HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1900-01-12, Page 1so"! V> fos,c, 14 11 - J . , I I I 11 UL-�rvrllioo, rit's-4rW4,P4�4Mt a W%J*-*, MA-441ill-4,TV 4-M,464 llh-�-14��,11�1101111-,­ - - - � - - - - ---, - ­�--��', - �, --- - __ - , - __ - I ­­ I I I 11 � - - .11 �. - ... � ... . .. -1._.---1_- , . 11171__ 1, ____ ­_ - � __�: , , 7 ,I, I =-11. L i I I, � � 1. ��� . I - lsmawi-,;" - , , ­;", I 1. ­ I---- ..- _'. I _====,�______ -1 - - , ,11,71 . m Ism � 11, 101111111 1111is., . I - " -, , . , , ., 11 � , - __ . _ , , 1, I - ` NOW I , Vlag. 1510DRIUca 111144F.F.Te. FVB A TURF CLIUIL - A weeting of LooraNe Ron HunsarLxwL-Robert HoHau STF,&LrN(L_Cbas, Johobtria, Brief Town Tom& A XUZISTaOUS TrR4DE !'A.'L 4 , � - IT111 I . I � �and by t4e Old r I - a who feel lntereiiited in theforitmittion Mclown returned to town on Tueaday who was chaiged With IAQT5Q SM311119 Willa qlACsUQfI 4OW bl� "I$ the COW still Me's Aftr Xsred7l, , I - 8 (couszoixi) up xo wimcli oir Tuvw--) of 4% tart cl-,ibL in God erieb will be held ,train Wiijgbam and neighborhood, I at Dungannon. and stealing It, suit of to be buss?" Of Insult and TresIsOU from a . � I 1. I . 1. I � .� . I 4 over the whet a he Wind been looking 'for hotriet clothe* in Lucknow, wats sentenced by There I* one White man in Attica French Canadian Re- TA'RTI� TUL w1mou 400mm ., Grand pa,trlotic Concert GlVen The ertck was oxcecditogiy quiet ell ade in the rooms go North stree §r8b. judge Alasoull to one year In the Cea, those 4,%ys. 1�ly MISS WYA13. market, and the call change Was a fall OfWc,je Huron & 131 Lice offices, on Monday evei' lialoue Journal. -AXI - T ---* . I on luty, ibc fail todus: P � aused by exceeding , IY ping next at 8 0, clock. Tbe invilatioix OF OLINTON V161TORtL-Ou Wednwd&Y tral for each otreut:c, the seutences to Our t1rat J4.nuary thaw finithed up ANDROLITIGAT, .rZ. ,L.1 . I- . I I . I . I is 4 giontiral one to all who wou14 like last a huglo party of Clir,foultal, came run concurrently. with a good solid rain on Tuesday I '. . . 1. 0 oftfings. . COL"COI&TIC INr,TrrUTh BOARD. ­Tho evening. La Semalue Rellgeuse. at Quebec. , I . rs p 61 to see falrb 4% club totalled. up to Oadericlit as astoriglillug party &ud Censurw tlxe Chief JUSU", for , � I N TUESDAY l9y`X$1 foo N'EXT' In ^14 Fall wa"L Staisdard... 111 0 62 to 0 of the ilautymil Pair oM Fun4 for the i':- a 082 Y. -An item to the regular incrithly meeting Of tile Col- Oncet more THE STAR thallkil Many published under the authorization, as . , b-nedt of the frjundl of the ,'Absiont; Minated atorlisit wisat. id"dam :;..... t "35 4, 00I)RHICH BID enjoyed an evening In the West %treet , d , , , L H . 11 b - ome from Canada to light noul.r. " S235 IlLst: issue of the Ontario 6"Iter, skuttinit rink. They apparently h'A a leglate tnatituto Board was held Ili the u ' _ I I I I .. r 10 lbs., Patosto. new and TUIUntUer oubscribeis from it instated in the paper, of the Itoula . His Loylililty. . . , . -.11. ,(, .. Im AMOUR those who Fatially...... 2 to 00 I 'ho.9 Z i I �V-I I-ot t, o". to take In 0 Brittoo glar too ...... ............. 15 9 to 16 00 town and yountry. " I ( have kind) cOOODE P ---t h t has 'assumed lark's office on the 4th inst. Prcsent Catholic Archtnsbop of that dicimse. .. � rum am ISO EVA'Aa n Miss a ilk- 81mis. par too_- - - . ...... _ 17 of to 17 00 good time. and their friends In Otiodo. e M anro the barber has so gold fish on . I his AQh , M Screen, charge of the store beloo rich wiera Pleased to spit them. The --Chatrutan Jordan. Sueriff Reynolds, . ' _. I I tristill, OfTurqato 9 3 rot ,. =.T too, .............. 13 00 to 14 00 girig to the Dr. Ure, Jno. Acheson and Judge exhibition in his window, and It@ print& a long article In itshat Issue Uoutreal, Jan 10. -After boytrill; '.. ' I ' � , ' I 't " Miss Eva Oats, .. ........ ...... 0 21 to 0 26 Clanuington Steam Blectilt and Con- Party included Miss Bell.Xiss McMur- I I ; . I E. Fisher and' lea t U te h iIW W& rm Barley ........... ::: ............... 0 35 to 0 ko Doyle. After reading and confirming prettv hues attracts much attention. under the title of "Anglomania in crossed swords wito Lord ulpto W4 Apsebrook. Miss , fectioutery Works. The Mr, ''. . " I . Ktkt M H Paste, . ...... ....... - 9 54 to 055 Grant, rsov. MIS# pouch. Miss Axis GibbluRv minutes of previous meeting. three ac- The vleighing brought a number of C111,1111,11tils." Aftier referring at leugth to Gen. Hutton. Hon. Mr, Tarte It" PC* , I Simpson. JOB. Thomson . W , HT a. :::.:::..:.... o a5 to o to Rieutioned was born in thydarich. and Miss Doyle, Mies Comb% Mrs. H. Mo- I . ,. . Job uston and otham Rya.. .... .. I ............ Counts Were read and passed and Lho pacend and trotters to the N uare many Britahiiii troubles to South Africa. and take, Sir W In. meredittim homil. And L.. . .- 1. .I . The Band Will be in rittendance and the Buckwheat. par buskel ........ � . 0 40 to 0 40 its the second son of ourdeceased townil- Loan. Capt. Combat, Ca t MoTag art, , L . LL I .. I . � T11H W. J. TrRitooven. A. , � Ifty per Lea .............. __...... 7 oo 0 I 50 man. Mr. Goo. Grant, grocer. . Vilier, W. Itt. board adjourned. afterutiou-4 tile Past week. to what it terms tile evidence* of the simply because the Chief Justme, fit I cadets arc expalood to Participate- Butter. pair Ili.. _ 0 Is to 0 17 MILITIA Cirkmazis.-The last issue of the A large party ale(ghed to Clinton on decadence at Great Britain as 4% world'. �. I , Per dozen ... .... :.,.7-.-,7. 0 18 to 0 t7 ST congratulatei; F. G. on his..Pro- tronell, E. McUan. I Mayor Wilson win prealde Is a Chairman. I . e ion. Lt. Tuesday eventug. making the trip p9w4ir. Ion, bernatine Itellgeuse (:oil- Ontario is a IoTal British subject. Re- 11 Brief Tatriotto addresses will be given by m. Per card.. _....._.... 3 75 to A 00 A. FACT. -The Importance of tharo- Canada Gazette saye: S3rd Huron Batti , Cattle, ezvort...........- ........... A 00 LO 4 60 K.NrrTwo bAcTony.-Thehrickwoork uglily advertising the goods they have ion of lafantry-Tho under-montioned of- I 'town in the heavy rain. eludes its article with the following ferring to Sir Willksm's opinlim, as, LLLL Hon. I *. Garrow and Mr. Z. Heaton. Cattle, per Ili. ordlaus -E exhortation to French -Canartione I expressed to the grand iury. that Con- . . . . . ,�,, , 1`7 . ........ 0 03 to 03 4�1, doe programs later. Lambsi, par. Ili ................ 003 to 003 ?,oaf the addition tO this fect"'T Was to sell Is being recognized by merchant s firerti having left limits. their pumps are i In iiiost of the Uoderich churches __ 4 00 to 0 last Sunday. prayers were made for "Lift up your ey". Freach-Cana, I I I � -- Sheep...... ............... - ...... completed Lhis week, and the whole and host,,,, man move every year. removed from the list of officers at Ulu, diams, forthoday ofyour redemption Is apta should pity the entire coot of tIle 11 . LL Shoop. tat. per III ..... � ............ 0 03 to 0 08 �ho recovery of Dr. J. R. Shannon. I,ost or Found Hoge, tire weight ........ - ... at hand I You, beaten andcouquered by two conflowenty. Lo. Patrie says I obir. . . He^ dressed..... . ................ 5 10 to 4 10 of the work will he finished in a A few yeAre ago, it was only necessary active Militia: -Provisional Secom). Lieu- The hillowalke; were exceedingly England. ever hated and oppressed by Meredith Is the ex -leader of theOn- I I I 0 Doo. 31tith. IM. a am" - I 60 W 5 00 few days. The new wing. however. to use tty newspapers tilt ateat oc- tenstuts J. F. Spooner, J. M. Kalat, J. R. , � OST Home. ............ 0 09 to 0 lit will not be Slippery tile past few days. and rila the race unfriendly to you, whose tario To# lea. and he appears it) bove I .1 " . c1 -0--&--r------: ........... 0 to to 013 2 ny , ( ti7�lrflrig it We dollar III and 9 Henan, r..`g, , , ... opened until the end of casionpi, b1t, tat do bnoilutlats now, to R. Boone. Provivionsl Lieutenant J. Mv, serious falls happened duripg that I 11imiren Hides. ........._............_..... , � I Is Finder will be reward by Is viug children ara forced to speak the tongue forgotten on Monday last itimit he was 0 06 to 0 a March or the beginning of April. (on keep lit the swim, to make money. re- Carter. having absented himself from the period. (it their ofirtrellsois in Lite schools of no lonler a politician. to It really 1� � , I same at Too. STAR Office. Sueepskins ... .-.. ..,. _ 0 to to 0 'ell bteady, - , - : 0 1734 -It Tallow. renderoid......­­.­ 0 03 &a 0 tit acvaunt of the difficulty of heating it. quit persistent, catchy ad annual training of his Gorps,is removed The ottier day Miss Farrow I�st, a Mailitoba. you @hall at 1"nKth see the pro � er )r judge to trace the lino of . I I � I . Chickens per pair ......... __ 0 So to 0 40 When the machinery runs In the now vertisemente. An insertion once At fromthe list of officers of the active inilitia. Ln lit ring whilt, walking around the at,r ,if liberty r I" for you. and vour con act that the Government should L I Tenders Wanted Ducks per pair ..................... 0 to to 0 00 pact thirty uniployees will be added to month will no longer do. A man A LAUDABLE ouiFeT.-As will Ili' S('Juacc. I Turkeys.rr Ili .................. o 07 to 00 It wits It Christmas present rights reopeated by Lhose'who have so follow P to it not porsible that Sit I � .1 Gewpa pe 14 ­ .......... I .......... o 0 to 05 the present braff. must keep his name �eforr the people seen by advertiaetneut on Llild page, froul hill, lather. 1013K . I I � ENDEM AIR CEDAR AND HOOK ^E HENDERSON FAcTo4Y. - The of lie will lie tcrgotten. The nientory ,,vtalate them. WilliambletedlLb deviredlothis ill- . T FOR GOD14RICH TOWNSHIP. FRUIT AND VEGETARIAM. sewer .. I 11 , Its frequently very shtyrt� and when a Miss Wynn has undertaken to get tit) In coullecLing Witt) the main lie revenge will Ile the more con- accent manner to give a helping hand . . , I .. per, dozen ....... : ...... 20 to do /ravellers of the Henderson Bicvcle Co. I dropped from the local paper. mo Collee � , 0 1 name a _ rt. the proceeds of which will no \Vt,'Kt Street yest.erday it wag ascer- 11,11,11,I) If the United Stated tire Involved tit his friend. Sir Obarles Tupper ? I I I 11 CEDAR. -3750 ft., 4 x 8. 12 ft. long; 3750 it. ffal".9.0.8 ............ jeft town on Wednesday togsall wheels the business We to soon tot goLteli. ine.1 thaL tile ruost nas penetrated In the ,sartio punishment with England, Would it riot lie wrong to taterate on � ,� � 4IIK 8. to ft� long; W ft., 6 x 8. 12 ft. long'. 2" Banapplis .1 ........ ..... :� 2'0 '10. 2 Ile donated to the National PaLnotic Lit as they have participated in the same the part of a Ige any interference I- � , t .. 6 x & 16 ft. 10119; 90W ft., 8 x 8, 12 (L long. Potatoes per bush .. ........ � .. 30 tto4W th. Ea9t. South and West, and TuRy REACHED THE SNOW. -On Fund. She hits filet with ready re- ttiti ground eight,eeii inches. -is. even If his ougges- i I . 0 r ELM.--bM ft- 2 inched. 16 ft. long. Apples. par bbl ...................... 150 'o Nor j crimev and tile eaute oppression. We in political adallilt Rocs: their departure should SLOV that yarn Tuesday afternoon a well known sponges from the musical talelit of the Messis. 1). McCormick and B. I 14:i _ Tito above to be delivered to the follo i Apples. per bushel .................. 50 to Go about the factory tieing closed do " CI twford, ,.� have noted the opposition to the tions happened to lie sound P Hadmo � . placed: jas. jollnetan,a. J. C: Woods,W14% w clergyman and an equaby well known town, a -i will be seen by tile ' J Dongantion, took French racewhich Ima partof Amer- jt I � - for keeps. 'Ibearrangetineut with tile 'd tile th I lie G n. erich otf-Hand Gull Ruth tidre fit tilt, Pt ovince of Quell" used :: 1141"le" � con.; John Middleton'., loth con.. C. W. Will- mentioned. and it is to be hop %vI icanisin, find Is indeed one of Its prin- a to I language frool [be bench he . 11, liamK', Mt. con.; J. R. Whitely's. 7th coo. To Doty Engine (,a. still holds wood. and Court House official wore passing public Will not lit, Slow to pa(l.OniZ,, In their inatch last Fi-idtty. I 11� I New Advertisements. cipal characteristics. It not Its very woold IIAVO CILIISI-il Lite 11104t tiVPly . , �� " be delivered oil or before first day Of May, and Pago in a few days Mr. Doty will arrive, down' West street in a cutter. find this commendablo effort. (loderich Oil Wednesday 4-3 iiietiitierfi had join- ,,,ence. prolemiallon. Ili Toronto. however . I ., P is ador. 'Vendors A he received up to 7th of rf.cp I le , I 1. ,,,, greement to be natt by party, receiving Who is Your Druggist- Paine's Coicry when work will he pushed to all when in front of the Post Gffice votne. hits done nothing Ili this line So fa.r, ed tile Curling Club, and it ix-taex- "If this Insolent republic lie hutiolli- such things appear to be it tit ) us � . " I" 0. Compound ...... � .. .................... 8 branchm of the establishment. and We [Dust riot be behind when SO I)e(:WLI fifty would be reached before ated with England, and if tbo English a inatter of courde." \." � ,,,-�j Vabruary. thing went wrong. The C. H. 0, \. , NIXON STURDY i,C3P0,rk_ Great data -The Two PridhamH ............ 3 THE LATE JouN McINTosu.-The thought air earthqunke had stnick blin, . many other places are doing theit part, the o,)eniiiK game wits played. rare lie stricken both in Europe and I ". I Bargains in Robtie-James Robinson ...... 11 man, whose ynian wait ponder. promptly and generously, Tilt-. old Council adopted THE HTAR'S Ainetk% by the justice of God and - , I Stock Taking Sale --N. D. Rougvie ........ . Chicago was riot ing over the runiti'll Editorial Comment. . . . 4 remains of this young and while the cle, I Thorough Training -W. J. Elliott .......... I death in ad in these 11 115 the cutLersepar- __ -4-- sukgost,lou to If tit the face of the man, its fivople will be les4 ovetbearing I 1 I r Public Notice. Bargains in Crockery and Lamp Goo& cohnnns last week, were brought hoine &led into a thousan pieces, and the town clock, will Nie [few one see that and leas Insolent towards tilt) rest Of TORONTO DUNPATC11H. announce I - T DISASTROUS FIRE. 11 11 11 EETING OF HURON COUNTY COUN- G. M. Elliott ............ ............ .. A or, Friday morning last, and tile inter. two gentlemen reached theonow. lie the ioh is (Anne without unnecessary the world, and Will 10%vto at last tfo tile that Mi. Uturow hits filed an appe% , I , CIL -se did not got frightened, however. ____ delay ? -ace tile right Lit develop reeiv � 1 ;";� � ) M January Clearing Salo -A. P. McLean .... 5 atent took I n Sunday afternoon. hot Frxinch I against the judgment declaring him ­., The Council of the County of Huron will Tenders Watited-Nixon Sturdy ........ 1. I In Mai Lianx Ceinle, wry, in pre,ionce of find stood perfectly still while hate. Bly Visitatiou Very Severe.- '11r. It. J. Cruwford, one of tile pl-o-%their counLry Of Canada." ., . I faceL in the Council Chamber in Lite Town of Inst7trelatives and friends. Rev. joks. comes and gnuntlets' rkere g3Lhered up, 91(1ti.:%I- 11101,111miLS ,of Dungannon, " 01,her Interesting portions Of Lit oo-eawd, and it will ptobablyconle I ., .1 11 � Goderich, oil TUESDAY, THE 23rd 1AST., at Stand by the Old Flag-Mis" Wyatt ........ I is and tile 0. 0. moved towards the P. O., .143o,000 Blaze. favol" the VXteuston of tile C. P. R. Semaine Iteligeose's article ,Ire its before tile Court-rif Appeal on tho 17th . :�r 7 . Servant W anted-Mrg. J. H. Wardell . - .. I A. iderson conducted the service . I. 11� ... �- __/ 3 o'olook p. in. wing lie would test the strength at, 711"S ft oni WiOI,,bani ot 'reeswater to Oude- folloWs : inoit. Inusiou,li as Lite judgment wag I I W. LANE. Clark. Girl Wanted- Mrs. Simpson ................ I and the pail beivers were John Tighe, vO Oil Tuesday morninir about 6.15 fire I " Dtted January 8th, 1000. 1731,2t Reg. and W. Black, Jos. Heale, C. the next cutLer he travelled west in. rich. "This 4701011110 einpiro,"Bays the writ- iuch Ili accord with that confirm- � eume Last, -Star Officto ................... . I audiscoveredbyJoseph Stotlivis fit er "which extends overone-balf tile "011 11 1:� Swanson and Ed. Bates. . TuE 0. T. R. -Work at the G. T. it. W F. J. �. Naftel hits moved tilt] office , .�: :,NUAL MEETING. Servant Wanted -Mrs. A. MoDA11an - , . I c kind his bakery on Queen stree�. Itsuirted front East, st.root to Hamilton, and is a,arth, does it riot resemble the titaLtio ing Lite East Elgin protest. it ;s diffl- , � ,I, A_ County Council Meeting - W. Lane ........ I HOCKEY COLTS. -A very large and depot has been of the spaulloodi front the oven Ili the cellar and gainad now IocJ4t Pit between Pedder'd dry of Nebuchadnezzar. with thefeet of coIt to see what the Minister for , - " 11 , __ The annual meeting at the west, wawarmall Auction Sale-Salkold Bras ................. I enthusiastic ineeting of the Goderich the past few weeks; one day there U Ca 0 8 lay ? A mingle stone loo4ened front NoLhing hopes Lo gain by this step. 11 ,:i, hluotal Fire insurance Company will be held 4 much heidaway that nothing couhl Ile 9("cls htolu 101d M- - III "Of" law c I -1 1115 Past Record-Palue'a Celery Compound .. nobody knows whete, millit it not re- ­_'? the Tovin Hall, Dungannon. WHONES- colts wits held in the hockey room at would be a crowd of cars to send away, sa " offl(v. I ,. 117,1kY, JANUARY 17Lh, A. D., IM. for the Red Latter Salo -W.A. McKim .......... 8 ved, and s011IO Of tile OCCUlMots e8- duce to Powder this coossus which I ,lr , the rink on Tuesday evening. The and the following would probably be Win. Andrews oil Friday, through a � c " purpose of receiving the directora' annual now astonished tile world ? Spain A PRTITION against the return of I 1. 1, I reports and also the auditAor's rovort of the Usual formalities for organization wei a lethargic so far as freight traffic is Con- caped only ill their flight robed. hole in his pocket, lost two five dollstir once had initoonse colooles; what IIAS ��' � j� z. r And also for the election T !olvu Topics gone throu Ott Wednesday, after it quiet Tito fire extended n--)-,-Lh to Helfer- gold coil)4 and sonte Silver. All except she left to-dav P What will remain to .. 1, receipts and expenditures of the company _gh. anti the following offic. 'erced. Hon. John Dryden m member of the durinic the past. year. ere 6leCt*!d I Secretary. D. Hyslop; day at- two, business toak ILD Upward mass is butcher Ahop, tile" M04er'-I one gold trio Legislature for South Ontario , � of three dIr,.cLorR I,o fill tile vacanclets at 'he piece Wild found in front Of Eugland in a hundred years of her Out, . ,2 I Bo%rd incurred by the retirement of Messrs. Captain. W. Clark. The secretary turn, find Agent Stratton had to Late. hardware, to ScoLL's boot kind iihO0 his ineat, nim-ket. viLst colonies of to -day? was flied with the local registrar at I �,,z � . . ,�, J kin Kaska end John Gritho and the vaca There will he it mnsf -al and literary was asked to write to Clinton and graph tor three hundred care to load and grocery, but was fortunately Mr. J. Einigh had tile shatt, ii.nd run. "It hits boon It long Little that Eflg' Whkt.by oil Monday afternoon. The I_ � .0 Hug% other towns to arrange junior matches, occupied 11"'; r' it currod through the decease of the 1q,to entettaintrient under the auspices of 200,000 bushel- of wheat fit the new checked at the post office, I, pulled Off his cutter near Dunlop land hats dominated the nations tit I he petitioners are Joictiliah Long, map- I .A 4 c 1, , Girvla. whose term of office will than expire, and after three cheers for the colts the alevat-or, Andrews Bros. & Oo�ohlpped also by McKinnon its it dt v goods tilt(] 1: luesdav while passing it load of 11 . Mo-m lCaakcand Ortflin,hoinge1r,gible for ro- Council No. 2, Junior Royal Tomplaris O -e. TO tile soudi of tile ' " ' earth ; is she not now about to be Ili " ­�. election. Hour of ineeti ig one a clock p in. meeLing adjournea. a carioad of hogs to Toronto oil Thurs. general tit t chant, Whitby town; John Moore , hay. Thei e f0rtt.1114110ly was no other her turn Invaded by hostile 1osts ? �­ �, � �j - J. M. ROBER iiL of Temperance, in the Temperan ce HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. -The an- day, and it Is suid the pigs wrinled as bakery, tile Batik of Harniltot:, owned I tillage done. Foi- three conturioh she hao tient out physician, Whitby township; . I I I Dungannon, Dec. 30th. 1899, 173.3-21 this Friday evening. Tile pro- I . of Life Goderich Hot ticul- they steatned cut of the station at the by Dr, Carder. was also condo, led : the ' I hot- bands of mercenaries into all the Henry Mean, farmet, Whitby town I .� , � � ___ giant will con dle t of vocal and justro_ nua meeting thou5htthat they would see at least safe wits all that renntinea. The 8tores NVe read it) a letter of It Brandon . CI­-'ICTf%, -The annual niecting of tile Me- mental inusic, recitations, a grand Lural Society WAS held In the Secre. ill i every pla,in of 1111). �. ,. INto ecent U.T.H. depot before they we'*L it Ilou-ne(I a4totnied, except (he slll)�"'iber, that the writer bad it bicycle Isles of the ocean am . Kinot, Mutual Fire Ingurance Company N C hicil ltits lido after enjoying hit; ChrilittoILS the continents to ninke taws for fill I lie 4 I � I" will be held in the TOWN HALL, 8EA- march by Motber Goose and bet tary's office oil tile 10th inst., T. Naftel. were turned Into lard, hams and choice OnO OCCUPic(l bv It% S "it, w ,njoy people ; shall site tint ofiti day see rus- "I �, . FORTH. on temperance fanifIv, a dialogue by 3 8 Mitt -shall, A. McD. Allan, P. Naf- breakla8t bacon. owned by Anderson & tw(ler, (111111('1', It PIPASLO-0 We could not C I FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th. 19DO. nine boyp. who will represent Lho ' , ce oil all ill(, that dav in Ooderich. tile nirmitiii fall Upon her- Own const -4 IF IT -ffit!= -TINKFiltlat Major Sain. I , �',, at I o,olock p. on., for the vurpoge of recaiving Town Council of Squedunk and other tat, W. Warnock, Jno. Galt. J. W. Sal- There wits soin- instirmn 11WIlel's J. 131411)11('y 1111(i S and devastate he-, cities of London, Hughes is still ,It Cape Town without I . I . ,", , , on have at %ell Ili i,� , ' open at keld, C. Wells, H. W. C. Naftel and I pt� o pel-tv, but the loss to the � I I I- Mancheuter and Liverpool ? I the annual kitaLament and elooting three now interesting features. Doors i)roved tile vffectivenoss of their t% rni. a position with the forces owing to tile ��'Llj � directors. two for Tuckersnotth and on," for I Ad. Win. Lane being present, The audi- Will be heavy. The fire brigade per- .. .. .. Major Gonerid Hutton, the 11 �:, ," iLa.11q-. and any other business in the roter 7:30, program to commence at E. �or I a statement presented, showed an formed very effective work, an(I Lhe I ury displays by elecu-ic lighting their ioport Of I � , ,,, :,. estA ( the compaW - JOHN B. McLEAN. mission. 10 cents ; all are invited to increase in receipts over last year of 9Zenew for 1.900. citizens no w, ful-IT realize tile Vahlb Of 8tore, it ,i'l,ep whtch. Witt be touch "At length the peopsle are awakell- fact. is not creditable to Lite hitter of- .1 I, I , Pre8l mit; W. J. S ANNON. See.-Trad"s Coale. arypreciated by pati oris. Ing forin their stulm and their torpor . ­�L, � I 1732.2t $21.00. the total for membership being the tive engine. b,r I, : they declar A ROMANCH FROM MITCHELL. -A During the past %ve(,k TtiE STAR has with regard I.o A O e HCOV, 011,110t 118 it soldier or a gentle- � I I �, ! $239.00; government grant $93.00; and The fire wits one of tilt- illost ill ' ,, her soletonly the great, corroptrix of Inall. ,� , 4 Naw'York despatch county grant $20,00. astrous ill the history of Illyt 1). 'I'll : added still another lot, of inodevit new Whatever the Major's fault, '5. . bOUZ .�,w .!i r)POAR FOR SERVICE. -Wo have of Monday said; Metiat-q. Galt and ( -he unjust dotninaLf IN, tile 1. tit Machinery, type, &c., to Its already the eat th � t, inay have been, he it brave and . ( from Mr. Attrilroi herd. of R [tintow Many subscribers to THE Wel-e ?ill fl-Aine ,,I,, I ,,,Ili . D'.. a inorottichbred Chester Whi Boar. A Paris cable says that the identity of Warnock inoved that Thor, Naftel be buildings 'sLruct ilres 11ent, piniA. 0ood work at niodev- queen of evil : they nie gppjw-ing to Ca pable soldif�r, :A�hls butufflation / I which will be for service (It our farm On the �resident.-Cqrried. Mr. Naftel haVinlz STAR have renewed for I likely be replaced by Ili ick cxce Z 11".. ' - WILSON BROS Vera Dougl-ts, Lhe woman who died 9001 Itte ill ices is T14E STAR'F; lootto. place her under tile ban o the civilt ed ____ - - I., . Huron Road. Glid�kah. een conducted to the cb,tir, James and we desire to sincerely thank Ili the silting. The (;odel icil 01 gall Co. shiplied,tIvn World. thus lit tile hands of Get]. Hutton, it I � .1 ].at month in the French capital, find Stewart was elected vice pres. on Tile value (If the btiilding� hri(I gotl& c,,,. lond. of .. .. .. much Ili) tho case,, in petty and con- ". - who Wits known In two ectitinents by motion of Messrs. Allan and Warnock. them', 'There are still a good destroyed will he albout, $30,W0. orgallm to (lie MoLlifil-land I . " Wants. r I- . A . . I f I, n #I n of Messrs Salkeld and AI- number we would like to hear w ins, week, it nd t here are flow nioro "All tloA actoniolitted bult.ed Of tempLi6to in tile extreme. ;,: I reason o el a veto 111008 I 0, as n mo o . S., All have secured temporary ill VloiSOS 11 I I bee n discovered. She was the Inn, Will. Lane was elected see,-trea from who apparently have un- an(� s eniployod Ili ill" Co's works centuries ootv Suddenly and [)rum- JERVANT GIRL WANTED. -Apply to except Mr. Stothers. thall lit anv I into In its history. LIII"1y hurst in'it terrible tenillemt, which Tim Conservatives of East Hutoa S M Pus. J. H. WORSELI� dauVilter of Stephen Douglas, a farm- and on motion of Messrs. Allan and consciously delayed. Next Week ______ __ Seaforth' beat, the hocke U,ain sent W11I cast to the ground this statue 1731.1t, or at Mitchell, Ont. Vent Donglitif at Wells, Messrs. Warnock, Marshall, V one time tied it Ru.%sinn Grand Duke WelIg, Campbell, Allan, Galt and Bing- the label on your paper will give County Judge's Court from Gmterich oil Toesdav evening to with tile foet of clay. England is tilt will hold 'he'ritannuu.' meeting in the " ENERAL SERVANT WANTED.-Ariply lei her train, and bet conquests in New hain were appointed directors. Sheriff all corrections and receipts to I, I't y tilt exhibition gaine. Lite hoine rV()Wel-ftlijk)RtT)O%V:sti(-iiitLybt-�str.-iige- low" hall, Brij sels, Ott' Friday, 10th Gto MRS. A. McD. ALLAN. South Street� York and tile old world were notice- Reynolds and S. P. Halls having been those who have paid, and those Ott Tuesday John Doyle. of INImint tvani's inatch xvitli Li -towel, arranged humiliated wi(hin a short. tiole. Inst. In addition to tile election of 1734.2t.. ableon account of her beauty. Thp appointed auditors, and Me8srs.. Allan - Carmel, wits I,efoue film Hmmr JudgV f0T' thitt Illgilt, buVing fa.1leD through. gheeposgesses a. stioprh arroga,nee oillcers anki other routine business, It WANTED., ajRlrSI for Mll�ht house work. above story is I corroborated by the and. Galt to assist the secretary in pre- who have not will receive an Masson charged with haviog Stolen Wtn. McCartliv. it Goderich boy will I seems to defv not, only thtl is the intention to notoInALecandidates Apply a . 81 dON, next door young woman s parents, who have parinirgovernmentannual report, the other notice. We want to still certain goods firito a store itild iAlth who kni,%Ns IL thijig ,,I, two about Peoples Of thr' earth- but he" ce" itself; to Knox church. 1734 -it neery notified of her death, find hot- meeting adjouttled. improve THE STAR, and your . ' hocl,ey, has gone to Clinton to ivoriE who knows If vet v Soon she ttiktv not for the Local and Dominion Houses. It body will probably be shipped to them. DIED AWAY FROM Hourt.-On Sun- dollar or two is just what will possession, Lhe Same IoLVIIlg heel) ill Iho Ditheity organ works. life will humbly crave Life inercy of tile nations The rianio of Mr. E. L. Dickenson Is WANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT AND WITH THE RIFLE. -The regular day Colin, third son of D. McPhail, fill the bill. found In the house owned and occupied j)e celitre .1 in'the hockey team tixore. she has i"titilted, ,tnd humbly crave popularly mentioned fur tile big house, honest persons to represent us as Man- ' byhim. The County Attoinvy, ]lit and will lit, misse(l frorn Qoderich. that they leave her it few veatiges only tigers in this and close by counties. Salary $900 weekly shoot of the Goderich Off Hand Eigin Avenue, passed ttwuv in the c1tv THE PUBLISHERS. Lewis, prosocoted, find H'. Cao,pion, N�,nimat,ions will be received ill-, tile of her ancient out pir . and there is no man in the riding,who a year and expentea. Straight, bons-flua no Rifle Club took place on the Club's of Cleveland. U. S. at the early age of "Then --And it is thim that we would would incore wof thily or more capably more, no less salary. Position permanent. bur I Imll oil INIontlay evenitiF. Jan. reterimmVily bank in any town. It is mainly range on Friday afternoon. One range / Q. C., defended. As soon as Lite ca,e t,0\VI n 23 years. The deceased, who wito a - h&d been opened Mr. Civinpi 1:,t It. tit, 7 o'clock. for tI it I oil r v int out -the ahmement of the Eng' I epresent it t han this well known and office %vor conducted At home. Reference. only, 100 yards, wait flied over in the flitherman, had been unwell for 1,111II c .ch,.oi tilislee to'le 4111.11 DIIIIV.d�. (11sli race may ninke the Anglonianiacs Enclose self-addrassed stamped envelope. ft - After a -n , I x , , 'anada more modest. 8hall it he popular barrister. Tur DOmINION COI&PANY, Dept, 3, Chicago. regiflar course, the longer range being month, when he entered the crtv IN OLUi RESIDItNT DEAD. and said it might bushotu :'it,"'I"'ll", svnid (" fill ont Lite line pi,.ed to In f C hospital as ft patient on the Oth of De�- Ainful illness of two months' duration. claimed that though tile gn,ods had (,t A, S. Chty.sititl. The election, if U"isible thfit when all peoples snall GENT8 WANTED. -For -Story of South utilized for a turkey shoot Hutchison ave burst through tile, bond,j of the TiiE refinree. Linklatei, whose dell. LAL Allies," by John Clark Riduath, I.L.D., again heads the score, this time mak- ember. He was suffering ft -on) a John Vitae. one of our old residents, been stolen, vroot Of tile stenlinK cotild nvci-­w v. will Im field on tile T2nd. -ed, -soll great dorninatrix, that. Lho French ance of the law wits So noticeable A fea. 9d ward S. E111A. M.A.. J. A, Cooper, Managing severe cold which did not yield to the passed to the world beyond tit the age not be prodin but, Judge Ma., Tht, sliting 41tting4 of tile ASS17.0 (�ann(ljarn, Shall conitnue to enduro Luveofthe NV"t Huron election came, ]Uttar of tbd "Canadian Magazine," Toronto I ng the respectable total of 45. The it 6 Ilultreatment,but developed pneu- decided to hear the evidence. J-111 Coottfoi theemitay oflIuron will be, and J. H. Aiken, of London. Ont.. who pas M following were those who tired and the I Oppression ? Tile chances of the fight, turned this week from 12 years' travellin s nonia of it serious form, and on Satur- Of 56 Years. The deceased, though well McQuarrie, ilierchant, of Mmolt Cit, IwId lit Uodvrich (oil Monday' MA'Cl) So long faVot-10110 to out- iippressorfi: bas vent,oleit to retinn. He wits in fightn cores made - Hutchison 45, E. R. Wat- day his relatives were telegraphed for. known, was of a very retu Ing dispos- mel, sworn. said he hail ),,,t III (-pvi I � 11)(h, ftir lho trial of actions with It shall South Africa for us. We tire the only Con U, son 42, B. Crawford 40, Capt. Donnely then be in favor of tile victims." (;­ler,(h la.t week, �av those who Publishers who have had ft branch in South Oil receipt of the memage on Saturday ktion, and leaves a host of friends to out of his sloie on goveral ovcjt�Wn" j,,,.,. hefore Mr, Justice Milconbrige. Africa for nineteen years. giving us an immense 42, D. McCorruick 31, W. Cattle 28, 14. his father started for Cleveland; reach- mourn his loss. Although it inernber and that Ott tilt! evening (If tile '-" ... 1 nn(I 'oil MI)IIIIRY, MRV !Nth- tot. tile A" ... ight he expected. L1119 olost ()it . t. know hon. ittid,rosa Carlow correspond- ady-intage in trouncing photographs and poh- D. Roug�vitq 24, M. Williams =. Walker ing there on Sunday morning, when of the A.O.U.W., the funeral wits not December tile stockings and hows now Ilial of 11"11-july cases, befol.) MI.. raKoous article has cmused quite it st1r. ent, rell(ii-IN in another CILItAinn, he im wrial. ur all horshtp, lettexems and angrav- 21. In tile turkey shoot live birds were he found his Son beyond reCOVeVV, and conducted utider that order' -3 auspices. produced were takell therehmo. lit, Chlef J,ist we .Nlt,l ediLh, Dr. Frechette, Ole %veil known Cana . . ngs are superior, anti Can tan Contingents 0 friends not, ibere. Mr. Link- lb'.tter illustrated than in any rival work. So Put VIP, th dian poet, makes tilt elo(Inent prote8t, VIHI Ing e winners being W. Cattle 2. he passed a-wav that evening. rho re, butby the Brethren, E. J. Hayhoo. of Obbli Fled A Search wattani tit Exetvr, ,rio, o( -w ceuitov %%ill open on late, ,,,,, afford to lautch sit I lie law - sure are we of this that we will mail free for B. Crawford 1, Hutchison 1, N. D. 4 ying, - I cannot find Ht worfig to vx B. niains were brought to Goderich Of' Toronto, conducting tile ceremony. and he afterwards Saw I he gm)(1s; ill I'lle'day KI)d cl,,­ "'m It sundav 1) e XZ , ' comparison our prospectus to anyone possess- Rougvie 1. D, McCormick and Tuesday, and placed in the old home, Therll .bearers were 3ILS. HuchUnfln', the 1,111d. Ili cross-exitminalion tilt, Y,,Itr�, it will 11sv(, 1111� ess Illyself about it. The Inito Who it will leave hirli sevelvly ali'lle, riot- toir a rival proeVetus. Circulars and terms KT,_0i­I Illon PI ( Crawford a'.' Dungannon, when in prilits such utterances in It Ill itish (-of %vithmt,anding tilt, pioinises of Ross and free. Apply, orld Publishing Company, ' thev tested until interment. - witness s tid tie wits iii(Mced to oblaill Guelph, Ontario. town last week tried to make arrange where sr., . R Robertson and 0. W. Thom hi'l �,f If-ap vval.4 Ims,ijblv 2,t' 'I'IO­ Intents for a shoot Ili that hurg in the On Wednesday tne funeral took place son for the A.O.U.W., find S. Megaw, Lhe searen warrant, hecau.,ie EM%vald ' "11v is ft traitor to Lhe E'u'll ire and It ItefUl In I hat, PIPCLOI ILI puritiv would Ile - vem- limit wiil lie thc fir,it. om., then Iraitor to his r,wII nice, lli� collinlits - ______ ________ from the family residence, find was Jas. McCracken and Jno. Dunn for the Hall, with whoin he lout had llreviouR _-,cry hiorth vvat ari�f tl at, ( main tat tied. Por Sale or To Let. near future, and the Goderich Club is largely attended, every fishermen and Brethren. The interment took place trouble, lived in tile h(inse. Conqtallle I I t,o ati I in- the crime of leme tiaLionalite, find de- - considering the matter. sailor seemingly bei g -present to testi- in Maitland Cemetery, and among the oill Sai(I Ile prOCecded LCI DOVIO'8 And (1,1,1111K th'. 3vur J, 411). F,bl um V will "'twes the uttei contenipt. of all think. . - � n loee tiow, havv five Sundays in icg l)e(1pIp.,, "ILhL3 PROPERTIES FOB SALE. l, SECTION DIBPUTE.-The I, their resiliect, for thw deceased and floral offerings was a pretty wreAth met, him ontside tho hoosv. 1) I t [,It I'I'Voi9t'. (hP COofterVa bribers and persons bribed " y " I ol,j), I i I I 8 � I I 1. I I 0-I 0. Live is er, sayq " tit#, t irwiv goes be Rouge and Lot for salic-S450. arbitrators appointed by the Co. Coun- his parents. Rev. Jim. A. Anderson contributed by the A.O.U.W. Thede. said the goods wele thele, andt-Ild J'bj. �Nl;tll ;I1)j1 1-:olpirc, flaving lead lit votldi I,Ee hololds of ctiticimot. ,in will, its tho Act, requires, be re - Choice Building Lotm for sale. cil at last meeting to consider theAd. was tht offiCi&tiDg minister. and Messrs censed leaves a widow and eight child- Hall to go ut)HI nirs hwl sh,,%v t he g,,od,; ,,, 11 1, N II ported. bowever useless a for - House to ront, all modern conveniences. W, NicUarthy. A. McLean, P. Me- ran, four sons and four daughters, to I went ultstairs and wit thi-io. hi � -r%ittlw pi,�ginni 1,,r tlit, horti- enters olion that. of Injustice. digloy-t - . Block of Vacant Land for sale. suitable for visability of the formation of a netv Donald, Allan McAuley, M. McLeod mourn bis departure. cross-exatninaLion %%ittie­ ­itil It(- (IIJUIVAII�t 111-111194011K Willt('[�, WliteS ty iLod treason." mality it may be." Market Garden. , a - ownghip of qnd Capt. Robinson were the pall BiRTErs. DEATHS, M kRRIAO ES. -- went to the hooqe t(, tive Hall, nod on 140Cy. I,,o,.,;t,kmK ir it,. would lor-ward - --- - Farm of 68 acres dicining ft 1hriving vill School Section in the t -rs rm- poldivation in the Do You hear that, Hon. (leorge W. age, land best, clay loam, all in gross. Hullett, to be formed out of parts of bearers. see -ng hho menr(bed 111,11 It) mt,� if lit, Anx, t,l tho p:tp( P. 0. Facilities. RoAs. Premier, sold lion. J, 51. Gibson, E. N. LEWIS, School Sections Nos. 5, 8, and 0 of said W. C. T. U. NoTics.-The regular Acect-ding to the Registration books; had' a pistol, and tindiow Ili. 11,1(1 I ....... %V(­k1v Mail aod Empire. Thos, slated If Ontalio? It is I soileltor, GoderIch. township, met tit Londesboro. on Dec. meeting kept by the town Clark. 61 births, 55 he searched tile hou�e told f,,llll,l Ow Fw, pape, ,i �Iwohl %ve that, the), are in RdItor of TnE STAR A ttoi nev G corral. ( 0 8 I e Oster - 23rd at 10 a. m. There was a I,Lrge at- of the %%, C. T, U. wits held deaLho and 16 marriages fit the record goods in 11all's roon), of %N Ill( 11 lit-, fi,rni lot poldicatioii and thus give hor to the pomt. tiffice supposed h, be neatly a olootli minc JU t C q Legal. tendance of ratepayers present. The Monday last. On account of the Illness for Goderich for the year 1899. The Halls, had the key. Con,faide M(_I(­ fu olt.urahsl,i vve-i-v%viiere tile botiefit.of managed in the Intereoit. and f,w the ,, 1,1 arbitrators were Judge Masson, Inspee- of the president the chair was taken by was called and 41,itted that the evitivnci- I IW)" t�x 1-1 lf'o"�. convenience or tile public or to atilt and Rose slat.p�l tbis Ili t1leir-judgment IrROUDFOOV & HAYS. Barristers. marriages and birth raw are very low, tilt- Pleasure Of tile I)oRttlouiter ? Ott tile West Hurmi election case, and tom, Notaries Public, " Office - r. tot, Roub and Messrs. Ritchie, Gregory the vice-pres., Mrs. McGillicuddy. The as given by ConstithTe (,'ill waq �ob - and the some may he said of the death stantiallycorrect. Mr. Cmimion Lht-n Ott New Year,,'dav tit,, afternoon yoobiLvenotint)ved it finger. Haidy . lquare and North St. near t�cgtstryofflco. and Crerswell. His Honor Judge Mas- Notes troM Lho LodgeS. Goderich. Z11"Private f6tids to loan at lowest son acLed an chairman. Law conducted by Mrs. yer Bry- Bible reading was rate, though It in the highest we have claimed an acquittal, Its theiv wa% tit) Illail arrived At the office tit 2.15 ; and PIPWIVAI that he Was MWAY fishing when rated. R, C. HAys. don, of Clinton, on behalf the op. Smeeth. Tbo subject for the day being had in Goderich the past decade. The evidence to convict, tint tile 1-troed lt��tz�ih,r nw,-toiv of Huron Chapt,er. aithough a notice was 1)(Isted on the lie wits noLitied of sitnilar cases --what W. PROUDIP00T. .. - - gonents to the formation of the new Juvenile work, tile program was taken average death rate in Ontario is IS per Judge, holding theta wa.- :­� w oos. fac it Nii:41, lt� A. ,%i., ot-lit'room(itty evening. dwir intimating tile ,411ce wmild be excuse ? -1 ARROW& GARROW. Barriatem Belief- C ' n, raised two objections:- bv Mrs. Crilin (,am I A in hl� u, I A. will Tneet. opell kit 2..'30. tile (t��ors weis iwt, ,q*o 14 y .... " d hool Sect.6 pbell As to tne thougand, Lbat of Goderich the pAqt case, John Doyle wag calk ,, 1 lnki,ro,­ C.toip. No. . XX tot-%, &a. Car. Hamilton Bi- and k�ufirs, tat, That the arbitrators should have necessity of such work aruconir the year 18 3 4. so that it will lie soon we behalf, and swore that, he ditl ow -tf-al tlo� F't(dav cNem"g. Tfw cmoloil,te,- v(t 0113.W. Doriovthe thre,, (Ioart,-i- - - -_ Goderich, On I. J. T. GARROW. Q. 0- been appointed by by-law, not by reso KounlVen le the prograin says. never are still on the Fealthy tilde r1eg"I If . and that when UnIN told hin) ,,T, III.. II,on�' imniver%ary dioner will t,f,vn hour occupicd Ili Lite ,loilriblill-m Tni, Senforth 14'.xpositoi boldly -on - 'I rd 114 -ill -rtngi-nwnt� of tile niati, scole I k� Were . I'm CHARLES OARROW, 1-1� B- lution: 2nd, That theappeal to th; st VI'L[ne'and need of this kind of deaths. Of births tile reeo as pear the"goods were theie. Ili, L,,I,l hon I,, III PIt A fl'1­11 (If tho art A,! pet, I I'adil IS the RtAtenlient, of the ,%fall and CountV Council was not lodged with wora been proven so clearly its daring thousand. barely more than half th 0 take them away. At the conchi.�ioo (�l IIIJIlIv. %01101 fil-MI114VILVety enjoyable lied to stand 01091fle Lre door'I In It E re that Maj -w Beck "was counted Musical. the County Clerk within twenty. days the Plehisritecaropaign in 1898. While averago for placeot of like Importance the case Mr. Cam ion ionde it �t r,,nii: aml ,,,( ­s�fitl gat hvt ing. 11)'I'tilding. hiting bl+zzard, That was I, -f"I" as required by law. After an adjourn- the tnaloritv of the votes cast Were in in the Motherland. but nevertheless it plea, on behalf ov his client, rlatininlir At thpir nw,tinK oil Monday vven- (""'I and heartlesot piece (If hugiro-Rsm. mit ;it the general election and defeat- TsicaENR13ORDAN. ment for the consideration of these ob- favor of pt ohibition, yet that Majority in an improvemAnt In the right direct- that under the stat tite he coold mo t- ln�,, 1",,t, MAIlk' LI -10 Lmlge. A. 0. 1'. Theve is another Lbing flint detriaLd,, ed by bribery at tile bV-election." The l Director of Aftax Presbyterian jections. the arbitrators considered the was not large enough to persuade the ion go far as Goderich is concerned. convicted. and th,tt all hiq Relmn- W , 1,� a In-t ent'llusiaRtic Vote, agitation. People who lmy $1!12.10 ft Rtatement is trup. nevertheless. The � secondobjection fatal arpridecided to GoveTriment and members of parlift- Marriages 16, hardly abows the actual Phowed he wits not goilty of the�,ff,mv. , churck ,14m;i1,.,I $to I., (be National Path Li Or for a box olight, without i"king missing ballot tit the Holmesvilie (:11", r", drar clamem In make no award. The petit offers, if ment to ennet a prohibition law. What number who joined hands, And it is The dge commented tit flooit, Ienwi it l,'und fi)r the benefit, of nor Cannil I )r it, to be franted the privilege of VOCAL, OR'G'A'7 PIANO and CORNIM �111 they wish to have Ft new School Section we lacked was votes. Rather.welack- probable some of our clergyman have on t ie evidence. showing tbAt It Pt 'ft"% ­,1ont­,r9 1,, Smith Africa. Wol I ,)btaining rnai matter which at I iveg division, after the deputy returning Pupils prepared for 11 Toronto College 0 formed. must be in by petitioning the ed a suffleient number of men of stabil- yet to make returns to the town clerk. facia case was clearly niade mit it- I lie 111MI. Maple Leaf. %`1i,'hiLt. lodge Will by the evening trait) on ILR arrival. officer and the scrutiners had agreed Mo to' exams Council again, and if it refus- Ity and integrity. whose convictions ef MECHANICS' INSTITUTE ANNUAL tact of the gocods being infbell,(,11�4­1` Far terms THIPC ST. LAwRENcE, township f.dl"" Yom n"I'le I-larople ? That would be toppreciated, ec jai no their tally, mo4t certitinly defeated " *a tit 'r Ile knew "Wcem of ,Ninjol Beck at Lheiteriernil election, and Montreal SL Avp[7, Oddfellow'a Hall_ as to act. appeal again to the County right %were so deep slid abiding that MicreTiNG.-The annual weeting of tne the prisoner oil(, hoor aft A I t ht- last r#.goiar Tnept ing of Livet - 1v hv the business oten in the O if2l-lyr Council. neither fear of tpirsineout loss nor anxiety, they were stolen, left him open to thf, to Mechanics' Institute wAs held last Mon- charge. but ILI; lie hwl enteted th-, wIt r-1 1­lg,�� smi,i ,,f FrIgIn.nd. the fid- the Many cast end fMtorivs, and hy enOogh was shown tit the by-election WUSTOAL INSTRUCTOP.-Mr. Frederick BAnitiorrian COOK WRDDED.-Wed- fat- party success would move them ,%%,t,w "-,�re eltwted oflicer,i for the others a4 well. 0.8impRon. Orrogirst Nortn-SL Motion- nesday evening, December 23. the resi- desert the rands of the Rome. For day evening. R. S. Williams in the ness box and swore he hwl not ittolf,n pI.­­t tPini - Past Pri-s., R.Warring- Ill Inany places ringti-nastel-4 Cheer , trial lit (;odertch, and verifled in the st, r� ational conservator), such men. and for women of like char- chair The treasurer's report, wits Ile the propetty. he ri,ve, hi -n the I­twfll I'm ; lit-_ Nk' Wakefleid ; %'ice, Pre� . folly offor ,Inch it ptivilege (I if it " I ... Ignient, recently delive,ted by Jos- st Church late of . o : art I Ne;J)VOM ;�Vll receive'N,upth; (elementary and deric of Mrs. N. Shirray, Hay town, ticter it great Or V Is toina lip all over follows :_ of tile donbt and n, hini tint golity, -es IL,.e and 04lew which. by the advancedil In Piano. rgan and Harmon . .1. li,har.1,I; S"(Ly , %,�' .1. Dowding ; not gy-anted here the matter othoold be ti, Studio one door west of Knox Churc g . ship, watt the scene of an inter- the bominion. W ere shall we get RECEIPTS. Edward HAII WILA then litmight ni, T ­as., .1. v, Walt,�rs : Surtreon. J- B- brought to the attention of the Ile way. the Expositor darts not publish- GodWi?ch. ,eating event. especially to the fair them F We have in Lhif hornes of this for sentence, etiarged wit It Kt, its- ill eak \%,b11,,lv : j,,,n_ . __ Balance from '98 ................ $ 4 0.1 . F. F. Platt. Opo, parLinent ILL OttAVVII. t,� pr-- the second rhaige. of the community, it being land the susceptible bearts find plastic find theft. and h.% Ing nothilig In " , TIo,i(e­, 11� Hoit, W J. I _'_Il,� ('ITTZKN. ISS R MA NDREWS, TEACHER OF portion nds of tile children. In the words of Menthers' tees ................. 15 54 big TI- ,,flirers were dolv in I - . '30 g4 )rge in (14,f�o_ Ile %i _ .,.T)J,_, et, I ,,,,, � 1, n w.' - In I I . , : na . PLA a, Organ" Theory. Sight Refull the occasion of the marriage Of Julia Coleman. *1 Let us go to work, Government grant . ........... ., an Ear 4raint A opectaity of thpo, Vit I )() ()() to six roonths hatil lahf,i in th� I "-I' oall,,l ot,, .�(Ilc,- lao. evowng by 1). 1). Business Notices. Tn,iHF. who may hays any doubt I 2 - r Practlao Clavier"Al _ I her daughter, Nellie, to Mr. H. J. D. and out of the material that God has Town grant .................... ( tral on ea( h charge, ill-- ­nl,�Iwew to I'h­ .1,,( k ­n, ,If Clinton. ,ithrod. Thevirgil I me - - as to file illitic, of Orpat. Britain's Clavtar at G. W. Thonison's music emporium Cook, %fising and popular young bar- put into our hands, make men and wo- EXPVNDITTIRES, $251 Xi inin concurt-f-ril ly. Tit, Y ,� w iq it good at,Ien(bince At thp Remember StewaWs groceries are fresh ,%nme South African may be used by pupils. Also Kindergartin riste.r, if Henarsil. The bride lookpd men capable of better things." To Jas. Doyle Nvas then Plnf('(1 '" 'Ile G­I,rt( It 1),,it ri, t IA)yftl Orange Lodge goods. ( in the pre -tent 'Method .to,r gung children. Students will Rentand heating w a r. will do w,-11 to read the srate. , , Course. charming In a handsome costi.me of make prohibition votes Is the mill, of .............. itl 63 ") dock for Renten(o, he ba6rig lilf-mled annua oWe -h w," bet(] Im pursury t to conserveadq 1 ting, whi( Oystarq arrived, and served in all %tv1p. Terms a ma . - Salaries ........................ 116 2-5 app3catime, sit the residence. 367 white brocaded silk, with chiffon trim- this department. Whelt they are man 40 25 ui Iry to breaking int,, Ill(, stor-, and l'oe.day ,4 this week in the hall of Iffl. Wept, otroet, nient of the case Ili another column, as - tiffictored In sufficient quantity the an- Books ......... � ................ & at the Victoria Restaurant, BrItAn.12, Read. mines. bridal veil with orange blos taking some of the goodq t,o hi,iown sorneand carried a briquet of white nihilation of the traffic In strong drink Miscellabecals .................. 4 M ()od,-iwb township. '4ev Pra I finattom ot lea Croarn oknd Fruit, ConfentioroPTY, &C. -et forth 1,y Thog. 0. Sheartnan, a well house. Mr. CaryIIpion made a strf,nir iIol_T.an(.P were discussed, and tho -rows, Prop. -all writer. This article roses. Her sister. Miss Tena. acted ms will lie accomplished vvithont trouble or Balance on band ............... 27 50 plea in favor n him client, Oi­mg f,,11,,. ,Ig ,,ftir C. Bi,cas kn(lwn Atx)pri( bridenmaid and was attited In a be- delay. Were the churches, " ft whole. - - i,rq elected, the installs - $251 33 that he had hi I herto horne an Px(el It -n I t ­n hemir condocted hv Rio. Andrew To Tag DitAr. A rich lady cured ,if hor called fort h t wo whole pages of letters Mill Wood cotring costurne of pale blae and white flightintr thin temperance brittle an they , haritcZeT. that the rrinie had been Doosf.pio. and Noises in the head by Dr in one Issue of the New York Ttibune, trimmings. The should, there would be no need of our This report In for May to December. comfit Milhan W� M.. Ad7ini Cantelon, ISO , hag sent milk with chiffon itLed while onder Ow infliwm, 1) 't, , R y (,�)x, I,.-,: Chaphii J h * N,nhoiqon a Artificial Far Drurnot, grotom wits all The very existence of ISM. the financial year being chs.nged. " Ti 0 his Institute. so that (teat peoplo in wbich it appeared, more than two- , gorted by Dr. Campbell, organization. of drink. and tbat hp h.4.1 n, 'W" I" NN'­,,l,I. JAP! It s.. ( hato .l,,hn,it`n-n. 145; JC IJ) 0 - of Zuricn, wbi e the officlattrig clergy- the W. C. T. U. sit proof that the The number tit voltimers In the library steal as be owni-d I VIP fat I,, -h,,, I� hi, 1�.S . Albert And�r­o. AC Ti-aiiiii-er. nnalite t 0 ore Ili(, E&,r,,,11,rurn, rn&� I sho­d,,4,,f Which were Rttonglyand even " " . For Sale man wits the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of church'Pit havo failed in their duty, to- is 8,624 ; the number insued from Moty lived with big Wife tol't five chl I (irf,l) I t, � I,, I I. E I I i ,,t t. 114) � I I - f C , Rd J have shern reo. Applv to . , . , avagel anti- Brit inn, but as Mr. Shear- � flensall. The groom's gtft tothe bride warrin the liquor traffic. The work of to December. 6,000. The number of , y riot to supplant, but volomen usually issued In a year I from The judge admitted lie had renii lt,1tP;-u F111,01, IF, : 1,e,to­t. 1?�,ht. !,oj;,Il the tnptitut-, 780 Eighth Avenue, N.w, man had taken his facts from a work was an elegant broach set with opals our department Is I 14 four . I h.- I I., . to 1) M . .1 ar"Pq Cox, 14 . N,,� York, U. S. A. r,f 0, - I RVOW-illy written on behalf of the - to t a reinforce the truths 10.000 to 11,000. so that the firs, trongly in favor of prisoner. hol 'tho arem Motorola Intl- _ _ . The itio*e is cut into otove wooa and pearl", while that of the brides supp ement nd cape wa.s of voch a nat tit e f hat h,, mo%f pl�i(�e (if toepting. 1-�(, ( ,11borne" maid ovas a handsome rInR. set with proclaimed In chur.:b and Sabbath months are evidently the reading I Sent 1-orn lot * Boom' clAin-, and offered to quote length tod will be delivered to tiny a olivines. The wedding school, Their work In to bring God's months. There were In the reading inflict a punishmprt t, an( At I)— r�irolit -ni-eling (if litim,ri DrV Goods, and Ready Made Clothina PeArl find magazine. two monLb's hard labor Ili the coont v 1,­Iv,� N,. Q. 1 0 O.F , held ron Illon commenced yesterfiav (Thor%dav) at the chaptor and pagk his Ruttements r,- psa ot ,th6 town the same day as march was Played by Mrs. Moortioutra, word to besir on the conscience and so room last y#mr fourteen ilton street bargain store. We Roll main undmpitted. The prosent sure. oraort& VfDetrcit, sister of the gtoom. The create total ittlystainers. Ours is to fourteen weeklies and two daillies. jail. - ,I�v ,­moir� ow tnilo-ing nfncerq Ham J. W. BUODWI)TCR. V ever, and the customary focalize this train ing upon the licensed worth of magazines and new"papera ­ "I do,� ­tsiled for the fir,it holf of OhORP &'I she time' mary of hi- article, which has appear- ceremat", Among rbe Churcbel. y seasmi being over yon w6fiW40eivea by wepbolle or congrattilttitions extended the ty bar and to secure its prob%bition. have been order ed for 10M. This Is the Ili . %I I,­o,ir,,nt. I)Ll)("M : The holida ' _ appy no. The board Rpecial FvanF . PINtic ner% treq nri, n ­w Bahl), I. I,. ha,a time to think totions thoov Photos od in an educational monthly, 00ur left 14 198 101ithbris St. will r"elv$ couple. luncheon was served. the tAble Churches feel compelled, hy their oniv obligation tortmin d N 1.� I S 'n'I'l � t � . '4 r (I ; %V 11' n 1 Ite litif to the Ii . N 1) R­IgV­. V.O.; W. W. Mill' Von War" iroirg to got. hot did not. It Times.- circulAting very largely being handsiontely iind profusel de irphere of duty, to keep clear of t.he wished to haind over t holro,% held in Victoria atri,etr .%f'qh­I prothpi-Atutatitio. Ion, after wollich 1% po of debt; hovrewpr.177. read- lat umh. Boy-vive on Sundav n,,xt %,,iIt,. qpl-v : Dr. Clark, i1naIne"ll feVVLt Yon Witt C&II at BroPhOY'" Photn Studio rLmorowst the school teachers of the coraw for the areas , litleal arens. The W. 0, T. U. to not town free IIA I- -A .1him morninvand evening at, the ii�oal hc,i,r , , V I ILI r 8 I- h flon on can doolide the mailer easily and with 9 'Polho"06. ve2p 01""rit tima was optnt "cially thns eircurawritim. at onds too drink 'ft room cou now 1� , . . ,orn. rp:%�: . no � , R t , so ad united Witte% )q worthy PreNI'Vol- .. 61 . : an thdn the brkV-40d Iff,0010 'Were traffic t h bed' h the I&* Of the d.Ute filaftirly 00TOred by this JAPIRIA- Rev. Jas. A. Andpi-son, of Knox A *1 Cmitle, War : Thos, Nairn. R , 6 sire assist filon. tion. 11. 11 . * ­ I , 1, - " " Rabbath to f,indort -_ -_ -_ .,L ,, I I " I 'drilven to their hotne In Hensall. This land it) of porm"i power and tive Kralit due "xt Junto. &mounting church. goes noxt , N 0 , R,,I,t il;artlphell, L.R.N.G.tChaq. Nfiller'a Worm Powden correct all - , .0 , . 1, S I . � i It EEO to follow It rithl vT tn$M and the county council grant of anniversary nPrvices at Thamep lt-�ad 'A�wphard. I ; 1. Rrackenrldge. 11.8. . .1 L. contrutifif Parties arb prominent to it dotion not ^to -�­tn .R e - Miller's Worm Prowders &%* no Won.. .. - I I IL if ptftr -mcliwan. Wlill elm " and fAe Very W"Weirt to the ballet box. Next meetinK I 1. It wl 11$1& The old board wailre-elected with Itev. (Win Fletcher, M. A.. of thnt S, 14 I -, L.''S.; ()L Rhynam. R 8. such troubles as lack of ftpp Lite, tilt � .� wilrb" for their eontthuba haWneeil is be hold Monday, Jew. 2kh. All are in- the exception of 11. S. Williams an vice congrelwat ion, will condort t hp qe, v ic P"q %' I; - %%, Campbell, L,KV.G.; A. tousnosq. diowniness, wallow complex - derful medbolne for ailmdrite of chlkl- 1. . I , I . - ron. ,� � Z . 11 . � owo","l gist, 10, �,"1.3ni,fl& I jixtiluded to tbetn* t4i"01r, 1prevident In place of A, Duff, riesigned. _ in Knox church. i J ohnston, 0 0. - ion, etc. ; nice to talit. ,. , I I I L i I 1; - I 11 ` ' I I . . � . � � L �L'. ' ." I I . , , , I � � , r ,;, , , . , I . I I ( , . � " � I � I I I '.. , " . I L I I I I I I I I I ti - I . . I 11 I I 11 I I . I . . - I " � L . I I �4 , . - L I , � " � 1 - I 1, �.,, 1. - � I I . � , A__V��t­ -'.J;_ � '. _1�4 I 9 . I I ...I*�4t - � *.f I . � I - , 11 , � , 'i I I . "' , , . . s, �, " "� z_ --------- i _­ , ,.,, ,� ,.i - I I I __,/ � I., I A& As , .9 I . I I � I . I I 11 , , I � I I I _ " -L I 0 , � % 1 14 � I I I . . 1 I � (� ' I � ,� I � 1 _ . . L �L I I , �. . " , . . �� , , � L� , 1: ,; ,.....; 1-11__ I - " I. 1* '...,!'' 1-1 1 . - A,, L2,,,& -,,, L.- , �/ , AM- , L"'; .- �, � .4ft 1 14�1i, " N , �.&& ki..._ - I- "'­ ".'­�: I ,M"L- I'm Mi