HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 3I 1. .ft4 , - — * ­ I-, ­ �--f,'­�Tlfw­, 1-7 , " I I '.-%7"1"?W',-­, -;117 — , '. r, A"r-1 FW V"om`xR1W7 - - -`�— I . , � , . - �si� . . I 110 ­' ,,, 7 7.7;, ­ "qr,r­-Wr­FWTW1V . I � I I -1 I * � . I I .. -W . i� V, "'77 ­� , , " —, � I I , . � � . :","",.,1- I . . I I I . ,r I ". I I I I . 1. I . � I I I I ,:�, � I - . 6 0. , , . . . - - , ,, , " -� -4 I I � .� '­, " 1� J- I �11 14 1 � I 4 � I � 11 '7-1 ,u , ., I -1 11 . I . - - ,,, - `- - , .1 I . - v �- I . I . I * 1.:u . � ­ I.- � �, ,�,� � �.- �� - � - ­� � `­� I I �, I -- I � � � I . . . � .. - I I . I . ­',­ .. . . � � . . I 1, . �, �, I 1 4 ."t'777 ,_­ !=!! -:!!iiT-----T­�­W"l "111.0",." - I'Mr .4 N!ij. #1 r . III' I �, � �1, 'i ­ 0 . ­ .. . � . � .. - �-- _I 117:�:l I I , � - � - , - 11 I I - , r. - : -Ir I I ­ - � � I �­ �, r , I 11 � " . . . I - I , , . � " . , I � , . , � .� ", I , I . $1 1 ­ dty, , 4t, , � - 9, � .. S �� 11 - r I SWA I I �� � Ural ratil� a r " 0 I , � r, �� r , � , at., 0 , , I � , , , . , iti or,405 - . 11,40 TUB ' UN ' � M .. �� 1, Irr 1,; , ... . - r , r , - " - - b"' ,' � � ' 11 I - (04 t t I , � 1 laiii. %040N ��­-I'r.-­,­ -�� - .. ­ ­ , - , r .. RIA '0 A r , . , . , , .A, -, , , , ''r U ,'� #A 0, � - ,�]o * TOU,4G. r . . � � , ,G .., � . T T . . . ono I ,4p, 11 "M .04-1 : I �, I W � S f r 1*61 tot "T1016"99"AMM710109. 11 0 r, t, r I W t X"I or X, I - " , J.W I I _ �� . ` , ,­ r � t t, Xot*w Wtatot to keep JAW, # tw1o;F ..".11 . *VC -44, , I -� TION" 1,'"'304 4W R. . war* r 0 1 IN 4 'arf *%-WIK A . , ri Utica, I . wir A 'R�%?R. 3 i"I". , "I 44 I ti X1W" of TO 9444114A 4ri . "'M I 400 t4o,t ro fax, 11 � eldly We , IRSWAZ in, 16 " 101-"* , 4 fia*lag k1tt � JU - :""ikt,*WOOi"'IA%*rA"00*0404"0. . TI 069f; 14t 60,011i It lorso tilatfil I $*, *14 V9044 a X�lrl WE H. " , . , ,flat ..41.1.1 Wst*,.V* WMCJ# roll , � Alid. Who" Wiao qk i"o a., W44 -4 . . - � ,qt�'* 00 *I.mr that O.Lqxor jow Wi r Ik 41_ -% W rtth- Pv* 40 yw *," � W*k I*. 141v* , , g. Wg�4104,40 sly , rylpy., Dr. Talmage Discopmes on the ,4 ^,5,li,J,,r., Itottits '. T � OW tz _ , ­ . , 100A .. ... .. r �.. - u �r , u �r AVY' CIA 11 � � . I 00 . 1 *4 W. 'I 1- , 4 PAO*$ "t 40 #l1A *",* 4 .T ar%axintyQArt t � , - 4.4a , .- � 4, � ,=A"urst4lia I I I liow'## ;wI 4" A0.4w.)m , rt% -"`104111111111, "Wo, tPo' .liow - I . , , w I I ruovoui Nom" I , 14 400 x W"t it , at a0wo. $0 W# *atoroil 0611 our 340 4. 4 11 I are. -4 , 104a ltoas#-".9� JW�1,104.4 404 �, : " , ; ��, V � A&4 ow tix the towov� 40, *11 ot , dr.0-0 - Ili 9 " W 4#4 calloollit, filled QUX to . r *. kb* '1"4010 **a* Ji*Ir*W*t*`eV't-� � I Givat &dvatiow " - -, xailoo, Vera& #I, P""to, '3[lkrr A"- Tolor., **4 ocut t wvor WoRt P 1 all . - . by. thp-ou'luutio-44-4 bomw" ww , . , W 4" "Rlik om* *"�#"O, Waked roqr # � , ii"" .!1-0 ­ ;­� fiva hoogriad W44; a il*otwoad imilso R".041ro. 0*4 Ot 000. 8444 .Olf, V .. � r" meal Rod geostally atilo to hor-roax,flook a MWP410: at "*,. .- r2l saw Its-Xaafralh. With a �y fw`� I Jp"ph *To both torsaisi. ", k10 parelatsill libs Out 4wrool" Away* lo. "Old. ;A 4p.m. "r acouts rintia - to. fritut I 9 0 66 , Utat ARM A . IF, . &txtQo4,;W1kAQF wiloit inrou'vu-sial L because they apiteand a$ such to tb � W@ - )xt4joie &no e4, suit t1w otfirier reported tAit be o".. P P X" *A',` It " 11 ; - L . � , TA . The Most StUPWOUS,U44ortakft—ftunded Upon a Great Uibli) iAUmILteX. WhAt 9 Citl I` '14001 commilinjty. Want to Jerusalem. Ail* RU'At four itbactoond. �ubject onto an *V*At 901W)i groot hap , heard. comwg,� ft0im t , lift of gm. 4� , . - . - . , tiv,w Us, blaly perfect child the - 14111141 �k air, 44 found no one st btAxortapts. t *44 Wbo iltror to �V , I -Now 7YQ,rk are vilIpLgeo . , 404V � OW;A# . IF. . � . don &4,0. . oqm� - it was .40 .0010001141114 � or 414 that be bad actually located the Yto _ 144 , t ­ ce*UO SaCMCe­1F0rt=te,That We. C211110t RTOW oUr WaIS pared y4th It, T h b#. A" . Agr4lilig to tbo, beat ot their adorable *0,4rtb, tkw,fltiry %4,4r� - �4tkodtisol titio, winkid bao- isvior at" Want a ol of cumatiLoos*4 ilrovLotio Interest that Ufa ,,,ad all big force at Ore vithrokAt , . I , - . r ' � ­ pooplilt , 2"44400 to hin parents. In moth- , - 04 Ogwr4ove. Whil "ILMS4 04 *4 pQvarty of thl. posainatin of V4, 4:1 no Quo can fell to approdatte this tQl- a little north of the former place aWd tbay diispliia- T44 rely flulk tl* W, 4 I , . I 11 I -S"ue at MO CM, 114000A-Ue Dr. BellOWS 14 tile t :.But -I t ,4w. on ,. rt r#aQ3 -for us, � , 4'r kept. Allottitai mysterious avert figure. tb#A Clear eye*, j0ll� notia"Plo'! - � I L r � , ,,r, �ti of W tj Ibis- eftiftp '14 J4W1 OR46 Was Tory- groat; ka. with her we was adda.4 lowing moresiwallil of the tiWy about six miles fromi out camp, - a to thera b4t Qocc 04 , vory . � 40,A "wii; hatayoto be- . Let* word � 160 .'a spoly r 4 . 0 fe'ro,the topr4va'Atiati. It IRS g - ' , Ir rollaton nailed tboM at 4tat- to, . 0 Von it ! can a woman be young. I)o, #41.t forg,lit , � V=4- toll tk*Mlkt alf"Or Ilk great tragedy. It to from tb a, I Wwie. 13010, I rand. but the the read b", fairly open and good I . or plitco tow; tar the great and good ad time% and at considerable expense. Mary's heart. Stlentli she bro6diad go"nif "CS14 .0 a tow Place*- where , ibis gir6. no ctQX1o?N to. SuAt �14-*!IjR4 1 . . * A despatch from Wapbl r to , ever tbil"ratrRaig of the British officer socand in clem. the trees Were thick. This was Lo- I You the one ppriatl of your'sixislioupw" ,agton 1110ye; y1ra wap go, Imrighk aptils, ot tho Laint 11glitcou bUqdXoo to, P go) 400donta, dostlaild T*TV"gntAll 41% Xk" want' to ha" tbotr exi, am&tlon aftarwgi4. maud of Gen. Wingate's amy, end it deed good news, and ** then know 1 when the sun obiue$ ,M it oavor ,i,li;1tt . I . . , . A a tMosversei Pico "I yolllir* 4 04 EX _ that Unless the Khalifa retreated 'io! again, land Wh � - -. � -W_bie Rev. Dr. Talmage preached f Xa .Ave sorts in "00 kk - - chrilittisulty, linixes no - Ilutib 'detailed a Increased. For eighteen, years has just reached his family, in London. foot hung ever Wirril byVa. - . W W . the following text:-- Now Shall we es- th3 ahadow, of Iii, dro"my :041W ceL41w, Jt.sua. the ,64*t -part of our demands on our time or money. bo� aAW th4 the record of J`oaw's -It(* is 'In my last letter I told you I the afgbt we must got a go to at him A op the II40 o�q . JA, � .. . r , .1 'heaVen 'has been -made UP wltblu the ry yti&r. w"rittert. W, raw Mark$. 3 it Would woe At I a.m: next Morning we started sweeter 11111�1&410g than Will his board . � ­. Cape. U we neglect so groat naive- Tho Last hour of 04riat was the, focus, W.r-Fy ,yrAr# #_Jp�* our friends cause, it claims ou,r -la"rits. Eve � way up to join the KhAtItu with tho moon about a quarter size. Whoo the morning bas passed zrv4Ilj;jU ' . - . .. . ; t . ap"ar that be followed the vocatton oto my 34d 4 tion 11--flebrewa it a. * which the woes of time Lad of ate,r- havo �%uri golkig In. In the Every male Israelite was bound to neon with this greater heat I vtos- ty qouvo,reeld. H,qo"o.troue4from great �1*rk of the ut-olver" we of Joseph an &carpenter. In wisdom. hunt '- it 12 all over now, and I am on well up. Our transport we left bo- . make this pilgrimage. and many pious Wad with orders to follow tit 4 a.m. lure of the burdens of tl$a tirts ruO� r I � 11 .1. I stand before you to.olght t L 0 _ bepleath. I May wauk. Rod we shall want TiMlload by the teaching of a pious my way back again. It bui been the I ed upon you. len-t every young tbi , 11 rr lorne 2ove. 'Hol rode UP LtT , . we moved most carefully covered by .111iff, . " 11 o OT no 0 thing far all eternity. � - down with two great and all-allaorbing e 0 me People believed t4at women should go mZKbor. by thin communiulga of nature, quickest thing and most complete I cavalry In front and camels on flanks; I sweater and purer than the worlsi;, . I 083 W.IL Palo the cheek. No dis- also. Only "the sick, the %god. boys meat Jiave even taken part In. On the 16th not a sound was board except the I "k .,��. I A, desires; one, to got to heaven Myself; caii'aLry troop as they ride out toward X " by the oracles of the Old Testa I hardened. older ones of the oximle"Fol , , , the other to take all these people along tha fatal hill. I bear the buzz, and card w4satr-ko the Car. Nj shadow wLl under twelve, the bjiqd. the deal, 40 'autl"the Sabbath nerriclas of the syna- ; cle f Look at the lambs at sty, auto . , .." him. and roar, and bi f dari.on the path. save under the palm to,ramisa!rigno, bin mind advanced in natural November I left Derigola. and, join- footsteps of men and horses. and or- the tender V. t q 1: v;� God's I Ing the 61rdar at Wady He asionally the crack of a pioneer's axe ,Freon leaves t a $hoot r I with Me. Who knows but God woemy a Ip*6%tI044 ra, poiziiiltted I g1rilewth. ra,yop, with God. An. travel- c , out In that innocent verdure. fro* I . .1, may real mob, , 6 h4vi-Oorrior14 Wilit trees, thfictugli which nifics the golden , cutting a way through the thick bush . 9 light at eternal summer. Jesus w.11 be - hear my prayer. and that all swept t last I , , at home. The attendance of Mary in -grace was" mitialfested in him by the lug express oft the way, arrived at for the column behind him tq follow.: too, and chicks and young birds are I . by the okirektat . Put%ze women out of the tLiere;,*nd all the good mrill Jbq,tbor.e. ask itivii1onco of bar deep religious in -1 #w9strions of bin character and the Khartoum an the l8th. The Sirdar After three miles we hatted, and Col , the old winter-scaroned branches. Nit- I . __these walle shall with- I way- 0 laa&,of light eaboinstuess of his piety. And man. i tho most appealing creatures. mud In one hour be, enclosed in the arms of IT IS NO PLACE FOR WOME N. . 11 and love. and joy I A, t&rest. Feast 6f tha'�saso'Oev. This miles, True goditnesis of thd right sort does , there appointed Wiagate to command M111011 went On with a f1oW` MOB. and w . - ". land w,,4ore the redeemed of the Lord r We left Khartoum carefully felt his way, returning to bell one comes to bablels there never r . a pardoning Jesust It in no tizaefor Donot lot his mother see this. T�ake' owne, WO Boa U U%theLr II64, A the greatest of all the Jewish feast$. arilt r 1,, but attracts, the love of the opara�iona. toll us they were still there, and that can be in all this lovely world any- . . her away. This spetatnole Would J I IXY its iiVa'Aawair. the same evening and arrived at Fachi th , thing quite bo sweet and lovable no a argument, for YOU MentallY,ac Land wi�ore­­­� 4W break down It Ws* �hsld in the spring, about the others ccept all , kill her. Put out sit the candies of � . . A I � , --..---.,,*— a highest ground near their camp, dear little dimpled baby. . � " ,- r t4p th.)ug I, I I cannot express time known an Easter, and lasted sev-i Shoya, the point of concentration of a a ight ridge with gently eloping i Therefore, girls, stay young. .1 these truths. It is no time for philowl. the sky. This spears are sharp, and undo , thmi, I; I I P. You . I theY PLIZU66 them- Who teavena tire heard, neither bath it entered into the '' may have to bear some locmivenlanco3 PhY, for It is Your hearts we want It. " EYe bath not Beau, nor Oar an day , It was called also the "f8&st'BERL1N`S SLAUGHTER OF HAMSTERS the troops, on the evening of the With ground tit front of it toward the cam .,ilunder. fulfill all righteousness." Christians - and Wingate there took over comma.� I Wils unioccupiod and at our disposal; of res .. and not heart at*man tha things that God bath r tralat owing to your oxtrema. ii I ,::, r r Uawft;od iiiarkaese-,savelps &fiaah of re I , ONCE PUSHED ON, youth. hot he Lime, will come when � your heads. It is no time" burdened with woo, and &hey.k Wi AT i I for poetry, for tulips and daffodils lightning roVaals the eye of God, peer- p' pared for those who love HiLm." Is like their Master should be careful to mew the Desirseave Atedleal came t* from Lewis, and my work began. a nit arriving at this riage one hour you will I . . I act a evilvation that opens such a gate of unleavened bread," asthat was the Germany and Fralam Steamers kept on rrrivins ail night' for these Incidolutd1r; of - Will not satisfy those who are famish-' ing through the gloom to sea what a before dawn put out pickets along on( the youthang . nd rouses such an anthem, and con- I (III.Em !hot will havapast 1. ing for broad. The oft-repoateil pray- thuy are uoiag wiLh his wed-boloved -8 only kind of broad "too during ital The farmers around Berlin recent- and depositing men and animals, by 81 Una, deployed for action, lay down Q110'ed away from you forever. . 6=. Mothinks the thrones of heaven ummatva. each a friandahip, a great de- ly at ons of s. in. all d t its ad arrived. I r , ea prpgre". jt, coniq presented themselves. At 10' some of Lie slept. ,, aamorated the a , h .� or Of Rawtiand Hill, in the midst of Ivation I , . � shiver at Lhe deed, He ban been gypt, when the public buildiLngs with evidence tPat A.M. all C� O.'B were sent for and WLn I , i his sermoq, is My Prayer at the be- hanging N -w. are youready fortheApostle's paxture of Israel from E I Wbile we were doing the last mile, there five hours and. fifty - heard the Bound of Lhe dervish , WHAT EYES TEM , I ginning, "Master. helpi," While I minutes. What nextl Whom will Lion I Axe you all ready I In the the angel of death " passed over " the they had killed 8D,000 hamsters in oix gate gave out to them his plan of cam_ I we �� thr drums boating in front of us ; it was' Hazel eyes show steadiness and pow. 11 stand here, the audience vanishes "to O'cuttiPOtoct Sufferer firat cou� 11161CS, at .a salvalcion­-So,igreat 11 it' houses sprinkled with the lamb's months. and received the reward offer- paign andthe orders for the carrying' vident tha, I the Kba &I Meant to r of constant affection; green, Bat- I' � �... �. . Other. nio jr,ri, In Its humiliations Ing its celebration Jerusa- ad for the'destruotina. a& these harm- out of the same, together with the dia- 'g'ive us battle. At 5.15 a�m , unit, Wi-4 Oil, 2rady Will ETC " a blood. Dur 1, , t te6rd the call ,go great- in to Sacrifices, so great ij from my vision, and it is the world's a t ke orba, though frequently fasoinat- tolrd His right hit I, ic".., .. 'I'i great trial -day, and the books are open- hurt everlasting fury uh�oa His cruci- its LoasummaLions - the queation Ism was crowded with at least tour or ful rodents. The hamster is a sturdy tribution of the transport animala­ , the dawrA commenced, our pic a came ia, and we saw dimly I he advLlncing : Ing, are dangerous, for they are a sign 1 �:; I ad. 0 my Saviour I If I do not speak � Lie- I Wall, a MOM011L. LISLOU I I hereto, craokl�s, and thunders upon five times its ordinary population. 'little animal related to the rat, with some one thousand -for (be carrying dervishes, who were ovi-lentiy moan- of deceit. Black eyes allow strong In- I .., am sure He Will speak I Yes; a our ears: How shall we escape If we 42. Twelve years old. The age at a large appetite for grain and, a thrif- of food, water, ate., the water beiLug , ins to take the commanding grucind 1 t� - as I ought, what Will became of inef H noglect,�o great salvation. toliect and pasgions. The eyes of son- 11) as I ought, what will beemce,e of me I If Spectre;. ­#Iv,k,hor, forgive them. They which the young Jew was first can- ty habit of storing considerable quan- the difficult point, we hmv4ng only I we had aiready occulAod rboy were, ,z r 1. know not Wfia'ethoy cio.- a ' 90 ESCAPE AT ALL. sidered ,subject to thel law, and on- title& in his hole for future connump- enough tanks to carry water for our' too late, as usual andi ourictuntl im- Ins are said to be of varying tints, like -21, , I these people do not hear as they ought,: Thin was death at the take ; but For the�maa who neglects it th 14 madiately began t� play on Bin, and I the sea -sometimes blue, tinged with N How ' o"k der Bill] ation,to observe the customs Lion. His skin is of, same value and man and animals for two and a half green or orange; in certain lights, or 1-1 � wb,dt will becom 3 of them r - Shall th� fires kindled around it were the no 'hi try Of excuse or reseds. 9 tha fight began It was hard to die- ,��-, ' ,.. f,aM,f Of the world's hatred, eawrai>- Evepoe when affected by emotion, deep and .,L "4 , r we escape. if we neglect so great sat- yt=191 will plead against him. of the Church. As the Christian usagea'as there is a price On his bead, and days at the rate of main one gallon, llnguish anything in the uncertain I it the grass ate � r, vation 11, p6d with the fiercer firea of eternal The water will Was from the foun- ars easier and simpler, we should be- the grain he steals and cashes in worth horsaa six, and mules four, camels ght of early dawn � 0 almost dark. It should never be for- I j":r high, two feet, and the bualies ,gotten that eyes are More capable of , � ww=wreathiag feet, hands, Byes, tains, and say, "We told him of the I I Was I Paul was right when he called it brain, soul, in the worst borror that gin their practice earlier. The moat ,recovering. there is a little profit in none At 3.33 the same day we started :; 1 living stream where he might wash thick, but we au,uld toll In thti uccus- misleading than any other feature. .. :, irreat. The most stupendous under- ever shuddered through God's uril- sit bis sins away, but he would, not' exacting Jewish customs he Scrape- hunting bin. There arts too many hem- from the river amd marched some four ional IUIIS Of Lhe firing from hearing Widely expanded eyelids see much � "I " ... th,� worse. Was not thin Klvailtia great ,oajpa I without reflecting greatly; they live , " 1 taking, since God created, was , . � � Escape he must not." The lonely fulfilled. it " became him to store aal, like the surplus Papule- and a half or five miles by ounact, "it the onesny's shouts and waving of "'t, 11 hoisting of this world out of ruin. It 1-1 its sufferingl rocks will say, "We told him of a shot- fulfill all proper religious customs. Lion of Europe, he triea to remedy the then halted In square (IneLr barialors ibat same movement. In the senses, and think little beyond I ::. 11 -�,, I -ThiL, redemIjicion was alqo great in ter and defaces to which he might run I idently going on t a round the present moment Eyelids half clos- .1 " had made shipwreck -going down with � its pardon. It takils all the sins of a and be,eaved; but he would not come. They went up to Jerusalem. And this evil by emig-ratioin- He has only re- TILL THE MOON SHOULD RISE. owunis le?vft and try to tu'root at flank. Ing over the eyes denote less facility � I'll � ,; , started again it Naturally, our fire was concentrated of impression, but clearer insight. �. ('.. I all hands on board. From none Of the life, ' and cuts th&M off with one I�scape he must not." The sun In the time took with them their boy. So far contly appearei in certain cantons of At 10-45 P.M. we � : .; � surrounding worlds did a life -boat 1 Stroke, so that all the crimes the sky will say, "Watiold him of the lifbt as we know issue had never been out I Belgium and France, and the recopLion 11 IM that Ilicint, and the flank further more definite ideas, greater steadiness . rr . .1 ­ it he marched till dawn, when we batted, on . I - J protected by prolonging it %with com-lin action. Deep -not eyes, with wrink- ,� . WOF L man ever Gommi,tted, as soon as of the world &nd of the dayspr ng of his little village home since his re-lbe has met would grieve hire as we were Supposed to be n or the at th outer or r , how I . � Push out. The Lord God Almighty I he rtlakes hold of this salvation. are front on, high; and he &but his eyes a ponieft from tile reserve of the flank lea a 0 tit 5 a porle- rose up, and bringing into action all gone, at once, utterly and for ever. tUT3a from Egypt. The word "up". were at till sent-4vve. There IS. just now; r ,.�- . I to tht glory. E3oa?e be- must not." 'amp, of the Khalda's advance guard, battalion of infantry. It soon be- tration and a sense of humorL t ,, .. the omaiscianee, and arnnipoter,ce andl Gone, so that you cannot find them. The star will say, ' I -pointed to him', may have been used because Jerusa- I a loud appeal for drastic maat�ures to un 11 1, I I der Ahmed Fedil, of Gedarif fame, I come elvdant that they could not press Eyes se,t.near torther, especially . " n,, ..�. � majesty. and loving kindness of HIS US so I be attack home, and with our right when ther are wr nklea across the 1111 I'll, : . Go hat the light of the judg- oal'y hope -the Jesus of Bethlehem; lam its almost the MORE elevated city! stop the invasion, an I it is litt Is won, and Lewis's Opponent tit Rossaires, at' t :; ; I M,UL'-day cannoit discover them. Says but he would not look and be saved. in Palestine. being twothousand sev-1der that the ravages and fecundity Of well'thrown forward we made a regu- now ,are a sign of cunning and men n- . I '� I naure. He set about the redemption some One: ­1iO YOU Mean to Bay that Escape he must not." The Bible will Mefissa. Our cavalry carefully re- lar advance of the whole force, Sweep. nams in small things -money matters -, 1i . �, � of the world. John Frederick Oberlin! i could have that done for met" I nay, "I called him by a thousand in- on hundred feat above'the Boa level. t- I the animal have alarmed the thrifty connoitred, and eventually found Me- Ing the remainder Of the enemy be- and otherwise. Set wide apart, the . ".. , � put off aft earthly comfort to redeem, answer. "Yes I " When V vitati n and warned him by a thous- 43. Fulfilled the days. The though farmar folk, who leave not a kernel of risen vacated. It was rarity a spot in tore us, and not stopping till wo halt character will be generous; If too ...� L "� ,� I-— .1 roacbed the dervish camp, memo one- wide, careless and extravagant. The , .V� Though you had comatitted fifty mur- and nlinlftr'j�s; bqt he would not bead, ful boy, into whose mind theeousoiOuB- grain for the gleaner when: they reap a bushy desert where there ii -a -half miles In the rear. , proper distance between the eyes 1p 11 a barren district of France from pover h a an .11 - tiers, though your ide were roctsa a would not Liston. Escape he must ties& of his origin an4 mission was their fields and, much leas desire to small pool of very dirty waterwasWe There we found all the women and the length of one eye. . %.-. Won " ty and ignorance, with his own pick- with debauchery.. though you hadgiciao tLot.-, The tree of Calvary will say, . . tit see deep suppi?rt hamsters. arrived there about 8 a.m., having Childreu-some 6,000 -and having iciv- o � �� axe beginning the building (of a high tbrough the whole catalogue Of "Ott m bloody bra.nr,b I bore fruit b'g"nlng to (Lawn, � crim,s, I annoilicloo full pardon for all that Yght have fed his starving.soul;, mealings and foreshadowings in the The hamster is a native Of the are ea the Aman, or quarter, large num- .? � rooid from Ban do In Roche up to the your sins the moment you take hold but. he would not pluck it. Es -'stain lamb, the offered sacrifice. the Chinese Empire and his overland jour- in had twenty-seven Milan since bers of the enemy accepted the same, TO REGULATE YOU'R WATCH. 11�',`� city 6f Stratsburg. But here wall a of this Balvatlon_ . . cap�a he must not." The angels of sprinkled blood, and the sole Uey to the Atlantic has taken a great leaving the river. We then watered throwing down their arms and the Few persona know, perhaps, that a � � ran oar, i �111". � cam of those eight highway to be constructed from the This redemption. is great in its final God will say, "We flow to him on � 71 � (Lays of our animate, while our Arab irregular fight was over, the cavalry carrying watch may be more easily and more . 'Pr . . I the feast. many years. He travelled by slow horsemau under a most gallant Egyp� on for some, miles and bringing in the accurately regulated by a star than by I oquator of earth LO the heights of deliverance. There is a hail. RaLion- errands of mercy, and would have � As they returned. "God's services may rt of Siberia, �il r. . heaven. Charkson pleaded before the I alism rules it OUL; but there it is where oharmed Intel its, but he beat us I ould stages jLo the southern pa tian officer followed In the tracks of remainder of fugitives, Who SdVO in at 41 � not be so attended that we SIX the sun. The reason Is that the me- 1 � . our modern essayists and the Bible dif- back in our ministry. Escape he must callings.0- than made his way across Russia and once when they heurd the KhalLfa 4" EngliRh Parliament, ,and the Russian i neglect our particular I the retreated force of Ahmed Fedil. was killed. tion of the earth w! -.h .eiterence tothe (11 , �fer. People Say chars ought not to not.' 'The throne of judgment w'll.say, Bishop Halt. After the services Pf thp finally appeared in the domain of the Very soon they returned, and to our And. now for t,he most touching part fixed starts to perfectly uniform, while �Y, Emperor, againat the slave trade. But be a hell; but there it is where moKisra " I have but two sentences to glVa­- temple come those of Mary's household ik", ,,:. I German Emperor. The Fre i gt joy reported that Fedil's force Of the whole affair. Leavi.ng the with reference to the sun it Is not. " i bore was the question of deliverance, themogiana and the Lord 4.od At- that to the friends of God, and that anti Josoph's carpenter shop. Tarried r ,I, �: � for a hundred thousand millions of mighty .iifer. I am one of those few to We rejectors: Escape he must not." . may nat have been b 'lude him among the evils oil the was only about three miles fur- troo in the ramp, Wingate and Ill !:,�., ' behind. Title Y fitafri-ode back to the sonno of th.11 Select a window opening on the '111 ! 1. - '' bond men. b nt�tkt d mortals in th a o.ty who Lal;:4 All the voices of the destnoyed absolute intention of the youngl Jesus, FR,ANCO-PAUSSIAN WAR. ther On encamped by the water po,,l � , !, the Whole Biole. NVIlail you uo rl�t be- speak out and say, w%o . fight to id"tify the body of Klaalifa south giving a view of a chimney or 1 , &Set it was the pounding, - We naglootetilt, nor for I of care on the Part Of They say he never crossed the Rhine of Abe Aardel. Fearing that Fodil,and make quite that the rumor of the side of a house. To the aide of ��,�,`k,, off of an iron chain from the neck,lieve evelything In i,1 E�erythi-gl no moTie than be. Why should he go bin Parente, but as an accident in the '.��*' of a captive world. I think it was the' Abisoluteiy everythirgi " Whati i hat, free when we are banished f Escape he rush and press of the immenas throng. I till he saw great mas-e- of man, and might again retreat before Infantry of his death wilov"r.e.. the window attach a piece of card- 11 �� 11 �� greatest and most absorbing. thought: about the Serpent in Edent and the must mat.", Jesus will say, "I called Becoming Separated from the Cam_ horses march,ina LO the West. H Lot- could come up, Wingate most judici- I In the eentrie of what was evidently board With a MOB hole bored in it. ;'11,A sun ,Aandiiig still? and the whale him for many years, but he turned his the malirl attack on our right we came The card must be so placed that yet& .. I.", of God's lifetime. I do not think that I swallowing Jonah?" back on all theme wounds; and by all pany ' he remained in Lhe place of deep- lowed after them to see what was go- ously and prompLLy Seat on our cav- acrosm a very large number of bodies can see a star through the hole. Watch / -<. �� I there was anything in all the ages of Laterear to himself ; and they ifelt leas ing on, was pleased with the country, alry camel corps, two guns and four all huddled together Ln a verysmall the star an it approaches the chimney ,. ­ EVERYTHI-NGI those despised tears, and by that re- uneasy on account. of his inLeiligerice and has never rejoined his brethren in maxims, escorted by our blackirrogu- placi, ; their horses lay dead btibirLd or the side of the house and note the I the Past, Or that tbrre will be ill all IL 'believe it all as much as I do In �octecl blood. NoSpe he must not."' . the ages of the fu(ure, Then God will speak, and answer the and trustworthiness of character. the east. lar InfanLry, to try and engage Ah- the M. exact time of its disappearance behind .. I my own existence. "Well, thea, you waters, and the rocks, amd the sun, Knew not of it. in Such a crowd it , ,a that an In- mad Fedil, and hold him unlit our in- THE KHALIFA LAY DEAD it. I ANYTHING TO EQUAL IT. 'cannOL haro read th,i argumoata on . was easy to be lost. In the caravans This i3 not the first tim fantr) and guns could come up. NNe oil him f u rina, or shoopski n, I be I I I Watch the same star the fallo in . nd the sta,ra Find the Bible, and the of Galilean pilgrims the children Seem vasion of rodent.3 has been aLtributed had to serve Out the water from (be ,U,I of the Arab Shei,kh %fio 62"' night. for the motion of the ..., w M �1.1� The master -piece of eternity I There ' the OLhoc side." Yes, I have; read . h W bloody tree, and the angels, and the to have UsuaAy traveled together, ins Cause it to disappear behind the him- I � B 9 were so many difficulties to be over- � them uAj arid night; read them by ille thrones of judgment, and the voiceof and it is not strange Lbat JosepW and to a marching army. The famous re- Lanka almost lawfully -a long job -so surrender, on Lis right %wait the Kha- nay exactly three minutes and 56 ABC- i.,'.- : ye,ar; read every word that Tom the destroyedand the plea of a rejected Mary lost sight of Jesus for three or mark of the Marquis do Cherville that the infantry could not .go on "'I 'hat lifa Aly Wad Hila, ami On his left Ah- onds earlier than it' did on the first I come I There were such lot inite conse- i Paine, Th r P r or, or lRenan Clirist, and with a voice that shall four hours. the only enduring result at the Nape- was ,done. med Fedil, bill groat fighting leader, night, and that I I Co . Mahon, our A. A. G., a cavalry While all aroun,d him lay him faithful . a what your watch or aeo�o asua ic Lhom ring all through the heights, and 44. Supposing him to have been III the Leonia wars was the introduction to Officer of great experience, command- show, it it be keeping accurAte quences to be consideredl There were*ever wrote on he bja�tj read such gulfs to bridge, and such heights , from the Litle-page to Lhe last wora, &PIths, anti lengths, and breadths of company. This is not remarkable, as Emirs all coatent to meet their death will 4 to scale, and such immensities to cam- of the last line, at the last page of the west of the Paralan rat was not ad the advance gluard. He drove in whn o meat him. His time h u saw 4 the last book; read them until it is I His universe, say, -"Escape he sh 11 � pass I If God had been leas than 0111-1, ... � a Ithe compacy was probably a cars- the star disappear at 8 o'cloole on the , only througo ihe mercy of bo,i that. I not Ivan traveling together for safety. intended merely an a witticism. it the enemy's cavalry scouting in front black MulamLrin, or bodyguard, all fl rat night ; I hen on the second night � "� , - - sivitent, He would not have been did nor kia lcn� soul through the a" ' May the Lord God Alraighty, IforlWhat a blessing when parents canciot tore. well authenticated fact that the Of him, and after carefully reconnoit- lay dead inastrnight line aboutforly �,I;i I � In troops who were hurried westward ering the position seized a hill close to it will disappear at three minutes and , "', strong enough; or less than omnis-! of reading them, read thent"UnLIL' I J-.-.u,q' sake, .avert su,h a catastropbe. I Only auppo�.e, but. be sure, that their heir Md8teF'S body 56 seconds before 8. "', � won, I ";,; , 'tVS: found OU; that, Pa land of'pceptic4-131 of Easier, Russia to take part. in those manded the Same. He at once shelled -b- .1 cient, I do nut think He d IV Hirk I The city clock istrikes nine. children are to be found in good as8o-i fro, the Steppes of Asia and the p nine Fedil's camp which practically com- wIth theAr faoes to Lbe foe an4 faith- It you find, therefore, that the star been wiBe an;ugh; or less loving, would I in it dose I w Think' God it is nat the clock of our cations onlyl A day's journey. The rut to (he last. It was truly a tou, &8a )pears at three minutes, before 8 hifte th6 sihdS'are red- gigantic striliggles were followed by Lhe camp with his two guns, and t�bo lag sight, and one could not but feel I , �. not have been sympatheLic enough. - hoc coals, bW6pL by destiny striking twe'.ve! Tbo day of first -day's journey of a cAravan was nem) attacked him, trying to drive six , many Lhousahui of gray or Persia e the second ni ght, according to' your I tile "MaLbucLug in It, you will'know that your watch . 7 " There might bave been a God strong s,mco,I or aI1-co,,8umi..g wj-etchcu� mercy has not fully passed. But it is proverbially short. not more than ca Lhal however great beastift hetand on enough to create a universe, and Yet:u,si; reau LhdM unai k have, Lou,.d t,h,e e!ev-nth hon-, nn,1 it may be, our or ,eight Miles. Whea fully' under way "'ats that foraged in the d Sorted . mps him off the hill ad our infantry came they' ha�d be I e!r lifet me, hat, will' 11 -- 061(ler- up and joined We party. They were has gained 511 seounds in the ?A hours; " , rul I Ah I � too weak to do Lbis. To create the!kbaL thare are, two baAs iusteau of IAM cbaince. If I never say another they go about tW&OV-fiVS Miles a day. I and found a good living in unc, ' t in time, to rLNpal a most determ- end will . t , od . if it disappears at four minutes and .. i�;" � worlds, only a word, Nvas necesaar:y;;ol10 the word to you, let this go forth as my Ei Biren, six miles north of Jerusalem ,ad trif Lea. The Marquis might have JUB Th. � ur four ,Jays' IV' 1 56 seconds before 8 your watch will ��, -tile hell of beeV,icksm anti ' able eastern 'Oed attempt to capture the hill and work had I as aiiirching in 11 but to do Ibis work required more than hell spokea of in the Bible; arid A La- la.0 and dying utterance: is Sai I to ba the place where Josaph.3 -added that these formid ...".. I he,,, lost one m'nute. . ,� it wird. It required more tham ordin- I ileve in in- la- ue­­ it is L40 num a - COMC� I 0 Yesur I Come now. caravan Mupped. Kinsfolk and so-, rodents were a more I borough wourge guns 63 hours, 11 o ar,ionm. OVU If the sky be cloudy for, any.thres il ary effort of aGod. It required the , quaintance. The faml y of the loaviour ,in. their way than were the Visigoths THE DERVISHES CHARGED enem3 a . 'J'i . . . �.�H i to,erable. 'Come to my hous6' Bootle - Rome 10,000 nights after your first obser,stion, so I . had their relationshipm among the, and, Vandals for they almost. extingu- with all thAr old dash and gallantry priscaers,' . , 1), vionven, and that you multLply throe minutes and 50 1 , I dying anguish of an Only Son. Ohl ime, at six o'clock in the eveniag. JUST ANOTHER CUP OF TEA. plain p-,uplt of Galilee, who had come ished I he race of the Wack rat which and were only finally stopped within children, -- I " arm of cattle, 11. 1; , 01 Is Wot that wh'eh took all the he gh t,; .a.I I will show you fifty_fou r pah.h- � � tbay supplanted in the west. sixty yards of the guns and Maxims, arms. c4 , I ( "I I 1, extinction of sevondii, by thnia .and deduct the pro- ,1 and depth, and'iength, and immerni,ty, Ly as pilffi iMA to the Gast. duct from the t me of your first ob- I I and eternity of H s naLure to ach,eve' ages in Lh6 Bijie, all P'OliLlVely abbert- A case was -reported the other dir 45. lick.y turned back. Leaving the I But tba� Peinian animal had really me- Tho two nearest of the slain were tied Mandi - , . 5 dar's final words servat:on to find' the time that your ,1 .,t . I ing LhAt Lhave is a)acti, a p.ace, anu of a New York woman who for over and ourea-lodgmant in the West long Lo- together at the wrist and lay dead to Wi I at eve, " Iv the bead ; d ' I t . warthy of being called a great salva-laa ulauy Mors iMp,yUlg it. if I (10 thirty years had been'in the habit oticaravan at its baiting place, fare Russian soldiers marched against Side by t A 11.0 watch should give It is hardly nee - on � , tion I searching along the path Side. Tile prisoners told us folio" I think he (an fairly I , to travel . easarj to Say Nat you. should ux, one I I 110L 06,k.V8 'J" wuen J16 te'ls me I drinking five quarts of strong black' back to Jerusalem. At this point Napoleon In early times the people of afterward that they were two great claiuj to haire oarrked out him orders. Paul was right when be called thi U LIM,S, C8rLai Ay I wL.1 ,A hen (it the fired stars. and not a planat, I gins. Western Eurappe knew none 04 these frionde who had always lived together, I must add that our or gLnal force, ynur guide. � salvaLioa great, because it was it) u rideld! I b.ng t` tea daily, and who an a consequenL,e th.ir parental alarm be Seeking ' der 11 , . Lie n,t8 ,oia �L Lu tile lui:. y I ilicied. LB -t rodents 6X"pL the MOUSO, but - a,ndfinally had do,idod to die. as they numt)-red SAV., und our omaos were "a � upon a gioat sacrifice. When E-7, if t doubt him Lho I-Olt.e.h, time, became almost blind. i him. Those who have lost their Sav- Irison I I iour should at once turn b it and Ing the crusades vessels from the Ori- bad lived, together. 34 kidad and wounded, 2 harsea, 21 I I " I a bath Fry want into Newgate I ,(erLa:nly iNh�n He a iaci.n.:es li,til.ilig Seeing in a medical journal thatthe seek him. So ent. brought the black rat to Europe, It was a touching Flight and made mules, and 6 camels killed and wound- IN THE OLDEN DAYS. 1. to redeeni the aba.iduned, Bbo was told to wo the fifty-fourLb Lime I had Let- drinking of, tea -was fast assumingi 46. Afterthree days, On the third a,nd thegiayriki cam� to Unglantia,ii one wish that such brn�o me, had fat- 04 Once upon a t'me school children had to lay off her purse and watch leaLiter ae:cup it. PaUl Eay,�; ­T111Y 1,�U,I b I at, li they be stolen, Lint, refused. saying that i be pulai8b� the pr-porLiouo of a craze, a doctor: day. Lange suggestg that one day stowaway on Merchant vessels about too im a better cause. T at c L� ro, I I �y 11w moon rose on the night not an easy a time as some of the * it ed witil everiasLirig costruo- I was ap-ent. in departure, one in return 17A. Th.s specias is to -day the common being defeated. we made a Kcticlrg." ,.I, fight, after having made all ng folks nowadays. , - (7 confidence in the erLminals wou.d he ion irout iuo preqen,�ai of Lue Lor.." whose specialty Is nerves was can- and one in search. But they probably rat the world over, for it lit stronger advance of t.he whrile tin driving the I !rrangements for marching back the YOU � When L,­,ko 8,,y,, -Thure Shall Lie weepang suited. and more aggressive than the black or now defeated enemy t ro h 11 orce to the river by detachments in early part of the sixteenth century, �', 4ale way of touching them. had not "t out until late In the at- I h , Christ came into the prison of this',,ou �il­ashlag of teetit, when ye LIIaI4 brown rat, and has supp'anted those ' ' " ' A most comfortable manner, . world's sin, he brought with him all see " Is it true," the physician was ask- I ternoon of the first day, and on;y three camp, ,and many mil�R on t br.'.,,b' ,'be I i h ' and for instance, the f;tm,)ua English school 14. , . A.-Anaw. anu i.aac, a- �Jai,00, ILlaimals in almost every country. bush. The cavalry did not returrillho same for the bringing in of the : 1 the jeAvels of heaveaiy affection upon ,ind all Lba prophaLs in the ki,.gqun­i ad, "that people drink more teathan or four hours would be required to of St. Paw's then under the general ... him. Heaven cculd not afford tospare ot God, aaa jui YWIT&-fi LJArU-U uUL. , is good for therel" bring them back to Jerusalem from It is po,3sibie to keep noxioun rodents from the 1/ursuil 0.1 late in thi- after-! large number of priRonern, the ,,nter- direction of Dean Co,ot, used to open � 11. I �� lift. If a boat of ange!s had been ithe first night's slopping p.ace. The within bounis, bu, it is very diifi(-u.t noon, and we en -ampiod aorn". two ro,les' ing of whom on route would he Rome- at 7 o'clock both in winter and sum- 1. 111" . ,,- brIML, W no Ough. to ki�vw, Buys 'And "I Should Lhialc it is," *as this re- a.arch waa probabiy I and Led!- to exterminate them. At preherit the beyond the pla,,e where we had fought. i "hat diffi-cilt, and having 8--n that mer, and ,he rules wm-. .. .,r',t ,hat 0, hurled off thn battlement, theywould jh�se shait go aWAY, VULO eVeic'eating lily, - I have patiaotB who assure me one. In the temple . Onfrobably in hamster is giving mosL trouble. Our los4en were very small, one Kilyp-, the Dorvish load�ra were decently I ' - I ' not so -much hqve been missed. It is P�nsbm-nk.­"it Is or Intif 13�z_hid Loat the tea urin.Ling they axe core- one of the cq�onnaoea or porches sur- I HE ADVANCES 6LOWLY, tian oflicer badly woun,lod, one m.n burit)d in respect for their great gft� t he school boy of to -d ly v, ould t h nk . ;i an exciting time around ,an o:d home- ,aaL La6ro is 'a ,oi�y �a.107`Julbiare. Vella&to undergo while paying after- rounding the Court of the Women, but saams to keep every region ki.led and five %vourilvd, while eve Janiry, �,%Lrigai,- and myself rode off them barbarous. Follovv�ug are Be- JV, . "! stead, the morning the son leaves borne' I lecLmna from rho rotio of rules put in- , �Linclpl'5 Of. &WSCOW Loan Lilac there is noun Calls, LrequenL,y awoun,ing to wh,r,, many women congreate,11 and he adds to his domain. Lii8 presence could count some four hundred of the, to lbi. river, doing the 51) mi;es in 11 to operatina whi,n the school wam I i: to go away; for they know not whitla R1�4t meticipu" oi t,Llf.riug, that, a dozen cups an -S Low 13uurs,' has�ro- where Lp-- rabbis gave their instrue- was not severely felt in Litstern y dead, an(i had w)mn three bun- hou ra The Kamp night w. w,irte(l [..unded: . will hiappen, or whether he will ever' Iced in khe Cont.raction of a habit Those who love God love hill France ti I thre, years alter the uer- dred pr.s"nerm, most of them wounded, w,uth, and ij�xt (lay in litearrirr man- I return. What a morning zi,AI,aii rokes.ovq 4i that,,eb�rec,.,ar;e fin Lions. I onem i ... I he rbi ldren shall coma into school . I it mu"t FLr,a LlhdL Uatitidt IYA p�L V -U , ai,u'feara they are now quiLB unable to give up. i Bud t b, ir s,ort� of grikin, wbt,-h A limed ag-I to f.nimh all offlAal rf,t�'rA ner- ', I I . .. In hous�. and, as children, are found in man iuv.�sion. an,i he wa.� not obse'v it I at 7 Wc1ock, boll, evinter and summer, have been in hPirven When Jeans left I that. eyer iaj,. anti groans LIIUL ar� the ou�patlent depALrLMSnt Of his COUrtS. SiLting in the midst. The in Fle,gium till 1878. Ton ye�ars later Fedii liael bee,n co Ieci ing lot i he I�bn� i,qqnr3* to give to the SLrdar On nTliV il there untki 11 ; and re�urn . �1'1 I �� I think all heaven hung around him- LOr ever :uttaod. WheLa a man gets the hOSpi,al With which I am connect- I I .ifa'Fi (,,rce by rai'dmK and looting th, at Khitriotim. We only nto:,i�­I hero! ond tarry �r I . , some asking hirn not to ., aga.n9t I of the v,cwk. and depart at , re i,ious lt,a(bers,cailecl rabbis,sat on ,be Belgian Minister of Agr,cuiture aurrounding country " yol) "a 5. In the 9,h,,ol, no t rn� in tho y�Ar I 90; 80020 into Lll�,t pak­e, )Is n,,Vor Igeta OU,. ad the ' Lea tipplor I is getting to 110 a raisid p,atform, wich th-ir uisciples o.Gro,l a boanLy 101' his (1-t � a f­%,,1b(ufs, awl arn now, " ru iiwo, V�y I - otpeaking to him of the perils by the There Laa� be a ui,leraa�e of (44n- as comm,)a as toe g,n tippler. I had a n Led a round I hem, whi Is t he gene ra I but in spite of the war upon him the I Thu& Yo,11 R'� - had beguin well. th above address. "'I"' 7 h:s ,ay i H way; Some standing in silent grlefat ion at)OUL L116 e.,act ua�ura Of Lbat one under my nitice a few days ago ick in him offirA R(OO m bail they use taliow ramiln in nowiss . I a Mar hi nty-8 v n miles k,y ni,bt, h: I in ('�irn ' a " � RL the ront. of thoir friAn,ls. Alqo I � th, o*hpr to his ordirli . � 'a poor woman. She trembled ate If she 'circle. Jesus was there not its a for- further af.cid, defying tile Leq41:1n ' a dvaric. I Dongola. 'a i.� his departure; and when the caval- auji,ence stood or sat outside th animal has beki hj,4 owti and In,,hed flgrtw ary .ork it they tiring n i meat nor drink, nor � oulfar,ng. I on in,ly, jL you ,ikp, ulo- w,- hi,i 1, at t ,a ly no 1 pt tied I be 1% Ii, i - cede for Bet-bloh-ma, d ished up to the i carl tha old-fashioned noboa of tire. had the rigue and declared that, at- ward leader in the dim�ussion, �iftt's - gu�rd and annihilaied b,�Itie, nor us,- ,n thn school no 1�n-.ik- . golden gnte and the cry wis, "All hu' 88 Minister oy InV1111ing Lflnton.i be liad It 1106 rapiur-i hiii food. Th - next I - .� but tit. IJ.U­ Au 114.ki,y k�"-­h 4a,V. L"at though sho'kiriew that it was the tea an Intelligent listener and inquirer fawn, n,,r fir nk�ngq, ,n the tim-� of readyl" there was a warm good-bys,411i'd 1141f�l` ill; 18 Ilk- i-&'�); 81a,, il iL IS -hearted and gifted learner: "a y -i p a- mpt d ,ri I then at a it i:g "), thai had wrecked her nerve t she -an eager - - ,,a move was moro daffoult. be,..ume Wei CANADA'S FISH. le.rn ng, ,n ri-i-. I Will ih-v use 11 I and a rain of tears, and last wordR. like lire. it is as h.,vere a. fire; and cOull I'll Prarme on ibe. B ,gian as weil as i I w I . Boo more g,vRe up the beLbi ban wbose enthu�la,qm kintlied their ad- Fronch side. Ho is a hard proolom io wo-rp unieriftin an lo tile actual PORI- - no rock-f.ghtingR nor riding ihout of 11 -III, and a scene that the o:d.,mt Inhabit- it i, is as severe as faa, t1w Il ,,i.ual di u , ,'4id could (,.reswear rairation, add wbos� bearing won th,ir solve, and all that. can be done twerrim fi,,n of the Kh-i.ifa himself and hi4'.... .-Itilig Fla... concerning the a v;rt,)ry nor dqi,winir at �;f Par- 1� ants of heaven remember now as in in lx�ly It, I ­rim ­r,conf,icting, l""r IT 1111UHI! A,4 WI;Li, 'BE FIRE. 9 kohol. tateem. and love --Farrar. The doe- 4 -mg Nala-I 1-1-1- thWome,v, wh - h ,a � ut fo,o:ish hab- ; though lt*were but yesterday. In t1m,,s - to be lo earn as reach bounty money .,Z saot that b� ,van at the we,19 The numbers of annemic and dy- tors. T achers of the law. Some of an possible. 1, I n g .a nd IoRq o' I � in � " 11 of war fleets go away, an,l none but You Sly LhaL it is EOR-D.a. Lorture, and peptic women, anti white, puny -faced th, most dimtinguished of the rabbia of (;,, d i i ot b e rs a ( t h o wa t o r poo I A of In lFt9R Ontario exps,rfe,i fi�h to rho Ther -re to be i,o hWAav 7 granted the king and the admiral know where nOL phySiCAl B t y��u kiiow. - that chiletron is alarm ngly on the Increase, Were living at t.his time-nillel. Sim- The Far Kalil ig the gTandfather of Oni H-m-i;,ra. and. ,again. otherq a, value Of "I 045, Qu-,boc, 64w5.13 ; a t d, Rer�. unleq% (,,r I!io kIng or a they are bound. During our last war, menial tortu -is VOTAo 'than physical I never ask what is the matter with eon, and Gamallel. Hearing . . . and the West, and :i, very a I "' I ,,f R"m' wale r piece helwoon the iwo h. p squadrons went out, and we know Su the 6,Y- T.�flt­lg L.44, )U11 1,0- Ii Ing I hings. ir clu "ing �.i mu a Th,, Kh..ifi had thrpp rimrmeg open in Now;. Scotia. $1.7-9,,t,.), .Now Rruna- It. R 17 ' e at on, has bee 0 , 1, , I -0- — thom. ' Why do you drink so mu,,b Wrn 1677.6-A, % anitol,a at asking. In those oriental schools there n trace, oi i,l the ler- I � nothing of them until they wore re- iieve in is tar more intoierable Lban tea V is my first question. 'A rup of Was great liberty of questioning. Con- v go are exe him. first to marf h �i L Gedid to Sh r. w!rk 11 ported off shore, and landing amid Lite aiyle of suffering your fathers and tea livalis me up no.- is the general trary to our customs, the seboiars in- Orl0nL to the O-cident. There k -ten, � h.,r,, he coul I b� out of reach, rilorien. 8211,70s, Dr,t,hh Co lu in I �. �, � NEW YF,%W� 1', V \1?MU-A ('0( N i FIERY ASSAULT OF BATTLE. modiers used to beiievel in. A 'lying reply," terrogated their teacher, and proposed ception3, hownvnr, (o thin g(�nel,t law R-ndly, in advance %frai-ght agiiinm $3 8,6.U46. Ptime Eow,iril ini.in 1, 45 0,- I it I 1:-� I man of laigt, m4ns 6AIdi "I'WDQId,giV6 I The dortor in question did not d&- doubts an,l dLfficulties for their in- or migration, an,i the Intrist that ban us; or, third!y, to retire (he way he . I do not think th-tt Heaven knew far thirty tt1l>43,,Aj 'P,OULALIS LU have It I noance, the use of tea, but itFi abuse. structox to answer. come to notice is the. came of the lilt he h,ad r,ome. a dangerous move, s 8 Making the total of Cina,la $11). I Th� M, -x rans re��O,ri a Ne�� Year� what shore Jesus and U's cobertswere . " insect post known an the jiggPT, u bi, h .1 Pxhiunted a I fr�cill and water rom- B41.6i.1 ln� anportli ,,f fi�h vvele. 'lay ,oh li,man - , (i ea prova4 to me salisfacLorhy that'11114rel A cbp of tea about an hoar and a 47. All that beard. A large com- reachol the weRt African coant n .( dutiable $&i4.l.-,9, fraj, liilg.�,; bound; and vvhen one ( briRtm-ag n;ght is no hell." Such proof 6nijOL bo half attor lundb he Tle,dribed its "com. pany assemb.od, for at the passov,ir ' h two nlipirnntives--fir , - ea. they were seen off th(� shoraq of P-tirt h, PCeSe n LC I. But sui,pusa you throw Sol lag ve,nsel from Brazil in IR71 ' n'L i ng "P ad fh4- ,11'stliowlon of 1-1 Y'a, in I Jin I ,,,,, mi i- i:-, h-, n, ng of I and word got back to glory that the f,rting and benef,cial " but It Rbon!d season the temple was crowded with arrived at tho Italian Occan- a I to advnn�A RiC'Unat him at ()rn flo. .,, ou, � ' tti� :Pgal y-ar n I-n�T;and n ;7-) oveibo,rd mos, of Lne LOSLIM0,11y on not exceed one cup, or at Most two strangers. Astonibsed at his Under- IR8t mara wh--ro moot P�OPIO 1111A he wall, OnU�no #;H,3, ,,("), Q ,eb, r, 5t,.43 crusading fleet were landing amidat ,his aubjOCL-18 there DO -L sarda,sight small on#vit. Abrive all ton should not year. having crossed the Conti t in a djs;an,-� of twenty-aevon rat Now B,an.�,rk 44.8 7ti[i., \,,v,,, oii�, S,e.i,n i i n , ,id,,vt J,%u I as New : ".. storms of Persecution, there must Ila- a . stand:ng. They Raw tfint thin rhiA tha equatorial regiona, 2,7* "" 1PR from #.J (00.,0U, B­L,sh ( oi�jll,b . $ , KW 0,. Year's day u, th� 5-ir I-,:,3. .� . I-. il's, in lilt, or to go to (;.wU,I, fight him If we 11 possibiliLy that the 0f M bb Ouch a be taken on in empty stomach. had thought an the &ripturas, and twenly-six yearn, travelling fimm weat found him there, ot go from therA to Manitoba. fo,0(10,000, a twa, of S�62- � been a cry of amazement in heaven If Piaeay if ,,.,, Shour b.,a Id 'i a YOU have - (ojid penstraite below the hal,irg and 'I b � �.-,( , i , � , , iiri,-�u or Great Rri- .1ho expedition had steered into the no p;reparaiton to escape It, Awhat I heat It,% ils of I he talichers to the kernel of to east. I Om Homar.i, or wh -rpvpr ho might be 477.OW. � i 1��-Wo, that would have been a more ,� HOKE POISONING. ,,,, I ruth - lot a t ed � Tl- - salmon park in Driti�h Colum- ti,n and fir an4 t.,ok viac" on 3 -in 1. briililitnt landing-plaoe, or if it bad A you,ag woman, dyi�gd said to her I. THE QTrE,WN'S CRONIFS Wingate. %It h the ai�umen of a iruA bia last year wa4 i84.lfil ra-ii father: "Fatner, why ui,l "-,4 not tell LL4s ve,ry desirable that the cOn-�sh. By saw him. The catcri of ,be seahng f -el of Can- 1 Itkil sailtd Into Mercury, that would have me there was such a pieces" ..Wlrjlt) t110144 under which food may , 48. Th nlratpgiRt, dpri(ipd to go to Gedid I J.,n I wn4 m%.I^ N ­w Yonr's day in tinan a mightier world. But no; , become Jos -ph, roming suAdenly upon a crowd It not infrequently happens that from (b�re ho r.,illd make Finrp ni ,,,I,, d,creas.-d from 73 6i i ,ri iA6 to :, - 1- r irwo hy r .% i� 0.1 't ,n tne year 1561. 4 ,I 1 they choose one of the smallest I placel" "A beill" He said. "Jenny, PoIndbOus should reeeive more prs&-, in the court of the temple, were mur- when bar MAjesty, while at Balmoral, . t -ppi n g th e Kba , fa goin 67; in lsiilli and 3),410 in I 9r lh­ -1'e o,, \ - N - �, ,i .1, y n ,n -n, Egypt f'� is no such piam God is merchui. ,,11.1 8 01.11(i, ih r., ­- ro 1,T -- - q- ­q 0 every :pInt. A. world* fin God's adtronoMY-a little, There will Lie no futurok aufferiaw" tical Consideration than they dq. A- pri�pd to bef,o�d their Bon in the mA"t virlitA one - of bar old friends, the Sh�rk-1,b out of r�arh iin,19 ii",',',u',' was I -,i350, #-'AJl.W3 I ,� world. a proud world, an nnrl,nn i I at_,,." ,cirri,st partiriprint In tbA discu� I pine, him in an adv4ntagro � r -iii -n "AV"v­Y I I tie in ,nth c)( J inliiry m �rild Iu have . I Ibbe paid, "I knew, betterl fedl It weli-k O,;ri physirian has called pion, while the wifneRnes stood won- "atheir ldrns 6old and Stormy, and fnk� the K e tried to Prior in 197� very fr. ­.I� .,,A to -P nimed hy \ucui, I't)cup s us in i world, a dtfigrl,t world. a cruel world : nowl I know there is such a Placcl tanittin ' 14-n the Queen to st hi if,i if h" r� llunl,ng "?-, 14 k, . It dying world, a dead world. Was My feet are alippi,qg into it I Ili It to some glaring defects in the. der ng at Hq intelligenre Sen. A ou such ooragions, Wh I a4vanee no,rth i,v th- e,ay A hm-I Ir ... -1 r,y Ct.n4d.an s.il, . I 9.6t this stivation great in US humilin-' . a room- location of food sioretrooma. which are, g n, Is. lo� ng rehuirp Thoo, who prepares 10 depart, she will be greeted i 17-111 had retrpated bin Driginal tiAn w4a not carr,ol on ftirther itian -o lh� N ­v Voar n ';varfa vran c,nlp. t1oh I anti I ani load Why, didi youi not i6il a can- muqt reprove Rhould do it v"ry ton- thus: -Dr&, Marc. and you'll no gaing of advan- rn�l­ fr,,un %horo, fir . e I by th,- r,,n­,rst ,,n of YOU'hR 86 aldo *as this redemption great Me there was such a Plane$ It is the 'worthy Of dltfttiOn. In hous tr"M i87i iii IKtr7 the io,­ p(odur A - ni tiry Rer-re. � .1 aw dpriv. Thy father. Thig wan t be on y Basra I ful. otapiendou% consuming, incon. Istruction the position of the pantry till ye Ink* a cup of tea to,lwarm 0ITI1 01JT.Y DIFFIrt-I.TT— I., , h. ( *.na,fian pelagw ll,a.,ng .n I he Arn-r,can In liann h-%ct a wm of � .� in lbit anfrprings. it is fortumato, po,siblp way in whlrh IdAry cou;d � that we cannot foresee our trials. If trowr�ibie fact of the wiliverse. , in tob ofte,ri treated an of minor im- w9A the un-rininly of finding \­ li'�ar a f- vai, rolphr-i-I wiih 11 I I dxow� is not I 'on 'that k0elpS portalles. In e III U th space xpeak to hor arm of Jlo,pph Notl,a Ire, against the cold." Strange speech, -s' duntry ami,un-d to fl�li&!- �oni ,k,o% * that man ,who I a U Th, n-1% iaml�l at % ,( ��i a sn two* f'-" "c d dtin"ng I., flames under the f0mor soonaosequally un- mum In '78onl were A.'Z. A gra tual lerteaso ,from oat wiNnic lost his pro- e"8-,Sa07l'h'it thl'so Stan �r. all - hAd am yp- neon Ave e , I do. the hamb t he about WA Fatber's buninoss surely. to the Sovereign of the might- t imals would nit drink , no - I n S h P. he ntate prim mern of Ill- I party could ha"known for ton years the next phraqe, when be Will her be lost empire, tht world ban ever spent a J - eallpot scorch us. 'a,od ' thati maut.zlee suita+ and inaill6quataly lightedand bn,k all our �M&Ay 1.nkA .ith 200 73hI4 i.n,i-i There in IN,— otar are n:1-ved a roit and tinliday ,�n t I that he W*a going to bee,ome beak thorough devotion tatils workamong Yet the gracious lady bows and orall6ft- ram�lp from Abo Aardel in the river. The foi, -1u. of the "il-1. ,,( A - rufA, all those, ten Years would have these liona do that tbeit, teeth cannot Ventilitted place in thought good so- 8 %,-,, yi,ar'a dly -h towury the rom If that touch us. worthy of being called a ought. for the purpose. In a great no Sorrowing Her anxiety %bows some while the good -wife bustles about. with ordprx to rome ont again and C.n ad a .�qt Y�Qr �­ I it) X:3 0 .3 l,i iho ­(etn � . �' been sh4dd*ed with trouble. m- lack of faith. paring the bomble ref V- Y�i( n a ft of a tenant to 1� rr,rWJ .*ho6lmt Year lost ILA child had great salvaLiont bittery one may, escape her tho pantry in a small o"aboot irsohment for in-' no a, that Ty;nne in two daya ,ind of th� otp,irix $1&4 1 i,Z.6143 Th� "' - ,�, it. Go,I nover pintv a man In perdl- from the house. the coiling, floor and 49. 'now in it am he ,,r I he first Ur Queen, mad according a hompital ,,in, � We hn,11 olill on� and a half d-yq' ,�,., imp,ltl� %in,- 19A knrin�ive. �, , ,, ,,It ,r I '. ,,i 2 flit emix'n 1�" V� ", niown tof on Tests previouFtly that rerorded Wbirds fr Thets" a pit of Jesus, ity, for the, privilege' of doin which I h. . , -qq .1. .( merry Od Eng- . I'll e Would Idde. It, for ten years that tiont He Pula himself there. ' If you walld often being damp owing to @ . vriltpr, and -o riielrnnod that Nvp ,ould ,immint-1 ,(, P3.-Fi.47". 317, an,l .% �� ,.,�� h have a great fire qn. your tartin in faulty construction, in some of these ad contain the charartPir-stle fe a I a res ommy a proad damill and Alogla" ford got to Godid twority-thrPA milp%.nnd ;.­ I . $2 ,)I Oi. 3 19., 0 Th, Px,.- .,f , ,ni %vam mri,im of al�, rinimea. toast .. 1) pateffl. *61ild have been Overshadowed. uttitiranelim-an ottor forgot- would willingly anortfice a great dont ,( I .. � I 0briat'sl laWfor tvgs were augmebted vvbiah you are consuming a matters are rendered worse by the Of all biq - (onrid no -.tpr' there Pould At in$ ­t. I i., yr., ,vaa Ill -39", 6 A , -1 r,,n.­t iiippl-,% , by tile fous t1st no foresaw thato. large ftI#OU:Ot Of rubbish, . ami watioll tape being placed thereinvifith- fulnORN (If "It rombioad with cars- Of their wealth. Little wonder that wayq rome hork nort day and m -f lh� imi-ig for horne -n-invi,nn I I h, pr.-rit qvqlpm. of V,olr rinini the '�� 11 I , ': I I Poll IlWtty� too, yearis he was dyi[4. I d6liberately `ruah Intd it, out Ral provision baink rondo forcer- plete rovinciounnego of bin blitu" trillid tbipsti poop,14 are pestered by ralle-linn- �nt water go ,it midnight - onrt- am ... 101-1 - ill.�w..f.g.otto ne,v vaar % th Jin I waq adopte In ii I � I , I ,� . 4 . rying.,*way the droppings from the Though conoclous 'Drills 6v;n bigher In- t,orx who job tto acquire the CUPS od agn,n, and got in G-i'd .b.,11 0 Th. io,.l -xp.rtn iind rnl­rtn �.­ -nd k 1) I" �� , . � 11,13, horned. who to to , r , I - smadlet 3w,fat butig over him at the blimc I elf. G tap ot0orflow train vessels into III -In About my, Patherle business, from whie to& Queen Into drank, or a in : It -as ­ry hol and 1:.� laot t -n mmoitnt-1 In Mi V71,746 Tho ml.ortq . , Or ,A r�rs too -= �&�,' ..In my Fxqbor^# hteme," Alf6wdy flito chairs Vblah @be sat. w itQ4 tit � the W#d4ing. find aviiiry!r I - �� �� 1, - no ,k - that% ce, -4n ill He in I w # 4 tow thit lov%ry �001^6:8 ,Is (,via i1r. thle ftar In aq. One of the . , hnitirg tried th� men rpry much. the of -,n ,n.i toolinn amoun-1 - $4 HISSIN('. To APPLAUD. k , I . . *Aftt to the last I posalliffity of escaping it. padfibid - .. .... � 1.17 B Cretin ent.f.i. ,, his Ing his knew. t`Ufi*b'jh6t firor sun wall on th-r hn,ka. aflar little Sgo 4. And th,e oliporta, 04.t,-3,i3A . b6fit I* tilielt, bitio JIC - y . - .4 hill &bdi- -1 - �: a Chaim 0 Is ** defective yard pav&- er's lip -L this raystary oil him divine . A4 I 11 11 We f: are damb, fin. upon whom comes the re.- 4APiermitting of boakage of filtlk origin - e4d 6" tbouftltt Of his Vera- Litt M CUT -Pa, what's a liallial da- fanna a ripaert�r Af lifa, or I NOT A DRAD ';Fr'RFT ti hridp-; ,,hen i bev Qee anyi hing twan- - 101, thifob bf t, WW 11 it, deib to a% ;--RAT BE W. ,ii -p and lean water. At norlid wo In Went Afri-a the nntires bins . ! - lslftioh- -Hem ly. and of our own � ----Wm-- - , shuttlog-ilit Iviulfird him, tO ICA e R �hen they are mAttinisbod, in the New ' i th6 itilise oorawl% UP. I Xglifllty la tion " Wrining to stir bin Most. oo6ndaritt qpy. -he told up the RhAlif t � tift b6littrAolift sponsibilityll Answtrl Your Bon. Into I . sell ondefteath. : 11 Was � . VVkft U, Vie* **4u t= Ser be Solon." h2s, A04twoltild, 0 1 , . -irk 17 �', q/�v t , thus rendered a e6bill- We abotild'ble eirly interested both In Pn-IR* to kanarally onme oato wbn to %faitaruAi,ri. A-m� a­pn miles .7e,lt�-J P -pip oftpn antNr from r1TqpppqiA , fill Th� RiAntaq appisul a popular . A - ... . 11h it d tof pathogenic microbes, God's bou" and God's ronso. trying to kst through the vrnrld on a �nxt, the road in erhi�h wat itirnilattilwi h ­v kno-nir it I --r n 1ho a-mblinq by biasing I I .U,(%* ,ThW.W&AtIoii4A iftAt4ii-VA I 'L * W#44 &I r. A . 4 I I& I U- do. - A161 "-ft 51 The and,nirptood not ,rlkf, I U -A d bef L- . 01 wy,ntlo,4 ronni r 0 'a P I 4, loaal they let avor Nod, �, m Th- J,ipano�p. mirain 9bow t ip CW 6, Wii lot itnotirtar -­ ­ - .. Be s man — . . . I . Y reputat on Some y Ma a ore A .nis 7 v ur a- I .1 1, 11t, ItM *0�4101 *Wd b6`11tailind him. 811116ring and hilt stArvibill on the oi qn1alte t1tulanoo. . failed to comprishisM fully the inliflOrt, was boro. ful Arab smuts. Under t 4lelsp kno- It i r-veron-o bv a IllAs. I , . I �. . r L r,; . I � IV � 11 1 � I . Ir � �> . ', 1� I - , ". - 1. , I I I r I I I I �� ;, ­ 4 1'r . � . . 4 I I I I 11 I 1� I . . - 4 , � -1 , , , - r 11 ''�,, �1; " �r �., � I I I 11 I I - � -, , I � : . . I I % % a ,4, '4, 1 � -7 " I . I , I I ,* I I I 6 t. 4"r IL . . � , ' I I I r I I r . I . �, � �1 ,I 11 I I I , , ­� I 11 � I., �1 I " ' I , �' 222 1 1 - - -.).r ­ 1. ' I I '. # I , �r ' ' - " - - I r . I i I 1, � I . - I �r � � .� 4 1 1 1 1 , .,, ,�.`# 0 ,,V 1� . 1, �, I � , r, (F , . I I . I " " ., - ­� I . , . � r � � - . � '. "o . " . I � . I I 1, I . I . libi 1101.111,,�". . - I / � 11 I .. I , , , � .fi I I , I .1 I . J I I o , - J�L -Ad . I I I �.IWAJR&Ilk I M � � � LAk. . , ,.& L 4 r . ­­ t ­ - ,,� , -'� I I I'llor �"Aii.­M&fi" . � Ir I , , , .r ,� � I 1�- I � ­ f , r ' �� IL � I .- ,AbM& , I'll bbi" Shm" Llz-�,- li-Ad -- . - . A,,ii( - ''I ., .iWL - _ . I L iln