HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-11-24, Page 7had 15 *pleat humility *Opened Tb° gkteboo chug, e new lig seindoa. WI* Quebed MIL ReetUteg et.the a citY a eata tonal' with anteli090 rdldineo livl tli*OlielPh. Stir> tehutable 0 pion need Age 4*4 WO' Ire e ence rtegi-So at Lethbridge ha men having decl claim for the houra. ' The Hamilton Counoil decided raembers' patron who close their day nights. 'The wife of Ha cago Board of Tr rested in Montre ing 5E0,000 worth ing to her husba At the Me commanding at asked the colo vide themselves ped Geemail fora the i1411e PeteC Peters() 01110/en Paekin den, Ont., Met h sameelmfting. bean*, and bot his ritMs broken body liadly eras Thie.KIngeten been offered a bo free eft() tO move' Ontaflo. The Harmdlton P cent conviction selling ginger tele aneyiled by Ju -"Commissioner t the Departmen ulie amount of ro Y ukon te Nov 800. Th nyas a r vlegenteMe ptiste Prevost, his sister-in-law, years, arrived fr they had spent t ed unaided from a carriage by the iahment a the E. H. Lloyd, London, Eng, fo 51,800 frotteS. Car has been given penitentiary. There is a lar Queen's Universit and, t e question ed 'SO modatio 400 -,tt an th tr. Marie, estial tonnage, '2; nage, 2,B66,546; Pa Minister of ielletneMication f the 'tamily of Ito bank ,robbe 6Y,ln o it, it will be r e•in 'Penitentitir are and Holde threii years at th kieht ease will b "rnti lie has,. only; s Footle to. hum -',k4b.• • ''-.;:rxhif two Cat ;Witiiiipeg On a ch o.t 11111 blattelf `of an evi .Inten ;sentenced t .frive demand fo eiteamships tor th , next Milliner ifs that the Aliens OkilicatiOna for t 1131Pai Tanisian, raid Parisian. however, hae 'not , vent speOulation. that the probe:hie nrin-citttle parryin *hips nett year had NM I , . GREAT 7 'the Imperial t6 Smith Africa ,Maehinea. The'66 ',*ttesilted to stsa idirlieepteeer. The 4aebee .Sumle halfplinit Started Lond Vet:UM. Thoraption, , titni. and . tire intirdered Gear ta tteetig6. c, coo a ten 'ft .rtierder ,ot * tit Men : hee itth 0.000,44. Aarnirel &tenth lier'ht Oren of& in *tar fo rtiein .the reingarrition tint "e01•714 the .coloPi Sit ittehitxt* Attentioy•oihetg bertnieit Iti reeogn thee Areneittielen''' glob. Sir *bort .161 for tire0 Itri ,titand iot mlcheel ( The Prtivielott4 reeeotl lte tbe Triter/nal *idea t : I ,•,, ;; ij i,),, , i: ., ,, St c 't 'i - - - -- , L Itt la t ree, he fenteew. it ( nili001100i the AIX Domeeretitt eandidetts. *4 Now York. OA Nationlik SardWire t* . ' .004timation at Pittellitirg . eatoltal ot 070,4100.0110., . , At * fedneini lenteltiten Of the lfeW .Yeriecoetetnielireatorti theidettee Of tho 1,004* ant 4,1,bitee By, wite rati,flad... -J1114n00 dfnereen Ingtelleien, end *whine ler, Irreetted let Oldelelen lona hente teke est * 'Reichene. -ein #1.1* e4i4 to' don* ,soarried ead nethirteti th wernert, . 4, .111tigreeitt •Ot •!$110 Ifati Metered. 00414 -31Sirnif• Vernet** Vauderbilt tor liegleatug II* Aluty an nefeethen- he iteree'41Flk jorco.' v.k*. AAA rePreeente4' OlOtiTponaity .444 Ole VASA , . neengei Slmette. If..*Iderliii:' :et the Cxterneetileutt Soften* 'Court-, Ion .been. **4141 'Pritio.0 4 0 4 et tb*International 'X.ew, -4/04.0eiletilen e0 Mitielent Sir Itich. ord Welinter, .4t-torney-Ge.nkel. Of . . X05iletttl- - . • - •., • '.. , „Li. .. . 4,,,'.1:k° $0.007- lit0hOotiEllt.,..tolltoir.0Q0- Wood by grandeine bitarilord for .7enedendipeeohneee. 0/ S.:Where Pacific :ethic. .. k..a 'WM at -0..e0Cli,* PASI..d.e„.-,'SY.....4-II„able tor the. nee of tlio ;Stallion; Unmet'. Ott'Y'' • ' . . 2he Ertitili tothanier, n. W. Taylor, fro. in $ B rel ' • d i • d t N et antes, ,_ re ,eti e atne .a e Xerk ender enamolon of having be- horde plagge ,aptiong tbe craw: one. .. . . mate died at ente • Mrs, flonitet.:... fiamberger. a a. Loins inidivif;., Ida been belit by (he Gr ticl Jury- lni taire indietruents Of - 4 - - -' - - - marder and manatatigliter. Tier allege ed viethate vvere wemen and iefeere. 4 . , Tbe Amerman *rou et Steel- Mann, teetering" Co.. at nebanont 'Pa., hale etespended ope.ratiotaa -in alt it* Meal puddling anu rolling mills, becauee the mippty is exhanstedi, resulting ' from the oar fautine. Rev. Frederick C. Aletiney, mutter of the Firat Methodist Chet:rob of Rah" way, NJ., and Mtg. Alio Whitney a IlacketetoWn, Whese adoPted eon -Jae in were. n1arried Wednesday. The preach- er, is 34 and the brine 52. Mooney had lived with the Whitney's for Many Yawls prior toner. Whitney's death. At Phoenix-, Arix.., Bieri Hart, .the alleged *Woman bandit, who ' was charged with holding up a etage near Florimee, was aequitted. ' Miss Hart addreseed the Jury in: her owe defence atui pleaded passionately for,,freedone ,„ uno L she Might returten to :LhideaY, Ont., to her fast-failin mother Im- ed• t I 13' ' * in Or e y atter her acquittal the. wo- Wan, was re-arreated, chatged with in - terfering with maitre and' will be tried again, , , • , GENERAL> The Axner of Afghanistan is ill. A cyclone has destroyed thousands ot native dwellings in Negalpsatara, Indie, ' ' more fighting has taken place be- tweet' Armenians and Kurds. .Two new eases of bubonic plague and three deaths front the disease were reported at Oporto on Thursday. . ' The opening meeting of the French et ot Deputennevaii etraraoter- -d by sce nia.CieNitety scenes.. . Daniel: In .uys, a noted Paris en- graver, wa mot and killed by his in - sane wife, w then committed sui- eine, , i The Berlin police forcibly dissolved ea Analoihiat ,eeting called to come memorate the Chicago execotiona of men i , . Eighteen ..ve 11 8 were lost by the recent foundering of tee Belglitn steamer Betgieue Antwerp, off the is- land ef Alderney. . Dr. Camara Pestana, director. of the Bacteriological Instifute, died at Lis- bon of the plague.' Re contracted the disease while attending patients. YoeLebou-Fu, at tbe entrance of Tonting Lake,' was formally! opened to foreige trade on Monday: 'Iltes is the first port opened in the anti -foreign • t H n province o unit . I Although the Belgian Government has passed a decree permitting Cana- • Man -tattle to be imported, it is also provided that they may be slaughter- ed three days after their arrival. A violent etorna inundated the low- . • . , . e ... tying quarters ot Athens. .-numbers of r., uolesee colineFed. the railroad was part- ix washed : away, many persona were drowned. and an enormous amount of damage was done. • A Germam eunitive expedltlowin the roons West Africa or 1 tha tised a tribe ot rebelhorues"24-Inibar 8 who had besieged seyeral trading eta - Gone at and near Rribi The Germans • • ' • chased the eatives into the bush, kin- jag eon The Khalifa is advancing along the White Niter and has reached Abbah Island, 150 miles south of Khartoum. --- Gen.. tenebener's present intention of opening the Soudan campaign on Dec. I; , may suffer serious delay unless the...Inimical. In the meantime is de-, tested in a decisive tight and driven westward. . . , . .. 7 ,,,, , ', ' • - r . , , ' d 1 ' - ' ' . . , ' i .e.,, ,.. , t - , .........,..,-...- ' ' .4 .0. ,,,, ,-1, .. ina,-,... • f....s.--. - ,•.,... .„ - e Ult 8 ., . „ ' TRAIN. l' 0 '..it, d'Y 4, ..-sit...--.:....------,. .--7,...,i.-....-i ..,4 -W i , .- e ' SOath , .. , , ,, ..-. :" .,, e .. , , . .. .", ,..... .., 41.1 1._ ,. , • II - ! e . - :-•:___ .........._,-,:-.. t r .0 i e- „n -nee , . . . 1!;1 '01:1 , OM, BOW *Sr 1.,1441W. 448V1444 AV* 1)41100100 14410 , aninteeeTlen Taantte et Nate& . ' the fokloe;,wgi. ., .4ettef Ifeltelleheer . from ate -iperilie iletrikelailigilseit Lariyantialliz-s l'et, enemy ,Miele a deteriptimet et's teen tilortotreA07,1****lier I. Apper* loileln et.1I the DOW toreellilltetieigittleV' ,.''fjlrh::wktt:is14h.t4"'jl.rtgeai:ttil:r3rtTtiokaa,,k:"'"4::te:Kiee41$:4It1*°H:ltho:*4""Wulitt::":to' 44.14 tertlre Of edittieeing elder °Otter of ' their' So** to 'POsitiotte 0* the if. ete eisiltOpiete Adjacent to those OY the Setlehltetigse *OM liett CainP. , k COlitleuleffAheir ;ideality*, Om. Boor* . °Fet70. OP) 0°;04.f everr eialilble bit of °)tit;aerdy.. w'Perne" 0. 0,4141cierYne'' Ptle'titer4fiee.WIt Wthilitet heat hark the etutiny.110tviltliaten ' . n dientay Of tonality ot pqrpates- te their desporeto swede oh weee3" tieraiii0.4* :The 4004' ettatik Wee mon 'elaborate ortell aide* ot the town. lliti3141 IN SONit 'lltifiNCIIIS84 The hede etteehr, noweeor wit* - WOO hetWettlit the k'reii State aniiblaw. Calitie reiateetylineat Im 4 00114415. 004trl g"iii °1"14f 44 IP -4444214.44! "I". tear* i i it 'A blittalltie Of the Klefs Royal RIfee °tope teens r apdrudi datienoe Tee Boere Were. repulsed. Mit mon rat., lied. Ind retUrned to the attack. Attela the Britten fire, Whieh Was. eerThot. brood. them th retire. , . They 1304 03ade a deep treueb In trent of the tiritieti line*, and while wittulrawing ter their hotreest they left tine uoguarded. whereupon ttto iiinfr'S Rifles, edvanclizet double quit*. oci- ounted the trenc . i WEBS WERE MOWED DOWN*" This smart Movement was not Steen by the enenlY. who aeon returned with the horses. CarefellY reaerving their fire, the King'a Rifles allowed the Boers to ad. vanee altreeet to the edge of the trona , h aied thou poured volley atter h h trolley into t a aetotuaded Boer's, w o pureed and fled from an awful, hall of bulleta belting acmes the open, where the artillery of the Britteh poured in a terrible and effective shell tire. The enemy loin heavily. - At Cashes camp, which protects the town on thel south-west, the Blanches. tee Reglement lield the Wait". De" aemeding undetc cover of the Britigh guns for some diatame. on the further side of the hill, they deteoted 'several hundred Boers .hicting in the ditch out of the, way of tbe British *shells. They poured volley after volley into the enemy, scattering them widely. and infliciting heavy lose. A MORTAR IN ACTION. Meanwhile another Renton of tbe 13°6r s had bro ught a mortar into ae- tion, firing heavy shells. Our guns soon silenced thin weapon, the enemy's artillerymen fleeing headlong. The Boers then advanced in force, with a view of repairing the mortar, but our artillery shelled and scattered them right and left. DEFEATED AT EVERX POIN . T The Boers were driven back at every point, with a loss estimated at 800 men. The fighting was all over 111 eleven o'clock. Promptly at noon, General White ordered a salute or 21 euns in, honour of the birthday of the Prince of Wales. As the cannon boorned, cheer after cheer rang out from the troopen and a scene of enthusiasm, probably without parallel in history, followed. - ' FIGHTING ON TUESDAY. (Nothing important occurred until Tuesday, Nov. 14, when a strong force, chiefly cavalry and artillery, moon- nMtring. came upon tbe enerny near tile Colenso road and drove theme back on their main posittone. • Our shell fire was moat effective.' and '8 believed to have inflicted conaider- able damage. Our .own loss was one man. That same day a Boer shell killed a trooper of the National Mounted Rifles, who was sleeping in lee tent. ' CAN HOLD OUT FOR MONTHS.! A • ee ,All our men are fit, well ano in goo. spirits. It Is reported that the lyddite is terrifying the Boers, who have to be driven to their gun positionq be ro- volvers pointed at their heads. tLadyamith is able to hold out for rnohdhs On the other hand. it. is re- porte t at ysentery is ma ng avoe . d *h d • ki h th en ' In e ernY 8 samPl. FIGHTING IN ESTCOURT. . A despatch from Esteourt, Natal, Nov. 18, says :-For several days le has been known that the Boers have been creeping toward Eateourt, and had boasted that they would be In here this morning. lAceording to programme they tried to rush the tow-nt but' were met upon their arrival with a recep- tion that they little expected. At, '10 o'clock the Dublin Fusiliers took up their position, and, without waiting any time, opened fire by volleys at long range on the advancing enemy. who were crossing the railway from the north-west of the town. The arrival here on Tuesday from Durban of Lieut. Herbert W. James, of the British cruiser Tartar, with two 12 -pound nuns from the, waratep, turned out at Hum stage to be moat i or. una I e A loud report and a whizzing over- head told the tale of the bluejackets' watobfulness. A big puff ot smoke in- dic.ated that their aim. was gocid, the eheit bursting In the midat of the Boone several of whose horses were observed galloping about riderless. The Boers doubled back helter-skee ter. On advantageous points of the .urroundIng hi Is the Boers' ,guns wet e po.ned. getteug ready to cover the ad - vanue of their firing line. Their as - toniahment must have been' great, as they speedily retired. One shot caused them to withdraw out. of sight. They evidently did not dream that the Bri- ish hada long range gun here, as they were coming on with the utmost con- . fidence, evidently expecting to be in Effteonrt wid.hinP 5 minutes after erosa- ing the railway. The bitiejackets abruptly arrested their progress and deserve credit for ; he accuracy with which they judged the range. Gen. Hildyard and his staff were beside the ruival guns Ali is now quiet again. q,,,,, _ , .7,-,--..--„......% . .. . ,,,, - ..v ' 1,!,, • ,. DIAtitiitTliGilt TAM* , \ A.,. TostosToullor, hhaillieW'.5Mete at ging 004 ammo* ' 114vattek:".leteent. *We* Atineet ell eeltuld•00401.4r, , A 40.0.404 titormo .noreehtg - . - A uo....,04,.....1 ' **10. *00 eslitt..‘11torell"Ste490:t tiivii40770;w1"114"tiligtiltiptb,,erott°01;07.14:40rt::*":"*71141640-000. r. • - ' ' ':" - ' - ON,7404/ 440 ow* hl4Mtli.i' Of Pet *belor.lje atroilts iterrOWig Mieelaid aerietnitlies Pria ig n04 *kilt 44iethe' He itett. "4°4 V*11.4 tat*.t t° tb. 4°It°4" -Watt 001144trt 140442 k* *Kt 44* Wm' of°114thilel'' W4114bakeleneW" airt7anidaY liltife..9Prtrepoteilia.°. TS e: . *4°,4011.- Ansa 440440 tO kj•Greelyt who wawa* olgioquitiatarme. **Avoids- whet* he hid had egteneire beige.** tresionetlose, otreen was not te the ,,, . -wool^ far Maklatet friend* with tIte ' WI 4t1i imWeVer, Med lle draw a carol- W11'94 *I Soeltet• **tt Itykle'xttlY Bele9egettld What was onntiner, a* In doldged with Ilaeldte around a hwy. 143,4 street Jeer. Wero,417 Brod,t but the idiot missed. nom Small rim tor the door of Raddllitne bOtel On /he corner. O'Grady Med pirepared for another leholt by this them, and jurtt out his In- teaded victim numbed the entrance ot ttle betel. another rePort Wen heard. Isim nimit 411345k ar1411 141 ths 44411 a the back, butt tortlenately It pierced Only his overt:oat and Mot It Paused est throwgh the right sleeve, and in departing Mire -Idly greyed the, akin at the elbow. 4 grant Pth.e060. Sookraare.titn,t4171rte, rodw11.01Hweaurweanut lait to the shooter and cation to Ithaca to continue the exhibition. O'Grady Pelieted the revolver at him. and thou terned it towards himself. Ile fired and Minted. The officer IMMO closer. end O'Grady tired at Outwit again. Sot/Lett grappled with barn, and threw him to the ground., In tire scuttle which ensued the rt ver was &gala dist. onarged. this time in the • air. withOut doing any dame me ele was placed under arrest, and taken to polies -head- quern," " The weapon used waa a en -calibre re- volver, and it wad in excellent condi- wtiouni faornadwoelni gadecabdalrygewoorik. 8011'00071nd: with intent. He olalme that he suffered heitvw 1 a through his dealings with Ur. elmall. The lease is practically uninjured. although he was. as a mat- ter ot course, very badly frightened. ne o e u e s w c 0 I th la ll t hi b O'Grady in- tended tor Women wentetbrough and destroyed a large plate gleam window in Reddann Hotel. ---se.___. *I - t lug ri.tortt ****-lreeite to4 SW :1010,, le :oath. It leheillk 'hied * kW estIlen 014112 111. /11.- 211422 12 4 ' * Wag 40.0* 4*** ti r"li,todk—voct44t,*et, .1444:1:414w4444:4"::".1 go shsog lost it was beg there' ite *0 Wien ' The -Pow Ofteop ***Piii rne14rnt Nee* 11440' AO Ifu• 44.411, it,,,,41* ft "'choies„.",*"hpgok "cellar- ft osi,., are tialling at 44. 1 ....., ols Ann let, bolo et a ;Wm ere got vreatitet• • jtotio,,,iiinx -ii• us au :einnenteepptine Cattle. Shi-Fl?erms Per.' c -Y4' 4 .4 Hutrattni *hole.' do. 1 , . . r Butcher. mod. tegood. I Buteher, Interier . * 5 nenneare. par cwt. in li Shoop ea lel newel, per cwt. , • • I Laraine Per elet. . ', S Bucks, per evId4 . . I *Were and cei co ein . . , X wa, ea - et . . 9 Calves. 011011. . Mee° hogs, pertiolt*. d inget hogs, pier cwt. 0 Heavy bOgesperewt. 0 Toronto, Nee. IllenWhil markets remained Ithole day, and lomil heenntelle rut, millers biting the Red and winte Oatierhe 04 at 611-2 to We, accordint to tbe mill. Gee,. whel 70o, middle freiglaninenn I west. Manitobas *bete I hard, get.. eseld at Ve. and west at 76o. Flour -Dull. Straight n erw bags, middle freight by exporters, an 1200, Wit, Sarno in wood, for local per bbi asked for Cagle edillted--Steady. Bran Ing to 912.50, and shot 914•50. weat• Ooru-Unehanged. No oyneltloo;wa, ngduorateixdadunacthsongei-t; cora, on track bere, hje Peas-Qulet and easy. at 54o, north and west, ar elarley-Easy and dull. day at 39 I -2o, north and 40 1-20, east - Rye -Quiet at 51e, west Oats -Unchanged. Da White oats. 25 1-20, nort 2119, middle freights, and 1 leuckwheet-Bull. Car 1-2o, and west at (8 1-2o. Oatmeal -Roiled oats, I( Toronto, $3.35, and in wt bbl. Eggs -Deliveries are fr er° bolding fairly steady mend linht, New laid wit to mei fresh, le to 17e; , to 15o; limed eggs are se 15 to 16e. rotntoes-Very few col there la a firm, market. sold on track here at 98 tc and at farmers' , . about 45 to 50e. per bag. choice stock, bring, 50o. p. Beans - Unchanged. Plotted beans sell at Veda common at 75 t° 95°' Dried apples -Dealers p dried stook, delivered here lots resell at 6 to 6 1-20; - to 8 1-2o, in arnall lota. Honey -Dealers quote I per lb, for 46, In or 60 -lb, comb around .1.90 to 1112p tione. IBaled hay -There ia a s market. Diealers here choice hay at 59,50 to $' slow at $8 to 58.50. Baled Straw, -Dull and loot are quoted at .4...7t track. Hops -More moving. out change. Dealers here Canada, '99's., at 14 to 1 Poultry -Market well I tbe requirements here Chickene Job at 28 to 4 geese, 5 to 6e e, dueks, 9 pair:, andd turkeys. 7 to I Game--Wenison is quer for email, to 54.25 for t 57 tor earl:mem, and Sp saddles, Wild dunks rar partridges, 40 to 60o a bi Llig.D.4... 4tr sall00444:**..2421t.' *****."P****If. fF- 34* ' ' ''' e, ' beam *XI low 4ikeliint A September, . aealere 'here ' ' '445i**4' tui : , `VIVO. It on- Tleureday.: _ ivernmeet. will Intre-, Or iteettlee "'deer dte*t tooetere oiesta Jen' u- . . , - - - . -. , .0;0Ort et igerleiehr:011t tentleitenehtte . ', - - . - -.nee,. ,Q.....1 . WItUnnenikeeelee 'n'enee ltleal ate".0401 1'44 b° ,,.., . . . . . , ,..- L..„,,,,- a.-.,,,„,,,' n , i g,7441r4°04e-ralne. '''' n' 9n -' '''''''''' ---: ' 4 • • : :r., kh e4 Xahlineel- darne'#." , It I 'field' 'Inee10.141M2- '-' 1/30inelet en ' ' OelIneit heit- Teillited it*V4,j;"It''bl.,..,114-Wrt.:__ "e Mere' !ttt 1101heelt 'ea hY 111•11'01440r*nttli ; tixe,,glietti,..nrower. 14XlcnketRaenff la to he ?huteett neneeVnl'en heerinanonet , X' -414." .., ,-, , ' II. ba ' SOMA' te,6ttend e-lennve -ote Ben 7i, • leo/no:nee Northwest nae ,IMetelmed, Wets !*, ntitiet lithe& dtle ter Ai* we .4ing- ' 5tetithehili 00.,-haa, re, n tban the lititlate ,.. chartered. their big. a .te, tranaportieoope „ fril tea ',forwarded, to 1 al,c1 of:Tirade a Mode neniip. eooh ,rto ho 0.4_ iat Atlantic gerviee. "nYiYete. Leagne- • in eisedy, too, eanillies'to te- eeing, Tendered out urn. entethenount eub- s oeMentreal has depeglay, ber ,,,,, el for trial wee .. e... ei charge Oen filede at ''.:rleitee etrike of coal' nen+ a been poatpon the led to abandoe, present for short N Trades and Labor n . support by the ge those merchants tones early on Satur- ' Ty J. O'Neil; the Chi- ade plunger, was ar- 1 on a obarge ne hay- of diamonds _belong-, ides ore-din:ore. of dtstriet officers ettawn, Gen. Hutton tele present to pro- eth the new flat -top- • ge cap ila place of t preaetht. i, epgineer at the ; CO.'S factory, Lon - ,a death wbile oiling e was caught in the h legs taken off, and his head and ed., , . ocomotive 'Works has ius of 475.000 and a to a town- outside, of oliee Magistrate's re- f a. totelkeeper for e:oat:lino/14ms been eg 'Snider. Ogilvie has reported t of the Interior that ratty collected in the ember 1st' waa 41730,- . narkaliv Instance of ',rear" rs ay, ean T d J aged 106' years, and estherePilon. aged 88 m St. Ann's, 'where he suroxner, dettesnd- he train anti entered nselves to the atitesi. petentors, to was arrested en r embezzletnent of obey & Co., Montreal, hree years in the rer attendance at y than ever before, of providing inereas- re will have to be early date. .season the follow- e through the easels, 3,244; et freight ton- seengers, 14,461. Justice has received om the members of )t. Mackie, the Nap- , asking for clem- atm. Justice Fergu- aembered, sent Mac- 50 for -14 years, while I got only four and e second] triai. mace . kept in mind, but Toed ten months of ellate action will be .ke Indians, tried at tinge of murdering own request, to rid l spirit, have each o four months' im- . berths on ocean e Paris Exhibition tlfeady so enormeue mei received. enough re four large ateitm- ovarian, Californian die, accointmedatiod, been mild. to pee- Renee. Allan 'state teinimtem rate for g- Allan Line steam, 411 be between IMO BRITAIN. i'vernment will send veral trenehernaking re gigantic pleugba, 1 sappers a tvventy e tmen Coquet, from rland, iti still miss- y paper Is to be an by Mr. Arthur . the agent "of a Brit- other men, were note, Weer Africa. , Per. reletteed arter .rir etintence for the fa 'at tottglas, tato trited, a fortune of -,. .1 , titiggeeta the adop• *bleed Miele tie will ' tb° ttelee°*61 etnne peria. regular force et by rellesta ittrotsh. e or he lirdiett t:A. - t '.' ' ' Me -keel. firedie a! rt166 °t blit 2°Ot An krbitratien Ctillirtils, .,''' D'eede of Win? :Oen !bete been Made Pent af' the Ordee kfit.• GeOrge.. : ' iCak 10, tk Meeting itt y .ittgbeettbm, „mon *Me ftenti The! Mitn ' inettet tee. tentiatieit e ' - - ' , ' --z- "`" , ,Mr -- -, e. , . . Of Mafeking. . _ ..•-•--.. a - - -,,,.t.- - ..„.; • . •- ... DestrOyed by Boers --nee- - . -. -..... - at Kraaipan StatiOn, . - Olt - - Transports TovvifOrdered Kimberley ed With Confident. ened to The London Deily - _ deepateh from ant:- "Kimberley, day -Despite the calmly borne, the ' satins commenced era' Jurers appearing guertdiuniforna. ' I s fortunate here, for he take& in the greatest reunite, no fac has relieving the deatitute erizing them . as nobody else "Yesterday it able toren:wive the outskirts of dred persons have in the Exchange BOMBARDMENT A despatcth from says :-A hellegraphie Ladysmith, received the bombardment tinues, but thus Mine. The message is plenty a food, WAR OFFICE A deepatee tiom w • , Gen. lutes relief matter of pressing evidenced by , ivhich the War ;the arrival of the act nape Town on days before her of her precious and ammunition delay in General means for the relief It is true that lecke cavalry, the first arrivals Tovvn will be sent peotive of which originally assigned There is ne doubt ment of Ladysmith intensity during h t oggh all Messages of the eonfidence load of anxiety th t h a Fenn ry w redirmation With ie re ' tablished. 1 00A1 PAUL'S speo a. espa A I 1 d dated Friday, Reitz has demanded White immediately pose spy, at d N h ftned -to Lad amith, d ith aYthreat illrintishwofficers. marks entered Ladysmith vestment of that posed object of for the Boers. General Buller the special despatch, titled to retain shoteld render of himself. Nothing is known or Colonial Offices statement: The ad in official quartera, print oi improbabillty,as reasOrr to think guilty of such from their previous and manner of conducting ties. Nevertheless, noon newspapers baanding that °President all the members Council be ruthlessly t7IlitalYte ti6'eleil;e13ta7314.1t Y carried out. CAPE DUTCH A epee:lint despatch- Daily Telegraph, Thuraday evening, "The Boers aro The line may went. „There are the having that the tened' Cape Colony, their r tion ' ec°2 1 . "They fin y expee onial Afrikanders 4 . from various 'Ilt- triolUding the prescure it n th to bv Premier P° ' e . . transfer ornopting 'li Cape Date has try." weWEI,FISS A despite% to from •Clape Town plate wireless has been (seized vessel Was borind the apparatus was fon the age of the meet. Sttepicion packages was aroused exhibited by a Boer its immediate transmission. hitt official connection European Government, Wetted have been VirITH FIXED A detmatch to from matehing, latiye, because the wardil Were unable Refit lines, giiTea h ocelot of t e fig '1'4' eek in Otstober. says: - " Atter the failure _ Gen. uroole had tits employed petchefatroom la VIM% - t to he tieWn treneheeirt ethelon. been' anticipated thet reagent trat Partite to worry.the by night tbe 161161)4 dislike% bittreelf withgelaily expMed - ' _ .. ta. Baden-Powell e 1 . '. ., . ' ," ...,, ' , ' •E , . „ . . e " n EF -..! J. . Cape' - . anti Threat- Fitz-Clar- occupant's of force stole No shot with fixed than walk- 6P- position near they closed it was the 'signal MERCY. hi h th w e 0 up, was eashed was ci, fear- foroes the Boers where theY At least and the terrible. was no thane Per- poured In - A aln It home- scattered, the Yuri- to the( ap- the roll wan and COD- and work, say.. be etoppen renge of of the parto the gat- comxnattder, of 'the at- would take he meant to quickly. . Vet hours bad J been went ',lowly an the resew- fight. tall bullet., or ?was Shot saddlei of battered: smashed of seven' on their ad- not live tange,. the yards. to draw off Pretoria. the aoutb, °ix hen- with wag- shelling." says :-..The with the Fuse bringing tbat Five oth. rodte frem that have Friday l neany batterie8 litimber of has pro- ia taken to ia etteisfied already way to te carry ont Ladeamith. this af- tranaport staff, and Engineers; the Second No - have town,- w e ith th from a le t_ the trans- "1,600 ra- New over- add- the very beaten of indigna- . and filthy to a gift the troops wen tone lin out in t me I Natal, having on Durban vo - 1 of Dublin six - Wednes- it wits the Boers trucks ln rails, and helpless faced the and the beta the miesing including hoped that and will UPON. to the by the _.---..--- engine and tender. which reffirtned alone, and was battered by bulleta, Noe thing waa seen of the enemy on the outwerd trip, but before the train re, turned the Boers had dm:paged the track in the rear in tomb a manner Heat the oars were oVertlerund. The Boers had placed guns In potation on this exact apot. and opened notatelose range at the ennuent the cane toppled OTer. A naval 7 -pounder, the only gun aboard Um nate, 4e-eouded, but on.Y fired three awls, when the anerny'm ,.. ,- ..eav....r artitlery aliattered it. The .1.),.0.44, 0 0-1.A... e arid the Durban Inlantry, lab° munn id the train, form- t_ ed in skiruiuthing order, and maintain. eel a rifle fire, but were opposed by, an overwhelming force which poured Isbell end rifle volleys into them. . WINSTON CHURCHILL'S BRAVERY. The British officers showed weeder- Azt cholness, and were ably aided by NV inaton Chtwohid. lormet ly liegen- met in thu Fourth Hussars, and now war correspondent of the London Morning Post who, while aome men (sae to wore a release the engine a d " wrecked oars, took a rifle and joinned the covering party, which. was exposed to Li. heavy fire. He called for volute- tears. to remove the broken truck, and worked under the fire of three aune. . • e iT,he engine driver, who had been wounded in the head, began to retire, when Churchill called to him to come baok, saying '-eA man ls never hit twice,. - e ' The driver brought back the engine, and Churchill carried the wounded to tbe train. After he had platied all the wounded on the ea,ra he grabbed hie rifle and rushed toweed the enemy. His bravery ie the theme of admire. doe at the camp, and it is hoped that he and the others escaped across the id d y arrive later ve. LV4:;10EINIIIIED AND .M.LSSING. Seven men oi the Durban infantry 6 ud 15 of the Dublin Fuailiers have re- turned here. 4.11 of them are wounded. The remainder of the party, numbering atom 7o, are probably eapture.d. Vantain Haldane ia reported to be a ifc"nmnec' .2- es tain WiMy arrived here Y wounded. colonel Long aud Major Inbil li t • it d th h pit 1 d c es er vte is e on a , an found the 15 wounded men doing well. 0 f the dad heel t h ne o woun o ave an a, amputated. , ..i Later details show that a heavy rain end angst compelled a cessation of fir- i__ ug While the Boore were destroying th * t ' th ' t hed ' d o re.E1 etr scou s pus . in an enchadged shots with the British pick- eta a few miles from Este,ourt. i 'BATTLES AT LADYSMITH. ' • A A. deepatch from Eatcourt says .- e . . . nuesionary a uattvo but a le a e li bl - • ' - ' w d man, who arrived here on edam ay le teem Ladyemith, reports thee a ig nght took place there on Friday No- e_e_ - ,e. ' venue'''. ete "6 says that volunteers went out in the early morning and drew the enemy from their positions On•to a flat, where .the regular trooPe. ander Sir George White, out-manoeuv- reei them by outflanking' the Beene administering a ortuthing defeat and inflicting great loss. More than 200 Kaffirs, the missionary says, were em- pLoyed by the Boers to bury their dead, and two trainee eaoh drawn by two Belgium, carried aveay the wounded. VERY RALF-HEARTED. The Cape Town correspondent of the Leaden Standard says he has heard from an old reaideut, who hae Just left the Orange Free State, that the war is eery unpopulax there; that, apart front the Goverement officials, the at- fitted° of the Mende, who consider themeelves bound to England, is very hatf-heartede that disaffection and die- obedience are spreading in the ranks of the Free State troops. and that the burghere would welcome any Pretext to return to their homer!. z wiensES AND FROZEN MEAT ,,.„. deepateh from Buenos Ayres, says: -The steamer Beacon Grange lett for Cape Town with 686 horses and atoren of maize and frozen meat. This is the first despatch sent by the British Reenount Commission. ' THE BRITISH ADVANCE. A despatch from London, Saturday, itionyter:TdTahe Feji3rtirenlarernitysed winhic D h u lite Africa nYunimlfer 28,500, of whioh 7,290 hav I e Iv dieembarked al) Durban . e a r •a(' - ' with 18 fund guns, a number of mach- . e in guns engineers and -hospital oo s n's well as' seven hundred nitruloPs: This force, with that already b tween Estoourt and Durban ie con_ stderelit sufficient to enable 'General i gar o a anOe an 0 a e 4 tied d t dv d t t k tb( aggressive against the Boers south of l'adYcmlin• Accord tng to the lateat ad vices, 'Ladysmith is bolding out satisfactor- ily, everytbing having been well up to Wednesday. In view of the Boer destruction of bridges, the War Office has homed or. dere for the shi me t of a u tit of P re , q an y brid e-evork between this and the end g of the year. • MARCIIING ON KIMBERLEY. An undated deepotoh from Be Aar, Cape Colony, gays a strong British torco left there for Kimber - ley on November 10. 1 When within fifty miles of the beleagneret town the relief column encountered a coo - siderable beefy of the enemy The Boers were routed after a amen brush., leaving the road clear to Kim- barley. winch may now be relieved at any moment. This news bas, however, not been confirmed. • SHELLED DAY AND NIGHT. Despatches received (rotor Lade- emith on November le stated that the town was being shelled day and night, and was hard pressed. One of the bridges over the Tugela river has been dente:11nd. The P t II f ti Or Ugilene are erne, ng or - e border. Boer mins- tic:alone along th . erasion are contifinally passing through here. The Boers compel residents of the districts which they have conger- ed to join them or leave within 2A hours. On November 9th, having during the night placed 'nen elme to the town. the goers lifter a heavy bombardment, be- gan an aseault, but were repineed no every point with heavy testes. 7.T.TLITEP RISING FEARED. Advtees from Zululand testify to the growing unessinesa of Bridal) reel- dents. whose stores are looted by the Boehm, with the tesult thet the Zulus themselves are growing ineolent. glv- . Which Reported at • , . to. Durban, , . ... . and Ladysmith Heavy Ouns--Cecil -Report That Shoot Six British elan pubilehee this Its especial eorrespend- via Hopetown, Thurs- serge, which is being Quarterly Criminal this morning, aev- in the town that Mr. 'Rhodes iii a practical baterest problexawhieh the nem- had to fac that of witnout paup- H i b could. was considered advis- a number of famillea on the town. Three hun- been aecoa:omodated building." CON'rINUES. Esteourt, Natal, message from here, states that of that place con- far no harm has been adds that there and all are well. SATLSFLED. London says •-Thet • e ' is considered a importance is again the satisfaction with Office officials heard of transport Armenian Monday a couple of time. The" non -arrival freight of field guns threatened serious Metnuen's arrange- of General White. the first division still but in all probability of that arm at Cape to Durban, irres- divieion they were to. that the bombard- has increased in the last few days, and from there speak of the defenders, a will be removed from en Un reetrained coni- the beleagured town THREAT. t h 0 T o from. ape own, says that Secretary that General release the sup - an ar s, w o s o - M k h 1 c n cou ling hie de- to Pexeeute tox It is asserted that after the in- place, with the Burl- obtaining information replied, according to that he was en- the man until he a satisfactory account either at the War here regarding the stories, it is assert- bear the im- there Is no the Boers would be a complete change correct attitude the hostel- . . ' the sensational after - here are already de- Kruger and of the Executive hanged, as the Isaet.zi.ns.ttereiteeetiti:e it t-44 t 136 44 LOYAL. to the London dated gape Town. saes:- nearing Naauwpoort. be ent at any aro- best reasens for be- enemy, who have en- are disappointed at e a e o - t et th t th C I would join them reasons, probably: brought to bear Schreiner, the . . .. . .. strengto crom tne ' b • hitherto een pal- TEL.EGRAPHY, the London Daily Mau says Ora a cona4 tolegraphie apparattus on a vessel there. The for Delagoa Bay, and obviously intended Transvaal Govern- in retched to tee by tbe anxiety sympathizer an to But for with a certain this individual arrested. BAYONETS. the London Daily Mail mat by Way of maga_ runners stint south- to traverse the tUl interesting ao- ht n durin the set 3 g g 1 The correemondent to 'rush the town, recourse to the tae- during the siege of 1881, making an ad- by a strenteeloti of &Mb a mOva had by us for some time tletrerbed beet gent lloesrs incets- attatks. These Mates Mit he contented ghat' a the city him to little persona/ pltiyed his Are Being Daily Bombard- Rhodes Cool the Boers Have Officers. trump card by sending out ' emcees party to worry the 1 the trenehes. The little out silently in the darknese. wee fired; and the men, bayonets creeping rather i ing along the veldt, gradually proaohed the chief Boer j the race course. Theo, as in there wan a shrill screech; Fi1tz-Clarencen whistle and for onslatighdi . ' 1 BOERS CRIED FOR en • • • • ringing Beitish (hoer, listener's back in camp caught ,t)de odly rreply, ae the party ineo tem trenches, There ful struggle, the attacking catching and bayoneting ; under the tarpaulins 'crouched, crying for mercy. ! fifty bayonets got to work, havoc they wrought was "For just it moment there systeneatto retain' fire; bet feet hallstoem of - leallets from the tren hes to the rear Fitz -Clarence': whistle sowided.g was 'cease fire, and spatter ward.' The British forces ailently crosaing back under ous fire in the darkness pointed rendezvous. where called. "Col. Baden-Powell met gratulated Captain Fitz-Clerence his men upon their splendid ing that the, Boers nad td making rifle trenches within the town. The membere are now the envy and pride:et Helton. .Even the Boer 31 otha, expressee, admiration tack, and added 'that he enafeklog ere long for d thi ' h o one ng or the ot er RESEA1BLED A SHAMBLES. "The eneny lent he/telly. after 1.13..eir flgthing line rolled 'beck' two wagons- along their position, pieleing. dead and veounded. 'The leopje bled a seambles after the the men Were -killed by shells., The look -out lower to pieces, while even the the horses were fearfully The wnole place was simply UP by 'the concentrated fife _alma and a. thousand rifles. "The Boers at first held vanoe pluckily, bet they could whein they came to short men being shot Mien at 300 "'The enemy is expected early in order to defend There is still no news from AS 1 se" thi8 message oft dred Boers have gone south gone, and have commenced 5,227 TROOPS AT DURBAN. A despatch from London troopship Rawarden Castle, second battalion of the Royal Lien, has arrived at Durban, the nudeber of reinforcements have landed there up to5,227. er troopships are now en Cape Town to Durban. The total reinforcements arrived in South Africa since are 19,000 men, °indite" infantry, 13000 horses and mules, three e to field artillery, and a quick -firing Manna guns. The (act that the Britannic ceeded for East London an that General Buller that the troops Which have landed, or are now on their Durban, will be ieuffeelent leis plasm for the -relief of It was officially announced ternoon that the British Goorklor, with the first brigade' the Third Battalion of Grenadiers, a detaehtnent of the Royal the transport Manila, with Devonanire, and the transport medic, with the remounts, ed at Cape Town. The transport Britannic, Royal friah Rifles, has sailed Cape Town for East London. SALT CARRION. ( The London Temelt publishes ter by an offioer on board port Nubia, asserting that tiona of salt carrion, labelled York, 1899, had to bo thrown board, as it was full of disease," ing, "they only salt down worst portiona of very inferior an pigs. d ' " This haa aroused a steno Hob againet. the contractors transport offieere who allowed salted brisket beef to be furnished the troo Pe• The War Office has accepted of 10,0d6 plum puddings for In South Africa. Theme puddings aggregate upwards of ten weight. Tbe '11 b y en e sent for Christmas dinner. ARMOURED TRAIN DESTROYED. A despatch from Estcourt, says -An armoured train board a half comminy of tetra and a half eompany en , . Fusiliers steamed to Chievelem, miles south of Oceans° early • dal' tnornIng. On its return shelled by the artillery of placed in four positions. Two front of the engine left the toppled over. . While the train was thus the Durbans and Defiling Deers in skirmishing order, Mere poured sbot a.nd shell crippled train. The British wounded tam number nearly i.30, the latter Captain Haldane. It is aente Steeped over the veldt return here in a few days. IDIAAJLED, THEN FIRED The first news of the dlassten annotated train wag brought ON FIRE AT SEA. -- Paesersers of like fileporellalp PalrIa saved by Wm 11111181•1/811 Stentsioltlp teem A despatch from London says: -The liamburgeamerican ilne steamship Petrie, Capt. Preach, which sailed New York on Nov, 4 with 44 cabin and _ AI eteerage passengers, eaugbt -fire in the Charinel on Wednesday night from some unexplained cause. and the oassengera and crew had a narrow es- .-- cape. She was twelve miles north of the Hinder lightship when the Rug- elan steamehip Ceres sighted her. At the time the Patna. waa enveloped in ' - smoke, and was flying signala of dig - trees. When the Ceres sighted the Petrie she Put on full steam and as soon ila she got near, the burning steamer lowered boate and transfer- eil the passengers and part of tbe crew, about 150 portions in all. There was great diffloulty in resou- ing the passengers, as urgent haste waa necessary. Many of the pitmen- germ were wrapped only ln blankets. The Ceres reached Dover by mid- night, and her commander sent a mes- tinge tO the American Conaul, Francis W. Prescott. The Consul immediate- ly conferred with the harbourmaster and secured the services of the tug Lady Vita to land the rescued pas- "'macre and crow. Among the saved are many ladies and children, as well as six babes in arms. The burry of the rescue was indent- ed b f y the ace that moat of them were enveloped in blankets only. They wore rapidly distributed among the hotels or sent to the Sailors' Homo, and everything possible le being done tor their comfort. —_„1„.____ WHY WEAR HA •e•-• We t Ilitt le a Craters Nell Mar Illealitt-1111•11 W hy do both men end slot in wearing hata it Ash Magazine. There are t. why we &booed wea.r o may wear them for the coney ; for the sake of wa the sake of display. N reasons applies to the wea Of course, there are he drat are warm, suoh as th sealskin hood or the fisher hut, aaa rule, there is no in the hat of either ilex i• h t mon pins a s tg t a ruett and artificial flowers on t hair, she never for an Cast that the thing will keep 1,1 trig cold. The urasoulin certainly warm on a hot is very far from warm in 4 Neither are hats worn of display. Doubtle time, wn„ womeo mon, occasion of displaying th for dead birds, ED lin ot ber beautil el objects, only when tato: has big bats shit' b worn times the fema.le hat is si oally small that it mulct ceesfully used for displari As for menes bats they 0 anything except the atr which makes them fashi then, in the 11.`11111•8 of, an i hie, do men and women v. As a rude, every man al men looks better wit.i.ou w it h one. This is why w. our hats at the opera' or . tag party. And pet wi ramose that eas not a wo • • in ita behalf. Wn ,pormis the ugly, Un.318811 and it wh.y do we do it f I ab find a gond Irish eeho tha wer the question at long satisfactory way le A "MOMENTOUS EPISODE." — lir. WyrdIttoat Refers lo Ike trieriltblp of tke belted Nolen. A despatch from London says: -Mr. George Wyndham, Parliamentary Un- der-Searetary of State for War, ad- dressing hie constituents at Dover, on Wedneeday evening said, that. next to the affection which the col/mica felt for the Mother Country, he would place the friendship of Aruerica. " This friendship between the American Re - blio and Um British Inn i ' , de. P Pe'' dared the speaker, is one of the most dramatic, and may become one of the most momentous and far-reaching cm- modes in modern history. It does not, however, Imply hostility to any other great poem.. LOST IN A BLIZZARD. — Irate or en c. pair. of blaster and 7"° Er'n""'" m 14"1"ern Alt"ka • 14'"'" by, Wolverine.. A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says; _The Skaguay' Alaskan telle a thril- line story a starvation and death in - - northern Alaska, The viotima were M. C. Daly of Boston and eve° Frenob,men, whose names could not be learned. The sto a b ht t Sk b W ry wa roug o aguay y m. Lawler, an old-time Arizonap miner, Late in the fall of 1898 LaWler and the three men mentioned and. a fifth nem- ed J. S •th d no eon, starte put toproapect on the head waters of the Mosquito River. AEOut Christmas tho flee Went across the range and begaa to stake ground on Bonanza River. A blizzard came on, and Daly and tbe two Vren011- Men beeame igeParated from the other mon and wandered away, without pro- visions and with scant clothing and btankets and a single tent. After the ' etorni Lawler and Smithson folloWed their. footseps in theeinow. They found mestlages written on trees tailing the sad story oi privation and suffering. Afters time the searching partY Came tooki the eaiiip Of their former come redes. Death had been there before them.. On the grornid. riele d ' h .,e ,e,h' la blankets, his forte *aided to a retire skeleton, was the corpse of one of th 0 Feetrehenen. On a ea OW ' 113P e et was a. kettle containing a frozen Maas that told its own story. It was filled with the rawhide thongs ot snowshoes which the starving Men had attempted to boil for food. A short diatance, from the tent, close beside the trail, was found the body of the other French- man. The wolverine's had stripped err article of fleabtfroni t let. ev--- r he nes. Al litt e farther on Daly's bodj Via._ found, in a SiMilar COITtlitIO4. Utteklatt, ti in eon lb aroun a ow r s was a buck- akin belt oontel in al one ---13-g .f,-.-- In gold nose. The bodies were buried, as hest they could be, and' a well-known pros- vector took charge of the' gold ditst and other effects to send thenn )11 he can to the relatitleg at tbe dereiteed ' ...........: so FRICTION EXISTS, .-- no 41.1n -Japan Trouble le Pealed Eros Tokio. The correspondent of the London Ti at Tokio says:-'• The rumour 0 f friction bettveen Russia and Japan Is without foundation. No internation- al question now exists between them. The recent excitement connected with Japanese purchase/I of land over Rus- sia's heae at Mazampo grew but of Purely private transactions, and in no way concerned the Japanese Govern- moot. At present the atmosphere la clear." DEATH OF SIR WM. DAWSON. — 1te nen ne• Yews, reluelool et menu l'ulver.Ity. A despatch from Mont real, says :- sir John William Dawson, for many P y (Ira principal of McGill University and a scientist of ivorld-wide repute, died al his residence In this city at . , y g. 12 30 Sunda mornin Sir William Dawson had been in poor physical health for tieveral years, and had auf- fered 'levers.' paraiytic etrokes whirh incapacitated him. 118 retained i he full forae of his intellectual nominee but .hned been gr . adually tailing and with.' the east fet w (la s it was notic- Y edehat the end was rapidly approach- ing, He took a turn fr the W0f40 on Sunday, wben he became unconscious, and paused away about 12.30. Lady Dawson, his eon, Dr. G. E. Dawson, and hie slater, Mira. Barrington, were with him at the end. ___ -0,-__ WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. — reit et. a Flo we IIe Larry's/ • Lamp. A despatch from Port Colborne, Ont., Dyne -ir woman named Carpenter, working at MeNeara hotel, was found W ni, h bu n- In her room on ednesday g t r ed to death. It Is supposed she fell - - in a fit, wit h a lamp. The fire watt di„0„red in tin,,3 to novo the builin Ing. __4„.__. CARRIED OUT TO SEA. — Prbilob rarer Pri.1•1••• In a hatiees le !tee Zealand. _ .. Adespetch from weeington says:— The aeronaut Captain Lorraine, of Um 1st Northamptonshire Volunteers, while making an &anent at Christ- church. lost the, enrachnto which was ettsehed to his balloon. He was un - able to effect his descent. and the ban loon being carried out to sea, the un- fortunate °Moor was drowned. __.0.____ THE GIRL MUST 1 — 11114 I Matte Sentenced broodoo. A despatch f rorn Win ni Ida Blake the oars :---• . triune gu y A ii t of •he murdi trees, Mrs John Lane. of I aenteneed on Friday to ha 21th. * THE WORLD'S END. — The Meteor VshuillitYs fasted a Pillar bit illtrotla. ' A d telt [rote. Load . _ e41)6 on says: -In Loo id die la caused a mantis the ....-„n p pa porinlar.paniti in many placee. It watt believed that the end of the world hid tome, Chirrehes were °Pen all nil ht g , WE, hod hthdredel ef thettelieda ineet throe nighte in the Oen odr, fearing etiethgtinkees and et general eataernslet. reindeer There are even remettna tbat in setae *Magee Ittfsolart parentit murdered -sunny titer ab'fdren to gave Be m f — eXPectett Worse fate. There weer rather ii, brilliant diePlae betWeett tete itild .iwItieli ttre,o+clock Thoreau, morning at Botir, ,riftlr. lin. . . BIG HOLE IN THE BOW. _ A III,Itna•e• glare for tlife to the Horror at Eblettoo. A despetch from Chicago, save -The ste , amer Conestoga during a fog. ran on a erlb a mile and a half from the harbor. and stove a great hole In tie bow. The captain ordered all steam oa and a race began for the barber, but just at the entrance the 'steamer stink and rested 00 the mud, with the deck above water and the crew °PrrTh I f ss e- --e -nnn 00 the cargo rem Rut- f nlo will be 10100.00& lea The Aripatris Agrieul one of thet ranyn inwor Cumberland fixtures. • tbedutui prineipleb. the col ing accepted an extra C Wilfrid Lannon, a petre tion tbat no intoxicatint eol d on the walnut. In coresistent. onel temPer ages were eupplied in tt tent for retrenhment in *matte . wine anicl em(tirits ot me.st innovat on id n proval of many agrien ri who swag ht refi other , t be town. FROM ENGINE CAB.TO A PALACE. — Firearms or or 11 1 Isola Iltallorov lobertlia a laarouetry mod 102.5110.111/11. A despatch from Mattoon. Ili., same --Georg e Nethaniel James. a fireman on the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville a Ime received a telegram from Railwoi. his na her who resides in England, announcing that his uncle. the Bare- net of Cheadleeall, had deed and will- ed to him his entire estate, valued st feenennter Junes also inherits the AIM of &Armlet, but th'ere la a ban ids rationing to England. heed *NO tle 114. Own i4r- gene*el t* tu gust- na heegtig, Sr. Ler. $0404* tug.* to401 glet4 .11 pox aw4 entrut Oh liftfa 75 425 Oh *ISO BO gT5 gh 11121-1 Oil VW Nen git est. On Ogg OD SOO tal go • 3.75, gg . tee Outside *Reside to - is In it 41ill only buyers. Id to Millers to internam t neektneeed. *north Mid eteady. and Toronto tier. in tuts- , in demand 52.10 asked. *Monet. 13 car letti. la quoted at ts at eft to Amerloan, at 420. Tore . Canadian aaked. Car lots sold d 56e. east. • o. 2 sold to - west. end et and 62o, east, d fair. h and west; 6 1-2o, east. lots. east. 49 bags, track, , 33.45 per and prices . Local de - 1 bring 17 1-2 d No. 2, 14 'ling well at ng in. and Car lots are 40o. tier bag. aggons at Out ot store, r bag. Choice band - to $1.30, and ay 5 1-2o. for , a.nd in small vaporated. 8 rem 9 to 10c, ties; and in r dozen sec- eady to firm are selling .60; No. 2 Is easy. Car to $5, on Prices with - quote choice 6e. upplied, and are email. per pair ; to 500 per o per lb. ted at go to anvaa-backs, to $11 tor ge from 25e ace. TS ? et. Iteirottalre a. Women per - ed Pearison's ree reasona ot hes. W sake of de - meth ; or for ne of these ring of hats. ad -coverings e Icelander's man's toque; real warmt b When a wo- re of etraw e top of her nl imagine, or from tak- top hat is day, but it ld weather. for the pur- e there are the hat the ir fondness flowers, and but thla is eoreed that . At other microseopi- not be totti- ng anything. ever desplay iou.s twice, able. Why ha t !LS sensi- ear hots/ d every wo- a hat than all tak.e off at an tiVell- cling to a rd to be said • in weuring ju mous hat ould like to t would ans- th, and in a ANG. to resol at Mow, Man.. "home" girl of her nee - endow was ns December ural Show, twit of the bald on mit tee bar - 110 from Sir re on condi- liquor was order to be erica boyar - e committee place of the dad. The with the orp- Remelts and eshmetat