The Goderich Star, 1899-12-01, Page 114177 (3 �44 7 '41� AM111111ae" A Al" V*u J0 AP-__ Wo 00DERICK-ONT... FRIDAY, DEQq�MBER 11, 1,"99 Stan& on Its awrifi a# A,,'Newsmpier, and guarantoos Quality., -Quantity, Circulation. sc, e Pollar to. voi, A bit tmt:Mllkiftor olsoir 111 urwwown To 11TI 101"_ I 4 3m 0"4 40 IWIF, too *0 Qt t IU44 to 4L Pay Wjt*.#L'l1'KlWf0 000AWk o, 1414944 in titto cidodtd drOP th"Volit 44 t "-fort. Alt, ",tomw!4 Isvit" fA Ito is on, iltUit. 14 ilke% .4 to A*A* WIll. Dot, on =44r;. *ttevid. Voketti: WbICK04. Wo yApielf 4 c! t 44 tillot Pop YWI iW I Jot", 04y WIR Attong 44 Ho# VA"I- 4nQ1, R *on titivil W 011114 �two. J11114iW'L III xpg;F ok-Ank IWA =Y* W111004 r Vlot 150- Adla!Ww TJt*r0**,b*Wf kr ieAt Of 111011VP Jillid abin 10#1 thil, A0 Of P will ft 4 000ow *M9101111 to �0*0- m1wit do *04, W 01 ww" _541111if to! a114114 I Ay� XQUalt3"l. Dot.- Ile bt wory Theatro qQ .040404. farr tul" M0 vow *0444yo %* oguyst ilw 1partr W01, vitileoloo loollsolim Atia- titer , I 0 W01,44 04 wit or po 14raiti, ww000, by of. aaof' a L ;. , * thail will W 4 dillfght 10% tic 00"W0004, ro, , *144$rw w "k Mme 0 004 or Owl, oil dOAN WAXI More. olik tat �J*troois I ths' VLk�W oo lw twoo Tt T T of whgo for Hipardom"I 414, ad pho, t" Muir ep'll" posier pm v*toN renacd bet doe at nocto not U*A)XtAX*, (;kW*"*90 oft utir tom hit, "'it 0.4u, FrIdAv. She wasi up cW ed put 4,4004 'k 1.4 !9' dr4wingill the grAph; 01100 0016 yoo.V194 1041ro"VA toore to 14s Satur4ay. And left tbat doy tot ML sc:046104,� Misr 1 Pos,34T 'A 09 William for tolotiltr Vargo. 4, dop"ti, 0, 0'. r* W. Broderick wilt return to QiAe� Poo *0 a tp. r, All' itlitem ro� of t.bei division, 4i'd rg, It; tA X ir . qu" . L toti� Olt rQe6AO this Standard 11 0 MIr X% 074. "eXt week, witti. Own, bankrupt, The stesinar Itottsdate, with whi L, - Ows, pf tile 014 radftnt* or, 9944. Of poroW front oWilielis (it whea� from, Fort Witliatit,, JustlWthe, *.V. liting w1kii, '90 tho 641, caFfPatrcm lia bomit B. Holmes 1* erectino a stiLlite at Iwild he;64-: U CIO NTY daahhip, upper town c aWrOyfll (in Sunday 1110rilin qr* to, 1111MAIM ur, it" sorivitlir Iv "horsq- 1cp0ed iiii'Mouday mili felt Aga a. t e cotim.1 t ot eltoo clilep OT London, ittict; 0944aw months,. 0 Out Jard on the 0. T. UBA& g 1!b attriginst when oppo Ott at Colborne farmer, jhe� , . * I) w-4 too, sift .04 tor,410 and von)0arotbeilit wit, wbg you bul 0.0 well _040 w fordit, ftwil-conylocaymi, Regular meeting off the Goilegiate "Atiag hl`� for this port, And t4iii at, rAp 4W.�X. and w, hen I n trout of '010t; knowtit ht town 1, fhetpr A8011f(D TOR Auo�-Th 1011 now I"ItIlltutil Board next Thu V V- -log and perch were caug iiiia towlishit, rson, ate Hers tkb "lost 9t'AtIryi0$r. 4evi ovirmo I Hit. t4i'llagy, mitt the citect mem4eir of the coutAinw nine pirlocinosm and at least noo"' interred in 11,1441urad Rev. Mr. 111oftoolit,of Otatoot cillplat- Salvation Army, The rewAlne w laiffe atiti 4T TO 90V"Or aysooN 141 0 - The most appropriate present far week, tioth kinds having bee bi I ti of.thW)A -it. unjubvirs by our anglers the f, seven of tbom ollie it Pidgmetic Olt th* otitio it Igan, I ace A;'d borp. Q11e davr in presence ola ber of 19 for one year. 00 forilotery' Tester- Ing And boulovxrodtpi; oro 7 level. Irten 5 afar Off, Is the GOdurich SAX. fteely. A well known Aptiler, We, Ity P14 Wr littl0t but was not gerlowly in, friends of.'the lamil. , rge I nual pnd 014 111 ed, and preach out, pointed, &rm a landed 42 dozen. at herrings. calqul4tg closed a u d tom x4viticult ConlitA Jured. The Accident Is said to hove waill. SufArthere isagreat ImPr0V*- Thee tQtIQ"u r gular Decmher session of the the catch for the six daylt no learl ArRu dc gre . N XIV g h :$# bIla LOL getlin the 8aoWJqk so , fo A 0 e41. r 4 par� o`oTxs?_Frcmi the 0,TR. '41ept.L itlAdal. :tow alpre One. day-* will County ouncil opens next'lluestlay 114 dOZe" Of helThIg MT14 I,M0 dozen of ", n which refers. to, 0.414 it velp"tIOR ut On 0 sa L depot 145 loaded cars. -were senteast epultile the governor to liavo every toot the court room. pet -ell, the care Of loproov saT4, ; 10 a. 't, all,critlee overniftelot, WINTRa JiligTiNes.-Trie secretary the past weqk. SlimefegiveAtaoince Of the County proper ty In perfect order. If traps were placed along the nn- The schooner Cataract. when being thatt the diseasea Illt od 0 Wt4 ILOJILI Wlth000to; tillw4sy, Ael te ba pro, the SUPPI'a At' the test session Of the COOtItY sightly paths oil the Square. the grass tilled not from the dock Where, she core. declaring of the Horticultural Society has issued 200 would not have bet4 thectinteut ad far 'in 0outiod It was understood the question would surely grow. � sting I the County of the 145. -,Elliott & Mitchell shipped orsupplyto I healthy slid commodlou foaded, L-tuvL oil ev bar, and it took His Introductl h hto de- plilver t� Paso the Avloo RAU WORT, X -RD ­-lces !rlptlon of tile ad Illoan. Olerk's office on tb -evening at Satut- a car loadi at live:turkeye to Tot onto OD living- slid leepitif i6onin tot, theJailerl The biggest birgain on earth, so little and tiouble to get her off. All tic . o the island the water to the "(10 day, Dec.% to arrange for sessions, 8111111. nda.-Morrow made o shipment of nd family well a earn piton. and AVA's Pi- a up at the people say, is TuE STAR to the end of "Ound rock HI Ca, lecisr of, 9 no kn- to those beldot�ie east two winters, esday.-The December meeting, and it is to tie hop- 1800 tot only five cents. shallow, and now beerns the Was to tiounced by many In the lildleticia, as UnAaLigai TurvExt bur buttex to Windsor on Tg OIVAII It Out, as the dredge could wark superior to anything b�Atli emt I he chlet topice of discusslim during = ed it will, for it to about Little me.. Th firmisolong'knownitsBurohn 1% Organ Co. abippedtwocarsof a opso the Oppollitlon far the Coram there Almost any day by dumping the for brevity, calliptistoileas and,poWel. Monday with, 4, rice. the aeries will be the cultivation of to England oil Tuesday, and kGriffin was out of damp roolli". and and Ith uI, will [low he known dr"dgings on the island. of vividly can uritut Wore tho mental writ, for flowers, frnitia of All hinds, lawns, large obilluients of plaaciestools and had other than jail apartments to steep JAN- Bu 11anan and Son. abath furniture during the week, -On in. vision one ov naturel`s must sublime libel at the suit of 11itil. VUII 600 vegetables, etc., and as In the past the The North American Cliendcal on. . - Thursday the Kensin seenes.ou true to the iteallty. that the Siftou'a law partuer at 0.radilo. �,l 1111 not oniv prove interest gton Furniture THE OLD RULIABLE.-VOthing fit so bus shipped a considerable quancity of Cowardly and Unbritolsh it 00 allipp "'he "t4exceedingly helpful to those rd a car of tur imorevoloms are niosto lautinWhIs ever conics to trial, whtQhr but nutore to Mon- salt the past few weeks. Criticism. wgo al?a 'n 0 desire to fruftii, flowers or treal. A d orders Aggregating over essential for the health And pence of rock. of it sheer descent of 3, were received the past week. -F. the household as good bread, and this call be eeen train any poltir or view lit Its About time to think of 0brititalas feet, amuct startling disclosurelli *blob -Air 17 veretables for =ition or fumill. use. To the EdItorL of THE STAR. Charles wits unable by thp � All Interested In horticulture 9I)ould EmHolrues received a car of bard coal can resents, as three week train next the Yosemite Valley. especially ttoln, ruto� 0, only he had with good flour. We Join the soeletv. on Tuesday. Ciday will be the holiday. We have people in our midst who knoNy more Inspiration Point, which also Iltivedo Parliament to kutike in the Hoqjt�j vorfll now things should be run in South Africa than Wn. haveonlythe beat In stock, Rod WO The past few days it large number of our generals or the home Goveminent. These the various waterfalls, the rocky aplf)u. fie ventilated In Court. W. C. T. U. NqTEs.-Regular ,set. EARLY CLogsiNG.-Most of the clerks Ve In pnsltlon to guarantee -every farmers brought produce to town And clever people will ask "in it right to make war dot a, And other points of interesti and etniiloyed in our dry goo pound of flour we sell. What more times were consequently lively. puzzles those to whom It is tut� toccoat" they was to the physIc&I eye, just so was Tun OUR ton Now Era, bus gom�thlnx Ing Of the Union was hold on Monday (is stores re- oil a small nation I" and the question often its this valley of splendors in nature workers q,. test 99 to publish no agrpement canyourtak? When you, want course, The cadets could not hve their have not given a thought T, t c point it!m?ues- tie chair. !I cled last April by LhAse-intirested: chop feed, or anythina In that t it tions. We point, am Igtt y these "nit fill" the Word of God to man's mental to may about THE STAR bavinif, to Usual taLl-g0t PrUCtlee Oil 81), ot- tj6y men, 18 a catch one, oscause Britain did Dot vision, and Christ and the Gospel of the unJersigned dg, goods line, poultry or other Rtock foods, we morning for want of ammunition. declare war. it is true, of course that the Christ are its EI Ca apologize some years ago. Yet, thikt* arlinim .1 tile Rulpire tire tr _pItan. No matter ying to arive back ondticted merchants, of the town of oderich, Aire headquarters for filling your cider McEwan has completed the roof of men who.have invaded British eMtory. stolen where we stood. at Genesis i a filet, but we an deahmi with Mfg hereby agree, and undertake to close to your entire satisfaction, from half a 0 Bait works, and it, is one a 11 Cgpf, Subjeuts now. and it would be an apito hi DP ReVocila- has our mspective places of business, on pound up to a ton. We have the long t the the property of Britiall subjects aral driven tion, we could not escapa the E rs women and children of the Empire from their rider the largest we have see" for $Dole yen , - of the Bible; mud fit this old law matter to rainfall the Nqw Ers, of t�h andlafter the first day of May. Im. at experience. we know what the people homes. When these womph and children forced s of the hour of seven o'clock each and of title section want, and we try to There should he a full atCendILTIVO Ut to leave, had paid first-class farce to get away. book. the lawyer'a book of Leviticus. ninny apologies he, and his odge they were forced into open cattle carol that the filled with sanitary lAws the text pertIt inee ings be eivery evening. with the exception of never disappoint. Ladies who want the regular meeting of Horan I (fill t oil ared Oon, are being at -ranged Saturdava and the evenings before all ess with their hakinR. should see No. &A 1. 0. 0. F.. oil Monday ev n- gallant Doers might ha�e selits, and, uotwith- preached as tender a gospel as the 3rd made to those whoin it tiair slandered tandlug the fact that many of the wanton Wert cirlo foi- fly e Union and Royal Templat-A. holidays. This agreement to continue th t their flour is T. J. ilg- :uffering the Palo" of &paternity, they were on rt bought from or ailarepreseated. The nilarepresen. Fulth Vq0tice will tie givell as soon its e " a' e view reed men lit the open cars where in force it til it it; unaimously agreed VIDPAN, East street. Flour and Feed Win. Rutson and Win. MeVicar, of fo tuslay with d ond, tative for West Huron 16 In no position -e conipletud.-The children Were brouglit into the world -to die. art an 4(but-9 at anstonoos Mill. shot it bear wel I i to throw stories along thl by the undersigned dry goods nierch- store- Jo. 911119 Most people think under these circutustances, a line. As auntiYoCrIveade Day of our Union will E the peopf n ants that it shall no longer he binding, Wno WAS HE P -A conple of weeks 200 lbs., near Johnston's nott-bor Lito that the war. so far as Britain is concerned, is a he,. I" A an hos_ th rpi NRI JORD past week. Jubt ouc. and many also hope that the Doers for tie field in Temperance Hall, Tuesdoty� Onderich, Apiil 29th. 18N." Here lign a man was found dead at Forest, t the Apologist And oloak felt- t4e butlot. :rossing the Orauke Riv,,r into British territo stuffing. law-breakinq thieves %ho Dec. 12. We hope to have a large num follow the signatures of the twelve Harry Videart yesterday received IN THU AFTERNOON .Zr skoO birector a Will be puniehed no were the Ephrumites ftr f Xviox Presbyterian" ber at the loulies tvith us that day.- firrils dealing in dF V goods And millin- In Lambton county, Apparently mar. another car load tit Ogilviolt; colel Lte,t cTuselug the Jorthin int. Gileaditish teff itory a this riding, the Note 11 who CAU )t over -ran SECRETARY. the a larger crowd greeted the Rev. fr. ""n k.0progerty of that people. Those people load steal who Howson thau during the inorn ng ary, In Che town of OWerich. deied, and a tramp suspected of the flout-, anti Is handling it takes care of their stolen goods. he has Wal PIANO, &not OORNETL 0,?v HAND RIFLE CLuu.-At. a meet- aw'the war should be run often - LITERARY SOCIETY. -A regular crime now lies in Sat-nia Iall. Who every week. times dialiIny their wit and raise laughs on this session. For the lesson, Its read most little to be proud of. When Robert oronto College 0 Ing held In F. J. T. Naf tel's nfflce on most Her ous gduestion, and it e t kill tile Geor Ings, for it will bc a Whe meeting at the Collegiate Literary So- the deceased wits still remains a mvs- . McConnell Bros., SILItford, aro but n lcviy display Outcom I tisproosively the XI V Ctiitpt oi, of Luke, uoinles has the courage to say in Pal - is the 0 he Vilf'14=9f apply at Tire ST.,LA Friday evening the Off Hand Rifle clety was held last Friday even- terY-1118 Identity with one n a klin of brick. Theother day 0 reancineered th the fitOt Y Of the PrOdIRILI Son. Which I nuateso �Tkik"XOL,' liament, what ho cowardly trial -9 77 rfy xl� Club'was re-organived. the following log, At which there %vita a fair Kirkwoodnow being disproved. Tgeo en.t no one lvati hurt, eaellish. aSctch, webih and Du i de,113 he connected in thought. throoghout. and asserts in his paper. we may re. MS IT I Hi. -rd rlpk ire and the Dtch R I' being the elected officers for the sea- Sarnia Canadian of yesterday said: by the Collapse. wounded were being mounted by thalim- the discourse, with file text. &old made T (0 a tt-enclance. The programme in- Is e epublitim, the North street it remarkable Imptession oil the andi- spect and believe hita. son : Hall. President, John S. Platt; "The failure of th III rititication with The Goderich Oil Iland Rifle live at ban. vice-president, R. A. McCready; Kirkwond leaves it it complete mys- will have OW th-6t, dbool, if the s agou I ockwalloptr and the dead sol ler. No (to hurphi let' of darial, Conservator) eluded it nicel played piano solo eClub papertgotaff the "clever" paragmSh about th until enca in the closing puragrarlis of Ills Papua (at entary-anU by Miss Irene Acheson. it cleverly tery who the murdered wan was. on the Cloth iange next. Friday, Dec. t IrIlly lie riter was proud of hiswit, and It is cc address 17 In tativing it pat i0tLe con. 41 .., Alto door West of J�no* 0huro mul proud a the version a tin Aged Baron unit Bareness Keep Your Eye Open for likely thtit.the Healyites, were an I oed) Piano, Organ sn'll rendereit recitation by Miss Edo" The only thing In the way of infor- 8th. at 2 p. ni. lot king the em for running away, I Harmon president, Woo. Cattle; VICe-presiderh, Will. Widlace. speretary-treas., Chas. Stratton, it good number of the COY[ nation that has so far come to hand Is Our volutiteel 8 who were o t, at tll(_ bill such items are sorry readitig for those who fit Italy by all English revivalist who the Christmas Number of Reid; range officer, E. R. lVatson; e- lo,e their country. To -day our boys are nearing used this story of the Prodigal Son is$ Ex . MA ANDREWS. TICACHER OF giate Journal, read by the editress, an unsigned letter which. Detective titueoftho FenLan RAid t HE STAR, to be is- exec6tive committee. president, vice - he It field and Cod alone knows Whether Pland Oman, Theory. SIght Roadi president. sec'y.-treas., Capt. Donnelly, Miss Gregory, and answers to ques,, Yorrell hits received from Goderich, In Ing if the riblain fi.n. the inedala hits nny of them may fall, but let us hope If any witll Inuch met And falling effect - E. WatsonundJae.Andrews. The Canadian Is placed at rest tinder the bright flora Him text wits found fit Phillplans. ali Training, 45 tio"s by Principal Strang. . After an which the writer states that a use" been ordeied yet. sued Dec. 15. It will r too Clavier fvlqthod he I at fee1ar the term was placed at $1. 50 intermis%ion of felt minutes Mr. Grant anosweriog the description* of tine of Africa it may be front wound. in fmir tip IX chapter. 22nd v-pino -. ,All the be well illustratipul, 16 fav t. G., W, The on"A Data e ID Um gave it usef tit and Interesting scion . Will Tte United SLaAeH flak Was ;it halt* not because lie wns mure�cd through a Flllulo the be, bV Innill 11. a In a sitin cents to be paid. on joining and the murdered man was about Goderich rti&qt hitt flag 1, lespecting held aloft by the chiefly those of Caesa% pages all full of good cano all Stude Will it talk; tout- of the pupils, Jno. Carry 4otne time before tills week litt the (L 8, Consillate efw housphold.' The speaker, after do - balance In January, and it as agreed the murder, and gentle Boers 0 i Africa. 'Xe' aroittiche nsery to . ourell. taking the'solo sang "Old Kentucky that he st^ted to permons there that hot in memory tif deceased Vice President: things. Advertisers should atbat the (Itst shoot be hold on the Your% truly, scribing tho unfavorable circumstance; INV006tiOn A the once. 307 Home" fit first, class style-. Lin Williams Oarret A. r , 1 '­� second Friday in December. F. J. T ' was an his way to Windsor, where be A IntITIELHILA. of Oensar's household and court, secure space at once. - Naftel. the president And vice-prest gave An Interesting reading. and the had a brottker." There will no it celebration of Holy brought out t1lose points i (Ist) The dent6 werer appointed a committee to meeting closed with God Save the lbommunion. at close of orning, ahe Glass Works. enel.rative t It Queen. se0vice lo St. Genrge'o church, next, adapted t It he arrAugo for and have the shooting -to those Brief Town Tooles. Mill. Wood range prepared, and the meetingad- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBETIS OF THE Among the Clittrehes. Suuday morning. To the lCditDr of Govattivu STAIG palace, the mansion of tbe in Idd To class. Oil Tuesday three of th� Central Jammed at call of the president. BELL TELEPHONE CO. AND PUBLIC.- Next Sunday evening In Victoria Its ithout tiln* , to order the 0hrist- Dear �-lr: -ThIs Im he flrAt enterprise gub- or the coctage of the very poor; to the fichool pop, Is were taiten. fiefure Mr. L -The bricking of On and after Friday, Nov. 24tb, IM. street Epworth League the subject far mits nUm el' 0 litilled totho vutesof the PeOP10 of the towl, learned professor ln ('01lege I'Alls. to Seager for fighting at% the streek Fbr Sale, BUILDixG NdrBs. It I Tua: STAR foil ham be, -n rqJocted. A. it 1. only ooi mhort the most gnorant In tile land; to every (hough no ininionp hold been issued. OlneO relations livitiF in dit4tatit I R. J. T. Naftel's dwelling on Waterloo subscribers to the Bell Telephone Co. the evening will be "Until He G pat ts. I L rna ago that the people. by a largo raniority M�. will be a niceChristinits laix grade of 4itelleet, and every cO111110011 The Police Magistrate gave the youth - street is finished. and the The topic will he introduced by VOL04 W -uhtnit tho bylaw, tile question natur' 0 painters will he held responsible for non -sub- Robt. Young. The Star mill Is [III kept I,l9v Nvith ally prIHom why was It rejected I It is hardly f morality. The saints In Caesav's house fill ones a strong lecture. and they The Aboia is out into stove wood will soon he through with their part of scrillers using their telephones around 8 posm1ble that Lho altlZanll isood to go to nie must have been ineii and women of left the conM It Is hoped, with the The monthly fellowship meeting will local trade and outside orders, oLnd 11.4 ftwh, ,do, to got tin the work. -The water works chimney he hold next Aunda, morning in North soon is at call lie manufactureit it car pr1v)Lu'1r1f"iin11y of VOL log it down. &Onto int' before nice, intention pf being good hays in tire ngth anti will be'delivered to any town, for which there will be a charge backbone, who could confess Christ Jt he same day as road considerably the past week; and of five cents (5c) for each conversation.' -eal. ill 11-leall Lly �Upp0000 that It was def oatcol by r. and no doobt did. and future. Mclition -to the building Wly to S&Itford 4 Methodist churcL commencing at load will be shipped to MonLi K. N. Lowls'eircular, sprang oil the conialun. were hurried Into the Master's pros- The work Pf gravolliz the N Rare Is the will The same rate will ap Cram& non-subserl bore.) y order of the 10 'clock. The pastor will take oth The Proctor-Mc0crtney lAw Anil, at the I"t hoar, but that was not the so ence by the cruel hand of Nero. be completed in a few days.- Tel9phone Co., Ltd. Gen. Porter, ser vices on Sunday next. Tun fJTAn is pleased w note, has been dicro Vam pot ono point in that circullorcutuhni The being po hed ithead. an on W lines. brdersve�eived �,X telephone or Buchanan and Son have 6ade a good Gospel must have a penetrative force day uearalt, 150 loai( -, were dam peod be. local A special telephone The noted elocutionist. Miss practically settled. Tho vosts lVill ag- koonounted to anrthipg. The writer of tho start On the addition to the knitting �%itikei-villoicituri%dniltmirlit that he knows to reach such a palace and to prod ova notary. manager. gregate several thousaud d( nothinit whatavor about the glass between. buch men. It can penetrate the slunm fit,, been erected In the public tele- n ok of Chicago. A1111 4. tween Colborne Ann ontreal streets. prompt Attention. -The brickwork and PIASter- phone exchange for the accommoda, nt under Tic mayto a glam workoo has boon lately started twenty teams hein eingagimil hauling ing on Dr. fluntere residence, cornet he Court Goderich, No. 1k., C. 0. 1 ., tire. and make saints out of the water rats fron, the river. Aortice Horton in- Vr to T' less �111 I'. _- on -n- I tiou of non-subscribere lot- talking th. t, tp of North t. vrgaring fol- an oystev at Kingsville. li�', gives no information that its well its the prince fit the paince. of -Victopla and Nelson streets, are be- s ' - PT)" to "0 eauldammi,itus, oeRnotgaywhool,kindotillamis tnt me THE MTAR that this ib. the first 'Ph 'horch e one 98. around town. for which the charge n 10luisday even- Ito the second week 19nil I evember, workii tholy are. Men Lewis & Co., largo deal. 2nd. Regenerative power of the ing pushed ahead. -Jas. Yates is erect- w Ill be the same, 5c. A special Ines- Ing. Dec. 14th. 1809. Pull particulars will be given litt-oir. erg In glass. look6 there 1:.n,) wind glass man. time In ILA history that the Stlaare ling OW Gospel. It was Imposomilile to describe beencompletel gravelled,whIchishowe We, cottage on Cambria Road, the facturott in annolla Thaidipo.08 of tho that Rink of inoral depravity, Citesur's ro staged M * an evening service next Some evil minded petson haN been r rame neing already in position. -The stouger service has also. been art orning d Kipg4l`1116 glumfo worit beenuffe if It were a how well out, 9 reets wear. foundation at Jno. Morris' new dwel- for, in which triessages will be sent Sunday in Victoria street Methodist in Clio habit. of spitting tolinct.o. jtoee window, glAiiii works nobody would know it palace, a wretch who outdid all other Peter rIcEwan artnind the Square or one block from tillls be tj ,, MO. Lowk & Co. The Canatin. Gazette contains it no. ling. oil Cambria Road was finished church. fly the pusLor. Rev. S. J. Allin. on R. B. Smith's store windows, monsters of ernelty. The linpresAifin last week. -J. T. Goldthorpe is erect theSquare for the same charge, 5e. Morning to The Valley of Baca." making the glass its dirty as hiin,,,�,f. ,, Vh ev then icfer to the Navatico gliuse works, lie left on the Christians of that, age tice of thoto " Dominion Oil Pipe Line Job, iqov. 21st, 1890. . I I id finimh by may ng, "Of- course wo do not ) "not Company." signed 1727-8 Evening, tile Itnow whother any nior WILN they expected him to return to Ing two more residences on his proper- trill hevond that distance, within one T Hum tn Time Picce." Beck and Goldthotpe will c1r,st. favorable condIrlo by L. E. Dancey. the Col. v m6ficitor : to mile (of the public telephone exchange, S. S. and Bi blo cla-a at 3 p. in. evaporatol oil Saturday (ir Mom leightiorto lml." etc, We kpoow' life out anti-Chrimt. Yet in such A nty on Cumbria Road, men baving Y, t ieduop the callit. I to $5W. our r 10 lji�ti (-000f Itionm hera are "inch incre favorablo palitce. In such awfiA surroundings, 000 U st6orted diggitIlrout the foll the charge will he 10c. Won. B. Chamberlain. of Chicago aftet a good season's bujiness. N�11) w all thay were it Napallee; the reaptierative folve �)f the Gospel chatige head office front Sarnia to Tor- 60DRIUCH iodation. - we have fill tile B. Mannings has started the founda- THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.-ThIS Theological Seminary, -mys, "I have would be a good tittle to start, it perk raw lilalt!rial hoto neceAmur to onakoFlamm ex. Was felt. and saint -q were inade onto; to change rorovipional board of tion for a dwelling On Trafalgar street. when applied to Tun STAR as an ad- once had the pleasure of hearin packing factory in I he villaKe. Oliall prOportion o7flne pall whilat In 0TXD up to, xooN jpr TallitsDAY.) Napanoli had too raw material there; they laid household. Darwin thought directAn 0 Buchanan and Son are furnish' Myrtle Tell [I , t . and to authotizo the corn- -16*9 no imorovernent. and reports '119 vertising medium is absolutely correct. essen Cooke, and am glA5 The new tegulatifinFi inaugurate to too it licir sand fifty toilloA, and they had be natives of Putagonia the triost de patty to deal in coFl and its; products. material for a dwelling for H. Fowler, to teatif y to tbg InEellectual clearness, entries w ore the wheat crop has Po paper is mote eagerly or universal- by the Be Telephone Conipittiv. ary aht1)titvpd of the liiiinati race, but hO saVv etc.;, provitip for delivery of the same. of Dungannon. and one'for Henry the natural simplicity, and true artistic meeting w1it h favor fly the Ill lrh,. Win— UNi"C's tbeO tile ()()gppI tran-iforin them mentall and evive the same acL week -s who ']'hill out tles Itico 1,PwiA & Co., who %-cry prob. and tl)01'ltlly. find heconle a v 11hert u II114cribes tittelments rceelved last ery y ottkaro not at tal Prorate. Mullen, near Belfast. ly read by the people of Ruron than power of that rendition." and non A AT Homm-The ruetribers of St. THE STAR. Proof are to hand every The teachers and officers of Victoria tbeorrect mealling of Lhe lle%v 11010an gin" ntribntor to inissionarr fualls. In W.i. are to the effect that rork.. and do wit want p day. One advertiser wanted to rent a street Sunday School held a meeting ' thiu this Business Notices. Oone of tI Wheat WW be double that of the Geotige's Young People's Guild gave an ul go. (�ounto. and who fit noiy.,evout make a large 10 South bell 19 Al)(18. Where Thelialiday season will bp here before nad the atsitarlitilit being Issued at Rome in the school room on Tues- Front the complimentary remarks prolit, oil ho Belgian which they import many mist4ionaries were killed, tile you tire ready unIsse you get a niove on. house, And paid 75 cents for three in- at which it was decided to have It 81111 W loubt oil it very large salUoidmi brotherg. frout Nova Scotia. sertions. The first franc brought a clay School Anniversary on Solidity. made About the granolithic ;tlks a[ fct.that the Wallace. We can save you much Worry and thoughil doVertiniatif stattstIolan, puts the seal on day evening. at which there was t desirable tenant, and 60 cents was we- December 819t, and to hold an entr ready completed. mh.,ovi d be went I ot loreach Lhe Urispel; I bell, 111(,oal Urg glamm works art a dovidod Atineesm In in your el,,ction of presento, if you will ooibsilo limitin are pmaticaW where they we Rood attendance. An exvellent pro- fund6d. Another adverCiaer wanted tainment fcr the Sunday School oil number of petit.ions fill. othe'lk e , -y way. and that Wallaceburl wold wits sotin shed and the land wits liter- call At our Photo .1-Itudio. Those nattiml re gramme was presented, and during a servant and paid 50 cent4 for two In- Incil before rtioant tonothing without thom. L is noi ally llatIle(I the following Monday evening. 8 in but, today the colored pictures. copies of oil paintings, fliough there have been occasional the intermission coffee. cake, etc, sertions ; one insertion brought the Further particulars %bout entertain- = pre ented to the cot spring Pons. lik.ly tnat Mr -I�d, a -took holer lot those church I -ell toI18 and the whole p(ipit word servei? Wall present. Therector, desired result, Stilt another lost a went will be given later oil. work,l. would wish to enootiratte 11. to start are charming. We do all kinds of Fram- 114) [night suppose still brings I"t week's rites, but Rev. Mark, Turnbull. was an d a 50 cent ad, recovered the Miss Jessis OppoAtion work. hero. amlation flocks to chtirch ill wor"hip Ing* T. 11. Botopuzy. �w, that chairman, and the various c0lumitte- lost article. Nunievous estray ads. in that we would also In ti na, pilot tho line they There J tit) woul, 114)w v Ifilk be a slight Weakening no A correspondent of the Seafoi th smith. is the poilsif -or of n chry-an But er degraded, Clocitcm Fuiu,­A quantity at %vbeat positor says i- What In wrong with , and compoic wl(h thom, waka Inj but the Gospel can reach It the ininisters of Huron Preshvtory flowers. Miss Jessie would Iikt� Mr. oes statement to bol trun, that tho IcH, 3rd. The prps�rvativo poover of the i0i lite Ola Couatry roark64 are deserve credit for the arrangements of Tian STAR have aho been satisfactorv. thosmun, containing 141) beautifii screeiiingafrorn FortWilliarn tarsals at to, 01.0m at, Bret, ilaiii. Im po stricu"ient, an tit no Any way, four having resigned lit loss hear of Any chat an knock the spot 'I'mot was don to oul-managetnent. Oompel. It required grace to keep the evenim. The candy table was Many merebants persounily tentify as the Ooderich elevator. Wheat moreenings r4m, ( hirfurniturto fantory,ond motnoofourothit H h d; people of %nd ItS load of tootlis than a year P Perhaps the posular off this for number eil,pdrk Is quoted at low fisuressill well sopplie ome t a the superior valise of Tun STAR 118 lie beat chicken feed oil the market. line, b fi­tori" lost uloney t nr-1. yet III are now AppI3, to It. F. MOOKUS $it the harbor. ofthe town, backbone, who could riot lie latigileci at the mild l0estlier of the tit hits had disapppared long before an Advertising medium. Such proof caste I I I tA ixacting an de- ChriRtnias in 0111111K with swift to the wroall wl vantage, a trro Wiodki is tilattily responallilb (or this A110 close Of the meeting. In the flrst is gratifying Indeed. While the air- and wedilant hc4tajetti Invogtitio,wolotho \1nut of t1wit religion; people who had Oystorm, arrived. and nerved in all style - art of the nrogramnie the MisseA culation is still rapid] Increasing. round ss of men. or it rnav strides stud we wonld einind the him. he as a church, Or people are becont. furniturt, fAetotyn fe%v (layRitwo. (r) decide between death and apoo;tacy, t the Victoria Restaurant, West streek thwell gave a sweet duet, Miss Par- THE STAR Will continue to improve ce Cream mind Fruit, Confectionery, &a. ........... 111 a at to 4 02 g too penurious And starve them cont. ness meet that Santa Ulans reads THE %%,ow the orily point i,ri it, the Lowl. noi,ilb is thvv nobly chose the fortner nti re an, tlanablo L.t. atilt STAR every week and notes the littirem theirr­poiteibleand vi-ry 0% hk Wheat. 0 Miss Nyda, Rutson, Mis3 Beatrice and ever stand on Its merits as " There are, however, faults on both it fornior bankmIlle" tairml their rellalon, Different its C. BIACKSTONE, Pmp. it Foi fir Piltailt. to IT Wells and Miss Videan give most ac- NEWSPAPER. sides. but It must he evide where presents are to be had for his t1tat erat. Wolin, 2 9 2 at to all burg" id that evnit in itio ty. ... with an 0% days file front now. yet there nre Now goods for Christmae and lqew lt iiii ion.... ceptaole vocal solo, Miss AT TEMPERANCE HILL. -The enter. church goers that there Are many min- numerous family ot litti. ones. eacdalgly high taritr foov., iOg the qiinie The tenipldon% Yearti. consisting of presents suitable for acto 0 .......... I ...... 15 09 to 13 Sturdy. Miss Edne Tye and Magiet er, oilly rannot o -ono ILI. th" ftofto, Par to".L'­ .. . . . ............... 17 00 to it no on Friday evening in Teat- isters who have nincle The question whether Huron today were gretter than fifty yetirp old and young. Goods are too numerous to 00 tikhaw Murray pleased the audience tainment a end mistake Tribal f,rfetche in 14 worth an,,wor ............ n their choice of calling. Bruce will pay for the stipport. of I h v ],is. It 1�' well kno-,, anwunr ago. T'aday's keen competition It, and too variel to mention, Fverytiling 'I 916 026 wit, rI1 0oodered recitations, and perance Hall under the direction of boy Lqtion. committed to a ftekorin- trien that"In iloo, V S. tho I s lno-h I,, Inisinpliq, Us vittieftv of pleasin-PA, its ..................... 035 to 040 MISR Olt 94VO an accoplistble piano Miss Wynn drew it large audl . Gait Reporter : "Some of the tunes eplan" uanally found In a Book and Fancy Goode ...... ...... - a 0 63 ence,the here Is no four if tr"4ta and (unibines. the whirl of Store. A nice variety of various tints of solo. Durlba the intermission for re, in the new Book of Praise are evident- atory some tinte "Ince by 11. M. ,f the.upi-ly. find t, .. ........ .0-36 bull being filled In every part. and 9 r, will coone be over pr(Ow-tion either in floloilum or A r"I fashion avid *h6s: . took bushel .......... 0 to to 4400 'loreshments Misses Barker, Reynolds ly not popular ith many Presbyter_ eage fore the Uotinty a,o Oten frooIlleally have to v mocon. the recinirenient- (if society note paper and enovdapea on hand, and Tye, and Geoffrey Halt gave flano id- 1i I. q fam tha the prieeof window glass tie Inid large 4rmpathy (tit- thein all. ever seen In town. and a I 7 6D t many were unable to gain admission. inn congregations. Sevoi4l timeq min- O.-uncil at its next session. firm- f -r fla" after ortivalte 90clPt v to he thet out of isniall salal ii -4 Moo in smoker's goode, the greatest vairiall Notes. The second art consfatei of R The programme, as is usual where Miss uttern In various parts of Canada have The wintor Abow of th- county ot I, A. ti" it p f ort y por eau t I it i he lamt lear. I sold fit ernar, 0119 215 Vocal det by tills ntier tiozolb ................... and Wail glad to Oveoinniend the Gospel loarging at BUTLER'll. to 00 Tye arLd Mr. Carey, Mnnt is directress. was A good one. changed the hymn at divine service he- Perth Poultry Association will iw)ipla 0h. too 11 w4- not the -quib, t was a f-eting their twory need. Men In Weep Glad Platt and bough apparently lengthy as cause the congregation did not. sing it. in Stratford during the last. week I,, lintich nonotner thing that defeateld tho bylaw. Its In I it the nit,. Indu.(riou.ly circulnid, PVPFY "silk of I$e had temptations— nor lbo, dtditlin'T . ...... 03 371, Mons w0thorald. vocal solos by Mrs. viewed front the hill, was through in wOul'I linaefit t 0 CRth. A Long Letter in a Nutsfiell. This was done by Rev. R. R. Knowles December. Anyonis desivitiz it pi I Zf. I h. t t he F 1- war. k. h Inini1414-1-8 (if th 0ospel as well as ......... 23 )Milliar, Mime, Todd and Harald 'Black- good timo, it plan that should be adopt- at the evening service in Knox Church. list or other information ghmiH (IT'n ) It olio. of t '0 a' the workmon coining here A 0016 509 thet-A but no man ever knelt In t4tonei iind An el9belletit resoing by Lin 6d at all public entertainmen 0 Day ot Illy and Gladness,' and the card to the secretary, F. W. lirti(lilow. oro.apoo-e-I to ltioredible a,m .......... !,To Inny twwn It was this oitinment beyond ........ 0 Q3 th 003 ts. The ........ to 390 Williams. Gaid'Siave the Queen clos- proceedings were under the pal,tonage choir att4whold to the words a tune stiatft)rd. llbt at of.mtei, the bylaw. incere twayer before Giod but received U)ndeshoro. OnL.. Nov. It 1". E. N. %hp gT arp Cn help him Tp blot Close of which the congregation had seldom oe J. M. McLicorl. Ooderich. '44, ed the proceedings. at the Royal Tem plars of Temperance, q resided other" whom I can n:% Tonom for tovpev*�hle people, ins, pated that as 0 to were to lie devoted tA) some needed Im. shop ton Hamilton "tref-t, whiel, h, bo a solid vote f,,r it") byinw. 140 3 Of fthOrt Vevine 17, and Jno. - ng., They tied to listen while 12 filing matlar hnw niovh It might boOrfit the bumjnil� MsPatPTa0" 'in(] I wit- troobled wit a, w ak back and 1: 040 "raln' =ment of the hall. Rev. James A. I purchased n short time At r. to 81 Otin TRIAL AND Slfwnmon.-On and the proceeds -the entran ce fee 1�e- ffervp ail we i never heard before. Mr. A. J. Paltridge, who hit me. and who I The0ospelhadthepQwertapre 014 At the conclusion - Dear rtnvone can of thd singing, Mr. Knowles rose and In Forest. %time yeai-. I- now in a iii,111ri,-nt rivitson why th,l eTiterprimeghoulil 11 M-9 to save. fr,.rn this letter. print it.. I thinFl.)" 0 0 to Tuesday the bo?a Edward Devine to. ing st. silver collection at the door- 'The congregation will no%v of the Stoddart, linrneolq dotentoot by -aying they lo,ard them wombig The choir. sWiti9ted by Mis4 14rown, of caRe should tw trinde known. Last fit said: I TI nion of inc t ­n itencrally toibrina in addition. others, ron(lered officiprit werviortle. The with niv kidnevs. &c. Mr ease took R. 40 to Sao 6161d 14. were again brought before rson occupied the chair. sit usual that foreign tune. It wato an Anthem Poiltridge comeR very highir recolls- al It wa.� It 0 06 to 'm His Hbn6FJttdqe',MA9aon. the first one most eflIM ently. Space will Ito by t.be chost beautifully tendered. b IMilLe to benefit the solos by Miss Brown &it th" nit"*Vlog seriong hir at last. t turned t It per - 0 akto 70 mit mate than it mention of the of th,, T- naot. be nulmirlinmed to the rRori at the afternoon sePRIOD. w4\re tending ine, none of thern co"Id It I mended tip an expert nerhanic nd It r I Intrets out of place at this time. ' We she I not ho . liveol the anct evening services, and by Miss Pat- (18 (1pay I had three gond doctors sto S*Vft Agh V3101crAWAIIIA various numbers, all of which were P tor trild and the others for sent-ence now sing nurniter fl(tv-four.' "JeNtio, honorable citizen. Lf-alifleailon of rinrrow noindiA bigotry. ra ..... 90 t6 40 they having eonfesaed thelf It wnq % ve7 poor nornpliniognt, to the inttill- Well rendered and hi lily alKireelAted, ne. I was t-Pred even tioneio. afeter ilN&,Vtr dosonw.. lilt ;�Iien Keep Me Near the Cross.' and the con- Writ. McClymont., wlien M11C.11t to r. 11 wbnlo:�'. I ........ ... itiven in a most creditable manner. gencti and chr %tian charity nt thme to whom They 1110 IdWayll L6 'Honor last Vitursday to we corno n Auburn. ttliq to live. A of 30 to 'N before His gregation sang It." close the door (if his tip a %irq work thit ptntonl­t was presented " An mrsrumont, I wits givpn ?I hours pitum " to 80 1he crown At ortley having waltej The progra in wag as follows : 6 .... 30 to 35 ---------- a- shop one day last week. ba(l A nAr row but It a 'coptold Am AT THR EVIENTNO SHR1410V gFod neighbor ns to get sqnle L Solo -"A Little Dow of Blue The ii-si-red actively In tho estab o your retned le. iNI v brother went at ......... lAdtog tneases from Olinton. .. ........... MISM Via. Connelly. V]rCTOIttA OfntRA HOVoM MONDAY. DEC. se . hiq font slivroing when It(, liptionnentof every entarpriolo now existing the Rev. R. Hendermon, of Anhnrn. ....... '60 tb U"d,00b0tt, D6*106 and Brumfield a erseenfleCd for the doov, all(] lie fell W1140AC It et I it vety able discmirge front L Recitation .... .......... here nd art, paying their share of the t4txon. Mins Wasithemid. onro to 0oderich and Rot your System They testiflM thixt Ed- 5. salo-Nmay Morninst," M IITH Orin Sour; Waloc.-The 6rmostailt Pro' thiongh Che opening oil to, lho� sie whil.t the Prot­lantp are drawing 1ho wasr" it, psi 137 : ­Ik4 forget thbo. 0 Je '- 'tire. "Itaturih Brown. - Rpniivitior and Specific C I was wAtd Velville its With them One night A. 119trunlantal .............. ... . Mr. Simpson. duitition ever seen on the stage in Goderich. ,r ure tould knorw the vhange, after t :V4* walk. gotting it good slinking ivp fly alonost exclumtvely ad are grotilng tho benefit nsalent. let inv iight, hand torge he wh6h they i 0 0 O'bickehito but took no S. 8-316-"Alono. Yet Not Alone.". - .. oi`Lhataxo�ontlrely frnin them. for olontanon (11 egan t 01 Mies Terana, Doyle. Mandity night will be presentd for the first the ittil, thongh no wpi-P broken. .,hol,l pit rpnqo- at lon-t Th. C., holic. ciinning. If I do not remember the"el Illmot om).. I h o improve At once -it Itir the, thefN, and their testimony 6. Ume In Goodericb, The World. the greatest lot fivy toriffile clenivo to the roof (It arid wast sible to he in 00dPTiCh fou; The municipal nornin tiinq thin Venr r,sle otpond their ntoney montitur tho Proto.t my ?hts it men pild va, niouth. if I prefernot Jernaalprn sillove wpek% afteol began them. I &in since ............. i&e Offitoet tits billitilt of (Ito doubt ...... ..... . TERM18810N. ..1111his will tell. scenic Produntign on the state today y Iticernh well. I, worked quite a lot this, company eqnive nore direct frairl the lattelt. will he held on Friday. I] or 22nd - f�tM2= of the cobt of builditat their chomh in thossiti, the The law DrovideA that when I. tAntq. tT, where they are prealcrunced to, he Imt, uiy chipf joy." The teverend gentle, quite . ..... ... ... Mr. Van EkoerY. of GaIL beat At racytion on the road. Tuesdiftli r 4"6 ........ 6 hodfbond It tit ltotgU1161. Itiltitiborea I man Pinfohaoized the foillowing points ....... . I tawthis ge 001fitedotit. that it per- bolo -"We Flight OfAires," .... Mysile Mountain." Wednalmils a (,nit1talle no"e Triat Isritel waq it type of the (11 -lilt anintrier. I thank von and wish you n1h "The Monday In I)ecen)hpr is Chrit It r 1�nnoy had been a Donkhober. a a ypar) the nominntiOnS wait coula tw 66tit to thoe Content Pinson n .mn *IyL Nil Expreps." Thata� (as happens thl 'Itotirs I Ox.oion% Irt, Or anythina oke rnit it la� moth soccess utid long life. .084�00 1A li00+*bV(k &1'0*-"'*'J*)*C*A't'i't"7"6*'8160p," Sam nqfr.� Pride& night. he tile." Saito �� shall take place on the torpeeding Fri- woult) not have been referred to cont,ollin chtirch. describing the inviiiible church ..... 8 . for t*6 yegrg for the "(fence ho hAd. tuolmly " ra,4tareigner" nnd the bylaw wAurd as n.11 thrine who fire In Chrint thiou h JAM R9 BROWN. A. EvAltat 8010 ...... dr. rdan n ir t, rhe m roil All DOW day. This does not affert the dAtP 0 WWW $0�111tfs hilt Vh4t A* his formal, & so a ....... ....... a Goderich. t .......... '?.rTfh_. ; Xt `=M. 1, oupanan the alonpritent. 0oci alwars ceired F.11 retoluolbyer bad given him A, IT. ItecktAttou....19 ........... 1. P'""'arep thanal the electionn. which will lie hold on ttie poir gnveintrient 1,o YAorlp Tmyrinff tb Call chat WQ VIM- and met thrillinx and menssitio"Al. of dolla,# 1. torinf, into the thin chin-rh thn,ovii nit the veAn of Bor* 4 ftfi�k "4 Vt0MtI§ed to t46 9M bitak andle(layl too Pitt on by Ilot Lbselovisrestitetim In Am OA. firt Monday in January. eOu,itry, olorno or i inm of very reallorombla AAd A*M thAt fib bei ilifilb loblefifl* every orie a Stott, In the Pwasdon. Come Oil- rM RL the old and now disperplationa. And ...... With* fits �Wiiyul(l It. M mwil a. 'he took hobera . In (Iodorleb, an '11�rjdfty. Nov.uth. AaPft0sn1t6!�!kf- Atia"o '0611lbak" day night anil seethe Irrellitest oftnidprodnedon Ob Tuesday a wagon Wltll rlrgfp crl Jqq V' . hert inler to m,, no -,im jr,, ticale. a fill,, being so, the believerN al,, -e.,r, my hnif and do not bo� t him Jt6 on iins h I- MIN TY& overseen IrtGodqdab. Thin IssidollarWiPlat lights for Alessirs. Dioinlop and allovnift1b. the DeAm"614, *as- grftljt� "PF C;r- 10, JQ it all 0 of 4 etaq were cpriterpd In the chorch. The Aftmovit In Al- il I #I., nd IJrtJ6 110" Mr Lean mind the Rptiftird e-titto- rectell '1 .1 th,,j are -Plvonmd to, the can n I'T bellevpr shoold allow his love to the VVItto of John C. nu htim a at 00. Tatioday, Doe = *AV. bit likib0p it .61 ed town from Lontio.i. And tin Wea -1 It ho � a n- it uren or r n A, In& ift eArt Ir applauded 06" *bo neq ta,, 0 Phurrh by taking FL hearty intpre,it In Died. tbj§,b_6y8L lucatis I I hill, o y t r pie in losrind Wool Von thbit vii";6ailk, re- day thpy lvere plate(I in Ilia of -arinihinted suraltint - to wellt"riv. aid financially to the host 11161; of more ill triply be Wymon.- In Went waivantpoh, I h oft In n M10611,04 filtdod lAst week Mt. 0. A. Wells received Andrews Bros. & or, and tholica. a is yet we of his Alillity; here It Is Where '10 many 23rd inqi. William Iscin. aittid Ts r or 9 all it the alletterfrom his fAther in Atnitraboot. Non, lip t6fiattil Rod Goode. While taking out the old Itio ir.jo-tiev, of the 1100ra of Of too fl. it Is unthir for ona,quArtor of monala. ........ f Ilent tb *U *6ttft At the time Of writing Mr. Wells at Audrewx Bros. n piece Fill the church to do thre "amters of the; enANSIM&-In Latiolatt. Ro,olh Alt-ic% rind we Foollananili, olmolder one tip I Il'i0ftm �wtnor, Was in the tinclot of coM plant- Aquar work And hear mom than oryne-bliolf at 25th. Itleflard Chamberso, agWr"I"Wal broke off and fell Ini o I he r Lorp rifloam,,olforre alit rittlita, ipt we (at to tt .1 o h,%Vo Illam fit harno who are fit," InN and hoeing ptitatoe% Here In butdid strike anybody, Not the Point I Its financial burden. We should each lit till CAttisids, live can plek ano Wh'hd crop thut %Lruck the floor just maile An I ' -olifor Inluction, to I hol, to', Irrt r1#0 0entill pASIN for ft* btA� n. give until we feel them to ^ wirrill" Five centil p4ilyo for Tin% onf flowers in the gArdefto land woo4st. dentAt4on of an luch and a halt deep. Nov. nad, IM Inade. The believer apauld bait falth- Jannary.