The Goderich Star, 1900-01-05, Page 31, 7.7 707
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44*1 44 $7 Jew, *aftuoxo.
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Noolwwiagirrs"_ Algae witiligo so" RIO t treoll.
IVA *4 wiislilg,siry MJ4 t1soft- THU FARKM velf it dromd.
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y A LION TO G Ott T', Alt ]ROU, ;E usswiliosk a" vxxisww, WO(Alillork
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P; mttt 01., 4,w watv oy "hiriki, soll,
tho "" - I**,,, 1kor, It, pr*
Tlk Utto *%w* at t* for* Shows OW -P. OOM *0** issiMilsNy J#jo#" graltilIgg,
so$,* *am, t V0,44" a #400011'' i better thV4
To, #Tw illviltrt 0 YW4 **a
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Tottlp�419ns of Men,
wastibilo Asir
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g-,41444 �490k* v*14, gllosisoo$4 W a" '40 44 Jere' 04 This, soaxis"a milltor 444 =$Utbo
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klommip ry 0A. �04,f
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*a Q*#koot` twiil mak 4
1, 0,40.004 0001,00 aull' *00, him, 0411,161100A, Now U to -it, Basic tup,i .04 94,4 balttegi
�t F'010$0$�"4900 to ft L"Mod R014 It,
�ft B-4 -a ir ZtA * #plapapt 9t oplitti. witor: in Illis WOXX,liatll,
A11111.140 441441� ff4t`1411140 47411114,' All' _111ago"Ot Chrot - ba.%P m 1.0#00r9tfitt, Ori*i fliet �)Mratlog IL #a that 9.)(31 Other
'tly Oro siog *9 iy tjla xmtqld,rIim,: 0
"Do',47ft Hablt� Of MCA -TAC 'Dr, yreiao a *10`4 4 M44 v kaov gr.' I omp . at and
bo w1*
#t. 9010"s it x lqk d sxlgtik-�
b. aor ttbA Tesbolilti be OR. llboWA. near llb# ll' This Is V 6 Jb0zinging the peakill
V,4*or *UX Awig _bUt
ot the _0104 *t# to; smaI law".is t" ot lowor till dan-
their '0A t,
tco 04 #qfs MA" Cry, W a - Aegis.' it, t lie this
4risislai in t qttls,� #p
to 'h add W41114W to loay* tbAlf fig IP404, LIU pr _Qrt doe in
10.1446 orcatbttlL 004 the ur bX andrtok%xi toy J4104.4 cges*r Was! POW- R, cheolso. 904 Out' lcuo"OU a 41D
--t 'Igo work,, atat *4 -,bdt, Im tho nature Of the cosp, A440 4
AUpptuo. who wax fac t a44 oo texoppout"I f'*OotArd,
fought IwIth, Raft We b1yo 94LLV V or, IX0 iill ; , halt:; V VOW ;Pqato
Upwt or' Aii hit 46ar to has
6 1 )10�4
_tg sit or xv. $3, � t4rbld 'kl4* rpi xg qut �,y 9 in ;4 At is too X& z444# outer
or vlatloo WW
t Wt. 4,
abou lied, moo act gilt* capacriticto,% a1*446 Wa %rlo eoij taxations. CUApt. arolsoub, The too titA4, ot,,94ry thtt xrrixt4ror 04f .P.p0j*j W Vp, ii;O 14 the chase. Half
tul101st� Y Old IS
fer it's t10 b% to' tod vo that We and the rO94t4Pd` fat Mr Lot, J`9.sr1S' AN ap rniluy eggs As w a,00494 "Lir' iiii 1 �4
lAgatified, witb PublI41 his, be bog*o, P1417 vala but t,'Jill hlsq'4$roat A, aIrlid 9f'Wittle j4#jty ggo, a gallant young
- I name is not 0194091494 AOT 011444 the xer4itlnJ.4g i im !V,4140 yorta
ith a ter-
tk in generally to twelve AlfAter wil$ a Awto
is gallerx I Rio vyyto ore on us, Ali 44 quIrIAUg. who 1 bo 14 proeumod
fAt ou* iflist-ah prograMr, to
Uotlan't tArt 0 with us. are 741A p4olic, into a- ha0: Mw
by the p, bond will, 40, at to hgvis r .4994 mr. I among be moun-
the *100 try of our Lord be oted to hava, been goy which 140 thus describes;
Vor as' sea 4plirl
itbO MO.4ut Qf
OX 00 *0940-9- 4:
or throlugh to all they who oy�la twice. for four'yegris or so pers and willo them until' tit v J��A,
Afro I!, tore B, Q, 1, again from A. D. 6 al itgaid, o, 'I lace the ingello Uright and oblulag, Cot ff te tV$, 4449liA we
put their trust 11 A atioald nver in. jKashmir Bad lost nil
00011, tuUU04, You arm 14 9 taw 4101tirg -1 look 4110WO4. to sta" to A gt t , I , a. or h, - the 4,pN q scoop out the peelisall till with OkQil� It qco Ar 0i ingInto te Wardwan val
gAt 44o)4st fal.107 �r�o. r him. tor ReverIll TOM, aayw-4 el�% w1lerel t P hot qun
sit add lip, * - There the it allit oxrt tatton ]t
few: 2410*04 wonitallig, one of hot swun the 00 At t#.% $rate Of, 3, To be taxp HEALTKO at or f -4 #V,, t 'tbq .00,11P rge-horued ibox.
anglillotl pod celery,, ii -Axed with. Mayouic,400 'nek 64, It. Milt Ion b0400. lois, lonlaust torthe, n
. � . ter t
l3de g ago .4 of -the Jae it add
I;- tht% auto 3"Izek'OX flaw. RLP', Into bib own city. This wav according �bff utuftllpg 14 =44b, of wip.a ript go 1A thRit m
hold ag't a th. as of Gad, Add from idrepstug. 9pa er,, $,.over fcqk;
�Atr we* all under allow,
rains, of the VQ building which I took way, for tbo a plendoil 19 odtm, far Hiabrwa were criAbia �awell, aeasclue. , the' oo elither Qt t4 'he 'w op.
wholo bread eso bitl,4 Alrild got 1140 alluded to fall for Bey
r4fe. Carl che Ic and will be A I.A, $0FOR DAIRY USZ
We havo aft" spoken of the Assets- WjiQrm, there is over o ikt,' 'COW obliged to remain
ci . You
1 4 farxIll . Here are the guard- Alwayst anirplied first by bribes, Man, erql 44yo we wero
*Wg�ffo,eruad yon, In. circle. I'll. 400 1 at to a art tio 946, .4 MAt6ft will ignite, the Val -
a 4414 Wray ,he was
at QUO WatChefl IL Pat" b households. Rome had quite-othor alty of broaching intloperly, it the body Cream Clirckoul.,1DA, OhIc as. 9
y ke 0010 fumoo OX4411 Ujo as a Vverg rr.;ptic4I broader of Qowo irt.dpors. 4 urg
14 W arous, �wbara the combat ads eon
ninalcisn, amused the
0 gought, or the race run,* and at 0 been 4tilas CA soul a j niothoda, but it we* P--= Valley.' to is to be kept in the beat pq4gible health 044-bariar in, full blast WO make wiflorot4itdi that bread Is not All a apleadi
IVA u eattieads. boiled separgtel"in 'War
Tito 0 1 All these are incomes- subject nations. gad so In collation to resist thin oil- aw y reltOrliltidt this Cali- that le. rp.quirell, to tasks 4 good QOw Legere by 'playing his violin to them-
athe seat Rise, tior a ov ter, a little salt, �tboa chop, togotlier;
at 8 out, and we
a It 4ti Tliflne drove the sitan, V 4- J9$ePb. Almost 0,11 that ws know tacksf disease. The subject, however. tic Q41r 11 ly A week PARA" th far the Breed to IMportant, as, s
6hall see fit season with salt, epper artill a large 0o' -p One. 5 "Ifewhore. to not aeriquoly
a on the illoccs. T41a turn- about the foxter-father of Jesus to that is of such vital importance, aw re a as use of 040 or the gives. the Otart in the riot direc, bVqrctjRoveraI avalanches BILLping down
tiall; you, count forty elovativita, eo Be chorlb's living boats lamp of butte; and a cup at orelllu* b res,
Into a he was a carpenter of Nazareth. of the especially the prevention of lung dis- thiLkell With flour and boil akt togeth- otho - tion" whether fOr milk or but -ter fatai %yere Luuch
Jowlitch oat the eeriatanw, the heAp one hundpoll' And olgbty-fiv6 I the mountain. our Me ust Bay
I titeas co Those, -yonder, house and lineage of David. City of Na� eages. that no apology noffill be after- er, stirring constantly. Serve VAIo A wrktor mentions that cases of ln� Bik the breeii Is Itself the result iorY tolverillo Lo going out, and" A
trit4m, 41k44 the twenty-five thousand weal hot.
client 4 the C14ristmas. carol over Zeroth. city of David. These two ad for returning to it. teAsO 11411110A May Often his reliOvedv largely of l9%g and careful feediug�,(hbugklt they were right. lluw8v8
Coitage Pudding -One cup of Wilk. wblan-all other lusaaa kil, by , Ittia election, we
4%01to.4 *060tkitore. At the Rifles of Bth)'ehquit until the, client awake the towns were eighty miles apart. Of all the sustances utilized laths U oi and care, combined wlith the a
I toulach a bit Wray In a jocular tone, said
AAd-under the callorles are she herds, These. at creation, stood.-Jfritailb's journey was toilsome, but he maintenance of health and life, done Qua. half ecip- Of sugar, AOJ�() aggi, tWO filiectly Upon Lhe 8 IWAX5 OLf the animals Which show the JunIted This settled the matter,
ivilich tbo'lloviii find tigers 114 ( balcony of 4Rveq, find fleron.. un I.,wruug out in the very coldqst
tblespouitifuls of melted butter, one
a the now -bum V9rld wrapped in uveaunder a despotism, and had no to so absolutely indispensable its Oxy- Av to possib.o; then with a towel, greatest tendency to produce altber a adfi out wa went.
ower sifted aigAlspt ;,without t9od,,until, frousiall a addling-olothea , of light. - Ind choice; and he way bave had his full Van, and this to taken in with the air teaspoonful of b4iug p over the atomach and abdo* large hmount, of milk or that which to We proceeded up the vaiiey about
t they are lot with one pint flour. Bake half all Men. mompi;t the tcwel eilomas I
WAtA bu4iler apd. thlres Local hailer and mightter than all, to share of pride in going back to the we breathe, whether we rectaiv extra rich in oream, But these ten- aev'en
't Upon somet poor 0 R Gul- hear. and serve, with liquid Banco dry change it far another, miles along the banks of a saint
victim, Who, with a ael, the archangel.,, birthplace of his royal ancestor. Be- tioieat supply and never rom ttia feed giv- I
Almond Blanc Mooge-Ounce and a let the Mriet beco w rinf but ee hard
Tbou t a arena be eowded with or not depends entire me a itp denotes come mainly f rivor, which divided the mountains On
ta�owqrd�oAd alone, is condemned t tIDMP(a 1008. We $hall With the 01196110 aides, it is likely that this journey ly upon how and where we breathe. t a feed be not continued with hotil aides of It. We Raw a title
I think that Paul himeel them down In the zame for enrollment was combined with one But the supplying oxygen is not half of g-latilt, one quart of new Milk, another piece ready to replace it, all ibex, butin LiOnBBLLUence of
heof our t God, and leap on thisir fallen the only fatioLion, sit ougli it is the a little rose wat4kr, a sinti of male
once stood" t at the instal journeys which every year lieed nauses that no other moans giving tendency is very quickly drop- the heavy snow we were nable to
in such a place Lind tb t 1 11 It% �11 � blade - of This is a imple remedy. and has re- equal care In other respects the milk-
caroasmeal Obelading1broagoftiright anotted almonds pound -
It WAS Dot, male Rebraws were bound by their re- breathing. Thorough expanaica at the I filed eat,, and attar one or two gea- creep round by a circuitous route and
only figurative . but it- I most direct and vital one, of proper cinnamon,. 12 W
1hata L angelic tuners, 'and swift Wings. find, ad very fine, a -little lemon peol und
oftill, that be bad "fought with b lightning foot I t bull you, to -day, I ligion to make to Joruaale%. cheat ontaires the proper tilting ofthe 0 orations, the descendents became 'PoA, staill; the hard from above.
*4 ago wltb Air, dilates all the min- sugar to nat, Sook the gelatin in WOUNDS THAT'WON WIVES. ' lit ij�od
train the dust and struggle of the 5. We must assume Mary, as well as In shunter' sibly mere hopeless for Mi u& So we four spread a blanket in a
wte, at all togaillor until disaoived add strain
The goim-day ban come. Fr4m all arena I Joseph, to have been directly descend- r relle, especially thesis at the the milla for tw , a, boars, then tion than good native stock that has ravine next to where the ibex were,
tuts I I It In, and 1, see ts gallery summits of the lungs, wbore� motion - itb boiled Par$ TkaG 11110 ligoilles Us% F
/ing i I into a mold. Serve cold w layed at Love
word Lba, POOPI f th"W'pT.tis ad apostles. Who Are ad train NAal; David. Espoused [a least and where the Booths at son- always been well kept and gives a, and silt down close together uNn it,
IBetrothal I. but day was As bind
to, Verona, Uetr� woman, a" ub ,a o9t fair flow of milk throughout the year. keeping ourselves warm.
the.,, Z y ones up yonder V L fforlea, Aiumption are usually first planted,
ir", Qratora'And senston, great 11113 and a marriage Is now. and increases the circulation of the Fig Qlake-One Lind one. half core Not long-ap a young fellow. of good dis.
Jeremiah, and Daniel. find Isaiah 7. Her Llratborn son F rin this blood throughout all parts of these, sugar, or the re- , Ly wB heard a noise like
and Paul, Add Peter, and ohn, ana one * halt cup butter, family thdUght'to assuage the papgs v tant thunder; then spray and stones
4mall, "uo&nds upon,'thousands. James. Glorious spirits I Y6 were howl- phrase and Another, " ille brethren of half cup sweet milk, one of disappointed love bthe . active do- arsion Of a superior breed to some followed. our man tiailad out, 'An
come, ntil tb� firm 4 1 full, the Lord" It hall been red, Still another effect of proper breath. distant and inferior t the an-loyalanche is fallingl" Although If
ye Were atoneri; yo were spit ype in
rtle, Lrtb ad at Mary hdA other obildj Ing is a beautifying one. The cheat is an Idler'li Ufa. He at:
g 'itfor t"at
Q44 the second; the thir . be,, ter; d one half odpa flour, two tea- ties.Of a so disted. his
I They have been In title fight I but neither terin, acoirding to the core. oonfuls - bking powdi5, one 'be; en fully explained. had seen several fall, this seemed to
cup cornstarch, whites of six eggs. ca, . 4nd was among those that oppos In ordinary breeding it Is
too littli .. all the way to thal twen- 7t.0.11 selves ; and they Are tall with us. Men speech of the East, proves tbls.,l broadened the shoulders art) thrown API regiment Was ordered to South Afrl- mpected me quite different, more like a land -
back, the figural is etroot and the car- slip; It covered a breadth of at least
tleth. elk the wo itholltlilirtleth, Daniel knows all about Ilona. Paul The "brethren" way have been calls-! Bake in two lay'ars and fill with that the excellence of the parents, as one hVndred yards, three or foul' hun-
fought with beasts 4A Ephesus. riage gracelul f'8 ad the Boars at Glencoe. Not many
all the way. up to Ill fortieth. Every In the ancient amphttheatre, the peo- Ins. Wrapped him In swaddling clothes. hours later the yov well also as their defects, will appear dried yards long, and fifty or sixty feet
.1 Perfect brisaithing Is not naturaFto filling. Clasp one pound figs, add one'
plce Is fille& 10 alty of auditince ple, got &is excited that they would Rallied him up In long pieces of clot most men and women of sedentary oc- tAlf cup sugar and one cup Water!
IF',, ag lady who had
a - bass the cause of )its leaving home in their offspring. But it sometimes in depth.
sweeping tbq gra. circle I sileacal about from the galleries to the man in which bound the legs tog ther and the oupation and indoor life. Like all good slow until soft and amooth; spread be mass, like a small the arena: " At it again I" " Forwarill" arms close to the body. This barbar- things, it niust be Worked for ; and tween the Laydrs and lea the whole be so whollyl This enormous d
read his name among the list of happens that a oalf wl mountain tearing with it frovits a
litest has come. I ous oustom prevailed in Europe until 00
Thl time unlike either ' parent as almost to earth, moved toward us much t
,a,,, One more stroke I" r 'Look out I" "F all the work must be persevered In until cake with boiled icing. wounded, and was so horrified at he
'40 less than two centuries ago. Manger. full and deep respiration has become Lobster Croquetittia-Two cups fine-
;rA al t3cla a a forth the victim back P " Huzza I buzza W So in that result of her rejection. of her lover create a doubt that it could be the. quickly for us to get out of its wily
int tW, art U� Let him his sword, gallery. prophetic and apostolic, they Ion. The Inn was probably a caravan a habit. it. The whole
Wia firm gri late his right baud. I sary or "khan," an inclosure of four The means of obtain ly choped lobster. one saltepootful that, am offspring of their union, In most cases i by runn-ing down bator t oat ural.
Daniel cries Ing this%objeet Itten with remorse, she at once I thing looked weird and sulie
Yonne. accepted this result is produced by excitement
cannot keep their peacia, walls with a alled around the Inside, are vartafus and cannot be recounted salt, one of maatavil,' a trlfle: ca telegraphed bar regret and beath stared us In the face. oij our
tkillusand, sit breat)-,- out: " Thy God WHI'dolivol, thee from Into whiah Inclosure each traveller here, but they are all based upont the Mix with one,-oup, cream Banco. Mal" hich
the mouth of the lions I", David ax- him for her husband. Let us hope that of the co-wls Imagination during the
right side there.was a precipice,
"b" tw"Ut
at.0 g. I hear the dia. fit He will not suffer thy foot bzc9ight his own bed and provisions. principle of removinfro parmanealIX InIO croquettes, roll in beaten egg add
ance of cracker orumbn and fry in hot lard.
such a pretty romance will reach a period of gestation. A good cow is al- out off our escialle in that direction. arena gate open. -at Into the open square in the middle every obstacle to the a entr ways nervous and excitable. U she Op our left was a vpry %vLdo I rack,
0 to be moved 11, Isalah icalls out: "Fear horses and cattle were driven. Man- happy consummation, which separated usfrom aahouldcr of
filoi half-starvell, lion, his ton. not I I am with thee I Be not dismay- gors or feeding troughs In Palestine air into the lungs. A young artisan proposed to the sees frequently, while hearing a"calf a mountain large enough to protect ad 1" Paul exclaims: " Victory through School children sitting at their desks, DOW Eff.VId RECIPES.
16tZ at for blood, and with a rciur als Qf bar own species that ar'
our Lord Jesus Christ 111, are usually of stone. Many sermon clerks bonding over their ledgers, Corn Bread, -A change in. the dally daughter 'of a well-to-do Birming- anim us trorn'the approalblag avalancle, if
Inga all the galleries to their have been written and sacred mange seamstresses at work with the needle tumatious- extremely unlike herself, may impress we could .4timp the cLamull and get
I look again, and I see the gallery of menu is eaperLally grateful to the jad- ham tradesman, and was eon shelter under it.
sung concerning the melancholy fact or the sewing-machie, type -writers. a themselves upon and be repeated in
teat, a ruallas again he the niartyrs. The great throng of the that not only in Bethlehem nineteen and all who must stoop as 'they earn ed palate. Try for breakfast a corn ly shown the dool, by her par uts. In I pointed cut to vvy comPailloulf Our
martyrs I They had not load ponred her offspring when It Is born. In most
orrahatant. Do you know tioly hundred years ago, but in countL"as their daily bread, should learn to BtOP bread made after Mrs. Terhune's re- a fit of desphir he joined the Army only"c!jarmp of esoaps; by thie ithia
a, atroke a loan will strike down their threats, horses were fastan- hearts now, there Is no room for from time to time. sit back in the chair, time
ad to their bands,and other horses to cipe. One cup each Of corn -meal. and served through the Afghan earn- oases, however, the tendency, is inter- the avalanon. had qpproached w
boulders, and nal, and is shows in lati-ened railk fi;ty or sixty %oea of us.
9*ml. a his life depends Upoki the first their feet, and thus they were pulled Jesus. or, rise. throw back the a pailga, where he was so badly ound-
8. Country here means vicinity or draw in ten or twelve deep, slow in- whits Or yellow, and of wheat flout; yields when the halter ealveo have be- I led the way, made a spring for My
t of his bladell The wild boast, apart,; they had their tongues pulled ad 'as to necessitate a re-entrl into
breath fcsr had a cup of white sugar, two table- life, Islided safely on the side of the'
lfeout by red-hot Incers; the neigbborhood; the reference Is tothe spirations, holding the come -cows and cometo tAe rallk Pell. chasm and crouched under the helter
lea*,strid, bleeding, stings back ad up In the sklus of anime pasture fields around Bethlehem. three or four seconds each time the 8PO-fL'ls Of butter, two egg.i; one.cup civil life. Unable on account Of his But where the reversion to inferior
Cf the hill, vi-hish was only three or
8h ards. The high hono of roceiv- lungs are filled. GL milk; two tablespoonfuls Qf baking Injur f
wisrA the aide of the arena; than, thrown to the dogs; they were dau a, ePh r y, to follow his old occupation.
ue Iways
ing the first nows of the Saviour's These exerolses, like breathing In powder and, Is saltsponful of salt types is shown in form, it is a our penes from the side I jumped on.
rollyIng his w*uIng strength, be comet; with combustibles and set on fire I And he 'obtained the post of attendant on
s or In the ruartyr'a birth is given not to philosophers or general, should always be done with Aull the butter and Sugar 'together, we thiuk, accompanied in the breeds Looking, round, to my horror, I saw
-h flerogr eye and More terrible I aim invalid gentleman, who, -on his de- other
up *it i nobles, but to plain workingnion while the mouth closed, for the noes is the add the beaten eggs, the milk, then that are beat for in", with interiority! my poor friend Wray and the
to be gollary. For them. the fires of per-, plying their vocation. DialLinotions of only froper channel for the passage the meal and flour with which you cease. left him atiffiviont money to buy two men dashed forward by the ava-
roar than ever. only f in this respect. We have seen one or I
driven I secution have gone out. The swords ar
art, its nothin n the to an ro of the air. A school-tachor have sifted the baking powder and a shatre in the business of )Ja
rank find riches the very two, all neba, and buried under a mountain
I^0k With A fatal wound. while the sheathed, and the mob hushed, Now eyes of God. Abiding in, the field. In who will interrupt the studies once salt. This quantity'wiLl Make a doz- mga who sometime before. d have heard of more cases, of noyv. My dear old servant, Abel
coldtlatant comes In w1bh stroke aft- they watch as with ea. all Observing J ac -
where cows of fine dairy form and Kh n, who had all the nerve ani
or flitiftfl, uAtil the monster Is dead a gripathy. They know all the pain the Ortaut shepherds sometimes rem -every boulir through the session, and on muffins or two small loaves, and HAD REFUSED Him if ne- tivity of an Ibex. could have jumped
the �hand of his daughter, but who br4ed, and mated with animals aE
at -big feet, and the t five thou- a I the hardsht all the. angulgh, all main with th ir flock nil night, land- teach the class,to do this breathing will be liked by
I-Ver"Land utter the injustice, A th. prifit.tiart. They, ally In temporary huts or booths. exercise, will be cositributing more sweet earn bread. ly. tokmed as themselves, have dropped the chasm, but the others were in his
a.pltopia ciAll their Zia
cannot keep still. They cry Cou)r- now was only too qlad to reconsider calven that showed from Lhe first the, way sl h ncaster
0 shout that Makes the city tremble. Spite Cake --One cup molasses, one
Keeping watch. "Watching by sea- than she cian ever realize tothe future
ifle, on bill back,
-a from well-being of her youthful. charges. his determination.
ace I The fire will not flonatitfut. The tione," to guard their book beefy form that stamped Lbe:r 'a r
aSometimes, the auidlauce came to mes own. The Itoom cannot robbers and wild beasts, and keep cup sugar, one cup soqr milk, three d he hought haunts me to this day.
gladiators floods cannot dr During an engagement in the Fran- as only good for the butcher,
a i%to 1 sometimes to aso VS. Had he had a fair tan, he would have
fAO',ht'iAoh other, until the audience. devourl Courage[ down there In the them from straying. OLIVE OIL BEST FOR HAIR� ' cups flour, two-thirds cup butter, worthy trying to raise lor DON
U. The angel of the Lord. The life of co -German war, a Frenchman, named In most cases the inieriorky of i saved his life by clearing the chasm
ip"eignUte for the fallen, turned aroua Christ on earth began with angelic To the well-groomed woman the zero three eggs, teaspoonful of soda, one of Pinat, was left for dead upon the field, calves to their dams as milkers results as I had done, although it was a big
Coo loves, one and a half at 'clansman
theik- thumbs 0own as an appeal that What, are they All looingt This Leading the cow oil dry and all-; JUMP -
announcements Of his coming, we$ fit- of her hair is a subject of paramount
and a quarter teaspoonful at nutmeg. where he was found later by the Gar- from
tritioua food whLIe 8136 IS hearing her I ff3v this time Puttoo Khan, brother
lines %the cotribat was .A Ith wild I they give, and err, " Rall I sells and cipie to Hake lu. layers, and put together With mans,*who having, that him life might Abel Khan, who had been. left to
t -b -Va4qutsbod be splarad. and some- I night we answer back the salutation' tanee. with angelic ooinforters.In his importance, and every now re 0
t temptation and his, agony, and ended I young. This is much Less comakon.arn,l
besets. d&ughatra of the fire I" with angelic messengers of his rising povent It from falling out, to keep J011Y. be saved, smprutak�li both legs, bore ng iarmers than it used to bb. We I watch the ibex about a quarter of a
10 qua of the Roman amphithent'ri- I look again And I see another gallery wave, To Cook Dry Lima Boans.-Wamb him away prisoner Late the P-therland. can wall. rectiontoer when many farm-, mile to our left, came to the cave in
and asoenslob. Came vXon them. "Burst In the necessary condition of
c4 audlinoosial one hundred thousand that Of eminent Christliins. What Upon them," a mudd A appearance. The of dry Lima;,beaas in, warm HeFe he attractea ibe,gotice of a rich era thought it mattered little how which I had tak,,31 shelter. Hebad
6 fluffiness and generally well cared one quart
ptopto Paul refers whou lie says: We strikes me alrangily In tha� mixing in ggrX of the Loirld, "The light of Gad.,, witnessed the whole occurrence, and
uship at those who it ' for apilpearanoo is hailed with joy find Water, soak three hours, draw, and put vided she
about by a great OQMPRni imalftli Apparently a supernatural illumina- widow who mournela the memory of a POOTly a cow was Led, pro had m4eohlip brother 1:13ed. He cried
aff'4iliii. T arl them to cook in, "ter enough to co was not actually starved, the
cloud of witnesses." The, 31ract risfet,! eoutd I see, Mart k t104, mch tie had, accompanied cariler immediately tested.. husband hono velour against the two, three and after, four mouthA that most pliteously, lamenting over the 64 the Utat'ile,351iffe 15madot to Luther, and beside Ittin
Oman, ()at - massages from God. The Hebrew pro- Some well meaning persona have er them, Bail an hour anka half, or Austrians t few years previously had the cow went dry before her next calf toas of his broth3r apd myself, who he
ollo, who looked beyond the supoksti- photo taught that God mikes light sworn by kerosone, and many easily till tender. There should be Water
Lit'aloewitore, having dI8OUmXQC% entailed a sim.lar mutiladon. S6ati- Wis dropped. It is no wonder in those thought was.killed also.
only alloug days that, It was difficult to mase
t, I take now Paul's favorite Idea tions of his Oburoh,a 4 is maved� Theira his garment, and dwlls in light which perouaded women have 'tried it, a Left In them to make a dreas- I ouiled out: "Puttoo, fate has been
line t -j'athhou With sclilt-gild meat begat lo�,e, &nd when the war hartl Upon, us I I am safe -I"
eas aolabat. Is Albert Barnes, an argUnd hild the men ago approach. Sore afraid. to find themselves A nutia 6 0 the Ing, Wrle-a dads spring calves, nor
1i:rtabytery Who tried bn far, hotero-, He soisinqd,bewilderled and cr'ed rut:
+'14oAtt Is that o"r,-, Christian loan gFeared a great fear." So had trt3mbl-
family while the ."care" Willa in pra- pepper and stir in a tabl"p9onful of awas ended Pinot became the widow's that it was fouud that the fall- droppled
dogy I Youder Is Lyman Iketiber and ad and Zacharias and cess, and in the end obliged to ailan- flour rubbed smooth in.t-�yq generous second choice. . - ; "No, VO.0 Are OP1y the sprit come back
4% Aaa *a fight. YOUrs Is a k bad, 'the church court that dongtinti Mary r �hings being equal, a to tell me I My baloved brother and
torrlpft. , IP46 " ell 9( the arennhave ed third I at, the angel's coming. B von the don its use from the. very disagree- tablespoonfuls of Itutter. IRdre A certain non-caminiasioned officer) better producer than one that* tvas
Stranger then fill, there Is John Cal -
I ant hearts become conscious of unfullcl- our young sallib are gone-"
opened, an. this tior has came vin and jralutia AriolatusfWho would Able, after effects at the treatment. difference in. the dry hands we &t,. -whose slim proportions hid evoked tIle born in spring.
nose whe God'a mllasongers are be- All authorities on the subject of her SOme cook sweet and -tondat 1, Others conlem-0- of her. WJiom lia would bRv6 This silo, enables greeii food
00 to' d fore them,
dolr �yqur goal, It has later. have thought that sit so
YOU Tith raWny is wound, You 'lovingly t6g6ther I ilt & George. Egptian 08inPaigu fter but Lute tato sl?r,ng LU succulent
doctoring agree that 'the haturat, oil were Apparent� nearer rfpe and ra- fain called wife.'received such t-govere, to be kept not only through thi win- THE WORLD IS SHR'
W. Fearliat. Itiestrailgebowoon- of the hair, judiciousli, augmented by quire longer mooking add are less like witfund, during the, INKING.
nit time and agal' Wbl� field, and blabb1pi whow6lild
stanti Gad and hial messengers have an rtificially applied at be of the fresh bealls; when done, that. active service Raw him no more. fairs, has probably done more to make
bo, I il� t ktroulath of GO -4 yal" have acIvis It baek. r let him eame"Into their pul#ttif ad to quiet tool burned -fears. "Fear material benefit in pir 41X,.1W'g luxur- But it is art ill wind that blown no one Vbis ible the g;qw,ag of,good cows for Stemarl and UnIllroads Have
ly ho' because they thpught him it fanatic. any good, for the sedentary life that it thad, any other improvement in )Jllqlo Tinerm Ainnile.r.
not, Abraira,". 6 said, in inlaty An- kanti gloss tresses And prevent the HOW TO AMUSPs BABY.-
116*10 y0a Will Conquer think that There are the avitoo tiuity; t shield and thy ex- long nds rom splitting and the hair he Was now obliged to lead was so farMirUlt. But ito get the beat reSI41to
1116 J6MPt4tt0d In 00t0aff Weaker and Moulgaid6fly Charlen''Wfieley Inaeo man by "Pear not. from flli 11 roik the a! to the cows must have war As nvigatiors ltrow It, thek world to
Vou, he qeotlins root reward." ng out, for the reason that Anything that will Amass the ba.�y conducive to thelorMatibil of adipose f in friant mat-
" IRIV014. it so many Watts and kl�s. Sigourriny. 't blla*- It (flod hath heard." "Fear not, the, roots are properly nourished, or keep him comforiale to a gf;�t tissue that he rapidly found favour While shrinking. o the nainipc
quarters, and a
6, Prospbot lit" that it; sift haa bad no music before they went in the ladyta, sight arldwithin the year iving milk to keep them always in ter of miles it remains about what It
titu halt at di.- peace be Arl.tber reason why some good oil alp, to the mother who has entire
'Will 4110, alld i64*Aftil I* the victor, , uA they tvauld have started the sing- an"to t6e.41 "Foar not Zacharias, for should, lie carefully applied to the. become A happy bridegkoom, thrilty condition, but not - fat. It in. has been, but stesm and railroads have
thrOURb C111rik. Coutage brotharl Do, 11JR, And there, the bantl qt' in Stan- tIV prayer, ia�heard." "Fear not, recta of t heir is the asteAsity of charge of the holisework opid the chit- A certain otfic6t, much courted by much easier to regulate the grain ra- I caused it 'to shrink until it is practi-
let tho madii of t Areas Arlulk arlem-DavId Abriel, talking of it is with
Mary. tar thou beat found favor with keeping the scalp loose from the head, dron. It Improves the dismosition of society, A Perfect Patigon for good, tion wLth ensilage than dry Ically twenty-one times smaller
your isoul'I' redearoed, and John Sout1dor, of Inflit God... "Feall not, trombArig women; and, by this medus permitting the us,- the little one and greatly lightens her than
looks'and velour but of very limited fodder.
means, sighed alter the diudItter of Aiter-the calf Is bard, if it allows to 1500-
yo,0 1140 lit iU pAistilia 16ir strong Raved; and David Brala%k of the Ab- ess, which was crucified, Is, no(here; tual oil of the hair to d6urish it 3 work. Piece a
You ' Wdy� � Wive dobtanded 1 oAginta ilvangolized -, an Mrs. Adonl- he is risa% as be said." "Fear not. nature intiladed It should. bright-colorad toy, or a noble hcaso,'.to Whom. however, he fairly the characteristics that mark I Magalhoons, or Magellan, never
olust it twaty Ceara; but it is eal hero be oan med it aever dared breathe. his lovei About gbad dairy breads, much as small
49' J , Judson, 'Whose or"Yermt for Out- Paul�, Gd bath gl"n thee all that mail It has boon found that the beat piece Of cloth W really got around the world in 1519.
RU01111M Of bOdY. #44 lirst -of tbrigue. I mah took heaven by vlaishce IMI theati 'ne I
f -J, ' ' ' - &h #, head thin dock With broad chest and
X6MUY6 4164.10, tight ee wfltb I Ohillatletais itire lookingAuto the aretia, u4th thee." Good tidings News of pureart oliveDil, purobseled at some ;;! without straining his eyes. tie he lies this tu
bouafiso he was killed by Filipinos near
pardon to sinners, sitivixtion to men. llal;L16 grocery or Uallan -Warehouse or, In his- crib, allowing ano, 0 WAA W1TI13l!,'4USSIA a wide escutcheon, it Will ranks prob-�
b) Vbottle Rb'4 �*4ii � ide nothlig1to thetral Do bject to! re- btok out, and oult hbro& went With Ably it Valuable animal. At
Pit -flask, I Ou atku a It the comilig of Irmells King, the brut in small quantiti fr. the I of theme Manila.
Is not tha it, With � vlre, in a illt's 8' as am d"g- main only h obart tiale. l It is.often
from Oe Ing of Sulan's head, the universal as, store, has till the Medicinal qualitt 0 hiq regiment to the Crimea, where he haracteristics are marked on bull. Drake and davenalsh, in 1577 nd
desirable ter tiko'bim from rOO4 tb.
o4O*.h6VtIb)6 scor. lan 10, metals, thee i'coldl they walked GtiqOalaadla toy e received A terrible wound that meant OdIveisr And if they are of, the beat' 140' kempiectively" went round the
tabliabothent Of Ulegal'ah's rule -sure- of kerosene without any of' Its dis_-
b 6 *in the ga, To all peo ' lifo-difigureplelit. rld1with British sallors, the to
oAt 4�4)cobtlk limbfroth 1 inciotmIns. Do we muff r fr - b S�r watch dairy breeds they ladiont6 Its future,
Tif*a *otip I hifirif ? They sweltefrod In tte troplos" ly tbeso are good tidle room set tilt Matlict'll we M_
orp slid. nepie. In the o1rigmal,,"thts people;" aly very little at a time, dip- As she works, ead-as A cradle 46�not On his iiettita, the ]tidy whom he bad vaide as a getter of choice dairy stock.
rqvirring originally to Israel, 'yat a Is after effects - easy to move, largoi oblong, clothes loved ',In at the milk -pro- or In, about kagellan's time, the Is.
ICUOM 00d's DO W ping the fingers into, a saucer eon -secret stitfirlit hialt Out. and It is a curiquil fk6t th
kht �SA.
610% 0 to care for t in canilinlat A" iva t1itougli Israel, its we now know, to ille tattling not More than half a teAspooll- boozer may be useti. 46, it up * ah said 'thgt� Althod h, Rho bad long ducing tendency In dairy breeds to ter In a ttifla ever two years.
test at the worl(L hilain scientist,
th 1101,40k quoy WOM snathelantff more often ttansmittid through thoi Wi Dampier, pirate,
ful at the very best all. Then maaagA dan11 a eyou likes. or If you have nb 146Wh f6dft 9 4A they took trot their Oak- ti . r ell 'oat bu ly
IL 'Unto you, .116 lis a Saviour'to ugh the cow, While author, Rod dauti I I took
ry and stim. ull falter, in the P"mot(O. the Scalp thoroughly, not letting the fanoy d6corittlotil, line It in- Qdly his boildrible ralst6itiand 66'ild
surely as to the shopbordseThe all touch the loag buds Of the Itkir, side with blue, or ahatebtuy sad a0b WtUag. 'fedra bar thd� �6nfom�ion tlko it It rlcotit Of this best eafilif in the ft,*elve yoUm to. still about the world.
to"titaf 14
tlo-llt 101 f A name given to 136th- udtil It Is workod.10 a compItitelly put In plenty to rdak;� It that they lvoxi The, mat. herdl= not be hers0ilf A gileat milk- go as kilatild Alexander Selki
blo,old hymn, only a nildviss Upt us in
Jolfista as the IbITtIllilkee of King David'. that the scalp facts allnZ, dry, - comfortabJA4 It, can ift phiatboo, ti;tdi ilia' 'h soon ajt6f*Atdm .06le- er
hall calf train the sama'adw will *the' lattise, fair y willing to be
little lRoged - bj whit Ir" us& 'Fernandez Island.
o 9jilkirs, or &tab 64, 113fiby 1�r,4 6-d *ms. fftdoill: WItIl's
nI% this proIllitiby Of Micah It 1w an- This troatment ApPplied, onto vv*oako floor, tw ;iivally be famous, as td,gettelf of g9od maroone
t Must you Its vaTrIed to the Wiest With It Shatopoo, the priaclipal, loartil d4kif tb6k- from all, the cows -he in thus ranking 'Robinsfin Crusoel, pos.
* ;I' . unced oel thia birthplace of the Meg likes a charigo &ad a
0 0 nlited With, If this ndevirty to large sihilb.
owary hads at eta�,
14 111 A Saviour., The Greeks called at of w?Aibb Is thq.Nobito of, Al*11k'0�bAtatioft is. continued back far I By dogt6tal 'it grew Nasiblo to
ty others fought,to win the pirlsiti, lob, "Saviour", dud and than washed, with hot *11tist m.0a. ulljjl,�ho This-, will'. tfi* late wse between A.*6 ord as a title. whitarcestile soap, ad aft I atifo- anawor"'tba, vuipo,ao Until elfivil bt Spain. 11flak, botobeh, %onotetions the tondond to About, the, World In sailing ships in
Or ilailed thmfh bloody sffia�f" thflr� ftLycirlte''O ill a
#dJ s01ou I kcr ijoa TopIlliay pbouts, a �lds id, hylun A 6if ab
taill; 0, ollglours dalljorer suoh as throne wator ace. 6*0 urillaity #qo WL 11'4�filf fti lubtlei is �`rbitiy iiievoksed. 04tilag, the element q
k But the world hald beguft to louir for tally Od horo-olibly flused W 'ICU, �6t '611 months bld,! 41t tha Age hef;:4 histitidnit 6-ohiltilot b4d 14 Irle, Wrilor 4airy 6pripartits OLUtit'ddo -bull red Ahd fifty days, but
Joks,aaftmod liki
It Rai hotto two wastes. Tt In fdr Activ� panda on how-th &VA,oll it ratio
Id Uttar fur- Id4o: ilio his, nh
train t a 19311QW8, takol
I t 9
L4 1psithtattia coul A it it or -0163 the hAlr ftW)� 40' 10' We. it.' sis iAi1i ik6t, 0611 * Also do 0, 61f I Itiolt. havo arouni
k4ltitileflt 'to bs, kept am a cow, is gift
-WbU*AA& _4
aMaul, 41A 410 Angola may, "Horb be ing,out, will keep It flu It, Z, iijd,40 -r*od nor. fit- Martin 1$0
XL 6A hall! wiijtl� ove'Divints,
ny tiad iA W h Pis, This Is the record,
lthfi Ple
fthet. bo'80k ilarstitar ao
"41 be called, Jsdal, for arstl 0611A "Wh6 hm� t4i of466trit
1- 0 ", toolli 0 -,xli 4
of thsill tl*
"hit dams 04 a'ThA -)bdi.h **a got tfiA 11a NAV Ifir 0&1*41 eqd Cl.thhdiAll Pacific at"mo
"IdL fr6rd inrly
Xt 1W, t t
Is 0eallift ftook their I is . 44
life i,�frelkka tottil; la, h1oftvadritti wordsit. tieo4 to
b4itit 41' luk, t1*11% t"tio. Kolpt" to P ;IZA aloo, iluto; you. t A MOU to t. It ti, - 4 ?�� I dity.
4 M
w w tit, .. a t1ow Out ad of* 'A# t 6 da,y,
*vII' 49 /* 21 days�
A $a ofta tta tb�o lrokf b
'ti � % gitalf
Is, W Aul thq',,.o _leis, early ugott, to -it Rat ib I* 04#kOfig.
004 to I&V ASS, to Wool hOt"be, oboot lk-Thm, 0 6 d
other to, b1sh 'A hkii Atill 14144A t % ''11, Rua t
Troy *64 1" taller
''I 'Aft,04 %.too sAct fillso thi, -*hwfttft OkfAlit t'46 *at 4 0 A)w Impression ()IT VbWkol e.62
In's 'af Our 06 of Nicy Ott i606d's SoM.' Ila atot , "'
b-4 Ith the L I *tt o' WWI% It `40, U'rivood buk btb, ofi*i 4 -1t iK Orl, thlm,400(ftu� his I putow
Ot *L " Will t
la%U 41, �TAW Witt' t Y. ad stif 16010, vbw', -*6flaff b.* ra
6w, bwt lboso mmlny 'at ).b SAIddut -with as at tho'" 06W 16 Atari 1' 11 had
tllfl�,IX99M 'da0pkt id, two mon , tho
b oW 40da 60, It -bifill, litibri 74*Jr 104MAl
41 '4104, W em njai yow r 1, Ike;,
ot, � A r 00A RAO; skoll Wf, ik,*ti AM Ith 'sk 04" b0*1 of# W t ill, v6dy" Thyla OL fU41 t. T46 "TIM SIM It
wtt& " " 3 041 fj " 'L L" '
vut* at 10�4. `�, 0 thitT 10W I 61 �f sk*rf"4 fi I ' )Au*4, .
LIU. Aft 1116 to Is, *106, L &0 rty it of;,f it*W6, 'a - mois
Lft i
that *,
�t All lrlfat�
ot Ow Niff UAt t t' b"01 AM11 twi, th4t, b
40 1 46y 110414 tiilf� Ittro 'Utititot" 'T ff IC -bay
ormI404" 't : :,' � - t;* Mb 10, 5' �, I to: lwotbo "box; rout m J p4w, W& i*4 kutow.t14 lor 01 t it, tilt lixt .6
Molt' t'X Ust 410j, salAitht, 1640, 40,011sta r
4,114 , C & 1� t
ljbat� �Tktt 1A, turning, *Alt by 401r4*46 yorii 60ii, mkil ''thill to it XOM, Us. 44L 4
It thit I. Aul 111till bur 1 tk 604b, obolitif to It #66 11114
aowlit, obto I
441,� "JfoMff� 4,0� 4. tA0 U 41441, *ltlil *041"At t*111, 00
"% a, child ad 'd
too, W"Id 1 1
A 404
ttisietw t tbilit al� jftfli thO fittftily� p��
-1,11it wotq,,- 4 ly I" 01alimby,polit-b J ,% , to -of. (Ilt*0'.
W"t 1116,
X#,$ ion "lux* TA AM"t,.)tlk6, 4tL&1kA0I*Idt4 I th*VR5A t a, 06
*at. 'Kip '01,
to" ft -t Aliatkift
PK 4 Va 0 Will riku" rmr th# Wbal*;; wim Ii, "Ale Aftwitis; Autlo V�,Ilth WAON 0 10:Wti ralit k
los if bA t too, "alpollim1*64
, ftu- 1111 *11"', W Ud f(hi b* ly lolftill, 0 gr - ItAth to
9t, IT14% hielt aid y1r)%, ;*A ao, Ourd wtt ftoy#,
J ij A 106t Wd 1494 W! WRO ll" , 14 -t Aoiir*l� r, bit, 004, A*t"A
041 or t ftijt #at
W), to #3 that* '(44,4 6�r VE. ral
awou4s, Wit atitilleolf boa, 11tsit"IfO44 in.
MIR, %U-1110wit )061 lW *44 . 6A 01
4rists iimf*~ *4 to � I ll � do '44 to Isubtfift, fAk*,k'*#*h In the L 1W b""ll. 2* Irtoft tbs , xMitst, �Ivk r6X0 I It tOAftols: "I A'A Y, lsk kk;j hA*4 *i �*O� A*, It 1646, 21014, 11 I'D ;%A,. it dtli at, "TO X"P 0 !�T,
+ , ",I -
if tile ill TO 1U. UW itaotioK fA t"t llil* ght oftltl
11st tkbhkft U it 16" *0
4hiletr rk 'JkV1#(', W* #W* OWA,1,04 UkAA tstfiolftOW *1LIkk 140 ftft0f W" It T ft� It *1jot it M 11�
froft - 10, t '
iff *00 rp ago Teiwi pro M 4*14, Va 91 t 1A 4* of Ok*
Isir lls A# itowto6k rolsat JJ* A*pt wrilftilim isiow thii ulu- otkitiL #At
Aksi0M*MtA tUa Als *mlit 6tbwrwW b"Ath jug o
It bol 'Tho that hissimou wuh, Igo
1111"'64t 4 ukk 4 twowit at, tho I* 1psfo�# stut tuc , . � 11.11. 6 "0171% Wit"14 11 telh
M* k0k. V"" lfsuilltrs roamum""'U" M*t#A It lot Is t **.at Miss *tUsAltilt > tu sotilout,
11W , . A"-AT&a it of b6r* A 41
4* 16W 9.411600t WX A*
&M**, h*' P#064 t0*064- *A* It 04 - 04*6 9 6
11rott, ft OOA ft fts,
VW$ &V It*
"it rim #1 Aft"411if 0.4 Ckim, sk t "*�AY Rep-%%
J*i I fst
is kN*U a# Ws 416tw 10* won '14 ft 1111111111v* r0lo* ff
. I
A, r 6"r isit, b400U1k# UAt t%W W"'t #A* 0* A"A& A*AM.
=t44 tax tuft
r q itTh
am bi wr*,Nl
ti, v tt *Vft
U 00 f%NA tislik Ob" Iftili! 0 1W g0K *0 lk"M tift I Va 111111110* to is" ftr *MIA 10 01.
-YK- 1111:11114 owV NOW #W t
U11% 4.
aft taw how 1110,