilee ' , � - parade, died last year, showing to the ComPlaintg of Canadian and other lot- Armstrong and Precinct Detective Blackwheat-Easy. Car lots, ea&t.490 1; KE the Boor Lorces, iLrom, W11104 the -last that affecti k'1_11" on for him which he journals over the persistent dilatorl- Forrest carefully examino(i all the "Iced, , nd west 48c asked. , ish hav- aultared I �, mobt heavily In InRpires In everything living that �0811 Of the Pacific Cable Board are be- ground in (tic neighborhood of tile Ontmeni-Rolled onto, in Lings. truck, ol, �, I present war. omes in contact with him. Ing reproduced in journals in London. outrage. The latter was reworded in ' ruronto, $3.25; and In wood. $3.35por - , � 1 on Din retu,rn ts- England after c TAo nine survivors of the crew of finding (I comb and a muff -chain %k li�oh bill. I " campaign he Was thanked by the ______41_ 1!: , rnment of india, and by be" A RICH FIND. the wrecked British steamer Borgliene, lkad�bcan torn off Miss Ferguson dur- Duluth, Jan. 9. - Wheat - No. I I ., ,� . hard. cash, 66 7-8c,. No. I Northern, . - of Glasgow, which foundered off Cape Ill (it .; � — Finisterre, luive re"ed Bristol. first tbDt a val,rable gold, wat, )I which �j as of Paxiiameni.. The Queen g the struggle. It wag thought cash, 65 8-8c; May, (38 3-8o; July, 69 I-&. -, coned him to Windsor. The muni- Exteuxive loetioslin or Giold-lisoarIng 4 on- No. 2 Northern. di 7-8c; No. 3 spring, I .� , itY of London presented to film 910121sorale- Its lh� Upli, Twenty-two of the crew were drowned. mho carried had been stolen, but ,this 59 3-8, ,!�'. ,r Flo -or 11alley, A now " Imperial party" lilts been "ll" found later in onal of tier pockets. , r',� 1 Ord and. tile freedom of the city, a nrlossid Columbia. Minneapolis, Jan. 9. -Wheat, in stare t i, ,� gift accorded to comparatively I started in London, boaded by Hop Thv chain (Ltta!rh(4d to it had been -No. 1 Northern, Jan_ 05 8.4c; May. ,f'e men - Universities, Ue ancioni, A despatch train N'ictoria, B.C., says: TtlomasSandys,XP,, to, estabbish the brookon and carried oLff by Old mi,k- .116 a -1c; juiy, (;S L, (IS 1-8. Oof track- , , " � bodies '�'!'. guilds and commercial HerrK.Ludlo:f, G,,-rmaLi gi-o:ogt.t, Who power of the British Empire. it will crewint, Hoar put -so. eoutaining a Hillail No. I hard, 66 3-4e,, No. I Northern. .. "I�,!, since pport the Government during the sum of mt�ney, ios aloc, missing. 65 3-4c; No. 2 Northern, 63 1-4c. . A with one another in giving do- fast summer has been living, in au /_11" i: war, arid then enquire into the on- Ewing, tile Dian who iff lodge-keoper, Chicago. Jan. 9. -On a heavy demand , privileges, banquets and satires. Cariboo, in the interests of an associa- satisfac,tory condition of the national at the gooll, sold wbono house is not und light offerings provisions show- ,�� tion of Baltic Russian noblemen, who defences. twenty feet frorn where Mins Fargo- oil a strength and activity far oat- 1! � t that was only one episode in a wish to replant the fir forest in Litonuil UNITED STATFS. son was found, saw notne onel going shining tile grain markets to -day, May � iant career, and many of those from British Columbia cunes, has made Th,, Mississippi river tit St. Lou i ' behind the gate, but denies that i,he, park closing at 41 1-2 to 25c' M I do �� I qualified to judge believe that a Is 'is heard any screams. 12 1-2 to 15c. and May " �11 rts' most valuable gervicea to the discovery of great importance. Herr frozen ovvr for I Ike first time in ribs. i5c,184=. � � many LATER. Wheat was depressed by tho'Liverpool, re were comprised in the ikrduou�s, Ludloff is in camp on Woodpecker Is- ye'a". won knees. but steadied on war news .. truaive labors by which he re- land, in the Fraser River, a consider- Another- .ship load of I,5(;0 muleg is Mine Ferguson died at 2 15 o'clock aLl;,i strength of provisions. 1. lied the frontier defences and vir- able distance above Quesnefle, where to go from New Orleans if) South :'lai,urday inorning. uffrklo, Jan. O. -Spring wbent-En- . I y remade the .Indian army, bring- Africa. t - t to his present high efficiency. he has ,J)eeu collecting seeds of in- -------- 0— cluir)' good; litilits unabanged. No. I I kil �, Ph� n The. population of Greater Now York hard, 76 1-1c; Nix I Northern, 74 8-4c. 4: I tb" once his reformi g Opini6xis diganoul British Columbia trees 4or the i,i given at 3,5550,009, a gain of about $10,000 IN GASH PRIZES. Winter wheat- Unsettled; no enquiry; " . .. �, so opposed to general DOLfons at purpose nameki. While doing so he dig- 100,ODO over Last y"ar. . — No. 2 rest, 71c; No. I white, 70 I -2c I'll inle that thAY'ritatle him the, 6b- covered extenAve deposits of go d -boar- . "I 1, Colunty Treasurer Hersliry of Lan- Regill"llosim rI.r lisp 1444-41 4141711111 144-IrClloo Uid. Curn-Act ive enquiry ; firm; No. , W f attack, and even, ridicule. But log congi6merates, inl,erga� tod by veins easier Pa.. Is short 86500, and is Ila- 1).111lon. 3 yellow, 37v ; No. -1 yellow, 36 1-2c; 1� i uck to thdin, and tat' * . . and dykes of quartz rich in gold, and lievod'Lo be in Canada. A .d.,.Ich­.­ ad by their adoptloak.er Was VI]9_ won pynteg, similar to the ocourrence from Ottawa Bays: -fly h, I No. 2 vorn, 36 3-4c; No. 3 corn, 313oI4 �� I m obser- A strike of structural iroto workoom the kindness of a generous friend, I (P 31; 1-2,.. (lat.4-Dull; NO. 2 White, ,V� Of bib suo� for a nine -hour day inmteaoit 30v ; .No. 3 white, 29 to 29 1-4c; No. 2 ,,� . . ,coss as a general of gold in the Transvaal. Fro a 4 bililder was due not/ only to vations made by him .Herr Ludloffbe- of ten' Commissioner Robertson is able to of- alixed, 27, � No. 3 mixed. 26 34c. Rye I �_ �� euliarkable magnetism, but to his ]loves he has struck the main source of has been inauguriyAti III Philadelph,La. for 810,000 in cash prizes for the seleo- -Quiet ; No. 2, in store, 57 1-2c� Floor �.,.,, touch with the men in theranks. the rich placers of the Fraser River, Pool Grinslad, oclitior of the WattionH Lion Of geed-grairk on farms in all the -F 11m. ��' Lag India in 1893, after two terms, which were a foatureof the ear,y min- Star, has been sentenced a,t Troy, 'I _0_ - I Ing exxo4toement in this Province. He Kan., to olovark monthn in Jail for Provinces on a plan which should lead t, arly sigbt years, as commander- ha�i also founod huge deposits of red criminal libel. to great "provemeot in the crops THE MOON OF MARS. i "I he strongly urged upon all offi- 0 ��,., ef, at a farewell banquet in.Cal- liLkmatite, partly soft like the steel ore Rev. Dr. MiGlynn, till, well known throughout the whole country. The The Inhabitants of the planat Mars � the necessity for showing of Lake Superior region, also hearing New York priesi, is not oxpe,tod to ,om . 1� I tion in every province will be -if there are any-Nvitness every night ,:��, with soldiers and their fam. `ym- free gold. The location of this find is rerover from an illness will) whivh be u lwiti � ,,, i I'ag, in the Upper Fraser valley., about 20 to poit to all boys and girls in it who a spootaclo the like o(whieb the as- 11 f giving effect to orders in a lib. is now Bulfering. 11...� I not intelligent spirit. 80 miles south of Fort George. The Mortlow O`WenS died in in insane have not passed their eighteenth Lronomers tell us, may be seen 'no- �. � I " . the same occasion be showed bi formation in which the discoveries were aqy4ttru at Galena, the re"killt of being birthday before the list of January, wbore else in the universe. They ,� 4. . 8 made is arobeaa, the oldest crystalline � . . � " L' in his system by saying that if fright,ened by a -man "hili, at work 1900. There Will bt oelmrate oompe. have a moon that inaos in the west and �-_, Lin s c Slates. A majoxity of the discoveries � " , " I are workable from the surface, and all in a store in Chicag,u, t0ions for each pri)vhiee, and the wits in the east, and that goes through �'�� DIA COULD REST SECURE are close to a navigable river. There Sonator-elecl. Joseph 1,� Myers, North-West Territories all, to hewn- All il-8l,shaacs in a single eight. This ? 11, � , nly on ber troopos, her fortEi and Is an abundance of (Imber and water- farmer, wallood from big home, ") si,dered as one provinoo for Ibis pur. 'noon, which is called Phobos, is only � . � � unit, but OLD the loyalty of her power to facilitate operations. The cli- Miles, into Columbus to "shov, hiscon- pose - ,,bout stven.,miles in diameter, and is '� I stories and the affectio Instso is similar to theA of eastern On- tempt four the. railroaAH.' � ts. He always gave the credit toxic or southern Wisconsin, and Quem- The wife of ],outs Gordon dropped The ma4i comil,etition Will continue ions than 4,000 miles distant from �`,` wil Mars. Prof. Hall, who discovered it and I victories to the men under his nails is the nearest postoffice, and late- deaAl in a New York vourt 3osterday for three. years, anti the prizes I be .t, ,)Mpunion, Deimos, in 1877, found . and. graph station. Considerable import- while testifying to tile innui-eriep of awarded to I hose who Obtain tile likirg- ihat it revolves around the planet in of hit; names among the Pa anoe is attached to Herr, Ludloff's dia- her husband charged with theft, eaL number of mairks on the following 7 hours and 3H m:nutos, and as the ople coverY, as he is a geologist and proo- The wag -is Of 25,000 men in Pitts- I,] it n -- plauet itself rotates In 24 hours anti onored him only second to their peetpr of25years' standing and was e occa- blirg were. ailvanced the (Pther day t7 m.nutea the moon � for some time I" the employ of the I, look 5 on the farm at ' makes a little diamond jabilea. two and Into Hon. Chas .to 10 por c,ent­14,000 being which the competitor lives I f her , . L. Colby, exploring may be t4e- joro than three revolutiona while the V Yonxis ago. is that of the -sol- lel.tod for 19W, oil o 11� o a employed by the Cnirriegio Steel Core- a mar -(I- p anei is rotatiaF once. It is this rap- I I 1�'. around Lake Superior In a letter t k will be awai � �� � I ", gone I " N miu?ry. lelader in gentleman in Victoria, the wri pany of] for every Isou A rnwimi that gives Phobos its unique , irto ; tersays nd in weigbt (if grain . . � oi�.irind. ghei n',the hearts he found native, g,old In payi . Mabel Field, agodl 18. dis-overed a (xf good quality obtaiped frum the aGre distinrtion It moves toward the east, .. . iall 11MU the direction in which Mars rotates, �!! 4h nation, and in the Judg- titica. He does not wa.nt to sell pro- N.Y., to be on fire. Slw ran half a 13. Before the graln is barvemted in but it goes so fast that it disappears � B ill, ng quan- wooden bridge nolki Alouni Vvinon, of European- critics his ability perties, but to interest outside ,capital mile Just in time to �arn it [rain 19UO a quantit) of large bowls 8ball be behjw the Pik"torn horizon and recip- . ,,'� with,or above that of Lord Wol- in thogreat wealth of the Province. loearq abovi, itit- western three times , his comme,holer fn chief. which was running toward 1ho bridge, solected toyieid enough he ,,o I, I . r pabsilag --------- 4— - avy pluml' h o Mars in turning over one time. . . through Eton Find A Imppy Now Noar in reality rpii to,, 81�eds to sow One ai-rO LEI 1901, and t W" urat, Frederick Roberts, then CAPTUt(ED BY REBELS. Lhi, lot of nwirly every 1,ergon Pon marks wLlI be awarded for overy lomad Thum The ,Martiana have a now moon, . I r at!' years old, d6tained his first — ployed in the lorwii w(kilen industry 0 f ha . weight of giain of good quuiity oil- t crvgcew moon, a half moork, a gib- . general ,I(]- kii.,on akla,n all in one night. ,1, salon as a second llowtenant in I - S. ,lanal 4 t- rla-. Near I Isan. InsiA-1111111'. New Englond, whon a taw'"d from (tio acre in lool, I-XIN moon, it full moon and a new � . - ligal artillery, on Derember 12, Illinois. 1. 3111 -Ing. vanco, in wngeq -Apni int" effort (C) Before the grain is baivewe( in in lbe rose oftheearth and itamoon ,t I , Going at once to India, he 1901, R 4113fintiLy of large heads it b :1 if 1 17, The New York Harald's Manda ror- Atfred Nlori ison, who mlml 11 nil killed Ile meloocAed to yield en4;ugb bolav lv� conditions tire reversed. The �� from his father much about re y ,�arll� turns o,,er oil its own axisabout 11 nigtan .qjxindnnt tells of a sprond pnriy of his wife oaf�nr is drenin ahoul I'liffflars plumvp Needs to s"W Ono aVre in 19012, ,7 ttmom whlk, the moon in going i and the . campaign Big and while in n soninalmh�iw stale, an(l thro� inarks wil I be awardoill f,,r h which General Sir nal corps officers captured by the �`lnlund it core. ,rho million of Pike � Abraham ha,i been arquit twi by it cl�rtmf-r 4 jury every lmound in wotght of grain of ,l to,,ard the east, but themora rapid V, .9 had just passed, thereby lay- Filipinos. The despatch anys�-­Lieu- at Mount Vi�rnoo, nosir New ) ork g,K)d quality obtained [ruin the acre . ,a foundation of the knowledge tenant Duffy and ton crien of tile sig m,,,,m,nt of the earth makes the . he later put to such good use. An ex;3lomion or sewer loam at mid- in 1902- Ln,mn appear to be moving toward the .. nAl corps were building a leipgrapil night at km,xville, noar Pitt.41)urg (D) Tile r,l,mpotitor who obtainA the West That it in really going east- a ed a staff line south from Vigan. to moot a par- Pa , wro,knit :4 large non, ber ,lof il.nRol,' largest winil,or of marks in the tot,,l , f the three yeiars will receive the firRi ,%,ani in nh,,wn by its rising from 45 .. 4 tment, and, discovering the ty in charge of Lieutenant Lenoir, whO anti tore up mevorid .4tre-t. for bull- u ,, 50 rrunutes later every night and J of-HinduRtani, set to work to were building northward, crr,As Of feet ,N,, one was injurp(l. prize in flip provinve, the nianpotitilt ' a the langbage with the ansid- " Their non-al"ararkre oneself n who obtains the seolmd by lho (hily change of its position ticrodogbileas characteristic of search too lie made and it was found Designs lot the gre,lwl'. Largest nurn lrn,,i,u the Atarn .i h,ollemhipoi bar ill mlirkm the ge-nd ifirize. iind st) doings. I that telegraph poles put up by Duffy ever projeried f,.r the I'm(ed Staten on for ton prize" in ovPry province � ant through the mn tiny In IR57 had been d0lilroypd and the wires cut nAvy have been agreed killim by r1th" (E) There Will 1144 (114o lorizem for EMPEROR A I.INGUIST. � 58, from the Biege nnd toapfure� - It was Filillyposed the Rignal ror PR Naval Board of Conisirti,tion. a er wheat ,)a the Rarne pian 'rho (:�rman Krnper,,r, am a linguist, lief of Lticknow, men wore either raptured (lr killed hy x,vooral rnonflim of dij,truggion over the (F) Tile following show the InIzos g diRtinrtion through his cour- the rebels." important qUeRtif)nq of hatter). armor. (or one province - nllveare,l W ndva ge ditring hit; re- 11 d it'bility, Three borseR were The firat party was raptured last %pred,cchni eapnrltv and di,,placoment Prize Ont. Wh,-,f , "d FLR English is . com- Thursday near Talevora, enst (if Tar G EN E It A.L. $140 8 Ml rr.e (r,,m ill " , under him during the I , ,ent ,-t I, Entol.ri Inc. Li Hung Chang hna heo.n again hon- 2 . . . 75 75 but ,tho slightest accent, !. �� , , hoodsidianign lip work the Virtorin .0 — a . . Flip W ,ind �x terg. ,%old -1-niati, He talks It , ,� ored in China. I I � HP had just saved a native of- MILLIONS FOR ARTILLERY. 4 . 25 25 a g ­)d dwil, rind withmit any Iteislitts- I ,� life when he saw two Sorpoyp Augl,­in tnlkq of qx%ndinlr 8100,000,- 9 . 115 :5 lo -n Hi. Frenrli, �h.ch, an arulo, is 11 19 off the colors. Dashing after — (ft on its; army and navy 6 . 0 0 hA Ftlew one. and, seiring the Railland I., hor rolo".1 .,a a 4-isr 111fill. dith- Ove,t 3.000 Austrian roal miners are 7 r, 5 1 , n1v used 0-yfidly �nd in inverted I rd, brought it balek In triumph. rtovwrr* fit Milk uranels or the sAervicilo. oil Alrike, for incross-I wages 9 5 .5 -millias, am it worii haR the gonuxrq . I A aid have IoRt his Uts hnd not A dpapatch from London, Wodnea- An Anyaninian army M 100oo in. n. 9 . . . 5 6 Pari% ­n ntrie ' ]'he KmprosR also I I , . ,''.. tet misseld fire while Its muzzle fifty, nayl;:-The Daily Mnil ftasprtR l,tent to -ubdrip the ,rij(rp rpbel., has 10 ') 5 talks Englmh well, but %vith a strong � Poined against his boody tha, an arint-un ii,,w � imin-ndinK ro,"'hed Mannowah pr(lvinee TmAIR 82m $295 ivrorif and with an (­cnaional quaint q � . . no of his asarliest ok-ligng'ainentn' The gold y ­old f,.r l8q9in N,-% w6mth - -- lwn ,,f a phratse. The boys vaRtly pre- . aliting drivers to lim that tho Government hisA dei-ided to, I �� her up a ,t,,end morn than 95,t)(10,00f) in rakg Wa)" wall 509.41B minces, an increaRlo� $295 $-'95 ter their m,other tongue, and are apt : a was ood the dollicie,tiries in e rl illory. of I "'A . W25 IADR ((:) The'ri'o Will he 404 fif rVril,en nQ , " 1. 4hy ' i little if an unexpected I 'HOT NP nN,vp for Onfirlo, Quoboor, Neow firnliq- -q—ti '. "Id'ossed to them in English I ,A R THE M NE, , F., piecing Britain at IOAAt on n par After oaot:nio`rrv0aI "rot Itsirforn dilyn wick. N -A Seotm, llrinr* Erlwqrd I Ili, thev rinder,itand tbp language all � e wound was not mortal only he witii other powers in this hrrinrh Of in whiell no mineq -er, ollge-Pred. land. %Lfanij"h, the -1,,rth W -t 'roo�' ! he �m,i ro 11011l'thpPrinee ofWales �� leathern pouch which bad alip- the service. butionie plaosso has broken out again rit,,rieq. and BrIti4h, Columbio rp.p­ , I ound to him; back, received the Tile Daily Mail rlainkA to hnve all- in Honolillo t -ell' 41�osk Oorm.isk in like hearing a Ger- �,, msin t­rn ,-tn,l bred There is nothing , it the Impact. He I oft the Mr. thority to ittate I hat much of t he n,,w King Menelik of Aby"Flinia Is going -- -.-@- - - 4iringi- altxnit this. however, consider- I a a brovat major and withi a equipment, while aufficipully mobile to cqlro to viAit lho Kii-five, fhi)q QUEEN IN PERSON. ,ng h,- linceRtry 1. I with three clasps. for field time, it; Intended for adAptn- Proving falmeo I hi,o Rfory, thni he in on- 11 he mokirrield Misa Bews a HOD to tho n"Positien of guns in poAi- frien,lly to l3ritain. - - - --- '' or of Captain Bawls, of the .Z;t,_ t)6n. Virr I .j-t, " ill ii—if op- r.,ii.sni,ni F1(fNFYC(kNIBED CITIES �� , :�� . The Newfoundland revenue for the I , r1rd regiment. She enterea 0 — nix marki bq Pn led De-i-omhor 31 shown al kk,ill.sk.,1,*. ll""..q. Wrifliking is said th be an absolute I % I � . � hLy Into MR work. And bar TORN TO PIECES BY LIONS a n i noreaxi,, a( 8230 000 ,,v�t I he recelpt a A d�qpnleh fman Lorl4lnn "Y% At riblif wirron of underground dwell- .� I . I'll I hy,heti kisksttlf sideh ohina. Ibis � 1 — for tho ol<sTr�rndirkg hnif y�ar in 18.90 tho urgent riloqu,volt ,,f 1xird Suilistiary inigq, sind nn rinvibt LadTanolith m Ro an , � d two daughter@ now compriAe , . I . �, 1 14. � I I �Wfsrkal K.soops,r'sk A­ftl Death 1. ,be If." L7 -A rpign torror im aaidl to plinto tho Qnoeen will open Plls-linment on ­'] The liquM mothM of making a � . ,.& Z.- In AWazillinti. q,virth Afriri where the �* " 00 h. bi&%me a 'iegliwn�nta'l ap-, A despatch from Vienna Rnya --Onp King'- brcoher hn- ­Aulm-d nuth,,rity Fpbrunry It in rx-r— 11w firqt-. timo l,,smhpTnrkf qh,,ltAr to to dig at a niant . �� is .. � A,fter qpTl nidlinol krAl4ve work , nnil i,s killing the populatinsiqn(entire he hail Inno no Ainee Janoary 22 lf", lot. the graund, then to root o"r the , . I ; V , " , I I I "' "I � � "I I . i , I Ila I i a Wi 43 %tAl qf 1$s animal-L-Ppverst at 'he Vienne kralli, boan Mr Glniiilston�'R InAh T`rkm`e ,`XMvntt"Tk with logn and plunks, thuss . a 4Ads n w I �� paign In 19 Zoological Wards" entered the otigo of 'i'Vith the nt-rival at, Maniln �f ill- Rule hill -als intrrsdurood '. .), , I ' - - making q wodilon-phappil dwell,ng, and ; I I the expipolit oti Monday In a epirit of bravado I 8 frivnqrftri Grant, whieh left 19nn -in � i ; it 111.4 FOR RF7,1('.ION r4,M' ! rdt six lions rushed upon him an I 'y it tits d Fran,tqt,ro non Dec 21. (Zen Ott. -%it hwn Awco,vooitpol. Provided there he a , 0 14 RIG HT T it to AN, .?.'111, q PC tan quartermLat er I b tor him to pieces. have Pommand of nn vffomovo lorkrao or- Ei ill FWrtlo,nq ist ,he Parin I nivtr d -lot h nof frolm four to eix feet of earth I � , the emll t I I Tie attendants Fought in vain, with ab,,ul f0ijorsl truen I fthihitinn of 19111) wdi bi, dero tt, I no ,q tend , C62 2 th: � . hrice men- 11 I t Fd nv,,or the timbsero thin roof iA absolutes- I i,l on. 114 W.R., siming torchas and F%treampi of water. Mail aiviews; by tho nisoamiship Queen to "ttle hintnry of the religiona of the I � ly mfp from, shrapnell aboll. Double, I � , a ;ar I Insm, and Lord Na- to drive the wild holantis from their "" Adelpitip stay that amoboor battle be. worlA . I 1 b 'k Orith thoWipf.fall thaknown t MR thirkn�asi and It Is safe train S ,, I . � ,� - wtod a the lularoar ob do- tIm- twean the Fr*n,nb nnd Chinsloo toolt racess 10 men, past and present " but lyddite or toolinite shells. ** I I I " I , I I 'I, I I I . , , : J I � �", \ I . I I , 11 . -.r .. 211IL" :1 . -" 0 � r. . . I I I � I � I I � � I I I i ,. ". � . i I I I . I I % . 11 � I . . . "I , � . ,. I I "I I " L ' , . " �& ,� ,� ; I I I I , ,,, ,!", "I , ' r � .1 -1 . .1 - ". 1. �1.1 I , , , �1. , " ., �, � . � " �. I I I -11.1, $1 �, � - L ., . I I I y INr I - , 1, 'I' � �, � I .. �� � "I , ­ I — – I I ". , y .1 I I � I 11 " Ili I *11. 'A.M �"w L . , 11 , I . 1 I � - i,�, . 14 ,