HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-11-24, Page 1SPa 11 rikliteeS
TTro 'Starr =tit,
Kr °nuts au
n uroyee4.1
nt to Advertisers
‘01',041.ttin,ItteRtetliti Ott, ter,
time-40;4st bare thelisedeof
Set lehtee thee. Tritimsv adett itt
"Mvertisete• ,pieeee mem
boor 00444 advertising in.
Waive' 1.41017114dittonal
'INA 4 041E04 fee eittae. them:IOW
f eielearditete heel ritek to75o.
t4, are Praereil and melected
_ • . ,
ill'ARNINtle•Please return
ie.:glee. Tee , took: (rept tee large white
ateeteeete; 11t, rale*. en Iktilthatnte
, /*Ora Or tbellate
1110...411etlista here given that
etirt.sheethiNeetrettPW4ng ILPOn
Art' of daa if rellerla •will•htlarritaterl ead
04111 •• ATTRILL.
- • •tildgeWood Park.
1.1011T NOTION. p red.
n_tes lOare the lficendeseeet
totit,,origt 140,74VOritsrPlleatien It
att ieeitsolutely nee.
WOO .91,1POSte Wer14 before front sets In
* Je HORTON. '
IslidtiNegi4,0•Tite Couholl Of the Omuta'
linieet In the Commit Chamber
tiateletich en Tuesday, Deem.
`••• P-Vi.ti?': LANE. Clerk.
:\ohrNoterOte, VOL
' 1727-3t
PO$T.-tlet the Saltford bridge
and Ooderieh sta n, a heavy Frieze
kenufforeinnam Finder wUl
allied by leaving
e at rue STAR
, t 0 e0th Ootober. Owen smit ear old
'TAY -o •
e . lone et' to the Nes abeti&
„cattle'. wo steers and 411.0 110:rer • eel , tie&
,I.T. *I1 red.- rho ewe, 1.8 reqUethetl. to p -V-
' „proiterte_aadatae ex flees. rot 6, toe. it DI-
V e
noratfo..244Rttx 61 RRiiii, °Work% P',. O.
1/44T,t114141411--,Ceme to the premises ot
J. 13. Orabenteett I, eon, 1. W. II. deb-
it° d. OS or about October 12tb. a yearling
'property. Ay expenses, and take. the animal
Helfer,. /be owner IR requested to prove
etwee.-4. . 011.6.11AM, Sheppardian, P. 0.
Wan.s. (:"
irsvoOit PRISTINt4. -Tao Bran warde a few
lase vio rk end moderate prices.
mare patron* and guarantes good stook.
worTgo- --431CatERAL BRIGHT AND
honest persona to represent us as Man -
ettert tho ono dote Is' 00untles- salarY WOO
si, Year aud exponbes. Stralgat, bona -flee. no
Tr more, no IOU salary. Position permanents Our
retarenees. auy bank in any town. It is mainly
Wilco week conducted at home, Reference.
Enclose aolf•addrotsed stamped envelope. e
Tan Dowslost COstratrx, Dept. 8, chit:ago.
roe Sale or To Let.
Lit PAPNRS FOR MLLE. -While they
a °lobate. Apply early at 'rue seen mike.
last a couple of hundred pounds wilthe
I INO ouber.--one ot Mrs. carieton's new
Cottages on East street. -Apply to E. N.
It, WM, Solicitor"...
titilk barn. with atone roundtable ana good
ARM FOR Ls/MR.-150 acres In the Town-
ship of ilnY. On the facm there 1st( good
atobltug. Framed:muse and kitchen, and a
good orchard. close to school and churehes.
For particulars and terms enquire at Tms
STA,' MB sz, 0°dt:rich.
TAMS 'FOR S - • One tarot in town -
able of Etre awanosh, not tar from
co 611 ac with frame Weft ano
deed]. beta 31in 7th coneeesion,
berm, 30 Beres under eit vation, tbe balance
good arriting land, fronting the River Male
capital. or terms. Rod full particulars apply
iand. ;Joe einetett tor e farmer with a little
to SA 'OF MOW:REAL. oottorich
'Musical Director of Knox Presbyterian
opAaintt classes in
Papas prepared tor " Toronto College ot
Music' azalea.
Per tettne apply at Tag Sr. Lawman:2k
areal . 1727-Iyr.
(1.8 Oat INSTRUOl'OR.-ter. Frederick
131rnessett. Organist Norte -Si. bathes-
*, rob. late Of National Conservatory.
- will twelve _pupils ielementary and
Stv lanae.aegan and Harmony.
One evest of Knox Church,
a dab.
Plane. Organ, l'heory, Sight Reading
land ,rt,ar,_•TiAtitting. 4 spa:laity of the 'Virgil
Prat leabolayier Method. The Virgil Practice
Claefer •131 'W. Thein.on'a mettle em. orium
.puty,,, Oa_ ft be pupils. Also KIndergartin
itidslied ler EPPS children. Students will
ritual the Tweet.) Conservatory Course.
gtaal:naaineopill!cation at the residence. 867
A:iiples Wanted
Sattfora Steam Evaporator
prepaim to buy any quantity of cull
and windfall apples, for which cash will be
paid. Farmers end others baying apples can-
not do batter than delve direct. to the Factory,
or drop in and let us know what you have. .
Beek. Goldthorpe & Go
Angteanth,1800. • .
Mill Wood
For -Sale. . .
The above ia oat into stove wood
letigth and will be delivered to eny
pittt at the lewd the settle day Mt
• Wert repeieed by lelephone or
left nt 120 (hUttbrits St. Will recent.
protort mule dew
Peter ricEwan.
°Melia, Nov, 2.14,10X).
11114 rhea
Attettun SOO ffegister.
Patititt ItAllak..:11I01! Akin erinted a
otatt Mete erni re.wve a bestow* eine
her hi that fel101idtag WWI dettiet Walel*- •
rtillkarrellt tif &env liteetteild tor.
Idetritintei the ototiedt et eeistah
Colborne *Pa neer Smith% Hs LI The
-tote '01600. bit 140111133te. hit
the fevin.oth ti,eeeent eittelded by Uri
Beth end leettie:gebtleritim tit Ovioct
up tomb* tieerytiting wilt be eord
witboot . notinteto LJOttre RS"
it pie' runt 44 het* both*** -
tholieekettlua fri anliartiting!frintinnift
parent* Mitt:Wok.
.tiafiliAtOIX *Mt
twiny, guatitit
4tx 'ffnurre.-The nreirrhett .of $0,1 .4.1-14.1*,..% 1.14q4-4, xmvs, wile tor'
'oeetgot Ly, tt edit &Its '031 itrkt the I lig A0.124 444. W's
',Clenre in the *Plaid ria030 TRIttalitra liefiltra Bement this. winter, at..tiv.
the.*fith,tit, ita. earailenh ifd 0 ;Mut 4000 Oalfirder, A, 'ter 9t
r greqtraftw,Ilt lte,PrctwhteO Vat refreeb' IMO ter X41**10, RAtI4 44d: le-etkrof
itten, w I he, served- tree, 4 ful
.1404 erit WA*. 44d, 111* A-Pealie *OW 1004
fearialiwieR Se IQ. Nee* Of Qi4140140:r.)
VflritAt itUlt_etatiOs et 43.104.211*ititt0fttlellite
tAr' .I*Alitakt," 0110,1010OhnitatitiWicattt Akell04
411•0 101.0 *0 Jig *Pi Qtr•gttr910` !kV
Wirer*. '310erillrear 110 a 4E1 111ten, eldieentr
Tug 144,19441,/rf,-,Thit Mart* of E.
Lento hes heett mentionedfrequent
lY during the 'poet kw tieyeas a Ile*.
sible eatelldale for Mayor et Boderich,
Whether or not Xr..1,0awla would Per
. eept 00 11000T TgE ' 4°4 in
009413011• tell gay. 111. Y Weer hlit
lir the Peet bier 41T/cited let of thee
for the welfare of ..the. town, and would
make 4 eapable eitectitiTe.
V tie** treatmerte Oetntiete ler the sta5141449
tekaseUthatetterina teilekt 11400.- tlteeelie
ear set rkwitabilititek -
;•Veltfli tietre retnatrailvd: *thatch. bat eic *cm
1414004 race:. and (Ober Worse grates ate
ot Freeent tat Sea UM tente
imeeeer. reetek iscetwente
Bar heichato the the alid MAY Wren. tgl;
vf¬flt.tbalargerildpennte of Weld requited
for tieitth, Attlee aret. titken witoily or oleo
pour f.M.41, Oaterle,
Pater. it mere Ise chime% sileptee the
Aloes wo,, bet Prime will bring Olgheet ante
ottlette, Cattle Moot 11144.0. nu -firs"•2P4r4
wove eltlew theerth encee 11 Vet
varied seniteehatt though ilitetretwe le the
et tt offerbtire.' etcciaimilitals,rft et
eressutcaciations, tut as there feta *demand
frqra#11trale thee* days, there Isnot liken, to
be a preeeut rise in prieett
hire how, ot tefui than entosink else ere
, ways weeinitable et, quotations, bet whether a
void Spell will pet them again into the fours
Only a prophet can tell. •
Dressed Hoge, are weak, the weather the past
week barleit been unfavorable for marketing
Rall wheat. Standard g n tO ft
axing Wheat, altandardi ..... 0 CO es 0 02.
Ine9O lbe.. Patent. ...... 2 86 to 2 25
' VADAT.. a te 2 00
ante. Per'ton tie to 16,00
Short& piteous. ... 17 ea to 17 OD
Sereetiltlea. "Per ton-- ..... 00 to 16 Or
aigto3arld ............. 0 2,6 tn ea
0 35 tp Pi
Peas. 0 43 to 0 69
. 11) 12 t: 212
Har,vr ton ... . 7 60 ta 8 03
Butte . per lb.. -.. ...... .... .... 0 l8 to 0 p
_cos Par doom.- ........ ....... 0 It to 0 16
Ca""ttle, epexrpomrtrd- ' - 34 7006 Lot° 44 6000
sehaeettlpe: Der lb. °reline:1T. ........ 0 03 10 0 51
Iambs. each
. 0 26 to 3 76
Hogs, lire weight-. .... .. 1 00 to 6 00
0 03 to 0 03
Sheep. tat. per lb
5 65 to 9 06
Beim dressed.- ..... ........ 4 75 to a es
Hama. yier lb....... 0 10 to 0 Is
RaeOni long clear . ......... 0 09 to 0 10
Hides ..,... ... .. ..... ......,_0 00 to 0 61
Eineep Skins .
now. renie'red".:....1".:* '''''' '' 0 40 to 0 85
Chickens per pair --.... 00 3003 tto0 00 4004
Ducks per pair
Geese each 0 03 to 0 us
0 10 to 0 80
Turkeys. per lb
none AND VEGIRTART,Sa.0 59 to 0 70
Oranges mi. dozen
30 ltoo 4402
Lemoui "
Bananas " .. , 20 to 30
Potatoes oaci;:t,ihmsh., ... ..... .. 30 to 36
Ap ea per bushel 1j3,5°t?o2 22
,new A d v ertisemen ts.
Boys. Take Warning 1
Underwear -W. 0, Pridham 6
Notice to Telephone Subsuribers- use. Por-
ter. 6
Metes Furnisbings-elackson Bros. 1
Jacket Sale -J. H. Pedder 4
Free GlIft to AII-R. B. Binith & co 1
An '1mm:intuit Statenient-Paine'e Celery
Compound 4
Diamond Dyea 4
Tobacco- Tuokett 65 Sons 8
Apprentice Wanted -D. K. Straohan 1
Steam Boller Repairing -D. K. Strachan 8
Canada's Joint Stook Co. -Family Herald4
^r47:,,anlieled November Salo -W. Ache -
BOIL & Son
Profesidenal Card -Henri Jordan 1
Tiny Teblets-Dr. Hope a
Seasoneble Goods -Jamas Robinson 4
Special Prices-Parsotes Fair 8
Kim:trio Light Notice -W. L. Horton 1
No Fortune Needed -P. T. Halls 8
Seasonable Bargalns-W. A. McKim 8
Meeting of Huron County Council , 1
Mill Wood For Sale -Peter ILIcEwan 8
g Mit Topics
FOR LivE Brens,--IThe first shoot of
the season fee live birds eook place at
Chas. Naftel's, ,Goderich towuship, on
Wednesday afternoon. The attend-
ance was noc large but t h,e mai ktnati-
ship wee A 1, arid tbe Goderich boys
took the malority of +Ards offered
John Newcombe took 3. and Harry
Ruben), Jae. Masson, Thos. Swartz
and C. Pennington 1 mch. •
Thu DOG POTSONER. -Last week our
fiatrineslad a respite from strychnine
attacks, tile poisoner having taken a
rest. Many suggestions were made
about the cessation, but the destroyer's
hand was most likely stayer, by the
report that a detective was in town
looking after him. The fact that a
detective in town could atop his wicked
work shows that though the crirnina.
is not afraid to nestroy other people's
property. he_ be afraid et a long resi-
dence in the Cefitial Prison.
ANOTRER SHOOT.-Ou Saturday tbe
members of the Goderich Inetitute
Cadet Corps had another rifle shoot, at
which there was a good attendance.
The dietance was 200 yards. and the
total points obtainable 30. The follow
ing shows those present at -the practice
and the points obtained. No. 1 com-
pany :
Pte. Kiely t2 Pte. J. Snell....19
" . Elliott 19 Lieut. Brydges.18
Lieut. Masson18 Pte. Miller 17
Pte. Pritchard...17 " Bryans14
Corp. Rundle.. .18 " Webster A
Pte. McDonald:. " Graham. 4
No. 2 company :
Pte. Saunders... 5 Pte. Lane
RECORD Gaming. -The members of
the Goderieh Bowliog Club seem bound
to make a record for the nineteenth
century so far Re hilWling le concerned.
and through in the latter half of No-
vember keep the bowling lawn lively
with good play and cute criticisms of
the shots. On Thursday of last week
the following game WitS pirtyed :
D. C. Sttaattan John Wynn
Jae. Shepherd A. Farrc w
At 'IUD. Allan W. Lane
Jas. O'Connell, W. Catupbell,
skip -14.
On Friday another interesting game
took place. the players being as tot.
lows :
D. 0. Strachan W". Wallace
A. Farrow W. Campbell
Jas. Shepherd F. Y. T. Nate!
A. fidcD. Allan A. Saunders
John Wynn, W. Lane,
skip -14. skip -18.
Pinworms° Doosi.-60 Friday L.
J. Hopper, of 13uffslo. anis of otti old
townsman, Rdward Renege. gave em
entertainment in Victoria Hail, the
leading feature of which was his per-
forming doge, 12 in number. 4Ileofees-
or," Ire dubs himself, and he it entitled
to the boner, for a roan must have
wonderful patience, and be of & kindly
pature to teach canines to do trieks
thie troupe does. We cannot enamor. -
ate them. brit we eat eity that there
Was not one of the large audience
present on that night. who *as 'riot
delighted at the performance. To
make up a. full night's progratrinim Mr.
Kopper hatroduces the gramophone
and it clever cionjaring Scene, end
comes up th the 0118 time Well ktroWn
Inkftlebm AtideMeti, in sevetal of hie
deituotellso The Shot" NW:UO*1 be Pa,
etenhed Walt 'yen,* people. K2 If- le
entertaining thentighout and perfectly
whpiresome„ The pwrfetiere tart fed All
relied Mari, end should etterkK 18
Oddlii011 to hie stage Petfrireittnee he
p e end dreWe the
nditheat to the theatre by e*Cellent
Winbolie playing.
TIMM WI' KnuN--on the- 17th
tbme trehnna liet041 ,ygt. *Olt. 44
Ford' and Thounteanne% were imago -
cog to thiri y days m the county jail
red *kit foi $*4 trel Xtgehed
the **Woo tintootre ihrre,*1/44. R-
0,0 large, ditratillarals. eOtateming
gotten" foe Time. HaSidt WAS notwor,,
e4 et the 4ftro tar
44'444 on10.4 49434444nitalr. 144ktraif"teig
iergest car toady! wheat ever aid
Boaderich, and woe load ,
cktrd4on's ofeeater. Blilott Jit
itetteli * decker ear
tnekeve Totouto on
seeTileuila,renTirty4atOsee';'Tdi atlf"ye wtrilegnilatOellbg
are steriteer Herowalua_v month:4i that
faa far Ale ,Ifelatett Xtfitrl %Wrote Of
Num ibitmN a tiould4 decked ear of
Dr. bbnw.,mayor of Glutton, end e hogs to TOrtinto On W new -Arty. and a
following day they were ilftreiV blear' '1°011° .devke[ 0110-vihe aurr'du v"'
cerated Otettle Griffin. alley are all terdav.-Ren Allen ehipped ima ialtd
able bodied men and fitted tO do a of horses to Stalbuit on Wednesday.-
twermeeinob foneeenenetxrtaltInwsoheireitbaegto.hekuelnd
before a magietrate. 86 Goldthorpe shipped two.
7408104V OLUO.--41. meeting Of those
favorable to the re*organization ot the Brief ToWn. Topics
Goderich kfockey Club was held in How shout peer subscription to
Rougvieat hardware store on Tuesday TRH STAR? .
evening. There was a fair attendance,
and the election of officers for the s a
son wae carried out fie f011OWS: Rum
president, W. L. Eliot: hon. viceLprest.
A. McDAllan: president., W. T. Welsh;
vire prest, W. L. Rortan: treat,. 1). Mc.
Iver; treas. Chru. Shepherd: Manager,
Wm. Babb: Ex. Coro., captain (r,o be el-
ected), manager and secy. The an.
algal fee was placed at gay cents, and
the club will nielegaip on Tuesday.
Dec. 5th.
lenosTniar. NOTES. -Repeat ordere
are being reeeived almost daily at the
office of the Goderich Emitting Co.,
aod orders now on the books will keep
the present staff in tull work till the
end of Marv, 1000, a sut sign that tho
goods Relit Olit by the coinpauy' are
.A 1in qualitr, and take well with the
people. - The Goderich Organ Com
many shipped 'largely this week, and
four car loads of organs have to be
shipped to the Motheelancl within the
next week --The Henderson Bieycle
Co.. hesietb prepariug the parts for
their 1900 wheels. have &large staff ein
ployed on pulpers, which are said to he
the hest sold in this part of Canada.
BUILDING NOTES. -The Relds bave
got well on with the brick work of Dr.
Bunter:a residence, and several of the
rooms are ready for plastering. -The
Rntson homestead has bad a neat
verandah placed on the east side. -The
bricklayers have got about half the
work done on F. J. T. Naftel's dwelling
on Waterloo street. and expect to
finish early next week. -The templet.
non for the addition to the Knitting
Oo's works was completed ‘Yetsterday.
and the frame work will be started
today. When ready for the brick-
work the nhole building will be yeen-
ered. bticks having been ordered for
the job.
THE R. T. OF T. CONCERT. -Probably
one or the best, '11' not the best, pro-
grams furnished entirely by local
talent. a Goderich audience has had
the privilege of listening te for some
tirne past, will he given in Use Temp-
erance Hall Otis (Fridav) evening,
under the direction of Miss Wynn.
Mr. Simpson, organist of North street
IYIethodist church, and Mi. Jordan.
organist of Knox church, will take
pail, in addition to othei local talent
An excellent, piano is being furnished
by J. P. Brown for the occasion. It is
expected that the hall will be well
lilted, as only a silver collection is
beirig asked for admission, The pro-
ceeds are for further improvements to
the hall. See programs for further
• AUCTION SALES.-ThrOughout the
country there has this fall been more
auction sales than for many years.
Prices have ranged high and losi for
nye stock, cattle holding out better
than either sheep, horses. or hogs.
Implements as a rule have gold low.
One of the most important and largely
attentltd was the sale of Wm. McKee,
bloderich township, held last Thurs-
day. There was a long aod varied
list, and it took auctioneer Gundry
until long after dark to -tell everything
offered. Horses for theirclass brought
good prices, but the centre of attrac-
tion was the cattle. Cows went as
high as $49.50. two year old heifers
$30.50, one year old steers 829, spriug
calves $13 to 510. The prices rertlized
for implements. machine, &c.. was
an average. Auctioneer Gundr
tvorked hard and with a pertinacity
r hat otten increased prices. Mr. and
Mrs. McKee will retire from active Herbert Petty,,who rented a bicycle
labor -and they deserve s Well earned in Goderich last summer and after-
rest-retuatning on the old homestead ward sold it up north, and in come -
for the winter at least. queuce had a narrow escape from
AN BA.RLY CALL. -The fire depart• being sent to jail. is again in trouble.
He rented, the other day. a rig at Kin-
cardine and drove to Glamis. where he
borrowed a rig which it is alleged he
tried to sell at Wingharn. Hie cup
will surely be full of sorrow.
are a not much bienling en the
uorth side qf the Square these days.
Regular tneeting of the Collegiate
Institut* Literary ticiciety thiekeven-
The present indications tore that
there will be a good crop of mayor-
alty candidatee.
Many are- of the opinion that a
monthly horse (air in Goderich would
prove successful.
A member of THE STAR staff has
to thank Mrs. W. D. Shannon for a
choice out of venison.
Ir. Joidan picked a /ergo boquet of
sweet peas In his garden thie week.
Where is the Lady of the Snows?
Mr, M. G. Cameron will act us Crown
Counsel at the Walkerton Aseizes be-
ginniug Tuesday of next week.
Our thanks are dueaat a number who
are squaring up eubect ipl ion and other
accounts. A word to the wise should
be euffIcient.
The Cnrling Association haye a large
quantity of earth on the bowling and
tennis lawns for evening up and en.
riehing thero.
The Goderich Oollegiate Institute
Cadets had an exceedingly good drill
ou Tuesday afternoon, under the com-
mand of Lieut. Grant.
Our merchants were pleased at the
frost yesterday morning, as they say
the mild weather so far this /reason
has not been in favor of fall trade.
A Pet dog was run over by a heavy
waggon on Wednesday, and after the
new experience got up. bad a good
howl, and . then ran away apparently
A well known business InAll had a
had fall from his bicycle last Friday.
He went off head first, And. reached
terra firma in that position, but rose
up apparently unhurt.
The old members of the Goderich
Off Hand Rifle Club will meet in F. J.
T. Nattel's office this evening to re or-
ganize for the season. Ail wishing to
join the club are invited to attenu.
On Wednesday Mrs. (Dr.) Nichol-
son discovere in the garden a rose
hush in hill bi ore. It was removed to
warmet pi tees. The rose is of rsa
red color, b t the variety the Doctot
could not gi e tin.
The law states that parties enclosing
stray animals after 48 hours must ad-
vertise same and notify the clerk of
the municipality of his proceeding.
Neglect to do so leaves one 'fatale to a
heavy peualty, Put yoArr ad. in THE
Somebody started a report last Sat-
urday to the effect that a man had
heen killed in one of the elevators br
failing into one of the bins. Such a
report may be a joke to the man who
first circulated it, but it caused serious
pain to many families.
The other day as a mother with
three children Wan passing Rougvie's,
the eider of the trio, a boy between
four and flyeattid, "Mother,look at the
nigger," and as the pm ent did, not stop
the boy shouted after her. "0, hang
it, you might wait and let me look at
the nigger," a speech it is needless to
say taat had the desired effect.
When the contractor. is granolitive-
ing the Square would it not be well to
have two paths made to the county
building. one from South street to ac-
commodate judge, counsel and jury-
men, and one from North street for
registry oMee and county jail. These
crossings could be conveniently used
by all citizens during muddy weather.
'tient was called out about o'clock on
Wednesday morntng by what might
have been a most serious fire in the
tesidence of Mr. A. J. Moore, near the
Oollegiate Institute. The fire occurred A lire alarm was given on Sunday
in a room. sometimes used as a library, evening iust as most of the church
on the ground floor, and is supposed to congregations were being dismiseed.
have been caused by the fls.me from a and as a consequence there was it great
Wanser lamp, carried by Mr. Moore rush to the file hell. There one found
while searching for a book, setting ilre out the call was to Hamilton street,
to either clothing or book'', as there where a chimney, it was said, had been
was not then, nor had there been, any on fire. Is It not about time people
fire in the room. When Mr. Moore were stopped front ringing the alarm
had obtained the article he wanted he bell every time a few sparks are seen
left the room, closing the door. and it issuing from a chimney ?
was not till some time afterwards that
smoke was seen. The alarm was then
given, but the door being kept closed
except when means were being taken
to extinguish the fire, prevented its
epreading. so the hose wagon was soon
hack to East street. The property
burned, clothing, books. etc., was in -
mired in the (3aledonia and exceeds one
hundred dollars irevalue.
Yesterday morning Jno. Branifield
aged 14, Edward Devine aged 10 and
Robert Devine aged 17, all of the town
of t3linton, were chnrged before His
Honor Judge Doyle, with stealing
chickene from H. B. Combo, Foster.
Jno. King. Mr. Cooper. J. Cunning
dame and J. Copp. all of Clinton, Riad
Bromfield and Robert Devine_pleaded
guilty to the charges rand Edward
Devine not guilty. Bramfleld and
Robert Devine wore remanded to
Tuesday for sentence and Edward
Devine to the same day tor trial!. Be-
fore leaving the hench His Honor atilt- The Grand Superintendent of the
ed the prisoners to produce testimony Royal Arch Masone. Huron Dint ict,
in their fovor if poseible at the next Wm. Elliott, of Mitchell, affleially
tutting. Cuoudjuos would baldly be. visited Huron Chapter No. 30. R. A.
neve thee tem boys Agee 17 and 14 re. M., last Tuesday, and the First Prin•
speetively could he found In enlighten. cipal conferred the M. M. degree on
ed Ontario, who could neither read nor two candidates. It is needless to say
write. Yet Yesterday two finch miter. that the visitor congratulated the of-
ates stood before Judge Marron. The flcers on tbe excellency of the work
two elder brays. with twin broth" and the prosperity of the Obapt/er.
of Ederardo kept Manse by themselves. The building cotnntittee of Oddfel•
Thee are fatherless, and their mother lows' Bros. W. W. Macvicar. M.
some time educe married GOdefleh J. Proudfoot and Jas. Reid, are netrly
residentk and lives with healmsband in through their work. furelehing the
this town. Bromfield. fe also father- hall being all that. is required to finish
less.Pttrid hie testimony showed that hie it. The hall cammitoe. under the
being untable to read or write wee bee ehearnieftshi of p. Rm. D. John.
tem* he *an kept at barite k eton, arid t e reception cominittee.
after three younger children ro et tinder the chairmanship of P. 0. Bro.
thatIMMeelf, while bin Metther Worked P. Holt, are now hard at arm% making
nut by the dey to provide few them, arrangements for the dedicatipi pm
Unde ,etch circumstances as theee eau ceedings and the hall Mitt will follow
it Otidered at that we havejtiveulle theft The date tor the ceremony has
Yete P I been set at December 7th.
Notes from the Lodges.
L 0. L. No. 182 meets on Tuesday
evening next.
Jubilee Preceptory No. 161. R. B. K.
of I., had a very successful tneeting at
Clinton last Friday.
The C. 0. F. will hold a special
meetinir on Tuesday next, 28th. A full
attendance is most erunently request.
Regular meeting of Maple Lent
lodge, No. 27, A.O. (3. W., next Monday
evening, when a full attendance is
Particularly requested,
Inverness Camp. Sons of hicalend.
will meet this evening. and amonget
other matters will consider the ques-
tion of celebrating St. Andrew's Day.
At the last regular meeting of Huron
lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. F. Bro. Wm.
Babb wee elected to the office of
Noble Grand. In piece orli. D. Reid,
who has left town for Buffalo.
MT,* 5 -IP,. 1r
culation. toc to stiiii41711"0111
Rartrun tom
. The e.ltirt_Va0t" Werke• 040300Y. Or ale
ingir the watrAIXOtiinhelifi'
, .
'The4ehooner &liege( Vehtitilli 40'
•Iltigautaldi placed in nee Whiter
forth t,h10 weet., • : •
'no smotpuosedokie briog twp
10fre'carlfera of wheat the new elev..
Atter Nick* theanagon closec
The ma4 0140 tookof the park etelin
IR :AA 114(040d04 Oar% Vat .01401.11d.
pot lo neessOlovorklitiouot one%
The new *vents!' .contiOne4 40%000-
luishela of gettatt veriterd4V InernIngs
atul Richard:ewes held 10000 ist that
ThoCioderielk teember Vernpanv Mot
voloitg14.9gloctrr west mom
44,b tircr Q04talOtr 1. Tio)1
Qr gcanar anc,t Vretutute.tlun
uf PertlfiP4444
'AftovirANT Xt1430 .0$
IMOIC-tanTtROW rticitraVit
r goot
The commencement exersteci IR co, 04 Lbatintior Still litssingt4 Ina: 444,
nection with the Bodetich Cenefill,*!* moat Reliervert Till V.% RI.
footirote werehe.14 lost Vehler OVIMMit
la the auditorium, whit 4 good attends
store. Tho first tWo number* were A Laft Batarda7 winginaa Ofidar anit
piano duet bY Wee Elise and Mr. Percy RG410 agent toOk up the ofbnoetpotted
Tye. end an instramental solo by hoot hearing of the proteet 10 thie
Miss Maybird Rothwell. Miss gregOry• "40_ •
a* lalitrece, read the Collegiate Journal The jiodgee expreesed enneyancer to
I v el the logs brought down le a OMMI4 interesting almoner. She the Chen contempt of the cOurb *hewn
from the truce Peniutinla, end the hats, elatoted that the Journal was it wattle by filnklitter, and referred to the De!
limber end ebiegiee En sand.„ „t the magazine. ea the major part of ite eon-
-Sutherland, is huolint 200,00 feet jit could he better placed as 4 inontlrly
bnr hi iiiiinist clear fur shipping. 1 newspapee, by giviug Samples of _,•eds" queat idjaavereeme that have beee
The schooner Contract. Contain Wm. *nd 4*(11 Mee"' bet' We nn*gin* Llig4 8 made with the object of eceuting ble
attendance and Purdehrneirt. '
doek Of the Goderleb Lumber Co.
The schooner Kolfage, Captain John I ""ing'd The number was the best is- hest endeavoure Uuklater could not be
. tents Witil PoetirY and wows, fatollY Mr. McPherson said that with their
lumber company, ..arrivoil in porCou"
the `00"cie":10"Z 1 arid though it contelned many ebort
poetic skits, every verse was commend. structed by the petitioner that he did
Irma Golden Valley 'tor
with a cargo 0, h_.1..„.. skied un et the present management,
found. end consequently he was in -
Friday afternoon 1 e. and the openiug ode. on Novara- nnt' whlh to Ito to further exPeose lo
port on Monday morning with 130.000
Tne steamer Roseditte reached this the last. The last Item on the literarv
bar. was unt the least meritorious of the oh4tterat and that 448 far " tiff*
Drench of tnecase was concerned. fie
tor the hig elevator,aud after diseharu- Mired by ?desert), Brydges,Wrighttuan,
list was a double duo very _nicely ren. was willing to have it cloaed.
bushels of wheat from Fort William
Cat rie and Allan. Mr, titrang, the
ing left the Game evening for the same pi inched presented the certificates
Lake Superior purt. won y t e students in forms I. II. III
The Grand Trunk, tvhen spiting the and IV at the midsummer Depart -
track beside the new elevator, left mental and University examinations.
e Ore leaching the west end of the
park bank, the consequence being that
the unprotected part le ntrendy break-
ing away, and tbe earth is neurtng the
R. R. track.
The iteamer Mylee, from Fort Wil -
hall% with 38.000 bushels of wheat for
Richardsonai elevator. arrived in har-
bor on Monday morning. and left the
moue evening with a large q Ilan tit y of
baled hay for Fort William, and called
lu at Kincardine to take ou some
The dredge Arnold was brought into
harbor on Monday. having finished her
dredging fut the cribs that morning.
But little difficulty w te experienced in
getting bee through the channel at the
mouth of the river, though some Old
salts had prophesied that it would take
a week's dredging hefore eh° would
have water enough to float her out.
The present and past weeks wete
great ones for rod flehermen, as herring
and perch were on their annual fall
visa. Those who understand herring
fishing made big hauls, and one well
known angler took boine ten dozen
one day thie week. Perch were cetught
in larger nuanbets than herring str
10 'mut heing eighty-two, the
trainee and forms follows
Foam 1. -Ida E. Bate& James H.
Bea t ti y, Het her t Buchatien, Mon-
tague Colhoree. Millicent elodwio,
Oi vine D. Godwin, Ernest F. Horton,
Lin Knox. Stuart, Pritchard. W. Frank
&tenders, Percy C. Snell. Mabel E.
Tone Percy L. 1"ye, Coral Viviao, Her
vey Dietrich, (honors) FOonic W, Ed-
ward, (honors) Philip Moly, _rhonond
Tiro (honors) OtiVe M. Turn-
er, (homes).
Fottu 2 --Pert 1. -Wilfred II. Bell.
Joh P. Ileown, Clara M. 13uchanan,
John S. Cal rie, Benue. Dalton, Edgar
E. Down. Wm. PI. Elliott, Ethel E.
Narrow, FlOrallee B. Graham, Edna E.
bluest, William J. Ir win, James Manson,
JallieS NI Morris, Witham J. Man.
Tina D. NIctSween. Lottie MacMath. J.
Alex:older McNevin, Mauger J. C. Mit-
tel. May Newtor.. Ethel Reid, Edith
F. Robe, ts. lianeente Robertson, How-
ard J. Snell. Reuben Snell, J. Maud
Spence. Jessie Florence Turn-
er, Maud A. Wilson, Ruth A. Wiggins.
PART 1. - Matriculation. - Ernest
Barite,. Iteettie S. Harrison Tina M
Johnston. Hat ry E. Wiggins. Paseed
o 50 Or more being made almost any -lin physies-iterbeet 13. Hutton.
where ott the piers or around the har-
The steamer Cermona has gone into
the Collingwood drytiock. where a now
hull, 250 feet long, is to be built for her
envities and bolters. Accommodation
for 300 persons will he provided, and
toe new dining room will seat 200 at
one thee. Eve' y ntodern convenience
will he added, including running water
in eve, y room. On her completion
next spring, the practically new boat
will probably be renamed, and w ill re-
sume her old route.
In regard to the illegal sale of ernell
fish the Owen Sound Times says :-
It Is repo, ted that the department of
fisheries is preparing to rigidly en -
for cdithe law prohubitieg 1 he sale of
white fish and salmon of less t han two
pounds in size. The change wits 'mole
receutly, nnd tittle has been given to
get the merchants aceustonied to the
change, Hereafter t he superin tend-
ents will rigidly enforce the law. This
action is not being taken too soon.
During the past summer more small
around Owen Sound man
white fish and trout have hetsnw,li]sawokreedr
noticed before. The fishermen are
evidently using nets too fine in the
mesh, and the law should he enforced
in this particular.
Among the Churches.
Atinivereary services in connection
with the Auburn Iflethodiet church
will be held oil Sunday, November
Mir. Rev. G. W. Howson. et Clinton,
will preach at 10.30 e. m. and 2.30 p.
in., and Rev. R. Henderson, of Auburn.
at 7.30 p. m. The singing will be con-
ducted by the Auburn choir, assisted
hy Miss Patterson. of Auburn, and
Miss Brown, of Goderich.
The Presbytery ttt Huron met in
Clineon on the 14th feet, Rev. Ajr,
Anderson, of tioderich, Moderator, it)
the chair. Auditors were appointed
to examine the treasurer's heoks, who
afterwards reported them in4 cortect.
The treasurer's report was then receiv-
ed and adopted. Mr. G. Davidson, of
Goderich, was recommended 1,, t he
Home Mission Committee fer woi k it Tit E PETRI( A DAMSON M iterondet
techists Mr. D411/111,401) iris sp,•111 at Sic 111)LA Rti1111-fi. -Form I -1114 theme -
session in the Bible Inslitide of ical, M, 707/0. Forill II.
Chicago. The General ro• General Proficiency, Florence Torn -
commendations regarding special el, 73%.
efforts towatrds deepening l lei spit it -
family worship, Sabbath
Intl life of congi eget long
etc., %Vele en 'tied 1•1 he committee
on Church Life and Work to suggest
the best method of pi oceed ing I be
matter. The Rev. J. A. MeDomild. ,f
Varna, tattled the reeigiettioit et his
charge. lt watt agreed to hold en ed.
jeurned meeting of Presbytery at
Brucetleld on Dee. 5t h t considet t his
resignation, and that 1 he cons:meg%
titans of Beyfield ;toed and Blake be
cited to appear in their interests et
this meeting. Rev. J. M. Henderson
asked for asseseore to sit w i I.11 Ills Reg
ston. Rev. Messrs. Musgrave ;Ind
Stewart and Mr. rot heringhnin. Elder,
were appointed to act its such. Mr,
McFee. of Smith's Hill. petitioned I lie
Presbytery regarding the refusal of
the session of th at church to investi-
gate e disagreement between him end
another member of that chute h. The
petition was dismissed, and the Pree
hytery adjourned.
No one who has come within eye
or ear -shot of a Selyntionist he last
few devs will need much pried thei
Self -Denial week is 'lethally in our
inidat. The AI my'n s,t1tri jet IR ha VP
never to our knowledge worked limit-
er than they rue doing at present.
end their energy and pet mist ence well
deserves the resit it 1 hey aini for.
But their plea for the co-operation
of the public is solely the great and
Increasing need of the spiritual and
social wants of hati»in Ole toward.
whose meeting the AMU
inethode ha ve in the paia hi,r,
wonderfully suereseif in. Doha 1 ions
for this worthy cause will he grate-
fully received by the "Meer in charge
of the Local Ofirpfl. W111.0 ,1(111I.PqA in,
CAPT. bliresoN, Sal vation At rity, ode
rich, Ont.
Foam III. -Plias. W. Down, Samuel
A. Draper, Brown Derain, Cm a ..II.
Ferguson, Stella Gregory, James H.
&tyro, Harry R. Long, W. Stewart.
L Itleriau R. Martin, Tina D. Mc
Sween, John L. Parkinson, Elizabeth
G. Wilson, May Denlop. (honors) Wes -
lee G. Edwerd, (honors) Creasie M.
Ellitat,,,(lionoes) Frank 14. Munro,ahon-
ors) Navy Tichboene, (honors) Vesta
A. 4Vatson, (honors) Daniel A, Weber,
(hoitors.) Passed in -French. -Herbert
R. Hutton. Passed in Physics and
Gerinen.-Benson Hamilton. Passed
in Greek Uomposition.-Saniuel A.
Foust V. -Francis E. McLean, Rhin'
Sheppard, M. theca E. Wilton.
Pater L- Ethel J, Rhynits, Howard
J. :erten, Elizabeth A. Wilson.
PART II. -Grace M. Strang.
Only about. two-thirds of the winntie
were present, and the certificates of
the others will be forwarded to the
owners. Before presenting the papers
51-. Strang said that many thought
victims. ttn evil, hut they were a neces-
sitry evil and could not he thrown
aside ; he admitted there was some
truth in the cry about cramming, hut
added the schools did lots of work that
wits not ohnwn in exams. He stated
that at t he July examination 114 of the
Collegiate pupils entered the list, and
82 passed and obtained certificate% stnd
there wet e now on the Collegiate roll
175 monis, the highest number ever re-
Coisled al, I ilia part of the teim.
mem limed that. adontes of the school
were to be found in pisifessions and
callings in ell parts of the woridasialm-
ing C,,Ionel Otter, of the Canadian con-
tingent, and said he had no doubt be
would flnd one if he went to the
Yukon, and this is true, tor the IRMA to
greet a Huronite In that distant terri•
tot y is Charlie Shannon.
Short and appropriate speeches were
made lion. Mr. Gat row, Rev. James
A. Anderson, Inspector Tom and PrIn•
eipal Halls, et the pit blic schools, and
1 hen the following amecial prizes were
presented :
MEDAL.-Fortil 1. -.Brener:II PrOtheleOnV
in .1 inilor Division, Ethel Mosely, 70%.
Form 11.•-(leneral Proficiency. Edgar
Ir. Down.
Traerteres Per/am-The Principal.
Minn 1. -Senior Division, General
Prefieiency. Frank W. Edward, 79
iss Charles - For in III -Poetic
1 111 e, k Munro, 73% : Annie Mos.
sly, 71%; Vesta Wateon, 70%. Miss
Charles - Porno If -French - Flor-
ence tit -thaw. Miss Cherles - Form
I - French Senior Di vision, Olive
Tin 111.1% 75%. Miss t 'barters --- Fl/rlIl
1 French. Junior v on, Ma led
Strong, : J. Centel/1n. Miss
McLellan -- F.rin I Senior Divi•
ArIthillP110, IIILI'VeY Dietrich :
A Igebra. Kate Webb and Olive Turner
(even); Stenography. tier -belt Burhare
an, .1 linier DiVIM1111). Aritlimetic,Mith
Strang ; Algebra. Eva Danlop, Jenni
Cant elon. fic
'or Division -British end Canadian
History, Philip Egely. Mism Strang -
Form 1- Junior Division. Poetic Liter-
ature. Thomes Sheppard.
The Peter Adamson prizea, though
on the list, had been previously dell v•
ersal, so were not mentioned. The
medal ter generel proficiency was; pro -
Rented I.y I lie donor in o slue t hist ap-
propriate speerh, and Rev. NI r. Wilson
handed his ni Ise. a choice select ion of
five books, to the winner. and added a
few romplimentary words. The Rev,
gentleman gave excellent. ,idylee to the
student% and spoke of the Colleviate in
t he MORI. rom pl intent ary terms, adding
that. he knew of no high school in the 10. That Vanstone personally, on
le oelnee that excelled it In any point. palling dsy, drnve one of Lott's livery
The teacher's prizes were presented by rigs on business; connerted with the
the usual manner.
the principaland the Meeting closed in election in respondent's behalf.
The former parishioners and old time We cannot close withoirt rongt ate 11. That Vanstone and lanslater ar-
friends of Rev. Henry li vine turned lating the youthful ones who WW1 ranged with one Peter Deans. Jr., to
out in large numbers last Sunday 1,, accompany one Capt. John tbilli van. of
hoar him preach anniversary sem . ()live Tiirner. for Fri itch and Algebra :
teacher's pries.% particularly Memos Sault SIP. Marie. a ',granger in the con•
In Victoria atreet church. In the even- Mabel Strang. French ; and Jennie stituencv, to the residence of several
leg the ehureh was really erowded. and Cantelon. /French rand A leptons, and Voters in Winghant iste et. nicht for
souk! he desired. On Monday evening 011 in the Cent the pui pose of corruptly influencing
the services throughout were all that t he more ao that. they WPrP not detain -
the platform meeting wee enjnyed by had they been ts, riot:titled they
. ral an extra year, for that said aullivan did so, and for the
voters to vote for thp respondent. and
ge MI tonep, and in addition roe d not have proved that youth does purpotte of doing so Wag RIIppliaii with
to Rev. Mr. Irvine. Revs. Jaeper WII- roe. Mir the randy of Algt•bra and the names of the voters by Vanstone
dinrpetittpiectivTehnendehzree,,h1 atpossrielii,itmteid dadi
son and Jewett A. .it mier.on both gave Ft en..h. Donne the peening the Ihriys 12- That Varlet/me wits an active
and Linklater.
etteellent aeretce on cowl) °reclaims, and were rill her restless, ind the principal agent of the respondent. Admitted liy
the response to the trustee hoard's re- geed mitinedly talked to them a low h
t e respondent lo he an, at the general
quoin for a thank naming nf 51.40 wag times, het threes pressnt should re•ment- election held is few months previnusly,
almost enmptete Past" Al ' . her that the yoirthhil (meg were res. at witted] the respondent watt a candt•
tint to first' 1 hp progrnmme and e eer
e, and that
wee absent nn Bentley. preachine eke addressee that tisik iip neerly two
their erunritilan, the winnat date and a rum elected. and, as rtuch
*here, can wifely he (Tinto -mutated on hoof ri, Ott nob Itterary in eharactor and
the harmony and earnest feeling which and pertinent to the oreaeton, mere an
pervades his people, and hot b naetor ex t re I hey had nnt expected, God &lee
and congregation deaerve the sweat.: the Queen Hosed the proceedings
which hrts attended their effort°. 'shortly before eleven.
Judge Osier said that he wanted the
public' to nuderetand 'hitt the court
was nut depending on the evidence or
Linklater. It was not usual to take
notice of statoinents made outaide, hut
It had been repeated again and again
that such was the case, but it was not.
The enlergements had been for the
Put pose of tiecuring the audacious wit-
tiest!, who WaS keeping out of the urea?.
After it short consultation. the court
snnounced that the case might be clos-
ed without the evidence of Linklater.
Mr. McPherson then aeked the in•
dulgence of the court to submit _some
newly -discovered evidence hearing on
the agency of Venstone. He wanted
to produce the town clerk of Wine/hunt
to prove that Vanstone rented the
Town hall of that place for the purpose
of holding a public tnenting In the in-
terest ot Garrote. but the court
ruled teat they could not open the
case any blether, and that only argu-
ment on the reserved points was Per-
Mr. MePherson then went on to
give a eunimary of the points on
which be claimed that agency Wittei
proven on the part of Vanstone,
Linklater, and Capt. John Sullivan, of
Sault Ste. Marie.
The points relied upon by the peti•
tioner in tins connection he stated to
lie: -
1. That anatone was member in
good stunding of the West Huron Uh-
l:teal Association with his fees paid.
2. That he was it delegate to the con.
vention held undo! the auspices of
that associetion, at which convention
the respondent was brought out as the
candidate of the association and Rs
3 Thatt the respondent directly invit-
ed the delegates at the convention and
I he members of t he association. Includ•
ing Vanstonc. Win. Robertson, Dr.
MacDonald, and Mr. J A. Morton.
who were till present at the convention
froth Wingharn, to work for him and
procure bini to be elected.
4. That Vanstone and the others
mentioned Were Alen member,' of the
local Liberal association ter the town
of Wingliam.
5 That Vanetone and the others
mentioned. Including Sanmel 4:heap
and one John T. Linklater. wet mem-
bers of a committee at WInghani
formed and organized at Wingliam by
one Jame& Vance, an orkanizer, sent
Wingharn by Alexander Smith. the
Secretory of the Ontario Liberal Assm
elation. Limited, and the generni or-
genizer of the Liberal -party in the
Province ot Ontario. who during the
election mades, his headquarters at
Godes-mit, the county town of tho rid
ing. where the respondent lived, and,
irt conjunction with the reepondent
and his law partner, Wm. Proudfuot,
who was president of the West Huron
Reform Association, 01 incipally man•
aged the respondent's election, errang-
ing for public meetings. speakers, and
organizers. and paying their expenses
to the knowledge of the respondent
and his partuer. Mr. Proticifoot.
0. That the committee which met al
Wingham had a fixed plaice of meeting
at Winghan,, which tome was arrant;
01 for by said Vance, and paid for as
part of the respondent's election ex
Dense, and attended on at least one
iircasion by the respondent personally.
and also attended on at least one oc.
elision by the said Alex. Smith, of
which c unmittee said Samuel (ii-acey
acted as chnirttian, being so ex -officio
hV reason uf his appointment by the
iding association es chairman of ills
Wingham soh -division.
7. 'filet Vanstone and Link later at
tended the meetings of the Winghain
committee and, tar the knowledge and
with the consent of Gracey and the
other mem 1 ars, participated in the
business id the commit ec, which t tots -
acted all the erdinary and usual stork
ot an election committee, including
going over voters' list, canvassing
voters in the respondent's interests,
arranging to bring out the vo' ni, re-
spondent's behelf on election day.
electing scrutin.mrs to mpresent the
respei 'den t penile; day. il rid turn ish•
ing then, with written appointments
signed blank by the respondent, and
supplied hy Mr. Proudfoot as president
of the riding associntion to Mr. 0 racey
I14 ChM, man of the Winghlun division
t' • that purpose.
8. That work connected with t
ection wee expressly assigned to
Julianne by Wm. ftobertrion, an im•
IIIPI/11,or of the Wingham
committee, who was working under
instructions front said Vence, which
work was performed by Vanstone.
0. That in respondent's interest and as
a member of his Wingham committee.
Vanstone personally canvaesed a
her of voters and one Lott. a livery
stehle proprietor, with whom he and
said Graces, had arranged for the use
of his horses and cal Hewett on respon-
dent's behalf on election dny. for
voter living in the count ry for
the purpose of bringing the voter to
I he polls on election day.
agent, worked to secure the respond-
ent's eieetion In conjunction with the
same men who were committeemen of
the reispondent at the election in '
Grin, and attended the comraiitee
meetings. and perticipated in the bust -
nese thereof, without repudiation by se
that0100111 rilia
41011. .
thatnalt aatOOttielfal SO $131 /PO het*
Xr. 44toto Rote theiskt fhig nen*
cowry, fl rot get the court oporte,
nOtee It lascesee4y.s _
Xuattce Oeler thouglsif eno4
ennetaiseat,. 1144 be** a* Jog vote*
the toriiiteCe44'hein aiestiro
otOteetieti itith blot to.
wilt% and by it 40,4414 *NO Van.,
throe wetteweetv **NOW
Connant int Petittatten. thin nreogent-
e4*rgunkent oh chente Oltritte4ta
leo with tba feet that Veotele
nen Draw°. WhO bad been VIM to
Y941# ftn4 talltantratYfr011t Torlallha
13031 a Hilt by' 4!„, Prondfoot. preet.,
dant of the Vilest Boron LibetatAlowe
elation °nth* reeoromendation or Aka
Smith; had oupplosd rotors with dquoc
on polling, day. John and *
large unmoor of tbe voter* hatt regale -
ed. liquor on that day 11'0111 BOHR' la
hia room at BOOlieff trbiof ik4*
cording to * decision of rar. Jastwor
Patterson, was* corritiantwarticee
Mr. McPherson then referred to the
oaemeot of *Xs wilt,. Guthrie 41).
gamer South, the eom being 044 OW
minted for in the eleetion expense* Of
the respondent. Mir, Smith itonorted
Mr. Guthrie. who itddresaed public
meetings ia Mr. Getrowla &Nene*.
This, it wag deleited. Watt at lettet (Wet.
legal practice op the part orbit.. tiont
and probably fell within the class Or
eases which are eharriefrrited g0J-
rupt, practices by the statute. it moo
peeiiirety unwed that Alex. Smith
bad some fund st his dniposal which
he was using contrary to law. Refer-
ence was made on thin Point' 20 Iticga*
recently decided &tallith Canes Whet*
elections had been set askte.
Mr. Watson. Q. C . for Mr,,.0iiirroari,
referred to the standing of Mr. Van -
stone, who was a member of the local
association, and stated that tile factious
aa member of the asseplatiort do net
lead to a conclusion of trolley. The
rules of the neSnelation Were ERPigill-
etl, and it wait shown that these chees-
ed tvith agency were only following
out these regulatione, and coneeneerito
ly attended all meetinge CODV01114
tionn. They wended not as delegatear
but as etipporters of Mr. Garret*.
There was no evidence that Vanstet(10
was at the couvention during the LIMO
of the Winging out of Mr. Garrott BS
candidate. Mr. Watson held thet
there was no case so far. Mr. Garrtatv
at ids nomination stated that only fate
means should ho employed to bring
about hie election. He stated that
anyone who worked dislioneetly would
in the future not be considered as a
friend, but as an enemy.
Judge (Niles -The law is quite clear
that such a statentent would be of no
avail it there were corrupt practices.
It le quite true, continued Mr. Wat-
son, that a number of parties went in-
to the constituency time Mr. Gaetow
had no knowledge of. De had uo
knowledge of Mr. Smith'e coming.
Judge Rose -Mr. et errow's evidence
was to the etfect that be kirew that
there were tuen coming in, brought in
he Mr. and that they were look-
ing /Met his interests.
Alt. %Vattern stated that Mr. Garrote
knew that Mr. Smith had charge of
the meeting. and getting speakers fee
these meetings. There was no evi-
dence that Mr. Smith took part. in the
work et committees hi the election.
As to Inonevs spent hy Alex. Smith.
there wits no evidence that he had
more money than the amount it was
shown he had expended.
Judge Rose -Except when water
comes from a fountain you know it, is
a fountinti.
The point involved a long.. technical
argument. and evidently great stress
is laid on it in view of the decision un-
sestting Mr. Brower in East Elgin a
fete days ago.
•Mr. W,tson argued for upwards of
an hour. sifter which Mr. McPherson
replied for hall an hour, citing various
authorities and referred freely to pas -
ages in the judgments of the various
judges In the Court of Appeal in the
receut East Elgin ens% after which
court adjourned. Judgnsent will be
given on Liecean her 21.
During Mr. Watsen's argument an
amusing episode transpired. Judge
Rose from time to time referred to his
reite-heok of the evidence given at the
trial, and also iss scane newspapers.
which Register E. B. Bre wn had
brliught itito cniirt, and frequently
characterized as inacciii ate statements
toads] by Mr. ‘Vatsion as to what cer-
tain witnesses had said at the trial.
Mr. Wat 4011. after some time, remark-
ed : -"The reports in the Conservative
newsimpers from which your Lordship
i•4 reading are not correct." Judge
Rise looked up in some surprise.
"Whet 1 the tioderesh Signal Con-
servntive riewspaper ! This is the first
time I have ever heard that Mr. Dan•
DIcOilliciithly edited a Conservative
A Long Letter In a Nutshell.
Londesboro. Nev. 12. ISO°.
J. M. MeLitote Goderich,
Dear Sir,- If anyone can profit
fr.m this letter, print it. I think my
case should he made known. Last fall
I was troubled with st weak back and
wit la my kidneys, It-. My rase took a
serious turn et last. Ft turned to
di tipsy. I had three good doctsors at-
tending me, none of then, could belp
Inn. I was tapr,d seven 1 imes ; after
41,is 1 wits given 24 limns to live. A
ood neighbor advised us to get some
your remedies. My brother went at
re to Onderich and got emir System
Renovator and Specific Cure. I was
Rare riltild w the change after the
Mist dose. I beean impeove at once.
and Was able to he in Godet lett four
weeks after 1 began them. I am since
quite well. I worked quite a lot this
slimmer. I thank you arid wish you
much stioress and long life.
fume trill y,
Great Annlvarsary Sale.
From new till 1st Janoary see
celebrate our 30th year in business in
Goderich. We have taken the pur-
chase money out of the three large
stocks hought withit the year and can
afford to be generous with those who
have contributed by their conshint
patmnage towarde the success of our
burliness; vent nres throughout the
counte. We ask our friends to gees)
their cheeke for 'hills purchased for
cash from now till Christrnae. and 8o -
t -e'er, in return a enhstantlial proof of
our gand Will and out thanks for the
happy buttiness relations enjoyed by
the firm during the past year.
The R. B. SNOT% Dry Goods Bo. --
Goderieh. Dungnnnon. Seaforth.
Additional-l-oaca-11:6-sriodner_-Pitait-nedait tipeak$
Air itself.
Fruit tree agente report the firtelettta.
season's sale.. as the largest far MAP
eare and one of than Malta Mitt
ulty le not to sell, antrokeeleasseee
fling too many.