HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 2; 0 1 , I . � , , , . , a TWV`11% �- - -'W'77 ­111111[IiF 10411wr " � WINVIFIVIV V I � , ;, 1W114V,11T,W k - " "� FrTM­ " 77 , , W,17'7�1� - , - I .. ­� -.,F.-.""W�l..,;113119"1111�;� -.1- ­ Rwl "� F MR . I . � . I � � , 7, 7 � " - I -1111 -_ � '791110711FIlr 111RIP-1111111P.11191111li- -1 I � - � , �', I - - � I PF -11 �W" 1, "2", ­ . � � I .1 - I 11 1. . � 11 - - � . � 7 1.) i ". 1 I - I . 1 1, I I I I I i � " . . I . 1. . . . I . I ­ . .11 - .1 . - I ­­. I - I . 7. .1 I - i '. ­ -- - -!A . .1. 0. I I . 1. �� I ­­­­ -.1 I :,,",!":"�,11,1::::�;,,,�l,�;,,,'I I 11 - 1::;1:::!1 111�::!l Z:�il:! 1! -_ 11 ­_ � I - - 1. I- ­ � I . . ­ .....- ­ I 1111.1- . il­_. 1-10.. ­ � _`__ �' � , - 11 . - . __ C__ ___ ", - I—— � ,__ , " . .., . I-- 11 .. � , , .. . . I - 1.11.1 -1 I ­ - .1 11 . ,-- I 11� I I . : I ,�. i ­ I I I I . � . Afti_ili,jds,� _A, _ia - � , .Wni'.sk ' I . � 111111slille. , , tior,br, -Tai,rimary. A I I I . � , ,w. it is,#Y" *�w I .. I � , Ta'O'If 11PILL UV014 br� tho x0glish Owt .. , L . - " I , � .#"" f. w L I ­ '", -,qw-, .,� ". . � BR'Mff � ""_Vt1"1 , UNLIK01 ANY QTUER W, 'sr Mist, . . slip7w-s-tv, .. _, -.,, .. . _; $-� tlitil "Mot """ williolk 0XIAU99d, . - " W -W­W,7F1W . - L , I , . , , , I , - � � , , . . , L - I I e I ' I 1111"k , I __ _-, A, v, ng,r - lulititin$09ttf Wrryey #40,4� �AS "L . � I . ` ' , � � . I . I . ; , . .101�111 18111J,14 WIM TAX$ X1D,CHAVC.ES Uy , L, They �­'' . , . ,h . - eye Via Apflia. *4. . , Lil � L �� I tooillp 0 V. .1 * -'6414 unow4todly 'i"Its a 40404 at, �, � � ; :, I � � Z 1� - � I . . in . I - � . 9 '*,kept, X, ehiltril, � � I I I A Ll R E 0- E . Or, AXOT.411ARAPAW. C4 li I I I , � . I I I , . " C �D v - . Adfillllk� I 11 , �11 I i . , ,, - . � I I . � . I t , - It" I tLack on RD 04'8 "�IOWQA 14 IX4.ia I � � : I I � I . . I - X" witu, *40 04 slio lAaE I � , An 14 L i � . . I . I I � beck L, zog ",--,* It" _0 11 1004 I panse" AgWy Multut -", *JpjAWd and "g. T 6 B �#r Aljgkt *xpeet, L - in'sold Of" ,*,W L the , #Q*, I I ..", .1 ­ e I .. ­ . t*ksa _ ,* , and I . L "betris Wbllq 04 00-YoWto *9r* 145 ite 04-44ace from di-AWK04 0460, I L 'U I I Lot A 4,4 packag- - , , I "' I 11 lawba a0ldA;­EgJm*t7A4W, )4 0kor 1=4441 � ilbe �rirasulivoai "to i"lle-TILLW " Monte Which, are always to , .. , 4 1�!t L : I ,, aw(Iiits *%V"'"=aL41%r#-1� ... it ........ 0 �­* T , 5,30,49 (I , I rgAeTvAt X this tilues bowovox, 000190 Jiuq�, Just gs the ligbtb,uoy is asignal vey* olf ;*Ln ., In sairawirluxod countries Where * 0 , �iu sz Ogg . " 014 � " .- - - , - make gaallialiiwft xlis� - 1�r - - __ I—- __ .,I I.. - - ,* $a Ell, sil;Iout, 0* ­ . ,World we ,,yout ow� uke hiliar, baurillp U,q, L, I- triaoffigil .r A.R. 2 - iron hand, of law, and order is, diet at -I �§R_" s. _; . ======11==!�___ .00, . Thlo, b;"tk ,%Ad ptroingth, of ver 1 y Iwo ( " After all, I miApp"e. it la hardly a&- aid aboplil. like tural that &,,,w bac of danger to aiailors, Bill the red Iligut L . . to railway men, So has nature equip" 7 � -T4-, It J41' JJJ,W#iX4&at that VaVy few of, , girl and tritscitino. I The British are not to be taken *rirs .11 "Aw, AnA - I good on our *A" Uiro, 10T*. illic gwriliall." -Yout A,pd wbyr, ask* perptetuA, - I � � . . . .. . � . ped individuals with danger signals .1 - I I � I the English trogii-N in Udia hay.w bee , ,, rt called upon to too ,the pigm of the, 44 . The tro'Opla In India sArprime again. , � will stay their 1 in. and all t 0 X 46, hillerts.", The upis ;To buralay tow in the ., till amiling, *till wilparoutly amu"O, 4 11 For one- tblag� the sense Of XO, . I , . L of -one kind or another when !,heir rl, ' L � __ , . killed and 41sablail in the SOa L , L th Asti. I , While " alaad*d fQr the work of till Uing,t,L Boars will he drawn r o or 004"rysitoth, guitk perfumas from straint that IlDlengs to the r0lationa I I L I 117811cal condition is not quite right. - I can camp�rig_ the' ax;R,L, 4. a *I_ sources. It nytblog wore *oiliilera the Many O,W#r8_fiN LthO air. From ,are in a deli- beypad­wtaawbore,�_tb, between tbom. A guardian, you know, would be &blO LO Control One in Q m"_ - . Yt may Awply be a tired feelin- 00 most every other part of the World a ba been levied OV94 the array iii In- would be sonat to India. " a, Warn ,no . . i to the native. anit to foreign Powers � o� diro"y Uncertainty abou�t the L , the music, Butt sure.,, I "Would LLLLL �. Slight cold,weakness of the tDUS610S, � - . dill," rematus almost intact. The 041y'VeL!- that Great Britain intends to pro - WhOiO-�-&60112es Bound Of rbythrute,al, sweet. Perhaps It4a from beV "Well I Imagine Mo. It is tradition- "I'll, fickle appetite or some other Si Ign- . tiOnal expiatiation of this cirr,priA. serve the domain which has coat bar 00 laach blood and treasure to gain. 't a r outside, I y seen 0111, � ary. &�d you V slight at first -which indicates that your condition is not a stancesi to that Johnny Bun @tin bag � Thara'l& uo`z4ora Interesting story to ,in* throu the reen foliage- here the lig are o brilliant and forms are . "I don't know about Other Pon I Ba.ye Miss 'Wynter Lalmly, "I k'.`.;, " healthy one. If the danger signal is not heeded, serious re- a vivid recollection of the terrible Xrt� than mutiny and will take no chances the general readorm, whether or not a Itiveir.of history.'than the detailn of oirlic . ut just In here there is no savot the t kling drip drip of only thin, that nobody ever yet con- trolled me, and I don't suppose now bults will follow and a colplew collapse may occur. In nine of another uprising and cousetIttent the massacre of , - " f ' L Cawnpore and the age, 0 Lucknow, and the world of - the little fount% that plays idly am- that an,youdy ever will." cases out of ten the direct cause of the trouble is impoverished loss of biti.m4a life. Prom low to 1857 f9lits tow parallels, to -the daring, the Ong the foTna- Lady Baring in at home to -night and I As she sa to this she looks at him with the prettiest skulls,. it is a mix- blood., or weak nerves. You need something to brace you up England goiarned Iladis. with an iron hand. One 1*tlaace and the aublim-le courage of the � impirlsonad garrison. There ban In the big bare rociins outside danclutir ture of amusement and defiance, Her- -to make your kilood, rich and your nerves strong. Dr. Wil- of the most horrible in,, Aevar been any definite figures etv- is 0�8 on dnd in the smallest rooms tine and comedies are being y ra dinge, in t bor. draw& c qclu- .gaz d9 , pelt!"t1l; hates him," liams"Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this promptly cidents in the annals of history Of mankind the Sepcky on as to the number of Europeans kill in - gedles enacted by 4111atellrd. who. ob wood- along. ecides he and effectively. They strengtben from first dose to last, was L revolt. At no thae during their rule had the Sepoya ad the Sqoy mutiny, but it was several tbousand men amil hundreds of rous tatal do know their parts and speak thorn albeit no stage - Proper " has been prepared tar them. Perhaps It Basing to him al. shame. and a PUT. too, but after all, old Curzon was hard- ly meant by nature to do the pater- Mr. John Siddons. London, Ont., says;-" I can speak most favorabl� of been contented with theix masters, and 11,1113 8161113 Of Mutiny had been Man- Wc;mpn and children. - � that is why sLaga fright to not for nal to a straugo and distinctly opoilt the virtue of Dr. Williamn' Pink Pills. They prove invaluable in streng-t en- up the system when debilitated. Ing and tonin Having used them for some ifeated in various ways for several L STR"G4 UONBY. theal L --a stage an big Qu " all the world" leaves actors very free. child, and a bonutv intq the bar gain. -I don't thiak w10 a! time past I c speak most favorably of their beneficial results. As an invig- " Years. The mutinous spirit broke out L V11000101c in still used as money in But in hers -here with the dainty your guardian have a good time," soya he, bending orator of the constitution they are all that they claim to be. . L ea rly in 1857 in a most pecialiar way, certain parts of the interior of South flowers and dripping fountains there is surely no thought of comedy%; tra- over her confidentially, on the strength of thin decision of his. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 5o cents a box cir six boxes for and then began the series of atroci- ties which shocked the entiLre world, America. as also are cocoanuts and L egge. I . AxoordLag to Prescott the gody. Only a little girl gowned all in white, with snowy arms and neck, and "Don't you?" She drawn back from "You I $a.3o, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. and axe always reforred to with feel- money of the Aztecs consisted of quills diamonds glittering in the soft manses him and looks up. think shall lead hint it very bad life?" ings of horror. gull of gold dust and bagB of chocolate ______ - .------ - __ -_ -------- I - of her waving hair. A happy little girlF to judge by the soft smile upon or lovely lips and the aleam in her ..Well, as he would regard 1(. Not 8 cis I sh(mld." with u udden. tropes- I A I -0 f open glance from her thoughtful, eyes. follows: "I made a compost heap in To turn the conversation in anotb- one corner of my garden, the basis of The military authorities, very fool- WILY as it afterwards proved, decidedied grains. Before the introduction of coin - money into Greece, akewera, or : % , I 8 one er channel seems desirable to him. it being formed from stable manure Lo arm tile Sopoys or native soldiers up sea m iron and copper were ubed, , dark eyes. Leaning back in her seat Miss Vay, i eIrs puts that glance be- -I hope Yea %re happy here with w In the dim cool recesses of the conser- a ith Enfield rifles, and a now kind'six being a dractim ox handful. The Old Lawyer -How are you, getting I 1� ... hind her. and perhaps there is molne- y sister," says he in his aDytbiDg Whealed' out and piled just after hay -i small, hard shell known as, the cowrie �'_ vatory among the flowers and the thing-aoinething it little dangerou m of cartridge greased in ,order to adapt toragi Young Lawyler-I have one , 8 in but everyday tone. Ing, to which was added, during the is still used in parts of India and a , *6 I _1 i4 greeneries, she looks like it little the soft, soft look she now turns upon it to the rifle bore. A report spread I Africa in place of coin. W client. Old; Law"r - 10 be wealth" I �G'Rv 11 ��� 'nymph in love with the Bilence and hlm� "Quite happy, thank you. But I fall, all rubbish front the garden, such among the native troops that as tbelare used by the Fijia bales' teeth Young Lawyer -He was. I � the sense of rest that the hour holds. should have been happier, still, I think, as Potato tops, bean and pea vines, S.Utnal red feathers ,, It In broken, however. " Be thinks so, too, of course," says if I li,id been allowed to stay with a cartridges in leading had to be torn' by some Of the h Sea. Islanders I `Z�11; .... � she, ever o It to., an fast as those vegetables dymm") your brother."' ,or, d a salt in parts oKf Abyssinia. in 0 Phamoh I ft" ro-4-pa o"'Gamulubyu- 17- FOR Tile : go Vf 3' question, half a Sir Hastings drops his glasseB. Good used, refuse from the kitchen, decay rt of India cakes of tea and in , "I am sorry you are not dancing," Her tone in at a n with the teeth, the Government was says her companion leaning towards assertion. It its mnnLfO8tly unfair,the - about to compel them to bite the fat i - � EIRC � I Pa I I Heavens f what kind of a girt is this I Ing apples and vegetables and that China pieces of silk pass as carronc . I . b i "; In " To stay with my brother I To stay," class of stuff that accumulates about n d� called you those wicked names. I hope sufferer like a great ,c % her. His regret in evidently genuine whole thing. Hardingo, believing of pigs and pows, the former of whic Oxen Btill form the circulat g Ins Mamma -When the bad street boy Languid & WearY f I ndeed. to Itardinge the evening is an her tone, her smile, falls into the t'rap. stammers be. I . ill-apent one that precludes his done- Miniltul of that night when the Pro- ' would be defilement to amossulman tum among many of the Zulus and you didn't call him any baold Ostend- I had been a , i'll, Ing with Perpetua Wynter. " Yes. He Is year brother, isn't he ? the promises *hioh will readily rot and the latter would be sacrilege ,in the Kaffire. k I �. - a many other women with a disease pe- ')" fessor in despuir tit her untimely de" The professor, Y mean. I should quite down in the compost heap. This wa; e I . Met No, I only saidi Ono word, in in - "Yes I" she looks up at him from mrit upon him, hn,d said many things have en yes of a H�iadoo. A rwa� Mamm4 _ WhLAt: waa that my. on � - her low lounge- among yed living with him, but he forked over occasionally and whenever liar to my sex. I tried everything 5�1 � I Ostend-Dittol i I could read or think about to help ." , . "I - � the Palms. unmeant, he an,iworB bar. wouldn'lobear of it. He -he doeon't any quantity was added to thel pile a THE WILDEST EXCITEMENT DOING HIS DUTY. """ �� "Well, so am 1. do you know I" toll- - Hardly that. But-" like me, I'm afraid?" , good coating of garden soil wa .0' - me, but was getting worse instead of -, Ing the truth openly, yet with an evi- "Go on." Perpetua looks at him anxiously. A � thrown over it. to Prevent the contains prevailed for a time, but the L substi- Deafness Cannot no Cured better. My condition was terrible --I 11 ,,, - � dent sense at shame. "But I don't "There was a little word o?'two, you It I t Is hope I bit t he w I I I con t ra d in t Har- I In a Ll on of t he ali by t lie unpleasant tution of the old fox the now wtridge 'I. I dance now beoause-it is solfimb. isn't know,- lou Ing I iii by local .pplioationN as they cannot reach tha was losing flesh and color. and my i it-becalloo I should be so unhappy af- �.!i dinge's statemeDE animates her mind. 1 odors that would otherwise, arise from temporarily prevented an outbreak. Ono Mail's Idea of What ,timeased portion of the ear. There is only one ". " "A hint laughing, too, but how To foal herself a burden to bar, it, so that in the end way to outs deafness, and that is by conotita- friends were alarmed. I consulted a �.. ..!i, torwards if I did]" strrtngelyl "Yes? And-?" guardian -to any one -she, who, in the made up of this earlobe It was largely Meanwhile, though the greased car- Right. lonal remedies. Deafroall lit c&uAod by an In. doctor of this town and he said I , d soil " �4 ... - A perfect reason I- says H'ardinge, " Ob I it more hint I The professor JP old home hind been nothing less than i Ali to the use of this soil & writer 1,idges had not bean used elsewhere, - flamed condition of the maocum lining of the would never got better; that I would �� I "111 very earnestly. I too loyal to go beyond that. tCuatachlan Tube. %hbn thistube is infla in' always be sickly and delicate, and that " He is still leaning toward her, big it t4l� an idol I Surely Sir Hastings, his own, continues: "Then. in preparing our the cry of danger to caste and creed Porkam Brown, or Kenmore, was Cured id you have a rumbling.ou* or Imperfect �, I �� . , 1, yes on hors a closed deafness � :1 albowa on his knees his pose you know you have the boatman brother, will say acmething, will tell flower bed, I simply inverted the sod had been raised a' many other eta- of Hillcumaillain and flacksch-ts.lys hearing. and when it to an trely., medicines were of little use to me. e In all the world toy your guardLun? her something to came this chagrin at in a part of the lawn, turning, it ith tions. Is Is His Duty 10 Recommend the . the result, and unless the I mmation c.n Heariug what Dr. Ward's Blood and ..;�� , be taken out and this tube restored to its nor. Nervc Pills had done for others I do- , -T '. lt is an intent gaze that seldom wan- But it wall a little unkind of your poo- her heart. pade to the depth aft aboutwsix Medicine That Cured Him- mal condition, hearing : � ders and In truth why should It? ,he 11 , it 29 1 L will be destroyed for " . ... � . Pic, was It not, to give you into the "Who toldyau that?" asks Sir Has- inches or a little more, and on top of The first bl000 was shed Marc] I Dodd's KldneY Pills Do ever; nine c%Aes outof ten are caused by Ca- tormined to try them myself, and to- 11 A, �'... .� "A , Where is any other thing its good 'tb keeping of a confirmed bookwarm-a t lngR, " Did be himself V I shouldn't this veral inches 1857, at Barrackpoor, the leader in thei Even M-re't'han is t%"h.fwhtch in nothintit but an Inflamed condi. day 1 weigh one hundred and forty t! -. , �,,,' look at as this amaji, fair creature ton o the mucous surfaloeli. pounds, while before I weighed only . ,111), � .�q, 1, ,� -;­�, � 1-.,.�;Y,h, - all ant -with scarcely a thought be- Put it beyond him, Be is a misogynist- � more ovf �ho soil I have described, and revolt being a private seploy in the Claimed for Thenti We will give One Hundred Dollars for any one hundred and aighteen pounds, and � .", with the eyes, nnd the hair, and the �ond his studies?" a more bookworm I Of no account. Do I transplanted from the Band boxes, in case of DoAfno34 (Wtused by catarrh) that oil,n " 4,,.-,,)� �� , ._ 1 I 1� �,:O,,', lips that belong to her ? "His could stuty me I" says Elbe. "I not waste a thought on him." which they were grown, Thirty�Fourth Native Regiment nam -1 Kenmore, Jan. 8. not be oured b I now have a constitution that is hard '� " �. 11 �,'.'i - Ile has taken possession of her fan, . good strong Gentlem,eirt: y Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for a � !,:, lil� ,,� " You ntloan-,, annual phlox, sweet alyssum, od Mungul Panday. 1 ollroul-M f-ee. t beat. I have not suffered any pain . /,�, , , ", sod gently, lovingly, as though indeed should be a fre4h specimen. L stili'more for- For some time past I have, tem- F. J. CHENEY & 00, Toledo. 0. I a months and earnestly hope I. �, � ". , ", bat 1, �; .� 1, .� ,� ". , I Sild by I � merit FOrtri-t-, 76o. , Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills will "::� � "; '. Ing it sometimes to sweep the feathers ,love me Hall's am yPillitaretheliest. � ,,, is holding it, rals- as the professor's soul covets, No, be- Ill'o-that lie has deliberately turned Japanese pinks. A portion of the rut on May 10. The Europeans were of the well-known arid woudereful wed" reach every woman suffering as I , , , It in pa.irt of her, " A rarn avis, indeed I but not such " That he detests the beat part of I pvlanbet'staost and ianthus or Chinese and raidable uprising Loor. place at Mer -1 plated writing concerning th'olli I ,,, "�, of it across his lips. , you are its dust before the his back na all tb,it makes our exist.- bed was planted with mixed varieties massacred and the mutineers march- icine, Dodd's Kidney Pills, but did. �1,11 �il I I'� tl "Do you think so VI says she, its if wind in his learned eye." ence here worth the having. I should of each of the above flowers, each be- ell to Delhi where the garrison frater- . r gh, npglbL,t have f d aocom- Take that dog awayl shrieked the I ,!, � � "I " You think then-tbat [-am a iron- call him a fool, but that one so dis- Ing massed by themselves; and it has tth pi Sincerely your@, I a little Puzzled. "Welt, I oonfeas I nized with them find another butchery piiii,lbi wbVt I a to e'le to terror-stricken woman. He won't hurt I .-, . "� Q � ble to him V1 � likes having an Imbecile I n one's fam- been a blaze of beauty from the time tow rm my duty. Dur- MAY COLE, Simcoo, Ont. I ­ , don't like the momenta when I hats .1 It Is iric,,nceivnble," says he, with was committed. The rebels proclaimed I b last, w you, answered the animal's owner. But - ,,;� .'� Ily.l. ag hie inter I was frequently he a,ets,as if be worst madl Oh, �that's " I -� " , . I myself. We all bate ourselves some- it began to bloom early in June up the restoration, of the Mogul dynasty tron'bled with lame back Price 50c. per box, 5 boxes for 40.00, " �, �11 V times, don't we I" looking at him ns a shrug of apology, "but be has no "The best Part of life I You Bay he to the present date. The sweet alys- and thenceforth acted in the name of . so much so all right. He's merely trying toJmw at druggists, or if not obtainable V�l p � - I � 1( doubtfully, "or in i� only I myself. room. In his dotty t bought, I verity be- has turned big back on that." She let sum has been one sheet of white dur- the King of Delhi, who, flattered bl ttlilat I wne Ainable at times �to stoop Ilia nice new muzzle off, his face. He at _11�!, � I - her hands fall upon her knees, and Ing all this long perioda and for weeks wit,haut bL greo�t 11eal of pain and exor - ,t mad. He's only indignant. mailed on receipt of " " lieve, for anything beyond his belov your druggist, L � , ,,, � I who-,, I books, and notes, and discoveries.-, tutrus a frowning, perplexed, but a3- in succession the phlox was a the allegiance joined the rebels, and ain price by Sam. Williams & Co., Toronto. '. 1, , � , � , " Oh, no I" saya Hardinge. - All I All B( mass for a long tints Delhi was the head- t'odl* I experienced other wedl-kno-wrl - 0 , Book of Information Free. - I �` I of us detest ourselven 'now and . ''Yet I ain it discovery," persists ways lovely face to his. "What is it," of solid bloom, while both the verbonas qunrters of the mutineers from other symptoms peculior to Kidney trouble MONTREAL HGTRL DIRECTORY. 4 or � I I _ , . I ug"n, she, looking at him with anxious eyes, asks she, "that best PartV and inks have done halt +1, I also wain afflicted with Rheumatism __ _ = : 1� "I - - - In westerns provinces of India took place In my right,,Ieg and hip. to art extent Tho 11 Balknoml," Free Bus Am- Pl*m Sausage Casings-"- l -P--o --,-dl'-- I 411.50� up. V.n9l1,h.9h­p ��i An, A but Y0u-Y0u hAve falls idly on her knees. dauntedly, in spite of the innocence, "During the driest weather in the almost simultancouOy and on June 27 that I w,,,g comstantly, ert�u U09 0-non-mil-,ttle roudA at rlea pri., !I to the an e thin - we have had them do before. , a eas , wo n we 1 O- ' comes and bending forward, while her fnn " Women I" roturns be, slowly, un I er an ever sections. Tile revolts In the north- I no cause., bite at my "I should " Ali I But so unpardonably recent I" the serenity (bat shines in the young early part of the season the hose was the terrible massacre of Cawnpoxe took work, sufferiag agoinizingwpa.ing. in tjye Hotel Citr9lakel Rwope- Plan- `4 PARK. RLA0KW4LL & 0, T.10,A.. � have it I danced," says returns he, with it smile. and exquisite face before him. used occasionally and the bed thor- place. That and tile siege of Luc�- parts affected. . p,opp, - . _____ - � she, " and I couldn't boar the after re- My work during the O.T.a.station,monareal. Goo-fCr=m14&1k:k"C7mu vs. 11, . -_ . Vroach, so I don't do it." " True I" saya she. She gives him one To Its Continued, oughly soaked; but later on, our vill- now are the two important Incidents suiramer months consists of choose box . - C . - ____ no . T.nua ILL Instantly rallave a tickling COugft � li required me to, be - F , lit a rates $I.M Dr. Bralots -nip ... it Syrup of Lloorloo-ask " And Vet -yet you would like to " Wift, brilliant glance, and then Bud- ------- 0- age water supply becoming so nearly of the mutiny which has caused the - �. lienly grows rootless. " How warm it making and tbda . r .Y. Dri,gglata for it­t;aut by mail on mwipt of 25e. �' I dance I" 0, is I" she nays, fretfully. I wish-- #*0000*"09***0 . . . 0004 exhausted that there seemed to be English to neviorIfelax thei.r -vigilance Seated driving nui I a. Previous W � "I don't know-" She heidtatoB 4 some danger of a failure, the use of and to refuse to weaken the garrisons to taking Dcgdd,'a . Kidney Pi 11a ST. JAMES' H0TEL-_Opp..It.GTR Doint. Bryson Medlotill Dispensary, montreat-o " I,- bl.�� f' ' " P - I :. �� and suddenly looks up at him with What she was going to say will nov- 4 the hose was restricted and no wa. of that country. � I was forced to , look to �tbe ' Railway. First-cliuscontimemisizouss. 0d,raita- X.40.110 Pe,ii-n-tt mm or now be known, The approach of a 4 ter was given the flowers excepkwhat tsoventeatt-ftstite ulodtuat� oat-li -1 -, � eyes as full of sorrow cis of mirth , "At tall, gaunt figure, through the hang- Aboal the Houses 0 1 - THE CAWNPORE MASSACRE. invention, of a machine to nail as th-t, .t.."b 1� , all events, I know this," says aho they received f a hroe." covers on, which I ripmed Jack in n I & lam WriW for piaticulan, The �� . "that I wish the band would not pla � Ing orientnI curtains at the end of 0 0 The cantonments at Cawnpore con- Parson New -Yo' expects me to C=04=10-0*4 00., lie SL J=S&-*.. monusal. , . "; * Yet the plants kept on hie owing, tained the largeHt native garris n Plinch. After taking one box of Dodd'm oneve heah an' preach fob yo' widout . such nice waltzeal" the conservatory, checks bar speech, 400"00*00"411110011111"60 ** e richnes'85 ofth� Kidney Pills I found an impru ON11110111 bUlba KILLS ki,oliche !� India, and in tte immediate neighbor- ve wort salary? How does I lib? Deacon Snow B it li�.� Hurdinge gives way to laughter and Sir Hastings Curzon is indeed tailor soil. in my condition and before I G Bugs, Hatil and Mice. Sold 14 ZI 11'..11� '' than most men, and .is, besides, a man OYSTERS. hood at Bethur was the ppLface of Dan- had fm- Wly yo' gits youab! libbin' ,do same Druggists, Or SU Queen W, Toronto. . �i 'prosontly she laughs, too but soft- ishe,d six boxes I found myself nailing - M ' hardly to be mistaken again when dhu Panth, the diRinharned heir of the as e rest ob us;, but,bein, er, preachall i"31, ly and as it afrnid of being beard, and Perhaps there is no dish that can be d as it, too, a little ashame sell. Perpetua bits seen him very FOR. BEDBUGS. last Pasha, whose more familiar appel- in the natural Wily and Jack in a Pinch 1�-', d of herself once 8 was to 8 do fingah of suspishun. doam, nobbah REPRESEN rATIVE NVANTFD i. )..r .- Her color rises a delicate warm color* frequently of late served In so many different ways as lation of Nana Sahib will be ever hand- m discarded. I was able it up in point in youah direckshu;a, , , I I­q� 1.-- - pl­., � this shell fish. Soup is probably the Here is a remedy that is absolutal y chair as of p-itto 1�.11� that renders her absolutely ' Y ed down to the infamy. of history. At old and driviEg five hun- W. P. C. 1006. look. .Wpay 1"Mpt- Lik- P -W -n- .,.king eW i-_ adorable I i-tifailible. Purchase 16 cents, worth fLrBt the Nana was profuse in 'his pro- droll one -a nd�a.Lqparte r- inch nails in "t- 'I'll -k f-trfC-1ti­l­ ..d ftirujiih �r_l I ", way in whien it is most often served, 6-oll. 'l.�- "Shall I order them to stopf" asks CHAPTER XI. and with oriap crackers and a celery of moroury or quicksilver, beat to a fassious of loyalty, but its soon as the eighteen minurLes. My brother and 1 __ . .501 Kinnon Block, Toro.t.. , �;, - . . _. --- 4��, Blardinge, laughing still, yet with -But all was false and hollow; though stalk it makes a, most royal stew, �worked together, and if necessary he 1%,g something in his gaze that tells her stiff froth the whitewof 2 eggs, and sepoys wuGDied he put himself at their Mills. Mills A "&left. .1 '� �� he w4uld forbid them to play if he his tongue Oyster Soup. -To a quard of oysters then use some old iron fork or utensil head and was proclaimed Peshaw of the Can testify to the Gore I have, received CALVERT'S 4150-remored - Dropped manna, and would make the thTOILIgh Dodd's Kidney Pills, insurbollo Disinfectant*, 4*AP9. chist. W I M� use Marbattas. The Et-ropeans at Cawn- Cal Bid ,j.l; could, it only to humor her. three pints ot milk. Drain your LAW 110M 'jich. worse appear that the quicksilver cannot injure, and In conclu,3ion I that -on ' Powderf4 etc.. have bean Itiond 8 ­ uto. ,it'. I "Not" mays she, "and after pore, who nuuAbered more vi -onion and would say lit"ar hilTI-00 ."Isdals and diplomas for superior -_ - X ftll- The better reason to,porplex and dash oysters, add the juice with a teaspoon- beat the two ingredients together un- children than fighting Lmen, shut them- Doild's Kidney Pills are till and even excallancil. Their regular on prevent infeoti. .. �,��, . . Philosophically-" enjoyment is Only a Maturest counsels." I ful of salt to the milk, who tit thoroughly incorporated' and will selves up in improvised intrenchment, more than is claimed for them. If ons diseases. Amk your dealer to obtain a 3E2 mrso ns:tx-mw�, I , name." n It comes HARRIS Za L, " Shall I take 3 ou to Lady Baring?" to a boil, skim, . not separate. Have your bedsteads this is of any beiricifit t,o the pnoprietors supply. Uste mailed free on sppdiostloa� LEAD.COPPER. BRASS. ., 11 " That's all I" says 1hrilings, SMU add your oysters that where they sustaineid a siege for 14 W1111010ftleonlY. LoncIlistaawToloplip-112111. 7", "I ' une. ERT & 60a, WILLIAM 6T., TORONTO. 1-11, - ,,, ya Hardinge, quinkly-rising nod have been picked over and washed, and thoroughly washed and scalded, then days under the sun of a tropical J In any,way they arei at liberty to, make' L 0. CALV _ Ing." But a very good one." bonding as It to offer hl�r his arm. let come to a I Rb a stiff feather the mix- At last, trusting tq a safe conduct use of it ad they may deem advisable. MANCHIESTIER, - - IKNGLAND6 1. q;�;L "Let us forget It," with a little sigh, boil again, then a table- app Y w '�, .. - No thank you,,, cold,ty. spoonful of butter and a Qouple of ture to every part and crack of the from Nana as far is Allababad, they Winbing them continued success, ��- and talk of something else, something " I think," haxiously. -you once told 1 shakes of popper. bed and every place.tha4 the bug has surrendered their position, and to the � Dyeing I Cleaning I . "'L"M pleasanter." I remain, inhabited. If thoroughly done yob number of 450 Individuals embarked in V3ry sincerely, 'a To send for our J "Than enjoyment ?" me you did not care for Sir- Escalloped Oysters. -Drain and wash . it SHEE7 For tht, V-17 best --Oil Yow �ork to the ", �'.), I "Did I I It seems quite terrible the w Ill never see any more buga. boats on the Cringes. DURTrAM BWWN. om-u-sive. OQUE 4,�,, She gives way to hie Your oysters Butter your baking I plc "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC Co.- '. ", laughs afresh. amount of things I have told every- .* Forthwith a- inurderous1lire was op- - - N and SPEACIV.- RATE Look for agent to yaw town, or mad dIrWL I I - I I 1%16 . body." There Is a distinct flash In her dish. then add a laying of cracker ened upon them from the river bank. one,a OF DISCOUNT. We "ontreal,Torqnto, Ottawa, ',juebec. A sense of sight may' be first-cla .... ir equipped to ��,' "� - 1,�,� �. air J uste ____ ,,,,,. " All I you have me there Ill says lovely eyes, a and crumbs, then a laying ot oysters, with I - Only a single boat escaped, and but a �` , Some- the prQ- For many see the, mounts, , a 11,10"Wanada - A she. Whose hearing may be w " I have not, Indeed," III returns, h- tightened round bar fan.' alittle salt and pepper and butter, un- I irlbey Have urcla Granted for inventions four men, who swain across to pass We R . M Michigan Lan,d fo ..� (tine kT,' r Sale. .� , �, . .. -1 talk folly I As a fact " with eachers " - quietly, and with mennint' Neither a of dettianoo teetion of a friendly Rajah ultimate- .',%Vho cannot bear I , � ­; � 9 a touch tit your dish is most full, leaving the Hundred* of Ton" Old. i its peak. Whaley, ROYCO 8 OWDO ACRES GOOD FARMING LANDS-ARENA0 . , , there, nor anywhere." "I like Sir Has- ly survived to tedl the tal�. The rest ' . tiogs. although be 'is my guardian's top layer oi crumbi. Here of Alexandria, in his "Pneuma- of the men were massacred on th a CO., 9 I-. 09-m- --I Oni-t-d yotinti- Titl�,­ ., so . I ! spot, , Michigan central, 10-1�il & )1.�kkn_ -I , 1. .... r, or To Cure Catarirh and Stay Cured ric-ii panting fro. $2 to VS . .1 �, He gets up suddenly, and going to brother 1 -my guardian who would go well -beaten 099 wit -ti. the oyster juice, ties," describes. in the third century the women and children were es 11511 Yon go St., rLw000n 9L, Ft.itro;,dei. a p I'll , I her bonds over the chair on which she d -- Wanted ITORONTO. ONT. Vr.%7,b,Th,­u%n,l­6Clm Exit-pd.initN­ J �_ �, is sitting. f -,. 1. - yoi� 4 a �i % gladly got rid of me." and miJk to nearly cover them, and before Christ, several applicatioas o ad for the name fate a few a_ I muAt use the most up-to-date, ,.,,h-.P,.h-l�,.t.,..dtowillbowicion �t � 1. - tem. �,; � There is bitterness on the young, bake for balf an hour, or three -quart- at and then the avenging array of and most tv,pproved. method of treat- . Apply to I �; �,! 1 11:" "We were talking of what V asks red mouth. ore if necessary. Cover that dish while steam as a motive power, some of lahvelock, the most revered of Eng- ment. ThL9 dark only be had int Catarr- CarterS GOA Guam to& (pros in a jiffy. P, U0 R- M. PIERCE Agot ' NVed BaY City, M10h. :,', , , .I she. with admirable courage, "of names, "You should not look at It in that in the oven so the flavor will not as- which have formed the subJectl of Pat- lish soldier heroes, arrived. The story hozone which, ourtas by inhalation, and ....--.. . oomisax a Co.. Smut,, Montreal. -,-. Or J.W. Ci�R' -IS. Whitunn.re. miah. :,. to reac - - ,,l�,"::� was it ant f An endless subject. My light." Cape. ents wiLhin the last 1001 years, 'in of the narvolous work of Havelock, who is sum h itho, right sput.; Treat-, THE OU MOINU INCUBATOR-11"tand cillnut L �L �,, 0. Rolland, sole t for the Dominion. OmdiloL I . 0 " Should I not f Yon should be the Croamed OysLers.-Take a heaping Particular, his "Acolopillo" is on very tamp too astakilies. SL Paul Stireet, Montreal _ - � name, now f An absurd ne, surely, only survived his great victory a short ments requiring the Age of sprays, MAIL .;,��,-:t"��,�' Parpetua. I don't like Porpetun, do last to BRY that, ,seeing that you were time is familiar to nIl students of his-'douch" snuffs, ointments, are a thing * TA p*0 Dominion Line,TEAM,,,P, , 1't� tablespounful at butter and 10 . - �� "I., . V� you 11, ' the one to show me how to regard it. two of much the same principle ant the steam tory. The whole story of the Indian It the �a;t, .ad the ..di.ated t 'r Catballo Pmyor '90", Batteries, Cru. Portland, Me.. to Liverpool. via Haws.. � I She in evidently talking at rnn- Besides, you forget Sir Hastings is flour and melt together; then add a turbine, which is the most recent deve- mutiny in a succession of horrors In) treatment supersedes them CLII. There , Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, dom. Lady Baring's brother, too. and -you quart of milk with a teas which met) were butchorga in the most � in DO IaDgav or risk. in using 'Catatr Rai to rilaments. I " I do Indeed Ill says Hardinge, haven't anything to say against her, .poonful of lopment of the marine engine, for in fiendish manner, nor were the women hozone. It is both VJeasant - 4. 'Ll 1k T prompt .ttaw Dominion, Cambroman., . promptly and fervently. have you?" Ah I" iv it h a sudden salt and a couple of dashes of pepper, both the steam acts directly upon .ad- of WTA or, .. Rutft Of P-9-Firtit Cabin $50upwgr&; sennnd I . love- , - - __ C i. P15; Steerme, 2150 sod 115 50, .� 1. a rid children spared, but they met the footivo to employ In any, case oft,jrrit tibn ­. Ella tons accentuates his meaning, ly smile, "you, Sir Bnat ings p, ' ad stir constantly until It thickens. tans, instead of through a piston. In a ame fate as their husbands, brothers able Throat, Fetidl Breath, Bronchitis, For furtber infonnation apply to incii .;;­�, ., .. ;" 1�41 � , all, a POULT Ij BUTTER, ECM APPLES, DAVID TORRANCE a 00�, 0-norld All..t., " ;. ., � I " Oh, but so harsh. so unusua I 11" "You tire not dancing,,, uaysthe t Cook Your o)stors In their juice, with glans ornamentation several Process- or fathers. The sepoys had their Catarrh and "t'h'ma, For gal- " Unusual I That In Itself constitutes gaurit man, who has now come up to a little salt added, for about, ft I _q at WO1114 to amuse best read 11 6LW b -n-, st. St.",". .,;A � f .01 V ',� , bar. " So " mlu- on known in Roman It. ea. and sub- Wag were frenzied against pec,ple druggists. For trial outfit send Ion, in The 111*gOq OMMission 0O.,uL'in11T1d'o -- -- - 1�i.� . . a charm."" much I have seen. To utes, Then urian and stir the oys- m the Christian faith and they founo& stamps to N. C� POLSON & CO., Box der. Iket�.%MrW 4 floniores at, Twents, 0 . ��i,�`. I was going to add. however-dis- warm f Ell f You show reason, I thinko sLers in the qravy, than add tb jui nequently lost. have been revived on- I , .. . 0 a Lee I, this in that motive a sufficient excuse for 518, Magaton, Ont, � I . � Manufacturers �,.­ agmable." I And yet, if I might ditre to hope that I half a lemon and a teacup of chop- dex patents within century, par- their deeds of slaughter. The native or- . I - I . � mc,!,, . I � I I - " Not thrit-never that," says Bar- you would give me this walt,z_11 ped celery. eour over buttere c tioularly this art of incrustation, re� miss of Madras and -Bombay remained � a . , 4. � �� dines. , " NO, no." BaYs she, still with her and serve. discovered in France by a manufac- true to their colors. Mr..Pepper-Erml. I've forgotten, as , . I I If, Coming to Toronto ,��. �, turer wholused it iiiii executing. medal- , � " You mean to afty you really like most charwing air, - I am not danc- I much as you. ev" knaw4 Mrs. P,_1 wtu rx" VZRY DESIRABLE ,',',: �,: Fried Oysters. -Drain carefully. ro- TEUE SIEGE OF LUCKNOW. . . I Perplatus V liar large, soft eyes, open- Ing to -night I shall not dance this inow, ,11 lions of the first Napoleon. The method . know it, John, You, always were the . Ing with am&xemaut, Year." bits of shell, and sprinkle of fixing paintings by an appiioaton of 1) And, the siege ot Lucknow, is a story most forgetful man I over saw. I ,46­�,,, ,.E V.1w, � 1 4.1 1 - I FLATS, stisam mestea, stitam Power :"­�', .. It In a poor word," says he. his "That 113 ft Median low, no doubt" with Pepper and salt, and set in a glass was also known ter the Romana f thrifflag and historic interest. Sir, I Elevator ww all Oornvenle;�;#& ,:"::"" I I., tone now very low. "If I dared say 'nays he. " If You wi I) not danc'e wi�b coot place for ten or fifteen minutes. and has been repatented sincei I Henry Lawreace,lthe Chief Commia-, I , TauTu Bun.Drrm, 73 Adelaide St. Weat, �,,,�'% . I I i, �xcavating the Roman town Inca, sionor of Oudh, had seen the coming POR OVER PlpTv YEARS I -, TORONTO. �',,'­ �� that I adored 'Parpetua,l I should me. then Clay I hop* that .Von -ill Than, if oy-sters are small, pour them Is had, 3M. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been '�,� , , be,- .1 '' . in England, recently, an I so a of storm with a prophetic eye. I ut,ed by mothery for their children t"thins. ttawthes .. glv % me the few too abort momenta - , , , a Oh you laugb fit me." inteorrupts thnit this waltz Cloy oontain V1 Into k% pan of crathers rolled fine, add undoubted Roman origin as o n fortified and provisioned the residency' ,the Anil, sottens the gum�� silays phln. onm wind .. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. ' . ' , : �, " , . be. with a little impatient gestuire, Hardinge makes ii vague movement. the Ikquor. mix well, and let stand five with thread and point ai Ifar it) a at Lucknow, in -good time. and 4bitheir collo.and Is the baltromedl or dia"Jims 25a. & bat- ' well-known modern paten . he I t)u' 'Wd by on �ntrllt*4 thr,bl: "hout the world. 136i ,��,:, ��. you know how crude, ' how stritnIft. but an Impetuous one. If the girl had minutes, add a little salt and popper, retired with all the European in- tions =4 ,nktor - rr� whittle itis 131rup, I i .1 � , , .� , . , I iiOW-0 -------...*- - habitants and a weak British regiment - � I �. ,� ,,,, 1. , , I k renlixed the fact of his love for her, mold into amalt cakes with two or THE WABASH AAILROAD. on July 2. Two days lateir he wa4 Halloah, my boy; you have'lloon put- W" I - � " ­,. I " I don't Indeed. Why should you she might htkve been touched and in three oysters in each, roll In dry crack- mortally wounded by a shall. But his ting Oil Weightl Can't help it, doctor's *!", ; EPPS'S ") malign yourself like that I You -you- financed by It, but as lit is she feelb era until well incrusted, and fry in Is the shortest and true route from G"TEFUL-COMFORTING. 1i I " . '� " who aTe-1 only a Bongo of anger 'towards him, hot lard and butter, or beat -drippings. Cansda tothe west and southwest th example inspired the little garrison to orders. Said I was only to drink at ,- "I , * silence by a hold out under unparalleled,hardahlpa meals. Got to eat such, a dooce, of a - a !Wto & ,� - .; It Pe abort driven to Anger unplaced, undefined. yet Dev- Serve hot In a covered dish. Or., dip and ovemw,helming odds. until reliev- lot of moals, don't you knowl, . I ,;,: % I IV Di tile gLA's eyes. ortheless Intonsf. the oysters in the yolk of eggs, wail great winter tourist line to California, I I " What have I to do with it I I did " With ploiasura�,, ad by lInvolook qnd,Outram, On Sep- � I � " , "' says she to Sir Mexico, Texas and all sbuthwestera tembor ", . � . "I . �, seasoned and beaten, then In corn 211. But tbei invading forrea it-� La Tozoanillit, 1(1(6 ItRLIANCE 010 -AA I I , , - ant oblifistiln myself," mays she. There Hastings, amiling. at him across Us r- meal with a little baking powder mix- points. . Every Wednesday at 9p.m. It salt was, in Ated,by fresh swarms of . JJ,.AUTOHy.MonU%Q . OOCOA '' I �10 anspielon of hautour In her tonig. dluge'd outhtretelted hand. tid I I 1� �, 164 with It, and fry In hot lard like personally conducted tourist oleoping rebels, and t waa not until November OREAKPAST-suppmL , � Iul talkIng to you about. my name. The latter dtaiwa back. I � . 11 , . Y6U Understand that don't youf"-the " You diamise met,* alitypt be, with doughnuts, or It you have a trying oar will leave St. LouIxTor Los Ange. that Sir Colin qjimptilsa, afterward He -You. look good enough to eat. ' - . , I hatti(bur incroating. , I Do you know, of a careful tullue, basket. place them on that, and drop lea and San Francisco. - Passengers Lard 01yA6, out his waylat I o Lucknow.' §be�_Dck yon think L Am good, emough � - , , 41 Wei I lutive, often Wished I was some- M bowe to ber-ho is gone. It in the hot lard. Test the beat as leavin% Toronto on evening trains , And effected t a Nutt d0iverance of �to fe in wowlion's. wbole oxls�' !11 � I TO Manufacturers � , I 041 J'Ove I I 11 ''j, body able, because then I should have "A well-meaning young rudin,,, saym for doughnuts. reach t. Louis next day at 2pl,m., the gairrison. Ala sib e of Dolhi began t�aace, and, naturally, she amerlooks , ,$ : had a different Ono.,, Sir Hastings, following Hardiril Raw Oyster* ­Wash this shells, open Kansas City 0,30, 1?..=., same evening Ion the eth of . 11 I NORMY STUM F11111110 r 11 Val ra� Juno, Just '01115 4aVOth At- loss bets In the gliale than man does, - -6 2 4, 7 inch I . dalIg tfully detaching the flat shell. lo6sen ' and Denver next afternoon. Ali N 'stroke 110dia'ge, at this point, valiantly To- treating fl ura with a I tr _Ya- tar the Outbreak at Meetut. There I in good working order ca _ i! 'L , I I - om bash trains have ftes reolining, c1baIr sjwq�BKU15 outs * de the c1l3r, I . � - . ItY &bout 200 horse power. P lea 9c- . 1, . I n S. . "5*1 Niatir. ., VS "MR MALT ­­­­� ""'. PIbAIM he to too tar crushed to be earnest. Hilittro you notice � in V, 1111U6, while t e're a a Within r . Oft tMillift4f6m, a tbreadbare, quotation. lenient smile. " Good -look' too', but the doop Pthell. but leave them it. cars. and Ere solid vestlbu�6 ftorri, end IN., - %t It 0 KEf' _. - ­ ,-,- I ab to to ronietabor It. IY *ell -bred, but, Juat a littla and -11, halt dozen on a plate. with to and. Vall partioulare frolA 4" the walls w6ft raom thavi *99 strons I 1w" 111,f, quid " 4"s. I I � , I , .4 earnest I , �r.l WVIAOX tsssots� owiniza It ALak", - NU WAVER MATI" horse power, "I W111 It ill ch%Ming," aftys he some- Such a mistakis I" � 01, quarter of lemon In center. Eat ra,11road &Wwtv, or J. A. mobardson, 0g,September 14,, F"nforeed by NI- 1 -*O- _ In good order. Price L -- . 11 *bAt.ohnfaisadly. I I * - I doll"t think that," says Pitirps- With salt, pepper and lemon juice or Dieltriat Passarig6r Agent, aniffileast 06118011, the Drit4sh force assaulte Rears lmport�,Atr No" to HIS -FelA � S. �, carneir Xing and Youge itrelt5ts, Tor i i 1 - rlda�That fd�mily in tbk� browimtone, -----­i­-',-� ____ � I.. "it is ebturd,11 soya Porpatua, cold- tua. " To vinegar. - V011il d aft' daya of,desporsto Eristais,on In very IM UtIzens. t be eaTbost I One. should bo t an f ile�rlb x ftonomiCAL I ON N& 3 MATIVANT IFAN-24 inch. � I � ly'. earnest.,* onto, and St. Thorawo, Oat. - and 1000 I �i,�eaf." ---is- Dolbil was wba age n. .1 to ped4oct 6rdet. Pilcla $2S, 11 thehro, is evidently no pity In her. "Should ona.,P� Sir Hastings, looks do. tZ.11, in the str%et" May-Extromalyl Why, the* actuaft . .. I And villis I Wbob We think what that lighted exWtation, - Tell me about TO IKEEP LINENS SMOOTH. THE WIDA83 UALMOAD. PRtSONEM ICELLED 0VV_EtkNI). : 114*6 th6it last vurinter's. fuTs mhda intai, I Toronto, Jam 5.-Iterb in a totter ­ . � � � � . the high- it�,, says be. J slid even Is the shortest riltifflorn for their footman and vokilik 1, - 0" " 27 ,,,be, I ,. Avratt,feelin� Is akin t6, ion Linen center places, dolties, ' 4ya'*ttpg"0very one of our readers will �� , , I and tree rout� train Mdoon, the Intrepid leader of a 14� , M **' 14 MW'K#Ab' . .. gat tuthority, oue,& hopes for alrdinp Th" 1A not tablooloths aro mit.d. . � t -kuno�.,­'I am bo years old. nave bigit, uptlitht al,46*46 Ill *.C.11.1 I I , . ", � bing to toll.,, tayareir- not things of �real Canada to the west and southwist this 150iiii Of ItregUlak 1161rdif, hVinted,,d6wri - , . : j, We troubled., for four years with olver. P , ekxi $* , � I I . , W11 low. us 108*3 big head a littla. mitus" a little petulantly, p6rhapts. bftuty -bis* I 1, I t I I from folding thorn. Any rest *11tittor tourist line to Cidifol and brought Ill AS ft PrI6006P ilm d14 � ft Cftlt A C*%* IN *MR 1),Lw , W ' , lit I th bt Waa Itheumatlain- . "'Not 00 Absurd ast Y,dU guArdiaWa. Tlils Wt. thin Mart I what 4% btr3m hit round %glhfil, of wood eov6riod with flarl Varlo, Totu and all NbUthWas 104 S, FIRA"t wasolt., I . _ , torn a 81 Era or. Babstilab Shall- is&tj TAketA�OU'r*Woib6Q,jttiln6TAW6tfi, All oti(Intsip ig 316 lAusetoe of illy legal' __ I. , , ", *06", myi he f"Itnot. A ,rid W. tilt Othbt,-Mr. thtdit ObInts. Ertry Weldfliend" at #p.jd, a t ta. the, 9tap6ror's solid Areft- teloadth6iftnoiel fat* I V% b4er La �kbio atins. 86on the atiffn 88 T%Vfto J� Adiifatdis Wag, Tor tol. I I L I - � ilty, oe skyl.4 941116thlair *ItboUt the ,-*elli his vfta wura6. porsictially tondutteid todirisit alletbigg it his owni. ithil. 4ktt r tho"1411 'of "ot., - tVA atotes 000XV4 4 04 14vbot dbablged to 40r 916, A" L AN"Tto 1111601096ih. � , � be witis it, fob riel, or a roll of pti&r, around whioll I ===L=2n f � L 1, T thti Pleats May be Carefully rolled, will ear will leave at, LOUN'tur Lost Anlr6. . 1. and ths rellel of LaknbWv ithl � . . I --*-;- 1 14 V §RLfige. arid elitm&, back a little betttr.� k� I outitsilf to InItAttitACtuts, It, V'AYWALY ; 116 didil't ubderl4thrid the t"' bb round invaluable as a mallas of r lost Its dramatic Interimt, tbougli ,bb yo ,till k'deAki �00, ,Vguld love Woo a moderato,ttikiker, but quit us. Tftw I L, � "ll , & Oir"'R it . � what is ills narilo� r, 4"ft on6 hit I 11 I like Mt. 1%rdirige,n tileti. kaoitalig6vii " I � ~ IL *Moll SNOL "d - � 6 but in Pod Ord". to feet � la$ IIqqOr ,,.,,,� � I 1� "Otual I � for tht flifit *1" " MOPY R&T411ko I Ilue' little &tsl a tiahl th, ironed with owy 'two h St, Louis uiti*t day at *#,14,, t" 66101itty,,for 18 wouth.- cithotloQlork I doalt� know. whfilty t0illated Idly V16t. Ono daY I,got I , W"lita 16070bg petirts O Inklo %:tt"'i, V 4Y`tAi%ir were. ,, Altoset at, and , Carefully � �.­- I � ;4slO;W-0,6 trelas am Ot bar louftIft Milli Rho, ituad'ooly. leaving Toronto all, ityahli*, tritinil fighting weAt on In VATiOria , *ny t . . it � wmastidlf,.;,� I I U=4=4, thwlso folds, and tbei , : I The 1111ft , I I I I �, I like y6o alti$ Atood -to A"* Obt� Ilkimok I Klitriahs ty 0.30 �*.. suits OV6wag utt fogi(Iiii " hktj tlodlittt.00 the glfojti.� otl*r Colors Uv* yod , It $01,101 I " TA* I luit'lli thtu Out, ""' CS I ro . I , .1 . � . '440 , I f&r better 004 thb tab 6iolled. will I I I . I � I b� arid tbo'd the trouble w worasi - tort '1160 Thsif A Whht thAkoh Y0,66 gkil Den**f a6it ik evAod, An WAk. , . I ­­­ . 7'L ' - '.. 1 ,,, , , 4:i it al* A*tbr. � Vid: to I&T, 0 r.'r thYgo , I " � � so tints frota two iau6li sh ttl0ble V4*011*6 k*614lig, dw aw!"14 �­ .. I I . - � 0,11011sil a 'i "' Oks r attacU iLt - I .fl . tArx. 0d'are WlI4V"tl1b%rl6fti5A' oo,d I � I � I . I 1 . I . 4 .1 � I I I .111 . WitrUla isror oldoili. otell'.6fis' W'Orl I I 'R '- I . ; , 164 #42,11,414i., � 6600kraeo, thl A, "tir, *iAd Outtag :! , I 1 84 " U*iv . ato,. 16*4$4 is st . 11stva had'" Is. � #01-tWO ktilit Si Orbloatted M You Could bitt #6�d to with eV168.6ro 101" � 6"h h folding. i � " , ,� "8106 , - " I I � - k, . LA:'� . . , , , . � 6 ­ thea Its 0661id" Had btaillelic I . I tbw, W"', 4*4 yet " WIA laughtilt, h6t, h4-hftrl4WVW, 41sh1pottid tikilroEd kruti, Olt I *� Aj I "I Yt i. - A� . , - � 11 �, .1 k1lillift 141j" 'T tjdo�.o , I * itill6th- - � . . � I '7 0 . .till � A�� 1*14 10 'OtOU of #6 backi Vine I . iii , 11 I I I 1.6 ,# 4,� , , , 4 ' I I 1� I- W*�#lisi L*lth. Wi. �&)t At 114*61"tatily lh�, '"re. .1 411100""t, A , , _ ;�,� , . , 1. ­_ I I I - I a , � - , , ltiiiblilt, fat* wiw tb �" ,,- ­_ � dark. ibftfiijr� stall fteildib ". O.Wo skr4111441 I , n V VWilfi� A 00ft,406odarit ftVais'Athit on thb 06trtittlir IV* i(ACY64, .. f, � f. � � , , " �, � � � 1. 1 I I* 'Dr. . , ' hft *1(h 4b*l� it 11"*0 '00(y bt &6*14* nowert W ilL 4dt$ btktb, It ft* ' . 1 _4 '­ 14. 1 "iritt Alrbiblit'is SAM 0 W"i ftla" *6 " ulikt Tooit"l lul 1101, - YA *116� " W�f Opuld tho I , . t . *4" . lot , , ­&� , �, , �� 1301LER . 'VAt ,**krowl", stays ib& "Wor,10 Hitt laot" Ria Isiblklis Ant% lobs towa I ...*WK to eta, Full Joattl6wixt* ft It. I I �, "I dUARD AGAINST DROUGWr. �, - ot #�* %, ' & . li&� " .1 .191__Q6 . Us '�� 4 11 � ., - a ��I- fi 1901"Adei, T"0166 , t, ., "I Ift# ,e#iky 666 la Ifood to .*Ou". lid X. Tbbt* 4 . � I -.1r, I J ,- , !!! '. k960-0 r" is AM tiate oko,.*aa its llkl�"d -9"Jliii�ham i48140 100 , I � I . 7-i ",� �ft -_60110-1 . �Iow , ill�l V, . k, i "I .... " 6MF6111- r6k lfdhfl�' %diwi I . I . - Y. ixbt ble"! rNsEA60. d6as'I'm tlk*t to twk* thlit , , " " - � �, ­� " � . I U. , , ""', - I . t% - . I , ..' I I : , , - - 14-W461". , - - I "*, � , . 9 RV-199jw, .011lWaill,"t4=1 Alild *.hy & you eall 60"t Ayj 60 .1 , . " � " -, , , " I Z = , t-� groUlkia ltioll, sYlits, WUt, WIflit 1kilt ftl)� J%MAN" A8 X#M139, . i . ., , thoy *111 DWO lAsi s4A I hwk ; Ill � I so W hilitt f6v theout'. "lit'! OATY Ito 6 AT6 -oti . . I , , , , J ;4" '. � . �. " I ' th4a 06 bbiltiblit Arid *6060.'l � ko o� wolois to* . . � I 10 Jew 00hM 040A. IsAl 1111041i HOIA, to ftwitit* III 1*6 a ,tu*�O* wq*wt 04trot their. 411;1,�, . . 11 " , 11 I .11 � .1 I � . '. I Iwo , W*w". &;,*it bo "itill ttj�J(ftt 'tE,k,#RJjt4*ft .14 0 �" " A , , I'" . 11 I uk* , it I S U1. litln,1�0 AAd titid, po V� _ � . - , � � *QT tdit t6hitt *44 �� , .WV 0 bt,'06 a0t,tat "iii#. �'* I ��, . . I � . . . � - ­ % ­�..11 L'i �1­­ , oil; I I � . , � I , . ot4 to T,6* to t* t4j* �4( Q III ; 4" . ; . " 't _,"."I , � � �1. � lb� ,I 4 . - I'LL . � I ­�� * , , ., 1. 1, I . . .4 ig f 11 .?; I . 14tt flist; llitjh� lf*es� 6 �'J' . I . f ti�#* " �A, '"04.1,11 4 I , I 1 17 (Mr"144 '*6 - ,"� I 1: i, pulity tit, '1(hiltirlia 4dVd%jtlth ,Ulk Elo-Illil 6*t,40 twifiitf, tO ... , � .. I . ; 1) I . i __� '�, I , . . % k I "MY owl , � *, - � . � � 4, , . " , ,, " I M" 111"I 0" I * � I 11:60*111 Aft thiltilt1di4 '. " I I , , , � s0000ii 'fit Aw"'t"'" Aft "I . . -, I ,, , - , �i , 21, "- t4**1 � I . . " It so** tk '0" I j 1, . - I* , 11 ," 40 I t"', su* ii I I ��L4 �bbi ( 0 I �� � I , V - - 11: 11 "I I I . i� " , " , � " � __ L' . � " , 4W6, -*Ik " ** WA � �,I�" " - _', I I "I �': V '. ". �� I I � . I - , : MA W* � 1 I . 11 , TWO 1101t 114 txft # imr � Uod Is i I , - - I !� I I . , , A`W, 08**w"" 4*444* M� , � �11111 . . I , ftrt", � *141t wbult, tbOt4a at A *16* #W- � I it *44.t tjifftoti*4 titt: ­� ,� 4&1 10 1&� ., 0 ", . I 4 I a 14 0 I C% a 'Will ft*1 'tbo� #IJIA'' ,­� !� il'� k �'��I�" �,, , , I , iLk *0 si volwlillit, * 1, I041 t1* *0 * *14 tft0j, , ,K* it*. It � � � � ; 1111:� I I , , 1W � �� , � It , 11 11 *14, 9ft I, .", , L ou*%WA. - I------ --- ­ -_ � , 4,4* . , , " Uillit - � , It U AMI*W'= III�t '4%6b1kbC IL'a L ft,Ltli 4ft" filliftJ "blitt $k* 16. - r � , I I � C . ,� . I AA . 1, , � , 11 "% in *0 A 1*ft itili . . , � a . I tlid'ovit 6C74*AWWO �Q** I . , I ­ �, I., � 4 , %A* %#,*t Vor, k*A"'t 414, 46 *00k. .1 Wt;aWilfh"Also � wk"� Isu U *t"t", M � . � 1, - 'Ir�., � �- i I ", �, � , , ;.. '. : , " - � , , "I �, I , . , . I I .�� 46 ", , I I � 1. � . � I � 4 , I . , , I i 1 : 4 . I I I .1111 . . , , I - 1� . � 1 I , , ,. "; . 4 'I. I I I I ': �� � , �V I I L 1i , ,�, .1 -, � . , I.: � � f, 10WO . I " 61 . 1, t , , , I I 1. � . J I . �, �, 4 :,i�,, 1, ,�g ,� , � ", ,7 .,� - . I I I . I., � I . if� ,� IL" I "E' IV I ;�411111 I I EINKINERERMLIMMEM lsmm���� , rob w m t I I i 'I , It . I . . "I . .1 I � . - . I I , I I I I I . - - � i 1 .5 ,�. ' I I . - ,,, . 3 ''�' : ' I 4'. '' i" I , � . . 1.11- .,�, , I I �­ . � ; . �: " , I . 4 �, I .. . I I . . I I I . k , 4 � . �� .� ,� - I- , ,.� .,; . I , I I I , I .. .1 � . I . . . I . . I 4 11 I I - � I I I . I 1, I t I , " L , . , I I L I . � . �, .1, . "! .�. I I � I . t�-1 7, ��,; i I I I I . I � 1; . � �, I . 'l, 1 0 . I I "I I I . . � I I , � :�, 1. I 11 - ,. . 11 . � "I I � . _ ': I . � I . I I I I , I . . I � , . I .� I 40 � , , , I I , ; 1. ,� I I I I 0 s I " . I � I . . � I I � � 11 I I L . I I . I � . I I I * I I I . *. � I , I I . I I I I I I ;, . " I ". �. � . � , ,� 11 I . I I 1. . I I . I .1 L . I ., lor . I , I. . , . � I �', . I . � I, 11 . I '), I I . �, , L ,e I . _� I i . . � � I I 11 .L . . _ _ y-_ �._, I 1. � � � , I I I . . I I .1 1. *_ I . , " L I ,, , : I L ,� . I � I .;, , ,�- I 1'� I . I I .1. � I ­ . �� d I �� 1�1 , I ... 9 ... . 11 � , � I .11 I I I �X. . - I . . . - t I , . " I .. A ........ , I ... " ! I I � 1. , D - � , I " i I ,, � . I 11 , � . " . � . V . I . V - .. I I , '.� . " I .. 1, I I I .. . .� �� , -1 I � 1. . I 1, 1 (4 1 , ; � . - I 11 1 17 � . 11 (, � " I � Z11 � 11 . V, - " �, , ,, - I - 4 ­ I . 11 .1 , .. " . " � "' l" 1"" 41 �11141&e 1 * .. .11 I I � __ -11. I - L" I - ,�, 1 .1 , I "I % - I , 'E.JA , - I 11 . Adi&.,� ;, ,, � �, ... 112f . . __ � ' - _" AA& Amb ,�c I L' �,��.�e_ _.,:""- - ..-A , ., I I � '01 .-AW-1- .11_A..Lidfi��­� I All. I � 1_1�_. - � ... I . _­ . . . . k