HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 5- ,, __ii11 - as, ;..o7, �.'d,,.r �. ,i' ,.: .+rr-n-?,fid-Ytlr_- e �r+llatatot The +deer+ ItIs h+o \sic .• , 1.Gr- i.f,. .. NAW%iqice. ?,lTtk _ .... __ '"- ,'"""� - . - . t �lxz7cQ>r Ii>a,,-%:o:t-i W.ta:lmpil ii, ar•aRraRfGt q,r1 wicztU11tp«ot+l�Qaiiaro. . „ y�,^r M1 #' !1 talAirAli4r1`,A,i3olmeq,a[..:yo.Aigrtlp,Q.~TtWTalatLluaGKk1Ma14'tdMY,IARa,"" .. ; I . , ` tr±Gl'.fel1 1 'tiy . 1: M rr1 r bT t 6 a iRtt Peer ILs11f aRoO,tes! , 1___t_1;, , l lig- t., gy.eson n T ` � Orion""` G { a s+±a! t'�LUtxj51,s-J. (D JAialrtip, cbudrnllllu; f Gq Lhgae cctaaeas. tba4 tgdr lades �! '► T t ,(l. d #timber, D. voutpl,04, p���r.cs•acMrftctha��A .I�to�tt>I�i ��r J�pGi�� ��"Si � X��It1C�d �4� #11,��C� r�1�1 for h��V �pl`itM� ty1111C��S+~$g gtX� tttir t¢Cl"�� t{ i MARK p Wit thR Kl�tMtiN:blttd- - tai` __ MMR ., r I� w1.- W. v�It1 1tp11. chairut:tq ' acslcd° aafvctt400 Or iaga�iptatiw�Ostwt wtift ems', p W: . ?kfurt1 •, , i olplt s. �cslawitxatta l�aa.wraw t s+�retR���, WV q� t�la� word ost Will bo haxy'i and We will forget that su4h, A thiti,�'tr +t s profit t49x,. fk- .A',LIEL-'.-.- }t4anl Ok-sr eitrstr4 1iti !I( �t ,. PI we i?asS 'Gttsd ug a Studio in 'Ghc l�' `' XaYor Wilaoo, chairman .' 1 ¢JDZX t, would,ret WIt1 t1a iadNee*at,Itlrs'y low v�lll I>e ftllind it �etiV rgOQrf�•'13Cea�lAs pTiees, rgpnis gvfr nn lg peat item g04 mp�a 4 y' T, D,lurtlsay. W (14 ,11. D.- ., visit aur Iowa' buil twuk! .roG )yltrtait J' artaprX,%,tswtttt;liefo,,U-, j, poP>tla� fralmee. wpr.ltyciti:eaotab•.ltla4rderacl I.Gihtl,astRsd r, teachers to tgtet their pull and give oar tluaac0tw'p; Tariw Aa Mall sa (}rl tat•i>d , AY PEC ^ R 11 tq:,Yivettap In CQ;TA ction with our Anisic The above report. op plutiotl of tadaltnw the tetltlaa of lite Fattp[iar ttse,, ' � 10, I! Pt)rta Cloy ••.• • 0 � Nu „ busincsii, comtuctiglulir with the new I, Holmes twd Uau,pbell, w 11 o ,tQ.I lt. TliayvtiavaD U- itoraltiwlrsr<s of ho 1 tZ i � S i N rJS•-•r�►'e * r4li� JL at it W, ytar. , as fullotvs:- '"I!- lupuotitle t>l�irvle�tson 4Ae piattorw wTGh Show WIndo�'M * Khc rt 4 ttbC msEF[t r # �� ratertpcotuGheCovrgastttkw •athaT ask for $D9.(10 Gtlite YoP $l0.0(?; • 11n dlErrWear• fie{^,¢Ft►e CittlYttl►4 (1i4 1 F. G. AIMFSgN, A.[Qalti.t and choir 1--ThaA U. A. Huulber be plpced oq a vats ai; the paa)•lR who d Id6 tagatit+DG tire • tcimittgd, ;stilt. ttRtftigaD'tcpr G"imi- ilq ; lssaY ttMsRf; ., masterWotthst �deRltodiatChumll 6 kirocotumltteeinatcaflaiUatupbelL of viiowndptnoaomectihafenttwtsaLrAio%v llam�, A 1, 10.f>c�Suit�Ye1T 12.OtD. ! IVpol,;gr$,�:b;hpesl!•wGol.>j EiQfpk#2„i 06'ry 04wa I' rusno, O¢G4N llvp rl4ttnaOxtlr. Whp wish W p1 cX oft ,tile pnpn0. GMT are �1l1 Ari �18IIOhe tai $aAdBrChlBf I8.Q0 Sults for 14,00. • 2 -That C. A. Humber 6e placed no trnmp(n up s011te •;etylp for Got paealrta the `�O.(j0 rind ".$.00 Salts for 113.(?0. • Blue Wool Fla".#1.60 for 911.0; it"T.* �Iiltiat 11�+id, #1 , nIAnA3tE wAl,r,-votcit cuLrotrs Diarket comrq,tteo Instead of Holmes. hyla„[, ��rr ks They win tin sa[[a •t t it fttstitie 200 doz@n of Irish Hem: ititched and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs • t3bQ.; 01 -all for 000.; all -Wool. 4i. fcr" UISS',AURA ACIIESON-VIOLA¢. 3, -That I), C anwitin be placed on not air friends whey °ext alseti colas $4, $4.60 and $6 Fanta for $0. • :KISS I'.. O. FISHER --- ZLoCa_ j Alarket committee ivattwA of Murnev. rat`''a• O& �Q �'�• comprisins magnifies Int effects with Honiton Linen Insertions and $3 $6.60 g� rand "60 Goods for $4. • Glov S.-Re#tali r 1.755il1C.111a.�dU06lsr$"#I: 1�,.W F, TION earn PUTSIC" CULTUae. ..4 `l --That J. C. Martin be laced ail (.aces and Hand fimE 'roidered designs at prices each , 4Q('jt �Q(y. ovJ�Rii013`TS :let L338 B&Illd %i,QduCOd FP1CQ3. r Ruck for II.44; '6a i2 ti0 HackmKid kind ILL$ R V. If�+Mi:: Relief comwittee, p 13U IS YOUR DRQ4(>}IS't? 7 Ii, � sl. ' • Xocha for abs. All Bras reduced, R r'or tetaiai and further Infotmntion James $hpphtud'e term as Collegiate 1 jAtg,-Clirtsay's i3lird and 13010--[ri1 ki kik 1 a It � apply at 4 Who is our dry ist ? This is an I also have about 20 I�aadyto wear + owf PP R Reda rl0aa t ' iTrustee having expired, lie was reap- important your for every family.` n ° •inlet; on motion of Humber and t • Its Goode. -a • undid bio tide .0 artip. When people s k of a well ualI-17v@r �a p! 6vllt'tllr: l EMERSON'S sed dru pis; it i At once an "�tive MEn's and Ladies," SILK LINED MOCHA GLOVES, 0 f�#�+!'$ fA On motion of Martin and Humber kg ' g In Beavers find U(stera- +` � 1V. R, Itohertson aqd 13. 11`1, Ball we of Accuracy and satiOaction in every some m own maks. Pries from #e to #IV -will alt go to •r�r Bicycle and Music House t1l re D ry thing that you buy from him, color -s of gr ey5 and prawns, y . Handkferehiefs•-Fine 1rM LSton, Ib4. toe lflq; qy7 !l pointed uuditats, and by-law Ain. at the ons price -`0,00. Ora I 200, or Dba4 WE®T 13T duly read a first second, and third We desire aur trade In the die n- # R40 . � ® Cline . Salary - sing of medicines, a's aur dra pare Scarfs, Boase Ruffs, Umbrellas, Trefousse s Gloves, A,aG.,at at...... = NI ht Shirts. SdxaitC+ }Ca Working Shirts. �,,,�rl,�r� y each. ,always the purest, strongest and beat. Workin Pants, : LiowPr�aas, J. Shephard and F. Jordan were tip- Eiderdown A(((lts', Embroidered Tea Cloths and �." 1 pointed members of the Board of We can interest you In a hundred �+ Worth i1P and ts, tote price Tbo, •1. ; Health for loco, 1 1 and 10[73• and the little ways when you need Tr y Oi' C' alrving 'Moths. 1 by-law c"ll"W n same was rend and Toilet Articles and Preparations. A lot of odd Coats, Suits sod Pants -at your ow° pries- : t+r'COme Early and got your C11o1Ce. tete (�adexz It �t�tr. passed. The Alayor eiec•t being t my own make, TxLzPnoxs UAra. 71 Where do you buy Portae • celery S . (NSP ECT I ON 1 N u f'T E D. member of the board, Dr. (;allow was Compound? We sell large quantities appointed in his stead, w this great popular medicine ovary &&Most persons have a taste tot Good, Choice, Wearable things -tor such the prices at this great Slaughter 00110 FRIDAY. JANUARY 12, 1000. The Council then adjourned ru [meet week, I drill relax the tightest purse strings. 5e as usttul, first acid Lnu'd Fridays, JAIusA WILSON, Druggist. PRO DHA II, The Tailor. W. C. C Rl �l 1!`"'lf.L !1, a -`-�-- Goderlch, Ont W. ACl- ESON & SON• THIi PrtaPl.lt8ltt1GD1^J ll'[inN181110I1. FOr 1900. Miller's Grip Powders L. I' \ j' Miller's Coulpound Iron P[Jls ; onlY FarmerA' jnBLaute Dite6Lmg8. ���� �'���"�� 25 cents for 30 doves. 11 want rrtt (�/� (�f {� t ( pC THE NEW TOWN COUNCIL OR- , Miller's Worm Powders the rued]- The fullowing are the subjects and You wanti Good and ireful 1 l�U1UlUCJ �or GANIZE FOR THE YEARS cine for children. i _ speakers set down fnr the winter meet- SEE 7 -HE . . , , WORg The Cow By -Law ings of the West Huron Inetitute:- Question„ Clinton, Thursday. y. Afternoon session, In Hofiday resents• Mayor W11SOII OUL11lleS Some Biterof'I'ntc Area. -Dear Air -Wu hero fn the Town Hall. Afternoon session, 1�I.taritlnOth 190VIour li uh dra lu the habitCPboastingabout our flus situation aad abm,t rbc superrlur 1.dU o'clock -President's address; Matters LO be Dealt Wlth. natural pito of it that posses, for t.uurtsts, Rt,, - Feeds,and Feeding by Heury Glen- Yot !n span of all that Hula's has bestowed Benning, Manilla; "Clover and Clover upon this ;uotaliGy, Godnrluh W -day is no The new Councillors having taken further udvoneed Chan tt had been many yea% Hay," by A. Elliott, Unit: selected, M. thuthe oath of qualification, listened m ago. By ouWfdery our ,owe Is -tip conwmpt. Lockhart, Auburn. Evening n. "Bas, Of.eu mibel' o13I:N bIAIiING YOUR SELE(`T10NH, DON'T FAiL TO SHE OUR uoualy known by the name of Cowwwn• n 7.3U o'clock-Preaidegt's address; ''Best Ma full Wilso Inaugural address flOro Perna wall merited. Cha ft be expected o[ Mayor Wilson: : pooplo who have been roved t, decout aur- kind of (crass for Pastwe," by H. Olen- * "' eskers Chairs, In the fl%t Igoe I wish you 011 a Happy sad rou ndings to `req peat ntown who,O rn-ddents den nin}I; "Earth Rlorme and tltalr Re- -IN THE- [mal. y R 1 P prusporous Now Year. It is wetting a little ywin permit tb01r 8traet, [o b,, tun,0d into cow lotion tel the $oil,•' by A. Eniott; select- 1 - 1,ItO, but this la the first time we have met as a ards and mpositortes of , the indeed, Mr. ed, R, Holmes, Clinton, and James P S}h P art lwny, so I Wilco this opportunity. I heartily }Cdltor. I think o town whose newapappe% find Gt;n�ral C>�ru0 V VorV �0�� 'hes, L.aselsy `luau lc the people o[ GOttarlCh for bestowing it arpedient to publish such rtdloulaua and Mitchell, Goderich. Dungannon. Fri- g ,illy rubbish as that which epppVoared above dav, January 10th, to the A rlCltltut•al the honor on mo In oleotitgr mo mayor of the the signature "Yro Bona Yubllloo'• in Ttut g taavu for llqu. It is my Intention to do all 1 Hall. Afternoon session, 1.91) o'clock can for Lho luwroats of the town, and I do not STA. of 29th Deo„ Pan not be nrpcuced to -Preaddress; "The Bacon Ho Wil' 1DOCV, cion and Centre Tables, I r intend to tat party or personal Influences In- attraot a Pitta. of people who would add to Itt g _ EA`en terPuro with the discharge of my Buty9. I in. prowress or civilization. It smms this toaatl, aad how Lu Feed Him," by A. Elliott ; tend w run Lhhngs on business prinolples, and 'I ding gto change hum ohu,sieal studies notes- "Cement," Mr. Hoggarth ; " Weeds ort dot rho same for the town nes if It, were m own sM decided to y ox ache c w hla knowledge of g le BEST at li1Ck'S," gad Too m Suites, &c •, &C• y Lawn the study of the sow', and so hid eras the Farre," H, Glendenning; "Feeding SW"' Always ouslnese. move was to go to ClOitoo hn quest of know- Cattle fur Export," D. A. Forrester, ,r ,� I behave the pooplo have `see a good choice lodge. Ho h,yi gond but a few rod- along the Clinton. Evening session, 7.30 o'clock T1 In eluding the l alsollea e I sea before me, and stroots of said town, till he had solved the use. �7t� 1f Ni W, Reliable Goods, and our paces are the I trust they will also lea vu personal and party fuln0e8 of Lha Trow as a public benoCactor. 730 -President's address ; "The changed HICK, YV ('_ carr ,�,�a strifo aG home and work w{Wt me In advancing notic0d soma horrible rtutY_growiug along rho Condition of Agricultrire," by A. 1Y.aL1- goilie who's to ail tt. time, man can have thtaga utdo or the stroOts such a- he had novo' s.,nn Elliott; "The Spraying of Fruit Thee," 5• • lowest t0 be l WIiW o going his way all Ins time, and It thin ge do- in Goderich, On enquiry he found ft hue H. Glendennigg; selected, D. A. For. out U IIeL J,a a moothl K J as expected. ocwd I call p hope ed"grass ," and [hoar by {,Ping t, Clinton. 1 )iepeneing Chemist. I disappointed mambo% of the o,mnoll will he had added unotnar brunch Qlotanyi Lo itis re -ter. Other local speakers than Telephone No. i q, GODERICH. y dr,p into line and work with the majority. knowledge of Lath, and cow. Another throw those named will also take part. corse rhe connoil well year will tutus n lot of un which no doubt forcibly struck "Pru )iouo" prepared to help by taking part In the i,�. flnl8hod, as wolf n,t' naw hark, to look alto', wad the absence on the side walks t,l'Clinton of discussion, and give the benefit Of . �a� E Y & SONII and regarding the uullnathed work I might a con min nameless article which ua•, t.oderich "HE 11I$TAS,-1 :$ THE EFFECT FOR merlon the dui -hang of the chinmey at the cows ao copiously deposlty on our sidewalks, your experience. Ladies are specially power houses, the extension of water pipoe, or what to more appropriate,"cowtracka.'• No invited to tall sessions. Suitable pro- TH ECAUSE." JNC UNDERTAKERS, Bh the ahangea which are to be made on Electric daunt, the absouce of this article on Clinton grams will be provided for all the FURNITURE DE � SAND LEA�JI Light sysloat, and the auditing Pf the coinotory sidewalks was quite a stock w his nervus, as That le What the person does who licwks. Those broad, t believe, have not been well as as itwnit w hl- taste. There area evening sessions. Visitors attending P aaditod for years. Sonic I or 3 Years o noun- wreut. the Clinton meeting will have the Driv- tries to cure A eumattem or any other `1�1e$t St,, GODERICH. 1 g many It, favor Iu ma tow -n, and their g disease by rel loving the symptoms. fur 'ate on and 011 t.u. d myself started out to hayO argument, in favor of remaining n hundred ;lege of visiting the Houde of Refuge. WILA work completed, but the auditors worked Years behind the ago are about on a par with Hood's Shreapa rilla attacks the cause _ I only a tow days on it, and so far I have not each other. Not only do they all Bing the of those diseas as. It nutrahzes the me --- heard of to,Y roport from thern. Some may grads song, ban, the poor man's cow sung, AS The following are the dates for the acid In the bloo d and thus yerm anent- think this is of IILLIO importance, but I Con ,t natter of fact it Is nut the poor who own the regu lar rind supplementary meetings 1 CU 1 _ L .idm' these buOlcs just as ie PortauL as the cows, at loaat but vary Pew urn Photo; Gy cue in [h a three ridings of thio County : y red 1•heuta atisut. It tones and •?lyL ,ij'•�I�- A P•1�-Sli.,pod Foot Other udmeooks of the town, and think they ougiu Poor. Toe myj. _ uP cows on the street are strengthens thy a stomach, restores Its " I1 `4. `�l-H- 1 ) DESERVES WELL-xJHAPED I to be audited came las other books. Now re- owned by pyoolu who uau well utrord to feed HURON, EAST-GOrrie, Jan. 16; Brus- natural digOalli ° fiat �U I gnrding Lho new bust 11088, I rutKKht day that I thein. Rwy oro owned by then in cuinforyablc eels, Jan. 17; Ethel, Jan. 30; Constance, .qtly ;urea dwl , e ds and perman• i.": �1 - �. FOOTWEAR. l have h,Pormuuon to the pHent that lid r. Hays, circumetauces who wouldn't give dollar to p pats. , 1 managerof the Q. T. R„ Proposes Creating a keel) a poor person from starving. Murry of Jan, ivi h. Feba s School House, Feb. l; l;'1 ; '1 1 handsome briok depot on the site of the old them are actually cwuO z, of Perms or fields FotYlwlClt. Feb. 21. '!\� .111 We should like to show cod some fool - 1 on., provided cho improvements are exempt ndjncunt to cho Lown. 'I'hay loasu their land IjQgOr, �]pUTH_Brucefleld, Jan. Fj; Hood's Pills el dt•e constipation. Price ¢, ; t vwao.- of that sort -Do proves that ety10 need not ( from taxation, and turn their a t1ve'n too streets to prey up- 3-D cents, ' y+� ` , intea_rors with comfort, nor oomfort with style I consider thin ,t good ppr opositlao, ea they on and terrorize the Dour, hard working man Exeter. Jan. 8 ; Varna, Jan, 90; Zurich, �1 --anti that we Rive the most 0l style, comfort, will ye our wn d light, y who c,ul not afford to build such foncea as aro - - '� q y g L, , we that ton Jan, 31; Hensall, Feb, L ,.and dar.bilit for ourmone ` WOW ill got a rou tie; besides, we will receive required to keep rnvonous hungry cows from Hency L�tel'$, 10th con, Grey. has t1 Y Y Y• breaking Into his Dremla o g HURON, WEST-Olinton, Jan. 18; , the school lox on the ImpravO is mo, what, as. [ tiara P n 1 hbor sold bis Df7Eh acres W Rtlbeft Coates. i \,I I Bee our fashionable Wit tin cohaldornblo. This nnato fe somewhat who, Ilk. myself ie las, poor to bur o cow, who Dungannon. Jan. lA ; SG Helen's, Feb, who recentl}v returned from Idaho, 1 f like the pow elevator. While we remit the occupies n IoL.tyit3c)n is not sufficiently fenced 22; Auburn, Feb. 23; Leeburn, Feb. 24 ; Ill t 1` \ ,Allgpgre and Boots, taxes on the improvements of the new ele- to keep out cow.. The consequence Is his Wbere he tvqus she. IYItIChin Mr. i" valor, yet the town taceives something like large family, wnO Could easily till the ground Klntail, Feb. 20. P h 4 \ • � j `'\ I Rt�,,Q + K p o Sail and fatmi�t •Lave resided here for try/1 - f newest design, orfoot make and '- $1'10 fUr their poaton of school tar, i also have and ro\v plenty of vegetables for their table, t The speakers for each will be :-East the Past M Ve ant and their remnvni `'.,,t1, ' /p t, ��v-Mnarante,eti to.04 and wear. correnpondonuo. In repggard tar attd I expect tbO ore deprived of those nooessarlos. There are and Wnst, rewUlttr meetings, Henry will be daily' regretted. The Ban �v'-I iii promuwr of the n Indianapolis, las hero to -day ''tuns tnrollfes to town in like etre asks nate. Glendenning, Manilla, and Andrew El- Bros. talk c4trtat caging to the furniture ! � ���� "'t°.\ �1 or `cold rest Irom I ware warehouse cfor 1fng No, sir, it is not the poor tune are nand to \ -�•' , n egad storages warehouaO for this have the streets taxed nes posture ilelds and cow liott, Galt ; supplementary meetings. and undertwkin- q business. The price �'�pn�, l WWI No `Own to Canada Is more in nood of a yards. It is the nal8er who Is too moan to cnn- '1'. G. Ravnor, Rose Hall, and A. W. paid was $iiytO( P. Mr. Ball to get next t , " l ,'` oold storasro than Goderich. This last fall 601111 to P,y rases for the purpose of On,ployt119 Peart, Burlington. South Huron, re season's C 4N 11 ' QUswith a available pieta in town and country was the poor w keep the grana out and the. stroeta R g• �' �\ \t �' ar�la� Jr, told with apples and fru it, and I have boon Ih order. It the poor wore the consideration ular niePtings, J. S. Woodward, Lock- • /.� „� \v,... WIVA told by Pae o[ rho 4ugoat firma of apple buys% only, cows would not oo permitted upon the Pott. N. Y.; supplementary, Maj. $hep• Many persoga •suffering froin rheum. 1+a • that, it scold sLorase was orecwd in Goderich streets 24 hours. There are hundred. of vacant card, it. would payhandsomely to Investors, as woo lots lying all over fho town whlah cquld be P Queenston, A.P. Ketches, Bruce- atism tears betr, •1 permanently cured m dgaaro and East 8t. ua direct all shipping from W+n horn, Luck- had at a very low rcpt. These )OLA could be Geld• by Miller's Com ound Iron Pills. Corn, no v..Kincardine, Mitchell and all pointe west worked by the poor d opring periods when they --- -- p www�' ' ,- and north of Stratford to Goderloh. can et to other om toy meet, and thereby __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ --- - -- - -- theyy would bo atf„rdcd mann Rood thin y Signals of Danger. -Have of Ue^roe MtPSat ]ant, LRR - -- I have also a commuulhich been a - whloh the never Ka R you lost the line 100 -acre farm Ii miles from now 'Howey toGeder+oh, which has been hand- Y c;Puld•buy. A quarter Hero Your appetite ? Have yeti a coated ed to me by a citizen of the town. In the lot would grow enough groan feed to keep a tongue ? Have you an unpleasant Brusse,le, from J as, Ireitand, paying What is more suitable for cow all summer, and cows kept In yards and $6,726 for it. The new • mutter of railway facilities.' may nay that lam taate,in the mouth P Does your head pwrchaser in favor of ovary facilimalo action being taken well fed will return far more clear protit to M e their owner than those which roam about the ache and have you dizziness ? If eo, cornea into pOsseeaion on a[Ch let. I;,.' to minaow any scheme having Goderich as Ila withstreets. An Intelligent dairyman will n our stomach is out of odor and you Mr' �tu°d talks of going, out West i ft wrminnl Dint. I am vqr much h, favor o[arty Y Holiday pp y with m14, the C. P, tt. being brought in from Guelph. and a In 1• coRtencow i• thepeoplereef really needmedicine. But you do not like f° trY 11Le fortuge.1 am led to believe that Prospects wore never O6°not afield to keep cows on the street, eines medicine. He that prefers sickness to It dose not Pay. and a Door man can not eater brightorin that regard. The gppUoatlon to into non-paying busines.. But the worst medicige moat sU'tiet, but under tLe There are cases of consumption so T3XA.W Par lament of a now line to be called the Port feature about the business is the Injustice and circumstances the wise man would pro- far advanced that B[ckle s Anti-Uon- Dover, Grand Valles and Qoderloh Railway, 1* tyranny in imposing upon a poor man a task A Good Heating and COOkI ng :jLOVe. now being made. Tho pg1cot Ie to whneet which be cannot perform. Nor instance, I am cute a ilea of Yarroelee'e Vegetable eumptivtl Syrup av{Il not cure, but g Lake Huron and Lake $tlo for through IroighL trying to make my Irvin by cultivating a I'tlle and speedily et himself hi health none so bad that it will not give re- A Beautiful Library L&InI). and iooldeutntly to rues throeQh eevo:al one g g lief. F or coughs. Collis and all A Handsome Banquet Lam p. 'r' most pprosperogA counties in WcaLern Ontario. fruit longer ; rho tense which surrounds It. la ,ted strive to keep so. tT I am fn receipt Of a lottor from one Of the pro- no ds, which chfistroa darn r to keep out the greet �, atfeetit>Yna of the throat, lunge and N. D hordes which are roam nq about both h, winter chest, I't ie a specific smith has never A Set of Carvers In a Case_, ,- a po tp of this road, in which lie states thatCrest 60 A Dozen Plated Spoons or F6Q'iP9, year. Tho road and in summer;now .s "'ill one ions'. roof John Lake has purchased the leen known t0 LIIU. It promotes a fttyill be hail` to Berlin this W build a Pow tepee,-uch n ou0 n8 will ho proof acres Of land ,ad'ointng his own On the toll( l u ticity road, but will neo both strongsteam against vagrant cows; I hove put the $200. 1 � fr•ee sad easy ezpeetoratlon, thereby A Dozen Table K.nlves. +�. - and electnow ricity as motor power. The bringing have no u -u for f he Punic, it is worse than n -e. }tit CnnCCa9ion I. from A. ROlrertr of vators lnd w ll tend to Increase less; It harbors wrests and cnn-ea NnOw drifts. Price being $1,437, Mr, Lake Penlovi o the g nand glues the .A Pair Of Skates. olovnto%dud will food to the gen ml pros- sort, t he r g phis m, I 4 and Is simply o vols, Y MCC lu,( P 1 e ,• - dim set d Y • r. NON', hxs ,111\V ]oU act es in a block. parts a chance to he,i .,�• p,His W the town. Mr. Fo%v nt, t1Orc one mm, who prof""', y, favor .And numerous other thinge--all of which can Ute had at His Worship rend from a lath' written the cow nnis�mro bm•a nun. ns thr5 sn y, Ihrre ----�----- - [rom New York by J. S. Clark, ono of the pro. ore coriah, persona who n,nke Ihrir living, tual DI;list's \ti Prat Powders ore a herr- W -Dignan, of Ezetei , on Tuesday, JectorsofthePortDoverscheme: hAve noothtrmeansorKottingtheirllcing,r�. derfitl medicine fat aihne❑is o of last week wade by hand ilU horse- eappLlhrough thcircow-un thO street-. Mind. ti' Child- aLOe9 in 71, hours. Tttie is a recrra LEE SHEPPARD S " As 1 have never had the pleasure of visiting e d0 nor nd ntiL rho troch oP that,,I I.( nt- but roil, your town I would like if you or some iPterest- ed citizen io whom you might hand this letter, on the conrrary, I cnn provO that there is n ri • b[eakter. would write me regarding the feeling of your ono single family owning a Street dairy and 'j'he ttnnnttl to satin O _ .�. •11. - town respecting this extension of our line mnkin their livin from the same but who , best physician[; speak well of ----- --- -- ------ pe g (Toru a g g f the Huron The Berlin, and describe to me the route which could make more clear profit from their ro„•s if Diatrlet Council of the RoyalTemplars Miller's Compound Ire n Pills. wouldbeilthe greatest advantage build n the count'- trey were properly kept and not, silo ia' to o! To+n Perones troll he Reid, At Eketor p ^ ����� Vii,,..w q.. and the railway company have in building from Bcn 'darn oP rho atraola. There la not n -,n{tlO row r,tt Wednesday, Jan. 17tb, 191)0, All Much dissatisfaction -/-� u •.. Ile to Goderich. 7 have spent five mouths in to town which is getting her food wholly Prov, eZ1eCs in Bay- workingoathe line frmu port tx>vcr to Berlin and the pndturo on the alrmUr. 9 boy are feeding Lite COIInCIIa ell'`' regnest.ad to send' full Held r e(�at•ding the nL' til service which thntpartofoarrondwill noon be built. OurenKm- on Private prCpOrty--robbin� nnrl stooling is represen Galion ritld tarnish, Qom Dlete isag ,nmitive as Wl,a in vogue fifty 7 ter, N. H. Green, of Montreal, has just completed Lhefr method O get,L,ng their food. I would repol ts. 1 plans and maps for that part of our litre, and our Ilk. w oak 01080 people who profeaa so much _ _ _ years ago. They get , one Inall-a day �`,/n'° ;';ends here in New York sic preps red to concern for the wrlPnro oP 1 ho stroat dnlrymen, - -- wed f hat by a sGagb t t•ailinq into La tun Pitt h thio h Wo oro ns8 Painte'pr'-pared with sumo haw it• w that I e no pica to d0 rive myself rutd las ia, to these times as ten O'elock at Stock=Taking.Sale A :P t ug P ltliller's Worm Po\vdera cure all ail- Qf the aLflourt esermt A . Ino city. My nth0ra who have no means, except LIP returns nfente of children like 41R ic, nigh t and seldom balers hale -past �i father Is a tlotic mulct at Ayr. but, I have be from the garden, of our living. It Is a range ,e R 1. connected with banks in this state. Any oom_ Ictod of charity which would give one poor per. ---_--� eigh t or nine o'clock , They { ant two F'. mnnlcatlon addressed to me at Ayr will be un five rents At the cost of another poor men's A Motland correspondeoA tKo the mail a toorninw and .evening. r,.<(• forwarded. Would your tow. and townshiv dollar. If a herd of cows were to broalc Into Wit kinin Advance ce says:, !'�'" grant un a bonus 1 I would like your town my gardonRand that is not. an nalikely even- I y . Mk. F. We are, offering the following broken lots of Stock at LOW PRICES olcrk to forward me P run of the town show-. UIRIUY, tini6.v9 they are prohibited from run. Thompson• of Goderich, w, T! iere can be a di irefence of o colon for Cash OD y{' nin at as ids abta on roost sub acts, ht rt them is on e •�, ing rho hnrhor. I would also Ifko o doaoriptloh g largo -IL would be a loan w mo of Dor place gathering up all the IRtrg!e•boase•, J ly Oqe ' of the wwo with Its harbor and other ship hope several hundred dollars, and in fact da• and will be back opbaion as to then liability of - `""` and business Interests. P y moons of If ridge The Pawn Wain W look 1br y Mother 2 dozen Bu .her braes, Rssortad ......................_..... ..26o each � :, Hvo me of m . •'Just as soon as I can find timo, I am going would not be benefitted to the value of a ningla more. Grtives' WOrtll Et Iterniinator. It is " •' •' • • •' `"t` up through that section of country to Goderich Bettor, and yet Chore are people who aro moan ---- ---s„-, +A>`•+e'. Hare and efier trial. 8 " Bet mors, 7 and 7 J inch........• ............. ........2bo each t•,a cnou h to demand of me an Inv a • •' • ",-""' •' ,, , I approclnto the need of further railway Oom- 4 tmont of sou- I ' oral undyed dollars for n Miller's Worm Tal Ile Knives and Fortis .............................................. 26o pair • +' nnunicaLlon in that direction particulerl Iv- 4Pnae which will POtatlfaa tmke the BlythonthlT fs ire will this ea ' L, r ° in you connection with the 1;. Y. R., m w o are never return a cont, or oUlorw 0 oampol roe to Children healthy y r be 26 " TOB Spoons, assorted ..................................................boo Boz. do ng for Borlin, whore they are prepared to submit o the f tructlan of Cvurythlug I pus- _-.�, held on aquaty M th, February 19tL, 1 u - runtusn bonus of somethln like 25,Ot10 nese. Some of t,h�sp porsgn- are protesainw Maroh eth and Dhu ch 27th, Tea LliiWn9, assorted....... 76o doz. R 8 r;hHnunna tb llpafass to he a Last fall while king apples 2 Lunob B, ¢ise_..................... ..... t oa Uovor will grant about $15.090 and a Ided by rho a es Joe ..100 stub other ulnae. will contribute. R1 til C, wh ch Ley parry under thou arm, McKay, of BrU:lsl+rput a note in a Broken down i .yatems, shattered 10 dozen N "etre Harness Snaps, 6t,, now ................. 4 0 each „ which lcxoho. people +o "do auto others as I would like you and others to bring as they would bo Bono hy," would they Ifko to barrel asking the receiver to aommunk nerves, and emacis ted forme are nap• 10 dozen E intro Silicon........... 1 fro each ;' much influence to boar upon your memburs of ha o a ne,ghbor'n cow, ,toy morn than his tate with him stating the conditiou of idly restored by Miller's Compound j, ''. tho Dominion House in order to oi,aure the children, on their promises destroying their the fruit when purchased and the I[On Pills. P 9 only farm 1,8 (f}rindeLOnee............... ......76P each „„ passlnq of our Bill in Its gntlrety, as sonic op• trees nr tants whliat they are atwnding rico 60 tine hill Btf'e Lye ...... . I Uu each f position may develop. ohurohl I think not, v0t whilst they nroploas- P pr1�• Inst week he received a .... ...... ..........., ................ Y��'i, ' "Wet Id any writer power be avn0able along iT attending to their devotions that' cows ore reply 0•nm H. t7, Bowland, 0.L haunted A case irivoloim ti12,70 worth of slot- 8 only Met- t (Choppers, emelt etzs..................... ....................$1.16 enol, fl' lid4i enerate electrla ty t We propose trying to plunder mo of my gory brood, and Lakes Ranch. Lamrrton, Alberta, e,av- ell the attention o! a 8 Step Lad war b foot....... g . dd K Choro�iY tom fl cords oCCU 600 OROb W hap o all kinds of freight, Riving a rapid Pting me to clime and swo4r: and lug the frnit was received in good ad three a ere, twelve jurors and frequent service with the boat oquipmen4 all on the 8nbbeth day. Aro such peep R I J dQz. Brea F llgemmers....... ......260 each Christians IoccP , ot'dec and the `rico .... ...... �,, "lig We wlll not use the hlghway toani• extent and occupy whet n tow yon" nggyet 1 paid tons $0 per an eleven wltnea,r ee for one day at the ,'t 'y will Pao AtOam fn part for freight.' been host, land or •' wmmons," and althbagl>, t"tl'rel. `3i UIc00 Uounty a adieus the da l 26 paakago[ 1 ftenyle, formerl v `25c .. ........ ..... .. `lUc each ?,:. have nodocont bulldlnas I invite a,n o -1 a _ _ v held 10 dozen C tii•ael Handles, assorted...... - I will not delay yon any longer, an the com- the town w visit my prem leON aii 1 iu� n of, __ --- at Barrie. The [tet used Was acquitted . � ........ • ........... .. 60 each ml Uces for theyoar have to be struck, but 1 whethor ho does not think t.ha ra0 That tired feeling The expenses q • hope the whole Council will Join In we work l vomonts - g will disappear, p nese of ita,e erose amounted to 2 dozen Pat Qnatfe, aeeorLed............... .......... . .... .....100 each .00h as I have mru li aro t XiY elft to attraot and of making Oodorich a prosporona town. stranvors then pnbho aqt� AAr a. Aixwould sleet) you be able to est well rand b •' " , .. .... 16 to 250 each it Coun• Martin moved, second.•d by it not he tar bettor rot 0 tow nn wtl� as for v using Miller's Compound myaolf, If I were e { Iron Pills, Why - 1 Batter Di �l,,nld price kG.C,Q .... 8• (tun, CAnLRIon. that the committee Y (y fiapt 1 had the y P • and whining afloat $ 60 rPPPOYI a0 1 n re dollars towards erect, + your corns, whets a 'ata cent bottle of I Sager Die h,gpkl price �t6.6U..... $4 A0 ( to strike the standing cornmlttees ho iugnAooPIng lnetoaQOtlnvoetinR rho Public School Ina or Robb, Qf Holloway's Coen Curs will remove 8 ugly Wrin btssg, old rice 9.00 cornpoaed of C. A. Humber And the moq eQ �q cod gblah aro mly OT, -soros nna� theme (live it. a . teal, and you will 16 air Cr a ®.(int Saw Ha dleP. """ "' $2.01) pev4r rotor ans•thintl nor v vo.helter, orcopt- East Huron, joined the noble army of y p 9 k J utuver and seconder. f g �a d a riot, regret It iiia pair Conn. $olrnesmoved In nroendglcnt n far we a" snow d tta. There are at the henedicte. chs Wmrharo Ad- 80 Stair Ro• prospnttn h11 town atl0ast several hundred Vance .nye seven hill teatehon to --- _-- bR,AsAorted ... .... .. ,.-._.... ........ ........60 each seconded by Conn. ('aunt hell, tfytt t ho tamddente whtwe (endo-, Ilk. minor oro rendy to y unmblu at no t R Win ham wave waitin for him, Ono The voting out the h 2 only Egg I leaflet s.. ... three havingtilt lllglnea vote, hissers' rn ,Brod n ro la0ma11 hCeO Anna I' with Baden 1 ,f the dear, diets g g R ylaw to build 1 dozen hire. f Ab 'e Bad Ifou flagdlos lOJ eeoh q n t peel nGld ones is auth_ mnolithie sidaae niks In Byth wan a _...... 100 each I 11 (:ant hall, olrpes And MnrLin, be rho ,•p.v pr0n now ones. Would It not lac bettor rarity for the intimation, but they will small one, beinW 86 for the hylaw-0-4 6 dozen ;dna Kim's Pollsh, assaf ted b to l00 Pact strik�ng CO111mittee, both for the tndivldnal a. well jts the town, t� n ell div their eyes. and take heart 1A aQatnsf. _ 8 sole K�aNe '9.._.. .... that. money was used towal•dn f5' .... .. The amendment was defeated on fnga9 pa{HnRbuild- - y bo BJL again, rho fohell, � p;; voter -Yea -- Holmes, I'non there ore those mcnstrona Jell wenn - - t __ The Horse -_0 oblest of the brute �'G,et:,wralii to check with every purchase. Campbell, Murney-8. Nap-Ma[•tlo, which surround the bettor claws of reside creation -whew s offering from a cut, Huniber,Cantelon. Wilson -4. from the United Statex that our wealth$ iW* messslaridapevi li eas dors for restless- abrasion, or seem- detives as much ben - The motion was then put and carr(- eft as its tmeefr rr In a like predica- ed fly the four who voted nay on the - - -- --- -- - -- _. ment. from YIN healing soothing �-•� •�• amendment, In each case the Mayor's (� a action dt Dr- 71 Tomas' Ecl4Wtric oil. IV. . �_ �O V � �/ , 1�9 casting vote decided. School ,Roo sand School Supplied Lament. s+se111 .Dg of the neck, stiff. The Committee then retired to en a nese of Itis jetteta , throat lungs ars .i ^a 'y��'�'1 �"� i 9-190 in the draftin work, whit' 1 relieved by 16. `.:TO�I�R���_ w PORTER'S BOOK STORE, Goderich. 9Wthe treats all ark,-IncludingWhile rho-neavapaiper men and report r. --to -- - -- _ _. _ _- -- -- . _._ ----. ---------- , __------- choice Havant`s, TBeir rt+por t Ay i" A Poll line of Cuselman's New Vertical Copy Books, jolt anaborimd, Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, follower Ask to f;F te�. F,� L L& I JU T R>, JVD I L L �N ERY y fl and Q 7t, each. No. 7 Business Forme, loo, P Cx r.. --'r M;t rtin chatir t , ,j, {. (3n e s New Practical P, R. Speller 25o, Also the New P, 9, A nenitnre. TIM., ` Arond i r tlYjfAlQllr V. Ae Hum)ter, !)udh+y A all line of the New Catholic Reeder., Pt 1, 100; k't, 2, IGo; 2nd }tea8er, 2fw; 3rd wool Carpet eramine each 1}#{ulo[es, *to# Campbell, W. T. Render, 80c; 4th Reader 40c. � strand otTtsro for yonreeif- .. • tlrl urttey, nothts bat pare F'leeoe tV Ilei "��&QICWKww�c•s�•,aea ' •• Covered Slates go, 100, l�o, and 1Go, `` WATKIt W01tKB AND ELICC71-PP We still sell 100 page Scribblers for la. each, rnaral,tood, Bewsiro of Iml- I,IonT.•• D. &,Melon, chairman; J. 200 .. LatlDr" MI.r;S CAME .RON, Hamilton Street, has in �irtck all the latest 2P• creations in ..... . C.11dhttlrrt �. Oatnpftell, D. Holmen, G00 •' to ---� f C. A. iltllUlipti W. lea Mur°sy' Every girl's and every Lay's $reieiss 34opke 8t,, sash. See tM►tonr era Le mark 'The t=all Milli; lery, Up-to-date Shades, PINAf�(I>}I.»a.D intimae, chairman : The iggpoli and best ba Blares" Book on the market. Sheep "Is on the ticket as each W, AtFttti►' I 0. A. Iiumber. J. C. 2A9 Pen Points, fro, doxy all flpt lo, Tori, with ,slept• tit dra at• . .' Martin. 11+ i1t1t1W]16n. W. T. Murney. 6ba Ped gists Pen ' rsoheA-aooeir•[t'eet w�taoat it •�-� Trimmings, et C. rr rPe Oust >be, oar or O'tot lo. I�tIY1nt)3'tttTcSW*ig AMD IIAnnoR -C. A. Rulers and BigltWa given with Sahool BnpP11,0a ,be flrxl foe[' da s of Bobo" /� IlrirrlbeCr 10, � ''_till t ,t), pantelon• J. opening 7 Royal tea(• Co.La li+elt of t,l9te, w1lo require Fashionable Millinery, made tip m the C. MArJ,It7t. Ii'6'raeat,W, Uampbell, % '"-"-Nw- s••rrt...- a y most m nrdera, artistic and serviceable manner will final it to their advan- ry �t, r�I�;tiyiy ,,,,,,1'E1'+; h,', $dC)OK'1`O,E J H. VEDDEI2• tags to testi and inspect the stack. Cl-,• '3r Iiitltney, ehairmi It erlritrt Alps` at C14014rirt. .. ., 60OOF!Gh Le -aging- Gloth Our�� • Januar IearingySale y Now going on. This sale will last for 30 Days Only. Don't wait until the last moment, as you will miss sore of the best bargains. A. P. McLEAN, TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER, FURNISHER, &C. I� 1 ! W_.�. SYIIfaV ONN .ho es. aad t. u. h..•7 tow. r [or• -•sett sed r•t.+n . ,Y-•+. give m •..uatt• TMan7 'Lill, ,t..un.Yr. .r aubr su•k 11, `Tee, .od •sal 3,r..m ! tpra thew .r Is .N. Pe Homs 1. ,dl If u. tf Toa we Non reMf, ryturn m�wy . pie. Tau Pree n b t . ta.tlr P1.t«I C,�am Arwat .IIh 0111 Pad Ile nr 9.I Is WN dl,.n eelak•r I:Irthd. I �e rlm,lr patai1���wy,t. ,•♦'n.Lau1 m„agqq Drice. Witt. V. �o„ ,ak eotLSM, u w pa, LL <ltltt fa{ Weld.. W. Porna.«.sot (NATIONAL 81111 LY (,yj . tii.x0 W"t tare d YL tusaaii'Ya.,i.. �2�•L3La. 1�U11TRO'M9_�-0e1! FULL LINKS OF SGASONABLPL Staple and Fancy - DRY GOODS I Notably, Navy and Black all wool Serges, Broad Clutha, Crepons, and Black i)oublo Warp Lustres - from 15C to 45c- ' lines Of Hosiery and Gloves: A large .took of YarnS-the best that ready money can buy. Will not be undersold in any of the above goods -quality being equal. t�Will be pleased to show Goods whethor you purchatie or not, A. M U N KO. Draper. IT A Bad Leak. r� n 1-1 . A leak iu anything is bad, bat is �� a water pipe it's a teriou9 mat. ter. Bend for us to mend the little leak. ' Have us do your \ sured Plumbing and }ou will be in. \` eared against leaks. We do �/ Steam, Acetylene Gas and Water Fitting anywhere. 1r^ CATTLE B 1 � ROSe 0111 I West Side of `Spurt'. GODERICH. Holiday Goods. ,L,,t, it received, a large and varied asiurtment of Engliah, French and U. waiflai ' PERI UMLS, Bre tasbe�', Combs, Toilet Articles, &e. ---- A i SO --- u ibber G, -)ods, Not Water Bottles, R Syringt,'s, Atomizers, &c. Ches ,t Protectors, Trusses, -Supporters Sanitary " Towels, "henlical Thern)a'ometers, &c. Z3gVM3 R �N F. O D� Corner (. '+,ltx)rne At, and Square -- __ - 'mai - -- --- W, 'That 1 'ouches the Spot a Mac. Leod's -- Fl)It-- I Weak & Impure Blood syr =m 'Liver & Kidney.Diseases Reno vator I Female Complaints, &c. Ask DmMp, 4. or write direct to J. M. NiscLEOD, Goderiah, Out, t CM0 Re-ldentm drub t t At omtnry N.rwwate stn t, the Old Stand, In roar of Knox Church. Y -(DZTR • .1 . = Kniv es, Spoons and Plated Ware 1.1 11 R1 ,N EM ED EOR CHRISTMAS. We do' cA w. t t a I alt tee, �ele�ttale N0.1(10 >3• r� nod" squam asaariah MISS C A M � 1 10 � T 11 U H ViJ(!�1 !�► �.��. . _ i r Vii. fickle Plating very `1Zeasoal; 1. -- in RuGIc Go•, L1011to"d, GURIGht" •'S I1 .k - i 11 , -', c, , „ n. '- ' r ^ „ e', „r • 1 , d . ..;I - • J, , t 1 I „ �`'.. . " s1 It ,. 11 - - , . , I ,. ��� �.��. . _ i r Vii. fickle Plating very `1Zeasoal; 1. -- in RuGIc Go•, L1011to"d, GURIGht" •'S I1 .k