The Goderich Star, 1899-12-01, Page 6IJULTA0181 UL N SHI 4 Boll 8. 1 ",011slo ^*." It 0 M=, Dros ROM 1014P 4014S T40, JIM$ WMIX M COMA* 0AW0 49014 XMY po"M #I" 00, "4P PLAN$ nxxt WAR THX (.;*#A A04UwA, 64 110- 0 to bar* FlAgathw- P)STAX x*W t"tb,#q#P Oka to w4t A bravo XAt 4 'Roo 4 .4 voise w1arwo,pilowly Of 001144111111. CUM 41,014
or H004NO P Oft IN �." tsAWS, eitiorao A*O* 00 flow, stvw ,aesti o00or of 0# twool Ontario ftwkwxi; J)Oortg�"ti I 4 w4w f aid %giumvw 790 The IPIC;Wli OTIS A* ;%Y, IItWOVOOTgA0 WW be npbW SIA of AXUOTICJ�UA114 *41 Vo of dis re bco, 0 j;Ll# . pu�tq W q 14 0, liinwR44 PC t-4 SCUVO all which praivide, to 0-0 -.C;)DXtruVti9n, of have Whid, says04 RJR be brIlAt e hefA aw. VWWAW
for an of work. T huge $Tsila *t Utmtre'&k'9uft' a boudga 1*yor- 9wo II4,49n to the, L U" for. 0p, P-01; toiltr mrf� -ophil.ow, %, . Xt )bQ , boo nut :0. Arow;k, Said. Q. A,, 40. HOOD$ been mut No fa.; M 4 warot copt It, y- (1, vwt 04 0. ond the IQPA- lin, Its b,4wr 44(t Va wortWo Wstoxy )like. Such a lagget Army 00 old J.krbevi 4
w" be Sm t" the Scone all structiou of 1100 of Steel vessels to has beorx� sIn b641clue 4exIsm 94 C.M. jw tronOP00 10IMIA frQA; the Mer lakes tQ deed, it probably hg4 no fr poral. limp0r,4 mbred central, and eastorn, AWrIcts irtiap", in as. ,I a i. Me air jqAt tat Wha,119W, %Qr ilI00;447 4 011,44
the Canadian il-eilthO44, Sre now prac. . I tuvoo. P440t, tively, lud rom, JA544 7 cUmPleto, and In fact wI91 under bAvc, reallwed, th" afrenl7t% fem at the "Last of the very FAI, itxko- The, gtock, Wblc� is 09 t -of th Ponw# to Ww4ow ft PMROVaff� 1 way. The are W -he 0.9 st"), 144VI of WS Me" at love. chw 1404 14149 wo]Aut, 40 tA* at ft,N 9.11,6 -Tr 1crrlIcI1.1q and some of them, Will hav M,on AX04#4
tj Of OQ us X�00 a cAp*clty td Hope IWIA'Pe; Outt apilt, oq4 on4 Oda 'i*46 work APPeOx to till W91`1449 Satisfactorily, fulness and hope can be sout at the to say* ur evix" Ji ostrUctlou very Moul heacfQIA before he Steps Q to the -q_, Qft�W wiiod '11A 18�OW 110 D iuvolvvs total 444w of 44,50(1,000. trvimptirt, IS, f coron, the, gimplAtit 9f mut-b improvemoi;tt 4xving been Made 011.-ftrite" . ...... an b -construe Cautraet* SX0 W. og awarded for the 4 he has lVeR taking SUP , roost �xapo sUq4vpx& A. lta conditions and regulations W. one In-litIlan at a flCet of a dozen grain advotatne, of the 41licovery that it Buller"a tio By A Most tugewoul &rrelug campaign, his looking to the Safety and cqrg ...... is deala"red "it man Who Mont 99, t4v 10he to oAtirQ butt I* prt of 0. S. Barrister, Solicitap a carriers, autl thesti alre to be teady by h left atift force jaust ba taken from Bug, out cut of a-0,0biong sv4 of wood . as is tb 4 WA, 4 not sent at the operative-* d4rWg late yvars, This Drolifts or 44 prots. blle. Ito. 011111c --cormer qu I COX* . land, six tho"and MU a So "tit on it I's G 016 ovi the Ille the faltl ox IM, 00 tbatl tileyl may take, oil lawayt hy 16 ost, with amiliai
Ipg�ggpWty, tI at 00 ", icast one ime.sodkii'trviii the wires--a.vou an eighteen to tweAtr day' WC t ra tof these ally t part iA that x0asuals operations. Each: thou b b )y for is formed WICII iiidli rati?,dity., hpart of employer* genes at carry
0. JOHNSTON. vessels will cost frow #150.000 g 0 It the 1110134. the averap trarApti;t. 64clutd be do- Whole at the joneqvi ue014ag only out the 14 to do it a V fairly. and complaints as at .. &a. -1 - - aide to
tea strook M and to aimpasious Will be land his mllitgr host, to, Is brjek NaAd.,�aperja stI to 9M I Tho "goted-bys"' 6 tologralpit craze , g and pol,ob,ng In to It's violation' have not been 60 name! 11111. IMD by 0 feet. It to tiqderstitod, that' abrawdly quos DEVOiRED BY CANNIBALS, y "A by home expolft, Ott order Ao fit It. for 4gxvIce. arous. The age of children employed b4giss w1th the very first extra troops Port Filixablitbo Port A,Ifrod nud_ East r The Construction of the barrel is is a obroulo OAMPION, Q. Q. Barrister. Solicitor, the Bertraim Shibuilding Company of! w difficulty, as it in fre- Crews or Tea SkIPA 11% &be 111[clIq P g.a.tarr, &L. Offico--over USTI$' Drus ho Left; but lately the Spectacle bits London, or even part at pirban. it Mr.. arich, Money to I"n- onto ban received the Dun., become one to be witnessed; by tbe conaldorably more oomllicatpd. Thr��:Poatly impossible to get information Blau 14101n. means from one and a hall tract for building six of the philosophical observer; and an Satur- as to the subject. or prevent misre- 3FTUS . DANOZY. Barrister, Solicitor, pr at ke. Procter in Ma. in (?;.k I to three 14ae-Metford barrel is made from a despatch from Norfolk V%,, dozen now !taamers. Of N the do� Last Tommy pervaded this whole days more st"WWg to port. - These solid steel b a 5nitation on the part of parents. ritime Coum &a. & at of A cirular section. _Accoiding to roporks brought t rate& oldoes- neighborhood of the telogra,phic of� are all seaports round the corner. &a The especially important questi0i rM'romainder, supe will be built by the'll,o, The bar 1% in the first place, consider- 'with which this document deals I 'd a 11(=Lltou street. Go-darich. sometimes framing a memealge it were. from *CaV* Town, the polifi- is non ay, ten ships are oultore In the .................... Collingwood Shipbuilding at KaVIIQ.Xl. The 14911=4141P Company, W�tb difficulty stud then askiuW his U ably shorker and thicker than the tillalt of straits smile in the shipyardbat Three Rivers Xurdist I W Centre of So th Africa. Oka reported six and the Reed?. 0. CAMERON (fassiorly of Oil Comrades if it were all rig6t; some- shape iWirill. flual,J), aaume, the Doe. ACCIDENTS TO WORKERS, Holt & Vansetrou). Barrister and or 0. times borrowing tbuoLbvr penny in or- When the 50.000 or 6.0,000 moil of, But- as less reported four. OwiU3 to the %low heavy weather and tile cherous second door and the test on the Clyde. A repr barf 19fougation being effected by concerning which some details are giv G= ob. ader that he might just Saud one more ler's oo.rpa are disoMba,rked train the ea souttkLive of Ille syndicate left last w,re; "Our Tum would bet so pleased, scores ' brfUgLng It to 4�whlte beat and plkso� on, Which show that much remains to fornicitica, of the coast line neither HA�, 8EAGER. Barriter. f3oli of artreanieb"i transportation be done in affording protection to the vessel dared appr . each, and ihs'nalnes rY, =d Conveyancer. week for the Clyde to givo the neoes-' and Show It about," sometimes a I img It over a stoam anvil, where In a lives and limbs of workers in dall C sk ng- difficulties of great Moment confront f � utep it in rolled igor of the wrecked steamships or fate of y ton Sl4ret Ooderit a pootte C0012--lUill, I sary instructions to the con,ractors both seriously and laughlipgly "Bir aw miln and hamlaored One vocations. Tble number of ac� the crows could not be learned, Who Iberian Hotel-, Bi,l, I scud kises by tele' therm. Wilthout thi� railway these Johns0a Pri W adotolau ot &per cout, intcrest,ou. thore. ava ortgage. nroter"' notes cashed. gfaibl aumoLitina heaving many a could not be overcome, ed even with into the required length. In thial'way, dents in the western district during wracks stretched for several miles. The ' . N. LE W I K Parrl, ter 8ollintr. Notary THE FA14L OF INI u,gh, auu looking as though a good sob the railway they constitute a huge the clumsy looking block of mild steel the 18 -months covered by the report crowd of the wrecked vessels May was 110, eleven of) the number � being have been d d by cannibals. The, Procter Maritime 0�urt Offlou-,coraor Is the outside date for the %vuulti do ban good as ho has Litt at, ilita ta Measuring a feet by 11-2 inches, is fatal. Of these 81 took place among Kurdistan vevontri'sabled In the straits) U-1milt-ii and No. gate Streato, on I at ry air, Lhvlqzs�� . thv Ponvit that has indited his missive, Speedily converted Into an unbolted employes engaged in the wood -work- onceand theorew wersobliged to give I -mSON & HOLMEs, DARHBTNItt� of the vebboill. it 6. buima nowtvor, for lonamy Is o"u veryl young both, present Mes'.1101tors, Notarlir� P It a- be assumed that the rifle barrel nearly four feet In length Ing trade, and 26 in connection with battle to the man-eaters. u MonoyltO have two or Lilree ready for uliera-: in oaxb and heart; sometimes reading Natal campaign to only an incident, and terminating in a thickene h,.9 words find ad hilariously out; -do It end, aletal-working industries. The numt- tol"ll. Office W-ststre.l. Makin !Lions next Bummer. It 18 101 C( vbn it dozen bLeattiers Wil m?rtb serious slid decisive Combats will tire longtIL Tludluy Holmes. albi h.a omrades Might doe what a t t1ough a bloody one, of, the war - The measuring about one tenth of its an- her of accidents reported in the con- Decker that Ir—.JOLJOtT0 it, OrOd ilill, 0 funny dug he was, and how cheerful tral district was 81, which includes 4 A MJX-UP. JL Notary Public, &a. Malley to A� Tr .can a ndertakera 40,4 ziAll low role of tritorest. Oftices RastRide Ong Butfioe to mebt the iturtionhe a:,tht- grubpoot of a f4bt that migbt Come when General Buller hurle his of a fatal character. Circular sawe A domestic, newly engaged, present- Qrsithst. .1 tit Square. Itch it is hoped to ivert to at iko him dow. A DIFFICULT OPERATION. Caused. 18 of the number. The casual- ad to his mar ter one morning a pair of 11�17 trade w troops over the suu�horn border of the ties ooburring in the eastern district Ju anuaround the, office the reader Or's age Free State on his way to Pre- Next follows the process of boring boots, the log of one of which was en day and nig I DENTAL. ilau WuLorwaycs. UUU the view ut Dl ghL. have soon move Spoiled tele- were much fewer. much longer than the other. the gentleman Who 111vu - Llg,kgtjtl In graiAi forms Lhan beevat saw before toria. This is the wall defined plan out the barrel, an operation requiring A lar on the report of How comes it, Josepti-John, hat g2gs at mctdom(p p49e,
NICHOLSON, U 1). 8. Mr. Rob Roams OPPO"Ilt" the Ill Pental Surgoo� tue nterpilide is that at the expiration at One tLime, and the persiateut and of the British caimmainder, according no litle skill on the part of the work- t =a r - given to the con these boots are not of the same ten th? Courteous attentioOL.. d ng
Out Office. Go d i�tar I
Po-celaill and -1 crown Cart bridge of Lhre,o or fou. years thell LLUOL Will ail 1pervvuiig relic-h-UnLerq who not- to trustworthy reports, and is not maj The boring is conducted by sideration of accide Lis oocurri in I really don't know. air; and what BEDIFOUID Of specialty. 1nirty,fivo year*, exper. od bits fact saw a chance of havIng, the hazardous occupations, with some he a, least doutile, imenjeatoes ,f an ov.nt tikely I. likely to be modified greatly bothers me more is that the pair down GodorlelL 0 be- by even miBanb ot. a pair of drills. working *valuable suggestions as to their Pre- stairs is in the same fix. A14IIE4 ID% 1). a., L D. f.%, The object ot ultose pIdu,,, involving, ,,um" hitorical, and sLuffed their Pon- the trapping of Sir.George, White in from aither ead and meeting in the vention. It also gives full Instructions "Ied, and approved motho4s ILS 1,1101 0% LLD 11.11me"be 11tLilly, 18 LU! Itt-LB W;th the spoilt OVIDS. Ladysmith. middle. They are kept cool by means for the treatment of persons who have entil Ila. Proservatiou of ivert tea 0 "111110 Ont, form,l evidentl� a draft that has of a stroam of soap, andi water, which apparently been killed by electricity, MUST STAND TOGETHER. P% - tY. Offine-Our. been accurately copiled afterwards, is PORTS PAR &PART, Who,, by timely attention, Can often be d trio Square. West now goes by the Buf1alo,akil Erie Litual addressed to a "Mrs." at Manchester, From each of the three Cope Cat- is forced into the barred by hydraulic revived, with illustrations sbowingthe Katie. -Don't you think the white, TOO MUCH .1paW40Mx3a M,40. ascit. rqu�o to jNU% iorx Into L'andlua; and mustibe from a boy to his mother, pressure. Ali soon as the barrel !a metbod of reaUsaitation. Tlorc is also goose is ever so much prettier than the Why do you thl T- - iiHULT� oh , Duels, lilt- has liven I eflue I . of the faimillarityl of the old rough-baced I is polished ready red po-- in ,,Iato any ports, Part Elizabeth. Part Ad- otbars? sellers ought, to P., U U 13. S., Ile, of to an elaborate paper on exprostions caus-
to I ssoolvaed will, g� ri. It runs: "Cheer up, old girl; fred and East London, runs a line ed by earn only occurring substances, Bessie --No, And if I did think so I Becatlae, they ar 0 'It. UW- ac, able.neb...1 'he L ritilway northwesterly toward Lbb receive the rifling. The scour Y' ox- by PrPf. Charles E. Manrue. The re- w on Idn't say 50. He's the gander[ ness. VI: I NI U 10 dy L lit) de0j)CU A n g .1 I, 4
'411 bull coma back to match Dad In gas- Free State frontier. By no line is the pected of the driller and polisher ,Praoticed.lociudingivoldEindporo alnireut- (,'anali to EL uutioral opl.h of�wng abut, his battlem.-Arthar." And will port ought to be widely circulated an, bridge . isneoind attengto., 1 h ,jarl. , distance to the enemy's country less be beat appreciated from a descrip- among foremen and engineers.
to the Preserve lag of Ulu natural Leetli. 'tpurceon test. Hitherto .110 fit.- L at � another, from. son to mother, judging them
I., Mousint'a Now lock. vesa.!ib 01 l4fgti -1 4,,id., U -.d not J),188: by 'h addrosa-says, "God bless you two hundred males. Whether GD Of the test employed to check his the troops be forwarded all or part* work:mauship- trO.LU the PIUIIJ� u, (in aA Shall br:rig youalloter's whiskers I - pier: laiLtib 61.1- ilgaL � LAFULLIgh to; as ch.mney urnitment.s." A youth, who of the way by trula, weeks will be Con- Tho barrel is placed In a vertical Q P. R. BLEVATOR BURNED. hah y akAuiuupPou the seern:ngly halls from the Old Kent oumed In organizing them into rol- and its lower ouill made air-ONErVO WAN—Povato tunas. I-lia"atau route. 1"� cnipteLion .: road, after telling the lady to whom umns and gat ring together all the I 9 olose-Lating gauge is then route U.,rbour Cbmintsalloners' Morage Per cool. tutvrost� lartkighl, luju, A to w I WULI. on LL10 �,, LLWI�'IICU L�Ualkl utin li�, addresses h:s memsage to "boas up�,, horses, artillery, war material and inserted at the top at the bore, when, -d. M. URE WALT RH farm and town progerblo. fOlSale p food Indispensables for such a host if the bore is mathematically, n:1lL1Ifti& Destroy. 13 rk to rcmVvoA Lillb ura v, buca. d now goes on to say, `LoolQ out for a pros- . As correct, r
ofN. I-VWI8,' a rriater an sol 0 or an army moves ,on bts th A desp Toronto saya:—The
lab. -ri, of a gold m:ue from Johannesburg ad;, III I!, JAMaluit) Lof giain-caiimr belly," in Na- gauge should not only be support- a draugDi equal to I nude %%hit 1, III 0 by parcel -post.." poison's phrase, and the Boor repub- edeby Lbeair withinthe bore, but, Up- large gr occupied by the CURE. b
DOLTFPIC, General tusur n — ,. an L. � on the removal of �ho sea) from ' it;d 11 �til,'ail CUMLI to 104011, Has will have Beauty resources for the C. P. R., situated at the toot of 01% Ito ru s wand money Lonnin -Agent. Only either man or beast. the commissary base of the barrel, should drop easily Bathurst'i No matter whatgour experi. ,% tho avaboard through Call4doinawa.Lz treat, was almost complete- in abies reprovente . mooey t wi, : I Problem is a vital and. Lbrough the same, from top to hot- I once has been wi so-called p
en St h 104110, Ill, lowest, tat of inter " y4. But the lack U., HEIR TO SIX MILLIONS. ly destfayed by fire on Wednesday. catarrh "remedies," your ulti- C1
adt itig-11 any amount to alit t the Corrower. ACL0111. dt4AI]k U Water Ill I. 110 canals Finally equipped and ready. Gen- tom, without wedging. he oral Butler eaters the enemy's cctun� Before the barrel goes to the "rifl- The loss will be about $10#0, partly mate, complete Teco IS DOI the UUiy title IIOU1 %VUL-11 L After Livind In Poverty for seventy years try, He in not likely to cross the Or- er,, i't iiFel,y and positively Zff%,�,a� CJ MARRIAGE LICENSES. Canatiiau tutuo has sul,Lvrod. TUO Want is inclosed in a strongly pro- covered by 86,00111 insurance. Henry Dent suffer any longer. Doe't Iit Woman Gets a Fortune. ange River without a sharp encounter, tented firing Call. O. CIVV41101`� ML LUC poillL Where gralil I Here it Is repeat- McInerney, 44 Mitchell Ave., is under trifle with a distressing and dan. af. perhaps a severe engagement, viith only Proved, with the Lid of Chair h ith having a�t the W. LANA ISSUER OP MAftRlAOW is transhiptio frulu Lll,i uptIel tilios! This is a story of a woulaw whc gee germis disease when a sure curc is Llconses, Godartoh, Onti, and albOi, Aiuntroul ]ass tit;uu sevwo,y (or a long 110 of hard word: and ;�,- the strenuous defenders of the Free many times heavier than it will actu- witibin 77housands of tv Stae. Ali the bridges will have been ally be required to carry, in battle a building on fire. sufferar"wr.", condition was Z7=7� felt. Now this Want &&I to Lo LL14lue guou orty, had no reason to expect any hap- destroyed, fords Will be almost impass- after 5 o'clock Mrs. Hall, worse than yours have been cured t ioNs A test wih is again repeatedi after ibe Shortly and under L110 proputiod Behome, olbva-: pinesu in the few remaining years of Able in the present swollen tr process of rifling, a rbourmaster, and aremow in perfect health. (Ora Of the iargktut. capacity are to be eams' The process of rifling it barrel is ST. TONSORIAL ROOMS' erected lit Motroal, Wueuou and tolt her existence, but now, ard to at Lba, ago Of and a Pongoonbridge will bosh Their enthusiastic and unsolicited J- Ba0l'ailly,Vrovdator. Modern, ea. maintain. Lhak by which are who lives quite near the big elevator, testimonies - show beyond the last MBiat.lonod out l le grooves, which run saw four men running away from the shadow of a doubt that X.0 sbfivqe%. "air �uttlhg 'and ahampooliny: place is'70, after baving'been pour from child- But when once across, the main Ila- inside the bore Haters obarponsidand honed, Y It JUUSL irupur(ALIL Part hood engine -house on the north side of the pla f
I are do- she suddenly finds herself to be vatting army will move cautiously for- roln breech to muzzle, and place. Almost immeditely afterwards B
lin.Lbe Projeo�. mud will beall LAo same! ward toward Bloemfontein, the dapi- signed for the purpose of, causing the AVCTt0$EER. IreLatZOO LU the Cunadian grain route,one of '.he richest and luckiest women flames and smoke burst from the an- Dr. Agnew's Cis via the'l the States, Saya a despatch from tral, one hundred and ten miles away. projectile to rapidly rotate, gimlet 0119"INOX. NBranto NtTt that. Ildlit,110 (100a to the fo The solitary railway line will have fa8WOn, in its flight. gine-house, which was a frame struc- Goderloh Erie Canal. Bridgeport, Conn. She has fallen tura, and an alarm once sent Plies 0 BlI.W." Hotel in
1100111001i AUC been ' torn up and a slow march VALUE OF THE "TWIST." Catarrhal owder �tiolkoar and Agent far I he Nexon Dr P011T COLBOR�NB l ctions were on It
cultura.1 Implements, 'IN A I hair to I. million ollars. She is the northward is the only choice. For the benefit of the uninitiated It the spot very shortly, but by the time Paris - the- co obr= will ue the point where gralut destined , In his coming invasion of the Orange Adamal Wagons. MoLsa Idow of the late George Hillson, who may be explained that this twist ot they had coupled their hose to the by- l4the most wonderfully eflective W
O"I'llrig(i Cool- for Montreal or 4uebec will be trans W Free State Buller must count qn col?-
Oshalih - ilo Cook," Ctt Plow Conpik at
a way drantL in the vicinity the flames had remedy ever compounded. It re- ray'Iterd Ing with a fo Much more: nearly his further into its billet, but also gives 13� 114vasthe most severe case in from
"an 404 rat otherlines pertaining tohe forred from the Lugo vaisBele naVig[Lt: I died several years ago. She is very only enables the bullet to out it
4, IrmIng trade. Ing the upper lake to the conal !modest in the prigaession of iler now- aqua I in n fread from the �engine-house to the 19 to 60 minutes ; it effects a full z
umbers, and fighting with It a much longer and more accurate It g elevator. When the firemen be- freighters. Port Coi6orne has a harbor! found
I 0. a Ulty-LiVe Stock mud 0 fortune. the relligiotis fervor that characterized cure in a short time. Ila most
at finceS. Goderich. Out� a well adopted by nature (or t Ile an- flight. The grooves thus cut are sev- came aware of the proportions of the v 1 "It &eems comfortable," she says, dIf- Cromwell's Roundheads and the des- eminent nose and threat special- erd an &It br made give oborage of larg vessels, uul in order in nuber, but the process by conflagration they sounded a general roll A POration that comes in defending one'a " but in the world have given it their on hie. which they are produ clurki- alarm, and soon the whole strength CasOdO to make it still MOOO ftcoessiule and fie- I (idently, "to feel in one's declining own, land. Weeks, rather than days, Cod is too te unqualified endorsement. In all
and arn r rL - TnaMAS cal for the umprofes' not reader. of the department was on the scene. casift of catarrh, colds, sore T, Ate lancer, God rl h. may measure h2e progress toward the After Polishing and'o" browning," the The building is owned by the Har- threat, asthma, hay fever and influenza it t3likenatfic. Itisewyandp) UrD the "vernment have de�ermined' years that there is no longer any need upon the construction 04 a large to worry for the future." lesser Boor capital. ac easaw, IV
latter In order that no -tell-tals, glint bar Commissioners, and was lesead by to use, It never fails to do precisely what is claimed 'or it. In less than an b , i -
Veterinary broakwa�er, piers aild other worCs, he enters Bloemfontein be will us in
Mrs. HitlIson, It seems, is one of this WheLn of steel may betray the marksman to them to the C.P.R. It has been empty it will prove its worth if you will but give it a chap 0 The erection of the big elevator con- be in the heart of _ce. A prominent evangeQ., hi
templated by the syndicate referred to his enemy. thi barrel r
direct heirs of Ellalial-Croell, an Eng- is. ready for at. for two years, It was erected in 1881, gives,testimony AIM V.. IL. griduate of -coated in 1896. While In Newark N, J., Camille tines the will complete the facilities needed. lishman, who, at his deAth, many years and I ting rellglous seV it
A HOSTILE COUNTRY, o he "bodA" ',bolt' and was iron Rev. Warren Bentley, writes:
Ve y 0011111 nearly as large as England, sparse "magazime", The "body' is The t4hole place is valued at about vices, I wall troubled with estanh and used D A Ca hal P IV"Ofttia Is 091 tv; att O.T. Toren The leading member or the syndicate ago, laft an amount equal to 880,000,- ly that t
tintlital a $am F,&!qpr0VCd method otoperUing!oan 0 Is Mr. Con Ora, Proprietor settled, to be sure, but with nrt.of the rifle which holds together .510,250, and the storehouse and ehute, f6as OUPS at vote of The OW iG the Bank 9f Bristol. The In- many no- It ry a 113ineR Buffalo un guer- -anent parts, the "bolt" is a Is'sytdri hand. as and ills warfare. *kvery importan I edition of the common or front ty 1115 tural features that invite long omp -oxth' a few hundred dollars, alone
C. tier. That gentleman is terest which has accrued since that a No Godottell, tolar time has Increased the original princl- t arnal escaped destruction. The fire was an Rely interestod in the grain-bandl., t poin
n t -arrison- door bolt of our owl0housea, and, in excessi in his rear must be strongly g Vely hat one, and it is a won- rude at Buffalo, but, lo common pal enormously. It ban teen i.mpoo- 'ition a ZE13 ad lost hie line of oommunicat n with Ar with others in the aame, business, has sibie thus far to ascertalid- the exact add, -to extracting the dpant - der that no firemen were prostrated. Notean's Z'w& 31 3 r 3 M rm. suffered considerable loss and had his amount of the estate. There are the Cape Colony base be cut laond the tridge, citintains the "striker," by SEEN AT ALL FIRES. Ilson Is experiences of the Kafeking siege be wh!rh the cartridge 19 exploded. Mo�t P. C. Davidson arrested 'McInerney 'CORNgk EWST-ST. AND SQtIARS. rationoo sorely tried by vexatious oc. Wbout 150 heirs, but as Mrs. HI, - " I .1 I , "I opeated for many, an isolated British important of all, however, is the "Ina- during the progress of the fire, acting
currenotie, Such as the strike CA grain- In the direct succession from the or,_ r LY OMENS A- &EMALIV. handlers. which paralyzed the move- ginal millionaire, her share is to be force. gazine." on information received to the effect aMore than two hundred miles t the To draw a familidir simile, thel main that the man had been seen gathering ment of grain at Buffalo f or a Consider- rger than that 69 -O)nanv, of the xvilrythit"Cluftil"Ift and Priomalwararighb. ly able time last summer. Mr. Connors Others. northeast, along the line of the On Idea of the magazine mechanism is am a lot of loose paper in a box, and plac- SOLD 7% W.. C. COODE AND pv. M. D"HA t
raidway, must the British invade extons�on of the principle of the m6tal Ing the latter in a corner of the an- M, GODERIC11. flag coma to the conclusion that the rs. HhUson, was born in Prince Ed- pu fee. tCanadian to the w'aard -Island. She was married early then move before the frontier of the co:A You put y1our 10 cart- cheapest carrying In - Transvaal is reached. ridges In, one by, One, upon a species gine-bouse. If the prisoner is not a route fdr western grain, and hat given life and has seven bbildren still Johannesburg, ot Smith ill firebug. he has a mania for bet g Pre- Repub- it Practical evidence of his view -a by tio- &Ilve. She is a motharl3n old women, the commercial capital of a of spring platform, which "11 ""Ira senit at fires, and is a familiarnfigure is fifty Miles AN EASY PROPOSIT16N, amd,in spite of the yraxla of constant y, and Pretoria hold the last cartridge ready, to hand. laawe tivelY associating himself with the re. the P0111610fil. Capit at almost every blaze of any conse- CONTtACTOR sent enterprise. Many of tbe Buffalo salf-donial and poverty, she maintains 6nd that. al, in Jif t -y miles be.' The chief difference is that, whereas quence. He has often been the first to a slight vivaciousness that one would in the Coln purse the coins are with- a HOUS BUILDER forwarders, while conceding the all- Here a last desperate stand seems end in the alarm, and has frequently Beauty and style *ifiiiout com and GENERAL CARPENTER. periority of the Canadian sc xpe ct that she to drawn by hand, the.teii-Metford met- route. have liely to be made by, the B appeared in the newspaper columns is easily obtainable, comfort Claimed that it could only be made pro now very rich has naturally cheered oars. Bul- Fazinc is emptied automatically. it fitable by the Vessels employed her to a considerabe extent, but it I a in this Capacity. It will be remain- out appearance is equally, lit Huesca ftitiodeleds -and general repairs lor will be more than four hundred provided with an ingenious mechan- bring- miles from Cape CQIoLny territory. The ism which causes it to bored that he Claimed, to have discov- ilittanded to Promptly at moderate has not created any appreolable Kp- dis rge its You never saw an uLr n rat n "gee from the seaboard. 0 cepie of excUsiftenit or induced her to nearest seaport, Durban, will be an contents, one by one, into No breech red the late fire on Bay street. which "Slater Sh)e It 3 V 11 t, has not been Overlooked in equal distanals-away, and the railway of the rifle as soon, as the precudi caused so much comment. cover make the slightest change in the daily tug It 0 plitins r. Connors and hisean- . ..... Satisfaction Guaranteed. impassable by, cartridge case has been ej Precinct Detective Porter has been t!" - adlau ass lates, and methods of her lift. ! It would basilyl acted by the feet. sucli arra Boor destruction, Port Elizabeth action of firing. on his tracks fdr some time past, and It nge- be possiblefor hat lb rulae morety I is alleged that there is a strong case W The combination, of 1hise -W0tMt4n Street,, Godericb. mania am being made as will P,- and East London will be more than The, magazille, is further fitted till Insure mediately on the strength of the f r- comfort and beauty -Ate t*J'; -Huron Road, for the fleet of grain-oarriera an ample six hundred initles distant and Cat a �"aut-off," by means of which the again'3t him- tune that le to come to her; she stead / had in the "Slater Crade in commodities intended for the Town nine hundred. From Protorrs rifle cart be fired and reloaded lid the I y refulaos, however, to do so, but con- interior. Large ir,�cslving an.1 forward- tbp hostile territory into which an ordinary way, shot bv shot, until such nos to live along in the same old Ing airehouse at Toronto and onnap, alert enwaly Ma eacialpe, to prolong tiZfte fie the soldier finds himself in a $3,100 FOR HIS INJURIES. fie -loon of navlArkli on are i nol u ad in the way on the top floor of a small, plain 0 . at stretches one hundred and tight corne. Thou the -out-off" is house, with her daghter and bar four the a BtIl The Proper furquiling and dond actift* freight rates from the east tfuring the grifradebildren. alit miles to the westward, twohyan,,, pulled out, and Tommy Atkins knows Parry Sound RaIllway'NuIctril 1111tavilly In drof and thirty miles to the east- lie can face the forthcoming rush with Made In twelve shapes, on tests toodelled Of rVNERALS at a Oil; which do" . 0 Damages by Ottlawn Jury. burdes, an art with us, ward and two' hundred and fifty milen the confidence which comes of hilvitig from actual feet, till widths and 4izes, THE BASUTOS. to the northwaxIl. to lives up his aleere without the troll- A despatch from Ottawa days: -In leathers, styles and colors, ox - SAVED BY A l3ONG. hie of reloading. the case tit the assizes of R Every pair Goodyear welted, nowe and ------- labor the Idulh* Vader4kno *1aA talbsim. When the ftglisb steamer Stoll, -What, ovaitor vatio cittiney mitzb Contents- price stamped on'the sole. against the OttawaL and Parry Sound Wall wrecked on tho.Vasquet rocks, on Rievior think* About Theis. T13B QUEENS STOCKINGS. DEATH OF GARRET Railway Company the jury awarded the $Oth Of March tea HOBART. $3.80 ARDL $6.00 the plaintiff $3,100, finding that t t IdtorvisW,'Od by the Central News rs� A little story, quite lal the atria of the .1 roir VftrA Put 111tO A wbwe profiojlteitlft�, Lord LooN who was igh Hans Andersen, about the Queen of 0e,11h of ske Vito Pregodess of the flagman had been negligent, that the 'Win 811ttrin4n; Jr., Italy and a poor obil, d, is told In the Whirled &Way Into the waters w�ljb. I OOMWSAI Vnted 81stes. hi�r for Ca" Colanoy lwrft proper warnings had not been given Sol out a met to attar It, and wlthout�an ticulfirly wall informed will% Dally Chronicle. of LLondon, Queen A �daspatob fr in Paterson, N.J., says: front the ,englao, and that the train -0 lis0olned Rivals Tabults *gill on Mob $&tit- t 11,111TO b"s a 6"at 4 and iK 1*�. '10 a oar )vhich the womn totild us& �Ul'rt'gardL'W,.PftaixtOltnd,gald lift believed M"gherite was recently walking In A -Vice-Prosident . Hobart died at 8.80 -�wus running at too high rate of speed (Action that I call dbobrfuu =t 7 r*6011% Maud' theta. forovitravoybdrib so 04 0 084 the "hat Icalled tAlloossitWite Itouldu41wearsheation, msfacioa�VAXOW 600ld do waii to tilt still in the In tho toynIty of th6 Basutoo to the RoMan suburb When she noticed I& a.m;, on Tueaday, TIkef, Vice -President at the. timV the accident occurred. luve bieft troubled for abk4t tibree, My fait liftil iods-sbill Abdo trti I' Mr. Richer was. driving ilar
little girl and spoke had been failing -since late Monday Company's tracks when struck by a that It Was caused by b#A mtX of ailml t, bliAli 111ld 14t the *I-64. ad Quatin andif It ever bile6w nettimary. pleasant -face nee a week. e Was told by drew.01 saw PA7
they would. they Would be aura to tight for her 0 atimpanions werekill- sovert I I,04 thip tde�lj ttractod, hills the sit. *& Have tsken Went uboti three nj oftitiftoobf although the ropbrta giv- train� to bar. There was a little �,onvorfift H t 0; *6 out At the houlto *6mi that hC` was od and he was badly injured. tackli continued. I V11A seen advas Ititments of Is instils a thaulia I tic
tion.. And the qptan asked the child 4 tRtli �L UOY 4*aMd it ct-41ble aighit oat Majeotty. They $ire 0 040 body of men, hdldip Ripens Tatail6a, In W thsVallers but rdttb "O A Gyr 0 all to PA"as Wj * hift on. At Midnight he be. 6 , and At 7 o1olook to thoth, but sbout�xlx wOein; %lace a seven seas old, have no Id �Iit ot� what she could do It the Wily f 'aam6' UbdonSoll knowkug to WhA fate destiny A -as, Ma Lordship,olitt- 0116, conduting IthelA. Cold and wet, th6t r4orping� daced we Ito tryllbat. 114're *Adii bQ UjIla k U-160410work. can knit stockings, on lit$ hadL U,41 0II&Y, attack small 5oant'Witss Wtbe, TAbales an d have had re�liad the girl. be you of anghia pe06risi ffatA ht�b h Ity A MR90ItEf8S JUDGE, 100 Ito refle0cidiVeUitbuiltir Jealeei iblo H.rriblel he "claimed. t1stualclittil for A, -kinds, 46 Mulldiiii Ma. for the courage, prasea, in of thin toultin tUt their seriiei6s Illy atnountericod,trillab be et* hie b e6b 4= 41,
111113t have 13,661A quite overcome �Ut wild a fair tWstfit of 110AWY. 1jut bb' kyjOW I am I" continued the queen valliod. Wa dtatli fallo6d at W Her, bV* fait, bit' ths, take Abilie time, he bas, bee* i
tl ; V III as of mind 6d tou ars the quetti.1 Gi6look. Whift's btyrribItit she asked -- - � 1",
bY,11ilfivas Thboles, ludad" *sId add tales td the asite As 411tithor, we a Mir of stocic� able ' V*&%akk musical gifts,of qft nuln ftsfht Of, to be 1"diblOft" by U#- to I I, =n7t Mrs. Ilobart, 'Dr. N6W. t6A. WA -s. Naw�, Hero's a story at a man with five vilifty "Moilowift "s id"It"s ha " in Your cusnton 3titill Mar; it It- Orf it 6ju 1116611 illiditilthig 'Osile, Iittdob,4 tj 111101 *bd dthe, a. 11bert wives, he. 6YpIaland. PO"Bd&&XOWO A. % DWrM. OX.0 '6,Y I aboaW say it was hoirtible, she aa# 06 I WAS 6 Blab tul."ti plaill and W4,Ate fi's tobtfalt6l ititwir of In th tr 'tj�pro, A, few 41*10 afterward the stoo the hutft Weria $It the petiout be, sorted. I ftail to Intoft on ikoll V61 tub000rniffiAnts ob Or lit: arrl*494, and Qae6n WrIgheritill bedside 'constantly frallk the -time 70116 car 40404, in ire. gar In tultn for the g1ft sent the child a became o0oonpajous. And when he was dirraigned in Court 11 w6we It bt4rhan tan -ft, v t *%Ul"Wk JW.) h,L - hecinsk oall five witive theta, hs'wenti on. At the Irlak of tuinlillo liev volub, loom the Wilt' filled �vitb d*eoto; the 6th6v And Vviiat lid Ile judge do to for her 06M4 01 t Oks, Ttaft,rAvil, "keiloollit tere, Iowa&. 1 slat a Ama*' 6xt Uh* topily * t PXA=ABLE ArNG. himil she fleked. 1hrollAu tho Jkrf-at6r peitt, dti
M vit'll t '" etiliell a 14tiltr frow at little tA III Allaindoned him to 'bis Via. be tie. 'to M a, 'hti[(I L it t how, tolO. %IqOovar &lie 6, follow g w6rdfit Mrs, 'Willisim, Allitof, lit&* djficti tilidja 0606hod I this OIL Ilier WondelfNi s'to aid U Www6t 10, 06VA-Irt! till m li hft.$ atian" fte no end *'*Wered. Ile discharged hi&. Oh. Isn't ItIvIlts vili,lijist do* it, frow
'IE L LO A 1, "tors,OW)h (,JtiVlioTIo UM 10 ring, wbith !It hortIblat After 60, ofiny. otit" The toodern stand. Efw ISlit brother - �tibbed the laakft*liw AUN -to SO -01 <01"Lffid tbb wlhim i oustAnt move- a a ", , L' lit
mal Ih villa aud, 64, lIII fib to tM %lob Inkill. Why, OF GUTTING IT. �X ON'S NVAY ard 19=11y MOO nitsilt 60 tier finger. This ring Is coA- ly, 'thAt Una thli WO ed I er
Mother put -them 4% lialt., ha b -rdublis with 1111tiltntr Is be 4tr`A%.Jtod of fleltililb gotd Wire, tti Whtbh t1k qi t idd-ft Ali 4itftbth:Vat i6 Wwm! w" thb W6W 6 hanocoinmax Ali '0141 p""T 41 eaf, 1, 'Out e40M$ to th iwbil# It I I stt Iletbly. of tbl� at With f -Otos, 'to's I'' "Olobt �%` 0d. I0*14 the Z416%doo It Ai
At a 44".61 *016ft 2006; Witilt dib*6, *16161k't �Z, Dltth' mr,17 6*td big, od'# umpeft 'tb%6 thaitL blond: X , % slip on betling6r- V. -S Jn A r% you IAI " new �M a, 7 Ithil %: tilt ttltt beat thet 61h a bught t Ad"'t M A"thibk Ab6ut iL thtt r OV
tiol* b 411114yal *1W uVt I , Uttlb ft 1tv Ay 46* 'telil Ida ik Wit * *1 I ult . W"Rly XXML OlVt *kid )V4 JAV 4,� , " 00 421 It ether the (Ad,46 ow V"", �IR b Isy
lilt, V "till the bo4k 4o* Auellf tilikoiti.w k O -u 4111,411how tog X41110 IW 46"libilik' *A*Ab *6W . L Is" br: I ri I* lit 6e 4*tlit rt## Atiow" thla Iv usea"Wthlot Abi *00 Ubtl
'n 0"Watltto.� ' L IWON A V, 0kill 13001 kow, 1k 4 $".1k lot :M* *111100, 0, orm 4, V6110=4=1 01W, bIW, thAt MY ht -615464 poll, IAke "ho, tb P" whisirviawL 30" -writItlit Aw *C *6 ll*ftl 'O 10� * U#fl jh Tobeli Od' t 4 to I*444 roww,&M" *OX IiiiIllittell Wh" )iw S*t 104** ;I �awwkm it W.— 7,4 t '"t Roam '04,y, f, *I] It. I '' "West, 'raftw I, lillow 00 twAiWA #wait W I" IW PAO* **04AOO waft a ow VRO, 044' RAW 4w, * t 4 W. H. t ** I Its; %Wl WA xkwd 111001111116i t tc , 1015 y- *01 A ov^ �# 41104 Vt in ttl!bi t Ia own iovell,